Plakuan grass: what kind of plant, description, useful properties. Plakun (Grass) - Description, Useful properties, Application Tickung Grass Medical Properties

Lythrum Salicaria Derbennik (Lythrum Salicaria), or Plakuned Grass Plant Family Derbennikovy (Lytraceae) is characterized by a rather large scatter in the names. In the Dahl dictionary: water hid, wild cornflowers, a bed, Machorka, Dubnik, a fitor, recruitment.
The generic Latin name of the plant comes from the Greek language and means "spilled rolled blood"; The plant has hemostatic properties.
The species name is formed from the Latin Salix ("IVA") and is given for the similarity of the leaves of Willow and Derbennik.

Plakuan Grass Description

Perennial herbaceous plant with straight grocery stems. Lancing leaves, seating, mutual and opposite. Flowers are small, beautiful, purple, are collected in a long thick corpid blizzard. A cup of flowers is long, tubular, twelve-gear. Height up to 90 cm.

Plakuan-grass is common in Ukraine, Belarus, in the European part of Russia (all areas), in Western Siberia (all areas, Ossan (South-West), in Eastern Siberia (Yenisei, Angaro-Sayansky (very rarely), in the Far East ( Amursky, Primorsky districts, Sakhalin, Kurila), in the Caucasus, in Central Asia. Growing on the shores of shallow rivers, in the coastal strip among water vegetation or zero, on the bay meadows, dies, rice fields, sometimes on the sand of the sea side or groups.

Plakuan grass. Perennial Derbennikov will not remain unnoticed in the garden
Article from the newspaper: AIF at the cottage №17 10/09/2015

Derbennik is amazingly beautiful and extremely steady decorative perennial. His presence in the garden will not remain unnoticed.

Loosestrife. Decorativeness and healing properties


Derbennik reproduce the division of the bush, roasting cuttings, seeds. A bush is divided in spring or autumn. Rhizome in adult plants will decide, so it uses a shovel or ax. Dellets plant immediately at a permanent place. When landing, organic fertilizers contribute. After landing, the grass is watered.

Sowing seeds are carried out in March to seedlings or in the fall, under the winter. Derbennik perfectly breeds self-sowing. Seeds are distributed over the surface of a loose substrate and slightly sprinkle the earth. Then sowing spray from the sprayer and covered with a film or glass. Seeds germinate at a temperature of about 15-18 degrees. In stage 2-3 of these leaves, shoots are peeling into separate containers. In the open soil, seedlings are planted after the threat of frosts. Young plants planted at a distance of 35 cm. From each other. Flowering in reproduction by seeds begins for 2-3 years.

With therapeutic goal, the grass of Derbennik is used (stems, leaves, flowers), rhizomes. The grass is harvested during flowering, rhizome autumn.

In the rhizomes of placun grass, tannils were found 3-4%, saponins (traces). In the above-ground part of the plant, glycosides of salikarin, lithrine, tanning substances, vitamin C, essential oil, mucus, resin, glucose, carotene were found. In alkaloid seeds, glycoside Litrerin.

Application and useful properties

The use of placan-grass found its in epilepsy, nerve diseases, depression, schizophrenia. Derbennik is treated by the solar consequences of venous insufficiency, irradiation, arachnoiditis (cystic - too). The plant has a coating, binding, painful, anticonvulsant, wound-healing, hemostatic, tonic, with a fascination actions.

The infusion of grass, the flowers of the Derbennik are externally used at eczema, other diseases. Derbennik decoction is used as a diuretic, they drink in uterine bleeding.
We use plater-grass with rheumatism, headaches, colds, cough, diarrhea (dysentery), hemorrhoids. Effective Derbennik Irovel with female infertility.
In the presence of grass is washed with purulent wounds, make a row with an infusion at eczema, varicose ulcers, panaria. With any hernias are taken inside (reduces the growth of hernia).

Hypertensive, cores in herbal teas add dry grass and flowers. Such drinks are useful to a particularly suffering insomnia, vegetative-vascular dystonia people, they soothe well.
Plakuan-grass used the Slavs with great success. Wooden blade was digging (necessarily at the dawn) the root, which was carried in the temple, asked help from the wing grass in the expulsion of the evil power, forced to shake in the cramps of children.

