Digestion. Physical and chemical processing of food is a complex process that is carried out by the digestive system

In the digestive apparatus, complex physico-chemical transformations of food, which are carried out due to motor, secretory and suction functions. In addition, the digestive system organs perform an excretory function, withdrawing from the body the remnants of undigested writing and some metabolic products.

Physical processing of food consists in its grinding, stirring and dissolving substances contained in it. Chemical changes in food occur under the influence of hydrolytic digestive enzymes produced by secretory cells of the digestive glands. As a result of these processes, sophisticated food substances split into simpler, which are absorbed into blood or lymph and participate in the exchange

the basic substances. B processing the food process loses its species specific properties, Turning into simple composite elements that can be used by the body.

In order to uniform and more complete digestion

it requires its mixing and movement through the gastrointestinal tract. This is provided by a motor function. digestive tract Due to the abbreviation smooth muscles Walls of the stomach and intestines. Their motor activity is characterized by peristaltics, rhythmic segmentation, pendulum movements and tonic reduction.

The secretory function of the digestive tract is carried out by the corresponding cells included in the composition salivary glands The oral cavity, the gastric and intestine glands, as well as the pancreas and liver. The digestive secret is an electrolyte solution containing enzymes and other substances. There are three groups of enzymes involved in digestion: 1) proteases that split proteins;

2) lipases that split fats; 3) carbohydrate carbohydrates. All digestive glands produce about 6-8 liters of the secretion per day, a significant part of which is subjected to reverse absorption in the intestine.

Digestive system It plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis due to its excretory function. The digestive glands are capable of separating a significant amount of nitrogenous compounds (urea, uric acid), water, salts, various medicinal and toxic substances into the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract. The composition and the amount of digestive juices may be a regulator of acid-alkaline state and a water-salt metabolic exchange in the body. There is a close relationship of the excretory function of the digestive organs with the functional state of the kidneys.

The study of the physiology of digestion is primarily merged by I. P. Pavlova and his students. They were developed new method Studies of the gastric secretion - a part of the stomach of the dog with the preservation of vegetative innervation was exhausted by the operational way. In this small ventricle, fistula was implanted, giving the opportunity to get clean gastric juice (without food impurities) at any stage of digestion. This made it possible to describe in detail the functions of digestive organs and reveal complex mechanisms their activities. In recognition of the merit I. P. Pavlov on the physiology of digestion, on October 7, 1904, the Nobel Prize was awarded. Further studies of the processes of digestion in the laboratory I. P. Pavlova revealed the mechanisms of activity of salivary and pancreas, liver and bowel glands. It was found that the higher the glands are located by the campaign of the digestive tract, the greater the nerve mechanisms in the regulation of their functions. The activities of the glands in the lower parts of the digestive tract are primarily adjustable.

Digestion in various departments of the gastrointestinal tract

The processes of digestion in different departments of the gastrointestinal tract have their own characteristics. These differences concern physical and chemical processing of food, motor, secretory, suction and excretory functions of digestive organs.

Digestion in the oral cavity

The processing of adopted food begins in the oral cavity. It occurs its grinding, wetting saliva, analysis of the taste properties of food, the initial hydrolysis of some nutrients and the formation of a food lump. Food in the oral cavity is delayed within 15-18 p. While in the oral cavity, food is annoying taste, tactile and temperature receptors of the mucous membrane and puffs of the language. The irritation of these receptors causes reflex acts of secretion of salivary, gastric and pancreatic glands, the yoy outlet in the duodenum, changes the engine activity of the stomach, and also has an important effect on the implementation of chewing, swallowing and flavoring food assessment.

After grinding and stratulating, food teeth are chemical processing due to the action of hydrolytic enzymes. The oral cavity opens the ducts of three groups of salivary glands: mucous, serous and mixed: numerous glands of the oral cavity and language isolated a mucous membrane rich in Muzin saliva, easy glands Secrets liquid, serous saliva, rich in enzymes, and submandibular and sublard - excrete mixed saliva. The protein substance of saliva Muzin makes the food lump as slippery, which facilitates swallowing food and promotion of her esophagus.

Slyutan - the first digestive juice, which contains hydrolytic enzymes that split carbohydrates. The enzyme saliva amylase (bird) turns starch in disaccharide, and the enzyme of Maltaza - Disaccharides in Monosaccharides. Therefore, with enough long-term chewing food containing starch, it acquires a sweet taste. The saliva also includes acidic and alkaline phosphatases, a small amount of proteolytic, lipolytic enzymes and nucleases. The saliva has pronounced bactericidal properties caused by the presence of a lizozyme enzyme in it dissolving bacteria sheaths. The total number of saliva, allocated per day, can be 1 -1.5 liters.

Food lump formed in the oral cavity moves to the root of the language and further comes into the throat.

The afferent impulsation in the irritation of the receptors of the oz and soft sky is transmitted by the fibers of a triple, languagehloxy and upper gentle nerve into the center of swallowing, located in the oblong brain. From here, the efferent impulses follow to the muscles of the larynx and pharynx, causing coordinated cuts.

As a result of the consistent reduction in these muscles, the food lump comes into the esophagus and then moves to the stomach. Liquid food passes the esophagus for 1 -2 C; Solid - for 8-10 s. With the completion of the act of swallowing, gastric digestion begins.

