How to use essential oils. Aromatic oils: species, properties and methods of applying ethereal types

Oils give plants fragrance, which attracts insects to pollinate.

Essential oils have an oily consistency, but these are not vegetable oils, which are compounding fatty acids and glycerol, there is no fat base in the essential oils. Esters are not fats and there is no glycerin. Esters - a mixture of volatile substances and organic compounds of various classes.

Essential oils are actively used in To improve the quality of skin cover, for therapeutic purposes and for the prevention of various diseases. In addition, they are actively used in aromatization of premises, baths, for aromatherapy and increase psychophysical health and emotional state (for giving cheerfulness, calmness, , to increase potency, etc.).

Important! Apply essential oils need careful not to earn On the skin and allergic reactions from incorrectly selected and incorrect fragrances.

Oil properties depend on the type of plants, the conditions for their cultivation used by the part, as well as the method of production (for example, distillation or ). Often, from different parts of the same plants receive various quality, composition and smell of oil.

Essential oils have a wide range of biological activity. One of them - , Other - antispasmodics, third regenerate cells, fourths soothe or, on the contrary, excite the nervous system. At the same time, essential oils belong to potent means that can not only help, but also harm if not comply with the recommendations for use.

Not everything that is called "essential oil" is essential oil.

Today there are in the market:

  • natural oils that give the maximum therapeutic effect;
  • restored, as close to natural;
  • synthetic esters;
  • falsified oils, "enriched" various aromatic additives.

The quality product evaporates at room temperature, and if it drops onto a paper napkin, it will not leave fat traces.

Properties of essential oils

The properties of essential oils have a direct dependence on From which they get them. The value of natural oils is in a large number of biologically active components that you do not find in falsification and in synthetic oils.

Essential oils have unique healing properties and, with proper use, they can have a positive effect on the body.

Due to the presence of biologically active substances, the overwhelming majority of essential oils has a bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial and regenerating effect, are favorably reflected on our nervous system, contribute to the preservation and restoration of the beauty of skin and hair, and also restore the mechanism of self-regulation in the body .

Some types of essential oils help to clean the body of slags and toxins, can have a preventive and therapeutic effect on the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, positively affect the psychophysical and emotional state of the body, activating blood circulation, removing overvoltage, eliminating discomfort, a sense of uncertainty, increasing performance and t ..

Each essential oil has its own special qualities and has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, chamomile oils, , Bergamot and Castobus have powerful antibacterial properties.

Toning and warming: sage, cinnamon, nutmeg (Apply for Biologically active points, due to which blood circulation and lymphatic drainage increases), and, on the contrary, cooled the mint and.

For relaxation, it is perfect: oregano, incense, rose, and sandal, and Melissa and Lemongrass are beautiful .

Pink, pine, as well as geranium oil, chamomile, mirra and rosewood have the most powerful regenerating properties.

It is these properties are very effective when using skin care oils. Just a few drops in homemade masks and creams, and their effectiveness will increase several times.

Among the unique properties of essential oils should be allocated to adjust the level of hormones in the body, which are responsible for preserving and maintaining youth. Among such essential oils can be noted the oil of Mirra, Sandal, Jasmine, Ylang-Ylang, Roses, Neroli, Patchouli, etc. The high efficiency of their application is due to phytogormons contained in oils, which have a structure similar to human hormones.

Tip! Caps just a couple of drops of chamomile oil (or any beloved) on warm peas or desktop aroma, soon a wonderful rich aroma will be separated around the room, which gives the feelings of peace, contributing to thinking and meditations. You can also wear flavors that will always delight you with your aroma.

The use of essential oils

Receive highly smelling substances from the plant juice have learned more than v millennium BC. When excavations, archaeologists still find containers for the storage of incense, which are similar to the archaeological finds of the times of Ancient India, China, Egypt, Rome and Greece. Written certificates are preserved, indicating the instructions for the preparation and methods of using essential oils in aromatherapy, during treatment and when leather caring during the Egyptian pharaohs, ancient Greeks and Romans. For example, in "Poem about Gilgamesh" Mentioned "Smells arising from the burning of Cedar and Mirra, who must deliver the deities and put them with a good arrangement of the Spirit."

In China, the first mention of the essential oils were witnessed about 2.5 thousand years before our era during the reign of Yellow Emperor Juan-Di, who learned the secrets of the Taoist alchemy. In the book written by him, the fundamental work on the classical Medicine, it describes concentrated "life juices", extracted from various plants, their useful properties and options for their use. This work has gained great popularity and is still a desktop book of many Eastern healers contacting traditional medicine.

By the way, in antiquity, essential oils were also used for weight loss. Essential oils for hair care are also widely used. The most beautiful women of that time could not do without essential oils for hair and essential oils for the face. Our ancestors did not know thoroughly about the mechanism of action of fragrances. But it was experiencing an experienced way that essential oils have unique properties: some of them helped facilitate generic activities, some used in cooking, others were healing the body, the third "treated" the soul, the fourths - helped longer to preserve youth and beauty. In ancient Egypt, essential oils were used for for rejuvenation, for the treatment of depression, for disinfection, and even to embalming the dead.

In ancient Greece, learned to enrich Oil natural flavors from essential oils, thus obtaining aromatic ointments and oils. The same Greeks were the first to divide oils into groups: exciting, tonic and relaxation.

With the right and competent use of essential oils for weight loss, for the beauty of hair and skin, their effect will have the best way to tell not only in appearance, but also on health, sex life and on the general condition of the nervous system. That is why the use of essential oils and aromatherapy with essential oils is often referred to as aroma magga or magic aromatic alchemy.

Modern medicine considers aromatherapy as an excellent means of rehabilitation of patients and disease prevention. It is used in hospitals, sanatoriums, preceptors and other medical and rehabilitation establishments of completely different countries.

Effectively rubbing oils in diluted form in the skin of the stop.

The feet are extremely sensitive and have many nervous endings responsible for the most important functions of our body. Essential oil is absorbed throughout 40 seconds, and in 20 minutes it already reaches all important points. The following methods are also effective.:

  • rinsing (a solution of several droplets of essential oil in a glass of water is used);
  • hot compresses (essential oil is added to any vegetable in the right ratio);
  • baths;
  • massage (in the diluted version).

Application of aromatherapy in cosmetology

In cosmetology, aromatic oils have long conquered a leading position.

Essential oils help: remove fatigue and tension after a hard day; help relax when begins to take over your emotions; Raise vital tone.

Important! Use oils very carefully, do not apply clean and aggressive oils on clean skin, only basic. It is advisable to consult with an experienced beautician who will help you choose individual care with oils, respectively, your skin type.

But in their use of essential oils there are some important nuances. First of all, it concerns that they differ from plant, and are used in small quantities, they are added drip to the main means in small quantities. Vegetable oils, such as olive, can be used as a separate means.

