How to establish digestion and forever forget about the problems with the stomach. How faster to digest food what to do if bad digestion


  • Causes of the appearance of pain
  • How to put a state to normal?
  • Separate meals: Recommendations

When it happens that the stomach does not digest food (dyspepsia), it is worth talking about such factors that led to it, as a refusal of the right and full breakfast, fatty food before bedtime, snacking. These reasons can be serious overweight provocateurs, gravity in the stomach, and as a result - clogged the last slags. Without making any measures, you can earn problems with the chair and stagnation.

The stomach itself is an area for digesting food, which is located in the zone of the belly on the left. As a rule, the stomach can accommodate up to 3 liters. By esophageal, it turns out to be food. The very first goal of the stomach is the analysis of the caught food on proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And the remains of the stomach penetrate the duodenum.

If a person has a feeling of hunger or he begins to take food, it produces hydrochloric acid, with which the food is digested and disintegrated. The walls of the stomach are covered with such a shell, which is able to securely preserve it from the effect of acid. Over the course of several hours, food is digested. About five hours need to digest fats, and the processing of carbohydrates is spent up to two hours.

Causes of the appearance of pain

It is very often observed that if the food is delayed for a long time in the stomach, then the most likely the reason for this may be frequent overeating, snacks during working hours or on the go, incorrect food or fast food, inclusion in the diet of poorly combined products, chronic esophagus diseases. It is clear that also the stressful situation, depression and daily troubles significantly affect health.

A predisposing factor in the development of morning dyspepsia is a late dinner or a calorie food before bedtime. The stomach, like, in fact, the whole body should relax. Those food elements that failed to digest, remain in the stomach until the morning.

As a result, after a person woke up, he has an unhealthy state, hees heaviness, a headache, in general, an depressed state.

Among the reasons that encourage a long delay in food may be an insufficient sphincter reaction, which connects the intestines and stomach. It is worth indicating that the degraded sphincter reaction is justified by injury or ulcer, which was triggered by a high level of gastric juice acidity. Sometimes the process of dyspepsia accompanies vomiting, belching or nausea.

Among the causes are distinguished:

  1. Insufficiently well dedicated gastric juice.
  2. Serious or aggravated form of gastritis.
  3. Intensive infection of the inner mucosa (bacteria colony).
  4. Damaged process of metabolism.

The allocation of juice may be disturbed due to the dysfunction of the hormonal background (often observed in pregnant women). This can occur and due to the fact that the secretory iron that is responsible for the production of juice is violated. Therefore, in one or another situation, it is necessary to carry out fibrogastroscopy, which will help everyone to carefully study.

An acidic taste in the mouth always talks about ulcers or gastritis. It is accompanied by a drop of appetite. It is in this case that independent treatment is not suitable, because to establish the reason for the non-ease of food is hard, however.

Bacteria that appear and developing on the inner wall of the gastric mucosa can lead to serious exacerbations not only mucous membranes. They are able to remove the entire system of digestion out of normal functioning.

What can be done? To begin with, it is worth improving the process of metabolism, which can be broken due to such reasons as:

  1. Alcohol abuse in any quantity, alcoholic beverages.
  2. Irregular and misuse of food that a person himself cannot digest (at the table you need to remember an extent and not subject to overeating).
  3. Unregular power mode.

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How to put a state to normal?

In the event that the pain in the stomach worries constantly after eating, such advice can help:

  1. Use small portions.
  2. Exclude or minimize sharp, heavy, oily food.
  3. Dinner 3-4 hours before sleep.
  4. In pauses between meals drinking liquid.

It is also important to remember that when discomfort in the stomach, food should not be hot or very cold. Products must be baked or boiled. If the stomach does not accept the food at all, and after receiving food it immediately follows vomiting, then it may be a stomach ulcer.

It is necessary to immediately seek medical attention.

Treatment must be justified. As a rule, in order to improve the state, it is important to adjust the diet that will not cause heaviness after eating. Portions must be small and frequent. It is important to carefully chew food and make a menu with combined products.

Household affairs and hassle should not lead to depression or overvoltage of the nervous system, as this may also cause a stomach disorder. When such measures do not help, it is necessary to diagnose the body, since dyspepsia may turn out to be the result of another ailment.

