Alpha center on the Frunze phone. Medical Center "Alpha Health Center" on Frunzenskaya

All vaccinations are given to both son and daughter in Alfa Zdrav. I recently got vaccinated against measles to avoid all sorts of horrors. Why here? The answer is simple - in this clinic is clean, when requested, they show a certificate for the vaccine. And then say that there have never been any serious consequences after vaccinations. I like the attitude of the staff towards children.

He was examined at the Alpha Zdrav Clinic for heart problems. Myocarditis was revealed, at this stage I am undergoing treatment. I see a clear improvement, for which I am very grateful to the cardiologist Shashkina. A good professional level is visible in everything, even from the first visit. Do not miss a single complaint. The clinic itself also likes, making an appointment through mobile app. I recommend the clinic, and especially to Dr. Shashkina!

At the Alpha Health Center clinic I go to the gynecologist Komendanskaya Natalya Anatolyevna. Always friendly, correct. I am an alarmist by nature, I am horrified even from a slight malaise. So she always reassures, tells in detail how the treatment will go. And in general, the clinic is of a decent standard, and here they are really treating, not extorting money.

I go to alpha for work insurance, that is, only for the case))) I have never encountered rudeness or any neglect on the part of employees. On the contrary, everyone is polite, correct, and, if necessary, they will tell you what you need. Doctors are also not bad, like (she was several times with a therapist and gynecologist, once with a cardiologist).

In alfazdrav I go to two specialists: a year to the cosmetologist Valko and 3 years to the dentist Kiseleva. The doctors are normal, they are happy with their work: both with their face and teeth)) this is very important for me since I work on local television. In terms of service, also not bad. Administrators, courteous nurses, never experienced rudeness.

Great clinic! I go for a massage, because my back hurts constantly due to an injury. I am recording directly from personal account The site is very convenient. I think a couple more months of sessions and I can walk normally without pain. So I recommend to everyone who is suffering with a back - go to Stepan Vladimirovich in the Alpha Health Center, you will not regret it)))

It is strange to see so much negativity. I have been going to Alpha Center for two years, primarily because I am being served there as an employee of Alfa Bank. I have never noticed a boorish or unprofessional attitude towards clients. All doctors really know their stuff.

During pregnancy, I have been observed at the Alpha Health Center at the gynecologist Marianna Anatolyevna Andrievskaya. Good womanas a specialist literate. At the ultrasound she spoke in great detail about the baby and how the pregnancy is going. It can be seen that a person loves his profession and is responsible for his work. In general, I was satisfied with the doctor.

There are, however, negative ones ...
I am observed in Alpha by the endocrinologist Vinogradskaya. I can’t say anything bad about her. Only those that are needed are prescribed. I know what I'm talking about, because hormones can be assigned tests for several thousand rubles at a time. I also do ultrasound once a year. In a word, the clinic does not deal with extortion of funds, and I am very happy about this.
There are, however, negative aspects: VHI includes a minimum of services, the rest are paid.

I was recorded with Fedorova at 17:40 on Saturday to clean my face. I was 20 minutes late (I understand my fault, but I expected that private clinics were loyal to customers, especially for ...
I was outraged by the unprofessionalism of the girls at the reception, the confusion and star sickness of the cosmetologist Fedorova Tatyana Gennadievna. I visited the clinic before, but everything was fine until the day before yesterday.
I was recorded with Fedorova at 17:40 on Saturday to clean my face. I was 20 minutes late (I understand my fault, but I expected private clinics to be loyal to clients, especially since they took 1500 rubles in 10 minutes of receiving a consultation.) The girl at the reception said that everything was ok and you can go to the doctor. I get up, knock on the office, it is closed from the inside, I waited 5 minutes, but no one opened it to me, although the doctor was inside !! Apparently, hid. Okay I went back down to the reception and asked what was the matter, asking me to contact the doctor. The girl contacted by internal telephone (that is, the doctor was inside the office!) And it turned out that the doctor was so offended by my lateness that she would not accept me anymore, moreover, the cleaning took 2 hours, and there was an hour before the clinic closed. ATTENTION! The doctor himself recorded me at 17:40, an hour and 20 minutes before the clinic was closed, we still didn’t have time according to the schedule, even with a timely arrival. I still asked for a little bit to accept me, (the fact itself seems unacceptable to me in a decent clinic), but they still refused me.
Okay, I asked to get me cleaned the next day. I was assigned to another doctor. But! The next day I called back to the clinic to clarify the record, and it turned out that the girl had signed me up for an hour-long procedure, although she claimed that this procedure took 2 hours! What is it like?? I had to make a second appointment with another doctor for a longer period of time. And, by the way, I will have to pay for the consultation again, because you can’t simply sign up for a cleaning in this clinic.
Dear clinic staff! Of course, I understand that dermatologist Fedorova Tatyana Gennadyevna is an unattainable star, and even it is difficult for the client to open the door personally and explain all the circumstances. Of course, it’s easier to pretend that no one is in the office, and let the client knock and wait at least another half hour at the door! Apparently, there are so many clients that star cosmetologists in your clinic are holding a competition about who to receive and who is not worthy.
-girls at the reception are confused in the recording
- the client is forced to beg to accept him
-client runs on floors trying to get a doctor’s location
- the doctor himself decides whether to descend to the client
- service as in a regular clinic
- principle: "who did not have time, he was late"

