The child is a yellow bloom in the language. How to treat a yellow bloom in a child? How to protect children from tongue yellowing

Pink tongue with a shiny smooth surface is a sign of health. If a yellow flare appeared in a child, then you can not pay attention to it. In addition to household reasons, there are a number of diseases in which the language of the language becomes one of the symptoms of health problems.

When the yellow language does not threaten the health of the child

Nutrition and drug intake are the main reasons because of which children's language can change its painting at any age. Dyes are often present in food or drinks. These are carbonated water, candy with bright glaze, chips, in general, everything that has an unnatural yellow, orange or brown color. In this case, there are products that are natural dyes, for example, carrot - after it the tongue can also be covered with a specific touch.

The next reason for food is its increased fat. If the children's liver is not able to recycle the entire fat entering the body, the language begins to change its color. Sometimes this happens when the adhesive is introduced and the mother gives the baby, for example, butter.

For infants, the cause of yellow plaque becomes incorrectly selected mixtures.In this case, you can see additional signs of concern from the kid - Gaziki and colic.

Flip, which is not a sign of serious diseases, disappears itself or is easily removed with a soft brush. If we exclude suspicious products from the diet, then the color will quickly return to the norm. For infants, you should choose another mixture and deal with your bait.

When you need to docto

If the flight holds 5 days and is not removed using the brush, and there are still any symptoms that the child is unhealthy, then you should contact a doctor. Unfortunately, the yellowed surface of the tongue can be the causes of serious diseases:

  • GCT diseases - microflora violation. The flight is detected in the morning, an exfiguration appears, the bloating and pain in it, heartburn, gases
  • Infectious diseases - High temperature causes cracking and bleeding from small capillaries
  • Inflammatory processes in the mouth - It may be an angina, stomatitis and any other disease, while the doctor will surely see a raid on almonds or ulcers, swelling and inflammation
  • Liver and biliary diseases- for example, with jaundice, that is, the inflammation of the liver, change the color not only the proteins of the eyes and leather, but also the language
  • Poisoning - with diarrhea and vomit occurs dehydration of the body and tongue is covered with a dense yellow film
  • Diseases of kidneys and diabetes can also cause the appearance of a yellow fleet

In order to figure out true reasons in time, why a yellow flare appeared, you need to consult a doctor in time.

Is it possible to cure a yellow tongue?

A change in color is not a disease, but a symptom, therefore, it is not to treat a tongue, but the main disease. To find out the reason, you need to undergo a pediatrician, a gastroenterologist, a dentist. It will take to pass the blood tests, feces, urine, and also make an ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Based on the inspection and obtained results of the survey, the doctor will be able to raise the right diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

How to protect children from tongue yellowing

First, you need to establish the right nutrition of the child regardless of its age. Little children do not give artificially painted products, senior to try to explain their harm and aesthetic unattractiveness of the yellow language. It may be necessary to reduce the consumption of fats.

Secondly, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of major diseases - gastrointestinal, infectious, liver, kidneys. Vitamins, hardening, sports, the day of the day will help to help this.

It should be listened to the opinion of various specialists, for example, Dr. Komarovsky believes that yellow bloom is a consequence of an unfavorable microclimate in the room. Dry air and its high temperature, as well as dust lead to the drainage of the mucous membrane, cracking the surface and the appearance of the plaque. In this case, wet cleaning, ventilation and humidifier can help.

Language is a body that is a kind of indicator, a reporting person, is everything in order with his health. Even with very good well-being in the language can form a flare. As of this body, an adult can determine the presence of certain diseases.

The language of the child whose body is not "burdened" by the harmful habits, heavy pathologies, in a healthy stateit has pinkcolor , there are no deposits on it.

But the kids have problems with digestion, poisoning occurs, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract arise. And such a "marker", as a language, will help determine the cause of developing pathology.

Causes of yellow raid

We are talking about the reasons that may indicate the wrong eating habits and signaling serious problems in the work of the children's body.

Natural reasons

Not always the yellow flask signals the beginning of the disease. It may indicate that the baby ate delicacy or drank a drink containing an artificial yellow dye.

