Yushchenko presidency years. Where is Yushchenko now? General biography Yushchenko

Ukrainians are well known to the state and politician, as well as the former President of Yushchenko, Viktor Andreevich. But few knows his biography, achievements in youth and current personal life.

General biography Yushchenko

Let's start with the fact that Viktor Andreevich was born on February 23, 1954. Exactly fifty years later, politician was elected the third president of Ukraine. Earlier, he was the country's prime minister, and also occupied an important position in the National Bank. Returning to the information about the childhood Yushchenko, it should not be noted that he was born on the territory of Ukraine in the village of Khorushevka, his family was quite revered in the surrounding area, and even rumored some that she was from the Cossack. Viktor Andreevich's parents were teachers, and respected them in the whole village.

It is impossible not to mention the merit of the father Yushchenko, Andrei Andreevich, he participated in the Great Patriotic War and, unfortunately, like many, was captured and placed in one of the German fascist man knew English well, so he began to teach after the liberation and return to his homeland. Yushchenko's mother - Varvara Timofeevna - taught children physics and mathematics. The elder brother of Viktor Andreevich also carefully studied politics and became a people's deputy.

The youth of the political figure

When Yushchenko Viktor Andreevich was very young, everyone recalls him a sweet, kind and diligent boy with good upbringing. But also there was always a certain spark - the desire for leadership and victory.

In 1971, the young man graduated from a local school, and already in 1975 - the Ternopil and Economic Institute. After receiving the diploma, Yushchenko Jr. began working as a chief accountant, and a little later went to the army. After serving the period in the border troops and returning home, Viktor Andreevich decided to join the CPSU party.

A little later, Yushchenko received a position in the office of Gosbank CRSR. It was considered a very prestigious work, which the young man himself was proud and his whole family. In this regard, Viktor Andreevich moved to Kiev. After a few months, a talented young man received an increase, and after three years he became deputy head of the board of the Agro-industrial Bank of the Soviet Union.

Career growth

For many, Viktor Yushchenko remains a mystery. His biography is actually very interesting and saturated with various important events. So, by 39 years, the future president was nominated for the position of head of the National Bank of Ukraine. And in this post he was the third leader. It was with his help that was introduced about the creation of a national currency, namely hryvnia. With its board, a bank-mint and a state treasury was created.

After some time, Yushchenko Viktor Andreevich was recognized as one of the best bankers of the world (on the assumption of the magazine "Global Finance"). A year later, the statesman brilliantly defended his thesis, after which he became a candidate of economic sciences. Such an important event for Yushchenko occurred in the Ukrainian Academy of Banking, in the native Terms of Viktor Andreevich - in Sumy.

Prime Minister

In 1999, Yushchenko decided to leave the position of the head of the NBU and head the government of the country. For a whole year, Viktor Andreevich was the prime minister of the state, participated in the life of the population, offering various reforms and laws. From the very beginning, such important activities, politicians began to focus on the work of banks and all the processes occurring in them. The first thing he did is balanced the budget by refusing to use short-term loans that took the state to pay pensions and wages.

In addition, Yushchenko Viktor Andreevich, whose biography does not end as the Prime Minister of Ukraine, fought with shadow business. He tried in every possible way to fill the budget to the taxes of private entrepreneurs leading dishonest activities.

The results of the Prime Minister

As a result of Yushchenko's action, the realization of his reforms to life for the first time in a long time the country received an increase in GDP, there were cardinal changes in the calculations and payments of central and local budgets, it was a confirmation that the budget of Ukraine increased, and from barter and borrowing had to refuse that also Positive affected the economy. In addition, state debt was eliminated, since then pensions, scholarships and wages were paid on time.

Nevertheless, the population was displeased, since the level of salaries and pensions was meager. On the other hand, Viktor Andreevich effectively fought with corruption, exposing the complex schemes of fraudsters: issued a decree on the arrest of Yulia Tymoshenko, but still decided to release it soon, conducted a large-scale campaign called "Ukraine without Kuchma" and much more.

In fact, Yushchenko respected Kuchma and even in one of the interviews he noted that he was like a father who wants to imitate and worship. Unfortunately, in 2001, Viktor Andreevich left the post of Prime Minister for the decision of parliament, which doubted the competence and conscientiousness of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Decision to become president

In 2002, Yushchenko Viktor Andreevich decided to become president. This desire appeared as a result of parliamentary elections. During their holding, the future president felt that he had power, spark, could and wants to become the leader of Ukraine. Pretty soon the "Our Ukraine" block was created, whose face became Yushchenko. He overtook the votes of BYuT, who enjoyed the confidence among the people of the state and, according to forecasts, was supposed to be ahead of all rivals. She became his companion in this difficult struggle.

These elections won Viktor Yushchenko. This biography does not end it, on the contrary, from this point on the leader changes radically. The election of the new president was scheduled for 2004, it was during this period that politician decided to run firmly. The electoral campaign started on July 3. The sixth number of the people was self-confined for the post of head of the country.


At the elections of President Yushchenko successfully passed the first round, but next time he took second place. He categorically disagree with the result and filed a request to the Supreme Court of Ukraine. And indeed, after a while it turned out that the results were forged, or the elections were incorrectly. As a result, Yushchenko Viktor Andreevich, whose biography at that moment was interested not only became the president of the country.

Activities of the President of Ukraine

Viktor Yushchenko was considered clever, logically thoughtful president. He skillfully conducted an external policy, which was aimed at working with the United States and the EU, called for the Russian Federation to delay the debt of Ukraine for gas consumption in the first years of independence, conducted an anti-Russian policy, was engaged in charity, the eyelid city of the state and much more. In 2010, Yushchenko again ran for the presidency of Ukraine, but was defeated.

Viktor Yushchenko programs

During the Board, Ukraine, Yushchenko introduced many important reforms and created programs that were aimed at improving the lives of citizens of the country. For example, in 2007, a decree was signed, which stated that it is necessary to improve and expand the construction of affordable housing, which will provide the population with apartments. It was a universal version, solving many problems, as citizens of Ukraine particularly felt the crisis and unfavorable living conditions.

The next program was the project "Sogray of Love Child". He consisted in charity, assistance from which was sent to large families, orphans and babies, deprived of parental care and care. Such personalities like Victor Pinchuk and Rinat Akhmetov, supported Yushchenko in his endeavors and made a significant amount of money to help poor children.

Viktor Andreevich paid most of the time social issues. He tried to raise a different nation, people who help each other. For this, he even made several new laws into the Constitution of Ukraine. He also changed some of the provisions and the order of adoption in the country. Many know what Yushchenko Viktor Andreevich wanted to achieve, whose biography mentions his immense love for children and their people.

After leaving the president's post, the Ukrainian sentenced everyone that he would not leave political activities and would continue to do it. He created his own organization, the so-called "Institute of Viktor Yushchenko". After the decree was canceled on the assignment of the title of the hero, the former president criticized this decision for a long time and tried to change it. Thus, the question "what is now engaged in Viktor Yushchenko" can be safely replied: policies, charity, developing programs, shares.

As for personal data on politics, then by the sign of the Zodiac Yushchenko - Fish. Victor Andreevich's weight is 82 kg, and height is 183 cm. He loves history, economy. Yushchenko also loves children.

Personal life of the former president

Many more than once heard that Viktor Yushchenko divorced his first wife, but few people know why. In fact, according to the former president, the spouses simply did not come together with the characters, namely, "tired" to each other. Today, Viktor Andreevich supports relations with the former wife and does not keep evil on her, on the contrary, he acquired a stunning mansion for her, so that Svetlana Ivanovna did not need anything.

