Bushmen. Incredible Bushmen - the people of the rulers and the captives of the desert, how is it really

Koisan people - Bushmen. Kalahari desert. The most disadvantaged people of Africa. Hunting and gathering wild fruit and root. Running spears, onions, arrows, leather bag for game - gear of a man. Iron tools were obtained by sharing from Gottenova. Skilled and hardy in the hunt. The hunter can pursue antelope within 2-3 hours, disguise under ostrich, the use of traps. There are no durable settlements. Temporary parking, windbreaks, halars, Khotkahki could sleep in the sprinkled in the warm sand of the pits. Loose dressings. Almost no home utensils. Tribes only as ethnic associations, business associations - local groups led by the most fortunate hunter. Fishery cult. The hunters appealed to the Sun, the Moon, the stars with prayers for the approval of success in the fishery. Bright rock painting.

Pygmy. In the depths of the rainforest, the Congo pool. Did not know farming, cattle breeding. Hunting lifestyle. Small groups in permanent spaces in search of food in clear boundaries. Exchange with a bow: forest products and game to agricultural products and iron knives, arms for arrows. The main thing is honored - the Forest Spirit - the owner of the game. Totemism.

Bushmen (English. Bushman, from the Gall. Bosjesman, literally - forest man), the most ancient co-public population of South and East Africa. Live in the deserts of Calahari and Namib, in the vicinity of the Vpadina Esch in Namibia, in the contaminated areas of Botswana, Angola and South Africa; A slight number in Tanzania. The total number of about 50 thousand people. (1967, score). They speak Bushmen languages, as well as in Languages. Once B. was resettled throughout South Africa, but were pushed with a bow and European colonialists with S. nations (from Y.); The latter systematically exterminated B. lead the life of stray hunters and collectors of wild fruit. Known as skillful masters of expressive rock paintings. These paintings made by mineral and earthwood paints, as well as lime and soot, breeded on water and animal fat, are preserved in the territory of South Africa, Lesotho, Rhodesia and Namibia. The dating of the oldest of them is associated with various theories of the origin of B. art and fluctuates from thousands of years to several hundred years before. e. Rospise motifs are realistic pictured animals, dynamic, complete expression scenes of hunting and fighting, human figures, strongly elongated in proportions, fantastic creatures. Ancient layers are made by one paint (red or brown), later (end 19 century) - polychrome with soft tones.

Mythological representations of Bushmen Namibia and the areas of Botswana, Angola and South Africa adjacent to it. The mythylogy of bushmen belongs to the number of archaic mythologies, the anthropomorphization of nature is characteristic of it, thenetical ideas.

English "Bushman" (eng. Bushman) means "man (from) bushes" and is sometimes considered offensive; However, the Bushmen themselves do not have a common name for all sammon tribes, and the alternative name "San" (SAN) is widespread in South Africa (SAN) is Gottentot (in the language of NAMA) and wears Peyoractive tint in this language ("Outsider", "Alien").

Anthropologically differ from the blacks, since they have lighter skin, thin lips; refer to the so-called capoid race. A feature of the languages \u200b\u200bis the presence of clicking sounds. The peculiarity of the national cuisine is to use the food "Bushmen rice" - larvae of ants.

The time of settlement of South Africa Bushmen is not exactly known. It is assumed that this happened about 10-20 thousand years ago. Starting the XV century, N.Ee gradually ousted the Kalahari deserts who came from the north of the norter. Heavyly suffered from European colonialists from the middle of the XVII century to the beginning of the 20th, for which about 200,000 people of the aboriginal population were destroyed. The survivors either went deep into the desert, or became slaves on farms. The systematic persecution of Bushmen did not occur only on the territory of Botswana.

Buschmen has no leaders, as in other African tribes. Being in the conditions of permanent half-beeturic vagabilities in the desert, they could not allow themselves such a luxury as the existence of leaders, sorcerers and signs living at the expense of society. Instead of leaders from Bushmen elder. They are chosen from among the most authoritative, smart, experienced members of the genus, and they do not enjoy any material advantages.

Bushmen believe in the afterlife and are very afraid of the dead. They have special rites of burial to the land in the land, but the cult of ancestors that dominates more developed African tribes, they do not have.

Currently, few bushmen retain the traditional lifestyle, most are workers on farms.

