Tablets Activated coal: instruction for adults and children for cleansing, price and reviews. How to use activated carbon activated carbon

Each in the first-aid kit has a stock of activated carbon in case of poisoning. But far from everyone knows how much it is universally. Today we will look at what has been capable of activated carbon, instructions for the use of tablets for adults and children, as well as possible harm from their reception.

What makes activated carbon and how it acts

Activated coal is made from any natural materials containing a hydrocarbon. For this purpose, use:

  • charcoal;
  • peatlands;
  • shell from walnut or coconut nuts;
  • bones from apricots, olives and many other fruit crops.

To obtain a finite product, the raw materials are subjected to burning in airless space, then crushed and treated with acid and ferry at temperatures up to 1000 o C. As a result, a porous substance is formed with adsorbing and catalytic properties. Due to the first property, activated coal is able to attract various harmful impurities to its surface, thereby cleansing the medium in which it is placed. The action as a catalyst consists in enhancing the rate of chemical reactions.

The use of activated carbon as an effective adsorbent is practiced in a wide variety of spheres of human life:

  • in the chemical industry;
  • in gold mining technology;
  • in the production of devices for purification of water and air;
  • in medicine;
  • in cosmetology.

We are only interested in the benefits and harprece for human health, so we will stop more details on the medical sphere.

From which activated carbon helps

Acting on the body as an adsorbent, coal absorbs all toxins and poisons. And what is important, it also does not remove without a trace from the body.

Indications to the use of activated carbon are:

In total, there are about 4,000 substances that coal are able to derive from the human body. Among them are bacterial toxins, poisons, alkaloids, glycosides, sinyl acid, phenol derivatives, hypnotics, etc.

What is still useful:

  1. Coal is used not only in poisoning, but also for the prophylactic cleaning of the body from toxins.
  2. Solving the problems with digestion, the remedy simultaneously accelerates the metabolism, for which it is drunk when dealing with overweight.
  3. Alcohol intoxication is one of the testimony to use. But the remedy can be taken in advance, thereby avoiding the hangover the next day.
  4. Coal is capable of cleaning the body not only from the inside, but also outside. To do this, it is used as a component of skin cleansing masks.
  5. If you do not dissolve coal powder in water, its particles have good abrasive properties. For example, they qualitatively scroll on the surface of the teeth.

Another advantage of activated carbon is its availability. The average price per pack is only 30 rubles.

How quickly acts

It is difficult to definitely answer the question, acroccing activated carbon. It depends on several factors:

  • release form;
  • the age of the patient;
  • the number of food consumed;
  • acidity of the stomach.

The drug is produced in the form of powder, tablets and capsules. Coal in capsules is suitable for those who are unpleasant tool. But if it is more important for you, after how much the drug will work, it is better to choose powder soluble in water or pills. The effect of them you will feel already in the first 5-10 minutes after the reception.

How to drink activated coal

Instructions for the use of coal tablets varies depending on the age and weight of the patient, as well as the purpose of using the means. To begin with, consider how to properly drink activated carbon in adulthood.

When applying the drug in preventive purposes and for cleansing the body, the daily dosage of adult is 250 mg (1 tablet) for every 10 kg of patient weight. It must be divided into 3 receptions during the day. Drink coal on an empty stomach before meals, or after it for 2-3 hours. The duration of the course is not more than 5 days.

Also, with the help of coal, clean the intestines can be cleaned at home. To do this, it is necessary for a week once a day before drinking to drink 1 tbsp. Coal powder dissolved in a glass of water.

How to drink in poisoning

How much it is necessary to drink the tablets of activated carbon in poisoning, can be defined only after estimating the level of intoxication.

Usually, the dosage is calculated according to the standard scheme - 1 tablet by 10 kg of weight, but with strong poisoning it is permissible to add additional 2-3 tablets. Moreover, the entire amount of medication is accepted for 1 time accompanied by a large amount of water.

If, after one-time reception, the symptoms are not gone, you can continue to drink coal for 2-3 tablets every 2 hours before relief.

How to drink when heartburn

Activated coal is able to neutralize the hydrochloric acid of the stomach, so successfully applies to eliminate the symptoms of heartburn. But it is necessary to take it only in powder or pills, and not in the form of gelatin capsules that do not affect the esophagus, and begin to act only in the stomach.

