The ancient part of the brain. Brain


Curiosity is the engine of everything. And I have long been interested in the question of where the Creativity comes from and where it lives.

This is purely human curiosity, because I constantly develop my own creative skills: in coaching, writing, drawing, teaching and coaching.

And professional interest, because when you work as a coach, your main task is to open access to the client for his creative “I”, to establish teamwork between all parts of his personality to solve very specific life and everyday tasks.

I promise that I will not use scientific terms. Well, maybe I'll apply a couple of three, no more, where it is impossible to do without it. Naturally, for you, dear reader, to see what I see, I will have to simplify, coarsen, apply lists and use metaphors in my article.

The article will have three parts. In the first, we will talk about the design of the receptacle of our mind - the brain. The second is about the structure of the mind itself. And in the third, we will investigate where Creativity comes from.

Natalia Rozanova-Tesakova

Three brains

If you look at the picture, you will see that the theory of the three types of brain is quite realistic.

Scientific research proves that each of them has its own specific location in our body.

The most ancient is the reptilian (reticular) brain. He is over 100 million years old

He is responsible for instincts, speed and survival. Reacts without hesitation in order to protect the body from danger.

Hit! Run! Freeze Thanks to these reactions, living beings escaped from their enemies. Instinctively and without emotion.

An exceptionally muscular reaction that turns the creature's motor activity on and off when it feels danger or hunger, fear or pleasure.

But evolution did not stop there. Approximately 50 ml. years ago there was a limbic or emotional brain

He wraps around the reptilian brain like a glove. And he is responsible for emotions and behavior in the pack, that is, collectivism, teamwork, family.

Thanks to this brain, animals are trained. They have emotions. They keep a hierarchy. They know how to act together: in pairs or in a pack.

The limbic brain is responsible for feelings, dominance, training, protection, for the recognition of the present, similarity and desire to adhere to the usual patterns of life, for auditory perception and distinguishing between rhythm and intonation.

The youngest and most developing brain is the neocortex. The cerebral brain or neocortex originated about 2 million years ago and includes trillions of neural connections.

It is complex, unstable, flexible and continues to develop.

Neocortex is NOT integrated with the emotional and reptilian brain.

He knows how to analyze, synthesize, generalize, plan and reason.

Neocortex allows you to visualize the future, create dissociated images, that is, images that we can look at from the side, from the perspective of an observer.

But most importantly - he knows how to anticipate, fantasize and dream. And express thoughts with words. By the way, the language system is the youngest in the neocortex.

In the book of the philosopher George Gurdjieff “Everything and Everything”, the hero tells his grandson everything about “the incomprehensible behavior of three-brain creatures on this strange planet Earth”, in which each of the three minds manages its own sphere.

If the work of our brains is synchronized, that is, the neocortex is accustomed to listen to bodily and emotional manifestations, then the person is healthy, full of strength and energy. If the neocortex decides that he is the king of the mountain and no one gives him a decree, then he gradually loses touch with his body and feelings, plunging a person into illness, depression and failure.

I am very grateful to my reptilian brain, which once, maybe dozens of times, saved me in critical situations. For example, from a head-on collision with a bus. It happened in Malta, when my neocortex, twisted in dreams of a warm sand and gentle sea waves, almost killed me. I walked and dreamed. She walked and did not notice how she stepped on the roadway. She walked, staring inside herself, rejoicing in her dreams. What made me jump and cling to the wall exactly a second before a huge tourist bus squeezed into a narrow street? Reptilian brain.

I am very grateful to my limbic brain, which makes it possible to feel the experiences and conditions of other people, empathize, sympathize, build relationships with different people and groups, and avoid relationships that destroy me.

A smart neocortex is always a difficult relationship. He is beautiful and powerful when you start a new project, plan, go to the goal, look for ideas to solve problems and problems. But it makes you anxious and worry about imaginary dangers, gives false landmarks and leads to a dead end.

Why is this happening?

To answer this question, we turn to the model of the human mind. And we find that we also have three Reasons.

Consciousness and the unconscious. Higher intelligence. Three Mind Model

The model of the Three Minds was simply and intelligibly formulated by the world famous coaches, the creators of the third generation transformational coaching school - Stephen Gilligen and Jack Makani. In turn, they relied on the latest achievements of science in the study of the conscious and unconscious, as well as the collective experience of world religions.

