Therapeutic properties of essential oils. Fragrances of health and love: how to apply essential oils

In this article, we will explore the most interesting, mysterious and even magical properties of essential oils, areas of their use, and for the convenience of perception, some of the information we reduce the table.

Varieties of essential oils

Through thousands of years, humanity is known to humanity antimicrobial and antibacterial capabilities of essential oils. Even in the Bible there are mentions of such essential oils as Laurel, Myrt, Ladan, Sandal. They are mentioned in the writings of the great drugs of the past Hippocratic and Avicenna.

Over the past decade, more than 500 studies on the study of the properties and regions of the use of essential oils, aromatherapy, their results are published, are systematized in tables and are accessible to the study of all those who wish.

So, what are the varieties of oils?

According to the method of prey

Without identifying the main varieties and subspecies, it does not make sense to study such an extensive issue as essential oils: properties and use. The table below shows their varieties according to the production method.

Source of production Variety of oil
BerryCarnation, fragrant pepper, juniper.
WoodCamfar, Sandal, Rosewood.
SeedsMuscata, Sandal, Anis, Celery, Tsmin.
BarkCinnamon, Cassia (Chinese Cinnamon), relatives of Lavra Sassafras.
Row Ginger, Pepper Stripe (Calgan).
ResinMirra, Ladan, styractive tree, benzoin.
LeavesLavr, Basil, Sage, Eucalyptus, Patchouli, Pine, Mint, Thyme, Rosemary, Lemongrass, Cinnamon, Tea Tree, Oregano, Buch.
PeelOrange, Mandarin, Lemon, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot.
SocuagementOrange, Muscata Sage, Chamomile, Hemp, Jasmine, Hop, Lavender, Ylang-Ylang, Mayran, Damaska \u200b\u200bRosa.

Tip! Note that from the same plants can produce various types of oils, such as sandalwood. Add a few of its drops to the tablespoon of olive oil and carry into the skin with massage movements. This mixture has wonderful anti-aging properties.

  • distillation (from leaves and bark) - separation on fractions and evaporation of liquid component;
  • extraction (from inflorescences, petals and roots). In special devices-extractors, raw materials are combined with a special substance by an extractant, which is after removed, as a result, a clean, high-quality essential oil remains;
  • pressing (from peel and fruit) - mechanical spin.

By the nature of the impact on a person

By observing people identified the ability of these volatile compounds in different ways to influence our body. This explains a variety of, sometimes straight magic properties of essential oils and their scope. The table below shows the most interesting of them.

It was noticed that the smells of some herbs, colors and seeds are delivered from the fatigue, the consequences of stressful situations and neurosis. There are flavors for the awakening of passion, raising the mood, fighting the feeling of fear. And there are essential oils with their own magic (they are also present in our table), their properties and scope are more unique, they are used to restore such a fine matter as an aura, with damage caused by someone else's ill-witness and envy.

Tip! Cap just a couple of chamomile oil droplets on a table lamp, a wonderful rich aroma will be separated around the room, the sensations of peace contributing to thought and meditations.

Medical and cosmetic properties

The spectrum of biological activity of essential oils is very wide. Some of them are excellent spasmolitis, facilitate headache, other antiseptics, they are recommended for processing wounds and cutting cuts, there are oils for soothing and, on the contrary, excitation of the nervous system, stimulating mental activity.

At the same time, almost any of them refer to potent drugs capable of providing both assistance and harm, with fuzzy compliance with recommendations for use. Therefore, a thorough and methodical study requires such a question as essential oils: properties and use. The table below will help facilitate this difficult task (position marked with the "*" icon should not be used in the Sun).

Tip! Slowing out, apply diluted lavender oil on the wound. You will be pleasantly surprised by the wound healing rate.

Features of the use of essential oils

The simplest way to secure the essential oil is to dilute it with water. When conducting cosmetic and medical procedures, it is most often necessary to mix oil with a base, in the role of which can perform, milk, honey, wax, cream, lotion, but most often it serves another transport oil. They are called a series of vegetable oils, which have both solid (shi oil), and liquid texture (olive, sea buckthorn, coconut, almond and others). The purpose of the transport oil is to ensure the penetration of the essential in the skin to provide therapeutic effect.

Tip!In order to avoid burns, do not use essential oils in a clean not diluted form, especially for children, if the opposite is not specified in the recommendations for use. Also refrain from aromatherapy to pregnant and allergies.

Most often, essential oils are used for the following procedures:

  • baths and baths;
  • massages;
  • inhalation;
  • compresses;
  • improvement and enrichment of cosmetic drugs;
  • aromatherapy with lamps and stones;
  • aromacons.

Special magic enclosed in the properties of essential oils so that their use does not turn into harm, use the dosage table.

Essential oils - Natural aromatic compoundsextractable from different parts of plants - wood bark, stem, leaf, flower, root or seed. They are the quintessence of the plant, since they contain all their biological benefits in concentrated form. In ancient times, distillation was considered to be extracted from the plant his spirit and vitality - therefore it often had a religious and mystical meaning.

As a rule, essential oils are extracted from the plant by the method of steam distillation. There are other methods of their production, such as the use of a cold press, distillation with water, using sorbents and selective solvents, but the use of steam is the easiest and most affordable path, widespread in today's industry.

The effect of essential oils is determined by the concentration of various chemical compounds in them, as well as the frequency of their use, using the use and dosage. Also a significant impact on the effect has the quality and purity of the product.

The quality product evaporates at room temperature, and if it drops onto a paper napkin, it will not leave fat traces.

Essential compounds have always been essential components in cosmetology, natural medicine, aromatherapy and many other things. Natural essential oils - this gift of naturestanding on the protection of beauty hair, health and inner harmony. All the secrets of this amazing product are barely fit in book volumes, but there is that necessary information, which is more than enough for an ordinary inquisitive person seeking to get the most out of this natural nectar of health and beauty. You will learn history, methods and features of use, as well as find a universal table of use of various essential oils for different purposes.

The history of the use of essential oils

Essential oil can be called an oldest healing substance, which was used by thousands of people around the world in different, sometimes unexpected purposes for us. Their use was so common in various ancient civilizations, which is still impossible to clearly determine in which region of the world and at what period of their time they first began to produce, apply and study.

  • Ancient Egypt

It has long been proven by history and archeology that in Egypt more than 4 millennia BC has already been used by etheric substances. The Egyptians were removed from trees and other plants and converted them to therapeutic substances, tools for beauty, skin care and other similar purposes. To the flourishing of Egyptian civilization, the consumption of essential oils was strongly limited - the Egyptians recognized them by the "divine nectar", which only priests could use directly communicating with the gods. The Egyptians believed that various plant extracts had different properties or brought various benefits - some were used to succeed in war, others in love, third in spiritual development and meditation.

  • China

In China, the first use of essential oils were witnessed about 2.5 thousand years before our era during the reign of Yellow Emperor Juan Di. In the book written by him, "Yellow Emperor", it lists the concentrated "life juices", extracted from various plants, their useful properties and options for their use. This work has gained great popularity and is still a desktop book of many Eastern healers contacting traditional medicine.

  • India

India is the Motherland of Ayurveda, popular so far the most ancient treatise on traditional medicine. Ayurveda contains many options for using different essential oils, which Hindus considered the most important healing agent. By the way, during the terrible period of the bubonic plague in India, when no traditional funds were helped by the patients, only certain essential oils listed in Ayurveda helped to save India from attack, which was proved their miraculous properties on the human body. In addition, the Hindus of the time of time uses these substances in spiritual practices.

  • Ancient Greece

According to sources, in ancient Greece, they began to use essential oils about 450 years before our era, and the method of mining oils and recipes The ancient Greeks inherited from Egyptians. "Father of Medicine" Hippocrat examined hundreds of plants and recorded their effect on human health, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he inherited from Indian healers. He paid special attention to the study of the properties and use of Oregano oil.

  • Ancient Rome

Ancient Romans also widely used essential oils, especially for their daily needs. They were abundantly applied them on the body, clothes and household items to give them a bright aroma. In ancient Rome, the use of aromatic compounds from plants for bathing, massage and cosmetic purposes was common.

  • Ancient Persia

Persian doctor and philosopher Ibn Sina, or Avicenna, is one of the most influential scientists of all times and peoples. He wrote books about the effect of more than 800 plants on health and longevity. It was Avicenna who was the first person who discovered the method of distillation of essential compounds. Its processing methods are still used.

  • Europe

To Europe, the teachings on the use of essential oils penetrated from the Middle East. During the bubonic plague in Europe, with the help of the ignition, the pines and Ladan tried to drive out "evil spirits" from the streets. Surprisingly, in areas where the ignition of these trees occurred, many fewer people died from the plague. Well, religious texts mention the use of Essences healing from plants. In the texts of the Old and New Testaments, anointing and consecration was often carried out with their help.