Several droplets of essential oil can enrich your main leaving, enhance its properties.

Tip! Give the "new" life with an unused cream, enriching it using essential oil.

In skin care, essential oils are used in order to purify, rejuvenation, increase the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, for the treatment of irritation, inflammation, redness, , effects acne, etc.

For example, in the care of oily and problem skin, rosemary oils, camphor oils are recommended, , Bergamot, Melissa, Lemon, , wood, fir, carnations, patchouli; for dry and sensitive skin - Mirra, blue , rose, jasmine, patchouli, sandalwood, orange; For combined skin type - lemon, ylang-ylang, neroli, geranium, jasmine; In leaving the fading, aging, exhausted, dye and sluggish oil - orange, rose, patchouli, neroli, anise.

To purify the skin and narrowing the pores ideally suited: Mirt, Lemon, Mayran, Melissa, Ylang-Ylang, Rosemary, Grapefruit.

To remove irritation, it is perfectly helped: lavender, daisy blue, jasmine, patchouli, geranium.

If you want to saturate the skin And give it a tone, then the use of oils: verbena, orange, spruce, rosewood.

The rejuvenating effects have such essential oils such as: Neroli, Verbena, Sandal, Biggarde, Ylang-Ylang, Orange, Jasmine, Ladan, Rosa.

Effect (lifting) possess: Mirra, Sandal, Patchouli, Rosa, , neroli.

With the restoration or regeneration of the skin, oil is effective: geranium, ylang-ylang, roses, lavender, mirry, chamomile, cloves, jasmine.

Return the skin healthy and fresh , Natural radiance will help oils: limetic, roses, mint, neroli, verbena. You can eliminate the enemy using oils: lemon, limetic, mirry, juniper, chamomile, pines, and removing inflammation will help kayaput, geranium, orange, lemon, juniper.

Bath I. with essential oils

Aromatic bath or aromatic bath is the best way to relax after a hard day.

Remove stress and relax will help oils: sandals, geranium, lavender, roses. Remove muscle tension (for example, after ) Help and juniper oil will help.

  1. Before making an aromatic bath, you must take a shower.
  2. The optimal water temperature is 36-38 ºС.
  3. As a base, you can use honey, , serum, , marine .
  4. Do not use gel, shampoo, foam and other cosmetics during aromatherapy procedure in the bathroom.
  5. Periodicity and time - 5-25 minutes no more than three times a week.
  6. After making an aromatic bath, you should not rinse and do not need to rub the body dry, let the body dry the natural way.
  7. In the bath you can use the bucket with water, diluted with essential oil to pour into stones.

Inhalation with essential oils - a great remedy for (thyme, ), ( , pine, thuja), stomatitis (orange, calendula), as well as for cleaning the face (soul, tea tree).

Massage with essential oils

Essential oils enhance the healing properties of massage, improve the condition of the skin and beneficially affect the nervous system. Various oils will have different pharmacological impact. So, the carnation accelerates warming up and stimulates blood circulation. The nutmeg removes rheumatic pains, Promote the splitting of adipose tissue, and the rose, jasmine and sandals have a pull-up effect.

For massage mixture: at 10-15 ml of base oil ( , eg - , olive, , almond; For the face - jojoba, macadamia, avocado) you need 3-5 drops of essential oil.

For example, cloves of essential oil helps to increase blood circulation and speed up the warm-up process, orange oil will help in splitting fatty tissues, sandalwich has a lifting effect, and a nutmeg oil will remove rheumatic pain.

Massage for And it is advisable to make relaxation to make soft circular movements. After the session, it is necessary to lie down for 10-20 minutes, you should not go outside within an hour.

Aromatherapy and Aromacology

A huge amount of information on the effect on the body of aromatic essential oils derived from plants was written about this many of the dissertations and scientific papers.

The term aromatherapy, literally indicates - "Treatment with flavors". A less common term is aromatic science, which studies the effect on the mental state of essential oils.

Essential oils can not be used in pure form never:

  • the essential oil in a concentrated form has an irritant effect on the skin;
  • there is a possibility of phototoxic reactions to light (this is characteristic, for example, for citrus oil);
  • for dissolving oils often use auxiliary Components capable of cause negative reactions;
  • the purity of the product may be insufficient (for example, it may contain pesticides that were used to grow plants from which essential oil was done);
  • the strongest burns and allergic reactions are possible.

The main difficulties of aromatherapy are associated with the determination of the optimal dose. The same essential oil can be used for inhalation, for compresses, for receiving inside, for massage, and at the same time, with each method of use, there will be a completely different effect.

All laboratories in all major pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the use of essential oils and their studies.

There are 3 aromatherapy mechanisms:

  1. Psychological characterized by an emotional reaction to the fragrance;
  2. Physiological, manifested in the form of stimulation or relaxation of organs and body tissues;
  3. Pharmacological, the result of which will be the launch of certain chemical reactions in the body.

Today, it will not be difficult for any work to buy essential oils in the online store or the nearest pharmacy, which becomes the cause of uncontrolled use, and carries the negative consequences and effects from aromatherapy and, as a result, causes a large number of problems.

Aromas raising

Aromatherapy can be used and as a means of raising libido and configuring romance in relations. To achieve, the effect is needed to use very small amounts of aromatic substances.

  • Rose is not in vain is a symbol of love. Her subtle fragrance will allow you to give sensuality meeting with your loved one.
  • Jasmine is a more exotic flower, but its smell creates an atmosphere of peace and comfort in relationships.
  • Lavender acts soothing and relaxing on the mind and body, which will be quite by the way to restore relations after a small tapping.
  • Lily creates a romantic dating range, which is difficult to ignore.
  • Vanilla is closely connected with femininity, it helps to remove frames and restrictions.
  • Ylang-Ylang - "Flower Flower", his aroma resembles the smell of jasmine, but at the same time acts exciting.
  • Carnation is able to give a thin note sensuality and love.

There is no single general recipe for the combination of essential oils, everything is purely individually and depends on personal preferences, because for each flavor they have their own personal meaning. For example, not all girls like roses, do not all endure the smell of vanilla.

The main smell must be barely felt, be slightly noticeable and unobtrusive.

Treatment with essential oils

Remember that esters are not drugs, and additional means. The methods of treatment are somewhat - when we receive inside, applying to the skin, inhalation, the use of aromalamps, therapeutic baths and massages.

Important! It is impossible to fill the essential oils into the nebulizer - their smallest drops are capable of penetrating into the lungs and cause pneumonia.

Eastern medicine is widely used by etheric oil treatment. Also essential oils are effective in combating Avoid direct sunlight after use;

In the endless sea of \u200b\u200bflavors, useful properties and you can easily get lost. When I started to get acquainted with aromatherapy, it appeared for me very sophisticated science.