So, I was sent from one doctor to another! Analysis...
Legends about how they like to "direct" to excess and earn money in clinics have been heard ... but so that insolent!
I don’t know if the doctors of this clinic took an oath of “do no harm”, but it seems not!
I addressed the problem of fever, which lasts a long time. I have a VHI policy, respectively, my insurance covers all costs.
So, I was sent from one doctor to another! I tested for blood 6 times! did even an MRI and X-ray! and all this was outlined - we are trying to find a problem! For a minute - went around 8 doctors, 8 guys! and they all shrug their hands and just send them for another analysis within 5 minutes, and! an important point, 5 minutes of this conversation costs 2000 rubles! great business! ... and this has been going on for a month! but I'm sick, it’s not getting any better, there’s no sense or strength anymore ... Atrocity. There is no other name. And pumping money out of insurance.

It is amazing how in such a generally good clinic such an unskilled doctor as neurologist Moiseeva Irina Vladimirovna can work. Having paid not a small amount for the reception, I did not get an answer, the doctor was not able to give me a clear diagnosis, but, surprisingly, I did not send any additional examinations, I limited myself to general recommendations and standard recipes. I believe, that... It is amazing how in such a generally good clinic such an unskilled doctor as neurologist Moiseeva Irina Vladimirovna can work. Having paid not a small amount for the reception, I did not get an answer, the doctor was not able to give me a clear diagnosis, but, surprisingly, I did not send any additional examinations, I limited myself to general recommendations and standard recipes. I believe that such doctors undermine the reputation of honey. institutions.

Good day! Was at the appointment with the therapist N. Scherbakova. 12/20/15. The reception began with the fact that they made a remark to me that I was late, it was very unpleasant for me, since I was not late, I answered the doctor that I was not late. To which I received an answer - the computer shows that you are late, so you are late! I again replied: how could I be late if I recorded on ... Good day! Was at the appointment with the therapist N. Scherbakova. 12/20/15. The reception began with the fact that they made a remark to me that I was late, it was very unpleasant for me, since I was not late, I answered the doctor that I was not late. To which I received an answer - the computer shows that you are late, so you are late! I again answered: how could I be late if I made an appointment at 15:20, I arrived at 15:15 and I had to wait, because the doctor was busy, to which the doctor says: "You are still snapping !!!" I did not snap, I said everything correctly. The whole reception, we figured out the time late, instead of treating me, the feeling of my own rightness was more important for the doctor than my health. In the end, we found out that it was the reception staff who did not cancel the appointment. Initially, I was recorded at 14:40, and then moved the recording to 15:20, but I already managed to forget about it. I rightly noticed that it was Their mistake. To which I heard in response - "Well, I'm sorry, something is with the base, apparently. And then I came specially to 14:40, I'm sitting here waiting for you, but you are not there. Well, you understand, if you are late, we have all the patients moving ... "Sorry, but if the record really were canceled, that the doctor has the right to be out of the workplace during working hours, as far as I know, patients started at 9 a.m. and not at 14:40, what is it, does it mean that she came specially by this time? and about the turn it was funny and disgusting to listen, it was Sunday, there were almost no people in the clinic. And with those few people who came to the clinic on Sunday, one could work better. And if I were really late, and you want to make comments, do them tactfully, and if you don’t know how to do them, don’t do them at all! In addition, a professional doctor, working a little faster, would manage to accept all patients and not put the patient, the client of the clinic, in an uncomfortable position. The fact is that since the situation was reminiscent of an absurdity, all I wanted was to leave quickly and I asked the doctor to write me out sooner, but the more I asked, the slower she did everything and the whole reception seemed to me that they were just mocking me. More on the little things: sick leave lies in front of the doctor’s eyes, and she asks me (!) what date the sick-list is open and how many days I have been on sick-leave, sorry your doctors can’t read and count, she doesn’t see what figure is written before her eyes ???? Then I said that it’s all so unpleasant for me that I hope I won’t come to this clinic anymore, to which the doctor answers - well, don’t come around (is this normal ???), then I said that I would write to her complaint. “Well, write,” she answers me. I believe that such a level of service for the clinic of the Alpha Health Center is a disgrace, which means "You snap back !!!" Is it a doctor who allows himself to talk like this with a patient? And then even more interesting began, the doctor who came to the house didn’t put a stamp on my sick-list and then I myself had to call him and solve this problem during my work, the data on me was not displayed. And the doctor began to ask me what phone I called when I called the doctor (and I called by the phone number listed on your website, by the way) and do I have the right to contact them at all (I, by the way, went for insurance), found out finally what I have. But again, all this was extremely unpleasant for me. Finally, I left this terrible office and, wearing a coat, we met again with the same doctor - she went to find out why my reception was not canceled (she was late) and says to me: “well, you see , you have two insurances: old and new !!! " As if I’m to blame, I don’t care what bases you have all the time with! and then she apologized, but it was "on duty apologies with a smile" - "well, sorry, no one wanted to offend you!" They didn’t want to, but they offended. And again, this work is not the level of work of the Alpha Center Health, but the level of the district polyclinic, however, the doctor is more humane in the district polyclinic than you! She left with the feeling that the doctors are "Snickering and Feeling Their Impunity."