Plakuin, IVOLITY is quite widely used in folk medicine. The plant has astringent, coorative, anticonvulsant, painful, hemostatic, wound-healing effect and a lining, tonic properties. An infusion or decoction of grass is used in dysentery, diarrhea, chronic intestinal catarma, as painful with pain in the stomach and as a hemostatic remedy for various bleeding. The infusion of grass is also taken inside with colds, diseases accompanied by a feverish condition, and with the general weakness of the body.

In Azerbaijan, the decoction of grass with flowers is also used for nervous diseases. Outwardly decoction of herbs is used for swimming small children during cramps and kneading to stop the outer bleeding. Grinding leaves are applied to cuts and wounds to stop bleeding for the andx rapid healing.


Like each healing agent, the Derbennik has its own contraindications. It can not be used by patients with increased blood coagulation, it is contraindicated in atherosclerosis and leakage to thrombosis. Neither tincture, no decoction, nor fresh grass is categorically recommended to older people with an atonic or senile constipation. With great care and only after consultation with the doctor you can use hypertensive, since the grass leads to narrowing of the vessels. As a result, the pressure can rise even more.

Derbennik is a wild plant, but it can be grown on the flower beds, near the pond and in the garden. Most often in decorative purposes, rollerous and rod derbenniki are planted, differing among themselves the height of the stem and the coloring flowers. Quite often they are used in group landings, they are valued for continuous abundant bloom and unpretentiousness.
Well combined with such perennial plants as the cuff, nine, Tollga, Volzhanka, Verbaine.

It is best for Derbennik a moisturized soil rich in humus. He also loves sunny places, in the shade of his bloom will not be so bright and abundant. Sour substrates are exactly what is necessary for the growth of the plant, so when disembarking the Derbennik in the soil, it would be nice, dilute by the upper peat - up to 10 buckets per 1m2. Such a mixture not only supplies plants with nutrients, but also keep moisture in the hot season.

Plakuan - Grass sings Olga Kuzmichova
Slideshow on the poems of E. Vehofeeva-Litvinskaya "Plakuan-Grass". Author-performer song Olga Kuzmichyova.
Author Maya Argamakova

He is God's grass, recruitment, grandfather of a beard, hemp lake, the maiden's beauty - these and one and a half dozen names of this given folk clans.

The useful properties of Derbennik are known in modern medicine, but in the pharmacological industry, the plant does not apply. Let's talk about the peculiarities of this plant in more detail.

Chemical composition

The grass has a rather extensive set of chemical components: Phenolcarboxylic, chlorogenic, N-kumarov, ellage, gallic acid, anthocyanis, flavonoids.

As well as resins, essential oil, vitamin C, carotene, choline, pectin substances. In the roots there are substances such as sapponany. Plant seeds contain alkaloids and glycoside litters.

Useful properties from seeds to leaves

In the placken grass there are many useful substances and vitamins, essential oils.

The roots are tannins and saponins, the billet of healing herbs is beginning in the fall. Flower metels are rich in anthociana, make the blanks at the time when the flowers are blown away.

Derbennik, Ivolutaya known for herbalists with such medicinal properties as:

  • antiseptic;
  • hemostatic;
  • constructing;
  • wound-healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • soothing.

Important! It is noticed if you make a pad to sleep, stuffed with fresh hay of leaves and trees of Derbennik, then a person will sleep calmly and relax.

The use of therapeutic properties

  • dysentery and diarrhea;
  • fever and chronic stomach diseases;
  • intestinal and gastralgy disorders;
  • colds and gastroptosis;
  • exhalation of the body and migraines;
  • toxicosis and venereal diseases.

Used in the form of an effective means of ambulance in the uncens of frantic, encephalitite ticks or snake bites.

Plakuan-grass is used in various compositions of herbal teas with general depressions or chronic hysterical manifestations. Therapeutic properties of fresh leaflets of perennial - effective reducing blood.

The leaf applied to the wound or cut after a while stops bleeding. If damage to the skin is rather deep and extensive, it can be cured with the best result, if the chicken leaves are crushed over the open wound.

The main recipe for the preparation of Derbennik: One tablespoon of dried and crushed herbs falls asleep in a saucepan and poured a glass of just boiling water, covered tightly with a lid. The saucepan is warmly wrapped.

Insolening continues 4-5 hours. Before taking, the tincture is desirable to strain. This amount of medication is accepted during the day, one third part of the total amount of fluid for one reception. The treatment of the infusion of Derbennik continues for 5 days.

