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So, another work with the text.

I.Sturgenev - Master of the psychological part, and therefore the search for those used to create the images of the main characters of the novel, may be very interesting.

You are invited to find quotes from text, allowing you to compare two ideological opponents. What words, phrases, the turnover used by the author, allow us to agree with the idea that Eugene Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov are the heroes of antipodes? What is in their words, actions, appearance in privipus?

(Pictures - artist E. Rudakov, 1946 -1947)

". High height man. "

The face is "long and thin, with a wide forehead, upstairs flat, a bowl of a pointed nose, big greenish eyes and hanging sandy color bacenbards, it was animated with a relaxed smile and expressed self-confidence and mind. Its dark blond hair, long and thick, did not hide the large convexities of the spacious skull. "(Kikilineined)

". A man of medium height ,. "

"It was forty-five for him in appearance; Its briefly marked gray hair was cast in a dark brilliance as a new silver; His face, bile, but without wrinkles, unusually correct and clean, as if derived by a thin and lightweight cutter, was the traces of beauty wonderful; Especially good were bright, black, oblong eyes. "

"His even amazing collars, exactly stone, and chin will choose so carefully."

"It was an elegant morning, in English taste, a suit; A little fez was conquered on his head. This fez and casually tied tied tickle to the freedom of rustic life; But tight collars of the shirt, really not white, but a little one, as it follows for the morning toilet, we usually resulted in a sibling chin. " (Kipilinova)

". He usually gets up early and go somewhere. "

"This dwelling son almost did not flather, he even answered abruptly and reluctantly, and in the sound of his voice there was something coarse, almost daring. "

"He is a nihist. Hitchha does not respect, it belongs from a critical point of view. H Elovek, who does not inclined any authorities that does not accept any principle for faith, whatever respect this principle is surrounded by "

»Anyone who must raise himself" (Kikilinova)

". He doesn't love ceremonies. . "

"All my life I made a taste in English, rarely seen with the neighbors."

»Personality, gracious sovereign, is the main thing: the human person must be strong, like a rock, for it is built on it." (Kipilinova)

"We are acting due to the fact that we recognize useful. In the present time it is useful than the denial - we deny. "

"My grandfather's grandfather smelled. Ask any of your guys, in whom of us - in you or in me - he rather recognizes the compatriot. You do not know how to talk with him. "

"T AK called advanced people and the accusers are not suitable anywhere. We are interpreting about some kind of art, unconscious creativity, about parliamentarism, about the bar and damn know what it is when it is about pressing bread, when the gross superstition is sulled, when all of our joint-stock companies are sophisticated only because there is a lack of honest people When the most freedom about which the government is bothering, it is hardly to go to us by the future, because our man is glad to beat himself in order to just get drunk in the Cabeq. " (Kipilinova)

"I left only for the polls, where he became a part of the part, only occasionally a teasing and frightening landowners with the liberal leavings and not approaching the representatives of the new generation."

"B used self-esteem, without respect for himself, and in the aristocrat, these feelings are developed, - there is no solid foundation to public building." (Kipilinova)

"A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet"

"There are sciences as there are crafts, knowledge; And science does not exist at all. "

"First you need to learn the alphabet and then take up the book, and we still did not see the Aza."

"You will shatter the anatomy of your eyes: where did you get here, how do you say mysterious look? This is all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art. " (Kipilinova)

"A person who put all his life on a female love card and when he was killed by this card, Raskis and sank before anything was capable of, a person is not a man, not the male." (Kipilinova)

". You will shatt the anatomy of the eye: where did you get here, how do you say mysterious look? This is all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art. "

". I loved you, it did not make any sense before, and now it is suppressed. Love is a form, and my own form is already decomposed. "(Ustiantseva)

"It was hard for Pavel Petrovich even when Princess R. loved him; But when she cooled to him, and this happened pretty soon, he was almost crazy. As poisoned, he wandered from place to place; He retained all the habits of a secular man; He could boast of two, three new victories; But he no longer waited for anything special from him, nor from others and did not take anything. He aged, went out; Sitting in the evenings in the club, to get bored, it is indifferent to argue in idle society, it has become necessary for him - a sign, as you know, bad. About the marriage he, of course, did not think. "(Kikilineined)

ideological differencesBazarov and kirsanovy seniors

the title reflects one of these problems - the relationship of two generations, fathers and children. Disagreements on various issues always existed between young people and the older generation. So, here, the representative of the younger generation Yevgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov can not, and does not want to understand the "fathers", their life credo, principles. He is convinced that their views on the world, for life, the relationship between people hopelessly outdated. "Yes, I will pamper them. After all, this is all pride, lion habits, fondness. " In his opinion, the main goal of life is to work, produce something material. That is why the bazaar belongs to art disrespectful, to the sciences that do not have a practical base; to "useless" nature. He believes that much more useful to deny the fact that, from his point of view, he deserves denial, which does not care if, not deciding to undertake anything. "In the present time, the denial is most useful - we deny," says Bazarov.

For its part, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is confident that there are things in which it is impossible to doubt ("aristocracy. Liberalism, progress, principles. Art."). He appreciates habits and traditions anymore and does not want to notice changes occurring in society.

Kirsanov's disputes and Bazarov reveal the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel.

There are many in these heroes. And in Kirsanov, and in the bazaareas is strongly developed proud. Sometimes they cannot quietly negotiate. Both are not subject to otherwise influences, and only experienced and experienced themselves forces the heroes to change the views on some questions. As a dismocrat-democrat of bazaars, and the Aristocrat of Kirsanov have a huge impact on others, and in the force of character it is impossible to refuse neither the other. Nevertheless, despite such similarity of natur, these people are very different, due to the difference in origin, education and image of thinking.

Discrepancies appear already in the portraits of heroes. The face of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova "is unusually correct and clean, as if derived by a thin and light cutter." And in general, the entire appearance of uncle Arcadia ". It was elegant and thoroughbred, hands are beautiful, with long pink nails. " The appearance of Bazarov represents the complete opposite of Kirsanov. He is dressed in a long halochon with brushes, he has red hands, a long and thin face, with a wide forehead and not at all an aristocratic nose. Portrait of Pavel Petrovich is a portrait of a "secular lion", whose manners should be an appearance. The portrait of Bazar, undoubtedly belongs to "Democrat to the end of the nails", which is confirmed by the behavior of the hero, independent and self-confident.

Eugene's life is full of cycling activities, he gives every free minute with natural and scientific activities. In the second half of the XIX century, natural sciences experienced lifting; Material scientists appeared, which have developed numerous experiments and experiments, these sciences were developed, followed by the future. Bazarov is a prototype of such a scientist. Pavel Petrovich, on the contrary, holds all days in the straight and groundless, amelessly thought-minded memories.

The opposite of the views of the arguing on art and nature. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov admires works by art. He is able to admire the starry sky, enjoy music, poetry, painting. Bazarov also denies the art ("Rafael Panta is not worth a copper"), to nature suitable with utilitarian measurements ("Nature is not a temple, and the workshop, and a person in it worker"). Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov also disagree with the fact that art, music, nature - nonsense. Going to the porch, ". He looked around, as if wishing to understand how to do not sympathize with nature. " And here we can feel like Turgenev through their hero expresses their own thoughts. A wonderful evening landscape leads Nikolai Petrovich to the "silent and pleasant game of lonely doom", tying pleasant memories, reveals the "Magic World of Dreams". The author shows that, denying admissions by nature, the bazaars imposes its spiritual life.

