The baby's teeth are in sequence. Teething in children: sequence up to a year

The period of teething of milk teeth, or dentation, is an important page in the life of a baby and his parents. This process is quite lengthy and begins on average in six months to a year, ending by 2.5 years. Then a period of rest begins, and approximately in the 1st grade a new stage starts - the replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones. What is the order of growth of teeth in children, in what sequence does their eruption occur and what are the norms?

There is a special order and time for teething, but each baby may have individual characteristics and exceptions.

The order and timing of the eruption of the first milk teeth in children

All babies grow and develop individually, and the timing of eruption may vary slightly. However, there are norms that can be guided by. Doctors recommend not to worry if the time difference is 2-3 months in one direction or the other. Sometimes teeth are in no hurry to appear after this period, then the child needs to be shown to the pediatrician and dentist. The photo below shows a diagram of milk teeth with numbers. The chronology and order of cutting are as follows:

  • the lower central incisors are the first to erupt (6-7 months);
  • then their antagonists appear - the upper central incisors (8-9 months);
  • then comes the turn of the upper lateral incisors (9-11 months);
  • the lower lateral incisors are cut (11-13 months);
  • upper and lower anterior molars (12-15 months);
  • the upper and lower canines "come out" later and often painfully (1.4-1.8 years);
  • the latter are the lower and upper posterior molars (up to 2-2.5 years).

Factors affecting the teething process

The timing of teething can vary significantly under the influence of various internal and external factors. The first include:

  1. Violations of the intrauterine development of the child.
  2. Genetic features. Among them are natal teeth, which the baby shows to the mother immediately after birth.
  3. Diseases of the mother at the time of laying teeth in the fetus.
  4. Taking certain medications by a pregnant woman.
  5. The activity of the baby's endocrine system has a great influence on the growth and formation of teeth. In children with hypofunction of the thyroid gland, the teeth sometimes climb with a delay, and with hyperfunction, vice versa.
  6. Formation of the correct bite matters. In babies with an abnormal bite, incisors and first molars erupt earlier.

For timely teething, the baby's menu must be complete and balanced.

External factors affecting teething include:

  1. Food. Children who do not receive enough micronutrients and vitamins from food may experience a delay in the dentition process. For the growth of teeth to be timely, it is important to control the child's menu. It should contain dairy products, proteins (meat, fish), vegetables, fruits.
  2. Some doctors believe that the rate of eruption is influenced by the consistency of the complementary foods. If you give a 7-8-month-old baby semi-solid food (boiled carrots, not grated buckwheat porridge, etc.), his teeth will appear faster. However, it is important to be careful so that the baby does not choke.
  3. Ecological situation. In areas with polluted water bodies, near hazardous industries, babies' teeth crawl out of sequence and timing.
  4. Babies from prosperous families with medium and high incomes have less teething deviations than those who grow up in unfavorable conditions.

Teething symptoms and how to relieve them

The first tooth in a baby will appear at 6-8 months, but the discomfort associated with the movement of the incisor through the tissues may occur much earlier. As a rule, the external manifestations of the first phase of eruption can be observed as early as 3-4 months.

Description of typical symptoms:

  • Increased salivation. The baby's salivary glands begin to work in an enhanced mode, secreting more secretion. Over time, irritation appears on the baby's chin, and the clothes on the chest and stomach instantly get wet. Many mothers put on a baby bib, which is periodically changed as it gets wet.
  • Itching in the gums. The baby constantly pulls toys into his mouth, sucks fingers, crib bars and other things. At this time, it is important to monitor the cleanliness of the baby's hands, use toys that can be disinfected with boiling water (rubber, plastic).

Before teething, almost all babies have increased salivation.
  • Swelling and irritation of the oral mucosa. This phenomenon is less common, and here it is important not to miss the moment of the onset of the disease. If the gum is slightly swollen, a hematoma or white spots are noticeable in it, a tooth will probably come out soon on this place (we recommend reading :). To relieve the symptom, the mucous membrane can be lubricated with an anesthetic gel. If the baby has edema on all gums, and a plaque appears on the tongue, you need to show the child to the doctor. He may have stomatitis.
  • Rhinitis and coughing. A slight runny nose is also possible during the eruption period (for more details, see the article:). Pediatricians explain this phenomenon by the fact that the epithelium of the respiratory tract is similar in composition to the tissues of the mucous membrane lining the gums. During the denture, these tissues receive an increased blood supply, which leads to mild edema. Coughing is due to the fact that mucus from the nose flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx, and the child is forced to release the airways with cough jerks.
  • Increased body temperature (we recommend reading :). A slight subfebrile condition (up to 37.0-37.2 ° C) should not be a cause for concern. If the temperature rises or persists for more than 3 days, it is worth going to the pediatrician to rule out an infection. With thermometer values \u200b\u200babove 38 ° C, an antipyretic agent should be given to the child.
  • Diarrhea. Experts explain the presence of loose stools by the fact that the child swallows part of the abundantly secreted saliva. However, if there are more than 4 acts of defecation per day (newborns normally have up to 5-6), or the feces have an atypical color, smell, consistency - you need to consult a doctor.
  • Anxiety and poor sleep. If the baby is sleeping anxiously, constantly crying, you can give the child an anesthetic at night - Nurofen or Paracetamol in an age-specific dosage. However, it is important not to overdo it and not offer the medicine for more than 3 days in a row.

