Balanit treatment with ointments and antibiotics. Mazi from Balantostite: varieties of the most effective drugs

One of the most common diseases in men is an inflammatory disease, localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe penis head and the amazing inner leaf of the extreme flesh. The reasons that cause the balanopostitis, as well as the degree of nestness and acuteness of the disease, can be different. Often enough only hygienic procedures, lotions and baths.

With more severe disease, depending on its cause, treatment with antibiotics, antifungal, immunomodulating, and sometimes anti-allergic agents in the form of ointments, creams, solutions, pills, injections.

The treatment of balanopostitis in men with antibiotics effectively eliminates a bacterial infection, relieves inflammation, destroys the pathogenic microflora:

  • staphylococcus and streptococcus;
  • intestinal wand;
  • act and warns secondary infection.

Typically use tableted forms of drugs. With more severe forms of the disease, an intramuscular administration of antibiotics in the balanopostitis in men is shown.


Antibiotics are used in bacterial forms of the disease, are not prescribed during fungal and viral infections, allergic reactions.

Should antibiotics be taken as prevention from the Balantostite?


Consider the following means from Balantostitis in men:

  • Ciprofloxacin. Effective antibiotic having many foreign analogues (cyprolet, digital, cigrobia, etc.). Take twice a day at 500 mg for 10-15 days. It costs from 22 to 43 rubles.
  • Supraq. Prescribed in the treatment of venereal infections. The medicine is resistant to enzymes that destroys antibiotics is well tolerated. The daily dose is 1 capsule, the treatment time is established individually. It costs from 694 to 816 rubles.
  • Levomycetin. Effective against most pathogens of microorganisms. Advantage - slow addictive microorganisms. Suppresses the vital activity of pathogenic flora and kills the existing one. It is applied to the appointment of a doctor. Costs about 115 rubles.
  • Doxycycline. Tablets are suitable for the treatment of most types of balanopostitis, have a minimum number of contraindications. It costs from 20 to 32 rubles.
  • Azithromycin. Antibiotic, effective against venereal, diabetic, noncommunicable balanopostes. Dosage and course depend on the type of infection. It costs from 101 to 299 rubles.

Opinion expert

Madmusev Armen Davidovich, specializes in male venereological diseases

There are a lot of funds that oppressively acting on pathogenic bacteria, while not having a harmful effect on the microorganisms of the person himself, so they are not antibiotics.


The candidal form of the disease is treated with antifungal drugs in tablets and creams. What a medicine from the Balantostite in men to choose:

  • Fluconazole.- Highly efficient antifungal agent, the analogues of which are flukostat, dieflux, microsist. Such pills are best assigned to both partners at the same time to avoid repeated infection. With the uncomplicated form of the disease, it is enough to use the drug at a dose of 150 mg once. The chronic form of the disease requires long-term treatment when the drug is drinking once a week for several months. It costs from 33 to 272 rubles.
  • Furagin- One of the most famous funds from the group of nitrofuranov. Its active substance is furazidine, capable of influencing hydrogen carriers and the destroying shell of bacterial cells of gram-positive coils and gram-negative chopsticks. Scientific research suggests that the drug, having a negative impact on pathogenic microorganisms, is minimally affecting human utility microorganisms and even contributes to the strengthening of immunity. Tablets are taken inside 50-200 mg 2-3 times / day after meals for 7-10 days. It costs from 122 to 444 rubles.
  • Neversman It has an antibacterial, bacteriostatic, bactericidal effect, suppresses most gram-negative bacteria, with the exception of the cinema stick. The drug is sensitive to strains of microorganisms, resistant to antibiotics and sulfonamide. Take inside 1 g 4 times a day for 7 days. With long-term treatment, the dose is reduced to 500 mg 4 times a day. Costs about 5195 rubles.
  • Metronidazole. - Antiprotozoic and antimicrobial preparation, which has a wide range of bacterial suppression, does not act on aerobic microorganisms. Foreign analogue is a trichopol preparation. Take into 0.5 g 2 times within 5 days. It costs from 43 to 201 rubles.
  • Acyclovir - Antiviral drug, active against herpes virus, if the disease is caused by this pathogen. When balanopostit, adults are prescribed in a dosage of 0.2 g 5 times a day every 4 hours with a break overnight. The duration of application is 5 days. It costs from 27 to 34 rubles.