When the pain in the stomach is manifested after meals as a result of gastritis, then the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment, suggests which diet is better to observe. If the patient has cholecystitis, then it is possible to receive medicines that are able to eliminate spasms and anesthesia.

Some modern people refuse a full breakfast, snack on the go, use fatty food before bedtime. Not only excess weight, but also nausea, severity and feeling of a crowded stomach appear from such a diet. If you do not switch to a normal power mode, it will lead to the branches of the body.

Do not digest food: How does this manifest?

This problem may manifest itself in different ways. So, ulcerative dyspepsia has such symptoms as: hungry pain and vomiting. Discinetic type is manifested by crowded stomach and belching. Nonspecific type combines all listed features.

It is very important to know that all the reasons why food is not digested - not studied to the end. But when setting true diagnoses are guided by these signs, additionally conduct auxiliary procedures. For example, make gastroindoscopy, endoscopy, ultrasound or x-ray of the gastrointestinal tract, electric strooperography, analyzed feces and blood from the finger. In addition, there are tes for the presence of a helicobacter infection. These bacteria are in the stomach, as well as on the gastrointestinal trays of the gastrointestants damaging the epithelium. With this test, specialists can accurately determine the cause of dyspepsia with great accurate.

What is the stomach?

This body where the digestion is directly underway, during which the food is split into proteins, fats and carbohydrates. So, fats are absorbed about 5 hours, and carbohydrates are twice as fewer. All that remains after processing is sent to the duodenum. In the event of a feeling of hunger, or when a person starts consuming the dish, hydrochloric acid begins in the stomach. It also participates in the digestive process, but it does not affect the walls of the stomach. They are lined with a protective mucous membrane.

Why does pain in the stomach appear?

This can occur due to fat (heavy), acute, excessive use of alcoholic products. A significant amount of gastric juice is distinguished from dried wine. This, in turn, increases the pressure on the mucous membrane in connection with which the pain appears. In addition, if the work of the secretory gland is broken, the selection of the gastric juice is noticeably reduced. Often the stomach does not digest food during pregnancy, because throughout this period, women change dramatically in food.

How to treat dyspepsia?

What if food is not digested? How to help your stomach? First of all, the patient should revise the diet and the list of products that are used daily. Quickly get rid of indigestion, can help fractional food. This is explained by the fact that each product requires its time for complete assimilation. So, when mixed hard and fast-lying, the stomach begins to work badly. This is capable of leading to the fact that after a saturated lunch or dinner, vomiting can begin and nausea.

Digestion time products:

  • fruits and vegetables in any form - about twenty minutes;
  • root and fresh rope without adding vegetable oil - 45 minutes;
  • dairy products require only a couple of hours. Cheeses of solid varieties - per hour more;
  • porridge and flour products - 3-3.5 hours;
  • nuts and meat are digested from three to five hours. Roasted meat is delayed in the body up to 3 days.

Based on this data it becomes clear why nutritionists recommend daily to use fruits and vegetables. This is especially true of heavy dishes, we recently discussed. Thus, it will be possible to free the stomach from a long digestible food. The easiest and most reliable method of nutrition is when only 1 product is eaten for one reception.

How to normalize the state?

If there are pain in the stomach, consumed products and dishes from them should not be hot or cold. If the organ categorically does not take food, and after the meal begins vomiting, these signs are characteristic of the presence of ulcers. For the resolution of an accurate diagnosis with further construction of exchange rate treatment, it is necessary to refer to qualified specialists.

Separate meals

If the stomach does not digest food, this method is able to normalize the process. At the same time, energy costs are reduced to digestion and the ability to determine the product that contributes to the emergence of the previously specified problem. According to the theory, for one reception, you can combine fats with carbohydrates and proteins. But the latter cannot be combined together. This, of course, is not the only rule, but is the main one.

When using this method, it is necessary to take into account the time of learning products. It is desirable that all eaten digested in one time. For example, if you eat oranges and nuts at the same time, the digestion process will take about three hours. The same time will be needed and vegetable salad, if you twist it with vegetable oil. If there are questions about this paragraph, the answers to them can be found in consultation with specialists.