To eliminate the attack of heartburn, there are enough 3-4 tablets, diluted with water or milk to the state of the casher. A good effect also gives a mixture of 25G carbon powder and 10g ginger root. For the treatment and prevention of heartburn, it takes 1 tsp. Three times a day, drinking a glass of water.

Does the diarrhess

The efficiency of coal with intestinal disorder will depend on the cause of its occurrence. If diarrhea arose due to long-term intake of antibiotics or viral infection, then it is not worth counting on the coal. But if the cause of diarrhea became food poisoning, then the tool will help eliminate the fermentation and growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine.

Diarrhea is accepted standard for adult dosage in an amount of 250mg per 10 kg of weight. With a strong intestinal disorder to it, one more tablet can be added. Only with diarrhea, this dosage is accepted not at once, but 1 tablet every 3 minutes. For picking, it is good to use water with lemon juice, which will help the drug to cope with pathogenic bacteria.

How to take with meteorism

When the abdomen is bloated by the following coal reception scheme:

  1. On the first day they drink 1 tablet 4 times a day.
  2. On the second day, the dosage is increased by 2 times.
  3. From the third day I drink 3 tablets for 1 reception.

If after 5 days of treatment, the problem did not leave, you should contact a specialist, because the meteorism can only be a symptom of more serious disorders of the gastrointestinal bodies.

With abdominal pain

First of all, it is necessary to find out the reason for the occurrence of pain. If this gastritis exacerbation, Taking the drug will help relieve irritation of the gastric mucosa, thereby reducing the pain.

They drink it 4 tablets 4 times a day for 2-3 days.

Coal will benefit only with gastritis with increased acidity. If the acidity is lowered, the drug will even stronger the amount of gastric juice and enzymes, and the food will digest even worse.

What are coal pills for? The use and purpose of this fund will be described in this article. We also talk about the properties of the drug mentioned, its side effects and contraindications.

Composition, packaging

Coal tablets contain an animal coal or vegetable origin, which has been subjected to special processing. Usually, this agent is produced by 0.5 and 0.25 g in cell or paper packs.

Basic information and analogues

Coal tablets are an adsorbent, a detoxifying agent. Most often, the drug called "Activated Coal" is used. This is the most affordable enterosorbent used to purify the body of slags, allergens and toxins. The drug under consideration is widely used for weight loss (as an auxiliary) and in the treatment of skin and intestinal diseases.

In addition to actions, such drugs like "Carbaktin", the fruits of the cherry, "Carbophect", "Microsorb-P", "Carboosorb", "Ultra-adsorb", "Lopedium", "Sorbek", magnesium peroxide, "Stopman" .

The effect of the drug

How do coal tablets affect the human body? The instruction attached to this tool claims that it is an anti-diabey, disintellation and adsorbing drug with high surface activity. After taking this medication in the human body, substances are associated, which reduce surface energy without any changes in their chemical nature.

According to experts, coal tablets sorbitize a number of such compounds such as barbiturates, alkaloids, gases, salicylates, glycosides, toxins and salts of heavy metals. Doctors argue that under the action of this drug, the absorption of these substances in the gastrointestinal tract is significantly reduced, and their elimination of the body together with feces is simplified.

Features of medication

Coal tablets for active and with hemoperfusion. They have a weak adsorption in relation to alkalis and acids, including iron, molation, cyanides, methanol and ethylene glycol.

This medication does not irritate the mucous membranes of internal organs, and in the case of local application, healing wounds and ulcers is significantly accelerated.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, coal tablets are recommended for the first few hours or immediately after poisoning.

In the process of intoxication therapy, it is necessary to create an excess of coal in the stomach (directly before it washed) and the intestine (after the immediate washing of the stomach). It should also be noted that high dosages of this drug are required if the digestive system has dietary masses. Thus, they will be sorbed by coal, which will prevent their further suction.

The low concentration of the medication under consideration leads to the suction and desorption of the associated substance. In this case, re-washing the stomach, as well as the purpose of coal warns the resorption of the released toxins.

