Prime Minister Great Britain Anthony Blair. Tony Blair: Biography and Interesting Facts

Anthony Charles Linton "Tony" Blair (Born on May 6, 1953) - British politician, former Great British Prime Minister from May 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007. From 1994 to 2007, he was also the leader of the Labor Party, and from 1983 to 2007 by parliamentaries from the SJFILD constituency. When Blair removed his powers of the Prime Minister and the deputy, he was appointed by the official representative "Middle Eastern Quartet" - UN, EU, USA and Russia, and in January 2008 he began working as a senior adviser in the American bank JPMorgan Chase..

Blair was chosen by the leader of the Labor Party in July 1994 after the sudden death of his predecessor John Smith. Under the control of Blair, the party dropped the policy, which was followed by decades and won a decisive victory in the 1997 elections.

Blair was a laborist premier, who served the longest period, and the only party leader, who spent his batch through three consecutive victories in the elections.

Tony Blair was born in the Scottish city of Edinburgh in a lawyer's family. As a child, she lived in Australia for three years.

From 1961 to 1966, a private school of singers at the Daurt Cathedral, along with Rowan Atkinson, the future actor and the executor of Mr. Bina's role. Then Tony Blair entered the privileged private school Fettes College in Edinburgh. In Fettes, Tony did not differ in approximate behavior, he hated the official form of clothing, which was mandatory for all students, imitating Miku Jaggeru went in jeans and rose long hair. Teachers constantly complained about him because he interfered with classes.

In 1971-72, Tony Blair left London to try himself in rock music before studying jurisprudence in St. John's College of Oxford University. A student Tony Blair was a vocalist in the UGLY Rumours group. In 1975, he received a diploma of the second degree of bachelor of law.

After the end of Oxford Tony Blair joined the Labor Party. In 1976 he became a member of Lincolns-Inn as a student of Barrister. In the summer of 1976, Tony went to France and worked at the hotel's bar in Paris.

Start of political activity

In 1975, after graduating from the university, he taught right in Oxford, after which he began to work in the law office of Darry Irwin, a close friend, one of the leaders of the Labor Party of John Smith, under the influence of which Tony Blair began political activities. In 1983, he had just made a place in parliament, representing the Syrfield District - the mining region in the north. Actively engaged in the party struggle, the future prime minister was engaged in journalism and in 1987-1988 led his own column in Times. Career quickly walked to the mountain, and in 1992, Blair was elected to the Party Executive Committee.

At the head of the party

Active and ambitious politician, Blair quickly walked along the steps of the party hierarchy. On July 21, 1994, Tony Blair after 11 years of parliamentary activity becomes the youngest leader of the Labor Party in its entire history. Then he was only 41 years old.

Blair became an ideal political leader for the Labor Party, to a large extent decided the outcome of the 1997 parliamentary elections in favor of their party.


Blair was elected overwhelming majority of votes, the British Social Democrats did not know this victory for the whole century. The UK Prime Minister, following the elections of 1997, changed the conservative of John Major, interrupted the 18-year period of the Board of Tori.

From May 2, 1997 - Prime Minister of Great Britain. Revised in the 2001 and 2005 elections.

On May 10, 2007, Tony Blair announced that on June 27 she would serve the Queen on resignation from the post of prime minister. A predetermined successor Blair was the chancellor of the Treasury of Scotland Gordon Brown.

Known as the Prime Minister, the most loyal to the United States.

After the resignation

On the day of resignation, June 27, 2007, appointed in the special price of the world of the quartet in the Middle Eastern settlement.

In January 2008, he was appointed senior advisor and member of the JPMorgan Chase international affairs council. Blair also works as an adviser to the Financial Group "Zurich Finengial".

In July 2009, Tony Blair announced a strategic partnership with the University of Durtern. Similar partnerships were concluded with the Yale University and the National University of Singapore, in order to create a global network of twelve leading research universities to promote his faith and globalization initiative (Faith and Globalization Initiative) in collaboration with the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.

Since the beginning of 2010, Blair is an adviser to the owner of the French group of companies LVMH Bernard Arno. Since the autumn of 2011, Tony Blair advised Nursultan Nazarbayeva's economic reforms on economic reforms.

Interesting Facts

* In 1999, Blair for his contribution to the settlement of the conflict in Northern Ireland and participation in the 1998 Belfast Agreement received an international premium to them. Karl the Great.

* On May 22, 2008, Tony Blair became an honorary doctor of the Rights of the University of Queens in Belfast for his contribution to the settlement of the conflict in Northern Ireland.

* In 2009, US President George Bush presented Tony Blair a presidential medal of freedom.

* In 2007, Robert Harris wrote a novel "Ghost", in which Tony Blair was depicted in the form of Premier Adam Lang, the British Premiere under the influence of the CIA. In 2010, the premiere of the film "Ghost", shot by Roman Polansky on the book.

* Michael Shin played the role of Tony Blair three times: in the telephone "Transaction" 2003, in the film "Queen" 2006 and in the television film "Special relationship" 2010.

* Blair - record holder among British laborists for the duration of stay at the head of the party. In the XX century, only Blair and Margaret Thatcher remained in power for three general election campaigns.

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History department

Tony Blair and his contribution to the political life of modern UK

Course work


In the 90s of the 20th century, in the Labor Party of Great Britain, the current arises by the "new laborism". Its representatives performed for the third option (after the variants of liberals, traditional laborists and conservatives) or the "third path" of solving social problems, based on the principle "from the state of universal well-being - to the public of universal benefits." "New Laborists" were characteristic of the "third path" as a special way of social development, which provided for the distinction of the functions of the state and society in solving a social issue: the state was launched only on the main areas of social policy in order to ensure the poorest, and the society should have solved all the others Social problems by stimulating the activity of citizens.

The leader of the Labor Party from 1994 to 2007 was Tony Blair, today the former Prime Minister of Great Britain. Date of birth: May 6, 1953. Place of birth: city Edinburgh (Scotland). If you briefly describe his figure in the international political arena, it is worth saying the following.