It’s better not to go to this clinic for money! He signed up his wife for gastroscopy with an endoscopist Muntean Nadezhda Yuryevna. As a result, she yelled at my wife, argued with her until she did the procedure !!! Instead of 15 minutes, they stayed in the center for 2 hours .. of them, an hour and 45 minutes were waiting for paper to pay !! Before coming 2 times I called the call-centr to clarify the cost of the procedure and ... It’s better not to go to this clinic for money! He signed up his wife for gastroscopy with an endoscopist Muntean Nadezhda Yuryevna. As a result, she yelled at my wife, argued with her until she did the procedure !!! Instead of 15 minutes, they stayed in the center for 2 hours .. of them, an hour and 45 minutes were waiting for paper to pay !! Before coming 2 times I called the call-centr to clarify the cost of the procedure and instead of the agreed 4000, paid 6500! Operators and doctors are not connected with each other, because he recorded his wife for a gastro with a biopsy, the doctor argued for 5 minutes that the biopsy was not needed when the direction was with him and showed. Madhouse in short ...

I do not agree that the reviews were written by interested people. She herself applied to this clinic for VHI .. And the gynecologist (Skidan T.N. chic doctor) was observed and got rid of the existing problems, and the ophthalmologist .. And she did two operations in the directions of this clinic ... Everything is at a very decent level. Thanks to the doctor !!!

Network of clinics "Alpha Health Center" in Moscow - multidisciplinary medical institutionopened in 2012. The area of \u200b\u200bthe center is 3200 sq.m. The clinic is equipped with the latest modern medical equipment, capable of receiving up to 800 patients per day. A network of clinics is a project of Alfa Insurance. In the network of clinics "Alpha Health Center" everyone is offered a full range of medical services.

The medical institution has an excellent laboratory base, due to which examinations and diagnostics, even of the most complex diseases, are carried out by highly qualified specialists with maximum accuracy. The main advantages of the clinic network "Alpha Health Center" are: effective treatment, lack of queues, polite and objective staff, nice interior.

The medical center provides a full range of outpatient care for adults and children in 12 cities of Russia: Moscow, Perm, Kirov, Samara, Saratov, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Murmansk, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don and Berezniki.

Each clinic "Alpha Health Center" - is more than 60 medical specialties, a children's department of a wide profile, all types of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, annual attachment programs for adults and children, diagnostic programs in narrow areas, vaccination, preventive examinations and medical examinations, an operation unit and an inpatient unit.

Advantages of Alpha Health Center:

  • A large federal network of clinics throughout Russia;
  • The provision of a full cycle of outpatient and diagnostic services at affordable prices at a convenient time;
  • High level of professionalism and qualification of clinic specialists;
  • Modern equipment from leading manufacturers;
  • The working hours of specialists allow timely receiving of services;
  • Lack of queues and preliminary appointment at a convenient time with subsequent SMS-informing, as a result, the most comfortable visit to clinics;
  • Save time thanks to the possibility of making an appointment on the site;
  • Own laboratory provides an opportunity in the shortest possible time and with high accuracy to obtain the results of analyzes;
  • Convenient location of clinics.

Medical Clinic Alfa Health Center (Komsomolsky Prospekt) on Frunzenskaya in Moscow:

From metro Frunzenskaya:

  • The last car from the center (there is only one exit into the city), get off the subway and go around the Mu-Mu cafe on the left side and go straight to the traffic light through the square. Go Komsomolsky Prospect just to the left of the pedestrian crossing you will see the Bavarius restaurant. You need to go around the Bavarius restaurant on the left and walk 150 meters into the courtyards. The clinic building is a 3-story sand-colored building with a green roof.

