Border neuropsychiatric disorders in children. Free Download Fesenko Yu.A.

Specialization: Consulting Industry: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine Format: Open

The latest medical science data and personal clinical experience of the Course Experts form a holistic approach to the problem of neuro-psychological diseases in children and adolescents.

For whom

leaders of LPU heads neurological departments, children's neurologists, pediatricians, psychiatrists, neonatologists and psychologists.


  1. The deficit syndrome and hyperactivity in children.History of studying the issue, definition and self-restraint concept, risk factors, etiology: genetic, biochemical, perinatal and other concepts; pathogenesis; clinical picture and criteria for diagnosis, subtypes of syndrome, treatment: psychological and pedagogical programs, drug, non-drug; Forecast and outcomes, transformation of the syndrome in adulthood.
  2. Sleep disorders in children.Sleep definition, classification of sleep stages, sleep and motor activity, physiological sleep phenomena. Sleep disorders in children: dissismini, paramy, complex pathological phenomena, evolutionary sleep disorders, treatment of sleep disorders.
  3. Hypotalamic syndrome in children and adolescents.The structure and function of the hypothalamus. Etiology and pathogenesis of hypothalamic disorders. The main syndromes of the lesion of the hypothalamic area. Vegetative dystonia syndrome. Neuroendocrine disorders. Temoregulation disorders. Psychowerhegetive syndrome. Features of hypothalamic disorders in children and adolescence.
  4. Neepileptic paroxysm in children.Neepileptic paroxysms in wakefulness: Startle-Cointers and Hyperexplexia, Federman Syndrome, Sander Syndrome, Shuddering Attacks, Children's Periodic Syndrome, Affective-Respiratory Seabeds; Neepileptic paroxysms in a dream: a benign neonatal sleep mioclon, dependent with sleep rhythmic disorders, masturbation.
  5. Epilepsy in children.Epidemiology of Epilepsy, etiology and pathogenesis, pathomorphology, classification of epilepsy and its modifications, clinical picture, special forms of epilepsy in children, diagnostic methods - neurovelization, EEG, video EEG monitoring, treatment - classification of anti-kvulsants, mechanism of action, principles of mono- and polyterapetes, prognosis .
  6. Speech disorders in children.Anatomy-physiological mechanisms of speech. Stages of formation of speech. Classification of speech disorders (clinical, speech therapy, pedagogical aspect). Violations of oral speech: Speech Delay, Dyslia, Bradylia, Tachilalia, Dysarthria, Alalia (Sensory, Motor), Rinolalia. Violations of written speech: Dysgraphy, Dysxia. Methods of medication and non-drug correction of speech disorders.
  7. Psychopathy and accentuation of character in adolescents.Features of adolescence. Conditional and pathological and pathological forms of violations of behavior in adolescents. Character accentuation. Deliveny violations of behavior. Features of suicidal and auto-destructive behavior in adolescents. Personality disorders: clinical forms. Methods for correction and work with deviant teenagers.
  8. Early children's autism.The concept of autism, separation of autism during schizophrenia and early children's autism. Early child autism and children's schizophrenia syndrome, their differential diagnosis. Phenomenology of early child autism. Clinical manifestations of RDA. Specific majority in Kanner syndrome. Asperger syndrome, phenomenology of syndrome and clinical manifestations.
  9. Clinical and psychological methods of family diagnostics.Questionnaire for parents "Analysis of family relationships" (DCA). Projective graphic technique "Family Sociogram". Color "Test relationships." "Family with the eyes of a child."
  10. Psychological diagnostics of intellectual-meal functions.Denver Development Scale, Gezella scale, Waxer technique, Test Methodology "Potential intellectual Development", The technique is equal to others.
  11. Personal techniques.Questionnaires: Color Test M. Lucher, Picturesque Tests, Methods "Polar Profiles", Personal Oplines

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Cost: 31000. rub.

The year of publishing: 2010

Number of pages: 320

ISBN: 978-5-94387-490-1

Publisher: Science and Technology

The publication considers the main compensatory mechanisms of the child's brain, describe the most common border neuropsychiatric disorders of a developing child associated with minimal brain dysfunction, the main forms of neurosis, modern ideas About stress, as well as questions of the treatment and training of children suffering from border pathology.
In an interesting form, the history of children's disease is given, bright clinical examplesallowing to understand the main psychological component of one or another suffering.

The book is addressed to practitioners (psychiatrists, neurologists, psychotherapists), psychologists, deifectologists, spectacles engaged in therapy and border correction mental disorders, as well as students of the defectological and medical faculties of universities.


Chapter 1. Brain: Heal yourself!

Chapter 2. "Left Brain, Right Brain ..."

