Phenolic drops: instructions for use. Phenolic for children - instructions for use, description and dosage Antihistamines Phenolic drugs

Young mothers often face the allergic reactions of their children to food or medicine and are asked with the question, how to reduce or eliminate the manifestations of allergies in the body of their baby.

Phenolic for children is a modern antihistamine tool, which should be in the first-aid kit of each mother from the first days of the advent of the long-awaited baby to the light. "Phenistil" replaced outdated analogues of "Supratin" and "Tueva".

The main substance that is part of "phenyatila", an effective and fast active antihistamine drug, is diminoden maleate, has a sedative and anti-face effect. This substance narrows the capillaries and reduces the expression of allergies. Additional components of drugs depend on the type of release.


The drug has the following properties:

  • anti-allergenic;
  • anesthetic;
  • anti-face;
  • sedative.


The action "Phenician" is the following:

  • does not eliminate allergies, but only treats her symptoms;
  • enhances immunity.

The medication enters the blood and is excreted from the body with bile and urine.

Indications for use

The remedy produced in the form of droplets or capsules is designed for internal reception by children and adults, is assigned in the following cases:

  • allergic rash after reaction to food, insect bites (mosquitoes, midges) or medicines;
  • infectious rash (windshield, rubella, swelling of quinque), to remove the itch and irritation on the skin;
  • dermatitis;
  • prevention of reactions after vaccinations;
  • teething (note :);
  • cold, especially if the throat is irritated (ARVI, Larygit);
  • not used if there are contraindications specified in the instructions for use.


It is particularly worth noting that it is contraindicated to write out phenyatil for newborns (from the moment of birth to one month).

It is forbidden to apply:

  • low and premature crumbs;
  • kids with hypersensitivity;
  • children with intolerance to diminder and its derivatives;
  • in the presence of bronchial asthma, chronic diseases of the lungs and gallbladder, the closedian glaucoma, individual intolerance.

If the kid has increased the temperature, use ibuprofen or nourofen - these are popular and effective means with a minimum side effects.

Forms of release

Produced for children in several forms:

  1. In the form of 0.1% of drops in a vial of 20 ml with a drip-dispenser.
  2. In the form of 0.1% gel in a tube of 30 mg.
  3. In the form of an emulsion.
  4. In the form of tablets.
  5. In the form of a cream. But this is not an antihistamine medicine, but is an antiviral medicine and is used in the treatment of herpes.

The internal reception medicine in the form of tablets or drops is valid instantly, keeping its effect for twelve hours. If my mother decided to give "phenyatil" as a preventive agent before vaccination, then it is necessary to do this no more than twelve hours before vaccination.

Method of reception


  • From one month to a year no more than thirty drops per day;
  • From year to three years no more than forty five;
  • From three years to twelve no more than sixty;
  • After twelve years 20 - 40 drops three times a day.

Phenolic for infants is also produced in drops. Young mothers, when calculating the child's daily rate, the drops of "phenyatila" should be proceeded at the rate of 0.1 mg of the active active substance per kilogram of the child's weight. Twenty drops contain 1 mg of active substance.

Example of calculation: the baby is 4 months and its weight is 5 kg. Thus, the calculation of the daily dose looks like this.

0.1 mg (dimintene) multiply on weight 5 (kg) \u003d 0.5 mg (10 drops).

Because the reception on the day is three, then we divide 10 drops to three and we get 3 drops for 1 reception.

To eat drops, mix them with warm, but not hot drinking or nutrition and divide the dose of drugs for three portions for gradual reception.

If the symptoms disappeared during the week of reception of "phenyatila", the parents should consult a doctor.

Before vaccination and after it

Doctor advises before vaccination to use this drug because it helps to reduce the reaction of vaccination to the body, but only a few days before it, and not to use the drug per day, two before vaccination. Because it may affect the results of vaccination and change the results, an incorrect interpretation will arise.

If moms decided to give a medication before vaccination of the baby ADC, then this is necessary as follows:

  • five days before the vaccination start taking drops and continue to give them for three or five days after it;
  • Reception to carry out within 3-4 days after vaccination;
  • children under the year to give four or five drops, from the year to two years - ten, from three years old - twenty;
  • reception frequency - twice a day.