Somenatural Productsalso Have a yellow colorAnd when eating them in food, the baby's language is painted in yellow. This is a temporary phenomenon that disappears without a trace after a few hours. What can cause the formation of a yellow fly when the kid is completely healthy?

  • Caramel, Yogurts, Chips, Cyrises, Ice Cream, Cakes, Cakes (with yellow confectionery cream) ledges.
  • Tea With artificial additives, carbonated drinks ("Fantas", "Coca-Cola", etc.).
  • Spices, seasoningwhich are coming food.
  • Fruits vegetables, whose flesh is painted in yellow and orange (persimmon, carrots, tangerines, pineapple, etc.).
  • Some medicines and vitamin complexes (ascorbic acid in dragee, "roar", furazolidone, heart glycosides, enterofuril, etc.)

No causes for panic in this case. You need to watch the behavior of the baby. If it is energetic, moving, calmly reacts to external stimuli, has a healthy appetite, the body temperature within the norm is such a state is temporary. But products and drinks containing artificial chemical dyes (especially, Kirieshki and chips, which also "excavation" the level of salt) will sooner or later cause problems with digestion.

The child can get strongest poisoning; Such severe pathologies such as gastritis, enterocolitis, heartburn, ulcery, etc., to provoke harmful food and drinks.

How to determine that the yellow raid in this case is not a heaved illness signal :

  • The flight appears immediately after the use of beverage or food painted in yellow.
  • Decomposition in the language is easily wondering with a toothbrush.
  • After several glasses of pure water are discarded, the layer of the plaque becomes thinner, then disappears at all.

No need to force the baby to drink a slightly a little glass of water. Enough so that he drank water gradually without drinking no food at that time. You do not need to climb into your mouth with a toothbrush. It is better to show the child during the cleaning of the teeth on his example, as can be done. When the parents with a frightened expression of the face force their offspring to do something unusual, he himself will begin to be afraid, and think that health problems arose from their parents, and not he.

Pathologies causing yellow raid in language

For reasons that become precursors of severe diseases, one of the signs of which is a yellow collapse in language, belong:

  • Food poisoning.
  • Overdose medicines.
  • Gastritis (may be accompanied by heartburn and belching).
  • Enterocolit.
  • Diseases of the liver.

The factors provoking the formation of a yellow plaque in the language may indicate that the digestive system (intoxication, dehydration) or the fact that a certain disease is developing in the kid.

Food poisoning

Non-freight, poor-quality products containing pathogenic microorganisms quickly cause a painful "response" in the children's body. Accompanied poisoning next symptoms:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Stool violation.
  • Coliki in the stomach.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Weakness, lethargy, dizziness.
  • The skin becomes pale, bluene appears under the eyes.
  • Thirst.
  • Lack of appetite.

For treatment are used enterosorbents (preparations absorbing toxins and disintegration products from the intestine and emerging naturally through defecation), glucose saline solutions (fill the lack of fluid in the body) and large liquid: compotes, horses, tea.

Overdose of drugs

In such cases, the baby may feel very bad, and further everything depends on the timely reaction of parents. If the child swallowed the medicine a few hours ago - it already fell into the blood.

It is important not to miss the moment when the medication was only in the stomach. Then the situation can be corrected by causing artificial vomiting and washing the stomach with plenty of liquid. But, unfortunately, it happens differently. It is urgently to cause "ambulance" and hospitalize the kid.

Overdose of the medicinal product Manifested through signs:

  • Nausea, vomot, tremor limbs.
  • Increased temperature.
  • Confusion of consciousness, dizziness.
  • Strong weakness.

Therapeutic measures should be carried out in a clear sequence, quickly and competently. The main task of doctors is to clear the body from chemicals that are "out of order" all internal systems.


Sensations caused by this disease with sharp attacks can torment the child for several days.

Gastritis is inflammation of the inner walls of the stomach; The process affects the mucous membrane, the lining organ from the inside. Then the aggravation passes and the deceptive feeling appears that the baby recovered. But, if not to treat gastritis, attacks will be returned.

Disease manifests itself through symptoms:

  • Pain in the top area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen - in the epigastric area (occurs a few minutes after eating).
  • Heartburn and belching (Signals a small amount of food into the esophagus, a large amount of hydrochloric acid is distinguished in the stomach).
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Violation of stool.
  • With palpation epigastric area the child complains aboutb
  • Weakness.