More details about the essential oils will learn in this video:

Methods of application

There are three main ways to use essential oils for health, beauty and good mood. Carefully reading these ways, you can easily include the use of plant essences into your daily life.


Aromatherapy occurs through inhalation of the substance with the help of the nose. In the manifestation of aromatic properties, a limbic system is involved, which is anatomically close to the olfactory tract. The limbic system consists of hippocampus (long-term memory), almond-shaped gland (emotions), hypothalamus (hormones) and waist overhang (blood pressure, attention and cardiac rhythm). Any substances applied aromatically affect emotions and human physiology. Roughly speaking, essential oils penetrate the blood flow through inhalation of aromatic particles. There are several embodiments of aromatherapy:

  • Using a diffuser

Diffuser, or is a universal device, with which you can clean the air indoors, protect against harmful toxins and just a bad smell. The use of essential oils in the diffuser can affect the mood, soothe, or, on the contrary, cheer - everything depending on individual needs. Today the market presents a huge selection of diffusers on any wallet, with any properties and designs. It is advisable to carefully examine the characteristics and method of application before purchasing this device.

  • Direct inhalation

If you do not have a diffuser, you can simply inhale any essential oil, drove it to the palm and carefully crawled. Make a "mask" from the palms, closing them the nose and mouth, and take a deep breath. Please note that some essential oils can have too sharp odor and irritating the mucous membrane of the nose - in this case, do not pick up your face, but inhale the fragrance by placing the palm in several centimeters from the nose.

  • Sprays

Another embodiment of aromatherapy can be dissolved in water and using a sprayer. You can do your own hands to make a spray for clothing, for bed linen, for room. Moreover, such natural air fresheners do not contain hazardous chemicals, and They work not worse, but more often better purchased.

Outdoor application

Essential oils can be used, applying them directly to the body. Essential compounds have a property quickly absorbed and penetrate the blood through the skin, carrying substances to each organ of our body in a matter of minutes.

It is necessary to be careful, applying a clean substance superficially - as they have an extremely high concentration, some funds can cause burns and irritation.

It is for this reason that it is recommended to mix the essential oil with a basic, ordinary vegetable - a good basis for linen, olive, sunflower, almond, coconut oil or jojoba. Using the prepared mixture locally, apply it only to those skin areas where it is necessary. For example, you can rub such an independently made ointment in the whiskey with headaches, in the knees - with disturbing joints, at the bottom of the abdomen - with menstrual pain, etc.

Very effectively rub the oil in the skin of the stop. The footsteps have many nervous endings responsible for the most important functions of the body. Essential oil is absorbed throughout 40 seconds, and in 20 minutes it already reaches all body organs. The following methods are also effective:

  • rinsing (a solution of several droplets of essential oil in a glass of water is used);
  • hot compresses (essential oil is added to any vegetable in the right ratio);
  • baths;
  • massage (in the diluted version).

Internal use

Usually, the essential oils are internally not recommended, only if the package does not cost the corresponding marking. However, many certified food products containing essential oils are found - from biologically active additives to beverages that do not have irritating properties and are safe when used inward.

Features of oil treatment

As mentioned earlier, essential oils - this is an extremely concentrated product. To protect yourself from possible negative consequences, it is important to comply with precautions when using them. To fully enjoy the effectiveness of this gift of nature and do not harm your health, you need to know several important points.

  1. Proper storage . The most suitable packaging for essential oil is a hermetically closing bottle of thick glass of very dark. It is necessary to store it in place inaccessible for sunlight and heat penetration, as well as children and pets. The most suitable place for storage is the upper shelf on a tightly closing shelf in the bathroom. From an early age, teach your children precautionary measures.
  2. Instructions. Be sure to clearly follow the instructions given on the commercial packaging. Do not use inside, if the permissibility is not specified by the manufacturer. Refrain from driving a car or other technique after the impact of funds having a relaxing effect on the body. Do not use clean essential oils on delicate children's skin.
  3. Test on the skin area.Before the main use, apply a small amount of means to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin on the back of the palm. Cover this section by leukoplasty and leave for several hours. In case of irritation, redness or rash, slip the skin with cold water. Perhaps you are allergic to a certain plant. When you allergies, use any essential oils in a very small concentration or consult a pre-physician.

In addition to the listed precautions, it is important:

  • do not use irritating oils not dissolved;
  • avoid direct sunlight after use;
  • in pregnancy, consult with a doctor about the application;
  • With a suspicious reaction of the body to the means, immediately stop using it or significantly reduce the concentration.

Table properties

In this table, you will find all the necessary information about the healing properties of the most common and affordable essential oils, the methods of their use, the characteristics of the flavor and the overall impact on the body.

Table of agriculture oils

Essential oils are real natural medicines from a variety of physical and mental illness. They help keep health and heal from many ailments. In addition, they are widely used in cosmetology, massages, add to shampoos, creams, drip in aroma lamps and on the chambers in the baths (see "Essential oils. Application table").

There is a whole science studying essential oils that make up the application tables and healing people of nature.

For production use various parts of plants. Aromatic hydrocarbons produce:

  • water distillation;
  • cold pressed;
  • extraction;
  • by applying carbon dioxide.

The production method depends on the plant and is chosen in such a way as to maximize the use of raw materials and save all useful substances. For example, citrus zest is usually subjected to cold presses on, and lavender - water distillation.
Read more about the essential oils and methods of obtaining it in our.
Below you learn what essential oils are especially useful. Application table shows the main therapeutic and cosmetic properties of each.