Digestion in the stomach

Digestive functions The stomach is to deposit food, its mechanical and chemical processing and gradual evacuation of food content through the gatekeeper in the duodenum. Chemical treatment of food is carried out by gastric juice, which a person is formed 2.0-2.5 liters per day. Gastric juice is released by numerous glands of the gastric body, which consist of the main, shepherd and additional cells. The main cells secrete the digestive enzymes, and the hydrochloric acid and the addition - mucus.

The main enzymes of the gastric juice are proteases and lipase. Proteisams include several pepsins, as well as gelatinase and hymosine. Pepsins are allocated in the form of inactive pepsinogen. The conversion of pepsinogen and active pepsin is carried out under the influence of hydrochloric acid. Pepsins split proteins to polypeptides. Further decay to amino acids occurs in the intestine. Himosin desires milk. Lipase of the gastric juice splits only emulsified fats (milk) on glycerin and fatty acids.

Gastric juice has a sour reaction (pH when digesting food is 1.5-2.5), which is due to the content of 0.4-0.5% hydrochloric acid in it. In healthy people for neutralization, 100 ml of gastric juice requires 40-60 ml of decinorormal alkali solution. This indicator is called the overall acidity of the gastric juice. Taking into account the volume of secretion and the concentration of hydrogen ions, the flow rate of free hydrochloric acid is also determined.

The mucus of the gastric juice (mucin) is a complex complex of glucoproteins and other proteins in the form of colloidal solutions. Muzin covers the gastric mucosa over the entire surface and protects it from mechanical damageand from self-extinguishing, as it has a pronounced anti-peptic activity and is able to neutralize hydrochloric acid.

The entire process of gastric secretion is made to divide into three phases: complexoreflex (brain), neurochemical (gastric) and intestinal (duodenal).

The secretory activity of the stomach depends on the composition and amount of incoming food. Meat food is a strong stimulus of the gastric glands, whose activities are stimulated for many hours. With carbohydrate food, the maximum separation of the gastric juice occurs in the complex theflex phase, then the secretion is reduced. Inhibitory effects on gastric secretion are fat, concentrated salts, acids and alkalis solutions.

The digestion of food in the stomach usually occurs within 6-8 hours. The duration of this process depends on the composition of food, its volume and consistency, as well as on the amount of gastric juice highlighted. Especially long in the stomach delayed fatty food (8-10 hours or more). Fluids go into the intestines immediately after their entry into the stomach.

Digestion They call the process of physical and chemical processing of food and turning it into simpler and soluble compounds that can be absorbed, tolerated with blood and absorbed by the body.

Water, mineral salts and vitamins coming with food are absorbed unchanged.

Chemical compounds used in the body as building materials and sources of energy (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) are called nutrients.Proteins, fats and carbohydrates coming from food are high molecular weight compounds that cannot be absorbed, transported and absorbed by the body. To do this, they must be brought to simpler compounds. Proteins are split to amino acids and their components, fats - to glycerol and fatty acids, carbohydrates - to monosaccharides.

Splitting (digestion) proteins, fats, carbohydrates occurs with digestive enzymes - The products secretion of salivary, gastric, intestinal glands, as well as the liver and pancreas. During the day in the digestive system, approximately 1.5 liters of saliva flow, 2.5 liters of gastric juice, 2.5 l of intestinal juice, 1.2 l bile, 1 l of pancreatic juice. Enzymes, split proteins - protease split fats - lipases splitting carbohydrates - amylase.

Digestion in the oral cavity.Mechanical and chemical processing of food begins in the oral cavity. Here, food is crushed, wetting saliva, analyzed its taste quality and the hydrolysis of polysaccharides begin and the formation of a food lump. The average duration of food in the oral cavity is 15-20 s. In response to irritation of taste, tactile and temperature receptors, which are located in the mucous membrane of the language and the walls of the oral cavity, large salivary glands allocate saliva.

Saliva It is a turbid liquid of a slightly alkaline reaction. Salus contains 98.5-99.5% water and 1.5-0.5% dry matter. The main part of the dry matter is mucus - muzin.The larger in the saliva Muzin, the more viscous and thick it. Muzin contributes to the formation, gluing the food lump and makes it easier to pushing it into the throat. In addition to Muzin, enzymes contain in saliva amylaza, Maltazaand ions NA, K, SA, etc. Under the action of the amylase enzyme in an alkaline medium, the cleavage of carbohydrates begins to disaccharides (maltose). Maltaza splits maltose to monosaccharides (glucose).

Various food substances cause a different and quality of saliva separation. The separation of saliva occurs reflexively, with the direct effect of food on the nerve ending of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity (unconditionally reflexive activity), as well as conditionally reflex, in response to olfactory, visual, auditory and other impacts (smell, food color, conversation about food ). Dry food is released more saliva than on a moisturized. Swallowing - This is a complex reflex act. The fierce, moistened saliva food turns into the oral cavity in the food lump, which moves the language, lips and cheeks to the root of the language. Irritation is transmitted to the oblongable brain to the center of swallowing and from here the nerve impulses come to the muscles of the pharynx, causing the act of swallowing. At this point in the entrance to nasal cavity Closed by a soft sky, the halter closes the entrance to the larynx, breathing is delayed. If a person is talking during a meal, then the entrance from the pharynx to the lad can not close, and food can get into the lumen of the larynx, in the respiratory tract.

From the mouth of the food lump falls into the mouth of the pharynx and then pushed into the esophagus. The wave-like cuts of the muscles of the esophagus promotes food into the stomach. All the path from the oral cavity to the stomach, firm food passes for 6-8 s, and liquid - for 2-3 s.