I offer you a landmark: the list of essential oils. I hope with it, it will be easier for you to choose essential oils according to your desires and expectations.

Essential oils: properties, combination, contraindications, application


Properties: Bactericidal, antiseptic, deodorizing, diuretic, strong aphrodisiac ,.
Combined With Patchouli, Lavender, Carnation, Citrus, Tmina, Dill, Fennel, Coriander, Pink Tree, Kedrom., Contraindications.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, sensitive skin.


  • Stimulation of intestinal peristals, assistance with colic, bloating (meteorism), gravity in the stomach, getting rid of constipation.
  • Cosmetics: Especially recommended for age-related skin, it gives it elasticity, leads to normal a water balance in the epidermis, eliminates cellulite, treats skin diseases, eliminates scabies and lice.
  • Sexual problems: is an aphrodisiac, enhances the reproductive function.
  • Removes headache, facilitates a hangover, excites appetite.
  • Cold: antipyretic, expectorant, warming.


Properties: Antiseptic, bactericidal, deodorizing, regenerating, sedative.
Combined With geranium, ylang-ylang, sage, nutmeg, citrus, lavender, cypress, coriander, cinnamon, incense, juniper, geranium, rose, neroli, petitgrain.
Contraindications: Increases allergies to citrus.


  • Effective at Orz, influenza, cough.
  • Displays the slags, leads to the normal operation of the stomach, excites appetite, eliminates constipation.
  • Golden, diuretic, prevents the formation of stones in the bustling bubble.
  • Suitable for any type of skin, normalizes the greatest secretion, it has a whitening effect, gives the skin of the tour, removes toxins, efficiently with cellulite, dandruff, an excellent means in combating cellulite.
  • Peredontosis treats, stomatitis, disinfects the mouth.
  • Removes pain: Head, articular, with menstrual syndrome, neuralgia.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases improves the blood supply to organs, normalizes pressure.


Properties: Antibacterial, softening, refreshing, stimulating.
Combined With Bergamot, Medis, Lavanda, Majorane, Melissa, Sage, Geranus, Neroli, Santal, Limette.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, individual intolerance, blood coagulation is higher than the norm.


  • Cold: Expectorant, antitussive, treats a runny nose, restores the smell.
  • The gastrointestinal tract: leads to the norm of digestion, eliminates colic, spasms, meteorism. Soft choleretic, cleans the intestines.
  • Suitable to any type of skin, strengthens hair, removes warts.
  • Eliminates headache, expands the vessels. Stimulates menstruation. Improves lactation.


It is obtained from the bones of apricot, it has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, perfectly nourishes and contributes to the regeneration of sensitive and damaged skin, mucous membranes. It softens great, makes the skin of the hands with an elastic and elastic, normalizes the operation of the mucous gland glad. Possessing a high microbiological frequency can be used for erotic purposes (vaginal lubricant). Massage with the use of apricot oil will deliver a lot of pleasant sensations, rejuvenates the skin, give it a healthy color. Apricot oil can be used both independently and as a vehicle, in which the essential oil is added (3-4 drops of essential oil by 20 gr. Transport). Widely applied in the recipes of masks for dry skin. Use only freshly prepared formulations for massage and masks.


This oil is rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, K; In addition, it contains chlorophyll, histidine and lecithin. As this oil in its properties is very close to the fat contained in human skin, it is very well perceived by it without forming an unpleasant fatty film. Avocado oil having an extraordinary delicate consistency gives the skin pleasant softness, and is used for daily skin care, especially dry, peeling and fading.


Fragrance spicy, cool, fresh. It has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antipyretic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, anesthetic and diuretic effect, contributes to the discharge and removal of sputum, increases the effect of antibiotics, normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves the spasms of the intestinal musculatory, it excites the appetite, improves the work of the kidneys, removes kidney colic It dissolves stones in the kidneys and bladder, contributes to reinforced lactation in nursing mothers. Removes depression, soothes, eliminates children's plasticity, helps with nervous anorexia. In cosmetics anise oil, added to cream, gives the skin elasticity and improves lipid exchange. It is also used to scar bugs, cockroaches, lice, moths.


Fragrance refreshing, lightweight, sweetish, tasty. Stimulates the nervous system. Enhances immunity, it helps to improve vision, has a choleretic and antispasmodic effect, regulates the carbohydrate and fatty exchange, helps to reduce the weight and removal of toxins from the body, improves the intestinal operation, eliminates the inflammatory and destructive changes and bleeding the gums. Increases the body's resistance to infection. It facilitates the consequences of stress and helps with nonconsection, refreshes, improves performance. Removes depression, state of fear, irritability. Excellent erogenous agent, treats frigidity and impotence. Ancient Romans used water from orange petals for the treatment of hangover and indigestion. In cosmetics is used in moisturizing creams for dry skin and in anti-cellulite creams. Do not apply externally before reaching the sun.


Fragrance spicy, cool, fresh. Removes depression, soothes, eliminates children's plasticity, helps with nervous anorexia. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant, analgesic effect. Increases elasticity of aging skin.


Spicy aroma, warm, bitter. Basil - Symbol of Honor. Helps eliminate concern, insomnia. Rises mood, refreshes, stimulates. Disperses resentment. Contributes to clarity of thinking. Increases the protective properties of the body, has a powerful antiseptic, anesthetic, antibacterial effect. Restores smell after a long runny nose. Rejuvenates the skin, tones, refreshes it, gives shine to hair, improves their growth. Effective tool in insect bite.


Fragrance velvety, bitter, smoky. Still sleeping agent. Helps in stressful situations, removes anxiety, restores mental balance. Softens the flapped areas of the skin, eliminates corns and warts, promotes rapid resorption by hematoma.


The aroma is cold, sour-sweet, gentle, fresh. It is used to remove the nervous voltage, elimination of depression and apathy, as well as at various inflammatory diseases of the skin, deprive, excessive saloon, youthful acne, with inflammation of the vagina and internal genital organs (after compulsory consultation with the doctor), accelerates wound healing, ulcers, has pronounced Antiseptic property (in combination with sage and eucalyptus oils it is enhanced), improves the condition of the skin with psoriasis, eczema, eliminates dandruff and strengthens hair. Erotic. Do not apply externally before the appearance in the sun! It is not recommended to use children under 12 years old (a doctor's consultation is required).

Grapes (bones)

Delicate, extremely rich in the composition of the care agent for fatty and normal skin and overwhelmed, fragile hair. Contains triglecyrides, wax, stearins, fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, etc.). It has antioxidant activity, perfectly protects the skin from adverse environmental exposure. It fills the loss of skin fat and natural fat hair after using soap and other detergents. It is not sticky and easily absorbed by the skin. Vitaminizes, softens the skin. Prevents her premature aging. It is used for massage, preparation and enrichment of cosmetic preparations, mixing mixtures for aromatherapy procedures.