British Prime Minister (1997-2007), the youngest prime minister in the last 200 years. Member of the House of Commons of Parliament (1983-2007), the leader of the Labor Party (1994-2007), the founder of the so-called "new laborism" ideas. He conducted policies for the decentralization of state power, began to lose popularity after the United Kingdom participated in the Afghan and Iraq campaigns. On June 27, 2007, he left the post of prime minister, giving way to the new leader of Labor Players Gordon Brown. On the day, Blair was appointed a special representative of the "Middle East Quartet" (Russia, EU, USA, UN). Later, in January 2008, he became a senior adviser to the American bank JPMorgan Chase.

The main aspects of the British politics, which were in the center of his election program in 1997, - education, health care, crime - and are now priority for him.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the contribution of Tony Blair in all the variety of political, social and other life of the UK.

This goal is specified in the following tasks:

Make a brief overview of the biography of Tony Blair, the features of his personal and family life.

Make a generalized political portrait of Tony Blair as an international leader.

Analyze the main directions of political activities Tony Blair. Blair Pre-election politician

Evaluate the total contribution of this figure to the development of Great Britain.

Thus, the chronological framework of work can be denoted by a temporary interval from 1994 to 2007 (from the moment Blair entry into the position of the leader of the Labor Party until his resignation from the post of Prime Minister). We clarify that, in order to expand the research context, we retrospectively appeal to deeper periods, namely, by the second half of the twentieth century, since it was in this segment that Tony Blair was becoming the formation of a future active figure of international political arena.

In our work, we will talk about the biography of Tony Blair, since it was because of his life path and formed in his course of personal characteristics, he managed to achieve so significant heights in politics and not only. We also denote the political portrait of Tony Blair, its achievements and the main directions of its work is such a content of two heads of our work.

Chapter 1. Biography Tony Blair

1.1 History of the Personal Life Tony Blair

Anthony Charles Linton Blair was born in 1953 in Edinburgh in the family of a university law teacher. Childhood and youth held England and Australia. Blair became the one wanted, but his father did not have time to become a successful politician. However, this similarity ends. In their political views, they are very different, although the father had a great influence in childhood on Tony. The son of a convinced conservative and atheist became the leader of the Laborians and a very religious person. An apple in his case fell very far from the apple tree.

Leo Blair, Father Anthony, despite his left preferences in his youth, most of the conscious life supported the conservative party and confidently paved his way to parliament in the English town of Durham in the northeast of England. Having heading the local conservative association, Leo had a good chance to achieve large heights in politics, and besides, he was a successful lawyer. But life ordered in his own way. When Blair-youngee was 11 years old, the father had a stroke.

This misfortune left a significant and deep mark in the psyche Tony. To see unexpectedly chained to the bed of man is not just close, but extremely active and energetic, in the heyday, showed how the ghostly constancy of life, as it is unpredictable and change. From these serious impressions, Blair extracts for himself a lesson - the life of short and change, if you want to achieve something - I appreciate the time allotted by fate, do not lose it in vain, acting purposefully. Perhaps the influence of the Father's complex - deprivation as a child as a support - not only played a role in the formation of the character of Blair, but also manifested itself in the motives of his political speeches, for which the life-affirming themes of the Renaissance, renewal, youth.

In childhood and adolescence, Tony Blair was in kind of very stalling, more than once, he created problems for parents and teachers. At the end of the elementary school, it was determined in Fettes - a prestigious private boarding school in Scotland. In addition to some real celebrities, "studied" and fictional, books, such as James Bond.

In such schools in the conditions of tough discipline, the future British ruling elite was brought up. Provining teenagers often sequels in rugs, the practice of the grandfather dominated everything. The younger in age, the guys had to "work" on high school students: to clean their shoes, rubbing buckles and perform other whims. Tony strongly suffered from such orders. When it came to go to Fettes for the second academic year, he, having fascinated with his parents, immediately jumped off the train across the opposite door, got to the airport and tried to get the plane flying to the Bahamas. However, vigilant controllers discovered the "hare" on time. I had to be returned to the unloved school.

In the high school classes, Tony became one of the local started. At the same time, he constantly violated the rules of wearing school uniform, growed long hair, checked over the teachers, during the lessons sang songs from the repertoire of his musical idol - Mika Jagger. Without times, the panning guy was threatened by the deduction. However, in the same years, Blair showed an inquisitive mind, and acting granted, and the quality of the leader.

After graduating from school, he was seriously carried away by rock music and a whole year before entering the university drove in London on an old mini bus, promoting his youth group. As a student of the Oxford College of St. John, Blair becomes a soloist in a group called "Ugly rumors." Its appearance is all the same: long stocking hair, extravagant clothing. Favorite book at 18 years old is the biography of Lion Trotsky.

But the defiant behavior of Blair was not a blind protest. The rejection of conformism was combined with his ideological quests, tight to reflections. Marxism quickly lost the attractiveness in favor of Christian socialism for Tony, and the Bible eventually took the place of Trotsky's books on Blair's Table.

More than once, in the future, Blair will have to be rided in front of financial aces, newspaper magnates and born nobles, to perform a lot of conventions of etiquette of the highest society, which a career obliges public policy. But it was Blair that exhibit hereditary peers from the House of Lords, it is when it will be prohibited in private schools, it will be it that will take rock musicians to Downing Street, it is with it that the social status of a person will finally cease to determine the genealogy and titles, but exclusively professional achievements.

1.2 Family Life and Her features

Marriage Tony Blair and Shary Booth, the daughter of the English actor, are connected since 1980. Then they not only filed high hopes as lawyers, but both had political ambitions. Surya has already stated that he wanted to be the first to be the first to the premiere in Britain. Friends perceived her claims seriously, and Blair referred a brilliant career career. In fact, it turned out the opposite.

The wife of Tony Blair is constantly called Cherry, although she still tortured to explain that her name is pronounced as Sheri. So called her father in honor of the girl who accidentally met him in a cafe where he came with a pregnant wife. In this frivolous solution there was all Tony Booth - a unlucky, but a non-merging actor. Shary Blair at age 17 without exams accepted the economy in the famous London School. Four years later, the famous lawyer Derry Irwin offered Surya to pass his lawyer's course. Together with it, the qualification was another new student - a shaggy parenchy with hopping ears, a graduate of a prestigious private school named Anthony Blair.

