The sequence of stages of individual support of a child with health care. Psychological and pedagogical support of children with secondary education in an educational institution

Tikhonova E.A. educational psychologist MBOU "Secondary school No. 3 of Krasnoarmeisk, Saratov region named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union Skomorokhov NM"

Theoretical basis

Support is understood as a method that ensures the creation of conditions for the subject of development to make optimal decisions in various situations of life choice. At the same time, the subject of development is understood as both a developing person and a developing system.

A life choice situation - multiple problem situations, when resolved, the subject determines for himself the path of progressive or regressive development ”(EI Kazakova (2000)).

The escort process is a set of actions that are consistently implemented by the support specialists, which allow the escort subject to decide on a decision and be responsible for the implementation of the decision.

Maintenance method is a way of practical implementation of the maintenance process based on complete information about the essence of the problem and ways to solve it.

Escort service is an association of specialists of different profiles who carry out the escort process.

An "integrable" child is a child with developmental disabilities (disabilities) and able (successfully) to attend lessons in a general education school, receiving additional special correctional assistance within the framework of psychological and pedagogical support.

Psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities health (HIA) can be considered as a complex technology of psychological and pedagogical support and assistance to the child and parents in solving the problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization by specialists of different profiles, acting in concert. Children with disabilities (HH) are children whose health condition prevents the development of educational programs of general education outside special conditions training and education, that is, these are children with disabilities, or children with temporary or permanent deviations in physical and (or) mental development. These children are taught in an integrated manner, that is, the education of children with disabilities is conducted in a general education school in a special class.

The purpose of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities, integrated learning in general educational institution, is to ensure the optimal development of the child and successful integration into society.

Tasks of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities studying at school with the use of integration (the presence of special classes):

  • prevention of child development problems;
  • assistance (assistance) to a child in solving urgent problems of development, learning, socialization: learning difficulties, problems with choosing an educational and professional * route, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;
  • psychological support of educational programs;
  • development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) of students, parents, teachers. drawing up an individual plan for students, observing the dynamics of the individual development of students.

Typical developmental deficiencies of children with disabilities:

  • slow and limited perception;
  • lack of motor development;
  • deficiencies in speech development;
  • deficiencies in the development of mental activity;
  • insufficient cognitive activity compared to healthy children;
  • gaps in knowledge and ideas about the world around, interpersonal relationships;
  • shortcomings in personality development (self-doubt and unjustified dependence on others, low communication skills, selfishness, pessimism and low or high self-esteem, inability to control one's own behavior).


Objective of the project

Creation of a model of psychological and pedagogical interaction of support services within the framework of the implementation of integrated education for children with disabilities, to analyze and develop the main directions of correctional and pedagogical work in classes where children with disabilities study.

The problem to be solved Creation of a system of continuous, comprehensive, individualized psychological and pedagogical support for the integrated education of a child with disabilities. Why is it important to discuss and solve this problem? Development and humanization of the educational system inevitably lead to the implementation of different forms integrated education of children with disabilities in the mainstream school. At the same time, there are a number of problems that make it difficult to successfully implement integrated learning:

  • low competence of parents and teachers in the education and upbringing of children with disabilities;
  • insufficient coordination of actions of specialists involved in the implementation of integrated learning.

The success of teaching a child with disabilities in a general educational institution depends on the involvement of a complex of specialists in the work with him: a teacher-psychologist, a class teacher, subject teachers, a speech therapist, a defectologist, a social teacher. It is important to discuss this problem with the parents of the students as well. the main difficulties of interaction in the process of organizing integrated learning arise not only about educational problems, but also about the child's relationship in the classroom.

An object

  • disabled children and children with delay mental development;
  • system of correctional and pedagogical activities with children with disabilities.


  • the activities of support services specialists (educational psychologist, medical worker, social teacher, speech therapist) and primary and secondary school teachers with disabled children and children with mental retardation;
  • the main directions of correctional and pedagogical work in classes where children with disabilities study, children enrolled in Type 8 Program and children enrolled in a general education program.

Hypothesis - the activities of the support service specialists and the teacher will be effective if: - psychological characteristics of children with mental retardation are revealed; - their specific needs are identified; - a correctional and developmental program for the activities of escort service specialists and teachers with children of this category was developed and implemented Target group Escort service specialists. OU administration, teachers, socialist educator, educational psychologist. Parents of children with disabilities. What participation in the project will give its participants. It will allow to create a system of support for integrated learning, optimize the interaction of participants. Promote the professional development of specialists. Will draw attention to the problem of integration. It will create conditions for the successful implementation of integrated learning.

Project idea

Create conditions for the development of network interaction of participants in psychological and pedagogical support.

Project Description

The project is aimed at creating and developing a system of psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities who is an integrated student in a mass school. When teaching such a child, a number of problems arise.

From the side of teachers: what to teach, how to teach, how to interact with such a child and much more.

On the part of the parents of the child himself: how a child should attend school, what should be taught there, how to solve problems of interaction with classmates, etc.

On the part of parents of other children: will coeducation affect the scope of the program in the direction of its reduction, will other children receive the necessary knowledge, etc.

On the part of a child with disabilities: whether he will find friends, whether they will offend him, whether he can study well, etc.

To try to solve at least some of these problems, it is necessary to organize a systematic, continuous, complex psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities.

Project stages Stages of creating a model of network interaction for psychological and pedagogical support of integrated education of a child with disabilities:

1 - design stage: analysis of the possibilities of organizing integrated education for a child with disabilities in educational institutions, identification of support participants, determination of goals, selection of criteria for project success;

2 - determination of the main directions of activity: development of a support model, structure of the future system, action plan, action program;

3 - building a system of network interaction for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for the integrated education of a child with disabilities: determining specific ways and means of implementing the selected model within the existing conditions;

4 - the stage of project implementation, monitoring the implementation process and making the necessary adjustments;

5 - the phase of assessment and self-assessment of the success of the project: what was achieved, what was not achieved and why.

Expected results of the project

Creation of a network interaction system for specialists of the support service for the integrated education of a child with disabilities, the success of the integrated education of a student with disabilities in a secondary school; the formation of effective behavioral strategies and personal resources in children with disabilities; inclusion of interaction with other organizations in the school's correctional work system; raising the professional level of the teaching staff on the problems of correctional work with students with disabilities.

How the results will be evaluated and discussed

Interviewing parents and teachers, questionnaires, assessment of the activity of parents and teachers participation in forums. The methodological basis of the research is the systemic, activity-based, personal, axiological approaches.

Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature and work performed, test results.

Project directions

Diagnostic work. Drawing up an individual work plan. Correctional development work. Advisory work (development of joint substantiated recommendations on the main areas of work with students with disabilities, the same for all participants in the educational process). Informational and educational work (lectures, talks, information stands, printed materials aimed at clarifying to the participants of the educational process issues related to the peculiarities of the educational process and accompanying children with disabilities). Software and methodological support for special (correctional) educational programs, correctional and developmental programs, diagnostic tools

Which external specialists and experts can I get advice from?

Specialists of the Integrated Learning Support Center

What resources are needed to implement the project

Acting psychological, medical and pedagogical council at the educational institution.

Internet access. School site.

project team

Administration of the Shelter (Deputy for Department of Internal Affairs and Deputy for BP). Educator-psychologist. Social teacher. Speech therapist. ICT specialist. Classroom teacher. Subject teacher.

System of work with children with disabilities

Areas of work

Ensuring the optimal mode of teaching loads for children with disabilities; providing psychological and pedagogical conditions: Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child; Correctional orientation of the educational process

Compliance with a comfortable psychoemotional regime providing specialized conditions:

Introduction to the learning content of additional sections

The use of special methods, techniques, teaching aids focused on the special educational needs of children

Differentiated and individualized education, taking into account the specifics of child developmental disorders

Complex impact on the student, carried out in individual and group correctional lessons

Forms of implementation provision of differentiated conditions: Ensuring compliance of the training load with the recommendations of the PMPK and the doctor

Providing variable forms of education and specialized assistance; providing psychological and pedagogical conditions:

Timely identification of children in need of specialized care and early diagnosis deviations in development Organization of regular work of PMP (c) a

Development and implementation of correctional and developmental courses depending on the contingent of children with disabilities

Making changes and additions to work programs in subjects in classes where children with disabilities study

Organization and conduct of educational activities, taking into account the possibility of participation of children with disabilities.

