Splicing tomatoes on two roots. Growing tomatoes with two roots per hole: personal experience

This is a grafting of an additional root system of a neighboring plant to the main stem of a tomato. When picking, two plants are planted in one pot very close to each other, no closer than 1 cm.

When the height of the stem from the cotyledons to the first true leaf is about 10 cm, and its thickness is 3 mm (usually in the first ten days of April), I start grafting. It is carried out as follows: the stems of both plants are brought closer together and they look at what place they best come into contact with each other. In places of contact with a sharp grafting knife or blade, the epidermis (skin) is removed (cut) from both stems in length by 2-3 cm. The stems are brought together so that their cuts are well combined, the site of grafting (convergence) is tightly tied with a thin plastic wrap. Stems grow together easily and quickly if the cut surface is made even, smooth and of equal size. After two weeks, I cut off the top of the weaker plant with scissors or a knife 2-5 mm above the strapping, and after a week I remove it with a sharpened match. There remains one plant on two roots, which is desirable to transplant into a larger vessel (500 ml) and spud the grafting site.
You can design seedlings from a larger number of seedlings, for example, 4 roots, but this must be done in 2 steps.
When the stems grow together at the grafting site, one of them is removed or both are left (depending on the purpose of the grafting). For example, if two varieties were grafted in order to impart resistance to the plants, the stem of the unstable variety is removed. If the grafting is done in order to get one double, more powerful plant, then two stems are left.

I grow rare and new varieties and hybrids, I don't throw the cut off tops, but put them in the water. After 7-10 days, roots grow on them, and I plant the rooted cuttings as ordinary seedlings. The cut stems do not have time to stretch out, and the seedlings are strong and stocky.

I harden the grafted plants and all the seedlings on the glazed balcony and at the end of May I plant them under the arches, which I cover in advance with a film so that the earth warms up well. Plants on several "legs" grow faster than on one. Tomatoes are almost a month ahead of the usual ones in their development. Tomatoes begin to ripen in mid-June. By this time, there are up to 50 fruits and ovaries on the bush. The final harvest is in August, so that late blight does not have time to hit the grafted tomatoes, especially since I process them with pine broth.

All "many-legged" nightshades give an earlier, and with proper and timely care, and a higher yield. It is important not only to carefully vaccinate, but also to leave the plants, otherwise even the most the best varieties will not give a good harvest.

I rarely place tomatoes on several roots - after 70 cm. The day before planting the seedlings, I dig holes, I spread the ground out with a roller around them. In each put a handful of humus, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and ash and a pinch (1 g) of potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate. I mix everything with the earth. Before planting, I spill the holes with boiling water with potassium permanganate: while I get to the last one, you can plant seedlings in the first. I put an inverted bottle (1.5 l -3 l) without a bottom into the hole in front of each plant. Through it I water and feed the tomatoes. Plants are provided with water, but the land is dry and disease free.

After planting, I immediately tie the seedlings to a support and remove 1-2 lower leaves. I form tomatoes in 2-3 stems, leaving strong upper stepsons. To get an early harvest, I leave alone
I normalize the number of leaves: for tomatoes I leave one under the first flower brush.
In the future, for tomatoes, I save one leaf between the flower brushes. As the fruits ripen, I expose the stem; by the end of the growing season, only the very tip remains with leaves. Be sure to break out stepsons by tying them to arcs (I have high arcs)

In the afternoon, I ventilate the greenhouse from arcs: I open the covering material from 2 sides. The arches are always covered with spunbond and I only open them for procedures, for example, water, feed or spray. The rapid development of plants requires more frequent feeding. Since the end of June, every 10 days I water it with a manure-mineral solution - I insist weeds with manure for a day, I dilute the liquid 10 times and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any complex mineral fertilizer. Between these dressings I give a mixture: I dissolve 10 g in a bucket of boiling water boric acid, 5 g of potassium permanganate, an ampoule of iodine, 1 teaspoon of magnesia (I buy at the pharmacy) and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate.
Before use, I dilute the prepared concentrate five times with cold water.
Spraying is carried out for all tomatoes, without highlighting.

The grafted vegetable plants never let me down.

