What to do to sleep not come true. What to do is not enough sleep bad? Do a bad dream did not come true

Sometimes dreams, in particular nightmares, are so detailed that after waking up a person can remember any little thing. Dreams that have a neutral value at first glance, I can also foreshadow misfortune. That is why there are ways to protect against the incarnation of bad sleep in reality. Using special prayers and conspiracies, you can avoid sleep reincarnation into life, but for this you need to correctly perform the process. And knowing some secrets, you can even try to change the course of sleep.

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    Depending on the day of the week

    Until now, the nature of dreams have not been fully studied, since our brain reproduces certain scenes from life in their interpretation.

    Depending on which night a dream, it bears a certain symbolic significance in a person's life.

    Monday on Tuesday

    Everything that dreamed on the night from Monday to Tuesday, determines the creative success of the sleeping person. Often such dreams are filled with emotions, feelings and impressions. Dream interpreters recommend paying attention to the general state after awakening. If the dreams woke up in an optimistic mood, rested and filled with new ideas, then it is worth it to start incarnate them. Everything will turn out as best as possible, so it's not worth too much.

    If a person saw a victory on this night, then such a dream is worth considering it. If nothing happens after ten days, it's no longer worth waiting for the implementation of the plans.

    From Tuesday on Wednesday

    Dreams on the night of Tuesday on Wednesday are more similar to unfolding chaos with an incomprehensible plot. Seriously perceive the duals-up abstractions are not recommended, since such dreams do not turn out to be.

    However, it is necessary to hope for the possible implementation of individual parts of sleep, in which only good is usually shown.

    From Wednesday to Thursday

    The interpreters of dreams are very advised to pay attention to the quality and meaning of sleep, which dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday. Sometimes his decoding can help in making a fateful solution and show new ways out of real problems.

    From Thursday to Friday

    The interpretation of these dreams is more suitable for those who experience the love of their lives. Everything that dreamed on the night from Thursday to Friday, is considered to be proper. This is due to the exacerbation of the sixth sense - intuition; All seen in this night is considered the result of premonitions.

    Interpreters advise to remember all the details and dreams in general. This will help answer many questions. The emotional dream background is also played.

    From Friday on Saturday

    Deciphering these dreams can also be things; But still their strength is smaller than in visions in the previous night.

    If from Friday on Saturday, something pleasant, joyful - then you should expect pleasant impressions in the coming days. The interpretation of dreams will affect not only the dream itself, but also all his nearest environment. The exercise of the dialing plot should be expected in the first days after it, starting in the morning Saturday morning.

    From Saturday to Sunday

    The incarnation of dreams that arose on the night from Saturday on Sunday usually comes the next day. The mood of dreams and the general emotional state plays a big role. The bad development of the plot in real life should not be expected, as it may not come.

    From Sunday for Monday

    Interpretation of dreams, dreamed from Sunday for Monday, closely related to the psychological and emotional stretch on the dream. Most likely, the reason for this is that on Monday you need to go to work and the person is experiencing about the upcoming affairs and plans. The interpretation helps to analyze the workload of a person and understand how strong the nervous system is experiencing.

    How to prevent the embodiment of bad sleep in life

    After the bad dream has dreamed, each person is afraid of his performance in life. Therefore, there are methods to protect a person from the embodiment of terrible sleep.

    Most effective ways to protect against nightmare:

    • prophoving events from sleep aloud;
    • use of salt or water;
    • prayers;
    • conspiracies.

    All methods are tested by time, so the effectiveness of these methods is proved by many cases.


    So that good events in a dream have become things, recommend that they keep them in secret.

    In order for the events from a nightmare or a bad dreams to be implemented in reality, you need to tell all the details that have survived in memory of this dream, as many people as possible. It will raise his effect in the form of sympathy around others, and the experience of bad dream will come to no.

    Use accept and conspiracy

    In order to avoid the implementation of the nightmare to life, it is recommended to use some signs:

    • knock on the window three times;
    • remove the pillowcase on the pillow inside out;
    • in the morning after awakening, open the door so that the nightmare "left."

    Conspiracy is one of the strongest ways to get rid of the consequences of bad sleep.