How can you help your child during this period?

When teething in a child, the mucous membrane of the gums is damaged and aseptic (ie, "non-microbial") inflammation occurs, which causes fever, diarrhea, sleep disturbance and baby's appetite. At the same time, as a result of damage, the gums become more vulnerable to infection and the occurrence of septic (ie, "microbial") inflammation, which can complicate the already difficult period of teething. Conventional oral medications are not always convenient for young children. You should choose a drug intended for use in children. For example, Holisal® has proven itself well. When applied topically, it has a triple action of helping to relieve pain and inflammation and targeting viruses, fungi and bacteria. The gel adhesive base helps to retain the active substances on the mucous membrane, prolonging their action. 1 It is important to use caution in children under one year of age and consult a doctor first.

When and in what sequence do milk teeth begin to fall out?

At about 6 years old, the phase of replacing milk teeth with permanent ones begins. By this age, resorption (resorption) of the roots of the milk units occurs. On the X-ray, you can see that the roots look shortened, as if "eaten away". Where the anlage is closer to the surface, root resorption is more significant. Table with the names and numbers of children's teeth and the timing of their loss:

The order of eruption of permanent teeth in a child

It is impossible to consider the eruption of permanent teeth without reference to the timing of the loss of milk teeth. Usually, in place of a lost tooth, a new one immediately crawls out and begins to actively grow. Sometimes the incisal edge of the tooth is observed in the socket after the loss of its predecessor.

The change of milk teeth to permanent ones begins at about the age of 6-7 years

However, there are more permanent teeth than temporary ones, so the scheme for replacing them is more complicated than dentition in infants:

  • The molars (6s) are the first to erupt, for which the child at the onset of school age has a free space at the end of the dentition - the jaw becomes larger. Only after the appearance of these teeth begins the loss of incisors.
  • After the incisors appear, the first molars are replaced by premolars. Then the canines are replaced.
  • Then the posterior molars are replaced by the second premolars.
  • The penultimate stage is the incision of the second molars (7-ok), which appear at 11-13 years old.
  • The final stage - "eights", third molars are cut (we recommend to read:). They often climb throughout life, but not earlier than at the age of 16. Sometimes these teeth don't grow at all.

Violation of the order of eruption and other deviations from the norm

Not all children have their deciduous and permanent teeth erupted as scheduled. Sometimes the molars appear before the incisors, but most often the violation of the sequence is observed when the second tooth from the pair appears.

For example, one upper anterior incisor appeared on time, and its neighbor in the place of a lost tooth - only a year later. Such disruptions in the dentation schedule can be caused by various factors:

  • jaw injuries;
  • lack of trace elements and vitamins;
  • inconsistency in the size of the jaw and teeth;
  • the order of growth can be disrupted if the child is stressed.

With a significant violation of the timing of the loss of temporary and "crawling" permanent new teeth may grow unevenly. Premature loss of milk teeth (in case of injury or destruction due to caries) leads to the appearance of extra space in the dentition, which the adjacent teeth immediately begin to close. This causes the appearance of bite defects, abnormal inclination of the teeth.

If there is not enough space in the jaw, new teeth have no space to exit, they may not grow at all or begin to move towards the surface, changing the direction of growth. Cases of tooth growth from the inner or outer sides of the row are known. These and other similar problems are solved by the orthodontist - the specialist will suggest placing braces, a plate or using other alignment methods.

In the case of a prolonged absence (more than six months) of a new tooth in the hole from which the milk one fell out, it is worth taking an X-ray. The snapshot will help the doctor find out exactly where and at what stage the bud of a new tooth is. There are methods that help pull the stuck unit out of the gum.