Bushmen are magnificent storytellers and teachers. They are inimitable in music, pantomime and dance. The simplest musical instrument is a hunting onion, stretched with animal hair with an attached empty melon or an empty tin can, as a resonator. Cocoons of moths, bonded like beads and stuffed with pebbles or seeds, wear on the ankles and beat off the rhythm during dance. Currently, many are trying to shoot on the film and record songs, rituals and bays of bushmen to keep this ancient African culture for descendants.

Want to see the life of our distant ancestors? No, the time machine for this is not needed, but you need a plane ticket to Namibia. And there - get to the habitats of the most famous her inhabitants of Bushmen. And watch their lives in the usual setting. This is how our distant ancestors, former collectors and hunters who do not know farming. I do not know how to you, and me being with a primitive strict thing always seemed low-attractive. All the time sucks under the spoon, go there, driven by hunger, without any high goals, eyes around the sides in the painful searches for edible root, migratory fat saurance or an earthen worm - that's what! Sport on the ground. And got sick - generally cranes. Well, if you give out such a life of some three, the maximum is four decades.

Let's wonder miracles

But! Not only me, the main thing is the scientist's world! So who was amazed, so amazed! It turned out that Bushmen in their natural medium live to a very honorable age, and long-livers in tribes - a lot. Moreover, their older generation - vigorous, does not know or oncology, nor hypertension.

Such wonders, according to the eskulapov, makes the movable lifestyle, lack of overeating and a small amount of meat consumed. True, old people often suffer from renal disease, because they drink little: water is a large deficit in the desert.

This is the legendary bushmen tribe

Low, but switched and proportional, with white teeth and excellent posture ... How much does the representatives of this ancient tribe exist in the light of the representatives? In Namibia - approximately 35 thousand people, and everything on the planet is less than 100 thousand.

Expeditions come to them without end, tons of books and articles are written about them. What are these features? What made them so interesting for researchers? But this:

  • Qualities of unsurpassed hunters, deep knowledge of nature, properties of plants, birds of birds, insects and animals.
    San Bushmen people - know how to distinguish almost three hundred species of plants, from quite harmless vegetable and animal components know how to receive deadly poisons, know the antidote from deaths, can prepare medicines from many ailments.
  • They have a mysterious ability to communicate with wild animals.
    As you like this: Bushman sees in the distance group of antelope-origin, it is selected to the female with a young, it strokes them and ... begins to suck milk together with a calm and calf! And the wild animal suffers and does not run away ... And try to approach them the hunter ...
    But domestic animals, except for dogs, there are no bushmen.
  • Excellent and hardy traps, they are immaculately oriented on the ground and read traces like we open a book.
    Not yet seen the beast, traditional skills will prompt Bushman the floor of the animal, his age, health condition, are injured and much more.
    This element of Bushmen culture always has an overwhelming impression on the audience.
    And wounding the animal on the hunt, Bushmen tirelessly will pursue him with many hours or even days passing tens of kilometers.
  • It is well known about Bushmen: they have a stunning ability to survive in incredibly difficult conditions - even when there is no water drop around, and the temperature is under 50 degrees, generating unbearable dry dryness in the mouth.

Genuine desert rulers, they can make themselves to hunt the quiver and arrows from the roots of the tree to hunt edible plants, will start water. It is necessary - the fire will be divorced using the bird's nest and two wooden sticks, they will arrange overnight, squeeze the hole and installing a barrier from the windward side near it.

How Bushmen live in their desert

Bushmen are one of the oldest peoples on our planet. And probably, the only one who never worried the topic of wealth. They have all personal property fits a small leather bag, which hangs on one shoulder.

From day to day throughout, at least ten thousand years, all thoughts of this people were concentrated around the hunt and gathering, which ensured the life of the Bushmen tribe in desert and semi-desert places with wide Calahari. And this existence has never been easy.

It is necessary to count on each step and to maximize all the senses organs - do not miss the edible plant, do not step on someone like the snake or scorpion, do not move the potential prey. Blessed grass covered with Earth, which looks like a lifeless, in fact full of life. Between the rocks, sands and rare barbed shrubs, wild inhabitants were hidden. Not only a person, but they are watching: the eyes look carefully, standing and hanging ears listens, the noses are thrilled.

Kalahari supports hundreds of various types of plants and amazingly large fauna massif. There are sacking, hyenas, lions, antelope, gazelles, warts, giraffes, meerkats, badgers, dickery ... Men of the people of Bushmen are hunters. In a large pantry Kalahari, they put the sinks and hunt with small bows and arrows, whose tips are moistened in the poison.

