Alocasia plant has medicinal properties. Alocasia (Arma large-rooted)

Alokazia (or, as it is often called, shamrock, arum, weatherman) has long taken root among ours. This unpretentious flower has beautiful decorative leaves and is able to predict rainfall. Alocasia can help in the treatment of many diseases, but at the same time, it can be easily poisoned.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition alocasia has not yet been thoroughly investigated. It was studied by physicians and scientists in Altai and in the People's Republic of China (Sichuan province). In the course of research it was revealed that the plant contains:

  • flavonoids (quercetin, chalcones, hyperoside, etc.);
  • alkaloids (5 different types, including aroin, which is similar in composition to quinine and aymaline);
  • coumarins;
  • hydrocyanic acid;
  • mercury (4.0 ± 0.2 mg / kg);
  • sublimate;
  • cyanide compounds.
Research has shown that this plant contains no tannins, cardiac glycosides, saponins, and fluroglucides.

Did you know? Buddhist healer Badmaev, being in St. Petersburg and providing medical assistance to the heir of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II, actively used arum in his practice.

Why alocasia is useful: medicinal properties

The presence of poisons in the composition of arum did not allow this plant to officially become one of the recognized medicines... Nevertheless, large-rooted alocasia has long been used by humans to cure many diseases, and the properties of this plant have been studied in research institutes. Practice and research have shown that arum preparations:

  • inhibit the growth of hepatomas;
  • have an analgesic effect (with myositis, joint pain, osteochondrosis, toothache, stomach cramps, etc.);
  • help with miasmatic poisoning;
  • have an expectorant effect;
  • have healing and resorption properties;
  • have antimicrobial effect;
  • relieve inflammatory, allergic reactions, help with insect bites.
Having this helps to improve the atmosphere: phytoncides and essential oils saturate the air, kill bacteria, tone the body.

Alocasia has found its application in - for the treatment of gout, tuberculosis, bowel diseases, fibroids, etc.

Important! Most of the poisonous substances of aruma-alocasia are contained in its juice - it can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes.

Rules for the collection and storage of medicinal raw materials

Alocasia - indoor flower, therefore, medicinal raw materials can always be kept at hand. Its collection is carried out without harming the plant - it itself, as it were, gives up an unnecessary leaf.

At the moment when the growth of a young leaf (the fourth) begins, one of the old ones (as a rule, this is the lowest leaf) begins to dry out. This moment is the most appropriate - it is necessary to cut off the withered leaf together with a part of the petiole. In this case, you should be careful and make sure that the poisonous juice does not splash and get into the eyes or on the skin. It is worth using rubber gloves. After collecting raw materials, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.

Arum leaves are rarely harvested for future use. But you can, for example, salt the leaves and use them in the future for baths. The sheet must be cut, mixed with 3 tbsp. l. salt and leave for a day under oppression. This portion is enough for a volume of water from 10 to 20 liters.

Folk recipes: treatment of diseases

Depending on what alocasia treats, traditional healers use alcohol and water tinctures, balms and ointments. Most of them are used externally - in the form of compresses, rubbing, lubrication. Internal use is usually recommended for cancer (especially gynecological).

Did you know? Arum can predict weather changes- before the rain, droplets of moisture appear on the tips of the leaves.

Tincture for alcohol

Alcoholic tincture of arum is prepared in two versions - for external use (compresses, lotions and rubbing) and for internal use.

To make the first option, you need to finely chop the leaves, place them in a glass container, pour vodka (completely covering them). Place a tightly closed container in a dark place for 14 days. Strain the infusion before use.
Compresses are used:

  • with nodes on the thyroid gland, mastopathy (daily for 7 days - for 4 hours). After a three-day break, repeat;
  • with varicose veins - compresses should be done only on diseased areas. The compress must be fixed with an elastic bandage and worn for three days. Mobility should be limited as much as possible, if possible - it is better to lie more and keep the sore legs above the level of the head (put a pillow). After the end of the procedure - lubricate the diseased veins with tincture at night for three months;
  • with dermatitis, eczema - lubricate problem areas of the skin.
For internal intake, a cut sheet in a glass container is poured with 100 g of alcohol (70%), it is kept for 10 days in cool and dark. They treat prostatitis, tuberculosis, etc. Scheme of application: the first dose - 1 drop per st. l. water in 30 minutes. before meals once a day, then - add daily drop by drop (bring up to 30 drops). After that, do not increase the number of drops and gradually finish the tincture. You can repeat the course no earlier than two weeks later, the third one after three months.

Did you know? Alokazia first appeared in Russia under Catherine II- by her order, the arum was planted in the Winter Garden in St. Petersburg. This plant has grown two meters tall.

