What is the dream of daub. What does a dream about cream mean?

Have you applied emulsion to your face or body in a dream? Or maybe you decorated a beautiful and mouth-watering cake with pastry cream? The cream in a dream will have different meanings depending on the purpose of its use. Remember the details and find out the future that dream interpreters predict for you.

Apply to face or body

IN Modern dream book face cream comes in as a sign of softness. If a man had a dream, it means that such qualities as compliance and flexibility will help him in business. But the directive and firm style, on the contrary, will harm his business. A woman watched a dream - she has to show care and affection in relation to to a loved one... It will probably be her spouse, child or parent.

If you turn to this dream book with the question of why the hand cream is dreaming, then you will find out that this is a sign of getting satisfaction from the work done. You've probably been doing a difficult task for a long time and finally completed it. Your efforts will be appreciated, and you yourself will feel proud of yourself.

You have a long journey ahead - this is what you dream of smearing with cream. At the same time, it will be active, one might even say that it will be sporty. You can go hiking in the mountains, forests, rafting or cycling.

In the XXI century, the dream book body cream is included as a symbol of what you are worried about your health. This often happens when a person reads about their symptoms on the Internet. However, in your case, this is not at all the case - you are healthy and full of energy.

Soon you will have to go into business - this is what a girl on maternity cream dreams of in a dream, according to the Women's Dream Book. You will be surprisingly able to quickly grasp things and prove yourself in them. It is highly likely that your manager will notice your abilities and entrust you with a leadership position in the company.

According to the Classic Dream Book, the meanings of dreams differ depending on the type of cream:

  • Hand cream in a dream is a harbinger of repair.
  • Foot cream is a symbol of the upcoming vacation.
  • Used a soufflé for the body - take up dancing or exercise.

In the Psychological Dream Book, smearing with fat cream is included as a sign that you are taking on a lot of obligations. Perhaps you love doing the work yourself, or you don't know how to refuse requests. You can easily free up time for yourself if you learn to share tasks with others.

To smear your feet with cream in a dream means in reality to successfully correct the mistake of the past. Your worries and worries will finally stop. Smearing with cream - in reality, take care of yourself. Most likely, you have to go to a massage parlor or beauty studio.

A dreamed cream with an expired shelf life promises you parting with some person. You will make a joint decision to break off the relationship, as you realize their futility. Do not worry ahead of time - it is unlikely that it will be your close people. This can be a colleague, neighbor, or someone you don't know well.

I dreamed of a lotion with a pleasant aroma - do your favorite things that give you pleasure and inspiration. Applying a substance with an unpleasant odor means performing tasks you don't like. Most likely, these will be routine tasks, such as housework.

In the dream book, foundation is included as a sign that you are trying to hide your true face behind a mask. Often this happens when a person gets into a new team, where he cannot fully open up at first. However, when you start to trust the people around you, you will be able to open up.

The classic dream book says that you will hide a secret from another person if you see a foundation on your face, applying a cream to a friend's face means covering your friend. In this case, your attempts will not be crowned with success, the truth will be revealed. However, your friend will still be able to get out of the water.

The female dream book gives a completely different interpretation of what foundation is dreaming of. In his opinion, you have to preen before the date. You will be intoxicated with falling in love and light flirting with a new lover. If at the same time you saw your reflection in, then your relationship will develop into a serious romance.

Decorate pastry

In a dream, they made a cream for - which means that in life you are happy with what you have. Your home is a full bowl, you have realized your career and managed to show your talents. I dreamed about a plate of chocolate cream for dessert - your life will soon change for the better. Get ready for new, interesting offers for you.

In the dream book, strawberry cream is included as a symbol of romantic relationships. If you are single, you will soon meet your loved one. For married people, a dream promises a joint vacation, which they will spend like a second honeymoon.

In a dream, make cream for a wedding cake - for marriage. If at the same time your loved one tried the dessert, then soon you will receive a marriage proposal. For family dreamers, sleep is a symbol of the upcoming festivities at the holiday of newlyweds, friends or relatives.

The girl whipped up a lush mass in a dream - this means that soon she will have to meet an important guest. If a man was dreaming, then a serious business conversation awaits him. However, he will be able to competently build a dialogue and come to a consensus with an opponent.

If in a dream you try fresh eclairs, then in reality you will experience new sensations. Most likely, they will be associated with extreme types of entertainment (rafting, skydiving, ride on rides). Eat - you will chat with friends carefree.

Apply white cream for dessert in a dream - for a carefree future. We used a yellow, appetizing and tender mass - you will cook for children. We used a cream of bright color - there are fun parties and a lot of laughter ahead of you.

