Whether you gain weight during your period. Gaining weight before the "critical days": is it okay? How to prevent weight gain

Women who follow their figure noticed an interesting feature: the weight before menstruation unexpectedly increases by 1.5-2 kg. There is nothing unnatural in this.

Features of the menstrual cycle

The main reason for the increase in body weight before menstruation is changes in hormonal levels. The menstrual cycle consists of two phases lasting 14-16 days. During the first phase of the cycle, the level of hormones - estrogen increases. At its final stage, a mature egg is released from the follicle (ovulation). If the egg does not fertilize in 2-3 days, at the end of the second phase menstrual cycle your period will begin.From the moment of ovulation, the amount of estrogen decreases, and the level of the hormone progesterone increases. Progesterone is responsible for preparing the body for pregnancy. It is the alleged pregnancy that makes the woman eat hard after ovulation, accumulate useful trace elements for the growth of the embryo.

A similar appetite can be overcome two weeks and several days before the onset of menstruation. Food preferences agree on one thing, namely, the desire for sweets: cakes, pastries, sweets, chocolate and baked goods. Some people combine a craving for sweets with a need for meat dishes. This is where weight gain begins.

In the second phase female cycle there is a drop in the level of serotonin (a hormone have a good mood), which, together with the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome (aggression, irritability and poor health), causes women to crave chocolate. Thus, the girls are trying to cheer themselves up. This method, of course, works, as the serotonin rises from dark chocolate and sweets, but not for long. As a result, a dependence on sweets is formed: a woman tries to seize any grief or stress with cakes. The weight should increase from this.

In the second phase of the cycle, the internal lining of the uterus grows and fluid accumulates in the tissues. In addition, the chest and waist are increased. Normally, the increase is insignificant (up to 1 kg). It is believed that this is the amount of fluid a woman will lose during her period. Although this figure is individual, it happens that 2-3 kg weight gain after menstruation disappears without a trace.

The action of the second phase hormones helps to relax the muscles of the large intestine, and this leads to constipation and increased gassing... Infrequent bowel movements before menstruation can also cause an increase in the scale readings.

What if the cravings for food are incredibly strong?

If you find yourself consuming food in excess, take control of the situation:

  1. Avoid pickles and minimize salt intake, as it provokes swelling.
  2. Temporarily forget about the existence of lard, pork, smoked meats, various sausages, mayonnaise, fried potatoes, etc.
  3. Choose foods with complex carbohydrates instead of sweets. Switch to vegetables, fruits, and fiber-rich foods. Durum wheat pasta, porridge from various cereals, wholemeal bread and bran are always recommended for those wishing to lose weight. Eat apples, grapefruits, kiwis and apricots instead of rolls and cakes. By the way, fiber will relieve constipation, and complex carbohydrates will take away the strength for digestion from the body.
  4. If your mood is nowhere worse and you crave sweets unbearably, eat a banana, a slice of dark chocolate, a handful of nuts, or a tomato salad. These foods contribute to the production of serotonin. Stock up on dried fruits, low-fat yogurt, and fruit jelly to improve your mood. Weight does not increase from the food itself, but from its quantity.
  5. During the day, do not try to starve, otherwise you will break loose in the evening or at night and eat a huge amount of food at once. It is better to eat more often, but in small portions. To do this, take a saucer or small plate. It will fit a little, but it will seem that you are not limiting yourself.
  6. Increase your intake of foods containing calcium (fermented milk products, wheat bran, nuts, halva, mung beans, chickpeas, etc.) and magnesium (rice bran, dark green leafy vegetables, basil, coriander, dark chocolate, brown rice, beans, yogurt, cheese, etc.). Magnesium helps the body absorb calcium, which is an essential mineral for healthy bones, teeth, hair and nails. Magnesium normalizes mood and relieves irritability in PMS. By the way, one of the symptoms of calcium deficiency is sugar cravings. After filling the gap, it will become easier.
  7. During menstruation, a woman loses a lot of hemoglobin, so it is important to take care of its accumulation. Symptoms of anemia: headache, dizziness and weakness - in many ways repeat the symptoms of PMS. For this reason, include lean red meat, liver, tuna, salmon, mussels, shellfish, shrimp, eggs, cocoa, dark green vegetables, beans, peas, parsley, nuts, and seeds in your diet. Wheat bran contains a lot of iron.
  8. If you are actively losing weight, put increased physical activity in the first phase of the cycle in order to simply maintain the weight at the achieved level in the second phase, controlling calorie intake.
  9. In order not to get upset, postpone weight check for 7-10 days after your period. The balance reading will be reliable. Weight before menstruation increases 100%. It is impossible to understand which of the accumulated is water and which is fatty deposits.
  10. Pay more attention to what is pleasant for you physical exercise: dancing, walking or cycling. They contribute to the production of hormones of joy, and in addition burn calories.