Water infusion

This infusion is made in two ways - hot and cold.

In the first case, the arum leaf should be crushed, filled with a liter of boiling water and infused for an hour. This tincture of alocasia has found its application in the treatment of bumps on the legs and in the preparation of foot baths. It is better to arrange baths before going to bed, within 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wrap the sore leg with a woolen scarf.

In the second case, the crushed leaves must be poured with cool water (1:10) and insisted for at least 24 hours. This infusion is used for washing, rubbing, making compresses.

Arum leaves gruel is used to treat sore joints and rheumatism. Fresh leaves should be chopped with a blender or knife. Then grind in a porcelain mortar with a pestle until a mass of the same consistency is obtained. Apply gruel for compresses. It can be used in the preparation of an ointment.

Important! When making gruel from arum, it is necessary to ensure that the leaves are not green (there is still a lot of poisonous juice in them). The leaf should be dark and withered, starting to dry out.


The ointment helps in the treatment of trophic ulcers, arthritis, rheumatic pains. For its manufacture, any fat base is used - badger fat, lard, ghee or cream and fresh alocasia juice (3: 1). If you use gruel from the leaves, then you need to take two parts to three fat. Mix everything. Such an ointment is stored for no more than a week in

The benefits of the plant are due to its unique chemical composition. It contains:

  • flavonoids;
  • coumarins;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • saponins;
  • cardiac glycosides.

Arma strengthens immune system, tincture from it is used for rheumatism, thrombophlebitis, with some skin diseases, in particular, there are recipes for the treatment of psoriasis.

She found application in the fight against hemorrhoids, allergies, gout, tuberculosis, mastopathy.

IN Chinese medicine Alocasia is used to relieve toothache. It is also actively used there for treatment. cancerous tumors .

For medicinal purposes, take leaves that are already tend to wither away... To prevent fresh juice from getting on your hands, the leaves are cut with gloves. The same requirement applies to the processing of raw materials.

Attention! Fresh Alocasia do not apply for medicinal recipes, tinctures for alcohol, compresses are made from it, ointments are made.

Below are the photos of the treatment:


Despite the high medicinal properties Alocasia, its composition is not thoroughly studied. Altai State University conducted a number of studies in which it was revealed that the variety contains mercury and some poisons.

Scientific medicine does not accept Alocasia treatment, especially its ingestion is not recommended... The sap of the plant high toxicity, therefore, if the dosage is exceeded, poisoning is possible.

Ointments based on it can cause burns, it depends on individual sensitivity skin... To avoid such a reaction, it is necessary to apply part of the ointment to the bend of the elbow before using it. Inflammatory process and redness will indicate the impossibility of using Arma for treatment.

Useful video

Below is a video about the use of Alokazia:


So, despite the high beneficial properties of Alokazia, it must be used with caution, since high risk of poisoning by ingestion and burns by external use.

Since Alokazia poisonous, it is better to use medicines from it externally, and first consult a doctor.

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Houseplants from tropical and subtropical regions attract with their unusual beauty. Learning the "biography" of a flower, we realize that it is valuable not only for its decorative effect. All indoor plants heal the atmosphere around them, and some are considered medicinal.

The air of the room where the flowers are located is involuntarily humidified and purified, the psychological climate in the house improves. All this is true in relation to alocasia, the medicinal properties of which are often of interest to its owners.

Dialectic of poison

There are about 70 varieties, but the healing properties are attributed to 2 types:

  • Large-rooted alocasia (A. macrorrhiza), known as arma or arum indian, - tall herbaceous plant with bright green heart-shaped leaves almost a meter long and juicy petioles; she has a thickened rhizome, similar to the root of ginseng;

  • Alocasia odorous (A. odora), a large plant with fleshy leaves, similar to strongly elongated shields, up to 1 m long.

There are cases when the rhizome of alocasia was passed off as ginseng, which put buyers in danger of getting severe poisoning.

General property all alocasia - toxicity. The juice contains cyanides and mercury chloride (mercuric chloride), which cause burns and swelling of the mucous membranes.

The juice and pulp of the lower, starting to turn yellow leaves are used in traditional Chinese medicine, however, the healing properties of alocasia have not been confirmed in the European Pharmacopoeia. There is also no proven method of making medicines based on this plant.

What is practiced at home as a treatment with arma is done at your own peril and risk. Therefore, information about its healing properties is offered not as a guide to action, but as a reason to think about the dialectic of life, in which the benefits and harms are closely intertwined.

Young leaves should not be rubbed in the hands and consumed internally. Keep children and pets away from alocasia.