Research can show that there is no tooth, and then you should not expect it to appear. In this case, the doctor will send the patient to an orthodontist and orthopedist, who will decide on the subsequent prosthetics of the child's jaw. As a rule, children are given temporary prostheses, and implantation is possible only after 16-18 years.

1 Instructions for use of the medicinal product for medical use Cholisal®
There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions or consult a specialist. - 5% of advertising space

All parents expect their baby's first tooth to appear. They prepare for the event by carefully studying the "approved" by doctors schedule of teething in children. What kind of fear settles in the hearts of moms and dads if a child suddenly falls behind or overtakes his peers. And it happens that the child and does "odd" and grows teeth in a completely different order than expected. Is this normal? What should be the sequence of teething? At what age do baby's teeth grow?

It is impossible to fit the development of each individual child under one schedule, so the timing of teething in children can be very different. Pediatricians indicate a tolerance of 6 months. from the norm, and in any direction.

In most babies, teeth begin to appear at the age of 6-8 months. If the child is prone to acceleration, then this happy event can happen at 3-4 months. It was noticed that boys lag behind girls a little. Be that as it may, by 12 months. usually all children already have at least one tooth. If this is not the case, the influence of one of the following factors is possible:

  • heredity - if the parents' first teeth were late, then the situation will repeat in their child;
  • rickets caused by calcium deficiency;
  • hypothyroidism associated with a lack of thyroid hormones;
  • inability of the body to normally digest and absorb nutrients;
  • adentia, or absence of dental germs.

Do not worry too much if all the terms for the eruption of milk teeth have come and gone, and the baby's mouth is empty. In 25% of cases, the absence of teeth in a child over 1 year old has nothing to do with developmental abnormalities, but is an exclusively individual feature.


Young mothers have no less questions about what is the “correct” order of teething. This moment is as slippery as the optimal age of the child for the first tooth - everyone has it differently. However, there are two "rules" governing the order in which teeth grow in children:

  1. Pairing. Teeth of the same name appear at about the same time. Is the upper right incisor growing? His left "comrade" is not far off. Some kids are "lucky" especially: their teeth grow 4 pieces at a time.
  2. "Revolution from below". The standard scheme for the growth of teeth in children suggests that the lower teeth should appear first, and only then the upper teeth of the same name. The rule allows an exception with respect to the lateral incisors: first they come out from above, and then from below.

Despite all its conventionality and approximation, mothers usually focus on the following sequence of teething of milk teeth:

  1. Central incisors.
  2. Lateral incisors.
  3. First molars.
  4. Fangs.
  5. Second molars.

In many children, teeth begin to grow from the top. Sometimes this turns out to be a consequence of rickets, but in many cases it is simply a feature of the development of a particular organism. It also happens that on the upper jaw several teeth are already "flaunting", and on the lower jaw they have not even begun to peck. Do not worry too much about this: if the examination by the pediatrician did not show any abnormalities, then the child will grow up the missing teeth very quickly. You just need to give it a little time and perhaps a little more calcium in the form of cottage cheese or milk. It should be remembered that the order of teething in children determined by doctors is a rough diagram, not an exact plan.

Teeth growth in children: table

Name of the child's teeth Approximate age of appearance, months
1 Central lower incisors 6-9
2 Central upper incisors 7-10
3 Lateral upper incisors 9-11
4 Lateral lower incisors 11-14
6 First lower molars 12-18
5 First upper molars 13-20
7 Lower canines 16-22
7 Upper canines 17-23
8 Second lower molars 20-26
8 Second upper molars 26-33

Milk teeth in children: scheme

By the age of 2.5, almost all babies “collect” a complete set of milk teeth. As a result, the diagram of the child's teeth becomes as follows:

top row - 2-1-2
bottom row - 2-1-2,

that is, on each half of the jaw there are 2 molars, 1 canine and 2 incisors. Milk teeth are located symmetrically to each other. Their total number is 20: 10 for each jaw.

Partially, the scheme of teething in children is implemented in the following formula:

Number of teeth \u003d Child's age in months - 6.

For example. The baby is 15 months old. According to the formula, he should have 9 teeth (15 - 6).

But you need to understand that such a calculation is extremely approximate and is suitable only for children under 2 years old.

Teething myths

Despite the huge number of generations of babies who have passed through the hands of doctors, some false statements still hold true. The catch is that they are based on truth, but they are nonetheless not true:

1. The generally accepted scheme for the eruption of deciduous teeth is mandatory "to execution".

Indeed, in most children, teeth grow in the same order and at a similar rate. But the exceptions are countless. And babies, whose first teeth erupted after a year, are in no other way inferior to their peers. So there is no need to panic unnecessarily and look for signs of non-existent anomalies in the child. The growth rate and the order of eruption of milk teeth is different for each baby.