Spicy aroma, sharp, fragrant. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, antispasmodic and adolescent effect, improves microcirculation, normalizes blood pressure, regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, increases the uterus tone, stimulates the childbirth, normalizes the menstrual cycle. It is one of the best painkillers and antiseptic drugs in dentistry. Promotes the healing of purulent injected wounds, an effective means for scabies. Used when overwork, dizziness, strong sweating. It is a stimulating means of impotence. Effectively against bloodsowing insects. Do not apply during pregnancy and increased nervous excitability.


Fragrance soft, tart, cooling, fresh. It has a calming effect on the nervous system. Beautiful antiseptic and applied in the infections of the upper respiratory tract. It has a pronounced healing effect, immunostimulant. Regulates the processes of digestion, diuretic, antidiabetic, relieves inflammation in the field of external middle ear and nasopharynx, improves the conductivity of the heart muscle, normalizes the heart rhythm, reduces blood pressure. It helps with varicose veins and hemorrhoids. An excellent antidepressant, activates mental and physical potential in the elderly. Eliminates dandruff. Do not apply with reduced blood sugar content, simultaneously with the reception of contraceptives, as well as children under 6 years.


Fragrance fresh, cool, light. Provides inspirational impact, helps to get rid of depression and causes Euphoria. Normalizes the secretion and drainage functions of the sebaceous glands, clarifies and whitens oily skin, narrowing the pores. It is superbly restored by the natural hasty secretion of oily hair, with long use eliminates their increased pollution and gluing. A magnificent means to remove cellulite. Useful for arthritis, gout, rheumatism, inflexibility in muscles .. Improves blood circulation, tones the lymphatic system, contributes to the process of withdrawal of toxic substances and slags from the body. It has a suspension effect in the overdose of narcotic substances.


The aroma is exquisite, gentle, sweet-cold. Jasmine is one of the main plants used in perfumery. Stimulates creativity, the birth of original ideas. Strengthens self-esteem, helps to adapt to an unfamiliar atmosphere. It has an anti-stress, relaxing effect, eliminates fatigue, muscle tension, mobilizes the backup forces of the body. Improves skin condition, rejuvenates, facilitates the state with eczema, dermatosis, eliminates rough odors. The wonderful smell of jasmine enhances sensuality, it is recommended to use it in an intimate setting.


Actually it is not butter, but liquid wax. Nevertheless, this is one of the most popular "oils" in natural cosmetics. It moisturizes the skin well and gives it a pleasant silkiness. Jojoba oil is suitable for all skin types, but especially for dry. It is used to lead to the norm cracked lips, get rid of dandruff with dry skin of the head, as well as to care for skin after sunny baths. It has a strong anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect. It can be applied with acne, eczema, psoriasis. Another advantage of this oil is a neutral smell and a long storage period. Jojoba oil, perhaps, will surpass any expensive face cream for utility.

Ylang - Ilang.

Fragrance lightweight, exquisite, fresh, invigorating. Leaves blood pressure, reduces muscle tone, removes the headache, normalizes the menstrual cycle, facilitates the menopausal period, regulates the work of the sebaceous glands. Removes emotional tension, eliminates anxiety, fear, anger, causes a sense of love, confidence. It hinders the premature aging of the skin, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness, restores the brittle, thinned, inclined to fall out the hair strengthens the nails. It helps to secure and maintain the tan, eliminates skin irritation after sunbathing. Ilang-Ilang oil has a pronounced erotic effect, it is his aroma that reigns in a harem.


The aroma is thin, warm, mysterious. It gives a feeling of harmony, heats, envelops soft, deep peace, fills the soul by fantasies and the sacrament. It is recommended to people with a thin, vane, sensitive psyche. Promotes healing wounds. Used in expensive cosmetics and perfumery. This is an erotic agent, gives the skin fascinating flavor.


The aroma is soft, velvet, resinous, warm. Aroma - Surgeon. Eliminates congestive processes in the body and energy shell. Strengthens the inflow of fresh energy, cleans and updates the aura. Organizing the self-regulation of the body. Helps to gain self-confidence and give the correct assessment of their actions. Soothes with nervous shocks, nervousness, improves memory, increases creative potential, enhances mental and physical activity. Effective for anti-aging and skin fading. Permanent use allows you to keep the skin of a young, elastic and elastic. Heals the disease of the respiratory tract. It is a sex stimulator. Enhances sensory perception, fills the body with energy, excites and warms. Means from insects in residential premises.


Fragrance Cool, resinous velvet. Adapts the psyche, relieves the nervous stress, stress, normalizes sleep, supports in complex life periods. It has antiseptic, antispasmodic, painkillers. It helps to eliminate warts, papillom, has a healing effect when skin problems: rejuvenates, relieves irritation and inflammation, contributes to the elimination of the capillary pattern. He regulates the function of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, prevents hair loss. Effectively with cuts during shaving.


The aroma is spicy with a shade of chocolate, sharp, fragrant. Soothes with nervous shocks, irritability, fear, nervousness, improves memory, improves creative potential, enhances sexual activity. He is a popular male deodorant. It has antiseptic, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory effect.



The aroma is sharp, sharp, bitter. Lavra sincecore was considered a symbol of nobility, courage. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Used as a means that stimulates the nervous system. Helps to remove depression, relaxes, warms. Used to treat bronchitis and asthma, with rapid breathing, palpitations and angina. It is used as an external agent against scabies.

The exceptional value of this oil consists in a high content of unsaturated fatty acids (linolenic, linoleic, oleinova), which are more in this oil than in any of the well-known vegetable oils. The oil obtained by the "cold" pressing at T \u003d 40-450C is a "alive" product and retains all useful biologically active substances, vitamins and phospholipids. Daily use of linseed oil contributes:

* Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, development of breast cancer and rectum, blood pressure;

An important oil element of a woman, its use contributes:

* Relief the proceeding of premenstrual syndrome and premenophasis;

* Improving the condition of the skin and hair (high content of vitamin F);

* The presence of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet of pregnant women is necessary for the proper formation of the brain of the future child.


The aroma is sour, lightweight, refreshing. It is included in the "sensual mixtures". Effectively applies in an intimate setting, stimulates the nervous system, relieves the feeling of fear, irritation, relaxes, eliminates depression, Handra. Smoothes wrinkles, improves skin color, effectively at herpes. Improves blood circulation, promotes the harmonization of the digestive system. Treats frigidity and impotence.


Fragrance velvety, bitter, smoky, soft. It removes stress, soothes, eliminates the nervous trembling, strengthens the power of the will, helps with indecision and apathy. Gorgeous leather oil, and especially for sensitive, in particular, can be used to be used to care for the skin of children, including breast. It helps to improve heat exchange in the body, warms. Rejuvenates the skin, promotes tissue regeneration. Effectively with fungal infections, scabies, lichen. Oil is transport and is used to prepare compositions.