What if all else fails?

Some might say that it is easy to advise but difficult to implement. In some cases, this is the case. It happens that the symptoms of PMS are too strong and cannot be controlled by the woman herself. We are talking here not only about uncontrollable appetite (the consequence is weight gain), aggression, irritability, tearfulness, edema, pain in the head and other parts of the body, disorders of the digestive system. After menstruation, a woman becomes a completely different person: it is easier to communicate with her, and she feels much better. How to be in this case?

If you can't help yourself, consult an experienced gynecologist. Treatment for PMS is symptomatic. The doctor prescribes medications, removing this or that manifestation of PMS. They will start with drugs that compensate for the lack of vitamins and microelements. Increased appetite and fluid retention reduces the daily intake of calcium carbonate. Magnesium orotata reduces swelling and bloating. B vitamins reduce psychoemotional manifestations of PMS. Pain in the mammary glands decreases after taking vitamin E.

Nervous manifestations are treated with mild sedatives, severe edema with diuretics or diuretic herbal teas. As a chemical diuretic from 16 to 25 days of the cycle, Veroshpiron is prescribed. It does not flush calcium from the body and has a positive effect on irritability and mood swings. Side effects are increased sleepiness, lowering blood pressure and irregular periods.

If severe mental manifestations of PMS prevail, antidepressants are prescribed: Prozac, Zoloft, Tsipramil. They reduce swelling and engorgement of the breasts before menstruation.

Another treatment option for PMS is taking combined oral contraceptives (eg, Yarina). Hormonal drugs relieve many severe manifestations of PMS.

Often drug therapy relieves PMS symptoms not forever, but only for a while.

Individual characteristics, tolerance and body response should be monitored by a specialist.

Self-medication is not an option here, only a qualified doctor can know all the nuances of therapy.

Weight gain before menses has many characteristics. The main thing here is not to get upset and keep the situation under control. Having understood the peculiarities of the menstrual cycle and her body, a woman will be able to correctly respond to changes in mood and well-being. Understanding and the desire to change is already half of the path traveled.

It is no secret that women often gorge on pounds, stop adhering to diets at the end or at the very beginning of the menstrual cycle. Several simple tips help keep weight under control during this period.

Increased appetite, sometimes even a zhor attacking in the middle of the night, constant thirst and uncontrolled mood swings - familiar symptoms? Then you are one of those who are familiar with premenstrual syndrome - PMS - personally. And although most girls do not feel it, the picture changes with age: according to statistics, more than 90% of women suffer from some form of PMS. It has a particularly negative effect on ladies who are prone to overweight. Changes in hormonal levels awaken a brutal appetite in them. 3-12 days before the onset of menstruation, the level of the hormone progesterone in the body rises significantly. He is responsible for pregnancy, and a woman expecting offspring must eat well in order to bear a child. This means that during this period the organism of the expectant mother must make supplies for the future.

