Red cheeks and oozing from the child. Why does the child's cheeks turn red? Red cheeks with symptoms of low temperature and general weakness

“Not a child, but blood and milk” - this is how people have been talking about strong men for a long time, focusing on a healthy complexion. Indeed, a baby's slight blush is most often an indicator of normal body functioning and means that oxygen-rich blood circulates freely, nourishing all systems and organs. But sometimes overly red cheeks in a child become a subject of excitement for loving parents, and for good reason. After all, the skin is one of the most sensitive indicators of deviations and failures in the body. What are the causes of the painful redness of the tender cheeks of the child?


The most common cause of redness in a baby's cheeks is diathesis. This is a special condition of the body that indicates a predisposition to allergic, respiratory and inflammatory diseases... It most often occurs in children from the first days of life to 3 years.

The body of the newborn is still only adapting to new living conditions. The kid switches to a completely different food system, so the work of his digestive organs is imperfect: the protective functions of the intestine have not yet been formed, digestive enzymes are not produced in the proper amount, and the permeability of the intestinal walls is increased. Foreign proteins, once in the child's body, do not break down and easily enter the bloodstream. The immune system reacts instantly by releasing antibodies that react with allergens. As a result, excess histamine is released. This substance causes a strong vasodilation (which is why red rashes appear on the cheeks), itching and swelling.

What signs will help determine an allergic diathesis in an infant?

  • Red, rough skin on the cheeks.
  • Rash in the form of small itchy blisters.
  • The likelihood of weeping areas.
  • Seborrheic crusts on the head.
  • Stool disorder.
  • Nausea.

The impetus for the development of diathesis is the consumption of foods that can cause an allergic reaction:

  • cow's milk - with intolerance to milk protein or lactose;
  • cereal cereals - if you are allergic to gluten;
  • fruits, vegetables and red berries;
  • citrus fruits;
  • nuts and especially peanuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • smoked meats;
  • seafood.
  • If diathesis manifests itself in a child who is breastfed, then the nursing mother should carefully review her diet, excluding allergenic foods from it.
  • Advice
  • To alleviate the baby's condition, relieve redness and itching, baths or lotions based on a decoction of a string or chamomile will help.


A person has an excellent defense system - immunity. Immune cells fight foreign bodies with the help of antibodies produced, Sometimes for some reason in the work immune system a failure occurs, and she begins to perceive pathogens that are safe for health as hostile and develop antibodies to them. Among such numerous pathogens, the following should be emphasized:

  • pollen of plants, especially during the flowering period;
  • house dust;
  • animal hair, down and feathers of birds;
  • food;
  • medicines - antibiotics, vaccines, preparations in the form of sweet syrups;
  • chemical substances;
  • poisonous substances that insects or reptiles inject into the blood when bitten.

Allergy symptoms are very similar to those of diathesis. The child has:

  • red spots on the cheeks that itch and flake;
  • lacrimation, pain in the eyes and;
  • nasal congestion, sneezing and coughing;
  • swelling;
  • - A rash that resembles blisters from a nettle burn;
  • headache and malaise.

But if diathesis is a temporary condition that passes as the work improves child's body, then allergy is a pathology that often leads to serious consequences and needs treatment.

To eliminate allergy symptoms, including red cheeks in a child, the first step is to stop contact with the allergen. Lubricate the skin with baby cream or "Bepanten" regenerating ointment based on vitamin B5. Only a doctor should prescribe antihistamines!

Red cheeks against a background of unnaturally pale lips and the tip of the nose are a characteristic sign of pneumonia. This is a serious disease that is often diagnosed in children and carries a real threat to life. Therefore, every mother must know the typical manifestations of pneumonia:

  • the child becomes lethargic and weak, refuses to play;
  • loss of appetite;
  • a very high temperature rises, which practically does not go astray;
  • shortness of breath and severe cough appears;
  • the baby complains of body aches, nausea and headache.

In the presence of such signs in a child, you can not hesitate a minute - urgently contact a qualified medical help.

To avoid serious complications, treatment of a child with pneumonia should be carried out only in stationary conditions.


Baby infection also accompanied by a characteristic redness of the cheeks. A solid red spot on closer inspection turns out to be a lot of small specks with jagged edges, located very close to each other. When pressed with a finger, the speck brightens and becomes pale pink. On this basis, roseola can be distinguished from rubella and allergic skin rashes on the child's skin.

Skin manifestations occur at the second stage of the disease. They are preceded by the classic symptoms of a viral infection:

  • a sharp increase in temperature, which lasts for 3 days (therefore, roseola is also called a three-day fever);
  • weakness, lethargy, body aches appear;
  • cough and runny nose with this infection is absent.

Roseola is treated in the same way as any other viral infection. A sick child needs to be provided with bed rest, plenty of drink, symptomatic therapy.

A complication of roseola in young children can be cramps caused by a very high fever. Therefore, parents need to constantly monitor the condition of the baby and give antipyretic drugs in time.

Helminthic invasions

  • dirty hands;
  • contaminated water;
  • poorly washed vegetables and fruits;
  • thermally unprocessed meat and fish;
  • contact with animals.
  • Roundworms cause a hives-like rash, small, red blisters that spread throughout the body and cause severe itching.
  • Pinworms - provoke the appearance of large swollen red spots on the face.
  • Giardia causes several types of rashes, from hives-like blisters to complex dermatoses.
  • Tapeworms lead to severe intoxication of the body, as a result - extensive skin rashes with scaly areas, skin fungus.

To these unpleasant manifestations with helminthic invasions are added such signs as itching in the anus, decreased appetite, weight loss, fatigue, pallor, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


At the age of 4 months, babies begin to erupt their first teeth. One of the signs of this rather painful process is reddening of the baby's cheeks. There are several reasons for this.

  1. A few weeks before the appearance of the first tooth, the work of the salivary glands is activated - this is how the baby's body prepares for the process of digesting solid food. The baby has not yet learned to swallow saliva, so it flows out, falling on the delicate skin of the cheeks and chin. Redness of the skin is the result of irritation caused by saliva.
  2. To appear on the surface, the milk tooth cuts through the gum, causing discomfort, swelling and inflammation. Children begin to intensively rub and scratch their cheeks, trying to relieve pain and, thereby, causing irritation and redness.
  3. Redness is due to a rush of blood due to the expansion of blood vessels and small capillaries with an increase in body temperature.