The most effective means for balanopostite

Treatment of this disease is most productive with the simultaneous use of various forms of drugs - antiseptic solutions, decoction and infectiousness of herbs, ointments or creams, tablets or injections. What kind of medicine from Balantostite to choose?

  1. Miramistin (from 211 to 749 rubles)and chlorhexidine (from 6 to 185 rubles) - highly efficient anti-inflammatory antiseptic solutions that are struggling with different microorganisms - bacteria, fungi, simplest. Method of application: Compresses, bulls, baths.
  2. Acrider® GK - Cream for outdoor use. Triederm is its foreign analogue. Contains antibiotic gentamicin, hormones and antifungal components. It is used for rubbing and compresses within 1-2 weeks. It costs from 96 to 158 rubles.
  3. Levomecol For outdoor use contains an antibiotic and immunomodulator. Costs about 124 rubles.
  4. Clotrimazole Cream or ointment - has many analogues, is an effective antifungal agent. It is used externally. It costs from 22 to 151 rubles.
  5. Ciprofloxacinin case of bacterial infections, fluconazole - for fungal. It costs from 22 to 129 rubles.
  6. Pimafucin - Complex treatment of candidomic (fungal) balanopostitis. Cream - externally, tablets - inside 100 mg 4 times a day during the week. It costs from 254 to 486 rubles.


The best way is not sick with balanopostitis - this is carried out preventive measures:

  1. To conduct a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, to eat properly, to strengthen the immune system, to abandon bad habits. Periodically use vitamin and mineral complexes.
  2. Equally comply with personal hygiene rules, take water procedures, regularly change underwear.
  3. The partner should take timely inspections in a gynecologist in a timely manner so that in case of dysbacteriosis of the vagina, begin treatment, which will prevent the disease of the man with Balanopostitis.
  4. Protect with intimate relationships, especially the use of condoms.


You can also watch a video where the doctor will tell you which antibiotics should be taken with Balantos.

Balanopostitis is a disease that not only worsens the quality of life of men, but also is fraught with severe consequences - the transition of the disease from the catarrhal form into erosive or gangrenous, up to cancer. In addition, Balanopostitis can provoke the emergence and development of other diseases of the urogenital sphere.

Proper complex treatment allows you to fully cure from the Balantostitis and avoid secondary infection.

In the treatment of certain diseases of the sexual range of strong sex, it is not without the use of funds for local application. Such diseases should be attributed to the Balanopostitis. Since this pathology more often has an infectious origin, treatment is carried out using ointments that have antibacterial, antifungal, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. However, it is rather difficult to choose an ointment from the balanopostitis, since this medicine is selected taking into account the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to those or other drugs. The best ointment for the treatment of Balantostite is the one that will destroy the bacterial or fungal flora, provoking the disease and create prerequisites for the rapid restoration of the skin.

What doctor to go to the Balanopostit?

Balanopostitis is called an inflammatory disease that amazes the head of the organ and the fabric of the foremost flesh. It is easy to understand what the Balanopostitis looks like, as well as the Balanit in the photo in men, the treatment of ointment in this case is simply necessary, since inflammation is present on the skin of the head and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe extreme flesh.

Balanopostitis in a man causes redness and swelling of the head of the head, itching and burning in this place. Erosions appear on the skin. A man feels pain when touched. Since several forms of this disease are known, to determine its type and correctly choose the ointment for a penis only a doctor. The treatment of this disease is the urologist.

Treatment of Balantostitis Ozzy

If the man has balanopostitis, the treatment of ointment implies the choice of means for the destruction of pathogenic flora. So, in case the disease is provoked by fungal microorganisms, creams are prescribed with antimicotic ingredients. In the bacterial damage, the penis with antibiotics ointments is carried out. With damage to chlamydias to smear the head follows antiprotozoic means.

To improve healing, except for ointions aimed at combating a specific causative agent of the disease, local medical staff are prescribed to accelerate tissue regeneration, inflammation, reduction of itching, pain and swelling.

Important! In infectious balanopostitis, the use of ointments with corticosteroids is contraindicated, since they will complicate the course of the disease. Corticosteroids are used only with the allergic form of the disease.

To identify the causative agent of Balanopostitis and the choice of suitable ointment, the doctor takes a smear for holding Bakaposev. After that, select a tool for local use. In addition to ointments, the treatment of some forms of this disease requires the assignment of tablets. This will increase the effectiveness of therapy and accelerate healing.