During treatment are assigned Anti-inflammatorypreparations , sorbents, enzyme preparations from heartburn. Compliance with the dietary menu allows you to significantly alleviate the condition of the child. Flap in the language can be yellow or gray.


The inflammatory process in a thick (colitis) and a thin (enteritis) intestine has a name - enterocolit. With this disease The intestine motility is brokenThe digestion function is disturbed, moving it on intestinal hinges. The kid feels very bad, complaining of:

  • Owliness and abdominal pain.
  • Persistent violation of stool (liquid diarrhea).
  • Headache, insomnia.
  • WeaknessIncreased tired.

Therapeutic measures are aimed at restoring the intestinal functions and eliminating the inflammatory process. Appointed Antibacterialpreparations , antispasmodics, enzyme drugs, sorbents, prebiotics.

Liver diseases

Yellow raid in the language appears Due to the increased number of bilirubin In the blood - pigment generated by the decay of erythrocytes (blood cells). The indirect type of bilirubin, which is a toxic substance, enters the liver, where it is converted into a straight form capable of dissolution. In this form, it is easily excreted from the body along with the feces.

Violation of metabolic processes in the liver leads to unnecessary bilirin's cluster in tissues that reflected on the body of the child through the following signs:

  • Weakness and raising temperature Body.
  • Increased tired.
  • Painful feelings in the right hypochondrium.
  • Yellowish skin shade, scool eyes.

Yellow skin and the same color of the collapse in the language can signal about the development of the disease, the people called the "jaundice" (hepatitis). Urgent body examination is necessary. Treatment takes place in stationary conditions.

In some cases, the yellow collapse in the language reports nutritional habits, in others - signals serious pathologies. You need to carefully follow the child's condition. If the yellow collapse in the language accompany other alarming signs, it should be applied to the doctor immediately.

The change in the color shade of the surface of the language of small children with a natural pink on a weakly pronounced or saturated yellow, indicates that in its body there are present diseases of the gastrointestinal tract organs, or dysbacteriosis has developed. The last state of the digestive system of newborns is found in medical practice quite often, since their immune system and secretory functions are just beginning their activities in independent life. Consider in more detail what causes the yellowing of the surface of the language in small children, as well as what diseases it can signal.

Why does a child have a yellow collapse in language? It is necessary to understand that the nature of the origin of this plaque itself is associated with two directions of the pathological condition of the body of the infant. This is a change in the biochemical composition of its blood, plasma and other liquids due to the presence of certain diseases, or the microflora imbalance.

In general, the following reasons for the yellow language in a child are distinguished:

In this case, the causal factors are presented that are most often found in medical practice and are diagnosed in newborns of various age groups. The presence of other pathological conditions and circumstances, which directly or indirectly affect the appearance of a yellow laid in the infant language.

Symptoms What disease is the yellow tongue in children?

The long-lasting presence of a yellow plaque, which fully covers the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe language or only its separate sections, most often indicates the presence of the following diseases:

  • infectious inflammation of the throat and ENT organs (this may be stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, not bolted respiratory diseases, which moved into a chronic flow);
  • viral hepatitis, which was integrated into the liver tissue and began the gradual destruction of the structure of the digestive body;
  • the dysbacteriosis of the intestine flowing in acute form when the malicious bacteria is saturated not only by this body, but also rise in esophagus into the oral cavity;
  • diabetes (in most cases, young children, the initial stage of this disease begins to manifest themselves from such symptoms, and then the dryness of the mucous membranes are joined to the yellowness of the language and cracks are formed on the surface of the lips);
  • inflammation of the pancreas when it ceases or reduces the development of key enzymes necessary to digest food;
  • twisting or flexion of the gallbladder, cholecystitis, the clogging of the ducts, by which bile circulates;
  • oncological liver pathologies (quite often such a kind of disease are associated with negative heredity and a number of genetic diseases that give a prerequisite for cancer).

For the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, the child undergoes a comprehensive examination, as breast-age children, and sometimes even older, are not able to explain about their pain and other symptoms that may indicate the presence of one or no disease.