Essential oils. Table of application

Butter Properties
Azalea Applied from migraine, heart pain; As part of integrated therapy for colds, bronchitis, diseases of the mucous, acne, a virus of a simple herpes; normalizes blood pressure
Anise Tones, normalizes the work of the nervous system; applied from insomnia, influenza, bronchitis; It has an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect, improves the nutrition of brain cells, increases potency, increases the turgor of the skin
Orange sweet It eliminates the comedones, rejuvenates, pulls up, smoothes the skin, contributes to the development of collagen, improves the work of the lymphatic system, is used in combating cellulite. Read more about.
Orange Gorky Relieves stress, returns a healthy sleep; The emulsion of a bitter orange oil in water is used from angina, make inhalations with it, apply from inflammation of gums and respiratory diseases, add to a face mask to reduce acne, maintaining youth
Basil Reduces the temperature, as part of comprehensive therapy is used as an antimicrobial agent, improves the work of the immune system, anesthetics
, reduces the secretion of sebum, improves metabolic processes, in the composition of complex therapy is used in diseases of the urogenital system
Valerian Eliminates vessel spasms, used to treat dermatitis, neurodermatitis, has a strong soothing effect
Verbena Possesses antiseptic, expectorant action, soothes, acts as an antidepressant, relaxes, strengthens the immune system
Carnation Has pronounced anti-inflammatory, disinfecting properties; It prolongs the youth of the skin, used as an antifungal drug, for the treatment of infectious diseases of the skin. Excellent.
Normalizes the hormonal balance, facilitates the PMS, facilitates the condition during menopause, affects the erogenous zones of women, favorably affects the work of the heart, the respiratory tract, the lorocheans
Grapefruit Provokes the burning of subcutaneous fat, used to combat inflamed comedones, removes toxins, is an aphrodisiac
Elecampane Powerful expectorant, anthelmintic agent, effectively to quickly stop blood with diabetes
Owin Antimordatic, antispasmodic, effectively in the treatment of herpes, influenza, angina, rhinitis
Spruce Has a pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory property; It is used as a pulp, choleretic, deodorizing agent
Jasmine Significantly reduces menstrual pain, strengthens sexual attraction, helps for diseases of the throat, musculoskeletal system, recovery voice
Cardamom Strengthens the stomach, stimulates the work of the nervous system, eliminates depression, kills the pathogenic microflora, relieves toothpow, improves eyesight, increases potency
Powerful deodorizing and bactericidal agent; Used in the disease of the respiratory tract, LOR organs, treats diseases of the scalp, is a good preventive tool from respiratory diseases.
Cypress Tones, deodoriced, stops inflammatory processes on the skin, rejuvenates the skin and the whole body, soothes, eliminates the dandruff, stops hair loss, strengthens the nails
Coriander A good antidepressant has a powerful bactericidal action, used as a diuretic and anthelmintic agent, treats rheumatism and neuralgia.
Cinnamon Facilitates the state when problems in the gastrointestinal tract, kills the pathogenic microflora, increases immunity, improves blood circulation, has an anti-cellulite effect
Removes convulsions, kills viruses and bacteria, eliminates the spasms of different etiologies, strengthens the heart, pain relief, stimulates the cells of the body to regenerate, reduces blood pressure. Also perfectly suitable for.
Lime Has antiviral, bactericidal action; Soothes applied to the treatment of throat, bronchi, tachycardia attacks
Lemon It has a choleretic, antiviral, antibacterial effect, tones, heals the wounds, is used to treat herpes, bleeding gums
Marjoram Relaxing and soothes, contributes to curable of depressive states, insomnia, fatigue, reduces aggression, alarming states
Mandarin Used in problems with the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite, cleans the body, helps to quickly grow after diseases, normalizes the operation of the circulatory system
Melissa Reduces blood pressure, it is used as a choleretic agent, helps heal the diseases of the ENT organs, contributes to rapid resorption of bruises, bruises, is an painful agent
Almond sweet Anti-inflammatory, toning effect; It is used with dry skin, makes it more moisturized; It has a clarifying action, supports elasticity and youth of the dermis
Myrrh It disinfects, it is used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it has a counterpic and musolithic effect, reduces lymph nodes, is used in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, eczema, wounds; Kills fungi
Myrtle Powerful bactericidal property; used as an anti-tuberculosis drug, for the treatment of urogenital infections; It increases vessel elasticity, successfully struggles with dandruff and seborrhea, eliminates comedones, stops hair loss
Ensures depression, stress. Improves mood, applied in the treatment of skin diseases, hair loss
Nutmeg It has antifungal, antimicrobial, deodorizing, painful properties; helps with nausea, constipation; Promotes the reduction of the uterus
Stimulates immunity, suppresses the pathogenic microflora, removes stress, is used as painful. Great for hair care.
Neroli A good aphrodisiac and antidepressant, stimulates the work of the endocrine system, has diuretic properties; removes stretch marks, cooperosis, cellulite, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal
Beneficially affects the intestinal microflora, delays wounds, reduces the temperature, facilitates the general condition for colds
Perfectly softens the skin, tightens the wounds, cracks; helps with dermatoses, contributes to the resorption of scars, pedestal; applied from hemorrhoids, swelling, diarrhea; serves as prevention of respiratory diseases, causes nerves in order
Beautiful analgesic, helps from frostbumps; It is used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, arthrites, arthrosis, neuralgia, gout, well strengthens the body, deodorishes the air, kills pathogenic microorganisms, increases pressure
Effective from acne rash, furuncle, eczema, purulent wounds; Perfectly increases the turgor of the skin, is an antiseptic
Pink tree It tones, fills the space with a wonderful aroma, excites, raises immunity, removes pain syndrome, stimulates the power of the brain cells, purifies blood and lymph, used in diseases of the inflammatory nature
Treats female organs, normalizes the work of the female reproductive system, facilitates the PMS, tones, gives force, increases the life tone, strengthens the memory, eliminates insomnia
Chamomile Removes itching when insect bites, remove inflammation, heals the wounds on the skin, mucous, in the digestive tract, has a positive effect on the liver, gallbladder, suppresses the distribution of infection
Soothes, kills microbes, is used for the treatment of ENT organs, is a strong aphrodisiac, suitable for sensitive skin.
Trees respiratory, infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, relieves nausea, weakness, is the antipyretic and a fitting drug, perfectly deodorizes air, serves to prevent diseases, is used in the infections of the urogenital sphere
Tuya Eliminates inflammatory processes in respiratory organs, acts as an antihistamine agent, is a prophylactic means of cancer diseases, rheumatism effectively treats
Yarrow It has antihistamine, mercolytic actions, serves to treat hemorrhoids, cooperosis, varicose veins, helps with flu, cold, removes convulsions, is used in the treatment of rheumatism, eczema, seborrhea; Disubbiz Komarov
Dill It has a disinfecting effect, eliminates acne, heals wounds
Fennel Helps from swells of various etiologies, reduces appetite, normalizes the operation of the stomach, helps from meteorism, nausea, displays carcinogenic compounds, helps for gout and arthritis
Scares insects, strongly excites and tones, eliminates unpleasant odors, deodoric
Thyme Displays sputum, suppresses inflammation, is an effective anthelnogon, campphic agent; promotes tissue regeneration, relieves pain
Has a pronounced antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic effect; Soothes, enhances immunity. We also collected for you in one place

Essential oils and their properties should know every modern woman. Turn the new knowledge will help this material. It addressed all the beneficial properties of essential oils that are available in free sale. Study essential oils, properties and application to use these knowledge at home.

Since ancient times, women used essential oils to preserve their beauty. Add a few drops of oil that corresponds to your skin type, in a face mask. Thus, you will significantly increase its effectiveness. In addition, all essential oils, in addition to therapeutic action, which they have on the skin, affect the mental state. Therefore, applying them, you care not only about beauty, but also about your mood. If you wish, you can also add a couple of essential oil drops into your usual face and body cream.

Table properties and applications of essential oils

The properties of essential oils in the table tell about how to solve this or that problem can be solved. Essential oils in the application table are located alphabetically.

Name of oil



Removers, revitalizes, clarifies, tones the skin, eliminates the angry rash, skin itching, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates the skin decreasing. EF-effective for drying dry, cracked and low-fat skin. Region gives an anti-cellulite effect. It helps to avoid impulsive joints, soothes after stress. This is one of the aromas of meditation, eliminates the plasticity, insomnia. It is used in the treatment of an angina and a cold

rose flower

Moisturizes and strengthens the skin. Contribute to smoothing wrinkles. When used in the composition of massage oil, removes the feeling of fatigue and voltage. Promotes skin smoothing, increases elasticity and elasticity, eliminates inflammation, irritation, peeling and scars. Once, ironing wrinkles, especially under the eyes. Perfectly cares for the skin of any type, especially dry, fading, sensitive. Helps with acne rashes, herpes. Beautiful flavoring, deodorant


It has a bactericidal, antiseptic, deodorizing effect. Reduces the number of microbes on the skin. Adjusts the skin elasticity, norm-lies the water balance of the epidermis. Excellent means for stimping the body, increase resistance to infections. Improve the elasticity of flabby skin. It struggles with depression and stress, eliminates children's plasticity and hyperoportability. Effective use in combination with lavender oils, patchouli, cloves and citrus oils. Combined with oils: fennel, cardamom, dill, cedar, camp, Corian-dra, pink wood, noble laure, Petitgrina, Mandarin


It has antiseptic, antitoxic, deodorizing, antidepressant properties. It acts soothing and refreshing. Harbor carbohydrate and fat exchange, has a powerful anti-cellulite effect, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells. Richly vitamins A,
B, C. Effectively use in combination with geranium oils, sage of nutmeg, lavender, ylang-yulang and citrus. The aroma of orange tension-rolls the nervous system, removes depression, increases performance, stabilizes the mood, fights sadness and anxiety, helps an increase in optimism and faith in their own forces


It has antibacterial, softening, stimulating action. Recommended for care for any skin type. Excellent tonic and refreshing agent


It has powerful soothing, antidepressive, antiseptic, tonic and refreshing effect. Normalizes the secretion of saline and sweat glands on fatty skin, brightens and narrows the pores. Effective use in combination with lemon oils, lavender, cannger, geranium, citrus oils


It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, toning action. Baths with the addition of this oil contribute to the restoration of forces after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleaning it. Effectively combined with lavender oils, nutmeg, Bergamot, Ylang-Ilanga


It has a cleansing, toning, refreshing, antiseptic properties. Effectively against cellulite. Clamps and whitens fat skin, narrows pores. Restores the natural secretion of the sebaceous glands. Strengthens the nervous system, removes the feeling of fear, irritation


Removes emotional tension, eliminates anxiety, stimulates sexual desire. Strengthens hair and nails. I contribute to the slowdown of the process of aging of the skin, stimulates the growth of new cells, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness. It is used to care for dry, flap, peeling skin, purifies the pores, removing toxic substances. Baths with adding Ilang-Ilanga oil are recommended for stimulating the immune system. Effective use in co-quencing with rosewood oils, Bergamot


Eliminates overexcitation, insomnia, depression, plasticity. Region gives antiseptic, deodorizing, anti-sparkling, anti-gradious properties. Inspean for skin care thanks to OMOL-live strength. It is used to care for skin of any type, especially behind sensitive, skin hips, buttocks, top of the chest. Effectively combined with carnation, geranium oils, patchouli, nutmeg, rosemary sage, citrus


Enhances mental activity. It has a calming effect. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, toning properties. Cleans and refreshes the heated, fatty skin, contributes to its regeneration, enhances blood circulation, prevents the emergence of vascular "stars". Increases skin elasticity, eliminates stretching and cellulite. Effectively against itching and irritation from insect bite


Restores forces, has an antiseptic, stimulating effect. Refreshing, awakens the skin, erases the traces of fatigue, defective sleep. Enhances the protective functions of the epidermis, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness. It has a cleansing effect on the skin. Effective in the treatment of skin ferry, dermatitis, acne, expansion of capillaries. Baths with the addition of mint oil re-supplied strength, eliminate nervousness. Used in disorders of the digestive system, as well as colds and viral diseases, facilitates recovery after sunburn. Effective in stress, depression, mental overvoltage. Fights with fatigue and irritability. The use of mint essential oil is especially useful for oily skin. Effectively combined with lavender, bergamot, eucalyptus, citrus oils