Providing health-preserving conditions.

Monitoring the psycho-emotional regime of schoolchildren Teaching teachers technologies that provide a comfortable psycho-emotional regime

The use of modern pedagogical technologies by teachers to provide specialized conditions:

Introduction of correctional and developmental blocks into work programs in subjects for students with disabilities.

Teaching teachers special methods, techniques, teaching aids focused on the special educational needs of children

Development of a system of differentiated tasks for children with disabilities by teachers. Teaching children with disabilities individually or in small groups, if necessary Organization of the work of a speech center for children with problems in writing and speaking

Organization and conduct of individual and group correctional and developmental classes necessary to overcome developmental disorders and learning difficulties

Responsible: Deputy. dir. on UVR, psychologist, speech therapist, class supervisor, teachers.

Model of support for individual training Stages of organization of the educational process Determination of the form of organization of training Conducting a first-aid consilium Appointment of a teacher Conducting pedagogical testing Drawing up an individual schedule Drawing up an IEP Conducting training sessions Conducting certification works

Actions of support specialists

Parental counseling

Analysis of previous education and its results Comprehensive diagnostics of child development

Selection of optimal teaching methods, style of educational interaction, forms of knowledge testing Consulting a teacher about the peculiarities of a student's development, his capabilities and limitations

Advising parents on their participation in the learning process

Correction of the BUP in connection with the interests and plans of the student Inclusion of a block of correctional and developmental and advisory work Consulting the class teacher on socialization and conditions for the child's success

Assisting the teacher in the lesson

Individual counseling of a teacher

Analysis of the most effective forms of educational interaction

Working with parents (training and counseling)

Finding adequate controls

Assistance in certification works.

Psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in a comprehensive school

On the present stage the development of the education system to the fore the tasks of creating conditions for the formation of the personality of each child in accordance with the characteristics of his mental and physical development, capabilities and abilities.

Since the 90s of the XX century, the idea of \u200b\u200bintegrated education of children with disabilities (HH) has been promoted in our country. The methodological foundations of pedagogical integration are defined in the works of V.V. Kraevsky, A.V. Petrovsky, N.F. Talyzina, G.D. Glazer, V.S. Lednev, L.I. Novikova, V.A. M. Gapeenkova, G. F. Fedorets and others. These include the philosophical concept of the leading role of activity in the development of the child; provision on a systemic and holistic approach to pedagogical phenomena; psychological theories about the relationship between the processes of education and development. At the methodological level, scientists have revealed the essence of an integrative approach to the phenomena of pedagogical reality, integrative processes, which are defined as one of the sides of the development process, show the possibilities of implementing the principle of integration to the main components of the pedagogical process, which ensures its integrity and consistency. Researchers in their works emphasize that integrative processes are processes of qualitative transformation of individual elements or the entire system. The essence of the integration process is qualitative transformations within each element of the system. In our study, of interest is the process of integration that is implemented in the education of children with disabilities (HH) in a mass school in order to create optimal conditions for this category of children.

Psychologists emphasize that integration should ensure the "psychological readiness" of children for joint learning. This requires a rethinking of society's attitude towards children with disabilities, recognition of their equal rights to receive education, development of specific programs for accompanying children with disabilities for the optimal realization of their age capabilities (N.L.Belopolskaya, E.E.Dmitrieva, M.V. Zhigoreva , I. A. Korobeinikov, T. N. Knyazeva, I. Yu. Levchenko, I. I. Mamaichuk, E. A. Medvedeva, K. Reisvepkwan, E. A. Strebeleva, V. V. Tkacheva, U. V Ulyenkova, N. D. Shmatko, N. V. Shutova and others).

Thus, the inclusion of children with disabilities into the environment of normally developing students requires significant changes in the organization of the learning process, the need to provide comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support for this category of students throughout the entire period of their education in a general education school.

The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to state that the concept of "accompaniment" in research is defined in many ways:

firstly, as a special form of the teacher's activity, aimed at interacting to provide assistance to the person accompanying him in the process of his personal growth, the choice of methods of behavior, decision-making (NS Pryazhnikov, SN Chistyakova);

secondly, as an integral process of studying, forming, developing and correcting the professional growth of the teacher's personality (E.F. Zeer);

thirdly, as the interaction of the maintainer and the accompanied, aimed at resolving life problems accompanied (N. L. Konovalova);

fourthly, as a system of professional activity, ensuring the creation of conditions for successful adaptation of a person to the conditions of his life (G. Bardier, M. R. Bityanova, I. Romazan, T. Cherednikova);

fifth, as a systemic integrative "technology" of social and psychological assistance to the individual (N. Osukhova);

sixth, as an activity that ensures the creation of conditions for the subject of development to make an optimal decision in various situations of life choice (E. I. Kazakova, A. P. Tryapitsyna);

seventh, a complex method, which is based on the unity of the interaction of the accompanying and the accompanied, aimed at solving the life problems of the development of the accompanying (L. M. Shipitsyna).

The analysis of the literature showed that psychological and pedagogical support can be considered in several aspects: as a professional activity of a teacher who is able to provide assistance and support in the individual education of a child; as a process containing a complex of purposeful, consistent pedagogical actions that help the student to make a moral independent choice when the child solves educational problems; as the interaction of the accompanying and the accompanied; as a technology that includes a number of successive stages in the activities of a teacher, psychologist and other specialists to ensure educational achievements of students; as a system that characterizes the interconnection and interdependence of elements: target, content, procedural and effective.

Thus, psychological and pedagogical support is aimed at ensuring two coordinated processes:

1) accompanying the development of the child and accompanying the process of his education, upbringing, correction of existing deviations (includes correctional work aimed at correcting or weakening existing violations, and developmental work aimed at revealing the potential of the child, achieving an optimal level of development);

2) complex technology, a special way of supporting the child, helping him in solving the problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization.

In the context of our research, we will consider the psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities as a complex technology of psychological and pedagogical support and assistance to a child and parents in solving problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization by specialists of various profiles, acting in a coordinated manner.

Psychological and pedagogical support of educational activities is always personified and aimed at a specific student, even if the teacher works with a group. The subjects of psychological and pedagogical support of the individual educational activity of a student are: medical workers and other specialists; classroom teacher; psychologist; social teacher; the parents and relatives of the student. The object of psychological and pedagogical support is the student himself, who has his own experience of learning, interaction with adults, other students, his own special character of personal and individual development. The characteristics of a particular child affect the content and forms of psychological and pedagogical support of his individual educational activities.

The purpose of the psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities studying in a general education institution is to ensure the optimal development of the child, successful integration into society.

The tasks of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities studying in a mass school:

prevention of child development problems;

assistance (assistance) to a child in solving urgent problems of development, learning, socialization: learning difficulties, problems with choosing an educational and professional route, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;

psychological support of educational programs;

development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) of students, parents, teachers.

Escort service is an association of specialists of different profiles who carry out the escort process. The team unites teachers, teachers-defectologists, psychologists, social educators, representatives of parental activists.

The group team organizes work with teachers and parents in order to involve them in the implementation of a single developmental program, study expectations regarding the further advancement of children and harmonize inter-family interpersonal relations.

An individual program of psychological and pedagogical support can solve the following problems:

1) assistance in resolving learning difficulties;

2) vocational training and orientation;

3) in relationships with others (teachers, peers, parents);

4) correction of disorders of mental processes and the emotional-volitional sphere, in this work a special place is occupied by the correction of the thinking and emotional state of the student.

The organizational structure of the service for accompanying a child with disabilities in a general education institution is the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk). PMPk is structural unit educational institution that regulates the maintenance process and ensures the complexity of the maintenance process. The escort process is a set of actions that are consistently implemented by the escort specialists, allowing the escort subject to decide on a decision and be responsible for the implementation of the solution.

