What a woman can in bed. Female passivity in sex - how to overcome

In couples, which together quite a long period sometimes occur when the passion completely disappears in the relationship. And it is often passive in sex that women become precisely, and it happens that without any reason. But where did this coolness come from in sexual relationships, because everything else is good!? And when it comes to bed, you simply perform a marital "duty" without emotion and past passion and at the same time you don't try to fix something. www.Verologist.online

As a result, once a pleasant married bed turns into a routine. And if you not only do not try, but also reluctantly or do not support his initiative in sex, it is a great chance that the joint "game" in family life will sooner or later end a very sad result. After all, a man simply needs a variety, and he gets in bed "log". Maybe it's time to think about yourself, find out the reason and how to cope with it!?

With us alone

You should always watch the truth in the eyes - especially in relationships - admit yourself that sex Doesn't give you more joy - but why!? You think about it, maybe you are passive in bed with this person and you are not interested in trying what he is "Favorite" offers, but why!? However, in any case, this is not a reason to bury your relationship and a couple as a whole, after all, except the bed you are fine. Think, it may be a tip to "reanimate" feelings, as long as they did not disappear.

Try to remember what period did you become passive in sex? Maybe the reason lies precisely in some specific day, act, etc. - try to analyze the situation. Maybe there was some kind of quarrel, after which you had an unpleasant sediment, although you have long been made up!? Maybe you are subconsciously angry with your "favorite" and therefore when it comes to sex, you can not relax. But to keep insults, the more long ago, this is the decision not from the best. Just talk to him!

Talk together

Of course, men do not like to clarify relationships with a psychotherapeutic bias, but try as you can explain how to explain / tell him that even after reconciliation, you still can't forget that quarrel. Such a frank recognition will be for him at least a reason for reflection and tip, because, most likely - he has long forgotten about the incident.

If there are children, then send them to the grandmother and arrange a romantic evening without a TV, computer, long talk about work, etc. - just together! Talk to distracting topics and smoothly translate the conversation for a sexy topic, for example: "I saw such stunning lingerie in the department store! Or on the Internet a lot of interesting things of "toys for adults" - that is, hint to him that you would be interested to try - show him your interest and effort to fix it.

The ability to openly talk about desires in bed very brings it closer, but at the same time you need to remember what you achieve, because the crack in relationships and passivity in bed comes from you. Maybe your guy / husband is trying to correct the situation, and you just do not notice or do not want to notice !? Thus, you simply do not give him a chance, thereby removing him and aggravating the situation. Of course, sorry yourself and make the easiest thing to be guilty in your passivity, but to enjoy - it needs to be delivered to his half.

Praise your man after sex, give him pleasure to be a hero in bed, show him your delight from his sexual opportunities. It is covered it and then he will turn the mountains so that you feel good. "Pleasures - without - pleasure - does not happen!"!

Memory of the past

Often happens that passivity in sex Begins after an unexpected meeting with a former guy / husband. Memories flooded you, and you begin to compare the "former" and "real", but for some reason more inclined in favor of the former, although you didn't have any problems with the present, and especially in bed!?

Here you need to think about: why the former falling in your head so firmly. Of course, the case acquires a serious shade if the former was the first one who you really loved. This feeling does not pass without a trace and, it would seem that you fell in love with another and happy with him, but at a meeting of the memories just overlooked you with a huge wave. However, you need to take yourself in hand, because you broke up - it means there were good reasons - try to suppress everything that is connected with the past. Go to a consultation to a psychologist, if you can not get rid of the past on your own.

My passivity is in my body

Many girls / women their body consider quite and very far from perfect. Therefore, various kinds of experience appear by the result, which is the reluctance to fully open, even after several years lived together. It can serve quite alarming "calling" because it generates problems in sex. Causes can be different, for example, with age or after childbirth, the chest disperses, the tummy appears, cellulite, etc.

A woman begins to seem to be disgusting from her man, because in this form you can not like. But it is not so !!! It is important to remember: the main "Polyana" organ - This is our brain. Therefore, while the brain is able to appreciate in spite of anything in the relationship there will be a passion. All the rest is your personal discharge, but it is impossible, otherwise real complexes can develop!

Although the naked female body changes due to some natural reasons, however, the woman herself sacrows itself into the angle, because if you think about it, then problems are not so serious, as it seems at first glance. Moreover, its own uncertainty in appearance in some cases can have an extremely negative impact on the sex life of your pair.