Digestion in the stomach.Food came from the esophagus in the stomach is in it up to 4-6 hours. At this time, under the action of gastric juice, food is digested.

Gastric juice, It is produced by glands of the stomach. This is a transparent colorless liquid having an acidic reaction due to the presence of hydrochloric acid (up to 0.5%). Gastric juice contains digestive enzymes pepsin, gastroin, lipase, pH juice 1-2.5. In the gastric juice a lot of mucus - muzin. Due to the presence of hydrochloric acid, gastric juice has high bactericidal properties. Since the glands of the stomach are isolated for 1,5-2.5 liters of gastric juice during the day, the food in the stomach turns into a liquid cleaner.

Pepsin and Gastricin enzymes are digested (cleaved) proteins to large particles - polypeptides (albumose and peptones), which are not able to suck in the capillaries of the stomach. Pepsin desires casein of milk, which in the stomach is hydrolyzed. Muzin protects the mucous membrane of the stomach from self-extinguishing. Lipasa catalyzes the splitting of fats, but it is small produced. Fats, used in solid form (fat, meat fats), in the stomach are not split, and they are moving into a small intestine, where under the influence of intestinal juice enzymes are split to glycerol and fatty acids. Salonic acid activates pepsins, promotes swelling and softening of food. If in the stomach of the alcohol, the action of Muzin is weakened, and then created favorable conditions To form an ulcer of the mucous membrane, for the occurrence of inflammatory phenomena - gastritis. The selection of the gastric juice begins after 5-10 minutes after the start of the meal. The secretion of the gastric glands continues all the time until food is in the stomach. The composition of the gastric juice and the speed of its selection depend on the amount and quality of food. Fat, strong sugar solutions, as well as negative emotions (anger, sadness) inhibit the formation of gastric juice. Strongly accelerate the formation and release of gastric juice extracts of meat and vegetables (broths from meat and vegetable products).

The release of the gastric juice occurs not only during the meal, but also conditionally reflex with the smell of food, her form, conversation about food. To digest food, an important role is played Motoric stomach. Two types of muscle contractions of the stomach walls are distinguished: peristol and peristaltics. When feeding food in the stomach, its musculature is reduced by tonically and the stomach walls tightly cover the nutritionals. Such an action of the stomach got a name peristoles. With peristol, the mucous membrane of the stomach is tightly in contact with food, highlighting the gastric juice immediately wets the food adjacent to its walls. Peristaltic abbreviations Musculatures in the form of waves apply to the gatekeeper. Thanks to the peristaltic waves, food is mixed and moves to the output from the stomach
in the 12th gossip.

Reduced muscles arise from an empty stomach. These are "hungry abbreviations" appearing every 60-80 minutes. In the stomach in the stomach of poor-quality food, rapidly irritating substances occurs in reverse peristalistic (antiperistaltics). In this case, vomiting occurs, which is a protective reflex reaction of the body.

After receipt of the portion of food into the 12-roster, its mucous membrane is irritated by the acidic content and mechanical effects of food. The pylorial sphincter at the same time reflexively closes the hole leading from the stomach in the intestine. After the appearance of an alkaline reaction in a 12-risk intestine in connection with the separation of bile and pancreatic juice in the intestine, a new portion of acidic content of the stomach is added. In the way, the edge of the stomach is ejected to the 12-roster .

The digestion of food in the stomach usually occurs within 6-8 hours. The duration of this process depends on the composition of food, its volume and consistency, as well as on the amount of gastric juice highlighted. Especially long in the stomach delayed fatty food (8-10 hours or more). Fluids go into the intestines immediately after their entry into the stomach.

Digestion in the small intestine.In the 12thistanchine, intestinal juice is produced by three types of glands: its own brunner glands, pancreas and liver. The enzymes secreted by the glands of the 12-sighted intestine play an active role in digesting food. The secret of these glands contains mucin that protects the mucous membrane and over 20 types of enzymes (proteases, amylase, material, invertase, lipase). About 2.5 liters of intestinal juice, having a pH of 7.2 - 8.6 produced per day.

Secretion of the pancreas ( pancreatic juice) colorless, has an alkaline reaction (pH 7.3-8.7), contains various digestive enzymes, splitting proteins, fats, carbohydrates. tripsina and himotrypsinproteins are digested to amino acids. Lipasa Splits fats to glycerol and fatty acids. Amylase and maltose digest carbohydrates to monosaccharides.

The secretion of the pancreas juice occurs reflexively in response to signals coming from receptors in the oral mucosa, and starts 2-3 minutes after the start of food. Then the release of pancreatic juice occurs in response to irritation of the mucous membrane of the 12-rosenous intestine with a sour food casket coming from the stomach. 1,5-2.5 liters of juice produced per day.

Bile, The resulting in the liver in the interval between meals, enters the gallbladder, where it is concentrated at 7-8 times by suction of water. During digestion when feeding food
In a 12-point gut, bile stands out in it both from the gallbladder and from the liver. Bile having golden yellow color contains bile acids, biliary pigments, cholesteroland other substances. During the day, 0.5-1.2 liters of bile is formed. It emulsizes fats to the smallest droplets and promoting suction, activates the digestive enzymes, slows down the grinding processes, enhances the peristaltics of the small intestine.