If human poisoning was triggered by substances that are actively involved in enterogeptic circulation (for example, those drugs such as "indomethacin", heart glycosides, "morphine" and other opiates), then the pills must be taken continuously for several days.

The special efficiency of the adsorbent under consideration is observed in hemoperfusion after acute poisoning "glittetimide", "Theophylline" or barbiturates.

Indications for receiving coal

About how to drink coal tablets for cleansing, we told a little lower.

The following states consider indications to use this drug:

  • dyspepsia;
  • diarrhea;
  • dysentery;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • meteorism and other fermentation and rotting processes in the intestines;
  • food toxicoinfection;
  • juice;
  • allergic reactions;

  • acute poisoning, including alkaloids and glycosides;
  • poisoning salts of heavy metals;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • salmonellosis;
  • viral hepatitis chronic and sharp;
  • burn disease in the stage of septicotoxmia and toxmia;
  • renal failure chronic;
  • atopic dermatitis.

It should also be noted that activated carbon tablets are often prescribed to reduce gas formation in the intestine, in the process of preparation for X-ray and ultrasound. In addition, they are allowed to use for weight loss as an additional fund, but only after consulting with a specialist and choosing an adequate diet.

Bans for appointment

Before drinking coal pills, be sure to get acquainted with their contraindications to use. The medication in question is prohibited to be used in the following cases:

  • with high individual sensitivity to corner;
  • with ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal organs;
  • when bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with non-specific ulcerative colitis;
  • under the bowel atony;
  • with the simultaneous reception of antitoxic drugs whose action begins only after suction.

Coal tablets: instructions for use

Tablets of activated carbon or water suspension made of them should be taken orally 65 minutes before meals, as well as receiving other medicines.

To get the necessary suspension, the desired amount of the drug is well dissolved in half a cup of ordinary water.

The average daily dosage of this drug for adults is about 1-2 g. At the same time, the maximum varies in the range of 7-8 g.

In case of acute character diseases, the treatment course under consideration should last about 3-5 days, and in chronic or allergic diseases up to two weeks. After 14 days, coal therapy can be repeated, but only on the recommendation of the doctor.

With the development of meteorism or dyspepsia, activated coal should be taken inside 1-2 g four times a day for one week.

The suspension made from the drug under consideration is usually used to wash the stomach, including the strongest poisoning. In this case, the finished solution is drunk for 30-35 g.

With elevated secretion of the stomach juice, adult patients are prescribed 10 g of the drug three times a day between the meals. For up to 7 years old, the kids are given in 5 g of medication, and for children 7-14 years old - 7 g per reception. The course of such therapy should last at least 1-2 weeks.

Side effects after receiving activated carbon

According to the attached instructions, such phenomena may become side effects of this drug as:

  • dyspepsia;
  • constipation;
  • hemorrhage;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • black chairs;
  • hypothermia;
  • embolism;
  • hypocalcemia;
  • reduced blood pressure.

It is impossible not to say that the long-term intake of the sorbering agent can lead to a disruption of suction of proteins, sa, fats, various vitamins, nutrients and hormones. Therefore, to take the preparation under consideration should be strictly according to the testimony and appointment of the attending doctor.

Interaction with other medicines

According to the reviews of specialists, activated carbon, as well as other sorption drugs, can significantly worsen the suction and effectiveness of drugs that are accepted in parallel. In addition, this drug reduces the activity of components acting directly inside the stomach.

Conditions for buying and storing medication

The instructions clearly state that activated carbon must contain only in a dry place and separately from those substances that allocate various gases and pairs. Storing this medicine in the open air and in a humid environment significantly reduces its sorption abilities. This remedy is released in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Is it possible to clean the body with coal

As mentioned above, the carbon activated is a disintellation and adsorbing drug. Thus, its use is able to bind and output all harmful substances from the body. No wonder this drug is used during weight loss. It eliminates those elements that violate the normal metabolism, contributes to the purification of the body and the further discharge of extra kilograms.

Activated coal - a porous enterosorbent with high disinfectant properties. Due to this, the drug is very popular, but in some cases it is recommended to refrain from its application. Consider in more detail the contraindications of activated carbon and unwanted consequences of the reception.

