Collar for the cat: how to make and dress on a pet, for what it is needed. What is a collar for cats, what is needed, and how they use a plastic bottle collar

The cat in the house is not only warm, comfort and purr. Pet imposes on the owner and responsibility, which is often poured into quite serious problems. Broken dishes, filtered wallpaper or marked slippers do not follow: As the forces and the abilities of the owners are struggling with such manifestations of cat in the cat. And with those features that could not be defeated - lay and forgive. So much worse, if there were some kind of medical plan with the loved one. And some of them lead to what you have to buy a collar for cats. Faced with him for the first time, people with distrust look at a strange adaptation, perceiving him almost as however, the doctor prescribed - it means to wear!

What do you need a veterinary collar

Of course, this design is not too convenient for your pet. But in some cases it is not without it. The protective collar for cats is extremely necessary when:

  1. Animal suffered extensive operation. Seam must heal, and to speed up the process - remain dry. Cats also diligently lick it, especially after treatment with prescribed drugs - consider themselves dirty. And if you remember the roughness of the cat tongue, you begin to realize that the animal can achieve the discrepancy of the seam pure mechanical effect.
  2. Cat has sick ears. She begins to comb them, bring up all your attempts to eliminate the disease.
  3. Processing is carried out poisonous or hormonal drugs. In particular, when combating flea and ticks, the treatment of postpartum mastitis, leaks of skin eczema, etc.

In all these cases, the collar for cats will prevent the emergence of much more difficult problems: poisoning, complications and repeated operations.

How to choose

The veterinary adaptation is without that seriously complicates the life of the animal, so that the choice of the collar must be expected competently, so as not to make the cat's existence and not at all unbearable.

First, pick the collar for cats exactly for the size of your favorite. If you buy it, the neck of the neck is indicated. Measure the cat before buying.

Secondly, try to buy a collar precisely. He flashes the cat overview, and if she won't see through the barrier, it will begin to be nervous and try to remove him. In the postoperative state, this is especially dangerous.

Thirdly, pay attention to the design. Most often, the collar for cats is made in the form of a semicircle, which is fastened with the tongues, sucked in the slot. Such a construction on a dissenter cat is a ternary torment. Over time, maybe it will get used, but at first alone you definitely do not cope. Pay better attention to the "Lamp" collar for cats. Its price, of course, will be higher (200-250 rubles against 60-100), but it is fastened to the anti-cylinder collar, and the velcro is just glued on the animal.

Terms of use

It is not enough just to buy a collar for cats and put it on it, you need to remember that the animal has a hindrance, and he will have to help her live. To begin with for each feeding, the collar needs to be removed - before eating in it, the cat simply will not be pretended. The same will have to do when your pet wants to drink, so you need to watch it constantly.

If injections are put in the cat, put on the collar, you need to wear it so that its clasp (the coarsest part) does not occur to this place.

Possible problems

Even the most expensive and high-quality collar for cats does not guarantee the absence of problems with him. Most often you can encounter such.

  1. Animal for everything clings. Most likely, the protective part is too long. The simplest way out is to trim the edge on a centimeter-one and a half and presatess whether the cat helped this measure.
  2. The same symptoms plus the inability of the cat jump into the chair and the constantly inclined position of the head. The collar is made of too heavy plastic - you have to change.
  3. Running neck. Usually near the loops, but maybe through the entire line of contact with the neck. Too sharp edge; It should be saved by his scotch, so as not to scratch.

Alternative solutions

Cats - Animals internally. Some of them are simply not able to accept the extra "detail of the toilet", as follows against their will. If the animal does not calm down and persistently trying to remove the collar for cats, while applying the appliant means like the furniture legs, you will have to get rid of a pet from an annoying item. True, perhaps it is not in all cases. For example, if a cat after surgery, you can replace the collar bandage tapping on the back. It puts on quite simple, and the animals perceive the "T-shirt" much more calmer. At the same time, the sputtering of the seam will become impossible.

Some cats with sick ears agree to wear a hat, built by hostesses from soft fabric or even bandage.

However, if poisonous processing is being conducted, or it is impossible to cover the injured areas, you will have to patiently and persistently persuade the animal to wear a collar for cats.

lush collar

Alternative descriptions

Upper shirt clasp, lace or rubbed

Lace assembly cover around a collar and on the chest of male shirts of the XVIII century.