There is a cream in a dream without everything - to the ability to have pleasure at any cost. In life, you know how to enjoy every moment and see the positive sides in everything. It's good if you saw in a dream the stocks of confectionery cream in the refrigerator, which means in reality to be able to think through plans in advance and carefully prepare for their implementation.

Why is the cream dreaming

Miller's dream book

If a married woman sees in a dream that she is doing or eating sweet cream, it means that soon she will have to receive an unexpected guest.

A young woman who has this dream will meet a stranger who will eventually become a close friend.

If the cream tastes too sugary or completely tasteless, then nothing will await you except grief.

Why is the cream dreaming

Dream interpretation Hasse

Eating cream (dish) is stealing.

Why is the cream dreaming

Family dream book

A married woman who sees in a dream what she is doing or eating sweet cream will soon receive an unexpected guest.

If a young girl had such a dream, she will meet a stranger who will eventually become her close friend.

If the cream tastes too sugary or completely tasteless, there are only disappointments ahead.

Why is the cream dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope Winter

The cream you saw in a dream is a sign that you might need to be softer in some matter.

Sweet pastry cream, pleasant to the taste - suggests that your softness will bring you joy.

Rancid or too cloying, unpleasant cream - on the contrary, warns that being too soft and pliable will most likely not do you good.

Why is the cream dreaming

Spring dream book

There is a cream - to an excess of tenderness, to the desire to love and be loved.

Why is the cream dreaming

Summer dream book

Buy face cream in a dream - to take care of your appearance.

Why is the cream dreaming

Autumn dream book

Smearing face cream at night - to problem skin.

Why is the cream dreaming

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Making a sweet cream for pastries - soon you will have to receive an important guest at the house.

Using cream as a cosmetic means in a dream means that a streak of luck and good luck begins for you in literally everything. Shoe polish - portends a break in relations with a person who did not live up to your hopes, being overly selfish and selfish.

There are cakes, cake or other sweets with cream - it means that soon you will have to receive an unexpected, but always welcome guest in your home.

White cream - portends an acquaintance and finding a new friend, colored cream - to chagrin and disagreement with loved ones or neighbors.

Why is the cream dreaming

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is cooking or eating sweet cream, she will meet with a person who will become her close friend.

For a married woman, such a dream means that soon she will have to receive an unexpected guest. Too cloying or completely tasteless cream portends only disappointment.

Why is the cream dreaming

Modern dream book

To dream that the cream is served at the table is a promise of good luck that awaits you in any business, except agriculture. For the farmer, such a dream promises a bountiful harvest and wonderful family relationships.

There is a cream - an omen of soon good luck. For lovers, such a dream is a happy sign, since they will soon enter into a marriage.

Using a cosmetic cream in a dream is an important decision to make.

Beat the cake cream with a mixer - warns that the complicated situation in your family will require relaxation. For a man, such a dream may portend participation in a fight.

Licking fingers stained with cream in a dream means a loss of the trust of the person you need. For a business person, such a dream may portend the end of his career.

Eating a bun with cream in a dream means that you are interfering with other things, thereby making enemies.

Why is the cream dreaming

Eastern dream book

If you dreamed that cream was served for dessert during a feast, you are guaranteed success in all your endeavors.

There is a cream - good luck soon. For lovers, such a dream promises a quick happy marriage.

If you whip cream for a cake, it means that you will have to make some extraordinary act in order to defuse the tense situation in the family. Do you use cosmetic cream on your face, hands or neck? Life will present you with difficult choices.

Why is the cream dreaming

Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

Cream for what it is (confectionery) - You seem to be whipping up a sweet cream - a dream suggests that you will have to solve some problems with physical influence. A woman dreams that she is whipping up a cream - family well-being is in danger; the flame of mutual mistrust smoldered for too long; too many little things have not been forgiven; the price is forgotten for generosity. You seem to lick the cream off your fingers - in a difficult situation only one person can help you, but in the recent past you did not live up to his trust; take heart, all is not lost - trust can be restored by sincere repentance; a kind person is glad to forgive you in a dream feast on a bun with cream - when you feel good, when you are on the rise, you are ready to help anyone who needs help; but do not cross the line, do not be obsessive with your help, otherwise, to your own amazement and disappointment, you will make enemies. The cream you are trying is too sweet - some disappointments will not be slow to appear.

What does it mean in a dream Cream (cosmetic) - You see a tube or jar of cream in a dream, as if you are using it - you have to make an important decision.

Why is the cream dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Sour cream, cream - mutual love, wedding.

Why is the cream dreaming

Dream interpretation of the healer Akulina

What does Cream - Confectionery mean in a dream - to good luck in all matters. Cosmetic - pay attention to health. Imagine turning a cosmetic cream into a sweet pastry. You decorate a big cake with it.

