Benefits of basil growing in a greenhouse. How to properly grow and care for basil in a greenhouse

  • Basil grown in the country (video)

    Find out how to make a roof of a country house cheaply and quickly

    Growing basil seedlings is a fairly popular way to quickly and efficiently raise a crop and get a harvest. Sowing for seedlings takes place at the end of March or at the very beginning of April, the sowing depth is up to 1 cm.In order for the seedlings to sprout quickly, within about 10 days, temperature adjustment is required, which throughout this period should be kept at around + 25 + 27 ° С. Next, picking takes place in small pots. Pots with young seedlings are aged in a greenhouse, where they are fertilized and hardened. It will be necessary to apply mineral fertilizers in the phase of the first leaf (unless, of course, the seedlings develop poorly). It is simple to prepare them - dilute 3 g of potash, 2 g of nitrogen and 5 g of phosphorus fertilizers per liter of clean water, and water. Already before planting in open ground, about a week, it is necessary to harden the plants - limit watering, arrange ventilation in the greenhouse with a decrease in temperature.Around the beginning of June, when the danger of night frosts has completely passed, basil is planted in open ground. Arrangement on a garden bed in rows, 30 cm apart, and the distance between plants is 25 cm. Planting takes place in small holes, 7-8 cm deep, where about a liter of water is poured in before placing a young plant. Basil is planted with pots, but only so that the central bud and young leaves remain on the surface. While the plant takes root, the basil is watered constantly, after this period - watering only as needed. How to grow basil from seedlings: detailed instructions starting with planting seeds, and ending with the transfer of basil to open ground

    This process is all called differently, such as growing basil on a windowsill or growing basil in a pot, but the essence remains the same. You will need to grow a seed culture in a pot, or transplant an already adult basil with cuttings. As in open ground, you will need a fertile bud and warm, calm conditions. Basil is planted in several plants in one pot, the pots are placed in sunny, well-heated places, watering occurs as the soil dries up, about once every 5-6 days. Also, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will be necessary, according to the scheme described earlier. Basil is fertilized at home about once a month. Growing basil from seeds at home is a little slower than growing basil in a greenhouse and open field, but you can always achieve excellent results by providing the culture with the necessary conditions. Growing basil at home: the right soil. , fertilizing, watering and sunny place

    Growing basil: agricultural techniques and features Growing basil in the country will require increased attention from the owner of the site, if, of course, he is interested in a rich and stable harvest, and not in sluggish greens, which can grow without much care.

  • Basil grown in the country (video)
  • Indeed, each culture in the country requires attention, and especially, basil, which, although it can easily cope with many pests and diseases, is very picky about soil and heat. How to grow basil without crazy waste of time and energy, and get a decent harvest that will delight our table with a spicy seasoning by the end of the season? The secrets of growing basil now.

    Basil farming techniques require fertile and well-groomed soil, which means we will have to work hard to create the best option for growing the crop. Basil is best planted in well-heated areas that are protected from wind and drafts. The plant prefers light sandy loam, well filled with organic matter. Legumes, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers are considered the best predecessors of plants in the garden, since organic fertilization is stable under them. Preparation of the soil for growing basil in the open field begins in the autumn, when the garden is well dug and fertilized. The depth of the excavation is about 20-25 cm, about the bayonet of a shovel, fertilizer for the soil (per 1m2) - 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof humus or compost, 22-25 g of superphosphate and about 15 g of potassium salt. If the cultivation of basil is planned on heavy soils, clay and loam, then in the fall it is required to form the correct ridges, which in the spring should be well cut with a hoe (depth up to 15 cm). Soil for growing basil: preparation and fertilization

    Growing basil seedlings is a fairly popular way to quickly and efficiently raise a crop and get a harvest. Sowing for seedlings occurs at the end of March or at the very beginning of April, the sowing depth is up to 1 cm.

    In order for the seedlings to sprout quickly, within about 10 days, temperature adjustment is required, which for the entire given period should be kept at around + 25 + 27 ° С. Next, picking takes place in small pots. Pots with young seedlings are aged in a greenhouse, where they are fertilized and hardened.

    It will be necessary to apply mineral fertilizers in the phase of the first leaf (unless, of course, the seedlings develop poorly). It is simple to prepare them - dilute 3 g of potash, 2 g of nitrogen and 5 g of phosphorus fertilizers per liter of clean water, and water.

    Already before planting in open ground, about a week, it is necessary to harden the plants - limit watering, arrange ventilation in the greenhouse with a decrease in temperature.Around the beginning of June, when the danger of night frosts has completely passed, basil is planted in open ground. Arrangement on a garden bed in rows, 30 cm apart, and the distance between plants is 25 cm. Planting takes place in small holes, 7-8 cm deep, where about a liter of water is poured in before placing a young plant. Basil is planted with pots, but only so that the central bud and young leaves remain on the surface. While the plant takes root, the basil is watered constantly, after this period - watering only as needed. How to grow basil from seedlings: detailed instructions starting with planting seeds, and ending with the transfer of the basil to open ground

    In fact, growing and caring for basil is not particularly difficult, you just need to study the technology of growing basil and adhere to a certain scheme. Basil should be broken for planting density, tearing off the upper shoots, remove flowering from young plants, weed weeds in the garden in time, water the basil and loosen the soil. Also, you should not allow the planting of basil to thicken and high soil moisture, otherwise, the basil will suffer from gray mold.

    When the basil greens reach 10-12 cm, it can be removed little by little. The leaves are tied in bunches and dried, then, finely ground and used as a seasoning for various dishes.

    This process is all called differently, such as growing basil on a windowsill or growing basil in a pot, but the essence remains the same. You will need to grow a seed culture in a pot, or transplant an already adult basil with cuttings.

    As in the open field, you will need a fertile bud and warm, windless conditions. Basil is planted in several plants in one pot, the pots are placed in sunny, well-heated places, watering occurs as the soil dries, about once every 5-6 days. Also, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will be necessary, according to the scheme described earlier. Basil is fertilized at home about once a month. Growing basil from seeds at home is a little slower than growing basil in a greenhouse and open field, but you can always achieve excellent results by providing the culture with the necessary conditions. Growing basil at home: the right soil. , fertilizing, watering and sunny place

    Now that the cultivation of basil at home or outdoors has become clear to you, you can choose the most suitable variety.

    A plant with deep bluish leaves and a persistent aroma of tea and allspice.

    A culture with light green leaves, the aroma of which is reminiscent of a mixture of cloves and bay leaves.

    A plant with purple-brown leaves, which, when harvested, can give any dish a clove and mint aroma.

    In addition, it is always possible to grow purple basil or lemon basil, which do well in pots on a windowsill or outdoors if you are initially growing basil through seedlings in a greenhouse. We recommend reading the article on anise.

    Today, basil is the most favorite among the herbs, which is very common in the Caucasus. If you are interested in the question of how to grow basil in the country, then you are well aware of this aromatic culture. There are many different types of this herb, which differ only in shape, size and color.

    These can be large or small leaves, round or pointed, green or purple. The qualities of basil are used as a spice and medicine; it can be used as a herb, dry seasoning and for tinctures.

    Such a spice is grown in several ways - by seedlings and sowing seeds in the ground. In cooler areas, where the summer is not so hot, it is better to use grown seedlings. Basil very well perceives fertile soils, which are well warmed up by the sun. You can grow the plant in pots or in a greenhouse.

    In order to grow basil seedlings, it is necessary to fill the pots or boxes with fertile soil and sow the seeds to a depth of no more than half a centimeter. warm place in the room. From time to time, the coating should be opened and the soil aired.

    At a favorable temperature, the seedlings will appear in a week, after it it is desirable to lower the temperature, but leave the seedlings enough sun so that the stems do not stretch too much. When 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings need to be planted so that it is freer. You can grow some of the plants from cuttings.

    When the plant has already had up to 6 leaves, you can cut off the tops from it and place it in a container with water, pretty quickly the stems overgrow with a good root system, after which it is planted in pots, a greenhouse or open ground under a film. the ground on the street has already warmed up enough, you can plant seedlings. Basil prefers slightly acidic and compostable soils.

