Obsessive-compulsive disorder in a 3-year-old child. What is hidden behind the concept of childhood neurosis? Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Neuroses in children

What are neuroses in children -

Neuroses - psychogenic diseases, which are a person's reaction to mental trauma (acute, sudden or long-term traumatic situation).

What provokes / Causes of neuroses in children:

The main causes of childhood neuroses are emotional trauma, heredity, past illnesses, family relationships of parents and others, physical and emotional overload, lack of sleep, mistakes in upbringing.

Pathogenesis (what happens?) During neuroses in children:

The basis of the psychological conflict in hysteria is the contradiction between the person and the surrounding reality, which does not usually satisfy the high level of claims of this person. Patients with neurasthenia are characterized by a desire for excessive efforts that exceed the real capabilities of the individual. The cause of neurasthenia in children can be constant stimulation from parents, the desire for success without taking into account the strength and capabilities of the child. The basis of the conflict in obsessive-compulsive disorder is the struggle between desire and duty, moral principles and personal attachments.

The main feature of neuroses in children is due to their development in a developing personality. Personality is largely determined by the type of child's upbringing in the family. Various types of improper upbringing ("overprotection", "rejection", "conniving overprotection", authoritarian, tough upbringing, contrasting, "hypersocializing" upbringing) often distorts the biological characteristics of the personality, the temperament of children. At the same time, the direction of the child's reaction is disturbed, unfavorable character traits are created, and a preneurotic personality radical is often formed. The formation of a preneurotic radical leads to a feeling of inferiority, growing anxiety, prepares for an inadequate perception of the so-called trigger factor. In the presence of prepared soil, any careless word, offensive remark, change in living conditions and other factors can lead to neurosis. The younger the child, the more important in the origin of neurotic breakdowns are his biological characteristics, in particular neuropathy or early childhood nervousness.

Neuropathy is characterized by a violation of the emotional background of the foundations of the personality. The most common cause of neuropathy in a child is the pathology of pregnancy, especially the presence of stress during it, complications in childbirth. In other cases, the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth can be the cause of a violation of the origin of perinatal encephalopathy, leading to the formation of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, this determines the poor adaptation of children in children's institutions, they more often give neurotic breakdowns during hospitalization, at the slightest change in life stereotype.

The age factor, as a factor of pathogenesis, determines clinical picture many diseases. So, in children of early and preschool age, due to the immaturity of the personality and self-awareness, "classical" forms of neuroses are rarely observed, for them neurotic reactions that are simpler in structure are typical. Clinically, these are the so-called monosymptomatic or systemic neuroses. Most often, disorders develop in the system of speech and motor mechanisms (stuttering) or the system of regulation of urination (enuresis), pathological conditioned reflex connections arise between the state of affect and the most intense type of activity at the time of affective tension. So, a reflex defensive movement can lead to the development of neurotic tics.

Started as neurotic reactions, systemic neuroses can further acquire a persistent character and turn into neurotic states in school-age children and adolescents, and with age into neurotic personality development.

Symptoms of neuroses in children:

Symptomatic manifestations of neuroses depend on the nature of the mental trauma and on the characteristics of the patient's personality. The child has certain personality traits, the manifestation of certain character traits (sensitivity, hysteroidism, anxious suspiciousness, etc.) indicate the form of a neurotic state: neurasthenia, hysteria, obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Hysteria. Hysterical neurosis is characterized by hypersensitivity and impressionability, suggestibility and autosuggestion, instability of mood, selfishness and egocentrism. One of the main properties of a hysterical personality is the demand for recognition. The basis of psychological conflict in hysteria is high level claims that do not correspond to the capabilities of the individual (usually as a result of egocentric education - "the idol of the family"). Hysteria is characterized by a wide variety of symptoms. IN childhood the variety of symptoms of hysteria is rare, usually they are in the presence of hysterical personality traits of the child. In most children, hysterical reactions are expressed as monosymptomatic manifestations. Young children are characterized by affective-respiratory seizures (attacks of holding the breath), more often manifested in the only spoiled children. The seizure develops when crying, caused by dissatisfaction, the anger of the child when his desires are not satisfied. At an older age, hysterical seizures are more diverse, sometimes similar to epileptic seizures, sometimes with attacks of suffocation in bronchial asthma. A hysterical seizure is characterized by theatricality, expressive postures, a seizure can last a long time if there are observers. Hysteria is characterized by the inconsistency of the complaints presented with the objective data during the examination.

Neurasthenia. The main clinical syndrome of neurasthenia is irritable weakness... The child becomes irritable, whiny, at the slightest provocation gives violent affective outbursts followed by remorse. The behavior is characterized by lethargy, passivity, or motor restlessness. The mood often changes, sometimes there are manifestations of depression. Increased fatigue, inattention, decreased performance are noted. Headache is very characteristic with fatigue, mental stress, less often in the morning. The headache may be constant, constricting. In older children, adolescents and adults, there is a hypochondriacal representation of the severity of the disease, its incurability. It is characteristic of neurasthenia. More often it is difficult to fall asleep, superficial sleep, with nightmares, frequent awakening. Quite often, with neurasthenia, night fears are noted, usually associated with daytime experiences, with sharp vegetative manifestations - palpitations, tremors, redness or paleness of the face, etc.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder. For this neurosis, such psychological characteristics as self-doubt, indecision, suspiciousness, and fearfulness are of great importance. Sometimes, some of the parents in childhood also showed traits of anxious suspiciousness. Children from an early age are afraid of everything new, loneliness, darkness, insects, animals. At school age, suspiciousness, anxiety, fear of getting infected, getting sick are characteristic. Patients create for themselves various kinds of prohibitions ("so that something bad does not happen"). Such personality development is called obsessive, and obsessive-compulsive disorder is called obsessive neurosis.

Children are more often characterized by various phobias - fear of death, infection, sharp objects, animals, etc. In most patients, various obsessive actions, sometimes ritual properties (endless washing of hands, jumping in a certain order, patting the hand, etc.) appear as protective measures. At an older age, obsessive doubts, thoughts, and counting arise. As a characteristic feature of obsessive states, the presence in patients of criticism of this obsession, elements of the fight against obsessive actions, the development of protective rituals is distinguished.

Often, a more complex obsessive movement and action is preceded by neurotic tics that arise as fixed conditioned reflex movements. Tikibelong to neurosis-like disorders, in which the main cause is not psychogenia, but early organic brain damage. Differential diagnosis between neurotic and neurosis-like tics presents significant difficulties, especially since neurotic tics often occur in children with ADHD. Neurotic tics are characterized by a certain sequence of their appearance, stereotypical contractions of individual muscle groups, reminiscent of defensive movements. Usually at 4-5 years of age, a blinking tic occurs, which disappears after a few weeks or months. However, the slightest mental stress, anxiety, fear causes tics of other muscle groups, which gradually take over the muscles of the face (raising eyebrows, twitching the nose, pulling the corners of the mouth, eyeballs). One type of tick is replaced by another, in more severe cases, almost without an interval. With insufficient treatment, with a constant traumatic situation, tics can spread throughout the body. After acute respiratory infections more often so-called respiratory tics appear - obsessive coughing, sniffing, humming, etc.

Ticks can enter the structure of one of three neuroses... As already noted, neurotic tics can be one of the initial manifestations of obsessive-compulsive disorder, accompanied by the corresponding personality traits, a feeling of alienation, with an attempt to delay tics by volitional effort, with the gradual addition of more complex obsessive actions and rituals. Hysterical neurosis is characterized by demonstrative tics, their intensification in a certain situation, in the presence of persons at whom the hysterical symptoms are directed. With neurasthenia, tics often appear (or worsen) after various somatic diseases that aggravate other neurasthenic symptoms. In a chronic traumatic situation, stage neurotic reaction is replaced by a protracted neurotic state with the leading symptom of tics.