    Conspiracies should be pronounced out loud to bed immediately after awakening. It is not worth talking to anyone before, and after the pronunciation of magical words, it is necessary to cross 3 times.

    Effective words to protect against ill dream:

    • "Where the night went, there and sleep" - to pronounce only looking at the sunrise.
    • "Sleep dreamed, from the slaves of God (name) was paid to the distance far, in Dal Beschenyuyu."
    • "Where night, there and sleep" - repeat 3 times.
    • "As this salt melted, so my sleep will disappear, it does not apply harm" - before pronouncing the phrase you should drink a glass of water with a small pinch of salt.

    Water plot

    For implementation, it is necessary to approach any water source and tell the phrase: "Water, I carry my sorrows and troubles," thereby causing a bad dream to leave. It is important that water in this source is not standing; It is best to pronounce a conspiracy near the river with a rapid flow.

    There are still a few strong conspiracies so that the dream does not come true:

    • "Good Sunday Sunday, bad treasure (or in half) crackle."
    • "Who has a dream come true, and it does not concern me. Lord with me, bad sleep is not mine. Amen."
    • "What I saw in a dream, I will not see the appearance."

    After pronouncing these words, it is necessary to wash clean cold water three times. At such moments, the mind is cleared of evil influence and man who saw the nightmare reborn the nightmare.

    Prayers from a bad dream

    Prayer strength has always been considered one of the most important and effective. Prayers contain a huge number of texts that help neutralize a nightmare and do not allow materialized bad sleep in life. Whatever the dreams were religion, the words of prayer will put a powerful barrier, which will prevent the penetration of bad dreams into reality.

    Strong Orthodox prayer from bad dreams:

    "Oh holy wifth, the sacredament of Cyprian, fast assistant and prayer about everyone who resorts to you. We arrived from us unworthy praise our and we succeed in the Lord God in the dismpse, in the disease healing, in the cookie comfort and all the whole useful in our lives. Ascending to the Lord, a bobbed prayer for the Lord, and we will protect us from the falls of our sinful, let us teach us true repentance, but will save us from the prisoner of the Diavolsky and any action of the spirits of unclean, and will save us.

    We wake a strong advocate on the enemies who visible and invisible, in temptation to give us patience and at the time of the death of our IVAs to us a intercession from the tortures on the air solarms of ours, and having taken to you, reach the Gorryago Jerusalem and will be advised in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the Saint Slaviti and Heavenly Natural Name Father and son and saint spirit forever. Amen. "

    How to change the course of events

    In the scientific world, a similar type of dreams has its name - conscious dreams. The essence of this method is that a person is aware of what happens to him in a state of sediment and can control its actions by changing the course of a dream depending on what he wants to see. However, it is difficult to achieve such a state, for this you need to learn to control your consciousness during sleep.

    In order to see a conscious dream, it is necessary to get up in the morning a few hours earlier than usual and walk around the apartment in the state of the half. You can drink a glass of water, and then return to bed, go to which it is desirable on your back. You should try to relax as much as possible, remove all the extra thoughts from the head and present the place where I would like to be.

    During fall asleep, it is necessary to try to fully control your actions and feelings, trying to change the location and development of further events. The first attempts are likely to be ended with success, but do not give up. After several attempts, the feeling will begin to change and feel the inner force capable of controlling the sensations and change the course of a dream.

    A person is subject to everything, even control and manage his dreams. If you reach a high level of skill in their control, you can easily change the course of dreams and move the fear.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a fault, problems at work and in personal life pursued me. However, I decided that I still need personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in you, all the failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad strength.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation when it seems that all life rolls under the slope and passes by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when it was necessary for renting an apartment 11. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that you can earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have affected.

    It all started with the fact that I ordered myself personal ...

Quite often, people wake up not in a very good mood due to the fact that they dreamed something unpleasant and sometimes even frightening. And they are often disturbing: what if this dream comes true, what then to do? This is especially true of those who believe in the prophetic dreams and listens to their own subconscious. After all, any, even the most terrible nightmare is part of ourselves and talks about problems in life. And then there is a very important question: what to do so that the dream does not come true, what measures to take to protect yourself from trouble. After all, the subconscious is clearly trying to say something in this way, to convey important information to us, to warn about the coming troubles.

