Kitten Fold Tsotlands Care Feeding. Scottish Fold Cats Feeding and Features

As a great joy from the appearance in the house of the kitten, and what is horror when an indirect creation is in a life-threatening situation, for example, from a casually left opened windows ...

Any spring of a veterinary frequency filled with dying cats, which is not possible to help. It hurts to see the owners of the dead or remaining people with disabilities, they will still have a feeling of guilt for a long time. However, not only in the spring, the pet can be cut into the window behind the bird, dragonfly or leaf, swaying in the wind, or slip from the cornice.

Most owners are convinced that their cats understand the height. This is true. However, cats are from nature by hunters, and in the cure of the persecution, they cease to realize it. Rushing for his victim, they may be outside the window and break. So before bringing home the kitten, you need to install grills on all windows and in a glazed loggia.

The anti-mosquito net of plastic for these purposes is not suitable, Scottish Fold easily breaks it. Preferred steel lattice grids, which are used in cells for rabbits. They can be bought on every market of building materials and in stores for country houses called "Garden and Garden".

They can be bright colors and look almost invisible that it does not spoil the house visually, and does not prevent ventilation. The lattice needs to be fixed firmly, as Kiras love to climb them.

Those who have plastic windows are installed, you can install conventional steel grids from insects.
And let the favorite cat have a long and healthy life, bring comfort and charm to the household house, will be tenderness and the best motivations towards the living world in complete security!

The appearance of a house fluffy baby

Only bringing young Scottish Fold to the house should not immediately allow him to wear throughout the dwelling, it is enough to provide him with a kitchen, a hall and a toilet. Ideally, it is better in the first days to cut the habitat of Novosel to one room, where there are no drafts, and there are no holes where the little kitten could slip out, and where it will be difficult to extract it.

Preferably, at the time of addiction to a new home, put fluffy in the kitchen. There you need to organize a bed, toilet capacity and a drinking plane and food. Avudine with food should not be near the toilet tray or resting place. It is necessary to allow young Scottish Fold, to explore everything and linked.

You should be neat when you meet a new baby with other pets. It is enough to imagine yourself in his place, and it will be possible to estimate the difficulty of the position of the small kitten. If the cat shows a desire, it can be frozen with him using a roll on a string or a ball.

If he does not want to communicate, hides, it is better not to disturb him, allow it to be mastered independently. In the end, it is hungry, wants to play and get to the people. As a rule, the initial period of adaptation takes 2-3 days, and a week later, the pet is already fully accustomed.

You should not allow the kitten to amuse with ropes, packages, pins, butt, laces, tangles and filaments. Extremely dangerous for cats Miscele rain. You need to hide the paint materials and facilities for cleaning.

Young Scottish Folds is better not to indulge, they should understand the word "it is impossible." It is permissible to punish a slightly to sprawl) is permissible only after the committed, since the baby's more distant teaching will not be able to compare with its actions.

It is not necessary to regret leisure to the cattle of the cat, it is wrong to think that in the nursery he already instilled all skills. The little Scot found was in a new house, and you need to give him to understand what the rules here. Only the owners can raise a comrades from the kitten.

It is necessary to get to the braketchik, which can be soaked with Valerian, will like this woven cats. The baby can be concentrating claws on the front limbs (no more than 3 mm endings in order not to damage the blood vessels). If the pet is released outside, it is impossible to do this, it is necessary for the claws to protect.

Once over a year you need to make a cat vaccinations, which will avoid diseases in the future.

Scottish-Fold with good health willingly frolic, eats, mocking (fur is glad), but he sleeps for a long time, especially much in bad weather. A normal stool for the baby: from once a couple of days to two times a day, if more, then the animal give too much food.

In the case of constipation, concentrated milk can be given for relaxation or to pour 0.5 teaspoons of olive oil in the mouth.

Diarrhea stop the tenth of the Sulgin's pills a couple of times a day in which the food is not given. If the kid is tired, refuses even from drinking, he has a sudden diarrhea or vomiting, he sometimes sneezes, and purulent discharges appear from the eyes and nose, then you need to go to a specialist. Drugs for people can not be given without the consent of the veterinarian.

The toilet container can be filled with absorbent material (then the tray with high sides and without a grid) or empty.

In the first days, the tray is not carefully separated, because the kitten goes on the smell. If the small Scottish Fold was not going there, then you need to moisten a piece of paper in the urine and put in the toilet capacity, then put a pet and make it a digging of digging.

The same place where he went, you need to carefully launder with a detergent, such as "Domasestos" or to treat vinegar. In the first week you can place the napkin blocks for saving the smell in the lattice container. Do not let the animal wander around the rooms while he has not mastered the toilet.


We should not worry, if the cat does not want to eat at first. At times, you can offer goodies to it, and in case of refusal to clean. It is preferable to feed the kitten with a heated meal, and not directly from the refrigerator.

When the kid is 2-4 months old, it needs to be fed 4 or 5 times per day. At 4-8 months, three times enough. After 8 months, there may be enough couples once a day.

The following natural food is shown by Toroum Scottles:

  • Veal. The raw fillet is frozen for a day, and then minor and thaw.
  • Poultry meat. Served boiled, without bones and skin.
  • Yolk boiled egg. Give a couple of times a week or less.
  • Efficiency products from 9% fat, for example sour cream, cottage cheese.
  • Cereals: Manka, Rice, Hercules.
  • Dried vegetables: carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin. It is poured by a slightly unrefined sunflower oil.
  • Cat fish feed undesirable.

An animal must always have clean drinking. Water in a blue should be replaced regularly.