2. Temperature, diarrhea, cough, runny nose and diaper rash are natural companions of teething.

At six months, the child's body begins to run out of antibodies inherited from the mother. The baby himself has not yet acquired his own, so the risk of getting sick increases dramatically. A temperature of 39 C and snot flowing like a river may indicate the presence of an infection, which is disguised as teething. Other symptoms that are excessive for such a natural process cannot be ignored. Healthy and strong babies easily meet their first tooth.

3. Do not give a baby a pacifier during teething, so as not to spoil his bite.

This rule applies only to permanent teeth. But most of children under 6 years old wean themselves from the habit of sucking a thumb or nipple. So while the child is small, there is no point in depriving him of such a familiar way to calm down.

4. Milk teeth do not need to be looked after. It's okay if the child has caries: all the same, the teeth will change soon.

Oral hygiene is an integral part of baby care. Holes and cracks in the milk tooth are fraught with its rapid loss. It would seem that the trouble is not great, but no. An empty place is never sacred, and the rest of the teeth will begin to shift to the position of the “gone”. As a result, the molars will not be able to grow properly and the visit to the orthodontist will become a harsh necessity.

Children under 12-18 months you should clean your mouth with a special silicone fingertip. Then you need to teach your child to regularly brush your teeth: of course, you need to use an age-appropriate toothbrush for this.

The first visit to the dentist should be made when the baby is 1 year old, and for a second visit you need to come at 2-3 years old - with a full set of milk teeth.

No scheme of teething and descriptions of what is happening will be able to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe full range of feelings experienced by the parents of the newly-minted "nibbler". But the first tooth is only the first step on the path of a little man. He still has something to please his loved ones.


Well, just as we went through the period of infant colic in the tummy, my baby's teeth began to erupt. He cries again, is capricious, and his gums are noticeably swollen. In addition, he developed a stool disorder. Mom says that this is connected, and during teething in children, they may have diarrhea, and vomiting, and all sorts of other troubles.

Will my son have all these symptoms? Then I don’t know at all how I’ll cope. And what will happen before each tooth appears? In general, I am already starting to panic and I really need some practical advice.

Please tell us what to expect in this situation. Maybe there are some ways to avoid complications and improve the condition and well-being of the baby. I really hope for your help and I will be grateful for any clarifications and recommendations.

When the first teeth are cut

The issue of teething in children is one of the most popular among mothers. Many speculations, myths and ridiculous advice are associated with it. Therefore, this problem must be carefully understood.

Signs and symptoms of tooth appearance

Of course, not every child's whim or painful condition can be associated with the appearance of a tooth. You should find out the main symptoms of teething in children in order to understand the cause in time:

  • The first sign that will definitely confirm your suspicions is swollen gums. You can feel this by sliding your finger over them. Sometimes a hematoma (a bluish swelling that forms in the place where blood accumulates) or an abscess (a white abscess that occurs when an infection gets in) may appear on the gum;

In this case, you should not be particularly intimidated. These phenomena, in most cases, go away on their own, after the eruption of a tooth. The main thing is to carefully monitor the temperature and general well-being of the child. If you notice a worsening of his condition, then, be sure, consult a doctor (pediatrician or dentist).

  • Increased salivation is a faithful companion of teething. There is a lot of saliva. This phenomenon practically does not stop until the baby reaches one year of age;
  • The desire of the baby to gnaw everything that comes to his hand. The fact is that the baby constantly experiences severe itching and thus tries to slightly reduce the disturbing sensations;
  • Often, during the period of teething, the child's appetite disappears. This may be due to the discomfort the baby is feeling in the mouth. Also, taste sensations may change and the baby will cease to dislike the food that he happily ate before (also, read the article on the topic: Why does the child not want to eat? \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • Another tip on how to understand that teeth are teething is to monitor your baby's behavior. Constant painful sensations make the child restless and moody. In addition, an itchy rash can appear from drooling, which flows almost constantly.

Against the background of all of the above, sleep disorders often appear. To help your baby stay calm and ease teething, check out the online course on maintaining and promoting restful sleep: Teaching Your Baby to Fall asleep and Sleep Without Breasts \u003e\u003e\u003e.