Trim blouses, dresses or shirts in the form of a frill of fabric or lace around the gate or on the chest

Finish from lace or easy. Fabrics on the chest usually in a female dress

Magnificent finish of male shirt on the breast in the collar, from lace, Ryusha, imitating tie

Lush trim in collar of lace or light fabric

Elegant Breast Camera On Blouse Gate Dresses

Lush lace at the gate

Elegant magnificent float cloth along the blouse

Elegant lush trim from lance or light fabric on the chest at the gate


Elegant collar

Lace at a speaker

Sprayed collar

Elegant lush collar

. "Amphibian" Detail of Blouse

Collar of lace

Decoration from lace

Breast Oracle

Manica of high puff

Beautiful collar


Lush collar finish

Ruffles on the blouse

Displaced on the collar

. "Flags" frills on the chest

Finish in collar

. "Amphibian" ruffles on the chest

Foam collar

Panel in front of windshield

Fashed collar

Lush trim from lace on the chest

Vintage collar

Lush framing of collar

Foamed collar

Super-duper collar

Lush trim in collar

Manica in Outdoor


Lush trim in a collar of lace or light fabric

Lace assembly cover around the collar and on the chest of male shirt 18 in

Standing collar at the gear shirts in the XIX century

. "Amphibian" Detail of Blouse

. "Amphibian" ruffles on the chest

. "Frog" frills on the chest

Lace assembly covering around a collar and on the chest of male shirt XVIII in

Cf. Magon. or Zabot m. Franz. Graduation manica, fruit, manshes, bors, borsal assemblies shirt

I am a frog name

Spreading on the collar

Often B. postoperative period, in the case of some skin disease A cat needs to create conditions under which it will not be able to lick the wounds or even just their wool, will not be able to scratch his head, behind the eye. An indispensable attribute of such barrier therapy is a special protective collar.

An animal owner should not scare this design and those inconvenience, which at the beginning experiences lovers. The most basic the task of the collar - proper treatment and rehabilitation, protection of cats from complications after illness.

IMPORTANT! High collar gives the cat to touch the fruit to the wool and skin. Therefore, the doctor's recommendation should be taken seriously and responsibly.

Cat collar wears beautiful name "Elizavetsky"And indeed, he recalls the design and form of exquisite accessories of medieval ladies.

The design has a specially large height that does not give a cat the opportunity to reach the heads or tongue to his fur coats. When the veterinarian appoints a wearing collar, the owners of the cat raises the question of how to make a protective product with their own hands.

And do not worry - if the collar is made correctly, in size, the animal will quickly get used to it.

When there is a need for high collar

  • The doctor advises to wear a rigid and high collar after castration, sterilization after execution Others operations. These animals have a congenital habit of losing intimate organs after the toilet. If a cat is such a fruit touching a fresh wound, it may be infected.
  • Curious cats can claws or teeth comb into wounds, what also dangerously. Can not allow a pet lied wool and skin after it is processed chemicals . Such toxic and hazardous substances include various sprays from fleas, ointment from ticks, antibacterial drugs, hormonal cream.
  • During the delay, treatment is carried out with antifungal agentswhich are applied to the inflamed areas of the skin. Eating in the esophagus can cause poisoning, and the high collar will prevent such a hit.
  • Saves fixture and in case imposing bandages on animal wound. The cat will try to remove the bandage or the jannings, thereby damaging the wound.

Requirements for the form and quality of collar collar

If it is necessary to wear a cat in a high collar to protect her health, it is important to choose the correct design corresponding to the size of the animal. The collar must be safe, reliable. A pet should not be able to independently shoot this design, breaking it with his paws.
It is also important that the cat collar did not interfere with free breathing, did not rub the neck. Before you release a cat with such a design, you need to carefully check the edges of the product so that they cannot be cut.

Choose and buy a plastic collar for rehabilitation after the operation can be in the pet store, but not always the design correspond to the necessary parameters. Therefore, often the best way out is the independent manufacture of the product with its cat. For this, a ready-made pattern is used, which is not difficult to find on the Internet.

INTERESTING! The veterinarian collar is made not only of plastic, from paper. For cats of gentle and calm breeds can be used dense fabricwhich folds in several layers.