Scientific explanation

For scientists and medicine workers, it does not matter what kind of dream a man, good or bad, they do not consider it. It is believed that the main factor influencing the dream is the psychological state of the dream. And lead to the appearance of bad sleep may stress, experienced during the day, and the internal experiences of a person. In addition, there is a high probability that to worry and think what to do is not to come true sleep, as it can provoke an uncomfortable posture or expressing internal organs with the wrong position of the human body during rest. And the striking hands and legs may well be the cause of brain pulses, which show terrible visions, testifying to the problems with the body.

What to do from a scientific point of view

The most important thing is not to forget that any problem can be eliminated. Just solving your psychological problems, improving the overall health condition and choosing a convenient place to sleep, you can get rid of the alarming bells of the subconscious. But the well-known psychology and psychoanalyst specialist Sigmund Freud was categorically against ignoring such dreams.

In his opinion, it is important to analyze the seen, but only after awakening, to look at the situation with a fresh look, without the participation of emotions and experiences. This will help to realize that you should not look for how to make a dream to come true, because these are just the consequences of the inner state. There is a different look at all anxiety and nervous situations in a person's life.

Fighting an obsessive nightmare

Sometimes even people who do not believe in mystic and superstition, they can not get rid of night visions for a long time, which become obsessive and pursue them in thoughts. Basically, this happens if a person saw a close man in the vision, who threatens the danger.

In this case, it is better to try to solve this problem and calm down. Only the adoption of certain measures will allow to eliminate unnecessary alarms. There is a certain technique consisting of three steps, this is a specific option, what to do not come true. After all, while we think about something, investing in this fear and emotions, we ourselves attract these situations to themselves. With the help of these three steps, you can regain calm and get rid of obsessive vision.

Psychological technique

First, you need to tell someone immediately after waking up. And it does not matter, you personally do it, or call a friend, or write a message on the Internet. Secondly, you need to take a shower. And not a bath, namely the shower, imagining how the flowing water is washes off with you the whole negative. Thirdly, you need to eat well, because they say that the dream is valid only before lunch. This will create confidence that dinner has already come, and the dream strength has come to not. All these steps are exactly what psychologists advise, as to what to do not come true.

Mystical side

Many mystical rituals, superstitions and prayers came to us since ancient times. The modern person they may seem strange, funny and illogical. But, on the other hand, taking into account the time of which people used them, perhaps they make sense. As they say, the main thing is to believe in your own strength and intentions, and then they will definitely bring the result. Especially if a person is looking for what to do to sleep not to come true. In ancient times, people believed that from ill dream could be paid off, simply by throwing a coin into the window with the words "paid." You can also approach the window and looking at it, say: "Where the night, there and sleep." Or wish to go bad, and good remains. There is another way. It is necessary to wash the face with cold water in half an hour after waking up and wish to forget the terrible dream. And as you know, forgotten can not gain strength in the real world.

Visualization is a good method and an excellent answer to the question about what to do is not to come true. It is possible for example, to present a huge waterfall and naughntage that sleep flows over it and floats together with a rapid flow of water. You can also record sleep events on a piece of leaf and burn it. And or erect the ashes to the ground, or wash off it with water, or dispel in the wind. The main thing is that the elements save you from obsessive alarms. You can pour salt into a glass with water and wish that fears and vision are dissolved just like she. You can drive a nightmare by twisting bedding inside out. Also, old signs say that in such a situation, it is necessary to go out of the house by exposing the left hand, and then the right. This means that you order Snah to leave your home.

For religious people

For people believers the best answer to the question about what to do, so that the bad dream does not come true, there will be a trip to the temple. The priests are recommended in such a situation to put three candles. Two of them to the icon of the Mother of God. One - for your own health, another - for the health of your enemies. Moreover, put the candles you need without an evil, all the soul is wanting good. And the last candle, for your own health, you need to place the holy icons. And you need to do this several times after three days. These actions will help find relief and run all empty alarms from a person.