Touching the issue of the family, many are interested in the children of Viktor Yushchenko. It's nice to know that politician already has several grandchildren. As for his relatives of Viktor Andreevich, he has a beautiful son and daughter. Vitaly Yushchenko is already 34 years old, and Andrei her for five years younger. Nevertheless, the former President of Ukraine already has one grandson and three granddaughters. But it's all about first marriage and children. Today, Viktor Yushchenko's wife is a wonderful American of Ukrainian origin - Ekaterina Chumachenko, who gladly presented her husband of two charming daughters: Sofia-Victoria and Catherine's Christine and one son - Taras.

Scary disease Yushchenko

Of course, many are interested in Yushchenko Viktor Andreevich, whose disease sometimes leads to horror. Most experts tried to understand what actually happened to the face of the former president, and who wished him evil. Many political scientists believe that it was an intentional poisoning, which every year aggravated the state of Viktor Andreevich. It is also believed that this situation has greatly influenced the outcome of elections in 2004.

Different people were interested in who Viktor Yushchenko, that with the policy of politics, what is his mystery and personal life. To date, there is the most believable and approved version - poisoning during dinner led to such serious consequences, and only a miracle helped Yushchenko to escape.

Information about the current life of Yushchenko

Many do not forget their former president. People are interested in where Viktor Yushchenko lives today, what does and what plans have for the future. According to many political scientists, the former president continues to live in the state dacha in Koncha-Zaspa, which has been from 2004. On the other hand, the son of Yushchenko said that his father came from there in 2013 and acquired himself a small mansion, which is perfect for a large family and the full growth of children.

For a long time, people will remember who Viktor Yushchenko, his biography is of interest after leaving the president's post. It would seem that four years have passed, but it is also interesting to my people, as a few years ago. At the same time, Viktor Andreevich is not standing in place, he continues to work, contrary to the fact that the party "Our Ukraine" broke up, and the head of state is no longer becoming.

And Viktor Yushchenko will also remember thanks to which turned over the lives of many people and decided the fate of the whole country as a whole. He will never forget because he is the first president of Ukraine, who decided to completely dissolve the Verkhovna Rada and much more. And for today there is no one-to-rate evaluation of his activities, some criticize it, others accused of all mortal sins, and others almost pray for him, who knows that it would be with the country, if the president then became someone else.

Chairman of our Party Ukraine, President of Ukraine (2005-2010)

After the resignation, the head of state receives lifelong material assistance in the amount of presidential salary. The presidents should have four drivers, two maids, waiters and cooks, two cars, security, assistant ...

Facebook "Sister Sometrod" published a photo with the former President Viktor Yushchenko, who, according to her, traded old embroidery in the flea market in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Left Bank metro station in Kiev. "I am going to such a thing on all sorts of things in the hope of buying something vintage yes for the minimum money - and suddenly a look falls on Viktor Andreevich. Sits on a plastic chair and drinks coffee from a paper cup. And in front of it, vintage embroidery is shut down. Trading, So. People pass, greet. I asked permission to take a picture - he said: Yes, I didn't have a question. We talked to Yushchenko about the weather, about Tom-about, they shook hands ... Yoli-Pali. The mayor of the capital goes around the city Bicycle one, without security. The president trades on the flea market, "the publication says.


Born on February 23, 1954 in the village of Horizhevka Nedryigailovsky district of the Sumy region in the family of teachers. Father: Andrei Andreevich (1919-1992) - a participant in the Great Patriotic War, after the war he taught English at school. Mother: Varvara Timofeevna (1918-2005) - a teacher of physics and mathematics (left of life just a week after the inauguration of Viktor Yushchenko for the presidency of Ukraine).

  • In 1975, Yushchenko graduated from the Ternopil and Economic Institute. After receiving a diploma, two months (August - September) worked as Deputy Chief Accountant of the collective farm "40th anniversary of October" in the village of Jawn, Ivano-Frankivsk region, was then called up to the army (served in the border troops of the KGB of the USSR. Returned in October 1976. Joined the CPSU In 1977 and remained in her ranks until the dissolution of the party.
  • In December 1976, she got a job as an economist in the district branch of the USSR State Bank in the village of Ulyanovka of the Belopolsky district of the Sumy region.
  • In 1984 he graduated from the graduate school of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Economics and the Organization of Agriculture, Candidate of Economic Sciences.
  • From July 1985 he worked in the Department of Lending and Financing Agriculture of the State Bank of the USSR, moved to Kiev.
  • In December 1987, at the invitation of Vadim Getman, he moved to the Kiev branch of Agroprombank of the USSR to the position of head of planned and economic management, becoming a member of the "team" of Hetman, who led the National Bank after the proclamation of Ukraine of independence (there was also Alexander Kireev, Igor Mityukov, Vladimir Stelmakh, Alexander, Veselovsky and other financiers and economists known in the future).
  • From 1988 to 1990, he worked as a head of department, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Republican Bank of Agroprombank of the USSR.
  • From 1990 to 1993 - Deputy, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Republican AK APB "Ukraine".
  • On January 26, 1993, at the proposal of Vadim, Getman was put forward to the post of head of the National Bank and thus became the third for the period of independence by the head of the NBU. It was one of the main performers of monetary reform in Ukraine when introduced into the turnover of the national currency - hryvnia, with it, a state treasury was created and a banknote-money courtyard was built.

Yushchenko's activities also caused serious criticism. Among critics was the then Minister of Economy Viktor Suslov, who appealing with a letter to Kuchma. In addition, the International Monetary Fund announced the fact of overstaving the national data on the size of gold and foreign exchange reserves, which also added soils for criticism.

  • In 1996, the National Bank conducted a monetary reform in the country, exhausted by the five years of strong inflation. Viktor Yushchenko, being the head of the bank, has publicly assumed his personal responsibility for the fact that this reform will not be fiscal and no one as a result will suffer. Constratusing his word, received from the EBRD status of the best banker of the year.
  • In 1997, he took 6th place in the ranking of the best bankers of the world according to the magazine "Global Finance".
  • In 1998, Yushchenko defended the dissertation on the topic "Development and demand for money in Ukraine" in the Ukrainian Academy of Banking in Ukraine, "received a degree of candidate of economic sciences.
  • Yushchenko left the head of the head of the National Bank in 1999, having received a proposal to lead the Government of Ukraine in December 1999.
  • During the 1999 presidential elections, he took part in the election campaign of Leonid Kuchma
  • From December 1999 to April 2001 Yushchenko - Prime Minister of Ukraine.

Gradually, however, the disagreements between Yushchenko and Kuchma were intensified, and by the end of the Cabinet Yushchenko scandals in the government became public, the Prime Minister began to give political interviews in which the surroundings of Kuchma in the sabotage of reforms and counteract the government.

  • In February 2001, the last attempt was made to establish relationships in the leadership - along with Leonid Kuchma and the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Ivan Ivy, Viktor Yushchenko made an appeal to the Ukrainian people, in which the opposition was sharply criticized and its share of Ukraine without Kuchma.
  • On April 26, 2001, Yushchenko was dismissed in connection with the parliamentary vote of distrust of the Cabinet of Ministers, in the ruling of parliament, it was noted that the implementation of the Government Program "Reforms For Welfare" not only did not lead to real stabilization in the national economy, and even more seriously aggravated social Economic problems in society. There was also an existence that the reason for the resignation was increased influence in political and business circles, the growth in popularity among the population.
  • President of Ukraine from 2004 to 2010.
  • On February 9, 2013, Yushchenko was excluded from our Ukraine.