Health disorders

I would also like to point out the special health disorders that may occur in a child during this period:

  1. A teething cough can occur due to excess saliva production. It accumulates in the throat, but the baby does not know how to swallow it reflexively. Therefore, coughing is a way to clear your throat. To make sure the cough is not due to a cold, read the article: How to treat a cough in an infant? \u003e\u003e\u003e;
  2. Also, drool can enter the nasopharynx and further into the middle ear. This leads to the fact that when teething a child has snot;
  3. Drool and excess mucus that accumulates in the baby's mouth often enter the stomach with food. With an immature gastrointestinal tract of a baby, atypical reactions of the body may occur:
  • First of all, there is diarrhea during teething. In such a situation, attention should be paid to the duration of the disorder and the quality of the stool. It is important to know that diarrhea, which lasts no more than 72 hours, is considered normal, and there are no blood clots or any other blotches of black or greenish color in the feces (read: Diarrhea in infants \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • In some cases, an excess of saliva causes constipation in the child (topical article: Constipation in infants during breastfeeding \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • For the same reason, sometimes there is vomiting during teething.
  1. Often the appearance of a tooth is accompanied by a temperature, because the integrity of the gums is disrupted and this causes an inflammatory process in the oral cavity. You should be aware that the temperature, which is a reaction to the appearance of a tooth, usually fluctuates between 38 - 38.5 ° and lasts about a day. With other indicators, you need to look for another cause of the ailment;

Of course, you should not think that all these misfortunes will necessarily manifest in your baby. Usually, only a short-term deterioration in health can be noticed. At the same time, no specific medications need to be used.

However, you need to be aware that most of the signs that parents associate with teething can indicate completely different diseases (mostly viral).

If you ignore them, expecting that as soon as a tooth appears, everything will go away by itself, then you can get a complication of the infection. Therefore, always very carefully monitor the child's condition, pay attention to the nature of the manifestation of symptoms, their duration and combination with each other.

The order and timing of teething

An important question is when a child's teeth are teething? I will immediately point out the most important thesis - everything happens individually! Any reported teething rates in children are generalized averages.

If your baby's tooth erupts earlier or later than the specified period, this in no way serves as an indicator that something is wrong with him. Simply, in this way the individual characteristics of his body are manifested. Even siblings can experience teething in different ways.

Now I will point out a few indicators. It is believed that at the time of the appearance of teeth, the following factors are influenced:

  • heredity;
  • quality of food;
  • water quality;
  • climatic living conditions;
  • correct care of the baby.

Also, the period of teething may slow down due to some diseases:

  1. Rickets - develops against the background of a deficiency in the infant's body of vitamin D. This causes difficulties in the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the development of teeth. The site has a useful article on this issue: Signs of rickets in babies \u003e\u003e\u003e;
  2. Adentia - arises against the background of problems during pregnancy, which manifest themselves in the form of a child's absence of tooth buds. Such a disease is quite common, since the laying of these primordia occurs very early (at 6 - 8 weeks of pregnancy), when many women do not yet know that they are already expecting a child and do not take preventive measures. Such a diagnosis can be made only with the help of an X-ray;
  3. Metabolic disorders in the body;
  4. Endocrine problems;
  5. Infectious diseases;
  6. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

There is also such publicly available information.

  • The first teeth appear at 4-6 months. The earliest time, when the first tooth is cut - 3 months%
  • Basically, teeth are cut in pairs - one and after a short period of time - adjacent;
  • By the time a child is one year old, he should have 4 to 8 teeth.

As a reference, I want to acquaint you with the procedure for teething in children:

  1. The incisors appear first. Usually, the bottom two come out first, and then the top two. This occurs in 3-6 months;
  2. Then, in no particular order, but observing the principle of pairing, the lateral teeth are shown. Ideally: by the age of one year, the child should have a full set of incisors;
  3. After this comes the turn of the molars. The first upper molars are cut at 12 to 19 months. The rest will appear at 20 - 33 months;
  4. Fangs are cut last. And they appear at 16 - 23 months;
  5. By the age of three, a child has 20 teeth.

Once again I want to point out that all the information provided is for informational purposes only. The eruption of milk teeth in children occurs when the infant's body is ripe for this.

How to help a child

For almost every child, the teething process does not go unnoticed. The baby feels severe discomfort, soreness and itching of the gums. Parents definitely need to understand when this restless period will begin, and make every effort to improve the well-being of the child, surrounding him with care and affection.

You must tune in to the fact that such a process is absolutely natural from a physiological point of view, and it is impossible to cancel or radically change the course of its development. You need to be patient, as well as some items and tools that will help in this situation.

How to ease teething in a child?

  1. Proper child care is important;

This advice does not apply directly to teething. But it's very important. Imagine that you are faced with a problem, you think about it day and night, it worries you. Will it be easier for you to get through this period if your dear husband will support you, console you, be with you, look for ways to solve the problem?