Helping a baby in this state is to eliminate the inflammatory process in oral cavity and a decrease in body temperature. As soon as the tooth erupts, all symptoms will disappear immediately.

An ordinary teaspoon will help improve the condition when teething the first teeth. Nibbling on a cold metal surface will relieve pain and act as a massage for sore gums. It was not for nothing that in the old days in Russia it was customary to give babies a silver spoon "for a tooth".

When there is no cause for concern

Do not forget that the baby has red cheeks - this is the perfect norm, especially if there are no other unpleasant and painful symptoms. After all, the surface layer of the skin, which is responsible for its opacity, is very thin in babies, and tiny blood vessels - capillaries - shine through it, giving the cheeks a bright pink color.

Did your baby's cheeks turn red? This is a natural reaction of the body in the following cases.

  • Exercise stress. To deliver more oxygen to the working muscles, the heart begins to beat faster, increasing blood circulation in the body. The more intense the load, the redder the child's cheeks will be.
  • Long stay in the cold. Cold air greatly cools the skin of the cheeks. In response to this, the mechanism of heat regulation is activated, activating blood circulation in the capillaries in order to warm the frozen areas. This rush of blood causes redness. It is worth using a fat cream to protect the baby's skin from frostbite.
  • Exposure to sunlight. When warmed, the subcutaneous capillaries expand and fill with blood.
  • The child's emotional reaction to certain events is shame, anger, joy, embarrassment. The expansion of the capillaries in such cases occurs under the influence of nerve impulses.
  • Hypersensitivity of the delicate baby skin that reacts to any irritants - friction, saliva or food debris.
  • Dry and hot air in the room. In such a situation, redness on the cheeks and chin of the child appears in the evening, and after bathing it disappears.

In such cases, the reddening of the cheeks lasts for a maximum of several hours, and then disappears without a trace, without worsening the well-being of the child.

It is very important that there is always a sensitive, attentive and knowledgeable person, able to discern alarming symptoms in time and provide the necessary assistance.

In some children, parents notice the appearance of dry and rough skin. These changes can be noted not on the whole body, but in some places: on the face, on the arms and legs, on the head or behind the ears. You need to tell the pediatrician about these changes and find out the reason for their appearance.

In this article, we will consider the reasons for such a phenomenon as rough skin in a child, and also describe the most popular recommendations of pediatricians on this issue.

Causes of dry and rough skin

Dry skin in a child can be a manifestation of certain diseases.

The reasons for the appearance of dry skin of the baby can be different:

  1. The sudden appearance of reddish rashes on the face and roughness may be a manifestation . Such a change in the skin is due to an excess of hormones in the child's body, and such a rash passes by about one and a half months of the baby. The skin on the face will be clean and soft again.

2. Rough skin may result from the impact of external factors:

  • the influence of dry air and lack of fluid in the body;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • the quality of bathing water and the use of decoctions of some drying herbs (string, oak bark, chamomile, etc.);
  • exposure to the skin of frosty air or wind; in this case, spots of rough skin appear mainly on open areas of the body;
  • frequent use of shampoo (even a high-quality one) can contribute to the appearance of dryness and roughness of the skin on the head;
  • excessive enthusiasm for baby powder can also "dry out" the delicate and easily wounded skin of the baby.
  1. Dry skin and roughness can be one of the disease symptoms:
  • congenital, which is also characterized by increased appetite and thirst, increased blood glucose levels;
  • congenital (reduced function of the thyroid gland): as a result of a slow metabolism, the renewal of the surface layer of the skin is disrupted; the most pronounced dryness of the skin is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow and knee joints.
  1. Rough skin may also indicate hereditary pathology (manifestations of genetically determined roughness appear before the age of 6 years, more often from 2 to 3 years):
  • about ichthyosis, in which, as a result of gene mutations, the process of keratinization of skin cells is disrupted: at first, the skin becomes dry, it becomes covered with white or gray scales, then the rejection of scales is disturbed, and the body eventually becomes covered with them like fish scales. In addition to skin manifestations, dysfunction is noted internal organs, metabolic processes;
  • hyperkeratosis, a disease in which there is an increased thickening, keratinization of the surface layer of the skin and a violation of its rejection. These manifestations are most pronounced in the area of \u200b\u200bthe feet, elbows, thighs and scalp. The reasons for this pathology are not fully understood. In addition to the hereditary factor, others are also important for the occurrence of hyperkeratosis: dry skin of the child; avitaminosis of vitamins E, A, C; side effects of hormonal drugs; stress; hormonal changes during puberty in adolescents; excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays; ; exposure to detergents.
  1. can also cause rough skin in children.
  1. But most often, pink and rough cheeks and buttocks can be a manifestation (the outdated name of this condition is "exudative diathesis"). It can appear as dry, rough spots on different parts of the body. This is a disease of an allergic nature, expressed in the reaction of the skin to the effects of various allergens.

The risk of an allergy in a child may increase if the mother is treated during pregnancy with hormonal and other medicines, uncontrolled reception by her multivitamin complexessmoking women during pregnancy and lactation.

Long-term breastfeeding is a good protection for your baby against allergies. The nutrition of the nursing mother is also important, the exclusion of seasonings, smoked foods, fried and fatty foods from her diet.

The hereditary predisposition to allergies not only on the mother's side, but also on the father's side (the presence of allergic diseases by type,) is also important.

Allergens for a baby can be:

  • food, including adapted milk formulas or even mother's milk; in older children, allergies are provoked and intensified after eating sweets;
  • clothing made of synthetic fabrics;
  • washing powder and other hygiene products (soap, gel);
  • pet hair;
  • tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke);
  • aquarium fish and food for them.

Dry skin with allergies can also be local in nature, for example, it appears in the baby behind the ears. When an infection is attached, crusts, oozing with an unpleasant odor may form. True, such manifestations behind the ears can be associated with errors in caring for the baby, and not with allergies: when regurgitating, vomit flows into the ear region and is not removed from there in time.

Why is the skin affected by allergies?

The bottom line is that allergy is the body's response to a foreign protein (antigen). In response to a signal that the protein is foreign, an antibody is produced to neutralize it. This forms an antigen-antibody complex that causes an allergic reaction.