Fragrance gentle, fresh, velvet. It contributes to the regeneration of tissues, prevents the formation of scars, perfectly cleans fat and normal skin, has a healing effect during dermatoses, mocking eczema, cracks, eliminates seborrhea. It tones the nervous system, eliminates apathy, mental fatigue, increases the elasticity of vessels and cartilage tissue, improves digestion, dissolves kidney stones, reduces blood sugar levels. Recommended with nervous exhaustion, bad memory, insomnia, hangover. It is useful with a general poor state of health, infectious diseases, luminous luminas, to enhance blood circulation.


The aroma is warm, blistering spicy, slightly tart. It removes stress, soothes, eliminates the nervous trembling, strengthens the power of the will, helps with indecision and apathy. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, painful and anti-ethnic effect. Rejuvenates the skin, promotes tissue regeneration. Effectively with fungal diseases, scabies and degrading. Excellent remedy for impotence. Used for meditation. It serves as an invention and a retainer in the manufacture of soap, deodorants, cologne.


Fragrance Cool, sharp, fresh. Restores forces, eliminates nervous re-excitation, nervousness due to sleep shortage. Reduces skin reactivity to nervous re-excitation or contact with irritating substances. Treats to the ecase, inflammatory skin processes, acne rash, eliminates the capillary pattern. Antismological effect on brain vessels during dizziness, nausea, vomiting, pecification in transport, with violation of the vestibular apparatus. Optimizes brain circulation. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect with caries, gum inflammation, stomatitis. Eliminates heart pains, normalizes the work of the heart muscle. Makes less painful menstruation. Caution: Do not apply during pregnancy, breastfeeding, children up to 6t years.


The fragrance is gentle, thin, cool, light. This oil was named after the Italian Princess Nerior, who loved to use it as perfume. Oil is invaluable to solve any nervous problems. Ensures the feeling of longing, emotion, gives the feeling of confidence, rest, creates a good mood, is a strong sexy stimulant. Used in expensive perfumery. Rejuvenates the skin, smoothes wrinkles. Reduces pores, eliminates stretching, has a healing effect with eczema, dermatosis, cellulite.

Sea buckthorn

It is used for burns, frostbite, dermatoses, eczema, with ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum, noodopharyngitis, sneaks, radiation therapy, esophageal cancer, and cervical, glossalgia, atherosclerosis, after ponzilctomy, with radiation and some other lesions and skin diseases, muscles and mucous membranes, as well as when avitaminosis.


Olive oil has good healing properties. It is especially good for irritated, peeling skin.


Aroma tart, blistering, woody, sweet. Increases the elasticity of the skin (including bust and abdomen), smoothes scars and wrinkles, regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, for diseases of the neuroendocrine nature, has a regenerating effect, is widely used in male cosmetics and perfumery. Removes depression, excessively nervousness, increases the concentration of attention, stimulates sexual desire, strengthens the immune and sexual system, effectively with impotence and frigidity. Scares mole.


It was obtained by a cold spin of the core of the bone, rich in vitamins, including vitamin E, contains amino acids. As a result, it has a significant shelf life. Useful for all skin types, especially for dry, sensitive, irritated and prematurely constituted. Peach oil is easily absorbed by the skin. The massage and masks with peach oil are a soft cleansing and feeding agent for the skin of the face warning the appearance of wrinkles. Peach oil is recommended for hair care. So dry, brittle hair is useful once a week to lubricate peach oil. Weekly hair mask will give them elasticity, silky look: to 1.5 table. Spoons of peach oil add 1 table. A spoonful of castor oil, 1 table. A spoonful of cologne and 15 drops of lemon juice. Apply 1-2 hours before the head wash, wrap. Peach oil is also used as a basis for cosmetic creams, masks and massage oils with various additives: medicinal herbs, essential oils, etc.

Petit Gray

Fragrance Cool, fresh, flower-citrus with wooded tint. It is a pronounced antioxidant, it has an antiseptic and regenerating effect, contributes to the removal of slags from the body, has a powerful antisclerotic property, stimulates creative and logical thinking, restores the amount of memory, gives optimism. Prevents the formation of stretch marks during pregnancy and weight loss, strengthens hair, stimulates their growing. It has antigribic action. It is a powerful deodorizing agent. Ideally eliminates the swelling, burning, fatigue of the legs. The fragrance Petit Gray has a strong erotic effect.


The aroma is soft, velvet, resinous, warm. It has antiseptic, painkillers, anti-inflammatory properties in the treatment of ENT diseases, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the respiratory system, muscular, joint and bone pains of various origin (osteochondrosis, neuritis, arthritis, neuralgia). It is an immunomodulator. Removes stress, chronic fatigue, soothes, harmonizes, tones, disinfects the air, instimismism, enhances perseverance. Removes swelling, eliminates acne, cleans and smoothes the skin. Eliminates a heavy smell of legs, eliminates the dermatosis of the stop. Magnificent means against frostbite.

Lemon wormwood

Fragrance is cool, fresh, with citrus tint. Removes depression, gives vitality, contributes to the concentration of attention. Eliminates the severity in the head with a hangover. Increases hearing acute. Woman the smell of lemon wormwood reminds of a man.

Walinkle Taurical

The aroma is bitter-sweet with a shade of camphor. Removes irritability, nervous and muscular tension, improves sleep, is a strong antidote in the bite of snakes, insects, animals. The smell does not tolerate household insects, mole, bugs. A good effect when pediculose, eliminates cats and dogs from fleas, harmless to humans and animal. It has antiseptic, deodorizing, softening, healing, stimulating, toning effect.


Oil is obtained by cold pressing fruit. It has a wound-healing, anti-sized, immunostimulating, organoprotective and generalifying effect. Its antioxidant and cleansing properties neutralize the harm applied by the body with free radicals, alcohol, toxic substances. Military oil provides liver cells with valuable compounds and contributes to the formation of new cells. It also favorably affects the pancreas, gallbladder, improves microcirculation, supports the body's ability to update tissues. Indications for use:

* Hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcoholic and toxic lesion, bile disease;

* Pancreatic disease;

* Ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum, chronic enteritis and colitis;

* Prostatitis, reduced sexual activity;

* Stomatitis, paradata;

* Hemorrhoids, not complicated with bleeding, anal cracks, erosy of the cervix;

* Burns, eczema, neurodermatitis.


Repenta oil has wound-healing properties. An excellent means against hair loss and dandruff (apply oil on the scalp, launched with light movements, leave for 30 minutes, washed off), improves the structure of the nails. As therapeutic agent is used in mastopathy (breast lubrication), with dry skin on hand (lubrication of dry skin areas).

rose flower

Smoky fragrance, sweetish, warm, drunk. Removes depression, nightmares, nervous voltage, improves sleep, increases performance, suppresses a feeling of anger, envy, creates a warm and cozy atmosphere, increases sensuality, enhances sexual desire. It has antiseptic, antibacterial and antivirus properties. Regenerates and rejuvenates the skin, gives it elasticity and elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, normalizes the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, the children removes the diameters.


