Cancer horoscope for July detailed. Cancer woman horoscope for July

Cancers will have to give up their habit of flying in the clouds in July 2018. It's time to set precise goals for yourself, to define real goals. This also applies to work and even personal relationships. In the summer of 2018, the moment will come when you will have to fight for the attention of a pretty person. Fortunately, at the same moment, Cancers can count on the understanding and support of relatives and friends. Typically, you yourself give advice and teach others. But now you can listen to someone else's opinion. This is useful.

To find a gentleman, Cancer women in the summer of 2018 should not sit at home. On the contrary, expand your social circle, accept invitations to parties and other social events. The widespread opinion that the betrothed will find behind the stove is definitely not about you. Be active, take action!

The stars recommend that Cancer women update their wardrobe for the summer of 2018. So a walk through the shops, trying on toilets, a visit to a beauty salon will be very useful. Don't be afraid to radically change your image. Some men like gray, modest mice, but this is definitely not about Cancer women.

July will bring a lot of unforgettable impressions, a storm of bright emotions. It is possible that love will happen at first sight. And the feelings will be so strong that the Cancer woman without hesitation herself will invite the man she likes on a date.

When it comes to work, you won't be bored here either. Some of your colleagues will go on vacation, so the job responsibilities of vacationers will fall on your shoulders. But do not be discouraged, but take this situation as a chance to show your abilities and skills in front of leadership. If desired, Cancers will be able to establish themselves as irreplaceable, talented workers.

But you will hardly be able to relax at the height of summer. Even if you get a well-deserved vacation, it will pass in worries and hassles - repairs, moving and solving other accumulated problems. However, do not be sad, save a week of "vacation" days until the fall. Then, in the velvet season, you can enjoy idleness.

Cancers can use their strong "claws" and grasp promising projects and directions. This will bring both honor and income.

But not all the time to devote to work? Will there be some extra money? So spend them on yourself, your beloved - make an appointment with a beautician, get advice from a professional stylist. Don't skimp. The stars are happy: at the end of the month, Cancers will receive a good income. For example, a solid bonus!

Auspicious July days: 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 26, 28, 30

Bad days: 3, 11, 13

Love horoscope

If you wanted certainty and stability in your relationship with your loved one, then in July your thoughts will come true. Just won't you get bored, Cancer, with such routine? At one point, you suddenly want something supernatural, and then you will use your acting skills and abilities. But think about it, will your partner like it? Maybe simplicity and sincerity are valued by him more than pathos and a mysterious dramatic image?

However, some of the Cancer women at the very beginning of July 2018 may lose their heads, unexpectedly falling in love! If you want and persist, you will be able to achieve reciprocity from a new passion. But it is premature to think about how this novel may end in the end. No need to calculate and build long-term plans. Live here and now!

Cancer women, you just need to accept dating invitations, enjoy the attention shown to you by people of the opposite sex. The flower-candy courtship period is one of the most pleasant moments, which has a beneficial effect on the mood and appearance of any lady. And if the gentleman offers to meet the parents, then you are caught! Know, - the stars indicate, - this is a sign that soon he will offer his hand and heart.

Family Cancers enjoy the warmth, comfort of the hearth. If there are quarrels, then they will be minor ones because of domestic disagreements. So is it worth it to spoil your nerves and waste time figuring out who threw socks on the floor or didn't close the tube of toothpaste? Such silly nagging can end up ruining even the strongest marriage. And therefore, show loyalty, tolerance, and life will sparkle with completely different, much more rosy colors.

Try to refrain from criticizing your spouse and other household members on the 13th on the day of New Moon. By the way, these days are not suitable for important negotiations, making fateful decisions.

Finance horoscope

To achieve the desired result, you will have to try very hard in July. In particular, Cancers will need to make an effort in order to make good profits, climb the career ladder, or earn a higher position in society.

