Antifungal agents for intake. Types of antifungal drugs


From defeats, a huge number of people suffer from fungi. Antifungal drugs are helped to get rid of them - special pills, ointments, creams, candles, sprays and solutions for treatment, the action of which is aimed at destroying pathogens and prevent their reproduction. Now the market presents a huge amount of such funds. Not one person is insured against the defeat with different types of fungi, so everyone should know which antimicotic drugs exist.

What is antifungal drugs

So called all medicines that show specific activity to pathogen mushrooms, suppressing their activities and destroying. Antifungal agents are divided into different groups according to the structure of the chemical compound and the spectrum of activity. May contain both natural ingredients and chemical. We are produced in the form of tablets, ointments, creams, candles, sprays. The effect of drugs is aimed at destroying pathogens of microorganisms without causing harm to the patient.

The use of antifungal drugs

There is a huge number of types of mycoses. They can hit the skin, nails, mucous membranes. Anti-gribic drugs are designed specifically in order to destroy the pathogens of the fungus, stop its negative impact on the human body. List of the most common mycotic diseases:

  • candidiasis;
  • flyheads;
  • cryptococcal meningitis;
  • pseudoalleceryosis;
  • ringworm;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • lesions of nail plates, skin;
  • aspergillosis;
  • candidoid and trichomonade vulvovaginitis;
  • spothost;
  • fusariosis.


Types of anti-grib drugs. They are divided into groups on:

  • origin (synthetic, natural);
  • method of use (internal, external, parenteral);
  • mechanism and spectrum of action;
  • indications for use (system or local infections);
  • effect effect (fungistatic, fungicide);
  • the level of activity (wide and narrow spectrum of action).


Local preparations of this type are prescribed, as a rule at the initial stages of mycosis diseases. Antifungal ointments are struggling with an infection caused by the pathogen, eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The advantages of their application:

  • a wide range of antifungal agents, both at affordable prices and more expensive;
  • ease of use;
  • the possibility of acquiring a doctor without prescription (in most cases).

Select certain groups of ointments over the site of application. General Preparations:

  1. Calain. Ointment with serkonazole. Prevents the spread of causative agents of the disease. The course of treatment is a month.
  2. Exoderil. Effective ointment, substances that do not penetrate the blood. Cases the fungus for one or two months, but can cause side effects: allergic reactions, headache, bloating, diarrhea, urticule, nausea, vomiting.
  3. Candid. Suitable for any skin area. Can be used during pregnancy, during lactation. Currency treatment, lasts until six months. Contraindicated in the individual intolerance to the components.
  4. Salicyl ointment. Suitable for processing affected skin and superimpose compresses.
  5. Ketoconazole. The drug is effective against many fungi, but is dangerous due to its toxicity.
  6. Mikosan. Contains ketoconazole. It quickly removes itching, and the rest of the symptom for about a month.
  7. Zinc ointment. The drug has no side effects. It is applied to the complete elimination of the symptoms of fungus.
  8. Lamizil. Contains terbinafin. Eliminates the symptoms of fungus for the month.

There are a number of drugs in the form of ointments that are intended for the treatment of mikoz in the intimate zone:

  1. Clotrimazole. This ointment is allowed to apply not only to the skin, but also on the mucous membranes. The course of treatment is a maximum of 1 month.
  2. Nitropung. Ointment with chloronitrophenol, overwhelming the growth of fungus and with an antiseptic effect.
  3. Ketoconazole. It is used for skin and mucous membranes. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.


Mycosis, especially on running stages, will not pass without systemic treatment. Tablets from fungal diseases are able to destroy the pathogen or block its action, so they are more efficient than any local drugs. Such means are allowed to be taken only on the appointment of the doctor and at the same time strictly follow its instructions, because they have a lot of contraindications and side effects. The list of preparations in tablets is very wide, therefore it is most convenient to divide them into groups on the active substance.

  1. With ketoconazole. Prevents the breeding of mushrooms. Antimicotic drugs with this active substance in the composition: Loword, Ketosol, Dermazol, Ketzoral, ketoconazole, microsyl.
  2. With itraconazole. This substance is particularly effectively against dermatophytes, mold and yeast mushrooms. It contains such tablets: Iratenazole, ITRUNGAR, AUNGAL, SPORED, ITRANCON, ESZOL, isol.
  3. With terbinafin. The substance that violates the viability of fungus. Reception of drugs with it is effective in dermatomicosis of any portion of the body. It is part of such tablets: lamisil, binafine, terbinafin, laministic.
  4. With fluconazole. The substance is a derivative of triazole with a pronounced antifungal action. Particularly effective tablets with fluconazole in relation to yeast mushrooms. Suitable for the treatment of onychomicosis, candidoses of mucous membranes. List of tablets with this substance: fluuson, fluconazole, medobulicone, fuzis, microsist, diphlouzol, dieflux.
  5. Griecefullvin. Tablets are the same name as the main actant in their composition. The systemic drug is effective against tricooofitons, microsporums, epidermofutes. Pubes the process of dividing the fungus cells. Contraindicated in the pathologies of the heart, renal failure, disorders of the nervous system.


Preparations in this form of release have local exposure. The cream ointments are distinguished by the fact that they contain less fats in the composition. They absorb faster, soften the skin. List of effective antifungal creams:

  1. Loworded.
  2. TINEDOL. Contains climbazol and many auxiliary substances. Restores skin cells, heals, disinfect. Suitable for the treatment of fungus and prevention.
  3. Microspons.
  4. Terbinefin. Helps with fungal lesions of stop, skin, mucous membranes, nails. It is applied with a thin layer on an infected site. The duration of treatment, depending on the severity of the lesion, can range from several weeks to six months.
  5. Lamizil.
  6. Naphtyphin. Effective with gathered epidermofilation, onichomicosis, candidias.
  7. Ketoconazole.
  8. Clotrimazole. Helps from splashes, yeast mushrooms, dermatophytes. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy and with hypersensitivity to components. Cream treatment is a month and a half.
  9. Loceral.