Fragrance light, soft, fresh, sweetish. This oil is one of the most valuable oils in aromatherapy. It is an excellent mental and physical stimulant. Antiseptic, regulates reduced blood pressure, blood and lymphorty. As an anesthetic and antispasmodatic agent effectively with various traumatic damage, arthritis, rheumatism, muscle pain and spasms. Normalizes the work of the intestine. As a strong antiseptic applies with infectious diseases of the respiratory system. The nervous system acts optimizingly, has an anticonvulsant action. Provides antidiabetic effect, stimulates immunity, the growth of new skin cells, eliminates pigment stains. It is considered the aroma of the heart, improves the blood supply of the heart muscle. Warning: Do not apply during pregnancy, epilepsy and children under 6 years.



The aroma is exquisite, soft, thin with wood-balsam aroma. It has a strengthening, antispasmodic, diuretic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory action, dilutes the sputum, increases sexual attraction; Stimulates the work of the kidneys and bladder (due to an increase in blood flow). It is used in disruption of the menstrual cycle, cough, rope, impotence, diarrhea, difficulty swallowing, nausea, vomit. Sandal oil is especially recommended for drying dry, rough and inflamed skin due to its soothing, moisturizing and antiseptic effect.


Fragrance fresh, cold, light, oily. It has antiseptic and anti-virus effect, it has an anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, anti-edema and expectorant effect, effectively with bronchitis, pneumonia, trachea, contributes to a decrease in temperature, dissolves stones and removes sand from the bladder and kidney, removes ureteral spasms, improves blood circulation in a small pelvis. Restores sincere equilibrium, helps to cope with stressful situations. Increases the protective function of the skin, elasticity, rejuvenates it, contributes to the removal of toxins through the skin. Effective means for air disinfection during the flu epidemic.


Aroma resinous, tart, bitter. Protects a man's aura from vampires, envy, ill-wishers. There has nothing to do with the leaves of tobacco used for smoking. Nicotine components are absent in this plant. It acts as a brain tonic, gives the severity of life, facilitates everybody. Refreshing, ennobles, rejuvenates, gives the skin tenderness, magical attractiveness. Effective "Beauty Baths". Increases sexuality.


Contains a large amount of biologically active substances: carateinoids, tocopherols, phospholipids, vitamins B1, B2, C, P, flavonoids, unsaturated and polynaturated fatty acids, linolen, oleic, linoles, palmitic, stearin. Normalizes metabolism. It has hepatoprotective, anti-sized, antiseptic, antisclerotic effect. Due to the decrease in inflammatory processes and acceleration of tissue regeneration, liver, prostate gland, gastrointestinal mucosa, biliary tract, leather is restored. Promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body. Indications for use:

* Hepatitis, alcoholic liver damage;

* Liver cirrhosis, liver dystrophy;

* Cholecystocholangitis, dyskinesia of biliary tract;

* Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

* Heartburn, acute and chronic gastritis;

* Colitis, intercolit;

* Prostatitis, prostate adenoma;

* Herpes, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema.

Aroma tart, resinous, cool. Toning, soothes, balastives, promotes the concentration of forces and attention. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. Increases sexuality, applied during frigidity and sexual impotence. Refreshing, tones the skin, eliminates fatigue trains, relieves itching, swelling, eliminates allergic dermatitis, warts, corns.


Spicy aroma, warm, fragrant. Soothing remedy with anxious sleep, increased nervous excitability. Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal agent. Effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids.


Fragrance fragrant, sweet, little with a pepper aroma. Neutralizes toxins, poisons, removes slags from the body. Antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, diuretic, antispasmodic effect, normalizes the operation of the digestion, is an anthragon agent, has a soft laxative effect. Provides psycho-emotional impact: frees from a sense of fear, enhances sensitivity (aromacuitel). Returns the elasticity of the skin of the face, chest, hips, moisturizes dry skin, relieves swelling in the eye area. Externally (in a mixture with vegetable oil: 5-7 drops per 10 ml. Oil):

* For oily skin;

* With colic and spasms of the stomach in the form of rubbing;

* When cellulite as massage oil.

An aqueous solution (5 drops of 1/8 liters of water) - with an angina as a rinse. Caution: Do not apply with epilepsy patients. For 6 years to use no more than 1 drops on the procedure, it is better to breed in milk.


The aroma is sour, cool, light, thin. The beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person is included in the "sensual mixtures", creates the atmosphere of comfort and sex. Successfully solves problems of frigidity and potency. It has a refreshing effect and is used to aromatize air indoors. Eliminates a rash of different character, furuncula, acne, cracks on the palms and soles. It gives the skin elasticity, helps to reduce wrinkles, has a whitening effect, an effective anti-cellulite agent.


Aroma tart, astringent, fresh, spicy grass. Raises mood, revitalizes, charges energy, improves memory and ability to concentrate. Stimulates the tired brain, the immune system, is unusually useful in infectious diseases. It is used to treat colds. Traditionally used to treat cough and other respiratory diseases. Heats up the slight-moving joints and displays toxins. Effectively with scabies and lice on the head. It helps to treat cuts, eczema, rash, inflammatory processes, tones the skin and tissue. Helps with rheumatic pains and skin ulcers.

Tea tree

The aroma is warm, fresh, camphor and slightly spicy. This oil is a completely natural antiseptic. Beneficially affects the skin, eliminating itching, peeling, mouthwaters on the face, youthful acne. Promotes accelerated healing during cuts, bite, abrasions. It is applied externally:

* With a wind pump, slimming, eels, unclean leather 3 drops of oil on 10 ml of vehicle oil.

* During cuts and abrasions, rinse with a solution: 10 drops on 1 tbsp. spoonful water.

* With fungal diseases, the oil is applied to the affected areas.

* When insect bites, apply 1 drop of oil on the affected place, with warts to lubricate and flush the plaster.

* With a cold: inhalation 2 drops by 0.5 liter. Hot water, rub his chest and back. Rinse throat 1-2 drops on 1 cup of water. With rice to lubricate 1 drop to 1 chain in the nose. Spoon of transport oil.

* Room disinfection: Wet cleaning composition: 2 drops of tea tree and 3 drops of cloves.

Warning: strong oil oil. Do not apply to children under 6 years old.


Fragrance fresh, cool, bitter. It is a strong antiseptic. It has anti-inflammatory, painkillers, antispasmodic effect, increases blood pressure, enhances the microcirculation of vessels, normalizes the digestion, removes colic, contributes to the normalization of hormonal background in women, increases immunity. It is used in bacterial infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheake, laryngitis, rheumatism, arthritis. Removes depression, nervous tension, supports emotional equilibrium, increases mental, physical and sexual activity. It has a pronounced regenerating effect, regulates the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, is a natural deodorant. CAUTION: Do not apply during pregnancy, breastfeeding (stops lactation), epilepsy, hypertension, strong emotional excitement, children up to 2 years old.