    Before planting, you need to prepare trenches up to 10 cm deep and water them with water at room temperature. After planting seedlings, it is advisable to cover the soil on the surface with mulch. When the plants are hardened, they no longer need special care.

    It is enough to regularly remove weeds and water the land. When you start cutting the first greens, the plant will need to be fed with mullein or nettle infusion.

    The foliage of the basil can be cut off throughout the summer, the main thing is that the plant is spacious, it has enough air. When planting basil seeds, they need to be kept in rain or settled water for several hours. Seeds are planted in the beds to a depth of 1 cm.

    The seeds are sprinkled with earth, watered with warm water and the beds are covered with foil or glass. After the first shoots appear, the plants will need to be aired for 10 minutes a day and watered as the soil dries. When the first true leaves appear, the glass is removed and the seedlings are planted.

    At the same time, the distance is maintained at least 5 cm between the basil seedlings. After a while, the plant will get stronger and grow.

    It will be necessary to pinch the tops in order for it to give good lateral shoots. Video about Basil - the king of herbs. Now you already know how to grow basil in the country using prepared seedlings or planting seeds directly into the ground. If you take proper care of the plant, then you can enjoy fragrant salads and other dishes for almost a whole year, as the basil retains its qualities in a dried form.

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    Conditions for growing basil at home in the garden and in the greenhouse, photo description. Clove aroma, caramel, cultivation in the country. Basil is a herb. In the basilica, everything you see has a completely delicious, pleasant, spicy smell.

    The value of the leaves lies in the full set of useful vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, as well as with a small composition essential oilsBasil is often planted in strategic locations to scare off pesky insects such as flies or mosquitoes. And what is important - the insecticidal properties of this plant are used while protecting other useful plants from pests, such as aphids or spider mites.

    To do this, simply plant the basil in a convenient pot and place it near the affected plant. People in different countries have known for a very long time about the beneficial and tasty properties of basil leaves. As a medicinal plant, it is immediately used to stop headaches or as a means to gargle a sore throat. Basil belongs to a number of annual, spicy, garden plants.

    The maximum height of the basilica is 80 centimeters. Always with a huge number of leaves, which densely spud the plant. You can see the flowering of the basil from mid-July to early September.

    Ripe seeds look small and can be stored for up to 5 years.

    To grow basil, you need to choose only the most fertile soil, another plant will develop poorly or not at all. Cold weather negatively affects the plant. Low temperatures can kill him altogether.

    The best place will always be a well-lit area. Basil seeds for seedlings are sown, as a rule, only in early April, no later. A small box or pot of well-watered potting soil is suitable for seedlings.

    The seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm, sometimes by half a centimeter, and the distance between the rows is about 5 cm. Next, we put the box in a warm, well-lit place where the air temperature is not less than 20 degrees.

    At this temperature, you will observe the emergence in 5 days. The next step is to start planting the basil seedlings in pots and then to a permanent place in the garden. We are used to soaking them before planting seeds.

    With these seeds, you can not carry out this procedure, while you should always keep the soil in the box in a moist state, do not allow it to dry out. In no case should cold water be used for watering, only warm water!

    Cold water promotes disease - black leg. If you have not regretted cold water and the total amount of water in general, the blackleg will need additional measures taken.

    To combat the blackleg, pour all the soil in the box with a solution of copper sulfate (mix half a teaspoon of vitriol per one liter of water). The permanent place of the basil in the garden must be chosen correctly, taking into account that basil cannot grow in the same place every time. The best option is to return the plant to its old place only for 10 years of cultivation. We start planting plants in open ground at the end of May.

    At the same time, we try to choose a cloudy day for planting or when the sun is not very hot. After that, we thoroughly water all the plants.

    The whole care of basil throughout the season will consist only in clearing the soil around from weeds, and also at times to loosen the ground. And of course - water it, about 10 times during the growing season.

    You must understand that frequent watering has a beneficial effect on the appearance of new leaves. The first month of the plant goes very badly, as it develops slowly, gaining strength.

    The best option for the first month of growing is if you cover all the plants with a film to maintain a warm temperature and retain moisture. You need to cut the greens before flowering, while cutting off the leaves and branches up to 10 cm. Before the complete cutting, we start only during the flowering period At this time, the greens acquire the maximum taste and smell. In cooking, both fresh and dried leaves, basil branches are used. It gives a unique flavor to whatever you throw it at.

    Features of culture

    In the first stage, basil seedlings are grown. Seeds are sown in a greenhouse, seedlings are thinned out if necessary.

    Growing basil in a greenhouse and on a window

    In a greenhouse, basil requires moderate watering. Greenhouses should be regularly ventilated, otherwise, with high soil moisture and high temperatures, the seedlings will dry out. Growing basil in a greenhouse is quite a responsible process.

    Growing basil

    Basil is a healthy plant and an essential spice. This spicy culture is used in different countriesso it's good for everyone to know how to grow basil at home. This plant has a strong and pleasant aromatic smell. Basil leaves are rich in essential oils. Basil is a valuable source of rutin and carotene. To use this beneficial plant all year round, it is recommended to grow it at home.

    Features of culture

    Common basil is an annual plant with a strongly branched tetrahedral stem 30-50 cm high. Basil leaves are petiolate, oblong-oval with a jagged edge, varied in color: green, purple and green-purple. The flowers are white, pink or purple, the fruits are small black or dull brown. Basil is thermophilic, the slightest frost is harmful to it. The plant thrives on fertile light soils that are well warmed up by the sun.

    Besides cooking, basil is used in natural home cosmetics. The plant not only willingly grows in gardens and greenhouses, it is also possible to grow basil at home - in a box on the balcony, in pots, on a sunny windowsill.

    Growing basil on summer cottage won't give you much of a hassle. The main thing is to choose the right soil, grow seedlings, and provide the plant with proper care. Do not plant seedlings in open ground if the frost has passed. It is better to postpone the planting a little, but overgrowing the seedlings is also unacceptable.

    How to grow basil on a windowsill?

    It is better to prepare the soil from summer by disinfecting it thoroughly (by roasting it in an oven for 40-60 minutes). In addition, you can purchase soil from a specialized store.

    To speed up the germination of seeds, they must be placed in a damp cloth for a couple of days. Dry or soaked seeds are planted in soil in a suitable container such as a cardboard or wood box. The soil should be at room temperature. When seedlings appear, it is necessary to provide greenery with maximum illumination. Water the basil as needed, but not too abundantly. It is not necessary to thin out the greens.

    The main condition for the successful cultivation of basil is a lot of sunlight, warmth, regular watering and excellent soil permeability. Basil growing in a container needs fertilization. Nitrogen fertilizer perfectly stimulates the growth of green mass. In winter, basil needs additional lighting. A quality spice can only be obtained with sufficient lighting.

    Growing basil in a greenhouse

    Daylight hours for a plant should be at least 16 hours.

    So, spending quite a bit of time and space on growing basil on the windowsill, you can pamper your loved ones with healthy spicy herbs even in winter.

    How to grow basil in a greenhouse?

    Spicy crops are planted in open ground most often in May-June, when the ground is already well warmed up and the threat of frost has passed. The plant should be located at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Crop care consists of loosening and weeding. Basil stems 10-15 cm long are cut before flowering and tied in bunches, if necessary, dried. During the growing season, the plants are cut 2-3 times.

    Growing basil

    Basil is a healthy plant and an essential spice. This spicy culture is used in different countries, so it's good for everyone to know how to grow basil at home.

    Basil in a greenhouse: how to sow seedlings and properly care

    This plant has a strong and pleasant aromatic smell. Basil leaves are rich in essential oils. Basil is a valuable source of rutin and carotene. To use this beneficial plant all year round, it is recommended to grow it at home.