This type of medication is used, starting at the birth of a child.

Terms of application:

  • Gel apply a thin layer into small areas of skin protected from direct sunlight, from two to four times a day.
  • Gelem of the Mazhuty Separations of the Body, besides the mucous membranes (do not allow you to enter the eyes, mouth, nose).
  • Medication in the form of an emulsion, gel is applied externally, begins to act immediately, while maintaining its impact within three to four hours.
  • If within three to four days of reception of "phenyatila" in the form of a gel symptoms disappeared in part, parents should seek advice from specialists.


Tablets children give only after 12 years one thing per day the course no more than twenty-five days.

Reception Rules:

  • Not more than 1 tablets per day.
  • The medicine causes drowsiness, so the best reception time is the evening or before bedtime.
  • The tablet is powered by water, in time, it is not necessary to dissolve it.

Side effects

Side effects at admission arise extremely rarely.

  1. From the gastrointestinal tract - dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, pain, spasms in the stomach, aggravation of ulcers, skin rashes, swelling and muscle spasms.
  2. On the part of the central nervous system, headache, indisposition, dizziness, drowsiness, increased excitability.
  3. From the side of the respiratory tract apnea in kids, pressure in the chest, problems with breathing.
  4. From the side of the skin, the feeling of burning, dry skin when applying the gel in adults.

Before taking medication, consult a pediatrician, which correctly put the diagnosis and appoint appropriate treatment and dosage.


Alone to appoint "phenyatil" or increase its dosage without recommendations of a specialist is strictly prohibited.

In case of overdose, the deterioration of the child's condition is predictable:

  • temperature increase;
  • facial redness;
  • expansion of pupils;
  • low pressure;
  • hallucinations;
  • urination delay.

In case of overdose, it is necessary to give the baby activated carbon and maintain the respiratory functions and the work of the heart.

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In the signs of intolerance, it is necessary to stop accepting and consult with the pediatrician on the replacement of the drug by the apparatus:

  • "Tefast", "Claritin", "Zirtek", "Zodak" (in the form of droplets);
  • "Penciclovir" in the form of a gel;
  • "Acyclovir" in the form of a cream for treating herpes.

Mamas should pay attention to that the analogues of "phenystila" have a number of contraindications, so before the reception of other medicines it is necessary to consult with the doctor. For example, Zirtek and Zodak are second-generation preparations, and "phenyatil" - the first generation, "Zirtek" has a number of side effects, and the "Zodak" is allowed to receive children only older than one year.

Compare analogues with phenyil:

  • Zirtek or phenyatil? Zirtek belongs to the second generation of anti-allergenic drugs, unlike the first generation of Fenestyl. But, this plus overlaps a serious minus - a lot of side effects that can not be allowed in children, so Zirtek is not suitable for children.
  • Zoda? This preparation of the second generation is replaced by the hero of our article, but if only your child has already been 1 year old.
  • Fenidil better suprastin? Suprastin is produced only in the form of tablets, so it will be difficult to give it to the baby (child older than a month), it will be necessary to grind and separate the desired dose.

Conditions for the storage and vacation of the drug

Keep the medicine is necessary for three years since the release, in a dry, dark, protected place, preferably in the refrigerator. In Phenistil pharmacies, the doctor is released without a doctor's prescription.

  1. With a cold with an elevated temperature of the doctor, antihistamines are typically prescribed with an antibiotic or antiviral agent. Some people are puzzled by such a decision, but it works great, because Phenistil has excellent anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Forget about the dilution of medication in warm and hot liquids.
  3. The gel is applied only for small areas of the baby.

Drops of phenystyl intended for intakes are a means against allergies.

Instruction drops of phenystil

Tradename: Phenistil®

Formula: 2- (2-dimetylaminoethyl) -3 - (1N) -inden Maleat

Description: The drug is a transparent liquid that does not have colors and odor.

