Darkest Dungeon What to take in. Guide on Darkest Dungeon for those who do not want to die immediately

In this guide, you will receive tips on the passage of certain locations: Ruins, Bowl, Reserve, Bay. And also, what we take with you and what enemies you will be waiting for you in location. Locations and what to take with you:

Recommend First, get acquainted with the guide in the heroes (their pros and cons) and how to kill bosses (who is better to take).

Locations and what to take with you:

What to take in ruins?

  1. a slight amount of shovel, because there are few walls here;
  2. a couple of herbs for iron virles and alchemical machines;
  3. if you compare with other locations, here you need slightly more keys under closed sarcophages, showcases and chests;
  4. several vials of holy water for a stronger baff from altars, cleaning thoughts in confessional and purification of urns. Again, the bottles in this location will go up much more than in other places;
  5. for the absence of good heale, bandages are required. Otherwise, you will be raised with heretics.

Ruins are the easiest region - here a large number of altars that buff your squad, the opponents are not allowed. however, you need to be extremely careful with skeletons with knives and crossbars.

Stress leaks pretty much.

  • Books are better not to touch. Altars open with holy water, and the trunks keys. The enemies are not bleed, so it is meaningless to take such heroes. Ideally enters the crusader.

What to take into account?

  1. more shovel, because they will need for the excavations of the graves;
  2. since there are dogs to impose bleeding, without bandages can not do. Also, they will be useful to examine the panties with the web;
  3. nourish antidote, because there is a strong etching from Mutants' Mushrooms. Also in antidia need hemp trees;
  4. more herbs and food;
  5. multiple keys for chests or a couple more antidote pair (capable of acting on dug and family chests);
  6. since there are practically no occult objects here, holy water is not useful.

Pretty complex region, opponents have a strong resistant to the poison, but weak to debuff, bleeding, movements and mills. If everything is not correctly applied, there are no harmful subjects. If the mushroom is an artilleryman put a label on one of the heroes, then the zombie mushrooms, otherwise the characterized character will die quickly.

What to take to the reserve?

  1. if you did not take a plague doctor with you, then without bandages, you just do not survive. Will also be useful for stands with weapons;
  2. two or three shovels, except for the walls, there is nothing to dig here;
  3. more grass to get a buff from the barrels with alcohol and from the carts to catch fire;
  4. an antidote as desired, since nasty worms appear not so often;
  5. a couple of vials of holy water, since occult objects and bunges and bones are periodically fall;
  6. more torches, because they often come across the scrolls that are burned and thus get rid of the hero from unwanted perks;
  7. 1-2 keys under the chest.

A simple region - besides disease, the opponent does not hang anything. The composition of the detachment can be chosen as desired, passes by everyone. The only wishes are to make the lagging focus on distant positions and control the neighboring.

What to take in the bay?

  1. a large number of shovel, here many walls + shovel are needed to open chests with shells and corals;
  2. the grass is as bigger, there is a "shaggy coral", soothing nerves, and the remains of fish. In the bay, as a rule, half of the reserves are spent on the removal of debaf from traps;
  3. bindings are extremely necessary, in particular, when we are veterans-champions. Here are crabs-dicaries, which their "arterial plop" impose bleeding from which you can die for a couple of moves. Or take a plague doctor;
  4. holy water and Antiwar are not needed at all. A totem that can try, is extremely rare. Antioot can be useful only to reduce stress on a puddle with a skeleton;
  5. 1-2 keys for family chests.

A complex region, since the group is a big stress and damage. It is not necessary to use anything on the round altar.

So, Darkest Dungeon! How much is in these two words on the letter "d"! Witches, necromancers, robbers, chonic horrors with awkles, pigtail, abandoned ruins, flooded ships and dark winding corridors of the very darkest dungeon! What is the essence of the game, how to choose to choose characters and compose from them groups that can effectively deal with otherworldly evil, you can read in our large guide. But where is the most evil, it is better to prepare for a meeting with him and what secrets hide the surroundings of an ancient estate captured by the sinister mandes of all varieties and sizes, we will tell in this article. So, ask to love and complain: Locations Darkest Dungeon!

Old road

This is the starting location in the game, which is part-time is a training. Consists of two rooms and aisle between them. It has a fixed arrangement of dicks and monsters. Its passage usually does not cause any problems, but there are several interesting moments to pay attention to players who love squeeze out of the game.

Actually, the whole secret is to put out the torch in the starting room.

The level of light has a direct impact on the game, with different indicators giving bonuses or negative effects. With the maximum level, the heroes receive an increased chance to catch enemies by surprise and conduct exploration. With minimal - in complete darkness - they get more stress, they can be caught by surprise, and the monsters become much more dangerous. However, on the other hand, the number of treasures found, as well as a chance for a critical strike. You can find the torch by pressing the light scale indicator with the Ctrl pinch key.

This will lead to several consequences. First, it will be possible to get much more valuable items, and therefore - increase the starting capital before going to the dungeon. The final room in this location contains a special chest that needs to be opened only by the key, otherwise everything you get is poison or bleeding. With a high level of lighting, it is almost impossible to knock out this key, but thanks to the bonuses from darkness, the chances are significantly rising.
Secondly, it is directly proportional to the chance of the treasure dropping out, the probability of wipe increases, since none of the starting characters (the robber and the crusader) does not have abilities to heal, and a couple of crazy critical strikes from the enemy can send a group to that light. And if the Crusader with the built-in kleptomania is not particularly sorry, then the robber has excellent starting kwirki and will be very useful in the future.

However, even if both characters are designed in the learning process, nothing terrible will happen: four heroes will appear in the diligence instead of two, so that for the first trip to the dungeon, in any case enough. In general, manipulation with a torch should be carried out exclusively at their own peril and risk (as in the future throughout the game).

After stripping the final room, we get five thousand as a starting capital (plus everything that was found in the learning process) and fall into the city, which is the next location.


This location is used to manage the heroes and everything that is connected with them, between the races in the dungeon. This includes: pumping the skills of the characters, the upgrade of their weapons and armor, the purchase of artifacts, the cure of negative features and diseases (as well as the fixation of positive), and, of course, reducing stress from unfortunate heroes. There are no monsters and battles (although there are several urban events that offer us, Aki Mowgli, squeeze the famous "We accept the fight!"), But there are buildings with various functions and economics, the distinctive feature of which is a chronic lack of resources.

Resources in the game only five. This is gold and family values \u200b\u200bthat have four types: coat of arms, busts, boss and portraits. The coat of arms get the easiest way. Family values \u200b\u200bare needed to improve buildings, gold is used to pay for all the rest.



Allows you to take stress heroes using three services to choose from: meditation, prayers and self-vaccination. They have a little different cost and efficiency. Each of them has a small chance to assign a positive or negative feature character (among which - a ban on visiting this institution or, on the contrary, a refusal of any other forms of stress removal) and some probability that the character will decide to stay on the week for a week -Tve, becoming unavailable for a trip to the dungeon.

Here are subject to thematic events. For example, for a particularly zealous prayer, the monks can give the hero of some artifact, or he can make an overlooking a generous donation, and as a result you lose 1000 gold. And in the self-session, the hero can get a temporary buff to damage or debuff to reduce bleeding resistance (because it was too carried away).

Busts and coat of arms will be needed for the development of the abbey. For them, it is possible to improve each of the available services: to reduce cost, increase efficiency and increase the capacity of the premises by opening new slots to put several heroes there at once.

In addition to heroes, another comrade is used by the services of stress removal. It is engaged in making a summary of events at the end of each week (after each mission) and, given what heroes are engaged, it is very tired of this. So one random slot in buildings to remove stress will always be busy. This is especially unpleasant in the early stages of the game, when the upgrade on the capacity of the premises is not yet made. Often, situations often occur when the only tank in the team cannot remove stress, because he has a character trait that prescribes him only to pray, and this is now engaged in a caretaker. Sometimes it happens that it takes the same place three times in a row, and it is usually accompanied by the situation described above.


Perform the same function as the abbey - reduces stress. The choice of a bar, a playing room and a brothel. The heroes can still get any additional effects or to keep there longer than you would like. Effective themed effects, too, have not been going anywhere. In the bar, a drunken character can spend extra money or even losing the artifact, and also get a hangover that will provide him to Debuff on UKL and MTC. In the playing room you can win or lose money / artifacts. When visiting a brothel, the hero can get a few extremely useful buffs (+6 UKR or -25% of the resulting stress) or losing money, artifacts and pride, and in return to purchase syphilis.

Effects from improvement are the same as in the abbey. For the development of the building, portraits and emblems are needed.


