If a girl says friend only need to vomit. Let's be friends: doom or is there still a chance? Time is the most valuable resource in this situation

Relationships between a guy and a girl are complicated. Girls may not notice a guy, and then suddenly fall in love, or slowly and steadily develop relationships. However, guys try and build relationships. But, often they are faced with the fact that the development of relations leads only to friendship. Why did it happen and how to proceed further? That is what we will consider in our article.

In order to understand this problem, you need to understand the reasons why a girl considers you only a friend. But with full confidence we can say that your chosen one or does not decide on a serious relationship. Or the girl is not interested in you.

There are several main reasons why you are only a friend to a girl:

1. She is not attracted to you as a man. Yes, you are a good, reliable person with whom it is interesting to communicate, but nothing more. That's why you approach her only as a friend.

2. The girl has someone. If you know that this is not the case, then do not rule out the possibility that your girlfriend may feel sympathy for another person. That's why she doesn't notice you.

In any case, don't give up. After all, this is the lot of weak people. You also need to be patient and see in friendship the potential for further relationships. Understanding the reason, you need to protect yourself from the main mistakes that guys make in such a situation.

And so, what should not be done if the girl said that she considers you only a friend:

1. Don't get depressed. Friendship is already something. Initially, you must understand that if a girl has offered you friendship, then this is not so bad. Because you are at least a reliable person with whom she is interested in communicating, and this is not a bad thing.

2. No ultimatums. You should not put the question point-blank and say that you cannot be a friend, because you have deep feelings for her. By doing so, you will most likely end up with nothing. With such words, you will not win the girl’s heart, but only push her away from you.

3. And most importantly - do not be a bore. Do not bother the girl with constant calls and messages. A lot of guys start to almost follow the girl. By such actions, they only annoy and scare the girl away. You are a man, and therefore have respect for yourself.

Girls love persistent men. But they also love such men who know how to compromise and, if necessary, can give in to them. After all, in fact, it is very difficult to live with a dictator. Agree to friendship and understand that this is not a categorical "no" told to you, but only temporary. Therefore, to begin with, show your beloved that you are a truly reliable and not annoying friend.

Don't forget that love between a girl and a guy often starts with friendship.

And so, understanding not the hopelessness of your situation, but seeing only bright prospects in it, let's move on to the final solution to your problem.

Consider what you need to change in yourself so that the girl sees her potential man in you:

1. Charm. Girls fall in love with men who know how to impress. Develop good qualities in yourself that your chosen one likes.

2. Flirt. Learn to subtly hint to a girl for something more. The ability to flirt with eyes, facial expressions and words is a serious weapon in the fight for a girl's heart.

3. Compliments. The beautiful half of humanity loves good words in their direction. Thus, you will make it clear to the girl that you are very attracted to her.

4. Confidence and reliability. These are the feelings that your girlfriend should experience while being with you. These are the qualities that say that you can be relied upon.

Use these tips to make yourself more attractive. And over time, your chosen one will understand that the one she was looking for for a serious relationship is next to her and it is you.

"Friendship between a man and a woman: you try to be a friend, but you hope for more, she leaves you hope to use you to the full."

- Roman Vinilov.

This happens to every man at least once in his life: the girl he likes offered to remain friends. This is hard to come to terms with. But the most unpleasant thing in such a situation is that you have little hope left. Logic suggests that if you have not received a rude refusal and the girl as a whole is not against communication, then you lack quite a bit for more. Maybe she just didn't have time to understand how cool you are. And here many make the most terrible mistake - they try to prove to the girl that she is wrong. Why this is so terrible - we'll talk below.

What does "let's be friends" mean?

Perhaps you yourself guess that women's "yes" or "no" are not always said sincerely. If a girl offered communication, it seems that this is a kind of borderline position between “yes” and “no”. But here lies the danger. Even the hardest “no” is only a test, but “let's remain friends” most often means indifference to you as a man. She, of course, could send you rudely, but this happens extremely rarely. The cynicism is that any man is much more useful as a friend than an enemy or acquaintance. However, most likely you will be friends, and she will use it.

Slightly different situation if you've met before: you had a serious relationship, sex. The girl offers to remain friends because, in fact, she wants to leave. There can be various reasons for this: it has become boring with you, you have ceased to excite her - you are no longer perceived as a man. How to deal with this, we will talk at the very end. But much of what will be written below is useful for everyone to know.