Yellowing And the arrival of bile in the 12-rift intestine is stimulated by the presence of food in the stomach and in the 12-risen intestine, as well as the view and smell of food and is regulated by nervous and humoral paths.

Digestion occurs both in the lumen of the small intestine, the so-called honey digestion, and on the surface of the micro-registry guts of the intestinal epithelium - wear digestion and is final stage Digestion of food, after which suction begins.

The final digestion of food and the absorption of transformation products occurs as the dietary masses move in the direction from the 12rred intestine into the ileum and further to the blind intestine. At the same time, two types of movement occur: peristaltic and pendulum-shaped. Peristaltic movements of the small intestine In the form of reduced waves, it occurs in its initial departments and run to a blind intestine, stirring the nutritionals with intestinal juice, which speeds up the process of digesting food and promoting it towards the colon. For penduline movements of the small intestine Its muscular layers on a short plot are reduced, then relax, moving the nutritionals in the intestine of the intestine in one, then in other directions.

Digestion in the colon.Food digestion ends mainly in the small intestine. From the small intestine, not sedentary food residues enter the colon. The brown of colon is small, they produce digestive juices with a small content of enzymes. The epithelium covering the surface of the mucous membrane contains a large number of glass-shaped cells, which are single-cellular mucous glands that produce thick, viscous mucus needed for the formation and removal of carts.

A large role in the vital activity of the body and functions of the digestive tract is played by the microflora of the thick bowel, where billions of various microorganisms (anaerobic and dairy bacteria, intestinal wand, etc.) are inhabited. The normal microflora of the large intestine takes part in the implementation of several functions: protects the body from harmful microbes; Participates in the synthesis of a number of vitamins (vitamins of group B, Vitamin K, E) and other biologically active substances; Inactivates and decomposes the enzymes (trypsin, amylase, gelatinase, etc.), received from the small intestine, causes rotting proteins, and also sews and digested fiber. Tolstoy's movements are very slow, so about half of the time spent on the digestive process (1-2 days), it goes to move the residues of food, which contributes to more complete suction of water and nutrients.

Up to 10% of the meal (with mixed nutrition) is not absorbed by the organism. The remains of the dietary masses in the colon are compacted, glued with mucus. The stretching of the wheel masses of the rectum walls causes a reflectance that occurs reflexively.

11.3. Suction processes in various departments
digestive tract and it age peculiarities

Suction The process of receipt of blood and lymph of various substances from the digestive system is called. Suction is a complex process that includes diffusion, filtering and osmosis.

The most intensive suction process is carried out in the small intestine, especially in the skinny and tedious guts, which is determined by their large surface. Numerous patches of the mucous membrane and microwave epitheliocytes of the small intestine form a huge suction surface (about 200 m 2). Vile Thanks to their extensive and relaxing smooth muscle cells, work as suction micron pumps.

Carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood mainly in the form of glucose, Although other hexoses (galactose, fructose) can be absorbed. Suction takes place predominantly in the 12-robes and the upper part of the intestine, but partially can be carried out in the stomach and the tolstish intestine.

Proteins are absorbed into the blood in the form of amino acids and in small quantities in the form of polypeptides through the mucous membranes of the 12-rings and the skinny intestine. Some amino acids can be absorbed in the stomach and proximal part of the large intestine.

Fats are absorbed mostly in lymph in the form of fatty acids and glycerinonly in the upper part of the small intestine. Fatty acids are insoluble in water, so their suction, as well as the absorption of cholesterol and other lipoids occurs only in the presence of bile.

Water and some electrolytes Pass through the membranes of the mucous membrane of the digestive channel in both directions. Water passes through diffusion, and in its suction big role Hormonal factors play. The most intense absorption occurs in the thick intestine. Solutions dissolved in water, potassium and calcium salts are absorbed mainly in the small intestine by the mechanism of active transport, against the concentration gradient.

11.4. Anatomy and physiology and age features
digestive glands

Liver- The largest digestive gland, has a soft consistency. Its mass in an adult is 1.5 kg.

The liver is involved in the exchange of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins. Among the numerous liver functions, protective, borchative, etc. In the womb period, the liver is also a hematome organ. Poisonous substances that entered the blood from the intestine, in the liver neutralize. Loaded here and alien proteins for the body. This important function of the liver is called barrier.

The liver is located in abdominal cavity Under the diaphragm in the right hypochondrium. Through the gateway, the liver includes a gorgeous vein, hepatic artery and nerves, and overall liver ducts and lymphatic vessels. In front of the front is a gallbubble, and in the back lies the bottom hollow vein.

The liver from all sides is covered with peritoneum, except for the rear surface, where the peritoneum from the diaphragm goes to the liver. Under the trouser is a fibrous shell (glissonov capsule). Thin coupling interlayers inside the liver separate its parenchyma on the slices of the prismatic shape with a diameter of about 1.5 mm. In the layers between the slices there are interdolt branches of the carrier vein, hepatic artery, bile dockswhich form the so-called portal zone (hepatic triad). Blood capillaries in the center lobes fall into the central vein. The central veins merge with each other, are enlarged and ultimately form 2-3 liver veins flowing into the lower hollow vein.

Hepatocytes (hepatic cells) in slices are located in the form of hepatic beams, between which the blood capillaries pass. Each hepatic beam is built of two rows of hepatic cells, between which the gall capillary is located inside the beam. Thus, the hepatic cells in one side are adjacent to the blood capillary, and the other side is addressed to the bustling capillary. Such a relationship of hepatic cells with blood and bull capillaries allows metabolic products to flow from these cells to blood capillaries (proteins, glucose, fats, vitamins and others) and in bile capillaries (bile).