Sheri was a laburist in convictions and even for a family tradition. Blair's father, a successful lawyer, according to tradition, voted for conservatives, but, thinking, Tony also joined the workers' party. He and his wife together went to rallies against accommodation in the Britain of American missiles. Together they advocated the rights of immigrants from the Third World.

At Sheri, who was accustomed to a child in childhood in everything, the thrust for luxury has awakened over the years. Dresses She wears though modest, but from the best fashion designers, and on the furniture and other home atmosphere do not want to save. Moreover, the modesty of dresses turns out to be forced: all attempts to dress the bed were rummaged by the press.

When in 1997, Cheta Blairov moved to Downing Street, 10, they had already two sons and daughter. Long before that, the spouses agreed that they would not hide the seren and children from the lenses of the camera and cameras. This was done at the insistence of spouse who wanted to spend as much time as possible with her husband. Blair attended twice at child birth. He did not see anything special in the night to get up to his concerned babies.

Blair's concern about unnecessary public attention to his family has just been justified. The prime minister discovered that his interests as politics and father could come across each other to conflict, and, to his honor, he made a choice in favor of the latter.

But with all that Blair, do not mind the use of paternity to achieve the desired public effect. In his speeches, you can often find such phrases as: "I tell you this not only as the Prime Minister, but also as a father" or "My children are missing for me, but they are for my presence here." To resolve political collisions, Blair is often addressed for help to his wife. For example, it was Sheri who called the deputies of parliament, convincing them not to vote against the government's decision to join the war with Iraq.

2. Politician Portrait of Tony Blair

2.1 Professional formation and path to a large policy

In 1975, after graduating from the University, Anthony Blair taught the right in Oxford, after which he began to work in the law office of Darry Irwin, a close friend, one of the leaders of the Labor Party of John Smith, under the influence of which Tony Blair began political activities. In 1983, he had just made a place in parliament, representing the Syrfield District - the mining region in the north. Actively engaged in the party struggle, the future prime minister was engaged in journalism and in 1987--1988 led his own column in Times. Career quickly walked to the mountain, and in 1992, Blair was elected to the Party Executive Committee.

In 1983 he was elected a member of the House of Commons of the British Parliament. I was adjacent to right-wing laborists, supporters of party reform. In the 1980s, he held various posts in the Shadow Cabinet of Ministers, became a member of the National Party Executive Committee. In 1992, the new leader of Labor Players John Smith appointed Blair to the post of Minister of Internal Affairs in the Shadow Cabinet, and after the death of Smith in 1994, Blair headed the party.

Blair intensively conducted party reform: I sought to make the party's position with more centrist and more attractive for voters, reduce the role of traditional unions, for which he received the prick of the godfather of the "New Laborism".

In 1997, the Labor Party won a convincing victory on the universal parliamentary elections, and Blair took the post of Prime Minister. The Blair's government conducted a policy on the decentralization of state power, resolving the conflict in Northern Ireland, reforming the social sphere and establishing relations with the European Union.

In 1999, the United Kingdom took part in the Yugoslav conflict (Blair supported the United States the concept of "Humanitarian Intervention").

In 2001, the Labor Party received most of the parliamentary elections. The second term Blair as the Prime Minister passed under the sign started by the United States "war against terror". The United Kingdom participated in military operations in Afghanistan in 2001 and in Iraq in 2003. Such a foreign policy of the Blair government caused discontent in the Labor Party and in the country as a whole.

In 2003, the scandal broke out around the reporting of BBC News on subtractors of intelligence information in the pre-war period and suicide expert on biological armaments David Kelly. Although in January 2004, an independent commission took off the charges of travelers and pressure on Kelly, the criticism of the premiere and government did not subside. Blair himself continued to insist on the correctness of the chosen foreign policy.

In 2005, Blair for the third time in a row led Laborov to victory in parliamentary elections, but the number of parties in parliament in comparison with previous elections was significantly reduced. The loss of the popularity of the premiere and his party contributed to the publication of new materials about the period of preparation for war with Iraq. Elections to municipal authorities in May 2006, Laborists lost. The level of Blair's support in the country has reached record low indicators, and in the party itself grew the movement of opponents of the Prime Minister. At the same time, Blair collided with a new wave of criticism in connection with the UK politics in Iraq.

In May 2006, under pressure from criticism, Blair said that in the summer of 2007, he plans to resign. The most likely successor Blair believed his long-standing companion Gordon Brown, Minister of Finance, which, according to observers, in the years of Blair's premiership, was almost uniquely supervised by the country's economic policy. On November 16, 2006, the Prime Minister officially called Brown with his successor.

In March 2006, there was a loud scandal around the election campaign conducted by Laborists in 2005: he is known as "loans for Paria". It turned out that certain sponsors of the party in exchange for large cash loans were offered honorary titles. On December 14, 2006, the Prime Minister gave testimony in this case.

On May 10, 2007, Blair made a long-awaited statement about the date of his resignation: he said that he would leave the post of premiere on June 27 of the same year. On June 24, internal elections were held in the Labor Party, according to the results of which Brown became the leader of the Laborians. On June 27, Blair officially left the head of the head of the government, giving him to Brown.

On the same day, four parties participating in the Middle Eastern settlement process ("Middle Eastern Quartet" - Russia, EU, USA and the UN) approved Blair as their special representative in the region. In this regard, the ex-prime minister left his place in the community chamber. In January 2008, Blair was also appointed a senior adviser and a member of the Council on International Relations of the Large American Bank JPMorgan Chase.

Blair became a record holder among the Labor Guide Prime Ministers on the duration of stay at the post. He was the youngest leader of the Labor Party in the history and the youngest Prime Minister of Great Britain for almost 200 years. The only one of the leaders of Labor Players, Blair brought the party to three victories on the general election in a row. On the other hand, Blair's opponents believe that his policy led to a split inside the party and in society as a whole.

2.2 Transformation in education

First, we denote the transformation in the field of education. Almost no one in the UK believed that it would happen: opposition, and the left wing of the ruling Labor Party, and students, and trade unions, and the public are generally. "All public opinion polls show the unpopularity of this idea, but the government stubbornly pushes it," complained on the eve of January 28, the BBC Member of the Frank Dobson community chamber, one of the left Laborists. The new law, which should replace the higher education law on the higher education (The Higher Education Bill), underwent critical criticism in the press and received a contemptuous nickname "TOP-UP FEES BILL" (Act on Additional Education Accounts).