Why you shouldn't try to convince her

Despite the seemingly illogical behavior, chaotic actions and windiness in their views, the girls are extremely specific in matters of choosing a man. They pass their verdict very quickly: you either hooked her as a man - a possible sexual partner - or not. The worst thing you can do is try to convince her in words. It never works.

Second, but no less bad, is trying to impress her. Even if you decide to look after beautifully, all your actions will most likely be perceived as the actions of a weak person. Of course, only a stupid lady will refuse beautiful courtship, where the girl is showered with flowers and given expensive gifts. But she will always emphasize that you are just friends. Thus, she will be simply happy: her friends will envy the presence of a new boyfriend, while she will be rudely, but qualitatively fucked by someone who treats her much cooler than you.

What to do?

The best advice is to think carefully do you need it at all. Have you overestimated its value for yourself too much? And ideally, just switch to others.

Just take a break (it won't get worse) and get distracted for a while. Then choose a day to think carefully. Don't be surprised, but most of us take little time to reflect on our lives. And to understand the feelings, you need a peaceful state and clarity of mind. Just go to the park and turn off your phone. Sitting on a bench on a sunny day, or walking leisurely, rewind time and understand for yourself: do you like this girl so much. Understanding everything will help both an analysis of her actions and attitude towards you, as well as episodes from your past life. Perhaps by the evening you will return home in full confidence that this bitch is not worth you.

Any man is a hunter by nature. We like to achieve our goal - this is how we get a new portion of testosterone, we feel the taste of life. There is little that compares to the feeling of victory, especially if it was difficult. Forbidden fruit is sweet, and after the girl has offered intercourse, sex with her seems to be the most desired trophy. Wounded pride hits men the hardest: it drives them into depression and destroys self-esteem. But imagine for a second that all your suffering can only be because of one thing - you would like to fuck her. And even if not only that: it seems to you that you are in love - how can you be sure of this if you have not even had sex?

And no matter how in the end it turned out that you get what you want and lose interest. First, you will hurt the girl. Secondly, you yourself will experience an unpleasant feeling from the fact that you have deceived yourself.

In any case, after the girl offered to remain friends, you have time to think. In this case, it only works for you. After all, if she said this, it is important to take a step back. Below you will find out why.

Temporarily disappear from the radar

So, you still decided that you need it, or just want to achieve it, by all means. I hope you understand that the root of the problem lies in yourself, and who you are now is not at all interested in this girl as a man.

Ok, settle for friendship and pretend that it suits you. But stop doing everything she asks once and for all. After a while, send her to complete ignore: no calls and messages. If she writes or calls herself, you can answer in monosyllables, referring to employment, but politely and without emotion. Let him think that something interesting is happening in your life. Keep communication to a minimum, ideally to zero. And try not to get caught in her life at all.

She will try to pull the old strings, especially if your "friendship" lasts a long time, and she is used to you showing up at the snap of her fingers. This is where the process of changing her attitude towards you begins: you are no longer on a leash. The main thing is not to break down and play to the end.

start to change

You need to actively develop, and you need to do it for yourself, and not for her.

  • Your image. This is the easiest thing you can change in yourself in a short time. If you don't play sports, start now. Burn excess weight (if any) with morning runs, exercise every day in the gym or at least at home. Tight, with a straight posture, guys like all the girls without exception. Change your wardrobe, contact a stylist or - to pump in the complex.
  • success. Of course, it is difficult to become successful in a few months: start earning a lot, make a career or build a business. It's practically unrealistic. But a man is always noticeable if he is promising. And there are prospects for those who study a lot - read, go to courses, engage in creativity, have a hobby, travel. right now there may not be a job of his dreams, but he knows what he wants, and goes to the goal with leaps and bounds. It’s also a good idea to back up your new interesting life with reports on social networks.
  • Skills. A successful seducer combines many skills that help in many different areas. I write about all this on my blog and talk about it at trainings. Now all your time should be devoted to self-improvement. Competent and delivered speech, oratorical skills and the ability to charm a girl - all this can be obtained in the near future.

Ideally, you should appear before the girl who offered to remain friends, completely different from what you were before. She will have a novelty effect: you will be perceived as a completely different, attractive man, and not the one written off as a “friend”. She will think: “How did I not notice how interesting he is before.”