In all world religions there is the idea that a person has three aspects of consciousness, or we will call them three minds.

The first mind is called Conscious mind.

Second - Unconscious mind.

And the third Higher mind.

And we agree that these three minds are three aspects of any personality.

If you look at the picture at the beginning of this article depicting the structure of the brain and looking for the place of residence of our three minds, it seems that the Conscious and Higher minds are located in the neocortex.

And the Unconscious wanders between the reptilian and limbic brains, from time to time giving the neocortex, where the Higher and Conscious minds are located, signals in the form of images, sounds, feelings and bodily sensations.

And two other very important observations:

  1. The higher mind lives not only in the neocortex of a particular person, but somehow connects to the field of the collective unconscious outside of the individual.
  2. The higher mind and the Conscious mind do not communicate directly. They ALWAYS interact through the Unconscious. That is why a person has psychological problems. But we will talk about this a little later.

Now let’s try to sort out the responsibilities of our three minds.

Shelves are, of course, a metaphor convenient for talking about such complex matters as our conscious, unconscious and spiritual.

So what is our Higher Mind responsible for?

For ideas, foresight, values, meaning, spirituality, self-control.

It seems that the Supreme Mind of each person has a special task regarding human life.

This task can be called a mission or mission. This most important task in life is closely related to deep identity, the realization of who I am and without which my life does not make sense.

The higher mind is the wisest part of us that is responsible for seeing the life path, inspiration and access to the special resources of collective experience.

What is the responsibility of the Conscious Mind?

Perception of reality, that is, those images, sounds, bodily sensations, internal dialogues that we are aware of.

Rational and logical thinking.

Making informed decisions.

The Unconscious is a gigantic repository of all-all-all

events that ever happened to us

emotions that we have ever experienced

of decisionsthat we took

internal and external conflicts,

beliefs and principles

physiological processes in our body.

How do Consciousness, Unconscious and Higher Mind interact with each other?

Remember, we have already said that the Higher and Conscious Mind do not interact directly, necessarily through an intermediary - the Unconscious.

And as we remember, in the sphere of the Unconscious is stored all-all-all, including all our insults, fears, sorrows and pains, all our limiting beliefs.

All of this garbage, frozen in its original form, accumulated over the years, affects our lives.

Creates clamps and diseases in our body.

Cuts scars on our emotions.

Clouding our condition.

It creates traffic jams and stagnation in our thoughts and actions.

Mutes the call of our true values \u200b\u200band important life goals.

And in order to develop and achieve the desired, it is important for us from time to time, but it is better to get rid of garbage in the unconscious on a regular basis. And for this, be able to organize teamwork between the three minds.

In organizing such teamwork, minds help. This is the essence of his work.

Where does creativity live? Where are the boundaries of the conscious and the unconscious in Creativity?

This is what we have at the entrance.

  • Both the Supreme and the Conscious Mind live in the neocortex.
  • The Supreme Mind is in charge of our values, foresight, new ideas.
  • In the jurisdiction of the Conscious mind - logical thinking and reality perceived by a particular person; perceived through images, sounds, bodily sensations and internal dialogues.
  • The Higher and Conscious minds interact only through the Unconscious mind.

And here comes the theory of the two hemispheres of our brain.

We have all read many times that the Left Hemisphere is responsible for logic and speech.

And the right hemisphere is responsible for holistic gestalt perception, for intuition and imagination.

AND common place it became a statement that it is the Right Hemisphere that is responsible for Creativity.

I was always confused by such a one-sided approach.

Therefore, let's dig a little deeper and once again ask ourselves the question of what exactly in our brain helps us to create. And let's turn to brain research.

And this is what science is talking about.

Between the two hemispheres of our brain is the corpus callosum. This is the formation that is responsible for the synchronization of the hemispheres.

Any creative task, whether it is composing stories, music, or solving a mathematical problem, is always the SIMULTANEOUS work of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

The better the corpus callosum is developed, the easier it is for us to solve creative problems.

It seems that our Unconscious uses the corpus callosum to interact with the Higher and Conscious minds.

