How to gently cover pimples with foundation. How to cover up acne on your face with foundation - step by step guide

A pimple on your face that suddenly jumped up overnight can cross out all plans for the day. However, do not rush to get upset: having a couple of cosmetics on hand, you can disguise this annoying flaw and appear in front of the public with a perfect face tone. How to cover up acne foundation?

The causes of acne

First of all, I must say that if pimples pop up on your face from time to time, then this normal phenomenonthat does not require any major correction. Perhaps the whole point is that you went to bed after a stormy night without removing your makeup from your face.

As a result, your pores, clogged with dirt, grease, and powder, can respond with inflammation and unpleasant acne. If this problem is extremely acute for you, and you can count on your fingers the days when you had completely clean skin, you need to look for the cause of this phenomenon together with your doctor.

Perhaps you have hormonal problems or you are overly addicted to fatty and spicy foods. But in order not to provoke the problem of the appearance of an abscess on your face, it must be solved, and here special cosmetics will come to your aid.

How to cover up acne on your face

First of all, the skin, of course, needs to be cleaned, that is, wash with gel and foam.

Further actions are as follows:

If you are late for a meeting or work and you have absolutely no time to take care of yourself so carefully, you can use only concealer or pencil and periodically cover the inflamed area during the day, because most likely, he will not be able to perform his function on an unprepared face for a long time ...

How can powder cover acne

Our mothers and grandmothers did not have so many face products of the most different principle of action. Thank God, there was powder and in some houses there are still plastic or cardboard boxes decorated with a simple pattern, filled with a crumbly mass of beige-pink color.

  1. If only this cosmetic product turned out to be in your cosmetic arsenal, it does not matter, it is quite capable of taking on the role of a concealer of unpleasant red acne.
  2. Take any greasy cream and rub a small amount into the area of \u200b\u200binflammation. Now powder it well with powder. If it seemed to you that you were a little overdone, you can slightly shade the resulting slide.
  3. However, this method is short-lived. Better, of course, to combine it with the use of a tonal foundation - it will help the powder to last longer on the face. Otherwise, you will have to constantly keep the pimple in sight and at his first desire to "show himself", use powder.

So that you do not have to look for how to cover up red acne on your face, always follow these rules.

Even if you take proper care of your face, acne is possible. But there are many ways to help mask skin blemishes at home.

The easiest way to hide them is with special cosmetics, for example, foundation. In a matter of minutes, you can achieve a flawlessly clean face.

It is enough to be guided by the following tips:

Scars and small scars can be masked using similar methods.

If a woman does not use tonal basis, a corrective pencil is applied. It will help hide a red pimple or other blemish of the same color. The corrective pencil has two halves - green and beige. The first covers redness, the second - masks. It is worth noting that such funds simultaneously have a healing effect.

How to quickly mask acne: applying concealer, powder

A concealer, a beige camouflage pencil, will help you quickly hide inflammation even outside the home. The inflammation itself and the skin around it are covered with a pencil. It is better if there are two concealers - darker and lighter. In this case, the skin around is treated with dark, and acne itself is treated with light. After that, it is recommended to shade the product and powder.

You can also use powder. Pimples are first treated with the usual cream, then sprinkled with powder. The resulting slide is lightly shaded. It is preliminarily recommended to apply a foundation on the treated area.

Tonal mousse is the best way to remove dark circles under the eyes. It can also be used to mask blemishes on delicate skin. The product must have a light structure, otherwise it will collect in folds. If you don't want to use decorative cosmetics, then only a full night's rest will help to eliminate bags under the eyes.

How to properly cover a pimple, scar and blemish:

How to mask acne without makeup at home?

Many people refuse to use makeup, especially for masking sore skin. If you need to improve your appearance, you can use simple ones, but effective methods... The inflammation and redness, of course, will not completely go away, but will significantly decrease.

  • For example, acne is treated with toothpaste, eye drops "Vizin" or any local antibiotic. These remedies help reduce redness.
  • Instead of "Vizin" you can take any vasoconstrictor drops... The drops are applied to cotton wool and left in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes. Then a cotton swab is applied to the pimple. If the latter is large and painful, the procedure is repeated several times.

Toothpaste dries the skin very much, so after spot treatment of acne and removal of the product, you need to generously lubricate your face with a moisturizer.