From metro Park Kultury:

  • On foot: Leaving the Park Kultury metro station (ring), turn right and go straight along the overpass along Komsomolsky Prospekt toward the Frunzenskaya metro station. You need to get to the stop “1st Frunzenskaya Street”, this is the third stop along the route or the third traffic light from the Garden Ring. Before stopping, cross the crosswalk to the opposite side of Komsomolsky Prospekt. A little to the left of the pedestrian crossing you will see the Bavarius restaurant. You need to go around the Bavarius restaurant on the left and walk 150 meters into the courtyards. The clinic building is a 3-story sand-colored building with a green roof.
  • By public transport: After leaving the Park Kultury metro station (ring), turn right and walk 50 meters to the stop of trolleybus number 28. You need to drive to the stop "1st Frunzenskaya street", which will be the third in a row. Before stopping, cross the crosswalk to the opposite side of Komsomolsky Prospekt. A little to the left of the pedestrian crossing you will see the Bavarius restaurant. You need to go around the Bavarius restaurant on the left and walk 150 meters into the courtyards. The clinic building is a 3-story sand-colored building with a green roof.

Nearest metro:

  • Frunzenskaya: 520 m.
  • Culture Park: 1.2 km.
  • Culture Park: 1.3 km.

Nearest stops:

  • 1st Frunzenskaya street: 210 m.
  • Kseninsky Lane: 560 m.
  • Building exhibition: 660 m.
  • Elansky Street: 1.2 km.

Making an appointment at Alfazdrav on Frunzenskaya

Independent electronic appointment and consultation with a doctor at the Alpha Health Center clinic in Moscow.

Here you can make an appointment with the doctor.

Schedule of doctors at Alfa Health Center

Private multidisciplinary clinic Alfa Health Center in Moscow provides services for adults and children. Sign up for consultations of highly qualified medical specialists:

Clinic employees are highly qualified specialists, holders of medical categories and many years of work experience. The selection of candidates is carried out using computer tests developed by our company for all medical specialties based on systems medical education US and UK.

The clinic launched an electronic personal account for patients. The exclusive service not only makes it possible to make an appointment with the doctor online, but also takes care of your health and allows you to always have at hand a personalized personalized electronic card where health information is stored: history of clinic visits, diagnoses, appointments.

Doctors and specialists

  • Abaeva Halimat Alievna
  • Kossovich Irina Nikolaevna (experience 22 years, 1 category): obstetrician, ultrasound doctor, gynecologist
  • Skidan Tatyana Nikolaevna
  • Khechumyan Lusine Robertovna
  • Yaschenko Elena Nikolaevna


  • Gevorkyan Natalia Ivanovna
  • Timoshina Elena Vladimirovna
  • Khludova Lyudmila Gennadevna


  • Bakurova Vera Anatolevna
  • Valko Julia Alexandrovna
  • Latysheva Oksana Petrovna
  • Melamed Ksenia Alexandrovna

General doctor:

  • Unguryan Andrey Vasilievich (experience 16 years): general practitioner

Ultrasound Doctor:

  • Abaeva Halimat Alievna (experience 9 years, 1 category, candidate of medical sciences): obstetrician, ultrasound doctor, gynecologist
  • Andrievskaya Marianna Anatolyevna (experience 22 years, 1 category): obstetrician, ultrasound doctor, gynecologist
  • Kossovich Irina Nikolaevna (experience 22 years, 1 category): obstetrician, ultrasound doctor, gynecologist
  • Kutuzova Evgenia Vladimirovna (experience 24 years, 1 category): ultrasound doctor
  • Nasyrova Karina Ilyasovna (experience 21 years): ultrasound doctor
  • Skidan Tatyana Nikolaevna (13 years experience, 1 category): obstetrician, ultrasound doctor, gynecologist
  • Trubin Sergey Leonidovich
  • Faller Olga Igorevna (experience 25 years, 1 category): ultrasound doctor


  • Bakurova Vera Anatolevna (experience 8 years): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist
  • Valko Julia Alexandrovna (10 years experience, 1 category): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist
  • Latysheva Oksana Petrovna (experience 20 years): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist
  • Melamed Ksenia Alexandrovna (experience 6 years, category 2): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist


  • Gal Julia Nikolaevna (13 years experience): gastroenterologist
  • Zhavoronkova Julia Vladimirovna (experience 10 years, category 2): gastroenterologist
  • Polenov Alexey Mikhailovich
  • Churikova Alevtina Alekseevna


  • Abaeva Halimat Alievna (experience 9 years, 1 category, candidate of medical sciences): obstetrician, ultrasound doctor, gynecologist
  • Andrievskaya Marianna Anatolyevna (experience 22 years, 1 category): obstetrician, ultrasound doctor, gynecologist
  • Kossovich Irina Nikolaevna (experience 22 years, 1 category): obstetrician, ultrasound doctor, gynecologist
  • Skidan Tatyana Nikolaevna (13 years experience, 1 category): obstetrician, ultrasound doctor, gynecologist
  • Khechumyan Lusine Robertovna (2 years experience, 2 category, candidate of medical sciences): obstetrician, gynecologist
  • Yaschenko Elena Nikolaevna (33 years experience, highest category): obstetrician, gynecologist


  • Bakurova Vera Anatolevna (experience 8 years): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist
  • Valko Julia Alexandrovna (10 years experience, 1 category): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist
  • Latysheva Oksana Petrovna (experience 20 years): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist
  • Melamed Ksenia Alexandrovna (experience 6 years, category 2): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist

Children's allergist:

  • Gevorkyan Natalia Ivanovna (experience 25 years, 1 category, candidate of medical sciences): allergist, pediatric allergist, immunologist
  • Timoshina Elena Vladimirovna (experience 17 years, candidate of medical sciences): allergist, pediatric allergist, immunologist
  • Fedoseenko Marina Vladislavovna (experience 15 years, candidate of medical sciences): allergist, pediatric allergist, immunologist
  • Khludova Lyudmila Gennadevna (4 years experience): allergist, pediatric allergist, immunologist

Children's gastroenterologist:

  • Churikova Alevtina Alekseevna (experience 19 years, 1 category, candidate of medical sciences): gastroenterologist, pediatric gastroenterologist

Children's gynecologist:

  • Nikolaeva Anna Sergeevna (experience 14 years): pediatric gynecologist

Children's dermatologist:

  • Bakurova Vera Anatolevna (experience 8 years): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist
  • Valko Julia Alexandrovna (10 years experience, 1 category): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist
  • Latysheva Oksana Petrovna (experience 20 years): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist
  • Melamed Ksenia Alexandrovna (experience 6 years, category 2): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist

Pediatric Cardiologist:

  • Berezneva Natalia Anatolyevna (experience 26 years, highest category, MD): pediatric cardiologist

Children's ENT:

  • Bugaeva Lyudmila Anatolevna
  • (experience 4 years, category 2): children's ENT, ENT
  • Isaeva Tamara Abdurahimovna
  • Korobeinikov Oleg Vitalievich
  • Rozmanov Evgeny Olegovich

Children's massage therapist:

  • Ankudinova Elena Yuryevna
  • Petukhov Yaroslav Olegovich

Pediatric oncologist:

  • Kazantseva Elena Vladimirovna

Children's orthopedist:

Children's ophthalmologist:

  • Luginin Pavel Leonidovich
  • Lysin Evgeny Igorevich

Children's dentist:

  • Indina Elena Aleksandrovna
  • Kodzoeva Aza Hamzatovna (9 years experience): children's dentist
  • Chechenova Zalina Safarbievna

Pediatric urologist:

  • Slesarev Vyacheslav Viktorovich

Children's surgeon:

  • Slesarev Vyacheslav Viktorovich (experience 20 years, highest category, candidate of medical sciences): pediatric urologist, pediatric surgeon

Pediatric endocrinologist:

  • Pisareva Elena Alexandrovna (experience 12 years, candidate of medical sciences): pediatric endocrinologist


  • Mufteeva Guzel Rafaelovna (36 years experience): nutritionist


  • Gevorkyan Natalia Ivanovna (experience 25 years, 1 category, candidate of medical sciences): allergist, pediatric allergist, immunologist
  • Timoshina Elena Vladimirovna (experience 17 years, candidate of medical sciences): allergist, pediatric allergist, immunologist
  • Fedoseenko Marina Vladislavovna (experience 15 years, candidate of medical sciences): allergist, pediatric allergist, immunologist
  • Khludova Lyudmila Gennadevna (4 years experience): allergist, pediatric allergist, immunologist


  • Mironova Ekaterina Sergeevna (experience 9 years, category 2): cardiologist
  • Pugacheva Natalya Vladimirovna (experience 30 years, highest category): cardiologist
  • Bugaeva Lyudmila Anatolevna (experience 4 years, category 2): children's ENT, ENT
  • Dobrova Violetta Vladimirovna (experience 4 years, category 2): children's ENT, ENT
  • Isaeva Tamara Abdurahimovna (experience 14 years, 1 category, candidate of medical sciences): children's ENT, ENT
  • Korobeinikov Oleg Vitalievich (experience 31 years): children's ENT, ENT
  • Rozmanov Evgeny Olegovich (3 years experience): children's ENT, ENT
  • Utsika Inga Yurievna (7 years experience): ENT
  • Chekaldina Elena Vladimirovna (experience 8 years, candidate of medical sciences): ENT


  • Banny Dmitry Alexandrovich
  • Kazantseva Elena Vladimirovna (7 years experience): pediatric oncologist, mammologist, oncologist


  • Shvets Stepan Vladimirovich (experience 8 years): chiropractor


  • Ankudinova Elena Yuryevna (experience 15 years, 1 category): children's massage therapist, massage therapist
  • Enichev Pavel Leonidovich (13 years experience): massage therapist
  • Petukhov Yaroslav Olegovich (experience 12 years, category 2): children's massage therapist, massage therapist

Expert in narcology:

  • Lobzakova Inna Eduardovna


  • Zakirova Victoria Gennadyevna (experience 14 years): neurologist
  • Kubyshta Svetlana Mikhailovna (experience 16 years, 1 category): neurologist
  • Potapova Lyubov Olegovna
  • Silaev Vitaliy Aleksandrovich (9 years experience): neurologist
  • Banny Dmitry Alexandrovich (experience 31 years, highest category): mammologist, oncologist
  • Kazantseva Elena Vladimirovna (7 years experience): pediatric oncologist, mammologist, oncologist
  • Elizarov Pavel Mikhailovich
  • Pavlenko Sergey Valerevich
  • Sidorkin Dmitry Nikolaevich

Ophthalmologist (optometrist):

  • Luginin Pavel Leonidovich (experience 6 years): pediatric ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist (optometrist)
  • Lysin Evgeny Igorevich (experience 11 years, category 2): pediatric ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist (optometrist)
  • Avanesova Karina Pavlovna (experience 36 years): pediatrician
  • Lamasova Anastasia Denisovna (4 years experience): pediatrician
  • Makushina Elena Dmitrievna (experience 28 years): pediatrician
  • Plakhova Irina Vadimovna (23 years experience): pediatrician
  • Plenskovskaya Nina Yurievna
  • Sebeleva Natalya Aleksandrovna (experience 17 years): pediatrician
  • Sergeeva Tatyana Sergeevna (11 years experience): pediatrician
  • Toktareva Larisa Rubenovna (experience 28 years): pediatrician
  • Chikina Ekaterina Alekseevna (13 years experience): pediatrician
  • Shestakova Evgenia Alexandrovna (experience 18 years, 1 category): pediatrician


  • Travnikova Anastasia Vitalievna (experience 14 years, candidate of medical sciences): proctologist
  • Trofimova Olga Yuryevna

Occupational pathologist:

  • Nesterov Boris Viktorovich


  • Zheleznova Maria Vladimirovna
  • Lobzakova Inna Eduardovna (experience 23 years, 1 category): narcologist, psychiatrist


  • Grebenyuk Ekaterina Aleksandrovna (experience 19 years, candidate of medical sciences): psychotherapist
  • Zheleznova Maria Vladimirovna (experience 23 years, candidate of medical sciences): psychiatrist, psychotherapist
  • Zagorodnova Julia Borisovna (experience 15 years, 2 category, candidate of medical sciences): psychotherapist
  • Team Elizabeth Alexandrovna (7 years experience): psychiatrist, psychotherapist


  • Dityatyeva Svetlana Sergeevna (experience 21 years): radiologist
  • Nikiforova Angelica Alexandrovna (7 years experience): radiologist
  • Sultanov Danil Rizifovich (experience 9 years, category 2): radiologist


  • Pavlyushin Andrey Dmitrievich
  • Potapova Lyubov Olegovna (experience 20 years, 1 category): neurologist, reflexologist
  • Fedotova Natalya Alexandrovna (9 years experience): neurologist, reflexologist


  • Baleeva Rimma Sergeevna (experience 15 years, 2 category): dentist
  • Denisova Maria Anatolyevna (experience 12 years, candidate of medical sciences): dentist
  • Indina Elena Aleksandrovna (experience 17 years): pediatric dentist, dentist
  • Kiseleva Ekaterina Ramonovna
  • Kuzhanova Anneta Magametovna (experience 14 years): dentist
  • Pavlova Marina Leonidovna (experience 26 years, highest category, candidate of medical sciences): dentist
  • Pleshkov Ilya Vitalievich (experience 8 years, category 2): dentist
  • Popova Svetlana Aleksandrovna (9 years experience): dentist
  • Timokhov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich (experience 21 years, 1 category): dentist
  • Chechenova Zalina Safarbievna (experience 5 years, category 2): pediatric dentist, dentist

Orthopedic Dentist:

  • Bessonov Vitaliy Olegovich (7 years experience, highest category): orthopedic dentist
  • Bychkov Andrey Anatolyevich (15 years experience): orthopedic dentist
  • Manuntseva Olesya Vyacheslavovna (9 years experience): orthopedic dentist

Dental surgeon:

  • Kiseleva Ekaterina Ramonovna (experience 12 years, 1 category): dentist, dental surgeon
  • Krasnikova Tatyana Valerevna (experience 15 years, 1 category, candidate of medical sciences): dentist, dental surgeon
  • Lokhmatikova Natalya Vladimirovna (experience 8 years): dentist, dental surgeon