The newborn liver of large sizes and occupies more than half of the abdominal cavity. The mass of the liver of a newborn 135 g, which is 4.0-4.5% of body weight, in adults - 2-3%. The left lobe of the liver is equal to the right or more of it. The lower edge of the liver is convex, the colon is located under its left share. In the newborn, the lower edge of the liver on the right medium-wide line protrudes from under the rib arc by 2.5- 4.0 cm, and on the front median line - by 3.5-4.0 cm below mesia-shaped process. After seven years, the lower edge of the liver from under the rib arc no longer comes out: only the stomach is located under the biscuits. In children, the liver is very mobile, and its position is easily changed when the body position changes.

Gall-bubble It is a tank for bile, its container is about 40 cm 3. The wide end of the bubble forms the bottom, narrowed - its neck, moving into the bubble duct, in which bile enters the bubble and stands out from it. Between the bottom and the neck is the body of the bubble. The wall of the bubble outside is formed by a fibrous connective tissue, has a muscle and mucous membrane, forming folds and villi, which contributes to intensive suction of water from bile. The bile on the bile duct goes into the 12-rift gut 20-30 minutes after meals. In the intervals between food intakes, the bile enters the bubble in the gallbladder, where its accumulation and an increase in the concentration of 10-20 times due to the absorption of water with the wall of the gallbladder.

The bubble in a newborn elongated (3.4 cm), but the bottom does not protrude it from under the lower edge of the liver. By 10-12 years, the length of the gallbladder increases by about 2-4 times.

Pancreas has a length of about 15-20 cm and mass
60-100 g. It is located nearby, on the back abdominal wall in the level of I-II lumbar vertebrae. The pancreas consists of two glands - exocrine, producing 500-1000 ml of pancreatic juice for a day, and endocrine, producing hormones, controlling carbohydrate and fatty exchange.

The exocrine part of the pancreas is a complex alveolar-tubular gland, separated by slice of thin connecting and mounted partitions separated from the capsule. Solk glands consist of acinuses having a form of bubbles formed by iron cells. The secret emitted by cells, on intra-robes and interdollakovy flows, comes into the total pancreatic duct opening into a 12-point intestine. The branch of the pancreas occurs reflexively 2-3 minutes after the start of the meal. The amount of juice and the content in it enzymes depend on the type and quantity of food. Pancreas contains 98.7% water and dense substances, mainly proteins. The juice has enzymes: tripsinogen - splitting proteins, Erepsin - splitting albumosis and peptones, lipase - splitting fats to glycinic and fatty acids and amylases - splitting starch and milk sugar to monosaccharides.

The endocrine part is formed by groups of small cells forming pancreatic islands (langganans) with a diameter of 0.1-0.3 mm, the number of which in an adult fluctuates from 200 thousand to 1800 thousand. Island cells produce insulin hormones and glucagon.

The pancreas of the newborn is very small, its length is 4-5 cm, the mass is 2-3 g. By 3-4 months, the mass of the gland is doubled, to three years reaches 20 g. In 10-12 years, the mass of the gland is equal to 30 g . In newborns, the pancreas are relatively movable. The topographic relationships of the gland with neighboring organs characteristic of an adult are installed in the first years of the child's life.

Physical and chemical treatment of food is a complex process that is carried out by the digestion system, including the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, thin and large intestines, direct intestine, as well as pancreas and liver with a bubble bubble and bustle.

The study functional state The digestive organs matters mainly to assess the health of athletes. Violations of the functions of the digestive system are observed in chronic gastritis, ulcerative disease, etc. Such diseases such as peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenal intestine, chronic cholecystitis, athletes are found quite often.

The diagnosis of the functional state of the digestive organs is based on comprehensive application Clinical (history, inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation), laboratory (chemical and microscopic examination of the contents of the stomach, duodenum, gallbladder, intestines) and instrumental (x-ray and endoscopic) research methods. Currently, plusized morphological studies are carried out all wider using organ biopsy (for example, liver).

In the process of collecting anamnesis, athletes find out the complaints, the state of appetite, clarify the mode and nature of nutrition, calorieness of the food taken, etc. Drawing attention to the state of the teeth, gums and language (normal, the color is wet, pink, without fall), color Skin, eye sclera and soft sky (in order to detect jaundice), the form of a belly (meteorism causes an increase in abdomen in the location of the affected intestinal department). When palpation, the presence of pain points in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, liver and gallbladder, intestines are revealed; Determine the condition (dense or soft) and the pain of the edge of the liver, if it is increased, even small tumors in the digestion organs. With the help of percussion, it is possible to determine the size of the liver, reveal the inflammatory effusion due to peritonitis, as well as a sharp bloating of individual intestinal loops, etc. Auscultatively, in the presence of gas and liquid in the gastric and liquid, the "Roll noise" syndrome is detected; Auscultation of the abdomen is an indispensable method when identifying changes in the peristaltic (strengthening or absence) of the intestine, etc.

The secretory function of the digestive organs is studied by examining the content of the contents of the stomach, duodenum, gallbladder, etc., as well as with the help of radiotelemetric and electrometric research methods. Radio capsules swallowed by the subject are miniature (1.5 cm size) radio transmitters. They allow them to be obtained directly from the stomach and intestines information about the chemical properties, temperature and pressure in the digestive tract.

