Center for Nuclear Diagnostics. Center for Nuclear Medicine and Positron Emission Tomography

The Institute of Nuclear Medicine of the Assaf Harofe Medical Center offers many different imaging studies in the field of nuclear medicine, from various types of bone mapping to mapping of the adrenal glands and tumors


Nuclear medicine

it is an avant-garde, non-invasive way of examining and treating pathologies of various organs and systems at the molecular level, which makes it possible to identify the disease long before the appearance of anatomical disorders and, if necessary, treat it with minimal irradiation of healthy tissues.
The use of minimal doses of drugs in combination with the latest equipment and highly qualified personnel guarantees you a convenient, fast and accurate examination.
Most of the team speaks Russian.
All drugs are manufactured in a licensed radiopharmaceutical laboratory. This guarantees high reliability, quality of drugs and their compliance with all international standards.
Our department is equipped with modern equipment, including 64-slice PET / CT and three gamma cameras, including the Combined SPECT / CT system, which provides simultaneous receipt of diagnostic information for both types of examinations.
The work of the department is divided between four main areas: oncology, neurology, cardiology and general nuclear medicine.


64 - slice PET / CT with high throughput, well-functioning professional work of the whole team, will help you to undergo optimal training and visualization of various oncological processes in comfortable individual waiting rooms.
The purpose of this survey:

  • Diagnostics
  • Stage definition
  • Treatment planning
  • Tracking treatment results

Preoperative identification of the first-order lymph nodes allows the surgeon to take only the necessary lymph nodes for biopsy without disturbing the regional lymph flow.


Certified cardiologists, together with specialists in the field of nuclear medicine, will select for you the optimal form of examination of the cardiovascular system.
The list of studies includes:

  • Assessment of the functioning of the right and left ventricles at rest.
  • Blood flow visualization
    heart muscle during exercise and in
    rest, etc. etc.


The head of the department is the only certified specialist in the field of nuclear neurology in the country. On the basis of the department, highly specialized examination methods are carried out:

  • Identification of a focus of epilepsy for further operational interference.
  • Diagnosis of various types of # dementia.
  • Visualization of the consequences of traumatic brain injury, including the case of absence of abnormalities on CT, with continued complaints of the # patient.
  • Determination of the possibility, the central nature of persistent ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
  • Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.
  • Forecasting and objective
    evaluation of the results of treatment of pathologies of the central nervous system in the department of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO).


The services of our department include treatment with radioisotope drugs of such pathologies as:

  • Benign diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Malignant diseases of the thyroid gland and monitoring the results with radioactive iodine, without the need to stop hormone replacement therapy.
  • Identification of neuroendocrine tumors and their therapy.
  • Treatment of bone metastases of a tumor, prostate gland using radioactive radium.


The list of diagnosed pathologies includes:

  • Visualization of the pathology of the bone system for the purpose of diagnosis:
    - Injuries and fractures that cannot be diagnosed by conventional examination methods.
    - Joint pathologies
    - Complications after prosthetics
    - Identification of primary tumors and bone metastases and monitoring of their treatment, etc. etc.
  • Identifying kidney pathology starting
    from the month of age of the patient. This list includes:
    - Urolithiasis disease
    - Narrowing of the ureter in its various parts.
    - Pyelonephritis and scar imaging -
    out changes in the kidneys.
    - Vesicoureteral reflux
    - Tumors of the urinary system
  • The study of the function of the gastrointestinal tract allows you to diagnose the causes:
    - Swallowing disorders
    - Disorders of gastric emptying
    - Pathological content casting
    stomach into the esophagus and its complications.
  • With the help of our technology, it becomes possible to detect recurrent bleeding, including intestinal bleeding.
  • Examination with labeled erythrocytes
    MI provides an accurate diagnosis of hemangiomas in the liver.
  • Identifying the location of the adenoma
    parathyroid glands are non-invasive in order to minimize surgical intervention.
  • On the basis of our department,
    procedure for preoperative non-invasive identification of the best place for microsurgical treatment of lymph outflow disorders (lymphedema).

Center for Nuclear Medicine and Positron Emission Tomography ChUZ "Russian Railways - Medicine" is an expansion and renovation of the laboratory of radioisotope diagnostics, which was organized in 1959.

The center conducts diagnostic and the studies are called single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET). Since these studies are combined with X-ray computed tomography (CT), their full names are SPECT / CT and PET / CT.

SPECT / CT methods widely used in oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, nephrology and other fields. This technique is used to assess the functional state of organs and systems. The Center conducts a wide range of studies: bone scintigraphy, scintigraphy of the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands, scintigraphy of the cardiovascular system, liver, and kidney.