What diseases are incompatible?

When colitis, pancreatitis, the reception of activated carbon is categorically contraindicated. The basis for this is that the drug stains the wheel masses into black. A similar color can be observed in ulcerative bleeding, since in this case the feces are mixed with blood digested in the intestine and acquires the kind of tar. Coal can disguise the bleeding, and the time to emerge the patient will be missed. For the same reason, it is impossible to take coal with the path of various etiologies. These contraindications of activated carbon do not apply to other sorbents - "Smekt", "Enterosgel", "Polysorb". With individual intolerance caused by hypersensitivity to the drug, it is also necessary to abandon its reception.

Side effects

Activated coal has one significant disadvantage. Without possessing selectivity, it absorbs everything in a row - both toxins and nutrients. As a result of the absorption of useful vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, avitaminosis and violation of the metabolism of the body can develop. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to take coal with brief courses. To reduce the contact of the drug with useful substances, you should not combine the reception of coal with food. The gap should be at least an hour. The same rule applies to a combination of coal with other drugs (contraceptive, cardiac, vascular), as it reduces their effectiveness. And the simultaneous reception of coal with antitoxins, antidotees are not allowed at all. Based on this, and considering the contraindications of activated carbon, only a short-term course in poisoning and food infections is recommended. Also, the reception of activated carbon can provoke or strengthen constipation. In such cases it will be more correct to adjust the chair using (prunes, beets, kefira).

Is it possible to lose weight from activated carbon?

Slimming from activated carbon is really possible, but not much. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on a decrease in food caloric content due to adsorption and elimination of fats. But there is also the reverse side of such a diet. Along with fats, the necessary organisms of vitamins and minerals are associated. As a result, the nutritional value of the products is impoverished together with calorie content. Therefore, for weight loss - a controversial question. Do not forget that this is a drug recommended for use in certain cases. Deciding on the "coal diet", it is necessary to take into account contraindications of activated carbon and possible consequences for the body.

Activated coal - detoxifying drug, adsorbent. This is the most affordable enterosorbent, which is used to purify the body from allergens, slags, toxins. Activated carbon for weight loss is widely used as auxiliary means, as well as in the treatment of intestinal and skin diseases.

Composition and form of output of activated carbon

The main active ingredient - coal of plant or animal origin, subjected to special processing. Tablets are available in 0.25 and 0.5 g. Packaging contains 10 tablets.

Analogs of activated carbon

The following drugs have a similar effect:

  • Carbakin;
  • Carbophect;
  • Carboosorb;
  • Lopedium;
  • Magnesium peroxide;
  • Microsorb-P;
  • Sorbex;
  • Stopped;
  • Ultra-adsorb;
  • Fruits cherry.

Pharmacological activated carbon action

Activated coal is an adsorbing, disintellation, antidiaire preparation with large surface activity, due to which substances reduce surface energy without changes in their chemical nature.

Coal sorbs a number of connections:

  • Alkaloids;
  • Barbiturates;
  • Gases;
  • Glycosides;
  • Salicylates;
  • Salts of heavy metals;
  • Toxins.

Under the action of activated carbon, their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract is reduced and the removal of the body with feces is simplified.

As a sorbent, coal is active during hemoperfusion. Weak adsorption with respect to acids and alkalis, including iron salts, cyanides, malathion, methanol, ethylene glycol. The mucous membranes does not irritate, and in the case of local use, activated carbon accelerates healing of ulcers.

In the treatment of intoxication, an excess of coal in the stomach is created (before washing it), as well as in the intestine (after washing the stomach).

High doses are required if the gastrointestinal tract has food masses: they are sorbed by coal, reducing its activity. Low concentration of the drug leads to desorption and suction of the associated substance. Repeated washing of the stomach and the purpose of activated carbon, according to the reviews of doctors, prevents the resorption of the released substance.

In cases where poisoning is provoked by substances that take part in enterogeptic circulation (cardiac glycosides, indomethacin, morphine or other opiates), tablets should be taken over several days.

The special efficiency of the adsorbent is observed during hemoperfusion after acute poisoning by theophylline, gluthethymid or barbiturates.