Methods, how to improve food assimilation:

  • do not be distracted while eating reading newspapers and watching the TV;
  • it is balanced, and preferably at the same time. Such a routine will have a positive effect on the work of the stomach, because this will allow you to resolve the load on it;
  • on the day you need to sit at the table 5-6 times. But at the same time, portions should be small. It is necessary to go out from behind the table with a slight feeling of hunger, this recommendation of first-class specialists.
  • arrange unloading days on Monday and Wednesday. This is just an example, so you can choose suitable days yourself. If you do not know how to do it right, and how to eat these days, it is recommended to visit the doctor. He will answer all the questions in more detail and will answer in detail;
  • drink water in the interruptions between meals. Its recommended volume is about two liters. You can not drink sandwiches with compotes or mineral water. Any liquid dilutes the concentration of gastric juice, which affects the reduction of the number of enzymes. In this regard, the splitting of products for beneficial substances slows down. Against this background, diarrhea, constipation, gas formation appears.

Alcoholic beverages and smoking are playing in the assimilation of food. It can only be enzyme preparations. Their uncontrollable reception can lead to the development of a lazy bowel syndrome. This means that the entire entrusted work on the stomach is performed by drugs, respectively, it relaxes and ceases to produce secrets for cleavage of food on important elements.

IMPORTANT! Any medication, tablets are obliged to appoint only (!) Qualified specialist. Otherwise, to treat the consequences after them will have to years, if not decades. Therefore, it is necessary to take place very closely to your own health. Of course, now the people have become much smarter, because they have the Internet at hand, with which you can find the answer literally on any question. Only here will be the responsibility of the person himself. As stated in the saying: "Salvation of the drowning is the work of the hands of the smallest." This expression is fair in many spheres of life, but not in a literal understanding.

Useful foods for digestion

The water and products that contain proteins, fiber and complex carbohydrates affect the work of the intestinal tract. Instead of sandwiches with oil and fried meat, you need to eat cereals and fruits in any form. Equiply useful fermented dairy products, fish and vegetables.

Beet salad with garlic and carrots

Recipe: Beets and carrots boil. Grate on a large grater, fill with garlic (skip through the press) and olive oil.

This salad can be served for dinner or breakfast if anywhere will not need to go. After all, the smell of garlic like not everyone.

Papaya - destroys all pathogenic infections

It is very useful to eat orange pulp when heartburn, gastritis, as well as in preventive purposes. Fruit helps to adjust the level of acidity, digest proteins and improves the absorption of useful components.

Dried ginger root

  • to live an active lifestyle. In the morning it is recommended to do charging, it will contribute to the improvement of metabolism;
  • you can not eat more than 2 courses 1 time. The stomach is very difficult to digest all this, so the food is stood;
  • it is impossible to eat cereal and sandwiches with fruit. It is best to eat them a few hours before the planned snack;
  • be able to relax after a working day. Stresses, strong unrest are capable of leading to a constation or diarrhea.

Poor digestion of food is the result of a combination of you weakened enzymatic activity in the stomach and at the level of the liver (chili release) and also disturbed intestinal microflora. There is nothing unresolved in this problem. It is enough to agree with the idea that when food is badly digested, it will have to restore the normal microflora for three months on a special technique and at the same time support the liver! And of course - to comply with reasonable food.

The digestive tract of a person is a difficultly organized system, the operation of which depends on the set of factors. The breakdown at one of the levels can lead to the failure of the entire process of digestion. If your food is poorly digested, then a systematic approach to solving the problem is necessary. And it is precisely such a solution in the European "Sokolinsky system"

You can normalize digestion: the work of the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, microflora. And live calmer!

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Restoration of the intestinal work in just a month!

Did you try literally everything that can improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract? Enzyme preparations, laxatives, probiotics - all this gives only a temporary effect. To establish the work of the digestive system, you need an integrated approach, as well as patience. This often lacks people with a similar problem. It is possible to restore the normal functioning of the bowel in just 30 days, and subsequently maintaining natural resources and proper nutrition.