It is known that a substance other than protein can also cause allergies. In this case, this non-protein substance combines with a protein in the blood and such a protein that is own for a given organism is already regarded as foreign and antibodies are produced to it.

The immature enzymatic system of the child's body is not able to normally break down some foods, and they become allergens. In another case, the product entered the digestive system "in excess" - this situation occurs when a child is overfeeding. In this case, there are not enough enzymes, and the product (protein) remains undigested, not split.

Foreign protein (or incompletely digested) is absorbed into the bloodstream. From the blood, these substances can be excreted through the kidneys, through the lungs and through the skin (with sweat). The skin reacts to them with rashes, redness and itching.

Considering the above, it becomes clear why it is so important not to overfeed the baby, not to overload his immature digestive system. Confirmation for this statement is the fact that in a child during the period of intestinal infection, when food load is noted and significantly reduced, manifestations allergic dermatitis decrease.

The clinical manifestations of atopic dermatitis depend on the age of the child. In infants, it manifests itself mainly in the form of dry skin, peeling on the face, scalp, diaper rash, even with good childcare. The main symptom is redness, itching, roughness, and flaking of the skin on the cheeks and buttocks.
With the right treatment, symptoms are easily relieved. In the absence of treatment in children older than a year, the deeper layers of the skin are affected, as evidenced by the appearance of bubbles and ulcers. Affected areas appear on the trunk and limbs. The child is worried about severe itching. Bacterial or fungal infection with the development of complications.

In children over one year old, atopic dermatitis acquires a protracted course with frequent exacerbations. The process can turn into eczema (dry or weeping). If untreated, allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma may join the skin manifestations.

Dr. Komarovsky about allergic dermatitis:

Prevention of atopic dermatitis

From the first weeks of a baby's life, parents should take care of the baby's health.

  • Breastfeeding plays an important role in the prevention of allergies. A nursing mother must be carefully observed, exclude spices, smoked products, canned food, exotic fruits, chocolate from her diet, and limit the amount of confectionery.
  • Systematically control the temperature and humidity in the room for the child - use hygrometers and thermometers. The temperature should be in the range of 18-20 °, and the humidity should be at least 60%. If necessary, use humidifiers, and if they are absent, place containers with water in the room or hang a damp towel on the battery.
  • Baby's underwear should be made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen). It is better for children with allergies not to buy outerwear made of wool or natural fur.
  • It is necessary to wash children's clothes and bed linen only with gentle ("baby") powders.
  • You should bathe your baby with baby soap no more than once a week. It is better to use purified water for bathing, or at least settled and boiled.
  • During the day, instead of washing, you can use special hypoallergenic wet wipes.
  • When using disposable diapers several times a day, you should undress your baby and give him air baths.
  • Before going for a walk (20 minutes), you need to use moisturizers to treat exposed skin.
  • With a genetic predisposition to allergies, pets, carpets should be removed from the apartment, and the baby's games with soft toys should be excluded.
  • Several times a day, the room should be wet cleaned with water without the use of chemicals.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis

Treatment of this disease is not an easy task. It requires the joint efforts of doctors and parents. Treatment is divided into non-drug and medication.

Non-drug treatment

If a child with atopy is breastfed, the mother should follow a hypoallergenic diet.

Treatment always begins with improving the child's nutrition. The first step is to identify and eliminate the food allergen. If the baby gets breast milk, together with the pediatrician, you should analyze the mother's nutrition and track which product causes skin manifestations in the child.

Attention should also be paid to the question of the regularity of the stool in the mother, since when the absorption of toxins from the intestines into the mother's blood increases. These toxins can then enter the baby's body with milk and cause allergies. For the mother, she can use lactulose, glycerin suppositories, increase the consumption of fermented milk products.

When artificially feeding a child, it is advisable to transfer to soy mixtures to exclude allergy to cow's milk protein. Such mixtures include "Bona-soya", "Tuteli-soya", "Frisosoya". If there is no improvement, the baby is transferred to a mixture based on protein hydrolysates from cow's milk ("Alphare", "Nutramigen").

If dermatitis develops after the introduction of complementary foods, the baby should be returned to his usual diet for 2 weeks. Then start complementary feeding again, strictly observing the rules for its introduction: introduce each new product, starting with the minimum dose, for 3 weeks. In this way, a food allergen can be identified.

If the child is over a year old, a daily log should be kept of all the products received by the child and a description of the condition of the skin at the same time. The most allergenic foods (fish, eggs, cheeses, chicken meat, citrus fruits, strawberries, etc.) should be excluded, and then give the child only one product at a time for 2-3 days and monitor skin reactions.

Sweets are absolutely contraindicated for such children: they enhance fermentation in the intestines, and thus the absorption of allergens increases. The use of jelly, honey, sweet drinks will worsen. Foods containing stabilizers, preservatives, emulsifiers and flavor enhancers are prohibited for children with allergies. It should be remembered that imported exotic fruits are also treated with preservatives to increase their shelf life.

It is very important to ensure that your child is drinking enough and having regular bowel movements. The safest remedy for constipation in infants is Lactulose. You can also use Normase, Duphalac. These funds do not cause addiction.

It is very important that the child does not overeat. A bottle-fed baby should make a very small hole in the nipple on the bottle with the formula so that he eats his portion in 15 minutes and gets a feeling of fullness, and does not swallow in 5 minutes, requiring more nutrition. You can also reduce the dose of the dry mix before diluting it. It is best to discuss this issue with your pediatrician.

When you reach the age for the first complementary food, it is better to start with vegetable puree from one type of vegetables. The least allergenic vegetables are cauliflower and courgettes.

By regulating the child's nutrition, the adverse effects of the environment should also be eliminated. The air in the nursery should always be fresh, cool and humid. Only under such conditions can sweating and dry skin in a child with dermatitis be prevented.

Family members should only smoke outside the apartment. Contact of the baby with smoking family members should be minimized, given the release of harmful substances in the exhaled air of the smoker.

Wet cleaning of the room, elimination of "dust accumulators" (carpets, soft toys, velvet curtains, etc.), exclusion of contact with pets will help to achieve success in treatment. You should also remember to regularly wash toys with hot water.