Features pattern

  • In order to make a collar for animals, a pattern is used in the form of halves of the ring. It can have different heights, length, width. From such a detail makes a cap with a neckline for the neck, the edges are securely fasten.
  • When creating a pattern, you need to measure the neck girth (it will be the length of the inner semicircle), the length of the neck to the tip of the nose (plus five centimeters). You can make a small stock by parameters, cut the workpiece, fold, try on and cut down too much.

If the collar is strongly blocking the cat overview of the surrounding environment, homemade loves will be very nervous, which will not affect the course of rehabilitation.

Fabric collar

In order to sew a fabric device, you should use the usual pattern, a dense kant is stitched around the edge, it will hold the design. Soft version of the protective product may not provide full protectionYou need to watch the behavior of a pet in such a design. If the cat is trying to remove the collar or take it with his paws, it will take a more hard pattern. Pet health should be a major factor.

Plastic bottle collar

When buying in a veterinary pharmacy or pet shop, the question arises, how much is the "Elizabetan" collar for the cat. The price may surprise, especially on products imported, from eminent brands. Since the design is most often used temporarily, a short period, more practical to make it from the primary materials, for example, from plastic bottle. Additionally need velcro, ribbons.

  • The bottle must be cut so that the cone is turned out.
  • So that the cat was not covered with sharp plastic, the inner region should be seen with a ribbon or strip of fabric.
  • Where the details of the product will be connected, ribbons are sewn.

In this way, it is easy to make a product from a transparent plastic bucket, a flower pot.

Option of fast manufacture of veterinary collar

In emergency cases, there is no time to engage in the sewing of a veterinary collar or look for it in pet stores. If you need to put on your head such a device urgently, you can use the time option.

  • You need to crush the cardboard, cut a semicircle from it. Then the material should be twisted, it will make it softer.
  • The workpiece must be tried on an animal, cutting off an extra.
  • The edges of the cardboard may be sharp, you need to cover them with scotch.

The temporary option is used when you need urgent protection for wound cats. You can also apply it in antibacterial treatment of a pet, when applied spray from fleas or ticks. Pet for a while should not touch your wool, skin. Then the simple collar without regret is thrown away. Best Material For the design - a dense cardboard of a packaging box, a shoe box. If the cardboard is very thick, it is better not to apply it for cats, it is suitable only for a dog collar.

The easiest version of the cardboard collar may be if it is only needed on a short time (Before visiting the veterinarian, before buying a more serious design).

ATTENTION! The design of even such a temporary design can be thought out, convenient. If scotch and glue simple loops from paper or tissue to the edge of the collar, the collar can be launched.

Rules wearing

Protective collars are needed by a feline so that they do not lick in the fields of the Russian Academy of Sciences, did not touch the treated wool. The device will not cause delight in the animal, but you need to gain patience and most importantly, choose the most convenient and reliable option..

High rigid collar must be periodically removed by providing the cat with the possibility of a little rest from the design.

  • While the cat is without barrier protection, better hold it on hand or check in another way.
  • There are pets, especially stubborn or susceptible to discomfort. They may even give up drinking or eating Because of the veterinary collar.
  • Such pets need to remove the collar more often so that they can eat by regime, drink water.
  • Feline is considered smart and cunning animals, at first they will try to get rid of the design uncomfortable for them. It is important to monitor the process so that postoperative rehabilitation takes place according to the rules.

What to do if the animal can not get used to the collar

The owner of the cat may notice that his pet protective collar removes what to do in that case? Most likely, the unreliable design is selected, which is easy to remove through the head or unbutton, break.

maybe The product has sharp edges that rub the neck, cause irritation in an animal. You should check this assumption.

IMPORTANT! Cats perfectly feel the attitude of man. If in addition to uncomfortable design, they will also receive indifference to the owners, rehabilitation after injury or operations will pass hard.

There are seams that will not be able to accept the collar for a long time, you need to take a maximum of attention to your favorite, more often take it in the hands, soothe. When the dinner time comes, "Spanish Cow Collar", as sometimes called it, you need to remove, feed the kitty with something tasty.

A cat can irritate a certain kind of collar, for example, the one that is made of plastic or opaque. If you change the design, the cat calms down and eventually gets used to a small discomfort.

Useful video

Easy way to make collar at home

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