Most often the following ointments are prescribed for the treatment of extreme flesh:

  • Bepanten;
  • Triderm;
  • Syntycinic ointment;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Levomecol;
  • Clotrimazole.


This is an antibacterial cream with an extensive spectrum of exposure. It is prescribed for the treatment of diseases provoked by many bacteria and the simplest. Ointment apply once a day due to its prolonged action. Levomecol relieves inflammation and eliminates discomfort, provoked by pathology.


This is a means of local exposure, which relates to a group of macrolides. Such an ointment with balanopostite is designed to eliminate gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as to combat chlamydia. The tool is applied three times a day, and the duration of treatment is determined individually.


If the balanopostitis provoked fungal microorganisms, prescribed cream for the head of the penis and the fabrics of the leftmost flesh with antifungal components. Usually doctors make a choice in favor of Clotrimazole. It is effective in relation to several forms of fungi. Ointment is applied 3 p / d. The course of treatment is at least 1 week, the maximum is two.

Important! Do not stop the treatment with clotrimazole after the disappearance of symptoms, since the disease will recur. It is advisable to extend the course for another 3-5 days.


This cream is prescribed as a medication with a comprehensive action. Against the background of using the fabric will be heard faster. The tool has the following action:

  • anti-allergic;
  • anti-face;
  • antimicose;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-acudative;
  • antibacterial.

Trieders are applied three times a day for a couple of weeks. The maximum course of treatment is four weeks.


The medicine is prescribed as auxiliary means to accelerate the regeneration of skin cover. Bapten is applied three times until the moment of complete healing.

What active substances can be included in ointment with balanopostite?

If the diagnosis of balanopostitis is diagnosed, treatment ointment is selected by a doctor depending on its composition and causes of the disease. The following active ingredients may be present in various groups of drugs for local treatment of this disease:

  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiprotozoic;
  • antiviral;
  • hormonal.

On sale there are both drugs with one active ingredient and the drugs of complex action, in which antimicose and antibacterial ingredients are present. The use of creams with multicomponent composition is shown in complicated forms of balanopostitis, when there is secondary infection.

How to apply ointment?

Before applying medication for local treatment, it is necessary to clean the skin from the plaque and the selection. For the ablution of the head, you should not use soap and soap solution, as they are overly overcame tissues and lead to cracks and erosions. Hygienic procedures are better carried out in warm water, chamomile brave and calendula, a solution of manganese.

After water procedures, the skin is carefully dried and cream apply a thin layer. In this case, it is desirable that the drug is applied not only to the affected areas, but also captured healthy skin. If the balanopostitis is combined with phimosis, then the head is not forcibly divert, so as not to injure the fabrics of the leftmost flesh.

If a doctor was diagnosed with a doctor, then you should not despair and panic. This disease is easy to treat at home with various ointments, tablets, herbs tinctures, etc. The peculiarity of this disease is that any man, a woman or even a child child may be ill, so it is necessary to approach treatment delicately and correctly .

Attention! In the event of a feeling of itching, redness of the head of the penis or emerged, urgently contact the medical institution!

We treat Balantostitis medicines

Do not refuse to use at home various drugs for the treatment of balanopostitis in men. Clotrimazole acquired the greatest popularity, which can be purchased in a pharmacy in the form of ointments, aerosol or solution.

The medicinal product includes a derivative of imidozol, which is famous for its antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Apply a thin layer of clotrimazole on the head of the penis and do not wipe. Repeat the procedure from 2 to 4 times a day for 10-14 days.

To enhance the effect and quick recovery, it is recommended to receive "diphluk" tablets inside three times a day 1 pcs. In preventive purposes, "Lev Room" and "Nystatin" is used, which perfectly struggle with fungal infections.

We treat balanopostitis in men ointments

The most common ointment, which includes an antibiotic is a syntomic acid ointment. The syntomicine liniment is actively struggling with many bacteria, including with microbes of Balantostite. Apply ointment on the head of the penis so that it gets between all the folds of the extreme flesh. On top you can apply a bandage from the bandage. Conduct treatment before bed every day, to complete recovery.

The ointment "Trieder" is a combined drug with antifungal and antibacterial properties. Effectively reduces the inflammatory process on the head and pain. For the effectiveness of the treatment, it is enough to smear the penis twice a day and will lead to the healing of the skin.

The ointment "Levomikol" is quite often popular in the treatment of balanopostitis in men. It is methyluracil, which stimulates the restoration of the skin, and the antibiotic. Apply ointment to the sexual body before bedtime and impose a bandage bandage, leave it until the morning. Three days of intensive treatment comes a significant improvement.