How does the gastrointestinal tract

Food can be badly digested both due to violation of the function directly by the organs of the digestive tract and due to improper operation of the auxiliary apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract (liver, pancreas).


    • After passing the oral cavity and esophagus, food enters the stomach. Here it is subjected to chemical treatment with hydrochloric acid and enzymes. Increased acidity promotes digestion and destroys many pathogenic bacteria. Thanks to the enzyme, pepsin, proteins are split into smaller components, which makes it easier for their suction.

    Small intestine

    • In this intestinal department, the digestion of all components of food occurs. The duodenum offers bile liver ducts and pancreatic ducts. These two components (bile and pancreas) are a mixture rich in enzymes and chemicals, which provides integrated food splitting into smaller components. With their lack of, diseases of the liver and pancreas, food is poorly digested, which leads to a decrease in the amount of digestible substances. Untustrial food begins to wander and rot, highlighting slags and toxins.

      Next, the food lump falls into a consistency and iliac. The main purpose of these departments is the advancement of food and suction of split substances in blood and lymph. The movement of the food lump is carried out with the help of peristalsis. The disorder of the digestive organs can negatively affect the muscular intestinal apparatus, which will cause stagnation. These processes lead to a rotten decomposition of the contents of the intestinal lumen, which entails intoxicating the body with decay products.


    • In this department, water is maximally absorbed, and the formation of feces begins. Bacteria that populate the cleanser helps to split food fibers, which is extremely important for digestion. Improper nutrition and disorders of the function of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to death or sharp decrease in the intestinal microflora. At the same time, food is badly digested, the bloating and stool disorders develop.

What causes bad digestion and disruption of digestion?

Be sure to reconsider your diet. Some products cause crishes and fermentation in the intestines. Food is poorly digested, a meteorism develops. These processes lead to an increase in the pathogenic microflora and stool violation. To avoid this, eliminate the following products from your menu:

    Fat foods, especially heated fats;

    Spices and smoked;

    All fried;

    Confectionery, especially on palm oil;

    Bean cultures;

    Milk, cream;

    Excess alcohol.

  • - Pork and also reduce the amount of beef

Why do these products cause some people a gastrointestinal disorder, and others do not? It's all about the individual quantities of enzymes and bacteria that contribute to digestion. If their deficiency is observed in your body, you can always fill it out of natural sources.

What products need to be included in the diet?

You need to add food rich in natural enzymes, microelements and fiber. Enzymes contribute to splitting substances to smaller components, which improves their suction. Vegetable fibers, improve the peristaltics and the formation of carts. The fiber stimulates the intestinal walls by activating their tone. The most convenient to use and effective is the psychology.

Some substances enhance the production of enzymes. Cayenne pepper in microDosis stimulates the secretion of the stomach, which is at times improves the process of digestion.The work of the gastrointestinal tract can help the use of such plant enzymes like papain. It splits proteins to amino acids, thereby facilitating the suction of the products.

In situations, when food is poorly digested, you can use additions to food based on single-celled algae (chlorella, spirulina). They contain a set of vitamins and natural enzymes that activate the digestive tract and stimulate digestion.

If you are not sure where to start - start with a detox!

Most problems of poor well-being have a reason. It consists of errors in nutrition, overwork, internal intoxication, emotional instability.

"Sokolinsky system" allows, taking into account the understanding of physiology, to influence the foundations of your well-being and provide a strong "foundation":

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The Sokolinsky Center in St. Petersburg has been working since 2002, the Sokolinsky Center in Prague since 2013.

Vladimir Sokolinsky - Author of 11 books on natural medicine, a member of the European Association of Natural Medicine, the American Association of Nutriced Practitioners, the National Association of Nutriciologists and Natologists, the Scientific Society of Medical Bioelementology, the Czech Association of Practitioners in Rehabilitation Specialists, a representative of the World Health Therapy in the Czech Republic.

Natural remedies are made in the Czech Republic specifically for use in the Sokolinsky system under the author's control in the family enterprise.