By the way, not so long ago, the scientist Lawrence Kants coined the name “neuroscience”. This is a scientific field that deals with the issues of synchronizing the work of the cerebral hemispheres. And he revealed this pattern:

  1. When the left and right hemispheres of the brain work synchronously, the nerve cells secrete the substance neutrophin. This substance strengthens memory and attention.
  2. Neutrophins, entering the bloodstream, cause a state of pleasure, strengthen memory and contribute to the rejuvenation of the body.
  3. A state of pleasure reduces logical control and inspires inspiration, that is, a state of concentrated trance. This specific trance passes into the zone of awareness new holistic images, sensations, new ideas, foresights and thoughts.
  4. And as a result of all this, Man creates.

Let me draw my own conclusions

Creativity is a state that arises as a result of the teamwork of our three minds: the Supreme, the Unconscious, and Consciousness.

In order to cause a state of Creativity, you need to synchronize the work of the right and left hemisphere.

Such synchronization naturally weakens the excessive control of the Conscious mind and allows the Unconscious to organize the transfer of images, sensations, sounds and words from the pantries of the Higher Mind.

And now the most wonderful news!

Creative people have already come up with a lot of affordable and environmentally friendly ways to consciously synchronize the work of our brain.

That is, we have everything to create!

Download the unique book “2 Secrets of Inspiration”

This book will discuss how to quickly bring yourself into a working creative state of mind and soul, how to invite Inspiration at the right time.

An inspired person is very effective and productive, he is so much involved in the process of inventing that he very quickly and with pleasure composes, writes, says, invents, draws, creates, sculpts, improvises.

What needs to be done so that inspiration descends on you?

How to get ideas out of your own head?

How, according to your desire, at the right time, without waiting for Muse, enter the Creative Space?

Download a free book and find out!

You can learn new creative skills right now

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Greetings, dear readers.

I’ll start my article about the reptilian brain and its invisible influence on human behavior with the naive question: “What do you think, how many brains do people have?” I do not mean the total weight in grams, but the quantity in pieces. Most likely, you say that the one that is located in the head under the skull, but when you think about it, add another back, which is in the spinal column. The most advanced ones will remember the bone marrow, which is inside the bones. Total turns out three. What some individuals think with their fifth point or fat belly we do not consider.

In fact, everything is much more complicated. There is such a scientific direction in the general physiology of man as neurophysiology, which studies our nervous system. So, neurophysiologists have found that two different brains are located right under the cranium in a person. Do not confuse with the left and right hemispheres.

The first brain is Reptilian brain (Reptilian brain). It is believed that it appeared in animals several tens of millions of years ago. It is also called the “crocodile brain,” probably with crocodiles it remained unchanged. The reptilian brain ensures the survival of a living creature in dangerous conditions. The survival of both an individual individual and the survival of the human race as a whole. This is an ancient, cave brain, responsible for the animal, instinctive, unconscious side of our lives.

The second brain is Neocortex (Neocortex), or New brain. Scientists estimate his age at only several tens of thousands of years. It is he who distinguishes us from animals that are controlled only by the Reptilian brain. With Neocortex we think, reflect, analyze the situation, perceive the world around us. He is responsible for our Reason, intellect, logic, creativity, communication with other people, rationality, imagination.

Some physiologists say that we also have Limbic brainthat controls our emotions. And some - that it’s just a system for processing our emotions that has “external control”.

It turns out that the body is one, and three independent brains control it at the same time. Here you can add the back of the brain, which has its own special functions and responsibilities. Each brain solves its specific tasks, and independently of others. Because of such anarchy, the whole mess that we have in our hectic life takes place. And nothing can be done here, unless, of course, you learn how to correctly use the features of each "manager."

In addition, the situation is compounded by the fact that the life support systems of our body are able to function completely independently, regardless of the circumstances and our opinion about them.

For example, you are on romantic date, you have elevated feelings. And your bladder suddenly he wants to empty himself, and begins to insistently demand to do so immediately. He wanted to spit on romance and what they think about you. I think you have had to deal with similar situations.

Hence the conclusion: at least four brains and the life-support systems of the body control us, our behavior and actions. Reason, Consciousness also rule us, but they play far from the first roles.

