The best eye children's clinics. Reception of children's ophthalmologist

Children's doctor ophthalmologist examines eye disease and adjusts eyesight in children from birth, observes children and adolescents under 18. Such specialists subjected the therapies not only acquired, but also congenital eye pathology. Doctor eliminates myopia, strabismus and hyperopia. Okulist stabilizes the color, eliminates barley and conjunctivitis. At the reception, the doctor examines eyes with or without special tools, checks vision on tables and tests. Consultations for this doctor are obligatory when entering school or kindergarten.

What symptoms to contact?

Sign up to the doctor follows with a deterioration of the child, eyelids, and if two in the eyes, there is a tearing, eye pain, itching or burning.

Be sure to take the child to receive to the doctor, if you see that he:

  • fuzzy focusing on the subject;
  • pickle eyes when trying to consider the thing in the distance or near;
  • complains of the "blurry" of the image;
  • porally remembers visual images;
  • mows one or two eyes;
  • tert eyes with hands;
  • suffers by recurrent conjunctivitis;
  • injured, burned or brought foreign body into the eye.

Urgently consult a doctor if you have noticed the baby in the eyes of cloudy, whitic stains, abundant tearing.

Where to find a good children's eyepiece in Moscow?

The best children's ophthalmologists of Moscow are collected in our reference pediatric service. Cards doctors are presented with a full summary, including information about education, qualifications and experience. The service offers an objective rating of doctors, based on patient feedback. On our site you can find reviews about children's oculists of Moscow and make a choice in favor of a particular doctor. The ophthalmologists presented here use the best innovative methods for the treatment of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism in children's and adolescence. The entry is usually paid, especially to the oculists with experience, but there are also young professionals who have the cost of primary consultation is significantly lower, or it is completely free. You can make an appointment with the doctor via the Internet, or by calling our help service. Contact, we will be able to advise a good children's eyepiece in Moscow and place an entry for reception for your child as close to home as possible!

Frequent questions of patients

When to go to consult?

The mucous-purulent discarded from the eye of the newborn - a serious reason to show the child to the doctor. Consultation of the children's ophthalmologist is necessary for the preschooler, if he complains about discomfort, pain, burning in the eyes. An ophthalmologist is required to children with any age with impairment of vision for individual treatment of myopia or hyperopia, vision correction with glasses.

How is the reception of a children's ophthalmologist?

Reception of the children's ophthalmologist should be regular, to a preventive inspection you need to come at least once a year. The doctor applies examination methods with which the visual sharpness determines, intraocular pressure, accommodation reserves (eye ability to see at different distances). If the doctor revealed any violation, then a number of hardware research can be prescribed and pick up an individual treatment method.

What diseases treats?

Children's ophthalmologist in Moscow is engaged in the prevention and treatment of myopia and hyperopia, conjunctivitis, blufaritis, barley, strabismus, congenital cataracts.

Our ophthalmologic clinic has a complete set of equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases in children.

The Ophthalmological Center Konovalova has the latest high-tech equipment and specialists of the highest qualifications. To date, our disposal has three ophthalmological center, in Moscow, Sochi and Almaty (Kazakhstan), where there are all the necessary equipment for successful surgical activities and a full-fledged patient survey. If you need a children's oculist in Moscow we invite you to our clinic.

The treatment of children in the eye center of Professor Konovalov is paying no less attention than adult patients. Little visitors here on a special account, and their parents are ready to answer the exciting issues of our specialists Poznyakov Tatiana Nikolaevna and Zakharov Natalya Anatolyevna. These two "eye fairies" are not simply filled with kindness to the defector, but also know how to save and restore their eyesight. With them, kids do not learn about fear, pain and experiences, and moms and dads can be sure that it was not mistaken by the door of the office. Tatyana Nikolaevna has his confidence, professionalism and good eyes. She is children's ophthalmologist higher category, successfully graduated with 2 malls them. Pirogov in the specialty "Pediatrics" and an internship in the children's urban clinical hospital number 1 in the specialty "Children's ophthalmology". In addition, its experience is enshrined in clinical residency in the Research Institute of Eye Diseases. Helmholtz and in practice in Naples, where Dr. Poznyakova worked in the position of the head pediatric department Ophthalmologic clinic "Centro Oculistico Soviet".

Our clinic leads a paid children's oculist with an ophthalmologist of the highest category Poznyakov Tatiana Nikolaevna. It is a valid member of the Association of Children's Ophthalmologists of Russia, the Russian Association of Contact Correction Specialists and the invited TVCI teacher in Moscow. This is a doctor with a confirmed highest qualification category in the specialty ophthalmology.