Recipe number 1. Prepare a decoction, which can be treated by civory ulcers or open wounds. One teaspoon of dry, crushed roots of the Derbennik mixed with a glass of boiling water, the mixture is adjusted to a boil and boil on slow heat for 10 minutes.

The saucepan with decoction leaves to cool for one hour. After complete cooling from the brave, wake-up flaw roots. It is possible to strain the medicine through a four-layered gauze.

Prepared medicinal decoction is used for processing wounds (washing) several times a day.
Recipe number 2. Infusion of migraine. It is prepared in the infusion: one part of the dry crushed stem of the Derbennik is poured with 10 parts of the medical alcohol, thoroughly stirred, closed tightly with a lid and put to insist in a dark place.

Time to insist such infusion varies from 5 to 6 weeks. Twice a week, the jar with tincture shakes well.

The use of ready infusion: half an hour before meals take 30 milliliters of infusion. Since the tincture is based on alcohol, then the finished medicine can be divorced by water in the proportion of one to three.

Important! Not divorced with water alcohol tincture can cause a strong burn of the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

Recipe number 3. The tincture used for diarrhea (diarrhea). Three tablespoons of dry crushed stems and leaf of weavers fall asleep into a deep metal capacity, 200 milliliters boiling water add to it, stirred.

Further preparation of tincture occurs on a water bath for 20 minutes. The finished tincture is removed from the fire, covered with a lid and covered for a couple of hours for a greater concentration of the dosage drink.

How to use tincture: Daily dose of medication - 250 ml. This amount is divided into three approximately equal parts and is accepted 3 times a day.
When using herbal medicine, the infusion does not take into account the meal schedule, that is, it is possible to drink infusion to meals, after eating or during food.

Recipe number 4. With the inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, it is prepared by such an infusion: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed Derbennic Flowers is poured with one glass of boiling water.

A cup of infusion is covered with a saucer and left for an hour. The finished infusion is filtered through the siete or gauze, and take three times before meals. For one technique, one tablespoon of medication is used.

Healing infusion is taken within a week. If the improvement of the patient's condition occurs earlier, the reception of the tincture can be stopped.

Therapeutic properties of Derbennik are not fully studied. Of course, this perennial has a lot of advantages listed above, but he has some contraindications. Not to all people can be used for grass-grass trawls.

Let's consider the risk group in detail. The plant is contraindicated to people subject to:

  • rapid blood coagulation;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • a tendency to the formation of thrombov;
  • patients with chronic constipation (atonic or senile).

Important! People suffering from constant high pressure treatment Derbennik is allowed only after detailed consultation with the attending physician. The grass can increase the already high pressure (it contributes to the narrowing of arterial vessels) and raise it to critical.

Herb blank and storage

Since the healing force at Derbennik has stalks, and roots, then tinctures and infusions are made of all these parts. The most successful time for the workpiece

Botany called him Derbennik. Derbennik Ivolet ( Lythrum Salicaria.) - representative of the Derbennikov family.

This is a very beautiful perennial plant with a height of 50-100 cm, but there are also larger specimens reaching 150 cm in height.

Stem straight, quadrighedral, lanceal leaves with heart-shaped base, seated, opposite, sometimes collected 3 in the muve, thick, rustic.

Flowers are assembled in long rose-violent blizzard, the fruit is an extended-oval bivalve box. Flowers in June-August.

On the back of the leaf of Derbennik there are Ustian, through which excess moisture is removed from the plant, transparent drops resemble tears, it seems that the plant is crying - from here and the other name is a platering grass.

And since the leaves of the Derbennik are similar to the leaves of the willow, the plant received the species name "solar".

Plakuned Grass: Legendary Plant

Derbennik is widespread very wide. It occurs throughout Ukraine, in the European part of Russia, Europe, in the Caucasus, in the moderate belt of Asia.

It grows a single and thickets on the banks of rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, in raw places, duties and ravines.

When we see in the meadows, the blooming derbennik thickets, unwittingly admire the fabulous beauty of this place. Flowers, like torches, burn with a cold flame.

No wonder there is a legend that this plant has grown out of the tears of the Blessed Virgin, shed during the glory flour of Jesus Christ. Therefore, in the "pigeon book" it is said: "Plakunts-grass - all herbs Mother".

What care is needed by wrapping grass?

Plant moisture. For abundant flowering, he needs sunsets or half and nourishing, wet soil.

It has several garden forms with flowers of different shades of raspberry and pink colors. Derbennik actively smashes, forming loose curtains.