Fold kitten you can cook dairy cereals, but oil not add. Even especially good for kids Hercules porridge with meat minced meat, which is notched by a welded yolk and added a drop of a vitamin complex. It is desirable to start green oats, it prevents the fur in the stomach. It can be purchased in the pet store, in the pennate section.

Previously, 2 months of Scottish Folds is not recommended to feed batch foods, and canned food, only designed for small. Dry feed is introduced into the diet of the animal later. Elite packaged feeds are better than budget, in which excess vegetable protein. Bulk "Whiskas" and "Kiticket" categorically not worth giving the Scottish.

In addition, they are contraindicated:

  • high fat products;
  • smoke;
  • semi-finished products;
  • pickles;
  • sweets.

Raw not to give:

  • fish;
  • bird;
  • eggs.

Any pork Scottish Fold is harmful.

How to wash kittens Breed Scottish Fold

It is necessary to introduce your young Scots to the water and adapt it to the bathroom when he is still an inquisitive adolescent age of 2-4 months. Sometimes it happens that the lophehi kittens themselves are very close to the bath, filled with water, in order to see how their owner will be not safe there and enjoy washing.

Most of the kittens are hard to force to approach the water tank. Feline usually fear of water flow noise, so the owners should be neat with a jet pressure. The water temperature for bathing kittens is chosen pleasant for them, slightly less than 36c.

If the bath is hotter, the baby will be hard, it will show the language, to breathe intense, like a dog, and will break away. And in cold water, the kitten will frown, will tremble and can catch a cold.

It is necessary to make the procedure pleasant to the pet to wash it please. It happens that kittens are purred from delight, if they stroke the caller with shampoo. Floating toys are able to become the things that will attract the animal to the bathroom and make it fall in love.

We must not forget about precautions. When the owner teaches a pet is not afraid of something, say, a filled bath, he must first make sure that it can not really be dangerous for the cat.

The way to wash the animal depends on the quality of the fur. There are such individuals that are not required to be washed, since they are in nature are clean and, regularly losing, maintain wool in perfect condition. But the cats with skin sores need to wash at least once a week.

Before the start of water procedures, it is necessary to make them safe. At the bottom of the washing capacity, some rug is put on, so as the cat's limbs did not slip. Before applying shampoo, it is necessary to protect the animal's eyes, pinning in them in a pair of droplets of a special oil or you can use the eye ointment.

Pet genitals are protected by a specialized gel. In the ears, cotton plugs are inserted, so that no moisture was leaked there. At the end of the water procedures need to get them.

Getting Started, you need to wet the cat fur with pleasant water, smeared with a suitable shampoo and thoroughly rinse. Apply household chemicals to cats (for example, dishes washing) and the shampoos for people are prohibited. This may entail the appearance of powerful allergies, and will have to hastily go to a specialist and undergo a prescribed treatment course for the regeneration of fur and skin.

It is necessary to know that not only human, but special feline shampoos, rinsing agents and rims to improve the type of fur are different with different acidity, and their correct use affects the health of the fastener of the pet.

Preferably, the use of elite feline products for washing fur and grinding, for example:

  • american stamps: "Groomer s GOOP", "EZ-GROOM", "JEROB";
  • french "Anju-Beaute";
  • italian "IV San Bernard";
  • spanish "PSH - Pet's Show Hairdresser";
  • thai "Breeder-Care".

They are made from natural, useful raw materials, these tools lead to the NORM PH-Balance in cat leather.
Air-conditioning rinsers are used to mitigate the fur to make it easier to hate it, and also this tool is healing the fur after the winter period with low humidity in the room.

Most of the air-conditioning springs is used at the end of wiping the animal to a towel or drying it with a hairdryer (include an exceptionally cold blowing on the maximum power, the hair dryer is kept at least in half a meter).

It is strictly forbidden to put the kitten on the draft. You need to slam the windows of the door so that the kid does not leave. Upon completion of the wash, the cat will become long and thoroughly lubricate, so it is necessary to rinse the shampoo as much as possible (the fur under the palm shall trust), so that the hunter did not heat the shampoo from the unimproved areas, but did not choose.

Shampoos and foams for dry cleaning are used only in cases where the water procedures for some reason are prohibited. Before applying the means from fleas and ticks, you need to make sure that they are feline. They are applied and combined only according to the instructions and for their intended purpose.

Prevent disease and vaccination

In preventive purposes, to avoid infectious diseases, cats put different vaccinations. Introduced on time vaccines form immunity to combat grave ailments. Kids are primary vaccinated at the age of three months.

It is strictly forbidden to use the Azinox tool for these purposes, it leads to a neurotic cutting of cats. And on the vaccination of the Fold, the pet should be in perfect condition.

Approximate vaccination plan:

  • Vaccination against rinotracheitis, punching and calicivirus, such as "Nobivak tricket".
    After 3-4 weeks, the repetition.
  • Another month later the vaccination is made against the rings. The drug "Microderm" or "Vakderm-F". The last 10 days last vaccine is repeated.
  • Anti-rabies vaccinate pets depending on the relevance of this infection on the territory, in the area where the cat lives. After the first vaccination, the same is reused every year throughout the life of the individual.
  • Feline to drive out worms should be 1 or 2 times a year, wherever the animal lives, in the apartment or at the cottage. Preparations: "Febtal" and "Dronal Plus".

Vaccination schedule:

  • Baby of about two months from the family. "TRICAT" against a calicivirus infection, punching and viral tracheite.
  • Teen three months old. "Tricat + (R)" against the three aids above and more from rabies.
    Individual, which is 1 year. The previous multidisciplinary vaccination "Tricat + (R)" is repeated.
    According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all pets must continue to receive "Tricat + (R)" during the next year of their life.

It is better not to try to vaccinate your pets self-person, but to contact professional veterinarians in a veterinary department. And it is important not to seen about the record of records about the vaccinations in the veterinary passport of its favorite.