The final step is seduction. Ideally, the meeting should take place after several months of a complete information vacuum. In any case, this will arouse her interest, but you will already be a different person - both outside and inside. It is desirable that by this time you have already had several victories on the front of seduction, so as not to mess up. Since all this needs to be done in parallel with the development of many other things, I advise you to come to our training, where you will receive all of the above much faster than yourself. About the seduction of me is too big a topic for a few paragraphs. So read the blog, or better yet, come visit us. After the training, you will be able to seduce a girl who offered just communication.

The girl offers to remain friends after the relationship

As I said, there is another option: you already had a relationship, but one day the girl offered just communication. There are nuances here. It can be both a short-term relationship and a long-term marriage. In any case, if you have had sex more than once or twice, she has already made a choice in your favor once. Now she does not consider you as a man, but she has not forgotten this feeling.

Just like in the first option, you you need to clearly and soberly understand what you want. Perhaps staying friends in this case is really the only right way out. Beloved part with a scandal, and then all their lives they behave as if they did not know each other, or maintain a good relationship. If you yourself understand that there are no previous feelings, it is better to be a man and use the breakup as a chance to start a new, more successful life. Moreover, it is in this variant that something like friendship is possible. You are not strangers. Just don't let yourself be used.

But if you love her, don't give up. This is the return of your beloved girl - something in which we can really help you. Again, a pause will be helpful. At this time, you can get to know our community, read real stories and gain some wits. If you are afraid that she may find another, choose my individual help. I will personally take care of your case and will definitely help, like hundreds of other men. The return of relations is really a solvable problem. If you know what you want, don't hesitate.

More helpful articles:

Everyone who has heard these simple and at the same time great words at least once in their life knows that in comparison with them, a powerful and high-quality blow to the balls may seem like an insignificant event in the life of a minor neighbor from below.

First, let's agree on two things. First, we will replace the phrase “let's remain friends” with DOD - this is the custom in our environment. Second: we will distinguish between DOD initial and final.

Initial - this is when you and a girl from the very beginning have more friendships than any other relationship. And you, of course, at some point want to translate them into a horizontal plane, otherwise why would you be reading this article, right?

The final one is when other relationships were maintained (or planned) with the girl for some time, but the result of them was DOD anyway. However, you also somehow don’t want to agree to it or end this relationship, right?

Initial DOD

There is a girl with whom you have a good, in general, relationship. You communicate, meet, chat about this and that ... She considers you a close (to one degree or another) person, she is ready to spend some time with you, she knows that she can count on your help, she even from time to time she frankly talks with you, shares her feelings, cries into your vest, but she doesn’t even think about being in the same bed with you. “You are nice, but I won’t sleep with you” - something like that.

“DOD means that you will still have to do everything that you had to do before, but they will no longer sleep with you”

Why is this happening? Simply because you misbehaved from the start. You showed yourself as a friend, not as a man. You were understanding and kind, sweet and nice, you could have fun with you, talk about nothing or even open up on some topic, but you did not arouse sexual desires. You were a good girlfriend, a free psychologist, a sexless vest, in which you can always cry. You don't find one like this every day! In the end, there are most likely a lot of people who want to sleep with this girl, but there are not many people like you who are ready to help her free of charge, selflessly cover if necessary, listen to her whims and crybabies. So what category will she put you in?

No, of course, the girl does not want to lose you. She likes to communicate with you, in some sense she appreciates you (if it makes you feel better), and she will even be sorry to part with you. But think - do you like this state of affairs? If yes, then close this article and do not read further. She's not for you.

Final DOD

For some time you met, and it even seemed to you that everything was fine with you. But suddenly the girl announces you DOD.

"DOD means you can't demand sex, but sometimes you'll get fucked even when you don't want to"

Those. it seems to you that "suddenly". Because in fact, girls do not break up just like that. They most often do not have spontaneous decisions (like ours), when they take it for no reason and want to stop everything. Usually they endure for a long time, even if something does not suit them, they hope that you yourself will understand - and you will either correct yourself or leave her. And only when everything has already been decided, when she is already completely tired of it all or something better has appeared on the horizon, then she will come to you and say something ordinary and everyday, like: “I don’t think we should continue further. ".

And that's enough for her. All your suffering and snot are no longer of interest to her, even if they sympathize with you or cry for the sake of appearance. It's WHEN THEY ARE DROPPING THEM, the girls are able to sincerely and reverently say a lot of heartfelt and beautiful words, believe in them, cry, suffer ... Themselves, if they have firmly decided to leave, they do it easily and without hesitation, like a pebble in the water gurgled - and there is none. She said a few words and left.