What to do and what tests to pass?

After parents discover from their baby signs of yellowness on the surface of the tongue, they should immediately refer to the pediatrician. All attempts to conduct an independent treatment of the appearance of the illness are unacceptable, since you first need to establish a causal factor that caused this symptom. After the primary inspection of the child's oral cavity, the doctor conducts a prescription to the following types of tests with diagnostic procedures:

Depending on the presence of concomitant symptoms, other types of diagnostics can be appointed. The consultation of the children's doctor of the gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, infectiousnessist, an otolaryngologist will also need.

The relief, color and coloring of the tongue change throughout the human life. In children the norm is a pale pink tongue without a thick layer of the raid. Dense yellow, orange and brown sediments may indicate both the insufficient observance of the oral cavity hygiene and the development of internal or local diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to find out why in the language of the child there was a yellow raid, it is necessary together with the doctor.

Why appears flare in the child

A flare consists of food particles, saliva, dead cells of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, leukocytes, bacteria and their livelihoods. It accumulates in the language of each healthy adult and child and does not indicate the disease, if it has a whiten shade and covers the body of the taste with a thin layer: the relief of the language should be viewed through the film.

In the photo you can see the state of the child's tongue normally and in the pathological formation of a white plaque:

Yellow raid can occur in the language of the child for several reasons:

  • Most often, the formation of white-yellow plaque provoked unsatisfactory observance of hygiene. Acqualing the baby to hygienic procedures should be immediately after the rubberization of the first teeth. Bacteria are especially intensively developing at night, when the activity of the salivary glands is reduced, so the evening cleaning of teeth and a tongue with a toothbrush with paste should be an inherent step of preparation to sleep.
  • The manifestation of the yellowness on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity can be due to the use of some products. In this case, pigmentation appears immediately after eating, it is easy to remove the brush and does not occur again. Products, staining in yellow: fruits and vegetables (carrots, apricot, persimmon, pumpkin, pineapple, orange), sweets and drinks with artificial food dyes, some varieties of tea and coffee, seasonings (curry, saffron).
The yellow coloring of the language can be associated with the reception of some medicines: heart glycosides, enterofurila, fuzolidone, acryoline.

In pathological changes in the child's body, not only the color of the plaque, but also its consistency: deposits become dense, are problematicly removed from the surface of the language. Such symptoms are almost always accompanied by a sharp unpleasant smell of mouth. When the specified signs are found, it is necessary to immediately show the child to the doctor, as they may indicate:

  • development of infectious ailments;
  • poisoning;
  • dehydration;
  • jaundice;
  • dental diseases;
  • stomatitis;
  • overeating;
  • kidney diseases;
  • somatic and autoimmune pathologies.

Why an orange flare appears in language

Flap in the language may not only be yellow or yellowish, but also orange, as in the photo. Orange coloring of the tongue in children and adults signals that the contents of the stomach fall into the oral cavity. Such a phenomenon is characteristic of exacerbation of gastritis with increased acidity, pathologies of the esophagus, reflux disease, the initial stage of peptic ulcer.

In addition to the specific orange color of the tongue, a strange taste in the mouth may appear in the child, periodic heartburn, belching. With such symptoms, it is necessary to treat not external manifestations, but the main disease.

Yellowish falling in the language of infants

Breastfish has a white or yellowish flare in the language often appears in the hot season. If he is not accompanied by other symptoms, it means that the baby is normal.

According to Children's Dr. Komarovsky, if the baby appears in the language, the sediments of a white-yellowish shade should be increased by the amount of liquid consumed and remove it from overheating. But if the flare acquires a brighter color, it becomes abundant and densely, you must be consulted with your doctor. The cause of such a phenomenon may be a gastrointestinal diseases, malfunctions in the work of the gallbladder, intoxication of the body due to infectious disease or frequent constipation.

If the yellow or white flare appeared in the language of the baby or child over 1 year old, but still on breastfeeding, the cause of violations should be sought in the gastric or intestinal imbalance. If there are constipation, heartburn, vomiting should be analyzed and adjust the nursing mom menu. If the yellow raid appeared in the language of the child over 2 years old, does not disappear over two days and is not associated with ignoring the rules of hygiene, it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor.