    Features of culture

    Common basil is an annual plant with a strongly branched tetrahedral stem 30-50 cm high. Basil leaves are petiolate, oblong-oval with a jagged edge, varied in color: green, purple and green-purple. The flowers are white, pink or purple, the fruits are small black or dull brown. Basil is thermophilic, the slightest frost is harmful to it. The plant thrives on fertile light soils that are well warmed up by the sun.

    Besides cooking, basil is used in natural home cosmetics. The plant not only willingly grows in gardens and greenhouses, it is also possible to grow basil at home - in a box on the balcony, in pots, on a sunny windowsill.

    Growing basil in your summer cottage will not cause much trouble. The main thing is to choose the right soil, grow seedlings, and provide the plant with proper care. Do not plant seedlings in open ground if the frost has passed. It is better to postpone the planting a little, but overgrowing the seedlings is also unacceptable.

    How to grow basil on a windowsill?

    It is better to prepare the soil from summer by disinfecting it thoroughly (by roasting it in an oven for 40-60 minutes). In addition, you can purchase soil from a specialized store.

    To speed up the germination of seeds, they must be placed in a damp cloth for a couple of days. Dry or soaked seeds are planted in soil in a suitable container such as a cardboard or wood box. The soil should be at room temperature. When seedlings appear, it is necessary to provide greenery with maximum illumination. Water the basil as needed, but not too abundantly. It is not necessary to thin out the greens.

    The main condition for the successful cultivation of basil is a lot of sunlight, warmth, regular watering and excellent soil permeability. Basil growing in a container needs fertilization. Nitrogen fertilizer perfectly stimulates the growth of green mass. Basil needs additional lighting in winter. A quality spice can only be obtained with sufficient lighting. Daylight hours for a plant should be at least 16 hours.

    So, spending quite a bit of time and space on growing basil on the windowsill, you can pamper your loved ones with healthy spicy herbs even in winter.

    How to grow basil in a greenhouse?

    In the first stage, basil seedlings are grown. Seeds are sown in a greenhouse, seedlings are thinned out if necessary. In a greenhouse, basil requires moderate watering. Greenhouses should be regularly ventilated, otherwise, with high soil moisture and high temperatures, the seedlings will dry out. Growing basil in a greenhouse is quite a responsible process.

    Spicy crops are planted in open ground most often in May-June, when the ground is already well warmed up and the threat of frost has passed. The plant should be located at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Crop care consists of loosening and weeding. Basil stems 10-15 cm long are cut before flowering and tied in bunches, if necessary, dried. During the growing season, the plants are cut 2-3 times.

    Basil cultivation and care in the greenhouse The magic of plants

    For normal growth, seedlings need enough sunlight, timely watering and breathable soil. It is important that water does not stagnate in the soil, therefore, when growing basil, it is necessary to make a drainage system.

    At the end of March, basil seeds are sown in a greenhouse in the ground or in seedling boxes. If containers are used, their height should be about 10 cm. A layer of pebbles or broken bricks must be poured onto the bottom (it serves as drainage).

    Growing basil

    If sowing is carried out in the soil of a heated greenhouse, coarse sand is added to the soil.

    Before sowing, basil seeds must be prepared. The shell of the seeds of this plant, like most other herbs, is covered with a layer of essential oil, which makes germination difficult. It is easy to remove the oil by soaking the basil seeds under running water for 2-3 hours. For the convenience of sowing, the seeds must be slightly dried to a crumbly state.

    In prepared boxes filled with soil, grooves are made up to 1 cm deep. A gap of 4 cm is left between the rows. Basil is sown in each groove, trying to spread the seeds rarely, about 1.5-2 cm from each other. The seed grooves are covered with soil, moistened with water from a spray bottle, and then the seedling boxes are covered with a piece of glass. The soil should be warm, about + 24 ° C, then the first shoots of the basil will appear in 5 days.

    When growing basil seedlings in a greenhouse, it is important to moderately water the seedlings and regularly ventilate the structure. If there is high humidity, high temperature and poor ventilation in the greenhouse, the basil shoots will simply dry out. Airing is carried out daily for 10 minutes, removing the formed condensation on the glass or film. When will it sprout most of basil seeds, glass or other shelter is removed.

    Basil seedlings need to be watered for the first month, after which the number of waterings is reduced. Excess moisture leads to the development of a disease such as black leg. This disease is capable of destroying all basil seedlings.

    If the soil in which the basil is sown is not fertile enough, the plants in the first leaf phase can be fed with mineral fertilizer. 3 grams of ammonium nitrate or nitrogen fertilizer are dissolved in a liter of water. This volume of nutrient solution is enough for feeding 3 sq. m. planting basil.

    In the phase of one fully formed leaf, the basil seedlings are planted, leaving a minimum distance of 5 cm between the plants.When the fifth leaf is formed on the seedlings, it is necessary to pinch the top, which prevents the bush from stretching and stimulates the active growth of lateral shoots.

    Basil seedlings are transplanted into open ground in May, while the seedlings should have at least 5 leaves. Before planting, about a week before planting, the seedlings begin to harden, for which they are taken out of the greenhouse into the open air, gradually increasing the residence time.

    Diseases of basil when grown in a greenhouse

    If the soil is dense, it must be loosened after each watering to avoid stagnant water. With an excess of moisture in the soil, basil is affected by rot. Also, this disease can appear if cool, damp weather sets in. If foci of disease are found in the plant, the damaged leaves are removed, after which they are treated with a fungicide, for example, foundation. 1-2 such treatments will stop the spread of the disease. In case of severe damage, the entire plant is dug up and destroyed.

    Of the pests, basil gets the most from slugs and snails, which are attracted by the spicy smell of the plant. A good obstacle for pests on the way to planting basil will be scattered ash, tobacco dust or mulching the soil with sawdust.

    Basil is a healthy seasoning that gives dishes a spicy taste and pleasant aroma. With the onset of the summer season, I want to get an early harvest of this valuable and tasty spice. With direct sowing into the soil, the harvest will have to wait a long time, since basil is thermophilic, picky about the nutritional value of the soil and the rules of agricultural technology. But if you grow it through seedlings, then it will not be difficult to achieve an early harvest of greens.

    Sowing basil seedlings

    The seedling method of planting basil is an opportunity to get early greens and collect full-fledged seed material for planting in the next season. Healthy and strong seedlings are the key good result, therefore, when growing it, you need to pay attention to the timing of planting, as well as the conditions of its cultivation.

    Step 1: determine the timing of planting

    When determining the timing of sowing seeds, you need to focus on the possible timing of planting seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse. In a temperate climatic zone, this is approximately the first decade of June. In regions with a warmer climate, planting of seedlings can be carried out as early as mid-May. By this time, the possibility of return frosts will pass, stable warm weather will be established, the soil will warm up enough (up to + 10-15 degrees), and the plantings of the basil will not be threatened by weather disasters.

    Useful information! In the southern regions, basil is most often planted with seeds directly into the ground, but in the northern regions, you can get a full harvest only through growing seedlings.

    In order to accurately determine the timing of sowing, use the following scheme:

    1. We will take the estimated date of disembarkation of seedlings to a permanent place as a starting point. Let's say June 1st is a possible date for your area.
    2. It takes 60 days from this date - the required age of seedlings before disembarkation. We receive on April 2.
    3. Subtract 2 more weeks. This is the maximum time the seed needs to germinate. The resulting date is March 19.
    4. If the seedlings will be grown with a pick, that is, with transplantation from the total container into individual ones, then it is necessary to subtract another 4–5 days (the time of adaptation of the seedlings after the pick). We get the date of sowing seeds - March 14.

    When determining the timing of sowing, the selected variety must also be taken into account. Basil of medium late to late ripening develops more slowly, so its seeds are planted several days earlier. The sowing time of early and mid-early varieties must be shifted to the other side. These plants develop faster and can outgrow within the specified time. This is extremely undesirable, because the overgrown seedlings will take root for a long time.

    Note! If the cultivation of basil is planned in a greenhouse, then the sowing dates for seedlings are shifted by two weeks, that is, at the beginning of March.