Breed Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold) appeared in 1961. It was then at one of the Scottish farms was accidentally discovered a cute kitten with funny downwards. To date, the breed was divided into two branches: with straight (Scottish Straight) and hanging (Scottish Fold) ears. If you have become the owner of the baby last species, then you are incredibly lucky. In addition to charming face and plush fur coat, these cats have a remarkably calm and fitful temper.

Features of breed

All the Scots with straight ears are born, which get the final form (remain sticking or lowered down) for 2.5-3 months. This breed is very close to the exterior to the British, so often people are even confused. But as for character, there are significant differences here. The British are more independent and arrogant, while the real scotties everyone adore for their duplicate, affectionate and even character. But sometimes there are copies with an admixture of the British, and then thirst for freedom and independence will be torn from time to time.

Kittens-Scottles are incredibly smart and perfectly study all the necessary skills. In addition, if you start the kid just this breed, then happily avoid usual in other cases damage to the property (ripped curtains, broken VAZ and furniture in scratches). Childhood Scottish is measured measuring and powerively.

By purchasing Scots, keep in mind that they are very sociable and require attention. If you spend a little time and the cat will have to stay alone for a long time, it is better to stop your choice on another breed. Alternatively, buy two kids at once so that they do not bored.

Fold Scottish kittens are distinguished by wonderful health and severity, but even such trouble-free pets require attention and care to feel good and fully developed.

How to prepare for the appearance in the house of the kitten

It is more correct to take the baby at the age of two or three months. During this period, they already have all the external signs of the breed and become quite independent to part with mom.

In order for the kitten to be comfortable in a new house, it is better to learn in advance from the breeder its food and other preferences, information about the usual filler for the toilet and feeding schedule. When going to take a cat, first purchase all the necessary accessories: a soft bed or a special house, bowls for feed and water, a toilet and a filler for it, recommended by the minimum of veterinary preparations. Do not forget about toys!

To stay with the convenience of transporting the animal to a new place of residence, and for other future travel, you will need a comfortable and durable carrier container. When choosing it, note that the door can easily and reliably locked up, there was a sufficient amount of ventilation holes, and the handle was strong and comfortable. The base of the carrying should be wide enough and stable so that even in the car, it was not able to turn over when turned.

Do not forget to arrange inside a soft and warm novelschko for sleep. So that the baby is less survived when moving, you can put inside the temporary house with a rag with the smell of the old residence. It will calm the kitten and will help him easier to survive the first in life shifting the situation.

Hygienic procedures

Like any kids, the Scots need regular processing of wool, eye, ears and claws. These procedures should be accepted from the first days of stay in a new house.

  • The most important thing in the care of the Scottish Fold kittens is hygiene ears. It is this detail that the image of a real Fold Scottish and gives his appearance a special charm and uniqueness. Folded ears require special attention and care, as they are particularly susceptible to every unpleasant surprises, such as infection with an ear tick.

    Weekly need to be cleaned from the accumulated tax with a cotton stick and a special lotion that cannot be replaced by hydrogen peroxide and the more alcohol. Processing the ears should be very neat, not penetrating into the auditory pass, so that the cat does not feel pain and even just unpleasant sensations. When unusual discharge or crusts appear, and itching urgently show the crumb to the veterinarian. Most likely, the problem will require prolonged treatment with special drugs and more frequent hygienic procedures.

  • For eye processing, cotton swabs and a special disinfecting composition are used. Carefully follow the state of the eyes, and when the discharge (suppuration) appears, high tear or itching immediately contact a specialist. On the problems of the organs of view may indicate the atypical behavior of the animal (rubbed the pitfall, shakes his head). Such behavior may be caused by infectious lesions of the mucous membrane, the ingress of foreign objects or injury.
  • It is necessary to take a timely to the kitten to the staff of the coastal care, especially since they are unnecessary. For the coat of scottish, quite regular (couples a week) deductings. During molts, except for a special scallop, it is convenient to use a silicone mitch. She collects superbly superfluous.

    If the kitten was strongly stained, then it will have to wash it. Use only special shampoos for these purposes. Human remedies are categorically contraindicated, as they can cause severe allergies or violated the fat balance of the skin to such an extent that the pet has dandruff, and the fur coat will acquire an unhealthy, dim view. Without having to bathe, the kid should not be bathed, as the Scots are very clean and perfectly care for wool alone.

  • Caring for curls lies in their periodic haircut with a special tool (plumbing). You should cut only the most tip. If you have not slightly calculated and cut too much, treat the victim to the cohesion of hydrogen peroxide. Some owners remove claws to their pets. Scottish Fold Kittens do this not recommended. Silicone overhead caps are also better not to use.
  • Special care kits do not require, especially if its main diet consists of dry feed. His hard granules are perfectly coping with the removal of the ride from the teeth and strengthen their dears. Dental removal is made more adult features.

House for kid

All Scottishi are big Sibarites. They adore secluded and warm places. Taking into account these preferences and should choose the place in the house. The basket with a soft pillow, which you post in the most comfortable corner of the apartment, is best. In the cold season for the baby, the absence of drafts and the proximity of heating devices will be important. The Scots of the sun beds are very loved right on the battery.

It is important that during the rest of the cottage did not interfere with the door opening around the nearby and constantly driving homemade. Optimally adapted to create a cozy setting of houses for cats. They give the effect of privacy, have several tiers in case the pet raises climbing higher and from the height to evaluate the surrounding environment. In addition, these facilities are almost always equipped with clawing and comfortable fasteners for a variety of toys. The most practical coating for such a house is an artificial fur that can always be replaced by a new one.