Hence, such temporary troubles that appear before menstruation, such as swelling, constipation, bloating and weight gain. However, some ladies are led by the body, releasing the reins in pMS time and, as a result, gradually overgrown with fat. Ideally, before menstruation, weight should increase by only 900 g, which will go away after menstruation. However, for most women, fluctuations occur in the range of 1-1.5 kg. Now think about it: a wolfish appetite made you eat 3 kg, after which you, at best, dropped 2.7. (By the way, if the weight "walks" within large limits, do not be surprised by the appearance of stretch marks and stretch marks.) This means that 300 g settled on the sides. This mechanism works every month, gradually accumulating excess fat. In order not to grow in breadth during PMS, it is worth following simple rules.

Control your weight

Get on the scale at least once a month - after a critical day, preferably on the same day on your menstrual calendar - and record the result. If the indicators do not change, then you know how to cope with your "menstrual" appetite.

Don't follow the mood

All women know about those dangerous days when an overwhelming desire to eat forbidden arises and many ask the question: "How much does the weight increase during menstruation?" Hang a sign in the kitchen with a simple truth: "PMS will pass, but the weight will remain." It will block your way to the refrigerator and will not allow you to throw everything in your mouth.

Pay attention to food

Avoid fatty foods - lard, pork, all kinds of sausages and high-fat cheeses. Forget that potatoes can be fried, and chicken has skin and that there is a universal sauce in the world - mayonnaise. Measure vegetable oil with a teaspoon, count nuts and seeds one by one. In addition, pickles, alcohol, beer and, of course, sweets (this includes confectionery, pastries, sugary sweet fruits, chocolate) should be limited as much as possible. Have an educational conversation with your other half, as well as with yourself. Analyze your behavior during "critical" ailments. It is men who unknowingly help women in difficult period gain excess weight. Strong Iol is afraid of the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome in loved ones like fire, especially tears, tantrums, quarrels. Trying in every possible way to alleviate the lady's suffering, to show care and understanding, they buy and prepare all those dishes that a woman does not allow herself on ordinary days. What is a disservice ?! Please note: as a rule, men spoil their loved ones with chocolate. Millions of tons of cocoa bean products are eaten by women around the world during PMS. Some ladies send their other half to the store for a chocolate treat even at night. But all these tiles easily settle on the hips and waist!

Not an iron lady

It would seem that with the onset of menstruation, the dangerous period should end. But that doesn't happen. Every month, during critical days, a woman loses an average of half a glass (about 100 ml) of blood. Is it a lot or a little? Some ladies do not feel unwell at all during this period. But others clearly feel weak, constant sleepiness, note a noticeable decrease in performance. Sometimes experience headache, attacks of dizziness up to fainting. After all, blood is not water! Red liquid, or rather its composition, affect appearance and the woman's well-being. And during menstruation, the blood formula changes: the level of hemoglobin and platelets decreases, the level of leukocytes rises. If the diet is balanced, such changes disappear for women. But, unfortunately, according to statistics, almost 50% of the fairer sex have problems with blood - especially young girls who, for the sake of fashion and super harmony, torture themselves with starvation and diets. The most common consequence of poor nutrition is anemia (anemia), which intensifies on critical days. Indeed, during menstruation, approximately 30 mg of iron is lost. Trying to compensate for losses, to restore strength, women begin to eat heavily, giving preference to their favorite flour and sweet dishes, although the proportion of iron-containing foods should be increased in the diet.

Feed the blood

So how do women eat before and during critical days? Choose edibles that can "feed" the blood: lean meat (veal), beef, chicken, lamb's liver, liver pate, all kinds of boiled shellfish - treat yourself to delicacies like mussels, oysters, snails. Of the fish, salmon is the richest in the required metal. In addition, iron is found in poultry meat, eggs (more in quail than in chicken), cocoa, sesame, nuts (pine, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts), dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins), dark chocolate, beans, peas , lentils, broccoli and plums. Wheat bran can be called the champion in iron content. To increase the level of hemoglobin, it is enough to add 1-2 tbsp to food. l. bran daily.

In fact, such a harbinger of menstruation as weight gain is due to internal processes taking place in the body, its preparation for the days, which are not without reason called "critical".