But the main difference between the dismocratic discharge, which was in and

Comparative characteristics of Bazarov and P. P. Kirsanva

1. The surveillances are unpleasant and unusual appearance of the Bazarov and his behavior. Todet Evgeny in Balahon with tassels, he does not carry gloves and at the meeting boldly stretches the nude red hand.
In the appearance of Pavel Petrovich is not a disconnection, like the Bazarov, and the gloss and fuse: "Dark English Suite, a fashionable low tip and varnish half-boots." The appearance of Pavel Petrovich, as emphasized by the author, "elegant and breeding". The contrast between him and the bazaarov immediately rushes into the eyes, but he is even more noticeable when Pavel Petrovich takes out his beautiful hand with long pink nails from his pocket.

2. Petrovich -Conservator. His principles are aimed at defense
existing building.
Pavel Petrovich glorifies the peasant community, family, religiosity, the patriarchalness of the Russian man. Bazarov says
that the people do not understand their own interests, dark and ignorant,
but he considers it necessary to distinguish the national interests from popular prejudices, argues that the people in spirit are revolutionary, therefore Nigilism is the manifestation of the people's spirit.
All the principles of Pavel Petrovich are reduced to keep the old order in Russia. Bazarov also seeks to destroy this order. "In Russia, there is not a single civil regulation that would not deserve criticism," he believes. However, the bazaars are not shown in public activities, and we do not know if he has real plans for holding their views to life.
Bazarov does not recognize the spiritual principle in Nature ("Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker"), nor in man. It belongs to the person as a biological organism: "All people are similar to each other as a body and soul ... Such a human instance is enough to judge all others. People that trees in the forest, no botanist will be engaged in every single birch. "
4. Pael Petrovich blesses and glorifies art.
The author is solidary in this with P. P. Kirsanov. Bazarov Same
it denies art ("Raphael is not worth the barrel").
6.k. Nature is suitable for purely materialist ("Nature
not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker ").

5. Petrovich always enjoyed success in women, men envied him. He led an active lifestyle, but everything has changed when Princess R. has appeared in his life, which Kirsanov met the ball and in love with passionately. The princess quickly cooled to him, and he did not go crazy, began to chase her around the world, showing the troubles. Exhausted by these relations, Pavel Petrovich was struggling, went and lost interest in life.

Bazarov also refers to love very cold. "A man who put on the card of female love all his life, and when he was killed by this card, Raskis and sank before anything was able to do anything, a person is not a man," he notes.
"For Pavel Petrovich, a love drama can be a source of self-esteem: the memories of it support the consciousness of the uncomplication and significance of their lives. For Bazarov, such a drama means humiliation and is perceived as a manifestation of shameful weakness.

Spore Evgenia Bazarov with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov (according to Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children")

I. S. Turgenev worked on the novel "Fathers and Children" in the early 60s of the XIX century. The romance reflected the processes occurring in Russia at this time: the struggle of the political forces of liberals and revolutionaries-Democrats. The heroes of the novel are representatives of two ideological camps: Liberal Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and the revolutionary Democrat Evgeny Bazarov.

Evgeny Bazarov is young, energetic, deliver. He does not take anything on faith and denies any principles. According to his worldview, he materialist, a person who has passed the school of labor and deprivation. Bazarov independently thinks and does not depend on anyone. Independence and confidence in their forces give him knowledge and work. He is the grandson of Dycachka, the son of county Lekary, he is proud of his origin. Bazarov is a nihilist, and the word comes from Latin Nihil - nothing, that is, he denies everything. He substantiated his denying theoretically: the imperfection of society and public diseases, he explains the character of society itself. Bazarov requires replacement of the society itself. These views and beliefs of Bazarov expresses in disputes with Pavel Petrovich - his ideological opponent.

Pavel Petrovich is a representative of conservative liberals. He is an aristocrat, angomana and a very self-confident man. He is a smart and has some advantages: honest, noble, faithful to his beliefs. But Pavel Petrovich does not feel the movement of time, not accepting modernity, for him above all the tradition. In Bazarov, he sees a danger to himself and his class, so he protects his "world" by all means affordable to him, up to a duel.

Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich discusses on topics of art, culture, poetry, nature, science, spirituality, philosophy, about the Russian people.

In disputes with Paul Petrovich Bazarov often aggressive, trying to impose his opinion. From the point of view of Eugene, read Pushkin - to lose time, to engage in music - funny, enjoy nature - ridiculous. Kirsanov is able to evaluate the beautiful: he reads Pushkin, playing the piano. Bazarov - a direct man, he was not used to "showering soul", from politeness to hide a sharp, but a fair word. It annoyed Pavel Petrovich. His "aristocratic" nature was indignant to the perfect discoverity of a young man. "This dwelling son is not only not a robot in front of him, but also answered abruptly and reluctantly, and in the sound of his voice there was something rude, almost daring."

Bazarov does not recognize any "prisoners", and Pavel Petrovich, on the contrary, believes that without the principles adopted on faith it is impossible. After the words of Pavel Petrovich that, at the present time, instead of Schillers and Götte, "all some kind of chemists and materialists went," the bazaars declare sharply: "A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than a poet." Material from the site //

All the principles of Pavel Petrovich are reduced, in essence, to one - to protect the old order. The principles of the young nihilist are reduced to destroy this order.

Turgenev wrote that his work was directed against the nobility, but he did not believe in the promise of a revolutionary-democratic movement, although the author's sympathy was definitely on the side of the main character.

According to Turgenev, bazaars - "tragic face", because the time of the bazaaries has not yet come. The final of the novel convinces in the insolvency of the theory of Bazarov. It does not die, and his artificial theory.

Roman "Fathers and Children" for us - a mirror, which reflected the epoch of the 60s of the XIX century, with its conflicts and contradictions.

The problem of the relationship between fathers and children in the literature is not new. However, Turgenev first creates an image of an advanced person of his time. The writer refers to the main character of the work "fathers and children" is ambiguous.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazarov - representatives of different generations. Let's try to compare and analyze, for what aspects these two characters are distinguished.

Writer about the work

Turgenev's novel says that he is directed against the aristocracy, which was considered an advanced class in Russia.

Bazarov and Kirsanov are two characters, the opposition of the views of which the plot of the work was formed. The specifics of the worldview and position in the society of these heroes can be represented as a table. This form allows you to see the main aspects of their contradictions most clearly.

Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich. Comparative characteristics. Table

Pavel Petrovich KirsanovEvgeny Bazarov
Attitude towards aristocracy
Aristocracy is the development of societyThe uselessness of the aristocracy, the inability to lead Russia to the future
Attitude to nihilism
Considers nihilists harmful to societyNihilism - powerful driving force development
Attitude towards common people
Patriarchalnia dies the peasant family, says that people can not without faithHe considers people ignorant, dark and superstitious, notes the revolutionary spirit of the human spirit
Attitude to art, nature
Loves nature, art, musicDetermines nature as a workshop in which man hoses. Art considers useless
Born in the noble familyBorn in the family of Zemsky Lekary, Different

Attitude towards aristocracy

Kirsanov believes that the aristocracy is the key driving force in his opinion, is a constitutional monarchy to which you can come through liberal reforms.

Bazarov notes the inability of aristocrats to action, they cannot benefit, can not lead Russia to the future.

So relate to the aristocracy of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich. (The table is presented above) displays this, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow much their understanding of what is the driving force of the development of society.

Attitude to nihilism

The next question for which two heroes argues, relates to nihilism, his role in society.

Pavel Petrovich determines the representatives of this worldview as crashes and cynics that do not respect and do not recognize anything. He is glad that there are few in society.