On the eve of the first reading of the Law in Parliament, the Minister of Education in the Shadow Cabinet of the Liberal Democrats (Parts, a quickly becoming "second force" in the UK - in a crisis in the ranks of the conservatives and a sharp drop in the popularity of the Labor Players), a member of the Chamber of Commons Phil Willis issued a special statement in which It propheted that the government law would destroy the UK education system on the "Eternal Eternal" (the statement is called: "Top-Up Fees Bill Will Damage Education Forever!").

Oxford students and joined Brooks and Raskin-College students captured the main building of the University of Oxford University - in protest against government plans. And they were supported not only their own, British, students, but also students of the FRG. By the time of the beginning of the discussion of the draft law, the national trade union of the students gathered a rally right in front of Westminster walls. Nothing helped. Top-Up Fees Bill passed 316 votes against 311. Blair's opponents reassured themselves by the fact that it was Pierry Victory (an advantage of 5 votes in Parliament, where the ruling party has in the House of Communities most of the 161th voice, is rather a shame). Yen Gibson, one of the leaders of the left laborists in parliament, publicly swore that he would not sleep until the abolition of this law would achieve. Student organizations also swear that the struggle is not completed. But all this is already a concussion on March 31 "Top-Up Fees Bill" safely passed the second reading in the community chamber. The bureaucratic car is no longer stopped.

Tony Blair gave everyone to clearly understand that the adoption of this law is not a culture and non-economy, but politicians, having tied him with the videos of confidence in the government (that is, undergoing its own party to blackmail). "Back Me Or Sack Me (Support Me or Eat)," he said to his opponents in the ranks of the Laborians. Never had a special risky, Blair suddenly showed just miracles of courage, because his reputation was already hung on the balance because of the scandal due to the death of a former governmental expert on the arms of David Kelly, who disclose data on the falsification by the government and the special services "Iraqi dossier". Both events - and the adoption of Top-Up Fees Bill, and the publication of the verdict of the commission of Lord Hatton on the "Celly case" - occurred almost simultaneously.

What could be the cause of such transformations, such political behavior of Blair? This, figuratively speaking, "weaving" is called: the power of corporations. It was the corporation that forced the Government of the Laborians for the second time in a row to change the law on higher education, commercializing and promoting the Higher School of Britain and destroying the education system that the Laborians themselves created the period from the time of Harolda Wilson. Labor players today are determined by the country's accession to the Bologna process. It was the Laborist Minister of Education Baroness Tass Blackstone that signed both fundamental documents of the Bologna Process - and the Sorbonne Declaration (1998), and Bologna (1999). Immediately after this, the Laborians canceled free education in state universities (and in the UK all universities, except for one, state), introducing a fee for training in the amount of 1125 f. Art. in year. True, the Scots, to their honor, beat off - and paid education was introduced only in England and Wales. The result of the fact that it has become possible to seriously earn in education, it was easily predicted in advance: new and new universities are in the country as rabbits (this is now a profitable business) with the monstrous quality of education (that is, everything like us). And since all of them were universities with state and students on the law paid not a complete amount, and at best, a third - the rest paid clearance, money in the budget for the highest school became catastrophically miss.

It remains to wait for the leadership of less money from the treasury and therefore beggar universities will come together, "and" go to meet him. " That Blair now did. He stated: since the state has no money for higher education, let students themselves pay for education. At the same time, Blair resorted to the social demagogue of the Goebbels sample. "Fair," he asked, "to impose an additional tax to the majority of the population that has not studied at universities? In my opinion, no. " This was also preceded by a well-compressed "riot" rectors and vice-chancersters of the most prestigious Universities of the island (included in the so-called Russel Group), which demanded - in connection with the fall in the prestige of British diplomas - allow them to "enter the market" and independently set prices for training (According to them, this is 12 thousand f. Art. per year), as well as resolve an unlimited set of foreign students (which pay for the full cost).

As a result, "Top-Up Fees Bill" the cost of higher education in Britain from 2006 will increase to 3 thousand f. Art. in year. At the same time, the introducing system appearance looks like humane. Students from poor families who have proven their talentedness have the right to count on the fact that they will receive a $ 1,200 pounds from the state and, if lucky, support from a university in the amount of 300 pounds. It's not all. It is assumed that students, if they won't object (and they will not, it is obvious), they will not be able to pay money immediately, but at the end of the university, - moreant from the moment they will earn at least 15 thousand f. Art. in year. The payments themselves should not be less than 9% of annual income. In the meantime, the state will pay for students. Formally it will look like this: the state will give students interest-free loans. It would seem, what's the corporation? And because of what protests? All this looks like clean water charity.

But what's. If the British state has lacking money today in order to pay part of the cost of higher education, where will the money suddenly take to pay all the costs? And at the same time for at least 5 years in a row without receiving any returns (and many students, such as physicians, learn longer). The government assumes to take loans for these purposes from private banks. So, for higher education will still pay the ordinary taxpayer (the one that, in Blair, "in universities has not studied").

But large capital now "puts on the hook" not only the state, but also graduates of universities. Since now all graduates will become debtors. The average British student today leaves the university with a debt loop on the neck of 15 thousand f. Art., And a medical student - in 50 thousand f. Art. This debt incomes due to the fact that scholarships in British universities are canceled, and benefits and textbooks, consumables, reagents, etc., including housing and food, students must pay from their pocket. Now the graduates will reach the credit for education. Meanwhile, as the US experience showed, those who pay on the loan (for example, for housing) are the ideal workforce, from the point of view of corporations. Debtors do not rebellious. The one who pays on the loan is incomprehensible. The least, he will risk arguing with the authorities at work, to defend its rights, contradict the employer: he is afraid to lose his job - and, therefore, the ability to continue regular loan payments (as you know, the lender, if he does not pay, has the right to take away the property for non-payment The debtor is a house, for example).

It looks especially cynical here that British graduates will not pay not immediately after the end of universities, but only when they begin to earn more than 15 thousand f. Art. in year. Meanwhile, annual income, such as lecturers, united in the Lecturers of the UK Lecturers (most of the trade union consists of recent university graduates), less than this amount. Thus, this condition "TOP-UP FEES BILL" stretches the period during which a graduate of the university is forced to be dependent and submissive, who are afraid of defending their political and social rights.