The oil is obtained by hot extraction with an organic solvent of chopped in a powder of rosehip seeds. It is rich in vitamin E and caratin, contains unsaturated fatty acids. Oil is used to treat cracks, scales. Mixed butter napkins are imposed on the nipples after each child feeding for 20-30 minutes. For 4-5 days. In the treatment of legs and trophic ulcers with the shiny compresses. Course of treatment 15-20 days. In the treatment of dermatosis will be used inside (1 chain. Spoon 2 times a day) and externally as compresses. Course of treatment 1-2 months. In the treatment of nonspecifical ulcerative colitis, a 50 ml is prescribed in the form of enema. Course of treatment 15-30 enema.


Fragrance Tart, astringent, sharp, with a cold camphor smell. It has antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, anesthetic, antispasmodic, antipyretic and campling effect, stimulates tissue regeneration, relieves swelling, contributes to the saturation of blood oxygen. Effectively with bronchitis, cough, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia. Restores the equilibrium during periods of emotional recession, enhances the concentration of attention, purifies the air, prevents the reproduction of microorganisms. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, has a whitening effect, heals burns, herpes. Helps with asthma. CAUTION: Do not use for infants! Do not combine homeopathic preparations. Do not use more than 2 drops at one procedure (except common baths).

I do not want to spend the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe article for a long history of essential oils, but it is impossible not to mention some facts. First, essential oils were much more than more valuable currency than gold or skins.

If the same sand or zebra could eventually go and kill, the production of Aromamacetel was a secret, not always safe, very complex and extremely profitable. Some other medieval Arab would die of envy and reverence, seeing on the shelves in any shopping center or pharmacy Ylang-Ylang, Patchouli, Tea Tree, Mirt ... The Cleopatra itself would probably exchange part of their lands on the opportunity to have so much essential oils that We can buy in excess and quite inexpensive.

Why? Because the aromamasla have completely unique properties for health and appearance. Of course, you need to be able to use them correctly, observing some precautions and remembering the contraindications. Let's figure out what kind of oil types are and for which they are used.

Main types of oils

  1. Coniferous(Cedar, Juniper, Mirt, Pine, etc.). Most often they are used for inhalations and relaxing baths.
  2. Floral.Most often, floral oils are used for softening procedures - hair, cuticle. Please note that fakes among floral oils most, do not buy anything in transparent tanks. Jasmine oil is a recognized pathogen. Rose oil is used in almost all cosmetic procedures, mostly girls who have skin prone to dryness and redness.
  3. Wood.They have the most "heavy" smell, to use them in small quantities.
  4. Fruit.In fact, they do not make fruit, but from seeds and stones. For example, peach or apricot oil oils are used for masks, they do not sound well in the fight against wrinkles.

How to determine the fake?

Before buying - in no way. All our faiths concerning "what should be on the packaging" pure water of fantasy. So, you bought the oil, brought it home, opened and .... nothing. You do not distinguish it from sight and smell from the unreal. Moreover, the concepts "no real oil" does not exist. There are diluted, there are insufficiently purified, there is chemical additives.

Capped with butter on white paper. 100% Organic product will evaporate without leaving the oil trail. It may remain color trail from orange, for example, but it should not be fat. The problem is that the renewed oils are not much different from synthetic in quality, and sometimes it can be more harmful. Quality chemical compounds from good manufacturers can be used in all other cosmetology. And not high-quality renewable is better not to use even for inhalations.

Traders and manufacturers

Since we have consumer interests in our country, except that foolish transfers on TV, we will act on the principle of "checking everything". Many countries are often indicated on the packaging in small font. You must find some of them manufacturer. It's like with spirits. The manufacturer of the UAE, and packed in France, and is sold as French perfume. Remember - the importer can be any, the main thing is the manufacturer. If you buy expensive oils in a special store, do not hesitate to ask the certificate from the manufacturer. If it is not - take off and go.

What manufacturers do we hunt? On European and "national". From "national", traditionally, the best combination of price and quality in Egypt. They really make a good product, and since it comes mainly to the European market, then their certified lines are tested quite seriously. Of course, it is best to buy such things in factories, if you are going to relax or go familiar to yourself - give them money with you on such a "odorious" souvenir. In Russia, natural Egyptian oils can be bought on sites:,

From European manufacturers the best - Germany and Austria. Main authentic brands available in Russia:

  1. Bergland (Germany) - in Russia they have the right to sell only Paramed.
  2. Karl Hadek (Germany) -
  3. Dr. Taffi (Italy), in Russia they have distributors. By the way, they also have very good cosmetics.

A good domestic supplier and manufacturer - Flora's carcass Carry certified products and not so long ago have become done. I would not advise inside, but for cosmetic procedures fit well.

Important! One of the best oils that are produced in Europe are: Primaver, Just, Styx Naturcosmetic. But they are not submitted on our market officially. Of course, it is imported very much just like that, "in the suitcases", but it is much easier to stumble on the fake. Therefore, if you want these oils, order on official sites with shipment or ask friends to bring from business trips and travel.

Experiment, look, try and do not forget that the long use of one oil is rapidly addictive and can cause allergic reactions later.

Essential oils are real natural medicines from a variety of physical and mental illness. They help keep health and heal from many ailments. In addition, they are widely used in cosmetology, massages, add to shampoos, creams, drip in aroma lamps and on the chambers in the baths (see "Essential oils. Application table").

There is a whole science studying essential oils that make up the application tables and healing people of nature.

For production use various parts of plants. Aromatic hydrocarbons produce:

  • water distillation;
  • cold pressed;
  • extraction;
  • by applying carbon dioxide.

The production method depends on the plant and is chosen in such a way as to maximize the use of raw materials and save all useful substances. For example, citrus zest is usually subjected to cold presses on, and lavender - water distillation.
Read more about the essential oils and methods of obtaining it in our.
Below you learn what essential oils are especially useful. Application table shows the main therapeutic and cosmetic properties of each.