Nihilists noted the need for revolutionary transformations. Bazarov believes that the people are ignorant, but revolutionary in their spirit. Evgeny sees the meaning only in what is useful, he does not consider it necessary to speak loud words.

So look at and Pavel Petrovich. Comparative characteristic (table is in the article) displays the moment, shows how different the attitude of the heroes to this ideological position is different.

Attitude to ordinary people

Pavel Petrovich is far from the people, while the patriarchalness is lost, religiosity. Bazarov believes the peasants with dark, ignorant, nothing know about their rights.

Kirsanov believes that the life of ordinary people according to the initiates of the great-grandfathers is correct. Bazarov despises ignorance of peasants.

Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov (the table fixes this moment) in different ways perceive the position of the simple people in society.

By origin, Eugene closer to ordinary people. He is a difference. Consequently, he knows the peasants more. Pavel Petrovich comes from the noble family, he is absolutely far from understanding the life of ordinary people. The fact that Kirsanov considers faith, Bazarov calls superstition.

The compromise between these heroes is impossible, which confirms the duel of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich.

Attitude to art, nature

The views of Bazarov and Kirsanov differ even in the perception of art. They are not detailing nature. According to Bazarov, reading fiction - empty case, and it is assessed exclusively as a resource. Kirsanov - full of opposite to him. He, on the contrary, loves the world, art, music.

Bazarov believes that it is necessary to rely in life only on personal experience and sensations. Based on this, he denies art because it is only a generalized and figurative understanding of experience distracting from the case. He denies the global achievements of culture.

So in different ways look at the nature and art of bazaars and Pavel Petrovich. Comparative characteristic (the table displays this) once again shows the practicality of the views of Eugene.

Biography of heroes, attitude to life

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazarov - two opposite character. The author clearly gives us to understand it. Kirsanov hated Eugene for showing Paul Petrovich the uselessness of his existence. See you with him Kirsanov believed that he was noble and worthy of respect. When Eugene appears, Pavel Petrovich comes to the awareness of the emptiness and meaninglessness of his own life.

Kirsanov is undoubtedly a decent representative of the nobility. He is the Son of General, an officer, who cleaned the best years of life in the desire to conquer his beloved woman. Senior Kirsanov is definitely honest, deceitful, loves his family.

Turgenev notes that, describing the best representatives of the nobility in the novel, he wanted to emphasize the inconsistency and the futility of this class.

Bazarov's parents are very devout people. His father is a Zemsky doctor, a mother, as the author writes about her, was to be born two hundred years ago.

In its bazaars - a difference, loving work. He is a man with a strong mind and character who raised himself.

Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov (the table clearly displays it) - two absolutely different in the views and origin of man.

In the novel "Fathers and Children" the author opposes two very vivid character. The beliefs of Pavel Petrovich characterize him as a representative of the past. Bazarov's views are too advanced and progressive, extremely materialistic, with what perhaps the death of this hero at the end of the work is connected.

RU :: The lines of disputes between Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov (by. Evgenia Bazarov and the mature aristocrat of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova. In disputes and clashes of two heroes of the novel - Pavel Petrovich. Pavel Petrovich about twenty older than Bazarov, but perhaps even in. However He does not give victory at this point of the dispute and Paul Petrovich. The difference between heroes is visible in their behavior in the "empire" of Kirsanov. Disguisher about the principles (views of Bazarov and Paul Petrovich Kirsanova). Comparative table.

Arrangement of generations: Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov (according to the novel by I. Turgenev "Fathers and Children").

GDZ, book, retelling, message, report, literature. Mount from the mind. In his novel, "Fathers and Children" I.

Turgenev managed to display contradictions arising in society on the eve of the fall of serfdom, including the aggravation of the class. In disputes and clashes of two heroes of the novel - Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova and Yevgeny Bazarov, Turgenev embodied the main conflict of "fathers" and "children", which, concealing at the beginning of the work, gradually deepening and converts from the conflict. Strong features of their personalities benefit from these people from a rather gray mass of others. Perhaps that is why they are moderate in the correctness of their convictions and are able to be from.

  • Comparative characteristics of Nikolay and Pavel Kirsanov (Table) Kirsanov N. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich (Essay) Disputes Bazarov and Paul.
  • Bazarov requires replacement of the society itself. These views and beliefs of Bazarov expresses in disputes with Pavl Petrovich - his ideological.

He is a nihilist, which means that he does not take anything to faith, there are no recognized authorities for him: "We act due to the fact that we recognize the climb. In the present time it is useful than just a denial - we deny. " Poetry and art, according to Eugene, useless classes, so he rejects them without let. It is peculiar and its attitude towards nature, which. Everything in the light of the Bazarov wants to check the experimental way, trusting only the mind and eq.

Such a human instance is enough to judge all others. " And in this he contradicts himself, because she seeks to approve himself as a person who is not similar to others.

Being proud to understand the people and knows how to talk with men, bazaars at the same time sharply responds about the people, pointing to its conservatism, ignorance, tension. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - nobleman, he is an aristocrat, the former "secular lion", which in his youth made a brilliant career of the officer, but later destroyed his life because of unfortunate love for the frivolous princess R.

In the image of this hero, Turgenev embodied the best features of the Russian nobility: decency, honest. Much attention pays Cyrus. Material from the site // i. Essay. RU. According to Pavel Petrovich, the aristocracy is the driving force of society, only she can change the life of Russia through reforms. By putting traditions above all, he claims: "We are the people of the old century, we are sex. The bazaars sharply ridicurate "prison" and the authorities of Cyrus. He also opposes the chatter and a libe.

Drawing empty terms? You would not have respected yourself and did the same. " And yet, laughing at the convictions of Pavel Petrovich, bazaarov, in my opinion, there is little opposites.

He acts as a destroyer, using a platform for a new, but who will build this new, he does not know. And Kirsanov, hating the whole style of the behavior of Bazarov, wow, disrespect for authorities, nevertheless. The meaning of the novel and that he did not lose its relevance to today, due to the bright mapping of the conflict between the "children" and "fathers", which will argue with each other, probably at all times. On this page, Material on topics: the inevitability of the Bazarov and Pavel Kirsla Kirsanovpap the generations of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanovo as they argue the bazaars and Kirsanovpos of generations together and apart the essay of fathers and children of generations in the novel Fathers and children.

Disputes Evgenia Bazarov with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov (according to Roman I. Turgenev "fathers and children"). GDZ, book, retelling, message, report, literature. Turgenev worked on the novel "Fathers and Children" at the beginning of 6. XIX century. In the novel, the processes occurring in Russia at this time were reflected: the struggle of the public political forces of liberals and revolutionaries, democrats. The heroes of the novel are representatives of two ideological camps: Liberal Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and the revolutionary-Democrat Evgeny Bazarov.

Evgeny Bazarov is young, energetic, deliver. He does not take anything on faith and denies any principles. According to his worldview, he materialist, a person who has passed the school of labor and deprivation. Bazarov independently thinks and does not depend on anyone. Independence and confidence in their forces give him knowledge and work. He is the grandson of Dycachka, the son of county Lekary, he is proud of his origin. Bazarov is a nihilist, and the word comes from Latin Nihil - nothing, that is, he denies everything.

He substantiated his denying theoretically: the imperfection of society and public diseases, he explains the character of society itself. Do Stop Frame Download Program Next. Bazarov requires replacement of the society itself.