Dream catchers

If a person often dreams of bad dreams, and he has already tried all the methods, but nothing helps, there is one more option. What needs to be done to sleep not come true? You can create a dream catcher! This is a fairly old artifact used by people of all nations. To create it, any blowing materials will be suitable. Alternatively, use a flexible tree branch. It is necessary to turn the ring and tie the thread. After that, the thread needs to weave in the middle of the ring to create something like a web. After that, it must be hung in the doorway or above the bed. According to beliefs, bad dreams fall into this trap and confused in it.

This is a wonderful option, thanks to which you no longer have to wonder what needs to be done, so that the dream does not come true, because with such a catcher, he is most likely no longer dreamed of you. If you do not have the opportunity to find a branch, you can use old photo frames or hoops. In addition, for greater efficiency of this artifact, bird feathers can be used. It should be borne in mind that dreams should be changed periodically, because they clog and over time become less effective. Experts recommend using them no more than six months. Also helps the branch of wormwood under the pillow. It is believed that she distilts evil forces and does not allow them to influence the person from the outside.

Dependence of night time

Many are afraid of dreams, and they believe that all of them are prophetic, not even knowing that the importance of seen seen depends on various factors. So, for example, that, the prophetic dream or not, affects the time of day, in which he dreamed, and the day of the week himself. Given this information, you can clearly know how to make the prophetic dream come true and whether to do something at all.

If the dream was dreamed in the morning, it is very likely that it is proper and can be realized in reality. Dreams, seen in the afternoon, come true extremely infrequently. In the evening everything is not clear, he can come to reality or not with the same probability. But the nights do not come true almost never, because it is at this moment that the subconsciousness is actively working on rethinking the day lived and not ready to take new information.

Dependence on the Day of the Week

Dreams, seen on the night from Monday on Tuesday, come true quite rarely, so after what a nightmare can not worry. But the dream diskeding to the night on Wednesday, rather, can turn out than the opposite. From Wednesday to Thursday sometimes there are prophetic dreams, warning about the danger, but not always, unlike the prophetic dreams on Friday.

It should be borne in mind that these dreams come true almost always, but after a certain period of time, so a person usually has time to understand what to do to sleep never come true. It is extremely rare to see a sign sleep on the weekend.


So, we can safely say that, as far as a terrible and alarming dream, you can cope with it. Moreover, for this, there are both psychological methods and various mystical rituals, capable of moving the impact of the dark forces. In the most extreme cases, you can make your own hands or buy a ready-made dream catcher, which will defend the calm dream of their owner. The main thing is that it should be remembered if you have dreamed of a dream that will not leave you alone and causes extra alarms and excitement, it is simply so impossible to leave it. It does not necessarily come true, but he will make it scattered.

In addition, it may lead to excess health problems, poor mood and even depression. Therefore, as soon as this happened, be sure to take action from those that are more suitable in a particular case. Do not let bad dreams influence your real life, do not allow problems due to the subconscious games. In addition, if it was a signal that trouble lies, careful analysis and preventing further problems will avoid multiple troubles in the future. Listen to your subconscious, understand what the highest strength tell you. And all will be well. The main thing, not allowing the alarms and Handra to take possession of your mind and condition. There are many methods and advice and those developed and proposed by modern scientists, and who have come down to us from a long time, allowing to prevent the penetration of negative from dreams.

A person becomes nervous, irritable, he begins to pursue a feeling of anxiety and obsessive thoughts. However, this is not the worst thing. Sometimes the horror of the horror becomes prophetic. You can get rid of yourself from the nightmare using an effective technique.

To date, everyone knows that the thought is material. Therefore, the more time you pay the memories of a bad dream, the greater the chances that he will be implemented.

Consequently, the first thing you need to do is if you dreamed of a nightmare, - let go of negative experiences and tune in to a positive wave.


If you saw a nightmare, and especially if such dreams often pursue you, you should read a strong conspiracy. Waking up in the morning, say words:

"Good dreams - come back, nightmares and horrors - do not torment me anymore. Lord God, save and save the slave of your (name). What I saw / saw in a dream, never comes to me. Amen".

This conspiracy will help you lock the whole negative and prevent the bad sleep to come true. Try these words every time you are visited by nightmares.

Ritual saving from nightmares

If you dreamed a bad dream and during the day obsessive thoughts do not leave you about him, will help an effective ritual who will save you from heavy thoughtful, nightmares and nightmares. The most important rule is not to tell anyone about what you dreamed.