Family and tie

Family and tie
A family * Yushchenko (Chumachenko) Katerina Mikhailovna, the second wife.
  • Yushchenko Peter Andreevich, Senior Brother, People's Deputy on the List of Nuns.
Kumanya * David Zhvania - People's Deputy of Ukraine VI convocation, oligarch.
  • Stanislav Arzhevitin - People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine V, VI convocations.
  • Oksana Bilosyr - People's Deputy of Ukraine, singer.
  • Alexander Tretyakov
  • Nikolai Martynenko - People's Deputy of Ukraine VI convocation.
  • Nikolai Katerinchuk - People's Deputy of Ukraine VI convocation.
  • Evgeny Chervonenko - Head of the Aviation Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine Azarov.
  • Petro Poroshenko - Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Government Azarov, Head of the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine, Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, oligarch.
  • Ivan Ivan, People's Deputy (NUNS).
  • Oksana Moroz-Hunt is a famous owner of the fashion store "Sanahant". In addition, Oksana Sergeyevna has to be a daughter of Leonid Kuchma's daughter, Elena Franchuk.
  • Pashichuk Nikolai, Ex-Chairman of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration.
  • Chvalyuk Vladimir.
  • Cherevko Alexander, Ex-Chairman of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration.
  • Grishko Vladimir, singer.
  • Buryak Sergey, Banker, Ex-People's Deputy of Ukraine.
  • Burdyov Anatoly, Ex-Prime Minister of Crimea.
  • Saakashvili Mikhail, President of Georgia.
  • Ananiashvili Nino, Georgian ballerina.
  • Naumenko Pavel, Ex-director of the Harkovsky Aviation Production Enterprise.
  • Mikheev Petr, Ex-Chairman of the Board of the Bank "Ukraine".


V. Machina continues to live on the state dacha, whose maintenance is worth 30 million UAH citizens. per year - that in the State Department of Affairs is justified by the decision of the Verkhovna Rada No. 2033-XII of January 4, 1992 "On the provision, service and security of the President of Ukraine".

Moving V.Vechenko with state owages in his own home his wife Ekaterina Chumachenko announced on September 1, 2011. The eldest son of the ex-president Andrei Yushchenko on September 30, 2013 declared that his father came from state owls. Later it turned out that he continues to live there. V. V. Meshchenko said that he did not consider his content at the expense of the state budget to the main problem of Ukraine.

Private bussiness


On September 5, 2004, Yushchenko, being a presidential candidate, met with the leadership of the Security Service of Ukraine, after which he felt unreasoning, and on September 10 was hospitalized to the Vienna Clinic. Doctors said that Yushchenko was poisoned by dioxin, and the poison fell into the patient's body about five days before hospitalization. Later, a number of examinations were held. Repeated examination at the end of May 2006 confirmed the fact of the presence of dioxin in the Yushchenko organism.

On April 11, 2011, the First Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Renat Kuzmin said that if the third president of Ukraine refuses to pass the blood test for re-examination, the Prosecutor General's Office will be forced to close the criminal case on the fact of its poisoning. In June, Yushchenko confirmed his consent to pass the blood, but still did not do this.

Poisoning in 2004 candidate for Presidents Viktor Yushchenko was falsified, approves the head of the department for the supervision of criminal cases by investigators of the Prosecutor General's Office of Larisa Chertnichenko.

At the same time, she accused of high-ranking officials of the President of the President and Members of the Yushchenko family, in particular his wife, Katerina, in attempts to hide the "artificiality" of the fact of poisoning.

This is stated in the report of Cherednichenko in the name of the Prosecutor General of Alexander Medvedko. An employee of the GPU, who also worked in the parliamentary investigation commission to investigate the circumstances of Yushchenko's poisoning circumstances was confirmed in an interview with the publication.

Chertinichenko reminded that the Nardep from NC David Zhvania during the country's testimony of the investigative commission of Rada stated that the blood samples of Yushchenko were seized from medical institutions to eliminate the possibility of holding a comparative examination, the absence of dioxin in the body of Yushchenko.

... As I showed the zhivassination, - said in the letter of Chardnichenko, - from the victim in September-October 2004, with the assistance of the Austrian doctor, blood samples were taken. However, they were not investigated either in Ukraine or in any European country. They were secretly delivered to the USA, where they were enriched with dioxin, and in the future, with the assistance of the employees of American special services, they were transferred to Austria. It is these blood samples by the leadership of the Austrian clinic Rudolfinerhaus were aimed for research in expert institutions, which revealed the presence of dioxin

In addition, Chelvnichenko said that there is a printout of a phonogram of a phone conversation, which was called March, with a kind of novel. The conversation was conducted in English with the inclusions of Ukrainian words and concerned the transportation of Yushchenko's blood samples from the USA to Austria.

"Studying the TRADE Materials accumulated by the Interim Investigation Commission," said Chalnichenko, "I created a conviction about the presence of others, except for the main and the only one (Yushchenko's poisoning during dinner at the dacha at the deputy head of Vladimir Satsyuk. - Ed.) Versions that may be The investigators in the case of poisoning Yushchenko were not taken into account. In particular, the version of the involvement of individual high-ranking officials of the SP to attempt to falsify evidence in criminal case No. 49-1361, "she said, stressing that" Yushchenko's poisoning is nothing more than a carefully planned operational combination of domestic and foreign special services " .

Today notes that the report of August 26 has signed the report on August 26, and the next day it was warned about the dismissal to reduce states, offering two subordination positions from which she refused. And appealed the order in court.

Interrogation of Zhvania
On Wednesday, July 23, 2008 for interrogation in the case of "poisoning" of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko in the General Prosecutor's Office, his former companion David Zhvania was called. On Tuesday, at the interrogation, Yushchenko spent four hours. Zhvania was present at that very dinner, during which Jushchenko allegedly poisoned. At the interrogation of the Zhvania from the country's testimony refused (the investigator Alexei Donskaya regarded it unambiguously: the deputy "is afraid of something or involved in the crime"). But in the interview with Izvestia, Zhvania stated that there was no poisoning, and the court on this case is "collusion."
  • question: Can you prove that there was no poisoning?
  • answer: This is not me, and Yushchenko needs to prove that he was really poisoned. I realized that the case comes too far. Hundreds of people are called for interrogations simply because so the authorities want. The point is not investigated because there is a collusion. I'm not afraid of him, but the case can end with a deplorable result. After all, there were loud statements on the whole world, which was dioxin poisoning. Then they were looking for a long time, as poison could get to Ukraine. They said that there are four states of the manufacturer of this substance. Three European countries provided samples of poison, and Russia is not. For this fooling observes the whole world. We accused Russia in involvement in a crime. But all the prosecutors who said that they have evidence of the absence of poisoning, silent. So I spoke. It is impossible to build a state on lies. I openly ask Yushchenko to conduct an international expertise of his alleged poisoning. Let the president pass his fat tissue so that it is checked for dioxin.
  • q: You stated that Yushchenko suffered not from poisoning, but from the exacerbation of pancreatitis.
  • a: stated because it was installed doctors. The president has a weak pancreas, and his attending physician has long been recommended to be careful in food. It was all in the history of the disease. On dinner, which everyone says, Yushchenko ate and drank less than all. Because it was full. We dined at the dacha deputy head of the Security Service of Ukraine Satseuk. It could not be poisoned here. I will not believe that in the house where children live, poison could be kept. Then I could say not only Yushchenko, but all the others, including the Satsuka family.
  • q: In 2005, you stated that Yushchenko's poisoning was beneficial Yulia Tymoshenko, the current Ukrainian premiere.
  • a: I joked. When I learned that absurd poisoning versions appear, I suggested another one.
  • q: After poisoning, three and a half years have passed. Why were you silent so far?
  • a: Then there was a revolutionary period. I believe that, as a participant in the Orange Revolution, must talk about poisoning the truth. I was one of the leaders of the election headquarters, then I didn't persuade all the "duck" about dioxin.
  • q: Yushchenko is communicating with you now?

Armed scandal

The head of the Time Investigation Commission of the Verkhovna Rada Valery Konovalyuk said on November 18, 2009, which Viktor Yushchenko is trying to "lean the Armory Scandal" with the supply of arms to Georgia. So, he commented on the statement of Yushchenko at Aviashow in Dubai about the legality of the supply of Ukrainian weapons to Georgia.