Here you can improve the starting weapons and armor of the heroes. The weapon increases the accuracy, crit and speed of the character, armor - health and evasion. For most characters, priority is improving weapons, especially in the early stages of the game. Armor at the very beginning is needed except that tanks. What is needed to improve the gear of heroes? First, make an appropriate improvement in the forge. There are three branches here: the first allows you to improve the weapon, the second is armor, and the third reduces the cost of buying equipment in gold. For improving the forge, you need boss and coat of arms.

Secondly, the hero must have the appropriate level. All characters begin with a zero level, on which no improvements are available to them. Further for each level - from the first to the fifth - you can improve equipment, provided that it is able to produce it in the cousin.


Allows you to open and improve the skill of characters. In total, every character has 7 skills to choose from, but only four can use at the same time. The character is largely depends on the combination of selected skills. Each hero starts with four random skills, the remaining three can be made available for use for money. Just as with equipment, the hero must have a certain level for pumping skill. You can open skills from zero level, improve - from the first to fifth, respectively.

The building has only two branches of development: the first allows you to improve the skills to the appropriate level, the second reduces the price of gold for the guild services. For improvements, portraits and emblems are needed.

The characters usually do not need all seven skills, and even pumped to the maximum level. We recommend it in advance to determine which skills you are going to use, and improve them only. Others can not be opened at all.

Tent forester.

The same as the guild, but allows you to manage the skills for the prival. There are three overall skills available to each character, and four class. It is impossible to pump these skills, but you can learn the necessary to you if they did not get the hero in the starting set. As in the case of combat skills, it makes no sense to open everything, we only need the ones that you intend to use. The buildings are only one possible improvement: reducing the cost of opening skills in gold. For this, emblems are needed in large quantities.


Every week brings new randomly generated heroes to the city, which are ready to go to the dungeon in search of fame and wealth absolutely free.

This is one of the most important buildings, and it is recommended to improve first, or rather, a branch that increases the number of heroes coming every week. Initially, two hero arrives in the week, with maximum improvement - seven, but for starters enough and four.

Funny fact: heroes - the only thing that in the city do not need to pay.

Other two branches of improvement allow you to increase the capacity of Roster (the number of at the same time hired heroes) and get a chance that high-level heroes will come to the city (only the heroes of the zero level are initially available, with the maximum improvement sometimes characters sometimes appear on the third). For improvements, borrowing and emblems are needed, as well as portraits - for the sake of the chance of the appearance of high-level heroes.

In Darkest Dungeon there is no place of pity and sentimentality. The early upgrade of the diligence is needed in order to make, from which to choose, because the heroes of the zero level are cannon meat, which can always be sacrificed, and invest in them inexpedient. You should not take characters with bad kwirki (both positive and negative). If the character of the zero level after the mission got an unpleasant negative feature, too much stress, etc., it can be safely removed and taking a new one. Another thing is a promising character of the second or third level. It is already possible to treat it, and the equipment is improved, and put with the skills.


Allows you to treat diseases, remove negative traits of character and fix positive. One of the most expensive in the Gold Plan of Buildings in the game. Treatment of diseases and manipulation of character features is carried out in different wards, initially available at one slot for both. A character placed in the hospital cannot participate in missions. The removal of "rooted" negative features (with a red skull icon near the title) costs several times more expensive than ordinary.

Improving care makes it possible to reduce the cost of services in gold, give a chance to cure several diseases at once and increase the number of chambers, allowing you to heal several heroes at the same time. For this, busts and coat of arms are used.

Tip: For one visit to the hospital, you can remove one negative and consolidate one positive qvirk at the same time. Money does not save - it will have to pay separately for each - but will allow you to win the time, making the hero inaccessible only for one week instead of two.

Gypsy Kibitika

Allows you to buy artifacts for gold. Every week there is a new factory, sometimes even "very rare" trinkets come across (but they are a small state). The building becomes useful closer to the middle of the game, when free money appears and the opportunity to improve the kibitcu. Limes of development two: one reduces the cost of purchasing artifacts, the other increases the number of items in the assortment. For improvement, only coat of arms are needed, but in large quantities.


Here you can find a list of dead heroes, which includes the name, character class and the cause of death. The graves look different depending on the level of the character and some other death conditions. Does not improve.

Memoirs ancestors

There are records of what is happening at all and why all this happened. New records appear after important gaming events, like victory over bosses, etc. You can also read the magazine pages previously made from the dungeons. Does not improve.

City events

They occur between missions between missions and are mostly positive. Most of them randomly, however, some have special conditions for the appearance, such as passing certain missions. Divided into four types:

  1. Events affecting the following mission.
  2. Events affecting the city.
  3. Events affecting the heroes.
  4. Special events.

The first usually give any bonuses at the next campaign. It may be an additional damage in one of the locations, free supplies or even ignoring the limit on the mission level.

Missions are three levels: newcomer (level 1), veteran (level 3) and champion (level 5). Characters whose level is higher than those required for 2 or more will not take part in the mission.

The second can somehow reduce the price of the services of abbey, taverns and hospitals (or even make them free!), Giving free upgrades for buildings or discounts on the purchase.

Third mainly allow the heroes above the norm (the most frequent in this category are "you get two characters of a certain class"), as well as raise the level of some heroes to one.

Fourth most of them lead to mini bosses and useful awards for them. An exception is an event returning one of the dead heroes to life, however, without equipment and skills.

That's all that you should know about the city, which is our base in the breaks between endless wanders on dark corridors, complete monsters and dangers. About the places for which you have to wander, read on.

Interactive objects common to all locations

But before that, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of interactive objects found in all four localities. When you interact with them, the game offers to apply some consumage. Usually it leads to useful bonuses and additional mining, but sometimes the wrong object can provoke anything terribly unpleasant.

In the column "subject" there is a consumers, which can be applied to this wonder, in the "effect with the subject" column - the result of the application. In the graph "Effect without an object" - the probability of possible consequences of the use of an interactive object "bare hands". There is also a graph "Type". The fact is that the game laid a number of negative features of the character forcing the heroes to independently interact with the matches of a certain type (naturally, without asking if you want this or not, and not giving the opportunity to apply any consumator). Calling with the table, you can find out how dangerous is the character of the character and whether it costs to get rid of it.

An objectA typeThingEffect with subjectEffect without subject


TreasureAbsentAbsentFamily values \u200b\u200b- 75%

Nothing - 25%

Removed backpack

TreasureAbsentAbsentTreasures (2pcs) + consumables (1pc) + magazine page - 60%

Map - 20%

Nothing - 20%

Mystical altar



Holy waterHeals a random negative character trait+25 stress - 40%

Negative character trait - 10%

Nothing - 50%

Famous Sundoo

TreasureKeyFamily values \u200b\u200b(4pcs)Family values \u200b\u200b(2pcs) - 75%

Bleeding - 12.5%

Poison - 12.5%


AbsentAbsentAbsentTreasures - 75%

Nothing - 25%

Torne stand

AbsentAbsentAbsentTorch (1pc) - 100%

Altar Tmannika

AbsentTorchCalls upon TmannikNothing - 100%

Stack of books

KnowledgeTorch+ 100 stress+25 stress - 22%

Positive character trait - 22%

Negative character trait - 11%

Reducing the level of light scale by 25 - 11%

Magazine page - 17%

Nothing - 17%

Nocessive casket

TreasureAbsentAbsentAny items (2pcs) - 75%

Poison - 25%

Interactive object tables for each location you can find in the description of the appropriate area.

Secret rooms

Please note that the ancient artifact can be found only in secret rooms. The entrance to such a room is in the corridor and it becomes visible only with successful intelligence, conducted by the group (found in interactive objects the card does not show hidden rooms). The mini card is displayed as a yellow square with an asterisk. To enter the room, you need to go to the icon and click on the back background / twice click the Up button. As a result, you will fall into the room where this ancient artifact is located. If you have not only the key, but also extra torches, it is recommended to pay off the light and get more treasures - a mysterious trapezoode costs 4500 gold each. Also here you can find one of the unique artifacts - the head of Barriistan (+ 20% of the row, + 20% to the resulting stress), the head of the dismasas (+ 25% damage, -15% health and + 20% to the obtained stress) or the head of Junia ( + 30% to the effectiveness of healing skills, + 20% to the obtained stress).


This is the first and easiest (relative to other locations) dungeon. Mostly, the undead, which the ominous necromancer raises from the remains of local soldiers and your glorified ancestors. Naturally, no one will tolerate such an income, because you are the first thing you are going to clean the ruins.

There are not so many real threats, especially at low levels of complexity. Local traps do a little damage and slightly increase stress, but they do not impose any unpleasant debuffs or other long-term effects. Also in this location there are quite a few interactive objects that give useful buffs, and often even without applying any consumables on them. Most local monsters are undead, which just beats (although sometimes it is quite painful) and does not give any special problems. Private skeletons and bone defender themselves do not represent almost no danger. From threats in the early levels - bone court, as well as a cultist student and especially - madness. All of them impose stress on characters and must be killed first. Of the dangerous units that cause high damage is one bone crossbow.