A woman's menstrual cycle, which is repeated every month, prepares her body for future pregnancy: hormones and metabolism change.

The increase in body weight during this period is caused by a combination of several factors:

  • Retention of fluid in the tissues.

Menses, especially profuse, are primarily fluid loss. If the pattern repeats every month, the stressed body begins to perceive bleeding as a threat of dehydration, a signal to store moisture. In such cases, ladies often complain of swelling of the hands, feet, face. This phenomenon passes along with menstruation, but if the swelling increases or is observed for a long time, you can drink the collection of diuretic herbs, and if there is no result, consult a doctor;

  • Digestive disorders.

On the eve of menstruation in women, the level of progesterone, which relaxes the muscles of the uterus, rises sharply. The genital organ presses on the intestines, where gases begin to accumulate. That is why the tummy begins to grow. Also a frequent sign the approaching menstruation is constipation: feces accumulate in the intestines, which can significantly change the figure on the scales. One good thing is that the weight increases only until the first critical day, then digestive problems usually go away quickly;

  • Raiding the refrigerator.

Even a mild premenstrual syndrome creates a psychological imbalance, which ladies seize with harmful carbohydrates - rolls, chocolate. The growing progesterone aggravates the situation, attacks of hunger become more frequent, breakdowns occur, bordering on gluttony. Of course, the weight during menstruation increases because of this, and then it will not go anywhere. It is impossible to relax, justifying the needs of the body: extra pounds will stick every month, which threatens with early obesity;

  • Anemia.

She is a companion of martyrs who constantly sit on rigid unbalanced diets that cause a decrease in hemoglobin. During menstruation, 30 mg of iron is lost daily along with the blood, which finally undermines the woman's health: attacks of hunger are accompanied by nausea, dizziness. Having felt the growing appetite, you should quench it with fish, liver, eggs - such food will not cause a weight jump;

It is difficult to argue with nature, but it is worth considering this information, it will help control your eating behavior at critical moments, and avoid weight gain.

Psychological factors

You can't blame the weight gain that occurs before your period only on physiology. Premenstrual syndrome, expressed by the instability of the psychological state, affects 90% of the fairer sex. The mood changes dramatically in a matter of minutes, everything is annoying - these symptoms are familiar to many. And if you still constantly think how to lose weight, observing such an unwanted weight gain, you can bring yourself to serious stress. So, psychological reasons:

Subconscious fear of pain... For some ladies, periodic pains reach such intensity that the thought of an imminent repetition of the nightmare terrifies. Superimposed on a lack of self-control bad mood causes cravings to pamper yourself with something tasty and high-calorie. Others add oil to the fire, noticing the state of the lady, they often present chocolate, other sweets as a gift - then weight gain is inevitable;

There is also a downside to the coin: having learned about the naturalness of the changes occurring with weight, a woman consciously begins to overeat, so as not to force the body. The problem is that the period of such relaxation is often delayed for a couple of weeks, and then a completely sincere question arises: "Why am I gaining weight?"

Of course, you can negotiate with loved ones, ask them not to bring flour and sweets, not to provoke breakdowns. But to cope with prolonged overeating is much more difficult: it is possible that menstruation is only an external cause of violations eating behavior, which over time run the risk of increasing, lead to excess weight. If necessary, it is better to consult a good psychotherapist to solve the problem.

Sweet and weight gain

No matter how much you want, losing weight during your period is quite difficult. Not only does the appetite increase, but also attracts the most harmful - all kinds of sweets, especially chocolate. Many, due to their illiteracy, explain such cravings by a decrease in hemoglobin and try to compensate for the lack of a couple of tasty tiles in the body. Few remember that it is better to support hemoglobin with iron-containing preparations.

In fact, the hormonal swing is to blame: with the onset of menstruation, the fairly grown progesterone suddenly begins to fall, but prostaglandins are intensively produced. The purpose of these substances is to provide detachment of the mucous membranes of the uterus. The number of female hormones estrogen, which supports the secretion of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, is also rapidly decreasing. Against the background of such metamorphoses, the mood inevitably deteriorates. In an effort to make up for the serotonin deficiency through sweets, the body pushes a woman to another candy. It is very easy, succumbing to the temptation, to forget about weight gain, to gain a couple of kilograms.

