How much is the liter of the Yada Scorpion. The most expensive fluids in the world

Each person knows that gold and platinum are one of the most expensive metals on the planet. Hardly someone can say their exact cost if he just does not work on the stock exchange. However, this is not important. Much more importantly, there are many expensive liquids in our world, significantly superior to any known metal. What kind of substances are such, we learn in this review.

1. Human blood

Yes, blood is really very expensive.

Human blood is a very expensive liquid. One liter of this substance will cost about 23 thousand Russian rubles. Blood, is the only liquid in this list, the high cost of which is explained by the complexity of its collection, and not at all. To collect blood, you need too many different specialists, equipment and time.

2. Gamma Hydroxybutirat

Now this drug is prohibited.

This substance costs about 160 thousand rubles per liter. It was originally used in medicine, as an anesthetic drug, as well as a means of insomnia and depression. At the moment, the production and distribution of this substance is announced outside the law. Similar to this is addictive patients to hydroxybutirate. Also, the drug acquired bad glory, as it became widely used by rapist. The thing is that the hydroxybutyrate does not have a pronounced taste and colors. Once in food or drinking a person, he makes it absolutely helpless.

3. Paint for printer

Who would have thought, but it is.

It is difficult to believe, but the paint for the printer costs 165 thousand rubles per liter. Thus, one drop of paint for the printer is more expensive than a drop of almost any premium champagne! It is noteworthy that the production of paints is very cheap. The high price is due to the need to collect funds for further typographical research and the creation of new types of ink and paints.

4. Mercury

It is difficult to extract mercury, but to look for it in the earth's depths - even more difficult.

Heavy metal, which uses in numerous industries. For one liter, you will have to give about 50 thousand rubles. It is worth recalling that mercury is the only metal in the periodic table, which remains liquid at room temperature. The high cost of mercury is mainly dictated by the complexity of the geological exploration of its natural deposits, as well as the long process of its production and subsequent chemical treatment.

5. Insulin

Today, insulin is obtained by a variety of ways, but it is still very expensive.

For one liter of insulin, you need to pay 140 thousand rubles per liter. This substance is naturally produced in human pancreas. It supports blood glucose at the required level, and also takes part in the exchange of fats. Previously, insulin was obtained from pancreatic cows and pigs. But Bole is dear, but at the same time and more efficient synthetic insulin was synthesized only in 1963.

6. Chanel number 5

Perfume, too, liquid!

For one liter of the spirits Chanel number 5 will have to give the shocking 400 thousand rubles per liter! The prestigious brand won his world famous than the 20s of the last century. To date, this branded perfume is considered one of the best in the world.

7. Blood of Suschevostov

Due to blood collection, these animals die out.

Slow vehicles are marine arthropods, whose blood has been widely used in pharmacology. The thing is that the chemical reagent is being made from their blood, which is used to test the purity. medical preparations. The secret is that the blood of swords is very quickly collapsed when bacteria in it gets into it. This feature allows you to identify bacteriological toxins. For one liter of blood, you need to give 900 thousand rubles.

8. LSD

Horrible and very dangerous hallucinogen.

9. Poison of the Royal Cobra

Poison cobra incredibly roads and useful.

Royal Cobra is the largest on the planet (in his form), and at the same time the most poisonous. One bite of cobra is able to dump a healthy adult elephant! This murderer has been widely used in pharmacology. From it, in particular, they make funds from Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's syndrome and schizophrenia.

10. Scorpion poison

Rare and expensive substance.

For one liter of Yada Scorpion, you can give stalking 587 million rubles. Thus, it is the poison of these tiny arthropods that is the most expensive fluid on the planet. In addition to their murderous effects, the Scorpio poison also has anti-inflammatory and painful effects. He is even able to stop growth cancer tumors! The high price of the liquid is due to the fact that it is incredibly difficult to get it.

As it infuriates, when all sorts of alcoholic drinks appear in numerous similar ratings on the Internet. What is their high cost? And in a bottle, finished diamonds and other jewels. Well, nonsense! And inside vodka like vodka. We recently discussed and nearby on the price tag, and let's now see what we have with a rating of liquids on the price tag. Many read articlesthat the most expensive fluid is ink to the printer, but this is not right.

We will not pay attention to the accuracy of the numbers - it is enough to understand the order. Even here it will be surprised ...

14. Liquid paper

Liquid Paper is a Newell Rubbermaid brand, under which the correctional liquid is manufactured, in the past used to correct text. Today, using liquid paper, you can create unique textures, add sparkles to it, use in needlework. As part of a liquid, soluble naphtha, mineral alcohols, resins, dispersants and flavors, from here and price.

For the first time about such heard at all.

13. Penicillin

Penicillin is a group of antibiotics, including Penicillin V, Penicillin G, Benzatin Penicillin and plot of Penicillin and is used to treat various infections.

Here is another widespread opinion

12. Patchouli essential oil

it essential oil Get out of fresh and dried leaves and colors of the pogonnem plant. This substance has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties, struggling with fever and fungus, kidney stones and unpleasant odors.