Maintenance method is a way of practical implementation of the maintenance process based on complete information about the essence of the problem and ways to solve it.

To provide comprehensive support for children with disabilities in a general educational institution, it is advisable to introduce into the staffing table the rates of teachers (speech therapist, teacher-psychologist).

The duties of a speech therapist teacher include the following system: a comprehensive study of students' speech, conducting individual-group and frontal classes with students with speech disorders, providing methodological assistance to teachers in overcoming difficulties in mastering the native language by students. For speech therapy classes, the curriculum provides for hours in accordance with the Basic Curricula of special (correctional) educational institutions of the corresponding type.

The teacher-psychologist identifies the features of their intellectual development, personal and behavioral reactions, conducts group and individual classes aimed at normalizing the emotional-volitional sphere, the formation of productive ways of thinking, as well as prevention of possible deviations in interpersonal relationships; provides methodological assistance to teachers; develops the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers and parents.

To improve the quality of correctional work, the following conditions must be met:

    the formation of UUD at all stages of the educational process;

    teaching children (in the process of forming ideas) to identify the characteristic, essential features of objects, the development of skills to compare, contrast;

    motivation to speech activity, control over the speech activity of children;

    establishing the relationship between the perceived object, its verbal designation and practical action;

    using a slower pace of learning, multiple return to the studied material;

    maximum use of the child's intact analyzers;

    division of activity into separate components, elements, operations, allowing them to comprehend in an internal relation to each other;

    the use of exercises aimed at developing attention, memory, perception.

Organization of group and individual lessons, which complement correctional and developmental work and are aimed at overcoming specific difficulties and shortcomings typical for students with disabilities.

The content of the study of a child by a psychologist includes the following:

    Collection of information about the child from teachers, parents. Every year in the first week of September, a psychologist and speech therapist in order to identify a risk group for school maladjustment are studied medical records form of first graders. Since October 1, the process of adaptation of first-graders is being monitored, the following methods are used: NG Luskanova's questionnaire "School motivation and learning activity", Ginzburg's methodology "Studying the motives of learning." Also, questionnaire # 1 is used to study the social and psychological adaptation of a student with disabilities to school, and questionnaire # 2 is used to study the psychological climate in the team and the effectiveness of the educational process. It is important to get the facts of the complaints being addressed. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the manifestations themselves, and not the qualifications of their parents, teachers or the children themselves.

    Studying the history of the child's development. The psychologist, using questionnaires and conversations with parents, identifies circumstances that could affect the development of the child (intrauterine lesions, birth trauma, serious illnesses in the first months and years of life). Heredity matters ( mental illness or some constitutional features), family, environment in which the child lives (socially disadvantaged, early deprivation). It is necessary to know the nature of the child's upbringing (excessive custody, lack of attention to him, etc.).

    Study of the child's work (notebooks, drawings, crafts, etc.).

    The examination of the child at the end of the adaptation period is carried out if the child does not cope with the program material, where the psychologist uses the following methods: review of written works, motor tests, classification, 4-way, sequential pictures, Toulouse-Pieron test, short-term speech memory, short-term visual memory ... Conversations in order to clarify the stock of ideas about the world around, the level of speech development. To be filled in nthe report of the primary examination of the PMPC and the follow-up diary.

    Analysis of survey materials. The psychologist analyzes the information received about the child and the data of his own examination, and identifies his reserve capabilities. In complex differential diagnostic cases, repeated examinations are carried out.

    Drawing up individual maps of psychological, medical and pedagogical support.

In each case, the leading directions in working with the child are determined. For some children, the focus is on the elimination of gaps in the knowledge of educational material; for others - the formation of voluntary activity, the development of the skill of self-control; for the third, special classes are needed for the development of motor skills, etc.

Teachers who work with children with disabilities conduct a systematic in-depth study of students in order to identify their individual educational characteristics and determine the directions of developmental work, record the dynamics of students' development, keep records of their mastering of general education programs, together with a teacher-psychologist, they keep cards for accompanying students.

Parents are one of the connecting links of the support system. In this system, the parent plays the role of a carrier and translator of certain microcultural values \u200b\u200b- religious, ethical, etc., but at the same time, his influence is rather regulatory rather than formative. The parent interferes to a lesser extent in the child's choice of specific goals and objectives of school life, he seeks to cut off, close those paths of development, movement along which is undesirable, harmful and even dangerous for the child, both from a physical and legal point of view, and from the point of view of family , cultural, religious, national traditions. This requires building a certain system of work with students' parents, which will help parents understand their educational successes and failures and, possibly, revise the system of interaction with their child.

Thus, support specialists monitor the effectiveness of teaching children with disabilities according to the program (recommended by PMPK), current and milestone results of adaptation, the dynamics of development and personal growth of students, the formation of educational skills, the development of general educational programs, indicators of the functional state of their health. The observation results are recorded in the student's escort card.

All of the above allows us to build a certain model of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities, which is characterized by the following principles:

1) consistency - it is implemented in the process of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance in different directions: to children, teachers, parents (it turns out in a real situation of teaching a child, identifies the existing difficulties, the potential of the student, his strengths that determine workarounds in learning and taking into account all components are determined, the system of psychological and pedagogical support is modeled);

2) complexity - manifested in the fact that the teacher, psychologist, parents provide the child with comprehensive assistance, covering all areas of his activity (cognitive, emotional-volitional, motor; social connections and relationships are optimized), which helps to track the success of training and establish interpersonal ties;

3) integrativity - provides for the integration of various methods (psychotherapeutic and psychological-pedagogical), techniques, approaches, didactic and psychotherapeutic techniques (covers not only the educational environment, but also the microsocial one);

4) the priority of the child's special needs - identifying the reasons for the child's learning difficulties, knowing and taking into account his special needs for using them as workarounds (they need special conditions for organizing the educational process);

5) continuity - reflects the need for early diagnosis of his capabilities and abilities, the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support throughout the entire period of study, i.e. at all levels of education.

Figure 1 shows a model of psychological and pedagogical support in an integrated learning environment.

Picture 1

Organizational model of complex psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in a comprehensive school.

The model reflects the structural-organizational and content-procedural features of this process. Let's try to comment on some of its components. The model of psychological and pedagogical support can be represented as follows:

1) Motivational stage - providing external favorable conditions for the implementation of the process of support and motivation for future activities. With regard to any category of children with disabilities (with speech disorders, mental retardation, behavioral disorders, etc.), the emotional contact between adults and children is significant, primarily between teachers and parents. Correctional work depends on the nature of the existing relationship in the teacher-child-parent triad. Only with the creation of a supportive environment and coordinated actions of all participants in the educational process is it possible to implement an effective correction process in a short time. The motivational stage largely depends on the personal qualities and professionalism of the teacher-defectologist, psychologist, how convincingly they can present the strategy of psychological and pedagogical support. Interested in explaining the goals and conditions of the forthcoming work creates a positive attitude towards teamwork. At this stage, it is emphasized that the participants in the educational process mutually condition the child's success.

2) Indicative stage - defining the meaning and content of the upcoming work, developing a common approach, defining roles and professional positions in relation to the child, distribution functional responsibilities between escort participants. At this stage, the structural elements of support are concretized (identifying the causes of difficulties, school maladjustment of the child; substantiation of the content of correctional and developmental work and the forms of its implementation; the choice of methods for organizing this process, taking into account the resources of the child himself and the capabilities of adults participating in the implementation of support; finding out the parents' opinion about child's problems and expected results). The correctional and developmental process will be carried out in a real situation of teaching a child and in the process of special classes (trainings (an environment artificially created by a psychologist) and correctional classes). The concept of psychological and pedagogical support is developed, the requirements for the microsocial environment in the family are specified.

3) Substantive-operational stage - correction programs are developed on a diagnostic basis in relation to a specific child for the implementation of specific tasks. Work is carried out with children, a psychologist, a teacher-defectologist, teachers, parents for the purpose of their interaction. If necessary, psychological and pedagogical training is provided for those who find it difficult to work.