Neurotic stuttering (logoneurosis). Stuttering is a violation of the rhythm, tempo and fluidity of speech associated with muscle cramps involved in the speech act. Usually stuttering first occurs at 2-4 years of age under the influence of some strong impression, fear. The frequency of stuttering at this age is due to the intensive formation of thinking, the formation and complication of phrasal speech. In young children, both clonic and tonic convulsions of the speech muscles are noted, in older children, tonic convulsions predominate. In the origin of stuttering in children, the presence in the family of patients with stuttering is of a certain importance, and in addition to the imitation factor, a hereditary predisposition to speech pathology plays an important role. Neurotic stuttering sharply increases with excitement, accompanied by concomitant movements that facilitate the child's speech (stomping with the foot, snapping fingers, etc.), sometimes tics of the muscles of the face.

Neurotic stuttering occurs more often in children with normal or accelerated speech development. In the absence of a hereditary predisposition and a normal "speech climate" in the family, timely treatment, stuttering can disappear completely within a few weeks.

With a particularly strong fear, an affective-shock reaction may manifest itself as a lack of speech, followed by the development of stuttering. Stuttering often recurs. In more severe cases, patients experience stuttering fixation based on the consolidation of a motor speech stereotype, a neurotic state with stuttering syndrome, logoneurosis develops. The course of logoneurosis is wavy with a periodic increase in stuttering and concomitant neurotic disorders under the influence of various psychogenic situations (high school load, exams, etc.). Characterized by an increase in logoneurosis in puberty with an exacerbation of the personality's reaction to a speech defect, a sharp increase in logoophobia.

Neurosis-like stuttering, which occurs in connection with an organic disease of the brain, develops more often gradually. Late development of speech, tongue-tiedness is usually noted. Characterized by the lack of personality response to a speech defect, patients do not try to hide it, the severity of stuttering depends little on the situation. The personality reaction in neurosis-like stuttering usually appears at puberty, and then it is difficult to distinguish it from neurotic stuttering.

Enuresis, or nocturnal urinary incontinence, may be a continuation of physiological enuresis, when, due to excessive depth of sleep, a “watchpoint” in the cerebral cortex is not produced for a long time. TO neurosis should include only those cases of enuresis that occur under the influence of mental trauma, with a sudden change in life stereotype (visiting a nursery, kindergarten, the appearance of a second child in the family, etc.).

Emphasize the role of disturbed sleep mechanisms in the pathogenesis of enuresis. The clinic of neurotic enuresis is characterized by a pronounced dependence on the situation and environment in which the child is, on various influences on his emotional sphere. The temporary withdrawal of a child from a traumatic environment can lead to a noticeable decrease and even cessation of enuresis. The emergence of neurotic enuresis is promoted by such character traits as shyness, anxiety, impressionability, self-doubt, low self-esteem, children painfully experience their lack, they have a feeling of their own inferiority, anxious expectation of nighttime urine loss. In cases where the disease does not end with recovery, children and adolescents experience a subdepressive mood shift with self-dissatisfaction, isolation, sensitivity, vulnerability or increased affectivity, excitability, incontinence, and anger.

Enuresis in children sometimes develops along with functional fecal incontinence -. Encopresis may be the only manifestation of neurosis, more often according to the type of hysterical reaction (to the appearance of a stepfather in the family, determination in a nursery, kindergarten).

Diagnosis of neuroses in children:

It is very important to diagnose neurosisat an early age of the child. After all, the sooner it is possible to recognize a neurosis, the easier it will be to cure it in the future. Diagnosis of childhood neuroses consists of several stages:

  • Psychological analysis of a child's life.
  • Analysis of family relationships between parents and a child, as well as his behavior with other children and relatives.
  • Conducting conversations with the child on pre-developed questions in the process of game communication with the baby.
  • Observation of the child's behavior during play (spontaneous or pre-arranged).
  • Analysis of the child's drawings. Thanks to the drawings, you can understand the feelings, experiences and desires of the child.
  • Examination of parents as well as grandparents.
  • Development of the doctor together with the parents of the individual psychotherapy of the child.

Treatment of neuroses in children:

With neuroses, pathogenetic treatment is psychotherapy. Psychotherapy in children is mainly aimed at improving the family environment, normalizing the system of family relations, and correcting upbringing. The value of drug therapy, physiotherapy, reflexology is to provide the necessary psychosomatic background for more successful psychotherapy. In neurosis-like states, especially in the presence of massive neurotic layers, psychotherapy is also of great importance, but it comes to the fore drug therapy (both etiotropic and symptomatic), as well as physiotherapy, balneotherapy, etc.


All psychotherapy methods can be divided into 3 groups: family, individual and group psychotherapy.

Value family psychotherapy during treatment neuroses in children, it is especially great, since in contact with family members, the doctor directly studies the life problems of the family and the child, helps to eliminate emotional disorders, normalize the system of relations, and correct upbringing. Family psychotherapy is of particular importance for children in preschool agewhen it is most effective, when it is easier to eliminate the pathological influence of parenting errors. Family therapy includes an examination of the family (in the process of which it is necessary to determine a family diagnosis - a combination of psychopathological, personal and socio-psychological characteristics of the family). In the second stage, family discussions are held. Conversations with parents, grandmother, grandfather. They study with the child in an office equipped as a playroom - with toys, masks, writing utensils. First, the child is given the opportunity to freely handle toys and books. As emotional contact is established with the child, a conversation is conducted. Family discussions usually precede activities with the child, but sometimes you can start with activities with him, and the improvement in the child's condition positively affects the course of family discussions. In family discussions, a pedagogical perspective is determined, the role of parents in psychotherapy, the need for close cooperation is emphasized.

The next stage is joint psychotherapy of the patient and parents... Object games, drawing, buildings are conducted with preschoolers. With schoolchildren - discussion of various topics, directed object games. When children and parents interact, habitual emotional reactions and conflicts are clearly defined. Subsequently, role-playing games are held, reflecting communication in life ("school", "family"). In psychotherapy, a scenario is used that is played out by children and parents, changing roles. The therapist demonstrates the optimal model of family relationships during the game. Thus, conditions are gradually created for the restructuring of family relations and the elimination of psychological conflict.

Individual psychotherapy. The main methods are “explanatory”, or rational, psychotherapy, drawing (art therapy), play, autogenic training, suggestive psychotherapy (suggestion).

Rational psychotherapy is carried out in three stages. First, after establishing emotional contact with the patient, the doctor explains to him in an accessible form the essence of his painful condition. At the second stage, the doctor, together with the patient, tries to determine the source of his feelings. Subsequently, in his homework (the patient must finish the story started by the doctor), he, analyzing the different options for ending the story, tries to resolve difficult conflict situations himself or with the help of a doctor. Even insignificant successes in mastering the situation, with the approval of the doctor, contribute to the restructuring of relations, the correction of unfavorable character traits.