All children's clothes (underwear and bedding) must be made of cotton or linen. After washing children's clothes with a hypoallergenic phosphate-free powder, rinse them at least 3 times in clean water. In especially severe cases, the last rinse is also carried out with boiled water. The baby's dishes must be washed without the use of detergents.

Dress your child for a walk according to the weather. Do not wrap your baby up to avoid excessive sweating. Stay in the fresh air should be daily at any time of the year and in any weather - at least 3 hours a day. In winter, do not forget to treat the baby's face with a fat baby cream before walking.

Very important in atopic dermatitis is skin care not only in the stage of exacerbation of the process, but also in remission. The child should be bathed daily in filtered or at least settled (to remove chlorine) water. Decoctions of herbs (nettle, yarrow, burdock root) can be added to the water, excluding the use of herbs with a drying effect.

When bathing, do not use a washcloth, and use baby soap and neutral shampoo only once a week. After bathing, the skin should be carefully dried with a soft towel and immediately lubricated with baby cream, moisturizing milk or moisturizing lotion.

Lubrication should be carried out all over the body, not just in the affected areas. Preparations containing urea (Excipial M lotions) moisturize the skin well. Bepanten ointment has proven itself well as a skin care product. It has not only moisturizing properties, but also soothing itching and healing effects.

The baby's face and crotch should be washed frequently. You can use wet hypoallergenic wipes from well-known companies.

It is also important to adhere to the daily regimen, sufficient duration of day and night sleep, and a normal psychological climate in the family.

Drug treatment

Medical treatment of atopic dermatitis is carried out only as directed by a doctor!

Sorbents (Smecta, Enterosgel, Sorbogel) can be used to remove toxic substances from the body. If the child is breastfed, the mother of the child also takes the drug.

If rough spots cause itching and anxiety in the baby, then Fenistil ointment can be used to treat them.

As prescribed by the allergist, creams or ointments containing. For deep lesions, ointments are used, and for superficial - creams. These hormonal medicines must be strictly dosed. You cannot independently change the dose and duration of their use. Cancellation of the drug should only be gradual, over several days.

In this case, both the dose of the ointment and the concentration of the drug may decrease. To reduce the concentration, the ointment is mixed in a certain proportion (prescribed by the doctor) with baby cream. Gradually increase the portion of the cream in the mixture and reduce the amount of ointment.

Hormonal ointments give a quick effect, spots of roughness and redness disappear. But these drugs do not act on the cause of the disease, and if it is not eliminated, then the changes in the skin will reappear in the same or in other areas.

Hormonal ointments (creams) are usually combined with Exipal M lotions, which helps to shorten the duration of treatment with hormonal drugs, and, therefore, reduces the risk of side effects from the use of steroids.

Lotions have not only a moisturizing effect, but also an anti-inflammatory, equivalent to the action of hydrocortisone ointment. In mild stages of dermatitis, lotions can have a positive effect without hormonal agents.

There are two forms of Excipial M lotions: Lipolation and Hydrolotion. Excipial M Hydrolotion is used to moisturize the skin of children in remission of dermatitis. The action of the drug begins 5 minutes after application. It can be used from the moment of birth. A Excipial M Lipolation should be prescribed during exacerbations of dermatitis. The lipids and urea contained in it protect the skin from fluid loss, and the moisturizing effect lasts for about 14 hours. It is approved for use from 6 months of age.

The lotion is applied to the baby's skin three times: in the morning, immediately after bathing and before bed. When the process aggravates, the lotion is applied the required number of times to ensure constant skin hydration. Regular use of lotions reduces the frequency of relapses.

In severe forms of the disease, calcium preparations (Glycerophosphate, Calcium gluconate), antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin, Tsetrin, Zyrtec) are additionally prescribed. But it should be borne in mind that side effect these drugs may have dry skin. Therefore, antihistamines are used for persistent itching. At night, Phenobarbital is sometimes prescribed, which has a hypnotic and sedative effect.

Resume for parents

You should not take lightly the appearance of rough, dry skin in a child. This should be regarded as an alarming signal for the child's body. Most often, these "frivolous" manifestations are symptoms of atopic dermatitis. This disease can lead to neuropsychiatric disorders in early childhood and the development of severe allergic illness in the future.

Dermatitis should be treated as soon as it is detected. It is with high-quality treatment in the first year of life that a child can be completely cured. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome both household and financial problems that arise when treating a baby.

There are no unimportant components in the treatment. All components of the therapy - from proper nutrition, daily routine and baby's skin care to drug treatment - the key to a successful result. Only thanks to the efforts of the parents, in this case, the child will cease to be allergic, and he will not be threatened by the development of eczema or bronchial asthma.

Which doctor to contact

If a child's skin changes, the first step is to consult a pediatrician. After excluding external causes (malnutrition or skin care), the child is referred for consultation to specialists: a dermatologist, an allergist, and, if necessary, an endocrinologist.


Causes of reddening of the cheeks and chin in a child, especially in the evening. Atopic dermatitis, allergies, a virus or a reaction to teething - how to understand what to treat and how to help your child.

"The second autumn-winter I notice that the child's cheeks and chin turn red, especially in the evening. We walk every day, after a walk at home, the redness subsides, and in the evening it becomes stronger."Familiar situation?

Reason 1. Dry, hot air in the room, especially during the heating season. As a rule, cheeks and chin turn red every evening, after bathing it falls off. The heat in the room can overheat the child.

Decision: Ventilate more often and turn on the humidifier, keep the humidity at least 50%. If there is no humidifier, you can hang a wet towel on the battery or put a container of water next to the battery.

Reason 2. Teeth are being cut. Usually the cheeks and around the mouth turn red.

Decision: It will pass by itself when the tooth comes out.

Reason 3. The child came home from the cold. Frostbite of delicate cheeks is also possible (when the redness does not go away for a long time after frost).

Decision: Use protective creams during the cold season. Apply them not just before the walk, but 30 minutes before the cream can be absorbed.

Reason 4. Regular redness of only the cheeks in the evening against the background normal temperature body and clear skin can be a natural temporary skin reaction due to:

  • increased skin sensitivity in children during the first 2 years of life;
  • easily expanding vessels of the skin, which react to friction, cold, wind, overheating, sun, washing powder, physical activity of the child;
  • the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system, this explains the redness in the evening.

Decision: tactics - expectant and observant. Baby creams can be used.