A large animal, such as Kudo, Cannes or Oriks - mining is rare, more often is a small antelope, a few lizards, a dike, turtle, snake, hyena. But prey brought there, where Bushmen live. From her one type of the entire tribe, the saliva flows ... and it is clearly not enough for everyone ... amazing how the production of production occurs!

People who many would be called savages developed customs, intended to eliminate envy, hostility, psychological stress arising from this division. Each member of the family, without exception, receives its share, the size of which is determined by traditions. And if the hunt was successful, the part of the production is necessarily a member of the related community.

Bread their ugly

The meat is fried on the fire, much less - cook. Each part of the animal is economically used, they find the use of everything - from bones to the skins.

But the main intrication is almost 80% of the consumed - gives gathering. This is the work of women of Bushmen - edible plants, seeds, berries with fruiting shrubs, TSI nuts and nuts of the Mongong trees, tubers, dying out of the ground. And the roots, by the way, are noble - 2-3 kilograms! Bushmen collectors do not miss the ants, caterpillars, locust, insect larvae.

San eating everything, and do not know any things like anorexia and other disorders of food behavior.

Yes, and not shrieking friends! The thing is in habit. One Africanist as a person understands this, wrote in his journal, that where, as good, fried in the turtle fat, a locust. And how abolished tasty eared hedgehog baked in clay. He argued that also a good scrambled eggs from the eggs of ostrich with black dune beetles instead of a crunch. I hope you don't stand your hair yet?

But not everything is so ... exotic. Here, in the Kalahari desert, Tsamma is growing in large quantities - the yellow-brown ancestor of our beloved striped watermelon. The juicy fruits of Tsamma are almost unsweetened, thirst quenchly.

And in the north they eat Baobab's fruits. Later, in Bostsvan, we scored them to bring home, and my brave Sanya, not wondering, immediately tried to the wonder. The fruit was not like any of the acquaintances. Under brown-green and velvety, like a peach, small seeds were hiding on the fibers and edible white, slightly acidic, pieces of meat, similar to the remains of dried marshmallow.

But what is interesting! It turned out that the peculiar diet of the people of the San, determined by his lifestyle and existing natural conditions, from the point of view of calories, protein-fat-carbohydrates, microelements and other things - best complies with all WHO recommendations for proper nutrition.

Canned world

In the region of modern Namibia, traditionally called Nai Nai (Nyae Nyae), which is now part of the chicosonew, traditionally lived Bushmen group! Kung. The area surrounding the area is a completely unsuitable for the life of a man of the terrain, relieving the lost world of Nai Nai from any outsider influence, including from European.

The inhabitants of the lost world restrained and with dignity called themselves "DZU / Hoanci", which means "good people" in translating. These good people in the middle of the 20th century continued to live unchanged century-old habits and traditions of their people.

Where does science know everything about the life of Bushmen

The first trips of the scientists of Argonauts began here in 1950 from the Marshall family expedition, literally opened this group for science. Lawrence and Lorna Marshall will make seven expeditions sponsored by the Pibody Museum of Harvard University and Smithsonian Institute.

Lorna in 1975, summarizing the perennial ethnographic studies of the Bushmen tribe of DZU / Hoanci, will publish a book where in all details will describe the life and customs of Bushmen Kung. The son of Marshall - John will remove several documentary films about the tribe who received wide recognition. In total, in his heritage, there will be original cinema and video materials about the life of Bushmen for 767 hours and 309 hours of unique audio recordings.

So all the information is not to sue fabrication, and everything is obtained by science and first-hand.

Modern world, Bushmen and ideas about them

About how they survive in their desert areas unsuitable for agriculture is written a lot. But no wonder they say, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. There is such a funny and cheerful film - "Probably, the gods are crazy." The Bushmen family lives in his native desert and one day she has contact with the modern world ... The very real natural Bushman has starred.

This, of course, is not a documentary, but we are not scholars-ethnographers with you. Look - you will not regret. And then ask yourself a question: "What are they, bushmen?" Most likely, the majority prevails the opinion that modern bushmen are naive adult children living in harmony and with them, and with nature.

Many so they imagine them - the recluses live themselves in Calahari, who are not suspected of any high-speed Internet, nor about cosmic flights. Primitive people, whose languages \u200b\u200bare only two numerical - "one" and "a lot." The culture of which has long been declining ...