It has a soothing, antiseptic effect. Rejuvenates, revitalizes tired, mature skin, smoothing wrinkles. Eliminates the time-drying of the skin, fine vascular pattern. Promotes skin regeneration. Strengthens hair, increases their elasticity


It has antiseptic regenerating, soothing properties. Recommended for drying dry, mature and sensitive skin. Once, ironing wrinkles, contributes to an increase in skin elasticity. OURO-lives, smoothes the skin, restores its elasticity


It causes a tide of cheerfulness and optimism, has an antidepressant action, stimulates sexual desire. It has antiseptic, antitoxic, stimulating, deodorizing properties. It nourishes, smoothes and updates dry, tired skin, promotes rapid regeneration and epithelialization, eliminates the flabbiness of the bust, abdomen and hips. Bath with butter Patchouli has a lining effect, increases the body's resistance to infections. Effective in combination with carnation oils, Bergamot, Muscat Salfey


Strengthens and activates the nervous system, relieves physical and ugly fatigue, apathy. It has deodorizing, toning properties. Reduces the secretion of sebum, levels the skin relief, restores the elasticity of the epidermis, prevents the occurrence of vascular "stars". It is used to care for oily, smoked skin. Stimulates the protective forces of the body. Effective in combination with geranium oils, lavender, Musade sage

Tea tree

It is a powerful mental stimulator. Promotes the restoration of the body after stress, removes the excitement, promotes the concentration of attention. It has a powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for rotting lesions of the skin, echs, to remove fatigue in the legs, to eliminate the unpleasant smell of legs, has a regenerating and rehabilitating effect. Baths with the addition of tea tree oil contribute to the restoration of forces after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleaning it

Sage Muscany

It has antiseptic, deodorizing, toning effect. It is used to care for skin of any type, returning the life of fading skin. Effective in combination with geranium oils, lavender, citrus


Toning, increases endurance and vital activity, relieves stress and chronic fatigue. Contains more than 35 biologically acurative substances, stimulates immunity. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. Baths with the addition of fir oil contribute to the restoration of forces after nervous and physical rebuilding, have a beneficial effect on the skin, tightening and cleaning it. Beautiful flavoring agent that eliminates unpleasant odors. Effective in combination with rosemary, lemon oils, nutmeg sage


Restores psycho-emotional balance. It has antiseptic, anti-shown, anti-chemical, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. Baths with the addition of eucalyptus oil contribute to the restoration of forces after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleaning it


Strong painful and antiallergic agent. Used in colds. Reduces increased body temperature. Heals cuts and wounds. It has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Whitens, soothes and eliminates allergic manifestations. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Stimulates hair growth, nourishes, promotes their lightening. The odor of the chamomile actually acts on the nervous system, eliminates irritability, the normal is sleeping


Promotes rapid acclimatization, helps with depression, melancho-li, irritability and insomnia. Anticherietic

Seeds of carrots

Improves the complexion, tones, rejuvenates the skin, makes it more ela-stick. Helps get rid of age-related pigment spots. Suitable for dry and aging skin. Allows you to get rid of problems caused by vitiligo (no pigmentation), eczema, psoriasis. It has an overall healing effect with inflamed wounds, dry and rigid skin, scars and corns. Great combined with almond oil.
Protects the skin from frost and wind. Increases resistance to respiratory diseases. Clears the mind, reduces stress, helps to fight with a feeling of devastation.
Warning: better refrain from the use of carrot seed essential oil during pregnancy


Improves blood circulation, useful for skin as a rejuvenating agent. Helps fighting fungal diseases, stimulates the work of the digestive tract


Provides tide of strength and positive emotions. It struggles with depression, contributes to the concentration of attention. It has antiseptic, antimicrobial, deodorizing effect. Beautiful means against wrinkles. Effective for fatty skin of the face and hair. He has a whitening property, smoothes the skin, softens the damaged areas of the skin, brightens the nail plates. It is also recommended for hand care, leather after epilation. Effectively combined with butters of Bergamot, Lavender, Gerani, Orange

Do not forget: In pure form, essential oils are not applied, they are added in a small amount in the bases (masks, lotions, creams, base oils, cream, bath salts, etc.).

Full table Properties etheric oils

Names, list and properties of essential oils

The following is a list of essential oils that can be used at home. The list and properties of essential oils can be used to solve various skin problems. We offer to find out the names of essential oils, to facilitate their choice in the place of sale.

Main essential oils:

Orange - eliminates the fat shine.

Bergamot - narrows pores, tones, brightens the skin.

Geranium - tones.

Carnation - restores the structure of elderly skin, anti-inflammatory.

Grapefruit - normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, narrows and blends the pores of the skin.

Ylang-Ylang - Soothes.

Ginger - tones.

Kiparis - eliminates the fat shine.

Lavender - sleeps, soothes, from wrinkles.

Lemon - tones, from wrinkles, removes stains on the fabric.

Chinese lemongrass - narrows and brightens skin pores.

Limette - eliminates the fat shine.

Melissa - tones, soothes, has an anti-inflammatory property.

Mirra - eliminates the fat shine.

Juniper - tones, has a disinfectant property.

If the skin has undergone adverse effects and experienced stress, use essential oils of pink wood, chamomile, roses, neroli, ylang-ylanca.

If there is a lot of pimples, comedones, pores are clogged, the essential oils of lemon, juniper, bergamot, chamomiles will help.

Doses of essential oils

To add to the oil base when leaving the face: On 1 tablespoon of oil 2-4 drops of essential oils.

To enhance the efficiency of creams and lotions: Up to 5 drops of essential oil by 10-15 ml cream.

For hair care: On 1 tablespoon of the base (mask or oil) we take 4-6 drops of essential oils.

When caring for the body: In 1 tablespoon of base oil add 6-10 drops of essential oils.

For rinsing: 2-3 drops of oil on one glass of warm boiled water.

For aromatization of the house aromalamps: 3-4 Essential oil drops (added to the water lamp poured into the bowl) by 15 m2 area.

For baths: 4-7 drops of essential oils on the bath, pre-dissolve at the base (milk, base oil, honey, cream, bath salt).

For massage: 3-6 droplets of essential oil on 1 tablespoon (15 ml) base oil.

For sauna and baths: 2-4 Essential oil drops by 15 m2.

Synergy- This is the interaction, strengthening the beneficial properties of two or more different elements. Mixing essential oils, picking up their combination, you can strengthen their beneficial effect.

Next, bold font lists the main essential oils, and each of them lists the auxiliary essential oils that are combined with essential essential oil and together give synergies.

The properties of synergy of etheric oils since ancient times were applied not only in soaps, but also in the treatment of diseases, in folk medicine.

Ammoni tooth
HYSSOPUS OFFICINALIS VAR. DECUMBENS) + AMMI Tooth (2: 1) - Used to prevent asthma seizures

Fennel - during dyspepsia

Orange Gorky

Orange sweet
Lavender, Petitgrein - Relaxing Baths, Ensuring Pain
Mayran, Pink Tree, Lemongrass, Petitgrin, Lavender - Rubbing, Ensuring Pain


Laurel noble - painful, antispasmodatic effect
Lavender, Eucalyptus - Inhalation to adjust the impairment of the immune system (in a 1: 1 ratio)
Basil + Monarda (1: 1) is recommended for inflammatory processes (furuncle, abscess) ( at the same time, the combination of Basilica with Monary suppresses the antibacterial activity of these plants by 2 times, which must be considered when creating compositions)



Cedar - with itching


Lavender - for skin care
Pijm blue + immortelle (2: 3) - a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, effectively with sunburn. Sesame oil is recommended as a basic (5K mixture to 5ml base)
Ravintsar (camoon camoon) - Herpes Treatment
Pistachio mastic, oil Taman - to eliminate problems associated with circulatory impairment

Eucalyptus Lemon, Gaulteria (Pear) - Anti-inflammatory action

Verbena lemon
Mayran, Lavender - has a soothing effect on the nervous system
Petitgrein, Mandarin - relaxes before bedtime and facilitates it

Basil, Mint Peppermint - Pancreatic Action
Cypress, pistachio, naolet, oil Taman - all sorts of effect on veins (varicose veins, thromophlet, hemorrhoids, etc.)
Kiparis, Cedar Atlas - Impact on the lymphatic system

Mayran - irritant


Lavender, Sage, Majora -Fuspotable impact
Mirt - for skin care
Juniper, lemon, cedar - silhouette thinning, hydrolypide impact, output of extra liquid
, influence on cellulite, bug skin
Carrots seeds + geranium + orange sweet (1: 3: 2) - edema, fluid delay
Muscata - Aphrodisiacal action
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - Knitting Action on Skin
Timyan thymoline chemotype - for impact on tired, overloaded skin

Grapefruit + lavender + vetiver (2: 3: 1) - from insomnia
Fennel + Geranium + Grapefruit (1: 3: 2) - from stress