    Step 2: preparing the containers

    For sowing basil seeds, any container is suitable. When choosing, you should decide in advance whether you will grow seedlings with or without a pick of seedlings. If a dive procedure is planned, then for the initial sowing, you can choose boxes in which the seedlings will feel free, it will be easy to care for them, they can be quickly moved to a new place or turned on the other side to the light.

    When selecting planting containers, keep in mind that their height must be at least 8 cm

    When growing without picking, individual containers are preferred. In this case, sowing seeds can be done:

    • peat tablets, cassettes and pots;
    • paper honeycomb;
    • cassettes and trays made of PVC and polystyrene;
    • containers from scrap materials, etc.

    Photo gallery: individual planting tanks for growing seedlings

    You should not use very fertile soil: it is useless for germinating seeds, and it can even harm - slow down the emergence of seedlings and their growth, provoke diseases

    Note! You can use a nutritious potting mix sold in specialty stores. For its disinfection, a saturated solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin is used.

    If necessary, the mixed and disinfected soil mixture is spilled with a nutrient composition. To do this, urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate (0.5 tsp each) are added to the settled water. After the fertilizer is dissolved, the prepared substrate is moistened with it. Such watering will make the soil more nutritious, provide the emerging seedlings with all the necessary elements.

    Step 4: process the planting material

    Basil seeds will be active only in the presence of heat and sunlight, because their natural habitat is the hot climate of India. Therefore, before planting, it is recommended to warm them up to a temperature of +40 degrees. This can be done on a sunny windowsill or on radiators. After warming up, it is recommended to soak the seeds for a day in warm water (approximately +40 degrees), and then dry them a little.

    Helpful advice! For soaking, you can use solutions of growth stimulants Zircon, Albit, etc.

    Be prepared for the fact that when soaking the basil seeds will lick a lot

    Important! High-quality, warmed up and saturated with moisture seeds will sprout approximately 7-10 days after sowing.

    Step 5: plant correctly

    Sowing basil is absolutely simple. This procedure includes the following steps:

    1. A drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles is laid at the bottom of the planting container. Its thickness should be 2–3 cm.
    2. The planting container is filled with a prepared substrate so that at least 1 cm remains to the edges of the planting container.

      When filling the container, keep in mind that the moistened soil will settle slightly

    3. The soil is slightly compacted and moisturized.
    4. Warmed, saturated with moisture and slightly dried seeds are evenly spread on the surface of the soil.

      So that the seedlings do not fight for a place in the sun, it is better to immediately spread the seeds at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other

    5. From above they are sprinkled with soil mixture with a layer of about 0.5 cm. When planting several varieties, labels with names are installed, so that you can then navigate in the varieties you like.

      Fill the cassettes with the remaining soil so that the basil seeds are at a depth of 0.5-1 cm

    6. The ground is carefully sprayed (preferably from a spray bottle) so that the seeds do not wash out to the surface. Do not use watering with a strong stream of water. It is fraught with the fact that the seeds, along with the water, can go deep. Because of this, they will germinate for a long time or not at all.

      The best way to moisten the soil is by spraying with a spray bottle

    7. The containers are covered with foil or glass and placed in a well-lit and warm place.

      Once the planting has been done, the container is covered with glass or polyethylene film to create a greenhouse effect

    Video: basil seedlings in a snail

    Seedling care

    The optimum temperature for keeping boxes with planted seeds will be + 20-25 degrees. After the emergence of seedlings, the covering material is removed and the containers are placed in a room with a temperature of + 16–20 degrees. In such conditions, the seedlings will not stretch.

    After removing the film, the basil must be provided with regular and timely care.

    It is necessary to provide seedlings with sufficient light. Poor illumination will lead to weakening and stretching of crops. Therefore, place the seedling containers in a well-lit area, protected from bright sunlight.

    Note! Direct sunlight on young leaves can cause burns.


    The top layer of soil in the planting tank should not dry out. Without moisture, small plants will begin to wither and stop growing. Waterlogging of the soil also harms the seeds that have hatched. It can cause the death of the roots, their decay, the development of a disease such as a black leg.

    Important! If, when examining the seedlings, you notice that a dark constriction has appeared in the lower part of the stem, and the root collar has darkened, these are signs of a black leg disease. It is urgently necessary to process the seedlings with a solution of copper sulfate: 1 teaspoon of vitriol per 2 liters of warm water.

    Basil seedlings love to be watered with settled, warm (at least +22 degrees) water. Watering with water directly from the tap can lead to the death of the roots. Water the seedlings with care, you need to try to moisten the ground, and not water the leaves. The ingress of moisture on the green parts of the plant can lead to the spread of fungal diseases.

    Basil seedlings should be watered carefully, making sure they do not fall

    Useful information! There is a misconception that before transporting the seedlings to the landing site, it must be well watered. This is not true, because juicy stems and leaves are more fragile, they are more likely to break than slightly wilted.

    Seedling picking is an optional process. If the seeds were sown in individual containers, or the sowing was carried out in a sufficiently large tray and the seedlings are not thickened, then it is quite possible to do without picking. It is enough to additionally thin out the seedlings and add soil to the container to strengthen the plant stems.

    If necessary, the pick is carried out in the phase of two true leaves. The composition of the soil mixture can be the same as when sowing basil seeds. The pick is carried out as follows:

    1. Individual containers are filled with nutrient soil and slightly compacted.
    2. A small depression is made in the center.
    3. Seedlings are watered so that they can be easily removed from the substrate and the seedlings are easily separated from each other.

      Basil seedlings are ready for picking in the phase of 2-3 true leaves

    4. Each seedling is lowered into a prepared hole. Planting depth should be the same as for seedlings.

      Basil seedlings do not form adventitious roots on the stem, so it is better to dive them without deepening

    5. Sprinkle the sprouts with earth.

      Each basil seedling is dived into a separate container

    6. Watering is carefully done, avoiding the fall of the seedlings.

      Immediately after picking, the plants are gently watered

    7-10 days after picking, the seedlings can be fed with urea (1 teaspoon) and superphosphate (0.5 teaspoon), dissolved in water (1 liter). It is periodically recommended to pollinate the soil in containers with wood ash. She will not only provide seedlings with additional nutrition, but will also be an excellent prevention of fungal diseases.

    Video: how to dive basil seedlings

    When growing basil seedlings, they try to create comfortable conditions for it. With a sharp change in an artificially created environment - for example, when transplanting into open ground - the plant will experience stress, it can recover for a long time, and get sick. It is recommended to gradually accustom, prepare seedlings for a new mode of existence. For this, it is hardened. Hardening begins about 2 weeks before planting the plant in a permanent place. She is taken out into the fresh air or foil greenhouse. The main condition: the temperature of the seedlings during hardening should be at least +5 degrees.

    Important! The optimal hardening mode is to create a daytime temperature within + 15–17 degrees, and a night temperature - + 12–15. During hardening, watering of seedlings is limited.

    First, the plants are taken out into the fresh air for no more than 2-3 hours, when the air temperature rises to the level required for basil

    Transplanting seedlings into open ground

    Basil seedlings will be ready for open field planting at the age of 50-60 days. By this time, she should have at least 5 true leaves, be healthy and strong. When determining the timing of transplantation, one should be guided by weather conditions: the danger of night frosts should be avoided, and the soil should warm up to a temperature of at least +10 degrees. For disembarkation, a sunny place protected from the north wind is chosen, the site is carefully loosened and well filled with organic matter (1 bucket of rotted manure per square meter). The transplant is carried out as follows:

    Note! If the transplant is carried out in compliance with these rules, then in just a few days the basil seedlings will come into force and the bush will begin to actively grow.

    Video: transplanting basil seedlings to the garden

    Features of planting basil seedlings in a greenhouse

    In a protected ground, comfortable conditions for planting a basil come a few weeks earlier than in an open ground. The rules for transplanting basil into a greenhouse do not differ from planting in open ground. The main feature is that in unprotected soil, plants are most often planted in a line or in a separate ridge. In greenhouses and greenhouses, basil is used as a sealing plant between tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. For better growth and bushiness, it is recommended to pinch the top of the seedling.Provided that the soil is well nutritious, regular and abundant watering, the harvest will be early and of high quality.