"In fact, we are talking about the shadow weapon business Yushchenko and Saakashvili, who caused enlightened losses to the state budget of Ukraine," the statement is noted. Konovalyuk reminds that only over the past four years Ukraine sold weapons in the amount of 2.5 billion dollars, while only 200 million was received by the budget. Sanidating the supply of weapons abroad, Yushchenko thereby reduces the country's defense capability and the Army's combat reading. Parliamentary Commission.

As ITAR-TASS informs, the statement says that the Ukrainian army needs re-equipment, but 95% of all products of the country's military-industrial complex are exported. "For Yushchenko, it is quite normal that the weapon was sold at the underlying prices, the Ukrainian military specialists took part on the side of Georgia, the Ukrainian military specialists took part on the side of Georgia in hostilities," Konovalyuk noted. - At the same time, the funds from the sale of weapons did not reach Ministry of Defense and did not provide funding, including social problems of servicemen. " According to the Parliament's deputy, Yushchenko re-introduces the candidacy of Yuri Yekhanurov to the post of Minister of Defense as its own defense order for further departing of military property and the state budget.

The president in every way put pressure on the Prosecutor General's Office to prevent the investigation of the facts of corruption and abuses, since all the materials that have been in the Prosecutor General's Office for now and directly participate in Georgia in Georgia has been referred to in the statement. "Such an irresponsible policy of the current government," said the deputy. "It could not not affect bilateral relations with the Russian Federation. As a result, the economy of Ukraine suffered, the export of Ukrainian goods to Russia decreased."

reference: The five-day war in South Ossetia, among other things, threw the cover of the mystery from the weapons flows, which went from Ukraine to the Georgian regime. The property of publicity becomes new facts about how Kum Yushchenko helped Kum Saakashvili to prepare for the aggression of the passage of Russia.

Literally on the eve of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict, to ensure the supply of missile systems to Georgia, the last on personal order of Viktor Yushchenko was filmed from combat duty. In the interests of the Caucasian ally, the repository of the Ukrainian army was devastated. Of the 61st Arsenal of the Southern Operational Command of the Ground Forces of Ukraine, located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Lozaya station, the tactical missiles "Luna-M", tank shells, ammunition for the rocket lights of the Holy Fire and Hurricane and Portable Anti-Arnated Rocket Fire Systems were illegally shipped. complexes (CRKK). "Successfully" the fire that happened soon allowed to check the traces, but the fact that the money taken from the weapon business was not in the budget of Ukraine, I managed to establish about a week before the fire and make public a temporary investigative commission created by the Supreme Rada to find out the circumstances of the supply to Georgia Ukrainian military equipment. The head of the commission deputy from the Party of Regions Valery Konovalyuk called the amount - $ 3 billion, on which weapons were sold. In the state budget, according to him, the amount was listed 12 times less.

The Temporary Commission prepared for Rada a draft resolution, which recommended initiating criminal cases against those officials who were damaged to the national interests and defense capability of Ukraine. However, the case has not yet received a serious continuation. Initially, the dissolution of Rada blocked the work of the Interim Commission, and with the resumption of parliamentary activities from the deputies there were causing more cases. In the second half of December, the Verkhovna Rada still heard Konovalyuk, deciding to transfer the materials collected by the Commission to the Country Prosecutor General's Office for verification. Parliament "drew the attention of the president and heads of state agencies responsible for trade in weapons with Georgia," on the need to comply with the national interests of Ukraine. " But to suspend the supply of military equipment and weapons for Tbilisi, a new orange coalition refused, motivating the reluctance to damage the domestic OPK.

According to Russian special services, renewed illegal deliveries go by sea through Bulgaria. The first contract was implemented: from the Varna party of ammunition in the amount of 5 million dollars delivered to Poti. But a larger scale of the lady - about $ 100 million - promises a contract for the supply of the Georgian army of the average radius of action.

To the means of combating air targets in Tbilisi long-time interest. Back in 2007, according to the Russian Foreign Minister, the Division of the Georgian Military Military was hit by the Division of the starting attitudes of the SPK-1-M1, Division of the OSA-AKM SPR, about 50 NSRK "Needle-1" and up to 400 missiles to them . In 2008, before the August fights, another Battery "Blood-1-M1", the Mandate Radio Interomination Complex and four stations of passive radiotechnical intelligence "Kolchug" were added to them. During the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict, this weapon was actively used against Russian military aviation. As a result of a response strikes, much was lost, so the demand for new SPC in Tbilisi, who did not break the situation in the region with re-heating plans, only increased.

In the address of Georgia there is another Ukrainian weapon and military equipment. So, according to the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, Igor Alekseeva, Deputy Head of the Interim Investigation Commission, Ukraine continues to export the Sakashvili regime tanks.

According to the same commission, after the August events, anti-tank missiles from the 62nd Arsenal in Kirovograd seized in Tbilisi. By the way, the selection of weapons was with the participation of American military specialists.

Such facts confirm that Yushchenko and to ° continue to support fully bankrupt Tbilisi regime. And since the publication of these facts is fraught with serious consequences for the political prospects of the current Ukrainian president, the last months is made everything to force the BP temporary commission, and its information is discredited.

It is well known that the Security Service of Ukraine tried to blame the head of the Commission's Valery Konovalyuk in the organization "Secret Information Leakage, which is a state secret." The SBU also sent an open letter to the leader of the "Regionalov" Viktor Yanukovych demanding to stop "blowing" the topic of illegal deliveries of weapons. Not bend and small revenge. The Minister of Defense Yuri Yekhanurov was deprived of the officers of the officers of the officer's rank.

On December 19, 2008, the Verkhovna Rada itself came to the aid of the presidential team. Having heard the report of the chapter of the temporary commission, she closed it, refusing to authorize the extension of the work of the VSK until June 2009, which would be necessary to investigate the circumstances of the weapon scandal, which began after the capture of the Sainan's Somali pirates.

Illegal export of weapons from Ukraine, which began, according to the Russian military department, about ten years ago, from the supply of 12 winged air-based air base missiles to China and Iran, received widespread development since then. The brightest example of recent years is the widespread international resonance illegal sale of the Iraq complex of radio electronic intelligence "Kolchug".

The story is not completed with the load of Ukrainian weapons at Faine, captured by Somali pirates. In an interview with the NEWSWeek correspondent, the head of the group, which seized the cargo ship, again confirmed that the part of weapons and military equipment was intended for South Sudan, where such deliveries are prohibited by the UN Security Council. Officials in Kiev The fact of violation of the international embargo is denied, but do nothing to liberate sailors from the Pirate Captivity. This was recently announced by the authorized by the Verkhovna Rada for Human Rights Nina Karpachev, calling such a state of affairs shameful for Ukraine. She could add that for the sake of concealing the criminal acts of several Ukrainian officials, dozens of people are observed for slow death.

As for the anti-Russian focus of illegal trade in Ukrainian weapons, numerous facts are known when Ichkerian separatists have been portable from the Ukrainian Arsenals, Ichkerian separatists were equipped, as a result of which a lot of aircraft and helicopters of the Russian Air Force were shot down, many soldiers of the Russian army were killed


Viktor Yushchenko's decisions in the gas sphere cost Ukraine into a loss of $ 38.6 billion in 10 years. These are the results of the Zn.ua counting of alleged losses from Yushchenko's decisions.

If Viktor Yushchenko did not give good to the presence of Rosukrenergo as an intermediary, and then a monopoly supplier of gas to Ukraine, "Buroning" thus the intergovernmental agreement dated October 4, 2001 and the gas contracts that followed it, in which the price of $ 50 was enshrined 1 thousand cubic meters from 2002 to 2011, the NAC Naftogaz would pay for the imported gas only $ 25.725 billion, and not $ 64.335 billion, as it really had to.