Form release

The drug is spilled by 20 milliliters to the vials of darkened glass, which are equipped with a polypropylene cover, and that in turn is equipped with the system controlling the first opening. Each bottle has a drip-dispenser and accompanied by the instructions for use is packaged into individual packaging from cardboard.

Composition of phenystil

Active substance drops of phenyatil is Diminden Maleat. In one millilitress of the finished drug, it contains one milligrams, supplemented with inactive substances: liquid sorbitol is uncritical, sodium dihydrophosphate dihydrate, methyl parahydroxybenzoatom, 96% ethanol and purified water.

Storage conditions

The bottle with the drug should be stored placed in its cardboard packaging in a place that is not available for children. The room temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.

Shelf life

The use of the drug is possible for three years from the date of manufacture. After the expiration date, it is not recommended.


The drug phenyatil is antihistamine, anti-allergic, as well as anti-faceted agent. As a blocker H1-histamine receptors, acts as a competitive histamine antagonist.

Its exposure to the drug is able to reduce the increased permeability of capillaries, which is associated with an allergic reaction.

Drops can also have an antikinine and non-strong anticholinergic effect. In the daily reception of the medicinal product, a small sedative effect is possible.

Drops phenyatil indications

The use of the drug phenyatil is shown at the following ailments:

  • Diseases of an allergic nature in the form of urticaria, hay fever, year-round allergic rhinitis, angioedema edema, medicinal and food allergies.
  • With skin itching of various etymology with eczema, itchy dermatoses, measles, rubella, windmill, itching from insect bites.
  • For the prevention of an allergic reaction, when hyposensitizing therapy is carried out.

Contraindications for reception

The reception of the drug phenyatil is contraindicated to the reception in the event that the patient identified signs of increased sensitivity to the drug component, especially its active substance.

Also, the drops should not be prescribed with the closed-curved glaucoma, the prostate gland hyperplasia, as well as for infants to monthly age. It is categorically not recommended for use the drug for premature babies.

Phenolic drops Instructions for use

The drug phenystil is intended for internal use.

20 drops of the preparation contain 1 milligrams of the active substance.

Table data contain dosage for children on three times.

Adult patients and adolescents that have reached twelve-year-old daily dose can be appointed in the amount of from 3 to 6 milligrams (60-120 cap.), Which is divided into three receptions of 20-40 cap three times a day.

Those patients who tend to sleep can be appointed as follows: 40 droplets at night and 20 drops in the morning at breakfast.

Phenolic drops when lactation

Women during lactation, the drug is prescribed with caution.

Application Phenolic drops during pregnancy

Applying phenyatil during pregnancy is allowed only when the benefit that is expected for the future mother can exceed the potential threat to the child. The use of the drug is possible only under the supervision of the doctor.

Phenolic drops for newborns

The drug phenyatil is forbidden to prescribe newborn children.

Phenolic drops for children

Also with caution, drops are prescribed and for the kids up to a year, since the manifestation of the sedative effect in such kids may be accompanied by sleep disorders with a periodic respiratory stop.

Phenolic drops of adults


The symptoms of excessive reception of the drug in adults will be manifestations of sleepiness and oppression of the CNS. Children in overdose may be unnecessarily excited.

Tachycardia, hallucinations, tonic-clonic convulsions, mydriasis, dryness in the mouth can also occur, and may also "stick" blood to the face, urine delay and fever occur; There is a state of decline in blood pressure, collapse.

Treatment can be carried out by activated carbon, salt laxatives, medicines supporting cardiac and respiratory systems other than analeptic drugs.

Side effects

The drug is capable of rendering on the body and a number of unwanted effects in the form:

  • Drowsiness;
  • nausea attacks;
  • dry mucous mouth and throat;
  • dizziness;
  • excited states;
  • headache;
  • swelling;
  • skin rash;
  • spasm muscles;
  • functions of external respiration can be broken.

Medicinal interactions

With simultaneous reception, the drops of phenyatil are capable of strengthening the actions of the anxiolyts, a sleeping pill preparation.

Using with ethanol, you can get a noticeable slowing down of the reaction rate.