Nine-soul ( Inula Graveolens.)
Oregano - Mulitics

Saro (Mandravasarotra) - Multic action
Issop ( var. Decumbens.) - Bronchitis
Radiat Eucalyptus - Mulitatic Action (Wet Sweeping and Treatment)

Nine-soul - Multic action
Oregano ( Origanum Compactum) + Rosemary Verbennon - Antibacterial action
Cypress - antitussive action
Cinnamon - antibacterial

Ravintsar - Antibacterial action

Estragon, Petitgrein - AnticbandsMatic Action


Elo black
Fir black + pine + Absolute kidney black currant - the depletion of adrenal glands (kidney massage)
Rosemary Cinenol - with nervous and physical fatigue

Carrots Seeds - Regeneration, Healing, Leather Recovery

Bergamot + Neroli + Ylang-Ylang (2: 1: 3) - with hypertension
Gerana + Lavender + Ylang-Ylang (1: 2: 1) - Mixed Skin Care
Lavender - with hypertension

Peppermint - Wall and Improving Gastric Action
Pink tree - digestion stimulation
Charker Garden, Cinnamon, Carnation - Aphrodisiacal Action

Eucalyptus, kayaput - various respiratory diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis, cough, influenza; Allergy to flowering.
Lavender, geranium - healing effect on the skin, various dermatoses

Issop ( )
Issop ( Hyssopus officinalis var. Decumbens.) + Ammoni dental (2: 1) - used to prevent asthma seizures
Nine soul - bronchitis
Ravintsar, Eucalyptus Radiat - Disease Respiratory System

Cardamom + Fennel + Ginger (1: 1: 1) - from sea disease

Eucalyptus Radiat, Ravintsar, Pine, Spruce - Respiratory Diseases

Geranium + lavender + kayaput - with psoriasis.

Cedar - with acne

Bergamot - with itching
Vetiver - Impact on the lymphatic system

Geran, Melissa - Repetelient (against mosquitoes)
Kayaput - with acne.
Crimptm Sea, Juniper Red (Juniperus Oxycedrus), Lavender - Exposure on the hairproof
NATIA is an impact on the venous system.
Fennel, PalmaRoz, Lemon - Cellulite Impact

Cedar red ( Juniperus Virginiana.)
Kiparis, Ladan - Skin Mitigation

Bergamot + Kiparis + Fennel (1: 1: 1) - menopause
, Impact on the lymphatic system
Oregano - antitussive action

Fennel - against cellulite; For weight loss, drainage effect, silhouette thinning.

Cypress blue
Cypress Blue + Narrian + Tea tree - enhancing antifungal properties and expanding the spectrum of exposure in this direction.

, aphrodisiacal action
Fennel - during dyspepsia

Ginger, Charker Mountain - Aphrodisiacal action
Peppermint - general stimulating effect on the body
Oilsman - Antibacterial

A nutmeg - action on the digestive system
Mint Pepper - Wind and Soothing Action on the Stomach

Dressing lavender
Sweet orange - relaxing baths and rubbing, relieve pain

Immorter - to care for the skin

Gerana + Lavender + Ylang-Ylang (1: 2: 1) - Mixed Skin Care
Grapefruit + lavender + vetiver (2: 3: 1) - from insomnia
Jasmine + Lavender + Mandarin (1: 2: 1) - Care of sensitive skin
Ylang-Ylang - with hypertension
Geranium + lavender + kayaput - at psoriasis
Mayran, Petitgrin - Relaxing Action
Mirra - healing and painful effect
Carrots Seeds - Regeneration, Healing, Leather Recovery
Pink Tree, Tea Tree - With Problem Skin
Timyan Timolny Chemotype - Respiratory infections
Lavender tea tree (2: 1 or 3: 1) - with burns
Muscat sage - with hair loss

Lavender Koroskaya (broad-sized)

Rosemary Verbenal - Barking
Thyme Tuyanol type - healing effect on the skin

Nobility laurel
Basil - painful, antispasmodic effect
Carnation, Tea Tree, Lavender Koroskaya - Antibacterial action
Ladan gum, Ravintsar - antiviral action
Mirra - Antino Application
Seed carrots - Cellulite impact, bug skin
Mint pepper - anesthetic, antiviral action
Timyan Tuyanol type - oral infection
Sage medicinal - regulates sweating

Cedar Red - Skin Mitigation
Nerrad, Mirra - Relaxing, Relaxing Action
Sage nutritional + cypress + incense (1: 1: 1) - with asthma

Ladan gum
Rosemary Verbennon - Healing Impact Stimulating Immunity
Mirra - Healing
Ladan gum + Mirt + Lavender Koroskaya - Powerful tonic effect on the skin
NATIA - antiviral, antibacterial, anti-infective effect
Rosa Damaskaya - astringent

Basil + Lemongrass + Naoli (1: 1: 1) - from acne

Bay + Carnation + Lemon (2: 1: 2) - with back pain
Immorter + Lemon + Mirt (1: 2: 3) - from a cold
Geranium - silhouette thinning, hydrolypide effect, output of extra liquid
Issop - healing effect on the skin, various dermatoses

Fennel - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage, silhouette thinning

Litzia + Petitgrin + Ylang-Ylang (2: 3: 1) - With anxiety and alarms
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - antifungal action

Sweet orange - relaxing rubbing, relieve pain
Bay + Mayran + pepper mint (1: 1: 1) - from headache and migraine
Verbena Lemon - has a soothing effect on the nervous system
Gaulteria (Pear) - Annoying Action
Geranium - anti-taper impact, use in aroma lamp and other distributors

Melissa - regulatory impact on the nervous system
Petitgreine, Petitgrin, Roman Chamomile - Annoying, Paintal Action
Ravintsar - Neuro-Toning
Rosemary Verbennon - Toning Impact on the Psyche
Kayaput + pine + Mayran + thyme - with tuberculosis.


Jasmine + Lavender + Mandarin (1: 2: 1) - Care of sensitive skin

Cedar Atlassky - Repephel (against mosquitoes)
Majorana - regulating impact on the nervous system

Lavender - healing and painful effect
Noble Laurry - anti-infectious
Ladan gum - healing
Verbena Lemon + Rosemary Verbenne + Mirra - Regulating Endocrine Impact

Immorter + Lemon + Mirt (1: 2: 3) - from a cold
Geranium, palmarose - for skin care
Ladan gum + Mirt + Lavender Koskoskaya I am a powerful toning effect on the skin
Eucalyptus, Ravintsar, Pine, Spruce - with infectious diseases of the respiratory tract
Eucalyptus radiam - antitussive action

Juniper red ( Juniperus oxycedrus.)
Cedar Atlas - Exposure on the hairproof
Muscat sage - with dandruff

Juniper (berries)
Geranium - silhouette thinning, hydrolypide effect, output of extra liquid
Grapefruit + juniper (berries) + thyme red (1: 1: 1) - from cellulite
Juniper (berries) + NATIA + Sweet orange (1: 1: 2) - Fatty skin care
Celery + incense + juniper (berries) (2: 1: 3) - arthritis and rheumatism
Fennel - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage, silhouette thinning

Eucalyptus, lemon wormwood - bactericidal, antiviral properties
Basil + Monarda (1: 1) is recommended for inflammatory processes (furuncle, abscess) (at the same time, the combination of Basilica with Monary suppresses the antibacterial activity of these plants 2 times, which must be considered when creating compositions)

Carrots seeds
Gerana, Lavender, Jasmine - Regeneration, Healing, Leather Recovery
Cedar red ( Juniperus Virginiana.), The laurel is noble, palmarosis, geranium - the effects on cellulite, and bug skin.
Carrots seeds + geranium + orange sweet (1: 3: 2) - edema, fluid delay
Thyimyan Tuyanol type - restoring effect on the liver, drainage, blood purity

Rosemary, Charker Garden, Geranium, Coriander - Aphrodisiacal action
Coriander, Tmin, Cumin - Action on the digestive system

Basil + Black + pepper pepper (1: 1: 1) - with a lack of concentration
Bay + Mayran + pepper mint (1: 1: 1) - from headache and migraine
Benzoin + peppermint + Ravensar (1: 2: 3) - from cold and cough
Vetiver - pancreatic action
Carnation - anesthetic, antiviral action
Ginger - Wind and Improving Gastric Action
Cinnamon - a general stimulating effect on the body
Cumin - Wind and soothing effect on the stomach
Noble Lavra - anesthetic, antiviral action
Mayran + pepper black + pepper mint (1: 1: 1) - from the syndrome of increased irritability of the colon
Naiga is an painful effect.
Pijma Blue - anti-face action
Ravintsar - Antiviral and Anti-Caution Action
Rosemary of verbenal type - toning, stimulating action

Basil + Lemongrass + Naoli (1: 1: 1) - from acne
Vetiver - all sorts of impact on veins (varicose veins, thromophlet, hemorrhoids, etc.)
Carnation - Antibacterial, expectorant action
Kayaput + Pine + Naoli - with bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.
Cedar Atlas - Impact on the venous system.
Ladan gum - antiviral, antibacterial, anti-infectious effect
Juniper (berries) + NATIA + Sweet orange (1: 1: 2) - Fatty skin care
Mint pepper - an painful effect.
Rosemary Zinolovol - with bronchitis, cold, supercooling
Timyan Tuyanol type - Antibacterial action
Tea tree - radio protection.
Eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus Polybractea Cryptonifera.), Ravintsar - antivirus action.
Radiat Eucalyptus - Antibacterial Action

Ladan - Relaxing, Relaxing Action
Muscat sage - with hair loss

Bergamot + Neroli + Ylang-Ylang (2: 1: 3) - with hypertension

Nerolin + Tea tree + cypress blue - amplification of antifungal properties and expanding the spectrum of exposure in this direction.