How is it really

Tourists come to Bushmen, and for some of them an unpleasant surprise, it turns out that the "primitive" culture of the people has not remained unchanged. Here two bare bumps are hunting for a dicker. In their hands, they have long sticks, behind the backs and arrows. Everything, as it was a thousand years ago.

Only one item is knocked out of the painting: on T-shirt hunters with American inscriptions. Especially cold in the desert early in the morning, Bushmen kids pulled the sweatshirts on themselves, and below the belt remained dressed in a traditional leather bandage. The woman of the people of San built a long skirt, out of things presented by tourists ...

The immutable fact is that now far from all bushmen continue to dwell in the wilderness. In practice, they turn out to be much more integrated into modern society than it could be assumed at first glance.

Many of them are engaged in work in national parks and reserves, there are farmers and employees among them from farmers - they will be eagerly taken to the shepherds. Young people go to live in the city, and if they come back, then not only new clothes, but also new ideas and technologies are brought home.

Stop, instant! And do not move

Those who would prefer to look at this culture through the prism in which time does not tick forward, and before it was a lot. They pierced the idea of \u200b\u200bthe international program for the conservation of this people, involving the creation of a reserve for the stay of Bushmen. That is, the actual transformation of these people into museum exhibits.

Probably, the most famous bushman of all times and peoples was Khakvo N! Ksau. He played the main role of a resident of Kalahary Hiho in the famous comedy film "Probably, the gods went crazy" and its continuations.

And he categorically opposed the thought of "to make wildness" of his tribesmen, so that civilized people were on what to watch. N! Ksau was a hot supporter that remaining Bushmen, they lived as all people live.

If you live, how all people live ...

If so live, then they must join modern life. And this business is very difficult, remember at least what their views are about private property. This is not the only psychological problem of the compatibility of civilizations.

Benefit of a sedentary lifestyle Steel is obvious very quickly.

  • There is always water in wells, you can breed your cattle, and it means it is better to eat.
  • Mortality decreased.
    Bushmen has always had a high child mortality - 20% died during the first year of life, 50% of children did not live up to age for 15 years.
    In the usual life, giving a lot of love and attention to their children, they, in a difficult drought period and threatening hunger, westrelly could deprive the life of the newborn, especially if the mother at that time was still sucking the chest elder child.
    At such a time, the awareness of the harsh realities forced the tribe to throw their weak old people into the arbitrariness of fate. In general, I must say for this people leading a difficult life, death was considered a very natural thing ...
  • Children get the opportunity to study in schools in their native lounge sites.
    And this is very important. And not only for one person, but also for the people as a whole.
    Despite the fact that Bushmen had no written written, and in our world it is an extremely important tool that allows you to stand up and express your desires.

Experience has shown that a number of moments from recruitment to civilization brought unconditional benefit to the people of Bushmen, but there is a very doubtful acquisitions.

  • Bushmen met alcohol, and it became one of the serious problems of this people.
  • Among them are extremely common to tuberculosis, which literally mows the tribe, AIDS, the causes of death are often respiratory infections and malaria.
    The famous film actor N! Ksau, the last years of life, rustling on his farm bananas and maize, as it turned out, sulked tuberculosis for a very long time.
  • The average life expectancy of the people of the San tribe living in civilization is about 45-50 years.

How well and it is important to remain a bushman

Stayed Bushmen - means to conduct a traditional lifestyle in the usual places, traditionally educate children, as they grow up to teach boys to hunting, girls gathering.

This is how traditionally it takes the evening - a favorite time of the people of the San. I walked the sunset, black silhouettes are bushes and trees, purple fog crashes. In the prickly bushes there are sensitive Springboks, the cute meerkats are dreamed in mink, somewhere in the distance checked jackal ... The bonfire burns in the parking lot of the Bonfire, people gathered around him. Dinner is eaten, but no one leaves from the fire. Cheerful laughter, women's voices.

Day conversations are almost always serious and brief - business issues are solved, conflicts are disturbed ... other business conversation in the evening. No one is in a hurry, the spectacles are speaking and emotional. People share feelings, thoughts, experiences ... The guys pumped closer to the old man - a respected tribesman, listen to different stories and ancient fairy tales ...

