Official Cyc Election Data. There are several ways to track election results online

Voting at a polling station

For the convenience of voters, a service to find their polling station was running on the site. To do this, it was enough to enter the registration address in the search bar.

In addition, information could be obtained by calling the Unified Information Service of Moscow.

Electronic voting

In some districts, an experiment on electronic voting in elections was successfully carried out. Muscovites had the opportunity to vote using their smartphones, tablets and computers.

Early voting

Those who could not come to the polls for a valid reason (due to vacation, business trip, work, health reasons, etc.) voted in advance. This could be done from August 28 to September 7 in the evening and on weekends.

Voting at home

For those who could not come to the elections of deputies to the Moscow City Duma for health reasons, the possibility of voting at home (at the place of permanent registration) was provided. To take advantage of it, Muscovites could call their polling station or ask someone from their acquaintances to inform the representatives of the election commission about their intention to vote at home. Members of the precinct election commission visited those who decided to cast their votes at home on election day.

More than 6,000 election campaigns ended on Sunday. Judging by the preliminary results, there were no sensations: representatives of the ruling party won almost everywhere and with extremely low voter turnout.

First results

According to the preliminary data of the Central Election Commission, in the regions (with the exception of the Kaliningrad region and Karelia), where direct elections of governors were held, the current leaders are in the lead. For example, in Buryatia, more than 87% of voters voted for Alexei Tsydenov, in the Tomsk region for Sergei Zhvachkin - over 58%, in the Sverdlovsk region for Yevgeny Kuyvashev - more than 60%. The party list of "United Russia" received 45.4% of the votes in the elections to the Sakhalin Regional Duma (the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is in second place with 16.3%), to the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky City Duma - almost 49% (here the LDPR is in second place with 20.6%), to the Vladivostok City Duma - 39.5% (Communist Party - 22%).

The highest voter turnout was recorded in Mordovia (71.2%), Saratov (52.4%) and Belgorod (47.5%) regions. In other regions, it was below 40%. Outsiders among the "governor" regions were Karelia (23.5%), Novgorod (24.8%), Kaliningrad (26.3%) and Kirov (27.2%) regions. In the elections to the City Duma of regional capitals, voter turnout was even lower, and the absolute anti-record of the day was set by Vladivostok - 12.7% (see table).

The turnout fits into the overall picture, somewhere it is even slightly higher than in the elections to the State Duma, notes the deputy secretary of the General Council of United Russia Yevgeny Revenko: “We say thank you to all voters. The elections are very important for the party - this is a serious exam of the attitude of voters a year after the federal elections. "

Experts were not surprised by the first results either. “We will now hear a lot of words about the benefits of a natural low turnout and the absence of significant violations,” political analyst Konstantin Kalachev ironically says. “There are indeed fewer violations, but the logic is simple: less competition means fewer violations.” The tendencies are clear - the turnout in the elections of governors is higher than that of deputies, political analyst Andrei Kolyadin notes: “The high voter turnout in Mordovia, Belgorod and Saratov regions is quite predictable. The [high] turnout in the Sverdlovsk region is unexpected for me. " Bombs and sensations have not happened yet, says political analyst Mikhail Vinogradov: “There were traces of the center's desire to avoid escalating turnout, and traces of public passivity, and the failure of some of the headquarters. Most likely, the turnout in most territories will be recognized as natural - consistent with the electoral traditions of the region and the quality of the campaign. "

Habitual violations

The CEC did not register critical violations that could affect the voting results, said the secretary of the commission Maya Grishina: “There are many appeals that cannot be called complaints from the localities. More than half of 318 complaints were about illegal campaigning on the day of silence. All these facts will be verified and recorded ”(quoted by Interfax).

Observers disagree. In the municipal elections in Barnaul, early voting was 5.6% of the payroll, with an official turnout of about 20%, that is, every fourth voted early, says Golos coordinator Stanislav Andreychuk: “As a result, people came to the polling stations - and it turned out, that someone has already voted for them early ”.