4) Evaluation stage - includes the final pedagogical and psychological diagnostics, analysis of the results by all specialists of the team, reflection. The degree of satisfaction of the parents and their wishes for the future are taken into account. Summing up the results can serve as a basis for further work.

In general, the technology of psychological and pedagogical support can be represented by the following substantive areas of work:

Statement of the problem on the basis of increasing the awareness of interested persons about the subject of the escort, the tasks and goals of the escort;

Collegial discussion of the problem of support (all teachers involved in this process are involved in this student or problem, parents, specialists);

Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children is concretized, the specific actions of each specialist are determined;

The reflexivity of the activities of teachers, the accumulation and translation of pedagogical experience, which is achieved by tracking the dynamics of the support process, problems that have arisen, organizing feedback, fixing ideas and proposals, analyzing the results of previous work.

Generalization of the above allows us to highlight the main directions of psychological and pedagogical support in the context of integrated learning:

Pedagogical and psychological diagnostics of deviations in psychophysical development and identification of needs for corrective assistance;

Individual, group, frontal correctional and developmental work;

Creation of a special correctional and developmental environment adequate to the needs of students;

Development (drafting) of individual and group correctional programs focused on a specific child in order to solve the corresponding correctional tasks;

Psychotherapeutic and pedagogical assistance to parents in harmonizing intra-family relations and optimizing their condition;

Scientific substantiation of correctional technologies used in the process of teaching and upbringing.

The timing of the start of integrated education is decided individually in relation to each child and at the request of his parents (legal representatives). It depends on the severity of developmental disabilities.

To implement the integrated education of children with disabilities, individual curricula are developed on the basis of the basic curriculum of a special (correctional) educational institution of the corresponding type and separate work programs for each academic subject of the curriculum based on sample programs recommended for teaching a child and on the basis of federal state educational standards.

To conduct correctional and developmental classes in the curriculum, hours are provided at the expense of a part of the curriculum formed by the participants in the educational process, or through the implementation of additional education programs of an intellectual and cognitive orientation.

If the timing of mastering the general education program does not coincide with the norm, then for children with disabilities a separate cool magazine, where the passage of the program material is recorded.

Special educational needs differ for children of different categories, since they are set by the specifics of mental development disorders and determine the special logic of building the educational process, and are reflected in the structure and content of education.

When drawing up a program of psychological and pedagogical support, the needs of the child, the requests of parents, teachers, identified during the diagnostic examination are taken into account. Clarifies how parents and teachers will be able to consolidate the acquired skills in the process of special classes. Conducted correctional classes are supplemented with diagnostic, control sections. You can carry out 4-8 correction sessions and one diagnostic, control one. Based on its results, it will be possible to actively consult teachers and parents on the effectiveness of the work being done (the reasons and ways of resolving the difficulties that arise are determined).

A prerequisite for the organization of successful education and upbringing of children with disabilities in educational institutions is the creation of an adaptive environment that allows them to fully integrate and personal self-realization. The educational institution must create appropriate material and technical conditions to ensure the possibility of unimpeded access for children with physical and mental disabilities to the buildings and premises of the educational institution.

Effective integrated education is possible only on condition of special training and retraining of teachers of educational institutions. The purpose of this training is to master the basic methods of upbringing and teaching children with disabilities for teachers of mass schools. Defectology teachers must be specially trained to provide remedial care in an integrated learning setting.

Along with this, it is possible to single out the special needs inherent in all children with disabilities:

Start special education for the child immediately after the primary developmental disorder is identified;

Introduce special sections into the content of the child's education that are not present in the education programs of normally developing peers;

Use special methods, techniques and teaching aids (including specialized computer technologies) that provide the implementation of "workarounds" of learning;

Individualize learning to a greater extent than is required for a normally developing child;

Provide a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment;

Expand the educational space as much as possible outside the educational institution.

Accompanying a child in an educational institution is mainly carried out by pedagogical means, through a teacher and traditional school uniforms educational and educational interaction. It is necessary to follow the general principles and rules for corrective work with children with disabilities:

1. An individual approach to each student.

2. Preventing the onset of fatigue, using a variety of means (alternating mental and practical activities, presenting material in small doses, using interesting and colorful didactic material and visual aids).

3. The use of methods that activate the cognitive activity of students (game situations; didactic games that are associated with the search for species and generic signs of objects; game trainings that contribute to the development of the ability to communicate with others; psycho-gymnastics and relaxation, allowing muscle spasms and clamps, especially in the face and hands), developing their speaking and writing and forming the necessary learning skills.

4. Manifestation of pedagogical tact. Constant encouragement for the slightest success, timely and tactical assistance to each child, the development in him of faith in his own strength and capabilities.

Thus, the wide scope of application of psychological and pedagogical support allows us to consider it as an integral part of the education system. The expansion of ideas about the goals of education, which include not only the goals of development, upbringing, training, but also ensuring the physical, mental, psychological, moral and social health of all children, determines the intensive development of the theory and practice of psychological and pedagogical support.


    School psychological service. Ed. I.V. Dubrovina - M., 1995

    Training and education of children with disabilities. Guidelines... Library of the Federal Education Development Program. Publishing house "New textbook", 2005

    Semago M.M., Semago N.Ya. Organization and content of the psychologist's activities special education - M .: Publishing house "Arkti", 2005

    Educational system for children with health problems. Ed. L.E. Kurneshova - Center "School Book", 2008

    Puzankova, E.N. Modern pedagogical integration, its characteristics / E.N.Puzankova, N.V. Bochkova. - M: Education, 2007 .-- 230 p.

Conference: Education and training. Theory and practice

Organization: MOU SHISOO s. NIDA

Settlement: Tyumen region, YaNAO, s. Nyda

Annotation. The need for an adaptive environment in a boarding school through social and psychological support for children with disabilities is a requirement of the time. The article shows the organization of accompanying children with disabilities and families in a boarding school. The results of tracking are presented.

Keywords: adaptive environment, accompaniment, amplification, maladjustment, correction.

In the development of children, problems often arise that are expressed in a deviation from generally accepted social age expectations, school educational standards of success, established in society norms of behavior and communication.

Accompanying a child (group of children) with disabilities in the educational process is defined as “an integral systemically organized activity, in the process of which socio-psychological and pedagogical conditions are created for successful learning and psychological development a child in a school environment ”.

Education for children with disabilities is one of the basic and integral conditions for their successful socialization, ensuring their full participation in the life of society, effective self-realization in various types of professional and social activities.

Analysis of the state of accompanying children with disabilities, identification of factors and contradictions affecting the support of this contingent and the effectiveness of the work of specialists of the social, psychological and pedagogical service with this contingent of children in a boarding school - all this contributes to the development and improvement of experience.

The school must change in order to cater to any child with all educational needs. This is a complex process that requires organizational, meaningful, value changes. It is necessary to change not only the forms of organization of education, but also the ways of interacting with children of this category.

Paradigm shift teacher education and its transformation in essence into psychological and pedagogical education makes it possible to carry out in the MOU “Boarding school of secondary general education with. Nyda ”is a learning process focused on the development of students with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities and comprehensive disclosure of personal potential.

Creation of an adaptive environment that allows them to ensure their full integration and personal self-realization, as well as the availability of an adequate system of psychological and pedagogical support, including, in addition to systematic observation of the development of a child with disabilities, the development of individual programs training and correction, as well as work with the environment in which the child is integrated.

The process of psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities involves:

1. Designing an educational environment based on a general humanistic approach to the need to maximize the possibilities and personal potential of the child, relying on age standards for development, the main new formations of age as a criterion for the adequacy of educational influences, in the logic of the child's own development, the priority of his needs, goals and values.

2. Maintaining the functioning of the child in conditions of optimal amplification of educational influences and the inadmissibility of his maladjustment.

The main distinguishing feature of the support program implemented at the boarding school should be considered the balance between the volume, complexity of such information and the child's own abilities to amplify and appropriate this information. Hence, the criteria for the optimal, harmonious psychological and pedagogical support of the child are determined. As the main criterion, the "exit" of all indicators of the child's mental development beyond the optimal amplification zone and the border of the transition of the child's state to maladaptive is taken.