How to mask pimples correctly if you have a whole night in stock?

When you have time, you can use natural remedies such as aloe and lemon juice. These substances are applied to the face in turn. Such a simple method will help soothe and brighten the skin, which will affect redness - they will become almost invisible in the morning.

Acne always appears very inappropriate. For example, on the eve of a very important event or important event.

When you have to be the center of attention, you want to be sure that others will judge your talents or professional skills, and not the number of acne and their size.

Therefore, anyone should know how to cover up pimples on the face in order to make them invisible to others. It turns out it's not that easy.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and IS NOT a guide to action!
  • Give an EXACT DIAGNOSIS you can only a DOCTOR!
  • We earnestly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

As in any business, in cosmetology there are several secrets in this regard.

What can be used

In the arsenal of any woman there should be means for masking unexpected pimples on the face. When they are always at hand, the very process of camouflaging inflamed rashes will no longer take long.

But it should be understood that any disguise gives a temporary result.

Acne should be treated special means, and often you need to deal with the internal problems of the body.

Means that can be used to mask rashes belong to different groups:

  • medicines that are not specifically designed to cover pimples but may make them less noticeable
  • medicinal cosmetics;
  • decorative cosmetics.

Pharmacy products

Is it possible to make the elements less noticeable with the help of pharmaceutical preparations?

Yes, and even those that are intended to treat completely different diseases. This occurs primarily by relieving swelling and reducing redness.

The following medications will help.

  • Vasoconstrictor drops, which we usually use for a cold: Naphtizin, Nazivin, Galazolin (almost any name is suitable, the main thing is that the medicine has the effect of vasoconstriction and does not cause you a reaction). Just apply a drop of the product to the pimple and wait a little. Within 5 minutes, the redness will noticeably subside.

Photo: spot application of vasoconstrictor drops will remove redness

  • Eye drops with a vasoconstrictor effect (Vizin, Octylia, Stillavite). They are used, like drops from the common cold. To enhance the action against redness, you can do the following: moisten a cotton swab with medicine and put it in the freezer for a few minutes. Wipe the pimple area gently. Can be performed in several approaches with breaks. The cold and the active ingredients of the medication will quickly do their job.
  • Tea tree oil. Apply a drop of it to the inflamed element and rub in a little. Repeat every half hour. In 5 hours, you can completely get rid of, but the first results will be noticeable within the first hour.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid tablet. This remedy will quickly cope with inflammation, but in this case it should be applied externally. Crush 1 or more tablets (depending on the number of pimples), add a few drops of warm water for easy application, and spread over each pimple. Leave it for half an hour, and if you are in no hurry, then longer (you can even overnight).

Photo: mask with aspirin will relieve inflammation and redness

  • Hydrogen peroxide. It has many beneficial effects against acne, including anti-inflammatory. For application to the skin, dilute the solution with boiled water 1: 3. Wipe the area with inflammation or apply a cotton swab soaked in a diluted solution to the pimple for a couple of minutes.
  • Tableted antibacterial drugs can also be used. (Levomycetin, Streptocid, Erythromycin). Applications with them are made like aspirin.

Take your time to apply an unfamiliar drug to your face.

It is better to first make sure that you do not have allergic reaction on him.

Apply to the elbow fold and wait. Usually, the body's reaction can be noticed within an hour.


If you are attentive to the selection of cosmetics, then you know that they are medicinal and decorative.


Curative is an order of magnitude more expensive than decorative, but for people with problem skin is simply necessary.

With its help, you not only give your face the desired characteristics (color, even tone, etc.), but also simultaneously minimize the risk of skin problems.

Medical cosmetics have the following properties:

  • sebum-regulating - reduces the secretion of sebum, contains zinc compounds, green extracts, seaweed, yeast;
  • brightening - prevents acne from forming at the site, usually its ingredients are extracts of licorice or mulberry;
  • matting - prevents the appearance of oily sheen thanks to starches or silicones;
  • anti-inflammatory - reduces the severity of redness and swelling, usually active ingredient such funds are salicylic acid;
  • protecting - for many skin problems, it is recommended to minimize the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, medicinal cosmetics create such protection.

Medicinal cosmetics are sold in pharmacies or specialized stores.


Skillful makeup will also help hide a pimple that has come up.

It's worth getting yourself for this.