The joint taking of the drug with tricyclic antidepressants and anticholinergic drugs can increase the risk of increasing pressure intraocular.

MAO inhibitors are able to strengthen the anticholinergic and oppressive actions of the CNS.

Additional instructions

  • Phenolic drug does not tolerate high temperatures;
  • If the drops were still appointed for a breast child, they can be added directly to warm baby food before feeding, since the drops do not have an unpleasant taste;
  • For those patients who need an increased concentration of attention and rapid response, such as driving vehicles or work with complex mechanisms, the drug is not recommended.
  • Does not ensure the necessary effect under the states of the itch, which is associated with cholestasis.

Phenolic drops of analogue

The analogues of the phenyatil are those drugs that have similarities with it according to testimony and pharmacology. In order to compare them, it is necessary to pay attention to the substance that plays the role of active in the preparation. In more expensive analogues, as a rule, there is the content of additives that increase the action of the active substance of the drug.

It should be remembered: the decision that the drug phenyatil is to be replaced by any analogue, only a doctor can take.

Phenolic drops price

The drug can be purchased in any pharmacy, where it is released without a doctor's prescription. The drug is quite expensive - its approximate cost is about three hundred rubles.

There are many tools that can help the child with allergies or teething. However, newborn children doctors prescribe a drop of phenyatil. In the package there is a special dispenser that facilitates the injection of the drug, and the instructions for use, which describes the testimony and contraindications. The composition of the phenyatil contains a valid substance, and the effect after receiving is noticeable after the first 10 minutes.

Instructions for use describes cases when phenolic in drops can be used to treat children.

You can give the remedy in certain cases.

  1. With allergies. This category includes a reaction to drugs or after the use of a certain meal. Also, phenyatil can be given to children with a string. If some substance of the composition provokes individual intolerance, the doctor prescribes analogues, the most popular of which is Zirtek.
  2. Phenistil is used to eliminate skin toxic items with different origins. This category includes rubella, consequences of insect bites, eczema, dermatitis, oil.
  3. Also, the tool is given to children for the prevention of seasonal allergies.
  4. Doctors prescribe phenyatil in drops when teething. Components of the composition contribute to the removal of the redness of the gums, eliminate the tumor. If the baby is tormented by debris when teething, phenistyl will have an indispensable help.

Basic contraindications

Before using for the treatment of phenyatil, instructions for use should be carefully studied. Despite the wide range of exposure, drops have certain contraindications that you need to know.

Among them are the following:

  • asthma;
  • pregnancy (first trimester);
  • diseases associated with urinary bubble;
  • lung diseases;
  • child age up to one month;
  • lactation period of a woman;
  • individual intolerance to individual components available in the composition.

For the use of drops for babies and older children, it is necessary to treat extremely careful.

Excessive effects of drugs negatively affects the formation of immunity. If the baby is not yet a year, treatment with drops of phenyatil is possible only after consulting a doctor. It will be necessary to pass tests and determine whether it will not affect the children's body negatively. Next, the doctor will be assigned a dosage that needs to strictly follow.

If the doctor considers that it is better to use analogs for treatment (for example, zirtek means), it is not worth arguing with it.

Possible side effects

Fenidil is considered one of the safest tools for newborns. In rare cases, you can observe the following side effects:

  • nausea;
  • constant dryness in the oral cavity;
  • hyperactivity;
  • problem with breathing in children;
  • rash on the skin;
  • cramps and frequent dizziness;
  • severe pain in the temporal share;
  • permanent drowsiness.

If a patient was seen one of the listed side effects, it is better to resort to treatment with other drugs. Analogs of the drug Phenichel are characterized by excellent pharmacological properties, and among them is very popular with the zirtek means.

How to carry out phenolic drops

The drug dosage is appointed by a doctor after examining the patient. If the child is duddy and weight fully corresponds to age, it is necessary to give drops three times a day. The drug has a pleasant taste and fragrance, so the baby will drink it without resistance. It is permissible to give it permissible both in pure form and in diluted - with milk, juice or children's mixture. How many drops are required to drink for a certain age, indicated in the table.