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Benefit without harm

No doctor will forbid you to admire alocasia, the beauty of which improves emotional condition person: irritability goes away, relations in the family are harmonized.

Alocasia leaves absorb hazardous substances that are emitted from plastic and paintwork (formaldehyde, phenol, toluene, etc.). The phytoncides contained in the leaves disinfect the air, fight influenza viruses, kill staphylococcus, streptococcus, and E.coli. In this way, they maintain our health without causing any harm.

What's in my poison for you

The composition of arma juice is not fully understood. It is known that it includes biologically active substances: quercetin, licurazide, hyperoside, alkaloids, coumarins, cyanides, mercury compound. Alocasia is not officially recognized as a medicinal plant because its beneficial properties and toxicity are too closely intertwined.

Arma has a wide potential healing effect. It is believed that she:

  • enhances immunity;
  • fights viruses and germs;
  • helps with swelling and inflammation;
  • relieves itching;
  • relieves toothache and joint pain;
  • inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors;
  • tones the veins;
  • stimulates tissue repair;
  • works as an expectorant;
  • relieves spasms of smooth muscles.

Like arma, alocasia odoriferous also has an antimicrobial effect, relieves pain in the stomach, is used to treat tuberculosis, pneumonia, soothes nervous system, normalizes sleep.

The borderline beyond which the medicinal effect turns into its opposite is determined by the accuracy of the dosage of the active substance.

Do not try to prepare such drugs yourself. This requires special knowledge.

I fly everything

The experience of Chinese traditional medicine shows that drugs based on arma can help almost all types of diseases. The versatility of their healing action is amazing. So, tincture on the leaves of arma treats diseases:

  • gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, helminthiasis, stomach ulcer, intestinal and gastric colic, enteritis);
  • joints and spine (osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, gout, rheumatism, hernia intervertebral disc);
  • veins (hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis);
  • respiratory organs (pneumonia, tuberculosis);
  • skin (psoriasis, rash, itching).

In addition, Arma preparations work as an antidote for snake bites, treat prostatitis, and help with an increase in thyroid gland, paralysis, malignant tumors, trophic ulcers heal.

Important: never self-medicate, its consequences exacerbate the severity of the disease.

Bad friend

Alocasia is harmless if you admire it. It is at least unreasonable to take inwardly prepared tinctures from arma. On the Internet, you can find stories of daredevils who, following people's councils, prepared these medicinal tinctures, took them and survived. The only thing that can be said in this case is that nobody is given a second life. Take care of the first one.

An absolute contraindication for all experiments with alocasia - age up to 18 years, pregnancy, breastfeeding, heart disease.

If you are trusting folk medicine, if you want to try the healing effect of arma on yourself, consult your doctor.

Cancer won't go away!

Studies of the antitumor properties of arma were carried out in China 5 years ago, and it was found that aqueous extract fights liver cancer cells. Traditional healers use their own method of treating oncology, using arma tincture for two-month courses.

In Russia, the official study of the anticarcinogenic effect of Arma drugs has not yet been completed.

You can't take it with your bare hands

Collecting the leaves of the arma, chopping the rhizome is permissible only with rubber gloves and goggles. Getting on the mucous membrane, the juice of alocasia burns like hell and causes poisoning. Tools, utensils and hands should be thoroughly rinsed. It is strictly forbidden to use undiluted juice and young leaves of the arma; for the preparation of infusions, the old lower leaves are taken, which have turned yellow and will soon fall off.

Alocasia tincture

From the leaves and stalks of the arma, alcoholic tinctures are prepared, which, according to the recipes of healers, are taken drop by drop or used externally for rubbing and compresses. For grinding alocasia, plastic or ceramic dishes are taken; the knife and pestle should also not be made of metal.

The volume of alcohol or vodka is poured in the same amount as the gruel turned out from the leaves and petioles. Keep the medicinal suspension in a dark place for 3 weeks. The tincture is used externally to treat joint or skin diseases. The dosage for oral administration should be determined by a healer who knows how to use the arma for medicinal purposes.

The water infusion of the crushed parts of the plant, which is used for baths, also has useful properties.

Video gallery


ALOCASIA from the aroid family ❖❖❖ Features of keeping at home


Alokazia - Flower Shop


Alocasia: reproduction and resuscitation of a discounted plant, part 1

Alocasia large-rooted (Alocasia macrorrhizos L).
Aroid family.

Popular names: Arma. Alocasia. Arum is Indian.

Alocasia - An evergreen shrub. Homeland - tropical forests of Southeast Asia.