These views and beliefs of Bazarov expresses in disputes with Pavel Petrovich - his ideological opponent. Pavel Petrovich is a representative of conservative liberals. He is an aristocrat, angomana and a very self-confident man. He is a smart and has some advantages: honest, noble, faithful to his beliefs. But Pavel Petrovich does not feel the movement of time, not accepting modernity, for him above all the tradition. In Bazarov, he sees a danger to himself and his class, so he protects his "world" by all means affordable to him, up to a duel. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich discusses on topics of art, culture, poetry, nature, science, spirituality, philosophy, about the Russian people.

In disputes with Paul Petrovich Bazarov often aggressive, trying to impose his opinion. From the point of view of Eugene, read Pushkin - to lose time, to engage in music - funny, enjoy nature - ridiculous. Kirsanov is able to evaluate the beautiful: he reads Pushkin, playing the piano.

Bazarov - a direct man, he was not used to "showering soul", from politeness to hide a sharp, but a fair word. It annoyed Pavel Petrovich. Game download jump on trains to phone. His "aristocratic" nature was indignant to the perfect discoverity of a young man. After the words of Pavel Petrovich, that at the present time instead of Schillers and Goethe "" all some chemists and materialists went, "the bazaars sharply declare:" A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than a poet. "

Material from the site // i. Essay. RU. All the principles of Pavel Petrovich are reduced, in essence, to one - to protect the old order. The principles of the young nihilist are reduced to destroy this order. Turgenev wrote that his work was directed against the nobility, but he did not believe in the promise of revolutionary-democratic movement, although the author's sympathy was definitely on the side of the main character. According to Turgenev, bazaars - "tragic face", because the time of the bazaaries has not yet come. The final of the novel convinces in the insolvency of the theory of Bazarov.

It does not die, and his artificial theory. The novel "Fathers and Children" for us - a mirror, which reflected the era of 6. XIX century, with its conflicts and contradictions. On this page, Material by themes: Kirsanov's dispute and Bazarovo Roman Fathers and Children Spore Barmented Dueles Bazarov and Paul Petrovichaplusi and Cons of the dispute of Bazarov and Kirsanovna Pavlo Petrovich on the topic of poetry.

Disputes between Bazarov and Pavlom Petrovich Table

What did Bazarov and Kirsanov argue about Turgenev "Fathers and Children" novel? One of the most important features of Turgenev is a desire to understand everything that happens in the country.

All this gave rise to disagreements between heroes. The dispute about the principles (the views of Bazarov and Paul Petrovich Kirsanova). Comparison table.

A bright novel, who reflected a whole stage in the historical development of Russia, the second half of the XIX century was the novel "Fathers and Children". The name of the work pursues the idea that the eternal question will be resolved - the contradiction between generations will be resolved, and he rises by the author, but in fact the writer more worries more.

The author shows us three disputes of Bazarov and P. Kirsanov, in which. Pavel Petrovich condemns nihilists for the fact that those "no one. The compromise between the heroes of Turgenev is impossible. Pavel Petrovich about twenty older than Bazarov, but perhaps even in. However, he does not give victory at this point of the dispute and Paul Petrovich. The difference between heroes is visible in their behavior in the "empire" of Kirsanov. In disputes and collisions of two heroes of the novel - Pavel Petrovich. Comparative characteristics of Nikolay and Pavel Kirsanov (Table) Kirsanov N. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich (Essay) Disputes Bazarov and Paul. Comparative characteristics of E. Bazarov and P.P. Kirsanova "(according to Roman I. Turgenev" fathers and. Work on the table. Pavel Petrovich sees the major public strength. Bazarov requires replacement of the society itself. These views and beliefs of bazaarov expresses in disputes with Pavel Petrovich - his ideological.

Fathers and children are those who live in the thoughts of the past generation and representatives of new, ideas, directions, thoughts, new people born with a new time. In Roman, Turgenev is trying to understand, comprehend the purpose of life, the worldview of this new person, the difference in origin, a democrat for political views. The novel "Fathers and Children" shows the struggle of worldviews of two political areas - liberals and revolutionaries - Democrats. On the opposition of representatives of these areas - the difference between the Bazarov and the nobleman P.

Kirsanova - built the plot of the novel. In addition to this "main problem, Turgenev raises a number of other issues related to the moral, cultural, socio-economic development of Russia in the sixties of the XIX century. Turgenev sets questions that exciting advanced people of the time: what the discrepancy between revolutionary democrats and liberals is to relate to the people, to work, science, art, what transformations are needed in agriculture, in the economy?

RU :: The lines of disputes between Evgenia Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov (by. Evgenia Bazarov and the mature aristocrat of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova.

The author shows us three disputes of Bazarov and P. Kirsanov, in which these questions are raised. So, the topic of the nobility, his role in life. Download drivers on Epson TX410 scanner. According to Kirsanova, aristocrats - the driving force of social development.

Their ideal is "English freedom" (constitutional monarchy), the path to ideal is liberal (reforms, publicity, progress). According to E. Bazarov, the aristocrats are not capable of action, there are no benefits from them, liberalism rejects, denies the ability of the nobility to lead Russia to the future. The next question concerns nihilism and the role of nihilists in life. Pavel Petrovich condemns the nihilists for the fact that those "do not respect anyone", live without principles, considers them unnecessary and powerless: "You are only four and a half people." The bazaarov answers this: "From a cordless candle, Moscow burned down." Under the negative of the "total" bazaars, it means religion, an autocreterant system, generally accepted morality. And what do Nihilists say?

First of all, the need for revolutionary actions. The criterion is their population. What are the views of both sides to the people?

Pavel Petrovich glorifies the peasant community, family, religiosity, the patriarchalness of the Russian man. Bazarov says that the people do not understand their own interests, dark and ignorant, but considers it necessary to distinguish national interests from popular prejudices, argues that the people in spirit are revolutionary, therefore nihilism is the manifestation of the people's spirit. The fourth question affects the attitude of arguing to art and nature. Pavel Petrovich blesses and glorifies art. The author jointly in this with P. Barazov also denies the art ("Rafael a penny of the leakage is not worth"), it is suitable for nature purely materialist: ("Nature is not a temple, and the workshop, and a person in it worker.) Let's sum up.

Disputes were not on private issues. They concerned the present and future Russia. In all disputes, the last word remained behind the bazaarov.

The compromise between the heroes of Turgenev is impossible, the confirmation of this is their duel. Which side the author? Turgenev, being a liberal on convictions, felt the superiority of Bazarov. Moreover, he argued: "My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class." I completely disagreed by the author with his hero only in the matter of art and nature.

And yet his hero in the end of the novel is dying. Maybe it has not yet come to his time (". Yes, and who needs?") Or maybe the author considered the task of Bazarov in the "noble nest" of Kirsanov? Show the same hero in a medium close to him, among like-minded people, could not - he was just far from her. Answer uniquely impossible. However, it should be noted that the novel is devoted to V.

Belinsky - a man of forties, who had the same "passionate, sinful, rope heart, like Bazarov. Turgenev does not know how the issues raised by his heroes will be solved, but what they raised is a huge merit of the writer.

Kirsanov's disputes with bazarov have ideological meaning. They reveal the main idea, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel, then, for what he was written. They attach special sharpness to the plot, serve as a characteristic of each hero, they show the superiority of new, progressive ideas over old, who taped, the eternal movement of society to progress.

Bazarov and Kirsanov. The problem of the relationship between fathers and children in the literature is not new. However, Turgenev first creates an image of an advanced person of his time. The writer refers to the main hero of the work. Let's try to compare and analyze, for what aspects these two characters are distinguished.