Attention! Do not self-medicate without consulting your attending physician!

Balanopostitis - symptoms, video

Balanopostitis is a fungal disease that can develop not only in men, but also in women. The main symptoms in women are: itching, burning in the genitals; not natural cottage cheese allocations; redness of the mucous Urination is accompanied by painful sensations.

Symptoms of Balantostitis in men: redness of the head of the penis, itching, burning, unpleasant smell, purulent selection, possibly the appearance of ethnicity.

We looked at the symptoms, the video that we recommend that you will tell in more detail.

We treat Balantostitis by folk remedies

In the treatment of balanopostitis at home, first of all, it is recommended to start correctly comply with the rules of hygiene to care for a sexual member. A thorough kneading head with various braverapers and drugs will significantly reduce, weaken itching and unpleasant burning sensation. After the treatment of Balantostite, men at home are recommended to use herbal tinctures and in preventive measures.

Important! About treatment, you can learn on the pages of our site.

Oak bark

Take a tablespoon of oak bark, which can be purchased in a pharmacy and erase into a small powder. Grass pour boiling water and negotiate 15 min on fire. The cooled decoction (during this time it is imagined) you can add to the bath, where you will conduct a procedure for rinse a penis. Repeat the process of 10 minutes every day three times.


Sodium hydrocarbonate solution (in the people of soda) can be applied to the procedures with a bath. Its advantage is that overdose is practically excluded and there are no allergic reactions. For the treatment of Balanopostitis in men, you will distribute 1 tablespoon of soda in warm water.

Attention! The procedure using soda is contraindicated, if the attending physician prescribed antibiotics for treatment!


Potassium permanganate helps well and kills most viral infections, acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial solution. It is recommended to take the bath after each urination.

  1. In the warm boiled water, pumped up, shaking movements, a small amount of dry manganese and mix well.
  2. After complete dissolution of crystals, water should be obtained with a gentle-purple tint.

Rinse the penis in the bath, thoroughly wash the head, 3-5 minutes. Each time you need to make a new solution.

Dioxidine solution

The dioxidine solution 1% acts well as a disinfect drug, so it is recommended to use it for rinse the head of the penis. One ampoule (10 mg) dissolve in warm water and stir well. The time of the rinsing procedure may vary from 3 to 10 minutes, depending on the complexity of the disease.

Furatcilina solution

Furatsiline has an antibacterial property and effectively helps in the treatment of balanopostitis in men. In the pharmacy, you can purchase a 0.02% solution of furaticilline, dilute it according to the recipe and pour into the bath. Rinse the penis, thoroughly washing the head, a solution every morning and the evening throughout the course of treatment.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to rinse the penis when the balanopostitis contains alcohol!


The decoction can be used as an antiseptic agent. Take 1 tbsp. lies. Herbs, brew glass boiling water and give it in 15-20 minutes. Pour the leaky decoction in the bath with warm water and can carry out a rinsing procedure.


Easy decoction well destroys viral pathogens due to its antibacterial property. For the procedure, you will need one tablespoon of grass, which was brewed with steep boiling water and insisted 30 minutes.


The procedure for washing the head of the penis when the balanopostite can be carried out using a tincture of roots. Clear 100 g of grass, boil in 0.5 liters of water for 5-10 minutes, and insist 40-50 minutes. Pour the heated decoction in the bath and thoroughly rinse the penis.


The leaves are well removing inflammation and get rid of itching. Two tablespoons of small herbs are sealed in 500 ml of water, after half an hour, tincture is ready for the rinsing procedure.


This is a universal remedy for many fungal and viral diseases. The tincture on its basis can be used for daily hygiene of the genital organs and the treatment of Balantostite. And the leaves use for compresses.

Aloe tincture

Take the bottom sheet to grind in the toss, and pour 200 ml boiling water. Let break for 20 minutes and pour the contents in the bath. Conduce the procedure every day to complete recovery.

Compress from aloe

  1. Clean the thick sheet from the peel and barns.
  2. Grind to the state of a homogeneous cleaner and apply a penis head to the head, having previously released it from the leftmost flesh.
  3. Wake up the bandage and keep 15-20 minutes. After that, remove the dressing and rinse the member of any decoction.



  • take a fresh leaf;
  • it's thoroughly to rinse it and stretch to the state when it starts to act.