Another option is to move the bone court or crossbow to the front rows. In this case, they will begin to use weak attacks, which, besides, do not generate stress. If you manage to kill the entire Frontline and clean the corpses, leaving only the crossbow and the courtier in the front positions, you will get an excellent opportunity to get across and / or reduce stress.

At higher levels, the dungeons appear other enemies worthy of close attention. Perhaps the most dangerous of them - the bone banquenagers who knows how to strengthen damage to all its allies and, even worse, completely resurrect them at the end of the course. Solutions are several. The simplest thing is to kill the bannamers first, but if this for any reason cannot be done, the poison and critical strikes will help, as well as the skills that clean the corpses: without them, he will not be able to resurrect anyone.

Also appears a more dangerous attacking unit than the crossbar - bone speaker. He is the second priority to a candidate for fast and painful death after the bannamers.

Well, of course, bone captain. This kind of monsters - tanks with a good damage, occupying at once two positions - there are in each location, and the local captain is the weakest of them, but still very unpleasant. He can issue a pool of the entire party, he has a very decent amount of lives and it is hard to stun. Nevertheless, he is not able to quickly kill the party in itself, so the above-mentioned units are still in priority.

What else? In this location, you can most often meet Garguli. They have a very high lacking rate (50%), they know how to become and move characters.

Which heroes are best taken in the ruins?

From the obvious - Crusader, because It can apply additional damage to undead. Also, Marauder shows very well, since she has enough CJR, damage and Crete, to kill the bone court or even a student's bone or even a cultural chance before they fully manage to be like. Another option is a plague doctor: because of the ability to make the entire back line and impose a poison, which is useful here at least for the reason that the bleeding does not work on the undead. The witness will also be quite by the way, and not even because of the bonus damage against the undead (if, of course, you do not use build through a bogworm scroll), but because it becomes good, eats and in general has good synergies with a crusader. Thanks to the ability to attract enemies from the rear line and remove the corpses, as well as because of the increased damage against the cultists, which are often found here, the occultist is useful.

Interactive objects in ruins

An objectA typeThingEffect with subjectEffect without subject

Alchemical table


Medical herbs

Adds 100 to Light Scale

Treasures (2pcs)

Poison - 50%

Treasures (1pc) - 25%

Nothing - 25%

Altar of Light

WorshipHoly waterBuff: + 30% damage before PrivaBuff: + 20% damage before


KnowledgeAbsentAbsentMap - 20%
+15 stress - 20%

Random positive character trait - 13%

Random negative character trait - 7%

Magazine page - 20%

Nothing - 20%




Holy waterRemoves 30 stress+15 stress - 50%

Treasures / Artifacts (6pcs) + magazine page - 25%

Heals a negative traction of character - 25%

Decorative urn

ObsessedHoly water


Treasures / Artifacts (2pcs) + Treasures (2pcs)

Negative trait of the character of the "remorse of conscience"

Treasures / Artifacts (1pc) + Treasures (2pcs) - 45%

Disease "Creepy Cough" - 7%

Random disease - 4%

Nothing - 22%

Saint Fountain



Holy waterRemoves 20 stress, removes negative effects and restores 12 healthRemoves 10 stress, removes negative effects and restores 5 health - 50%

Treasures (2pcs) - 50%

Iron Maiden



Medical herbsAny items (3pcs)Any items (2pcs) - 40%

Negative character trait "Claustrophobia" - 20%

Disease "Tetribly" - 13%

Random disease - 7%

Nothing - 20%

Locked showcase



Treasures / Family Values \u200b\u200b(3pcs) + Treasures (2pcs)

Treasures / Family Values \u200b\u200b(2pcs) + Treasures (2pcs)

Bleeding - 50%

Poison - 50%

Locked sarcophag





Treasures / Family Values \u200b\u200b(2pcs) + Treasures / Artifacts (1pc)

Treasures / Family Values \u200b\u200b(1pc) + Treasures / Artifacts (1pc)

Bleeding - 50%

Poison - 50%




AbsentAbsentTreasures / Family Values \u200b\u200b(2pcs) - 60%

Negative character trait "Tanatophobia" - 20%

Nothing - 20%

Full Armor



AbsentAbsentBuff: +15 Ratch / +10 UKL to Privala - 75%

Positive feature of the character "Adventurer Ruins" - 12.5%

This is the second local location, and now it can already cause problems and requires certain preparations, especially the complexity of the veteran and above. But on the newbie there are hazards here. First, it is an ectoplasm that can merge into a greater extoplasma and duplicate itself. In general, it is quite simple to avoid this - you need to kill the ectoplasm as quickly as possible, but sometimes it is impossible to do because of other opponents / more priority purposes.

Having rummaged to mushrooms, the first mushroom artillery should be killed, because She can infect the disease and still knows how to marry the heroes by the same brand, reducing the UKL, and its sweater mushrooms apply an additional 50% damage to marked targets. On the other hand, mushroom zombies themselves are not very dangerous, and if you quickly eliminate artillery, you can sprinkle / relieve stress in battle with them.

The dogs are also pretty unpleasant, because they impose bleeding, infect diseases and at the same time have a very high speed indicator. Although neither health nor protection they differ, and they are quite simple to kill them. Also here more often than in other locations, there are gangsters that are close to the rest of local monsters on mechanics.

At higher difficulties there are truly dangerous opponents. First, it is a carga that causes a lot of stress damage, and in the front positions it uses an extremely unpleasant attack, which poisoned and throws stress to two heroes at the first and second position. Like any stress dealer, is one of the priority goals for rapid destruction, but when it stands in the front rows - it should be urgently killed, closed or moved back.

It was not without a giant monster. Here this is a wicked giant - a huge mushroom giant with a very powerful single attack, the ability to mix the whole group and just the health wagon. True, in return he is at all no string, and damage passes on it to the fullest. Yes, and the resists for the mill and debuff is not so high, so stunning and various weakens are a great way to survive a meeting with this mushroom carcass.

And the last monster, which deserves close attention is the evil Meghera, which is characterized by an indicator of UKL 48% and Debuff to reduce the ITC (which also marks the hero). But these are only Polwy: really unpleasant is the skill that allows Meager from any corpse to create a necrotic mushroom, which completely blocks the effects of healing for characters.

If we talk generally, in this location, the monsters have a high resistance to the poison, but the bleeding and debuff is well. Nevertheless, they themselves also do not take advantage of them, so that the resistance of loosens and the movement will not be extended. At the level of complexity, the novice most monsters have the type of "mystica", three dangerous enemy appear on the "man". It is also worth noting that the missions in more often are the most effective way to earn the boss, which are necessary for the development of the forge and guild.

What are the best of the characters to take into account?

The occultist is very good, especially on the newcomer, because it makes an additional damage almost all starting monsters, knows how to move monsters and impose a good debuff to reduce damage, which is useful against the giant. In principle, for the same reason, it goes well, which, besides, enough lives in order to withstand one or two giant attacks. A plague doctor is useful because of his combat medicine skill capable of shooting dys, which there is a lot, and treat diseases. A mercenary shows well because of the bonus damage against people and the ability to move opponents as ahead and forth. It is well synergged with a crossbow, which, besides, can shoot enemy labels from the heroes. The trainer and Dickard work quite well, because they have a good damage, the ability to cause bleeding and there is a mill.

Interactive objects in more often

An objectA typeThingEffect with subjectEffect without subject

Ancient coffin

Obsessed;AbsentAbsentTreasures / Family Values \u200b\u200b- 50%

Positive feature of the character "Adventurer Tagging" - 8%

A positive feature of the character "Researcher Tchains" - 8%

Nothing - 34%

Beast remains

Body;Medical herbsFood (2pcs)Food (1pc) - 43%

Disease "Freshness" - 10%

Random disease - 19%

Negative character trait "ZOOFOBIA" - 14%

Nothing - 14%

Creepy web

AbsentBandagesTreasures (2pcs) + Treasures / Artifacts (1pc)Treasures (1pc) + Treasures / Artifacts (1pc) - 40%

Negative character trait "Slow reflexes" - 10%

Negative character trait "Slowing reaction" - 10%

Nothing - 40%

Abandoned baggage



Any items (3pcs)Any items (4pcs) + magazine page - 50%

Poison - 50%

Mummified remains




BandagesTreasures / Artifacts (2pcs)Treasures / Artifacts (1pc) - 40%

Nothing - 20%

Old tree

AbsentAntidoteAny items (3pcs)Any items (2pcs) - 50%

Nothing - 25%

Untouched fountain

FountainHoly waterRemoves 30 stressRemoves 20 stress

Shallow grave



ShovelTreasures / Family Values \u200b\u200b(3pcs)Poison - 50%

Random disease - 50%

Tent trap

AbsentAbsentAbsentTreasures / Prips (4pcs) + Treasures / Family Values \u200b\u200b(4pcs) + magazine page - 38%

Card - 38%

25 stress - 12%

Nothing - 12%

Sinister totem.