Common laboratory method Intestinal studies are a capro method: a description of the appearance of feces (color, consistency, pathological impurities), microscopy (detection of the simplest organisms, worms, the definition of untapped food particles, blood elements) and chemical analysis (definition of pH, soluble enzyme protein, etc. ).

Important in the study of digestive organs is currently acquired by lifetime morphological (x-ray, endoscopy) and microscopic (cytological and histological methods) methods. The appearance of modern fibrogastroscopes has significantly expanded the possibilities of endoscopic studies (gastroscopy, rectoroscopy).

The violation of the function of the digestive system is one of the incorrect causes of reducing sports efficiency.

Acute gastritis usually develops as a result of food current-sico infection. The disease occurs sharply and accompanied strong pools In the episodes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Objectively: language is covered, the belly is soft, spilled soreness in the opposite region. The general condition deteriorates due to dehydration and loss of electrolytes with vomit masses and diarrhea.

Chronic gastritis is the most common disease of the digestive system. In athletes, it often develops as a result of intensive workouts against the background of rational nutritional disorders: irregular meals, use of unusual food, spices, etc. Athletes complain about the loss of appetite, sour exhaust, heartburn, feeling of breach, gravity and pain in the epigastric area, Usually increasing after meals, an episodically emerging vomiting of sour taste. Treatment is carried out by conventional methods; Training and participation in competitions during treatment are prohibited.

The ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum is a chronic recurrent disease, developing among athletes as a result of the disorders of the central nervous system and hyperfunction of the system of the "pituitary-bark of adrenalities" under the influence of large psycho-emotional stresses associated with competitive activities.

The leading place for ulcerative diseases of the stomach occupy epic-gastral pains arising directly during food or 20-30 minutes after meals and calming after 1.5-2 hours; Pains depend on the volume and nature of food. With ulcerative disease, the duodenum predominate "hungry" and night pain. From dyspeptic phenomena is characterized by heartburn, nausea, vomiting, constipation; Appetite is usually saved. Patients often complain about increased irritability, emotional lability, fast fatigue. The main objective sign of ulcers - the soreness of the front abdominal wall. Sports at ulcerative disease are contraindicated.

Often, when examining athletes, there are complaints of pain in the field of liver during the performance of physical exertion, which is diagnosed as a manifestation of hepatic-pain syndrome. Pains in the field of liver arise, as a rule, during the execution of long and intensive loads, do not have harbingers and are acute. Often they are stupid or permanent. Often there is an irradiation of pain in the back and the right blade, as well as a combination of pain with a feeling of gravity in the right hypochondrium. Termination exercise Or the reduction of its intensity helps reduce pain or their disappearance. However, in some cases, pain can be maintained for many hours and in the restorative period.

Initially, the pain appear by chance and not often, later they begin to disturb the athlete almost every training session or competition. Pains may be accompanied by dyspetic disorders: a decrease in appetite, a feeling of nausea and bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, belonging to air, an unstable chair, constipation. In some cases, the athletes complain of headaches, dizziness, increased irritability, stitching pain in the heart, the feeling of weakness, amplifying during physical exertion.

Objectively, most athletes have an increase in the size of the liver. At the same time, the edge protrudes from under the rib arc by 1-2.5 cm; It is compacted and painful when palpation.

The reason for the occurrence of this syndrome is not clear to the present. Some researchers associate the appearance of pain with the interpretation of the hepatic capsule due to the overalling of the liver with blood, others, on the contrary, with a decrease in the blood flow of the liver, with the phenomena of intrahepheat blood stagnation. There are guidance on the connection of the hepatic-pain syndrome with the pathology of the digestive organs, with impaired hemodynamics against the background of an irrational training regime, etc. Electronic microscopic studies (biopsy) liver in such athletes in some cases allow to identify morphological changes in it that can be associated with transferred Earlier with viral hepatitis, as well as with the occurrence of hypoxic states when performing loads that do not correspond to the functional capabilities of the body.

The prevention of diseases of the liver, gallbladder and boring-withdrawing paths is mainly due to the observance of the food regime, the main positions of the workout mode and a healthy lifestyle.

Treatment of athletes with hepatic-pain syndrome should be aimed at eliminating diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract, as well as other concomitant diseases. From training sessions and even more so participation in competitions during the treatment of athletes should be removed.

Forecast of growth of sports results on early stages Syndrome is favorable. In cases of its persistent manifestation, athletes are usually forced to stop sports.

1. The digestion is the process of physical and chemical processing of food, as a result of which it turns into simple chemical compounds digestible by cells of the body.

2. I.P.Pavlov developed and widely implemented the method of chronic fistula, revealed the basic laws of the activities of various departments of the digestive system and the mechanisms for regulating the secretory process.

3. The saliva in an adult is formed in a day of 0.5-2 liters.

4. Muzin is the general name of glycoproteins that are part of the secrets of all mucous glazed glazes. Performs the role of lubricant, protects cells from mechanical damage and from protein protease protein enzymes.

5. Palm (amylase) splits starch (polysaccharide) to maltose (disaccharide) in a slightly alkaline environment. Contained in saliva.

6. There are three methods for studying the secretion of the gastric jelly method of overlaying the stomach fistula in V.A. Basov, the method of esophagotomy combination with the fistula of the stomach V.A. Basova, the method of isolated Mals ventricle by I.P. Pavlov.