As a matter of fact, all accompaniment of a child with disabilities is determined by the assessment of these boundaries and the maintenance of the necessary amount of educational information within the optimal boundaries, preventing the transition of the child's state to maladaptive.

Purpose: formation of a systematic approach to providing conditions for the development, mastering of general education programs and socialization in society of children with disabilities.

  1. Improvement of the adaptive educational environment for children with disabilities throughout their presence in the boarding school, as well as the development of an appropriate resource through this for maximum adaptation in other social environments.
  2. Comprehensive socio-psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process of disabled children and children with disabilities through the preparation of an individual support program, including determining the type and volume necessary assistance (educational, medical, socio-pedagogical, psychological, correctional).
  3. Psychological and pedagogical support of families with children with disabilities, creation of conditions for overcoming life limitations, as well as the formation of parental responsibility for the healthy development and upbringing of children, the formation of a system of family values.

In the implementation of the program of psychological and pedagogical support, the following are involved: boarding school administration, educational psychologist, social educator, speech therapist, subject teachers, class teachers, educators, pediatrician of the local hospital.

This program defines the main directions of psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in a boarding school. The boarding school has developed a regulatory framework for the implementation of a program to accompany children with disabilities. This program covers all children enrolled in a boarding school with the status of children with disabilities (DPR, UO).

The program is aimed at creating an adaptive educational environment for this contingent of children and is designed for 2 years, but it is possible to make adjustments.

Maintenance as a process and integral activity of all subjects of the educational process should be entirely determined by three main interrelated components:

1. Systematic tracking of the psychological and pedagogical status of the child, the dynamics of his mental development in the learning process.

2. Creation of socio-psychological conditions for the development of the personality of each child, the success of his education (basic educational component).

3. Creation of special socio-psychological conditions to accompany and assist in the learning and development of children with special educational needs (within the framework of a special educational component).

Continuous maintenance by the efforts of all specialists - participants in the educational process of an equilibrium situation between real opportunities the child and educational influences (determined, first of all, by the internal conditions and laws of the individual development of the child) and the volume, dynamic indicators of these educational influences on the part of teachers, parents, any other subjects of the educational environment.

The criterion for the effectiveness of accompanying a disabled child and a child with disabilities is the child's finding in the individually adaptive zone of the level of educational influences and dynamic control of changes in adaptation indicators. All of this is a means to "prevent" the shift of these indicators into the borderline and, moreover, the maladaptive zone, which can be achieved both due to the organization of the educational environment as a whole, individually specific for each child, and as a result of maintaining the child's amplification capabilities by developing or , if necessary, by corrective means from other subjects of the educational environment.

Psychological and pedagogical support, including the features of the individualization of the educational route and the work itself on an individual program with a child with disabilities, is based on certain principles:

1. Personality-oriented approach to children, to parents, orientation to the personal characteristics of the child, family.

2. Humane and personal - respect for the child, for each family member, the formation of a positive "I - concept" of each child, his idea of \u200b\u200bhimself.

3. The principle of complexity - close contact with the administration, educational psychologist, social educator, speech therapist, teachers and parents (legal representatives).

4. The principle of the activity approach - psychological, speech therapy, social and pedagogical assistance is carried out taking into account the leading activity, the main neoplasms of the child's age. And also for the type of activity that is personally significant for the child.

5. The principle "here and now": work with "live content" (with situations from real life children, including those arising directly in the classroom).

This is a general methodology of psychological and pedagogical support, the presentation of the interaction of a child with disabilities and the educational environment as a system for transmitting and amplifying the flow of educational information.

Expected results:

For children with disabilities:

  • creating psychologically comfortable conditions for the development of the emotional and personal sphere and cognitive processes for students with disabilities;
  • creating conditions for their socialization in society.

For a family raising a child with disabilities:

  • increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents;
  • systematization of psychological and pedagogical assistance and parental support.

For boarding school teachers: increasing the psychological competence of teachers.

For boarding school:

  • creation of an adaptive educational environment through complex psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in the educational process;
  • psychological and pedagogical education and psychoprophylaxis in the network community.

Technologies used when accompanying children with disabilities: organization of accompanying work (MR Bityanova), work of a psychologist with different age groups (RV Ovcharova), work with problem children: differentiation and individualization of education; correctional and developmental education for children with mental retardation, technology for working with mentally retarded children (G.K.Selevko).

It is important to ensure the effective integration of children with disabilities in a boarding school to carry out information and educational, explanatory work on issues related to the peculiarities of the educational process for this category of children with all participants in the educational process: students (both with and without developmental disabilities), their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff.

The issue of choosing an educational route for a child with disabilities, including determining the form and degree of its integration into the educational environment, is decided by the territorial psychological and pedagogical commission, taking into account the recommendations of medical workers (ITU), based on the needs, developmental characteristics and capabilities of the child, with the direct participation of his parents (legal representatives). For children, developing, correctional and developmental work is built, if necessary, aimed at a gradual increase in the measure of independence, subordination of their activities to a set goal with organizing, stimulating help from an adult.

The principle of variability and learning opportunities is applied throughout the entire period of study according to an adapted program in a boarding school, at a level corresponding to its abilities, developmental characteristics and inclinations, relieves excessive emotional and intellectual stress, contributes to the formation of positive internal motives for learning.

The boarding school organizes individual and group correctional work with students. Selection in correctional groups of students for individual lessons is carried out taking into account the recommendations of the school PMPK and TPMPK.

The main form of organization of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren is project activity. The inclusion of children with disabilities in project activities is of particular importance, as it contributes to their self-realization in various types of work, creative activity, integration into society. Project activities affect the formation of personal qualities of children with disabilities and children with disabilities: it requires the manifestation of personal value meanings, shows a real attitude to business, people, and results.

Thus, the socio-psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities is necessary throughout the entire period of their education. For a family raising a child with disabilities, it is important to develop the potential of the child and his successful integration into society. Therefore, parents need timely social, psychological and pedagogical assistance to overcome their alienation in society.

The result of the escort service:

Availability of individual programs of correctional work with children with disabilities;

Availability of individual programs for working with children with disabilities;

Availability individual plans work;

Availability of a schedule of thematic individual and group consultations for students and certain categories of parents for 2015/2016 academic year. g .;

Availability of adapted general education programs for teaching children with disabilities;

Availability of individual educational trajectories in basic subjects;

The presence of a program of correctional and developmental classes "Path to your Self" for grades 1-8;

The presence of a speech therapy program "Correction of sound pronunciation" for 1-4 grades.

Involvement of specialists from departments and institutions of the Nadym region involved in the comprehensive support of children with disabilities (network interaction): ITU, rehabilitation center, TPMPC, etc.

Adaptation of the architectural and material-technical environment of the boarding school;

The work plan of the New Age volunteer movement for children with disabilities.

The result of carrying out correctional and developmental work with children with disabilities:

1. Positive dynamics in the development of the emotional-volitional sphere (Bass test - Darki): decrease in the severity of the following forms of aggression: physical - 10 people / 41%; verbal - 7/29%, negativism - 5/21%, irritability - 11/46%. Most children have an average level of manifestation of aggressive states - 19/79%).

2. Increasing the level of satisfaction with school life (AA Andreeva):

2/8% people - high level of satisfaction

22/92% - average level of satisfaction,

no - low.

3. Increasing the level of cognitive abilities of students at the level of primary general education - 2/50% (computer version of the Raven D test).

Psychological and pedagogical support of a disabled child and a child with disabilities can be considered as a complex technology of psychological and pedagogical support and assistance to a child and parents in solving problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization by specialists of different profiles, acting in a coordinated manner, which in turn aimed at the result.


1. Bityanova M.R. Organization of psychological work at school. Moscow: Perfection, 1997.

2. Semago N.Ya., Semago M.M. Organization and content of the activity of a psychologist of special education. M .: ARKTI, 2005.