11. Blood man

In the body of an adult, approximately 5 liters of blood, which consists of plasma and cells weighted in it. No blood is impossible to function the body, and, even though more and more people become donors, the collection, processing and storage of blood require considerable investments. Hence such a price.

And you know what exists

10. Gamma hydroxymalassic acid (GHB)

GHB is also known as 4-hydroxybutaneic acid. This substance is used as an anesthetic and for the treatment of narcolepsy, insomnia, catapoles and alcoholism. GHB is also produced as a result of fermentation and is contained in small quantities in some wines, beef and small citrus. In many countries, the substance is prohibited for implementation.

9. Nail Polish

This is the price of the Essie brand, which produces one of the most persistent and bright nail polishes that provide a smooth coating. There are brands that sell nail polishes at an even higher price.

8. Black ink for printer

Surprised? We, too! Nevertheless, this is far from the ceiling. But it is about the original paint and cartridges of well-known manufacturers who spend huge money for improving technology, research and improved ink.

By the way, in defense of the opinion that the ink is the most expensive fluid in the world can be said that's what. As the basis was taken not only the final cost, but also the amount that is spent on the manufacture of fluid. And the cost of blood is the fee of its donors, as well as the cost of its further processing. Regarding penicillin, it can be said that its meaning is invaluance for human life. If scientists were not invented by this antibiotic, then, for sure, many innocent people would die. But, due to the fact that increasingly new antibiotics are produced, the cost of penicillin is lowered and lower. As a result, the price for this antibiotic is 10 times less than the price of ink.

And the ink cost is based on the cost of development and further production. According to many experts, and the developers themselves, the most expensive fluid itself, it can be said that their price is largely due to expensive and complex development. After all, only on scientific research on ink, the company annually spends about $ 1 billion. These costs appear due to unique ink properties, as well as special conditions for the use of fluid. It should be said that not all fluids can withstand the heating up to 300 degrees, it will be able to pass through a hole equal to about one third width of the human hair, and can also be instantly sprayed, and, afterwards, and quickly dry on paper.

In addition, it should be considered that the developers of printers earn not on the sale of paper or technological fluids, but, precisely, but ink. They sell printers at a fairly low price, but require the use of original ink. Thus, only for 3 refills, the manufacturers receive an amount equal to one new printer. But this is the topic of another conversation.

7. Mercury

Mercury is the only metal that is in the liquid state at room temperature. This substance is used for the production of thermometers, thermometers, in metallurgy, chemical industry and agriculture.

By the way, we had a discussion:

6. Insulin

Insulin is naturally synthesized by the pancreas of man, supports blood glucose levels and participates in the exchange of fats. It is a vital substance in diabetes.

5. Perfume Chanel No. 5

Probably there is no one person who would not hear about this legendary perfume. Receiving on sale in 1922, Chanel No. 5 Now for almost a century holds the leading position in the market. Its cost is due to the unique composition of the colors and the roots of rare plants.

4. Blue sword blood

Yellow Scorpio is differently called a "deadly hunter" or "suffocating death", and it is considered one of the most dangerous and deadly representatives of the spider-shaped. His poison refers to the strongest neurotoxins. By itself, it is not fatal, but can cause an anaphylactic shock (and he is already dangerous for life). But now it's not about that, but that this very poison - The most expensive fluid on Earth, it costs fabulous money.

A liter of Yellow Scorpio poison costs 10.3 million dollars (696 million rubles), but also to get it difficult. The poison is frozen by hand, and the scorpions themselves live on special farms, where they are waiting for their turn to help mankind.

There is quite a logical question: who gave up this poison, and even at that price? The fact is that it contains very rare and valuable components - for example, clamping, on the basis of which scientists develop a drug against cancer.

Precious chlochoxin affects the cancer cells, ignoring healthy fabrics. It is this selectivity of a substance for cancer cells gives hope to use it in the fight against the disease. If you connect chlochoxin with a radioisotope, then theoretically, it should deliver the radioactive substance directly to the tumor and stay there.

This is not the only use of chlochoxin, it can also help surgeons. If you connect a substance with a fluorescent dye, then the tumor will literally glow, which facilitates the work of the doctor, because it is not difficult to figure out where the tumor tissue ends and begins healthy. And this significantly increases the likelihood of removing all tumor cells.

In the wild, the nucleus of Scorpio leads to a rapid and long-term paralysis of his victims, which usually turn out to be insects, spiders and other scorpions. If a target was a man, then the poison can cause fever, strong pain, cramps, paralysis, coma and even death caused by stopping the work of the lungs.

Fortunately, a person dies from Zhala Scorpion in very rare cases. In the risk group, children and people with peaceful health or heart disease.

At the moment, the study of the Yellow Scorpio poison is actively continuing. First of all, they are aimed at treating brain cancer, since this type of tumor is difficult to remove with surgical intervention.

And a little about the yellow scorpions themselves. Usually the body length of an adult individual is 8-10 centimeters, coloring from straw yellow to yellow-orange. They, like many other insects, males are smaller, thinner and weaker females. And so they mate.

