Where to find a cat in minecraft. How to tame animals in Minecraft

Ocelot is a very shy, passive creature in the game Minecraft. They are creatures biome jungle. Ocelot do not attack players, but can attack the chickens to be energized. The tamed cat is very useful when scaring the crypers nearby. Want to know how to tame in minecraft Ocelot, then you will need a lot of patience and fish.

Method number 1 receiving resources

Take a lot of fresh fish. It can be obtained by doing fishing. Take the fishing rod at the water and collect fish. You will need to spend on the taming of Ocelot in the game Minecraft minimum 5 fishBut may not be enough and 50 it all depends on you ...

Ocelotam like only raw fish

Method number 2 correct place

If you are lost in matters, how to tame Ocelot in minecraft, first of all, are patient. Thirst for incontinence can only harm. If we saw Ocelot, stand in place and wait until he is near. Otherwise, everything will go as shock. If you go to meet Ocelot, even if you are slow, he will think that you hunt him and mock. And if you still beat Ocelot to a dead end, he obviously won't want to be your pet, no matter how hard you tried. The minecraft game in this plan is very thought out and correct. Poor behavior will be wrapped by bad results. Never threaten Ocelotami, feed them with fish, and they will answer you thanks.

Choose a place with a free area of \u200b\u200bminimum 7 * 7. This place creates a sense of safety from Ocelot. You should be in an open area from where Ocelot will be able to escape in case of danger.

Find a place away from aggressive mobs. If you are attacked, Ocelot is clearly not suitable.

Method number 3 Active taming

During the period of all tame, try to keep fish. Do not look at Ocelot during tame, it scares it. Come to Ocelot very quiet so as not to sigh. If Ocelot himself turns to you and comes up - he is yours.

On this taming of Ocelot finished, success to you!

Friendly Mob, which can be tamed. He became the first of the mobs that can run. It will run away from the player, if he approaches him too quickly. Sometimes they can hide in high grass and sit there until the player has come too quickly.

This behavior will be up to that moment until the player takes it. After taming, Mob becomes a cat. The tamed Ocelot can jump on the bed, as well as slate on the desktop and the cooking rack, and then spin on them. Still not clear - whether it is a bug.

In the cats began to jump much less and much less often jump into items. Try not to let the naked cat to the chimes, as they can attack and kill all your chickens. Also, Ocelota attack cries. Therefore, take your tamed cat in the mine: In this case, you will always run away from Cryer. Modifying the mob you can not: they, as they bring together by themselves. Cats do not die from fall. This is clearly referring to the saying "The cat always lands on the paws."

How to tame Ocelot?

Tame a slightly more hard lesson than. First you need to take raw fish in your hands, after which it is slowly moved to Ocelot, pre-crushed. Do not commit extra movements, twitch or change the subject from fish.

Otherwise, Mob is scared and runs away from the player. After you are makismally close to Ocelot, mouse over it with fish and click on the button to tame. The chance to tame is 40%, so you will need not one, but a few fish. A sign of taming will be a change in the color of the cat and his squatting on the rear paws.

How to find Ocelot?

Ocelot is difficult to find. To begin with, you will need to find a biome jungle. They will spawn only in it. Next, just go to it and look for Ocelot. The fact that the "cat" can indicate the following factors: you see feathers or crude chicken on Earth. This means that here recently was Ocelot, who killed a chicken. If you see many untouched chicken, then this means that the mob was not here.

In Minecraft, there are several types of animals, some of them player can tame and breed. From version 1.2 in the game there was an opportunity to tame a Cat-Ocelot. In this article we will tell you how in minecraft make a cat pet.

About the animal

As we said, for the first time, Ocelot appeared in the game from version 1.2 and it was from now on that the players allowed them to tame them and even breed them. Wild view of the Cat-Ocelot is very grated, so they are very difficult to see and find. After you have tamed the cat, it acquires a slightly different look. In the game there are three kinds of cats, Siamese is considered the very rare, then there is a redhead and finally the simplest and usual one - black. There are several adoption to help you discover near the cat:

  1. Follow the behavior of criespers. If he runs away and at the same time does not pay attention to you - near the pussy. Crimpers are afraid of these creatures.
  2. If you found many chicken feathers - you can find a cat nearby. They sometimes attack chickens.

When you already tame a cat, she will be able to teleport to the player, if it is very distant. It is worth remembering that it does not work out of the water.

We tame a cat

So, now we are Poghim about how to make a pet from the cat. Before going to search for an animal, you need to be stocking for her feed. Fish is perfectly suitable as feed, it is her who we will lure our pet. As soon as you sort out the food, it's time to advance. When you find a cat should not make sharp movements, jumping - it can scare the animal. How taking a taching: the cat just comes to the fish, eats it and hearts appear on it - they are exactly what they are notifying about the cat's sympathy to the player. As soon as this happens, Ocelot will immediately change its appearance and turn into one of the three cats. It should be remembered that the species is chosen by chance. Sometimes to tame an animal, you will need several fish.

As soon as you do all of the above actions, you will receive a real domestic cat. Computer analog, like a real living pet, loves purr, walk on the table or climb along various columns. Very often, the player can even lose his pet. To this not happen, you should draw the following actions:

  1. Mouse over your pet and press the right button on the mouse
  2. During clicking, you must keep fish in your hands
  3. Throw some kind of object in the animal (for example, the snow).