Indications for the use of activated carbon

Activated carbon is shown in the following diseases:

  • Dyspepsia;
  • Meteorism and other processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestine;
  • Increased acidity and hypersecretion of gastric juice;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Acute poisoning, including glycosides, alkaloids, heavy metals salts;
  • Food toxicoinfection;
  • Dysentery;
  • Salmonelles;
  • Burning disease in the stage of toxemia and septicotoxmia;
  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Chronic and acute viral hepatitis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Atopic dermatitis.

Tablets are also prescribed to reduce gas formation in the intestine in preparation for ultrasound and x-ray research.

It is allowed to use activated carbon for weight loss as an auxiliary means after consulting a doctor and choosing an adequate diet.


Contraindications to the appointment of activated carbon are:

  • High individual sensitivity;
  • Ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Intestine atony;
  • The simultaneous reception of antitoxic substances whose action begins after suction.

How to use activated carbon

Tablets or aqueous suspension of activated carbon, according to the instructions, are taken orally in 1 hour before the meal and reception of other drugs. To obtain a suspension, the desired amount of the preparation is stirred at 0.5 glasses of water.

The average daily dose for adults is 1-2 g, and the maximum - 8 g. The calculation of the dose for children occurs on the basis of body weight - 0.05 g / kg 3 times a day, but not more than 0.2 mg / kg per 1 time .

With acute diseases, the course of treatment lasts 3-5 days, and with allergic or chronic diseases - up to 2 weeks. After 14 days, the therapy can be repeated on the recommendations of the doctor.

When dyspepsia or meteorism, activated carbon is taken inside 1-2 g 3-4 times a day for 3-7 days.

The suspension is used to wash the stomach during sharp poisoning. Then the solution is drunk at 20-30.

With increased secretion of the gastric juice, adults are necessary 10 g 3 times a day between meals, children under 7 years old - 5 g, and for children 7-14 years old - 7 g for reception. Course treatment - 1-2 weeks.

Side effects of activated coal

The side effects of activated carbon can be:

  • Constipation;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Black chairs;
  • Embolism;
  • Hemorrhage;
  • Hypoglycemia;
  • Hypocalcemia;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Reduced arterial pressure.

Long-term reception can lead to impaired suction of fats, proteins, calcium, vitamins, hormones, nutrients;

Medicinal interaction

Activated coal, according to reviews, worsens the absorption and effectiveness of drugs accepted at the same time, and also reduces the activity of substances acting inside the stomach, for example, hypecun.

Storage conditions

Activated coal, according to the instructions, should be stored in a dry place and separately from substances that allocate a pair or gase into the atmosphere. Storage in a wet environment and in air reduces the sorption abilities of the drug.

Activated carbon is an adsorbing drug that reduces suction from the gastrointestinal tract of toxic and drugs, heavy metals, glycosides and alkaloids, due to which contributes to their removal from the body.

cativated coal can adsorb gases, toxins, alkaloids, glycosides. The adsorption property is also manifested in the event that it is necessary to clean the body from salts of heavy metals and salicylate. Cleaning is possible and when poisoning with barbiturates and other connections. Activated coal contributes to the suction of such harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract decreases several times. It also contributes to their excretion from the body with feces.

Especially effective use of the drug as a sorbent during hemoperfusion in the event that acute poisoning of barbiturates, gluthethymid, theophylline occurred.

Clinical and Pharmacological Group

Adsorbing agent.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can buy Without a doctor's prescription.


How much is coal activated in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of 15 rubles.

Composition and form of release

Activated carbon is available in the form of tablets for intake. Tablets are round compressed formations and are produced in paper packaging of 10 pieces.

  • The tablet includes 250 or 500 mg of activated carbon and potato starch as an auxiliary substance.

Pharmacological effect

Activated coal is coal of animal or plant origin, which passed a special processing. The drug is a strong adsorbent absorbing glycosides, poisons, gases, salts of heavy metals, alkaloids of synthetic and natural origin, hypnotic preparations, sulfonamides, sinyl acid, phenolic derivatives, and also toxins of bacterial, plant and animal origin.

The drug has a moderate adsorbing effect in relation to acids and alkalis. The high activity of the drug is noted in the implementation of hemoperfusion in the poisoning of barbiturates, glutathymide and theophylline.