    In the conditions of the Moscow region, the north-western and northern regions, it is growing in a greenhouse that will provide an early and abundant harvest of greenery

    Basil compatibility with other plants

    Basil belongs to companion plants, that is, to those spicy herbs that secrete specific substances that have a beneficial effect on other crops: enhancing their growth, disinfecting the air, repelling pests. Therefore, basil bushes are often used in joint plantings. Basil is well adjacent to the following plants:

    • tomatoes;

      Basil improves the taste of tomatoes, and also repels many pests from tomatoes, including the tomato hornworm

    • beans. Basil protects legumes from damage by the bean weevil;
    • pepper and eggplant;

      Experienced gardeners say that in planting basil + pepper plants help each other.

    • fruit trees. The phytoncides secreted by the plant limit the spread of pests and diseases;
    • in the aisles of cabbage, carrots and other vegetables;

    The only plants whose neighborhood is not recommended for basil are rue, as well as cucumbers, which do not like combined plantings with any aromatic herbs. Basil itself grows well after those crops for which a large number of organic matter was introduced: legumes, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, onions, cabbage and carrots, as well as siderates. Considering the rules of crop rotation, you cannot plant basil in one place for several years in a row. The culture can be returned to its original place not earlier than in 4–5 years.

    Given the huge number of advantages of basil, its benefits, including for garden crops, you should constantly have this plant in open ground beds and in greenhouses. All that remains is to choose your favorite variety - and you can start planting it.

    A greenhouse or greenhouse in a garden area allows you to have any greens on the table out of season. If you wish, you can even plant basil (cultivation from seeds in greenhouses begins at the beginning of March). Contrary to popular belief, plant care is not that difficult. So how to get a great harvest of basil in your greenhouse? When is planting, watering and feeding carried out?

    Greenhouse and soil requirements

    Before planting basil, it is important to make sure your greenhouse or greenhouse meets all requirements. If you plan to plant greenery early, then you should give preference to durable covering materials - glass or polycarbonate. They more reliably protect against frost, maintaining a constant microclimate without sudden temperature fluctuations. The so-called soil cushion (a mixture of soil, rotted manure and organic matter) or special racks also well protects the seedlings from the cold. By the way, the latter option greatly facilitates the care of the basil and allows you to save a significant amount of water for irrigation. For airing, you need vents, in addition, when hot summer days come, the greenhouse or greenhouse will need to be shaded. If we talk about the location, it is preferable to choose a sunny area without plantings on the south side.

    The plant is quite demanding on the characteristics of the soil. Basil prefers sandy loam, well seasoned with organic matter. The soil should be moderately acidic, loose. It is best to remove the top layer of soil (20-25 cm) in the fall and fill the beds with a mixture of garden soil, sand and peat. You can simply dig up the earth on a shovel bayonet, and then add 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof compost or humus, 25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salt for each square meter. You can prepare the soil in the spring, if in the fall for some reason the land was not fertilized (this must be done 2 weeks before planting the greenery).

    Growing from seeds and seedlings

    There are two ways to grow basil in a greenhouse - seeds and seedlings. Planting in a seedling box or rack in the south takes place in early March, and in cold regions a month later. Basil seeds are usually cultivated in late April or early May, when the greenhouse or greenhouse is warm enough.

    So what are the features of each method?

    • Basil: grown from seed.

    Plants are planted in well-moistened soil to a depth of 1 cm.The seeds are placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other, the row spacing is 30-35 cm.In the southern regions, the plants develop more strongly, so there the distance is increased by another 10 cm.Then the planting is mulched and covered with a double layer of plastic wrap until emergence. They usually appear in 10-12 days (at a temperature of 20-25 degrees). Further, the care of the basil is carried out as usual - if necessary, it is thinned, watered, fed, the greenhouse is ventilated.

    • Basil: growing by seedlings.

    Seeds are sown in special containers or racks, several pieces per nest. The depth of the touch is 0.5 cm, at a distance of about 3 cm from each other. One square meter will need 6 g of seeds. Immediately after sowing, the containers are covered with glass, transparent plastic or plastic wrap and the air temperature is maintained at 20-25 degrees. After about 1.5-2 weeks, the first shoots appear. If the seedlings develop poorly, then during the period when the first true leaf appears, it is watered with a solution of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers (ratio 5: 3: 2). When the plants acquire 2 real leaves, a pick is made. Basil is planted at a distance of 5 cm from each other, this will allow it to develop normally. Care is carried out as needed, the plants are periodically watered and ventilated. Before planting in a permanent place (usually 45-60 days), the temperature in the greenhouse or greenhouse is gradually reduced. Then the seedlings are planted according to the 20x35 cm scheme.

    Growing basil seedlings can significantly shorten the growing season.

    How to care for basil?

    Basil grows rather slowly at first. It is optimal if the temperature is maintained at 22-28 degrees Celsius. If it drops to 15 degrees, then the plants slow down their growth, and at a temperature of +3 they can completely die. However, basil does not tolerate heat either, so in the warm season, the greenhouse or greenhouse should be regularly ventilated. In addition, the plants need the following care.

    1. Watering. The basil beds should be watered abundantly every 7 days. The water should be warm (about 25 degrees), at least for a day. The automatic drip system is very convenient, but you can use watering cans with a wide spray. Plants do not tolerate high humidity, therefore, when the earth dries out more often in the heat, watering is also carried out once a week, and to retain moisture, the soil is mulched with needles or sawdust.
    2. Top dressing. The first time basil is fed 2 weeks after planting in a permanent place, when it finally takes root. Nitrogen fertilizers stimulate the growth of greenery. To prepare them, 10 g of urea is diluted in 10 liters of settled water and watering is replaced (consumption is 3 liters per square meter). The second time the basil is fed after another 2-3 weeks. You can use complex fertilizers (25 g per 10 l of water) or dilute manure, compost, bird droppings with water (10 to 1 ratio). Further, the plants are fertilized after each next cut of the shoots.

    In a cold rainy summer, the basil needs additional care in the form of 2-3 dressings with potassium sulfate


    When the basil shoots reach 10-12 cm, they are cut off above the 2nd or 3rd pair of true leaves at a height of 7-8 cm above the soil level. Then the soil between the rows is loosened and fertilized. After 2-3 weeks, new tender twigs with leaves grow from the sinuses, they are cut again, and the basil is fed. In total, 3-4 harvests are obtained from each bush of spicy greens. Harvesting is carried out until the beginning of mass flowering, after which the shoots become coarser. If drying is planned, the plants are cut in dry weather.

    The best varieties of basil

    There are no less than 150 varieties of basil in total. They differ not only in their taste, but also in color and size of the bush. Some require careful care, while others can be easily grown even by an inexperienced gardener.

    So what do you need to know about the varieties of this plant?

    1. Purple basil is used as a condiment for Caucasian and Central Asian cuisine. The green variety has a less pungent odor and is more popular in European countries.
    2. Basil can have clove, pepper, lemon, anise, pickle, mint, caramel, or vanilla notes.
    3. Basil with aniseed scent is used in the preparation of fish and vegetable dishes. The peppery, clove aroma is more suitable for meat, and drinks and desserts are prepared with vanilla, lemon and caramel basil.
    4. There are also early, middle and late varieties of basil.
    5. The height of the bush, depending on the variety, can range from 18 to 85 cm. Low-growing plants can be grown in a pot at home.

    Of the early ripening varieties, I would like to mention "Clove" (25-40 days) and "Yerevan" (45-60 days). The first has a rich clove-aniseed aroma, a green large leaf. Plant height 35-45 cm, weight -150-280 g. Variety "Yerevan" has a peppery-clove aroma, its leaf is purple, medium in size. The average weight of one plant is 400 g. The most massive variety is considered "Gourmet clove" (800-900 g), its leaves are medium, green, have a strong clove aroma. Basil "Thai Queen" is the most decorative variety, its flowers resemble unblown clusters of lilacs, purple leaves, delicate anise-clove aroma. Another popular purple basil is "Dark Opal", it is easy to care for, and the taste of the plant is perhaps the most intense.