The resulting leaf mass is applied to the head of the penis half an hour, you can fix the bandage or to be in a lying position. The procedure to repeat 5-6 times a day, while using a fresh seafront leaf each time. The course of treatment - until recovery comes.

The disease of the Balanopostitis in men is extremely dangerous if it does not take measures to treat, it can lead to surgical interference.

Balanopostitis is a disease that is characterized by the inflammation of the extreme flesh. It is also accompanied by irritation of the head and other unpleasant symptoms, which interferes in everyday life. Consider what is inflammation of the extreme flesh in men, reasons for its appearance, as well as the most effective ways treatment.

Background of the disease

There are a number of prerequisites that cause balanopostitis. Inflammation of the extreme member's flesh It may arise as a result of the impact of such annoying factors:

  1. Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Too rare or excessively frequent washing of male genital organs leads to a violation of microflora. A man in this way creates favorable conditions for the active life of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Pathology of extreme flesh. They can wear both congenital and acquired in nature. The most common diseases that cause inflammation of the head and extreme flesh in men are: strictures, paraphomosis, phimosis and so on.
  3. Long wearing uncomfortable, close linen made of poor-quality material. In such cases, the head and extreme flesh are subjected to regular friction, which leads to cracks and other damage to the penis. As a result of this impact, it is observed increase the extreme flesh in men, that is, strong ethnicity.
  4. Diseases of the urogenital system, which are characterized by inflammation.
  5. Strong supercooling of the body.
  6. Disorder sexual relations without the use of condoms. With unprotected sexual contacts, a man is transmitted to infectious diseases, the main symptoms of which are empty.
  7. A sharp decline in immunity. In this case, a man is subject to active development head diseases and extreme flesh.
  8. Somatic diseases. Balanopostit Often develops with diabetes, psoriasis, etc.

Inflammatory processes on the extreme flesh quickly apply. So after some time a man is observed inflammation of the head and extreme flesh.

Causes and symptoms of disease

If there is an inflammation of the extreme flesh in men, the reasons for its appearance can be divided into infectious and noncommunicable. Each of these reasons will dwell in more detail.

Infectious infectious ethiology

Diseases of extreme flesh in men Cause pathogenic microorganisms. The most common microbes in this case are:

  • trichomonas;
  • gonococci;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia;
  • gardnerella;
  • human papilloma virus;
  • genital herpes.

In addition to what is happening inflammation of the bridle of the extreme fleshThe infections cause such additional symptoms:

  • changing the head;
  • pronounced solidity;
  • the appearance of the wave is under the extreme flesh, which causes an unpleasant odor;
  • itching, burning sensation and other uncomfortable sensations in the groin.

If a hurts extreme flesh in a manThis characteristic symptom is gradually added to the moment of urination, as well as with sexual contact.

Inflammation of non-infectious character

There are cases when extreme flesh in a man inflamed As a result of somatic diseases. The most common pathologies of non-infectious nature are:

  • psoriasis;
  • red deprived;
  • pemphigus;
  • diabetes.

Also, inflammation in men can develop as an allergic reaction to a certain stimulus. Such can act and the natural lubricant of the partner allocated at the time of intimate proximity.

General signs of inflammation of extreme flesh, regardless of the cause of their appearance:

  • severe burning, gradually developing into acute pain;
  • when taking the sexual body, a man is experiencing severe unbearable pain;
  • increased body temperature, this is especially true of infectious diseases;
  • headaches;
  • nausea;
  • rashes along the penis.

Also, the young man is disturbed by the process of urination. He is experiencing too frequent urge to the toilet.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to make rid of inflammatory processes as quickly as possible, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist at the very first signs of malaise. Diagnostics and treatment can a urologist. After a detailed examination of the patient, the doctor will take a stroke from the penis head. To establish an accurate diagnosis, that is, to identify the true cause of the disease, the young man is sent to such studies:

  • bacteriological sowing;
  • study on the exclusion of syphilis;
  • analysis of the released fluid from the urethra.

Based on the results of the conducted studies, each man applies the appropriate treatment, which is determined individually.

After determining the exact cause of the appearance of the Balanopostitis, it is necessary to immediately begin to treat it. During the period of therapy, a man must adhere to such rules:

  1. Abstinence from sexual contacts. If a head and extreme flesh, treatment Provides sexual peace for this period.
  2. Compliance with personal hygiene. It is necessary to rinse the penis regularly, but it should be avoided excessive washing with soap. It violates the local microflora.
  3. Treatment at the local level. The use of drugs intended for local treatment is aimed at lifting inflammation and eliminating other unpleasant symptoms accompanying the disease.
  4. Use of antibacterial and antiviral drugs. They are appointed strictly individually if the balanopostitis was caused by the active development of pathogenic microorganisms.