Take another look at the large drawing above. As you can see, to the spinal cord, which controls the body, internal organs immediately attached to the reptilian brain. Then follows limbic, and only then neocortex. So, the body and man as a whole are first controlled by ancient instincts, then emotions, and only then, if it comes to that, - Mind and Consciousness. Clear business - Reason is not always pleasant to some decisions and actions of "colleagues", sometimes it is a shame for them. Hence internal conflicts arise.

Much has been written about life support systems and physiology in various medical books and textbooks. They are well studied. For a reasonable, conscious behavior is responsible for such a science as psychology, which studies the highest nervous activity person. His beliefs, beliefs, experiences, deviations from normal behavior and so on.

But psychology does not want to know anything about instincts, this is the field of science such as ethology, which studies genetically determined behavior, animal instincts, and does not crawl into the study of humans, using examples with cats, dogs and birds. Although the founder of psychology, Sigmund Freud, once wrote: “I discovered that man is an animal,” but this “discovery” of him did not receive support and understanding in human society, which naively considers itself the crown of Nature. Therefore, in any clinic you will find an ophthalmologist, therapist, psychologist and psychotherapist, but you will not find a human ethologist specialist anywhere. No one will work with your instincts. None but yourself.

But in vain instincts are given little attention, because in man at the same time there is an animal and a rational beginning. Moreover, in different people this is manifested in different proportions, who have more reasonable, and who has more animal. On the struggle of these principles all sorts of internal conflicts, problems and experiences arise.

What is the Reptilian Brain responsible for?

Many have heard of the Reptilian Brain. But few people know about its effect on human behavior. The behavior of the "crocodile" brain is usually described through instincts. After all, it is he who controls them.

Instinct - a set of congenital, data from birth by Nature, components of the psyche that determines the behavior of animals and humans.

There are many instincts, each is responsible for a certain field of activity. But the main three, which ultimately provide the main vital task, namely the survival and continuation of the human race.

  • Survival instinct, saves in dangerous situations, ensures survival in extreme conditions. It also imposes on us actions that enhance our social status in society. The higher the status, the safer - the leaders and their immediate circle, as a rule, are well-off, eat well and die last. But at the same time, it is the leaders who are trying to poison in the first place, to arrange an attempt on them or to overthrow them. So you have to be on your guard all the time.
  • Instinct of procreation, organizes us falling in love, creating a family and sex, from which children naturally emerge. The more of them, the better for instinct - this is how the reproduction is guaranteed.
  • Flock or Flock Instinct it requires holding on to “their own people” by dividing people into flocks or groups according to various criteria — clan, national, religious, political, and so on. “Help yours, without strangers” - this cave logic of survival invisibly controls the behavior of millions of people today. In addition, it allows political, religious figures to easily manipulate society.

These instincts in different people manifest themselves in different ways: who has more and who has less. It all depends on living conditions and the environment. If a person lives in difficult natural conditions, constant danger, in an atmosphere of hostilities, lacks food and other resources, then instincts will be active, greatly affect behavior and decision-making.

And vice versa. If a person lives in favorable comfortable conditions, feels safe, has stable incomes, savings for the future, good nutrition, then instincts are gradually “turned off”, the Reptilian brain hibernates. All decisions are made by Reason, life is predictable and conscious. But at the same time, when a danger arises, a person is not ready to recognize it in time and protect himself.

It is not difficult to guess that the most instinctive are the inhabitants of Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and the least - Europe and North America. Hence all the world problems.

The function of the Reptilian brain is to help in a difficult life situation when a person cannot find a way out of it. The Reptilian brain sees this situation as a danger and tries to help eliminate it. He can help only through a direct impact on the “ward” body; he has not learned differently in millions of years.

I will give you an example. Remember your childhood when you really did not want to go to school, the reasons could be different: not learned lessons, a control that you are not ready for, conflicts with classmates, teachers, just wanted to skip or go to the movies instead of lessons. But you just couldn’t afford to take a walk - you were afraid of the anger of your parents. In order not to go to school, I had to think out explanations for my parents for a long and painful time. But all the explanations did not have the desired effect. The situation seemed hopeless. And here you suddenly had a fever, you presented the thermometer to your parents, and with a clear conscience remained at home. How literally from scratch, without apparent reasons did the temperature rise? This is not a miracle, not magic, this is your Reptilian brain, which noticed a problem that is not resolved by the Mind and “proposed” its simple, original solution, and no one noticed a catch. It is clear that the temperature dropped as unexpectedly.