In most cases, such a vascular reaction of the skin goes away on its own by 1.5-2 years of life without consequences.

Reason 5. Diathesis, food allergy. Most often it manifests itself in the form of spots or pimples on the cheeks and on the body, in young children the butt also turns red (it is by this sign that you can distinguish food from any other allergy).

A bottle-fed child may be allergic to the formula.

Foods that cause allergic reactions in a baby (breastfed mom's foods):

  • red and orange fruits and vegetables;
  • fish and seafood;
  • cow's milk;
  • spices, spices;
  • eggs;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • any products with emulsifiers;
  • confectionery;
  • smoked meats;
  • condensed milk and other products with the presence of palm oil;
  • citrus.

If you are introducing complementary foods, try to keep a food diary and write down any new foods. One product is introduced for a week.

Decision: we smear places of redness with Bepanten or baby cream, exclude the product, allergic from the child's diet, with HB we normalize our own nutrition.

The problem of red cheeks in the autumn-winter period is the problem of every second child. If only your cheeks and chin turn red, without dry skin and roughness, most likely your teeth are teething, your cheeks turn red in the evening after walking in winter in frost - frostbitten. Food allergies will definitely be on the bottom.

Most often we are talking about allergic (atopic) dermatitis. When the cheeks turn red and rough, while the redness appears and disappears, but the dryness remains. Places of defeat: cheeks, chin, arms, legs, and everything is clean under the diaper!

In most cases, there is a problem with the intestines (an immature baby's liver is not able to produce enough enzymes to digest all the adult food that we are trying to feed the baby), the rash was preceded by an intestinal infection or some other disease that disrupted the functioning of the intestines. Thus, fermentation begins to occur in the intestines, putrefaction and toxic substances are absorbed through the intestinal walls into the blood. Toxins are removed from the blood through sweat and urine. Particles of sweat, reacting with powder on clothes, synthetics, low-quality soft toys, etc. give redness and itching on the skin.

Based on all of the above complex treatment is necessary:

  • turn to gastroenterogol, restore flora and eliminate intestinal problems;
  • smear the affected areas with moisturizing creams or ointment; with dry skin, baths with wheat bran give a good effect .;
  • do not overload the intestines (do not overfeed !!!, give healthy homemade food). If we are talking about an infant, the mother should monitor her nutrition, with artificial feeding - adjust the mixture and its concentration;
  • during periods of exacerbation, exclude all allergens;
  • do not let the child sweat a lot (ventilate), humidify the air during the heating season, swim not often and preferably without chlorine in the water, so as not to dry out the skin even more, to drink more;
  • wash baby clothes and bedding, wear cotton underwear.

Decision: eliminate the allergen.

Reason 7. Disease. Infectious diseases (infectious erythema, roseola). Redness of the cheeks in combination with sharply pale lips and the tip of the nose are characteristic symptoms of pneumonia. They are accompanied by lethargy, decreased appetite, fever, and rapid breathing. When the temperature rises, the cheeks also turn red.

Decision:see a doctor.

Allergic diathesis is not always an allergy ... (from the portal rusmedserver)

This happens because in children of the first year of life, the protective function of the intestine is reduced. The fact is that at this age, insufficient digestive enzymes, protective antibodies are still being produced, and the permeability of the intestinal wall is increased. The combination of these age-related features of the gastrointestinal tract of babies leads to the fact that the underexposed food components, primarily proteins, are easily absorbed into the bloodstream. These large fragments of molecules have pronounced antigenic properties, i.e. trigger a chain of allergic reactions.

Any allergic reaction begins with the production of special antibodies belonging to the immunoglobulin E (IgE) class. Contact of an allergen with these antibodies leads to the release of histamine - a substance that causes vasodilation, tissue edema, itching, etc. In children of the first years of life, the release of histamine from blood cells can be caused not only by IgE antibodies, but also by many other substances and even the action of external factors (for example, cooling).

In addition, the sensitivity of tissues of infants to histamine is much higher than that of older children, and its inactivation (neutralization) is markedly reduced. From what has been said, it is clear why it is wrong to equate allergic diathesis and a typical allergic reaction: if the basis of allergy is precisely an abnormally strong reaction of the immune system (the production of antibodies to substances that are actually safe and should not normally stimulate the immune response), then in allergic diathesis, age-related features of the gastrointestinal tract and histamine sensitivity play the main role in the development of an allergic reaction.

The manifestations of a typical allergy and allergic diathesis may be similar, but they have a different mechanism of development. Accordingly, the approach to solving the problem should also be different. Only a third of children with allergic diathesis have an increased level of IgE in the blood. That is why the manifestations of diathesis depend on the dose of allergens received: only a relatively large amount of food eaten leads to the development of skin reactions, among which manifestations of atopic dermatitis are most often observed. And only in some cases, trace amounts of an allergen lead to severe allergic reactions.

When a baby is born, the mother carefully takes care of his health, because the newborn is defenseless. In addition to a medical examination and clinical tests, only the mother will suspect that not everything is in order with the baby, and will seek medical help in time. When a child has red cheeks, the reasons can lie both in serious illnesses and in external factors.

  • Physiological - natural (during physical exertion on the body, mental stress, overheating), in which the redness smoothly passes into the skin normal color... It removes itself in 1-2 days.
  • Mechanical - mechanical irritation of the skin (the baby rubbed his cheeks with dirty hands, the wind blew with sand, the baby scratched the mosquito bites)
  • Pathological - associated with the course of pathological processes in the body (pathology of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus)
  • Infectious - caused by a third-party pathogen or resulting from it. Redness is combined with a rash.
  • Allergic reactions - dermatitis, allergies, diathesis. Observed concomitant itching, peeling, skin tightness, violation of the upper layers of the epithelium, wounds.

What diseases cause red cheeks?

Redness of the cheeks is a common symptom in infants. At this tender age, any changes are fraught with a sharp reaction of the body. In most cases, allergic, but not necessarily. This is a reaction to the conditions of the surrounding space, the physiological reaction of the body to the weather, stress, stress, or a serious illness.

Among the latter: measles, rubella, pneumonia, empyema, scarlet fever. If you suspect one of them, establish the presence of other symptoms of these diseases.