Preparations released in this form are practically no principle of action from tablets. What antifungal capsules exist:

  • Fluconazole;
  • Neungal;
  • Rumikosis;
  • Irunun;
  • Diflazon;
  • Diflucan;
  • Microsist;
  • Flucostat;
  • Dano


Preparations in this form are prescribed to women from thrush. The disease is caused by yeast-like fungi. His symptoms appear in the intimate zone. Vaginal (in rare rectal cases) suppositories will help to get rid of them as quickly as possible. They are made of medicinal and additional components that allow candles to remain solid at room temperature. Suppositories are convenient to use. They act locally and do not harm the kidneys, liver, the organs of the digestive system.

List of the most effective candles:

  • Pimafucin;
  • Zalain;
  • Livarol;
  • Ginosol 7;
  • Gino-Perevaril;
  • Hexicone;
  • Betadine;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Orsarbon;
  • Nystatin;
  • Gino Dakthanol;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Viferon;
  • Clion-d;
  • Polizinaks;
  • Lymbassin.


There are many signs for which antimicotic drugs are divided into categories. It is often customary to unite them in a chemical group and pharmacological activity. This classification helps a specialist to choose and recommend the patient that drug that will be the most effective in the treatment of the diagnosed type of fungus. Eliminate antifungal agents of a wide and narrow spectrum of action.

Group of Azol

Synthetic antifungal agents that provide fungicidal and fungistatic action. Help with the treatment of skin micoses, nails, mucous membranes, scalp. Group representatives:

  1. Ketoconazole (Fungavis Analogues, Oronzole, Loword, Powered). Effective against yeast-like, dimorphic, higher mushrooms, dermatophytes.
  2. Vorikonazole (Vifend, Biflurin, Vicand). Preparations, effective in candidias, multicolored lisp, aspergillosis, deep subcutaneous mycoses.
  3. Iratenazol (Irunun, manholes, Itazol, Rumikosis, Itazol, Burunal, Canditral). Assigned with severe lesions of mold, candidal mushrooms.
  4. Fluconazole (Diflycan, Mikoflucan, MedoFllone, Mikosist, Diflazon, Mikoflucan, Mikosist, Mikomax). Preparations, overwhelming and reproduction of mushrooms.

Polician antibiotics

Preparations of this group have the wide range of action. They are prescribed to patients who have a weakened immunity. Representatives:

  1. Nystatin. Effective against the candidia of the skin, oral cavity and pharynx, intestines.
  2. Levuelin. The drug with a wide list of testimony is particularly effective against candidiasis and simple fungi.
  3. Pimafucin. A drug that has a fungicidal effect on mold and pathogenic yeast mushrooms.
  4. Amphotericin in (ambiz, funongism, amphogluchene, ampholype, amphocyl). It is used for progressive fungal infections that are a serious threat to life.

Allylamine Group

Synthetic antifungal agents, effective against dermatomycosis, striking nails, hair, skin. Allylamine group preparations:

  1. Terbinafin (Lamizil, Terbinox, Bramzil, Terbizil, Excene). Effective in dermatomicosis, struck by significant parts of the body.
  2. Naphtypin (exoderil). Effective with fungal diseases of nails and skin caused by sensitive pathogens.

Antifungal preparations for children

The child's body is exposed to an increased risk of mycotic lesions, because their immune system is still working defective. However, not all drugs are suitable for the treatment of childhood patients. If the child has become infected, then the antifungal medicine should be selected for him, determining the type of pathogen and conducting additional diagnostics. What drugs can be assigned to children:

  1. Local. Mikosan, Nystatin, Amorolfin, Lamizil.
  2. System. Griestulfin, Mikosptin, Fluucitozin, Terbinafin, Fluucitozin, Fluconazole.

Antifungal preparations of a wide spectrum

Such drugs have simultaneously fungicidal and fungistatic effect. They prevent the reproduction of the fungus and destroy already existing pathogens. Depending on the active substance, each drug works in its own way:

  1. Ketoconazole (Oronazole, Fungavis, Psychosor). Prevents the synthesis of components of the cell membrane fungus.
  2. Griecefullvin. Prevents the division of fungal cells.
  3. Iratenazol (Irunun, Manungal, Manungal). It prevents the formation of ergosterol (component of the fungal cell).
  4. Terbinefin. Prevents Ergosterol synthesis at the initial stage.
  5. Fluconazole (Diflucan, Flucstat, Mikomax). Prevents the formation of new disputes and eliminates existing ones.

How to choose

If you find a fungus, then the most reasonable will appeal to the dermatologist. The specialist will determine the type of pathogen, will appreciate the degree of lesion and the overall condition of the body. After analyzing the data obtained, it will develop therapy tactics, recommends you the most efficient and safe drugs. Self-medication can not only not give a positive effect, but also to cause your body harm.


You can order drugs in an ordinary pharmacy, buy in the online store by selecting the option in the directory. The price depends on the wide list of factors. With the approximate value of some drugs can be found in the table below:

Name of antifungal medicine

Approximate price in rubles

Clasp cream, 2%, 20 g

Cream Exoderil, 1%, 15 g

Diflucan, 1 capsule

Irunun, 14 capsules

Grieceofullvin, 20 tablets

Iratenzole, 14 capsules

Livarol, vaginal candles, 10 pcs.

Nystatin, 10 vaginal candles

Rumikosis, 6 capsules

Terbinefin, ointment, 15 g

Fluconazole, 7 capsules


Attention! The information presented in the article is familiarized. Article materials do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Antifungal drugs - efficient and inexpensive

Antimicotic (antifungal) drugs - drugs whose mechanism is aimed at neutralization and complete destruction of pathogenic fungi.