To use the means must be taken carefully for the reason that it causes strong drowsiness. Patients with such a tendency to take phenyatil better before bedtime and in the morning. In the evening - 40 drops, in the morning after eating - another 20 drops.

The duration of treatment depends on the patient's symptoms and its reaction to the drug. It is usually not more than 7 days. If there is no result, doctors prescribe analogue (usually zyrtek).

It is also worth noting that the phenyistil eliminates not only the symptoms of the alend, but also struggles with the causes of its occurrence. To avoid repeated allergies of children aged 1 month to a year, find out the main stimulus and insulate the child from it.


Its main symptoms:

  • in children under a year, strong arousal may be observed;
  • drowsiness and loss of coordination in adults;
  • collapse;
  • urine delay;
  • tachycardia;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

If the patient's profession is associated with a constant concentration of attention, it is better to take zyrtek, and not phenyatil, since this agent does not cause drowsiness.

When the teeth are cut

In children, under the year, in the teething of the first teeth, there is a strong deterioration in the state: the gums are blushing, children sleep badly, refuse food and constantly cry. Of course, the parents want to assist their child, but it is important to understand that the listed symptoms are the normal state in teething. It is necessary to wait a few days so that everything passed itself.

If you once again give the baby medication for teeth pain, it will negatively affect the formation of the immunity of children.

If, when teething the teeth, the baby's condition deteriorated greatly, he completely ceased to eat and sleep, you need to consult a doctor. He will examine the baby and decides which drug to facilitate the symptoms will be suitable for more - zirtek or phenyatil. Zirtek has fewer contraindications.

additional information

Phenolic in drops for children is an excellent means eliminating the tumor of the gums in teething, the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

The main thing is to explore the instructions presented in the package and use the recommendations of the doctor. Then side effects will bypass your child's side.

Phenolic is an antihistamine, anti-allergic and anti-loving drug for indoor and outdoor use.

Release form and composition

Phenolic is produced in the following dosage forms:

  • drops for intake: colorless transparent liquid, practically no smell (20 ml in dark glass bottles with a drip-dispenser, in a cardboard pack 1 bottle);
  • gel for external use: colorless, weakly opaleszing or transparent, homogeneous in structure, practically unplanned (30 g or 50 g in aluminum tubes, in a cardboard pack of 1 tube);
  • emulsion for outdoor use: semi-liquid, whitish color, homogeneous structure, with a weak smell of benzyl alcohol (8 ml in glass bottles with a ball applicator, in a cardboard pack of 1 bottle).

Composition on 1 ml drops for intake inside:

  • auxiliary components: benzoic acid, sodium saccharinate, sodium hydrophosphate dodecahydrate, dynatory of edestate, propylene glycol, monohydrate citric acid, purified water.

Composition on 1 g of gel for outdoor use:

  • active ingredient: Diminden Maleat - 1 mg;
  • auxiliary components: Carbomers, Benzalkonium Chloride, Dinatari Edetat, Propylene glycol, 30% sodium hydroxide solution, purified water.

Composition on 1 g of emulsion for outdoor use:

  • active ingredient: Diminden Maleat - 1 mg;
  • auxiliary components: benzyl alcohol, Dinatari Edetat, paraffin liquid, carbomer, propylene glycol, benzalkonium chloride, butylhydroxitoluluole, Caprile Caprilocaprat Cooal, 30% sodium hydroxide solution, water.

Pharmacological properties


Phenolic is a histamine H 1-receptor blocker. It has anti-plaster and anti-allergic effect, and with external use, it has a pronounced local substrate effect. It also has a weak anticholinergic and antibradikinic effect. The drug reduces the increased permeability of capillaries, due to allergic reactions. When taking drops of phenyatil in the daytime, a slight sedative effect may appear.

The antihistamine effect of the drug when taking inside is manifested in about 30 minutes, and maximum severity is achieved within 5 hours.

Under the local application, the effect is manifested in a few minutes, and the maximum action is achieved in 1-4 hours.