Holy waterRandom positive character traitRandom positive character trait - 19%

Random negative character trait - 19%

Bleeding - 19%

15 stress - 9%

Nothing - 25%

  • Bandages and antidhes are very useful in this location. First, monsters often impose bleeding and poison (and traps too!), And secondly, with their help you can get additional treasures from several interactive objects.
  • Shovels! Obstacles in this area are more common than anywhere else, plus you can always open a shallow grave for the sake of additional treasures.
  • Holy water is useful if you want to be guaranteed to remove a large amount of stress using a untouched fountain. You can also try good luck and try to catch a good positive trait of the character from an ominous totem or get rid of the negative feature of character with the help of a mystical altar.
  • Medical herbs allow you to safely collect food from an interactive object, and also help at high levels of difficulty when enemy debuffs become truly unpleasant.
  • If you see the cargu in the front positions - kill, become or move back.
  • When you meet with mushroom zombies, first of all, kill artillery - it imposes a brand in which Zombies are applied by 50% more damage.
  • Extoplasma needs to be killed before it starts merge and copy itself.
  • Giants need to debaffulate to damage or become, for a long time to give them to them, even at the Warrior.


When the distraught ancestor tried to drag into our world, all other other entities at a certain stage, at a certain stage he was engaged in experiments on pigs, trying to instill ancient mandes in them, who had no own form in our world. The results of their experiments, he usually sent to the tunnels under the lock, which were gradually filled with rotting shops, both alive and dead. So the pig people appeared (or simply "pigs") - half people, half the animals, stupid and evil, thirsting only one thing: eat. Well, kill, but they usually combine these processes.

For a rare exception, the terrain is inhabited by solubular pigs, of which are far from all are so dangerous. In addition, they all have the type of "beast / man", which simplifies the selection of characters and artifacts. On complexity, the newcomer is the most dangerous monster is, perhaps, a pig-shirt: he has a relatively much health, he can attack the heroes on any position, imposes strong bleeding and stand. However, he himself cannot boast resilience to stunning and bleeding, so it is quite simply temporarily neutralized. And then, after the murder of weaker pigs in distant positions, to deal with him.

The most priority targets for Vanchota are pork-cripples that cause damage with stress and infect diseases. In general, this region is the same plant Bacillus, and get out of here, it does not pick up any disease, almost impossible. To minimize the number of diseases, it should be primarily to kill weak opponents with a low margin of health. These are the above-described pork-cripples, as well as pork-chapels (not interesting than the High Chance of Crete).

There are still pork drummers - they impose a massive stress to the entire team and can mark the hero by the label, while reducing evasion. Generally in the reserve the largest number of monsters, one way or another generating stress, so that you should take care that you have to reduce it.

In addition to the pigs, there are pidelvers here - giant carnivorous worms. They are two kinds, more and smaller, and usually go to flocks, although they can get caught and together with pigs. In any case, they must be destroyed as quickly as possible, especially huge padals that appear on the complexity of the veteran and above. They impose a label with an unpleasant debuff to reduce damage, and also apply a double damage (+ 100%!) Love of goals.

Well, of course, the danger represent elite monsters, which appear only on the complexity of a veteran and champion. In addition to the pads, these are pork-butcher with high mobility, a huge chance of Crete, a lot, strong debuff for speed and poison, and poverty. If everything is clear with the butchers - they just need to kill them as soon as possible - then the poverty requires a certain tactics.

This is a local giant monster, occupying two positions at once. He has a decent amount of health, a stagnation of 40% and powerful aeu attacks, which are nevertheless very tied to positioning. Pinotavr is truly dangerous on the back line, which is not entirely typical for huge monsters in this game. The fact is that it accelerates and runs out on the heroes, causing either a powerful oie, or a single mill with discarding and tangible damage. He also has a separate skill, simply moving it to the 4th position. So the easiest way to defeat the pigtone is to quickly kill all other monsters (ideally forcing the gigantic pig) and clean the corpses. Then the powerful attacks will become inaccessible for it, and it will use the most painless, in comparison with others, the attack (which is still not very pleasant, but still).

What kind of heroes are best taken to the reserve?

Since all the unique Monsters for this terrain are animals, the favorite becomes a trainer who has a bonus damage against them. The character seemed to be specifically created for this area: he knows how to impose bleeding (including mass), the resistance to which local monsters do not differ, it can reduce stress, which here is superimposed, who is not too lazy, and can also reduce the launch What is very useful against the pigtail. For similar reasons, mercenary is very useful: he has a good bonus against enemies with the type of "man", which, as an additional, have almost all monsters in the reserve, and his label also reduces the routine. Well, with the trainer they have good synergy.

Excellent shows the Dickard (which simply in general is a very good character) due to the ability to cause bleeding and vesitative enemies in the 4th position. A plague doctor is a controversial option: on the one hand, it treats poison and bleeding (which is superimposed by local traps) and, more importantly, illness. But his poisonous attacks are practically useless here - the monsters have a very high resistance to them. If you like the jester, he will also find an application because of the ability to massively remove stress and cause bleeding.

Interactive objects in the reserve

An objectA typeThingEffect with subjectEffect without subject

Bone altar



AbsentAbsentBuff: + 15% damage, 10 mtk, 5 Crete to privala / removes negative effects

Trolley with dinner



Medical herbsFood (3pcs) + Treasures / Artifacts (1pc)Food (1pc) + Treasures / Artifacts (1pc) - 37%

Disease "Plaby" - 13%

Nothing - 25%

Improvised dining table



Medical herbsFood (2pcs) + Treasures / Speakers (1pc)Food (1pc) + Treasures / Prips (1pc) - 25%

Disease "Chain" - 25%

Nothing - 25%

Barrel with alcohol



Medical herbsBuff: + 30% damage before PrivaFood (1pc) + Treasures / Speakers (1pc) - 33%

Negative trait of the character "drunk" - 11%

Nothing - 22%

Occult doodle



Holy waterDebuff: -20% UKRandom positive character trait - 33%

25 stress - 25%

Random negative character trait - 17%

Nothing - 25%

A pile of bones




Holy waterAny items (2pcs)Any items (2pcs) - 25%

Random disease - 25%

Negative character trait "bloodthirsty" - 25%

Nothing - 25%

Pile Svitkov

KnowledgeTorchMap - 29%

15 stress - 14%

Random positive character trait - 10%

Random negative character trait - 5%

Nothing - 28%

Rack with knives

TreasureBandagesTreasures (2pcs) + Food (1pc)Treasures (1pc) + Food (1pc) - 40%

Bleeding - 40%

Nothing - 20%

Sacrificial stone



AbsentAbsent+50 stress - 50%

Heals a negative traction of character - 25%

Positive trait of the nature of the Reserve Reserve - 12.5%

Positive traction of the character "Race of the Reserve" - \u200b\u200b12.5%

Quick Reference: Which consumables to take and pay special attention to

  • Medical herbs activate as many as three useful interactive objects, so we are worth stocking.
  • Bindings are needed to stop bleeding, especially since the plague doctor is a very controversial character for a trip to this location. Also allow you to activate the rack with knives, giving treasures and food.
  • A bottle of holy water will be useful in the case of a mystical altar, healing a negative trait of character, or a heap of bones, giving good treasures.
  • Because of the corridors unique for this location (they are shorter than elsewhere) you can take less torches. On the other hand, heaps of scrolls are found here, allowing one torch to heal a negative feature.
  • All because of the same unique corridors, the skill of intelligence becomes very useful, which allows you to reveal almost poll cards at a time.
  • There is a lot of stress here. Take care of how to reduce it.
  • Chance to catch the disease in this location - the highest in the game.
  • Pinotavra is very dangerous if you do not know how to deal with them.


This is water location, mysterious coastal caves inhabited by ancient fishing. The ancestor used this place to obtain dubious smuggling goods necessary for its dark rituals. As a result, Ryboradi became much more aggressive and began to actively defend their territory, attacking people and turbulent passing by the court. This makes it difficult to deliver supplies to the city, and at least because of this bay must be cleaned.

This is the last of the unavailable locations from the beginning of the game (the darkest, by the way, openly immediately after training, but it is not recommended to go there) and one of the most difficult in the game. Local monsters act rather comprehensively, in a bundle with each other, using not only gross strength, and traps are perhaps the most unpleasant of existing: they impose a debuff on the CRC and UKL, which lasts as many as 12 moves (on average 3 battle).