3. Semago M.M., Semago N.Ya. Ratinova N.A., Sitkovskaya O.D. Expert activity of a psychologist of an educational institution: a methodological guide / under total. ed. M.M. Semago. M .: Iris-press, 2004

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education of the city of Moscow


Akatova Irina Anatolyevna

(MOU Stepanovskaya secondary school named after N.K. Ivanov of the municipal Galich district of the Kostroma region)

"Psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in a general educational institution"

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… .3

1. Tasks of psychological support for children with disabilities ………………… ..4

2. The work of a teacher-psychologist on psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities …………………………………… ... 6 3.Conclusion …………………………………… ………………………………… 19 4. References ………………………………………………………… ... 21


One of the leading modern trends in education in Russia, there is an increase in the proportion of children with complex disabilities who need to create the most comprehensive system of special conditions for education and upbringing. At the same time, along with the "weighting" of the composition of schoolchildren with disabilities, the opposite tendency is also revealed. Large-scale practical application of scientific advances in the field of medicine, technology, digital technologies, special psychology and correctional pedagogy leads to the fact that some children with disabilities reach a level of mental development close to normal by the age of seven, which was previously observed in isolated cases, and therefore was considered exceptional ...

Some of the most "prosperous" children with disabilities "leave" the special educational space for general educational institutions.

Against the background of the movement of a part of the most "prosperous" children with disabilities to the mainstream school, the proportion of children with a complex structure of developmental disorders, who especially need special psychological and pedagogical assistance, is growing in the special one.

According to the Dictionary of the Russian Language, to accompany means to follow alongside, together with someone as a companion or guide. That is, under the psychological support of a child with disabilities, one can mean movement along with the changing personality of the child, next to her, timely indication possible ways optimal development, if necessary - help and support.

The purpose of this work is to summarize the experience of psychological support and the work of a psychologist at the Stepanovskaya secondary school, which contributes to the successful adaptation, rehabilitation and personal growth of children with disabilities in a general educational institution.

1. Tasks of psychological support for a child with disabilities

Psychological support of children with disabilities (HH) at the Stepanovskaya secondary school provides for a comprehensive technology of psychological support and assistance to the child, parents and teachers in solving the problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization by the teacher-psychologist.

The main areas of my activity in the system of social, psychological and pedagogical support in our school are:

Psychological support for the development and learning of students

Psychological support of the teaching staff

Psychological support of parents (persons replacing them) of students

When planning the work of psychological support for a child with disabilities, I set myself the following tasks:

Determination of the most adequate ways and means of developmental - correctional work with a child;

Predicting the development of the child and learning opportunities based on the identified developmental features, reserve capabilities;

· -Realization of psychological developmental and correctional work throughout the entire educational process.

I pay special attention to the psychological support of students during the adaptation period, which includes:

· Creation of a system of psychological and pedagogical support for all students during the period of their school adaptation;

· Identification of children in need of specialized care;

· Diagnostics of the assessment of the child's condition and his adaptive capabilities;

· Determination of the causes and mechanisms of a specific variant of deviating development;

· Development of corrective measures in order to ensure maximum social and psychological adaptation of the child;

Creation of special pedagogical and socio-psychological conditions that allow for developmental, correctional and developmental work with children experiencing adaptation difficulties.

2. The work of a teacher-psychologist on psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in a general educational institution

The purpose of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities studying at our school is to provide conditions for the optimal development of the child, his successful integration into society. Municipal educational institution Stepanovskaya secondary school named after N.K. Ivanova municipal Galich district is located 12 kilometers from the district center. In the 20013-2014 academic year, 87 students and 4 settlements are studying. 50% of children are taken to the place of study by a school bus, the radius of the delivery is 25 kilometers. According to the school's social passport, 79% of children live in complete families, 21% are brought up in single-parent families. 24 children are brought up in large families. According to the decision of the MPMK, two students are children with disabilities and are trained according to an adapted program.

My work as a teacher-psychologist on psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in our educational institution is implemented through:

at the beginning school year I, as a psychologist, conduct research on the student body, which includes:

    Collection of information about the child from teachers, parents. Every year, in the first week of September, in order to identify the risk group of school maladjustment, medical records and uniforms of first-graders are studied. Since October 1, the process of adaptation of first-graders is being monitored, the following methods are used: NG Luskanova's questionnaire "School motivation and learning activity", Ginzburg's methodology "Studying the motives of learning."

    To study the social and psychological adaptation of a student with disabilities to school, I use a questionnaire that is filled out by the class teacher. In the future, I analyze this questionnaire and, based on its results, make a conclusion about the level of socio-psychological adaptation of children in this category. Here is a sample version.

Full Name ______________________________
Age ____ Date of completion ___

1. Successful completion of school assignments:

5 points - correct, error-free execution of tasks;
4 points - small blots, single errors;
3 points - rare errors associated with missing letters or replacing them;
2 points - poor mastering of the material in one of the main subjects, frequent mistakes, inaccurate execution of tasks;
1 point - poor mastery of the material in all subjects.

Number of points: _______________________

2 ... The degree of effort required for the student to complete the assignments:

5 points - the student works easily, freely, without stress;
4 points - the completion of tasks does not cause special difficulties for the student;
3 points - sometimes the student works easily, at other times he is stubborn; completing tasks requires some tension to complete;
2 points - the tasks are performed with strong tension;
1 point - the student refuses to work, can cry, scream, show aggression.

3 ... Independence in completing school assignments:

5 points - the student always copes with tasks independently;
4 points - works independently, sometimes turns to the help of an adult;
3 points - sometimes works independently, but more often asks for help;
2 points - prefers to work with the help of an adult, even if he can do the task on his own;
1 point - to complete school assignments requires initiative, help and constant supervision from an adult.

Number of points: ________________________

4. Emotional attitude towards school:

5 points - a student comes to school in a good mood, smiles, laughs.
4 points - the student is calm, businesslike, there are no manifestations of low mood;
3 points - sometimes a student comes to school in a bad mood;
2 points - a student has a manifestation of negative emotions (anxiety, grief, sometimes fear), resentment, irascibility, irritability;
1 point - the predominance of a depressive mood or aggression (outbursts of anger, anger).

Number of points: ________________________

5 ... Peer Relationships:

5 points - the child is sociable, proactive, has many friends;
4 points - the child does not show the initiative of communication on his own, but easily comes into contact when other children turn to him;
3 points - the child's sphere of communication is limited, communicates only with some children;
2 points - prefers to be near children, but not to come into contact with them;
1 point - a child is withdrawn, isolated from children, prefers to be alone, or is proactive in communication, but often shows negativity towards other children: quarrels, teases, fights.

Number of points: ________________________

6. Attitude towards the teacher:

5 points - the child shows friendliness towards the teacher, willingly communicates with him;
4 points - values good opinion the teacher about himself, seeks to fulfill all his requirements, worries if he does something wrong; if necessary, the child can turn to the teacher for help.
3 points - tries to fulfill all the teacher's requirements, but turns to classmates for help.
2 points - fulfills the teacher's requirements formally, is not interested in communicating with him, tries to be invisible to him;
1 point - avoids contact with the teacher, when communicating with him, he experiences shyness or negative emotions.

Number of points: ________________ Total number of points: _____________

Class teacher: /______ Full name ________

Interpretation of results:

Level 1 (High) - 26-30 points;
Level 2 (Above Average) - 18-25 points;
Level 3 (Intermediate) - 12-17 points;
Level 4 (Below Average) - 6-11 points;
Level 5 (Low) - 1-5 points;

    Conclusion on the level of socio-psychological adaptation: ____________

And a questionnaire for studying the psychological climate in the team and the effectiveness of the educational process.