7. Pepsinogen is produced by the main cells, hydrochloric acid - by cladding, mucus - the addition cells of the gastric glands.

8. The composition of the gastric juice, in addition to water and minerals, includes enzymes: pepsinogens of two fractions, chemicalsine (rennet enzyme), gelatinase, lipase, lysozyme, as well as gastromukoprotein (internal factor V.Kasla), hydrochloric acid, mucin (mucus) and hormone Gastrin.

9. Hymosin - the rennet stomach enzyme acts on milk proteins, leading it to work (available only in newborns).

10. Lipase of the gastric juice splits only emulsified fat (milk) on glycerin and fatty acids.

11. Gastrin hormone produced by the mucous membrane of the gastric part of the stomach, stimulates the secretion of the gastric juice.

12. An adult per day is distinguished by 1.5-2 liters of pancreas.

13. Carbohydrate pancreatic enzymes: amylase, maltaz, lactase.

14. Secretin is a hormone formed in the mucous membrane of the duodenum under the influence of hydrochloric acid, stimulates the pancreas. For the first time was allocated by English physiologists, W. Baylis and E.starling in 1902.

15. During the adult, 0.5-1.5 liters of bile stands out in an adult.

16. The main components of bile are bile acids, biliary pigments and cholesterol.

17. Bile increases the activity of all the pancreatic juice enzymes, especially lipases (15-20 times), emulsifies fats, contributes to the dissolution of fatty acids and their suction, neutralizes the acidic reaction of the gastric chimney, enhances the stuffing of the pancreas, intestinal peristalsis, has a bacteriostatic effect on intestinal Flora, participates in the trim digestion.

18. Intestinal juice stands out in an adult per day 2-3 liters.

19. The composition of the intestinal juice includes the following protein enzymes: trypsinogen, peptidase (leucinopeptidases, aminopeptidases), Catexin.

20. In the intestinal juice there are lipase and phosphatase.

21. Humoral regulation of juice in the small intestine is carried out by exciting and braking hormones. The exciting hormones include: enterocrinin, cholecystokinin, gastrin, to braking - secretine, gastric brake polypeptide.

22. Hanging digestion is carried out by enzymes entered into the cavity of the small intestine and affect the large-molecular weight food substances.

23. There are two fundamental differences:

a) according to the object of action - the weight digestion is effective when splitting large food molecules, and intricate - intermediate hydrolysis products;

b) on topography - Lucky digestion is maximally in the duodenum and decrease in the caudal direction, which has a maximum value in the upper sections of the cushion.

24. The movements of the small intestine contribute to:

a) thorough mixing of food casket and better digestion of food;

b) pushing the food casher towards the Tolstoy Intestine.

25. In the process of digestion, the thicker intestine plays a very small role, since the digestion and suction of food ends mainly in the small intestines. In the thick intestine, only the absorption of water and the formation of carts occurs.

26. Microflora of the Tolstoystone destroys the unknown in the small intestine of amino acids, forming a poisonous substance for the body, including indole, phenol, scatol, which are neutralized in the liver.

27. Suction is the universal physiological process of the transition of water and dissolved in it nutrients, salts and vitamins from the digestive channel into blood, lymph and further into the inner medium of the body.

28. The main suction process is carried out in duodenum, skinny and iliac guts, i.e. In the small intestine.

29. Proteins are absorbed in the form of various amino acids and PPO) peptides in a small intestine.

30. A person has absorbed to 12 liters of water for a day, of which most of (8-9 l) falls on digestive juices, and the remaining part (2-3 l) is on the accepted food and water.

31. Physical processing of food in the digestive channel is its grinding, stirring and dissolution, chemically - in splitting proteins, fats, carbohydrates by enzymes to simpler chemical compounds.

32. Functions of the gastrointestinal tract: motor, secretory, incretorial, excretory, absorbent, bactericidal.

33. The composition of saliva in addition to water and minerals includes:

enzymes: amylase (bird), maltase, lysozyme and protein mucous meal - Muzin.

34. Maltaza Slyuna splits Disacharide Maltose to glucose in a slightly alkaline medium.

35. Pepticogens of two fractions when exposed to hydrochloric acid to be transmitted to active enzymes - pepsin and gastroin and split different types of proteins to albumosis and peptons.

36. Geitinism - the protein enzyme of the stomach, splitting protein connective tissue - gelatin.

37. Gastromukoprotein (internal factor V. Kasla) is necessary for the absorption of vitamin B 12 and forms a anti-diamemine substance with it, which protects from malignant anemia Taddison - A.Birmer.

38. The discovery of the pylorial sphincter contributes to the presence of an acidic medium in the pylorical sector of the stomach and alkaline medium in the duodenum.

39. A adult per day is allocated 2-2.5 liters of gastric juice

40. Protein enzymes Pancreatic juice: tripsinogen, tripsinogen, pancreatopeptidase (elastase) and carboxypeptidase.

41- "enzyme enzyme" (I.P.Pavlov) enterokinase catalyzes the transformation of trypsinogen in trypsin, is in the duodenum and in upper Department with mesenteric (thin) intestine.

42. Fat fivo enzymes of the pancreas: phospholipase A, Lipase.

43. The hepatic bile contains water 97.5%, dry residue -2.5%, in bubble bile - water - 86%, dry residue - 14%.

44. In the hepatic bile, in contrast to bubble more water, less dry residue and no mucin.

45. Tripsin activates enzymes in the duodenalist:

himotrypsinogen, Parmatypeptidase (elastas), carboxypeptidase, phospholipase A.