Scorpions live in North Africa, Turkey and the Arabian Peninsula, usually in dry desert areas (but not in the deserts themselves). They love to hide in cracks, crevices and under the stones (they are just flat bodies), sometimes buried to a depth of 20 centimeters.

Yellow scorpions lead a nightlife, they do not really good vision, but an excellent touch. And they perfectly feel the oscillations of sand and soil, which helps them understand the direction of movement of a potential victim.

By the way, the poison of yellow scorpions can also be used in the treatment sugar diabetes - Neurotoxins regulate insulin production.

Human blood, sulfur chalk number 5 and the poisons of natural origin - what can they unite them? Oddly enough - their highest price, as all of them are the most expensive fluids in the world.
Sixer of the most valuable fluids in the world is presented in this rating.
Nail polish - 240 dollars per liter

Nail polish, at first glance, does not seem something expensive. However, the contents of small bottles are quite valuable to get to the sixth place of our rating. Raw materials for the manufacture of varnish is nitrocellulose.

Human blood - 397 dollars per liter

Contrary to popular belief that due to mass donation, human blood is not rare, in fact, its price is high enough. The reason for this is the high cost of the processes of collection, storage and transportation of blood.

Spirits Chanel №5 - 6,878 dollars per liter

Perhaps the most famous spirits in the world, first come on sale in 1922. The composition created by the famous Frenchwoman Coco Chanel composition contains about 80 ingredients, the most expensive of which is a column rose. Chanel No. 5 used celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Catherine Denovev, Nicole Kidman and Audrey Tatu.

LSD - 32,539 dollars per liter

LSD is a psychoactive substance that was a favorite drug generation of "children's children" of the 60s of the last century. And at least no one bought it with liters, hypothetically, one liter would have enough of this substance to ensure the psychedelic "coast" for 15 thousand people.

Poison of the Royal Cobra - 40 476 dollars per liter

One bite of this poisonous snake May kill a person for 15 minutes. The royal cobra can deprive the life of even an elephant (death occurs after 3 hours). Cobra poison is used in medicine for many years to treat various pain.

Scorpio poison - 10 317 460 dollars per liter - the leader of our rating

Scorpions use their poison to protect against predators and for hunting. Among thousands of scorpion species, only 25 produces poison, mortally dangerous for humans. Why does this poison have such a high price? The case in the difficulty of obtaining this raw material and high demand for it - the protein contained in the Scorpion Yade is used in the treatment of rheumatism, stroke, intestinal inflammation and even brain cancer.

Yellow Scorpio is differently called a "deadly hunter" or "suffocating death", and it is considered one of the most dangerous and deadly representatives of the spider-shaped. His poison refers to the strongest neurotoxins. By itself, it is not fatal, but can cause an anaphylactic shock (and he is already dangerous for life). But now it's not about that, but that this very poison - The most expensive fluid on Earth, it costs fabulous money.

A liter of Yellow Scorpio poison costs 10.3 million dollars (696 million rubles), but also to get it difficult. The poison is frozen by hand, and the scorpions themselves live on special farms, where they are waiting for their turn to help mankind.

There is quite a logical question: who gave up this poison, and even at that price? The fact is that it contains very rare and valuable components - for example, clamping, on the basis of which scientists develop a drug against cancer.

Precious chlochoxin affects the cancer cells, ignoring healthy fabrics. It is this selectivity of a substance for cancer cells gives hope to use it in the fight against the disease. If you connect chlochoxin with a radioisotope, then theoretically, it should deliver the radioactive substance directly to the tumor and stay there.

This is not the only use of chlochoxin, it can also help surgeons. If you connect a substance with a fluorescent dye, then the tumor will literally glow, which facilitates the work of the doctor, because it is not difficult to figure out where the tumor tissue ends and begins healthy. And this significantly increases the likelihood of removing all tumor cells.

In the wild, the nucleus of Scorpio leads to a rapid and long-term paralysis of his victims, which usually turn out to be insects, spiders and other scorpions. If a man was a man, the poison may cause fever, strong pain, cramps, paralysis, coma and even death caused by stopping the work of the lungs.

Fortunately, a person dies from Zhala Scorpion in very rare cases. In the risk group, children and people with peaceful health or heart disease.

At the moment, the study of the Yellow Scorpio poison is actively continuing. First of all, they are aimed at the treatment of brain cancer, since this type of tumor is difficult to remove with surgery.

And a little about the yellow scorpions themselves. Usually the body length of an adult individual is 8-10 centimeters, coloring from straw yellow to yellow-orange. They, like many other insects, males are smaller, thinner and weaker females. And so they mate.

Scorpions live in North Africa, Turkey and the Arabian Peninsula, usually in dry desert areas (but not in the deserts themselves). They love to hide in cracks, crevices and under the stones (they are just flat bodies), sometimes buried to a depth of 20 centimeters.

Yellow scorpions lead a nightlife, they do not have very good eyesight, but a great touch. And they perfectly feel the oscillations of sand and soil, which helps them understand the direction of movement of a potential victim.

By the way, the poison of yellow scorpions can also be used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus - neurotoxins regulate insulin production.

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