Diagnosis and treatment of plaque in language

To prescribe effective treatment, the doctor must establish the cause of the appearance of a yellow fly in the language of the child. At first, a full-fledged toddler inspection is carried out: the doctor examines the oral cavity and the surface of the language, conducts a physical examination of all organs and systems (trimming of the chest, palpation). To clarify the diagnosis, one or more laboratory and instrumental studies are prescribed:

  • General and biochemical analysis of blood and urine.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  • Bakposposev from the nasopharynx.
  • FEGDS.
  • Coprogram.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the treatment regimen is determined, aimed at eliminating the underlying disease provoked by the appearance of the plaque. Local treatment consists in intensive oral cavity hygiene and nutritional correction. According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, professional cleaning of teeth in most cases is not required, quite a thorough regular cleaning of teeth and language at home.

If the flight was formed due to improper power, you need to adjust the kid's diet:

  • It should be completely eliminated from the menu products containing preservatives, dyes, taste amplifiers, thickeners.
  • It is necessary to reduce the number of fats consumed by the child and prevent overeating.
  • Children's diet should be enriching cereals, fermented milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • It is important to follow the state of the intestine of the child, prevent constipation.
  • If the baby is in breastfeeding, it is required to control the diet of the mother.

Preventive actions

To prevent the appearance of a launch in the child's language, parents should include products in its diet that ensure the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to ensure that the child regularly and carefully conducts hygienic treatments for the care of the oral cavity. Children up to three years old teeth are cleaning adults, the procedure is carried out 2 times a day. Child older than 3 years and cleaning teeth independently, you need to teach to the fact that:

  • during the cleaning of the teeth, it is necessary to remove the flare and from the language by applying a toothbrush or a special scraper as in the photo;
  • after each meal, you should rinse the mouth with a pharmacy antiseptic or pure boiled water.
To avoid the appearance of a yellow laid in the baby in breastfeeding, the mother must follow his own menu. For newborns translated into artificial feeding, you need to choose a suitable mixture that will ensure the proper operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Dr. Komarovsky declares that if the mixture is chosen correctly, the infants should not have constipation.

In order to avoid infection of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, it is necessary to carefully process the dishes, nipples and toys inhibries.

Each parent worry about the health of his child and carefully monitors the condition of his skin, mucous membranes, nails and hair. Pretty often adults can mark a yellow bloom in the child. It should be noted that most often the pathological feature in children is associated with the incorrectly conducted oral cavity. In 90% of cases, high-quality surface cleaning will be sufficiently high-quality cleaning.

However, one should not be excluded that the yellow collapse in the child in the child may be provoked by internal violations. An attribute manifested on a permanent basis should not be ignored. The child needs to show a specialist for a full survey.

Factors provoking the occurrence of plaque

If the reasons for the state have a pathological nature, in addition to the yellowing of the mucous membranes, other negative symptoms will be manifested in children - the deterioration of appetite, abdominal pain.

To the appearance of an external defect in children can lead:

  • Overeating fatty products. The state has a negative impact on all the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, overloading the entire digestion system several times. 7-8 hours after meals, a child occurs dry mouth, meteorism and a yellowish raid appears in the mouth.
  • Infection with infectious pathogens, which are accompanied by hyperthermia. Pathology can be accompanied by the formation of plaque in the language of yellow or brown, due to the drying of the mucous membranes of the mouth and the appearance of cracks on them, non-heaven wounds.
  • Poisoning of poisonous substances or products. Inxication leads to damage to the liver structures, and, accordingly, to a violation of its performance.
  • Some varieties of jaundice (physiological in newborns, hemolytic, associated with the defeat of the body with the hepatitis virus).
  • Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity - Pulpitis, Caries, Gingivitis.

Why is the child meet a language? A number of diseases accompanied by intoxication of the organism - autoimmune disorders, diabetes, renal pathologies.

Foods also paint the tongue in adults and children in yellow. To the food list, giving a similar effect, belong: persimmune, oranges and other fruits and vegetables with bright orange color; carbonated drinks with a large content of dyes (yad); Frozen ice, confectionery.