The indications for SPECT / CT examinations are:

  • Suspected bone metastases in breast, prostate, lung, stomach cancer (scintigraphy and skeletal SPECT / CT with RP 99m Tc-phosphate).
  • IHD (SPECT / CT of myocardium with RP 99m Tc-technetril to assess myocardial blood flow, cardiac contractile function, coronary artery calcification).
  • Revealing the autonomy of thyroid nodules and the risk of their malignancy, iodine deficiency and iodine-induced organ diseases (SPECT / CT of the gland with RP 99m Tc-pertechnetate and 99m Tc-technetril).
  • Detection of adenoma of the parathyroid glands (SPECT / CT scan of the neck and chest with 99m Tc-technetril).
  • Detection of liver hemangiomas (SPECT / CT scan of the liver with labeled RP-99m Tc-pyrfotech erythrocytes).
  • Detection of thromboembolism of the branches of the pulmonary artery (SPECT / CT of the lungs with RP 99m Tc-macrotech).
  • Assessment of renal artery function, glomerular filtration and urodynamics (dynamic renal scintigraphy with RP 99m Tc-pentatech).

Moscow Center "PET-Technology" is located on the territory of the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia. The center is equipped with modern equipment for conducting PET / CT examinations - the Discovery-610 scanner from the world's leading manufacturer of medical equipment.
The staff of the center in Moscow are experts and leading specialists in the field of cancer diagnostics. They are well-known certified specialists in the field of radiation diagnostics with extensive experience in scientific and practical work, who regularly undergo training and internships in Europe.

The advantage of the Moscow center is that there are no queues for PET / CT examinations - diagnostics can be done by appointment in the next 2-3 days after the appointment. The procedure is carried out in strict accordance with international medical protocols and quality standards.
An important advantage of PET-Technology is that the company's Moscow center is located on the territory of the largest medical institution - the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (LRC) of the Russian Ministry of Health. PET-Technology, in partnership with LRC, provides a full range of services in the field of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients. Reliable partnerships allow us to provide all types of examination, therapy and rehabilitation treatment for cancer patients in the Moscow center.

Services of the Center for Nuclear Medicine PET-Technology:

  • radiation diagnostics (PET / CT, CT, MRI, ultrasound),
  • surgery,
  • chemotherapy,
  • radiation therapy,
  • laboratory and immunohistochemical diagnostics,
  • rehabilitation programs.

One of the activities of ROSATOM is the development of nuclear medicine (medical diagnostics and radiation therapy used in the treatment of oncological, cardiological and neurological diseases). This problem is solved by the integrator in this area - JSC Rusatom Healthcare, which has united a number of leading manufacturers in the domestic industry - JSC NIITFA (equipment production), JSC V / O Isotop (production of radionuclides), JSC NIFHI im. L. Ya. Karpov "(production of radiopharmaceuticals), JSC Rusreaktor (production of low-power reactors for the production of radionuclides), as well as two centers for the production of radiopharmaceuticals based on ultrashort-lived radionuclides - fluorine-18, carbon-11, nitrogen-13 and oxygen-15 for PET -diagnostics. Work is actively underway to create and market an import-substituting radiotherapy complex based on a linear electron accelerator with an energy of 6 MeV for precision radiation therapy of malignant tumors. The first such accelerators will appear in 2022. Work is underway to create a network of nuclear medicine centers in the country. One of them will be built in the coming years in Irkutsk. Similar centers are planned to be built in other regions of Russia.

Today, over 50% of the world's radioactive isotopes are used for medical purposes. As part of the development of domestic nuclear medicine, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom has organized the production of the isotope molybdenum-99 at the State Scientific Center Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk Region). The project is aimed at organizing in Russia its own production of new radiopharmaceuticals and medical devices, the formation of services for the provision of high-tech medical care to the population.

Russia is a nuclear power with vast experience in the application of nuclear technologies in various fields of human activity. Nuclear medicine, including the use of radionuclides for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, began to develop in our country at the turn of the 40-50s. Modern nuclear medicine is a complex of technologies that allow studying the blood supply to the brain, assessing the work of internal organs and systems by scanning according to the principle of tomography.

Nuclear medicine in Russia

Patient testimonials indicate that today nuclear medicine in Russia has firmly taken a leading position in the field of early diagnosis and treatment of malignant pathologies. Such operations are carried out at different stages and with different forms of oncology, only the type of radionuclide used changes. Russian surgeons have successfully mastered new technologies for treating malignant liver lesions, hormonal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, throat, thyroid gland and other serious diseases using radioembolization and radioimmunotherapy, cyber knives, and the Da Vinci robot.

Nuclear medicine in Russia: prices

Operation using a Da Vinci robot - from 380 rubles, Gamma Knife - 220 thousand rubles.

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