  • Foundation cream. It is better to have it in several tones - a tone lighter than the skin and the corresponding shade. It will also be better to have one of the foundation liquid, and the other with a thicker structure. The first is used as a base, and the second will better mask an inflamed bump and even a large pimple.
  • Concealer... This is a special pencil designed to mask local defects. Concealers come in a variety of shades and for good reason. What is the best concealer for pimples? If it is a saturated red color, then a pencil with a green tint is better suited, it is he who visually neutralizes redness. If you have a small, inflamed pimple, you can use a beige concealer. A blue tint is better for making skin blemishes invisible. Apply an even layer of liquid foundation or powder over this adjustment.
  • Powder... Better to buy mineral. It will help even out the complexion, even if you have not used foundation. To apply the powder, it is advisable to use a large brush, but you should not use it to scatter the powder over the skin, but to slightly drive it in, then the makeup will be more resistant.

Decorative cosmetics does not eliminate inflammation and does not cure acne, but only hides them.

Therefore, do not place your hopes on it to get rid of the rash.

Video: "How to hide a pimple with makeup"

How to choose cosmetics

When choosing cosmetics, skin problems should be taken into account as fully as possible.

  • If rashes are frequent guests on the skin of your face, give preference to medicinal cosmetics.
  • But even if pimples appear occasionally, there is no need to skimp on makeup. Low-quality (and it is almost always the cheapest) cosmetics will lead to the appearance of defects on the skin, even if there was no tendency to them. And if there are problems, the condition may worsen.

Photo: when choosing cosmetics, you should take into account the peculiarities of the skin

When buying cosmetics, pay attention to the absence of:

  • saturated fat;
  • a large number of dyes;
  • strong perfume;
  • comedogenic components.

If you have problem skin, then the best choice is hypoallergenic cosmetics with natural composition.

No matter how expensive it is, the treatment is sometimes much more expensive.

How to properly cover up acne

How to properly cover acne so that visually the skin looks healthy?

There are several secrets that apply to the use of each corrective product.

So, how can you hide the rash?


To disguise acne on your face with foundation, a liquid remedy is suitable.

  • A pink tint will only accentuate the inflammation on it, so if you have acne, take it away. Dark tones only look good on those with dark skin, on other types they look ridiculous.
  • Choose a foundation a little lighter than your skin tone, it visually levels out redness, the skin will look fresher.


You can use a concealer even if you don't have a foundation, and combine both products.

Which corrector is better to use, because they are liquid and solid (pencils)?

  • The pencil is easier to use and more economical. It will take quite a bit of a product that you will blend and hide the defect.
  • The concealer can be used without foundation and powder, if, for example, you do not use cosmetics at all.

BB cream

BB Cream is a modern concealer with a healing effect.

  • It will not only hide the red pimple on the face, but also dry it out.
  • Also, such creams have antibacterial, moisturizing, regenerating and UV protection properties.
  • They can be applied both locally and as a makeup base.
  • BB creams are available in different shades and can be matched to your skin tone.
  • They have a light structure and are easy to apply.

Basically, BB cream is not only for skin imperfections, it can be used instead of several skin care products.

Action diagram

The sequence of actions is important for how well the pimple will be masked.

Photo: before applying m corrective agents, you must cleanse the skin well

You should first prepare the skin:

  • wash or cleanse dirt and excess fat using special products;
  • reduce the redness of local rashes (you can use pharmaceutical preparations).

The skin is now ready for the basic action to mask the rash.

  • A make-up base is applied to the skin, you can use a moisturizer or a healing gel with an anti-inflammatory and mattifying effect.
  • The liquid foundation should be applied in a thin layer, evenly spreading over the entire skin.
  • Then, with a thicker toner, spot the most prominent acne, blending it well over the entire inflamed surface so that neither redness nor cream spots are visible. You don't need to do this if you have concealer.
  • To mask the pimple, draw a dot in the center of the inflammation with a corrective pencil. It should be no more than a grain of millet, but, of course, correlate its size with the size of the pimple.
  • Use a brush (or the pad of your finger) to blend the concealer over the entire inflamed area. Outside of it, blend more intensely so that the border between it and the skin is not striking.
  • On top, you can apply mineral powder to even out the skin tone.

Photo: the final stage of masking - applying powder

How not to spoil the result

The result can be easily ruined by improper makeup.