It is no secret that the development of a tomato bush, and hence its yield, largely depends on what kind of nutrition it receives from the soil, and how developed its root system is.
The methods of growing tomatoes and increasing yields are quite diverse, but here I will present to you, perhaps, an unusual and original way that will allow you to significantly increase the yield.

Many amateur gardeners grow crops like this: plant seeds, get seedlings, plant them in open ground and they begin to rely only on chance and weather, whether there will be a harvest or not!

However, a good harvest can be taken care of in advance. For example, the technology of growing tomatoes on two roots is known. Such a tomato bush and a place in the garden saves and the yield increases several times.

So, tomato seeds must be planted at a distance of 0.5 cm from one to the other. When the seedlings grow a little, and the stem takes on the required thickness, with a blade it is necessary to carefully remove the top layer of the stems from 2 adjacent sprouts. The incision should be 2–3 cm long for the cambium to be exposed.

After that, it is necessary to tilt the shoots towards each other so that the cut sections of the stems are in contact with each other. It is good to rewind the place of contact with a tape from the film. The width of the tape is a centimeter. A couple of days before the start of planting seedlings in the ground, you need to pinch the plant that has developed worse, while leaving 4 cm above the cut.

Simply put, this is a grafting of an additional root system of a neighboring plant to the main stem of a tomato. When picking, two plants are planted in one pot at a distance of 2 cm from each other. After the plants grow up a little, and their stems reach a thickness of 4 mm, inoculation is done by "bringing the tongue closer". To do this, on the tomato stems (above the cotyledonous leaves) on the sides facing each other, a thin strip of skin 1.0-1.5 cm long is removed with a blade (Fig. 1). In places where the skin is removed, make oblique cuts - "splits" of the stem in the form of "tongues" 6-7 mm long and a depth of no more than half the thickness of the stem. At the rootstock, the incision is made from top to bottom, and at the scion from bottom to top (Fig. 2). The resulting tongue-shaped clefts are carefully inserted into each other and fixed (Fig. 3).

Strips of non-woven material 0.5 cm wide can be used as fixators (it is better not to use ordinary film for tomatoes, otherwise, at the place of fixation, due to the fact that the film "does not breathe", root rudiments are quickly formed). Small hairpins or hairpins are very suitable for fixing flower stalks in orchids. In any case, the strapping material should firmly fix the grafting site, but not overtighten or injure the stems (Fig. 4).

For 4-5 days, the plants are shaded from direct sun. You can put plastic bags on the pots with plants for 2 days to maintain high humidity. Within 14 days, the plants grow together, if necessary, the strapping must be slightly loosened. After the plants have grown together, the crown of the rootstock is removed slightly above the graft site (Fig. 5).

Figure: 4 Fig. five

Grafting tomatoes in a row

A very interesting method is when plants in a row are combined into a "single organism" by splicing two stepchildren from neighboring plants of the same variety together. For plants planted in the ground, two stepsons are released below the first brush. Then the stepson of one plant is fused with the stepson of the neighboring plant by "coming closer to the tongue." Plants seem to "join hands" among themselves. If the plant is supposed to be grown in one stem, then both tops of the stepsons are removed above the grafting site. If in two stems, then the top of the "unnecessary" stepson is removed, i.e. "Rootstock" (Fig. 6. Scheme for growing in two stems).

Figure: 6

Photo by Elena Shutova

In order not to accidentally damage the grafting during the further care of the plants, it is necessary to provide for the fastening of both stepsons before grafting (for example, to a stake). It should be fixed in two places - below the vaccination site (each stepson) and above the vaccination site (both together). Just below the graft, both stems together (so that the graft does not disperse after removing the wrapping). Since tomato stems thicken during the growing season, the fixation of the stems must be periodically loosened so that the strapping does not cut into the stem.

On grafted stepchildren in places of convergence, you can remove several leaves for convenience and better ventilation of the plants. On the rootstock (when forming into two stems) or on both cut stepsons (when forming into one stem), for better result, it is necessary to leave several leaves, including one after the grafting site. All emerging shoots in the leaf axils must be removed in a timely manner.

Drawings by Elena Shutova

As you can see, the technique is very simple, and its application will allow you to use the allocated area of \u200b\u200bthe garden for tomatoes more efficiently and profitably without much cost.