Alas, the middle of summer will be more a time of losses than gains. So you have to decide whether to save money or find a part-time job. The most dangerous thing is that temporary financial difficulties can seriously upset and even unsettle Cancer. And for him, insecurity and low self-esteem are extremely harmful. In order not to become discouraged, one must learn to spend money wisely, being able to save some of the money. In addition, in the excitement of the pursuit of money, one should not be seduced by adventurous offers, no matter how “rainbow” or tempting they may seem. In July, Cancers should refrain from large purchases and deals.

There will be situations in the service when you have to defend your point of view or innocence. But Cancers need to be careful and not particularly get excited, otherwise you run the risk of quarreling with colleagues. An interesting proposal for cooperation may come in July. Even if it seemed tempting, do not rush to immediately agree. Although Cancers have excellent intuition and are unlikely to fall for such a "bait" without thinking. This same sixth sense will help you avoid mistakes when making a number of financial decisions. It is better to abstain from loans and borrowings altogether.

Some Cancers do not even think to complain about the lack of money. But these are individuals who know how to save money and wisely approach spending. However, all representatives of the watermark, without exception, need to carefully and clearly plan their personal budget in July 2018. This is the only way to collect the necessary amount for a trip to the sea.

But, alas, at the peak of the summer season, you will hardly be able to go on vacation. But you should not give up on picnic trips with friends, family outings in nature.

Please note that on the 27th of the Full Moon, you cannot sign important documents, make appointments with partners.

Health horoscope

But you need to think about health in July 2018. If nothing bothers you, then you still need to go for a routine examination to a therapist at least once a year. It is worth visiting an optometrist. Long hours in front of a computer monitor do not have the best effect on vision.

If you have complaints about your health, then agree to the examination. Do not postpone this procedure until later. Let it be summer, hot, but only a few days in the clinic, where you will have a little rest. Then you will catch up. According to the predictions of the stars, no serious health problems are expected for Cancers in July 2018. But leave to chance, even small sores, is not worth it.

However, in the summer you can start to temper the body: swim, run, sunbathe. Just remember about the danger of hypothermia and do not seek to tan to the state of coal. Especially this should be remembered by Cancer women who dream of a bronze skin tone.

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July 2018 will be one of the most romantic and emotional periods in the life of Cancers. Family and relationships with a loved one will be a priority, the main efforts will be aimed at strengthening and improving relationships with a partner. Family representatives of your zodiac sign will spend a lot of time with children, parents, brothers, sisters, and often arrange romantic evenings for two, where they can enjoy the company of their loved one to their fullest.

The influence of the planets on the representatives of your zodiac sign will have a beneficial effect on attentiveness, caring and goodwill. Love and family affairs will come to the fore, everything that happens at work will not bother Cancers a little. You should not count on a promotion, career prospects or business expansion, although this will not worry you much anyway. But Cancers will be able to find an occupation that will become their hobby, their main hobby, where they can succeed. Cancers will unleash their creativity and spend more time polishing their new talents.

Horoscope by Decades

Independent and slightly self-confident Cancers in the first decade of July 2018, under the influence of planetary aspects, will easily and quickly overcome any obstacles and obstacles. Despite the fact that they are basically family people, Cancers are distinguished by a special egocentrism. If the people around you have a different opinion from yours, then Cancers will make every effort to convince them and impose their own point of view. Therefore, no matter what gender the representative of your zodiac sign, he will always strive to take a leading position. If we are talking about professional achievements, then this is an excellent and irreplaceable quality of a successful person, but if it comes to family relationships, then Cancers should cool their ardor and muffle selfish motives, since your household truly love you and do not deserve such an attitude towards themselves. And at work, the desire to become a leader at the cost of belittling your colleagues is far from the surest and best way to the top of the career ladder. The horoscope recommends Cancers at the beginning of July to pacify their leadership impulses, and begin to respect the people around them, their opinions, feelings and life principles.

In the second decade of July 2018, representatives of your zodiac sign will be able to maximize their creative potential, discovering new talents and abilities. If Cancers direct their creative thoughts and ideas in the right direction, that is, in a career and professional growth, then they will be successful. But if they begin to develop newly discovered abilities and gifts, then a new hobby will appear, which can soon become a good foundation for starting their own business. If you have a desire to achieve financial independence, work on your own project. Get the support of influential people, as well as those who like your chosen direction. If the goal is career growth and filling a high position, then staying in the same place of work, look for more promising companies where professional growth is an integral part of employee development.