In addition, the direct interest of corporations to Top-Up Fees Bill is that the new law puts the competitiveness of British education at the head of the corner. Asks: And who is now a competitor to the British Higher School? Higher US school. What is this competition manifest? In the fact that during the RaiganIniki "in the United States, a large number of new universities, student students of de facto on accelerated methods, and in many old universities, new training programs focused on mass production of ultra-suite specialists were introduced in many old universities. Do not have a sufficient margin of knowledge (especially - fundamental knowledge), which could provide them with at least relative independence from the employer (due to the knowledge of "related regions" and, therefore, "related professions").

Such employees are ideal for corporations, especially in mass unemployment. On the one hand, they have diplomas about higher education, on the other hand, they actually have only secondary technical education, and then within their narrow specialty, that is, such that is usually not average special educational institutions (technical schools), but courses.

Such employees, by virtue of their limited education and a limited horizon, are not only afraid to defend their rights from fear to lose highly specialized work, but they are simply not able to understand exactly how the employer violates their rights, how to make corporations - and even just like The economic strategy of their employer looks like. An example of a graduate of the "Reganized" university, which has a diploma of higher technical education, but not able to calculate the percentage to the percentage, has already been hosted.

From the point of view of corporations operating in the English-speaking market (that is, such where documentation is conducted in English), British high school graduates are still too qualified (overqualified), that is, they know too much, and therefore less than we would like, manageable, less suitable In order to become frozen cogs of the corporate machine. It is this "misunderstanding" is called to correct "Top-Up Fees Bill".

At the moment you can sum up the following. As a result of transformations:

1. Students and graduates of universities may be affected by the affected side: they will receive the formation of the worst quality, but at the same time for the biggest money. In addition, they will become financially dependent on the system as direct debtors.

2. The affected party may be British society, since it will become, firstly, more dependent on the authorities of corporations, and secondly, in the near future, and less intellectual, more culturally flawed due to the preventionification of education in higher education, adaptations Its to the narrow-powerful production needs of corporations.

3. The injured party may become a fundamental science and generally humanitarian sciences, since they do not fit (and in principle cannot fit into the strategy at which economic competitiveness is becoming the main thing in education.

4. Representatives of the poor segments may suffer. A significant part of the UK students is studying in the PART-TIME system (in our opinion these are bonds and events). This means that their financial situation is such that they cannot afford only to learn, without making a living (that is, their families are not able to contain them). Most of these students in the introduction of the "Top-Up Fees Bill" will not be able to continue learning (soberly believing that they will not be able to pay for debts).

5. Corporation can win, as they will receive an army of highly qualified and at the same time highly specialized employees, besides submissive and not rebellious by virtue of their position of the financial debtor.

The reaction of current and future British students on the "Top-Up Fees Bill" shows that they do not clearly imagine the consequences of the introduction of a new law, the way this law strikes them, as well as what happens is not the result of the "Angry Will" Tony Blair, and the consequence of the globalization process, in this case - the UK accession to the Bologna process, which is known to openly proclaims the main purpose of education, is not the provision of citizens the possibility of developing the personality and realization of natural talents, but only economic competitiveness. It was for this last reason "Top-Up Fees Bill" was fully supported by OECD.

For many years, the British only once were able to give corporations and the government to reverse and force those to retreat. We are talking about the famous "Poll-Tax Revolt", "uprising" against attempts by M. Tatcher to introduce a new income taxation system. "POLL-TAX REVOLT", during which tens of thousands of demonstrators led street fighting with the police (including on Trafalgar Square), and in the working quarters and suburbs were beaten by members of parliament - Tori and the ministerial "Mercedesians" were broken down, showed that Only in this way you can make the ruling class of Britain retreat. But this was "overqualified" the British. Such a "reform" of education in the UK for it is intended to reduce the number of such "overqualified" to a minimum.

2.3 Changes in the health and social sphere

Let us turn to the consideration of the issue related to health care. A special place in reforming the British health system is occupied by the reforms held by Margaret Thatcher, as well as their continuation Tony Blair. The arrival of Margaret Thatcher was proclaimed a new concept of the National Health Service - "Domestic Market".

The presence in the payer's system as a third party led to the risk of bankruptcy of individual practices became very real (a single case of an expensive operation could ruin the private practice). Margaret Thatcher on a voluntary basis allowed several general practitioners to unite into the Fund holders. Their budget was larger and allowed to dilute the risk in the event of a single severe disease.

Such a measure, as the Fund-holding, allowed in England to spend almost two times less means in relation to GDP, compared with other highly developed countries and for a long period remain a state, effectively restraining health care costs.

The disadvantage of such a system was that not all doctors united into groups - the Fund-holders. This led to the fact that many patients were forced to expect planned operations or reception of specialists for a long time. Some researchers, the waiting time of medical manipulations is even considered as the main indicator of medical activities.

The attempt to solve this problem was taken by Tony Blair, which formally proclaimed a new course of reforms (refusal to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe domestic market and proclaim the idea of \u200b\u200bcooperation), and in the maintenance retained the continuity of the previous course. The unification of doctors in the Fund-producers Group has become mandatory. And centralized financing made it possible to reduce the cost of treatment.

As a positive characteristics of mainly the state health system of England, it is also possible to emphasize the development of a health care system, and not financing only medical care. As part of the health concept, the main part of the funds comes from the state budget and is distributed from top to bottom on the management hierarchy, supporting local departments. Successfully functioning prophylactic programs (not episodically, and regularly), special target payments are carried out in the framework of the non-infectious disease prevention program.

At the same time, the following deficiencies are accompanied by this healthcare model: the close dependence of the industry financing from other budget articles, ignoring the patient's rights, a tendency to monopolize and, as a result, the inevitable reduction in the quality of medical services.

So, reforming health systems in highly developed European countries is based on the continuity of new institutions. Any transformations do not affect the basic principle - equality of health care opportunities.