Wintering without shelter.

Our advice:

In the fall of the stems need to be cropped short, and in the spring the soil around the plant is clicked.

How to multiply Derbennik?

We define seeds and dividing bush. May do without division and transplant for several years.

In reproduction, their seeds are seeded in May, blooms in the same year.

Where is it better to put a platering grass?

Derbennik is very decorative, it is planted at the reservoirs, on the lawns, in the Rabatkov and Mixlers.

When landing, away from water during a dry time, the plant needs watering.

Magic Properties of Plakuan Grass

In ancient times, the plant was attributed to mysterious magical power. On the grocery grass, the characteristics and sorcerers created conspiracies against the unclean power.

The root of placun grass was used for amulets, including - crosses.

Application of Plakuan Grass in Folk Medicine

The grass (stems, leaves, flowers) and the rhizome of the fermented chuck are used with therapeutic purposes.

Our advice:

The grass is bought during flowering, and rhizomes - in the fall. The tops of the stems with flowers are cut off with scissors and dried under an outdoor canopy.

Fresh leaves are used to stop bleeding and when treating wounds.

Healing properties of informants and beams from wrapping grass

  • the infusions and decoctions of grass are used in food poisoning, dysentery, diarrhea, chronic intestinal katar, as painful with pain in the stomach and hemostatic in any bleeding, as well as wound and ulcers;
  • the decoction is used for bathing of small children, during cramps, uterine bleeding, like diuretic, is sometimes taken inside with colds and nervous diseases;
  • drink a decoction or eat root with bread, sour milk when biteing with mad animals, while snake bite;
  • the tincture of roots on vodka drink with gastric pains, cold, headaches;
  • apply for launching at injuries;
  • the decoction of all herbs drink with noise in the head, epilepsy;
  • grass tea is effective with the overall weakness of the organism and painful feverish state.

In the past, the decoction of a plakuana, having tubyl properties, was used to impregnate fishing networks, which, after twin, became durable and durable, intense-pink flowers in the confectionery production, and young shoots and leaves - like an edible vegetable.


  • The plant is non-toxic, but with great care it is necessary to apply in gastrointestinal diseases with atonic, especially elder constipation.
  • Contraindication can serve as high blood coagulation and a tendency to thrombosis.
  • With hypertension, you need to monitor the pressure, as the Derbennik contributes to the narrowing of the vessels.

The Derbennik is not included in the State Pharmacope, and there is no information about its use in official medicine.

Alexey Kulik.
© Magazine "Ogorodnik"

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Plakuan Grass Magic Properties

The solar derbennik (he is a plating grass) manages to survive around the world, in a wide variety of climatic belts. It is not only in the most sultry Asian deserts and in the Polar areas. The plant loves the sun and moisture, but the excess water is able to get rid of the original way: tiny droplets are simply "squeezed out" out and flow into the ground in the form of Rosink. Indeed, very similar to tears.

Probably this feature of a cute weed and has become the basis of its name, although there is another version. It is connected with where the placan-grass came from: the legend of the plant reports that the bushes sprouted on the ground, where the tears of the Virgin, which tastes the son. At the same time, the wonderful herba got much power - at one glance, the demons begin to cry and flee.

The healing properties of Derbennik in folk medicine

Derbennik is an excellent flugon with long blossom. However, his species attracts not only the bees, by itself, the inflorescences collected from small purple stars are quite decorative, so the plant is used for landscaping. With antiquity, its special properties are applied in medicine: Plakuan-grass - drug from various "female" diseases, inflammation, bruises, skin irritations, poisoning poisons.

The solar derbennik is used in decoction or compresses, it is well tone with external use (for example, in the form of reinforcing baths). All these procedures can be done in the summer when the bushes are covered with flowers. During the rest of the time dried stems, roots and leaves. As for the magical use, the Derbennik is harvested for him in a single night - to Ivan Khapov.

What are the grass-plating magicians for?

The ancient Slavs had their own opinion on the origin of the Derbennik. Our ancestors believed that the first sprouts appeared from the Earth due to the Lade - the goddess of the family hearth, peace and love. It is not surprising that the plant endowed the "special authority": to protect against damage, drive demons, to withstand any ferrous stub.

Plakuan is a perennial grassy view of the plant, has a reprehensive four-shred stem, which can reach a height of up to 150 cm. It has a creeping riveted rhizome, has a beautiful inflorescence of lilac color in the form of a spike, which is placed in leafy sinuses. Plakuana leaves have a lanceal shape, in the summer of green, and the autumn is red.