If you purchased a house without scratching, it should be arranged separately. On sale there are already ready-made adaptations wrapped in rope, but practice shows that the plaid kittens prefer them the usual unstore boards.

All kids love toys. And kittens are no exception. Arrange a feline corner with all sorts of fur mouses, latex balls and pendants of feathers or rustling paper pieces. In order not to occur dangerous for the baby and the techniques of situations, remove all the wires that are under voltage.

Relationship with toilet

If you take the kitten from the breeder, then the baby, as a rule, already knows that there is a special place for the toilet. If you appear in the house, he should immediately show the tray, and the smart animal will not give you problems, leaving the puddle in the wrong places. Pay attention to the toilet filler. Better, if at first he will be the same as in the old house.

The most preferable for the Scots of the silica gel, which they adore to dig, enjoying the rustling sounds. In addition, he perfectly eliminates all odors. You can choose granules from sawdust, but they require more frequent replacement.

If the baby is not yet familiar with the feline toilet, you need to immediately do the upbringing of the kitten until it is used to cope with the need for it convenient for it. You should immediately explain the pet that there is a special corner for the toilet.

Place for tray It is necessary to choose an easily accessible, but strong enough. Many cats love to do their affairs without attracting unnecessary attention. The best suitable for these purposes the bathroom, toilet or storage room. Just do not forget to always leave the door slightly ajar. You can select the corner and in the corridor.

Full nutrition

The guarantee of the health and good location of the kitten is a rational nutritional organization. Scottish Folda - big lovers to eat. At the same time, they are completely non-conddable and with enthusiasm will fly away any feed. Despite this, it is better if the baby's nutrition will mainly consist of special balanced food for kittens. Very small Scots are fitted with patests, and then (after 4 months) are transferred to dry food. The optimal menu should alternate dry food with canned food. In addition, an animal in a bowl should always have fresh water. Useful homemade pets separated oats or wheat. But it is not recommended to give milk, as it can cause digestion disorder.

As a delicacy and for diversity, the kitten can offer boiled fish or meat. Some gladly try vegetables and bread. But the food from your desk is prohibited categorically. Especially harmful chicken bones, sweets and smoked.

Health and Grafting Problems

Scottish folds of kittens do not suffer from any serious diseases characteristic of the breed. The only defect that is noticeable in the first weeks of life is the problem of "hard tail". This gene mutation sometimes leads to the fact that seals appear on the tail, which are very painful for the animal. With particularly serious changes, the kitten may hit paralysis, not excluded and fatal outcome. In addition, the defect Scottish Folds otherwise have excellent health and sustainable immunity.

Among the parts of the vet, there is an opinion that the Scots are predisposed to problems with the urinary system, but there is no reliable statistics on this score. In any case, the pet is recommended annually in preventive purposes to show a doctor.

In addition to the annual inspections of each pet from infant age, certain vaccinations are required. But before going to the vet, it is necessary to make sure that the kitten is absolutely healthy. In addition, it follows at one age be sure to treat the baby from possible worms. Buy a special suspension in the veterinary pharmacy. You can also use similar preparations for children. It is important not to disturb the dosage, since its exceeding can cause serious poisoning. In the future, repeat the treatment every four months.

If you spent all the necessary procedures and are confident in good pets, you can begin vaccination.

  • Make the first vaccination is already at the age of three months. Typically, at this stage, they put a complex (polyvalent) vaccine from several diseases. After three weeks, revaccination is required, and then an annual repetition.
  • When one year is reached, the kitty should put the vaccine from rabies.
  • Kittens between the ages of 3 and 6 months are also shown by the grafting from the rings.

In the veterinary passport, the pet is necessarily marked on all vaccinations.

Representatives of the Scottish Fold Breed are very peaceful and unpretentious creatures. Their diet includes a wide range of products, but it is worth considering several features, which will be discussed below. Optimal food for the Scottish Fold Cats are industrial feed, both dry and in the form of canned food. In addition to the specialized cat feed, selected on the basis of age (kitten, an adult cat) and the level of cat activity (calm, moderate, active), breed representatives can be fed by the following products, which will be discussed below.

A cat with a "average" level of activity should receive a base amount of calories. To feed a quiet pet, which is mostly at home and does not spend a large amount of energy, it may be necessary to do ten percent less feed than recommended on the packaging of feed. At the same time, an active pet who plays the whole day may require 20-40 percent more basic quantity of feed.

Your cat should always have free access to fresh, clean water. A bowl for water needs to wash every day.

Cats require Taurine - amino acid, which is important for the normal functioning of the heart, vision and reproduction. Although most mammals can synthesize Taurine from other amino acids in the body, cats cannot. Since Taurine is located only in protein products of animal origin, cats need meat based nutrition to meet the needs of their body.

Like people, too hot or cold weather can increase the energy needs of cats. In order to warm up or keep the coolness requires additional energy, so you can consult with the veterinarian about feeding mode in such cases. If the pet is restored after the operation or suffers from the disease, it is also possible to increase the need for nutrition to speed up the healing process. Discuss with the veterinarian methods for adjusting your cat's diet during a period of illness or recovery.

As a general rule, it is recommended to feed cat twice a day. Squeeze the recommended daily quantity, as indicated on the packaging of feline feed and divide into two eating. The gap between the receptions is from eight to twelve hours. Try to adapt to the needs of your cat, watching her behavior: whether it eats all the food, as often comes to a bowl and so on.

Some cat owners work on strict graphics, which does not allow feeding the pet twice a day. Do not worry - cats can be calmly feed in other ways that satisfy the needs of both the pet and the owner. It is quite possible to give food in small portions more often than two times a day or lay out in a bowl at a time day portion of food. However, in this case, you need to follow the animal to move and the food remained fresh. If difficulties arise with this, special devices are sold, outstanding certain amounts of feed at the appointed time - so the animal will not be a temptation to eat all at once.