After receiving inside the phenyatil quickly and almost completely absorbed. Its maximum blood plasma concentration is achieved within 2 hours. The bioavailability of the drug is about 70%. Phenolica is 90% contacted with plasma proteins, well penetrates the body's tissues. Metabolism occurs in the liver by methoxylation and hydroxylation. Half-life - about 6 hours. Displays with urine and bile. Approximately 90% of the adopted dose is derived in the form of metabolites and about 10% - unchanged.

When local use, phenyistil penetrates the skin well, its systemic bioavailability is 10%.

Indications for use

Drops for reception inside

  • diseases of allergic nature (hay fever, angioedema swelling, year-round allergic rhinitis, urticaria, medicinal and food allergies);
  • skin itching of various etiology (itching during rubella, measles, wind pump and insect bite, eczema, atopic dermatitis and other itchy dermatoses);
  • prevention of allergies during the period of hyposensitizing treatment.

  • household, industrial and sunburns of easy degree;
  • skin itching of various etiologies (except for itching, due to cholestasis): with eczema, itchy dermatoses, insect bite and urticaria.


Contraindications common to all Phenolic dosage forms:

  • prostate hyperplasia;
  • clotted shape glaucoma;
  • children's age up to 1 month (especially premature children);
  • hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary components of the drug.

Additional contraindications for phenyatil in the form of droplets for receiving inside:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • pregnancy (first trimester);
  • breastfeeding period.

Caution drops are prescribed to patients with epilepsy, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and children aged 1-12 months.

Gel and emulsion for external use with caution are prescribed pregnant women (in the first trimester) and lactating women.

Method of application and dosage

Drops for reception inside

Phenolic in the form of droplets are taken inside.

1 ml contains 20 drops (which corresponds to 1 mg dimintene).

Children at the age of 1-12 months phenyatil can only be appointed by the attending physician according to the testimony.

The daily dose for children from 1 month to 12 years is determined at the rate of 100 μg / kg body weight (or 2 drops per kg of body weight). The calculated daily dose must be distributed for three receptions during the day.

The daily dose for children and adolescents is 12-18 years old and adults is 3-6 mg (or 60-120 drops). It must be divided into three receptions during the day (20-40 drops three times a day).

With a tendency to drill, it is necessary to take 20 drops in the morning and 40 drops in the evening, before bedtime.

Elderly patients use drugs in ordinary doses.

Gel and emulsion for outdoor use

Phenolic in the form of gel and emulsion are used externally.

The drug is applied to the affected skin seats 2-4 times a day. With severe itching or extensive lesions of the skin, simultaneous reception of phenyatila is recommended in the form of drops inside.

Side effects

Possible side effects in oral administration:

  • digestive system: rarely dry in the oral cavity and larynx, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders;
  • nervous system and psyche: Very often - increased fatigue; Often - nervousness, drowsiness; rarely - anxiety, dizziness, headache;
  • immune system: very rarely - swelling of the face and pharynx, shortness of breath, muscle spasms, rash on the skin.

Possible side effects with external use of phenyatil:

  • leather and subcutaneous fabrics: infrequently - feeling of burning, dry skin;
  • allergic reactions: very rarely allergic dermatitis, including skin itching and rash.

With the exacerbation of the listed side effects or any other unwanted reactions not specified in the instructions, the patient is obliged to inform about this attending physician.


In the form of phenolica in the form of droplets or random swallowing of a large amount of gel or emulsion, characteristic of the histamine H 1-receptors are characteristic of the symptoms: drowsiness and inhibition of the central nervous system (mainly in adult patients), stimulation of the central nervous system and M-cholin-blocking effects (especially Often in children), including ataxia, hallucinations, excitation, tachycardia, mydriasis, clonic or tonic convulsions, blood tides to face, fever, dry mouth, urine delay, and in the future - decrease in blood pressure and collapse.

Specific antidote does not exist. It is recommended to take activated carbon and drink salt laxative. Events are also held to maintain the function of respiratory and cardiovascular systems (analaletic agent cannot be used). For the treatment of reduced blood pressure, vesseloring preparations can be used.

special instructions

Phenolica is not effective in itching caused by cholestasis.