According to the co-chairman of Golos Grigory Melkonyants, “outrageous stuffing” was at the elections of the governor in the Saratov region and at the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory. Complaints were also received on the “Golos” violations card that “win-win lottery” tickets were issued along with ballots in the Sverdlovsk region. Holidays and lotteries were used as a testing tool to increase the turnout, Melkonyants believes: “It was done very rudely, there is no normal assessment of such actions by law enforcement agencies and election commissions. After the elections, we will ask the CEC to give a legal assessment of such actions, because because of this the meaning of the elections is lost - people go to them not for the sake of forming government bodies, but for the sake of prizes. "

Opposition parties also have many complaints. The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Gennady Zyuganov, once again stated that he would insist on holding elections "at a more favorable time", because now "many citizens are forced to work in their gardens and orchards in order to stock up on food for the winter." The leader of the Socialist-Revolutionaries Sergei Mironov highlighted a large-scale early voting in Barnaul and fears of "massive falsifications" in the Krasnodar Territory, where the party sent about 900 representatives: "In case of violations, we will give a very harsh assessment of this reserve of administrative resources and do not recognize the elections." Yaroslav Nilov (Liberal Democratic Party) said that the declining turnout from year to year "lowers confidence in the authorities and the institution of elections," and said that his party "is expecting second rounds in some gubernatorial elections."

Moscow specificity

The turnout in the municipal elections in Moscow at 18:00 was 12.01% (experts from the pro-Kremlin Foundation for the Development of Civil Society predicted it at the level of 10-15%). There was almost no information in the city about these elections, but the chairman of the Moscow City Electoral Commission Valentin Gorbunov said on Sunday that it was sufficient: “I think that in Moscow only those who do not want to know about the elections do not know about the elections. We got the SMS, we got the newspapers, we got everything. " “As was informed, this is the turnout,” Ella Pamfilova objected.

According to Gorbunov, no complaints requiring the intervention of the MGIK were received on Sunday. However, ex-State Duma deputy Dmitry Gudkov, whose headquarters supported about 1000 candidates, reported an abnormally large number of voters at home: "Compared to previous years, four times more." Golos also called home voting the biggest problem in Moscow. The participation of social workers in the home voting of socially unprotected groups of citizens is also a matter of concern, Melkonyants says: “Apparently, they were emphasized, and with a low turnout, their votes can become decisive. Therefore, this technology turns out to be very important in the municipal elections in Moscow. " CEC Deputy Chairman Nikolai Bulaev called these statements "assumptions", and Gorbunov said that there had been no complaints about voting at home at MGIK.

According to Gorbunov, as of the end of Saturday, about 60,000 home-based voting applications had been filed, a figure that is not final. In 2012, there were 158,000 homeworkers in Moscow, he added. In March 2012, the municipal elections in Moscow were combined with the presidential elections. At that time, the turnout in the presidential elections in Moscow was 58%.

At the same time, on the eve of the vote, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin dismissed the head of the Novo-Peredelkin council Yuri Nosenko and his first deputy Svetlana Antonova "for gross violations", and also announced the replacement of all the chairmen of the district election commissions in this area. The reason was a video posted on YouTube in which Antonova hands envelopes to PEC representatives and instructs them on working with “supporters”. Antonova refused to answer questions from Vedomosti. In addition, early voting results in the Airport area were canceled on Sunday, as the number of envelopes with ballots of early voters exceeded the number of those who applied for early voting.

With such a turnout, it is enough to agitate and mobilize 450-500 people to win, Kalachev emphasizes, “but you had to earn it with your feet.” And the problem, in his opinion, was not the drying up of the turnout: “The opposition was unable to pump up its agenda, to demonstrate a real unity of plans and actions. The main topic - if you want Sobyanin to have a real competitor in 2018, vote now - was never explained to people. And Sobyanin led his own in different columns. Everything is very technologically advanced. " According to Vinogradov, the level of turnout in Moscow is expected, no new risks have been created for the federal agenda, and "the rest will be forgotten." ".

On March 18, a vote was held in our country and abroad, during which the citizens of the Russian Federation elected the head of state for the next 6 years. Eight candidates ran for the post of the new president of the Russian Federation, 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and about 111 million voters took part in the event. Let's sum up the results of the presidential elections and find out the final results of the 2018 voting.

List of applicants

In total, from December 18 to January 12, 70 applications were submitted to the CEC from applicants for the post of head of the Russian Federation, including 46 self-nominated candidates and 24 representatives of state parties.

As a result, the commission registered 8 candidates:

  • Vladimir Putin (65) - current president, self-nominated candidate. The result at the last vote was 63.6%.
  • Pavel Grudinin (57) is a candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, participates in elections for the first time.
  • Sergei Baburin (59) is a nominee from the Russian National Union. Previously, he did not participate in the presidential elections.
  • Vladimir Zhirinovsky (71) is a candidate from the Liberal Democratic Party. Became a presidential candidate for the 4th time. The result in the 2012 elections is 9.35%.
  • Ksenia Sobchak (36) is a candidate from the Civil Initiative. She submitted her candidacy for the first time.
  • Maxim Suraikin (39) - a nominee from the Communists of Russia, had not previously taken part in the elections.
  • Boris Titov (57) - Party of Growth, applied to vote for the first time.
  • Grigory Yavlinsky (65) - co-founder of the Yabloko party. The last time he was nominated for the presidency in 2000, 5.8% of citizens voted for him.