Art therapy (drawing, modeling). Sometimes drawing can be the only way a child communicates. When drawing, the child understands his feelings better. Observing him while drawing gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhis character, sociability or isolation, especially if the child draws in a small group of children, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bself-esteem, the presence of creativity, imagination, horizons. Drawing is often used in group psychotherapy as well. Drawing on specific topics - drawing of a family, depicting fears, etc. - is very informative. For a doctor, an analysis of a drawing of a family, a conversation with a child about the faces depicted in the drawing gives more insight into the structure of the family, family relationships than the anamnesis formally collected from the mother. At the end of the session, the child "gives" the fears drawn by him to the doctor. Instead of drawing, they sometimes use making different masks, sculpting. Eliminating situational fears prevents the development of obsessive fears. A good effect of eliminating fears is noted in the group, when children draw fears at home, and in the classroom they discuss them together, play them.

Play psychotherapy Along with the drawing, it is most consistent with the age-related needs of children in play, but it requires the organization of play as a therapeutic process, the emotional involvement of the doctor, and the ability to transform into play. Used as a spontaneous game without a specific scenario, and directed, but allowing for improvisation. The game with a therapeutic purpose is indicated for children 2-12 years old with affective and characterological disorders, difficulty in communication. The game is aimed at restoring broken relationships. In spontaneous play, the child has an opportunity for emotional and motor self-expression, awareness of tension, fear. In an improvisational game, the doctor creates stressful situations of fear, accusation, argument so that the child learns on his own or with his help to find a way out of the situation. This method is considered the most successful in children aged 4-7 years, when there is an intensive process of role-based personality development. At an older age, dramatization is carried out without dolls and toy props, in an imaginary setting. Thus, in a joint playout with the doctor, adolescents are taught to make adequate decisions in stressful situations.

One of the options for play therapy is fairy tale therapy, in the process of which the issues of psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection are solved. With this technique, they not only tell, compose and act out fairy tales, make fairy tale characters, puppets, but also meditate on a fairy tale. During static meditation, children listen to a fairy tale in a comfortable (usually lying down) position to calm music. In psychodynamic meditation, they move, reincarnating in various animals, and perform other exercises.

Autogenic training (muscle relaxation method) is performed only in adolescents. The method is effective in the treatment of systemic neurosis, in particular logoneurosis, tics. A positive emotional attitude created by the doctor ("travel", "stay in your favorite resting places", the presentation of a sunbeam, warming the muscles in a certain sequence lower limbs, the trunk, then the upper limbs and, finally, the face), easily causes muscle relaxation, reduction and even disappearance of tics, stuttering for a while. With each subsequent session, the effect of muscle relaxation and a decrease in neurotic symptoms increases, in addition, the child gains faith in recovery.

Suggestive psychotherapy includes suggestion while awake, indirect suggestion, hypnotherapy. Suggestion in the waking state is an indispensable element in any psychotherapeutic effect. Suggestion is often used for acute neurotic reactions, under the action of superstrong stimuli (hysterical amaurosis, aphonia, mutism, acute fears). Suggestion is often used for other neurotic reactions, the neurotic form of enuresis, and pathological habits. With good suggestibility and an attitude towards treatment, suggestion can be carried out in a state of muscle relaxation. Often in children, indirect suggestion is used, in which an attitude is created for a therapeutic effect when taking certain medications, performing any procedures (for example, the effect of electrical stimulation in hysterical paralysis). An example of indirect suggestion is a placebo, an indifferent substance formulated as a drug.

Hypnotherapy it is used to mobilize psychophysiological resources, to strengthen the emotional-volitional sphere, it has mainly a symptomatic effect, quickly eliminating one symptom or another. Hypnotherapy is contraindicated in case of unwillingness to be treated, asocial attitudes, fear of hypnotic effects, psychomotor agitation, depression, acute somatic illness. Hypnotherapy is carried out with insufficient effectiveness of suggestion in reality, with various neurotic symptoms, asthenoneurotic conditions, psychosomatic diseases.

Group psychotherapy.Main indications for group psychotherapy:

  • unfavorable personality changes during a long course of neurosis (egocentrism, elevated level claims);
  • communication difficulties and related affective disorders (excessive shyness, stiffness, suspiciousness, intolerance to expectations, etc.);
  • the need for further correction of family relations in case of intractable conflicts.

Contraindications: negative attitude to treatment, severe disinhibition, excitability, aggressiveness and decreased intelligence. Groups are selected gradually in the course of individual psychotherapy. The number of patients within a small group: 4 patients at the age of 4-5 years, 6 at the age of 5-11 years, 8 at the age of 11-14 years. The duration of classes is from 45 minutes for preschoolers to 1 hour at 7-12 years old and 1.5 hours for adolescents, which allows you to play out complex plots.

Unification in a group takes place through joint visits to museums, exhibitions, followed by discussion of stories, interesting books, their hobbies, etc., in this way. relaxation of tension is achieved. Children begin to share their own experiences and problems. Compared to individual psychotherapy, the disclosure of experiences in a group has a greater therapeutic effect. Next, the game method of spontaneous and doctor-directed games is introduced. This is followed by training of mental functions (with the use of games that develop speed of reactions, attention, endurance, coordination of movements). Teens are taught self-control and self-regulation techniques. There are several methods of group psychotherapy, in the process of training, various techniques are used - a variety of games that train not only the functions listed above, but also the imagination, various communication techniques, observation, and creative activity. Various drawing tests are used as homework, followed by discussion. At each lesson, relaxation is carried out with the suggestion of those positive qualitiesthat group members purchased in class. Discussion at the end of the course of treatment consolidates the results of group psychotherapy, broadens the horizons of children, develops their self-awareness.

Drug therapy

As already noted, drug therapy for neuroses is mainly of secondary importance, acting on a particular symptom, relieving tension, increased excitability (or depressive background), reducing asthenic syndrome. Usually, drug therapy precedes psychotherapy. maybe complex treatmentwhen psychotherapy is carried out with drug therapy, physiotherapy. Complex therapy indicated for neurosis-like conditions. In this case, general strengthening and dehydration therapy, agents that reduce asthenia, nootropics are usually prescribed. The use of tranquilizers and antidepressants can complicate psychotherapy. Tranquilizers are used mainly for organic disinhibition, hyperactivity.

With neuroses, especially in children, it is advisable to prescribe infusions of medicinal plants, which can be used for a long time, up to 1.5 months. Currently, herbal medicine is increasingly used in the treatment of neuroses and psychosomatic diseases. Most medicinal plants cause sedation (valerian, motherwort, etc.).

Since children neuroses often develop on the basis of perinatal encephalopathy, neuropathy, asthenic conditions, treatment is usually carried out in a complex manner. For asthenic symptoms, fortifying and tonic agents are recommended: calcium preparations (chloride, gluconate, lactate, glycerophosphate), lipocerebrin, vitamins, tinctures of Chinese magnolia vine, zamanihi; useful pantogam, nootropil. In asthenic conditions with a subdepressive syndrome, the use of tinctures of Eleutherococcus, aralia, ginseng is indicated. With irritable weakness good effect causes Pavlov's mixture in combination with a tincture of valerian, motherwort. Baths are useful (in particular, conifers); physiotherapy: electrophoresis with calcium, magnesium sulfate, bromine, diphenhydramine; electrosleep. Of the psychotropic drugs for hypersthenic syndrome, tranquilizers with a sedative effect (Elenium, eunoktin) are used, with hyposthenic - tranquilizers with a slight activating effect (seduxen, trioxazine). In neurotic conditions with subdepressive syndrome, small doses of antidepressants - melipramine, amitriptyline are advisable. With increased excitability, hyperkinetic syndrome, Sonapax (Mellerila) is indicated.

Treatment of systemic neuroses (stuttering, tics, enuresis) should preferably be carried out taking into account the main pathogenetic factor.