Feeding of Scottish Fold Kittens at the age of 1-2 months

If you need to take care of kittens in the first few months of their life, then prepare for their gradual translation from milk to the usual food for cats.

Newborn Fold Kittens get full nutrition from Mother's milk during the first four weeks of life. Mother's milk is 100 percent suitable for their needs, so you should not feed them with something else.

In case the mother's cat is ill, it cannot produce a sufficient amount of milk, or if the kittens were found without a mother might need a milk substitute. If you have such a situation, refer to the veterinarian for feeding and guidelines during feeding.

During the first weeks of life, the weight of the kitten can increase twice or even threefold. This rapid growth will continue further, but gradually the speed will decrease. To support this impressive growth, a large amount of energy and nutrients are needed.

Make sure the feed you choose is designed specifically for kittens. Your pet needs to eat such food until it reaches maturity, aged about one about one year.

By the time Kittens Fold Scottish fulfill 1 month, they need little to give specialized dry food for kittens, although milk still remains the main food. This process of gradual introduction is important for the transition of kittens for adult cats. Most cats feed kittens milk for about two months. By this time, 80 percent of the total nutrient consumption of the kitten should be from solid food.

Kids torn off from the mother can begin to feed moistened food from a three-week age. Use the developed milk substitutes for wetting feed for kittens and gradually reduce the amount of milk.

You can use a free feeding method - this means that the kitten has access to food at any time when he wishes. Thus, mainly give dry food, as it does not disappear and does not dry during the day. If you have a dog at home, then make sure that she does not eat cat feed (dogs love him very much).

Also watch the permanent availability of fresh water in the kitten's access area. At first, curious kittens are likely to play more with their meal than it is, but gradually they will get used to what it should be there, and not scatter around the bowl. At the age of 2 months and then the main diet should be dry food, in order to maintain the growth and development of a small lopheh kitten of the Scottish breed!

So that the Scottish Fold or a direct cat, a cat or kitten was healthy, strong and beautiful, it is necessary to take care of the correct diet, as well as a feeding pattern.

Nutrition of nutrition

For any breed of cats, and the Scots are no exception, there are three types of food:
A variety of species can pose a question: so what is better to feed the Scottish cat? Each of the listed types of food will be correct, so you need to focus on the taste preferences of the pet and your free time, because natural feeding takes much more time than feeding by ready-to-offer offers.

Consider in more detail each type of food.

Natural nutrition of Scottish Fold or Right kittens and adult animals

This type of feeding is not simple and requires a certain time for cooking, which is not always convenient and possible.

List of basic products that are allowed by Scottish cats:

The main percentage of products during the natural feeding of the Scottish cat should have to meat products, because they contain protein, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body: heart muscle, good vision, reproduction of offspring, etc.

Microelements, vitamins and additives.

Biologically active additives must be included in the diet of pets throughout the entire feeding time by natural products. Kittens up to 6 months need a source of vitamins D and A, that is, fish oil. In addition, in the networks of veterinary pharmacies, a huge selection of multivitamine drugs for cats and kittens of the Scottish breed and simply as animal species is presented.

The pet must be constantly fresh, clean water. Ideally, you need to change the water 2 times a day. You can allow pets to drink water from under the tap, the Scottish breed eagerly likes it.

Approximate power menu by 1 kg of body weight by Scottish Fold or straight cats.

Recipe 1:
  • non-fat fresh beef (quiet boiling water) - 25 gr.;
  • lightweight - 5 gr.;
  • clean water - 10 gr.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 gr.;
  • dry ordinary tremors - 0.2 gr.;
  • flakes Simple oat - 4 gr.

Recipe 2:

  • fresh liver - 10 grams;
  • low-fat fish - 25 gr.;
  • buckwheat - 4 gr.;
  • simple water - 7 gr.;
  • yeast ordinary dry - 0.1 gr.;
  • non-fat cottage cheese - 3 gr.

Prepare food according to the recipe, it can be divided into portion and freeze for the future. So at any time, pre-defrosting, it will be possible to quickly feed the pet with natural meal.

Prohibited products for Scottish Fold and Straight Cats:

  • pork, capped, salty, pepper, dried, pair meat;
  • fats;
  • flour, sweet.

Ready feed or fast and balanced way to feed the Scots

How to feed the Scottish Fold or the Pupid Cat, if there is no opportunity to prepare her fresh food daily? The answer is simple - ready-made high-quality feeds that contain all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as polyvitamins. They will be the main diet of your pet.

Finished food for kittens and cats differs among themselves the amount contained in it water: semi-discharge, dry and wet food. However, with any form of nutrition, it is necessary to ensure that the animal has permanent access to water.

It is possible to combine when feeding wet and dry feed in the event that they are released by one manufacturer and are given in different meals. For example: in the morning - wet food, in the afternoon - dry and in the evening again wet or dry.

Preferences When choosing feed is better to give to known brands, since budget options are not so high-quality and in their composition there is not enough mineral substances and vitamins. In addition, attention should be paid to the recommendations specified by the manufacturer about age, breed and health status.

  • Piano Kanin;
  • Matisse;
  • Advance;
  • Hills;
  • and Ave. brand premium and super premium classes.

To cheap options that should not feed the Scott Cat or Kitten, are the following:

  • Darling;
  • Kiticket;
  • Whiskas.
When moving from natural meals on dry food or when changing the manufacturer, buy a better small amount, because Pet can be allergic to this type of feed or he may simply do not like it. It is also important to take into account that it is necessary to translate gradually. Start adding new feed is better from 30%.