If a woman believes that her partner should in no way see her body, although at the same time he obviously wants it, then she becomes passive to sex, from which your sexual life will suffer first. Because during sex you think what your chest looks like or what movements are happening with your belly - this is a marasmus!

Relax, Give the will feelings, concentrate on its touch, actions. Try to throw out your fetaned complexes from the head - trust and commemorate your man and fear will leave yourself!

Closing eyes on the problem - and what will happen

If you do not pay attention and all the more not to correct the problem of your passivity in sex, then, most likely it will lead to the emergence of your man's huge reluctance to continue the relationship. Since anyway, the moment will come when he becomes boring and uninteresting with you, and sex will not awaken in it absolutely no passion. Surely you guess what it will end: your favorite will go left and will soon leave at all. Therefore, do not wait, as long as your man's patience is completely bursting, and the relationship will completely come out, no.

Remember: it all depends only on you, fight with your passivity, indifference, alienacy !!!

Material prepared Natalia Kovalenko. Illustration from the site: © 2014 Thinkstock.

It only seems that men are bold and skillfully in bed. Where there! So that they take the initiative in their hands? No, they do not allow "pride".

Moreover, polls show that 2/3 men complain that the partner does not make the first step towards bed, and half of the respondents generally declare that passivity of a woman Unbearable I. kills All their desires.

But men themselves are to blame. Because to achieve explanations from them, what they want in bed is difficult. They make inseparable sounds, mock or just silent. Most likely, they do not know what they need. But all of them are 100% sure that you should know it! Well, let's carry out a brief "excursion" on the male body, we denote and estimate its most sensitive points along a 10-point system, where 10 points are the most active erogenous zone.

Of course, lips and language (from 5 to 7 points) are very sensitive. That is why kisses are light and gentle or deep and fiery - every love game begins. But no less (and in some cases even more), the ears are sensitive, the lines, the skin behind the ears (8 points). And if at the same time kissing and gently bites him over the lobe, you whisper in his ear with a pleasant nonsense, the effect of your affectionate. You can find eyebrows, eyes and eyelashes with great success (7 points). And if you run your hands in his hair and you will gently sort out the hair on the back of the head (5 points), he clings to pleasure as a cat whom the hostess strokes.

Neck skin, especially from behind (5 points), is sensitive to kisses, touches and stroking. Just do not touch the man with the tips of the fingers and "curls". From such gentle touch, he will be only a seeko. Use the pads of the fingers and the palm, touching enough strongly, so as not to cause the attack. This rule, by the way, extends to any parts of the body. Not only is stroking a hairy (to a greater or lesser extent) a male breast itself excites. Get to his nipples. Of course, they are not so sensitive as women's. But we are looking at their tongue or, cover with palm, "Rock", as if small balls (7 points). Nipples harden, and a man will begin to breathe more often. This means that your caress does not pass for him without a trace.
Spin, buttocks

Great, if you spend your nails or fingers on the back, along the spine is nice. But it is even more pleasant if you influence the "Catplace" (8 points) - a sensitive area between the blades. You can kiss, licking or bite - your business.

With his buttocks (7 points), not particularly neggling: lightly praise, a little bit of blood. It tones and burst. I press the stomach to the buttocks, the lower back - it will be in full delight. As you probably noticed, the bonfire of passions can be registered in a man, without even touching the penis.

In general, non-sexual part of the body. However, stroking in the direction from top to bottom, from the navel to the pubic, where you can linger for a few moments, will increase the excitement. A kiss in the navel (6 points) - will make feelings.

Arms and legs

Be sure to hold your fingers or tongue between your hands (4 points). It does not matter that the activity of these erogenous zones is low, without their stimulation, caresses will be defective.

Let any sensitive portion of his body hide from you. Even patellied pits (7 points) and lower legs (5 points). Delicate touch to these places will give a man into a state close to Nirvana.

Do not touch the man with the tips of the fingers and "curls", from such touches it will be only a seeko.

Intimate organs

Scrotum and penis, naturally, the most sensitive erogenous zones. Soft, but persistent massage of this area (9 points) is able to cause a quick erection. Penis strokes with extreme flesh and down shifting is one of the most pleasant and rather active excitation methods.