In addition to her, consultation and treatment of young patients clinics can get from Zakharova N.A., young, but very promising and qualified specialist. Natalia Anatolyevna is not the first year consulting parents about the state of vision of their heirs and heirers. The doctor reached its current situation as a result of painstaking studies at the Moscow Medical College No. 2, having received a diploma with honors from " Nursing"Then there was a study at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University and a new diploma with honors on the" medical case ". The continuation of this education was the clinical boarding school at the Department of Eye Diseases of the FGBU" MNTK "Microsurgery of the eye". Academician S.N. Fedorova "and receiving a certificate of an ophthalmologist.

All our centers are equipped with the most modern equipment, and it is the necessary instrument arsenal and tools that should be in each modern ophthalmic clinic. And the presence in our state of such strong doctors allows you to invite with confidence and help all small patients. In the clinic Konovalova M.E. make it possible to see the world in all of his paints and colors!

ATTENTION: Primary examination It is carried out without contact lenses. For patients using contact lensesIt is recommended to remove lenses 1 day before survey.

Children's ophthalmologist services are sooner or late to all parents: some kids are born with deviations, others acquire them, and someone simply needs a qualified inspection for entering a section, school or kindergarten. But in any of these cases, a specialist must be a real professional of his case, and besides, be able to get along with children. The list of the best children's ophthalmologists of Moscow is presented later in the article.

Karamyshev P. B.

The right to open a list of the best children's ophthalmologists of the capital gets Pavel Borisovich Karayshev, a specialist with a small experience (only three years old), but at the same time an impressive ranking of 8.88 out of 10. This rating is drawn up on the basis of general professional information and the number of patient feedback with the "+" sign On different sites. Parents of young customers write that Pavel Borisovich is sincerely in love with his profession. It perfectly finds a common language with children, despite the little experience, knows everything about ophthalmology, and even more, and is still very talented, combining drug and procedural therapy, selecting individually proportions for each particular child.

The services of the ophthalmologist Karamyshev will cost from 3,000 rubles, and you can sign up for it in the 3Z clinic, on Boris Galushkina Street, 3.

Apaev A.V.

Alexander Vyacheslavovich Apayev is also a very good specialist in children's ophthalmology, practicing also eye surgery. This is a doctor S. higher level Qualifications, which successfully helps children with vision for 9 years and has a rating of 8 out of 10. Comments confirm the successes of Alexander Vyacheslavovich and in therapy, and in surgery. To many children, he helped to gain joy of view, someone corrected the squint or cured an eye infection. In all cases, this doctor works easily, with love for business and children.

Okulist Apaev is always waiting for their little patients in the Moscow Eye Clinic at the Semenov Lane, 11.

Kabanov I. B.

The real master of children's ophthalmology is Igor Borisovich Kabanov, Professor of Medicine and the doctor of the highest category with 39-year-old experience and rating of 7.62 out of 10. In the reviews, parents of patients call Igor Borisovich the best in their business. He knows how to adapt to each particular child, be kind and strict at the same time, at the same time equally professionally providing required help. Notes the amazing performance and dedication of Igor Borisovich. It is always open to help, even in the most difficult cases.

Leads this kindergarten ophthalmologist in the Polyclinic No. 6 " Medical services", Which is on Kola Street, 2/3. He also works in the" Health "clinic, which is located on the avenue of cosmonauts, 3b.

Kononov L. B.

Children's ophthalmologist of the Higher Category Leonid Borisovich Kononov, Candidate of Medical Sciences with 16-year-olds possessed. The rating of this specialist is 7.27 out of 10. Since Leonid Borisovich does the main emphasis on the eye surgery, in the comments, it is called a doctor with golden hands and a "jeweler", because his manipulations with eyes are actually virtuosite and return to children eyesight Even in very complex cases. Children are comfortable to be examined and treated with Leonid Borisovich, because he communicates perfectly with them, knows how to joke and console.

Ophthalmologist Kononov takes patients in the Morozovsky children's hospital, which is located in the fourth Dobryninsky Lane, 1/9.

Chubar V. S.

A very good specialist among paid children's ophthalmologists is Candidate of Sciences Veronica Stanislavovna Chubar, leading practice for 8 years and deserved a rating of 7.19 out of 10. All reviews found in the network, about the work of Veronica Stanislavovna exceptionally positive. Parents, extremely satisfied with the help and a good attitude towards their children, are called the doctor Merpers, a professional, a good and sincere woman. Also note that all recommendations, as well as the answers to the questions from Veronica Stanislavovna are deployed, clear and very sensible.

From Tuesday to Saturday, with a schedule from 9:00 to 20:30, the ophthalmologist Chubar is receiving in the clinic "Wonder-Doctor", which is located on the school Street, 49. The cost of its services is from 1,800 rubles.

Ryabenko O. I.

A good children's ophthalmologist with the highest category is Olga Ryabenko, working in a profession for 17 years. The rating of this specialist was 6.32 points out of 10. Olga Igorevna's customer parents very much like her feature to voice and explain each of their own action. Children are much more interesting to pass the inspection on the devices, as they receive answers to all their questions. The effect of the appointed recommendations of Olga Igorevna for some patients was already seen the next day.