Limiting yourself completely is not the best solution. The sweet will be wanted more and more. A couple of slices of dark chocolate will not cause significant damage, but it will interrupt the obsessive desire. For the rest, fast carbohydrates should be replaced with slow ones: cereals, vegetables.

Diet for menstruation

For girls prone to overweight, the struggle with excess weight is sometimes delayed for many months of sports efforts and diets. However, doctors strongly advise against reducing the calorie content of the diet on time. I don't want to interrupt the process - what can be done, is it possible to lose weight during menstruation?

The answer is simple: weight loss and menstruation are quite compatible, just the diet should be balanced.

Here are some simple tips to help you shape your diet:

  • A week before menstruation, you should increase your fiber intake, it will relieve puffiness. Source - legumes, vegetables, apples;
  • Do not drink water within an hour after a meal, so as not to stretch the stomach, adjust it to small portions;
  • Boost serotonin the right products: bananas, tomatoes, corn;
  • Separate fermented and iron-containing foods: together they are poorly absorbed, causing a breakdown and a desire to interrupt the diet.

Losing weight during your period should be comfortable, enjoyable, not painful. It's no secret that losing weight painfully perceive both weight gain and fading, the plateau effect.

Therefore, you need to set yourself strict rule - do not weigh yourself during menstruation.

Regardless of why the weight increases on the eve or during menstruation, the rules for reducing it are the same:

  • Temporarily remove all fatty, fried, salty and mayonnaise from the menu. Minimize the dose of vegetable oil. And forget about alcohol, canned vegetables, baked goods. All this retains water, which means it increases weight;
  • Replace excluded foods with healthier ones: vegetables, grain bread, fish;
  • Limit fluid intake, especially in the evening. After lunch, tea, coffee, just mineral water risk turning into edema;
  • It is noticed that the appetite increases markedly due to the lack of nutrients. Calcium and magnesium significantly alleviate the symptoms of PMS, taking preparations containing them reduces swelling, swelling of the chest and abdomen. The pharmacy network offers special vitamin and mineral complexes that help to normalize the work of all body systems, to reduce weight: do not neglect the doctor's advice to drink one of them;
  • Do not forget that weight loss is faster in the first half of the cycle, slowing down or stopping in the second. A decrease in performance is not a reason to quit what you started, just the task is changing: now the main goal is not to get better;
  • Don't forget about physical activity... It is not necessary to perform unbearable feats, it is better to leave marathon races for later. But gymnastics, swimming, dancing during menstruation will bring a lot of pleasant sensations, relieve stress. Moderate exercise increases adrenaline, which is involved in the breakdown of fats, and decreases appetite. If your state of health does not allow even light training, you can just take a walk in the park;
  • It will be useful to discuss the diet with your beloved man: let him give apples, dried fruits instead of chocolates. Such a sign of attention will not remain on the hips;

Efforts towards health and weight control must be constant, then menstruation will cease to be a critical period, it will become much easier to transfer them.

For every woman, weight gain is an undesirable and unpleasant event, and if it also happens every month, then it's time to think about whether everything is in order with your body.

Experts say that one of the features of female physiology is the change in weight shortly before critical days. If the body weight has increased by no more than 3 kg and after the completion of menstruation, the weight returns to normal, then you should not panic. If body weight does not decrease after regulation, you need to look pathological cause why weight increases before and during menstruation.