Let us turn to the characteristic of social policy. The program of social transformations of "New Laborists" was aimed at ensuring and preserving the social justice and stability of the British society. The theoretical basis of the modernization of the country was the concept of the Third Way ("Third Way"), developed by the main adviser to Tony Blair Anthony Hyddens. The "Third Way", according to Blair, is the search for an alternative, compromise and the connection of two elements: a market economy and universal social justice in combination with increased attention to the human factor.

One of the main vectors in the social policy of "New Laborists" was a gender program, which was based on the need for equality in society, which would contribute to sustainable democratic development. Laborlasts focused their attention on the problem of women's employment and the problem of gender inequality in the labor market, which is most manifested in the wage gap between the male and female population (for 1997, the hourly earnings of women were 80.2% of the hourly earnings of men, and in 2004 . They rose to 82%).

In 1997, after the signing of the Social Charter of the EU, the United Kingdom announced new areas in social policy. Thus, the British workers received the right to paid three-week leave, and from 1999 - a four-week; It was decided that the duration of overtime works should not exceed 8 hours.

In 2003, the government was created by the post of minister of children, youth and families with a wide range of powers. As a result, local authorities were obliged to provide the necessary assistance to families with children, especially unfavorable. In March 2004, Bill was adopted about children who implied the provision of a worthy standard of living of children, as well as measures to provide them with sufficient assistance. Moreover, child benefits were increased for families with low-income families (in 2004, the first child benefits were 16.50 f. Art. A week, for each subsequent - 11.05 f. Art.) And 6 billion f. . Art. To combat children's poverty. Also, for those who live in the poorest areas of Great Britain, the "Sure Start" program was developed, which implied the creation of a nursery, visiting poor families with young children, informing parents on children's education issues.

In 1998, Blair developed a new educational program. It was announced a revision of school programs with a focus on the individual abilities of children and the orientation of their future professional activities. The reform of education was accompanied by the introduction of an additional fee in the universities of Wales and England in the amount of 1 thousand f. Art. ("Fee for mentoring"); Scotland abandoned this innovation. In 2000, it was decided to take a course that each school had a certain specialization, in other words, his "ETHOS". In addition, the United Kingdom was divided into 25 regional educational activity zones (Education Areas) and for each 750 thousand f. Art. .

The main findings made by us following the results of this work can be attributed as follows.

Personal biography Anthony Blair testifies to his high personal potential, which, of course, helped him throughout the life path not only as a policy and an active public figure, but also a holistic distinctive person.

Anthony Blair became a kind of record holder for the term of stay by the prime minister and the rate of development of his career as a whole. He managed to bring rational grains of conversion of the United Kingdom to the "Tetcherism" of the UK conversion, without which their embodiment would seem essential for British society. So the so-called "Third Way" was scheduled to keep up with the new laborism.

Significant transformations were carried out in health care, education, social life. As far as they are really effective and timely, time will show, but these changes are directly related to globalization, and their necessity is obvious.

In general, the economic situation of the country has improved.


With the departure of Tony Blair in the UK, a whole era ended. And it is said not for the sake of the red sense. Blair turned out to be a record holder - he became an absolute champion among the Laborists on the duration of the tenure of the prime minister - more than ten years, and the only leader of the Labor Party, who won three victories in a row in the parliamentary elections. But his main merit lies not in personal achievements, but in the fact that he led the Laborians from their ideals that served as a landmark of almost a century. It was the Laborist Tony Blair who became a genuine successor and the end of the conservative revolution of Margaret Thatcher, who attached her final form and content.

For 18 years, the tight "Tetcherism" of the British decently exhausted, since he expressed interests, above all, a large business and the ruling top of the country to the detriment of the wide segments of the population. Young laborists led by Tony Blair understood this and developed a new ideology, which combined economic liberalism with the "humanity" of the Laborians. It was called "new laborism", under the banner of which Blair brought his updated party to power.

New laborism has become a major achievement of the Labor Party and personally Blair. Over the past 10 years, the economic situation of Great Britain has improved. Grown industry. Employment level in the public sector of the economy has doubled, unemployment decreased in the same amount. The National Health System was revived. The pound sterling is the hardest for half a century.

New leiborists were able to move the solar problems of Britain, primarily North-Racked. Going to contact with the political wing of the Irish Republican Army, Blair was able to reconcile Catholics and Protestants and launch the work of Parliament in Belfast.

Despite the fact that the issue with educational reforms still remains open and ambiguous, the fact that work on this direction is being conducted. "Education, Education and Education!" - said Tony Blair, and even though he is not a supporter of Marxism-Leninism with the notorious "learn, learn and learn," but still education really requires attention. And the fact that Tony Blair started and his associates will continue to be developed by followers.

List of used literature

A. A. Kredger. "The newest history of the 20th century." Moscow "Center for Humanitarian Education" 1997

Andrey Ivanov. Police interrogated Tony Blair in the case of titles trading. - Kommersant, 18.12. 2006. - № 236 / P (No. 3567)

Anna Nikolaeva, Ivan Preobrazhensky. Cold summit. - Vedomosti, 08.06. 2007. - №104 (1878)

Arkady Dubnov. "Who will like it?". - News Time, 12.02. 2007. - N ° 24

Biography Tony Blair, Prime Minister of Great Britain. - Deutsche Welle, 23.06. 2005.

Biography Tony Blair.

Elena Lashkin. Without superfluous political. - Russian newspaper, 12.02. 2007. - N4292.

Zagladin N. The newest history of foreign countries. XX century.

"Our business partners. Great Britain". Moscow "International Relations" 1990

Olga Dmitriev. Blair promised to leave. - Russian newspaper, 16.05. 2006. - №4067

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The British Prime Minister of May 2, 1997, Tony Blair turned out to be the youngest head of the British government since 1812. He put an end to the 18-year-old board in the UK conservatives and secured the ruling position of the Laborians.

During the years of staying in power, Prime Minister Blair held very successful reforms in the field of health, school education and the labor market. Under it, the Great Britain entered the stage of sustainable growth, and almost 3 million new jobs have appeared in the country over the past decade.

In 1997, in the first year, the prime minister, Blair fulfilled the promise to hold referendums in Scotland and Wales on the transfer of part of the central government of the Parliament of Scotland and the Wales Assembly.