Children's Okulist Ryabenko is looking forward to the "Ophthalnova" clinic, at the address of the first Nagatinsky passage, 11/1.

Zhukova N. N.

Children's Okulist of the Higher Category Natalia Nikolaevna Zhukova has a rating of 5.83 out of 10, working for profession for 24 years. Baby parents write that Natalia Nikolaevna is a very decent, patient and educated doctor. Neither children nor parents feel discomfort at the reception, she distracts toys, teenagers - conversations. And especially in Natalia Nikolaevna, parents like the fact that they can contact any question and get on it clear, reasonable, thoughtful answer.

The Cabinet of the Children's Ophthalmologist Zhukova "Optics" is located on the third Tver-Yamskaya Street 12/1. In addition, it works in the Zelenograd Children's Polyclinic No. 105.

Gladkova O. V.

Candidate of Medical Sciences Olga Vladimirovna Gladkov in the profession is only five years old, but has already earned a rating of 5.69 out of 10, as well as the basic customer base. And judging by their warm reviews, they love and appreciate Olga Vladimirovna. There are many comments in which parents call it the only one of the large numbers of doctors who could definitely diagnose eye disease In infants and solve this problem. And with children, and with parents, a specialist is very mila and courtesy.

Recording on the reception to the children's ophthalmologist is carried out in the following institutions:

  • Medical Center "SM clinic" on Volgograd Prospect, 42/12. Here the cost of reception will be from 2,350 rubles.
  • "Children's Clinic" on Gagarin Avenue, 5/5. The cost of services should be clarified in the registry by telephone, which can be found on the official website.

Kabulova N. B.

Good experience in the profession at the Children's Okulist Nina Borisovna Kabulova, which has the highest qualification category and 38 years old. The rating of the doctor is 5.39 out of 10. In the comments, "old hardening" Nina Borisovna is celebrated only in a positive way: no familiarity, unnecessary conversations or a mesh reception. The whole inspection, appointment, recommendations are strictly and in the case, but the attitude is good-natured, you can see the desire to listen, explain and help. Especially parents like that even with the 3-4-year-old children, the doctor does not survive, but speaks gently, but seriously, on equal, from which they are calm and judicively answer all her questions.

You can sign up for an ophthalmologist Kabulova in any of the two branches of the clinic "Niarmedik": on Malaseka Street, 6-8 / 4 and on the avenue of Marshal Zhukova, 38/1.

Plygunova N. L.

An even longer in the profession is Nina Leonidovna Plygunova - as many as 42 years. It has a doctorate degree in science and rating of 5.33 out of 10. In children's medicine, it fulfills the duties not only an oculist, but also an eye surgeon. Reviews of Children's ophthalmologist Nina Leonidovna are only good, grateful words. They write that she will never stop, just "hanging the baby on his nose glasses", first of all, thoroughly examine his health and look, what can be done to get rid of the problem. And judging by numerous comments, it really helps, restoring and improving vision even to the smallest children.

Plygunov's doctor is glad to take his patients in the "ophthalmic clinic of Dr. Yakovlev", which is located on Zoological Street, 22. She also works in the Podolsk branch of this clinic at: Lenin Avenue, 107/49.


Mikhail Dmitrievich Polyaritsky, Doctor of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category with 32-year-old experiences is a very good children's specialist. Mikhail Dmitrievich's rating is 5.28 out of 10. Comments about this doctor is very pleasant and interesting to read: Mikhail Dmitrievich, Mikhail Dmitrievich, also helped, and in a variety of situations. First of all, parents note his ability to adapt: \u200b\u200bclearly, judicially, always without delay, as well as the presence of the most modern equipment and such a warm appeal, that children even forget that they went to the doctor, and not just to visit a friend. All the manipulations with the eyes of Mikhail Dmitrievich explains and explains and explains the results of the tests and prescribes the most effective medicines and procedures.

At the reception to the children's ophthalmologist, the fire can be enrolled in the "clinic of eye diseases", located on Zoological Street, 22.

Dontsova S. M.

Completes the list of the best children's ophthalmologists Svetlana Mikhailovna Dontsova, doctor of the highest category with impressive 38-year-old experience. The rating specialist has 5 out of 10. In responses, the ability to make the ability to quickly and accurately diagnose, literally see it before inspection, subsequently confirming. Treatment of Svetlana Mikhailovna is always selected individually suitable for a specific child, which has a positive effect on the quality and accuracy of treatment.

Sign up for the reception to the ophthalmologist Dtzova in the following clinics:

  • GMS Clinic on the second Yamskaya Street, 9.
  • The branch of the same clinic on the first Nikoloshchepovsky lane, 6/1.
  • Clinic "Seagull" on the 26th kilometer of Novorizhskoe highway, 5.
  • The branch of the same clinic on Forest Street, 9.
  • As well as on Krylatskaya Street, 15/1.
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