We have a small piece of land - 50 m 2. I want to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and, of course, greens on it. Therefore, the harvest is always small. I heard that you can grow the crop more abundantly and save space if you plant tomatoes on two roots. I don't know how to do this. If possible, describe the landing technique. I think that I am not the only one interested in this method.

There is one more request. Answer specifically: how many tomato bushes need to be planted in a garden bed 1.5 m wide and 4.5 m long?

In nature, there are no forms or varieties of tomatoes that have two root systems (two roots). Such plants can be obtained only by artificial means - by grafting. Therefore, we will not talk about "planting technology", but about vaccination.

Grafting is a method of vegetative propagation that allows you to get a plant consisting of 2-3 or more parts belonging to different varieties and species. Such a grafted plant consists of a rootstock - the part that is grafted onto, and a scion - the part that is grafted onto. As a rootstock, varieties (species) resistant to adverse conditions or diseases are usually used. Often, for example, melon and watermelon are grafted onto a hard pumpkin or vegetable marrow, since they are much more resistant to low temperatures and have a more powerful root system. The grafted seedlings obtained in this way are more adapted to low temperatures, which makes it possible to cultivate melons and watermelons even in the northern regions.

There are different methods of grafting (with a grafting cuttings, in a side cut, buttstock, with a seed with a sprout, etc.), but only grafting by the approaching method (lining) allows you to get a plant with two root systems. Seeds of the same or different varieties are sown simultaneously in one container at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. When seedlings appear, the same care is carried out as when growing seedlings (watering, loosening, feeding). When the plants form 2-4 true leaves, and the stem reaches 0.4-0.6 cm in diameter, they start grafting.

It is carried out as follows: the stems of both plants are brought closer together and they look at what place they best come into contact with each other. In places of contact with a sharp grafting knife or blade, 2-3 cm of epidermis (skin) is removed (cut) from both stems. The stems are brought together so that their cuts are well combined, the place of grafting (convergence) is tightly tied with a thin plastic wrap. Stems grow together easily and quickly if the cut surface is made even, smooth and of equal size.

Caring for grafted plants is the same as for seedlings. When the stems grow together at the grafting site, one of them is removed or both are left (depending on the purpose of the grafting). For example, if two varieties were grafted in order to impart resistance to the plants, the stem of the unstable variety is removed. If the grafting is done in order to get one double, more powerful plant, then two stems are left.

In publications dealing with experiments of this kind, you can read various information and recommendations. In one case it is said about "growing plants on two roots", in the other - "about growing twin plants". Still others recommend boldly vaccinating, they say, there is no risk, well, as a last resort, "the bush will grow on one root." This begs the question: what is the point in such an experiment?

Vaccination must be done professionally. To grow healthy plants, you need to have the right conditions. If, for example, a more powerful plant is obtained as a result of rapprochement, then it naturally needs a larger feeding area. So it will not be possible to save the area of \u200b\u200bthe garden. Unless to the detriment of the normal development of plants ...

Is it worth it to philosophize if currently there are F1 hybrids that give 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof fruits per plant, and without any vaccinations.

And the area in the garden can be saved by growing plants vertically (in one or two stems). With the correct formation of the bush, the yield increases significantly.


On a bed 4.5 m long and 1.5 m wide, depending on the variety and feeding area, you can plant from 16 to 45 tomato plants. If the early maturing (Agatha, Boyan, Druzhba, Spark, Pagidny, Likurich, Novichok, Svitanok, etc.) and mid-ripening (Quiz, Leah, Volgogradskiy 5/95, Cruise, Moldova Cup, etc.) are grown according to the 50x30 cm scheme, then on Your site can accommodate 45 plants. According to the 45x45 scheme - only 30 plants.

For tall late varieties (De Barao, Tarasenko Hybrids, Titan, etc.) and F1 hybrids (Verlioka, Carlson, Rusich, Ukrainets, Solveig, etc.), the feeding area should be larger.

When planting according to the 50x50 scheme, 27 plants will fit on your site, and according to the 90x50 scheme - 18 plants.

Kira Stoletova

Grafting tomatoes can protect bushes from disease and increase the amount of harvest. Let's consider how to properly carry out such a procedure.