Try not to make such mistakes.

  • Pink blush. Inflamed elements are visually emphasized. Replace them with beige shades.
  • Bright lipstick. It also acts as a provoking factor that draws attention to the unevenness of the face tone.
  • Unstable cosmetics. It quickly crumbles, revealing the defects that you tried to hide.

Features of applying makeup in the presence of inflammatory elements

The main feature of make-up during the period of profuse rashes is a distracting maneuver.

  • It should be transferred, first of all, to the eyes. This can be done using sharply outlined arrows and bright shadows. The contrast method will also work: with dark skin, light eyes, and vice versa.
  • But if, for example, a pimple is located on the forehead, then the lips should be highlighted in order to transfer attention to the lower part of the face.
  • It is more difficult to do if a pimple has jumped on the nose. In this case, highlight either the eyes or the lips. For eyes, make-up in the style of "cat's eye" is suitable, that is, stretched to the outer corners, which visually distracts from the middle of the face. You can also highlight the eyebrows.
  • If you decide to shift the emphasis to the lips, then outline them with a contour, and choose a lipstick color brighter than the color of the pimple.

Reducing inflammation, swelling and redness around a pimple at home can be done with simple remedies.

Photo: ice cube can help relieve inflammation

Juice with juice of aloe leaves, apply on pimple and leave overnight. Aloe will soothe inflammation, while lemon will relieve swelling and brighten the area.

All means for masking acne give only a temporary effect, because, in most cases, they do not act on the cause of the inflammation.

Therefore, if you are interested in the duration of the result, only the right treatment will help you.

Video: "How to mask acne and post-acne"

Masking acne is difficult and often thankless. An hour or two passes, and from under a thick layer of foundation on a sweaty face an abscess peeps out treacherously again, or even more than one. Half an hour spent in front of the mirror wasted.

Is everything really so hopeless, and until the end of treatment acne have to walk with a noticeable cosmetic defect? What to do if one or two pimples suddenly appear on your face? How to mask acne on your face? Do the right thing and you have a chance of success.

How to make a pimple less noticeable

Before looking for an answer to a burning question, it is important to understand that there are pustules and rashes on the face, masking which will only worsen the situation. Inflamed pimples, smeared with foundation, generously powdered on top, cause "increased interest" and unpleasant feelings in others.

What to do:

  • find a good dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe a full examination, tell you how to minimize rashes;
  • try it modern drugs, for example, or. For acne, these compounds have helped many young people;
  • no less popular medicines, known for many years, for example. Most solutions are inexpensive and give excellent results;
  • after consulting a doctor, make an appointment ultrasonic cleaning face in a cosmetology clinic. This option is one of the most effective. After the procedure, the skin will become smooth and clean again.

Advice for girls! Some of the abscesses located in the forehead can be hidden with a voluminous bang. Choose the "torn" option so that hair is not created under a dense mass of hair favorable conditions for excessive sebum production, dust and dirt accumulation.

Little tricks

If there are few inflamed bumps, it is easier to cope with the trouble. Your task is to relieve inflammation, reduce the pimple itself.

Important! Do not squeeze blackheads under any circumstances! Red marks, deep wounds at the site of large comedones will not disappear anywhere in a day. Scars and scars will remain. Often, pathogenic microflora gets into the wound. If you have a secondary infection with profuse rashes on your face, you will have to walk much longer.

What to do:

  • apply on small piece cotton wool drops "Vizin". It is a vasoconstrictor;
  • put the cotton wool in the freezer for 3-4 minutes, let it be covered with ice;
  • take out a mini-tampon, apply the frozen medicine to the site of inflammation;
  • with a large abscess, repeat the procedure several times;
  • over time, the pimple will become smaller.

Try it, you will succeed. It will be much easier to "hide" a small pimple.

Another way:

  • for a few hours, preferably in the evening, cover the abscess with a drop of Syntomycin emulsion (Liniment syntomycin);
  • local antibiotic (white thick suspension) actively fights inflammation;
  • by the morning, the redness will decrease, the swelling on the skin will become less noticeable.

Find out more about the causes and treatments for the legs.

Effective recipes for face masks from yeast for acne and other troubles are described on the page.