To carry out the ritual, you will need a metal, wooden or stone item. You must be in complete loneliness or engage in magical actions until everyone is sleeping. Touching the subject that you chose as an overama, you should repeat three times the words:

"Where night, there and sleep. For me there is a holy guardian angel, able to protect against angry strength and bad thoughts. May the Lord helps him to stand up for my life and return a bad dream there, where he came from. May it be so. Amen".

Prayer to do not come true

Holy Martyr Cyprian will help you protect yourself from damage, witchcraft and black magic. And the prayers for sleep coming will get rid of you from the consequences of bad sleep. You should read the prayer before the icon of the Great Martyr, with sincere faith and trepidation in the shower:

"Oh, the ward of God, the Great Martyr Cyprian. You respond to all prayers that appeal to help and intercession. We will hear the words of unworthy slaves of God and the ruins in front of our sins of our sins. Ask for me (name) before the Lord of the Heavenly Soul of Strengthening, in the prayer of healing, in the grief of consolation.

You, Saint Cyprian, is able to put us on the way true, get rid of the captivity of the devilish, wicked spirits and someone else's influence. Do not refuse our prayers and lose our light in our life. Slavm Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen".

What to do to sleep come true

No one about him to tell. Do not try to interpret it. Perceiving it literally, "as it is." If you are a believer man, pray to God (or the gods) of his religion about the dream come true. However, there is an opinion that the dreams that were seen on certain days from the new moon do not come true under any circumstances, but it is still worth trying. In the fairy tales and legends of different peoples there are mentions that happy sleep can be bought from a person he dreamed. In this case, the dream will come true for the buyer - but only if he does not tell anyone about him.

What to do to sleep not come true

Famous Siberian Witch Natalia Stepanova recommends the following: "So that bad dreams do not come true, you need to, waking up, do not look out the window or pronounce one of the spells:

1. Where night, there and sleep.
2. Good Sunday Sunday, bad crackling.
3. What I saw (a) in a dream, I will not see in reality.

In addition, a bad dream need to immediately "exchange", i.e. To tell as much people as possible. All these funds are considered necessary and useful, although they can only weaken the effect of bad sleep, but cannot cancel it completely.

In order for a bad dream to have no consequences at all, it is necessary to "work out" it, i.e. In one form or another, repeat sleep events in reality. After that, the dream will be considered to come true, and the events, they predicted, will no longer happen. "

Notes of ethnographers and missionaries often report similar rites from "primitive" peoples. So, the case is widely known with the Iroquo Warrior, who has dreamed that the enemies took him in captivity. Waking up, he hurried to his neighbor and persuaded that "Take him to capture" Ponaroshka. For three days, he promised himself associated with Wigwam, after which he again gained confidence and was released.

But an example from quite recent times. One woman began to dream of anxious dream for some time: as if she was walking with an infant, and suddenly it became dark. When the dream repeated three or four times, she alarmed and went for advice to the "grandmother". That suggested to actually go out with a child at sunset and return to the house when it's completely dark. After that, the bad dreams stopped, and nothing terrible happened to the child.

What to do with invented dreams

Dreams - "Product" perishable: already in the first seconds after waking, sleep is often destroyed by 80, and even 100%. Trying to remember your dream, we often consider it, giving events a logical connection and "drawing" hopelessly forgotten episodes. In addition, some people have a habit of frankly falsify their dreams, telling others that they have not dreamed in reality. Why do they do it - God gaze, but the question is different: does it make sense to interpret such dreams? And are they capable of predicting the future?

Experienced interpreters of all countries and backgammon are in this question affirmatively: Of course, such dreams can also predict the future. As an example, let the famous story of about one extremely volatile dream, which happened in China in the Trozeniy Epoch (220-264 AD).

One day a man came to the interpreter of dreams, which said: "Last night I saw a straw dog in a dream. What does this mean?" The interpreter said that he would soon be invited to a luxurious lunch.