The priority goal at all levels of complexity is the slave-droplet. This monster has only two attacks, and one by the script goes after another. In his first move, he holds a rather unpleasant attack on one of the front positions, inflicting a tangible damage and overlapping stress. But not by this, he is terrible: in his second move, the drowner explodes, causing a huge damage to all heroes at the same time, hanging stress and bonus. Such an explosion can often lead to Wipe, two - for sure to lead it. Usually kill the drowner does not constitute any special problems, but sometimes it comes across in a bundle with the marine guard, who hangs on him protection and begins to take strikes directed by a drowned one. In this case, the only chance to avoid the explosion is a camp that stops protecting the protection.

Further priority among goals for quick kill depends on the state of the party. If heroes have little health, efforts should be focused on the maritime harpiner, which causes a decent amount of damage and can attack any position. If a lot of stress has accumulated, and with health everything is tolerated, it is first of all to get rid of the sea shaman, which causes a lot of stress, treats other fishing and can give them an incredibly strong buff to damage, Crete and accuracy.

Jellyfish and snails are pretty unpleasant, but are not priority purposes. Jellyfish bent, snails have a latch of 75%, but very small health, so that they are easily killed by poison (the poison is very useful in general, in contrast to bleeding - the monsters have a high resistance to it). Both of these representatives of the animal of dark deep depths can infect diseases. Perhaps the last candidate for death is a marine defender, which has a high defense rate and the ability to cover the allies. In the case of which - forget this fish and finish the last one.

On the complexity of the veteran here appear here - gigantic crabs occupying two positions immediately. In addition to the high indicator of health and a lack characteristic of all giant monsters, they have two very dangerous attacks. The first rejects the fighters of the front line to the 3 positions ago (that is, at the last position) and with a high probability of standing. If your party does not have enough mobility, it means that the melee character will be useless for two or three moves. The second attack is dangerous at least because it is often underestimated. She herself deals very little damage - something about 1-3 - but at the same time it causes powerful bleeding (8 on the complexity of a veteran and 10 on the champion) and the bonus cuts all the resulting healing by a third. If you do not quickly remove the bleeding, the character may be in a couple of moves to be in death, or even die at all. Kill the cramps best with the help of poison or debuffs that reduce the routine.

The last local monster is notable for the fact that it appears only on the complexity of the champion. This is a drunken ghost, which causes a lot of stress damage. Moreover, he imposes a unique status - horror. This is a dot, like bleeding or poison, only instead of damage it adds 5 units of stress per round. In general, it is better to kill it as soon as possible, but it is not always so simple: it has a pretty healthy health.

What is the best heroes to take in the bay?

Very good here is a plague doctor. First, it can impose a poison that is extremely useful due to a large number of monsters with a high random indicator, and secondly, it removes bleeding imposed by the cradle. Well will the warrior goes because of its high latch, because Local monsters apply a lot of physical damage and almost do not use dot-s. The occultist can be interesting thanks to the bonus damage against monsters with the type of "mystic", to which almost all opponents include in this location. For the removal of stress, the trainer is perfect, especially since he can reduce the launch of his mark.

Interactive objects in the bay

An objectA typeThingEffect with subjectEffect without subject

Chest in shells

TreasureShovelAny items (3pcs)Any items (2pcs) - 50%

Bleeding - 25%

Nothing - 25%




Shovel+100 StressRandom positive character trait - 67%

Random negative character trait - 22%

Random disease - 11%

Solonish reservoir



AntidoteHeals 5 lives and removes bleeding / poison - 50%

Removes 5 stress - 50%

Buff: + 33% resistance to poison, bleeding, dismissed diseases before the prival - 75%

Random disease - 25%

Creepy coral

KnowledgeMedical herbsHeals negative character traitRemoves 10 stress - 50%

25 stress - 25%

Nothing - 25%

Fishe idol



Holy waterBuff: + 18% damage before PrivaDebuff: -25% damage, -10 mtk to privala - 50%

Debuff: -12 Ukhl to Priva

Fish remains

FoodMedical herbsTreasures / Artifacts (2pcs) + treasures (1pc) + supplies (2pcs)Treasures / Artifacts (1pc) + treasures (1pc) + supplies (1pc) - 17%

Disease "Red Plague" - 17%

Bleeding - 5%

Nothing - 50%

Giant oyster


Dog delicacy

Treasures / Artifacts (3pcs)

Buff: +25 UK

Treasures / Artifacts (2pcs) - 20%

Bleeding - 40%

Nothing - 20%

Nose Figure

ReflectingAbsentAbsentRemoves 25 stress - 67%

Buff: + 20% damage, +4 UKR before privala

Quick Reference: Which consumables to take and pay special attention to

  • Medical herbs are just mandatory. In addition to activating several useful interactive objects (including coral, which heals a negative character line), they remove debuffs that hang local traps.
  • Shovels allow you to crack some local dicks and clear obstacles.
  • Holy water provides good Buff on damage when activating fish idol (otherwise simply do not touch it).
  • Bindings for sure to be able to remove the airborne bleeder.
  • Drinking should be killed immediately, otherwise they will explode on the second move and bring a huge any damage to the whole team. If you suddenly cover them with a sea protector, use the mill.

Palms dungeon

Actually, the very darker, great and terrible! It was here that your distraught ancestor ran down, tonnel preserved, leading to the heart of the world! To go through the game, you need to fulfill four missions in this region, each of which has a boss / bosses.

Attention! A hike to the darker is very different from stripping locations! There are several important differences with which it is recommended to read carefully!

    1. From here it is impossible to escape so easy. In an ordinary mission at any time, you can click on the white checkbox at the top of the screen, pick up all the loot and clean. In the parlor right to escape is bought only by blood! To get out of the depths of the dungeon, one of the characters will have to take fire on yourself and distract opponents while comrades go. What can you say, heroes - heroic death. What is interesting, if only one member of the group remained alive, he can leave the dungeon alive without any help (after all, if they want!). But in the final mission, the escape is generally impossible - the button simply becomes inactive.

If you still decide to escape, remove all artifacts with the characters so that they do not go to the fly along with the owner.

That's all the features. Next, we will tell you more about each of the four missions, but the bosses that are found in each of them will not particularly affect. Read about how to win them, you can in our next part of the guide on Darkest Dungeon.

Mission First: We - Flame!

This is the first and, according to many players, one of the most complex goals in the darker. The size of the card here is relatively small - "medium" category. The main goal is to kill the creep horror, the local boss. However, here is full of dangers and besides him!

The main threats - damage stress and powerful bleeding. But there is no poison at all, so you can ignore the antidotes and instead of them to catch up as much as possible the bands. It is also recommended to take more torches. As for stress, at least one character is needed, which is well able to shoot him, so the jester, the trainer or the crusader is extremely recommended. The warrior shows well, because it can tell all the obscurantism, Dickard, because it causes a good damage, including the fourth position of the enemy, and the occultist, because almost all monsters in the dark have a type of "mystic".

The map was built almost mirror, so everything that needs to be done is all the time to go to the right, periodically folding up or down at your discretion, and in the end you refer to the boss. However, some local opponents can set the heat no worse, especially if you do not know how to deal with them.

First of all, it should be killed by an affordable witches. They look approximately as stupid cultists, and according to abilities are somewhat similar, but still much more dangerous. In addition to higher parameters, they impose much more stress, and also know how to put a label at which most local monsters cause elevated damage.

The second in the queue is the priests sectants. They have a pretty big damage, they impose powerful bleeding and apply increased damage to marked targets. Usually go along with infrequent witches - what is obvious. If you got a bundle without witches, kill them in the first place.

The next exhibit of the local macabric theater of cruelty is an exalted sectarian. He has no combat attacks, but he knows how to defend allies and treat them. At the same time, he does not stand out by special health or resilience, so you have two options. The first is to quickly kill him, so that it is calm and methodically cut out truly dangerous opponents. The second is to do the unfortunate, kill everyone else and a little shudder before sending the sectance to the next world.

There is also a strengthened version of standard melee cultors - an affordable cultist. Mechanics same, just he is stronger. It may be dangerous, but is not a primary goal.
There is malignant thigh and protective outflow - monsters, which are usually boiled together. The first performs an attacker function, distributing mills and powerful blows with bleeding. The second hangs the defense, the buffet of other monsters and treats them, and also knows how to impose mass stress on the players. Also are not so dangerous, but they interfere with killing truly strong opponents. The protective thief is best to become malignant - kill, if there is such an opportunity, but only after the priority purposes.

At the end of the mission, you will receive three artifact "Talisman Flames", which protect from extremely powerful mini-bosses attacks guarding quest objects in the second mission.

Mission Second: Light path

The second approach is a bit simpler, at a minimum because it is already clear what we are dealing with. This time, our goal is to activate three iron crowns, each of which is guarded by a mini-boss (and one of them is two at once!). In terms of the magnitude, the card falls into the category "Long", includes all possible types of damage (stress, bleeding, poison and debuff) and is generally recognized is the most difficult mission in the game.