Such pharmaceutical products can have both chemical and natural composition. Antifungal drugs have their own classification, so it is quite difficult to choose yourself.

Alas, statistics show that today the need for such medications has increased significantly. This is due to many different factors, the impact of which is often the result of the thoughtless actions of the person himself.

It is important to remember that antimicotics have a large number of contraindications, and are able to cause serious side effects. This is especially true for pills and capsules for oral administration, so without appointing the doctor, it is better not to get involved in their reception. Only a specialist can accurately calculate the dosage, and choose a substitute for the drug if necessary.

Patients passing the course of therapy with antifungal medical staff should strictly comply with all recommendations of the attending physician. You can not independently change the therapy scheme and adjust the dosage. Such actions can at best reduce all attempts to overcome the disease "na no", and at worst - lead to more serious health problems.

How to choose the right medicine?

If symptoms appear, the fungus is better running not to the pharmacy for the medicine, but to make an appointment to the dermatologist.

The doctor can determine the type of fungal infection, the degree of skin lesion, and identify the associated symptoms. Based on the data obtained, the drug is selected, which will be as effective in a specific situation.

But independently perform the necessary diagnostic manipulations, the patient will not be able. Based on this, you should not engage in self-medication.

Drug forms of drugs for the treatment of onychomikosis

Before assigning a specific antimicotus, it is necessary to determine the type of macosis pathogen. For this, the scraping from the surface of the nail plate or skin is carried out, and the selected material is subjected to a thorough laboratory study.

Treatment of onychomicosis can be held:

  • preparations of local exposure (gels, ointments, creams, varnishes, solutions);
  • means for oral administration - capsules, pills.

The use of local medicines does not always give expected results. Their components are poorly penetrated into the lower layers of the nail plate, so they are appropriately used only with surface fungus. In addition, before starting therapy, it is recommended to remove or cut the affected nail, which is not always suitable for patients.

A good alternative to sprays and oats are special medical varnishes. They have a versatile effect, and have a completely different mechanism of action than other local antimicotics.

Distinctive features of varnishes from fungus are:

  • the presence in their composition of drying components (alcohol, oil extracts, etc.);
  • the ability to penetrate all layers of nail and spread over them;
  • preventing air penetration after hardened lacquer, which contributes to the death of fungal flora;
  • the lacquer active substance leads to destructive processes in the membrane of fungi, as well as in enzymes produced by them;
  • education on the surface of the nail of the protective film, which prevents it from re-infection.

If onychomicoses proceed in chronic or complicated form, then, in addition to local, systemic antimicose drugs are prescribed. These drugs are very toxic, so their selection is carried out for each patient separately. In this case, the role plays not only the type of pathogen, but also the patient's body's response to a particular means.

The therapy scheme is based on the use of "shock" doses of drugs with brief courses. After one therapeutic course, a long break is followed, after which the second, etc. begins.


Azol belongs to the group of synthetic antimicose drugs, and are used to treat fungal infection in the area of \u200b\u200bthe scalp, skin, nails. They are also used at delay, as well as candidal lesions of the epidermis or mucous membranes.

Below is a list of the most efficient and known antifungal drugs of this group:

  1. Ketoconazole. The drug is used to combat dimorphic and yeast-like fungi. They are used for the treatment of folliculite, dermatophyt, seborrheic dermatitis, chronic candidiasis, deprived. Ketoconazole is used in the fungus of the head and skin, if there is an extensive fungal lesion and resistance to the infectious process. The medicine can cause serious side effects, so it must be used carefully. This is especially true of children and faces of old age. You can buy ketoconazole at a price of 100 rubles.
  2. Microshed. With the help of this ointment, diseases such as epidermofilation, a decent debris, dermatomycosis, seborrheic form of dermatitis, different types of candidiasis are treated. Ketoconazole-based drugs are also released in the form of shampoos and oral pills. Their price starts from 200 rubles.
  3. Semozol - shampoo and ointment used for the treatment of fungal infections caused by yeast-like mushrooms, dimorphites, staphylococci and streptococci. The medicine is suitable for the treatment of the fungus of the foot, nails, heads. Its value begins from 130 rubles.
  4. - The preparation of a wide range of action used in the damage to the skin cryptococci and candidate fungi. Capsules should be carefully taken to pregnant women, as well as patients with renal and liver diseases. The price of the drug is from 20 rubles.


Polica is a group of antifungal preparations of a wide range of action. It is these drugs that are the most common and often appointed. In most cases, they are prescribed with fungal lesions of mucous membranes, skin and gastrointestinal organs.

The most effective are preparations:

  1. . It is released in the form of tablets and ointments, and is used for the treatment of fungal infections of skin and mucous membranes. The use of the drug is advisable in candidide lesions of the vagina, oral cavity, intestines. The medicine almost does not have contraindications and rarely causes side effects. Its cost is from 40 rubles.
  2. Levuelin. The drug is used in candidiasis of the gastrointestinal bodies and skin. It has high efficiency in the fight against trichomonas, mushrooms of the genus Candida, as well as leishmeni. The medicine is contraindicated in pregnancy, GW, hepatic and renal failure, pancreatitis, ulcerative diseases of the stomach and DPK. It can not be used to children under 2 years old. The cost of the drug fluctuates in the range of 100-130 rubles.
  3. . Effective with many types of fungi, and prescribed when candidal lesions of the gastabase and vagina organs. Pimafucin is also used to eliminate fungal infections caused by long-term intake of antibiotics or GKS. The price starts from 250 rubles.


This group of drugs is advisable to apply with dermatomicosis - fungal lesions of hair, nails and skin. The most popular drug of this group is released in the form of ointments and cream. Used for the treatment of fungal lesions of nails and skin. Effective with dimorphy and mold fungi.

The medicine is assigned to handle skin, head and torso. Its use is also appropriate with nail fungus. Cost - from 48 rubles.