Or will he leave you alone, hoping that this situation will increase your stamina, you will become more firm and determined?

This is approximately how proper care works for a child. If you communicate, play, raise a child according to his age, then he is calmer. You may not even notice when your teeth are teething. This is exactly how it was with me, with my two youngest daughters. We found all the teeth after the fact.

  1. Take your time using medications;

Nowadays, a wide range of such products is presented in pharmacies. They come in various forms:

  • gel;
  • ointment;
  • cream;
  • drops.

Their purpose:

  • neutralize pain;
  • relieve itching;
  • have an antiseptic and wound-healing effect;
  • reduce inflammation on the gums.

Among the most popular were the following drugs:

  • Baby Doctor "First Teeth";
  • Dantinorm Baby;
  • Holisal;
  • Calgel;
  • Pansoral;
  • Kamistad Baby;
  • Dentinox.

The first two remedies are homeopathic remedies. However, even their use (not to mention all the others) must be agreed with the doctor!

Don't expect these products to speed up the teething process. Some mothers believe that if you start to lubricate the gums in advance with one of the drugs to relieve discomfort when teeth appear, they will appear earlier. It's a delusion. Pharmacy medicines do not have any similar properties.

  1. Use teether toys;

In children's stores, you can buy special items that the child will happily chew and gnaw. They come in different shapes and sizes. The main thing is that the child is comfortable holding it with a handle.

The purpose of these toys:

  • gum massage;
  • relief of pain;
  • soothing itching.

These toys are made from safe materials:

  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • latex;
  • rubber;
  • wood.

They can be filled with special gel or water.

  1. Gum massage;

This is the most effective way to relieve discomfort and speed up the appearance of teeth. It not only helps relieve pain in the gums, but also causes an intense rush of blood in this area. Thus, the tooth erupts faster and easier.

You can do the massage yourself by gently running your finger over the swollen areas. You can apply light pressure, but be careful not to injure your gums.

  1. Applying cold.

Cold relieves pain and soothes itching a little. You can put a teether toy in the refrigerator. When it is cold enough, give it to the child.

I hope the information about how babies are teething turned out to be useful to you, you have no unanswered questions and you can, without unnecessary worries, survive the troubles that may arise during this period.

Teething in babies has a certain sequence. In addition, it must be paired, i.e. identical teeth on the right and left, such as central incisors, lateral incisors or canines, must erupt at the same time.

The order of teething in babies

A newborn baby has 20 follicles of temporary teeth and 16 primordia of permanent teeth on the lower and upper jaws. The remaining 16 primordia of other permanent teeth are formed later.

First, the central incisors appear on the lower jaw. As a rule, this occurs at 6-9 months of a child's life. At 7-10 months, the upper central incisors erupt, at 9-12 months, the upper and lower lateral incisors. Up to one and a half years, the first molars appear, then the upper and lower canines, and in 2-3 years the second molars erupt.

However, these data are still approximate. The first tooth, according to statistics, appears in infants at 8.5 months or a little earlier. The timing of the eruption of other teeth is also shifted. According to dentists, the later the first tooth appears, the later the milk teeth will begin to fall out. But if not a single tooth has erupted before a year, the reason may lie in any pathologies, for example, hypothyroidism or.

What are the symptoms of teething in a child?

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More on the topic "The appearance of teeth in a child: the sequence of teething":

And if the teeth do not erupt in any way (the upper front ones at Manka), the gums are swollen and the edges of the teeth shine through, be sure to cut the gums ?? Or wait: cut through and not go anywhere ?? What to do?? No pain

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Maybe a stupid question, I don't know: how many days does a tooth erupt? Maksimka has had a light runny nose for a week now, drooling in a stream, swollen gum, and today it has runny. So I think, a tooth or is it a cold? would a tooth erupt during this time?

Mishutka is two years old. 3 days ago, we started having a severe runny nose and by the evening the temperature rose to 38. The next day there was no temperature. My eyes were still very watery. Yesterday and today the temperature jumped from normal to 37.5. Antipyretics were not given. Question: is it a reaction to teething (the root is just climbing) or ARVI? The doctor looked, did not say anything concrete. We drink algire, we drink tanum-verde. We don't know what to do, please tell me ...

For the third day we have had a temperature of 39, but nothing else hurts. They called a doctor, she said that there was a red throat and it was a viral infection or, correctly, SARS. But for some reason, my daughter constantly keeps her hands in her mouth and at the beginning of the disease, a tooth partially erupted (we have not yet crawled out 3 molars), now she puts her fingers on the other side, i.e. where there are no more 2 teeth.