So it happened. After some time, the same person came to the same interpreter and said that she saw a straw dog in a dream. Zhou warned him: "Be careful: you can fall from the wagon and break your leg!". Unfortunately, everything happened exactly that way. Then this man came to Zhou again and told him the same dream. Zhou replied: "Be very careful: a fire can happen in your house!". And the fire really happened. Finally, this man came to Zhou and admitted that the straw dog did not dream of him never, he just felt the interpreter. He replied on this: "Well, what? Anyway, the spirits made you think about the straw dog, and what kind of way they did it - it's not important."

But why were the interpretations were so different? Zhou explained that the straw dog was a sacred symbol that ancient used as a victim of the gods. At first it was put on the table during an important ceremonial meal. When the ceremony ended, she was thrown on the road and moved the cart, and then burned. All this happened and with a man who three times in a row "saw a dream" about the straw dog.

Dreams and fantasies arise in the same brain and stem from the same source, the name of which subconscious. Therefore, any fiction and fantasy of a person can be interpreted in the same rules as a dream, and obeys the same laws. Sometimes "invented" dreams come true literally: remember that Pushkin, like Lensky, was killed on the winter duel, which he himself also started; That all the circumstances of the death of Lermontov were ahead of them are described by him in the "Hero of Our Time", and the author of the "notes of the crazy" at the end of his days was crazy.

All our fantasies come true, and their only difference from dreams is that we can consciously affect their shape. But their content is still dictated by something under the limits of consciousness.

Sometimes we wake up from horror that covered us, and we do not understand that it was a nightmare born of soothed phobias and broken nerves, or a bad prophetic dream.

Prevent the performance of bad dreams

If you have frightened a dreamy dream, then immediately after the awakening will say a plot: "Where a moon, there and sleep." Then go to the window and the same words say in the open window. Then, without communicating with anyone, enter the bathroom, open the crane with cold water, come up three times, and then hold your hands under running water and repeat the conspiracy three times.

Following the kitchen, fill the glass with water, dissolve the salt in it (tea) and say: "As this salt melted, so my sleep will not come true." Following the way, turn your back to the sink and splash into it the water through the left shoulder.

There is another ritual who will not allow to come true to sleep. After you wake up without getting out of bed, and despite the window, tell me: "Good Sunday, and bad in half a crash."

By the way, no one should tell the plot of sleep that frightened you. Bad sleep can be taught only to a person who knows how to interpret dreams and can explain to you what it means, and how to avoid troubles that he can bring. However, this is the exact opposite point of view. Some believe that a bad dream must certainly tell us three people, then he allegedly not fulfill. Nevertheless, should not be negotiated by the fact that retracted troubles and fears would be rooted in the real life. They acquire the right to exist, and in some ways begin to "figure the flesh" in order to then come at the most inactive moment. Therefore, bad dreams are better to keep under your own control, without letting them in the real world.

If you often bother with bad dreams, then before you go to bed, you need to put an open container with clean water from the head of the bed, and better with the saint. Water will absorb the entire negative and protects you from evil dreams. Water should be changed every day, in the morning empty the vessel with the "worked", and in the evening, before going to bed, pour fresh.

Transform bad sleep in good

If you can change the course of events in your dreams, then you can neutralize a bad dream. As soon as you understand that any image or symbol frightened you, that he promises you trouble, try to "intervene" immediately and "free" from him. So, if you dream a black cat, and you understand that it promises a great trouble - should not be frightened, try to "present" that in your dream you have a brush with white paint. Make the black cat white. In addition, they take a huge bright bow on her neck. Then in the real life, you can easily handle the blow, moreover, you can turn an unfavorable situation for yourself in winning.

And if you dream that you fly into the abyss (the symbol of the trouble), then imagine that you have wings, and you take off above it. Then in real life you will be able to climb over a dangerous situation, look at it differently, and find a non-trivial way out of it. They will later say about you: "There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped."

If you dream that you got sick or saw someone from your relatives, then try, not awakening or not fully awake (balancing on the verge of sleep and javi), to present yourself or a person's eternal, healthy and cheerful to you. In the same way, act with other dreams that are frightening you.

And most importantly, when finally wake up, do not look for coincidences with your sleep in real life, do not be afraid of similar details - so you attract bad and give a chance to come true bad sleep. The more often you remember a bad dream, the more it will materialize. Abstract from him, forget about him and never remember!

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