Chapter 3. Between large hemispheres of the brain;

(Luria - Piaget - Vygotsky - Rusinov - Chrysman)

Chapter 4. Why are these disorders - border?

Diagnostics of border disorders with the help of computer cross-reference analysis EEG

Chapter 5. "I am a man because I say"

Stuttering therapy and other speech disorders

Chapter 6. "Stop blink - keep yourself in your hands"

Classification and therapy Tikov

Chapter 7. "So big, and the bed of wet!"

Therapy Enurca

Chapter 8. "Bad Good Child"

Modern interpretation of hyperactivity attention deficit deficit syndrome

Etiology ADHD

Diagnosis of ADHD using the EEG cross-corrosive analysis


Compensatory mechanisms of symptoms of border mental disorders

Chapter 9. Negrosis - the wings of the elect?


Hysterical neurosis

Neurosis obsessive states (obsessive neurosis)


Chapter 10. Stress - Assistant or Enemy?

Stress value for the body

Stress as a pathogenic factor

Chapter 11. Treat, teach, understand

Methods of brain research

Ultrasound, doppler and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging brain and cervical department Spine

Therapy of border disorders

Psychopharmacological correction

Activation of brain reserves

Simulation of own protective mechanisms of the brain ("adaptive bio-controlled")

Psychotherapy of border disorders

Pedagogy and border disorders

Chapter 12. Great Karl Gustav Jung

Analytical psychology

Abstract of dissertation.according to medicine on the topic of border neuropsychiatric disorders in children and adolescents, 10-16 years old, living in the territories of radioactive pollution

Ministry of Minse ^ Domestic Medical Institute

For manuscript rights

Basylik Sergey Vikentievich

Border neuropsychiatric disorders in children and adolescents 10-16 years living in the territories of radioactive pollution

Specialty: 14.00.18 - Psychiatry

dissertations for the degree of candidate of medical sciences

The work was performed at the Research Institute of Radiation Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

Scientific leaders:

doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor F. K. Gaiduk Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor L.N. Astakhov

Official Ollonenp *

doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor G. A. Obukhov Candidate of Medical Sciences E D Korolev

Leading organization - Vitebsk Order of Friendship Peoples Medical Institute.

Protection will be held ____1993

meeting of the Specialized Council to 077.01.03 Minsk State Medical Institute (2200116, Shnek, Dzerzhinsky Ave., 83).

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Minsk State Medical Institute

Take the Secretary of the Essential Council Candidate of Medical Sciences,

associate Professor V.K.K0SH & Sh


The relevance of Tesh. Border neuropsychiatric disorders (neurosis, psychopathy, psychopath-like and jeerosy-like\u003e Assessing of the zzogenic and organic and somatic nature) will knock out the leading place in the structure mental pathology (Yu. A. Alec-: Androvsky, 1976; V.Del Karvasarsky. 1930; B. D. Petrakov, 1972; \\ K. Ushakov, 1987). The last decades are characterized by the neutlon-1 alone growth of border states around the world (A.A. Churkin, 1990; 5. D. Karvasarsky, 1080).

According to a number of authors (Yu. A. Aleksandrovsky etatov, 1991; 3. I. Tabachnikov et al., 1992; E IL of Krasnov et al., 1992) Accommodation in the conditions of the ceased after the accident at the Chernobyl AH a Sronich psychotrambulatory situation contributes to the growth of the Burning -! Oh neuropsychic disorders. However, the roples of etiopatho αenise ¡"caused by violations in many ways to operates OS: arising controversial. Along with the works that are indicated on the leading role of psychogenic and somatogenic factors (Kha. Alexand-Yuvsky et al., 1931; S. I. Tabachnikov et al., 1992) in the RLDD ¡Wrongs are supposed to be cemetingly exogenous-organic eneen pathological changes, associated with the rapidization of ionizirwood radiation on the CNS (EN. Krasnov et al., 1992; 1T. Kondratenko with Sovg., 1991; L. A. Krzhanovskach, 1992).

The absolute majority of research is devoted to studying the influence of the Chernobyl Azaria on the mental health of the adult, there was a way. Among the Dotay and adolescents, the study is more small ", pr", Tom Bolaosa for attention was paid to the study of psychological OSABEN-GTEA (EA TATENKO C O. 1992; A. \\ 1 Carpushina, 1 "92;). To OSHK, 1902), Lo Jeshago Time remains a little studied "Survey on the state of mental health of networks, Lrivil<иощих на егрктсрии, загрязнен,чей радионуклид?.®. S доступной на» литера-

tour, we met the descriptions of population studies conducted to study the prevalence and clinical features Mental disorders in children who are influenced by the radiation factor. Passion is complicated by insufficient tymissions,)

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