How to mask acne with cosmetics

If you are worried about skin rashes from time to time, be always fully armed. Your task is to choose the right pencils, correctors, concealers, find the “right” powder and foundation with a delicate texture. And also:

  • study the rules of make-up for problem skin;
  • get acquainted with quality medical cosmetics;
  • learn how to cover up pimples with decorative cosmetics.

Mask acne the right way:

  • disinfect the epidermis, apply a thin layer of a light cream with an antibacterial effect;
  • has the moisturizer been absorbed? Treat your skin with a primer. This product will help hold any makeup. The primer evens out the tone of the epidermis, problem areas will become more noticeable;
  • now treat inflamed acne with a green corrector. Composition green colour apply pointwise to the inflamed tubercle, the area of \u200b\u200bredness around it, lightly beat in the mass with a brush;
  • after a few minutes, treat the same areas with concealer. Choose a tone that matches your natural color or a little lighter. Hammer in the composition with your finger or a brush, let dry well. For convenience, buy a special concealer brush if you are concerned about rashes;
  • the next stage is a foundation. The product should be light, non-greasy, with the maximum amount of natural ingredients. Apply foundation only in a thin layer;
  • the finishing touch is mineral powder and blush.

Makeup Artist Tips:

  • pink and acne are incompatible. In case of inflammation on the face, give up pink shades of blush, powder, lipstick in favor of beige-brown;
  • with an abundance of rashes, use decorative cosmetics of calm tones. Too bright lipstick or accentuated cheekbones will also draw attention to pimples;
  • the emphasis is on the eyes. Bottom part the person is more likely to suffer from rashes. Emphasize the "mirror of the soul," but don't overdo it. Make sure that your makeup does not look vulgar. Protect shiny shadows until the skin is healthy and clean.

Important! When leaving home, be sure to put foundation and powder in your cosmetic bag. Despite the high-quality preparation for "going out", the perfect makeup will have to be corrected. The heat, the stuffy room, the whole working day ahead - the makeup will surely float. Additional treatment of pimples is indispensable.

How to mask acne without makeup

Of course, abscesses and small pimples cannot be made invisible without a corrector or foundation, but you can remove inflammation, reduce the size and swelling. Folk remedies will come to the rescue.

If you have at least a day left before a big event, try a couple of recipes. They will definitely help you. Pimples will become subtle.

Homemade blends for single and multiple breakouts are easy to make with common ingredients. Follow the recipe exactly. Do not keep the mask or anti-inflammatory composition on your face for longer than the prescribed time.

Proven recipes:

  • clay mask for acne. Mix 2 tbsp. l. green, blue or pink cosmetic clay with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. Spread a homogeneous mass all over your face. Lubricate the inflamed areas well. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Remove the dried composition with the same healing broth, wipe your face with herbal ice; (Read about green clay; about blue -; about black - an article. About ice for the face is written on the page);
  • tea tree or grape seed oil for inflammation. Treat single bumps with undiluted ether. Apply one drop to the head of the abscess. Do not wipe healthy skin! For profuse rashes, combine 100 ml of distilled water, 4 drops of ether, 1 tsp. medical alcohol. Gently blot the affected areas, do not rub your face; (Read about tea tree oil; grape seed - article);
  • mask with activated carbon. Crush several tablets, pour in some purified water, sage or chamomile decoction. Cover each inflamed bump with a black mass. After 15 minutes, remove with a cotton pad moistened with water or herbal decoction. (Recipes for masks for acne and blackheads are described at).

How to cover up acne marks on your face

Dark or reddish spots in places where acne were previously visible are, of course, easier to hide than huge inflamed bumps. Pencils-correctors, foundation, mineral powder will come to the rescue.

Scars are more difficult. Visit a beauty clinic. With the help of modern procedures, you can get rid of scar tissue. The effect will be achieved faster if you start the procedures immediately after the acne treatment.

Popular cosmetic products for high-quality coverage of acne marks:

  • concealer stick with antibacterial action Stopproblem, tone No. 1;
  • a correction pencil containing salicylic acid;
  • concealers of the middle and high price category of the brands Garnier, L'Oréal, Max Factor, Yves Rocher. The budget option is pasty (denser) or creamy concealers from Vivienne Sabo, Avon, Oriflame;
  • foundation with minimal effect on skin... The products contain plant extracts, medical complex with active zinc, vitamins A, E, F, moisturizing, antibacterial components. Popular Products: Sisley Phyto Teint Eclat, Vichy Normateint, Max Factor Color Adapt, Maybelline Affinitone, Lumene SKIN PERFECTOR. Budget option - "Ballet 2000" Super sustainable.