Features of nutrition Ready food adult individuals

In the diet of grown pets, the required amount of high-quality, nutritional feed capable of supporting muscle tissue and satisfy energy needs, because they spend a lot of energy on the game and to communicate with you.

The amount of food depends on the lifestyle of the adult individual and is directly connected on the size of the cat. Each pet has its own level of activity - this should be reflected on power calorics. For a pet, with an average level of mobility, a basic amount of calories is needed, and for calm pets, which are mostly sleeping and boringly look at the window, the diet of 10% should be less recommended, manufacturers on the packaging of feed. At the same time, the bully playing throughout the day should eat 40% more from the base level.

The weather is also reflected on the appetite of cats, during the warm season the need for food is somewhat declined, and in cold increases, in fact, as in humans. After all, in order to warm up energy, and energy is calories.

The correct diet includes fission division into several techniques, namely 2-3. The gap between meals must be 8-12 hours.

Watching your household, you will be able to understand whether it has a two-time nutrition, or it is better to translate to a three-time. Some animals eat at once the entire portion of food, others can eat gradually, within a few hours.

Some owners are due to a strict schedule at work, there is no possibility to give food for the Scottish Fold Cats several times a day, while the pet can abuse this, eating everything immediately and straining yet. This problem can easily solve a special dispenser, outstanding the established amount of feed at a certain time.

The better feed the pregnant cat Scottish Fold or straight

Special attention is paid to the diet of future mammies. As you know, it is necessary that they need much more food and vitamins come from her, it follows that it is better to feed. At the same time, the size of the portion is not recommended to increase, since a small stomach with difficulty will digest food that exceeds the necessary norm.

In kind of nutrition, it is necessary to follow the unaccompanies:

  • It is strictly forbidden to give fish to pregnant plants, it is best to feed them with fresh, tasty greens and low-fat liver. Sometimes it is possible to include in the diet, saturatedly fat-soluble elements of meat of mackerel, sprat, delicious sardines, red trouts.
  • Pregnant pets needed products with elevated calcium content. It may be low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, ryazhenka. It is also recommended to add to the Palcex tablet powder and bone flour.
A cat carrying kittens is needed by constant access to fresh and clean water, especially if it is fed with canned or dry foods. If the cat was fed to an interesting position with ready-to-offer offers, then during pregnancy it should use them. A sharp change of the type of food, it may not benefit. But such a cat can be translated into dry or jelly food, which is designed specifically for pregnant women. It will include more vitamin and calories, thus using almost the same amount of feed, as usual, the pettomice will have enough energy and trace elements to carry healthy kittens.

In two weeks before childbirth, the portion for the favorite is reduced by 20-30%. It is necessary that the kittens do not score too much mass. A large fruit can cause a complication during childbirth, especially if the cat has a narrow pelvis. So it is better to bother in advance and protect your pet from overeating.

Immediately in front of the births themselves, the cat may not refuse food at all. Do not worry this normal. Provide her peace and prepare for the appearance of kids.

After childbirth, the cat may also have no appetite. This is due to the fact that the cat eats seats, but do not need to allow the plaid to eat more than three seasons. Otherwise it can cause diarrhea.

During lactation, the cat has an appetite increases, because it needs to be provided by vital energy not only itself, but also offspring. At this time, a cat diet is formed, while it is necessary to take into account its age, weight and number of kids in litter.

After the offspring is gradually moving on hard food, cat appetite will slightly decrease, in addition, it will be quite possible to eat the same products as its kids. All this happens at the level of instinct, as the consumption of the same food will make it the most digested for kittens.

Basically, during the lactation, the Scott trees lose weight and comes to that rate of weight, which she had before pregnancy. Make sure that the animal does not exhaust. If the weight of moms is below the norm, then in the diet, it is necessary to introduce more calorie foods or use feeds designed specifically for kittens.

Scottish Fold and Straight Kittens: Care and Care

Scottish kitten should be brought to a new home no earlier than in 2.5 months. But if you became the owner of the offspring or for some other reason you have a crumb, then get ready for troubles. Until the month - two kittens feed on maternal milk. If the cat refuses to feed or milk is not enough, then the kids offer a substitute for milk, children's mixtures. Instructions for feeding and cooking mixes are indicated on the package.

The first three weeks of the kittens are eaten about every 2 hours, then the break gradually becomes more. By the month of kids, you can feed 3-5 times a day, gradually translating on natural or finished feeding. The rapid growth and formation of the body requires high-quality food, rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. When choosing ready-made feeds, you need to make sure that it is designed specifically for kittens, you should also pay attention from which age is recommended. So, for example, Royal Canin offers different rules "from 1 to 4 months" and "for kittens from 4th to 12 months."

Curious kids will first play with their food, without understanding why it is intended, but after time it is gets used to and cease to scatter food near the bowl. In 2 months, the main diet of their nutrition should be dry food, to maintain full-fledged development.

With proper nutrition, the kittens grow very quickly and gain in weight. Gradually, the growth rate will be reduced and will not be so obvious.

Features of feeding the castrated cat or sterilized cat

The tendency to obesity often appears in the Scots, after the castration procedure, or sterilization, is primarily due to hormonal disorders. There is an exit. First of all, the amount of food should be reduced. In this case, the number of feedings should be increased. It does not hurt once a month to carry out a test, which includes pet strokes on the back and sides. In the event of a bone crushing - the power is proper.

Feeding by natural products:

  • For a natural balanced diet, it is necessary to include fiber, vitamins and various additives with minerals.
  • Fish exclude from the diet, as it contains a lot of phosphorus, as well as magnesium. They are the provocateurs of the emergence of urolithiasis.
  • Meat, only low-fat: beef, chicken breast, turkey and rabbit.
  • In the diet must be attended by porridge. To give taste, you can add some meat. Not more than once a week in can be included by the sub-products.
  • Vegetables should be added in the rubber and necessarily raw form: carrot, color color or, for example, fresh cucumber.
  • Broth from low-fat varieties of meat.