Antifungal preparations of a wide spectrum

This drug group has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect. They impede the further development of fungal infection, and also destroy the remaining fungi.

The mechanism of action of drugs depends on their existing components.

  1. Ketoconazole, which does not allow the synthesis of components of the cell membranes of fungi. The most effective preparations are Oronazole, microsyl, fungavis.
  2. Griezofulvin, stopping the division of fungal cells.
  3. Itraconazole - admits the formation of fungal cells. The most effective representatives of this group are Irunun, man and manungal.
  4. Terbinefin interrupts the synthesis of the fungus cells at the initial stage.
  5. Fluconazole is a substance that does not allow the formation of new fungal disputes and neutralizes those that already exist. This group includes drugs: MIKOMAXAX, Diflucan and Flucstat.

Antifungal drugs have a mass of contraindications, the most frequent of which can be attributed:

  • chronic renal and liver diseases occurring in severe form;
  • period of pregnancy and gv;
  • childhood;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • individual lactose intolerance;
  • the use of some groups of medical preparations;
  • individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug.

Based on these contraindications, only a doctor can be made assigning a systemic antimicotics.

Antifungal nail polishes

This group of antimicose preparations can be used isolated, or as part of a comprehensive treatment. The most effective are varnishes:

  1. Mikosan. The drug can be used with extensive fungal lesions of the nail plate.
  2. Loceral. The drug quickly stops fungal infection even in late stages of its development.
  3. Batrafin. Varnish can be used to treat running onichomicosis. It eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of pathology, and has a pleasant aroma.
  4. Neil expert. Tools are advisable to use with yeast-like mushrooms damage. He slows down the growth of microorganisms and prevents them further distribution.
  5. Demicten. This varnish is allowed to be used in parallel with other antimicotics of local exposure. The drug is effective with an extensive damage to the nail plate.
  6. Gazebo. The medicine is used for disinfection of the nails after the course of treatment of fungus. It eliminates the unpleasant odor and inflammatory process.

Before applying the nail varnish, it is necessary to cut and process the antiseptic (the ordinary alcohol is suitable). After that, a medicine is applied, which dries over a few minutes. How often can be applied antifungal varnish, can only say the attending physician.

Antifungal solutions (drops) and sprays

These drugs can be used both independently and in parallel with other antimicotics. They contain active ingredients from the groups of anzols and allylamines.

Often, doctors resort to the appointment of antifungal droplets:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Micone;
  • Exoderily.

Among the sprays are very popular:

  • Bifosin;
  • Lamiter;
  • Lamizil;
  • Terbix.

Apply drops and sprays need to be pre-cleaned skin and nail. Multiplicity of application - 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.

How to choose the methods of treatment?

The treatment method depends on the type of pathogen and the stage of the pathological process. So, when defeating the epidermis, therapy is carried out using local antimicotics.

Onychomicoses require an integrated approach, although they are often treated with the use of one of the options: local antifungal therapy, purification and spill of the affected nail or systemic reception of antifungal drugs.

The first signs of fungal lesion of the skin and nails should be a significant base for the immediate appeal to the dermatologist. And although mycoses do not pose a serious danger to human health, they significantly worsen the quality of his life. In addition, they are easily transmitted to other people, so they must be treated.

Moreover, the therapy at the initial stages of the development of Mikosa will not take much time, and will not require significant financial costs.

Antifungal medications Medicines in the form of tablets and capsules

Indications for use

Treatment of mycoses with antifungal drugs in a wide range of action tablets is shown at:

  • The flow of unspected infection (the symptoms of the disease is identity with fungal infection, but it is impossible to install the strain of the pathogen in laboratory conditions);
  • Mixed fungal infection;
  • A large area of \u200b\u200bfungal lesions of the skin with the formation of ulcers, ulns, detachalies;
  • Frequent relapses fungus limbs (onichomicosis, dermatomycosis, candidiasis);
  • The absence of a positive trend of recovery during local therapy fungus;
  • Chronic (seasonal) exacerbation of fungal infection;
  • Development fungus on the background of immunodeficiency (HIV, AIDS);
  • Leishmaniosa;
  • High risk of infection with fungus as prevention, if one of the family members is sick.

Classification of antimicotics

Tablets from fungal infections are conditionally separated into two types containing:

  • Natural components;
  • Chemical synthesized elements.

More sparing for the body of the first type tablet, the second - provides high fungus resistance.

Depending on the degree of activity and clinical use, tableted preparations from fungus are classified according to the following groups.


Includes tablets-antibiotics of natural origin with an antimicotic spectrum of action against yeast (candidides), yeast-like, mold (aspergillas) fungi, cryptococci, sports, dermatomycetes, pseudo-phasery boys.

Drug treads from fungus:

  • Nystatin;
  • Levuelin;
  • Natamicin;
  • Neomycin;
  • Amphotericin.

The main components of the tablets are binding the membrane membranes of disputes, which leads to the oppression of the vital activity of fungi.


Azole synthetic series of tablets is active in relation to yeast (candidis), mold (aspergilla) fungi, dermatomycetam, sports, pseudo-gallers of boys, dimmorphic (histoplasm) fungi, dermatomycetes, blastomycete, cryptococci, coccidoids.

Active substance of anti-grapple pills:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Itraconazole;
  • Fluconazole.


Synthetic antimitics in tablets have an inhibitory effect on yeast (candids, chromomicosis), mold (aspergillas), dimorphic (histoplasm) fungi, blastomitzets, sports, cryptococci.

The active substance of allylamine drugs is terbinefin, in the first minutes of entering the body inhibits the division of the cells of the fungus and destroys them from the inside.

The spectrum of a wide range of antifungal pills (capsules) by explaining the negative effects of their components not only on fungal infection caused by various pathogens, but also to reproduction of the simplest microorganisms - AmeB, Trichomonad, Tripanos, Leismania.