In the treatment of neurotic stuttering the main method is psychotherapy, sparing the speech climate in the family (the people around the child should not force him to speak "correctly"; they themselves should speak slowly, fluently, humorously). The child will imitate, with a slow speech rate, the stuttering that occurs after a fright in the form of a neurotic reaction usually goes away rather quickly. An infusion of medicinal plants, Pavlov's medicine, a decrease in load (do not force the child's speech, read less to him, do not force him to memorize long poems) are recommended. It is required to reduce communication with adults, not to talk to them about the child's illness, to exclude contact with stuttering. At this stage, you should not contact a speech therapist. In the presence of a pronounced affect, fear, play and picturesque psychotherapy is indicated. At the stage of logoneurosis, complex treatment is carried out, in which psychotherapy is of the greatest importance (elements of explanatory therapy, suggestion in the waking state or in hypnosis, autogenous training, group psychotherapy). Consultation of a speech therapist with the implementation of his recommendations is mandatory. Periodic use of sedatives, restorative agents, electrophoresis of calcium, bromine, chlorpromazine using the collar technique or on the area of \u200b\u200bspeech muscles, electrophoresis.

With neurosis-like stuttering internal speech is not sufficiently developed, delayed speech development, dysarthria, and dysgraphic disorders are often noted. For this form of stuttering, systematic speech therapy classes... From medicines - dehydration, absorbable, nootropics, vitamins of group B. Therapeutic exercises with the inclusion breathing exercises, massage of fingers, speech muscles complement this complex. Psychotherapy is of secondary importance, it is indicated mainly in the presence of neurotic layers.

In the treatment of neurotic tics the most important is the prevention of their fixation at the beginning of development. Therefore, no comments or demands to watch yourself, holding tics are allowed. It is advisable to establish the cause (fear, imitation, overload at school, etc.) and, if possible, eliminate it. Of medications Phenibut is more effective. It is advisable to start psychotherapy early, its choice depends on the age of the child, it is necessary to start with individual (drawing, play) psychotherapy. Older children after individual psychotherapy are usually transferred to group therapy.

Treatment of bedwetting depends on the shape. More common is neurotic and neurosis-like enuresis. In the neurotic form, psychotherapy is the main treatment; in young and middle-aged children, hypnosuggative psychotherapy is more effective, in adolescents - autogenic training. From medications in preschool children, medicinal fees are used with sedative effect, in older children, taking tranquilizers in the morning, afternoon. For restless sleep, half the age-specific dose of eunoctin is recommended before bedtime. The use of agents that regulate and promote the restoration of normal sleep is considered to be of fundamental importance. With a simple form of enuresis (hypersomnic) with a deficit of the paradoxical stage of sleep, great importance is attached to educational and hygienic measures. For example, it is recommended physiotherapy before going to bed due to severe hyperactivity of patients, the appropriateness of transferring hyperactivity into adequate forms. A violent awakening at night is not recommended (you can only wake up if the child begins to worry). Antidepressants (melipramine) are useful for simple and dysplastic enuresis. In the neurotic and neuropathic form, adaptogens are recommended (eleutherococcus, ginseng, etc.). Physiotherapy is widely used for different forms enuresis, but often without noticeable effect. In conclusion, it should be said that physiotherapy, like many drugs, can provide curative actionif they are assigned with a suggestive setting.

It should be noted that for all forms neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, treatment has the greatest effect in their initial stage, at the stage of neurotic reaction. With the development of a neurotic state and especially neurotic personality formation, the effectiveness of treatment decreases markedly.

Calcium chloride - 5% solution; 1 teaspoon, dessert or tablespoon 3-4 times a day (after meals).
Calcium gluconate - tablets of 0.5 g in a package of 10 pcs. Children under one year old - 0.5 g; from 2 to 4 years old - 1 g; from 5 to 6 years old - 1-1.5 g; from 7 to 9 years old - 1.5-2 g; from 10 to 14 years old - 2-3 g 2-3 times a day.
Calcium glycerophosphate - tablets of 0.2 and 0.5 g; for children, a single dose of 50-200 mg.
Lipocerebrin - 0.15 g tablets; children are prescribed 0.5-1 tablet 3 times a day.
- 10-15 drops 1-3 times daily before meals.
- 10-15 drops 3 times a day.
- 10 drops 2-3 times a day (before meals).
With enuresis, the drug is prescribed, starting with 2 drops at night, gradually increasing to 15-20 drops, and then slowly reducing it (with psychotherapeutic reinforcement).
- 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day.
- 10 drops 3 times a day.
, - as many drops as the child is 3 times a day.
During treatment neuroses it is advisable to avoid parenteral use of drugs, in particular vitamins, especially if the child gives a pronounced negative reaction to injections.
Doses of the recommended vitamins. (vitamin B6), tablets 0.002 g, 0.005 g, 0.01 g are prescribed 2-3 times a day in an age-specific dose.
Thiamine bromide (vitamin B,), tablets 0.002 g, appoint 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Prevention of neuroses in children:

Prevention neuroses is to understand the causes of their occurrence and correct education. In order to prevent illness, parents should create a favorable atmosphere, moderate physical exercise and playing sports, timely start treatment of somatic diseases; the child's nutrition should be balanced, contain nutrientsnecessary for the implementation of the normal functioning of the nervous system.

In the prevention of neuroses, an important role is played by the treatment and elimination of acute and chronic infections, the prevention of brain injuries, which include generic, acute and chronic intoxication, malnutrition of the body, lack of sleep and rest. Lack of sleep in children affects the development of asthenic conditions.

Proper upbringing is one of the conditions for the prevention of neuroses and implies the development of such qualities in a child as endurance, patience, perseverance, hard work, the ability to overcome difficulties, the ability to share with other children, give in, reckon with the interests of others, and learn to socialize.

Which doctors should you contact if you have neuroses in children:



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Asphyxia of newborns
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Viral conjunctivitis in children
Temporal epilepsy in children
Visceral leishmaniasis in children
HIV infection in children
Intracranial birth injury
Inflammation of the intestines in a child
Congenital heart defects (CHD) in children
Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in children
Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children
Hemophilia in children
Hemophilic infection in children
Generalized learning disabilities in children
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children
Geographic language in a child
Hepatitis G in children
Hepatitis A in children
Hepatitis B in children
Hepatitis D in children
Hepatitis E in children
Hepatitis C in children
Herpes in children
Herpes in newborns
Hydrocephalic syndrome in children
Hyperactivity in children
Hypervitaminosis in children
Hyperexcitability in children
Hypovitaminosis in children
Fetal hypoxia
Hypotension in children
Hypotrophy in a child
Histiocytosis in children
Glaucoma in children
Deafness (deaf-dumbness)
Gonoblennorrhea in children
Influenza in children
Dacryoadenitis in children
Dacryocystitis in children
Depression in children
Dysentery (shigellosis) in children
Dysbacteriosis in children
Dysmetabolic nephropathy in children
Diphtheria in children
Benign lymphoreticulosis in children
Iron deficiency anemia in a child
Yellow fever in children
Occipital epilepsy in children
Heartburn (GERD) in children
Immunodeficiency in children
Impetigo in children
Intestinal intussusception
Infectious mononucleosis in children
Curvature of the nasal septum in children
Ischemic neuropathy in children
Campylobacteriosis in children
Canaliculitis in children
Candidiasis (thrush) in children
Carotid-cavernous fistula in children
Keratitis in children
Klebsiella in children
Tick-borne typhus in children
Tick-borne encephalitis in children
Clostridioses in children
Coarctation of the aorta in children
Cutaneous leishmaniasis in children
Whooping cough in children
Coxsackie and ECHO infection in children
Conjunctivitis in children
Coronavirus infection in children
Measles in children
Urticaria in children
Rubella in children
Cryptorchidism in children
Child's croup
Croupous pneumonia in children
Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CHF) in children
Q fever in children
Labyrinthitis in children
Lactase deficiency in children
Laryngitis (acute)
Pulmonary hypertension of newborns
Leukemia in children
Drug allergy in children
Leptospirosis in children
Lethargic encephalitis in children
Lymphogranulomatosis in children
Lymphoma in children
Listeriosis in children
Ebola fever in children
Frontal epilepsy in children
Malabsorption in children
Malaria in children
MARS in children
Mastoiditis in children
Meningitis in children
Meningococcal disease in children
Meningococcal meningitis in children
Metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents
Myasthenia gravis in children
Migraine in children
Mycoplasmosis in children
Myocardial dystrophy in children
Myocarditis in children
Early childhood myoclonic epilepsy
Mitral stenosis
Urolithiasis (Urolithiasis) in children
Cystic fibrosis in children
Otitis externa in children
Speech disorders in children
Insufficiency of the mitral valve
Incomplete bowel turn
Sensorineural hearing loss in children
Neurofibromatosis in children
Diabetes insipidus in children
Nephrotic syndrome in children
Epistaxis in children
Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children
Obstructive bronchitis in children
Obesity in children
Omsk hemorrhagic fever (OHF) in children
Opisthorchiasis in children
Herpes zoster in children
Brain tumors in children
Spinal cord and spine tumors in children
Ear swelling
Psittacosis in children
Smallpox rickettsiosis in children
Acute renal failure in children