So, the publication writes if they take the price of $ 50 per 1 thousand cubic meters. And calculate, how much did Naftogaz of Ukraine, the volume of gas imported in ten years (514.5 billion cubic meters, taking into account the forecasts of 38.4 billion cubic meters of 2011 "If Yushchenko did not" buried "achieved in the 2001 gas price of $ 50 and the guaranteed transit of Russian gas to Europe at 116 billion, then we obtain the following numbers.

For 2002-2004, 182.4 billion cubic meters m. Gas total cost, if we consider $ 50, $ 9.12 billion from January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2011 (six years) Naftogaz Ukraine imported 293.7 billion cubic meters. Gas. At a price of $ 50 per 1 thousand cubic meters, it would cost Naftogaz in a total amount of $ 14.685 billion. Plus the cost of gas for 2011 (38.4 billion cubic meters) would amount to $ 1.92 billion in ten years of contracts from 2001 Naftogaz would pay Gazprom total (9.12 + 14,685 + 1.92) \u003d $ 25,725 billion.

Party Springs

On February 9, 2013, Yushchenko was excluded from our Ukraine. The corresponding decision on Saturday was read by the Chairman of the Party Political Council Sergey Bondarchuk.

"During the 2012 election campaign, with the consent of Viktor Yushchenko, the replacement of members of the OIC and PEC from the Ukrainian People's Party and" Our Ukraine "in the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine were replaced. Such actions Viktor Yushchenko betrayed the program goals of the party, "the organization says.

Also, the decision says that in order to avoid report and responsibility, with the help of the "Contrait of the members of the Presidium", Yushchenko blocks the convening of the congress and tries to ignore the party leadership.

According to Bondarchuk, it was the Kiev City Organization that was the right to exclude Yushchenko from the party, since he was at her register.

To the question of journalists, who have the keys to the safe of the party, Bondarchuk answered: "Charter, seal of the party, the flag is here (Spasskaya, 36), that is, with us."

As reported by the sources of "Ukrainian truth", on Saturday Yushchenko intended to convene a meeting of the Political Council of Our Ukraine, at which to raise the issue of removal from the post of Bondarchuk.

Myths and legends

The descendant of Hetman Kalnyashevsky

According to the director of the Center for Genealogical and Heraldic Studies, the Director of the Center for Genealogical and Heraldic Studies of the Institute of History of Ukraine, Nanan, Viktor Tomazova, the Yushchenko family was Cossack origin. Yushchenko himself in his own suggestions went on, tilling the origin of a kind with Zaporizhia Koshev Peter Kalnyashevsky. Yushchenko repeatedly stated that he was from the famous Cossack kind.

In the St. Petersburg archive, Peter Ivanovich Kalnyshevsky was preserved with his brother Calnyashevsky-Yushchenko's brother. "Peter Kalnyashevsky was born 10 kilometers from my village. There is a letter in which he asks to go to the upgrade and take five feet of the fish, because my village was rushing. It was always on the edge of the empire and belonged to the Russian side, then to the Ukrainian. But the boundary was then conditional, "Yushchenko told

It came to the fact that the people's deputies are from Sumshchina - offered to remove the blockbuster about Petra Kalnyshevsky and spend $ 200 million for it. But the point of thought did not go. And in 2008, an idea arose in Odessa to erect a monument to Ataman in Odessa. True, all again did not move from the dead point.

Kalnyashevsky - the personality is interesting. For example, according to the legend, he fell in Zaporizhzhya by chance. Allegedly 8-year-old boy passes cattle and saw a small squad of the Cossacks. Cossacks offered him to try the Cossack tube, after which the guy asked him to take him with him. As a result, Kalnyashevsky went through the race from the messenger to Koshi Ataman. She finished his life in Solovki.

Operational reports

New political project

reference: The creation of a new political project Yushchenko declared on June 26, 2012 at a press conference.

He noted that the last few months was engaged in negotiations with public and political forces, which are based on national policies and on the basis of this consolidation to form a political project, including the electoral project.

According to Yushchenko, about 30 public and political organizations, including the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, signed the appropriate declaration, which will be presented on July 7.

Speaking of a possible electoral list, he stated: "I do not pretend to first place, on the second, on the third, for a hundred first."

The new political project of Viktor Yushchenko receives funding from the Ukrainian authorities. About this correspondent "Rosbalt" was told by an extraction deputy of the Ukrainian parliament Taras Chernovol.

According to him, Yushchenko has no chance to go to parliament. "His rating approaches zero. I do not think that in Ukraine after his treacherous behavior, more than one percent of people will vote for him, especially since there is already a choice on the right flank. All regard it as a frank provocation," the deputy notes.

"As far as I know, many people who get involved in his election campaign, directly declare that their task is to get what they owe them from the past - presidential - campaign. Yushchenko has remained much from that time. And now there are more to him. Money - According to rumors, these funds come from the Party of Regions - and people again go to it to work to return the old debts, "the politician added.

"Inflowing to the new project Yushchenko will be" outside "- if only because it is not used to spending my own money. The game will be to confuse the opposition cards and become a sewer pipe on which the dirt will be merged. The role that Yushchenko agreed to play the role This is the role of a cheap purchased provocateur. Moreover, he himself on a serious hook in power. After all, Tymoshenko was planted allegedly for the exception of the authority when signing the contract with Moscow. But a week before, Viktor Yushchenko exceeded his authority when at a lower price for gas recalled Head of Naftogaz from negotiations, after which Russia doubled the price, "said Taras Chernovol.

Yushchenko against Tymoshenko

According to the information received, on February 22, 2013, Viktor Yushchenko held a meeting with President Josle Manuel Barroso in Brussels.

"The meeting continued for more than an hour. The ex-president said that now Ukraine is standing at a crossroads, fate is being decided for years ahead, and the future of the country should not be hostage to Tymoshenko, "the source said.

Lawsuit for influence on the course of gas negotiations

At the end of June 2013, in relation to Viktor Yushchenko, a statement of claim was received to the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine. This was announced by the Ukrainian Pravda, the head of the Lions Litigate Law Company Stanislav Bathers. "They appealed to President Yushchenko, and questioned the legality of the President's actions on the ban on Oleg Dubin as the head of Na Neftegaz of Ukraine to sign gas contracts at a price of $ 235," he clarified.

"We also consider as unlawful actions of Yushchenko on borrowing the competencies of the Cabinet of Ministers and the implementation of management influence on the" Neftegaz "(excess of powerful powers, given Art. 19 of the Constitution) in the process of concluding contracts for the supply and transit of gas, the publication of mandatory enterprise "Neftegaz", "he noted.

In July 2013, the claim to Viktor Yushchenko, the former president of Ukraine, who concerned gas negotiations, was rejected by the Higher Administrative Court.

The court referred to the fact that the plaintiff Stanislav Batrin, director of the Laws Litigate, missed the term of appeal to the court, namely 6 months. The term was calculated from the moment when the actions of Viktor Yushchenko became known.

Baturin believes that in this case the place has election justice.

To guarantee justice, the court refused for one reason: there are undeniable direct evidence that Yushchenko intervened in gas negotiations. After all, there are written directives of Viktor Yushchenko, so the court could not ignore it, and was obliged to establish the facts that would confirm the unlawful actions of the former president, and therefore interrogate Tymoshenko and Bubin.

PHOTO-2L President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko is a predominant image of a well-order family man. It has repeatedly appeared on orange tribunes surrounded by all his children. Troy - from a second marriage with US citizen Catherine Chumachenko. And two more - already adults - "tails" of the first love. But about their mother almost nothing is known. In Ukraine, hearing is walking, as if the president's ex-spouse was killed abroad three years ago.

Why is actually the first wife Yushchenko live like a closer, with two nuns?

How "omit" from the militia of their common son?

Why did the former son-in-law shot from the rifle along the windows of the Verkhovna Rada?