Writer about the work. Download abstract on the topic Culture and civilization here. Turgenev's novel says that he is directed against the aristocracy, which was considered an advanced class in Russia. Bazarov and Kirsanov are two characters, the opposition of the views of which the plot of the work was formed. The specifics of the worldview and position in the society of these heroes can be represented as a table. This form allows you to see the main aspects of their contradictions most clearly. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich.

Comparative characteristics. Table. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Evgeny Bazarov. Attitude towards the aristocracy. Aristocracy is the driving force of the development of society. The uselessness of the aristocracy, the inability to lead Russia to the future. Attitude to nihilism.

He considers nihilists harmful to society. Nihilism is a powerful driving force of development. Attitude towards simple people. The patriarchalness of the peasant family is touched, says that the people cannot without faith. He considers people ignorant, dark and superstitious, notes the revolutionary spirit of the Human Spirit.

Attitude to art, nature. Loves nature, art, music. Determines nature as a workshop in which man hoses.

Art considers useless. Origin. Born in the noble family. Born in the family of Zemsky Lekary, Different. Attitude towards the aristocracy. Kirsanov believes that aristocracy is the key driving force of the development of society.

The ideal form of government, in his opinion, is a constitutional monarchy to which you can come through liberal reforms. Bazarov notes the inability of aristocrats to action, they cannot benefit, can not lead Russia to the future. So relate to the aristocracy of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich. Comparative characteristic (the table is presented above) displays this, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow much their understanding is what the driving force of the Company's development.

Attitude to nihilism. The next question for which two heroes argues, relates to nihilism, his role in society. Pavel Petrovich determines the representatives of this worldview as crashes and cynics that do not respect and do not recognize anything. He is glad that there are few in society. Nihilists noted the need for revolutionary transformations.

Bazarov believes that the people are ignorant, but revolutionary in their spirit. Evgeny sees the meaning only in what is useful, he does not consider it necessary to speak loud words. So look at Nihilism Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich. Comparative characteristic (table is in the article) displays the moment, shows how different the attitude of the heroes to this ideological position is different. Attitude towards ordinary people.

Kirsanov believes that the life of ordinary people according to the initiates of the great-grandfathers is correct. Bazarov despises ignorance of peasants. Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov (the table fixes this moment) in different ways perceive the position of the simple people in society. By origin, Eugene closer to ordinary people.

He is a difference. Consequently, he knows the peasants more. Pavel Petrovich comes from the noble family, he is absolutely far from understanding the life of ordinary people. The fact that Kirsanov considers faith, Bazarov calls superstition.

The compromise between these heroes is impossible, which confirms the duel of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich. Attitude to art, nature. The views of Bazarov and Kirsanov differ even in the perception of art. They are not detailing nature. According to Bazarov, reading fiction - empty case, and it is assessed exclusively as a resource. Kirsanov - full of opposite to him.

He, on the contrary, loves the world, art, music. Bazarov believes that it is necessary to rely in life only on personal experience and sensations. Based on this, he denies art because it is only a generalized and figurative understanding of experience distracting from the case.

He denies the global achievements of culture. So look at the nature and art of bazaars and Pavel Petrovich. Comparative characteristic (the table displays this) once again shows the practicality of the views of Eugene.

Heroes biography, attitude to life. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazarov - two opposite character. The author clearly gives us to understand it. Kirsanov hated Eugene for showing Paul Petrovich the uselessness of his existence. See you with him Kirsanov believed that he was noble and worthy of respect. When Eugene appears, Pavel Petrovich comes to the awareness of the emptiness and meaninglessness of his own life.

Kirsanov is undoubtedly a decent representative of the nobility. He is the Son of General, an officer, who cleaned the best years of life in the desire to conquer his beloved woman.

Senior Kirsanov is definitely honest, deceitful, loves his family. Turgenev notes that, describing the best representatives of the nobility in the novel, he wanted to emphasize the inconsistency and the futility of this class. Bazarov's parents are very devout people. His father is a Zemsky doctor, a mother, as the author writes about her, was to be born two hundred years ago. According to its social situation, Bazarov is a difference, loving work. He is a man with a strong mind and character who raised himself. Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov (the table clearly displays it) - two absolutely different in the views and origin of man.

In the novel. The beliefs of Pavel Petrovich characterize him as a representative of the past. Bazarov's views are too advanced and progressive, extremely materialistic, with what perhaps the death of this hero at the end of the work is connected.

Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich: comparative characteristics (table). Bazarov and Kirsanov

The problem of the relationship between fathers and children in the literature is not new. However, Turgenev first creates an image of an advanced person of his time. The writer refers to the main character of the work "fathers and children" is ambiguous.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazarov - representatives of different generations. Let's try to compare and analyze, for what aspects these two characters are distinguished.

Writer about the work

Turgenev's novel says that he is directed against the aristocracy, which was considered an advanced class in Russia.

Bazarov and Kirsanov are two characters, the opposition of the views of which the plot of the work was formed. The specifics of the worldview and position in the society of these heroes can be represented as a table. This form allows you to see the main aspects of their contradictions most clearly.

Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich. Comparative characteristics. Table

Attitude towards aristocracy

Kirsanov believes that aristocracy is the key driving force of the development of society. The ideal form of government, in his opinion, is a constitutional monarchy to which you can come through liberal reforms.

Bazarov notes the inability of aristocrats to action, they cannot benefit, can not lead Russia to the future.

So relate to the aristocracy of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich. Comparative characteristic (the table is presented above) displays this, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow much their understanding is what the driving force of the Company's development.

Attitude to nihilism

The next question for which two heroes argues, relates to nihilism, his role in society.

Pavel Petrovich determines the representatives of this worldview as crashes and cynics that do not respect and do not recognize anything. He is glad that there are few in society.

Nihilists noted the need for revolutionary transformations. Bazarov believes that the people are ignorant, but revolutionary in their spirit. Evgeny sees the meaning only in what is useful, he does not consider it necessary to speak loud words.

So look at Nihilism Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich. Comparative characteristic (table is in the article) displays the moment, shows how different the attitude of the heroes to this ideological position is different.

Attitude to ordinary people

Pavel Petrovich is far from the people, while the patriarchalness is lost, religiosity. Bazarov believes the peasants with dark, ignorant, nothing know about their rights.

Kirsanov believes that the life of ordinary people according to the initiates of the great-grandfathers is correct. Bazarov despises ignorance of peasants.

Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov (the table fixes this moment) in different ways perceive the position of the simple people in society.

By origin, Eugene closer to ordinary people. He is a difference. Consequently, he knows the peasants more. Pavel Petrovich comes from the noble family, he is absolutely far from understanding the life of ordinary people. The fact that Kirsanov considers faith, Bazarov calls superstition.

The compromise between these heroes is impossible, which confirms the duel of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich.

Attitude to art, nature

The views of Bazarov and Kirsanov differ even in the perception of art. They are not detailing nature. According to Bazarov, reading fiction - empty case, and it is assessed exclusively as a resource. Kirsanov - full of opposite to him. He, on the contrary, loves the world, art, music.

Bazarov believes that it is necessary to rely in life only on personal experience and sensations. Based on this, he denies art because it is only a generalized and figurative understanding of experience distracting from the case. He denies the global achievements of culture.

So in different ways look at the nature and art of bazaars and Pavel Petrovich. Comparative characteristic (the table displays this) once again shows the practicality of the views of Eugene.

Biography of heroes, attitude to life

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazarov - two opposite character. The author clearly gives us to understand it. Kirsanov hated Eugene for showing Paul Petrovich the uselessness of his existence. See you with him Kirsanov believed that he was noble and worthy of respect. When Eugene appears, Pavel Petrovich comes to the awareness of the emptiness and meaninglessness of his own life.