Bushmen are very musical and love to sing and dance. Here are the women sitting near the red flame, men began to be caught, bother and pouring. The dance begins. Rhythm is accelerated and now the dancers come around the fire, lifting sand fountains. To beat rhythm, they have beads from cocoons of moths filled with seeds or small pebbles, music is removed from primitive tools such as their hunting bows ...

Dancing, they depict animals - Ostrich, Lan, Grasshopper, scenes of hunting, episodes of fairy tales and myths. Those who had a chance to spend the evening by the fire of the people of San and see Bushmen dances are unanimous - they are inimitable.

Yes, and Bushmen melodies are quite understandable to European ear, so the records of their music and dancing find their admirers not only among specialists.

According to our standards, the Being of the people of San is unresolutely. Well, what is this life! Nevertheless, if you ask Bushman, whether he likes to live in the wilderness, he will surprise in response: "What a stupid question. If you do not return there, you can die from longing. "

San really believes that this is the right way of life - for them. When they at home, where they are free and happy. And this again confirms the idea that happiness is a state of mind.

Combine two extremes

The experience of life tribes in a new way, when staying Bushmen, they live as all people are. Another American John Marshall has developed plans for the transition of Bushmen DZU / Hoansi to the occupation of cattle breeding and agriculture.

And in 1981, in almost ten years before Namibia became an independent, in the lost world, NYAE NYAE are filled with optimism representatives of American non-governmental organizations. Which does not consider Utopia the possibility of combining the former and modernity.

On the territory of Bushmen Dzu / Hoanci, where their rights gatherers and hunters were recognized, a farm cooperative is created. In his plans, a settled life, the training of the tribe, including gloomy under the leadership of agronomists. And if people embrace longing in life in the wilderness, then it's a familiar life.

Built settlement, garage, small gas station, cafe, center for training crafts. Ambitious plans there is no end. Linguist Patrick Dickens is working on Anglo-Dzuan dictionary and above the spelling of the language. It seems to be all ...

Is heaven possible on earth?

But, by the way, did you not have a question, what did Bushmen pumped up so much? Why didn't they think of the farming in their time? Maybe then the tribes of the bow, who came from the north, would not be pushed?

No, Bushmen were not fools. The case was that the plants that stretching then on the territory of Namibia turned out to be unsuitable for ochullation. Experience with them has not passed from the multiple farmers with a bow. But, I must say that these tribes went to new places not with empty hands - they stuffed with them the seeds of plants with the old homeland, which perfectly fit here.

Well, returning to the experiment, I have to say the truth - not come true. Nothing from the reality did not realize. Soon there was nothing left of the Lukava dreams. Even purely material infrastructure - buildings, machines, tools were destroyed and is destroyed. And Bushmen Kung so far and remained hunters and collectors.

Africa full of contradictions. Bushmen is not the only tribe, inhabiting the continent, which breaks between traditions and modernity, with difficulty finding its place in modern society.

What else want bushmen

Sometime Bushmen tribes did not have any social institutions, such as leaders. Now they are fully involved in the voting, have their representative in parliament.

And here, according to the agency Reuters, the representative of Bushmen told the newsmens about his intention to ask the Government of Namibia to return the tribe of the earth near the National Reserve, the original place of their ancestors. He posted that each nationality in the country has its own home - then the place where his aged members can move. And they have no such house ...

But while the government reacted very cool to this request, indicating that a tribe was too long outside these territories.

Possible key to the future

According to experts, almost 60% of San live in poverty, although it is, of course, to a large extent depends on the region. Many young bushmen can not find a job ...

But Bushmen knows a lot about how to survive in the desert, how to get fire, how to treat plants. This knowledge today seems outdated, but it is quite capable of becoming the key to the future.

Bushmen can teach the art of survival not only by the youth youth of their tribe, but also people of the Western world, showing how little you need a person to survive and enjoy life without electricity, water pipeline and money. As you can live, without having a negative impact on the environment.

A new attempt to preserve the culture of the people was the creation of a living museum in the Tsumkwe region. Thanks to him, a significant number of people who had previously suffered from unemployment and poverty, found their place in life. This is already good. But the museum also earns money. The amounts taken from tourists visits are sent to support the Bashmen community.

Tourists also like the museum. They can see and participate in the construction of the housing, the mining of fire, identifying medicinal plants. Well, isn't it interesting to learn to shoot from Bushmen bow?