Fungicidal agents of antifungal agents with proven efficacy include combined antiseptic, bactericidal preparations, despite the fact that they should be enhanced or inhibited by other drugs.

Contraindications to use

Systemic drugs against fungus in tablet form are characterized by the following contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Restriction of children's age;
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Allergies to the components of the components of the tablets.

Rules for use of fungicidal tablets

The effectiveness of micaose therapy with antifungal means of a wide range of action is caused by:

  • Determination of the pathogen - the strain of fungus;
  • Recipe for a doctor for the use of a certain type of tablet;
  • Compliance with the reception scheme (regularity, dose, temporary interval, the term of therapeutic course);
  • Reception of drugs during food, picking up a large amount of liquid.

Antifungal antibiotics used in the treatment of mycoses in tablets (capsules), characterized by fungicidal and fungistatic action, relatively toxic. There is no other alternative to these drugs, so it is necessary to apply them with high caution.

Even with the observance of the instructions for receiving antifungal agents, there is a manifestation of adverse reactions:

  • Dizziness;
  • Disorders of the GTS functions;
  • Increased excitability;
  • Active breeding fungus instead of oppression;
  • Allergic reaction.

Reception of tableted antifungal means is incompatible with the use of alcohole-containing products.

Medical treatment of mycoses

A group of anti-game antibiotics in tablets (capsules) in the pharmaceutical domestic market is presented mainly by original drugs, the name of which is identical to the acting substance. Designed for the treatment of adults and children.


Commercial name pimafucin. The most affordable drug (360 rubles for 1 pack. 20 pcs.). Assign with bowel candidiasis. The therapeutic course lasts no more than one week. The dose is determined depending on the age of the patient.


Antifungal drug from a number of available (550 rubles for 1 pack. 20 pcs.). It is prescribed mainly under the candidias. The course of treatment with pills does not exceed two weeks. The dosage is determined by the age scale. It is used in the treatment of mycoses and in their prevention.

Lev Room

Refers to a group of expensive antifungal drugs (700-900 rubles for 1 pack. 25 pcs.). The medicine is prescribed to intake under the candidiasis in order to prevent the disease, as well as with the pronounced symptoms of sex candidiasis and the bowel candidiasis. Course treatment tablets - from 15 days to three months. Dosage the medicine depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease.

Amfo Moronal

Activity Amphotericin V. The most expensive polyense (5600 rubles for 1 pack. 20 pcs.). The drug is prescribed with severe methods (trichosposition, histoplasmosis, penicilliosis, aspergillosis, sporerichoz, feootifomycosis, blastomycosis, paracoccidiosis). The course of treatment is fungus - from two weeks to a year. Dosage is prescribed by age.


Active substance ketoconazole. The cost of the drug is 1260 rubles for 1 package. 30 pcs. Tablets are prescribed during the diagnosis of chromomicosis, blastomicosis, histoplasmosis, cocidioidomycosis, paracoccidioidomycosis, also in the muscos of brushes and stop in cases, dermacosis and skin candidides, when local therapy is powerless. The dosage is prescribed depending on the mass of the body of the patient and age. The duration of the therapeutic course of pills to six months and more.


Active substance Iratenazole. Price 1 pack. Antifungal capsules 14 pcs. - 3000 rubles. Tablets are prescribed with yeast and dermatophyte of onychomykosis of nails, candidiasis of the skin, an unspecified strain of fungus, histoplasmosis, spytyry, blastomycosis, debris. Tablets take courses, the duration of one - one or three weeks. The number of courses depends on the complexity of the course of the disease and may exceed six months. The dosage and regularity of the drug intake is determined depending on the age of the patient.


The existing substance is fluconazole. 1 pack. 14 pcs. It is worth not less than 2000 rubles. Prescribed capsules from the fungus nails, stop, brushes, torso, unspected, chronic mycosis, candidides of various complexity, cryptococcosis, epidermofitilation. The course of treatment is fungus by this drug - four to eight weeks. The dose is determined depending on the age of the patient.


Active substance terbinafin. Price 1 pack. 14 pcs. Tablets 1600 rubles. Prescribed the drug at nailing mycosis, onychomykosis, skin candidiasis of the body and nails, fungus of the scalp. Depending on the degree of damage to fungi, the course of treatment with pills can last from one to three months. The dose of the drug is calculated by the age of the patient.

Analogs of Antimicotikov

The price of original antimicotics significantly exceeds the cost of analogues. The table shows samples of inexpensive, but effective antifungal pills.

Preparation-analogprice, rub.Expensive Original (active substance)







Diflucan (Fluconazole)400



To a separate group of antifungal drugs of cheap order, intended for the treatment of heavy mygges, the drug is attributed to the preparation of griseofullvin. Packing tablets (20 pcs.) Costs 240 rubles. Grieflvino therapy is effective in diagnosing epidermofitilation, dermatics, trico, hair microsporia, nails. The course of the treatment of launched fungus by these pills is two to four months.

Antifungal drugs are released in pharmacies without a recipe, but without appointments of a dermatologist's doctor, they are not recommended.

A fungal infection is a frequent reason for visiting doctors of different specialties. In some cases, it becomes a threat to the patient's life and requires immediate treatment, in other mycosis can only deliver discomfort and a sense of constraint in front of others. Many oncological and systemic diseases are treated with aggressive means, which suppress immunity and cause the pathogen reproduction, eliminate which can only antifungal drugs. Therefore, it is important to promptly recognize the infection and begin its treatment, and in some cases carry out the prevention of infection.

Antimicotics are presented with a large variety of medicines. These are predominantly the preparations of a wide range of action, many of which are effective not only against pathogenic fungi, but also for other microbes. They are appointed by a doctor after diagnosis and are accepted until complete cure from infection.