The third decade of July 2018 assumes a complete rejection of work and an excellent time spent outside the bustle of the city. If you have not planned a vacation this month, then it makes sense to organize a picnic in nature, preferably by the river or lake. Go there with those who accept you as you are, who are sincere and frank, reliable and faithful. Households plus a couple of old friends are an ideal company for outdoor recreation. Try to turn off your phone at this time, do not use a laptop, to temporarily break the connection with the outside world and enjoy the silence and serenity.

July is a more favorable period for Cancers, they will be full of strength and will be able to take up business and express themselves more actively. True, many of them will look at the world through rose-colored glasses, which will prevent them from correctly assessing what is happening. And in terms of partnerships, the beginning of the month is a difficult period. However, after the 5th, it will be possible to conclude mutually beneficial agreements with partners, to minimize your losses. Cancers can get an interesting and profitable offer, because of which their career can take off. The period from 6 to 21 July is more romantic and favorable for Cancer's personal life. They will be able to combine love and material interests, and this union can be very strong. After the 22nd, conflicts with partners are possible, and Cancers will have to make important and not very pleasant decisions, and possibly part with someone.

Horoscope for July 2018 for Cancer women

Cancer women can be sincerely congratulated.You will not only celebrate your birthday with loyal friends, but you will also find a second wind, demonstrating your best qualities to everyone: courage, kindness, nobility. In addition, until July 16, representatives of the opposite sex will vie with each other for your favor.

  • Talisman of the month: clothes of burgundy-red and golden colors, evening perfume.
  • Auspicious days: July 7, 15, 19, 21.
  • Unfavorable days: July 5, 11, 12, 17.
  • Priority interests: personal growth, creativity, favorite hobby.

Love horoscope

You are still easy-going, active, sweet and adorable. No one can resist your spell. But at the beginning of the month, you may feel that the former ease and upsurge in your relationship is not there. A quarrel is likely, but it will only warm up your cooled feelings. You do not want to concede in anything. This is undesirable, especially in family relationships.

Health horoscope

Now emotions should recede, even if you want to make a scandal. Sober calculation, logic and, of course, health care come to the fore. Problems may arise due to the fact that you do not know the measures in anything: neither in rest, nor in work. At the end of the month, you should relieve stress and calm down. A hot bath and a hearty meal prepared for the whole family will help. Do not get upset over little things. The main health: yours and those of those closest to you.

Job and finance horoscope

In the middle of the month, you will realize that work-related problems are more relevant to you than anything else. You want to devote more time to work and communication with colleagues than before. Friends and relatives can apply for your finances. Requests for cash assistance are likely. But at the moment, you yourself are not completely independent financially, so you should not make promises to everyone. At the end of the month, you can spend a large amount due to personal needs or business partners. Now it is important for you to feel financially secure. But at the same time, you can drop a tidy sum if you think that the waste is justified and necessary.

Horoscope for July 2018 for Cancer men

A noble knight without fear and reproach is just such a man born under the sign of Cancer until July 18. True, at times he can resemble Don Quixote and throw himself at windmills and other mirages. But who doesn't happen to? The Cancer family has a quivering father who tries to spend as much time as possible with the younger generation.

  • Talisman of the month: a small ball of smooth opaque stone, better than jasper or agate.
  • Auspicious days: July 2, 8, 16, 20.
  • Unfavorable days: July 4, 6, 12, 18.
  • Priority interests: personal business, individual entrepreneurship.

Love horoscope

Now you are not very impressed by the serious attitude of your beloved, and she does not understand your endless joy. Try to explain to her that life is wonderful and wonderful. In the middle of the month, you will focus more on communication and relationships. But you will begin to approach new connections without enthusiasm and rose-colored glasses. Your beloved is unchanged in her sympathy for you. But you want new experiences. Don't make a fatal mistake! It may seem that the other half has begun to actively lead you. But this will only make you laugh, nothing more. You perfectly understand who is the boss in the house.