Why is the cream dreaming

Love dream book

Cream - a dream in which you eat sweet cream promises you a happy marriage.

Why is the cream dreaming

Dream interpretation of a housewife

What does cream mean in a dream - pleasure. If the cream tastes too sugary or completely tasteless - disappointment.

Why is the cream dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Health

Using shoe cream - to the desire to hide a certain problem that leads to mental stress and nervous system; there is a pastry cream for dessert - to liver diseases and biliary tract; apply cream to the skin - to metabolic problems.

Dream Smear - why dream of smearing. Miller's Dream Interpretation - Smear interpretation of dreams smear online. Dream interpretation smear face with cream - if you dreamed to smear foundation face, you will be worried about your own reputation. Dream interpretation smear hands with cream - smearing your hands in a dream is a warning, life will put you in front of a difficult choice. Dream interpretation smear feet - in a dream, smearing your feet with cream means feeling uncertainty about the future. Dream interpretation smear hair - if you dreamed of smearing your hair with oil, then you need to get used to bad thoughts. A dream to smear bread with butter foreshadows joyful moments in life.

Why dream to be smeared

Dream interpretation to be smeared with dirt - in a dream to smear yourself with dirt means in reality to commit a bad deed. Getting your clothes dirty, splashing yourself with dirt means suffering from slander. Dream interpretation Smear with honey - when you dream of smearing your body with honey, it means waking up to attract good luck. Dream interpretation Smeared with clay - clay as a building material predicts success, in other cases, clay in a dream is clay bad sign, smear with clay - to suffer through your own fault, negligence, accident. Dream interpretation Smear with honey - honey in a dream portends an improvement in material well-being, smearing the body with honey - to be successful with the opposite sex. Dream interpretation smeared with blood - in a dream, smearing blood on your body or objects means in reality to have problems with relatives due to some personal benefit.


The interpretation of a dream about this subject should begin with an answer to the question of what kind of cream was in a dream - cosmetic or confectionery. The interpretation of what is seen in a dream depends on this.

A little makeup

First, we will answer the most frequent question dreamers, why a face cream is dreaming. Let's look at the dream book: face cream is a symbol of the fact that now nothing can be achieved by pressure, you need to show flexibility and ingenuity in order to implement your plan. The answer to the question of why a hand cream is dreaming depends on the physical characteristics of the product:

  • Apply new cosmetics on - you will make an important fateful decision that will change your life in a positive way.
  • Smearing face with expired cream - some relationships have become obsolete and will soon disappear. Do not hold on to them, you will soon find new ones.
  • Apply a mask with a pleasant aroma - spend the evening in pleasant company.
  • Try it and buy it - you will have a good opportunity to implement your plans, you just need to use it and show perseverance.

Hand cream in a dream portends a pleasant pastime with friends or sudden success where you did not expect it at all. Body cream is included in the dream book as a symbol of health promotion.

I dreamed of shoe cosmetics - expand the circle of communication, with new acquaintances will come and new information, which will be useful to you in the future. Let's open the dream book: to smear it - something bothers you, but you are trying with all your might to hide it. However, this leaves an imprint on your mental condition... Share your concerns with loved ones. This will improve the understanding between you, and together you can find a solution.

And sweet for dessert

The cream is interpreted by dream books positively. He is a symbol of satisfaction from his activities and what is happening around him and success in various fields. White color the filling speaks of upcoming changes, the multi-colored filling - of sudden joyful news.

Whipped cream in a dream - wait for the guests. Seeing a bowl with him is a sign of financial well-being. Licking it off your fingers - get results from the effort you put in before. In one of the dreams, putting it on the table as a dessert is a lucky coincidence. The sugary-sweet taste of the resulting dish portends the appearance of gossip.

The interpretation also depends on the appearance:

  • Gave a cake with chocolate filling - wait for changes in life, and they will be positive.
  • A small cake - you have to work hard to get approval.
  • A dreamed eclair - to unexpected, not previously experienced sensations.
  • A puff with him in a dream means that you should not go with advice when you are not asked for it.
  • The decoration on the cake is a pleasant surprise.

Eat it with a spoon - you want to meet your "other half", and soon you will be lucky. A dream about sweets dreamed of lovers - for an imminent wedding, already married - to exacerbate feelings, which means they will have a second honeymoon (or third ☺). I dreamed of a wedding dress of this color - you will be happy in marriage. The groom tried it or the bride will be happy / happy in marriage.

With such interpretations, a cream enters the dream book. The interpretation depends on its type and quality characteristics, as well as on other details of the dream. Author: Olga Lupandina

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