Essential oils. Table of application

Butter Properties
Azalea Applied from migraine, heart pain; As part of integrated therapy for colds, bronchitis, diseases of the mucous, acne, a virus of a simple herpes; normalizes blood pressure
Anise Tones, normalizes the work of the nervous system; applied from insomnia, influenza, bronchitis; It has an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect, improves the nutrition of brain cells, increases potency, increases the turgor of the skin
Orange sweet It eliminates the comedones, rejuvenates, pulls up, smoothes the skin, contributes to the development of collagen, improves the work of the lymphatic system, is used in combating cellulite. Read more about.
Orange Gorky Relieves stress, returns a healthy sleep; The emulsion of a bitter orange oil in water is used from angina, make inhalations with it, apply from inflammation of gums and respiratory diseases, add to a face mask to reduce acne, maintaining youth
Basil Reduces the temperature, as part of comprehensive therapy is used as an antimicrobial agent, improves the work of the immune system, anesthetics
, reduces the secretion of sebum, improves metabolic processes, in the composition of complex therapy is used in diseases of the urogenital system
Valerian Eliminates vessel spasms, used to treat dermatitis, neurodermatitis, has a strong soothing effect
Verbena Possesses antiseptic, expectorant action, soothes, acts as an antidepressant, relaxes, strengthens the immune system
Carnation Has pronounced anti-inflammatory, disinfecting properties; It prolongs the youth of the skin, used as an antifungal drug, for the treatment of infectious diseases of the skin. Excellent.
Normalizes the hormonal balance, facilitates the PMS, facilitates the condition during menopause, affects the erogenous zones of women, favorably affects the work of the heart, the respiratory tract, the lorocheans
Grapefruit Provokes the burning of subcutaneous fat, used to combat inflamed comedones, removes toxins, is an aphrodisiac
Elecampane Powerful expectorant, anthelmintic agent, effectively to quickly stop blood with diabetes
Owin Antimordatic, antispasmodic, effectively in the treatment of herpes, influenza, angina, rhinitis
Spruce Has a pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory property; It is used as a pulp, choleretic, deodorizing agent
Jasmine Significantly reduces menstrual pain, strengthens sexual attraction, helps for diseases of the throat, musculoskeletal system, recovery voice
Cardamom Strengthens the stomach, stimulates the work of the nervous system, eliminates depression, kills the pathogenic microflora, relieves toothpow, improves eyesight, increases potency
Powerful deodorizing and bactericidal agent; Used in the disease of the respiratory tract, LOR organs, treats diseases of the scalp, is a good preventive tool from respiratory diseases.
Cypress Tones, deodoriced, stops inflammatory processes on the skin, rejuvenates the skin and the whole body, soothes, eliminates the dandruff, stops hair loss, strengthens the nails
Coriander A good antidepressant has a powerful bactericidal action, used as a diuretic and anthelmintic agent, treats rheumatism and neuralgia.
Cinnamon Facilitates the state when problems in the gastrointestinal tract, kills the pathogenic microflora, increases immunity, improves blood circulation, has an anti-cellulite effect
Removes convulsions, kills viruses and bacteria, eliminates the spasms of different etiologies, strengthens the heart, pain relief, stimulates the cells of the body to regenerate, reduces blood pressure. Also perfectly suitable for.
Lime Has antiviral, bactericidal action; Soothes applied to the treatment of throat, bronchi, tachycardia attacks
Lemon It has a choleretic, antiviral, antibacterial effect, tones, heals the wounds, is used to treat herpes, bleeding gums
Marjoram Relaxing and soothes, contributes to curable of depressive states, insomnia, fatigue, reduces aggression, alarming states
Mandarin Used in problems with the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite, cleans the body, helps to quickly grow after diseases, normalizes the operation of the circulatory system
Melissa Reduces blood pressure, it is used as a choleretic agent, helps heal the diseases of the ENT organs, contributes to rapid resorption of bruises, bruises, is an painful agent
Almond sweet Anti-inflammatory, toning effect; It is used with dry skin, makes it more moisturized; It has a clarifying action, supports elasticity and youth of the dermis
Myrrh It disinfects, it is used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it has a counterpic and musolithic effect, reduces lymph nodes, is used in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, eczema, wounds; Kills fungi
Myrtle Powerful bactericidal property; used as an anti-tuberculosis drug, for the treatment of urogenital infections; It increases vessel elasticity, successfully struggles with dandruff and seborrhea, eliminates comedones, stops hair loss
Ensures depression, stress. Improves mood, applied in the treatment of skin diseases, hair loss
Nutmeg It has antifungal, antimicrobial, deodorizing, painful properties; helps with nausea, constipation; Promotes the reduction of the uterus
Stimulates immunity, suppresses the pathogenic microflora, removes stress, is used as painful. Great for hair care.
Neroli A good aphrodisiac and antidepressant, stimulates the work of the endocrine system, has diuretic properties; removes stretch marks, cooperosis, cellulite, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal
Beneficially affects the intestinal microflora, delays wounds, reduces the temperature, facilitates the general condition for colds
Perfectly softens the skin, tightens the wounds, cracks; helps with dermatoses, contributes to the resorption of scars, pedestal; applied from hemorrhoids, swelling, diarrhea; serves as prevention of respiratory diseases, causes nerves in order
Beautiful analgesic, helps from frostbumps; It is used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, arthrites, arthrosis, neuralgia, gout, well strengthens the body, deodorishes the air, kills pathogenic microorganisms, increases pressure
Effective from acne rash, furuncle, eczema, purulent wounds; Perfectly increases the turgor of the skin, is an antiseptic
Pink tree It tones, fills the space with a wonderful aroma, excites, raises immunity, removes pain syndrome, stimulates the power of the brain cells, purifies blood and lymph, used in diseases of the inflammatory nature
Treats female organs, normalizes the work of the female reproductive system, facilitates the PMS, tones, gives force, increases the life tone, strengthens the memory, eliminates insomnia
Chamomile Removes itching when insect bites, remove inflammation, heals the wounds on the skin, mucous, in the digestive tract, has a positive effect on the liver, gallbladder, suppresses the distribution of infection
Soothes, kills microbes, is used for the treatment of ENT organs, is a strong aphrodisiac, suitable for sensitive skin.
Trees respiratory, infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, relieves nausea, weakness, is the antipyretic and a fitting drug, perfectly deodorizes air, serves to prevent diseases, is used in the infections of the urogenital sphere
Tuya Eliminates inflammatory processes in respiratory organs, acts as an antihistamine agent, is a prophylactic means of cancer diseases, rheumatism effectively treats
Yarrow It has antihistamine, mercolytic actions, serves to treat hemorrhoids, cooperosis, varicose veins, helps with flu, cold, removes convulsions, is used in the treatment of rheumatism, eczema, seborrhea; Disubbiz Komarov
Dill It has a disinfecting effect, eliminates acne, heals wounds
Fennel Helps from swells of various etiologies, reduces appetite, normalizes the operation of the stomach, helps from meteorism, nausea, displays carcinogenic compounds, helps for gout and arthritis
Scares insects, strongly excites and tones, eliminates unpleasant odors, deodoric
Thyme Displays sputum, suppresses inflammation, is an effective anthelnogon, campphic agent; promotes tissue regeneration, relieves pain
Has a pronounced antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic effect; Soothes, enhances immunity. We also collected for you in one place
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