There are more than fifty species that differ in size, shape and color of leaves, the height of the plant itself, but all alocasia have characteristic signs Are tuberous plants.

Leaves - located on long, succulent petioles, with pronounced veins, dense, oval with a pointed end, thyroid.

Alocasia is a flower - a barometer. On the eve of rain, water droplets appear on its leaves.

Alocasia blooms very rarely (flowering occurs only in an adult plant). Flowers - collected in ear-shaped inflorescences, fragrant, small.

Alocasia has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract and brings order to the psyche. This flower can be grown in the kitchen to improve digestion and in the bedroom to promote sleep.

The plant is POISONOUS.

In folk medicine, for therapeutic purposes, they use alcohol tincture, water infusion and juice of the leaves of the plant. They also make balms and ointments.

Arma-alocasia strengthens the immunity of humans and animals, has valuable phytoncidal properties, and is an effective biogenic stimulant.

The plant is used in the treatment of mastopathy, allergies, thrombophlebitis, psoriasis, ischemia, joint diseases, fibroids and other types of tumors, thyroid diseases, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and rheumatism, arthritis and polyarthritis, gout.

When treating swollen veins, compresses should be done only on diseased veins - cover healthy parts with a napkin. A gauze napkin is moistened in tincture and applied to the sore area, on top - compress paper.

Bandage with elastic bandage. Keep the compress for 3 days, at this time lead a sedentary lifestyle. After carrying out this procedure, be patient and lubricate the diseased veins with tincture of alocasia in the evening (before bedtime) for 3 months.

This treatment helps to get rid of unpleasant-looking bloated veins without surgery.

When treating mastopathy and thyroid nodules, make compresses with tincture. Keep for 4-5 hours. The course of treatment is 7-10 days (daily), then a break for 2-3 days. The cycle is repeated until cured.

Compresses with tincture of Alokazia treat inflammation of the joints, spurs, growths on the fingers; used for paralysis (rubbing from the fingertips all over the body 2-3 times a day).

Mode of application.


♦ Grind the oldest leaf and add vodka. For 100 g of fresh raw materials - 500 ml of vodka. Insist 10 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Start taking the tincture with one drop per tablespoon (teaspoon) of water. Increase the dose by one drop daily. Drink three times a day before meals. As a rule, the prepared portion is designed for 52 drops per spoon.

For external use.

♦ Fill a container halfway with chopped fresh leaves and top with vodka. Close tightly and leave for 14 days at room temperature, drain.


♦ Grind the young leaves together with the cuttings into a gruel. Pour into a dark glass container and pour 100 ml of warmed linseed or olive oil. Insist 7 days and filter. Store the oil in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months.
Massage with alocasia oil is effective for joint diseases and rheumatism.

CONTRAINDICATION: Internal use of Alocasia, as a POISONOUS plant, requires CAUTION.

Source: Desk Calendar "Home Doctor" (2013)

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Among indoor plants, medicinal species are common, which are not only beautiful, but also have medicinal properties. The healing properties of alocasia have long been used in Chinese traditional medicine. The preparations are widely used in places where plants grow in nature. However, the poisonous substances of mercuric chloride and cyanides contained in the sap of the plant require caution and precise dosage in use. Of home alocasia, only large-rhizome has pronounced healing properties.

Alocasia traditional medicine

It should be noted that the properties of alocasia are still insufficiently studied, they are not used in traditional medicine. Other names for alocasia are shamrock, arma, weatherman. The use of preparations from a plant without appropriate knowledge is life-threatening. Therefore, information about the benefits of the plant is given not to guide its use, but as evidence of the greatness and capabilities of nature.

Medicinal properties plants can be used in accurate dosage, under the guidance of an experienced healer and after consultation with the attending physician. External agents are used only after a trial application to the skin. The healer selects the dose of alocasia for treatment individually.

Using the knowledge of Chinese doctors who most fully substantiated the use of drugs from alocasia, we will rely on their experience:

  1. The leaves are used to make preparations for relieving toothache, treating tuberculosis and pneumonia.
  2. Large-root alocasia is used to treat polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, gout, hemorrhoids.
  3. The essential oils of the plant are used as antimicrobial drugs. They are used for staphylococcal, streptococcal, intestinal infection, in the fight against influenza viruses.
  4. With the help of infusions of alocasia, itching from the bites of blood-sucking insects is relieved. The drug is an antidote for snakebites.
  5. With the help of external influence, bumps under the skin are absorbed and healed, gout, hemorrhoids are relieved, spurs disappear.
  6. Alocasia heals the atmosphere in the home just by being there. It is said that several shamrock and violet plants together can change even the character of an angry person living in this atmosphere.