Description of Plakuana

The plant loves to grow in sunny places, with a wet soil. It begins to bloom in the middle of summer, his flowers are bright, so they love to polle the bees, butterflies.

Plakuana flowers are very beautiful, on a straight high stem, pink, purple inflorescences that can be used in decorative purposes are settled.

Especially useful honey, which is collected from the placan, is amber color, and has a specific taste. At the end of the summer, fruits are ready - an oblong round box, in which there is a large number of small seeds.

One of the common species is an amolistic placken, it refers to many years of plant type, has a straight dark green stem, it can reach a height of up to 100 cm. It is distinguished by the opposite leaves, which are elongated and pointed. Flowers of small size can be collected in cooled pan. Plakuana fruits are two-dimensional boxes. Coloring this species begins at the beginning of summer or at the end. You can meet it in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia. Preparations use folk healers. With the help of a wicker weaving, it is possible to strengthen the body, to stop the inflammatory process, healing the wounds, get rid of painful sensations, is one and better binders, hemostatic means. Based on it, it is preparing infusions, decoction, they treat, chronic colitis, stop bleeding, it facilitates symptoms with different diseases of the nervous system, typhoid, epileptic seizures. Also, in the form of a lotion, ointments and suppress, it is recommended to apply externally, in cases of varicose veins, various forms of venereal diseases. In ancient times, with the help of this type of grass, snake bite was treated.

Useful properties of Plakuana

The plant has a rich composition - a tannic substance, a phenalcarboxylic acid, essential oil, resin, vitamins, flavonoids, and its composition includes a large number of alkaloids. The root of the plakuana is rich in substances such as saponins, flowers on Anthocian.

Dosage purposes apply flowers, root and leaves. Collect the grass before it starts blooming, the roots should be harvested in autumn. All collected raw materials is important to dry indoors, which is well ventilated, the storage place should be dark and dry.

Application of Plakuana

With this type of plant, you can stop extensive bleeding, remove inflammation, this tool perfectly tones the entire body. An infusion based on colors is used for treatment, diarrhea. The decoction, the infusion with the addition of placun leaves will help to remove symptoms, which is characteristic of epilepsy, will relieve the disorders of nervously system, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases, are heal. In a dry form, the placun is used, ate for a long time worried about insomnia.

It is especially well to treat a decoction with a wicker bleeding, enteritis, gastritis, colds. The plant is effectively curable, vessels, clean the skin from dermatitis, eczema. In order for the wounds quickly and painlessly heal, you need to make the grass in the fresh form of Cashitz, then applied it to the affected place. If a strong fever is disturbed, the person will weaken, you need to take herbal tea.

Plakuner has a beneficial effect on the brain, if bited dangerous encephalitis, with the help of the plant you can get rid of the swelling. For the preparation of infusion based on placan, a dry grass will be required - 10 grams, a glass of boiling water, to insist all up to 4 hours, strain. Consose inside three times a day.

Due to the fact that the composition of the flowers of the Plakuan includes substances such as carotene, pectin, you can use them for making tea, with its help you can cure headaches. Infusions, decoctions based on flowers need to be used in ulcerative gastric diseases, problems with intestines. In cooking, some use them as a dye.

Root, color, seeds, plating leaves are used for the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory path, a convulsive state, strong headaches during pregnancy. With the help of infusions with the use of an overhead part, hemorrhoids, stomach, intestines, prostatitis, epilepsy, rheumatism, will get rid of heightened irritability.

The plant includes a large amount of polyphenols, which are useful in venous diseases, tannin, with which it is possible to remove heavy metals from the human body.

Contraindications for application of plak

Please note that this type of plant is not toxic. But it is not recommended to use if a person has high blood coagulation, it is inclined to the formation of thrombov. Caution to use the drug must be treated by those who have problems with the stomach, intestines, often bother. Plochan-based drugs have a vasoconductive effect, it is prohibited to use it to those who suffer from hypertension, if a person takes them, it is necessary to constantly control their pressure. In no cases impossible to use means with a wicker during pregnancy, during lactation.

Thus, the placun is one of the best antiseptic, soothing, hemostatic, wound-healing, soothing, anti-inflammatory drugs. With it, it can be cured almost the entire body. But when it is used it is very important to take into account medical recommendations, all contraindications and side effects.

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