“DOD means that they will tell you about all the former, current and subject. And you can't - it's bad manners "

Why is this happening? Why is it that the people who are most dear to us most often announce DOD to us? Of course, the reasons can be different and there are dozens, if not hundreds, of options. But still the most common answer is contained in the question itself. Reread it again.

Yes, the whole point is that you overestimated the significance of this very single girl for yourself. That you are driven by emotions, not you by them. After all, it is precisely those people who really do not have a soul in a girl, who tremble over her and are afraid of losing her, who surround her with so much attention and care that she already loses interest in them.

On the other hand, if she does not want to part with you at all, then she still needs you for something. Perhaps she is not yet sure what awaits her on the side, and therefore keeps you in reserve. Perhaps she likes to communicate with you as with a person, and receive some resources from you, and she wants to keep it, even if she ceases to be your girlfriend. Or maybe she just doesn’t want to upset you with a complete and final break in your relationship, that’s why she offers you friendship (well aware that there won’t really be any friendship).

Techniques for getting out of DOD

Some of them are described in detail in the cookbook or in the book "Effective seduction by 200%". It’s just that it’s desirable to know them even BEFORE they announce the DOD to you. I will describe one of these methods here:

“DOD - and you will always take, pick up, help, cover, help out, come at the first call. It is not clear why and what to hope for.

Long, but very effective option. Based on the "Closer-Further" methodology. Not recommended for pioneers and other inexperienced people.

After the girl told you DOD, try to agree to a friendly relationship, but there is only one very important point - you need to make it clear that you REALLY want such a relationship (if you are not capable of this, it is better to leave immediately). After that, any of your invitations and walks will be perceived only from the point of view of friendship, which at this stage is only good for you. We will continue to be friends, but be friends actively.

It will be very beneficial to share with her any interests or hobbies that her current boyfriend, if one exists, cannot share. This interest can be anything: studying, walking around the city, repairing her car, upgrading her computer, walking dogs together, going to the gym (clubs, parties).

But in no case should you spend a lot of money on her so that she does not give you the role of a trouble-free sponsor so desired for her. It is better to let her know that you have money, and you would be very happy to waste it for the sake of your girlfriend. The reception is very strong, it is very bitter to realize that all women are corrupt, albeit in the best sense of the word.

“DOD - and maybe you will be treated kindly when it is unbearably boring. And they will call when no one else is at hand. And you will come! You are a friend, and everything happened between you, you understand everything.

It is very desirable to compliment her when meeting, but without any hint of erotica. The most important strategic task for you now is to get CLOSER on her part. As soon as you feel feedback, friendly sympathy in your direction, this stage can be completed. The most eloquent sign of this will be invitations and calls that the girl will make on her own initiative. Be sure to remember that your friendly communication should be bright, and the girl should be comfortable and fun with you. Imagine that you go out on dates the same way, only with a minimum of physical contact and without any hint of “pink snot”. The more pleasant your company is for a girl, the faster the necessary affection will arise.

It is undesirable to stretch this stage too much, usually a month is enough, further progress in this state can lead to the fact that you become an open book for your “girlfriend”. There is nothing worse than being predictable and understandable for a girl - there should always be intrigue.

And finally, the girl calls you, invites you somewhere, maybe even kisses you on the cheek at parting, in general, you observe her CLOSER in relation to you. So it's time to leave. You completely disappear from her horizons, disappear for a week and a half, she should not see you, hear you, know what is happening to you. At the same time, the optimal moment for leaving will be the time when she has no special plans, that is, she does not leave anywhere, there is no active rest, so memories of a good friend will come much more often and she will miss you, because she is attached to you.

“DOD - and you are on a par with her favorite ficus, cat or teddy bear”

And at the most crucial moment you put yourself in order and come out of the shadows. The best option would be to be at her door with a flower in your teeth (in your hands), grab her by the hand and run to demolish the roof. Appearing, in no case should you apologize for a long absence, unless you quickly let it slip as something not particularly significant, and immediately hush up the conversation. You lead her to pleasure, your pastime should be very pleasant, your goal is to take her into space, and the closer she is to space, the better.

At the same time, an unobtrusive increase in physical contact plays into your hands. The girl's feelings are superimposed on each other. Boredom BEFORE you and your sudden appearance, blowing the roof, a pleasant pastime plus constant, developing, but careful touches (who doesn’t like them?) bring her into a very resourceful state that you should use. The final break in the pattern should be a kiss, which simply must take place when it becomes clear that she is ready for this. Most often, the girl does not even have time to figure out what is happening, as she ends up in your bed.