The undisputed achievement of Tony Blair was the settlement in Olster. In October 1997, Blair met Jerry Adams, the leader of the political wing of the Irish Republican Army Shinn Fein. In April 1998, the Catholics and Protestants of Northern Ireland, who fought for decades, signed an agreement between a passionate Friday, which opened the way to a further peaceful process. And in the fall of 2006, the opposing parties came to the historical agreement on the creation of a single government, which will begin its work on May 15, 2007. On May 8, 2007, Tony Blair stated that he considers it a matter of honor to complete the "on a high note" the process of forming its own authorities in Olster, started in the first year of his premiership.

In 1997. Blair provided independence by the Bank of England, who received the right independently, without consultation with the government, to establish interest rates.

In May 1998 A successful referendum was held on the establishment of the Assembly of London and the election post of the mayor of the capital.

In 1999 The Government of Tony Blair was conducted a radical reform, which had changed the existing system to the formation of the Upper Chamber of the British Parliament. During the reform of the Lords Chamber, the number of hereditary peers was reduced to 92.

In January 2004 Blair managed to spend a package of bills on educational reform through parliament.

After terrorist acts in London July 7, 2005 Blair promised to prevent the slightest concessions to terrorism, which brought him support to citizens.

In November 2005 In the parliamentary faction of the Laborov, the movement for the impeachment Blair was launched: the basis of the actions of the Prime Minister before the war in Iraq, when, according to critics, he deliberately introduced a parliament to delusion.

In February 2006 Blair failed in Parliament: the draft law on the recognition of racial hatred recognition by a criminal crime was rejected by a majority in one voice.

In 2006 Blair's retirement requirements began to sound louder due to a whole series of scandals. In March 2006, it turned out that some wealthy entrepreneurs who granted major secret loans of the Labor Party received places in the House of Lords, Knight's titles or other titles. This scandal, journalists called "money in exchange for titles." Some people from the nearest environment of the prime minister, including Lord Levi, who answered the party for gathering donations were involved in the loud scandal. Tony Blair himself was forced to testify in this case in the police, becoming the first in British history with the current head of the government who interrogated Scotland Yard.

In the UK foreign policy, during the first period of Blair, the country's participation in the Kosovo conflict was the main event. Several thousand British military were sent to the region as part of peacekeeping forces.

In March 2000 Blair became the first leader in Western country who visited Vladimir Putin in Moscow elected by the President of the Russian Federation.

In January 2003 Blair made public information according to which Iraq continued to create chemical and biological weapons, hatched their application plans. He declared the need to quickly solve the problem of the disarmament of Iraq and traveled to European countries, campaigning for the overthrow of Hussein.

March 19, 2003 The United Kingdom sent to participate in the United States "coalition of goodwill", assembled for the invasion of Iraq, 45 thousand military personnel. Blair spoke to journalists in defense of his decision to participate in the Iraqi campaign.

In March 2006 Activists of the anti-war movement criticized Blair for his statement that the decision on the beginning of the war with Iraq would be finally appreciated only by God.

He argued that if circumstances had developed the same way as in 2003, he would again adopt the decision to start the war.

In mid-May 2007 Tony Blair is expected to announce their care from the Lyuborist Party leader, and after the elections of the new leader, presumably, at the end of June 2007 he will give him the powers of the Prime Minister.

In May 2007 There were reports that Tony Blair intends after retirement to try themselves as an actor in a play on the dangers of extremism.

The end of the twentieth century has become an unprecedented strengthening of the US influence in world politics, a period of permanent local conflicts around the world. The role of the previous large European powers was declining, and just at this time the years of the reign of Anthony Blair fell out. He became the youngest leader in the youngest Prime Minister of Great Britain. Three times in a row, Anthony Blair, the brief biography of which will be set forth below, has become one of the longest leaders of the country. For his political survivability, he was called "Teflon Tony."

School and student years. Anthony Blair, biography

1953 marked by the appearance of one of the most popular and at the same time despised British politicians. The Birthplace of the future leader of the country became Scottish Edinburgh. Tony Blair's parents were real respectable British. Father Leo Charles Linton Blair was a lawyer, also engaged in politics and even put forward his candidacy for parliament. However, he unexpectedly struck apoplexic strike, and political ambitions had to realize his son.

Tony Blair received a privileged education, first in a private school of singers at the Daurat Cathedral, then in the prestigious Fettes College in Edinburgh. What is interesting, one of his children's classmates was whom most viewers know as Mr. Bina.

Tony Blair was not the most exemplary student, he defiantly ignored the school uniform, broke the lessons. Being a fan of Mika Jagger, he adored rock music, played an amateur group.

The son of a respectable conservative and lawyer, of course, could not not continue the case of the Father. The next stage in the formation of Blair was the University of Oxford. However, before this, he went to London and tried happiness as a rock musician.

Receiving legal education in St. Johns Oxford College, Anthony Blair, along the way, performed in the rock band Ugly Rumours. I studied far from brilliantly, in 1975 he still received a second degree diploma and became a lawyer.

Start of political career

Having finished learning in Oxford, Anthony Blair began his career at all. Interesting facts, however, not quite confirmed, they say that he will not long worked in one of the bars of Paris. Then, the Buntar devoted himself to a legal career. In 1975, he taught the right, in 1976 he entered the board of lawyers and got a job at the office of Dany Irving, a close friend of John Smith, who was the leader of the Laborians in those years.

This acquaintance and predetermined the political sympathies of Blair, who joined the ranks of the British Socialist Party. A young lawyer began to actively participate in the activities of Laborov, soon put forward his candidacy for parliament.

The first attempt in 1982 ended in failure. However, Anthony Blair did not lose one and a year later he was running out again, this time from the newly created County County.

Despite the conservative father and the corresponding education, politician in his young years confessed pronounced left views. During the election campaign, he preached nuclear disarmament, the yield of Britain from the European Economic Space.

Nevertheless, being in parliament, Anthony Blair touched her dust and joined the block of right laborists. He led active political activities, held posts in the shadow office, led his column in Times.

Leader and executioner of British Socialism

In 1989, Anthony Blair, whose policies began to conquer the sympathy of an increasing number of voters, becomes a member of the National Executive Committee of the Labor Party. He is increasingly converging with the leader John Smith and soon receives the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Shadow Cabinet.