It should be noted that this ability to solve problem situations through diseases of unknown origin persists in many people even in adulthood. And not only by a sudden increase in temperature. The unconscious has many levers of influence on the body. Instincts “remember” their successful decisions and actions, use in practice, but not always appropriate. For example, you will have an important meeting, the results of which will determine your future. You are confident in yourself and in success, circumstances are developing successfully, but you still worry a little - after all, fate is being decided. And then the temperature rises, the pressure jumps, the head hurts ...

Limitation of opportunities, difficulties with leaving the “comfort zone”, adoption of a new one, difficulties in career growth and other obscure mixers associated with personal growth and development are also a field of activity of the Reptilian brain. After all, his main task is to protect a person from the new and unknown, not to let him get out of his usual, established way of life. New and unknown to instincts are a danger. The logic is simple: it is incomprehensible, unfamiliar, unfamiliar - it means dangerous, as the Neocortex would not have convinced them otherwise.

Now it’s clear why it’s hard to start new life "From Monday", follow a diet, lose weight, play sports. The reptilian brain does not dramatically change the habitual, even if harmful, lifestyle. Willpower does not help much here, because it was invented by Reason, and this unconscious “company” does not want to reckon with its opinion. It is clear that plans for the future, goals, desires and dreams will also be rejected by the Reptilian brain, and their implementation and implementation will become difficult.

How a person is torn apart by instincts and Reason

All the frenzy of our hectic world is due to the fact that in the same external conditions, under the influence of two brains at once different people act differently. It all depends on the level of influence of instincts and emotions. What is good for some is bad for others.

For example, for one, getting on the roof of a carriage of an electric train and jumping off it will be normal behavior approved by its “pack” (influence of the Stein instinct), while for others it will be complete madness.

A feature of the Reptilian brain is that it is simple in its reactions and is not able to plan for the future, it is not interested in the consequences of its own “decisions”, it acts here and now. Thinking, thinking, analyzing, planning, anticipating and calculating the consequences is the business of the Mind. And the Reptilian brain solves its short-term tasks without thinking about the consequences, from here various unpleasant situations occur with a person, for example, after a struggle for resources in the form of someone else's wallet, an individual can long time to lose freedom.

Another romantic example of confrontation

Imagine this situation: we met and met a young man and a pretty young girl. They got romantic, gentle, love relationship. Flowers, candy walks under the moon. In youth, this happens to everyone. The Girl "woke up" Instinct of procreation - she wants to marry, create her own family, give birth to a child. But the Young Man is more reasonable - he needs to get higher educationto get a well-paid job. In addition, the society imposes the idea that a man should make a career, take a high leadership position, have his own housing, a car, and so on. In general, the Girl wants one, and her Young Man is completely different. In addition to dates and sighs on the bench, they do not succeed.

The girl is nervous - instincts rush things. And here she met a real alpha male, who is even right now in bed under the crown. Instinct rejoices - finally what you need! Events unfold rapidly: stormy courtship, proposal, wedding, Girl in the "seventh heaven" from happiness, after that in the ninth month. The birth of a child, then the second, third, loans, mortgages - everything is like people ... Live and rejoice.

But the media every day insists on inflation, the volatile exchange rate of the dollar, corruption, military conflicts, natural disasters, the vagaries of nature and many other dangers. So, the Instinct of the Male says: “Life is difficult and dangerous! Offspring may not survive! It’s necessary to do more, let it be better to spare! ” And our Male turns a mistress, which, of course, makes children, then the second third. He is no longer interested in a jealous, forever demanding money, wife, his legal family is breaking up.

He becomes a free hero-lover who hides in closets and jumps in socks from the ninth floor. Maybe in this form he will live to old age, if by chance one hundred forty-six times does not fall on the knife of a jealous husband.