PHOTO-3L divorce in Båne

On the eve of the presidential elections in Ukraine in 2004, the local press reported that Switzerland was killed by the first wife of Viktor Yushchenko, Svetlana. Perhaps it was a PR-move, which added a candidate popularity. But after the politician took the post of head of state, no one was officially denied this information. Moreover, the second wife of the new president Ekaterina Chumachenko, some media even dubbed the adopted mother of his children from the first marriage - Andrei and Vitaly.

Why did Svetlana Yushchenko buried alive?

In the village of Ulyanovka Sumy region, Victor worked as a manager of the local state bank, Svetlana then was a student of the third courage of the Pedigree Institute.

- Having received a diploma, the Sveta worked with us at the school teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature, "Valentina Nazarova says. - Victor, of course, was the first guy on the village - promising, tall, beautiful ... But at the same time could have a drink with rural youth. They have a club - dancing on weekends. So got acquainted on the village. The year Victor with Light walked under the hand, and in the 77th, a quiet wedding played. The daughter of Vitalin they had only four years later ...

In 1985, Yushchenko's family moved to Kiev, where Viktor Andreevich received a position important to his future career in the National Bank. Now in the former apartment Yushchenko (150 square meters) on the Street of Institutskaya in the very center of Kiev there is someone's office.

- On the first floor we had Yushchenko, and on the third Kuchma, - says the neighbor from the second floor of Lesya Sergeevna. - They were not friendly, but at the meeting shook hands. Svetlana did not work, raging two children. Shopping went on a foreign car with a chauffeur. At the same time there was a woman simple and kind. When my husband died, she, along with Andrei's son, promoted all night over the dead man and read prayers. Yes, and Viktor Yushchenko was such a disease, she constantly visited me for medicines and treated him. And then the neighbors stopped seeing Victor in the yard. It turned out - came, leaving the spouse an apartment and a car. Svetlana sold the living space on the eve of the elections and moved to the village near Kiev.

Former employee of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine Nikolai Zhulinsky one time tightly communicated with the family of Yushchenko.

"I headed at the Institute of Literature by the handwritten foundation of Taras Shevchenko, whose fate was interested in Viktor Andreevich," says Nikolai Grigorievich. - We, together with him and Svetlana, went to the memorial places. She completely dissolved in Victor. He shores her, never allowed the steering wheel. Shortly before the divorce, in the early 90s, Svetlana has changed much. In black closure, like a nun, the look became detached ... perhaps, in such a fanatical faith I was dragged by the churchyard native Brother Yushchenko - Peter.

The former colleagues Yushchenko on the National Bank say that the reason for the care of Svetlana from worldly life could be more dramatic: "Viktor Andreevich has a relationship with one of the colleagues, Lydia Porechkin. That helped the young provincial acquisition to get profitable dating. " In addition, the current wife of the President of Ukraine, Ekaterina Chumachenko, does not call the exact date of dating with Viktor Yushchenko, because "no one wants to hurt."

Mom Svetlana lives in the village of Velikya Zhovtnev, Lyudmila Kolesnik, - the daughter bought a local pharmacy for her.

- Light suffered, being married. She guessed much, but tried to save the family. So the divorce injured it very much, "said Lyudmila Fedorovna. - All these experiences were reflected on health, the heart began to pass. Thank God, the children were already big.

PHOTO-4L Life and death lady "ex"

Ivankovichi, where the former spouse Yushchenko now lives, - the village of contrasts. A long shadow from cottages falls on the multicolored hut peasants. These sections behind brick fences are local residents called "tsarist village." The abode of Svetlana on a general background looks pretty modest: two-storey house with red tiles.

- To Svetlana? She is now in the city, on the rehabilitation after illness, "the neighbor Gennady Kuznetsov called me.

Photo-5LV House in the village of Ivankovichi Svetlana Yushchenko Lives like in the monastery

In the next section, workers are building something like a chapel - the house church. However, in his own home Svetlana lives, as if in the monastery.

"She has two nuns for every year," says the local resident of Hope, who has spiritual people buy milk. - Sister Varvara is only 27 years old, and her fate with Svetlana look like - also managed to disperse with her husband. That is what it was penetrated, directly from one regional monastery to himself "in the service" lured. Second woman from Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Svetlana often performs pilgrimage in the holy places of Russia and Ukraine. Yes, and in our local church, she sinks in the choir. She is not easy for her - a goiter.

The neighbors often see how entire delegations in black rows are flying to a plot, as if crows: "High church ranks for it on steep machines come. But Svetlana takes any church grandmothers from the streets that will be asked for overnight. "

In the center of pilgrimage of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the reporter MK reported that Svetlana helps the Church with finance. Even built a chapel in Kiev in the courtyard of the hospital for water transport workers on Yuri Kotsjubinsky Street. Where does the unemployed ex-wife Yushchenko took such funds?

"Summer Sergey always brought to visit the light after the divorce, which Viktor Andreevich left her with the car," Mother Lyudmila Kolesnik said.

- with the driver of the former husband agreed, - the tricks in the village. - He accompanied her everywhere, saw all her experiences in the back seat ... and over time he became not just a good friend for her. So Yushchenko, the new spouse Svetlana is even grateful: it helped Sergey Kovalchuk to open his own business in the field of trade.

The inhabitants of Ivankovy are rarely seen on the tracks of the "royal village" of his president. With a former husband Svetlana Kovalchuk communicates more as needed. "When Victor died his mother, he even sent a personal car for me," says the former mother-in-law Yushchenko. However, the family friend Nikolai Zhulinsky was also at those funerals: "Svetlana perceived the death of the former mother-in-law as his personal grief. But she stood aside and did not even try to approach an ex-husband to express their condolences. "

In the presidential campaign, Viktor Yushchenko participated the entire first family. Children openly went to the stands. And Svetlana Ivanovna Yushchenko-Kovalchuk also led campaign - in the native Sumy region: "She went to it only for the sake of money," residents of Ulyanovki say. "What a good move: our countryman and relative of the candidate leads to propaganda. True, soon during the connectors Svetlana fell into a serious accident. At the same time, articles began to appear in the newspapers that they were killed in Switzerland. Apparently, someone was beneficial. "

- Until now, some of the condolences express me at a random meeting, "says the former mother-in-law of the president. - The daughter does not ask me to reason someone in her false death.

Svetlana Yushchenko in this woman really died.

Svetlana Kovalchuk found a new life - family and church.

PHOTO-6L between two sons

Anxious rumors and strange gossip everywhere accompany not only the first wife, but also the older daughter Yushchenko. In February of this year, the information that the 26-year-old daughter, from the first marriage Yushchenko, Vitalin, was leaked to the Ukrainian press, married Alexei Khahlev's businessman. And shortly before that, the first son-in-law of the president was judged, Mikhail Gonchar, for the fact that that ... she fired at the building of the budget committee of the Verkhovna Rada. Why did Viktor Yushchenko publicly disengteed from both the eve, despite the fact that Vitalina is already from each child?

Due to the dramatic events on the love front, the training of Vitaly Yushchenko, at the Institute of International Relations of Kiev since 1997, stretched out for 7 years: "After the third year, she took an academic leave and lagging behind their aligns for two years," says Courtyor of the course Tatyana Mikhailovna. "Before that, I regularly attended classes, and after graduation we had a separate order."

- Vitalin graduated from undergraduate in 2004, defending a diploma on the topic "International Migration Processes," he remembers Anton Filipenko, head of the department of international economic relations. - But, as far as I know, in the specialty never worked. She left his head into the family ...

Single groups have repeatedly seen at the common parties of the first husband Vitaly, Mikhail Gonchara: "They met in the common company. He built a "new Ukrainian", hen his fingers and traveled on a cool car. But his charisma attracted a modest Vitalyna, besides, he was older for five years, she was engaged in consulting. " Vitalin almost immediately after acquaintance against the will of the parents left the house and settled at the boyfriend. Officially, they did not painl. Yushchenko complained to his friends that it was afraid to tell the father of pregnancy - he allegedly did not approve of her union with Gonchar.