It is necessary to take with yourself to the maximum of bandages, antids, medical herbs, food and torches. Local monsters impose powerful bleeding, bosses - poison, there are several very unpleasant debuffs (including from bosses), as well as a lot of damage, which is applied literally everything. There are several packs of monsters with exalted cultures where it is possible to become, but no more.

Required quest items are in deadlocks at different parts of the card. In the lower right corner there is a crown guarded by two mini bosses at once (it is recommended to start with it, for this part is obviously the most difficult). A wise tactical move will return back the paths already covered so as not to stop in the extra battle.

Caution, bug! In no case can not forget to activate quest crowns! If you leave the room after the fight and return later, they can become inactive, and then the only way out will escape, losing one of the characters, and start the mission again.

For detailed tactics of the fight with the Warrior Templar and Templar, see the next part of the guide, but for now, just remember the following: you will need a warrior, psar, or at worst - antiquarian. The fact is that the bosses have a special attack, an apocalypse, which causes an incredible amount of damage and stress. The only way to protect it is the artifact "Talisman Flame", which is given for the passage of the first mission in the dark. But there is a snag: artifacts give only three, and there are four characters. So you need someone who will impose protection for a member of the group left without a talisman.

A crossbow and mercenary show themselves as attacking characters. As in all the darkest, the occultist is quite effective due to the increased damage on monsters with the type "Mystic". Festival can be useful to eliminate those tons of damage that are given local opponents.

From the new monsters here only appear the hounds of the flesh. These are quite unpleasant creatures, although not the most dangerous of local inhabitants. They impose a little stress, hurts the characters tagged, from particularly unpleasant - discarded and be the characters on the front line.

Mission Third: Belubo Beast

This mission is not so much complicated as long. For her, even made a unique category of duration - "exhausting", which implies already four privals. The task this time is to find and activate the lighthouse. Due to the fact that from the start we get four units of twigs, significantly reduces the number of consumables that can be taken with you (and new ones, as we remember, there is no place here - there are no dicks in the town), and they oh how needed in the dungeon of such Length. From good news - bleeding here almost no one imposes, so the bandages can not be taken stupid. But the antidote will need, as well as food, torches, and holy water with medical herbs.

Monsters for the most part are replaced by new ones. From the old friends, only the racing flesh remains, well, and two weakened variants of mini bosses from the second mission - the Templar-gladiator and the Sniper Templar. Fortunately, they do not know how to do the apocalypse, although still remain quite dangerous.

Of the new inhabitants, polyps and antibodies will meet - the conportances that themselves are not very dangerous, you can even lotion a little on the polyps. Antibodies will simply be with a high chance, polyps - impose poison and move characters.

Some danger represent local mini bosses. There are several of them here: one necessarily sits in a room with a lighthouse, which is located in the center of the map, the rest are scattered around the perimeter. The mini-boss itself is not particularly dangerous, but he has a friend who knows how to teleport the party to the edge of the card, from where it will have to go to the center, passing along the new monsters and, perhaps, another same mini boss. Good news - they are not treated in the intervals, so when you return, you will find them in the same bit of state, as they left.

From the characters, a plague doctor who can make the entire rear row and treat the poison, and a savage, which can quickly kill the teleporting monster coming in a set with a mini-boss. The trainer is also good because all the monsters here have an additional type of "beast".

Mission Fourth: Heart of Darkness

This is a final mission in the game, after it - a victory, which, nevertheless, only the ray of light in a series of endless suffering. Location consists of a battle with a boss (more precisely, four of its various forms). There is no light-level scale and opportunities to escape. Food here is also not needed. Only the brave heroes one on one with world evil - nothing superfluous. By the way, if we bring here the starting crusaders of Reindald and the Robber of Dismas and defeat the boss, you can get a special achive.

Actually, there is nothing more about this mission - it consists only of battle with bosses, which is devoted to the next part of our guide. To new meetings, and let your torch never go out, and the lepers does not miss.


There are games are light, simple. There are normal games for people. There are games are complex, for masochists and just lovers of difficult tasks. And there are a hopeless game, playing that you understand that all the tires that life is a funny thing, and that somewhere they live very evil unidie, who hate all this gamersk, casual babies, and who wish this very little to spill from their own tears. Tears of the irresistible sadness from the realization of the futility of being and its own insignificance. Darkest Dungeon - just that.

Darkest Dungeon appeared in Steam on February 19, 2016. Before that, she was in the rank of the early version for several months, but even then it was clear that the dark dungeon was one of the most difficult and merciless games of modernity, which, however, does not prevent her to keep the firm first place in the same Steam in the category with the label " Step-by-step game. " In general, as you understood, now we will tell you a little about how much to win in Darkest Dungeon, or, at least for a long time not to lose, but how to just lose right away.

First you need to remember that the hunt for treasures and family relics such as busts, jewelry and other items is not the main priority. This is not what you need to put in the chapter of any mission. In any case, not throughout the game. Initially, you will certainly need it, because you will somehow need to pump your heroes. But in the future, try to play so to take the course for the execution of exploits. Well, be sure to choose the priorities correctly, pumping the blacksmith and coach first. These are two main NPCs, without which you just do not pass further.

When choosing missions, every time you tasite your team, reorganizing it and rearranged in places of fighters depending on their phobias and combat parameters. Do not be lazy to look into every fighter in the soul, and see what it is afraid. As you pass, some of your heroes will be afraid of everything in the world. Someone darkness, and someone defined damage, and someone specific type of enemy. At the same time, already having experience in passing specific missions, you will know which approximately the enemies will come across there, and which attacks they will be afraid. Therefore, remember the old game of the stone, scissors, paper and try to select the composition not only to protect your warriors, and so that it is more harmful to opponents. For example, the characters who have an anti-monstrous (anti-beast or anti-beast) damage - in the empty (weald), for fatty, with a large margin of monsters, need a hero with "bleeding" damage. There are especially many such in the corridors (Warrens), and in the location of the bay (Cove), those heroes that cause burn or poisoning attacks.

Communicative team rotation is a deposit of victory.

In addition, do not think that after a few battles you invented the ideal, so-called, "imbi" alignment. Yes, indeed, after a few victories, it can be assumed, but at one very very moment, some unbelievous group of monsters will destroy, or simply thoroughly sweat your squad. But it is not necessary to forget that the deceased hero cannot be resurrected - this is the most hurt detail of this game.

And still do not need to be afraid of medium or even long missions. Concentrating only on short dungeons, you risk wrap the game is not the row that you need. To go through a long dungeon, pre-resting well, it is possible much easier than the short, but without rest. Also, do not forget about the elementary rotation of the heroes. Well, and most importantly - relax a good break before the battle with the boss. This is obvious, but, nevertheless, the obligatory advice.

In general, the ability to taste fighters - the main key to victory. And in order to make them up, you need to have a "taable" team that is subject to permutation. In Darkest Dungeon, for every fighter there is the most convenient position. But there are such fighters that best feel at some one point. Therefore, the worst thing you can do with your team is to gather it from the heroes, which are to qualify for the same place. In this case, you can easily destroy even a small group of weak, but able to carry out competent rotation, opponents. For your group, you need a backbone, and the most universal backbone is a warrior, a crusader and a nun.

Competently use the amulets, or, as they are also called, key chains. Remember that sometimes, with the kind of a useful key chain may cause the death of your entire team. Not always you will meet the keychain that has only positive effects. Often you will come across such, where on the background of a positive effect, there will be a negative effect. In this regard, one of the indicative cases is the use of a keychain that improves damage per 1-2 point, but a reduction in the initiative. As a result, it is worth thinking: Does it cost to increase the minimum of this very damage by sacrificing, for example, what will your crusader beat the last? Will there be an meaning in his impact at all?

Before a challenging mission, rest in the brothel and the estate, as well as visit the blacksmith and coach.

Do not greading the preparation of soldiers. The miser pays twice, and in this game, deciding that it is so enough, saving several hundred coins in front of a complex campaign, and without purchasing the proper number of shovel, torches, bandages and medicines, you risks forever lose the warrior in which several thousand have already invested. Think about it.

But the above ideas have a dark side. In the process of passing, you are guaranteed to acquire a couple of neurotics fighters, whose psychoses are so great that these characters do not leave the states of deep stress, and rushing with them in the kabaks, and the brothels, so that they straightened them there, there is no possibility. In this case, you need to remember that the "drunk horses are shooting", but no one will be against if they have a little more so much, earning several additional hundred coins for you. Therefore, when they sow such fighters with whom it is time to part, equip them by budget model and send a pair of tasks from which they are most likely not returned. Such here is practical cynicism.