Read more about acne marks on the page.

Now you know the basic rules for masking imperfections on the skin of the face. Always remember about the methods of dealing with suddenly popping up pimples or acne.

Helpful hints:

  • with profuse rashes, persistent inflammation, look for the root cause acne, do not mask the abscesses - they will become even more noticeable and repulsive;
  • to get rid of acne as soon as possible, perform ultrasonic face cleaning in a specialized clinic; (Read about ultrasonic cleaning on the page);
  • use home remedies with natural products, essential oils, herbal decoctions to reduce redness, reduce the size of inflamed bumps;
  • always keep Vizin drops or a tube of Synthomycin emulsion at home. Use them in an emergency to deal with insidious pustules. Pimples pop up unexpectedly, " ambulance»Should be at hand;
  • pick up quality cosmetics that hide imperfections on the skin. A good correcting pencil with antibacterial properties, foundation, concealer will help you out when pimples appear at the most inopportune moment;
  • when buying, check that the product is really hypoallergenic, with a delicate texture, free of harmful additives. Read the composition, check with the seller for the meaning of incomprehensible terms;
  • it is advisable to choose cosmetics of the middle and high price segment from well-known companies. You can buy medicinal cosmetics in the pharmacy chain or online. A quality product is a guarantee of skin health;
  • take into account the advice of makeup artists, study the rules of makeup with an abundance of pimples and noticeable imperfections in the epidermis;
  • upon returning home, thoroughly cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics and corrective products. Use lotion for problem skin. A good option is to make a cleansing mask in the evening, then moisturize the epidermis. (Recipes for cleansing face masks are described at).

Useful tips will help you not to get confused in a situation when you notice an inflamed bump that has come from nowhere. You already know how to disguise acne on your face. Proceed correctly if you encounter skin rashes. Let pimples appear on your face as rarely as possible!

How to mask acne video
You can learn a few more from the following video useful tips to mask acne and acne marks:

Our skin serves as a kind of identifier for both external and internal problems, reflecting them through the appearance of all sorts of rashes, redness, as well as painful acne and pimples. This kind of problem can take a long time to heal. In order to look good and not hesitate to go out with problem skin, you can use cosmetics, having previously learned how to cover up acne with foundation.

There are quite a few reasons for skin rashes and acne - hormones, the environment, and chlorinated water. In addition, red bumps in the most conspicuous place can be the result of improper nutrition or facial care (or maybe even its absence). Smoking and alcohol also have a detrimental effect on a person's appearance, and on the condition of the epidermis, as well.

All these factors do not cancel the desire to have a beautiful and healthy complexion and an even skin tone. Knowing how to cover up acne on your face with foundation will help to regain a sense of self-confidence and mask problem areas.

If your face shows signs of allergies or skin disease, you must definitely consult a dermatologist. Cosmetics are only a temporary and external disguise of a problem, not a solution. The main thing is to start treating inflammation.

Auxiliary tools at hand

There are several ways to reduce inflammation. Here are some tools to help you with this:

  • Drops for eyes "Vizin". Soak a cotton swab in the medicine and put it in the freezer for 5-10 minutes. Then take it out and apply it to the pimple until it thaws. Small specks turn white immediately. A large pimple needs to be repeated several times until it helps.
  • Tea tree essential oil is an excellent antiseptic and copes well with age-related acne. All you need to do is apply it to the problem area. After 5-6 hours, the inflamed area will turn pale. For better result, this manipulation must be repeated regularly.
  • Streptocide - the tablet must be crushed and mixed with water to the consistency of gruel. Apply it to the inflamed area and leave it on for a while.
  • An ordinary toothpaste... It is applied for a few minutes and the redness disappears.

Choosing the right product

For sensitive problem skin, you need to choose special cosmetics with a mark "Hypoallergenic" and only the one that suits your skin type. The consistency of the foundation should be soft enough so that it evenly masks imperfections on the face and does not interfere with the access of oxygen to the pores.