Internal factors of gaining kilograms

Most often, weight gain during menstruation is caused by processes that occur in the body before their onset. Critical days are not called such a name for nothing, because before their arrival female body actively preparing for a possible conception, as a result of which the hormonal background changes along with the metabolism. Weight gain before menstruation can be caused by a combination of the following factors:

  • fluid retention in the body. The period of critical days is characterized by a large flow of fluid, especially with abundant discharge. If intense menstruation is repeated from cycle to cycle, then the body begins to prepare for dehydration and stores moisture. At this time, a woman may complain of swelling of the face and limbs. Weight loss usually occurs immediately after your period by removing fluid from your body. If the swelling has not gone away after menstruation, it is worth drinking diuretics, and with more persistent swelling, you may need to consult a specialist;
  • problems with digestive system... Shortly before menstruation, the concentration of progesterone in a woman's body increases greatly. This hormone has a relaxing effect on the uterine muscles, as a result of which the uterus presses on the intestines, causing gas to accumulate, which can visually enlarge the abdomen. In some women, constipation is a harbinger of menstruation, and the accumulated feces cause a change in weight. Usually, weight fluctuations stop with the onset of critical days;
  • irrepressible appetite. Even with mild manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, most women experience hormonal disturbances before menstruation, as a result of which there is an acute desire to eat as many harmful carbohydrates as possible, which include buns and chocolates. The situation is aggravated by the increasing concentration of progesterone, which can provoke bouts of hunger and real gluttony. If the appearance of extra pounds on critical days is associated with gluttony, then with the end of menstruation, they will not go away by themselves, but will accumulate from month to month, and eventually develop into obesity;
  • anemia. This disease is familiar to all women who are trying to overcome excess weight with exhausting unbalanced diets. Such gastronomic experiments cause a drop in hemoglobin. When, during menstruation, the body loses about 30 mg of iron every day along with menstrual blood, the situation is further aggravated against the background of reduced immunity. Iron-deficiency anemia can cause acute hunger, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In order not to increase body weight, such attacks of hunger need to be quenched not with flour and sweets, but with seafood, liver or eggs.

Psychological reasons

Not only physiology is to blame for weight gain before menstruation, because in 90% of women, an unstable psychological state, provoked by premenstrual syndrome, can lead to similar phenomena. A week before the critical days, mood begins to change sharply, bouts of irritability can change complete apathy... And if a woman at the same time painfully refers to the topic of weight, then any fluctuation in it can provoke additional psychological problems.

Some women are subconsciously afraid of feeling menstrual pain again, because of this they are very worried about the onset of critical days. Lack of self-control and the desire to "seize" your fears with tasty, but high-calorie food leads to the fact that kilograms are added before our eyes. Not the least role in this is played by others who, seeing the depressed or irritated state of a woman, try to appease her with chocolate or other sweets.

Sometimes women deliberately give slack when they find out that weight gain before menstruation is a physiological process. But this is the "pitfall", because if the weight gain is really physiological, then after the regulation, the mass will normalize, but after overeating, it is quite difficult to lose weight.

How much weight can increase

Experts cannot say what the exact rate of mass gain during menstruation is, since weight increases depending on genetic predisposition women. It is impossible to overcome this root cause with medications and strict diets. Studies have shown that the predisposition, due to which weight is added during critical days, is laid in the female body even at birth.

But not only because of heredity and the characteristics of the female body, body weight increases during menstruation, uncontrolled consumption of food and fluids on the eve and during regulation also contributes to weight gain. In order for the increase to be insignificant, one should be attentive to the change in gastronomic preferences on the eve of critical days and avoid the consumption of unhealthy foods and dishes.

Wine in sweet

During menstruation, cravings for sweets, in particular for chocolate, can significantly increase, this is due to a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. So that sweets and starchy foods do not affect body weight, during this period, hemoglobin should be raised with iron-containing preparations or products.

In the second half menstrual cycle there is an increase in the level of progesterone, and with the onset of menstruation, it drops sharply, while the production of prostaglandins, substances that contribute to endometrial exfoliation, increases. In addition, the level of estrogen, which ensures the secretion of the hormone of happiness, serotonin, sharply decreases. A woman's mood can deteriorate, and what can best lift it? Sweet candy or fresh bun, of course. But replenishing the serotonin deficiency with sweets negatively affects the female figure; in this situation, a woman must kill her appetite with a couple of slices of dark chocolate or make an effort on herself and give up junk food in favor of slow carbohydrates (cereals and vegetables).