The permanent partner must also undergo a course of treatment if inflammation of the head and extreme flesh in a man caused by infection.

If observed inflammation of the head and the extreme flesh in men than to treat, Consider in more detail.

Medical therapy

The basis for drug treatment of inflammatory processes on the extreme flesh is the use of ointments, creams or solutions for local applications. This is usually antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. The most common means of a glucocorticosteroid group of combined action.

If the balanopostitis was caused by the hit by pathogenic microorganisms, antiviral and antifungal creams and ointments are prescribed to the patient.

It's important to know! Regardless of the cause of the inflammatory process, a man is also appointed a course of complex vitamins aimed at strengthening the immune system!

Operational treatment

Diseases of the head and extreme flesh in extremely rare cases need operational intervention. This happens solely when running forms. The heavy stage of Balantostite can lead to the development of phimosis, resulting in circulatory and metabolic processes at the local level. Long-term finding in such a state can lead male health to hazardous consequences.

Alternative medicine

Folk medicine funds are actively used in the treatment of inflammation of the head and the extreme flesh in men. Their use is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms of pathology. Usually drugs of alternative medicine are prescribed as an additional method of exposure. In a complex with medication therapy, they help speed up the therapeutic process.

At an early stage of the inflammatory process, with the help of folk methods, you can get rid of the disease for 1-2 weeks. If the balanopostitis was caused by pathogenic microorganisms, then the treatment may take a longer period of time. It is usually assigned treatment for about 1-3 months.

List of effective drugs

Modern pharmacology offers a significant amount of drug addicts aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes in men. Depending on the severity of the signs, the attending physician appoints such drugs:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs. These include antibacterial ointments, creams, solutions. With proper and regular application, they remove inflammatory processes.
  2. Anesthetics. Burning, itching and the irritation of the extreme flesh in men is treated with the help of anesthetic maze.
  3. Restoring drugs. They have a regenerating effect, thanks to which you can get rid of cracks on the penis.
  4. Antimicrobial and antifungal medicines. These drugs are suppressed by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, that is, infection of infectious nature.

Consider in more detail the most common and efficient preparations that help relieve inflammation and pain in balanopostite.

Zinc ointment

This drug has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is assigned in the treatment of inflammation of the extreme flesh caused by infection. The regular use of zinc ointments helps to get rid of the wretchedness, redness and irritation, and this medicine has a dry effect.


This is an antifungal ointment, which is appointed with the balanopostite caused by the active development of pathogenic microorganisms. Pimafucin is one of the most gentle antifungal drugs in the modern market of pharmacology, therefore does not cause side effects.


This is a combined drug, which contains in its composition antimicotic, glucocorticosteroids and antibiotics. It has high efficiency even with a heavy form of balanopostitis. Trieders helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms that accompany the disease, and also have a destructive effect on the cause of its development.


One of the most efficient antifungal drugs, but has high efficiency only in the early stages of the inflammatory process. In such cases, the battresses quickly relieves inflammation, thereby eliminates such symptoms as itching, burning, irritation on the sexual penis.


This medication is produced in the form of tablets and ointments. Both types of flukonazole have a pronounced antifungal effect. In a short time, inflammatory processes are removed, as well as unpleasant symptoms of balanopostitis in the form of burning, itching, irritation, ethnicity. It also has a calming effect at the local level.


This medicinal product is prescribed in the treatment of erosion and simple balanopostitis. It also helps to fight fungal and viral infection. It has healing, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect under local application.


This agent is produced in the form of a gel for local applications. Removes inflammatory processes caused by fungal and bacterial infection. Levomecole is an antibacterial drug, so the recovery process takes a short period of time. It has an antiseptic effect.


Helps to fight S. inflammation of the head and extreme flesh in mencaused by the active life of yeast mushrooms. Quickly removes inflammatory processes, thereby eliminating unpleasant symptoms.


Produced in various forms, but for treatment of inflammation of the foreskin in men Used as a solution. It has high efficiency in the development of Balanopostitis against the background of certain venereal diseases.

Also to deal with inflammatory processes, such drug preparations of local action are helped: soiled, locasal, syntomic ointment, and so on.