Carnation - Antibacterial, Toning Action
Oregano - antifungal action
Cedar Atlas - Cellulite Impact
Mirt - for skin care
Seed carrots - Cellulite impact, bug skin
Rosemary of verbenon type - antiviral action
Timyan Tuyanol type - antifungal action
Sage Musade - with excessive sweating
Elements + lavender oloskaya + palmarosis (1: 3: 2) - from chronic fatigue syndrome

Benzoin + Patchouli + Sandal (1: 1: 1) - Dry skin care

Black pepper
Basil + Black + pepper pepper (1: 1: 1) - with a lack of concentration
Mayran + pepper black + pepper mint (1: 1: 1) - from the syndrome of increased irritability of the colon
Pepper black + pepper mint + rosemary (1: 1: 1) - with muscle pain
Pepper + tea tree + bitter orange + chamomile blue (3: 3: 3: 1) - a strong anti-epidemic mixture (makes the body sustainable to all types of influenza virus and pathogenic bacteria)

Orange Sweet - Relaxing Baths, Taking Pain
Verbena lemon - relaxes before bedtime and facilitates it
Lavender - Relaxing Action
Litzia + Petitgrin + Ylang-Ylang (2: 3: 1) - With anxiety and alarms

Roman chamomile - soothes the nervous system
Oregano - antispasmodic effect

Pijm blue
Immorter + Pijm Blue (3: 2) - a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, effectively with sunburn. Sesame oil is recommended as a basic (5K mixture to 5ml base)
Peppermint - anti-face action
Roman chamomile - anti-loving, soothing property, anti-allergic effect

Lemon wormwood
Monard - bactericidal, antiviral properties

Benzoin + peppermint + Ravensar (1: 2: 3) - from cold and cough

Ravintsar (camoon camoon)
Immorter - Treatment of herpes
Oregano - antibacterial action
Cardamom - respiratory diseases
Laurel noble - antiviral action
Mayran - Neuro-Toning
Mirt - with infectious diseases of the respiratory tract
Mint pepper - antiviral and anti-cataral action
NATIA - antivirus action.
Rosemary cinomol - with bronchitis, cold, supercooling, at nervous and physical fatigue
Timyan Linalolol - Respiratory infections
Timyan Tuyanol type - Toning effect on the nervous system, balancing, antibacterial effect
Tea tree - antivirus action
Eucalyptus radiant - expectorant action

rose flower
Immorter + Rose + Sandal (2: 1: 1) - when depressed
Ladan gum - astringent
Sage nutritional + geranium + rose (2: 3: 1) - PMS

Lemon + Rosemary + Thyme Sweet (1: 1: 1) - with memory problems
Pepper black + pepper mint + rosemary (1: 1: 1) - with muscle pain

Rosemary Verbennon
Verbena Lemon + Rosemary Verbenne + Mirra - Regulating Endocrine Impact
Oregano ( Origanum Compactum) - antibacterial action
Lavender Koroskaya - Scarving
Ladan gum - healing impact stimulating immunity
Majorana - Toning Impact on the Psyche
Peppermint - Toning, Stimulating Action
PalmaRoz - antiviral action
Saro - Mulitics

Rosemary camphor
Gaulteria, Lemon Eucalyptus - anti-inflammatory and painkillers
Cardamon, Tmin - with digestive problems, disorders
Dill - action on the production of bile

Rosemary cinetrol
Fir black, Ravintsar - with nervous and physical fatigue
Ravintsar, Naoli, Eucalyptus fragrant, nine-soul - with bronchitis, cold, supercooling
Eucalyptus radiats - expectorant action

Pink tree
Sweet orange - relaxing rubbing, relieve pain
Geranium - use in aroma lamp and other distributors
Ginger - digestion stimulation
Timyan Tuyanol type - Bacterial infections of urinary tract
Charker Mountain - Aphrodisiacal action

Chamomile blue
Pepper + tea tree + bitter orange + chamomile blue (3: 3: 3: 1) - a strong anti-epidemic mixture (makes the body sustainable to all types of influenza virus and pathogenic bacteria)

Benzoin + Patchouli + Sandal (1: 1: 1) - Dry skin care
Immorter + Rose + Sandal (2: 1: 1) - when depressed
Kayaput + Sandal + Thyme Sweet (2: 1: 3) - with bronchitis
Charker Mountain - Aphrodisiacal action

Celery + incense + juniper (berries) (2: 1: 3) - arthritis and rheumatism

Currane kidney absolute

Spruce Fir + Pine + Currant Kidneys Absolute - Adrenal Exhaustion (Massage)
Cardamom - respiratory diseases; Use in aroma lamp and other distributors
Kayaput + Pine + Naoli - with bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.
Kayaput + pine + Mayran + thyme - with tuberculosis.
Mirt - with infectious diseases of the respiratory tract

Kayaput + pine + Mayran + thyme - with tuberculosis.

Thyme red
Grapefruit + juniper (berries) + thyme red (1: 1: 1) - from cellulite

Thyme sweet
Kayaput + Sandal + Thyme Sweet (2: 1: 3) - with bronchitis
Lemon + rosemary + thyme sweet (1: 1: 1) - when problems with

Thyme Linalolol
Eucalyptus, Ravintsar - Respiratory infections;

Timyan Tuyanol
Lavender Koroskaya - Healing Impact on Skin
Laurry Noble - Oral Infections
Seed carrots - restoring effect on the liver, drainage, blood purity
NATIA - antibacterial action
PalmaRoz - antifungal action
Ravintsar (camoon camoon) - antibacterial effect; Toning effect on the nervous system, balancing
Pink tree - Bacterial infections of urinary tract;
Tea tree - a wide antibacterial effect;
Eucalyptus radiant - antibacterial action
Eucalyptus Smithy - an expectorant, anti-cataral action;

A nutmeg - action on the digestive system
Rosemary camphor - with digestive problems, disorders
Roman chamomile - antispasmodic and regulating effect on the digestive system

Rosemary camphor - action on the production of bile

Bergamot + Kiparis + Fennel (1: 1: 1) - menopause
Cardamom + Fennel + Ginger (1: 1: 1) - from sea disease
Cedar Atlas - Cellulite Impact
Fennel + Geranium + Grapefruit (1: 3: 2) - from stress
Coriander, anise - during dyspepsia;
Juniper, geranium, lemon, cypress - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage, silhouette thinning

Pistachio mastic
Immorter - to eliminate problems associated with circulatory impairment
Vetiver - all sorts of impact on veins (varicose veins, thromophlet, hemorrhoids, etc.)

Charker mountain
Rosemary, Cinnamon, Pink Tree, Sandal - Aphrodisiacal Action

Tea tree
Bergamot + Eucalyptus Lemon + Tea Tree (1: 1: 1) - Machine
Lavender - with problem skin
Lavra Noble - Antibacterial action
Naoli - radio protection
Pepper + tea tree + bitter orange + chamomile blue (3: 3: 3: 1) - a strong anti-epidemic mixture (makes the body sustainable to all types of influenza virus and pathogenic bacteria)
Ravintsar (camoon camoon) - antivirus action
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - Antibacterial action
Thymyan Tuyanol type - Wide Antibacterial Action
Tea tree + Narolin + cypress blue - amplification of antifungal properties and expanding the spectrum of exposure in this direction.
Eucalyptus radiant - antibacterial action

Sage medicinal
Geranium - anti-taper impact
Noble Lavra - regulates sweating
Sage medicinal + immortelle + rosehip - for slowly healing wounds

Sage Muscany
PalmaRoz - with excessive sweating
Bay, Lavender, Nerrad - with hair loss
Juniper red - with dandruff
Sage nutritional + geranium + rose (2: 3: 1) - PMS
Sage nutritional + cypress + incense (1: 1: 1) - with asthma

Basil - Inhalation to adjust the impairment of the immune system (in the 1: 1 ratio)
Issop - various respiratory diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis, cough, influenza; Allergy to flowering.
Mirt - with infectious diseases of the respiratory tract
Monard - bactericidal, antiviral properties
Timyan Linal and Timolny Chemotype - Respiratory infections

Eucalyptus fragrant
Rosemary Zinolovol - with bronchitis, cold, supercooling
Eucalyptus radiant - Multic action

Eucalyptus Multiple Crypton Type
NATIA - Anti-virus action
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - Antivirus Action

Eucalyptus lemonistic
Bergamot + Eucalyptus Lemon + Tea Tree (1: 1: 1) - Machine
Immortelle - anti-inflammatory action
Rosemary camphor - anti-inflammatory and painkillers

Eucalyptus radiant
Carnation - Antibacterial action
Nine-soul - Mulitics (Loss of Wet Wet)
Oilsman - Expectaurant Action
Kayaput - Antibacterial action
Cardamom - respiratory diseases
Mirt (CT Cineole) - antitussive
Naoli ( Melaleuca quinquenervia.CT Cineole) - Antibacterial action
Ravintsar (camoon camoon) - expectorant and antivirus action
Rosemary of cinet type - expectorant action
Thyme Toyanny - Antibacterial action
Tea tree - antibacterial action
Eucalyptus fragrant - Multic action
To enhance efficiency, it is recommended to use in combination with oils containing terpenes.