Kirsanov is undoubtedly a decent representative of the nobility. He is the Son of General, an officer, who cleaned the best years of life in the desire to conquer his beloved woman. Senior Kirsanov is definitely honest, deceitful, loves his family.

Turgenev notes that, describing the best representatives of the nobility in the novel, he wanted to emphasize the inconsistency and the futility of this class.

Bazarov's parents are very devout people. His father is a Zemsky doctor, a mother, as the author writes about her, was to be born two hundred years ago.

According to its social situation, Bazarov is a difference, loving work. He is a man with a strong mind and character who raised himself.

Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov (the table clearly displays it) - two absolutely different in the views and origin of man.

In the novel, "Fathers and Children" author opposes two very vivid characters. The beliefs of Pavel Petrovich characterize him as a representative of the past. Bazarov's views are too advanced and progressive, extremely materialistic, with what perhaps the death of this hero at the end of the work is connected.

Comparative characteristics of Bazarov and Kirsanov in the table

Bazarov E. V.

Kirsanov P. P.

  • Comparative characteristic of Nicholas and Pavel Kirsanov (Table) Kirsanov N. P. Kirsanov P. P. Appearance A low man is a bit more than forty. After a long-standing fracture, the feet is seamless. Facial features pleasant, sad expression. Beautiful well-groomed middle-aged man. Dress Up Schegolevato, in English manner. Easy in motion issues a sports person. Marital status Widovers for more than 10 years, was very happy in marriage. There is a young lover of Fenzka. Two sons: Arkady and Six-month Mitya. Bachelor. In the past, he enjoyed success in women. After [...]
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  • The death of Bazarov - the result of his life path Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" ends with the death of the principal hero. Why? Turgenev felt something new, saw new people, but could not imagine how they would act. Bazarov dies very young, without having time to proceed to any activity. His death, he seeks the one-sidedness of his views, which the author does not accept. Dying, the protagonist did not change his sarcastic, neither of his directness, but became softer, more kind, and speaks differently, even romantic, that [...]
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  • The comparative characteristic of Bazarov and Kirsanova Pavel Petrovich than is actually a conflict of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova? Eternal dispute generations? By opposition to supporters of different political views? Catastrophic disagreement between progress and stability bordering a stagnation? We will take the disputes that subsequently turned into a duel, to one of the categories, and the plot will become flat, will lose sharpness. At the same time, the work of Turgenev, in which the problem was raised for the first time in the history of domestic literature, is still relevant. And today require change and [...]
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  • The strengths and weaknesses of Nihilism of Bazarov in the Roman I.Turgenev "Fathers and Children" by the main hero of Evgeny Bazarov. He proudly says that he is a nihist. The concept of nihilism means such a type of belief, which is based on the denial of the total cultural and scientific experience gained over the past centuries, of all traditions and ideas about social norms. The history of this social movement in Russia is associated with the 60 -70s. XIX century, when in society there was a fracture in traditional public attitudes and scientific [...]
  • The strength and weakness of Nigilism Evgenia Bazarov Action Roman I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children" unfolds in the summer of 1859, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. At that time, the question was sharply in Russia: who can head society? On the one hand, a nobility, which consisted of both sufficiently free liberals, and from aristocrats who think the same as in the beginning of the century, claimed a leading social role. On another pole of society were revolutionaries - democrats, most of which were the differences. The main hero of the novel [...]
  • Bazarov and Odentov in the novel "Fathers and Children" of the relationship of Evgenia Bazarov and Anna Sergeyevna Odentova, Heroes of Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" did not form a lot of reasons. The materialist and nihilist of the Bazarov denies not only art, the beauty of nature, but also love as a human feeling. Just knowing the physiological relations of a man and a woman, he believes that love "This is all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art." Therefore, alone, he first appreciates only in terms of its external data. "Single rich body! At least now in an anatomical theater ", [...]
  • Russian noblemen Kirsanov Action Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" refers to 1859, and the writer completed work on him in 1861. The time of action and the creation of the novel share only two years. That was one of the tensile epochs of Russian history. In the late 1850s, the whole country lived in the context of a revolutionary situation, under the sign of close steep turns in the fate of the people and society - the impending liberation of peasants. Again, again, Russia "risen over" over the unknown precipice, and her future was illuminated [...]

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov - Central characters of Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children", representatives of the elder and younger generations, between which the conflict flared up. The comparative characteristics of Pavel Kirsanov and Bazarov allows you to see the reasons for the conflict of "fathers and children".

Views of Bazarov

Evgeny Bazarov - NiHist, a representative of the younger generation. Looks especially attractive bazaars, because the inner world is more important for him. Dress up the hero is careless, not paying attention to how it looks.

Evgeny Bazarov is a nihilist, which denies all the rules and traditions recognized in society. There are no love for him, he does not see the value of art and nature. It is in the nihilism of bazaars sees the future of Russia, and the aristocracy, according to the hero, is able only to destroy it.

Views of Kirsanov

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is a representative of the Fathers generation. It belongs to the aristocracy, which fiercely protects from the attacks of Bazarov. Pavel Petrovich pays special attention to his appearance, the author emphasizes his snow-white hands.

Traditions and the laws of the past, according to Kirsanov, are indisputable. The whole innovative hero is perceived negatively.

comparison table

Bazaarov, and Kirsanov belong to each other negatively. To understand the causes of the conflict between the characters will help the table "Comparison: Eugene Bazarov - Kirsanov", which demonstrates not only the differences between the heroes, but also their similarities.

Evgeny Bazarov

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

Common features

Pride, pride, self-confidence, mind, restraint, mockery





Does not pay attention to its appearance, walks in old and battered clothes

Watching your appearance, pays special attention to him, he has an aristocratic appearance.


Differs in hard work, practiced in medical activities

I do not do anything, lives in the village

Attitude towards aristocracy

Believes that aristocracy that leads the whole country to death, already lives his age

Protects the aristocracy, because himself belongs to her, believes that those who do not belong to the aristocracy are immoral people

Attitude towards nature

Considers as a "workshop" in which man works

Relates good

Attitude to art

Does not recognize the role of art in public life, believes that science is more important than art

Relates good

Attitude towards love

Denies love, but soon falls in love with Anna Odintsova

Believes in love, was in love with Princess R., the relationship with which pain and disappointment

Attitude to nihilism

Is a nihilist, denying generally accepted norms

Not recognizes nihilism, sees a public threat in it, despises Bazarov as a bright representative of this phenomenon

This article, which will help write an essay "Pavel Kirsanov and Bazarov - comparative characteristic, will consider the views of the" fathers "and" children "representatives and compare them among themselves.

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Test on the work

Speaking about the idea and goals of their future work, Turgenev

recognized: "I was confused by the following fact: in no work

our literature even a hint did not meet that I could

everywhere. "The wiser's merit is that he is the first in Russia

raised this topic in the literature and first tried to create an image

"New Man", representative of the differences. Dual

despite the contradiction of the image, believed that

these people offer the future. "My whole story is directed

against the aristocracy as an advanced class, "he wrote.