These properties are known and used by the inhabitant in those places where the plant is a resident of the wild. Of those alocasia that have taken root in homes, only the trefoil is used for treatment. The plant is named so, because of the property of losing the fourth leaf, when a young one appears. For medicinal purposes, only this slightly yellowed leaf with a long handle is used, which is used for the preparation of potions. One such leaf the size of a human palm is enough to make 0.5 liters of healing tincture.

The properties studied to date characterize the plant:

  • biological stimulant involved in the process of tissue repair;
  • an immunomodulator that increases resistance to cancer;
  • anti-inflammatory drug to restore joints;
  • analgesic effect on nerve endings.

The unconditional limitation of alocasia for treatment is the age, not younger than 15 years.

Dosage forms for the use of alocasia

To obtain potions, the lower leaf of the plant is used, which begins to die off. It is cut off along with the petiole at the very base.

Preparation of drugs requires special care. Even a microscopic dose of juice that gets on the mucous membranes will bring terrible torment. Skin burns are possible. Therefore, you should work in protective clothing and goggles.

Alocasia tincture on alcohol is made after crushing the leaf and stem in a porcelain mortar. The sheet is preliminarily cut with a plastic knife and in a plastic container. How much gruel turns out, the same amount of vodka is taken. The suspension is kept for 3 weeks in the dark. Such a tincture of alocasia on alcohol is used for external rubbing in case of joint pain and skin problems. For internal use, the course is selected individually, and the drug is taken under the supervision of a healer.

An ointment is also produced, which consists of a gruel, grated both for tincture and a fat base in a ratio of 2 parts of gruel and 3 parts of lard, petroleum jelly and similar products. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. Alocasia in alcohol tincture in a ratio of 1: 4 to the fat base can also be used for superficial use.

Alocasia oil is made by cold extracting the gruel from the leaf into olive or other oil. In this case, 100 g of oil is taken on one sheet, the process takes place in a dark place for 3 weeks, then the remaining fibrous substances are squeezed out, and the oil is used within 3 months. Apply it externally.

Infusions of gruel on water are used for baths, but the mass should be infused for 24 hours, after a day it retains its healing properties. All preparations are made cold and warm. Boiling or using boiling water will destroy the complex composition.

The resulting drugs are used:

  • with diseases of bones and joints;
  • in skin problems, any dermatitis;
  • with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • tuberculosis;
  • stomach ulcer.

While these funds are used in traditional medicine. The research of the plant is carried out intensively, its medicinal action confirmed, but alocasia is not included in the pharmacopoeia of official medicine.

Antineoplastic medicinal properties of alocasia

In Russia, scientific research has been carried out and is being carried out to study external treatment with alocasia tincture or an ointment prepared on its basis. The results are positive. Buryat herbalist Badmaev also confirms the positive medicinal effect of the tincture.

In 2012, in China, the antitumor therapeutic property of alocasia on hepatocellular carcinoma was studied, where it was finally established that alocasia large-rooted precisely kills cancer cells in the liver. Official medicine has recognized this drug as useful specifically for the treatment of liver cancer.

The drug is taken under the strict supervision of doctors. Suffice it to say, the treatment begins with one drop of the tincture, diluted in a tablespoon of water, and increases every day by only one drop, and then decreases in the same order. The two-month course can be repeated only after a long break. The scheme was developed and applied by the healer L. Kim.

The drug alocasia for cancer is used under the strict supervision of doctors and exceeding the dose is unacceptable. When applying the tincture, you need to take into account its complex effect on all organs.

The use of drugs from alocasia for stomach ulcers

Indian alocasia was studied in 2011 in the city of Krishna, where its positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract was confirmed. The diarrhea ceased, the composition showed antiprozoal properties, that is, the destruction of pathogens. Taking the tincture reduces pain in the stomach in case of ulcers. But the studies were not documented. The use of alocasia for the treatment of stomach ulcers has not yet been confirmed by medical research. Healers use the tincture in the treatment. For those who have an ulcer in remission, traditional healers advise in the spring and autumn to carry out a course of treatment with alocasia for stomach ulcers. However, healers are advised to consult with your doctor before taking the tincture. But if there is a concomitant heart disease, then alocasia should be abandoned.

Taking the dose prescribed by the healer will not only help not to exacerbate the disease, but alocasia will also prevent cancer from cancer. To obtain the composition, mix one spoon of the crushed mass of alocasia with a glass of honey and a bottle of vodka. Shake until the honey dissolves, and keep in a dark place for 10 days. Shake well before use. Drink 3 times a day, a tablespoon half an hour before meals. After 2 weeks, repeat everything in the same proportion. The preparation of a portion for one course is described.