46. \u200b\u200bEnzyme Catexin acts on protein components of food in a weakly acidic medium created by the intestine microflora, sugar - on reed sugar.

47. In the juice of the small intestine, there are the following carbohydrate enzymes: amylase, maltase, lactase, sugar (invertase).

48. In the small intestine, depending on the localization of the digestive process, two types of digestion are distinguished: a honest (distant) and antenna (membrane, or contact).

49. Priest digestion (A.M. Golovyev, 1958) is carried out by digestive enzymes fixed on the cell membrane of the small intestine mucosa and providing the intermediate and final stages of the splitting of food substances.

50. The bacteria of the thick intestine (intestinal wand, bacteria of lactic fermentation, etc.) perform mostly a positive role:

a) split the rude plant fiber;

b) form a milk acid having an antiseptic effect;

c) Synthesize vitamins of groups B: Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine). B 12 (cyanocobalamin), in 5 ( foliic acid), Pp (nicotine acid), H (biotin), as well as vitamin K (aptigemorgic);

d) suppress the reproduction of pathogenic microbes;

e) inactivate the enzymes of the small intestine.

51.Teeter-like motions of the small intestine provide mixing of food casher, peristaltic - movement of food towards the colon.

52. Tolstoy intestine in addition to pendulum and peristaltic movements inherent in a special type of reduction: mass reduction ("peristaltic throws"). It rarely occurs: 3-4 times a day, captures most of the colon and ensures rapid emptying of its significant sections.

53. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity has a small absorption capacity, mainly for nitroglycerin medicinal substances, validol, etc.

54. The duodenum is absorbing water, minerals, hormones, amino acids, glycerol and fatty acid salts (approximately 50-60% of proteins and most of the foods).

55. Villages are grown mucous membranes of the small intestine of a finger shape with a length of 0.2-1 mm. By 1 mm 2 of them from 20 to 40, and in total in the small intestine about 4-5 million Village.

56. In the thick intestine, the suction of nutrients is insignificant. But in small amounts of glucose, amino acids are still absorbed here. This is based on the use of so-called nutritional enema. The water is absorbed in the thick intestine well (from 1.3 to 4 liters per day). In the mucous membrane of the large intestine, there are vile, similar to the Villages of the small intestine, but there are microvills.

57. Carbohydrates are absorbed into blood in the form of glucose, galactose and fructose in the upper and middle sectors of the small intestine.

58. Water absorption begins in the stomach, but most of it is absorbed in the small intestine (up to 8 l per day). The rest of the water (from 1.3 to 4 liters per day) is absorbed in the thick intestine.

59. The sodium, potassium salt dissolved in water, calcium in the form of chlorides or phosphates is absorbed mainly in the small intestines. The absorption of these salts affects their content in the body. So, with a decrease in calcium in the blood, suction takes place much faster. Monovalent ions are absorbed faster than polivalent. Bivalent Ions of Iron, Zinc, Manganese are very slowly absorbed.

60. The food center is a complex formation, the components of which are located in the oblong brain, the hypothalamus and the core of the big brain and are functionally combined with each other.

With the normal functioning of the body, its growth and development requires high energy costs. This energy is spent on increasing the size of organs and muscles with growth, as well as in the process of human life in motion, maintaining constant temperature Body, etc. The arrival of this energy is provided by regular food intake, which contains complex organic substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), mineral salts, vitamins and water. All listed substances are also needed to maintain biochemical processes that proceed in all organs and tissues. Organic compounds are also used as building material with the growth of the body and reproduce new cells in return die.

The main nutrients are in the form and in the form, as they are in food, are not perceived by the organism. Thus, it can be concluded that they must be subjected to special processing - digestion.

Digestion - This is the process of physical and chemical processing of food, turning it into simpler and soluble compounds. Such simpler compounds can be absorbed, tolerated by blood, absorbed by the body.

Physical processing is grinding of food, its mistress, dissolution. Chemical changes are made in complex reactions that occur in various departments of the digestive system, where under the action of enzymes that are in the secrets of the digestive glands, the splitting of complex insoluble organic compounds in food are cleavage.

They turn into soluble and easily absorbed by the organism of the substance.

Enzymes Present biological catalysts that are allocated by the body. They are distinguished by certain specificity. Each enzyme acts only on strictly defined chemical compounds: some split proteins, others - fats, third - carbohydrates.

In the digestive system, as a result of chemical processing, proteins are converted into a set of amino acids, fats are split to glycerol and fatty acids, carbohydrates (polysaccharides) - to monosaccharides.

In each specific digestive system, specialized food processing operations are carried out. They, in turn, are associated with the presence of specific enzymes in each of the digestive departments.

Enzymes are produced in various digestive organs, among which the pancreas, liver and gallbladder should be selected separately.

System of digestive organs includes purph cavity With three pairs of large salivary glands (varnish, sublard and submandibular salivary glands), throat, esophagus, stomach, thin gut, which includes duodenum (It opens the liver and pancreatic ducts, skinny and iliac), and the thick intestine, which includes blind, rim and straight intestine. In the colonist, the rising, descending and sigmoid guts can be distinguished.

In addition, such as the process of digestion internal organslike liver, pancreas, gallbladder.

I. Kozlova

"Man's digestive system" - article from the section

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