“DOD – and you will be lucky if you never see who you were traded for. But you will see. After all, you are friends.”

I repeat once again - this method is designed only for experienced people with a cool head and a sober calculation. Pioneers with a strong emotional attachment from a girl will not bring anything good, except for extra snot. I would advise them, first of all, to disappear from the girl’s field of vision (required!), turn on a complete ignore, then actively engage in themselves, increasing their level and, having recovered from emotional dependence, having pumped enough, you can try to return and start all over again from scratch. If you are sure that you have enough strength.

If you are afraid of losing her, if you continue to dream about her and wind your snot on your fist while remembering your “relationship” (which, perhaps, did not exist, and only you considered it as such), if you are even ready to agree to DOD, if only to be with her - then you are either a rag, or you simply DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS WAITING FOR YOU.

Features of female psychology. Emotions. How to call them in a girl and why it is EXTREMELY important in seduction. How girls check guys. Why do many guys get "leaked" at the stage of checks. Types of checks. Proper communication during inspections. All this you will learn on our

Hello, my name is Dmitry, I'm 19 years old. I am in love with a girl who is 16 years old, her name is Angelina. The age difference doesn't bother me at all. Moreover, she does not look 16 and she is not a “girl” mind.

Please help her! They are not like everyone else. At first we met at a disco, sat in a gazebo and watched each other. She sat next to me and copied my actions. I liked her right away. The problem is that I'm a timid guy and have never been with a girl. I don't know love or tenderness. When there was a slow dance, I didn’t invite her, because I don’t know how to dance. And she was waiting for this. It was visible. When the disco was over, she asked to be taken home. I agreed. We were three of us. She, her friend and me. At one point she took my hand. We walked holding hands. I couldn't tell her anything. After all, I liked her, and the decisiveness on her part went into my hands, because I would not have dared to take her first. I took her home and she closed her eyes and the moment of the kiss came. I had never kissed, so I smacked her lightly on the cheek.

The next day we met again in the evening at the sea. I'm not talkative, I just said "hello" to her. We were surrounded by friends. I couldn't talk about yesterday. We sat next to each other, she snuggled up to me. I hugged her. Then he took her home again. On the way, I asked her: “Are we supposedly dating?”. To which she replied, "As you wish." I said that I like her, she told me the same thing. Her hand in mine, moon, romance. First kiss on the lips. I felt uncomfortable kissing her. He didn't even close his eyes. The kiss stopped. I said: “Apparently I'm a bad kisser?”. She said nothing. The next day, when I did it, I did everything right. We kissed great. I felt it. We even kissed twice. So in our eyes a spark began to sparkle at the sight of each other.

During the week we had fun and good together. I called her every day. She taught me how to slow dance, how to kiss amazingly and much more. I was no longer that timid, modest, indecisive boy. But suddenly one person appeared with a kind of friendly question: “Are you all right with her?”. I answered yes. He said: “She doesn’t stir up with anyone for a long time, you’ll see and she will leave you.” I felt good with her and I didn’t ask about her exes and relationships with them, why they broke up and so on. I didn't want to lose her and was worried that I wouldn't be like her ex to her. That is, not long to meet with her. I'm one of those guys who, if they love something one and forever. I wanted to confess my love to her and many times carefully asked if she really liked me. And she seemed to change after this question. In general, the last time I asked her about it and the following dialogue took place:

- Do you really like me that much?
- What are you up to?
- want to be with you.

I don’t remember further, but I explained to her that I asked her this in order to find out about the reciprocity of feelings. Then the next day the fire in her eyes was gone. I asked what happened and a long dialogue took place where she explained that I was the same as everyone else. That is, she acts with all the guys according to this scheme: take me home, join hands. She asked why I didn't let go of her hand the first day. I replied that I liked her. And for all this time that we were together, we did not know each other, except for names and classes. It was only that evening that she found out how old I was. We felt so good that we did not ask questions for 9 days. And she says that if I had let go of her hand then and started a relationship not with kisses and love, but with friendship in order to get to know each other better, then now everything would be more than wonderful (something like she said). But we talked to her, I confessed my love, she had already read my love poem to her, which I wrote to her on VK. She said that we need to get to know each other better. Now I'm in the so-called friend zone.