With the normal operation of the organs of the digestive system, a healthy adult man over the daytime takes food from 3 to 5 times. It is fully digested and digested with the full splitting of its nutrients on the molecules with the further propagation throughout the body, the transformation into energy and the resource that ensures the activity of the entire body. If the used food is poorly digested, then, in this case, a person begins to experience heaviness in the stomach, dyspepsia is developing with signs of nausea, separation of vomit, liquid diarrhea. The most common cause of the occurrence of this pathological state is the lack of digestive enzymes that distinguish the tissues of the pancreas. Also, the presence of other factors and secondary diseases is not excluded, violating stable digestion of food.

All the symptoms of the reduced activity of the gastrointestinal organs in terms of the processing of consumable meals are felt directly sick and can be observed by close people who are in his environment.

Symptoms are not enough good food processing process look as follows.

Unusual burden

Immediately after lunch, breakfast or dinner there is a strong severity in the cavity of the stomach. It seems that inside the abdomen, as if they put a stone. At the same time, a person appears in a person that the stomach has completely stopped and stopped its functional activity for a while.

Lack of appetite

In the morning hours, a person feels that his stomach is empty and calling for food acceptance is really present. As soon as he had breakfast, a complete apathy for food comes after heaving. Appetite disappears until the evening and quite often people suffering from not good digestion, go to bed with the same feeling of pathological satiety, as in the morning, when the dish was just eaten. Repeated the desire to eat only the next day.

Nausea and vomiting

Throughout the day, the patient is experiencing spasms of the stomach, which are strengthened, the state stabilizes and the impression is created that the disease retreated. In some cases, the digestion system does not cope with the load and all the food, which was eaten the day before returns back in the form of vomit. In this case, the feeling of hunger is completely absent.


Almost immediately, when the food digestion process is stopped, the gastrointestinal bodies begin an urgent evacuation of those food residues that are in different bowel deposits. In addition to vomiting there is a weakening of the stool. In this regard, the patient opens a liquid diarrhea, which may have a one-time manifestation, or occur within 3-5 times a day.

In particularly severe cases, a watery chair appears every 2-3 hours after the next eating.

Weakness and dizziness

Due to the dehydration of the body against the background of diarrhea, as well as the lack of advent of sufficient nutrients in the form of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as the main component of the energy exchange in the body, the process of gradual depletion of cells of all tissues and human organs begins. Therefore, blood pressure decreases, there is a decline of strength and physical weakness, bordering the state of drowsiness.

Pain inside belly

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe location of the stomach and intestines, a stable pain syndrome appears, which is enhanced as the overall health of the patient deteriorates. If the reason for the poor digestion is the lack of digestive enzymes, then in this case the sharp pain appears in the left hypochondrium, where the pancreas is located.

Temperature increase

Violations in the work of the digestion system is always stress for the entire body. With long-term dysfunction, the intestinal mucosa begins to be inflated, the balance of useful and pathogenic microflora is disturbed, which can cause a slight increase in body temperature to the level of 37.1 - 37.6 degrees Celsius.

In some cases, patients have a pathological condition, when meat, animal fats, bean crops, butter, bacon appears in their diet. This is explained by the fact that on this kind of products the gastrointestinal tract it is necessary to spend much more forces, energy and enzymes to ensure that they are not only digestion, but also a qualitative assimilation. Therefore, during the exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to limit themselves in the reception of this type of products.

Why badly digest food in adult, causes of illness

There are a large number of factors that the presence of which is negatively reflected on the performance of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder and other vital organs. Despite this allocate the following reasons for poor welding of food, which are most common in medical practice:

  • abuse of alcoholic beverages, tobacoccoing and the reception of narcotic substances (all these detrimental dependences cause intoxicating the body of varying severity, which inevitably leads to the accumulation of poisons in the liver and the development of dyspepsic manifestations);
  • overeating and incorrectly organized diet (eating foods with low biological benefits, the saturation of the menu with fatty, smoked marinated, sharp dishes leads to a digestion disorder);
  • inflammatory processes in the tissues of the pancreas (this pathological condition of this body is fraught with the fact that it ceases to synthesize the necessary volume of digestive enzymes, providing stable and high-quality digestion of food);
  • hormonal imbalance with a decrease in secrets responsible for muscle tone, ensuring the work of the abdominal organs;
  • chronic cholecystitis (illness, affecting a gallbladder, when an insufficient amount of bile and all fats used in the course of eating food are not digested, which causes an emergency stomach stop, or significantly reduced activity);
  • oncological processes in the tissues of the gastrointestinal organs (cancer tumor completely destroys all the layers of the epithelium in the field of its localization, so poor digestion of food can also arise in this reason);
  • food poisoning when products were used that were stored with impaired temperature regimes, which ultimately led them to spoilers;
  • hitting the gesture of heavy strains of bacterial, viral and fungal infections, provoked an acute inflammatory process and long-term indigestion;
  • recently suffered surgical interference on the abdominal organs, after the restoration of which appetite returns to the patient again, and the digestion process comes back to normal.