When prescribing a drug in the form of drops of chest children, they must be added to a bottle with a children's mixture directly before feeding. If a child is already able to eat from a spoon, droplets can not be diluted, but to give in no way straight from a spoon, as they have a pleasant taste.

It is forbidden to expose to high temperatures.

Under the damage to extensive skin or pronounced itching, phenyatil in the form of a gel or emulsion apply only after consulting a doctor. After applying a gel or emulsion on extensive skin areas, it is necessary to avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

When preserving or enhancing the symptoms of the disease during the period of use of the drug, you should consult a doctor.

The composition of the means for external use as auxiliary components includes benzalkonium chloride and propylene glycol (the emulsion also contains butylhydroxytoluluole), which can cause contact dermatitis (butylhydroxytoluluole, including the mucous membranes may irritate).

Impact on the ability to control vehicles and complex mechanisms

Phenolic drops can weaken attention, so they should be taken with care to patients, a car operating with potentially hazardous mechanisms and performing other works that require increased concentrations.

Gel and emulsion Phenolic such effects do not produce and, accordingly, do not affect the ability to manage vehicles and work with mechanisms.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

The drug in the form of droplets is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding period. In the second and third trimesters, the oral use of phenyatila is possible only under the supervision of a doctor and in cases where the benefits expected for the mother exceeds the possible risk to the fetus.

The drug in the form of gel and emulsion can be used in the first trimester of pregnancy, but only after consulting with a specialist. In the second and third trimesters and in the period of breastfeeding, the outer use of phenolica on extensive skin seats is not recommended, especially if there are bleeding and inflammation phenomena.

Women, nursing breasts, should not apply the drug on the dairy glands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples.


Phenolic is contraindicated for use in childhood up to 1 month (especially in premature babies).

Caution drops are prescribed to children up to 1 year, since the sedative effect of the drug can cause the episodes of the night apnea.

Babies and young children should not be applied gel or emulsion on extensive, especially inflamed or bleeding, skin sections.

In children under 6 years old, antihistamines can cause hyperbalability.

Medicinal interaction

With the simultaneous use of phenolica in the form of droplets with anxiolyts, sleeping pills and other means in oppressing the central nervous system (tricyclic antidepressants, opioid analgesics, antihistamines, neuroleptics, anticonvulsants, monoaminoxidase inhibitors, ethanol, anti-zero tools, scopolamine), there is an increase in the action of the listed drugs.

With co-use with M-cholinoblockers and tricyclic antidepressants, the risk of urine delay and increasing intraocular pressure increases.

With the use of phenolica in the form of gel and emulsion, drug interaction with other drugs is not described.


Phenolic analogues are: diazoline, Loratadine, vibration, Claritin, Tueva, Zetrin, etc.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in an inaccessible place at a temperature of not more than 25 ° C (drops and gel) or 30 ° C (emulsion).

Shelf life: Drops for intake - 2 years; Gel and emulsion for outdoor use - 3 years.

Allergic reactions in children cause concern to parents. To remove unpleasant symptoms and help the baby, antiellergic and antihistamines are prescribed. They have a rapid effect on the body, relieve itching and redness.

Drops of phenyatil for children are an antihistamine and antiallergic preparation. The dosage form is convenient for treatment. The tool is safe for children from 1 month of life, has a minimum list of side effects.

In what cases to the child prescribe phenyatil

The drug eliminates allergies, removes severe conditions in various pathologies. The active ingredients block the generation of histamine, so it disappears itching and redness of the skin, the swelling is eliminated.

When the drops of phenolic kids are prescribed:

  • sweet Qincke - the body's response into chemical factors;
  • dermatitis - often manifests itself in newborns;
  • rhinitis - infection of the mucous membranes of the nose;
  • polynosis is an allergic reaction to flowering and pollen of plants;
  • food allergy;
  • hives;
  • prevention of allergic reactions in the exacerbation season.

Phenolic in drops are often prescribed 3 days before vaccinations to reduce the effect of drugs on the kid's body. It is necessary to know that the tool does not treat, but only removes the symptoms of allergies.