Good day, dear parents. Today we will talk about what constitutes a neurosis in children, the symptoms of this condition. Functional neurosis mental disorder reversible. It is caused by prolonged experiences, which are accompanied by mood swings, anxiety, vegetative disorders, and increased fatigue. In the modern world, preschool children often suffer from neuroses. It is important that parents notice this in time and do everything to help their baby.

Variety of neuroses

Today, preschool children can be diagnosed with one of several types of neurotic conditions. They differ due to the occurrence, as well as the manifestations of characteristic symptoms.

  1. Neurasthenia. Symptoms of depression are characteristic. If we consider a child under six years old, then such a baby will have a need for prolonged sleep, there will be no healthy soybeans, interest in toys, and the joy of gifts.
  2. Hysteria. Self-centeredness and mood swings are characteristic. In preschoolers, convulsive holding of the breathing process is observed, accompanied by emotional changes and theatricality. There are frequent cases when hysteria is manifested by the appearance of complaints in the stomach or stomach (somatic illness).
  3. Obsessive state. It is characterized by the emergence of fear for no apparent reason. So the toddler of preschool age can be afraid of insects. Manifestations of this state will be monotonous movements that are repeated, for example, constant scratching of the back of the head or tapping. This also includes a nervous tic and.
  4. Enuresis. Most often, such a manifestation occurs due to some kind of injury, both physical and psychological.
  5. Encopresis of a neurotic character. It is an involuntary bowel movement. More common in boys. The main reason is a very strict upbringing and frequent conflicts in the family. As a rule, this condition is accompanied by irritability, frequent crying and enuresis.
  6. Food neurosis. The child is not able to eat normally; after eating, a gag reflex occurs. Most often, force-feeding leads to a similar condition. Parents force the baby to eat what he does not want. First, there is an aversion to a particular dish, then to the very process of eating.
  7. Sleep of a neurotic nature. This condition is characterized by the presence, the baby can talk in a dream, often wakes up.


A difficult situation in the family, frequent scandals - can cause the development of neurosis in a child

The factors that most often provoke a neurotic state are problems in the family, in particular, the nature of the baby's relationship with the parents.

Considering the causes of neuroses in children, three main groups should be distinguished.

  1. Social. Predisposing factors include:
  • problem relationships in the family;
  • the authority of one of the parents (tyrant);
  • definition of the child as a person.
  1. Biological. These include:
  • how the baby developed in utero, in particular hypoxia;
  • critical age of the baby (up to three years old);
  • mental or physical overload;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hereditary predisposition to neuroses;
  • the transferred disease, in particular of an infectious nature.
  1. Psychological. Refers to:
  • negative psychological impact on the child's psyche;
  • frequent stress;
  • psychotrauma. A neurosis that has arisen for this reason can develop into a phobia.

It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism of each child, his psychological state. The fact is that any factor for one toddler can cause the development of neurosis, while for the other it will remain invisible.

Most frequent reasons include:

  • divorce of parents;
  • wrong upbringing;
  • oversized overprotection;
  • moving to a new location;
  • first visit to kindergarten;
  • family problems of a domestic nature;
  • difficult parental relationships.

The disease can proceed in different ways and be accompanied by various manifestations, have a different duration. It will depend on the upbringing, the characteristics of the temperament, the age of the baby, his gender, the type of constitution.

The most susceptible are the following children:

  • with increased sensitivity;
  • emotional kids;
  • children from disadvantaged families;
  • babies who are often sick have weak immunity;
  • toddlers who do not know how to protect themselves;
  • guys with leadership inclinations;
  • children with increased anxiety, strong impressionability;
  • guys with an unstable psyche.


Regular crying without apparent reason - the first alarm bell

The fact that your baby has a neurosis may be indicated by the presence of the following signs:

  • increased sensitivity in a stressful situation;
  • obsession with a specific conflict;
  • crying for no reason;
  • shallow sleep, sleepiness in the morning;
  • strong resentment, vulnerability;
  • decrease in intellectual abilities;
  • intolerance to bright light and loud sounds;
  • excessive sweating;
  • drops in blood pressure;
  • violation of appetite;
  • severe headaches, possibly;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • nervous cough;
  • fecal or urinary incontinence;
  • spasmodic pain in the stomach or heart;
  • convulsions;
  • nervous tics;
  • depressed mood;


Drawing is one of the methods for diagnosing the psychological state of a child.

In order to make sure that there are obsessive-compulsive neuroses in children, you need to go to an appointment with a neurologist or pediatrician, and sometimes a psychologist. To diagnose neurosis, you will need the following:

  • communication with the parents of the baby, clarification of the situation in the family, the relationship between family members, the relationship of the baby with peers and relatives;
  • examination of people who are directly involved in the process of raising a toddler, identifying possible mistakes;
  • communication with the little one - carried out during the game, using the established questions;
  • monitoring the baby - the doctor monitors the behavior of the baby during the game;
  • drawing - the child is given the task to depict something on paper, then a detailed analysis of the drawing is done.

After these stages of the study, the baby will be diagnosed, in particular, a specific type of neurosis will be identified. Based on the results, a treatment method will be developed.

Which doctor to contact

Which specialist will treat your baby directly depends on the reasons that caused the neurosis. In some cases, there is an integrated approach and observation by several specialists at once.

  1. You will need a neurologist if there is a neurologic disorder. Sedatives may be prescribed.
  2. The child psychologist will help to change the microclimate in the family of the crumbs, select the correct model of upbringing.
  3. The psychotherapist will help to cope with the obsessive state, if necessary, hypnosis.
  4. An appointment with an endocrinologist, acupuncturist, massage therapist or reflexologist may be needed.


If the child is prescribed psychotherapy, then it can be presented in three types:

  • group;
  • individual;
  • family.

For preschool children, role-playing games, autogenic training and art therapy are the most relevant.

The participation of mom and dad in the therapy process is important.