Also, it is also necessary to immediately enter into a black list of low-level characters, which at the beginning of their career grabbed negative features. The sooner you will break up, the better for you and your wallet. And the sooner you recognize those heroes, whose pumping is better not to spend money, the better. Brutally, but such is life in dark dungeons.

Part of the heroes that grabbing psychoses, not forgetting before it earn them.

At the first stage of the game, the special effect will bring such skills as damage and bleeding. Attacks with such an effect especially perfectly lie on the "fatty" enemies, and on the "skinny" who are lying on packs, it also works well. Neglecting similar attacks is one of the main mistakes of beginners. The reason is that these attacks are putting a small starting damage, and it may seem that everything is in vain. But after a couple of moves, damage or bleeding, the second time will be laid in the graves of more enemies than those who died from the sword.

Focusing the attack of the entire group on some one enemy is always better than the spraying of attacks on all opponents at the same time. This is another banal, but, at the same time, an effective advice. Remember that the faster you put back to the land of one enemy from the group, the faster the number of possible attacks will decrease in this group.

Psychosis, especially, a strong fighter, is much more dangerous than just getting, albeit tangible damage. Such a fighter, if he brought to survive, will require a lot of money for recovery, and it is unlikely to cure. In the meantime, in the process of the battle, infected with stress, will pull all your team to the bottom. Therefore, before the start of battle, you will appreciate your enemies and be sure that the psychosis will be sent. This is for you purpose number 1.

After you figure it out with enemies that satisfy fear, pay all attention to those who have a remote attack. Such guys usually find the most "skinny" character and purposefully swept into it. And if they do not stop them, often they achieve their own. Remember that there are a lot of monsters, and you have little heroes, therefore the exchange of 1x2, 1x3 or even 1x5 you can not suit you absolutely, therefore behind the bats of the remoters, even more so that such enemies can stun your arrow, which will be pulled into the airship of your group, and from there From him there will be little good. Well, in the third place you should be interested in those who apply attacks with the consequences like poisoning or bleeding.

If you hit the most dangerous there is no possibility, then try to weigh all the chances, and alternately wrap the attacks on that enemy, whose move has not yet come. If you calculate everything correctly, then it is possible that his cerebrals will never come.

These were all the basic tips, the necessary newcomer, which can help in the adventures on the gloomy world of Darkest Dungeon.

Entry and highlights of the game

Management is provided solely for Newbies . Everything described is worth only to the short hikes of the first (green) complexity. All heroes in the game are more or less balanced, you can go through the game on the usual complexity is absolutely any adequate composition.but for starting to play with supportsat least with Vestal (Priestess), she treats a party very well. Heroes in the group should be distributed so as to be able to kill enemies on all positions, or move to first place and stress.

Immediately let the Council on how to save money - do not shit on starting heroes who got bad features. Just dismiss them. Heroes 0-1 levels are a broken coin, you should not spend money on them (for the treatment of stress or pumping skills, etc.). It is worth spending in the event that, after raising a pair of levels, the hero has good features and there are no harmful features.

It turned out that now hangs 2 similar guides, so it decided to add and write more about the peculiarities of each particular region.

Everything written is my personal opinion and may not coincide with your glances to the game. Your constructive criticism and tips / tips that I did not describe - I will add to the guide, I will delete Hate on the topic. So let's get up!

General enemies and objects

General enemies and order of their focus

These types of lowiel enemies can meet All regions

Spiders and larvae - (Beast Type / Beast) Not at all are dangerous, killed by mass attacks for 1 move. Spiders can throw poison or debuff \\ label. The larvae can become and themselves are quite well protected from all influences, except damage. But those and others have too little hp and damage, so these are the weakest enemies.
Robbers - (type of person / HUMAN) At first levels there are only 3 species (with knives, with a crossbow and with a wicker). Everything (blood flow / poison / debuff / mills) works on people well. In general, they are not very dangerous, from special skills they only have bleeding from a person with knives and 2 bleeding (including mass) from the web, but it is better to kill them in focus: crossbars -\u003e peasants with knives -\u003e Big with a shear . In parallel to become.
Cultists - (type of person / HUMAN) They will meet 2 species, these are nearby with claws and dallenbits with a stick. Those that with a stick beat on stress and can move your party. Those with claws beat pain only out of 1-2 positions, and even with blood flow, try to throw them back or attract the ranges forward so that the cultists with claws are on 3-4 positions, then their damage can be minimized, and you can just kill . I would advise you to focus the range first, but it depends on the current CP and the stress of your group. On them, like on the robbers, everything goes well.
Crazy - (type of person / HUMAN) Damage to the stress of your group from them is simply unimaginable, so if you do not want your group to quickly go crazy, then they must be killed FIRST OF ALL , preferably for 1 move.

I will not paint about further common enemies (in yellow and red locations), I think all newcomers will guess what to happen to them.

Counter objects

Counter objects You can give you a lot of lute / buffs, as well as a lot of headaches. It all depends on how to open them correctly (what to use them). All objects are different chance Open / do not open and give you a positive or negative effect.

If interesting is the link to the site, which describes all counter objects (riddles) and how to open them correctly, in English. Language, but with pictures.
I personally extremely advise Hold this tab is always open to at first to learn that it is better to use the object to one or another.

So, absolutely in all regions are found:

Furnaces with family values - In general, they are harmless and can give you a lot of lute if used on them key, without a key with a little chance, a trap will work. Therefore, in each region we take at least 1 key (especially the secret rooms with chests, which are unscrewed only with the key) Remember it forever - Take any hike at least 1 key

Boxes and bags - harmless, they are dragging without negative effects.

Racks with torch - Curly, take always, there is 1 free torch.

Unfinished chest - Just opening it with hands with a 75% chance, you can get a half-way nishtyak, with a 25% trap, do not open the key (since already open)

Eldrich altar - I do not know his name in Russian, looks like altar with tentacles (Tentacles). Very valuable instance, it is worth opening only holy Water And the character who has a lot of bad features, thereby, the altar will randomly remove the negative trait from it. That's why i advise you to take at least 1 holy water to any region.

Red altar with a ball - It is often found at the start of the game in the first pair of hiking by your imminent group. Putting there the torch you call the boss that instantly carries the light and moves your entire party. For imminent heroes and beginners without experience, the boss is unbearably complex, the murder tactics are in neighboring guides.

Ruins (RUINS)

What to take and why

IN ruins There are quite a few altars that, when used, give good buffes, therefore you need a lot holy waterto activate them and keys (for each locked chest and servant). Enough one or two shovels, antiyades / bandages are not needed at all *, the grass can be taken alone, in case you suddenly get the Iron Maiden or the table alchemist. Food need to take more than usual, because in ruins There are no sources of food (and for a party without supports, I would take food at the maximum)

* There are no objects in the ruins, which can be effectively used by bandages or antidote, but it is often written to me that there are simply bandages and antiytes in ruins, because of spiders and cultists. This is not true. Spiders and cultists can meet with absolutely in any regions, and the undead of poisons and blood flows does not hang, so if spiders / cultists cause you problems (although they should not), then take their own forces. I do not recommend.

Enemies and their features

Enemies - Skeletons (Type Undead / Unholy), 5 classes, namely skeleton tank, skeleton with a knife, a skeleton with a battle, a skeleton-crossbow and a skeleton with a cup. Skeletons with the Cup beat on stress, and skeletons with albaltles and knives are able to apply a lot of damage in solo target. Some special skills, which is worth paying attention to, not safe. If you have no problem with stress, then kill the crossbars first -\u003e Skeletons with cups -\u003e skeletons with knives -\u003e Skeletons with batons / skeletons tanks. If there are problems with stress, then skeletons with cups come to the fore (but then it is necessary to store the crossbars).

Group composition and strategy

Traps in ruins when activated simply beat on stress and health. Most of the enemies are undead and they do not expire with blood, therefore from the group should exclude the heroes that cause bleeding, well, or change skills. On the other hand, the whole undead has a low resistant to the poison, so all the poisoning classes look good here. For all the undead, they are well passing, therefore they do not forget to use. A good trick can be the movement of crossbars / cultists closer to you, 1-2 positions, and the bidders back. From characters who feel here very good - Crusader. and Grave Robber . I don't know in English and accurate translation of all classes into Russian, so I will say easier - this is a crusader (because of the congenital elevated damage on undead) and a woman with throwing knives (it criticizes quite well in several positions, skeletons often crumble with 1-2 beats plus she has a useful poison in this region). Also do not forget about the type of enemies (Undead \\ Unholy) And we dress artifacts to damage on them, it will be helpful to take those who got a line that helps with a damage by undead or in the ruins in general.