Health horoscope

Take care of your nest and renew the furnishings. Maybe you are just annoyed by the color of the wallpaper, and this is causing a headache. When dim lights are on in your house in the evenings and pleasant music is playing, you, sitting in a comfortable armchair with a cup of tea, will feel how all ailments recede. From July 18th, your body functions like a clock. Energy will whip over the edge go in for sports. Your physical strength will be enough to master the elements of combat sports and select power loads. However, you should follow the measure.

Job and finance horoscope

During the week, try to keep financial secrets to yourself, otherwise you may find yourself without savings on the weekend. Your well-being will grow, and you will become much more confident in yourself, you will feel the respect and sympathy of others. In the middle of the month, you have unlimited opportunities for earning money. Try not to miss them. Observe the agreements.

Children's horoscope for Cancer for July 2018


Cancer boys will feel the desire to tell everyone around about their successes. It would be nice to send the child to the camp there he will have the necessary audience. True, this type of rest is suitable only for those Cancers who do not have important things to do. But if your child has an exam or must take part in some kind of competition, it is better to prepare properly. There is every chance to show yourself brightly, to be remembered.


The Cancer girl has a huge chance to go to the educational institution of her dreams or win a competition. In relationships with friends, Cancers will feel that they have a serious responsibility, they themselves can bring closer or alienate a friend. It is dangerous to just become a manipulator ... The task of parents in such a situation is to be there and guide their child, suggesting exactly how best to act in a given situation.

Taken from the site:

July 2020 will be an auspicious time for Cancers. In the first half of the month, the effectiveness of their undertakings will make them feel like winners, ready to use any means to achieve what they want. In many ways, their success will be facilitated by close people and relatives, from communication with whom they will learn useful things for themselves.

The second part of July will be successful only for those Cancers who decide on adventurous events. The thirst for experimentation may not find approval from others, which will cause quarrels.

Cancer Woman. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be purposeful and active. They will correctly prioritize and plan the work clearly. The beginning of the month promises favorable prospects for professional growth. During this period, intuition will sharpen, which will help to bypass the tricks of ill-wishers and not spoil your reputation.

Communication with colleagues, relatives and soulmates will play a great role for these women. These people will take on some of their problems or open up a new hobby for them, which later turns out to be profitable. It is possible that these ladies will meet a soul mate, meet like-minded people or future business partners.

Cancer man. Representatives of this zodiac sign expect promising acquaintances and versatile communication with others. Social activity will help them get a new friendly company, improve business or personal life. Through their career and love accomplishments, their self-confidence will grow at a rapid pace.

In the middle of the month, there will be a risk of committing an irresponsible act, because of which interest in these men will fade away. At this time, they are waiting for tests of endurance, which only the most cunning and far-sighted Cancers will bypass. The end of July will be turbulent due to quarrels with the soulmate and work colleagues.

Love horoscope

July 2020 promises a favorable romantic change for Cancers. At the end of the month, disagreements between lovers are not excluded, which will quickly subside and will not affect the future of the couple.

Lonely representatives of this zodiac sign will be sociable and active in search of a soul mate. In the third decade, the stars promise them a fateful acquaintance, which will mark the beginning of a new romance.

Unfree men and women will feel the support of a loved one who will share difficulties and sorrows with them. Misunderstandings can arise only by the end of July, when Cancers will no longer control their words and actions.

Business horoscope

In July, Rakov's business ambitions will come out and turn into dizzying success.

Unemployed people use their old friendships to get a job in the desired company. Some of them will find a job at their previous job.

Employees will be bold and disciplined. They will take on a new project, after which they will be marked by their superiors.

Leaders will be able this month to combine the conduct of several important cases at the same time. They will expand the circle of partners or, conversely, will lose their old assistants after a sharp statement addressed to them.

Financial horoscope

July 2020 will be a good time to strengthen Cancer's financial position. It is possible to open new sources of income. Monetary support from relatives or sponsorship from partners is not excluded. In order to meet August without debt, it is better not to make big purchases. The horoscope advises to start saving money for the acquisition of property.