You can tightly, but not much, clap the penis with the palm, and you can hug it only with your fingers (entered into the penis in the ring). Some men like it when a woman just strokes the penis from the bottom up - from the scrotum to the head. And, of course, everything is delighted with the Las language. Most of all the geases of the penis (10 points) are sensitive. We caress your head with hands, lips and tongue, but only very gently.

In general, put the task in front of you to type as many points as possible, even if you are not sure what you do everything right. Soon you will know what he really likes, and what

Is it possible to understand in advance how your chosen one will behave in bed? Family psychologist tells, an interpersonal consultant, director of the Agency of Dating "I and You" Elena Kuznetsova.

Conditionally, she divided men into several types.


If we talk about a young man under 25, then a completely native passion may hide behind his infantile appearance. But this is more due to hormones. Sex can be extremely kept.

The psychologist notes that many teenage boys face the "complex of Madonna and Prostitutes," when they love one girl, and sexual attraction is experiencing completely to the other. The young man simply does not understand how to simultaneously love and want the physically of the same person. If over the years understanding does not come, then in such a "confused state" the man lives all his life. Most often with such a "split" face just infantils. They are indecisive and misintermetative in bed. Not because not temperaments and are not too sophisticated, but because the activity of his beloved woman inspires them disgust. To show sexual fantasy and to liberate them, with respect to which they do not build serious plans for a joint life. And your favorite girl or, especially, the wife should be modest and clean. It is this inability to combine in the minds of the infantile men "Two in one" - a wife and mistress - often pushes him on treason.

Ordinary man

If this is a normal man, then a woman is clearly lucky with her lover, because he will try, first of all, to delight the sang partner. Female ecstasy for a normal man is. And even if in the process of love socialization, a man completely embarked out of his strength, he would still enjoy the fact that a woman, thanks to him, experienced a real buzz.

Alpha male

It has great importance to how much this man is. If he loves exclusively, he will only take care of the pleasure of himself. Egoist is easy to calculate even during courtship. For example, in a cafe, he himself will take the place better, and the woman is where to attain. When communicating with the waiter, the order will make the first, and then only turn to the woman: "Well, what will you be?" etc.

It happens, however, that external brutality is just a shell, behind which a man is hidden, able to be with his woman "white and fluffy". If the boy grew up in a good loving family, if he is a mother's child, he has absorbed since childhood and, of course, will take care of his chosen, to take into account her desires, including in bed.


If, then the metrosexuals themselves, carefully follow their appearance, are imposed on women and at all incredibly high demands. These male representatives will look at the partner from the tips of the nails on the legs to each hair in the hairstyle. They will notice those things for which they would not even pay attention, and if he drew, he did not give them any meaning.

But the metrosexual is all difficult. If suddenly the woman "wounds" his aesthetic taste, he will immediately refuse it. And you never know what exactly does not like this man. For example, there may be even a mole, which is, in the opinion of the metrosexual, not at that place. Such men are incredibly pedantic and squeaming.

To win a handsome location, a woman must constantly admire them. And if the matter still comes to sex, such a man will allow you to deliver pleasure. By the way, the metrosexuals are large fans of oral affection.

At the same time, the psychologist notes, if the metrosexual, he himself is capable of being a good lover, gentle and sophisticated.


Most often, men are fond of men, not too attractive outwardly and inexperienced in communicating with women. Elena Kuznetsova negatively relates to a pickup, calling it "pseudopsychology".

I really sympathize with these men who, with modest external data, learn to behave like macho. It looks rather awkward when some subtitle boy is trying to talk while the brutal man allegedly speaks. Type: "Hey, crumb." Men are offered a standard set of phrases without discounts on their appearance and personal features, - notes the psychologist.

Because of its own insecurity, Pickaper is easier to communicate with a girl on the Internet. It is easier for him to be easier to operate and the memorized phrases, which often sound extremely unnatural. And the picappers love, while the personality of the sobster itself is interested in the least. For this type of men, acquainted with the sake of acquaintance. For them, this is a kind of sport.

Pickpearts rarely agree to real meetings, if only the lady will not insist. At the same time, as a rule, the case does not go further. The reason is simple. The man is not too necessary that, since he is more important to the fact that he was "key", and a woman simply remains in bewilderment from communicating with such a "strange" man. As a rule, Picaurians are neurotic and constantly try to prove to themselves and others that women are worthy of attention.