Now we are friends with her and until we get to know each other well, she gave a period of half a year (she said in about half a year maybe we will meet), then we will not be together as before. And she does not give a reason for friendship. She's kind of avoiding me. We can only communicate by phone and VK, but in real life she says hello at most. If I ask the question: “should I take you home?” she will answer “not worth it”, but if “will you come out in the evening?” - "Yes". This is all our face-to-face conversation. Help. She conquered me and kills me with her silence. She no longer smiles at me, but as before, staring at me at the sea and in a cafe, and at a disco, runs her eyes over me. I see it. I'm sure that she had something left for me, but she closed herself. What should I do? I was already waiting for her with flowers along the route, but she saw me and went the other way. I beat all my fists against the walls at her rude answers, such as “don't take me away”. Give advice.

The phrase of the girlfriend becomes quite unpleasant: "Let's remain friends." This can happen both after a long relationship with her, and even before their onset. At any moment, a girl can decide to leave, which will be a bolt from the blue for a guy. How to get back your girlfriend who no longer wants to be with you?

This question remains relevant, because in our time, parting is common. You meet a girl, you love her, you cherish her, and she suddenly says that she wants to remain friends. It happens that a girl takes courtship for a long time, even lets her in, and then says that she is breaking up.

Looking back at past relationships, it's hard to find reasons why a girl says, "Let's be friends." It is stupid for a girl to say such a phrase to a guy who is clearly not in the mood for friendly relations with her. It’s even more stupid for the guy himself to immediately succumb to emotions and pretend that he can easily live without a girl.

If there is a desire to return the girl, despite the offensive words, then we will consider this topic in more detail on the website.

What should not be done if a girl says: "Let's be friends"?

After the relationship broke up and the girl says: “Let's remain friends,” internal anger and indignation arise. How can you remain friends after what happened between you? If you have not cooled down with feelings just like your ex-lover, then you are probably worried about the question of what needs to be done to get her back. Now we will discuss the topic of what not to do when a girl left you. After all, the most important mistake can be made not by returning, but by responding to parting.

The most common guy behaviors are:

  • Complete ignore. The guy pretends that he is also satisfied with the breakup.
  • Running after a girl, gifts and compliments. If a girl pushes a guy away, then the behavior of the guy when he intensively courts her will be too much.

These are two extremes that will not lead to good. Let us consider in more detail all the mistakes that should be avoided after breaking up with a girl:

  1. Give gifts, compliments, apologize. This is called humiliation when a guy's girlfriend sends him off, and he continues to look after her like a faithful dog. The girl will be annoyed by the behavior of a guy who does not respect himself and is ready to crawl in front of her on his knees, if only she would come back to him.
  2. Constantly call and text her. Exes can't be in constant contact if they don't have an ongoing relationship. The girl left you, left. It's time to stop calling her, writing messages, especially of a love nature. This is another way of humiliation that will only alienate the girl from you.
  3. Cry in front of her. This can happen both literally and indirectly. If a guy shows himself as unhappy and needy, it only infuriates. Even more annoying is the situation when the guy begins to threaten: “If you don’t come back to me, then I will kill myself.” The girl can either laugh in the face, or take pity on the guy and return to him, but not for long and not seriously. In any case, the relationship will fall apart even faster, and the girl will finally be impossible to return after this.
  4. Declaration of love. The girl who left the guy does not need his declarations of love in any form. This will annoy her even more and move her away from the guy. She can maintain contacts, but not succumb to love words.

Considering the mistakes of guys, one can note another most common one, which modern young ladies in their right mind and mind will not fall for. Let's talk about it further.

How to get your girlfriend back: do not say that everything will change

Psychologists say that you need to reconsider your behavior if you want to return your beloved girl who left the guy. However, it would be a mistake to behave when a guy, having only heard about his bad behavior, without thinking, starts throwing promises: “I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I promise you". Don't say everything will change. Why?

If you promise on emotions, without serious intentions to change something in the relationship, then you will briefly get along with your beloved, but she will quickly leave you as soon as she notes for herself that you have deceived her. If you promised, you must definitely change it! If you don't change anything, then the girl will leave you and next time she won't listen at all.

You can promise again that you will do everything to change your bad behavior. But now the girl will not believe your words, and will do the right thing: you promise without having conscious and serious intentions and desires to do so. Your goal is to get the girl back, win, not really improve your relationship.