  • Measles: pyrexia, fever, rash and redness spreading throughout the body, cough without sputum discharge, runny nose, conjunctivitis, weakness.
  • Rubella: Rash and redness spreads to the neck and hairy part head, temperature up to 38 in the previous rash for two days, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, deaf cough, sore throat
  • Pneumonia: blueing of the nasolabial triangle, characterized by tension of the facial muscles (with crying, screaming, sucking, eating). Fever, fever, dry cough, pain in chest, larynx, rapid shallow breathing.
  • Empyema: chills, high fever, profuse sweating, shortness of breath, blue lips.
  • Scarlet fever: white bloom on the tongue, or crimson color of the tongue, peeling of the skin of the body, tonsillitis, general intoxication of the body, a rash in the groin and at the places where the joints are bent.

Redness of the cheeks can accompany other diseases. This is not an independent symptom, but a way of the body's reaction, for example, to fever, chills, increased sweating.

What should parents do first?

Find out why the child has red cheeks as soon as possible. To begin with, you should collect anamnesis (description of symptoms) at home. Simply put, examine the baby for other changes, and talk to him if he can speak. Ask if he is feeling well, if nothing hurts, if he is hot or cold.

Remember everything that happened to the child in the last few days. Pay the main attention to what was not there before, because the redness of the cheeks is only a consequence, and the cause must be identified on your own.

When there is no cause for concern

You should not worry if the redness of the cheeks is of a short-term nature and is associated with physical activity. For example, if the child is running, playing active games, screaming, sweating from the heat. If the baby has something serious, then you will certainly find more various symptoms.


May cause redness, more commonly seen in bottle-fed babies. In order not to overfeed the baby, the mother needs to keep track of how much the baby eats and when he starts to feel hungry.

Maternity hospitals recommend feeding babies on demand. But newborns cannot control when they are already full and stop eating. In healthy babies, the sucking reflex is sometimes developed so much that they are ready to suck incessantly.

Pediatricians still have not agreed on whether they should advise a nipple to babies, but if a child is restless and constantly demands his mother's breast, then the nipple is an irreplaceable helper. A nursing mother can track the rate of feeding time and the period after which the baby begins to show signs of hunger, usually about three hours.

The task of the mother is to determine the nutritional norm in such a way that the child is full, but the feeling of hunger visited him every 2-3 hours. If, when the portion is reduced, the redness subsides, then you managed to independently determine the cause and solve the problem.


In the first year of life of infants, parents begin to introduce complementary foods. It's always stressful for the body. You have to learn how to digest certain foods. There are entire benefits for the first complementary foods.

Failure to comply with the regimen and order of the beginning of feeding babies can lead to reddening of the cheeks, as in photographs of ruddy babies from women's magazines. In addition, there are products that are generally better not to give to children under one year old, and to give to older ones in a strictly limited amount.

The main thing during the first feeding is to introduce foods into the diet one by one in small doses and monitor the body's response. If the rash on the cheeks was the result of improper feeding, then innovations should be stopped for a while, and later continue with other products.

If the baby eats special mixtures, then a reaction may occur when changing one mixture to another. The solution to the problem is to abandon the type of baby food that influenced the flushing of the cheeks.

If the mother is breastfeeding, the reason is her diet. In the first months of the baby's life, the mother must follow a diet, because any deviation can affect the baby - on his face.


Dry, dirty indoor air during winter can cause irritation, redness and dryness of the skin. Usually the chin also turns red. The room where the baby lives should be kept clean with regular wet cleaning, ventilated, if possible, do not use an air conditioner, and the humidity should be kept above 50%.

Don't forget about regular bathing.

Overheating in infants happens because the body does not have thermoregulation. Wrapping can be detrimental to health. Heatstroke may also occur due to dehydration and prolonged exposure to the sun.

The third cause is illness with a high fever. Overheating is accompanied by signs of dehydration, such as dry mucous membranes, falling fontanelles, as well as fever, feeling unwell, dizziness, weakness, and nausea.

Preventive measures are as follows: Make sure that the child is not outdoors without a hat, especially in the heat. In summer, the color of the panama should be light; dark surfaces heat up quickly.

The water balance should be normal all year round, especially in summer. You need to drink, swim, wash yourself a lot and often. Dr. Komarovsky claims that the air temperature of 19-21 degrees and the relative humidity of 50-70% is the norm for newborns.

Red cheeks with no symptoms

Most of the cases, when flushing of the cheeks is the only symptom, have physiological reasons: during physical exertion, walking in the cold, with an emotional reaction (stress, fear, embarrassment, shame). This redness not only has no other symptoms, but also goes away rather quickly.

Other reasons include the pathology of the cardiovascular system (redness of the cheeks only at night), diathesis, allergies, mechanical damage to the skin.

Red cheeks and fever

A rise in temperature indicates inflammatory process or the presence of an infection in the body. You should carefully examine the baby for other symptoms.

Teething can be an inflammatory process. When a tooth grows, it puts pressure on the gum from the inside, which later leads to its rupture during eruption. This causes a lot of trouble for both the baby and the parents.

In any case, hyperemia of the cheeks can be a direct consequence of hyperthermia, but it can also be a separate symptom. The temperature is knocked down only when it is above 38 degrees. Treat redness of the cheeks folk remedies, do not use lotions and ointments on your own.

Red cheeks with signs of flaky skin

The most likely reasons for this combination are diathesis, allergies, less often dry air and irritation with prolonged contact with food or saliva.

Other redness


Redness of the face or its individual parts has the same causes as redness of the cheeks.

The reason for red spots on the tongue of a child, along with reddening of the cheeks, can be the following diseases: scarlet fever, sexually transmitted diseases, inflammation of the pharynx, herpes, scarlet fever, stomatitis, throat cancer, Kawasaki disease, which is also the cause of red chapped lips.


If, in addition to red cheeks, you also need to establish the reasons for a constantly red throat in a child, then first of all you need to suspect ARVI. Infection of the throat leads to coughing, then a runny nose and fever may begin. Instead of ARVI, any other infectious disease can be found, which will soon manifest itself as characteristic signs.

If the development of the infection is not traced and the symptoms do not change, then there is a possibility food allergies... Also, this combination of symptoms may be the result of the teething process. When a baby is teething, there can be any set of symptoms, but the baby's behavior betrays that he is experiencing pain, itching, and discomfort.