The benefits of grafting tomatoes

Tomato grafting (copulation) is gaining popularity. This method is perfect for gardeners with a small backyard plot, where it is not possible to plant a large number of bushes. Tomatoes can be grafted not only from variety to variety, but also by combining different varieties of nightshade.

Copulation not only helps to solve the problem of the area, but also benefits the bushes. It is used for several reasons:

  • To improve the root system. A seedling with two roots gets more nutrients, and fruiting occurs earlier.
  • To prevent disease.
  • To increase yields. You can grow more valuable varieties of hybrids on less suitable ones.
  • To increase resistance to temperature changes, the amount of watering and soil conditions.

This method is also suitable for northern vegetable growing areas. Bad weather and temperature changes make it difficult to get a large harvest from one bush, so copulating a vegetable makes it possible to collect the maximum yield from one bush.

When to vaccinate tomatoes

You can sow seeds in late February or early March. After 2-3 weeks, the seedlings must be dived: transplant 2 plants into separate pots or cups at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.When the seedlings reach 25 cm and the trunk thickness is 4 mm, you can start grafting. This happens about a month before the tomatoes are planted in the ground. The date is viewed according to the gardener's calendar.

The stem of the seedling should be round. If done later, the stem becomes flatter and the graft does not get along.

It is better to do splicing in cloudy weather. If it's sunny outside, then in the evening.

Tomato grafting methods

When grafted, each stem has its own name. A weak plant that is grafted onto another is called a stock. A stronger plant is called a scion. The process is called "ablation".

Tomatoes are grafted in several ways:

  • "Rapprochement with the tongue";
  • convergence in the same row in the garden.

In the southern regions, the digging method is used. With this method, the stem "lying" is buried with earth, as a result of which the plant has new roots. The digging method is not suitable for northern latitudes due to the formation of new roots: the harvest may not fully ripen.

Tomatoes are planted not only of one variety. Seedlings of different colors can be ablated: then on one bush there will be red and yellow fruits.

Ablactation with tongue

You will need a blade, alcohol or other disinfectant, scissors, and tape (strong thread, cloth). Hands are disinfected before work.

This technique is used when 3-4 leaves are formed on the seedlings. Let's take a closer look at how to properly plant tomatoes:

  • Above the cotyledon leaves, a sharp blade is used to cut a part of the stem 1.5 cm wide and 1.5 cm long.
  • The cut is made at the same level for both plants.
  • On the rootstock, cut from top to bottom, and on the scion, on the contrary, from bottom to top.
  • After removing the skin, splits or tongues are made with a depth of 6-7 mm.
  • The tongues are inserted into each other and fixed.

They are held together so as not to pinch the stems. For fixing, electrical tape, strips of materials are suitable. It is better not to use polyethylene: it does not allow air to pass through, and roots form in that place.

After copulation, the plants are hidden in the shade. You can put plastic bags on top of the pots for 2 days to increase the humidity. The stems grow together within 2 weeks. After that, the fixing material is removed. At the rootstock, the crown is cut off just above the graft.

The trimmed crown is placed in water. After rooting, it is planted as a normal seedling. The crown does not have time to stretch out, so the seedlings come out strong and stocky.

If you sow the seeds one at a time in a pot, you do not need to dive. For splicing, individual pots with seedlings are pressed against each other, sliced \u200b\u200band fixed. You need to fasten it with a thread, the upper and lower turns should be above and below the sections to be connected. After that, the seedlings are removed in the shade. After 2 days, the seedlings are returned to the sun, a third of the leaves are removed from the stock, and the crown is pinched off. After 2 weeks, the stock is removed completely.

As a result of such actions, a seedling with two roots is obtained, which allows you to get more tomato harvest.

Convergence in the same row in the garden

The second way to copulate tomatoes is to converge in the same row in the garden. With this method, stepchildren of neighboring plants are spliced. For this, stepchildren are taken below the first brush. The rootstock and the scion are combined with "tongues" into one stem.

To make the vegetable grow in one stem, remove the tops from 2 stepsons. If it is supposed to grow in 2 stems, pinch off the crown of the stock.