No matter how much you promise, the girl will not believe you, because there is already a real experience of incontinence of the word. It's the same as if a girl promised you to lose weight if you married her. What is the connection between marriage and weight loss is illogical and incomprehensible. Just as you would not believe that the girl will really lose weight after the wedding, so she will not believe you that your relationship will improve if she returns to you.

Young people, more mature men and women also keep up with them, known for their transience of love. Today they love, and tomorrow they no longer feel this feeling. But it happens that the partners met for a long time, and then broke up for some reason. After that, one of them decides to return the former lover or sweetheart, but does not know how to do it.

How to get your love back? First, you should understand that if you were previously loved, but then stopped loving, it means that some circumstances contributed to this. There is love in your partner, but it constantly goes out for some reason. So, you just need to make sure that love for you flares up again.

Secondly, you should understand the reasons that extinguish the love of your partner. These reasons served as your parting. For what reasons did you break up? What made your partner leave you? Identify and start eliminating them.

Don't make one of the mistakes people make when trying to get back in a relationship: they run after their loved ones but don't work on what caused their breakup. But former partners are watching to see if people change. And if they don't change, then they don't see the point in rekindling the relationship.

Your task is not just to return your loved one, but also to show him that you have become different: what used to be a problem is no longer there, you have changed. You need to work out all those problem areas, because of which you constantly quarreled with your beloved, and change them. Your former partner needs to see that by resuming a relationship with you, she will not face again what previously annoyed you or led to conflicts. Therefore, change yourself and, as if by chance, show your new qualities to your former partner. You should not talk about them, but demonstrate them in appropriate situations. And when the ex sees your changes, she herself will want to return to you.

Renew feelings in your loved ones by eliminating your mistakes and the causes of your quarrels. Make it so that former lovers themselves want to return to you, and not because you were persistent. In the first case, they will stay with you for a long time, because they themselves have expressed a desire to be around. And in the second case, happiness will not last long - until your first quarrel.

You should consider tips on how to get your girlfriend back in order to be able to renew a relationship with her:

  1. Accept her offer. She says, "Let's be friends." And you agree! This will be a shock to her, when she expected you to disagree and start running after her. In such a situation, when you break up, she will be interested in what you are doing, who is next to you now, what distracts you from thinking that she broke up with you.
  2. Don't call her first, wait for her to call you herself. And in most cases, the girl who left the guy herself soon dials him on the phone to find out about his affairs. Here you can already control the situation. For example, you can say "I'm busy, let's call later." No need to talk about past relationships or feelings. Communicate on neutral topics, such as: how are you, what are you doing, what's new, etc.

Try not to tell her everything, it's better not to finish. Let her understand that she does not receive answers to her questions. At the same time, do not communicate with her for a very long time. As soon as there are pauses in the conversation, you should end the conversation. It is better to do it on your own initiative.

  1. Start dating another beauty. She must be really beautiful or at least interesting to you. It's even better if your ex finds out that you're in a new relationship. Not only did she herself initiate the break in relations, because of which she lost a smart and interesting guy, he still doesn’t cry for her, but is passionate about something and even found himself another girl.

Often girls break up to be chased. Calm your ex's ardor by giving her what she herself tried to achieve - loneliness away from you.

  1. Get to a party where she and your mutual friends will be. Well, if the girl will be forced to see you in practice. It’s good if you change yourself by this time in the sense where she was dissatisfied with you. At the same time, do not try to run up to her and immediately tell her that you have changed. She herself must see that you have become different - the way she wanted to see you.

Chat with everyone at the party. Pay as much attention to your ex-girlfriend as you do to your other friends. Chat with her girlfriends, and with your friends, and with her. At the same time, behave like an acquaintance who does not think about her at all and does not miss her.

You can add “pepper” in order to bring your new passion to the party. Take care of her and be a gentleman so that the ex-girlfriend is simply stunned and jealous. She needs to see what she has lost, especially when "all the good" goes to some other girl.


Girls are emotional beings. Today they want to stay friends with the guys, and tomorrow they already regret their decision. This effect is achieved when the guys do not run after those who dumped them, and also continue to live, meet new girls and even become better. The result of all the events - and the desire to restore the former relationship with the one that destroyed them herself.

Let's not forget about the mistakes that many guys make. If you do them, then you can forget that the former will return, because with each unsuccessful meeting she will understand that she definitely does not need a squishy and crybaby.

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