Ruins - the easiest region, because Many altars buffaceous your heroes are very good bonuses, plus the enemies relatively do not very much learn the health of the group, if you do not hesitate with the crossbars and skeletons with knives (otherwise you can make your damagners from the crit pair) but stress is quite strongly.
Due to the number of altars and weak enemies, this region is good for the study of all rooms to the end, it is in it best to carry a lot of gold at the initial stages of the game. All the chests open the keys, all the altars of holy water.
Do not touch the books lying in a bundle on Earth. AT ALL. Just pass by! *.

* Books have a too low chance of a positive effect, but negative variants of mass, and if you decide to burn them with a torch, then the member of the group will instantly receive +100 stress.

Reserve (Warrens)

What to take and why

IN reserve You will often encounter bleeding, so you need a large number bintov. Also advise to take a lot grassbecause very many items can be opened just with grass. Food gets inside, from the interaction of herbs and objects, so you need to take it quite a little bit (perhaps you play without supports, then a little more) in this location rarely, but there are super useful altars, so I would take a couple of holy water. Additionally, the keys are not needed (do not forget about 1 mandatory key to each location), the antioot is also not needed. Shovels in standard quantities (1-2 pieces).

Enemies and their features

Local enemies - Pigs and worms (Type Animal / Beast)Partially they are simultaneously and people. In total, there are 5 species: a pig-tank, a pig with a hook, a pig, a pig with drums and worms with teeth / spikes. Pay attention to the skillful pig, it can hang diseases, Chervi is poisoned, and the tank stands and hangs bleeding, so the order of the focus is: Bowing pigs and snapshed worms -\u003e Drummer -\u003e Pork with a hook -\u003e tank. Again, if problems with stress are too large, you will have to be the first to kill the drummer, but then the pigs can miss the whole party and the patients will return to the city (if they return).

Group composition and strategy

Trap in the reserve during activation hang bleeding, you can remove bandages. In this region, on the contrary, the bloodstream is very effective, but the protection against poison has the monsters already higher, so we exclude from the group of all the poisons and take those who know how to let the blood and those who have positive features to fight in the reserve, for example, damage for animals / People, etc. Very good here look Hound Master. , as well as Bounty Hunter. and Helion. . Simple language is a doggyman (he has an increased damage on the beasts and bleeding, plus it can lower the Tankosviny armor), the hunter for the heads (it is good at the expense of congenital elevated damage to people and there is an opportunity to become / move the enemies) and barbars (again, bleeding, plus Ability to apply a lot of damage in the last rows)

General characteristics and advice

In general, the region is light - not enough with the with the bustling pigs, so as not to grasp the disease. From harmful oncoming subjects - the same books. In location, many useful altars and items that give useful features or remove negative, so it makes sense to send at least one person with a bunch of mismired features to "cure" it. Due to the building of the map, intelligence is very useful here. Almost from the start, the lion's share of location can be founded.

Bowl (Weald)

What to take and why

IN more often You will often throw poison and bleeding, so antytia and bandages Here in great honor. Also bindami and antiyom Most objects are buried here, incl. And local chests. We take 3-4 shovels, because in this region the walls are more common, plus there are graves that need to dig. We also take 1 grass and 1 holy water (grass for emergency collection of 8-12 meals, if you suddenly believe, water if you suddenly meet a useful altar that removes negative peppers). Additional keys are not needed, the local chest opens with anti-farm, so the key is also needed only 1.

Enemies and their features

Local enemies - a team of mushrooms from mushrooms, dogs and splashing bunches. There are monsters of all types, in frequency is mystic / Eldrich. -> man / Human. -> beast.. In this region, I can not highlight the strict order of the focus of enemies, enemies are very dangerous and closely need to kill the first or another enemy.. Some of the most dangerous - small mushroom artilleryrs, they know how to hang the label and hurt poison (and even with the disease) at once several members of our group. They are trying to kill them immediately. Also very dangerous dogs, because they are fast, hang bloodstain and infect the disease. Fortunately, they are quite thin and perfectly focus, they are also trying to kill them for 1 move. If they have repaired with mushrooms, then beat dogs first. Also enough, a small ectoplasm (it breeds), oddly enough, it should also be killed in one move (if it does not work, it becomes nice), but it usually reparies separately from mushrooms and dogs, so there is no problems with it. Only only mushroom zombies and a large piece of ectoplasm are left without attention, everything is simple with them - try to leave them finally, they are much greasy and harm from them is not so much. One thing - the mushroom zombie beats blindly, the damage and accuracy he does not have much, but if the mushroom artillers have hung the label on someone, the mushroom zombie begins for this purpose to be rained with his strong attack, and it really causes a lot of damage.

Group composition and strategy

Trap in more often, when activated, hang poison, can be removed by antidote. In this region, enemies have quite good protection against poison, it is worth excluding poisonous heroes. But bleeding, moving, debuffs pass on them very well. It was this region that I would pass a group with a maximum damage, perhaps even without a support, to quickly cope with the ladies, but subtle enemies. And you can collect a group and enable characters from the list below. Well feel here PLAGUE DOCTOR , Hound Master. , LEPER , Occultist. . In Russian, this is a plague doctor (shoots poisons with the allies, which will be sufficient enough, also stands), the doggyman (lowers the protection of the mushrooms zombies, hangs blood flow), lepers (can give a debuff monster to lower damage) and the occultist (it can quickly To cure one goal, for example, under the label crumble mushroom zombies, and he also has a debuff, lowering the opponent damage).

General characteristics and advice

In general, the region complicated, without preparing here, I would not advise newbies. Walk here at least for DeedI don't remember how Russian is called, this is a resource for improving the forge and the trailer with visiting heroes. In the party, I advise you to take only completely rested heroes, on which there are no heaps of strongly harmful features, plus try to pick up artifacts that will help with the types of monsters specified above. There are no harmful oncoming objects if everything is correct to apply. Follow the mark on your characters, as soon as the label was label - the zombie mushrooms. They will devourge the marked hero very quickly.

Bay (Cove)

What to take and why

For bay need as much as possible grass, and all because they will often be debuffed, plus many objects open exactly herbs. There are enemies that hang strong bloodstream, so sure to take a little bintov. 4 shovels, because local chests open with shovels. Antiyar and holy water can be taken as desired (I take 1 pcs), because Swimming pool for swimming and altars are rarely found. The lack of keys did not notice, so we take the standard one - 1 key.

Enemies and their features

Enemies - Fish, rather dangerous. All of them belong to the type mystic / Eldrich., drowning the same plus to everything else undead / Unholy.. The most dangerous, it is just he - fat drill, it must be killed very quickly, because He is on his own Second The move is satisfied allah Akbar Your entire group, or a bathtone, or leaving Lowe HP against your dangerous fishing gangs. It can be stored, a resist is 50%. Fish with harpuna beat hurt, if they seek health - kill them first. If stress is much coppled - kill fish shamans (they can also sick and buffat \\ debuff, which is quite disgusting) shockers, snails and fish with a shield - are not so dangerous, there are few damage in them, but still unpleasant. Snails debuff, jellyfish hang and hang blood flow, both units with a small chance can hang random disease Attack. Therefore, if you have everything in order and with the health of the group and with its moral component, you can figure out first with them, in order not to grab the sore. The last on the list, but not by the value - Fish-Schielder. She hangs the bloodstream and bendingly beats, in itself quite thick. At first glance, this is an ordinary tank, but she has skill protection which may be at the most inopportune moment to save the life of the Allah Accessory. If you get a fish-tank to get a shield, and you can safely continue to beat the weak opponent.

Group composition and strategy

Traps hang Debuff on 12 moves (pretty strong) - immediately shoot his herbs . In the fish congenital resistance to bleeding, therefore heroes with bleeding are less effective, but the poisons here show themselves not bad. Many fish has a high defense rate, which means direct damage to beat them will not be very effective. Excellent here shows itself Occultist. Yes, it is the occultist. After all, he has several advantages at once, he has a congenital elevated damage mysticals / Eldritch. And in the extreme case, the breakdown of a drowned one in the extreme case so that the explosion arose by 30% less damage.

General characteristics and advice

In general, the most complex region, because The group goes great damage and stress. Spades open the chests and shells, the rest - herbs, in no case do not use anything on the round altar, it is better to open hands. Usually, starting to go to the bay, the newcomer already has an idea of \u200b\u200bcertain characters and their features and skills. The tactics of the battle varies greatly, depending on the composition of the group. Try to relax and choose a group with suitable artifacts and damage to damage mysticals / Eldritch.. There is also a coral, which will allow you to remove a negative feature.


All standard locations and all mobs I described. I think these tips will help newcomers to understand the game. Further explanation does not make sense, because each player passes in its own way and to the yellow / red missions, it is not bad for the game itself. I can add only that consumables for medium and long missions will have to take more than I wrote for short.

Locations and monsters from DLC are not described, only standard. DLC is not all, plus this content is not for newcomers. I will not write about bosses and the development of the city, it's all in the neighboring guides.

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