To save the baby from neurosis, you will need:

  • draw up a daily routine;
  • observe the required regime;
  • often go for walks;
  • optimal physical activity;
  • active social life;
  • recently, horseback riding and communication with dolphins have become increasingly popular.

Drug therapy

Reception drugs to the highest degree is a secondary treatment necessary to relieve hyperexcitability and to treat a symptom. In addition to taking medications and psychotherapy, physiotherapy can be added.

  1. An integrated approach is especially necessary for neurosis-like conditions. In such cases, dehydration and restorative therapy, nootropic drugs are prescribed. Infusions of medicinal herbs, such as motherwort or valerian, are prescribed.
  2. In the presence of asthenic symptoms, calcium preparations, vitamins, lipocerebrin, zamanihi, tincture of Chinese magnolia vine, Nootropil, Pantogam are prescribed.
  3. If irritable weakness is present, Pavlov's mixture is prescribed, which is accompanied by the intake of motherwort or valerian tincture.
  4. If neurotic stuttering is present, then Pavlov's medicine, the periodic use of sedatives, electrophoresis, calcium bromide, electrophoresis can be prescribed.
  5. Neurotic tics can be treated with Phenibut.
  6. In the treatment of enuresis, medicinal herbs are used with a sedative effect. If there is a restless sleep, then half of Eunoktin is given in front of him in accordance with the age of the child.


A healthy environment in the family largely protects the baby from the development of neuroses.

Parents should think prematurely about the need to create an optimal mental climate in their child's life. In order to prevent the occurrence of neuroses, the following rules must be observed:

  • follow a daily routine;
  • allocate time correctly for calm and active games;
  • do not overload the child, both physically and mentally;
  • are actively involved in procedures, vitamin therapy, daily exercises;
  • avoid stressful situationsdo not swear in front of the child;
  • if any problems arise within the family - solve them in a timely manner; if necessary - contact a psychologist;
  • if necessary, use means for relaxation, for example, bathing in a bath with decoctions of soothing herbs.

Now you know what the treatment of neuroses in children is. It is very important not to be one of those parents who turn a blind eye to the psychological problems that arise in a child's life. When the first dubious signs appear, you must immediately seek help from a specialist, do not delay, do not wait until the situation deteriorates dramatically. Do not forget that psychological problems often lead to the occurrence of diseases, including a decrease in immunity.

Doctors are sounding the alarm, a large number of diseases inherent in the adult body began to appear in the younger generation. This also includes neurasthenia, in children it occurs due to various factors that disrupt the functioning of the nervous system. To prevent the aggravation of the condition, you should familiarize yourself with the disease in more detail.

For those who are poorly versed in medical terminology, it is difficult to understand what neurasthenia means - children's nervous pathology. This type of disorder is directly related to the central nervous system, which is subject to overloads of both mental and physical nature. Most often, the problem is faced by wealthy, ambitious parents who require high academic performance from their beloved child. different types classes. This also includes school, sports section, visiting circles, etc. The child, to whom the overestimated demands are directed, at a certain moment do not stand up and then symptoms of neurasthenia in children appear. In short, asthenic syndrome (the second name of the disease) is an indicator of chronic fatigue of the nervous system. With excessive exertion, various kinds of disorders of the central nervous system of a temporary nature occur and if adequate treatment is taken in time, everything will recover. But for this it is worth carefully reading the moments that contribute to the disease.

Infantile neurasthenia is caused by various factors associated with disruption of the nervous system

In the list of factors that cause a disorder of the child's nervous system, the most popular are:

  1. Difficulty adapting. By the age of 5-6, the child gets to know the world around him and his classmates, which often causes anxiety.
  2. The atmosphere in the house. Conflicts of adults, scandals, overly strict control can negatively affect the still unformed psyche of the baby.
  3. Congenital features. Each child has its own, special character. Among them there are closed, alienated, taciturn "personalities". And such traits can become the root cause of neurasthenia at an older age.
  4. Stress. Psychological trauma, screaming, fright can contribute not only to the development of mild nervous disorders, but also more serious mental pathologies.
  5. Wine. Having committed some wrong action, children also feel remorse, they do not tolerate quarrels with their parents.
  6. Infectious diseases.
  7. Disruption of the endocrine system.
  8. Inadequate or improper diet. Lack of vitamins in childhood leads to pathologies in the central nervous system, mental disorders.
  9. Diets. In adolescence, girls begin to pay attention to their figure, trying to look like skinny models. Excessive passion for poor nutrition or refusal to eat leads to various kinds of nervous diseases, including asthenic syndrome.
  10. Parental behavior. Authoritarianism, excessive severity of adults, forcing a child to do something that is not pleasant for him causes personal protest, neurological disorders develop.

Constant stress causes nervous exhaustionthat makes it difficult to focus on the classroom. It turns out a vicious circle - parents get angry, raise their voices, punish - the child goes "into himself".

Neurasthenia: symptoms in children

At preschool and school age, children are characterized by excessive agitation, moodiness, and irascibility. Asthenic syndrome can begin with seemingly innocent actions - the baby begins to manipulate his parents to achieve what he wants. With the development of the disease, capriciousness joins, as well as:

  • irritability, outbursts of anger out of the blue;
  • restlessness, lack of concentration, inability to concentrate;
  • intellectual pursuits are physically tiring;
  • lethargy, fatigue without good reason;
  • sleep disturbance, sensitivity, insomnia, waking up at night;
  • instability of blood pressure, then sharply increases, then falls;
  • weakness, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, in the region of the heart;
  • migraine, dizziness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • trembling limbs;
  • excessive sweating, palms and feet are wet;
  • involuntary urination;
  • confusion of speech, swallowing of words, inarticulate statements.

Neurasthenia in children can be identified by a number of symptoms

Diagnosis and treatment of neurasthenia in children

A self-respecting doctor, before starting the treatment of a nervous ailment, conducts a detailed diagnosis.

During the survey, it is important for the doctor to know:

  • what is the atmosphere in the family;
  • what is the child's relationship with peers, parents, teachers;
  • under what circumstances do attacks of hysteria, irritability occur.

Finally, the specialist listens to the heartbeat, measures body temperature, pressure, skin condition.

Comprehensive treatment includes different approaches, it all depends on the severity of the child's condition. If neurasthenia, the symptoms and signs of which we have already studied, manifests itself in a mild form, it is enough to contact a child psychologist.

Prescribed drugs that improve blood microcirculation in the brain, which contributes to the proper nutrition of cells.

Means that promote communication, adaptability of the child's body to changes in circumstances.

In advanced cases, you will additionally need the help of a psychotherapist.

Important: medications, psychotherapy will not bring a positive effect if adults do not change their attitude. First of all, you need to stop being so demanding and torment the child with inflated demands.

Can asthenia lead to complications

Normal parents are always worried about whether the symptoms of neurasthenia in children can lead to serious consequences. In our case, there are moments that can radically affect the quality of a child's life:

  1. A disturbed psyche causes problems with adaptation, which negatively affects academic performance and relationships.
  2. A neurological disorder often leads to prolonged depression, which can develop into mental pathology.

Important: in order to prevent the development of complications, when the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Prolonged depression in a child can develop into dangerous mental pathologies

How to behave to parents

An important component in the treatment of a child is the attitude of adults to the problem. It is necessary to adhere to the generally accepted recommendations of specialists to help improve the condition.

  • Food. The child's diet should include healthy foods, vegetables, fruits, white meat, fish, in which there are a lot of trace elements, vitamins, minerals.

Fried, spicy, fatty, smoked food, preservation disrupt the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic processes, metabolism, cause obesity, disorder of the central nervous system.