Take the children a drop sufficiently conveniently. They can be added to water or breast milk for babies, as well as used in undiluted form for adolescents and adults.

Basic properties, form of release and composition

Drops are produced in small bottles of dark glass of 20 ml. The lid is equipped with a built-in dropper for dosing, which makes it easy to give the drug to the baby. Includes instructions in Russian.

Composition on 1 ml of the drug:

  • diminden Maleat - 1 mg;
  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • propylene glycol;
  • sodium sacharinat;
  • purified water and other substances.

Read also How to apply thiamine chloride

Fluid transparent color, odorless. It is allowed to use the drug for children up to the year.

Drug properties are based on blocking histamine H1 receptors. Phenolicius is effectively fighting with itching and allergies. It has a slight sedative effect, as it has an impact on the central nervous system.

Drops are stored in a dark and cool place, away from children. Shelf life from the date of opening - 2 years. In pharmacies, the drug is sold without a recipe.

Contraindications and indications for use

Phenistil relieves itching, redness, has a light anesthetic effect. It is absorbed by the body almost completely, well penetrates the tissue.

Indication to the reception are:

  • allergic diseases;
  • insect bites;

You can take drops only by appointment of a doctor. For children, before a year, it is impossible to abuse the drug, since the likelihood of problems with the respiratory system is great.


  • children's age less than 1 month;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • clotted shape glaucoma;
  • prostate diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Fenidil rarely causes side effects. But in some cases the patient's condition may worsen.

In the first trimester, the drug is fully prohibited. In the second and third, treatment is carried out under the supervision of the doctor.

Side Effects Drops:

  1. In the first days of reception, drowsiness is possible.
  2. Dizziness, worsening mood, apathy.
  3. Nausea and vomiting, changing the chair.
  4. Pain in the stomach, dryness sensation in the mouth.
  5. Dyspnea, lack of oxygen.
  6. Eveniness, leather reddening.

Instructions for use: how many drops of phenyatil to give a child

Drops take inside. Dosage and treatment time is determined by the doctor, based on the diagnosis, the age of the patient.

  1. Children over 12 years old are recommended at 20-40 drops at least three times a day.
  2. Children under 12 years old count the daily rate based on weight: 2 drops per 1 kg.
  3. From 1 to 3 years old - no more than 45 drops per day.

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Newborn children drops are added directly before feeding into a bottle with warm breast milk or a mixture. The tool has a pleasant taste, which allows you to give it undiluted from the spoon.

For premature babies, medicine doses based on the weight of the baby. At first, the daily rate is calculated, then it is divided into 3 equal reception. It is allowed to reduce drowsiness in children, in the morning to give a dose of smaller volume, and in the evening - more.

Treatment lasts 7-10 days. In chronic allergy, the drug gives courses, with breaks of 5 days. It is necessary to avoid long-term reception.

How to use:

  1. Children under the year drops are added to water or milk. The medicine is given in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Older children can take drops in its pure form, drinking water.
  3. The drug is accepted before or after eating.
  4. Drops are accepted with an interval of 8 hours.
  5. You can not warm the tool, it should be room temperature.

For preparation for vaccination, phenyatil is given within 3 days before vaccinations and 1-2 days after. This avoids allergies caused by drugs.

Analogs of the drug phenystil

Phenolic is a fairly expensive drug, its average cost - 600 rubles. There are cheaper analogues that have similar properties. Before replacing the prescribed drug, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.

  1. Suprastin. It has a wide range of side effects. Allowed to children from 1 month of life.
  2. Zirtek. Antihistamine. Drops are used from 6 months to 6 years.
  3. Tueguil. It is prohibited for receiving up to the year. Produced in the form of syrup, injection and tablets.
  4. Claritin. Syrup is allowed from 2 years old, pills - children over 12 years old.
  5. Diazoline. It is used in the presence of rash, skin itching, conjunctivitis. Allowed from 1 year of life.
  6. Vibrocil. Helps with ritin. It has a vasoconstrictor and antiallergic effect.
  7. Tefast. Not recommended to 6 years. Effective with pronounced allergic reactions.
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