The teeth are cut in the wrong sequence. About: a month, the lower middle incisors were cut, and today (a week later) they found that the upper left incisor was cut. Can teeth erupt in a different sequence and with what time interval between teeth. Thank you.

Girls, Grisha (1.5) is teething. There are already 8 (4 top and 4 bottom center). Now all 4 fours are playing at the same time. For 3 days the temperature is 37.2 - 37.5. The doctor was two days ago. Prescribed nurofen in syrup, interferon (because the nose is stuffy and the child has difficulty breathing). This morning the temperature is 37.8. Refuses to eat, only drinks. And today, and the juice is not very willing. I almost can't sleep. Maybe a throat yet?

My baby is one year and two months old - the teeth began to erupt from 8 months in this order: 2 lower incisors, 3 upper incisors, 1 lower incisor, 1 lower molar, now the fourth incisor is on the way.

If possible, then in more detail (i.e., apart from swelling of the gums, what happens next?) Can a wound first appear, how long does it take on average until the whole thing comes out? I just found Yanka (we were 6 months old yesterday) some kind of wound, while she screamed terribly could not fall asleep ... (closes her eyes, seems to fall asleep, and then cries again :(), I anointed this thing with Calgel, after which she seemed to fall asleep ... It seems to me that these are teeth ... Tell pzhlst about all this!

Just a few days ago, our 4th tooth (upper) crawled out, only they began to fit in normally for the night and more or less sleep, as tonight the child again cries through sleep, crawls with closed eyes on the bed, groans like this: (And with mornings were capricious, they got up at dawn and noah, noah, maybe this is the next tooth or there should be at least some break between them?

Here is our development of events: the temperature is no longer observed, otitis media has not happened, there is no snot-cough. The cheek is swollen, the mouth is twisted. Well, what kind of teeth are these ??? I have no strength with them: ((((((((

My Anya is 1.3. The teeth appeared late (at 9 months). Now there are 9 teeth. But the last 2 come out, as it were, out of order. The distant ones are climbing, with the upper and lower on one side, and there are no fangs (triplets) yet. Was it like that for anyone? Or is it worth visiting a dentist?

He is very worried. Help, girls, can anyone know folk or medicines to relieve pain !!!

A child (6.5 months old) seems to be teething. In this regard, he does not eat anything during the day (artificial), not even his favorite applesauce. Eats only half asleep at night. Naturally loses weight by leaps and bounds. Suggest something very nutritious to compensate for your weight loss. Or maybe someone knows the secret of how to get a child to eat?

Baby's teeth begin to form already during intrauterine development. By 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus develops tooth buds: the epithelial tissues in the oral gap become denser. By the third month of pregnancy, they begin to differentiate. At the 4th month of fetal development, tissue mineralization occurs. The correct formation and health of her baby's teeth depends on how well the pregnancy was with the mother.

The appearance of baby teeth in a baby

The teething time of the first teeth in children is individual. In some babies, they appear as early as 2 months, in others - closer to 6 months, and still others, in general, are born with incisors. The order of teething in children is, in most cases, the same. The process can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

Teething symptoms

The fact that the baby's first incisors begin to grow, a young mother can find out by some of the symptoms:

All the symptoms of teething are similar. with signs of infectious diseases... During this period, the baby's body experiences great stress. Immunity drops sharply. If one of these symptoms appears, you must immediately show the child to the pediatrician so that he excludes the disease.

The order of appearance of teeth

The baby's first milk tooth appears at 4-6 months. A deviation of 2 months in one direction or the other is not considered a pathology. The incisors are the first to erupt in the infant. They are narrow. A child can bite off solid food with incisors. After two pairs of incisors, small molars appear: they are wide. With molars, the child can chew food. They erupt in a baby after a year. Canines appear in children closer to one and a half years. By the age of 2-2.5, large molars grow. The order of appearance of incisors, molars and canines:

Number of teeth by age:

  • 1 year - 8;
  • 1.5 years - 10;
  • at 2 years old - 20;

The order of priority for the eruption of milk teeth in most cases is the same for all children, but it can be violated due to the individual characteristics of the organism. If at the same time the teeth grow straight, white and healthy, then the order of the teething does not matter.

Procedure for changing teeth

The change of milk teeth, as well as their appearance in each child, occurs at different times. The first tooth is normal starts to stagger at 4 years old... All 20 are changing. More indigenous people appear. By the age of 17, there should be 28 of them: molar chewing teeth erupt. Wisdom teeth grow after 18 years. For some people, they do not appear at all. This is not considered an anomaly.