  • Light physical activity is useful for children - physical education, swimming.
  • Spend time with your child in the fresh air every day, take walks.
  • Overly sociable parents need to give up parties, noisy holidays. It is better to take some time and spend it with the whole family in the bosom of nature.
  • It is not worth raising a champion, scientist, or a star from a kid. With a normal attitude and harmony in the family, the child himself chooses an activity to his liking and without pressure from outside will achieve good results.
  • Exist folk recipes, capable of calming the nervous system of a young student, but they should be used only after consulting a doctor.

Communicate with your beloved child - there should be complete trust between adults and the child. By sharing the problems that have arisen at school, he will greatly facilitate his nervous state... He will also openly tell you what causes him dissatisfaction in your behavior. Only in this way can you find a common language and cope with troubles. The main thing is that a child should not be afraid of parents, but respect them. To dissolve and allow whatever you like is also wrong. It is necessary to choose a "golden mean" that is comfortable for all parties of the process.

Prevention of asthenic syndrome

An important component of upbringing is creating a harmonious, pleasant, comfortable environment. There should be no screams, scandals in the house, and there should be no talk of adults drinking and smoking.

Creating a good atmosphere in the family - best prevention infantile neurasthenia

If a dispute arises, resolve the issue only calmly, at the same table, through communication. Do not forget to praise the baby not only for excellent marks, but also for diligence. Encouragement will be a powerful incentive to overcome learning difficulties.

Childhood neuroses conceal a great danger, and the main problem lies not in the type of disorder or its manifestations, but in the attitude towards it. So, sometimes parents lose sight of the first symptoms of neurosis, and sometimes they completely ignore them, believing that with age everything will go away by itself. This approach cannot be called correct, it is worth making every effort in order to help the child overcome the problem that has arisen and avoid the accompanying inconveniences in the future. Childhood neurosis is a mental disorder that does not distort the perception of the surrounding world and is reversible (which is very important). Thus, it is possible to get rid of it and it really needs to be done by reacting in time to changes in the behavior of your baby.

Varieties of childhood neuroses

Exists general classification, within which there are thirteen types of neuroses that can manifest in children:

  • a neurotic condition formed on the basis of fear. It is one of the most common types in primary school children. This type of neurosis is characterized by the presence of prolonged (sometimes up to half an hour) attacks of fear, especially before going to bed. Manifestations can be very different: a slight feeling of anxiety, and even. What a child fears is often determined by his age. So, in the period before school, the most common fears are the fear of being left alone, of the darkness, of mythical or real animals that were seen in the movie and others. Among elementary school students, there is often a fear of the strictness of teachers, of the school as such, with its clear regime and many requirements;
  • neurosis caused by a specific obsessive state. In psychological science, such a phenomenon is described as the presence in the behavior of certain ritual actions, the failure of which leads to an increase in tension, internal discomfort. In children, two main types of such conditions are distinguished - these are obsessive actions and fears, although they can often be of a mixed nature. In preschool age, obsessive actions such as blinking, wrinkling the bridge of the nose or forehead, trampling, patting, etc. are most often encountered. Performing a ritual action allows you to reduce the level of emotional stress through the use of certain physical activity. If we talk about obsessive fears or phobias in another way, then the most often encountered here is the fear of an enclosed space and sharp objects. Later, fears of death, illness, verbal response to an audience, etc., begin to appear;
  • neurotic state of the depressive type. This problem occurs already in an older age - adolescence. A clear change in behavior can be noticed in a child: a bad mood, a sad facial expression, some slowness of movements and gestures, a general decrease in activity and the level of communication. In more serious cases, systematic insomnia, decreased appetite, and even constipation may appear;
  • asthenic type (neurasthenia) arises as a reaction to excessive workload with additional tasks and activities, physical and emotional overload. An explicit form of this type of neurosis occurs only at school age;
  • hysterical type of neurosis.

Rudimentary motor-type seizures are not uncommon in preschool years. When a child does not get what he wants, is offended or punished, he can show his dissatisfaction in a rather vivid way - falling to the floor, accompanied by spreading his arms and legs, loud crying and screaming, punching, etc.;

  • stuttering on nerves. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it occurs at the age of 2 to 5 years during the periods of the initial formation of speech and its further phrasal complication.

Very often it becomes a response to the fear of separation from parents, which was unexpected for the child. In addition, the factors predisposing to stuttering include pressure on the baby with the desire to accelerate his development (speech, intellectual, etc.), as well as significant information overload.

  • hypochondria - a state in which there is a painful concern about one's own state of health, numerous and unfounded suspicions of various diseases. The characteristic age period is adolescence;
  • obsessive movements (tics), which have already been discussed earlier - a variety of simple movements and gestures carried out in an automatic mode to relieve stress. In children, they are often accompanied by enuresis and stuttering;
  • disturbed sleep - are found in young children and adolescents.

The disorder can find its expression in anxiety, problems with deep sleep phases, nightmares, talking and walking in sleep, frequent awakenings in the middle of the night without a clear reason.

  • decreased appetite on neurotic grounds. Mothers often show undue anxiety about their children, and therefore sometimes try to force feed the baby if he refuses, or give too large portions. Sometimes the cause of neurotic anorexia is fright during the feeding process. The result of such events is the loss of the child's desire to eat, frequent regurgitation, vomiting, and sometimes excessive selectivity.
  • involuntary urination (enuresis). Most often, this type of neurotic disorder occurs during a night's sleep;
  • if the child has involuntary bowel movements in insignificant quantities and there are no physiological reasons for this, then we can talk about neurotic encopresis. This is quite rare, the pathogenesis is very poorly understood. The age of manifestation of this type of disorder is from 7 to 10 years;
  • pathological actions based on habit.

This can also be found quite often in children of all ages - rocking when falling asleep, or hair and others.

What could be the cause of a child's neurotic disorder?

In most cases, the reason neurotic disorder is the child receiving psychological trauma (this can be fright, strong resentment, the result of emotional pressure, etc.). However, it is almost impossible to establish a specific event that caused the development of a neurosis, and therefore a direct connection cannot be established.

Doctor's opinion: the overwhelming majority of cases of neurosis in children is not the result of a specific traumatic event that occurred once, but the result of long deliberation and the inability to accept or understand a particular situation or adapt to changed environmental conditions.

The presence of neurosis in a child - this is a problem that lies not in the state of the baby's body, but in the shortcomings of upbringing. Children are very vulnerable, and therefore any negative event can postpone a serious imprint, the consequences of which may not be revealed immediately, but in the future.

In the question of the reasons for the development of childhood neuroses, the following factors have a great influence:

  • gender and age of the child;
  • family history, heredity;
  • features and traditions of upbringing in the family;
  • diseases suffered by the child;
  • significant physical and emotional stress;
  • lack of sleep.

Who is more prone to problems

Based on a number of studies of neuroses in children, we can talk about a risk group for various factors. So, it is believed that most susceptible to neurotic disorders:

  • children aged 2 to 5 and 7 years old;
  • having a pronounced "I-position";
  • weakened somatically (children whose body is weakened due to frequent illnesses);
  • children who have been in a difficult life situation for a long time.

Symptomatic manifestations of childhood neuroses

What should parents pay attention to? What can signal the development of neurosis in a child? Manifestations can wear different character depending on the type of neurotic disorder. It is worth showing concern about the child's condition if at least one of the following phenomena is present:

  • severe attacks of fear;
  • stupor and stuttering;
  • change in facial expressions and increased tearfulness compared to the usual state;
  • decreased appetite;
  • irritation;
  • decreased sociability, the desire for loneliness;
  • various kinds of sleep disorders;
  • increased fatigue;
  • increased sensitivity and suggestibility;
  • hysterical seizures;
  • suspiciousness and indecision;
  • enuresis and encopresis.