As soon as you do such simple pussy procedures will follow you. Some players used cats as guards for chests, which is explained by their annoying, which is only increased from version 1.2.4. Yes, now she, like this animal, can interfere with you to do something (for example, working as a machine or open a chest). If you decide to go down to the mine, the idea of \u200b\u200btaking a pet with you is not so bad, because with it you can drive the cries. To make the cat purr, take a fish in your hands, hover your sight and press the right mouse button.

We are engaged in breeding cats

If you decide to start a few pets, then for the beginning you will have two individuals - in the future you can breed them. To get a new cat, you need two individuals and fish. Place them closely and conclude with the right button on the mouse on both, while holding a raw fish in the hands. If you have done everything right you get kittens. To give a kitten a certain color and view, you need to first feed the cat desired color. For reproduction, you need to wait about five minutes, after this time the cat will be able to multiply again.

Some fun facts

  1. The black look is redrawn from the real animal creator of the game.
  2. Kittens - So far, the only young animals that are created without the influence of the player and have normal modeling proportions.
  3. In the version of the game 1.2.05a, the animal begins to move behind the player, if the fish in his hands.
  4. The cat can not be decentized by the fish.
  5. If you have tamed a cat under one login, and then went into the game under another, the pet will disappear.
  6. If you reboot the game, and the cat at this time will be far from you, it will disappear.
  7. In the event that the cat sat for a very long time in one place, then you no longer lift it.

Video lessons

In order to acquire a reliable true friend in the game, you can find it in the face of a charming being with an unusual name Ocelot. The generally accepted expression about the dog, which is the best friend of man, in this case, acquires another additional interpretation. By taking off Ocelot, you will receive not only a dedicated friend, but also an exotic, very beautiful creature, whose beauty will definitely be able to assess animal lovers. A similar animal exists in fact and is a half-meter predatory American cat. In the game, this is an animal - a peace-loving mob that lives in the jungle. Get an extraordinary pet can be played in minecraft 1.5.2.

What is different ocelot

Despite its harsh leopard appearance, Ocelot has a very friendly friendly temper. At the same time, it is unlikely to be called a bold beast. Any sharp movement of the player can turn him into flight. By the way, it is this skill he managed very well. In the game Ocelot is the first creature endowed with sprint capabilities. While the contact with the animals is not built, it will be carefully hiding from the player in high vegetation, while watching the player carefully. Find out what is azart hunting, the result of which will be the acquisition of a cute pet, you can download. Wild Mob, which will be spoiled in the jungle, in the process of taming it becomes usual domestic cator cat. You can choose the animal floor if the level of experience and qualifications allows the player to do it.

See also:

After domestication, Ocelot simply adores jumps on the bed. Also, the configuration table along with the cooking desk is not ignored. It is not clear to the end, it is the idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopers, or just a programming error, however, being near these items, Ocelot jars on them and some time spins there. Employed entertainment are available when loading minecraft 1.6.4. In addition to such characteristics of behavior, Ocelot is distinguished by a non-indulgent attitude to the chimes, which he strives to sweat with each other case. If the chickens belonged to the player, it is obvious that his nerves also suffer from this poultry. Crypers are also beware of cat meetings. Having envy her, they immediately prefer to dissolve in space. Such a position of criespers is an additional argument for a player in favor of a decision on the tear of Ocelot. Joint hiking in areas where cries are sold, for example, in the dungeon, are now absolutely safe.

How to tame a cat

The best tool in this business will serve as raw fish. Holding this peculiar bait in her hands and constantly repeating the magical "belly", you can make Ocelot to overcome the fear of the unknown and go towards the player. It is important to completely eliminate sharp movements. The best position for the player in this case is the half-sidew position without signs of movement. It is necessary to collect all the forces and wait for this charming moment when the animal finally approaches the player and also comes with. The best thing you can do now is to give him a deserved fish. As soon as Ocelot will deal with it, the player in 50% of cases becomes the best friend of the cat and her beloved owner. If it did not work first time, you should not despair. Minecraft can be played infinitely.

Ocelot is a small predator from the Feline family, which in addition to South America lives in the world of minecraft. Some gamers call Ocelot Côte, there is nothing terrible in this, most of the players will understand you. As a rule, Ocelot is a wild animal, but it can be tamed as a wolf, it is enough to know the actions algorithm. In this article we will explain how to tame a cat in minecraft, and why it is needed.

What is needed for taming Ocelot (Cat)

To the wild beast become your pet you need raw fish. For catching fish, make a fishing rod and head in any reservoir. Throwing the fishing rod, wait until the float starts to ride, at this moment drop and catch the fish. Collecting about 10 fish you can start searching for Ocelot.

Where to seek Ocelot (Cat)

In most cases, Ocelot dwells in rainforest. It is not as easy to find it as it seems at first glance, the rainforests are huge, and to notice the ocellot will need good vision. Also, Ocelot can be determined by feathers that are scattered on the floor. The fact is that cats love chickens, and, noticing a small flock, they immediately begin to hunt.

Taming Ocelot

Noticing Ocelot, do not run it to tame, because cats are quite bugles and, seeing you, immediately appeal. Wait until Ocelot is suitable pretty close, and after small steps, go to the animal, get the raw fish and the right mouse button feed it. After several feeds, Ocelot will be tamed and a red collar will appear on his neck.

Why need to tame Ocelot

So, you succeeded, but before tamening a cat in the minecraft you need to know why he is needed. First, tameless Ocelotes are pouring cats, that is, they climb on the tables, fall on the bed, curling into the ball and the like. Secondly, Ocelovot is afraid of cries, which are also sissed in the dungeons. Taking a cat with me, you will not only enjoy the presence of a pet, but also save yourself from an imminent death.

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