And who is better than the people of the San tribe will show the amazing wildlife of Calahari and her animal world? And tell about the habits of all the inhabitants of the desert, starting with a tiny mouse in the grass and ending with the lions? Those who wish can go hunting together with Bushmen ...

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  • Read: Pygmy from Africa

Bushmen - in translation means forest people (eng. Bushman, from Gall. Bosjeman, Boschiman - "Forest man"). The English word "Bushman" (Bushman) in exact translation means "man from bushes" and is sometimes considered offensive. At the same time, the Bushmen themselves do not have a common self-sustavance for all tribes of this nation. On the territory of South Africa, the alternative name Bushmen is widespread - "San" (SAN). By origin, it is Gottentotsky, i.e. From the language of Nam. In this language, the word "San" wears a peorative shade, and it can be interpreted as an "outsider" or "alien". This people whose number is about 75 thousand people, lives mainly in the desert regions of Namibia, as well as the adjacent areas of South Africa, Botswana, Angola, and they are also found in Tanzania.

for a number of anthropological signs differ from blacks, as they have lighter skin, they have thin not fleshy lips. Based on these and other signs, they relate to the so-called capoid race. A characteristic feature of their languages \u200b\u200bis the presence of special clicking sounds. And among the characteristic features of the national cuisine, it should be noted regularly eating the larvae of ants, the so-called "Bushmen rice".

In what times, Bushmen settled southern Africa, it was not possible to define exactly possible. According to one of the versions, it occurred allegedly about 10-20 thousand years ago. And starting the XV century, Bushmen began to gradually be outwarded deep into the Kalahari deserts who came from the north of bangongy-speaking cattle tribes. But Bushmen tribes from European colonizers were especially injured in the period from the middle of the XVII century at the beginning of the XX. During this time, the Europeans had destroyed about 200,000 people of the aboriginal population. The surviving Bushmen tribes either went deep into the desert, or became slaves on numerous farms. And only on the territory of Botswana did not occur the systematic harassment of Bushmen.

Bushmen, in contrast to other African tribes, another community arrangement - they have no leaders. Bushmen, constantly under halfland vagrancy on deserted areas, simply could not help themselves allow such a luxury as the existence of leaders, sorcerers and signs that usually live at the expense of other members of society. Therefore, Bushmen have elders instead of leaders. This is a selection position, and choose elders from among the most authoritative, smart, experienced members of the genus, while they do not enjoy any material advantages.

It should be noted that Bushmen believe in the afterlife, while they are very afraid of the dead. Patto they have special rites of burial to the land in the ground, but the cult of ancestors, characteristic of more developed African tribes, they have no.

Currently, much has changed, so very few bushmen retain traditional lifestyle, and most of them are workers on farms.

Bushmen are known as magnificent narrator and narrators, they are inimitable in music, as well as dance and pantomime. Their simplest musical instrument is the usual hunting bow, in which animal hair is stretched as a tette, with attached empty melon or even an empty canning can perform the role of the resonator. During the dance, Bushmen wear on the ankles dry and empty cocoons of moths, fastened as beads and stuffed with pebbles or seeds - they beat back rhythm.

Naive people

This nomadic tribe lives in Africa from time immemorial. Where do they lead their own kind, is reliably unknown. The number of people in this mysterious tribe is small, but the life of Bushmen is so unusual that leading scientific centers throughout the world are engaged in studying.

Bushmen retained ancient ages, archaic forms of the life of ancient Africa. And watching this tribe, you can understand what kind of children's naive and trustful people were populated in antiquity.

They roame in the desert in search of fruits and roots, hunt for antilopes and never delay long in one place. In the evenings, they choose a parking place, they make a small pit, cover it from top of a twig and grass and stacked sleeping. This usually happens in shrubs - therefore Europeans called them Bushmen - people from bushes. Sometimes they arrange more equipped overhead - when they find plenty of space. But as soon as the food is scooping, they go further.

Having settled in a new place, women make large transitions in search of ostrich eggs. Their contents are neatly released through a small hole made by stone seaw, and the shell is powered by grass. From ostrich eggs are made flasks for water, without which no bushman goes down. Children together with mothers collect chips from eggs, thoroughly grind them, giving an oval shape, acute bone drill a hole in the center of the oval and ride a tendon. Thus, beads, earrings, suspension and monista are made.