Manifestations of neuroses in the photo

When to see a doctor and how to treat a child

Any change in behavior for a long time, systematic seizures or actions - all this should alert parents. The reason may be different, but it is very important to play it safe and consult a specialist in time. A timely response will deprive the baby of the unpleasant manifestations of a neurotic disorder and save him from serious problems in the future.

The basis of the treatment of neuroses in children - psychotherapy. The sessions can be conducted in different forms: group psychotherapy, individual, family. The value of the latter is very great - it is during contact with both the child and the parents that the doctor has the opportunity to most accurately determine the cause of the problem and comprehensively influence its resolution.

It is worth noting that psychotherapy in the case of childhood neuroses is mainly aimed at improving the overall situation in the family and normalizing relations within its framework. Additional measures - appointment medications, the use of reflex and physiotherapy - are not basic, but are designed only to create favorable conditions for psychotherapy.

Within the framework of group psychotherapy, a large number of methods are used to enable the child to cope with neurotic disorders:

  • art therapy (most often - drawing, which allows the child to better understand his own experiences and helps the doctor collect information about his personal characteristics and moods);
  • play therapy - spontaneous play without a specific scenario, aimed at improvisation of the participants;
  • autogenous training (for adolescents);
  • fairy tale therapy - inventing characters, plots, acting out fairy tales, creating dolls, etc.;
  • suggestive type of psychotherapy or influence of suggestion.

Preventive measures and what not to do with neuroses

If a child has symptoms of neurosis, then increased attention, exaggerated care can only aggravate the situation - such behavior of parents can consolidate the negative manifestations of the disorder, provoke their use as a means of manipulation. Often this happens precisely with hysterical forms of neurotic disorder.

Do not pamper your baby on the basis that he is sick. Symptoms from number and tics become very firmly established when actively paying attention to them.

Preventive actions include:

  • close observation of the child's behavior, timely response to the displayed deviations;
  • creating a favorable psychological and emotional environment in the family;
  • explaining to the child the reasons and necessity of the requirements that are imposed on him.

Video on how to recognize the first signs of systemic neuroses in children

: Reading time:

Three-year-old Misha bites his nails non-stop. Masha, ten years old, does not take off her cap. She has a receding hairline on her head because she constantly pulls and tears her hair. Pasha, at seven, wets the bed every night. This is how neurosis manifests itself in children.

What other manifestations exist and where does neurosis come from? child psychologist Elena Lagunova.

The cause of childhood neurosis often needs to be looked for very close: experiences are passed on to the child from the parent.

It happens that parents scold their children for "bad behavior", try to control them with a stick or a carrot, but nothing helps. Here we need to think: maybe it is childhood neurosis?

"Bad behavior" is the following symptoms:

  1. The child is often naughty for no reason, almost in tears.
  2. He arranges hysterics when something changes around him: he is annoyed by sharp sounds, he is sensitive to the weather and new uncomfortable clothes.
  3. Large crowds of people are hard to bear.
  4. The kid has many fears.
  5. He cannot sit still, he must constantly move.
  6. Quickly distracted, easily loses interest in games.
  7. Repeats the same uncontrolled movements: biting nails, pulling out hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, blinking often.

There are exotic cases. For example, one child beat one leg against the other until it bleeds. Another, when he was worried, had an unpleasant grimace on his face, and the adults could not stop the kid from grimacing. The third without stopping repeated a word of three letters, which drove the parents into the paint.

Also, neurosis can manifest itself in the form of bodily ailments and unclear symptoms:

  1. Often a head or stomach ache.
  2. The child constantly coughs, the cough worsens with excitement.
  3. Does not have time to reach the toilet (over three years old): urinary incontinence (enuresis), fecal incontinence (encopresis).
  4. Eats poorly.
  5. Sleeps restlessly.
  6. Stutters.

There are three criteria to distinguish neurosis from physical illness.

The doctors didn't find anything serious. The pediatrician, therapist, neurologist, endocrinologist do not find serious abnormalities in the body, the tests are in order or with minor changes.

The child is stressed. With a detailed conversation with the parents, it turns out that the child is experiencing stress and does not know how to cope with it.

If the stress is over, the symptoms disappear. Or another option: the stress continues, but the child has learned to cope with it and is now experiencing less stress. Then the neurosis will also pass. For example, the parents explained that the problem is in the teacher, and not in the child, and the baby calmed down.

This is all - neurosis in children, symptoms, thirteen completely different manifestations. What is common?

"Mental store": how a child's neurosis appears

Imagine that there is a vessel in the child's soul. When a child feels something, but cannot express, feelings get inside the vessel.

Seven-year-old Pasha is afraid to sleep in the dark, but his parents call him a coward and turn off the light. The child stops talking about fear, but is still afraid. Every night, fear, drop by drop, enters this vessel (let's call it the "mental store"). It inevitably overflows - and the child wakes up in a wet bed.

Masha is a plump angel. Mom thinks differently: “Stop eating, harmony requires sacrifice! Do you want to be beautiful - no buns. " Masha has a riot in her soul: she doesn't want to see herself as fat, and she wants something sweet. “Eh, I’m never beautiful,” Masha thinks and twists her hair. And suddenly he notices that there is a receding hairline above the ear.

Three-year-old Misha recently went to kindergarten. He is naturally nimble and active, loves to run and play. The teacher does not support the desire for movement and in front of everyone scolds the naughty child. The boy experiences many feelings: anger at the teacher, resentment that they were not allowed to run, shame. He does not dare to tell the teacher everything he thinks. She can punish, and my mother says that we must obey. The drive is failing. After a quiet hour, the teacher notices that the baby has half-nibbled his nails.

More often than not, close adults who do not notice or do not understand this "pour" into the child's storage device from the overflowing storage devices.

Pasha's dad himself was called a coward in childhood. Even now he is afraid to say everything he thinks to the boss who got it. Therefore, it plays out on the wife and children. But he never admits it, not even to himself. He thinks that loved ones are misbehaving.

Masha's mother does not have a personal life. It seems to her that she is only worried about the fate of her daughter. But the accumulated experiences splash out in cruel words and actions in relation to her. Result: the child has neurosis.

Misha's teacher does not just scold the child. He gets it for her fatigue, an ailing colleague, whom she replaces, the manager and her own nimble son of a rascal. And the boy's mother was also offended in the garden in childhood, and she is afraid of repetition.

It would occur to these adults to connect their behavior with the problems of their children?

The second large group reasons - strong stress, from which no one is immune, from which the most loving parents will not save. This includes, for example, illness or death of a loved one.

In practice, the reasons can be combined: a difficult time in the family, the child gets it from the parents, and the teacher (teacher) adds the last straw.

Who has neurosis

All children are periodically angry, afraid and nervous. Why do some have neurosis, while others have anything? Why does the teacher scold everyone, but only Misha has neurosis?

By nature, children are given vessels of “different sizes”. A child with a weakened nervous system will get neurosis sooner, his accumulator is "less".

Parents should especially take care and not overload the children's nervous system with negative in the following cases:

  • one of the relatives suffers from neuroses or mental illness;
  • a child during pregnancy or childbirth suffered damage to the nervous system and was observed by a neurologist in the first months of life;
  • the child is melancholic by temperament, subtly feels the world, but gets tired quickly, often cries.

In the next article, we will analyze in detail how to cope with a child's neurosis - what not to do and how to behave for parents.

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