Care of grafted seedlings

Active fruiting and large fruits are provided not only by ablation, but also by high-quality plant care. Grafted seedlings develop faster due to the doubled root system, therefore, care should be appropriate:

  • Where the stepsons come together, they remove the leaves. This improves the ventilation of the tomato lashes.
  • A few leaves are left on the rootstocks to improve fruiting.
  • Shoots in the leaf axils are removed.
  • Plants that have reached 170-180 cm are pinched.

The spliced \u200b\u200bseedlings are watered with warm rainwater under the root, and not sprayed with water. For best results, dig in next to the bush plastic bottles with a cut bottom.

Copulation is done with tomatoes, which are grown both in pots and in beds.

This technology for obtaining a rich tomato harvest in a home greenhouse is based on the cultivation of one tomato bush, which feeds on two root systems.

In early March, seeds are sown in boxes or crates. Then they are covered with plastic wrap and placed near the battery so that the air temperature is within 25-27 degrees. Small shoots appear in three to four days. Then, having removed the polyethylene, they put the boxes on the windowsill so that they are well lit. By the way, very often tender seedlings stretch out and become weak. To avoid this, you can attach a sheet of thick cardboard next to the box around its perimeter.

Over time, when the tomatoes grow up, it is necessary to vaccinate. In this case, it is imperative to wait for the plants to grow by five to seven centimeters, and select the strongest. We take two pieces and plant them at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from each other in half-liter cups.

When the plants reach a height of 12-15 centimeters, they are grafted. You can only graft those seedlings whose stems are not thinner than a pencil. This means that when all the plants are ready for this operation, a neat cut is made on the trunks of both plants with a blade, the length of which should be from two to three centimeters. And, having connected the plants in the places of the cuts, they are carefully wrapped with a soft polyethylene strip or fixed with a regular clothespin. To prevent the plants from bending, props are installed.

When a week has passed, the plant that turns out to be weaker is carefully cut off. But so that the cut site is 2-3 centimeters higher from the vaccination site. This is how one bush is born, which is fed by two root systems.

When the grafted seedlings grow up and get stronger, it is advisable to open the window several times a day for three to five minutes so that the plants are tempered.

The plants are then planted in a greenhouse, usually at the end of April. During the season, tomatoes must be looked after, fed, and the soil must be loosened. As a result, we collect an amazing harvest.

The fact is that the plant is nourished by two root systems, due to which it becomes very strong, large, and, accordingly, a lot of color appears. Thus, throughout the season, you, your relatives, friends and customers will enjoy eating large, juicy and delicious tomatoes with pleasure.

The video was found at the tip of tokarevo, for which she is very grateful
In the previous post, I was interested in who has already tried to grow tomatoes on two roots.
As a result of the survey, it turned out that 36 out of 37 respondents were interested in the method.
In order not to get lost in the abundance of information, some even decided to form a group called "The Experimenter".

Making an application for the creation of a group, I came to the conclusion that there is no need to create a separate group. The site already has a community "Garden and Vegetable Garden" in which the groups "Our Gardens" and "Workshop of the Gardener and the Gardener" already exist. It remains only to decide in which of them we will place our notes-reminders about the progress of work
In my opinion, it is most logical to enter the "Workshop ...", where Akulina Romanovna will remind everyone about the progress of planting strawberry seeds. Maybe Tatyana Veklenko will pull herself up, with the grafting of a cucumber on a pumpkin.
In general, we will all be side by side.
And to make it easier to search for our posts, I suggest in tags write "Experiment. Tomato on 2 roots" or "Experiment. Strawberries from seeds" etc.

Based on the results of the discussion of the first post, on the topic tomato on 2 roots, we already have the first participants in the experiment.
If anyone else wants to join, please write in the comments below, add to the list.

1 Donna Marina
2 Friend Chikin
3 Nivyanik
4 Liudinka
5 Caty_L
6 Zhilyueva
7 elena christmas
8 Marina2410
9 Lyudmila Alexandrov
10 hanum53
11 Irina Limassol
12 Anneta57
13 TATTY-125
14 about myself I forgot Vih Lanka
15 Akulina Romanovna
16 vika985
17 Emu
18 Alevtina Sutunkova
19 Bernokoun
20 Kamenskaya Tatiana
21 Larrisa Fedorova
22 Summer Resident with Experience
23 irahanna
24 EleonoraM
25 Tatiana Veklenko
26 Flower Girl Elena

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