Questionnaire No. 2 for studying the psychological climate in the team and the effectiveness of the educational process / filled out by parents /

Full Name _____________________________________________
Age _________________________ Date of completion _____

1. Does your child often talk about school at home? What exactly?

2. What feelings prevail in his story?
a) positive b) negative c) when-how d) I don't know

3. With what mood does your child go to school?
a) gladly b) reluctantly c) differently d) I don’t know

4. Is your child comfortable in class?
a) yes b) he feels bad c) when-how d) I don't know

5. (If the child feels bad): Why is it bad (when, how)?
a) lack of confidence in knowledge b) poor assessment c) aggression of other children
d) (Your answer) _____________________________________________

6. Is your child tired at school?
a) yes b) no c) I don't notice

7. What changes have occurred in your child?
a) positive b) negative c) positive and negative 8. Did the school influence these changes?
a) yes b) no

9. Does your child have friends among classmates?
a) yes, there is one friend b) yes, there are many friends
c) no, my child has no friends

10. What other additional activities does your child need at school? (Underline as appropriate)
A) needed: in subjects, circles, exercise therapy, foreign language, psychologist, psychotherapist, massage, other
B) Not needed

11. Would you advise your friends to send their child to our school? Why?
a) Yes b) No

11. What did the child remember from school life?

12. What do you remember from your school life?

It is important to get the facts of the complaints being addressed. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the manifestations themselves, and not the qualifications of their parents, teachers or the children themselves.

Studying the history of the child's development, using the methods of questioning and talking with parents, I identify circumstances that could affect the development of the child (intrauterine lesions, birth trauma, serious illness in the first months and years of life). Heredity (mental illness or some constitutional traits), the family, the environment in which the child lives (socially disadvantaged, early deprivation) matter. It is necessary to know the nature of the child's upbringing (excessive custody, lack of attention to him, etc.) For this purpose, I use a questionnaire for the study of child development

Date of examination ___________________________

Surname, name of the child ______________________________________

Date of birth: year __________________ month _________

School __________________________________ grade __________________________________

When filling out the questionnaire, please follow these instructions: carefully read each of the proposed questions and underline what you think is necessary, if possible, add those missing information.

Parent information

1. Year of birth: mother ______________________________ father _________________________

2.Obra: Parenting Calling

mother - higher, secondary - special, vocational school, secondary;

father - higher, specialized secondary, vocational school, secondary.

3. At the time of examination:

mother works (profession) __________________ does not work

father works (profession) ___________________ does not work

4. Living conditions: separate apartment - shared apartment. The child has a separate room - does not.

5.Family composition: (living together) _______________________________

6. Did I have (yes, no) when the child was ___________ years old, when the stepfather appeared, the stepmother ____________________________________

7. Relationships in the family: good - cold - tense - frequent conflicts - quarrels.

8. Drinking alcohol in the family: sometimes - several times a week;

with a sharp change in behavior (father, mother).

9. The state of health of the parents: the mother is healthy, the father is healthy; presence of chronic diseases: mother _____________ father ____________________

10. The presence of neuropsychiatric diseases in the family of relatives with a difficult character, as well as persons who were very difficult to study at school: from the mother ____________ from the father __________________

Child details

11. What account was born _______________________________

12.The course of pregnancy: normal, nausea, vomiting (up to what month _____________) protein in the urine, increased pressure, convulsions, fainting (in what month) lay on the preservation (how long _____) physical trauma, nervous shocks, experiences (what) _________

Infections: colds: rubella, measles, other infectious diseases. Rhesus in the blood of the mother (+ -), father (+ -), child (+ -), measures for Rh-conflict _______________________________

13. Childbirth: normal - premature - post-term - fast - "assault" (1-2 hours from the onset of pain) - protracted (more than a day from the onset of pain). What kind of assistance was provided during childbirth: injections, oxygen, stimulation, anesthesia, forceps, vacuum, other types of assistance _______

14.Birthweight ________________________

15. Neonatal period: the child was born with skin normal color - red - blue - white; he screamed right away - did not breathe for a while - they clapped him down into the bath - they gave him injections - there was a swelling or bruising on the skin of his face and head; doctors talked about birth trauma, asphyxia, weakness of the child. Applied to the chest for _____ day. Sucked well - poorly.

There was jaundice of newborns - there was no jaundice. Was normal in the first weeks and months - very lethargic - very restless.

16. Congenital malformations: hip dislocation - heart defect, strabismus - paresis (weakness of the arm, legs).

17.Features of development at an early age: a) motor development: kept the head from ______ months, sat from _____ months, stood from ______ months, walked from _____ months __________ years; b) speech: individual words up to one year - after a year; phrases up to one and a half years ______ to two years _____ after two and a half years. Features of speech in childhood: normal stuttering - burring - lisping - tongue-tied (up to what age ____).

18. Illness up to a year (how many times): flu ______ colds (ARI) ____ angina ____ ______ inflammation of the lungs ____ dyspepsia ______ false croup _____ head injuries ____ cramps _____

19. Diseases after the first year of life (at what age, easy - hard - with complications) Rickets ___ diathesis ___ colds __

pneumonia _____ middle ear inflammation (otitis media) _________ dysentery _ gastritis _______ ulcer gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis) _____ jaundice ____ inflammation bladder (cystitis) ____ kidney inflammation _____

Infectious diseases: measles _____ rubella _____ scarlet fever ____ mumps ______ chickenpox _____ chronic tonsillitis _______ tuberculosis ______

Operations for: appendicitis _______ chronic tonsillitis _______ others _____ General anesthesia (in this connection) ______________________

20. Was registered as a doctor: infectious disease specialist - tuberculosis patient - ophthalmologist - otolaryngologist (ear) - rheumatologist - neuropsychiatrist - speech therapist.

21. Where was the examined child brought up: a) up to three years: in the family - in a one-day nursery - in a round-the-clock nursery - in a child's home;

b) before school: in a family - in a one-day kindergarten - in a 24-hour kindergarten.

Before entering school, the child knew how to read, write, count, knew letters. I attended an after-school class at school _______ did not attend.

22. Appetite: normal, increased, decreased, selective.

23.Sleep: falls asleep quickly; does not fall asleep immediately; sleeps well, sleeps lightly, restlessly; there are night fears bad dreams, walks in a dream, speaks in a dream; wakes up easily, wakes up with difficulty; needs to daytime sleep.

24. Mood: good prevails - low prevails - even, there is no predominance; the mood is stable - unstable, easily changes from minor reasons.

25. Behavior: even, calm - uneven. sometimes hot-tempered, capricious; when irritated, loses self-control, shouts, stomps, can be rude, hit; after an insult he calms down quickly - he cannot calm down for a long time.

26. Tired: often - rarely gets tired. Tired of physical activity - from communication - with mental stress.

With fatigue: attention is disturbed, a headache appears, appetite decreases, sleep is disturbed, irritability appears, physical lethargy.

27. Frequent complaints: headaches - dizziness - increased sweating - does not tolerate heat well - does not tolerate driving in transport - increased sensitivity - tearfulness - capriciousness - stuttering - unnecessary, obsessive movements - a tendency to fear - biting nails - urinating (during the day, at night) - nausea - joint pain - abdominal pain - fainting - other complaints (except those listed) ____________________________

At present: poor eyesight - poor hearing - deficiencies in the pronunciation of certain sounds - poor coordination of movements, awkward - too small stature - excessive fullness.

28. Individual characteristics:

1) Sociable and active in communication, he chooses friends himself - in friendship he is passive, communicates with those who turn to him; little sociable, avoids communication.

2) Shy and timid, not embarrassed with friends - relaxed and courageous in any setting.

3) A bully, pugnacious, the first does not bully, but can stand up for himself, avoids quarrels, cowardly. 4) Affectionate, does not like to express his feelings, cold, unkind.

5) Chatty, willingly talks, silent.

6) Excessively mobile, fast, moderate motor activity, little mobile; movements are dexterous, movements are awkward.

7) Calm, easily worried, quickly irritated, loses control over behavior, “nervous”.

8) Collected, attentive, absent-minded, inattentive, attentive only in an interesting lesson.

9) Selfish, inclined to struggle for primacy, self-esteem is not expressed.

10) Has a hobby (which one) __________________

loves to do a little for everyone, cannot find something to do on his own.

11) Resourceful, quick-witted, hardly finds the answer.

12) He easily makes a decision himself, can defend it, is prone to doubts, willingly accepts the advice of others.

13) A heightened sense of responsibility with a tinge of anxiety, responsible, conscientious, insufficiently responsible.