Traditional medicine is not a panacea. Only in conjunction with specialists who have at their disposal active drugs, herbalists can provide a mild effect on the body of a green pharmacy. But they do not know about concomitant diseases, without taking into account which it is possible to bring not benefits, but harm to health. Therefore, joint treatment will be correct and effective.

Alocasia ointment for arthritis - video

Alocasia - medicinal properties and contraindications

Tropical plants that are grown in our pots as indoor flowers, often, like the local field and forest plants we are used to, are medicinal. One of these healers living on the windowsill is alocasia.

This perennial tropical plant belongs to the Aroid family and the Alokazia genus. It reaches a height of forty centimeters to two meters, depending on the growing conditions. In nature, alocasia can have both herbaceous and treelike stems of considerable thickness, directed upward. In apartment conditions - only grassy. The root is short, thick, stolon-like or tuberous.

The leaves of alocasia are evergreen, large, with long petioles. At a young age, they have a rounded shape, which eventually becomes heart-shaped or arrow-shaped (depending on the type of plant). The edge of the leaf plate is even, in some rare species it is slightly dissected. Their color is dark green, the surface is glossy. Most species have white streaks.

The inflorescence of alocasia is vertical, having an ovoid leaf cover. Flowers are monoecious, small, yellowish in color, collected on the cob. Fruits are hemispherical red berries. Alocasia juice is transparent and milky.

The plant grows in tropical and subtropical forests of Asia, Australia, Central America and South America.

Chemicals present in the plant

It is immediately worth noting the fact that alocasia is not recognized by official medicine as a medicinal plant for the reason that it contains several toxic substances. However, despite this, traditional healers - at first in the places of growth, and today and everywhere - effectively use alocasia in the treatment of a number of diseases.

The chemical composition of the plant has not been fully studied, but the studies already carried out are enough to say with confidence that it contains: cyanide compounds (cyanides), mercuric chloride, senic acid, mercury, coumarins, essential oils, flavonoids, quinine, aymalin, hyperoside, quercetin , lycuroside, phytoncides and indole alkaloids.

No saponins, glycosides and tannins were found in alocasia.

The healing properties of alocasia

For medicinal purposes, we most often use mountain alocasia, which is the most common inhabitant of apartments. When correct use it brings an incomparable benefit to the body, while with a significant overdose it can lead to death.

The phytoncidal properties of the plant help to resist viral diseases, providing a bactericidal effect. It has been noticed that in the presence of this tropical guest in the house, it is much more difficult to get sick with influenza and ODS.

The combination of several very active alkaloids at once inhibits development oncological diseases, and therefore traditional healers recommend using alocasia as an additional therapy.

The plant's ability to rejuvenate the body and increase the elasticity of blood vessels allows it to be used as a means for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. In addition, it reduces alocasia and the risk of cerebrovascular atherosclerosis.

The beneficial effect on the heart muscle, which the plant has, helps to cope with diseases that cause heart rhythm disturbances. In untreated forms, alocasia can become the main therapy.

The plant has a positive effect on blood circulation in the pelvic organs, as well as the tone of the uterus. Because of these qualities, the use of alocasia is justified for various gynecological problems, including oncology, uterine fibroids and polyps.

Saves a tropical guest from decreased appetite, especially with anorexia nervosa. By actively stimulating appetite, alocasia promotes weight gain.

Infusions from the plant are also used to treat various diseases of the joints, as well as salt deposits and spurs.

In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland, alocasia helps to restore their functions.

This plant is also used to combat dermatitis and eczema as an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory agent. After exposure to the drug, patients immediately notice a significant improvement in their condition.

In addition, there are indications for the use of various herbal medicines for pulmonary tuberculosis; paralysis caused by brain problems and various malaria.

Contraindications to treatment with alocasia

Complete rejection of the use of alocasia inside requires diseases of the kidneys, liver and hemophilia. It is also impossible to use the plant for medicinal purposes if it is intolerant. Even with minor allergic reactions, it is unacceptable to be treated with them.

In addition, the use of drugs from alocasia by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under the age of sixteen, is not allowed.

Having decided to use this medicinal plant inside, we must not forget that you should first consult with your doctor. Without this, it is highly undesirable to use alocasia.

In the course of treatment, side effects, which include: weakness, vomiting, dizziness, indigestion. In such cases, taking the plant must be stopped immediately.

How to apply alocasia

Since the sap of the plant is very caustic, for the preparation of preparations they take the lower leaf of alocasia, which has already begun to dry out, but the petiole is still green. All manipulations must be carried out with gloves.