Eucalyptus Smith
Thyme Tuyanol type - expectorant, anti-cycle action

Elements + lavender oloskaya + palmarosis (1: 3: 2) - from chronic fatigue syndrome

Oregano - antispasmodic effect

Essential oils today are greatly popular and are used in the cosmetology area to improve the quality of skin cover, for therapeutic purposes and prevents of various diseases. In addition, they are actively used to aromatize premises, baths, increasing psychophysical health and emotional state (to impart cheerfulness, calm, relaxation, potency increase, etc.). There are many ways to apply them, today we will discuss the most popular of them.

Properties of essential oils.
Under essential oils, it is necessary to understand the mixtures of volatile fragrant substances that are isolated from different parts of plants (roots, woods, resins, seeds, bark, fruits, leaves and colors). It is important to notice that the younger plant, the more it contains essential oils. They are transparent or slightly colored liquids with a characteristic aroma and concentrated taste, characterized by the ability to quickly disappear. Today they are used in various fields of medicine and cosmetology.

The properties of essential oils have a direct dependence on raw materials from which they are obtained. Their unique healing properties and positive impact on our body are known and applied for a long time. It must be said that, due to the presence of biologically active substances, almost all of them have bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial and regenerating effect, are favorably reflected on our nervous system, contribute to the preservation and restoration of the beauty of skin and hair, and also restore The mechanism of self-regulation in the body. Some representatives of this group of oils help to cleanse the body from slags and toxins, have a healing effect on the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, positively affect the psychophysical and emotional state of the body, activating blood circulation, removing overvoltage, eliminating discomfort, sense of uncertainty, increasing performance, etc. .

Each essential oil has special qualities and has its advantages. For example, chamomile oils, lemon, bergamot and vowers have powerful antibacterial properties. They tone and warm sage, cinnamon, nutmeg (used for massage biologically active points, due to which blood circulation and lymphatic drainage increases), and, on the contrary, cooled mint and lavender. For relaxation, souls, incense, rose, fir and sandalwood are perfectly suitable for relaxation, and Melissa and Lemongrass are excellent stimulants. Pink, pine, as well as geranium oil, chamomile, mirra and rosewood show the most powerful regenerating properties. It is these properties are very effective when using skin care oils. Just a few drops in homemade masks and creams, and their effectiveness will increase several times.

Among the unique properties of essential oils should be allocated to adjust the level of hormones in the body, which are responsible for preserving and maintaining youth. Among them can be noted the oil of Mirra, Sandal, Jasmine, Ylang-Ylang, Roses, Norole, Patchouli, etc. The high efficiency of their application is due to phytogormons contained in oils, which have a structure similar to human hormones.

Some representatives of essential oils have a powerful antioxidant effect (juniper, pink tree, vetiver, mirra, rose, etc.), they contribute to the restoration of the oxygen balance in our body, while eliminating the toxic effect of oxygen when it is excess, thereby slowing the natural aging Cells, reinforcing tissue breathing and blood supply.

The uniqueness of essential oils is manifested in the fact that when applied in each particular case, their healing and useful effects are sent to the area that needs most of all. That is why it is so important to choose the right essential oil in one way or another. In compliance with this condition, the positive effect will manifest quite quickly.

Before applying a type of essential oil, it is important to carefully read the instructions, paying attention to contraindications and its properties. For example, if the oil is a stimulant of cheerfulness and activity, it is better not to use it overnight, or, on the contrary, if it has a relaxing effect, do not use it in the clock of your activity. It is also necessary to take into account the effects of oil fragrance to your body. It happens that the skin from the use of one or another oil becomes magnificent, but at the same time its aroma worsens the state and your well-being, or you simply do not tolerate it.

Each essential oil has special contraindications, as a result, before applying, be sure to consider them. Pregnancy and epilepsy are considered to be absolute contraindications to their use (including skin), some species can be prohibited by people with hypertension, etc.

Some representatives of essential oils can be phototoxic, and cause irritation and redness of the skin (especially citrus oils) when exposed to sun rays. That is why such oils are better to use two hours before the exit to the open sun rays, to the tan in the solarium and the sun.

The use of essential oils in cosmetology.
It is important to note that the essential oils for the skin are usually prohibited for use in undiluted or pure form (with the exception of some representatives that are applied directly to problem areas), since they provoke a strong irritation of the skin. Therefore, before use, they must be diluted in vegetable (basic) oils. They are mainly enriched by self-cooked creams and masks for the skin of the body and face, as well as hair. But it is not desirable to add them to the shopping cosmetics, because, as some experts believe, due to the ability to penetrate deeply into the skin fabrics, the oil can "deliver" there all harmful substances (chemistry) that are present in the finished means.

I note that after using essential oils on the skin, small redness may occur that quickly pass. If redness is accompanied by a strong itching, discomfort and unpleasant sensations, it means that such types of oils are not suitable for you. Either such a reaction may be caused by the abuse of essential oils (overdose).

In skin care, essential oils have a wide range of action. They are used for any type of skin in order to purify, rejuvenate, increase the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, for the treatment of irritation, inflammation, redness, acne, pedestal, etc.

For example, rosemary, camphor, grapefruit, bergamot, melissa, lemon, orange, tea tree, fir, and cloves, patchouli are recommended in caring for oily and problem skin. for dry and sensitive skin - Mirra, Blue Chamomile, Rose, Jasmine, Patchouli, Sandal, Orange; For any skin type - lemon, ylang-ylang, neroli, geranium, jasmine; Behind fading, aging, exhausted, dery and sluggish skin - orange, rose, patchouli, neroli, anise.

To purify the skin and narrowing the pores is ideal, Mirt, Lemon, Major, Melissa, Ylang-Ylang, Rosemary, Grapefruit. Lavender, daisy, jasmine, patchouli, geranium, well helps for removing irritation. If you want to saturate with the skin with vitamins and give it a tone effectively apply Verbena oil, orange, spruce, rosewood.

The rejuvenating effects have such essential oils, like: Naroli, Verbena, Sandal, Biggarde, Ylang-Ylang, Orange, Jasmine, Ladan, Rose. Mirra, Sandal, Patchouli, Rosa, Fennel, Neroli have a pull-up effect (lifting).

For restoration or regeneration of the skin effectively use Geranium oil, ylang-ylang, roses, lavender, mirrah, chamomile, carnations, jasmine.

Return the skin healthy and fresh color of the face, the natural radiance will help the oil of a lift, roses, mint, neroli, verbena.

Eliminate swelling can be removed using lemon oil, limetic, mirrier, juniper, chamomile, pines, and removal inflammation will help kayaput, geranium, orange, lemon, juniper.

To combat Cooperoz, it is effectively used by the oil of neroli, myrta, cypress.

For the treatment of various types of dermatitis, juniper, geranium, rose, lavender are used. For the treatment of cracks and snacks in the corners of the mouth, jasmine oils, melissa, citrus fruits are recommended.

I will describe the action of several of the most popular representatives of essential oils that are applied to face skin care.

Essential oils for the skin of the face.

Tea tree oil.
Strong antiseptic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory properties provide high efficiency in the treatment of acne, as well as any rashes on the skin of purulent nature.

Fir oil.
Due to the high antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and smoothing properties, it is recommended for excessive oily skin, lesions of the skin of the gun-skinned property, as well as in caring for fading and aging skin.

Camphor oil.
Eliminates acne, regulates the process of separation by the secrets with saline glands, eliminates excessive sweating of the skin of the face. It can be used in clarifying purposes (pigment spots, freckles).

Lemon oil.
It has a rejuvenating effect, slows down the processes of fading and aging of the skin. In addition, it has the ability to regulate the production of skin fat, contributes to the narrowing and purification of pores. In addition, it has a clarifying effect.