Our, no longer young, Girl was left alone with children and several loans, for the payment of which there is absolutely no money, and is not expected. Her Instinct of procreation did its job, was satisfied with the result, calmed down and contented with itself gave way to Reason.

“Well, how did you, fool, think where you looked when you got married?” - asks the Girl Reason, the same is asked by her relatives. By the way, relatives from the very beginning dissuaded her from such a marriage, but she did not hear them.

And the Girl thought with instincts, which temporarily turned off the critical Reason, did their job and all. Now the Mind has to disentangle a difficult life situation. And this is not easy for him.


1 . Each of us has at least three brains hiding under the skull in the head: Reptilian, Limbic and Neocortex. They do not complement each other, but solve their specific tasks, often contradict each other, creating problems.

2 . The oldest is the Reptilian brain, which is responsible for safety and survival. He carries out his activities through natural programs called instincts, or through direct unconscious effects on the body. There are many instincts, of which three main ones: survival, procreation, flock or herd - ensure the survival of the human race as a whole.

3 . Unfortunately, the Reptilian brain does not have the ability to anticipate, predict, develop a situation, it simply solves its task “here and now”, what will happen next, it does not interest him. Having done the thing, he transfers control to the Mind, which tries to mitigate or change the consequences. This raises some problems.

4 . A new brain - Neocortex appeared recently, several thousand decades ago. He is responsible for: Reason, intellect, logic, analysis and perception of the world, creativity, speech, communication with other people, rationality, imagination - all that ancient animals do not have.

On this I say goodbye to you, dear readers. See you on the blog pages!

Elizaveta Babanova


Would you like to have a greater impact on people? On your relatives? Friends? Colleagues? Your professional community?

Have you ever been in a similar situation - you know that you have valuable information or expert opinionbut at a critical moment, when you could take a worthy position, everything is compressed inside, and you either “run away” or simply keep quiet from fear of being vulnerable.

Have you noticed that at such a moment some strange reflex is triggered, forcing you to act completely irrationally? Such behavior is illogical just when you have knowledge, experience or new ideas, but you hide them from people to whom they could bring considerable benefit.

What is the matter? We will understand this article. We will discuss the main reason why many people at the time when they can prove themselves and influence others, are covered by mental paralysis.

The reason for such irrational behavior - like most instincts - is inherent in our nature.

In his book “The Art of Influence. Persuasion without manipulation ”authors Mark Goulston and John Ullman write that a person has not one brain, but three.

1. The reptilian brain turns on when we sense danger. This brain has only two programs: run away or fight.

2. The brain of a mammal is responsible for emotions, pleasure.

3. The human brain - for reasonable reasoning, analysis.

Most often, three brains work in concert. When we solve a problem, it works human brain. When we enjoy - the brain of a mammal, and when a truck rushes at us, instinct - the brain of a reptile - turns on and we instantly respond, avoiding a blow.

Everything seems to be healthy and logical - each brain has its own “sphere of control”, but there is one “but”.

For some reason, our reptilian brain does not distinguish between real danger and imagined one. You probably know that a huge percentage of people are afraid of public speaking. In the United States, a lot of research was conducted on this topic, which confirmed: the fear of appearing on stage in front of a group of people is so strong that most people equate it with the fear of death.

In my video, I placed a similar emotion in the category of “irrational fears”. If we are madly afraid of something that does not threaten our lives (closed space, public speaking, harmless spider beetles), then this fear is unfounded, irrational.

But for some reason it is not possible to explain to your human brain at the moment of “imagined danger”, and what happens in the scientific field is called “tonsil capture”.

At the moment of imaginary danger, the brain seems to split, and its three parts do not act in concert, as in normal circumstances, but separately.

The more we get excited, the more control the reptile’s brain takes over, accustomed to the “fight or run away” reaction for 245 million years.

All three brains receive a “you're in danger” signal. The human brain turns off, we lose concentration, emotions go off scale. As a result, the reptile in us takes precedence over the animal and the human.

At this moment, we are neither able to think through our actions logically, nor feel others on emotional level. We behave “according to the classics” of the reptile - either we run away, or we try to fight in some way - most often both of them turn out ridiculous.