"Viktor Yushchenko didn't want to hear and hear," says Vitaly's girlfriend. - And Mikhail really behaved not in family. Vita sat with the child, and he ran somewhere at night. When I returned home, it smelled with alcohol and female spirits. Did the babe of Yarina-Dominica grow in such conditions? The father of Vita only welcomed them to be broken ...

Only here, unlikely, Yushchenko suggested that the love drama will receive a criminal continuation, and even with a political subtext.

The corner balcony under the roof of the third house along Gorodetsky Street seems to be a great place for a sniper. From here, windows like the cabinets of the budget committee of the Verkhovna Rada, where the cradle bullets and the residence of Viktor Yushchenko flew away. These buildings share no more than 50 meters. In whose windows actually a drunk shooter was acknowledged when last December went to the balcony with a rifle?

On suspicion of shelling detained Gonchar - according to information law enforcement agencies, he was in a state of drug intoxication. Presented charges in hooliganism with gunshot arms. All two months of conclusion he spent in the Chamber for the Arrests, in the toxicological department of the Central Hospital of Ambulance of Kiev. Immediately sounded that the "parliamentary shooter" may be the father of the first child Vitaly Yushchenko. The president of Ukraine had to answer the press: "This person has nothing to do with our family." However, the case was mysteriously lowered on the brakes, although the bullet of the accused accidentally landed the deputy from the party of regions of Julia Kovaleva. Two months later, "hero" was free. His lawyer Andrei Fedur stated that he shot at all was not a potter. And the Pechersk Court of Kiev and even the hospital health workers refuse to give any comments on this topic. The reporter "MK" came to the address on Mayakovskaya Street, which the accused pointed out in court as his home ...

- Only the granddaughter of Yarinka Dominica connects us to the Yushchenko family, "Gonchar's father explained, Igor Mikhailovich. - Vitalin allows the Misha sometimes with her.

A close friend Mikhail Gonchar told us why the former son-in-law could shoot "in the Ukrainian power": "Mikhail regretted the divorce with Vitaly and often vinyl in this former beet. So I broke ... He was always unrestrained man. And then the former spouse often began to appear in society with her new husband. "

Viktor Yushchenko officially refused to confirm or refute for the Ukrainian press and rumors that Vitalin was scheduled for Vitalin with an entrepreneur Alexei Khahlev.

"Vitalina met Alexey by chance - at the city of Rivne," says Mother Hahlev, Sofia Antonovna. - The girl was stolen by a mobile phone, and he took her to help her in search of thieves. They did not find the phone - they found each other.

Employees of the Slavic ruberoid plant of the city of Ostrog, where Alexey Khahlev is the Deputy Director, say that for the sake of the new Union, their boss threw his first wife: "He met from Tatyana Podolan. They were painted by the mother of the girl itself, which works in the local registry office. From the first marriage he remained a little son. "

Vitalin with Alexei has been growing in general son of Victor for two years. And all this time did not painl. Mom Khahleva talks about it wrapped in: "These are their personal affairs."

- The next extramarital pregnancy of his daughter's father did not approve, - continues the girlfriend Vitaly Yushchenko. "Viktor Andreevich was ready for any number of grandchildren, but he treated the new son-in-law after the potter. Vitalin and Alexey have long wanted to just sign. Still, they have already established everyday family life. Did you sign? At least no one from our common acquaintances for any celebration.

Photo-7L one hundred million "for so"?

The student of the third year of the Institute of International Relations, the 20-year-old Andrei Yushchenko is called the "Son of God" and the most enviable fiance in Kiev. A young man really leads a bohemian lifestyle, often appears in secular parties. Having reached the age of majority, Andrei began to live separately from the mother, settling in the luxury house number 3 on Darwin Street.

"The square meter is worth 5 thousand dollars in this building," says Alexey's entrance guard. - Andrei often arranged home parties. I went to BMW, who, he said, cost more than one hundred thousand euros. Yushchenko had a lot of problems with the auto inspection, because he dispelled in the city, the result of the rules of the road. They say, the apartment belonged to him, however, now the year, how he came from here.

On weekends, one of the most pathetic institutions of Kiev "Decadence" becomes a closed elite club for children of famous parents.

- Andrei Yushchenko usually approaches after midnight, "say club regulars. - For him, there is always a VIP table, followed by the minimum of a thousand dollars. Andrei orders only one bottle of French champagne on this price. Leaves the tips for 200-300 dollars from above.

Behind the night lifestyle has to pay not only money. Andrei often misses occupations at the Institute.

"We have all students with Ponta, so Andrei does not stand out very high: a normal cheerful guy," says His classmate Lena. - Although no one else is mobile in the platinum building for 43.5 thousand euros. Andrei worked in a consulting firm, but he could hardly earn so much. He himself says that one good friend made him such an expensive gift. His girl Anya is studying at our faculty. She came from the province and was able to break into a model business.

Where did the children from Viktor Yushchenko, the funds for a similar luxury life? According to sources in the tax service of Ukraine, Andrei Yushchenko patented brands that were used during the Orange Revolution. And income from them could reach about 100 million euros.

Viktor Yushchenko constantly hesitate for the trick of the Son. For example, our Ukrainian colleagues say that in May last year, a strange criminal history came out with Andrei Yushchenko. On the street of Leo Tolstoy, his car was cut by a car from which the prosecutor of Borispol was released Alexander Kuzovkin. According to one of the versions, the servant of the law cursed the son of the president, after which the guard was Andrei Yushchenko, or someone else fired in Kuzovkin. The prosecutor wounded in his leg caused a police from the restaurant, next to which the scene was played. But when journalists tried to interview local catering workers, those assured that the incident was not. And the investigation authorities stated that the bullet was rubber and that Andrei Yushchenko did not participate in this disassembly.

"To make the newspaper not closed and did not argue, we are better to go around this topic," they say Ukrainian journalists.

In recent unrest on the Maidan, the relatives of Viktor Yushchenko no longer participated. Yes, and for nothing it is. Both the first, and the second family of the Ukrainian president, clutching at the time of the Orange Revolution of 2004, have already provided a peaceful life for many years ahead.

The original material is located at https://www.mk.ru/blogs/mk/2007/05/18/society/97110/

Viktor Andreevich Yushchenko - Chairman of the National Bank, Prime Minister under the President, the Third President of Ukraine (2005-2010), the leader of the Orange Revolution.

Future politician was born on February 23, 1954 in the village of Horizhevka, Sumy region. Surname Yushchenko refers to the ancient Cossack family. Victor's parents worked in a rural school. Father Andrei Andreyevich - Veteran of the Patriotic War, taught a foreign language, the mother of Varvara Timofeevna led mathematics and physics.

Victor has the elder brother Peter of 1946, which was held by the Deputy Chair of the Verkhovna Rada from 2002 to 2008. The native nephew of Viktor Andreevich Yaroslav, who since 2005 received the post of deputy head of the regional Kharkiv administration since 2005. As a child, the younger Yushchenko grew by a calm obedient boy without leadership deposits.


After graduating from school, Viktor Andreevich studied at the Financial and Economic Institute of the city of Ternopil on an accountant. After receiving a diploma of higher education in 1975, Yushchenko went to the service in the army of ordinary border border. In 1976, after demobilization, Victor is arranged by an economist in the Department of State Bank of PGT. Ulyanovka, not far from the native village.

Victor Yushchenko in the army

A year after the start of work, Yushchenko becomes a member of the CPSU. Having worked in one place for 8 years, the young specialist receives an increase in the Republican Department of State Bank in the capital of the Ukrainian SSR. After a year of successful work in the new place, Yushchenko becomes the head of the credit department, and after three years - the deputy chairman of the Board of the agro-industrial bank of the USSR.