Also, quite often such a kind of food digestive problem is developing against the background of gastritis, ulcerative disease, erosion of the duodenum mucosa, viral lesion of the liver (hepatitis of various strains), intestinal obstruction.

Treatment - what to do if the stomach does not digest food?

When symptoms are detected, indicating the absence of a digestive cycle, it is necessary to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. It is possible that due to the operational examination and appointed therapy, it will be possible to avoid a large number of complications, quickly get rid of secondary ailments that caused the poor work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The following medical techniques are most often used, aimed at restoring stable digestion of food:

  • preparations containing artificial digestive enzymes that compensate for the lack of secrets produced by the pancreas;
  • antibacterial and antiviral agents, if the cause of the pathological state of the gastrointestinal tract is due to the hit in the body of pathogens of microorganisms;
  • sorbents that ensure the absorption of toxic substances with their further evacuation outside the body, in order to facilitate the work of the liver and kidney;
  • antispasmodics (used to remove nausea and vomiting attacks if all food is already removed beyond the digestive system, and the spasm of the stomach continues to disturb the person);
  • tablets and intramuscular injections containing synthetic hormones in their composition with the imbalance of these substances in the patient's body;
  • cleaning enemas and laxatives, when poor food digestion provoked by calum dilutions and patients suffered from constipation over a long period of time;
  • chemotherapeutic agents for a separate category of patients, according to the results of the survey, the presence in their body of extraneous neoplasms of malignant nature of origin were established;
  • preparations intended for cleaning the liver tissues (these are special medicines that unload the operation of this digestive organ, reinforcing its activity on the absorption of fats).

Depending on the presence of a patient for one or another symptomatics associated with diseases, it is possible that the attending gastroenterologist will decide on the inclusion in the therapeutic course of other categories of medicines. The type of preparation, its dosage and the duration of the reception are selected individually under the features and specifics of the organs of the digestive system of each patient separately.

Stomach - tool for thorough food processing. At the same time, the digestion leaves from 20 minutes to several hours - depends on the composition and caloric content of products. If the stomach does not digest food, digested dyspepsia. Consider for what reasons it manifests itself and what to do with such a diagnosis.

Causes of dyspepsia

It often happens that food is long in the organ and is not digested due to overeating, snacks on the go, incorrect food, use of a bad combination of products or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Stresses, depression, daily experiences for any occasion can also affect digestion.

One of the factors for the development of dyspepsia is a late dense dinner with the inclusion of greasy calorie products. Like the whole organism, the stomach should rest at night and the products that he for the evening did not have time to digest, remain until the morning, why after waking up you can feel the unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, bloating, heartburn or nausea.

The reason for the delay of food in the body can be a poor sphincter reaction, which connects the body with the intestines. The reaction may be violated due to the presence of ulcers or injury, which is caused by a large amount of acid in gastric juice. Therefore, with such a violation, the patient is often present in an anamnesis complaints of nausea, belching and vomiting.

Also allocate the following reasons why food is digested badly:

  • insufficient release of gastric juice;
  • the presence of gastritis;
  • infection of the mucous membrane (the presence of bacteria);
  • violated metabolic process.

The cause of the painful sensation in the stomach may be improper nutrition. Insufficient selection of gastric juice may be due to hormonal failure (often in pregnant women) or due to the violation of the functionality of the secretory gland, which is responsible for the release of juice. Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to carry out fibrogastroscopy for diagnostic purposes to identify the cause of pathology.