Do you know people who behave this way? At the slightest discomfort, they begin to defend themselves or attack immediately? Maybe in this behavior you even recognize some of your reactions? ..

Now you know which brain is to blame for this. 🙂

Another strategy that is inherent in reptiles is to freeze and pretend that no one sees it. This is one of the varieties of flight, just in this case for the reptile there is less risk in fading than in running. Suddenly, someone will catch ... and here the danger can bypass.

This is a favorite behavior of people whose human brain is not completely disconnected, and their level of development, internal intelligence does not allow them to go on the attack.

Therefore, they are protected by silence. Pretending to be gone.

But this often happens at a time when we can do something extraordinary - to show our best qualities, to bring benefits to our professional community through our presentation, to influence the future of our organization.

But no, the tonsil is captured, and we either sit and grieve in the corner, hoping that no one will challenge us to battle (in the human world - discussion), or we will run away, or attack the interlocutor, thus discrediting ourselves even more than if we were silent.

Is not the phrase “be quiet, you will be clever”?

So how do we overcome the natural “run or fight” reaction at a critical moment - when our career, personal life, and the upbringing we can give our children may depend on our reasoning and emotions? How to learn to turn off the reptile brain and train the human brain so that it always prevails in such situations?

First, through awareness. Now you know about your three brains and the next time when imaginary danger begins to seize your tonsil, prompting you to irrational actions, remember about your human brain. Include logic and analysis.

Secondly, regularly exit the comfort zone. (I understand that this is from the category “25 again”, but where without our favorite technique? Only in this way are skills developed and skills formed.) You need to have a conscious, regular practice in order to learn not to be afraid of circumstances where you can positively influence others people, and accept such a challenge with pleasure. It is best to leave the comfort zone starting with small ones, with baby steps. And then make an ever greater challenge to yourself, gradually expanding your sphere of influence.

Well, the main thing, how to train your human brain so that it does not succumb to the reptile brain at the time of imaginary danger, I will give you on the module, which will be held live today, at 20:00 Moscow time, and as always, will be available in recording.

On the module, we will also analyze the following things:
3 types of people who have the greatest impact on others
4 main mistakes made when you want to influence another person
How to learn to influence:
- long term
- medium term
- short term
Check on the strength of their influence
How to criticize and continue to influence?
How to continue to influence if you make a mistake?

Leo Buskalia said: “Talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to God. ”

Check yourself, do you have the need and desire, and therefore the innate ability, to positively influence the world around you? What are you doing with this undisclosed talent? Maybe it's time to make your gift to God? 🙂

Do you think you have one brain? And neurophysiologists are sure that in fact there are three of them. At the same time, they form a complex three-level system, which has a huge number of functions. One of its parts was called the reptilian brain. He is responsible for instincts, so it can be argued that an undeveloped person actually lives the life of a reptile.

The brain is a three-layer nesting doll

The American physiologist Paul Macklin in the 60s of the last century developed a theory according to which each person has not one brain, but three! This figurative expression helps to better understand our body. Rather, these are three levels or floors of a single organ, with the lower and middle levels enclosed inside the upper. Such a structure is sometimes compared with a nesting doll. Biology and anatomy confirmed the scientist’s suggestion, due to which the American is considered an outstanding neurophysiologist

Lower level - ancient or reptilian brainreminiscent of a trunk. Macklin also called this layer a P-complex. This brain is called an ancient ulterior motive - it was formed more than 500 million years ago. It is responsible for the simplest functions of the body to flow normally: breathing, sleep, muscle contraction, blood circulation. It is at this level of our brain that instincts and sensations live.

Why does the reptilian brain have such a name? Reptiles or otherwise reptiles have only this part of the brain. If the snake is pleasant or she wants to eat, then she is approaching, unpleasantly - she is creeping away. The reptilian brain has no idea of \u200b\u200bmeaningful activity, since it is responsible for another. By the way, the well-known scheme: “hit or run” hails from this part of the nervous system.

Ancient brain is covered mid or old brainalso called limbic system. There is another concept for the designation of this site - the mamma brain. Paul Maclean argued that these structures first appeared in mammals. Motivation, parental behavior, the desire for reproduction are rooted precisely on the second floor of our brain. Also at this level are our emotions.