One of the most important issues of Anthony Blair considered a change in the party's course at a less radical. He agitated for the weakening of communications with trade unions, the removal of the most odious left slogans from the party program.

In 1994, John Smith launched an unexpected death. Despite the fact that Gordon Brown was considered the probable successor, but he threamed of the struggle for leadership. Most votes of the head of the Labor Party were elected Anthony Blair.

Becoming at the head of the party, he began to embody his ideas about reform inside the organization. He created a rigid centralized structure, ending with the existence of fractions and disagreements inside. At the same time, he tried to make the ideas of the party more attractive for the bulk of voters, more and more evading left ideas.

A vivid example of this was the elimination of the odious left-handed clause of the program of the British Socialists, who proclaimed collective ownership of the means of production and distribution.

First election to the post of Prime Minister

Having finished with the "shameful remnants of Marxism" in his party, Anthony Blair became one of the most popular politicians in the country, skillfully labby between conservativeism adherents and supporters of liberal ideas. Elections 1997 Laborlasts won with an overwhelming advantage. The 73rd became the youngest leader in the country's history.

Becoming at the head of state, politician began to implement election promises.

He continued the policy of the previous government to reduce costs. Cool changed their views over many years in politics, Anthony Blair began to ratify for a closer convergence with the European Union.

He also kept the promise given to the supporters of the autonomy of Scotland and Wales, and conducted referendums in these parts of the UK on greater decentralization and strengthening the influence of local parliaments.

Foreign policy at Tony Blair became the time of the loss of the last remnants of independence and independence of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom automatically supports any US initiatives, becoming a faithful ally of the overseas power. For example, during the conflict in Kosovo in 1999, Tony Blair instantly sanctioned sending several thousand British soldiers to the former Yugoslavia.

New laborism

Finally, sobering with all the remnants of socialism within the party, the Prime Minister proclaimed the policy of "New Laborism". According to him, she had to combine and reconcile elements of free market capitalism and ideas of social equality and justice.

The chief ideologist and the creator of this program was an associate Blair and Minister of Finance Gordon Brown. In particular, much attention was paid to the problems of the equality of men and women. Laborists have put their task alignment of remuneration, reduced skew towards the male part of the population.

After signing the Union in the UK, a three-week paid vacation for working, and soon the four-week was introduced.

Did not leave Anthony Blair outside of its attention and universal education. The reforms provided for the reorientation of schools for the future of vocational training of schoolchildren, a bet on the individual abilities of students.

Peacekeeping activities

The main pain point and the threat of the integrity of the country for Britain was always Northern Ireland. Anthony Blair began to actively act on this front.

In 1997, he met Jerry Adams several times, which represented the political forces of an irreconcilable Irish Republican army. The result of the negotiation was the signing in 1998 of the Belfast Agreement. According to him, the National Assembly of Northern Ireland was created, which was supposed to take on significant functions of the central government.

Using its traditional influence on the Irish, the United States actively participated in these initiatives. Thus, they even more strengthened the dependence of the UK from the White House.

The second term of the Teflon Tony

The end of the nineties and the beginning of the two thousandths became the time of the heyday of the economy of the entire Western world, including the United Kingdom. On the wave of universal well-being, the Laborists won without special problems in the 2001 elections, and Anthony Blair went to his second term at the head of state.

This period has become a serious test for the unspecified policy. In 2001, Blair unconditionally supported the US military operation against the Taliban movement in Afghanistan after the terrorist attacks on September 11. To help the ally, the forces of the Navy and the land units of the United Kingdom were dodged.

After a year, Anthony Blair began to actively persuade the parliament to approve military operation against Iraq. If the operation against obvious terrorists in Afghanistan was still somehow maintained by the population, then a possible participation in the actual occupation of the sovereign state caused a serious split in society. Anthony Blair began to drastically lose the popularity of the British.

In response, Anthony Blair began to scare the potential threat to the use of force by Iraq, were presented to the public of the public proof of the existence of Hussein's numerous weapons of weapons of mass destruction.

Parliament managed to persuade, and 45,000 British soldiers were sent to help the American military.

The grand scandal broke out after the release of the exposure investigation of the Journalist BBC Andrew Gilligan, in which it was argued that the information of intelligence on the presence of caches with OMA in Hussein was falsified.

Initirovating the investigation, Anthony Blair achieved the acquittal decision of the Special Commission headed by Lord Batler. However, the reputation of the policy was strongly subjected, he looked more and more in the eyes of people with a bad puppet of the White House.

Recent years as Prime Minister

The elections of 2005, Laborians won with great difficulty, having left at their traditional items - health care, social policy, education. Very strongly Tony Blair had a bloody war in Iraq, led to anarchy and civil confrontation in this Arab state.

Nevertheless, the Prime Minister was configured in combat and was not going to give up, stating that he would retire only at the end of his term.

Passions were boiled, lost monolith and unity among the Laborians themselves. More and more supporters of the party declared discontent Blair and demanded the appointment of Gordon Brown. Oils in the fire were poured and numerous anti-corruption exposure in the Leibor Guide Wednesday. It came to the fact that Anthony Blair himself was under the thunderstorm of the trial.

Without having hard pressings, in 2007, Teflon Tony resigned, appointing the successor to Gordon Brown.

Further activities

Leaving the post of Prime Minister, Blair did not finish with political activities. He was appointed a special envoy of a group of large powers to resolve the situation in the Middle East.

In addition, he becomes an adviser to numerous corporations and financial groups. Among them, Jpmorgan Chase, "Zurich Fineanish".

The former prime minister was noted and its consultations of Nursultan Nazarbayev on the issues of economy reforms of Kazakhstan.

Family politics

Tony Blair married in 1980 at a colleague and companion on the party of Labor Players Sherry Booth. From love for a spouse, he even changed religion, and from Anglican turned into a Catholic. During the marriage, the spouses brought up three children - Yuen, Nikki, Leo.

By the way, Blair became the first prime minister of Britain for 150 years, who became the father as head of state.

Teflon Tony became one of the most durable leaders of Britain. For ten years, many areas of the United Kingdom are reformed. He caused love and hatred with contempt to equally, but remains the fact that Blair became one of the last bright politicians on the European arena.

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