Babes are the best lovers, because they studied a woman from childhood and know how to give her pleasure, an interpersonal relationship is approved. Such men brought up a greater extent with women, moms or grandmothers. These are happy boys who still understood as a child that they are the best.

That's just for a long relationship with them it makes no sense, because such a type of men is fueled by the abundance of women. They are as actors, always need a crowd and recognition. Lovelace does not "specialize in some one type of women, he likes a variety of girls. For each of them, he will find his words. Babes are not only good lovers, they are also attentive and generous with women and out of bed. Exactly therefore enjoy such success at the opposite sex.

If you have questions about the psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the editorial board "AIF-Vladimir": [Email Protected]

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The Italian psychologist Barbara de Angelis asked for several years to make men of different ages and social status. The same question: "What don't you like most in bed?" The result of its annoying fabrics was the classification of the most important mistakes, which, according to men, can lead to a rupture of relations.

As it turned out, men are unpleasant to very primitive roles that women can play in bed.

Sexual role

1. Leddy

Men do not like when women behave as if indifferent to sex


Bed is a place where a man is vulnerable. He, firstly, is afraid to get a refusal. Secondly, it begins to feel responsible for the sex life of the partner, and the liability is fastened. Moreover, begins to suspect a woman in betrayal.

Why do we do it?

It often happens because of the complex - "not to look like a prostitute." And for some of the women, the game in the "sexy corpse" is a peculiar form of expressing anger of anger or discontent: "I don't feel anything. You have no power you need. " In the language of psychologists, this is called a "passive-aggressive reaction": the partner looks passive, and in fact the lack of reaction is a form of aggressive behavior.


Interested in sex - Demonstration of love for a partner. Whatever you speak in ordinary life, a man will primarily "listen" to your body. Ask yourself: "I would like sex if a partner behaved otherwise?" The affirmative answer is a reason for a conversation with your man.

Sexual role

2. Dunno

Men do not like when women do not know their body


Stupid, when a partner, barely touched his chest, expects the ladies of the highest point of excitement. Men feel the same. They annoyed when a woman restricts the prelude only a penis - it's just rushing to excite it so that "this" ended as soon as possible.

Why do we do it?

Perhaps we grew up in fear of the male sexual authority, to which we carry often resentment and irritation towards the partner.


Women are often shy to ask a partner about what he likes, and do everything at its own discretion. But women do not have this body, and where do they know how he is arranged. Therefore, there is nothing shameful in tactful issues.

Sexual role

3. Loading

Men do not like when we impose responsibility for them for our orgasm


This has a strong psychological pressure on men - they feel losers. When the partner does not say that she likes her more and how to deliver the maximum pleasure to her, a man feels like the exam on the skillful lover.

Why do we do it?

First, from shyness. And secondly, many ladies do not want to admit that they are not the goddess of sex and orgasm to achieve them quite difficult. Most women prefer silently to suffer from dissatisfaction, than asking for help from a partner.


Sexual role

4. Regulators

Men do not like when the partner commands them: turn it out, pushing here ...


First, clear instructions create a sense that they do not trust them and control them. Secondly, permanent instructions cause a natural desire to return leadership. They begin to fight for power in bed, instead of just love.

Why do we do it?

Many women subconsciously decide that it is better to explain everything to expose themselves to the risk of another disappointment. Sometimes this behavior is associated with a large responsibility that women carry in life. They are suitable for sex, as a project that needs to be successfully implemented.


The feeling that he is constantly checking and they lead, annoying any man. Try to trust a partner and give him the opportunity to use the information received at your discretion.

Sexual role

5. Ladut

Men do not like women shyling their bodies


Such behavior makes men doubt the correctness of their own choice: if it is so scary that demands immediately turn off the light, what am I doing with her in this bed?

Why do we do it?

In bed, the complexes are exacerbated in women, deeply insecure. "Protection" is destroyed in the form of clothing, and they are not ready to appear before the partner in the "true" form. Many are simply shy of extra kilograms or cellulite, believing that they do not correspond to the "standards" of beauty.


When a man was with you in bed, he, believe, is no longer affairs to cellulite. And he will find the disadvantages of the partner only when she herself persistently indicates. Therefore, boldly demonstrate your advantages.