In search of water

Bushmen feed not only roots and fruits. They eat almost all - locust, termites, lizards, caterpillars and multi-peaks. But most like meat, although it is not as often as it would like that. Eyewitnesses say that Bushmen possess a truly wolf appetite and can eat a huge amount of meat roasted on coal.

In the hot climate of Africa, the main problem is water. Since Bushmen live in the deserts of Calahari and Namib, where it is almost impossible to survive a normal person, then for them it is even more pressing. But nevertheless, they are always secured by a lively drink, because they can get it everywhere. Bushmen find underground wells, using their amazing flaws. They collect moisture, condensed on the leaves or grass.

In addition, Bushmen know secret wells, unknown to anyone around. They so carefully disguise their treasures that no one guess that this pile of stones or sandy hollyk actually hide the main treasure of the desert - water.

True, it is not entirely clear how this desire to strain "your" water gets around with a lack of respect for someone else's property. Or, Bushmen learned from their cruel conquerors, or in their vital values \u200b\u200bthere is some kind of debris - we will take someone else's, but we will not give our own.

Cruel civilization

This tribe, like all African peoples, had to face the cruel world of European conquerors.

In those bloody times, Bushmen were almost exterminated, and after all, they lived everywhere before colonization. The main reason for this destruction was that in the consciousness of the tribe there is a firm conviction that everything in the world belongs to all people. That is, the main concept of the "civilized" world is the private ownership of them unfamiliar. Earth, grass, roots, trees, animals that go around - all this is common. And at the original territories of Buschmen, people appeared who professed completely different principles. Gullible aborigines saw invaded cows and killed them. But the payback for this graveness turned out to be cruel. During colonization for one killed cow, 30 bushmen was destroyed!

But Bushmen did not understand the lesson. And the punitive expeditions began against a practically unarmed and harmless tribe. They organized clouds, they raised dogs, they burned their only asylum - a dry shrub. Once there was a truly terrifying case - the well of Bushmen was poisoned. Soon 120 corpses were discovered about him ... But the tribe survived all the horrors of colonization, and there is still quite safely.

Children and old people

In addition to the lack of a concept of private property, there is another "communist" feature of the life of Buschmen - this is the only African tribe in which there are no leaders. They roam in the wilderness, stop where you have to eat, they will have, and go further. And they do not need a head for these classes at all.

But they have an extraordinarily developed mutual execution. Each fruit found or the root shares at all - it can be said that Bushmen is a big and friendly family. For two pretty cruel exceptions. One of them is the reluctance to mess around with the old men. Before large transitions, they just stay in the parking lot ...

And one more custom, wild for Europeans. Bushmenka kills his child if he was born earlier than three years after the previous one. This is done because the mother cannot feed and grow two babies at once. But those children that survived in harsh conditions are already becoming almost invulnerable to any kind of tests and pain. Bushmen has such a low pain threshold that they can calmly talk and smile at a time when they, for example, impose seam without anesthesia.


Bushmen have another many wonderful abilities. They do not just live in Lada with nature, they are her part and know many secrets ...

Any broken twig, rejected pebbles clearly paint the picture of the events that happened at this place for some time ago. They will not lose each other in the most remote places - the ability to navigate them truly unique.

It is said that they know the language of plants, animals and know how to get everything they want ... Interestingly, Bushmen has a strange friendship with one of the sources of their food - antilopes. Sometimes they approach usually with grave antilopams and suck their milk together with calves, and they are completely allowed to do it. Bushmen themselves explain that Antilope understands when she want to kill, and when they just ask her some milk.

Hunting on ostriches, antelope, zebras, Bushmen always use the appropriate disguise and their ability to imitate animal movements. For ostrichs, they use their skin. Highly raising the bird's head on a stick, the hunter is part of the center of flocks of ostrichs, in the move, overgrown with feathers, how the birds do.

Bushmen know secret drugs against snake bites and scorpions. Interestingly, they have something like vaccinations - some bushmen swallow the poison in small quantities to work out immunity. The poisons help them in the hunt - they lubricate them arms. Moreover, the poison may be fatal and just a sleeping victim.

This Bushmen's abilities are well known to residents of Africa, and even quite educated and enlightened doctors, which, in turn, help Bushmen, are often treated, which in turn help Bushmen when they themselves are powerless to cope with the disease. I would like to believe that such cooperation will be useful for all and the intervention of civilization will not destroy the ancient tribe of Bushmen from the Earth ...

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