Health horoscope

Cancers will feel stable in July. By the end of the month, nervousness and apathy may increase, which can negatively affect health. Headaches or exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible.

The horoscope advises not to overdo it with self-medication and visit your doctor. It is worth reviewing your daily routine and adjusting your diet. Refusal from alcoholic beverages and fatty foods will help to harmonize well-being.

Strengthen social bonds

Put communication with family and friends in the first place and try not to upset them with your actions.

The beginning of July 2020 promises Cancers a lot of love, warmth and harmony in personal relationships. Just do not immediately relax, problems are still ahead, although they will rather be pleasant chores.

In general, the whole month for Cancers will be somewhat carefree. The stars promise them a lot of pleasant troubles for love affairs, organizing various celebrations and holidays, choosing a resort for a romantic getaway, etc.

For married representatives of the sign, July will be a family holiday season, which will lead to many problems that need to be addressed. The most important thing during this period is to be less nervous and less in conflict with your soul mate. All issues must be resolved calmly, peacefully and consistently. Here it is worth taking care not only of satisfying your own desires, but also thinking about your loved one.

For those Cancers who are still in search of a loved one, the horoscope recommends dwelling less on this issue. If you walk around and look at everyone you meet, this will not change your personal life.

Try to spend more time in public places or large companies. The summer period is good because there are more chances to meet, right on the street, with new people. Taking into account the fact that in July Cancers will be on the rise of their vitality and energy, the chances of meeting that one person in life are much greater, the main thing is that at this moment you would be cheerful and positive.

Cancer Woman: Love Horoscope for July 2020

For a Cancer woman in a relationship, this month is the time to get away from work and family problems and devote herself to her beloved man.

The huge amount of positive energy and energy that the representatives of this sign will experience at this time are best directed to the development of personal and love relationships. You can start exploring new culinary trends in order to please your man with a delicious, romantic dinner, or start taking interest in his hobbies in order to always support him. It's time to get out of your "shell" and give your loved one with love, care, tenderness and affection.

For Cancer-free women, the stars recommend spending the burst of energy that will follow in the current month on the development of new interests. New hobbies are always a new circle of friends, acquaintances and people who can not only bring something unusual into your life, but also make you a couple in the future.

Cancer Man July 2020 Love Horoscope

Cancer married men should be more attentive to their grievances this month. It is clear that the time for vacations and rest is associated with problems that need to be solved. Start solving them together with your significant other, so that such a solution suits both of you. Do not forget that both of you want to relax and have fun.

During this period of time, try to remove your own selfishness and desire to break free. Indeed, even in a family vacation, you can find a lot of good, positive and exciting things, and spending time together always brings together and improves personal relationships.

The stars recommend free male crayfish to have fun this month, the positive and strength will not leave you during this period. It is worth setting aside profound, philosophical considerations about the relationship with the fair sex and the discrepancy between modern ladies and your highly moral image. You won't get anything good this way.

Summer, relaxation, entertainment - this is the only way to meet the only one who can share your interests as a whole and make you a great couple in the future. Try to think as little as possible about your loneliness and rest and have fun as much as possible, and then it is quite possible that quite unexpectedly love will knock on your doors.

Not a bad month. There will be an opportunity to complete the work started earlier, to solve current problems, to deal with minor problems that have accumulated in recent years. Many Cancers will enjoy household chores, they will not miss the opportunity to make their home more cozy and comfortable. It is good to receive guests. Caution in financial matters is desirable. It is better to refrain from shopping: in July you tend to buy things that you will soon no longer like or will be unnecessary. Be gentle with loved ones, avoid critical expectations, and don't give advice that isn't asked for.

Horoscope for July 2020 Cancer man

This month is very controversial, hectic, but interesting. Many Cancers will find answers to the questions that have bothered them lately, and will determine their plans for the future. There will be an opportunity to complete the long-started business, to implement ideas that promise good profits. Remember that now it is better to rely on your own strength: the allies will catch up later. Take your time to make decisions about personal relationships. You need time to sort out your feelings, decide on goals and plans for the future.
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