Election turnout

According to the CEC, voter turnout reached 67.47%, which is higher than in 2012, when 65.34% of Russian residents took part in the voting.

At the same time, this level of civil responsibility of the population is not an absolute record - in 2008, when Medvedev was elected president, the turnout was 69%.

Voting purity

Despite the modern technical equipment of polling stations in the form of webcams and electronic ballot boxes, during the elections in several regions of the country, facts of ballot stuffing and other violations were noted.

Also, before the election day, there was some pressure on citizens from the media and coercion to vote by employers of budgetary institutions.

According to the Associated Press, these facts do not call into question Putin's crushing victory, since the absolute majority of voters voted for him.

Election results

According to the CEC

The Central Election Commission submitted the following data obtained on the basis of processing 99.83% of ballots. The final results will be announced after a few days.

Exit polls data

The statistical error ranges from 0.7% to 2.5% depending on the volume of the indicator (0.7% for indicators below 1% and 2.5% for indicators above 10%).

The survey was conducted Sample Putin Grudinin Zhirinovsky Yavlinsky Sobchak Titov Baburin Suraykin Invalid ballots
VTsIOM 132601 73,9% 11,2% 6,7% 1,6% 2,5% 1,1% 1% 0,8% 1,2%
FOM 112700 76,3% 11,9% 6% 1% 2% 0,7% 0,6% 0,7%

As expected, the results of the preliminary voting confirmed the final results of the presidential elections in Russia. Putin won an unconditional victory and set two new records: he collected the maximum number of votes in percentage and in quantitative ratio from all those who previously participated in the elections.

President's plans for a new term

In the course of his election campaign, the current (and new) president of Russia began to implement his campaign promises. In particular, Putin approved a number of bills in support of his demographic reform.

After the vote, the president held a press conference at his campaign headquarters, during which he spoke about the next steps. According to Putin, in the near future he does not plan to introduce global changes to the Constitution of the country, but personnel changes in the government will surely occur, but only after his inauguration.

The president has not yet decided on a candidate for the post of prime minister - perhaps the post will remain with Medvedev.

Today, March 18, 2018, Russian presidential elections are taking place in Russia. At exactly 8:00, polling stations opened and many Russians had already voted in the morning. It will be possible to track the election results on the CEC website after the end of the voting.

The first polling stations were opened in Russia on March 17 at 23:00. At this time, the time has come to vote in the Far East. Residents of Kaliningrad will be the last to vote for their candidate.

From the very morning in Russia, people go to polling stations. According to the CEC, many citizens have already voted in remote corners of the Russian Federation.

Everyone will be able to track the electoral process online by going to the CEC website in the "Election Observation" section. According to published information, 80% of polling stations are equipped with video cameras that broadcast the elections online.

The first results will become available approximately a few hours after the closure of polling stations. All information will be broadcast on a large video wall at the CEC, where the media representatives are. At the moment, they show online footage from all polling stations.

You can track the results of the presidential elections on the CEC website

All federal TV channels broadcast the presidential elections. In real time, you can see how Russians vote in different parts of the country.

Observers assess voter turnout in the presidential elections as good. In many regions of Russia, the turnout has already reached 40-50%. They also actively vote in Crimea, where, according to Izberkom, the situation is calm, citizens are actively electing the head of state.

Russian TV channels monitor the electoral process in real time. Closer to noon, the first polls of sociologists will become known. Voters are polled upon leaving polling stations. By evening, the preliminary results of the exit polls will be announced.

How to find out the election results on the Internet

Everyone will be able to track the election results via the Internet. For these purposes, a marathon "Election Night-2018" will be held.

The first official data will be known only in the evening. Then, throughout the night, the CEC will receive information from all election commissions. As data becomes available, the election results will be shown on the video wall at the Central Election Commission.

The Election Night 2018 marathon will allow political discussions among politicians, journalists and political bloggers. The electoral process throughout Russia will also be shown online, the first official results and data from polls by sociological services.

Moreover, observers who monitor election violations will take part in the marathon. They will inform citizens about the situation at polling stations throughout Russia.

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