The medication has disintellation and controversial impact. Coal well displays harmful accumulations from the body, contributing to the deposition of fats. That is why activated carbon for weight loss is very often used.

Indications for use

The instructions for activated angle states that this drug is intended for the treatment of the following diseases and states, including comprehensive therapy:

  1. Intoxication due to dysentery;
  2. Allergic diseases;
  3. Food toxicoinfection;
  4. Dyspepsia;
  5. Meteorism;
  6. Diarins;
  7. Poisoning by chemical compounds, including phosphorodorganic and chlororganic;
  8. Hypersection of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  9. Poisoning drugs, including heavy metal salts or alkaloids, as well as psychoactive substances;
  10. Metabolic disorders;
  11. Abstinence alcohol syndrome.

In order to reduce gas formation in the intestine, activated carbon is prescribed to patients during preparation for endoscopic or radiological research.


Contraindications to the appointment of activated carbon are:

  • High individual sensitivity;
  • Ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Intestine atony;
  • The simultaneous reception of antitoxic substances whose action begins after suction.

Appointment during pregnancy and lactation

Data on the negative effect of the drug on the body of a woman during pregnancy, as well as data on his negative impact on the development of the fetus, no. Take pills during pregnancy should consider contraindications.

There is no data on the negative effect of the drug in the case of its use.

Dosage and method of application

As indicated in the instructions for use, the drug is taken inside, for 1-2 hours before meals or drugs. On average, the daily dosage of the means is 100-200 mg / kg, take it into three receptions. Treatment lasts 3-14 days, after 14 days. It can be repeated.

  1. In case of meteorism and dyspeptic disorders, the tool is taken 3-4 rubles per 1-2 grams for 3-7 days.
  2. In case of poisoning, coal activated according to the instructions takes 20-30 Gy - powder is bred in 100-150 ml of water. In acute poisoning, washing the stomach with a suspension prepared from 10-20 g of powder, after which the patient is prescribed to take coal inward - 20-30 Gy / day.
  3. In case of diseases accompanied by fermentation and rotting of food in the intestine, increased excretion of the stomach juice, the tool is taken for 1-2 weeks. The dosage depends on the age: for children under 7 years old give 5 cm, children 7-14 years old - 7 cm, adults are prescribed to take 10 g of coal 3 rubles.

Judging by the response about activated carbon, there are two effective schemes for using it to purify the body during a diet:

  • in one day you need to drink 10 tablets. Coal is drinking to meals, in several techniques;
  • the activated carbon for weight loss is taken at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of weight, before eating. It is not recommended to take more than 7 tablets in one reception. The ideal is the scheme at which no more than three tablets begin to take, gradually increasing the dosage.

Take activated carbon for losing weight with ten-day courses, take a break for 10 days, and come back to the diet. A good effect is observed after carrying out additionally cleansing enema.

Adverse reactions

The side effects of activated carbon can be:

  • Hemorrhage;
  • Hypoglycemia;
  • Constipation;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Black chairs;
  • Embolism;
  • Hypocalcemia;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Reduced arterial pressure.

Long-term reception can lead to impaired suction of fats, proteins, calcium, vitamins, hormones, nutrients;


With long-term reception of the drug in large doses in patients, there is a violation of the suction of fats, proteins, microelements. Signs of overdose by the drug Activated carbon are:

  • hypocalcemia;
  • reduction of body temperature indicators (hypothermia);
  • constipation;
  • reducing glucose levels in blood plasma;
  • hyponatremia;
  • hemorrhage;
  • lowering blood pressure.

When one or more signs of overdose, treatment with the drug should be immediately terminated and consult a doctor. Overdose treatment is symptomatic.

special instructions

During the reception of the drug, cavalous masses can be painted in black, which is the norm and does not require cancellation.

Coal activated does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and the operation of the central nervous system.

Interaction with other drugs

When appropriate adsorbent with other drugs, it weakens their impact on the body and reduces their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Caution should be taken by ACTIVATED CHARCOAL simultaneously with the drugs of similar effects: excessive adsorption is capable of extremely negatively affecting the state of the intestinal wall and microflora.

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