Alcoholic infusion for internal and external use

To prepare the medicine, the old leaf of the plant is plucked from the petiole and cut as finely as possible. After that, it is placed in a glass dish and poured with half a liter of alcohol. The composition is removed in a dark place for three weeks. After this time, the preparation is filtered off.

Inside, the infusion is used for oncological and tumor diseases, as well as joint diseases, tuberculosis and heart problems. At the beginning of the course, they drink two drops, diluted in a tablespoon of water. Gradually, the dosage is increased by one drop every day (the volume of water also increases). After the dosage reaches twenty-five drops, it is reduced in the same way to the initial one. Between courses of admission, it is required to take a break of at least two months.

Externally, the drug is used for varicose veins, inflammation of the joints, nodes on the thyroid gland. The drug is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio and a napkin soaked in it is applied to the affected area for forty minutes once a day. The duration of the course is one week.

For one hundred grams of old crushed leaves, one liter of boiled water is taken. The poured leaves insist for at least twenty-four hours. Apply the drug for washing dermatitis and eczema.

For this remedy, used as compresses for joint diseases, old leaves of alocasia are taken and rubbed in a plastic container with a pestle (not metal). Compresses are applied once a day for a week.

In order to avoid getting skin burns with fresh plant sap, all actions for collecting leaves must be carried out with rubber gloves. Contact of alocasia in its pure form with the skin is unacceptable. After working with it, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. It is impossible to use pure plant juice or green leaves that have not begun to dry for treatment. This will lead to serious burns and severe poisoning, which can, without timely medical care cause death.

The use of alocasia as a medicinal plant is justified, since it has a beneficial effect in various diseases, but one should be very careful when approaching such treatment. If you have any doubts about the correct preparation of the drug, you should refuse to use it.

Alocasia flower and its healing properties

Alokazia has several common names. Due to the fact that there are never more than three leaves on the stalk of a plant, it is called a trefoil. Alocasia got the name "weatherman" due to its ability to "predict" precipitation. Before the rain, the humidity rises, and the alocasia releases excess moisture from the atmosphere through the leaves. Large fleshy leaves gave her another name - elephant ear.

Botanical characteristic

Alocasia in our latitudes is considered an indoor plant. However, in Southeast Asia, it grows in the tropical rainforests of Malaysia and Ceylon. Alocasia has large thyroid-shaped leaves with pronounced veins. Dense petioles rise up from the tuberous root system. Each has three leaves, because as soon as a new fourth leaf appears, the lower one dies off and disappears. Alocasia belongs to the aroid family.

There are many types of shamrock, sometimes significantly different appearance apart. Only a few of them are grown in home floriculture. Alocasia with proper care and the lighting grows up to one meter. In its natural environment, alocasia grows up to 3 meters.

Alocasia blooms very rarely. The flower is small with a strong aroma. The inflorescence looks like a white-pink ear. On one side it is covered with a sheet. Experienced growers are advised to remove flowers that stop the growth of leaves.

The most famous and widespread are the following types of plants:

  • Large-root alocasia. It grows up to 2 meters, leaves are large oval with a clear division in the middle.
  • Odorous alocasia. The leaves reach 1 meter in length and 70-80 cm in width. Young leaves have an almost round thyroid shape and stretch with age. Flowers have a strong aroma.
  • Alocasia Black Velvet. It has a small dense stem and rather short petioles. Differs in a velvety surface of the outer part of the sheet.
  • Amazonian alocasia. The plant has a height of about 70-75 cm. The leaves are oval, elongated. There are white stripes along the veins.

Other types of trefoil most often grow only in the wild and are not very revered by flower growers.

Chemical composition

Alocasia - poisonous plant... The danger is the juice secreted from all parts of the weatherman. Its irritating properties are manifested in contact with the skin or mucous membranes. Therefore, all types of weather patterns must be installed out of the reach of children and pets.

In the leaves of the weatherman in a large number there are phytoncides. Therefore, all types of plants have stimulating and tonic properties. In addition, alocasia is rich in essential oils. The dangerous substances contained in the leaves are hydrocyanic acid and mercuric chloride.

Collection and storage rules

For medicinal purposes, only large-rooted plant species are used.

Since alocasia secretes poisonous juice, it is necessary to pluck the leaves or petioles only with gloves.

Avoid contact of any part of the trefoil with exposed skin. After any manipulations with the plant, you must thoroughly wash your hands.

The sap of the plant cannot be used in its pure form! For cooking drugs on the basis of the trefoil, the lowest leaf is taken. This should be done when it has already begun to die off, but still retained a green stalk.