In one year old children, white-yellow raid on the mucous oral cavity is a consequence of thrush

Parents can independently determine the nature of the problem. Flip, caused by food, is well removed using a toothbrush or cotton wand. The symptom associated with internal diseases disappears only after eliminating the root cause.

Dangerous signs

It is easy to cope with the problem, if the cause of a yellow plaque in the language has become consumed products or incorrect care for the oral cavity. Attentive relationships require the situation under which the thick, difficult-to-wear layer of neoplasms on the mucous mouth is found, especially if the plaque is difficult to remove from the surface of the conversational authority and quickly appears again after hygiene procedures.

Parents should pay attention to other possible signs that complement the problem in a child:

  • stomach ache;
  • violation of defecation;
  • shift emotional state;
  • the presence of ulcers and other rashes in the mouth.

Which specialist to contact the problem? Especially this question worries parents whose children under 1 year old. Initially, the kid show a pediatrician, which, if necessary, will appoint a consultation by the specialists of another profile - a dentist, an infectiousnessist, a gastroenterologist, a hepatologist.

Survey of the child

Toddler survey starts with consultation of narrow specialists. Sometimes to eliminate the cause of staining of the language is enough visits to the dentist. Even minor changes in the diet of the child contribute to the disappearance of aesthetic defect.

As a rule, one external examination of the patient is not enough to identify the cause of pathology, even if the consultation is conducted by an experienced specialist. The change in the structure of the language is one of the first signs of developing internal pathologies. At this stage of the disease can be asymptomatic. It is especially difficult to carry out the diagnosis of pathology in infants, as they cannot tell about their own well-being. In this regard, a specialist conducts a comprehensive examination of a small patient to eliminate failures from various systems and organs. It includes:

  • general blood test, urine and feces;
  • blood test to identify the level of bilirubin to assess the health of the liver;
  • Ultrasound abdominal cavity;
  • ezophagogastroduodenoscopy.

Ezophagogastroduodenoscopy is recommended for children with suspicion of benign and malignant education in the digestive system

The child is not necessary to undergo all of these procedures. In each case, the specialist determines the need for certain events depending on the clinical picture of the disease and age of the patient.

Independent examination

Assess the status of the child's language, parents can at home. For high-quality diagnostics, adults should follow some rules:

  • to inspect the baby in daylight;
  • inspect the entire surface of the conversational authority, including the side zones, the root and the sublard part;
  • pay attention to the form, color and relief of the language, as well as the severity of its papillas.

All identified signs of parents must tell a doctor. In addition to assessing the state of the language, parents must 1 times a week examine the mouth of the child over 2 years for the timely detection of carious foci.


Not always a yellow collapse in the baby's language testifies to internal failures in the body. The sign indicates insufficient care for the oral cavity. Despite the lack of teeth, care for the oral cavity is necessary. Daily, the surface of the tongue is wiping with a cotton wand dipped in chamomile decoction or calendula.

The body of the kid reacts very sharply to any changes in the diet of a nursing mother. During lactation, women should abandon products and drinks containing a large amount of fat and preservatives.

Women on breastfeeding is recommended to include fermented fermentation products, cereals and vegetables

The change in the diet should be supported by observing the condition of the child. If the symptom is manifested more expressed in the morning hours, it is associated with the intestinal dysbiosis. In this case, therapy is carried out with the help of sorbents and prebiotics.

Some doctors believe that it does not make sense to eliminate the flare in the language without exposure to the root cause. The symptom will appear again and again. According to another version, it is still necessary to get rid of the tongue on the tongue, since it provokes the uncontrolled reproduction of the pathogenic flora in the oral cavity and becomes the reason for the unpleasant odor.

For accurate removal of film in children, it is necessary to follow the recommendations:

  • Purchase a special embossed brush.
  • To ensure that the older child uses rinses after cleaning the teeth.

Yellow collapse in the child's language is not a mandatory sign of the disease. If you manage to independently consider the film, then there is no need to appeal to the doctor. If a thick layer of the tongue is marked in the mouth of the baby in the toddler, then it is necessary to show the pediatrician. Doctors make up the treatment plan, depending on the root cause of pathology, the age of the patient and the results of diagnostic measures.

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