Ready food for sterilized and castrated pets.

When choosing a feed, it should be remembered that it should be high-quality, that is, premium or super-premium class, for example, Royal Canin. At the same time, the package must be installed on the bag: "For neutered or sterilized cats." You should also know that liquid feed is preferable to dry.

Despite the difference in the nutrition of neutered and sterilized pets, they remain as cheerful and active. Therefore, they should also, but may even pay attention to, play with them and then your Scottish fold or directly will always be in athletic form.

Feeding aging scots

An aged pet needs to provide a balanced diet, which will extend its active period of vital activity. They do not need to give a large amount of food, since their energy consumption per day constitute only 65 kcal per kilogram of body weight. Crossing will lead to obesity, and therefore reflected not well on the vital activity of the body.

Elderly pets are fed several times a day with food, divided into small portions. You can feed dry feeds specially designed for cats aged. When choosing for the Scots of feed, you need to pay attention to the amount of fat contained in it. The optimal option when it is degreased by 95%.

An aging pet can abandon dry feed, due to pain in the gums and / or teeth. In this case, the Scots must be translated into a wet or semi-discharge feeding option. You can swing dry food.

Wested ailment from aging Scottish folds and right cats - hyperthyroidism, an increase in the number of hormones in the thyroid. When this disease is detected, the pet needs to be fed by more calorie food.

And when revealed renal failure, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of salts and phosphorus, and protein is included in the diet in small doses.

Scottish cat with heart failure is worth transferring to a diet without salt content.

In the stern for the elderly pet, Taurine must be present, since its deficit will lead to the development of such a disease as cardiomyopathy.

CJ Norma, Calories (energy consumption) for kittens and adult pets

According to the rules of the CJ and calorie rules, it is necessary to calculate on the basis of the weight and lifestyle of the pet, therefore the given data below refers to the exemplary indicators for which you can navigate:
  • for kid - 838 kJ (200 kcal.);
  • for nursing plaid - 1047.4 kJ (250 kcal.);
  • for a pregnant and developing household - 419 kJ (100 kcal.);
  • for a cat suffering from obesity - 251.4 kJ (59.9 kcal);
  • for aging fluffy - 335.2 kJ (80 kcal).
Information about the content of calories in products can be found on packages with food. In order for the CJ to translate into calories, the necessary digit should be divided by 4.19.

May be different, but no matter how coloring them, food should be balanced to maintain their vital activity at the proper level. Then your pet will always be healthy and beautiful.

Along with meals, care for the Scottish Fold Kitten and its correct organization occupies one of the first places in importance. It is necessary so that your Scottish kitten always remains healthy, which has not needed additional veterinary care.

Care lies in the correct construction, the organization of the bed location, the availability of the necessary toys and brates, as well as on time the purified toilet with the right filler. When performing all these requirements caring and care for the Scottish kitten will not take you a lot of time, he will know which territory is his own and will not shove in the house.

On a note

The owners of this breed note that the Scottish cat is quite calm and balanced and can nourge or make some kind of Skoda only if the owners do not adhere to a sufficient level of cleanliness and care, do not provide everything necessary for the life of a pet.

An integral part of the care is also planned, independent inspection of the ears and eyes, timely haircut of claws and complex care for the homemade hair, as well as visiting a veterinary doctor in order to enormity and carry out all the necessary procedures, according to the schedule.

Organization of personal space for kitten

In order to understand how to care for the Scottish Cat, it is necessary to learn a bit of his character and the main habits that are inherent in all representatives of the Scottish breed. Scottish cats are quite clean and not arrogantBut require that everything you need has always been in the area of \u200b\u200breach and at the Scottish Cat has definitely had its own place. Wherever he could hide and stay alone with him.

Scottish cats are unscluded in the attention and care, mostly provided to themselves, they are great for those who often do not happen at home, but who wants them to meet their favorite Scottish kitten, while not suffering from lack of attention and care because of the dense Host work schedule. The basic requirements that must be sustained in care are:

  • the presence of a pure toilet;
  • timely and proper nutrition;
  • availability of own bed;
  • kogtetchka.

Organization of toilet for Scottish kitten

Considering the fact that representatives of this breed are quite clean, the correct care includes the timely replacement of the filler and the correct choice. The most optimal is the use of the filler, which was in the nursery, thus, the Scottish kitten does not have to adapt and it will quickly adapt to the new place of residence and toilet. And the character of Folds is such that he can nagging either to go to the toilet in the wrong place only if it does not find your own tray or the toilet was not cleaned on time.

In the event that the Scottish kitten went to the toilet in the wrong place, in no case should it be punished, as it will be regarded exclusively as aggression and will not lead any results.

Availability of own bowl for food and water

Even in the presence of several cats in the house, it is recommended to organize proper care and its own bowl in order to avoid fighting for food. In case your homemade favorite you have one, also it is recommended to place a number of bowls for food and water. In order for the kitten to do not run to another place and seek drink, especially if you feed it with dry food.

Organization of your own bed

Caring for the Scottish cat provides for the presence of a private house or a sleeping place in which the animal could hide and sleep. Given a certain detachment of breed and independence, for an adult Scottish cat must be organized its place, in which case it will not bother you with its presence and sleep in the wrong places.

Kogtechka and toys

Mandatory care attributes that any Scottish kitten should be:

  • one or two brates, which will allow you to take claws in a timely manner and clean them - as the basis of care;
  • different types of toys in the form of balls, mice, rods with feathers and other entertainment toys that will like you and your pet.