Roman "Fathers and Children" shows the struggle of worldviews of two

political areas: liberals and revolutionary

democrats. On opposing representatives of these areas,

bazarov's discharge and nobleman Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova,

built the plot of the novel. In addition to this basic problem, Turgenev

raises a number of other issues related to moral,

cultural, socio-economic development of Russia in the 60s

XIX century. So, the topic of the nobility and his role in life rises


According to Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova, aristocrats - driving force

public Development. Their ideal is a constitutional monarchy, and the path

ideal - liberal reforms, publicity, progress. According to

Bazarov, aristocrats are not capable of action, there is no

benefit, so bazaars denies the ability of the nobility to lead

Russia for the future. The next question concerns nihilism, roles

nihilists in life. Pavel Petrovich considers them powerless

"cynics, nahala and plebies", they do not respect the people and traditions,

but he consults himself by the fact that there are few of them. Bazaarov must notice: "From

kopeful candle Moscow burned down. "What do Nihilists say? before

all the need for revolutionary actions, so the criterion for

they are folk benefit. Bazarov believes that the people are still dark and

ignorant, he is full of prejudice, but still in spirit he


Pavel Petrovich dies the patriarchality of the Russian people, not

understanding him in essence. Considering yourself liberal, he nevertheless

talking to a man, sniffing english cologne is

an important feature that characterizes it as a person by making conclusions,

it can be said that the disputes were not on private issues. They are

relate to this and future Russia in all disputes last

the word remained behind the bazaarov.

The compromise between the heroes of Turgenev is impossible, confirmation

this is a duel. The main reason that caused the hate of the senior

Kirsanova to Bazarov, consisted in what he is unlikely

i was recognized even myself: the bazaars crossed all his life.

Pavel Kirsanov believed that he had a noble life that he was worthy

respect. And from the point of view of Bazarov, his life is meaningless.

The discrepancy in the views of the main characters is their biographies.

Pavel Petrovich - the Son of General, a brilliant officer who missed

all their mental strength in pursuit of his beloved woman. When she

died, he left the light, left his career and settled at his brother to

live the eyelid. He is trying to make changes to his estate and

the farm, considers himself liberal only because in their estate

beat the fastener whip, but he is not able to understand the requirements

new era, the views of the younger generation to him deeply alien. ABOUT

past Bazarov we know little, but we understand that his way is

typical path of the all-wheelchair. Years of stubborn labor

made it with an educated person. He proudly declares:

"My grandfather's grandfather smelled." Bazarov's parents are very religious,

their interests are limited. Bazarov raised himself himself. how many

prejudice how many habits rooted from childhood should

was overcome Eugene to raise himself. Bazarov - man

strong um and character. A lot of such bazaars knew Russia:

after all, Belinsky, whose memory is devoted to Roman, and Dobrolyubov

passed heavy schools. Brothers Kirsanov - Aristocrats.

Turgenev wrote: "They are the best of the nobles - that is why they

chosen by me to prove their failure. "Very bitter

that their life passes so worthless, although they possess

undoubted advantages. Pavel Petrovich is very noble

belongs to his brother, to Fenzheka, he is honest, constant in love, understands

art. Nikolai Petrovich, his brother, a very sensitive man, he

benevolent, soft-hearted, fond of music, but his life

monotony and boring. Bazarov introduces fresh air to "Generic nest"

Kirsanov Eugene appears before us as a new man

generation that came to replace the "fathers" not able to solve

the main problems of the era.

Dobrolyubov wrote about the people of Bazarovsky type even before the appearance of the image

Bazarov, arguing that they are solved "to step onto the road

merciless negation for finding clean truth. "Their ultimate

the goal is "bringing it is possible greater use of humanity."

The formation of their ideology did not do without extremes, they believed

essentially in science, but it was they who moved progress in Russia.

I would like to finish the written writing: the fathers conflict with

"Children" - the key to those continuous changes in which something is looking for something

God, playing the change of generations.

181. About ideological fashion and beliefs in "fathers and children" I.S. Turgenev

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev - a first-class relief-realist, one of

the most remarkable Russian writers of the XIX century. Extreme

man of his era, humanist, enemy of slavery and arbitrariness, he is much

i saw and understood, feeling brewing big changes in Russia.

His position in the context of the aggravated class struggle of the Bo-X-70s

the years was complicated and largely contradictory. Critically regarding

people of their social circle, noting a number of weaknesses and flaws

noble intelligentsia, Turgenev did not share revolutionary

the beliefs of the new generation, he understood that they were right, but

they were alien to him in spirit. He could not accept ideas about the need

revolution, violent, indigenous breakdown of existing

relations, he "Petal Menietary Democratism Chernyshevsky and

Dobrolyubova. "In this, the reason for the breaking of it with the" contemporary ". However

Turgenev until the end of life has retained a deep interest in activities

revolutionary youth, he took care of all

manifestations of best public thought. Characterize

creativity Turgenev, Dobrolyubov wrote that he "quickly guess

new needs, new ideas introduced into public consciousness.

In 1862, Turgenev wrote the novel "Fathers and Children" - one of the best

novels like art

in abnormal skill and in depth, latitude and relevance of the main

topics. It was not a tribute to ideological fashion, Turgenev honestly in the novel

i tried to show two forces: Liberal nobility / in the face of brothers

Kirsanov / and Camp of Revolutionaries-Democrats Presented

while loner bazaarov. Turgenev wrote: "All my story

directed against the aristocracy as an advanced class. "

Representatives of the past - "fathers" - depicted with merciless in

; richness. They are good people, but they will not regret these good people

Russia. Turgenev does not satisfy nor "fathers", nor "children", writer not

loved Bazarov, but admitted his strength, his advantage over the surrounding

people, so he brought him a complete tribute to him. In the interpretation

Bazarov affected the class limitations of Turgenev. Man S.

such qualities as bazaars could do a lot, but he dies

without making anything. This affected the disbelief of Turgenev in force

the differences, in the ideal of revolutionary democracy. Pisarev in the article

"Bazarov" saw in Turgenev Hero typical features of young

between democratic magazines due to an understanding of the image of Bazar

article Criticism Pisareva played the role of enhancing the critical

relationship to Bazarov on the pages of the contemporary magazine. In the second

the article Pisarev changed his eyes at Bazarov and put it in

one row with the hero of the novel Chernyshevsky "What to do?" -

Rakhmetov. Turgenev himself said that the bazaars - his "enemy", to

which he feels a unwitting attraction.

Liberal-Shadenoven Turgenev believed that revolutionary

activities in Russia will not find a response and support of the people. That

he drew his hero. Bazarov says before

death: "I need Russia ... no, it can be seen, not needed." In this ideological

confusion Turgenev. What to say about ideological fashion and beliefs?

If you compare Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova with Nazarov, then it can be seen

Bazarov is convinced of his positions, and Kirsanov draws more,

giving tribute to fashion. With all its "liberal beams" and

statements about "love for progress" Pavel Petrovich conservative

intramit and classovo are limited in their views. One detail: he

sniffs cologne when talking with a man because

"smells bad". Is it a love of neighbor? Words Kirsanova

dissolve with the case, he is liberal, because it is fashionable to be liberal. BUT

what is liberal in it? Once a month the man saves from

execution? But "if the cream is such, then what milk", that is

uneducated nobility. Bazarov asks Arkady ,. Seeing

scented, flawlessly dressed in the last fashion / and it is in the village /

Kirsanova: "What is this archaic phenomenon?" Pavel, Petrovich

lights a contemptuous phrase: "Who is this hairy?" Before you

completely different people in education, belief, origin.

Bazarov criticizes the idleness of the nobility: "You respect yourself, and sit

folded hands, what kind of benefit from this? "Bazarov is" a man of business, and not

phrases "he possesses not only a big mind, but also a huge force

will. The Bazarov has an important principle - to do what is useful.