Types of antifungal drugs

Antimicotic facilities are available in the following dosage forms:

  • topical agents in the form of cream, gel, ointment, spray and droplets;
  • oral preparations in the form of capsules, tablets or syrup;
  • solutions for intravenous infusions;
  • intravaginal pills.

Unwanted reactions

Antifungal medications can cause side effects. Usually they are saved only for a short period of time. These include:

  • itching or burning;
  • redness;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • rash on the skin.

Some drugs have more serious side effects. In a patient, at their reception, anaphylactic shock or swelling can develop: the face, neck or language swell, breathing may occur, bubbles appear on the skin.

With overdose, as well as in patients with liver diseases, the development of hepatic insufficiency is possible, in which the patient complains about the following symptoms:


This is a group of drugs of natural origin. The basic substance is obtained from the bacteria of the genus Streptomyces. When contacting the fungus, it interacts with ergosterol, which is part of the plasma membrane, as a result of which the channel is formed in the wall, the respiratory processes and the cell dies. Polician anti-grapple drugs include:

  • Nystatin;
  • Amphotericin B;
  • Pimafucin.


Antimicotic remedy, effective for fungi of the genus Candida.

Nystatin is used in local infection, clouds of oral cavity, mucous, skin, internal organs. With systemic diseases, it is not used.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, ointments, candles. It is small, rarely causes side effects, so allowed to use in children. When taking medication, the sensitivity to ultraviolet rays increases, so during therapy you need to avoid long staying in the sun. Since sugar is present, the drug is contraindicated in patients with enzymatic insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract.

Amphotericin B.

The medicinal product of a wide range of activity, which is used to treat both heavy fungal systemic diseases and local mycoses.

The medicine can be taken pregnant, but with caution, lactation for the time of treatment should be stopped. You can not use patients with kidney and liver lesions.

It is used externally in the form of ointments or intravenously. The introduction of the drug intravenously can be accompanied by a considerable amount of side effects: from phlebitis (inflammation of veins) in the drug administration zone and to toxic effects on the liver and kidneys.


The chemical structure of these funds includes two or three nitrogen molecules. Depending on the number of this element, they are divided into imidazoles and triazoles. The imidazoles include:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Miconazole;
  • Clotrimazole.

Imidazole and benzothiophene derivatives is Zalain.

Triazoles are represented by two names:

  • Fluconazole;
  • Itraconazole.

The mechanism of action of the drugs of this group is expressed in inhibiting enzymes depending on cytochrome P450, which are involved in the biosynthesis of sterols of the cell membrane. This leads to a violation of the integrity of the fungal cell.

The range of action of the preparations of this group is wide, and side effects compared to polyenov antibiotics are less common. But with long-term intake of azols, life-threatening hepatic insufficiency may occur.

It is more often caused by imidazoles than triazoles. It is not recommended to take Azols along with such medicines as:

  • Cyclosporine;
  • antihistamines;
  • oral sugar;
  • anticoagulant drugs;
  • preparations that are metabolized in the liver.


A good antifungal medicinal product that is widely used in dermatology. Effectively valid when taking a tablet form, but it can also be used.. Produced in form:

  • ointment;
  • tablets;
  • shampoo.

Active in relation to infections caused by H. Capsulatum and B. dermatitidis. The medicine is prescribed for treatment:

  • thrush;
  • dermatomykosis;
  • nail fungus;
  • riding losing;
  • mikosa of urinary organs.

The drug can be used with a prophylactic goal for preventing the occurrence of infection.


It is used in the mikosach of the outer localization and systemic fungal infection. Available in the form:

  • capsules;
  • syrup;
  • solution for infusion.

One of the main indications for application is candidiasis of different localization (skin cover, field of genital organs, mouth cavity). The medicine is well tolerated, side effects are rare, manifested by skin rashes, diarrhea. It is not recommended to use it for children and pregnant women.


Inexpensive antifungal medicine, which is prescribed in the myctic lesions of skin, mucous, nail plates.

The drug is presented in the form of capsules for oral administration. It is not recommended to use itraconazole patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, hepatic and renal failure. In pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is impossible to take medicine. From side effects may appear:

  • allergic reaction;
  • dyspepsia phenomena;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

Of the more severe complications there is a possibility of developing cardiac and liver failure.


Modern medicine of a new generation of a wide range of action. It is used to combat the fungus of outdoor localization and vaginal candidiasis. Produced in the form of ointments and candles. Zalain practically does not cause side effects and does not on the body of systemic influence. It is not recommended to use pregnant women and women during lactation. The result after the start of use is noticeable immediately.


This group of antimicotic drugs is represented by two drugs: terbinafin and naphtypin. They are used in fungal diseases of the outer localization (onichomythosis, skin fungus).


The terbinafin is effectively fighting against pathogenic fungi and has an antibacterial effect.

In the pharmacy medicine can be found in the form of tablets, spray, cream and solution for outdoor use. The drug is allowed to children over 2 years old.

Adverse reactions are minimal, patients may complain about:


This antimicotic is used to external use when the skin fungus, the defeat of the nail plates. Contraindicated in allergies on the components of the drug. Pregnant need to be used with caution, children are not prescribed.

Side effects predominantly local character: rash, itching, burning in areas of application.

Derived morpholine

This group is represented by one drug - amorolphine. The drug is inexpensive, but with proper use effective. Produced in the form of a nail polish, cream and spray. The most reliable test is given during onchomicosis.

  • children (research on the effect of the drug at the children's body was not conducted);
  • pregnant and nursing;
  • people with increased sensitivity to the medicine.

Unwanted reactions can manifest themselves on the skin, itching.

Other antifungal drugs

According to the results of analyzes, the doctor may assign antimicatics from other chemical groups.


Antifungal medicine, which is obtained from the Penicillium Griseofulvum bacterium. Produced in the form of tablets. Appointed with skin mitosis, stop, scalp.