Proper nutrition

You do not need to start losing weight immediately with the onset of menstruation, at this time in female body protective functions are reduced, and strict diets can only worsen general state health. In order not to gain weight, the main thing is that the diet at this time is balanced. There are some tips for making a menu for the time of regulation:

  • 7 days before the expected menstruation, it is necessary to increase the intake of fiber, it will relieve puffiness. Apples, legumes and vegetables should be added to the diet;
  • about an hour after eating, you do not need to drink liquid, it additionally stretches the stomach, contributing to a further increase in portions;
  • serotonin can be increased the right food: bananas, tomatoes and corn;
  • you need to eat separately from each other iron-containing foods and sour milk, because together they are not absorbed, which leads to a breakdown and the desire to "jump off" the diet.

For a diet to be effective, it should not bring negative emotions to a woman. And since during the period of menstruation, sharp changes in weight are possible upward or its fading (the "plateau" effect), you need to adopt the rule of not weighing yourself during menstruation.

General rules

It does not matter for what reason, before or during menstruation, a woman gained weight, following the general rules will help reduce it:

  • do not eat fatty, fried and salty foods. Eliminate mayonnaise and sauces, replace them vegetable oil in small quantities. Refuse alcohol, canned goods and baked goods. These foods retain fluid in the body;
  • instead of excluded foods, you need to eat vegetables, fish and bread made from wholemeal flour;
  • you need to limit fluid intake in the evening, since tea, coffee or a bottle of mineral water can cause the development of edema;
  • a lack of nutrients can provoke an increase in appetite. If you use calcium and magnesium preparations, you can significantly reduce the symptoms of PMS, remove edema, swelling of the abdomen and mammary glands. In pharmacies, special vitamin complexes are sold that normalize the work of the whole body during this period;
  • it should be remembered that in the first half of the menstrual cycle, weight loss is faster, and in the second, the process of losing weight may slow down and even stop;
  • do not forget about moderate physical activity, during this period you can do gymnastics, swimming or dancing.

In order for regulations to stop bringing discomfort and negative emotions, you should control your weight and avoid overeating.

The female body is a "flower" that requires constant care and respectful attitude, and due to the specificity of various hormonal and physiological processes that contribute to preparation for conception and normal bearing of the fetus, the state and well-being of women from time to time can change significantly.

The situations are different. There are also possible moments when a girl simply cannot deny herself a bath, even if it is quite short: a long-awaited trip to the sea, for example. Of course, it would be a sin not to bathe in the healing sea water at least once.

In this case, you need to remember about unquestioning personal hygiene. Half an hour before bathing, it is necessary to sanitize the vagina with antiseptic and antimicrobial drugs (Betadine). When bathing, a tampon is used, which must be changed immediately after water treatments, as well as a swimsuit (it must be dry).

It is advisable to limit bathing in time, because a long stay in water can negatively affect any internal microflora. At night, you need to use the vaginal preparation again.

Thus, the well-known statement: “if you can't, but you really want to, then you can,” is effective in this situation. However, being careful is an unconditional condition for bathing.

Diagnosis of algomenorrhea is not difficult, because the symptoms present are often enough to determine the diagnosis. The difficulty lies in identifying the reasons that led to its occurrence.

Therefore, the patient will need to go through a general clinical examination, laparoscopy, do the pelvic organs and dopplerography of the vessels.

Treatment is not just elimination pain, but, first of all, the therapy of the underlying disease.
Every woman should understand that the appearance of painful sensations a few days before and during is normal.

If the pain is too strong, timely examination is a way to detect the onset of the disease in time and get rid of it by undergoing appropriate treatment.

Motherhood is the main purpose of a woman. Therefore, you should not complain about those ailments that every woman feels from time to time. After all, all these not entirely pleasant sensations and some of the inconveniences associated with them ultimately make it possible to feel the highest happiness in life - the happiness of being a mother.

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