Orange oil.
Normalizes the development of fastening glands, has an anti-inflammatory and bleaching effect.

Rose oil.
Accelerates tissue regeneration, it is recommended for mature and fading skin, smoothes wrinkles, possesses a lifting effect, significantly increasing the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. It is also recommended for use in skin care around the eyes.

Rosemary oil.
It is recommended for oily skin with the presence of black dots and comedones. It has the property to level the surface of the skin, eliminates scars, stains and other consequences after acne.

Ilang-ylang oil.
It has a property to adjust the functions of the sebaceous glands, perfectly narrows the pores, fights with acne, and also has a moisturizing, soothing, softening and rejuvenating effect.

Clove oil.
Especially useful for acne and purulent-inflammatory skin diseases. It also has high regenerating abilities, can be used for toning of fading skin.

Patchouli oil.
It has moisturizers, tonic and restoring qualities, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, perfectly narrows the pores. It is recommended to eliminate the effects of acne and acne.

Lavender oil.
Removes irritation, fights with acne and purulent rashes. It has high healing and regenerating abilities, therefore it is recommended for burns, cuts and other damage to the skin.

Cinnamon oil.
Effectively with the pallor of the skin, improves the complexion, gives a positive result in the treatment of dermatoses and lesions of the skin of a fungal nature, in addition, treats scabies, warts, eliminates bruises and traces of insect bites.

Eucalyptus oil.
It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, bactericidal effect. It is an effective means of fighting acne, furunculov, herpes and other skin inflammations, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands. When regular use can have a clarifying effect.

Mint oil.
It is recommended for various skin inflammations, adjusts the production of skin fat, the pores narrows, improves the complexion. It can also be used to treat acne, coperaosis, skin diseases, such as eczema and dermatitis.

Bergamota oil.
Regulates the activity of sweat and sebaceous glands, contributes to the narrowing of the pores, fights with acne, acne and other purulent-inflammatory rashes. In addition, it has a tonic and whitening effect.

Neroli oil.
It tones, refreshes, rejuvenates the skin, helps to improve the color of the face, the increase in the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, has a soothing effect, relieves inflammation and struggles with acne and herpetic rashes.

Geranium oil.
Very useful for the skin, and it can be used in any type of it. It has soothing, moisturizing, softening properties, eliminates the peeling, has a rejuvenating and tonic effect, controls the secretion of the sebaceous glands, struggling with acne rashes, and also healing the skin in the presence of skin diseases.

Sandal oil.
It has a soothing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, due to which it is effective against acne and acne.

Grapefruit oil.
A good tonic for fading skin, narrows pores, adjusts the secretion of the sebaceous glands, warns the appearance of black dots. Due to high moisturizing properties, the oil is perfectly struggling with dryness and aging of the skin.

Juniper oil.
It is possible to get rid of excess skin, perfectly cleans the skin, tones it, fights with acne. In addition, it has rejuvenating properties, improves blood circulation in tissues, stimulates the removal of toxins, accelerates healing from many skin diseases.

Blue chamomile oil.
It has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, removing inflammation and irritation, itching and allergic reactions. In addition, it is effective for rotting lesions of the skin, cooperose, herpes, has a rejuvenating property.

Anise oil.
It has the ability to normalize the water-fat balance of the skin, increases its moisturizing level, tones, increases elasticity and elasticity.

Jasmine oil.
It has high moisturizing, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended for dry, dehydrated skin, fatty with inflammation and irritation, as well as for fading skin.

Fennel oil.
Restores the level of humidifier at any type, effectively cleanses the pores, gives the tone. It is also recommended for the treatment of teenage acne. In addition, it is recommended as an efficient rejuvenating and restoring agent.

Mirra oil.
Effectively struggling with acne rashes, strands, wounds, membranes and other skin damage, due to high anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal and antibacterial properties. In addition, it is effectively fighting with signs of aging, providing a rejuvenating effect.

Cypress oil.
Ideal with any type of leather. Moisturizes the skin, gives the tone, increases elasticity and elasticity, inhibits the aging processes, smoothes wrinkles. In addition, it is recommended for Cooperose.

Lemongrass oil.
Reduces and significantly narrows expanded pores, it cleans the skin, it tones it, and thanks to the bactericidal and antiseptic qualities, the oil helps perfectly with acne and purulent-inflammatory processes in the skin.

Ladan oil.
It has soothing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties, struggling with acne, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, tones the skin, has a rejuvenating effect, increasing the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

Essential oils in the preparation of home cosmetics (creams, masks, ointments, etc.).
Essential oils can be added to homemade creams and masks for face, hands, bodies, with them you can create effective humidifiers, soothing the skin and the like. Add to finished funds, as mentioned earlier, it is not recommended, the exception is made on mineral and organic basis, as well as a mandatory absence in Lanolin.

Essential hair oils.
Due to the high reducing, moisturizing, antibacterial properties, essential oils are good tools for the treatment of hair, diseases of the scalp, as well as for their prevention. They are suitable for use for almost all types of hair, have the ability to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, struggle with dandruff and other diseases.

Normal Hair Pita Support Such Representatives of Essential Oils: Tea Tree, Bergamot, Ylang-Ylang, Geranium, Cypress, Lavender, Cedar Tree, Carrot Seed, Lemon, Nerolis, Orange, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Thyme, Juniper, Chamomile, Rose, Sage Muscat.

For oily hair Recommended: Sage, Basil, Verbena, Buffer, Carnation, Geranium, Juniper, Rosa, Ginger, Lavender, Pine, Ylang-Ylang, Calendula, Cedar Tree, Cypress, Lemon, Orange, Melissa, Mint Pendum, Rosemary, Chamomile , Bergamot, Thyme, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus.

For dry hair, it is better to use such oils: ylang-ylang, geranium, chamomile, orange, jasmine, cedar tree, lavender, incense, mandarin, mryra, rosemary, rose, sandalwood, sage nutritional.

Essential oils can be enriching the shampoo (five drops or five different oils on one drop are enough for a single application). It is also useful to comb hair with the addition of oils on the brush, preferably from natural bristles. This procedure deeply nourishes the hair, strengthens the roots, struggling with falling, and also gives a pleasant fragrance. Before applying any essential oil, it is important to check it out for you have intolerance to it.

Essential oils can be added to hair masks prepared at home. A few drops of the etheric component into two tablespoons of the plant base or base (it can be olive, sunflower, almond, peach, coconut oil, as well as wheat germina oil).

Massage with essential oils.
Massage is useful for our body. The addition of essential oils into massage mixtures improves the penetration of beneficial substances in skin cells at a deep level. On the tablespoon of any base oil five drops of essential oil. A larger amount of the ethereal does not mean the benefits of the mixture or increasing its effectiveness. In addition, an increase in the number of essential oil can lead to undesirable side effects and allergic reactions. When making massage mixtures and choosing for this ethereal component, it is important to take into account the physical and emotional state.

Baths with essential oils.
Aromavandines are useful for skin and psycho-emotional health. It is fairly easy to use them for this purpose: after the bath is filled with warm water, you will come there suitable for you in this situation of essential oil (four to eight drops) and stir carefully. Oil can be pre-mixed with sea salt, bath foam or cream, which will improve the dissolution of oils in water. The duration of the first procedure is no more than five minutes, in the future this time must be increased to half an hour. Remember that it is impossible to pour oil into hot water or when the bath is not yet complete, since all the use of oil will evaporate together with the ferry. Bathroom, namely the door, should be tightly closed so that the aroma is preserved and the necessary action has occurred. Such baths not only improve well-being, but also transform the skin. This is due to the fact that, due to the high penetrating ability, essential oils quickly fall into the lymphatic system, and then begin to spread and wash all internal organs, providing their positive effect.

Inhalation with essential oils.
With their help, inflammatory and congestive reactions are effectively eliminated. Aromas, affecting and massaging points in the nose area, contribute to the occurrence of pulses, which are projected into some brain departments, and also positively reflected on the respiratory organs. Inhalations are carried out like this: to drop a few drops of the selected oil on the cloth. Inhale with closed eyes for three minutes. For the procedure efficiently use a special inhaler.

You can also pour warm water into a special "aromatic aromatic" and add a few drops of oil (1-10 drops), then light the candle. Slow water heating contributes to the gradual air saturation with aroma. The procedure should be carried out with tightly closed windows and doors.

Compresses with essential oils.
For treatment in order to achieve an anti-inflammatory, anti-fat, antispasmodic and painkillers use compresses with essential oils. In warm water, 300-400 ml add the essential oil required in this case (five drops), to moisten in a mixture of a cotton napkin, squeeze a little and impose on the area of \u200b\u200bprojection of the patient organ. Top to secure. The duration of such a procedure is from five to forty minutes.

As prevention of virus nature diseases, it is recommended to aromatize the room with a mixture of eucalyptus (one drop), lavender (two drops), mint (one drop).

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