Often, diathesis is accompanied by dryness and tightness of the skin on the cheeks, chin and bottom of the baby, the formation of a specific crust.

This is essentially a symptom of a malfunction. endocrine system, immune, metabolic disorders. That is, violations or shortcomings in the work of these systems are constantly present, and an external sign develops at the time of a crisis, when the protective function of the body does not cope with the task.

In 80% of infants, an exudative-catarrhal form of diathesis is observed. It is a consequence of the baby's malnutrition.

The indications for the appearance of this disease are violations during pregnancy and after

  1. Birth trauma and toxicosis during pregnancy - increase the risk of predisposition.
  2. Improper maternal nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding (consumption of harmful and allergenic food), harmful environmental conditions.
  3. Inappropriate food for the baby. A nursing mother needs to reconsider her diet, for children on artificial feeding - change the mixture, for older children - exclude foods that provoke diathesis from the diet.

For most children, with proper care, diathesis disappears by 3 to 4 years, leaving no consequences. But for some, it develops into diseases of an allergic nature: atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma. Fighting the manifestations of diathesis requires an integrated and long-term approach. This applies primarily to food.

Formation of a diet that does not provoke a rash, redness of the skin and itching should at the same time satisfy all the body's needs for nutrients. It is not difficult to compose such a diet, but foods that cause an unpleasant reaction should be eliminated for a long time, perhaps for several years.

The line between diathesis and allergy is rather blurred. Allergy is more often understood as a contact reaction: to detergents and powders that wash surfaces and wash baby's clothes, dirty air, low-quality cosmetics, diapers, chlorine in water and household chemicals, old dusty soft toys, synthetic fabrics and dyes.

If a child has an allergy, then the allergen must certainly be found and eliminated, because the disease can become chronic. For the treatment of diathesis and allergic dermatitis are used:

  • Healing baths using herbs: string, chamomile, sage
  • Healing ointments, hormonal and non-hormonal (after consulting a doctor).
  • Diet, hygiene, allergen avoidance.

This infectious disease occurs in children under 2 years of age. It begins with a two-day fever with a temperature of 39 or more. After the temperature drops on the face, a rash begins in the form of dots or small specks. Then it spreads throughout the body, but not always. Roseola treatment is the same as for ARVI.

Helminthic invasions

Concomitant symptoms of helminthiasis in children are:

  • restless sleep, whims;
  • cough without signs of a cold;
  • weight loss;
  • weakness;
  • bowel dysfunction.


Teething can include many different symptoms, or just a few of them. The main signs are: poor behavior, swollen gums, increased salivation, which is why the child often has a red chin.

Parents themselves may not notice how constantly wiping the baby's saliva, rub his cheeks and chin until red. In addition, the symptoms of teething can be added: hyperthermia, redness of the throat, cough, runny nose, stool disorder.

This is an autoimmune disease - a malfunction of the body's immune system, which leads to its self-destruction. It is characterized by the production of antibodies in relation to its own skin, resulting in hyperemia, rash. Spots appear in many or conversely merge into one, but their characteristic feature is that they are clearly distinguished in relation to healthy skin.

Redness of the cheeks and nose takes the form of a butterfly. Associated symptoms: joint pain, high fever. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, usually corticosteroid hormones, immunosuppressants, vitamins.

Atopic dermatitis

This is an allergic reaction to constant contact with an allergen: perfume, paint, medicines, fabric, exhaust gases. It manifests itself as a rash, itching, peeling of the skin, acne.

For treatment, you need to take samples for the allergen, and then follow the doctor's recommendations. Atopic dermatitis is a susceptibility that will not go away, which is why you need to get rid of allergens once and for all.

A rash on the cheeks and hands, manifests itself in the form of redness and small blisters that burst, turning into microscopic ulcers. Eczema causes itching and burning. Has an allergic or infectious nature. Requires consultation with a dermatologist, tests to identify and eliminate the cause.

What to do?

If the redness of the cheeks is complemented by symptoms indicating a disease, or at least causes symptoms of panic in the parents, then you need to consult a pediatrician or dermatologist. If not, then observe the baby and try to establish the cause yourself, because you know much more about the life of the child than the doctor.

Taking good care of your baby reduces the risk of cheek redness and associated anxiety.

Preventive measures are as follows:

  • healthy nutrition of mother and child, refusal to feed babies with cow and goat milk, strawberries, a lot of citrus fruits, and other products - allergens;
  • hypoallergenic powders and detergents;
  • regular airing and wet cleaning of the house;
  • hygiene procedures every evening;
  • the use of natural fabrics for clothes for the baby;
  • insulation from construction and other chemically active materials;
  • vitamin therapy, walks in the fresh air;
  • professional examinations, vaccination.

What if the redness and roughness on the cheeks persist?

Probably, an undetected allergen is working, it's time to see an allergist doctor and get tested.

Drug therapy and home treatment

At home, preventive measures and bathing with herbs are used, which relieve inflammation and reduce swelling, and accelerate healing. These are chamomile, sage, oak bark. If this does not help, it is better not to continue self-medication and seek the advice of a pediatrician.

“Water, water, wash my face so that my cheeks turn red ...” This song is often sung by mothers and grandmothers when they bathe their baby. And now your wish suddenly came true - the child has red cheeks, and you don't know why, what to do and where to run for help.

The skin of young children is very delicate, and in some situations, the increased blood circulation stains it with a blush. Before getting scared and wondering why the child has red cheeks, rule out external factors... Perhaps the baby is heavily wrapped up and just hot?

Or are you just back from a walk? The frosty winter air stings children and adults. Red face after the street is normal.

After active play, the baby will definitely have a ruddy face. In the process of movement, blood circulation increases, and the cheeks change color.

Older children blush from emotional experiences: shame, shyness, fear, feelings of guilt or anger.

This redness is safe for healthy child and disappears over time.

The main causes of redness of the cheeks

The cheeks turn red in many babies and are not always an indicator of health. Sometimes diseases or malfunctions of the body manifest themselves as an unnatural blush or rash. These factors deserve increased attention from parents and require the consultation of a pediatrician.


If a child is rarely in the fresh air, then he becomes susceptible to infections, his immunity decreases. The baby often picks up viral diseases, and the fever is always accompanied by red cheeks in the child, the vessels expand in an effort to give off excess heat.