The molars begin to form in the baby already during the growth of milk teeth. During this period, a dentist's consultation is necessary. It often happens that the milk does not allow the root to erupt. In this case, the old tooth is removed to make room for the new one. Otherwise, the root will seek its way and appear with pathology. The procedure for changing teeth in babies is the same as for teething:

  1. 5-6 years - the lower and upper incisors fall out;
  2. 7-8 years - lateral upper and lower incisors;
  3. 8-10 years old - lower and upper molars;
  4. 9-11 years old - upper and lower canines;
  5. 11-13 years old large lower and upper molars;

Incisors grow quickly in children... They appear almost immediately after the loss of milk. Molars and canines do not grow immediately. The body takes a breather. They can erupt by the age of 12-13. Large molars - by the age of 14-15.

How to help your baby with teething?

The appearance of teeth is an unpleasant process. It is painful for both babies and their mothers. How to relieve pain and ease the suffering of babies? Physiologists suggest using special devices, gum massagers, teethers, and medications.

Which teether to choose?

All gum massagers, teethers, are divided into 3 categories. They differ from each other. For each group of teeth choose a certain category of teethers.

What are the requirements for teethers? First of all, they must be safe:

  • have no foreign smell;
  • not being too bright: this is harmful to the development of vision;
  • the structure should not have removable small parts: the child can tear them off and swallow or choke;
  • match the age of the baby and the group of teeth that are erupting;

Parents should carefully look at where the baby's gums swell, and give him a massager of a certain category. An improperly fitted device can damage the gums of a child.

By design, teethers can be simple, filled or vibrators... Manufacturers offer various models of gum massaging devices.

  • Rattles: rings with non-removable parts. The kid will be able not only to gnaw them, but also to play, which will distract him from unpleasant painful sensations.
  • Teethers with filler: Use gel or water as filler. These devices cool: teethers help relieve inflammation from the gums.
  • Vibrator models: The vibrator starts working when the baby grips it with his gums. This model will massage the gums of a child well.

Behind all the teethers need care... They should always be clean so that the baby cannot get an infection.

Among the manufacturers of children's gum massagers, the most popular are: Happy baby "," Canpol "," Nuby "," Avent "... You should not insist that a child take a teether in his mouth. He himself will reach for him when he needs it.

Use of medications

It is possible to alleviate the pain of teething in babies with the help of special gels. It is not recommended to use them on your own: you need to consult a pediatrician. Many gels contain lidocaine.

  • "Dentinox" - relieves inflammation, has an anesthetic effect. Produced on the basis of chamomile extract. The drug contains lidocaine. Price - from 350 rubles.
  • "Holisal" is an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent. Does not contain lidocaine. The gel contains choline salicylate. Cost - from 330 rubles.
  • "Kalgel" - contains lidocaine. The gel has an analgesic effect. Price - from 300 rubles.
  • "Dentol baby" - contains benzocaine. The tool relieves swelling, pain and itching. Price - from 100 rubles.

It is not recommended to use the drugs more than 3 times a day.

Pathology of milk teeth

Unfortunately, baby teeth do not always grow with a straight white fence. Pathologies happen. They are associated with a difficult pregnancy of the mother of the child, with improper metabolism in the baby, with the rapid growth of teeth and slow development of the jaw.

Why do teeth grow crooked?

Curvature occurs for several reasons:

If the baby's teeth grow evenly, but the gaps between them are too wide, then this not considered a pathological phenomenon... Pathology is observed if the linearity of the slits does not match. The dentist can identify abnormal jaw development.

Why are baby's teeth tinted?

Milk teeth are distinguished by their whiteness. If a shade of a different color appears on them or they darken, then this can serve the reason for going to the dentist:

  • with a green tint: observed in children who suffer from metabolism;
  • a dark shade, almost black, near the cervical part of the tooth means that the baby's body does not absorb iron;
  • yellow: the mother took tetracycline antibiotics during pregnancy;
  • red: the child may have impaired porphinin metabolism, a red tint; it is a genetic disorder that occurs most commonly in boys.
  • gray: the enamel is thin and cannot cover the entire tooth; these teeth are often soft and can break down;

How to care for your oral cavity?

The child's oral cavity is followed by look after from the moment of his birth.

When choosing a paste, you need to pay attention to the composition. In it there should be no abrasive substances... Since the child's teeth began to grow, it is necessary to regularly visit the dentist. The condition of milk teeth should be carefully monitored. Then the indigenous people will grow up healthy.

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