The presence of sour lift in the mouth speaks of the presence of ulcers or gastritis. This is accompanied primarily with a decrease in appetite.

Types and forms of the disease

The disease can be divided into the following groups: functional and organic. With functional dyspepsia there is a pathology of intestines and stomach. With organic there are disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It can also be divided by types of disease and reasons.

For example, dyspepsia caused by intestinal infection can be differentiated to the following types:

  • Salmonellosis, which is accompanied by high temperature, pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, weakness;
  • Dieseneria, which disrupts the work of a large intestine, accompanied by diarrhea with blood clots;
  • Inxication dyspepsia arising because of the body intoxication of harmful substances.

With a lack of digestive enzymes, dyspepsia can be: hepatogenic, gastrogen, enterogenic, pancreatogenic.

In addition to these species, there are others:

  • An alimentary, arising due to improper nutrition;
  • Sniffling, arising due to the use of large quantities of fish and meat, especially non-freight;
  • Fat, which provokes food to food containing a large amount of fats;
  • The fermentation that occurs when eating the following products: sweets, beans, kvass, beer, bakery products.

What to do if food is badly digested

Such a disease can be treated in several ways - all of them are quite effective. Only in the treatment of folk remedies must first be consulted with the doctor. So, treatment can be divided into non-drug and drug.

The first works only in the early stages of the disease development:

  • after receiving food, it is recommended to run walks on a moderate pace of 30-40 minutes. It is necessary to activate the intestinal motility;
  • do not delay the strap on the skirt and trousers;
  • it is recommended to sleep on high pillows, as it prevents the emission of the stomach in the intestine;
  • keep track of your diet - avoid overeating, not before bedtime, do not use fatty food.

Medical treatment of dyspepsia

Depending on the cause of nonsense, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  • anti-diagram facilities capable of quickly eliminate diarrhea and pain - smecta, enterosgel, al-gel;
  • reduced acidity in gastric juice - Maaloks Almagel, Gaviscon, Gastrocid;
  • containing enzymes that contribute to improving digestion, splitting products for micro- and macroelements - Linex, Mezim, Immodium.

If dyspepsysia arose due to stress or depression, then it is necessary to lead to normal and psycho-emotional state of the patient. Naturally, it is necessary to get rid of the reasons for which the stomach is poorly serving it.

Treatment of dyspepsia by folk remedies

Of course, in folk medicine, there is a large number of recipes that can be used to combat dyspepsia, but first of all you need to consult a doctor and consult on the issue - why the stomach digests poorly food. The doctor will specify the diagnosis, will give recommendations, he will conduct allergenotes.

Now consider some recipes of traditional medicine:

  • Mayran or Tmin. It is necessary to prepare the following drink: mix ground cumin (or mayoran) with 250 ml boiling water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Take one time 100 ml per day;
  • Fennel (berries, 1 g) pour boiling water, 250 ml, and to warm up 10 minutes. Then the resulting decoction to cool down, strain. You need to drink throughout the day with small proportions;
  • The grain of dill is pouring boiled water and give a break of 30 minutes (1 teaspoon of seed 250 ml of water). Take all day 30 ml after meals.

Herbal decoctions will help help. Here are some of them recipes:

  • Mix 370 g aloe, 600 g of honey, 600 ml of wine (red). Take one teaspoon 5 times a day before meals. In a week, take two times a day two teaspoons. The course lasts at least three weeks;
  • Ground roots ninced to mix with cold water (200 ml). Let break for 9 hours. Take half a glass 3 times a day before meals. Course from one to two weeks;
  • Mixed broken leaves of sage, mint, chamomile, yarrow and pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 15 minutes and take three times a day before meals. This decoction is effective for removing spasm;
  • Anis, mustard, cortex crust, licorice root, yarrow - mix all the ingredients in the same proportions. After taking one tablespoon of the received collection and pour 400 ml of boiled water, let it brew 30-40 minutes. Take it in the morning and in the evening before meals. The course lasts 1-2 weeks.


Prevention of such a disease is based on compliance with the basic rules that ensure normal operation of the stomach and intestines. It is also necessary to avoid those factors that may affect the work of the digestive tract.

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