    Indoors, caring for basil is not difficult, it grows quickly and practically does not get sick. In addition, planting and growing basil in a greenhouse or greenhouse allows you to collect spicy greens both in summer and in spring and late autumn. The plant perfectly tolerates almost any neighborhood, it can be planted with tomatoes, eggplants, other vegetables, herbs.

    All that is needed for good growth of the basil is proper care, then the harvest will delight you with its abundance and taste. Basil is eaten not only to improve the taste of dishes, but also for various inflammations, viral infections, and digestive problems. In some countries, it is believed that it has the ability to scare away evil spirits, and our gardeners have noticed that plants are shunned by ticks and other harmful insects. As you can see, there are a lot of advantages of growing basil, you just have to choose your favorite variety - and you can start planting it.

    People have known about the beneficial properties of basil and its ability to give food a unique taste for a long time. This spice is especially popular in the East. The population of Europe learned about the basilica thanks to the campaigns of Alexander the Great, but for some time they treated the unfamiliar plant with distrust. Hundreds of years have passed, and now in almost every private house or dacha there will definitely be a small flower bed with spicy herbs, among which basil takes an honorable place.

    Basilica description

    There are many ways to approach food preparation. Someone cooks in a hurry, just to drown out the feeling of hunger, someone makes an effort to this, but in the absence of imagination, the dishes turn out to be ordinary, insipid. And after work, someone turns into a good fairy or sorceress in the kitchen, who can create a real miracle from a minimal food set. But dexterous hands alone will not be enough to prepare a masterpiece. Each fairy has a magic wand, and a real housewife in the kitchen always has a magic ingredient - a spicy herb. The palm tree among aromatic herbs belongs, of course, to basil.

    Basil is perhaps the most popular herb in cooking

    Basil is translated from ancient Greek as "king, royal, royal". Its synonyms are: fragrant cornflowers, red cornflowers, darlings. In Azerbaijan, basil is called Reagan, in Uzbekistan - Raykhon, in Armenia it is known as Rean. This variety of names indicates only one thing: basil is an incredibly popular herb in many countries of the world.

    Africa is believed to be the homeland of this magical plant. Basil is found wild in India, China and Iran. Nowadays, this aromatic herb is successfully grown almost all over the world.

    Basil is found in many countries around the world, but Africa is considered to be its homeland

    Sweet basil, or common, is an annual herb with a straight tetrahedral and well-leafy stem. Height from 50 to 70 cm. The bush looks lush due to the strong branching of the stem. The leaves are oblong-ovate, located on short petioles. The surface of the plate differs depending on the species - in some it is almost smooth, while others have a bubbly leaf surface. Basil colors can be very varied - pale green, deep purple or with a shade of red. The edges of the leaf plate are dotted with rare denticles.

    The stem, leaves and bracts of many types of basil are covered with sparse hairs, which makes the plant look rough when touched with your hand.

    Flowers mostly white or pale pink, sometimes purple. Inflorescences are similar to tassels. The corolla is two-lipped in structure, which makes the basil a member of the Lamb family, or Lipocytes. Flowers appear in the axils of the upper leaves.

    Blooming basil is an excellent honey plant.

    Blooming basil is an excellent honey plant

    Application and contraindications

    Basil gained great fame and fame precisely as a spice used in cooking. Leaves and stems are used both fresh and dried. You need to collect them before flowering. Basil has a unique aroma and taste that cannot be confused with anything. It is the variety of aromas that determines which dish is suitable for a particular type of basil. Plants that smell like caramel, lemon, cinnamon or vanilla are most often used for making desserts. Clove smell is good for meat dishes, aniseed - for fish dishes. Spicy greens is an integral part of refreshing vegetable and fruit salads, pates, marinades, sauces, soups, preparations for the winter, tea drinks.

    Basil gives homemade products a unique taste and aroma

    Add basil at the end of cooking to keep its unique flavor. But be careful!

    But the use of basil is not limited to cooking alone. It turns out that the plant is very useful for health and, having appeared in Russia in the 18th century, at first it was used exclusively as medicine... The antiseptic and antibacterial effect of basil has been noticed for a long time. But it also has the following actions on the body:

    • diaphoretic,
    • antipyretic,
    • astringent,
    • strengthening the nerves,
    • antispasmodic.

    Basil is equally good both fresh and dried

    But because of high content There are also contraindications for essential oils. Basil is not suitable for people with ischemic disease heart, stroke and epilepsy. It is also necessary to limit its consumption in the following cases:

    • diabetes,
    • hypertension,
    • thrombophlebitis,
    • individual intolerance,
    • age up to 7 years,
    • pregnancy.

    For a long time, basil has been known both as a medicinal and as a cosmetic product.

    This plant is also widely used in cosmetology. Basil perfectly rejuvenates, regenerates and tones the skin of the face. It activates the hair follicles, so that the hair begins to grow faster and becomes shiny. Great for problem skin, as it is an antibacterial agent.

    Types and varieties

    In our time, more than 150 varieties of the scented plant have been classified. But the basis for the breeding work was the types of basil with green and purple leaves. A large varietal variety allows you to give different shades of taste to ready-made dishes, experiment with familiar products. Of course, each housewife chooses a spice based on her preferences. Therefore, you should know that each type and variety of basil has its own unique taste and aromatic characteristics.

    1. Sandwich leaf. It smells like cloves. It is used as a flavoring additive to culinary dishes, fresh and dried. Used for conservation. Suitability for consumption occurs on the 47-51st day from the appearance of the first shoots. The plant is tall, upright, strongly leafy. The leaf blade is juicy green, rather large, ovoid. Has a scalloped edge and a smooth surface. The flowers are white. Plant weight 170-210 g.

      Basil varieties Sandwich leaf has a wonderful clove flavor

    2. Anise aroma. Its name speaks of its spicy aroma. It is used to add flavor to various ready-made dishes and sauces. Good both fresh and dried. It grows as a semi-spreading bush up to 60 cm high. It is well leafy. The leaf blade is slightly bubbly, green. Plant weight 185–250 g.

      Basil varieties Anise aroma is used as a flavored additive to dishes

    3. Lemon miracle. It is able to enrich the dish with lemon-mint notes, therefore it is often used in home cooking and in preservation as a flavoring additive. Plant of medium height, intermediate. Average leafiness. An elliptical green leaf is of medium size. The surface of the plate is slightly bubbly, the edges are finely toothed. The flowers are pink. Plant weight 300–320 g. The period from full germination to the beginning of the economic life is 45–53 days.

      Basil of the Lemon Miracle variety gives freshness to dishes thanks to its lemon-mint aroma

    4. Vanilla aroma. The vanilla-scented herb is used as a flavoring additive in home cooking. Also suitable for canned products. The leaves of the plant can be eaten 50-60 days after full germination. The bush is undersized, upright, of medium density. The leaves are ovoid and have a finely toothed edge. The surface of the plate is slightly bubbly, concave. There is practically no gloss. It blooms in purple.

      Basil varieties Aroma goes well with desserts

    5. Russian hero. Has a spicy clove-peppery aroma. It is used as a flavoring additive in the process of canning and cooking. It is used fresh and dried. Suitable for use in 48-50 days after germination. The bush is upright, high. The leaf is large, ovoid, green in color. The surface of the plate is of medium blistering. During the flowering period, it throws out white inflorescences. Plant weight 170-210 g.

      Basil of the Russkiy Bogatyr variety is successfully used fresh and dried

    6. Purple glitter. The aroma is camphor-clove. Good fresh and dried for home cooking and preservation as a flavoring agent. The medium-sized shrub grows straight and has a strong leafiness. The leaf is ovoid, dark purple, medium in size. The surface of the plate is smooth, the edge is finely toothed. The flowers are pink. Suitable for food 30–35 days after germination. The plant is quite weighty, its weight reaches 470 g.