With the collapse of the USSR, the agro-industrial bank was transformed into the Bank "Ukraine", and in early 1993 he became the National Bank of Ukraine, the post of chapter of which was taken by Viktor Yushchenko. The economist was directly involved in creating a financial system of a young state. Yushchenko became the author of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe national currency - hryvnia.

In the mid-90s after the start of the economic crisis, Yushchenko was headed by a group of specialists who managed to reduce inflation and continue monetary reform. In 1996, a banker was highly appreciated by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which recognized Yushchenko the best banker of the year. In 1999, Viktor Andreevich was offered to lead the government of Ukraine.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

His work as Prime Minister of Government Apparatus Leonid Kuchma Viktor Andreevich began on December 3, 1999. The decision of the economic issues of Yushchenko immediately took over. The Minister refused the vicious practice of using short-term loans to fill the budget, which made it possible to reduce the irrational expenses of the state. Yushchenko put in order the payment system in the fuel sector, after which the regular payments were learned to the budget of Ukraine, which contributed to its filling. The new Prime Minister began to fight the shadow business.

Already for the year of such fundamental changes in the economy, for the first time in 9 years, GDP growth began, regular payments for social benefits and wages. Cities and villages moved to continuous electricity consumption. But the opposition to Yushchenko's corruption and his companionic led to an open conflict with the apparatus of Leonid Kuchma, many representatives of which were converted to exceeding official powers.

In 2001, Tymoshenko was arrested for 1.5 months, and in Kiev, the first fire of national discontent was broke out. Soon the Cabinet of Ministers Yushchenko was announced a state of distrust, and Viktor Andreevich was forced to resign. The place of the Prime Minister took.

A year later, the politician organizes the opposition to current president of Our Ukraine party and becomes a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada IV convocation. Elections to the Parliament of Ukraine become a turning point in the political biography of Yushchenko. The population showed a maximum of confidence in the "Our Ukraine" block, which allowed the parties to occupy 23% of mandates. The position of the leader of the opposition to the ruling regime Yushchenko held for 2 years. His ratings confidently kept higher than that of competitors.


In 2004, before the upcoming election, it was announced that Viktor Andreevich was subjected to poisoning by an unspecified substance. It was assumed that dioxin was used against Yushchenko, which leads to deformation of the face and skin.

Changes in the appearance of Viktor Andreevich were visible in the photo before and after poisoning: the skin of the face acquired a gray shade and covered with many irregularities. The investigation was conducted by the forces of Ukraine and Europe. The customer was not installed, but dioxin poisoning was confirmed by the International Group of Experts.

President of Ukraine

Unknown disease did not prevent Yushchenko to win the presidential election. After the second round of elections, on November 21, the preliminary results were announced, according to which Viktor Yanukovych won with a transcendment. But the party "Our Ukraine" and the candidate Yushchenko did not suit such voting results, as a large number of violations were recorded international observers.

On November 22, the Yushchenko Block under the orange banners of the party begins a permanent rally on the Maidan inequality. Within two months, the protesters managed to achieve recognition of election results invalid. After that, on December 26, a repeated second round was held, at which Yushchenko scored 8% more than his opponent. On January 23, 2005, Viktor Andreevich joined the post of third president of the country.

Inauguration and "Orange Revolution"

Having become president, Yushchenko began a program to enhance national self-consciousness. He turned to history, maximizing the role of the Holodomor of the 30s, as the shares of Russia genocide against Ukraine. Yushchenko contributed to the recognition by veterans of participants of the Ukrainian rebel army, which during World War II fell on the side of fascist Germany.

In foreign policy, Viktor Andreevich preferred to support the United States and the European Union, the placement of pro in Eastern Europe and counteract Russia. During the 2008 Russian-Georgian conflict, Ukraine supplied weapons to the Caucasus, helping. But since 2006, the ratings of the president began to sharply fall, and by the time of the following elections on its side there were no more than 5% of the population.

Personal life

Viktor Andreevich was married twice. Svetlana Mikhailovna Kolesnik, the teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature, who presented the future president of two children: the daughter of Vitalina and Son Andrei's daughter. In 1993, the acquaintance of Yushchenko and Ekaterina Mikhailovna Chumachenko took place. Ukrainian, who lived in the United States, became the second wife's second wife. In five years, lovers got married.

From the second marriage of Viktor Andreevich, three children: daughters Sofia-Victoria, Catrin Christian and son Taras. Yushchenko before the presidential period became a grandfather. The eldest daughter of Vitalin presented the father of three grandchildren: Yushchenko-Gonchar Yarina-Dominica, Victor and Andrian Khakhlev. In the family of Andrei's son, the daughter of Varvara was born.

Viktor Yushchenko now

Now the former President of Ukraine is on a well-deserved rest. Despite the fact that Yushchenko's official pension is $ 300, he lives in his own estate in the village of new recklessness, which is 40 kilometers from Kiev. On the territory of the personal site of 3.5 hectares, Yushchenko has its own apiary, carpentry workshop, windmill, farm and horticultural household, reservoir.

In a three-story house, in addition to residential premises, the Museum of National Crafts and the Library is located. Viktor Andreevich is heard by a notable collector of items of folk fishing, so the antique market is often visited on the left bank. In addition to its own economy, Yushchenko is engaged in the construction of hut-dreams according to the sketches, which he plans to finish the 200th anniversary of the writer.

In 2016, a petition was published on the website of the administration of the Ukrainian government, supporters of which are calling for the return of Yushchenko into the political life of the country. The text of the petition sounds the proposal for the return of Viktor Andreevich in 2017 as Chairman of the National Bank.


In 1954 February 23 was born, at the moment there is already an ex-president of Ukraine, Viktor Andreevich Yushchenko. His biography, oddly enough, is not particularly different from the biography of an ordinary Ukrainian. He was born in anything not different from other families. True, in connection with the political career around the family of Viktor Yushchenko, many rumors have appeared, especially for his father, Andrei Andreevich Yushchenko, who fought in the war (just for which side, no one else knows). Mom Viktor Andreevich worked as an ordinary teacher.

Viktor Yushchenko studied, in an ordinary school, after the end of which he entered the Ternopil and Economic Institute (by the standards of that time, he was considered the most corrupt institution)

In 1975 Viktor Andreevich Yushchenko took the first responsible post - the post of the chief accountant of the collective farm. In this position he worked not for a long time, as he went to serve in Borderway. He graduated from service in 1976, after which he began to work as the head of one of the departments of the State Bank, who was in Ulyanovka. In this post, Viktor Yushchenko stayed 8 years. While working in Gosbank, Yushchenko also joined the ranks of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (this circumstance Viktor Andreevich thoroughly tried to hide after the events of 1991).

Having worked as a supervisor to 1975. Viktor Yushchenko became the deputy head of lending management. Three years later, Viktor Andreevich Yushchenko was raised as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Agroprombank. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this bank becomes the joint-stock agro-industribank "Ukraine". A year later, a monetary scam happens in this bank, as a result of which, 0.8 billion rubles "evaporated" from the bank's credit sums. And literally six months later, in June 1992, the accounts of two American firms are listed through the shareholder agro-industry "Ukraine" of 15 billion rubles, allegedly for converting currency to dollars (at that time, this was $ 233 million). Naturally, such frauds caused law enforcement attention. In September of the same year, the prosecutor's office was erected against all those who occupy high positions in the bank. Despite the scandal caused by this case, Viktor Andreevich Yushchenko was appointed Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine a year later. For his short chairmanship (11 months) Yushchenko, it was so launched that the inflation rate reached a record mark of 10,000 percent.

In 1993, Viktor Andreevich Yushchenko meets his future wife Catherine Claire, on which he marries in 1998. A year after this joyful event, Viktor Yushchenko appointed the Prime Minister of Ukraine. His premiere remembered the people only by the unreasonable rise in price of meat, sugar and grain. In 2001 Yushchenko is removed from office.

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