Sexual role

6. Boltushka

Men do not like when women talk a lot in bed


It prevents men to enjoy. It is difficult for them to listen and make love at the same time, as this means the simultaneous work of both hemispheres of the brain. They make an effort on themselves to understand that he tells him a partner. The more words, the more his consciousness strains, until he ceases to feel something.

Why do we do it?

The nervous or experiencing uncertainty, women shoot their tension in a conversation. During sex, experiencing the strongest physical sensations, women often do not know how to relax, and resort to the most familiar method of discharge - conversation.


Concentrate all your feelings on the body, focus your subconscious on what you feel, and not on what you would like to say. And even better - try to survive at least one act silently.

Sexual role

7. Cases

Men do not like when women in bed are concerned with their appearance


When the ladies in bed straightened underwear, hairstyle or check if there is a makeup, then a man's signal gives his appearance: "Not Tron!" Instead of thinking about how to deliver partner pleasure, men are forced to control attention not to destroy its appearance.

Why do we do it?

From insecurity. In addition, the constant "washing of the brain" is influenced on women, jerking stereotypes of beauty and attractiveness.


Men highly appreciate self-confidence, the ability to emphasize their natural beauty. The partner should know that the beloved feels calm without cosmetics and other tricks.

Sexual role

8. Manipulator

Men do not like when women have sex in exchange for some of their services


When a man is offered love not as a gift, but only in exchange for his "good" behavior, he himself begins to behave in bed like a businessman. If such relationships are arranged, they can be long. If not - with the "business" partners, it is easy to break up if the "fee for services" will seem too high.

Why do we do it?

Sex turns into a "control lever" partner from awareness of his own impotence in other areas of life. For many women, the bed is the only place in which they have real power over a man than and begin to desperately use.


Bed is a bad place for disassembly. And if the sex becomes "award" for the good behavior of the partner, and its absence is in punishment, then the man will most likely run away from these relationships. Transfer problems for the day.

Check "KP"

Your partner "Fruit" or "Berry"?


Cucumber and melon

Men of this type are serious and courageous and easily achieved their goals. It's hard to influence them. They are not subject to alcoholism. Women in such men will feel like a stone wall. But they lack romanticism.

Women of this type are often becoming superiors, but in family life they are helpless, like children: poorly prepare, do not know how to distribute the budget, neglected by their homework. But this woman is a faithful and understanding friend.

Tomato and watermelon

Men of this type of gourmet, they are lazy and prefer slippage and ski slippers. But they are distinguished by increased society, but not always there are even in communication.

Perfect partner - "Tomato - Melon"

Women are emotional, love animals and homemade hearth. They are always fun and cozy with them. They do not know how to weave intrigue, but may be tactless, because they often say what they think. The withdrawal of their character often leads to scandals.

Perfect partner - "Cucumber - Watermelon"

Cucumber and watermelon

Men - It is about them that they say "in the still waters of devils are found." They are constantly experiencing mental confusion, and their external calm and restraint makes self-tension. But they know how to reflect on global problems and it is among them that scientists and inventors are most often found.

Perfect partner - "Tomato - Watermelon"

Women do not suit the scandals on trifles - they ward offenses and are able to kill all the dishes in one day, often about the head of the spouse. But it is the most creative type.

Melon and tomato

Men are somewhat feminine. They often choose creative professions. Possess a tact and excellent taste. But men of this type can be narcissified egoists.

Perfect partner - "Melon - cucumber"

Women in love are impressionable, passionate and constant in love. Of these, loyal wives are obtained. Despite improved sensuality, such women are balanced.

Perfect partner - "Melon - Tomato"

Women love a glass of wine on the bachelorette party to discuss mistakes of men in bed, but do not forget that two participates in sex. Therefore, there is a certain proportion and female guilt in what is not at the highest level. Many couples faced the fact that after a while they are coming to no. This not only upsets partners, but also can lead them to a rupture. Although women are aware of the current state of affairs, but do not always begin to act. Start changes are best with yourself and try to correct your own behavior. Experts allocate 10 women's mistakes in bed, which are most common and typical.

Simulation and imitation

Very many women will agree with the fact that they are often inflaming orgasm. The reasons that encourage them to do so can be absolutely different, but the outcome of this situation is always deplorable. Cheating in the bedroom over time is offwarding the desire to have sex, and the problem will increase every day. In addition, the partner may not even guess that he makes something wrong. It is better to immediately arrange all the points over "I" and get a mutual pleasure.