The presence of such toys will not only charge your animal, but will allow him to spend time in your absence. And if you wish, you can always play with your favorite, without thinking about where to take a ribbon to play or wrap from candy in order to attract the Scottish kitten.

Conducting hygienic procedures

The organization of special care for Scottish lop kittens includes:

  • timely bathing;
  • cleaning and examination of the eyes and ears;
  • cleaning and haircut nail;
  • caring for mustache and wool.

British Fold Kittens especially need careful care. First of all, these are regular hygienic procedures, inspection of ears and care for them.

Given the specific structure of the ear, special attention is paid to their cleaning, care for them and timely hygiene. And in order to clean your ear, it is necessary to turn it out and wipe the wet swab along the ear shell.

If a sulfur of light color remains on the tampon, which does not smell, then your Scottish kitten is completely healthy. If, when inspecting the ears, an unpleasant, specific smell appears, sulfur is painted in a yellowish color, this indicates the presence of an infectious disease that requires urgent diagnosis and treatment with a veterinary doctor or insufficient care.

Hygiene eye

Anatomy of Scottish cats provides for a high risk of infection of the lacrimal channel, in connection with this it is necessary to pay special attention to the hygiene of your kitten's eye and care for them.. Very often, the owners of the Scottish cats consider a normal tear strip from the eye from this breed. However, this approach is not correct, since the purulent or brown sections of the lacrimal channel signals that it is urgent to refer to the veterinary doctor and clean the lacrimal channel, because the main cause of such secretions may be infection or incorrect care.

Weekly it is recommended to wipe the eyes from the corner and on the inner edge of a wet tampon, and if you wish, you can purchase a special hygiene fluid and care for them. Also, in obligatory, it is necessary every morning to inspect the eyes and, in the case of the formation of a dark fly, to remove it with the usual sponge.

Hygiene claws

Approximately one or twice a month it is necessary to cut claws to your pet. Particular attention should be paid to not to damage the blood vessel during nail care. For this Scottish kitten, it is recommended to teach a haircut of claws and care for them from childhood so that it does not resist and prevent the owner when conducting these hygiene procedures and leaving the legs.

For haircut nails, it is recommended to purchase specialized scissors that are sold in zoological stores. Also an important stage in purification, nail hygiene and care is the use of brates, to which the kitten is recommended from the smallest age.

The use of hardcitters is not only entertainment for the kitten, but also a healthy necessity, since claws should be updated and hidden - it is noient to the care of them.

Oral cavity

Given that the bone and cartilage tissue of the British kittens belongs to quite fragile, it is necessary to pay special attention to the oral cavity and care. The care of the teeth includes regular inspections, as well as cleaning, if necessary, from stone and plaque. It is recommended on your own once a month inspecting the oral cavity and teeth. They should be white, without any inclusions, and the gum is evenly pink.

In the case, if any wounds were found in the mouth, it is recommended to immediately turn to a veterinary doctor who can properly diagnose them and prescribe treatment. In this case, it is recommended to translate the British kitten completely on soft nutrition and eliminate hard food to complete recovery.

Care of wool

Given the congenital cleanness of British cats, to care for wool, you will need to organize a whole ritual that will include:

  • bathing;
  • combing;
  • the use of special lotions.

Considering that the cats of this breed have enough thick undercoats, it is not recommended to afford themselves, since the wool is easily knocked down and can beat the intestinal tract. In this regard, it is necessary since childhood to teach kittens to regular water procedures, as well as combed after them, especially if they have long and beautiful wool.


Brushes for combing are:

  • wooden and plastic;
  • with wide teeth or with a natural pile;
  • in the form of a calcination or in the form of a glove.

Nutrition rules

Nutrition of the Scottish Fold Kittens is quite a scrupulous process that requires a long study and fulfillment of certain rules. Considering that the cats of such breed are inclined to completeness, the portion must be limited from childhood and establish the power mode, which will fully comply with not only your day regime, but also will ensure constant access to food and regular feeding.

Most of its newly minted hosts prefer to feed the kitten with the same foods that were offered to him in the nursery or in previous owners.

However, such a position is not entirely correct. On the one hand, the kitten will be comfortable to eat than it was fed along with mom, but based on the personal preferences of the kitten and the owner's capabilities, you can choose one of three power systems:

  • exceptionally natural food, prepared specifically for a cat;
  • buying dry feed or wet mixtures, canned food;
  • combining artificial and natural feed.


Each of these nutrition systems has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, at a normal diet, it is necessary to take care of balanced nutrition, including all the necessary vitamins and microelements into the diet, increasing the percent of the protein and limiting the amount of carbohydrates.

In this case, the digestive system of your Scottish cat will not fail and provide a longevity to your pet.

A nutrition of dry and wet feed allows you to ensure the maximum balanced nutrition, but it may be addictive and may not always be due, as a result of which your Scottish kitten may not be allowed to be allowed and trace elements that he needed so, especially during the growth period.

It is possible to feed the Scottish Fold Kitten and canned products, but it is worth making sure that they do not contain a large number of preservatives and dyes that can harm your Scottish kitten that has not yet fully formed the intestinal tract.


After receiving the recommendations of the doctor and passing all the necessary analyzes, you can include special vitamins and additives in the diet, trace elements that will significantly strengthen the bone system, provide the body with all the necessary substances and will not make sure that the special food has been cooked for the kitten For example, vitamin omega 3 or contained a large number of proteins.

The advantage of mixed nutrition is, first of all, its convenience, since when it is impossible to cook food to your small friend, you can always replace it with dry or wet food.

This type of food is most optimal for an adult cat, and for a small kitten still recommended natural nutrition, which will consist of specially prepared for the Scottish kitten of products.

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