14) Benevolent, fair, envious, vindictive.

15) Good memory, bad memory, forgetful.

16) Studying perfectly, well, satisfactorily, with difficulty, independently, needs help; willingly-reluctantly.

Final grades in main subjects:

russian _______ mathematics ____________ reading (literature) __________ Russian is a native language - not a native language.

29. Raising in a family:

1) Who is mainly engaged in raising a child ________________

2) Your principles of upbringing: strict upbringing, the requirement of unconditional fulfillment of requests, decisions of elders, soft upbringing, persuasion, fulfillment of the child's wishes.

3) Was the child punished, how often _________________________

4) How the child spends his free time: ____________________________

alone, with friends, with parents.

5) Additional loads for the child _________________________________

30. Complaints to date ______________________________

3. Without fail, I study the child's work (notebooks, drawings, crafts, etc.).

4. At the end of the adaptation period, a survey is carried out if the child does not cope with the program material, where I use the following methods: review of written works, motor tests, classification, 4-way, sequential pictures, Toulouse-Pieron test, short-term speech memory, short-term visual memory ... I talk to clarify the stock of ideas about the world around, the level of speech development. The protocol of the initial examination and the follow-up diary are filled in

5. Be sure to analyze the survey materials and the information received about the child and the data of my own survey, identify his reserve capabilities. In complex differential diagnostic cases, repeated examinations are carried out.

6. Based on the results of previous work

    An individual map of psychological, medical and pedagogical support is drawn up.

    Individual educational route

In each case, the leading directions in working with the child are determined. For some children, the focus is on the elimination of gaps in the knowledge of educational material; for others - the formation of voluntary activity, the development of the skill of self-control; for the third, special classes on the development of motor skills and other problems identified during the diagnostic study are required.

7. It is obligatory to work with parents (persons replacing them) to diagnose the psychological climate in the family, the relationship between parents and children, to identify the type of upbringing to predict the impact of certain models of upbringing on the mental and personal development of children;

8. Consulting parents on their requests;

implementation of educational work on the psychophysiological characteristics of children with intellectual disabilities; features of correctional and developmental work with them; search for rational ways of social adaptation; family participation in the implementation of an individual psychological, medical and pedagogical support program;

9. I have developed and adapted a program of psychocorrection of the emotional-volitional and communicative sphere of children, which is designed to teach children to consciously perceive their own emotions, avoid conflict situations, and also understand emotional condition other people. The goals of the program are to provide emotional and full-fledged mental development and correction of individually "lagging" emotional-volitional mental functions of each child. During the implementation of this program, I introduce children to the language of emotions, the expressive means of which are poses, facial expressions, gestures; teaches how to use them, both for the manifestation of their own feelings and experiences, and for understanding the emotional state of others; helps to understand how easily a quarrel or even a fight can arise; promotes awareness of the causes of conflicts, teaches methods and techniques for their independent resolution, control of their emotions.

Gradually, children realize that the same objects, actions, events can cause different emotional states, cause different moods; that we recognize our inner difference from other people and the similarity with them by comparing our own and other people's feelings and experiences.

Most of classes, which take place once a week for six months, is built in the form of correctional training exercises, games, the purpose of which is to provide psychological protection, trust in the world, and the ability to receive joy from communication. During the observation of the testing of the program, the positive results of the correction work were confirmed, since the indicators of emotional instability, tension, conflict, anxiety decreased in children. Children began to better understand the emotional state of each other and the adults around them, to understand their own state and to express it verbally.

The main directions of my activity as a teacher-psychologist at the Stepanovskaya Secondary School named after N.K. Ivanova, when working with children with disabilities, is:

diagnostic activity;

advisory activities;

correctional and developmental work;

expert work;

organizational and methodological activities;

educational work;



Based on the results of the survey of parents "The level of parents' satisfaction with the work of the Stepanovskaya Secondary School", we can conclude that our educational institution has organized high-quality psychological and pedagogical support, as well as created a special moral and psychological climate in the teaching and student collectives. Since 90% of parents have a high level of satisfaction with the work of a general education institution (including parents raising a child with disabilities) and 5% have an average level, no low level of satisfaction was found. Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education is an important component of the model of inclusive education. Therefore, the set goal of psychological support for the school: the creation of a system of psychological and pedagogical conditions conducive to the successful adaptation, rehabilitation and personal growth of children in society (school, family, medical institution etc.) I think it is reasonable. Psychological support of children with disabilities (HH) in our school can be considered as a comprehensive technology of psychological support and assistance to the child, parents and teachers in solving the problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization on the part of a teacher-psychologist. The main areas of activity of a teacher-psychologist in the system of medical - social - psychological - pedagogical support of the school are:

- psychological support for the development and learning of students;

- psychological support of the teaching staff;

- psychological support of parents (persons replacing them) of students.

The material presented in this work is my first experience of psychological support and development of children with disabilities in the school environment and can be useful for teachers-psychologists.

List of references

1.Bityanova M.R. Organization of psychological work at school. - M., 1997.

2.Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school. - M .: Education, 1996.

3. The psychological service of the school. Ed. I.V. Dubrovina - M., 1995

4. Teaching and education of children with disabilities. Guidelines. Library of the Federal Education Development Program. Publishing house "New textbook", 2005

5.Semago M.M., Semago N.Ya. Organization and content of the activity of a psychologist of special education - M .: Publishing house "Arkti", 2005

6. Education system for children with health problems. Ed. L.E. Kurneshova - Center "School Book", 2008


During the period of its existence, human civilization has come a long and controversial path in relation to children with disabilities (HH). This was the path of the spiritual evolution of society, where there were both pages of indifference, hatred and aggression, as well as examples of care and mercy. Only one thing was not met in the former relationship - cooperation on equal terms.

Deterioration of the ecological situation, high morbidity rate of parents (especially mothers), a number of unsolved socio-economic, psychological, pedagogical and medical problems contribute to an increase in the number of children with disabilities.

At present, there are about 2 million children with disabilities in Russia, or 8% of the entire child population, and 700 thousand of them are disabled. In addition to an increase in the number of almost all categories of children with disabilities, there is also a tendency for a qualitative change in the structure of the defect, the complex nature of disorders in each individual child. This actualizes the need to understand their position in society, improve the system social assistance and support.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law "On Education" state that children with developmental problems have equal rights to education with all. Among the main international documents protecting and guaranteeing the rights of this category of children are the following: "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", "Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", "Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons", "Convention on the Rights of the Child", "Standard rules for ensuring equal opportunities for people with disabilities ”, FSES of preschool education.

Specialists studying the contingent of children in educational institutions claim that in almost every group kindergarten there are children with disabilities. What it is, it becomes clear after a detailed study of the characteristics of a modern child. First of all, these are children with physical or mental disabilities that prevent the child from successfully mastering the educational program. The category of such children is quite diverse: it includes children with impaired speech, hearing, vision, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, complex impairments of intelligence and mental functions. The list is wide enough, therefore, the answer to the question: "HVD - what is it?" - requires a sufficiently detailed study of all modern deviations from the norm in the development of the child.

As a rule, the problems of special children become noticeable to teachers and parents already in preschool age... That is why in the modern preschool educational society, the organization of the integration of special children into society is becoming increasingly common. Traditionally, there are two forms of such integration: inclusive and integrated education of children with disabilities. Integrated education takes place in a special group in preschool, inclusive - in ordinary groups among peers. As a rule, children normally perceive not quite healthy peers, because kids are more tolerant than adults, therefore, in children's society, there is almost always "communication without borders".

Teachers who work with children with disabilities pay attention to the main difficulty - the transfer of social experience to a special child. Peers who develop normally, as a rule, easily accept this knowledge and skills from a teacher, but children with severe developmental pathologies need a special educational approach. It is organized and planned, as a rule, by specialists working in an educational institution attended by a child with disabilities. The training program for such children includes the determination of the direction of an individual approach to the baby, additional sections that take into account the special educational needs of children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO (clause 2.11.2). It also includes opportunities to expand the educational space for the child outside the educational institution, which is especially important for children with socialization difficulties.

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