  • Bakirov Kasim Hamitovich (43 years of experience, candidate of medical sciences): general practitioner
  • Galushina Taisiya Dmitrievna (work experience 6 years): therapist
  • Gorovaya Elena Dmitrievna (37 years experience): therapist
  • Demidova Evgenia Andreevna (experience 8 years): therapist
  • Ivanova Elena Petrovna (experience 22 years, 1 category): therapist
  • Lomakin Sergey Vladimirovich (experience 19 years): therapist
  • Loushkina Olga Mikhailovna (7 years experience): general practitioner
  • Martynov Nikita Viktorovich (experience 11 years, 1 category): therapist
  • Mitusova Galina Viktorovna (experience 7 years, 1 category): therapist
  • Mikheev Victor Alexandrovich (38 years experience, highest category): general practitioner
  • Mostovnek Maria Vladimirovna: therapist
  • Nesterov Boris Viktorovich (experience 11 years): occupational pathologist, therapist
  • Oleinikova Anastasia Nikolaevna (experience 12 years, category 2): therapist
  • Pavlyushin Andrey Dmitrievich (experience 39 years, highest category): reflexologist, therapist
  • Petrova Anastasia Andreevna (work experience 6 years): therapist
  • Polenov Alexey Mikhailovich (experience 27 years, highest category, candidate of medical sciences): gastroenterologist, therapist
  • Rakhmatullina Albina Rinatovna (experience 3 years, category 2): therapist
  • Savina Alexandra Vyacheslavovna (experience 15 years, 1 category): therapist
  • Samartseva Larisa Evgenievna (length of service 28 years, highest category): general practitioner
  • Sergeeva Alexandra Yurievna (11 years experience): therapist
  • Sergeeva Marina Mikhailovna (experience 14 years): therapist
  • Starostenkova Veronika Aleksandrovna (work experience 6 years): therapist
  • Khrisanfov Sergey Anatolyevich (experience 30 years, 2 category, candidate of medical sciences): general practitioner
  • Chukho Zarema Asfarovna (experience 16 years): therapist


  • Elizarov Pavel Mikhailovich (experience 26 years, highest category, candidate of medical sciences): orthopedist, traumatologist
  • Kolodko Alexander Konstantinovich (experience 8 years): pediatric orthopedist, traumatologist
  • Pavlenko Sergey Valerevich (experience 8 years, 1 category): traumatologist, orthopedist
  • Sidorkin Dmitry Nikolaevich (experience 11 years, 1 category): orthopedist, traumatologist


  • Bakurova Vera Anatolevna (experience 8 years): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist
  • Valko Julia Alexandrovna (10 years experience, 1 category): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist
  • Latysheva Oksana Petrovna (experience 20 years): venereologist, cosmetologist, dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist
  • Kirichenko Sergey Alexandrovich (experience 20 years): urologist
  • Trubin Sergey Leonidovich (experience 11 years, 1 category): ultrasound doctor, urologist


  • Pichugina Elena Vitalievna (experience 25 years, 2 category, candidate of medical sciences): physiotherapist

Functional diagnostician:

  • Ilyina Elena Sergeevna (experience 11 years, category 2): functional diagnostician
  • Plenskovskaya Nina Yurievna (length of service 36 years): pediatrician, functional diagnostician
  • Pudovkina Feruza Yunusovna (8 years experience): functional diagnostician
  • Seliverstova Ekaterina Gennadevna (experience 13 years, category 2): neurologist, functional diagnostician
  • Mantsyzova Anna Gennadievna (experience 39 years, highest category): surgeon


  • Kamaeva Olga Vyacheslavovna (4 years experience): endocrinologist
  • Urbanova Ksenia Alexandrovna (experience 16 years): endocrinologist


  • Babajanyan Harutyun Radionovich (5 years experience): endoscopist
  • Trofimova Olga Yuryevna (experience 4 years, category 2): proctologist, endoscopist

Prices for Alfa Health Center services - price list

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For more information about the cost and timing of services, please contact the sales department.

Personal Account Alfa Health Center

Clinic "Alpha Health Center" has launched an electronic personal account for patients. The exclusive service not only makes it possible to make an appointment with the doctor online, but also takes care of your health and allows you to always have at hand a personalized personalized electronic card where health information is stored: history of clinic visits, diagnoses, appointments. New results of diagnostic and laboratory tests are automatically downloaded.

Personal account features:

  • Record to the doctor at a convenient time from your phone, tablet, computer.
  • Your medical record always with you: appointments, recommendations, research results.
  • Information about the doctors.
  • Reminders for medical appointments and medication.
  • Tracking health indicators (sugar, cholesterol, etc.).
  • Sync Apple Health data with fitness bracelets and smart gadgets.

In order for the results of the examinations to be downloaded to the electronic personal account, you must inform the registrar when you visit the clinic that you want to activate your personal account.

The functions of the electronic personal account allow you to comprehensively monitor your health. Deposit important information about allergic reactions, vaccinations, blood type, hereditary factors. Receive a reminder to take medication, vitamins, or other medications with one of convenient ways: push notification, SMS or e-mail.

Children's department "Alfa-Center Health"

More than 50 doctors of various specialties. Specialists of the first and highest category, with work experience of 10 years or more.

The clinic of Healthy Childhood also has a powerful laboratory diagnostic tool base:

  • own laboratory;
  • endoscopy;
  • x-ray
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • rheoencephalography (REG);
  • electroencephalography (EEG);
  • electrocardiography (ECG);
  • holter blood pressure monitoring (holter);
  • function external respiration (FVD).