      Basil of the Violet Shine variety is good fresh and dried

    7. Malachite. Has a pleasant caramel-mint smell. Used in home cooking and canning. The bush is high. Growing upright, slightly loose. Leafiness is average. The dark green leaf is of medium size and elliptical in shape. The surface of the plate is slightly bubbly, the edge is finely toothed. The color of the flowers is pink. Ready for use 40–53 days after germination. Plant weight 300-320 g.

      Malachite basil has a pronounced caramel-mint aroma

    8. Favorite. Nice taste and aroma of caramel. Refers to mid-season varieties, economic suitability occurs in 50-55 days from the beginning of germination. The mass of one plant is 400–450 g. It is used as a flavoring agent and a spice-flavoring additive in canning and in cooking. Fresh is good as salad greens. The tall, upright bush has a medium leafiness. Leaves are light green, elliptical. The flowers are pink.

      Basil variety Pet is especially good in salads

    9. Raspberry nutmeg. Has a bright nutmeg taste and aroma. Able to add spicy notes and enhance the aroma of ready-made dishes and sauces. Used fresh or dried. Medium, intermediate and loose bush. The medium-sized leaf has an anthocyanin coloration. The flowers are dark purple. It can be used as directed 45–48 days after full germination. The bush weighs on average 180-200 g.

      Basil Raspberry nutmeg adds a spicy touch to ready meals

    Reproduction methods

    Whether you grow basil outdoors, in a greenhouse, or at home on a windowsill, there are only 2 ways to propagate this plant.

    1. Seminal. This method is uncomplicated, although it requires little seed preparation. They are soaked in a stimulant solution, such as Epin, for 8 or 10 hours. Then it is dried by spreading it out on the fabric. Dry seeds are sown in open ground, covered with plastic wrap. With timely watering, the first shoots will appear in 1.5–2 weeks.
    2. Cuttings. If you already have an adult basil bush, then you can use the fastest and in a convenient way... To do this, cut off a few shoots or the top of the plant and place the cuttings in a container of water. The roots will appear very quickly - after 1, maximum 2 weeks.

    Outdoor Basil Care

    Basil seedlings are planted in open ground no earlier than the second half of May, when the threat of return frosts has passed, and the daytime temperature stably keeps above 20 ° C. But in each region this period should be chosen individually - in cooler areas they begin to plant in early June. In the southern regions, you can not only plant seedlings, but also sow seeds directly into open ground.

    For open ground, planting basil seedlings is preferable

    Legumes, cucurbits and nightshades are good precursors to basil.

    Growing conditions

    Basil is thermophilic, so for its successful cultivation, you need to choose the most illuminated area, protected from strong wind and a draft.

    Experienced gardeners often plant the herb under young trees. They are not yet able to provide much shade and do not interfere with the basil's enjoyment of the sun's rays. In turn, the strong-smelling bush drives away harmful insects from the seedlings. This is such a natural mutual assistance.

    Basil loves light soil rich in humus, the main advantage of which is good water permeability. The site should be prepared one month before planting. It is cleaned of vegetation residues, stones and dug up with organic matter - humus, compost or peat. On light loams, it will be enough to add 2 kg of organic matter per 1 m 2. The landing itself is best done on a cloudy day or in the evening.

    Basil grows well in open field conditions

    Watering frequency

    Delicate aromatic plant is very moisture-loving. Sufficient watering helps the basil actively grow young leaves. But watering should be done only after the soil has dried out. Excess moisture, like its lack, negatively affects the development of the plant. Therefore, natural precipitation or increased air temperature significantly adjust the frequency of irrigation in one direction or another.

    Don't water the basil cold water... Before moistening, the liquid must be defended for at least a day in a large container. During this time, the water will have time to warm up properly.

    To allow the liquid to heat sufficiently, place the container for settling the water in an open, sunny place.

    Basil is great for drip irrigation

    Top dressing

    To stimulate the growth of the leaf mass, you should feed the basil at least 1 time per month. Fertilizers can be organic or mineral. But it is preferable to carry out mixed feeding.

    Table: types of dressings for basil

    If, before planting, nutrients, then the first feeding is carried out 10-12 days after planting.

    In order for the vitamin leaf mass of basil to grow, additional feeding is needed

    Trimming and shaping

    A special feature of the basil is its excellent branching ability. To achieve the maximum splendor of the bush, you need to remove the appeared peduncles in adult plants in time. Pinch young basil over 5-6 leaves. This procedure activates the growth of side shoots, and the spicy bush grows in breadth, rather than stretching in height.

    By pruning fresh herbs periodically, you help the basil keep its foliage juicy throughout the season. If the inflorescences are not removed, then the leaves begin to taste bitter, and the lower ones quickly turn yellow and dry.

    Pinching basil stimulates the growth of lateral shoots

    Growing basil in a greenhouse

    The greenhouse reliably protects plants from frost. Microclimate without sharp temperature fluctuations in different time days and with a constant level of humidity allows you to get greens much earlier than in the open field.

    Growing features

    Growing basil in greenhouse conditions is quite simple and profitable. Indoor spaces have many advantages, including:

    • getting early greens,
    • reliable protection from bad weather,
    • minimal damage from pests and diseases.

    The greenhouse makes it possible to grow a vitamin product not only during the season, but all year round. True, for this you need to have a heated room to maintain the air temperature at 22-28 o C. To prevent plants from suffering from a lack of lighting, preference should be given to durable and transparent materials, such as glass or polycarbonate, and inside you need to have additional lighting. Another requirement for greenhouses is the presence of vents for ventilation.

    Greenhouse conditions provide excellent opportunities for growing basil all year round

    How to grow basil in a greenhouse

    In a greenhouse, basil can be grown quite successfully by seed or seedlings. In one case or another, the landing is carried out earlier than in the open field. Seeds are sown in early March or April. During this period, the spring sun has time to warm up the greenhouse. Seedlings in the southern regions can be planted in mid or late March. In places with cooler climates, you need to wait a little with this job.

    Seed planting

    Seeds are planted in well-moistened soil to a depth of no more than 1 cm. The crops are covered with plastic wrap. The first shoots usually appear after 10 days. When all the seeds sprout together, be sure to thin out. The distance between bushes in a row should be 20–25 cm, depending on the growth rates of the planted variety. Leave at least 30 cm in the aisle.

    Video: how to plant basil seeds

    Planting seedlings

    Seedlings are grown in special containers. The seeds go half a centimeter deep into the moistened soil, the distance between them is 3 cm. In order for the seedlings to successfully sprout, the container is covered with glass or plastic wrap. Such a shelter will help maintain a temperature of 25 ° C inside. If the seedlings are weak, then after the appearance of the first true leaf they need to be fed with a nutrient solution. To do this, mix phosphorus, potash and nitrogen fertilizers in a ratio of 5: 3: 2 with 10 liters of water. A pick is carried out when 2 leaves have appeared on the seedlings. Seedlings are transplanted into the ground when the plants have at least 4–5 leaves.

    Soil requirements

    As a rule, for spring planting, the greenhouse begins to be prepared in the fall. A layer of earth up to 25 cm thick is removed and the vacated areas are filled with a mixture of garden soil with humus or peat, with the addition of sand to make it friable. You can go the other way - just dig up the soil, previously evenly scattering fertilizer over the surface. For each m2, it is necessary to add from 3 to 5 kg of organic matter, 25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salt.

    If for some reason you could not prepare the land in the fall, do it no later than 2 weeks before the start of work.


    The irrigation schedule for growing basil in a greenhouse does not undergo dramatic changes due to stable indoor conditions. Water more often and generously in the first month after planting. Then reduce the frequency of humidification so that excess moisture does not lead to disease. Water adult plantwhen the topsoil dries out in moderation.

    As a rule, watering the basil once a week is sufficient in the greenhouse. But if the conditions of the microclimate inside change, then the humidification schedule will also change.

    Watering should be done with warm water. For the procedure, you will need a watering can with a nozzle in the form of a wide spray. Drip irrigation has also proven itself well.