And finally, the third part of the brain structure is neocortex or cerebral cortex. This is the real pride of the higher primates, since in other mammals this part of the brain is absent. He is responsible for higher nervous activity: the ability to speak, think abstractly, and plan. Intelligent activity is the prerogative of the third layer of the brain. It is this area that helps to keep emotions in check.

Full childhood is the basis of a successful life

A child is born with an already formed ancient brain and with a fairly developed average. And here neocortex the baby is not fully developed, he will reach normal size and masses only by 4-5 years. Therefore, they say that children are purely emotional creatures who cannot plan events and control themselves until a certain point. And they also cannot manipulate you, for this you need to have an active upper layer of the brain.

If you don’t want emotions to control you - read books!

If you think about it, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe triune brain is very harmonious and logical. All our activities proceed on three levels: physical, emotional and reasonable. From the point of view of this theory, the importance of introducing a person to culture and spiritual values \u200b\u200bis understandable. Simply put, if you do not want to grovel, develop. Reading, thinking through your actions, observing yourself will help you get the better of your instincts and emotions. So your consciousness will be able to rise above the level of the reptilian brain, and take what is rightfully due to it - the cerebral cortex.

Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon lived together in the same natural landscape for 50-24 thousand years. Neanderthals died out, but the sapiens remained. In ancient man, the size of the brain was 1600-1800 cm3. Average volume modern man makes 1400 cm3. And in the end, 250 cm3 was lost in 25 thousand years, which is very significant. This is explained by the social nature of modern man, and the fact that a lot of society takes on itself from those functions that the individual performed in the past.

But, such reasoning cannot be recognized as obvious. First, social relations have always existed at all stages of human evolution, therefore, they should have been structurally realized in the development of the brain even at the stage of the lower monkeys. Secondly, social relations only became more complicated, and, therefore, the brain that supposedly serves them should be complicated. Thirdly, maybe such a decrease in brain size indicates a banal degradation of some brain structures developed in our venerable ancestors, due to the uselessness of modern man?

I will try to describe a hypothesis that explains the evolution of our brains. Let's start with the ancient man who did not yet know how to use various devices, but only began to develop them. Each of us goes through this difficult period his life from 1 year to 4 years. At this point, the size of the brain, related to the size of the body, is the largest. In the process of development, skills are acquired to use a variety of objects, and gradually the ratio of the size of the brain and body changes towards the body. It seems to us natural, since everything happens during the period of growth of the body.

An ancient person who did not have devices (an obsidian knife, spearheads, arrows, etc.) had to replace the absence of these things with the complexity of his behavior, but at the same time have the potential for the development of technology. Consequently, his brain was more loaded with information about the world around him. Moreover, all the information was vital.

Further development was accompanied by the invention of more advanced tools and weapons (spears and tips for them), the use of fire for making tools and cooking led to the degradation of the part of the brain responsible for fighting predators with bare hands, night vigilance, and the search for food that can be consumed without the use of fire. The flexible structure of the Cro-Magnon’s evolving brain made it possible to replace the lost structures with new ones responsible for associations. Development went in the direction of the development of creative abilities, but they require less expenditures in volume than to struggle with the objective circumstances of life in the absence of tools and weapons. Consequently, when replacing, there was a reduction in the amount of incoming information and the size of the brain.

Each new invention replaced some brain function, and led to the degradation of some departments and the development of others. The information coming from the outside world lost its vital importance, and acquired social importance. The invention of javelin throwing saved mankind from having to get close to the animal when hunting, which reduced the brain, for example, by 10 cm3, and the invention of the bow by another 10 cm3. Since inventions affected the brain comprehensively in many ways at the same time, then overall effect turned out to be so significant (250 cm3). If we assume that brain degradation is associated with the stages of inventions, which took on some of the functions that were previously compensated for by complex human behavior, then modern computerization replaces the human computational abilities and, in combination, many other functions. Following the logic of the substitution hypothesis, 2-3 generations will pass and a person will lose another 200 g of brain and come close to the Homo erectus from which he came. I wish you success!

A thesis is every appearance of a new tool for business +, for brains -. Laziness may have made us human, but not smarter.

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