Contraindications for use are:

  • systemic diseases;
  • kidney and liver damage;
  • oncological diseases;
  • age up to 2 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

The drug reduces the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives and indirect anticoagulants.


This medicine is antimetabolic, which has fungicidal and fungistatic effects. The mechanism of its action is to inhibit the synthesis of DNA and RNA in the fungal cell.

The medicine is effective at:

  • severe systemic diseases;
  • fungal meningitis;
  • candidiasis;
  • cryptococcosis;
  • aspergillosis.

Flucitozin is contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding period;
  • in childhood;
  • people with blood diseases and renal failure.

The drug is used as an infusion for intravenous administration. It can have a large number of side effects, and some represent a serious danger to life:

  • stopping heart, breathing;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • liver failure.

Therefore, a medicine is assigned to strict testimony and its reception should be under the control of the doctor.

Before using any of the drugs, you need to familiarize yourself with the instruction, and when unwanted reactions appear, immediately contact your doctor.


All antifungal agents can be conditionally divided into two categories: local and internal use. Their use is indispensable for lesions of the skin fungus. Treatment with the preparations of a wide range of action will provide an impact on several types of fungi. To do this, you can use cream, mortar and other forms of release. Most often people are concerned about the nail fungus, what treatment is required in this case?

Preparatory actions

Before using antifungal drugs for nails, it is recommended to reveal the type of fungus. There are many types of fungus, which can only be determined by an experienced doctor. Take this kind of ointment yourself extremely undesirable. How to start receiving funds for children and adults?

It is important to correctly use antifungal ointments. Unabled reception, carefully examine the instructions, the treatment must comply with the prescriptions of the doctor. Antifungal preparations for children and adults should be carried out on the prepared nails:

  • The affected nail and skin area trees under running water using antibacterial soap.
  • Conduct a mitigating bath. To do this, we need to dissolve 2 potassium permanganate tablets or furaticiline in 5 liters of boiled water. Lower into a solution of legs or hands for 15 minutes.
  • If children have scales on the nails, they should be carefully removed.
  • The damaged surface must be dried, rubbed a towel.

On the affected, purified surfaces of the skin, it is easier to apply cream, solution and other compositions that provide effective actions when combating fungus. Before each use of medication, especially for children, you need to repeat the procedure.

Mazi for nails

Modern antifungal agents for adults and children are replete with their diversity. No less popular preparations of a wide range of action that have treatment for several types of fungi at once. Today, the most popular reception of such drugs is the most popular:

  • Candid. Treatment is based on the destruction of the membrane of the cells of fungi. Such a skin cream is recommended to apply for affected places at least twice a day for a month. In the presence of the recommendations of the doctor, it should be continued to eliminate possible recurrences.
  • Loworded. The cream has an active substance that destroys the cellular structure of fungi. Such a quick action cream provides almost instantaneous disappearance of symptoms. The preparation of a wide range of action is applied once a day 30 minutes before sleep. Starting reception, be sure to check the body for possible allergic reactions so that the treatment does not make even more harm.
  • Exoderil. Skin cream has a naphthiffin hydrochloride, capable of destroying bacteria cells. Treatment of children and adults with such a drug is 8-12 weeks. In some cases, reception is possible for 14 days.
  • Lamizil. Such a wide action cream has managed to establish yourself from a positive side if you need to treat fungus in children and adults. The composition of the composition is characterized by a rapid result. Increased terbinfin products, contributes to the suppression of the reproduction of streol, which leads to the rapid death of the cells of the fungus, not allowing them to form again. Cream must be applied to your feet several times a day. Treatment should be continued even after the disappearance of the obvious manifestations of the fungus on the skin.

Any antifungal drugs for nails are recommended not only on the nail plate, but also the skin around it. It is important to use a solution and cream to complete the dispute of the ridge of fungus.

Antimicrobial varnishes

Today, such antimicrobial preparations for legs and hands are very popular as antimicrobial varnishes. Often the fungus appears not on the skin of the hands, but on the nail plate. Each person in this case is important to start the treatment as quickly as possible using various effective compositions. Nails on hands require special protection, as they are continuously in contact with air, liquid, are exposed to sharp temperature differences.

The reception of such varnishes allows to ensure reliable protection of the nail plate from skin infections and other negative factors. This type of medicine is excellent antiseptics. The remedy can penetrate deep into the nail creating a protective film on its surface. Treatment using any of the varnishes described below will allow you to quickly cope with any of the types of fungal diseases.

  • Loceral. The solution activates the biosynthesis of sterols, thereby damaging the membrane of the fungus cells. The existing active substances are active in relation to a number of infections. The remedy can be stored in the nail plate up to seven days, so it is recommended to use it no more than two times a week.
  • Batrafin. Such a solution is also ideal for infrequent use: it is enough to apply it once or two per week. The active ingredients in the preparation can penetrate deeply in the nail layer through the horny covers and keratin.
  • Demicten. Using such a solution in the form of a varnish, you can not only eliminate the nail fungus, but also cope with the skin of the skin on the feet and an unpleasant odor. Reception of the drug is effective with many species fungus.
  • Mikosan. A drug is produced in a special set consisting of an applicator brushes, serum and ten disposable saws. Starting the reception, damaged nail should be unpiring. Every week, using a disposable file, you need to remove the skinned skin layer. Apply the solution is recommended twice a day for a month.

If in a short time you are planning to visit the sauna or other places where there is a high probability of infection with fungus, you can use special anti-mushrooms in order to prevent. For example, you can use tools such as Belvedere and Mikosan.

Cream against fungus

Skin cream from fungal manifestations is considered one of the most popular funds in modern medicine. In this case, the folk remedy can be combined with creams and ointments, giving the maximum result of treatment. Let's consider several of the most effective means to quickly get rid of fungal manifestations on the skin.