Why is alocasia useful?

The properties of the trefoil have been widely used in Chinese alternative medicine.

  1. Alocasia is used to make drugs that relieve toothache and stomach cramps. The leaves are used to make a remedy for pneumonia and tuberculosis.
  2. The medicinal properties of the large-root weatherman are used in the treatment of gout, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis and polyarthritis.
  3. Alocasia contains essential oils that have antimicrobial and expectorant effects.
  4. The plant relieves inflammation and fights against E. coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus, influenza and tuberculosis bacilli. Alocasia has a positive effect on sleep quality and mood.
  5. The healing and absorbing properties of the plant help fight gout, spurs, hemorrhoids and allergic skin manifestations. Alocasia relieves itching from insect bites.
  6. Alocasia is able to benefit human health even by being indoors. Alocasia produces phytoncides and essential oils into the surrounding atmosphere, which have a bactericidal effect. Alocasia strengthens the immune system and tones up.

Folk recipes

Alocasia is used to make ointments, tinctures, oils and juices.


Before using drugs from a weatherman for medicinal purposes, you should consult with your doctor. Trefoil treatment is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. Any products containing alocasia juice are also contraindicated in children.

When using a tincture or ointment with alocasia, it is imperative to strictly observe the dose and frequency of medication. You must first conduct a test for sensitivity to plant sap. To do this, you need to drip the ready-made solution onto the bend of the arm. When the appearance allergic reactions the concentration of the agent is reduced.

Alocasia - medicinal properties

Alokazia (arma) is an evergreen tropical plant with large thyroid leaves on long cuttings, which is mainly grown as an ornamental plant, but also has medicinal properties. As indoor plant the most common is the large-rooted alocasia, whose fleshy root is a bit like that of ginseng.

The chemical composition of alocasia

Officially to the list medicinal plants Alocasia is included only in some countries where it grows in natural conditions, therefore, in general, its composition is not very well understood. It is known that this plant contains poisonous substances, primarily mercuric chloride and hydrocyanic acid.

The healing properties of the plant are due to the content in alocasia of a number of biologically active substances:

  • flavonoids (quercetin, hyperoside, lycuroside);
  • coumarins;
  • alkaloids, one of which is close in composition to quinine.

Also found in it:

  • tannins and anthracene derivatives;
  • saponins;
  • cardiac glycosides.

The healing properties of large-root alocasia

The main medicinal properties of alocasia include several main points:

  1. Immunomodulator - helps to increase the protective properties of the body, resistance to diseases (including cancer).
  2. Strong biogenic stimulant affecting the regenerative mechanism.
  3. Suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria and some fungi.
  4. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis.
  5. Has an analgesic effect when rubbed into the skin for bruises, injuries, osteochondrosis.

The healing properties of alocasia in folk medicine are used to treat:

  • polyarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • inflammatory muscle diseases;
  • gout.

In traditional Chinese medicine, alocasia has long been used to treat cancer, stomach pain, toothache, and pneumonia.

Preparation and use of drugs from alocasia

Since the plant is quite poisonous, the preparation of preparations from it requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. For medicinal purposes, they take leaves that have already begun to die off.
  2. It is necessary to cut and process raw materials with gloves, not allowing fresh juice to get on the skin.
  3. Store the finished product in a carefully closed container, separately from food products.
  4. Fresh alocasia is not used, only alcoholic tinctures, water infusions, compresses and ointments.

Alcohol tincture of alocasia

To prepare the tincture:

  1. One crushed leaf of the plant is poured with 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol (vodka without impurities).
  2. Insist for two weeks in a cool dark place.

Externally, the tincture is used undiluted. A napkin soaked in tincture is applied to the sore spot for up to one hour, once a day for 7-10 days.

For oral administration, a scheme is used in which the tincture is taken from 1 drop per day, diluted in a tablespoon of water, increasing the amount by one drop every day, up to 25-30 drops per dose. Then they move in the reverse pattern, gradually reducing the number of drops.

To prepare the ointment, alcohol tincture of alocasia is mixed with a fat base (lard, petroleum jelly, etc.) in a ratio of 1: 4. Such an ointment is used to treat trophic ulcers, with arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatic pains.

Alocasia water infusion

When heated, alocasia loses its beneficial properties, so the infusion is prepared in a cold way:

  1. The crushed leaf of the plant is poured with chilled boiled water in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Insist during the day.

The finished infusion is stored for no more than a day, used for compresses, lotions, rinsing for skin diseases.

At the slightest sign of allergy or poisoning, treatment with alocasia should be stopped immediately.

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