Preference should be given to water-based products (oil free) containing mineral components, and also tea tree oil, salicylic acid, sulfur, zinc, vitamins A and B will not interfere with the composition. Some ingredients act as absorbents, others regulate the sebaceous glands. ...

Even using high-quality medicinal cosmetics, do not forget to wash them off before bed!

Facial skin preparation

Immediately before using the foundation, you must carry out the following procedures:

  1. Cleansing. The cream will lay on the skin smoother if it is well cleaned beforehand. It is necessary to remove dirt and excess sebum. For problem skin, it is not advisable to use a scrub. It will damage the dermis and carry bacteria all over the face. It is better to use a foam or mousse for washing or rub it with a tonic.
  2. Moisturizing. Any skin type needs hydration, so don't skip this step. For oily, problematic or combination skin, the choice of moisturizer should be given special consideration.

How to cover up acne with makeup

Covering pimples is not easy, especially if they are quite large. But it’s not impossible.

For a successful result, cosmetics must be applied in the following order:

  • Concealer

A concealer with a healing effect should be applied pointwise to the inflamed areas and allowed 10-15 minutes for it to dry out. You should not smear the product around the pimple, as this can make the defect even more noticeable.

A green concealer can help minimize red acne. Modern means not only hide flaws, but also dry out problem areas of the skin. Some products contain bactericidal additives and have an antiseptic effect.

  • Makeup base or primer

In addition, the primer is an excellent base for subsequent makeup: it will last much longer on it and the skin with the base looks smoother and more even.

Specialists have developed products for problem skin. They help fight off excess sebum and shine throughout the day. There is also a line of moisturizing makeup bases.

  • Tone cream

With the help of different shades of foundation, you can create a perfectly even skin tone and smooth texture. To do this, the pimple is first masked with a dark tone, and then a general lighter tone is applied.

A good example of a foundation for problem skin is Clinique's Redness Solutions Foundation. This is a medicinal cosmetics that helps with rashes and redness.

  • Shimmer cream or powder

These products contain tiny shiny particles that scatter light and thereby even out the skin tone, giving it a healthy glow. They must be selected to match the skin tone. Such cosmetics are applied not on the whole face, but according to the principle of a highlighter - on the cheekbones, chin, a little on the forehead.

  • And concealer again

Beige matte concealer. The ideal option is to have a dark and light shade. Draw a dark circle around the tubercle, and cover the peak itself with a light one. Gently erase the borders and shade thoroughly. On healthy skin, movement may be more intense. It is applied in the same way as green - locally.

Vichy's Dermablend Corrective Foundation can be used as such.

  • Powder

With a gentle blotting motion, secure the concealer with powder and sponge to the areas where we just applied it. Then use a brush to apply a small amount of powder evenly to the rest of the face.

This video will help you correctly apply makeup on your face with acne:

  • It is advisable to touch the "problem" face as little as possible. This will keep bacteria from spreading.
  • Each time after use, the brush or sponge must be thoroughly cleaned to prevent the spread of bacteria in subsequent applications.
  • Even in a hurry, one should not forget about preliminary skincare procedures before makeup! When time is short, you still need to thoroughly cleanse and moisturize your face. This is the foundation of success.
  • If you apply a thick layer of makeup on a face with acne, the skin will stop breathing, and bacteria will grow even faster, and the defect will look even more noticeable.
  • To eliminate visible defects, it is necessary to use light natural tones. To cover acne, use a cream that is denser in texture, but one that does not shine.
  • Try to carefully blend the borders in your makeup for a natural and natural look.
  • After reaching even tone on your face, do not use pink blush. Just disguised acne may appear next to that color. A beige, coffee or peach blush will do.
  • You should also refuse.
  • It is better to focus on the eyes in the image. Makeup using the smokey ice technique is appropriate, which makes the eyes attractive and expressive and gives them the effect of a bewitching look.

Many people are mistaken in thinking that using a thick foundation will help hide all the imperfections in one motion. Temporarily - yes, but with long-term daily use, they will only make your problems worse! Thick foundations are not designed for such frequent use! These products are the perfect solution for photography or evening going out, nothing more.

Correct and skillful use of cosmetics can not only hide facial defects, but also emphasize its dignity. High-quality cosmetics suitable for age and skin structure will help to achieve this. The main thing is not just to cover up acne, but to start treating inflammation and properly care for your face.

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