  • Kranopor. The cream has a bifonazole and urea. The active components of the composition can quickly penetrate the erased cells, after six hours you can see the highest possible concentration of the means in the tissues. The reception of such drugs contributes to the rapid oppression of the biosynthesis of manifestations of fungus simultaneously on two levels.
  • Fungoterbin. Excellent remedy for fungal infection, which refers to the category of allylamines. Its reception allows you to effectively deal with most of the existing infections, as well as any effective folk remedy. The presence of the existing substance facility contributes to the death of the dispute, at the same time their subsequent education.

Antifungal drugs for legs Lamizil and exoderil can be produced not only in the form of ointments. For those who like the use of creams, effective preparations are offered from the fungus of the nail plate of the above grades.

Funds in drops

The solution in the form of droplets is very popular for the treatment of fungal infections on feet and hand nails. Preparations of this group belong to the means of local action. It is possible to use them without combining with the rest of the drugs to full cure from fungal infection. Often, such drugs are used to treat fungi on nails:

  • Microspore. This solution is recommended to apply before bedtime per day on the affected places of the nail plate and the skin around it. The tool must be rubbed into the skin with your fingers, massaging light movements;
  • Cyclopirox. Such a solution is applied or at the final stage of treatment or at the initial stage itself. Such a drug can be perfectly combined with the rest of antimicotic drugs;
  • Terbinefin. The drug is recommended for applying for damaged sections of the nail twice a day. After a complete disappearance of symptoms, it is recommended to use drops for another two weeks. Such a long admission will allow to completely eliminate the possibility of recurrence;
  • Chlorinitrophenol. It is recommended to take a medicine for two or three times a day during the exacerbation of fungal diseases. In the future, the amount of the applied solution is recommended to reduce twice and continue the treatment for another two or three weeks.

When using such drugs in the form of droplets, the patient will have the possibility of accurate dosing of the medication. It is extremely important during the elimination of all symptoms of the disease. Before going to the pharmacy for the purchase of antifungal droplets, it is recommended to consult with a dermatologist with a doctor.

For internal reception

Antifungal drugs in tablets you can take simultaneously with various varnishes, ointments, creams and drops for the treatment of fungus.

Depending on the type of infection present, these drugs can be tasted:

  • Irunin. The tool has an active effect on mold and yeast fungi. The active ingredient allows you to destroy the membrane dispute. Usually the drug is prescribed two capsules twice a day for a week. Next, we take a break for 20 days, you can repeat the course of treatment up to three times.
  • Fluconazole. Use the drug should only appoint a doctor for treating children's nail fungus. He has very few side effects and contraindications. The use of the means is allowed until the infection is completely disappeared.
  • Lamizil. These attending pill fungus can be prescribed for a period from 1.5 to 6 months. They have an effective effect in the treatment of dermatophytes.
  • Terbinefin. The drug is distinguished by the presence of a wide range of action. In most cases, the duration of the course of treatment is 1.5 months E reception every day 1-2 tablets.

Antifungal preparations for feet only in tablets are ineffective. In addition to treatment, the doctor may recommend special effectively against fungus varnishes, as well as drops and cream. There are other effective treatment options for this type of disease, which should be appointed exclusively by a professional doctor.

Among the new methods of treating fungal infection, laser treatment of the nail plate fungus has become great popularity. The duration of therapy in this case can reach up to 6 months. But the end result will be able to exceed any expectations: the fungus is eliminated completely, and the possibility of side effects and relapses eliminates.

If you decide to cope with the inadequacy yourself, it is recommended to use the means of traditional medicine that are offered in a wide range.

The use of such techniques of therapy allows to get rid of fungal infections, but such treatment requires a longer time.

Effective drugs of allylamine groups

Terbinefin is an antifungal medicinal product intended for local and systemic use. The drug is distinguished by a wide range of action against many types of fungi, causing a disease of nails, hair and skin. During his intake, the drug begins to accumulate in the body, is held in the growing constant nail area and has a long exposure. The mechanism of the effect of the drug is associated with the suppression of the initial stage of the sterin biosynthesis inside the fungus cells, which contributes to their destruction.

In the pharmacy you can purchase a similar drug under the most different names. Effective remedy for fungus may be called: binafin, atyphine, lamisil, bramzil, laminist, lamisil, medical, lamp, Mykotherbin, Mykonorm, Terbizil, Onykhon and many others. At the same time, drug forms of the drug: spray, gel, cream and tablets for internal reception.

Spray It is recommended to apply on dry peeled skin stacks once or two per day. The gel and cream must be applied to a thin layer on the skin sections in the place of lesion and the sections adjacent to it. It is necessary to do this with light lifting movements. The total duration of treatment in this case is 2-4 weeks. Preparations used for systemic applications must be appointed individually.

The contraindications of intake of terbinefin can be attributed primarily by the individual intolerance to the body. Antifungal agents can not be taken inside with: pronounced renal and liver failure, tumors, blood diseases, blood vessel diseases, metabolic diseases, lactation, pregnancy, childhood age up to two years. Despite the good tolerability of the drug, with system use, many side effects are observed. It is possible to use this kind of feet for legs only to appoint a doctor.

Folk ways of treatment

If you are bothering the fungus on the nails of the hands, then you can try a simple but effective way of folk medicine. It is necessary to weld a strong coffee and put hands several times in the resulting infusion, without scolding the precipitate.

Such a means also allows you to effectively cope with the fungus on the legs, remove pain in the ankles and feet, eliminating peeling and thick skin. With regular repetition of the procedure, you can observe a rapid deliverance from the fungus. Your skin will become smooth, painfulness will disappear.

Nail fungus is a very unpleasant disease that can bring a lot of discomfort. It is necessary to understand that it is simply impossible to get rid of the fungus at a time. Such a disease requires comprehensive long-term treatment using several drugs. You can always take advantage of methods of traditional medicine.

Before the start of any treatment of fungal infection, it is recommended to visit the doctor to identify the type of fungus.

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