    To maintain normal humidity inside, it is necessary to conduct periodic ventilation. The accumulated condensation on the glass must be removed. When airing, the time of which is correlated with weather conditions, try to avoid drafts.

    Basil is demanding on moisture, but in the greenhouse you need to strictly control the level of moisture

    Top dressing and pruning

    These procedures are carried out in the same way as for growing basil outdoors.

    Video: growing basil in a greenhouse

    Growing at home

    If you love basil and want to have these fragrant greens on your table every day, try growing them at home. This lesson is fun and easy. But there is one little secret. Low-growing varieties of basil have proven themselves well as a pot plant. There is a long list of them, but still we will offer some of them:

    • Dwarf,
    • Basilisk,
    • Troll,
    • Marquis,
    • Philosopher,
    • Compatto.

    Growing basil as indoor plant was a popular activity in ancient Rome. They believed that the aromatic herb brings love, happiness and good luck. By the way, in the Mediterranean countries they still believe in it. Therefore, almost every balcony there is decorated with this spicy plant.

    At home, basil is grown in the same ways - by seeds and seedlings. But first you need to choose the right soil mixture - it should be light and permeable. Be sure to place the drainage at the bottom of the pot, as water stagnation in the roots will kill the plant. And of course, observe the thermal regime. Basil grows well in a warm sunny window, away from drafts.

    Basil has been popular as a houseplant since ancient Rome.

    Basil compatibility with other plants

    As you know, in the cramped conditions of small gardens, many summer residents resort to tricks - compatible or compacted plantings. The same method is often used in greenhouses. So that the plants do not oppress each other, but, on the contrary, help develop, you need to choose the right neighbors. Basil in this regard is a convenient plant. It grows well surrounded by many vegetable crops.

    • For legumes, basil is not only a great neighbor, but also a protector. Its bright aroma repels the bean weevil.
    • It improves the taste of leafy and head salads, tomatoes.
    • Goes well with kohlrabi, pepper, corn, zucchini, asparagus.

    But there are vegetables and strong-smelling plants with which the basil does not add up. They oppress each other, so it is not recommended to plant basil next to the following crops:

    • cucumbers,
    • cabbage,
    • radish,
    • marigolds,
    • marjoram,
    • rosemary.

    Basil is a great neighbor for many vegetable crops


    Despite the apparent tenderness and fragility, basil is quite disease resistant. But the onset of diseases is possible with a combination of adverse factors, namely:

    • high humidity,
    • decrease or increase in temperature,
    • thickening of plantings,
    • incorrect watering regime.

    The most dangerous diseases for basil are fungal diseases:


    If the disease has just manifested itself, spraying with infusion will help to cope with the spread of the fungus onion peel: 1 part of the crushed husk is poured with 4 parts of boiling water. It is infused for a day in a warm place and filtered. You can use copper sulfate - 1 tsp. for 2 liters of water.

    If the fungus has spread to most plants, then you cannot do without the use of fungicides. Chemicals are used for processing, for example:

    • Topaz,
    • Fundazol,
    • Fitosporin.

    Each package contains instructions and must be strictly followed.

    Treatment of plants from diseases should be carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening


    As you know, prevention is the best way to fight any disease. In order not to once again resort to chemistry, you will have to perform a number of activities.

    • Avoid thickening plantings.
    • Dust the ground with ashes from deciduous trees every 5–7 days.
    • Weed and loosen the soil frequently in the basil beds and between the rows.
    • Regulate watering. In some cases, it is better not to top up than to overflow.
    • Be sure to ventilate greenhouses and get rid of condensation.
    • Remove the diseased plant together with a lump of earth, and spill the hole with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    • Try not to grow basil in one place for more than two years in a row.

    When planting basil, do not forget that thickened plantings can lead to disease.


    Basil is also resistant to pests. The strong scent can scare off most of them. As a rule, mass destruction of plantings by harmful insects is not observed. But young and weakened plants can suffer from aphids or meadow (field) bugs. Sucking pests feed on the cell sap of plants, which leads to a slowdown in their growth, and then to the drying of the leaves.

    Compliance preventive measuresdescribed above will help prevent uninvited guests. Well, if they appeared, on early stage help to cope folk remedies... Pests are scared away by decoctions of herbs:

    • tansy,
    • wormwood,
    • bitter pepper
    • luke,
    • dandelion,
    • garlic.

    Processing is carried out several times at weekly intervals. An ash solution will do a great job - pour 300 g of ash with boiling water, simmer for half an hour over low heat, cool and strain. Dilute the resulting volume with water to 10 liters.

    If you cannot do without chemicals, then use Karbofos, Actellik or Akarin.

    The meadow bug is not afraid of strong aromas, so it can visit the basil garden

    Growing problems

    Although basil is not a finicky plant, it can sometimes have problems growing it. Most often this can happen at home or when grown in a greenhouse.

    Table: problems encountered and how to fix them

    Problem Cause Elimination
    Basil is pulled up
    • Lack of light.
    • The formation of the bush was not carried out.
    • If the basil is grown at home, it should be placed on the lightest windowsill.
    • Be sure to pinch or trim. Branching will increase through these procedures.
    Leaves dryThe plant suffers from high temperature air and low humidity.
    • If it's too hot in a greenhouse or on a windowsill, ventilate, but avoid drafts.
    • Move the plant pot to a cooler place.
    • Remember to water the basil on time.
    Leaves curl
    • Basil suffers from draft.
    • The soil is too dense.
    • Overflow and low temperature air.
    • Move the plant out of the draft.
    • Replace the soil with light and loose soil.
    • Do not use basil during the cold season.
    • Allow the top layer of soil to dry.
    On the leaves appear
    light, parchment-like spots
    Perhaps it's a sunburn.
    • In the open field, try to water the basil in the evening or under the root so that the water does not get on the leaves.
    • If basil grows on a windowsill, shade it slightly from the midday sun in summer.
    Grows poorly
    • The plant lacks nutrition.
    • Low air temperature.
    • Don't forget to fertilize the basil. It is best to alternate organic matter with mineral supplements.
    • Maintain the correct microclimate. Basil grows well only at a temperature of 23-28 o C.
    Basil bloomsThis is a natural process.
    • If you want to collect seeds, leave the inflorescences.
    • If basil is grown for food, the flowers must be cut off.

    To prevent the basil leaves from being bitter, the inflorescences must be cut

    Growing secrets

    If you first decide to grow this useful plant in the garden, first carefully study all the secrets for its successful cultivation:

    • For the basilica, choose the sunniest place. It is not bad if the bed is protected from the north by dense plantings of other plants.
    • In southern regions, sow seeds or plant seedlings only in well-heated soil. If you live in cold climates, you need to grow basil either in greenhouses or in a room on a windowsill.
    • Break or cut off the resulting inflorescences in time. This stimulates the branching and growth of delicate vitamin greens.
    • Basil loves a clean garden, so weeding and loosening should be done at least 7 times during the growing season.
    • If you plant basil with peppers or tomatoes, then take care of the spicy herb much easier. When caring for vegetables, you pay attention to the basil at the same time.

    Collection and storage of the basil

    To use basil as an aromatic additive to dishes, you can pick the leaves or upper part shoot when the plant has reached 15 cm in height. Do this carefully so as not to accidentally pull out the entire bush.

    By the time of the beginning of flowering, and this is approximately the end of July-beginning of August, the leaves have already accumulated a sufficient amount of essential oils. It is during this period that it is necessary to collect sheet mass for harvesting for future use. You can save vitamin greens in different ways:

    • to freeze,
    • salt,
    • preserve.

    Frozen basil does not lose its beneficial qualities

    But the most common way of storing vitamin herbs is drying. It is very simple to prepare basil in this way:

    1. Pluck or cut off the plant's shoots.
    2. Collect 5-6 branches in small bunches.
    3. Hang upside down in a well-ventilated dark area.
    4. After a few weeks, the leaves will naturally lose moisture.
    5. Store the finished product in a glass jar with a tight lid.

    Basil can also be dried in the microwave, electric dryer and oven.

    Like any aromatic herb, basil is easy to dry naturally

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