Important to remember! Use drugs with the inflammation of the extreme flesh only after the appointment of the attending physician!

Features of alternative medicine

If a man is observed extreme flesh inflammation, at home It provides for the use of non-traditional medicine as component of integrated therapy. Drug sheeps based on medicinal herbs have a soothing effect. That is, applied in the form of symptomatic treatment. Consider the most popular home recipes.


This ingredient is used in the treatment of inflammation as local baths. For their preparation, it will take 2 hours l. Soda, which must be divorced in 0.5 liters of warm water. This remedy has a soothing effect, removing unpleasant symptoms.


This medicinal plant is actively used to remove inflammatory processes and disinfection. With the help of chamomile cancellations, local baths should be made or use such a solution to rinse the penis. For its preparation, it will take 1 tsp. dried plant flowers, pour 1 glass boiling water. Insist for 15 minutes, after which it is strain and cool down.

Oak bark

This therapeutic ingredient is also used in the form of a beam for a bath or rinsing of the inflamed genital organ. It will take 1 tbsp. l. Grinding oak bark and 1 cup of water. Components put to boil on fire for 15 minutes. After this time, the decoction must be strain and cool.


This medicinal plant is used in alternative medicine to combat viruses and bacteria. For the preparation of a solution for rinsing the inflamed extreme flesh of the penis, 1 tsp. Mark, pour it with 1 cup of steep boiling water. Leave broken for about 30 minutes.

It's important to know! To achieve the desired result, that is, to recover, the baths and rinsing must be made 2-3 times a day! Conduct procedures every day.

Possible complications

Insufficient, untimely treatment of the inflammation of the extreme flesh in men, as well as ignoring this pathology can lead to dangerous consequences. Pathologies that can develop against the background of Blanopostit:

  • violation of the erectile function;
  • downtry mood changes, mostly irritability;
  • apathy;
  • weakening the sensitivity of the head of the penis;
  • development of cracks, wound and ulcers on the head of the penis as a result of excessive dry skin;
  • a disturbance of microflora, as a result of which the protective functions of the skin on the genital organ reduce;
  • painful sensations in groin at the time of sexual contact, when urinating, when walking;
  • the development of urethritis;
  • the emergence of purulent formations.

The danger of balanopostitis also lies in the fact that in case of insufficient treatment it can be transformed into a chronic form. A chronic balanopostitis often becomes the reason for the appearance of oncological diseases.


Like any other disease, inflammation extreme flesh in men It is easier to prevent than in the future to engage in its complex treatment. Experts recommend to adhere to such rules that are aimed at preventing:

  1. Regularly change underwear. Men should do it at least 2 times a day. It should not be forgotten that men's pants must be made of high-quality material. It is also necessary to choose the right size, the underwear should not put or cause any uncomfortable feelings when walking.
  2. Observe personal hygiene rules. Each young man must wash the sexual organ for at least 2 times a day. At the same time, each time it should not use soap. It can break the microflora.
  3. Have a permanent sexual partner. If it does not work at a certain life stage, then the man must take care of the use of condoms with random partners.
  4. Regularly attend a specialist-urologist in preventive purposes. The optimal frequency of trips to the doctor is about 6 months. The same applies to the regular partners. They should periodically visit the gynecologist, too every six months.

We should also not forget that at the very first uncharacteristic for a penis symptoms, it is necessary to seek help to a doctor. It will help to spend timely diagnosis, as well as prescribe the necessary treatment. Indeed, in the early stages, the Balanopostitis can be cured quickly and painlessly.

(Balanit) is a disease of an inflammatory nature that is infectious nature - its allergic form is practically not found, the treatment of Balantostitis Masowing implies the use of antibacterial and antifungal agents.

For example, in the case of fungal lesion of male genitals, for example, antifungal ointments are used with fungi from the genus Candid, with bacterial lesions - containing antibiotics preparations, and when infected with chlamydia - antiprotozoic.

In addition, in some cases, in addition to funds against a specific pathogen, the ointment of the balanitis, which has a soothing effect on inflamed skin and reduce signs associated with inflammation.

However, it should be remembered that in the presence of infectious damage, the use of corticosteroidal ointments is categorically projected due to the fact that hormones in this case take the course of the disease. The exception of this rule is the allergic forms of this disease.