Facilities for children:

  • Personal coordinator is a clinic employee who is always in touch. He organizes a reception, reminds about vaccinations, adds calmness and confidence in the life of mom and dad;
  • An emergency doctor-pediatrician in an emergency will always answer your call at any time;
  • Prevention and treatment of children of any age (from 0 to 17 years);
  • Doctors of main specializations in one clinic;
  • Clinic work on weekends and holidays;
  • Departure to the house of doctors of the main specializations (pediatrician, neurologist, surgeon, orthopedic traumatologist, ophthalmologist);
  • Modern equipment and modern laboratory diagnostics.

In addition to admission to the clinic, it is possible to go home to patients with all the necessary equipment. Therefore, if parents cannot bring their child to Komsomolsky Prospekt, the doctors will definitely come to you themselves. This service is valid not only in Moscow, but also at a distance of 30 km. from MKAD. In addition, for the convenience of parents at home, you can organize "health days" when several specialists examine a child at once.

Help for kindergarten and schools:

  • form 026 / у for kindergarten and school (this form can be issued in 2 days);
  • temporary care disability certificate;
  • certificate of contacts with infectious patients;
  • certificate for the kindergarten / school about the disease;
  • form 063 / y (for vaccination);
  • help to the pool;
  • health resort card;
  • help for departing to the camp;
  • help for clubs, sports sections.

Dentistry "Alfa-Center Health"

The dental center provides all the necessary conditions for conducting medical procedures. Own laboratories allow you to undergo examination at an affordable price. Quality and safety requirements are complied with at the level of international standards.

In the dental clinic, dentistry is fully available to patients:

  • Treatment of caries, pulpitis.
  • Surgery (tooth extraction, frenum correction, bone grafting).
  • Prosthetics (installation of crowns, facets, production of removable dentures).
  • Implantation using strong, durable bases.
  • Tooth-saving operations.
  • Plaque removal, enamel cleaning.
  • Therapy of defects in the oral cavity.
  • Correction of a bite, elimination of perforations of a tooth.
  • Installation of braces and plates.
  • High-quality whitening based on the ZOOM system.

Do not delay visiting a dentist if you are concerned about the following symptoms:

  • Characteristic swelling of the face.
  • Toothache.
  • Elevated body temperature.
  • Puffiness, unnatural gum color.
  • Strong headache.
  • Lethargy, sleep disturbance.
  • There is a pronounced destruction of the enamel.
  • The dentition is bent and its correction is required.
  • The surface layer of enamel has turned yellow top part a tooth.
  • Bad breath.

Preparation for treatment begins with information about the medical history (medical history). If necessary, a panoramic picture of the jaw is assigned, on which you can see the foci of inflammation, the condition of the teeth.

Attached by VHI for the third year (the choice of my organization). You can take tests, there are very few worthy doctors. If I had to pay myself, I would probably demand the basis of such prices, since the admission costs an average of 2000 rubles, but, as I noticed, very often doctors do nothing but look at the throat and measure the pressure. I got a cold, as a result, they put sinusitis, which apparently did not heal, since after three weeks I again turned to them with the same symptoms. But this time, all the doctors, including the head, spread their hands and made it clear that I just needed a vacation. Nothing that I have 39.5 and my nose is not breathing? As I remember, the neurologist (Silaev), ENT (Korobeinikov, Dobrova, Chekaldina, were also examined by doctors, but for some reason they are not displayed on my card, so I can’t write their name), endocrinologist Kamaev, therapist Samartseva, who is clearly not I was happy that I came to her, and apparently could not say anything. As a result, she called the manager, who was also clearly not very happy that she needed to do something. As a result, they put an assumption on, as I think, the wrong diagnosis and once again sent to retake the tests. As a result, I went to the ENT specialist for cuckoos and waited for a miracle until my head hurt and I went to do a CT scan myself (I had to study through the Internet what it is, why no one said anything about it, I don’t understand). As a result, I had pansinusitis (as I understand it, sinusitis was not treated and it grew into pansinusitis). As I remember well, the doctors at the hospitalization were shocked at how I was "treated." By some miracle, I did not go on vacation, although I regularly heard recommendations, and decided to do CT first. What could happen to me if I still listened to these miracle doctors? I don’t even want to write. So think a hundred times before you go there. For such a price tag, I think there are more worthy places with competent doctors. As for the dentist, I was treating Pavlova, it seemed worthy, but so far very little time has passed and, frankly, after that situation, the general impression about this institution is terrible. There was also a case when I came with a child (1.1 years old), I heard a promise from employees that they would look after him while I would do the procedure, and as a result, the child walked around the clinic alone and looked for me ... He walked alone through the corridor with stairs, a door to the street, shouted: "Mom" ... And the girls at the reception in children's department, from which I heard the promise to watch, did not even look in his direction! Of course, then they called me (after I left them a complaint) and apologized, but just think about what could be ...

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