Usually, the febrile condition is accompanied by bright red, well-defined spots on the cheeks. Eyes have an unhealthy shine and breathing is labored Measure the temperature.


The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky claims that red cheeks in babies can be from overeating. This is a natural reaction of the body, it does not have time to digest excess food and the process of fermentation and decay begins. Decay products enter the bloodstream and the baby's cheeks turn red.

This rarely happens with breastfeeding, because the newborn literally "extracts" food from the mother's breast by diligent sucking, sometimes even sweating appears. Therefore, the feeling of fullness comes quickly. The same cannot be said about artificial children, who literally pour food from a bottle into their mouths, which means they eat faster. The feeling of satiety comes in 10-15 minutes, so the baby overeats, and the excess immediately stains the cheeks.

What is the way out of this problem? A small hole in the nipple of the bottle for the baby to work hard.

You should walk with your child in any weather, but in severe frosts, it is better to sit at home. The delicate skin on the face can already suffer at -10-15 degrees, especially when the wind is outside. If you notice white spots on ruddy cheeks, it's time to run home to warm up, otherwise frostbite may begin. Before a walk on frosty days, lubricate your face with a fat baby cream, it will protect against adverse external factors.

The opposite situation is overheating. In hot weather, under the open sun, your baby can overheat. If you notice he has red cheeks, take him to the shade and give him water. And for prevention sunburn use special baby protective creams and don't forget about panamas.


Atopic dermatitis, aka diathesis, gives not only red cheeks, but also a rash on other parts of the body. It happens quite often in babies, and if you follow some rules, it can be reduced or avoided altogether.

This is usually a genetic predisposition and manifests itself in newborns in the first year of life. Such babies are born large and gain weight above average, diaper rash appears in the folds of the skin, and yellowish scales appear on the head. The cheeks become covered with rough spots, and later rashes appear.

Diathesis resolves by age three, but can develop into eczema or bronchial asthma... That is why children with such a disease should be shown to an allergist and exactly follow all the instructions.


  1. It is better to underfeed than overfeed.
  2. Exclude modern household chemicals from everyday life.
  3. Observe the reaction to protein in cow or goat milk.
  4. Use only natural fabrics.
  5. Pay attention to external allergens: fish food, pet hair, flowering plants, honey.

Watch out for sweets. Chocolate and sweets are often the cause of diathesis, and in excess quantities they can develop other diseases: gastritis, caries, improper metabolism.

Cheeks can turn red from both food allergies and contact.

Be sure to exclude chlorine household chemicals and detergents with aggressive ingredients from everyday life. Wash baby things only with hypoallergenic products. Since tap water is chlorinated, rinse the laundry in boiled water after washing. Your baby should also be bathed in chlorine-free water.

Get rid of carpets on walls and floors, stuffed toys and heavy curtains without regret - these are famous dust collectors that can bring a lot of troubles for children prone to allergies. Feather pillows and feather beds are unconditionally scrapped! Books, of course, are a source of knowledge, but it is better to hide book dust away from the baby behind glass or in another room.

Increasingly, there are children who, from the first months of life, react with reddening of their cheeks to the most natural and healthy food for them - milk. This does not apply to mother's breastfeeding, it means cow's milk.

After six months, the baby begins to be given milk porridge as complementary foods, and sometimes it happens that the body begins to produce antibodies against a foreign protein antigen, which are manifested, among other things, by reddening of the cheeks.

To avoid trouble, pediatricians advise using cereal based on baby food as complementary foods - industrial milk formulas are usually hypoallergenic.

Keep a close eye on new foods in your child's diet, give a little and watch the reaction. Citrus fruits, strawberries, honey, despite their usefulness, can turn out to be the strongest allergens and manifest themselves as a rash or more terrible signs: difficulty breathing or swelling.


Diathesis or atopic dermatitis often develops into a more complex disease - eczema. Bubbles and blisters merge into a common mass, burst, become inflamed, turn into wet foci and crusts.

Causes of eczema:

  1. Hereditary factor.
  2. Improper nutrition.
  3. Metabolic disease.
  4. Infections.
  5. Certain medicines.
  6. Endocrine diseases.

Baby roseola

It is quite common in babies up to two years of age, but the mechanism of the disease has not been fully understood. For no apparent reason, the temperature rises, and after a few days, the face and body are covered with convex pink rashes. At the same time, other symptoms are not observed, nothing bothers the child. The disease goes away easily and does not cause complications.

Scarlet fever

Some decades ago, this infectious disease caused by streptococcus horrified parents because of complications and increased mortality. Now they have learned to treat her without serious consequences, the main thing is not to waste time. The danger is not the bacteria itself, but the products of its decay, which cause the strongest intoxication of the body.

Scarlet fever is difficult to confuse with another disease - the cheeks are bright red due to a rash, and the nasolabial triangle is pale. Tongue without plaque, with enlarged papillae, and resembles a raspberry. The tonsils are enlarged and hyperemic. The rash is concentrated in the folds of the limbs. The skin on the palms and feet flakes and flakes. The temperature often rises above 39 degrees and is difficult to knock down.

It is transmitted by airborne droplets.

What to do if the baby's cheeks are "burning"?

One day you notice that the child has an unusual cheek color. Your actions?

First of all, make sure there is no elevated temperature. If it does not exceed 38 degrees, then do not take any action, but limit the activity of the baby. Fever is a protective reaction of the body to viruses; you should not interfere with the immune system to fight infection. But when the thermometer rises higher, then the turn of antipyretic drugs comes.

The common cold can be treated at home, but a doctor should be called if the fever lasts for several days.

Red cheeks with clear signs of a rash is a reason to visit a doctor, especially if other symptoms of malaise exist or the rash appears regularly.

When allergic reactions do not delay your visit to the pediatric allergist. It is necessary to undergo an examination and identify allergens in order to exclude them later. The doctor will also draw up an individual treatment regimen for the child.

If the condition of your baby gives you fear, then it is better to play it safe and consult a pediatrician.


Many inexperienced young mothers consider the red cheeks of their baby a sign of health. But from scratch, a rough skin, pimples or a capillary mesh does not appear. Take a close look at the child, do not let the situation take its course - consult a pediatrician and in no case self-medicate.

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