Men argue that the main mistakes of women in bed are related to the fact that they are waiting for the initiatives from the partner. It seems indecent and lose the reputation of the lady. But men, on the contrary, welcome female perseverance and determination in sex. It excites them and awakens fantasy. Becoming the initiator of sex, a woman can get such a response that she does not expect from his man. The interest partners in sex is an incentive, and the partner will be ready for new accomplishments.

Laziness and lethargy are the main enemies of high-quality sex. Often, women's mistakes in bed are that they do not show any emotions and are waiting for this "action" will end. When a partner doubts that his lady is nice, he loses his desire to have sex with her. Do not be afraid that active behavior will be perceived as a dishonor. Erotic women are unlikely to be upset due to the fact that their partner loves sex.

Experiment reluctance

Sometimes women perceive the desire of a man try something new negative. They are confident that their partner lost interest to them, but it is not always the case. When a couple together for a long time, feelings begin to fade a little. To revive them and tell the former passion, you can experiment in bed. If a man asks for a woman to do something outside of her morality, you need to calmly explain his point of view and offer your own option how to diversify intimate life.

The monotony in sex can ruin the relationship, so there is no place in bed. Men will prefer a modest ladder for a modest lady, and this should be considered. If the guy is a terrible conservative, it is worth carefully asking him, what experiments he is ready.

Clearness and secrecy

Calling 10 women's mistakes in bed, men always mention the sexual closure of the partner. To ignite inside a man's fire, it is enough to tell him about his fantasies and describe that it gives pleasure. If you show the partner what and how to do, he will be able to delight. Honesty and openness in intimate life will configure a couple of "one wave" and bring together partners.

Men converge in a single opinion that having sex with a lady, which lies motionless - real flour. Such mistakes of women in bed are not everyone can understand. To receive mutual pleasure, you need to expand your own worldview and change the missionary pose on something else. Men love any manifestation of passion and desire: screams, moans or movements.

Be a partner mom

Holy duty woman is the storage of the focus. Probably, no one will argue with it. But in bed it can be forgotten. In order for intimate life to excite men's fantasies, at night, a woman should be active, non-complex and slightly depraved. And home affairs and care for the husband is better to leave in the morning.

Listing 40 terrible mistakes in the bed of women, men allocate this. Everyday routine and bustle leave very little time to care for themselves. But forget about cosmetic and hygienic procedures is not worth it. The appearance of the beloved for a man is very important, but the partner should not see the "from the inside" process. All care activities must be carried out behind a tightly closed door, being a man in all its glory.

Condemn the need for partner in "Strawberry"

Love for pornils inherent in every man, and fight it is meaningless. So that the partner does not climb into himself and did not hide his preferences, it is better to make a company to him. This will help learn a loved one and understand that he would like to change in sexual life.

Calling ten women's mistakes in bed, men mention that many ladies are afraid of "dirty" conversations. Depraved phrases incite the passion in a man, so you should not be shy to express your emotions and desires. Of course, in everything you need a measure, but a little dilute the fresh and silent sex does not hurt.

Discuss women in his presence

Humiliating other women and discussing their appearance, it is possible to cause a completely different reaction. Perhaps, they like the man, and he will take discussion as a compactness.

Concentration on sexual allowances

Some women blindly trust various benefits and educational materials of sexual subjects. But do not forget that all people are different, and there is no universal rule. To get the most intima pleasure, you need to focus on preference to each other and feel the desires of the partner.

Provocate jealousy

Denoting 10 women's mistakes in bed, men are confident that they can be attributed to the desire of the girl to cause jealousy. Most likely, such artificially created situations will lead to the fact that the confidence will disappear and, accordingly, the desire to have sex. In addition, such "maneuvers" can be the first step towards real treason, after which it will be very difficult to restore the relationship. In order for a man to admire his beloved, it is always necessary to look good and staying for him desirable. And also - more often refreshing intimate life.

Any self-respecting woman should know how a man works. The ability to find a loved one is the first step towards a full and harmonious sex life. If you skillfully treat the body of a man, he is unlikely to want to look for a mistress, because everything he needs, he can get at home. In response, he will want to deliver the same pleasure and a woman.

Non-compliance with security

Whatever passion is a woman, she should always remember security. It is worth protected not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from diseases that are transmitted by sexual.

You can continue to infinity or call 40 women's mistakes in bed, but these described above are considered the most common.

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