Turgenev in the novel shows and caricature heroes - these are sicks and

Kukshin. If for aristocrats tribute fashion - seem progressive

liberals, then for Sitnikov and Kukshina tribute to fashion - count

nihilists. Kukshin and Sitniks grabbed nihilism because

that he is fashionable because it looks like a progressive person

prestigious. But all their nihilism is small and showing out. Sitnikov shouts:

before which drives? Bazarov does not need a lot of mind to

understand that the Sitnikov can scream back tomorrow. Kukshin counts

an advanced, emancipated woman. But Turgenev is one

the phrase makes it clear that she is just a stupid, unhappy woman,

which there are no children and her husband, and nothing remains to be

"Emancovype". In her room "paper, letters, thick numbers of Russian

magazines, mostly incomprehensible, lying on dusty

tables ", these are empty chatters that" hold the nose in the wind ", and if

they used to be just nerds then they suddenly became

nihilists. They have no certain looks, their beliefs, and

when Nihilism comes out of fashion, they will definitely be retreated from him. W.

Bazarov has its own principles, and he strictly follows them. "I am aboch

opinions do not share: I have my own, "he says. The problem of" fathers "and

"Children", the search for the ideal and meaning of life at all times was pretty

acutely. The situation of young people in society Marx called the tragedy

the younger generation that the world has already formed and not

always gives yourself a report in what can change it. Kirsanov B.

Bazarov immediately felt the enemy, because he crossed

all his "active" life. Bazarov clearly made that "fathers" did not

could solve the main problems of the era. Now disputes do not subscribe

about the novel and does not lose interest in him because society

divided by convictions for two forces: a camp of democrats that

ready to go along the new way, and the camp of adherents of the idea of \u200b\u200bsocialism,

which did not justify himself. For whom is the future of the country? It seems to me

the man is spiritually revived, no democrats, nor

conservatives pull Russia from the abyss. In a dispute with Dobrolyubov

and Chernyshevsky right were Turgenev, Lion Tolstoy. None

the violent revolution will not change the life of the people. Will not be

moral perfection. And life is indisputably proved.

182. Bazarov - tragic face (for the novel Turgenev "Fathers and Children")

In Russian literature there are a number of names, without which we cannot

imagine the existence of the whole national culture. These

names are known to everyone, because when we hear them, we have

clear associations arise with works included in

treasury of world literature, with time, in which they worked

these great people.

One of these great names is Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. His

works can not be confused with anyone, in them - individuality

how would the events, new trends in modern him

life, passing through the prism of his own sensations, views on

different problems. In the true masterpieces of Turgenev with a big

psychological reliability reveal the characters of heroes.

The writer is trying to explain their actions and thoughts. Heroes exist

not torn off from the surrounding world, they are closely connected with it,

subjected to its influence, are penetrated with newcomer ideas, and

sometimes they reject them after long searches and errors.

Roman "Fathers and Children" (1862) appeared after the author's gap with

magazine "Contemporary" in another magazine "Russian Bulletin". Novel

fight. Student unrest broke out in St. Petersburg, and began

mass arrests. Fires began in the city. The appearance of the novel

caused a storm. Many met novel hostile. On Turgenev

those and these, that is, from the camp "children", and from the camp "fathers".

Turgenev wrote Polina Viardo: "I tried to present conflict

two generations. "

The novel shows a new type of advanced allocating manner -

democrata Bazarov, "man of business, not phrases." Bazarov - a man from

other world, from a different environment than the writer himself. Turgenev noted

the emergence of new people who call themselves nihilists. Writer

considers this phenomenon in different aspects. It would seem, and bazaars, and

Arkady Kirsanov, and Sitnikov belong to one category of people,

adhered to certain principles. They call themselves

it is clear that neither Arkady nor the Sitnikov has their beliefs,

this is a temporary passion for fashionable flow, but no more. Turgenev

showed his hero with a single, who understands that their "nihilism"

This is a pathetic imitation of a strong personality. Turgeneva Ne.

nor "fathers", nor "children" satisfy. He could not love Bazarov, but

he recognized his power and gave him a tribute, full of respect. Turgenev Ne.

it sympathizes not one of its actors.

Representatives of the past ("fathers") are depicted with merciless

loyalty. They are good people, but they will not regret these good people

Bazarov, a strong man in mind and character, constitutes the center of the novel.

He is a representative of a new young generation, in his personality

they grouped those features that were inherent in revolutionary

because he does not meet an equal one and everything has his own

own beliefs. "I do not support any other opinions, I have

your own ", - semistensively declares bazaars. In his mental

requests of bazaars above the environment. Passion for sciences

the desire to get to the bottom, a wide range and critical

attitude to reality, self-esteem - here

characteristic features of Evgeny Bazarov. Critic Pisarev Posal

Bazarov in one row with the hero of Roman Chernyshevsky - Rakhmetov.

this is its feature is over. He says: "First you need a place

clearing, but to build others. "Bazarov's glances expressed in

disputes with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, close to the leaders

revolutionary democracy, but it is much different in what

with them. Pisarev wrote that "Bazarovshchina is a disease of that

time, and it must be taught. "Bazarov, obsessed with this disease,

it is distinguished by a wonderful mind and as a result, it produces a strong

the impression on the people around him. "Pechistan has the will without

knowledge, Rudiny - knowledge without will, in bazaaries there are knowledge and

will, thought and things merge into one of the whole, "wrote Pisarev. By

the opinion of Turgenev, Bazarov early came to life, he could do

much, but "dies, without making anything." There is in it and negative

damn, this affected the class limitations of Turgenev itself.

Bazaars that, unfortunately, rightly, completely and next denies

things that do not know and does not understand. Poetry, in his opinion, nonsense,

enjoy nature - ridiculous. Love for Eugene is just

physiological need. Life makes an adjustment in his

views for love. Bazarov deeply suffers after the failure of the Oblovo

but this does not become smaller. Human ability deep

to love Turgenev considered the measure of his values \u200b\u200bas a person. Turgenev

many of their heroes have been tested by love. Bazarov enters B.

the sphere of sophisticated experiences, which he did not take before. From

it is not a trace of confidence. Passion is entirely capturing

hero, but he finds the strength in himself, unlike Pavel Petrovich,

break with a selfish woman, despite the tragity of this

ripple. Bazarov is capable of deep critical self-analysis and

rethinking past beliefs. And this is his power. Rejected

he still won a moral victory. After death

Dobrolyubova Turgenev said: "It is a pity of the dead, in vain spent

forces. "He said the same thing about Bazarov.

In the farewell words of the dying baza carriage, the main meaning was concluded

his life finale: "Do I need Russia? ... no, it can be seen, not needed ..."

The origins of the suffering of Bazarov - prematureness of the appearance, lack

allies, painful loneliness. Turgenev wrote to her friend:

"I dreamed of a pussy, wild, big, strong, evil,

but honest. And yet doomed to death, because it stands in

the eve of the future ... "This interpretation fully explains

solemn Accord, the final history of the "New Man".

The protagonist "fathers and children" did not know the compromises, did not lead

egoistic self-preservation feeling. In our time restructuring

life on this type of personality can be only equal. More important

for us and more. Bazarov selflessly opposed the routine

spiritual stagnation, dreamed of approval of new public

relationship, new culture. Origins, conditions, results

activities were, of course, others. But the idea itself is to remake

the world, the soul of man, breathe into her live energy of daring - not

may not worry today.

The problems set by Turgenev in the novel are always relevant.

Conflict "fathers" with "children" - the key to those continuous changes in

which is something looking for God, playing the change of generations ...

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