After complete delusion of the causative agent of infection with the target of the speedy healing of the skin, ointments of the balanitis are used, the main active substance of which is pantothenic acid that contributes to the rapid healing of cracks and wounds, as well as the division of new healthy skin cells.

How to choose an ointment for the treatment of balanopostitis?

First of all, it is worth noting that the use of ointment for the treatment of balanopostitis on their own without a doctor's prescription is undesirable. In the presence of this disease, immediately refer to the appropriate specialist, which will prescribe adequate treatment. Moreover, in any case, the sick will need a diagnosis confirmation.

As for the very choice of the drug, it is carried out in the following sequence.

First of all, the patient takes a smear, which allows to identify the causative agent of the disease. In this case, ordinary sowing will help accurately answer the question of which pathogenic microorganism led to the beginning of the development of the disease.

After the pathogen is found, one of the antimicose, antibacterial or anti-political ointments for the treatment of Balantostite is prescribed. So, for example, when defeated by Candidates, the optimal choice will be the representative of the Azol group, when chlamydia is detected - macrolides, and for bacteria, everything will depend on whether they will be grammed or gram-negative.

It should be noted that the ointment under the balanopostite must have a minimal system effect - only in this case the risk of side effect will be minimized.

In the case of allergic forms of the disease, corticosteroidal means are prescribed, however, without the participation of a doctor and conducting relevant studies, it is almost impossible to determine this or that form.

In addition, it should be noted that, in most cases, the ointment for the treatment of balanopostitis is combined with other means, for example, tableted drugs - this makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of therapy and speed up the course of recovery.

What active substances can be included in ointment with balanopostite?

As mentioned somewhat higher, the main active substance of ointments for the treatment of balanitis are antimicose, antiprotozoic or antibacterial components. A few less often use ointment with antiviral actors. This is primarily due to the fact that in addition to fungal, protozoal and bacterial forms of the disease there are viral. So, for example, it is found.

Moreover, in some cases, this disease may also talk about the presence of severe specific infections transmitted by sexually, for example. In this case, the treatment of smelling of balanopostitis will be ineffective, as a result of which the process can go to generalized form.

How to apply ointment?

Before using the Balanite ointment, it is required to make standard hygienic procedures. However, it should be remembered that the usual soap is overly dried by the head of the penis, which leads to the appearance of cracks representing a convenient environment for pathogenic microorganisms. Based on this, instead of soap, it is possible to use simple boiled water, a weak solution of manganese, calendula and chamomile beams with anti-inflammatory effect.

At the end of hygienic procedures, the ointment for the treatment of the Balantostite is applied with a thin layer on the inflamed skin with the help of light massaging movements, so that all affected areas are covered. In the case of a combination of Balanopostitis with phimos, to expose the head of the penis using force is categorically prohibited - it may be injured both and extreme flesh.

Mazi for the treatment of balanopostitis

To the number of the most popular ointments for the treatment of balanopostitis include:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Levomecol;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Syntycinic ointment;
  • Triderm;
  • Bapten.

Clotrimazole. It is a fairly effective antifungal agent of a wide range of action. Does not multiply and causes the death of several varieties of fungus. In the presence of Balantostitis, it is used three times a day for 1-2 weeks. Moreover, the disappearance of symptoms of the disease in this case will not talk about full cure. After the symptoms disappear the treatment of the Balanopostita of the Ointment, it is advisable to continue the week - this will prevent the return of the disease and the multiple relapses.

Levomecol. It is an antibiotic of a wide range of action designed to combat the majority pathogenic bacteria and some simplest. The prolonged effect of the drug allows it to be applied only once a day, and anti-inflammatory properties significantly reduce discomfort caused by the disease.

Erythromycin. Refers to drugs of the group of macrolides and has a very wide area of \u200b\u200bapplication. Allows you to get rid of, gram-positive and gram-negative flora. It is used three times a day, and the rate duration in this case will depend on the presence of symptomatics.

Sintizin ointment for Balanopost

It is one of the most popular funds appointed for the treatment of this disease, and refers to the antibiotics of a wide range of action. It is applied with a thin layer on the affected areas several times a day. The duration of treatment is 2-5 days.

Triderm. It is a means of effect both at the beginning of the disease and in the case of its transition to complicated and launched forms. It removes itching and inflammation, has an anti-appliant, antimicosis, anti-allergic and antibacterial effect. The ointment is used three times a day, and the duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Bapten. It is assigned to the target regeneration of affected skin. Used three times a day until the symptoms are completely disappeared.

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