How long does erosion heal after cauterization. Advice from gynecologists on what to do and what not to do after cauterization of cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is treated with different methods. To combat the disease, a laser, electric currents, chemical solutions and other methods are used. The duration of the recovery period after each of the methods is from 3 weeks to 3 months.

After standard diathermoelectrocoagulation, rehabilitation lasts 7-10 weeks. Healing of the cervix after cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen takes 4-6 weeks. The recovery period after laser treatment is about 6 weeks. Cauterization of cervical erosion by radio waves requires rehabilitation within 3-6 weeks. The longest recovery period after the chemical method of exposure is up to 3 months.

Until the cervix has recovered, it is necessary to observe a restrictive regimen. You can not have sex, lift weights, douche, use tampons. During the recovery period, painkillers and other medications may be needed.

1.5-2 months after the procedure, you should definitely visit a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a follow-up examination of the cervix and report the results of the treatment. The efficiency of cauterization in different ways is from 75 to 97%. If the erosion has not completely healed, then repeated intervention may be required.

Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-treatment. Be sure to consult a doctor!

Modern gynecology offers many different methods of physical and chemical effects on the cervix, and all these procedures are commonly called in one word - cauterization. It does not matter which method is used - laser, radio waves or liquid nitrogen, the goal is the same - to remove the pathological formation and save the woman from the unpleasant symptoms of erosion. Much can be said about the benefits of cauterization, but it is worth mentioning the possible undesirable complications after the procedure.

Unfortunately, even the most modern methods are not absolutely safe for women. The consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion can be unpredictable, and it is difficult to guess in advance how the manipulation will affect the patient's health. Deciding on the procedure, you should weigh the pros and cons, assess the possible risks and make sure that there are real indications for destructive treatment. Only having complete information about the state of one's own health, one can agree to any therapy for cervical erosion.

Moxibustion: what is it, and should it be done?

Cervical erosion is a defect in the mucous membrane that occurs under the influence of various factors. It can be caused by hormonal imbalances, infections, injuries, and other conditions. A variety of methods are used to treat diseases of the cervix, and cauterization is one of them. This term is understood as one of the following methods of influencing erosion:

  • Chemical coagulation - cauterization with drugs;
  • – exposure to high frequency current;
  • Argon plasma ablation - the use of argon for the destruction of erosion;
  • Cryodestruction - the use of liquid nitrogen;
  • Laser vaporization - evaporation of the pathological focus with a laser beam;
  • Radio wave coagulation - cutting erosion by radio waves (modern devices "Surgitron" and "Fotek" are used).

All these manipulations are called destructive methods of treatment. In special cases, conization is performed - excision of a section of the cervix (as a rule, with deep lesions and cancer).

On a note

For the treatment of erosion in nulliparous women, laser, radio wave and argon plasma cauterization are used.

Destructive methods of treatment are prescribed only after a complete examination of the patient, a colposcopy and a smear for a cytological examination.

Video colposcopy is a method of examining the walls of the vagina and the outer part of the cervix, which uses a special microscope and a video device that allows you to display an image on a monitor screen.

In some cases, apply. If cauterization is unavoidable, the doctor should familiarize the woman with the features of this procedure and talk about the possible consequences of the manipulation. The choice of a specific method of therapy will depend on the type of pathological formation on the cervix, its size, as well as the age and reproductive status of the patient.

Is cauterization of cervical erosion dangerous?

What are women afraid of? The fact that the therapy will negatively affect their health, and the consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion will be very serious. In this situation, not every patient decides on a destructive treatment, trying to solve the problem in other ways. Various alternative treatment regimens are also used, rarely bringing the desired result. As a result, the woman returns to the gynecologist with a large erosion, complicated by inflammation and causing considerable discomfort by her existence.

When deciding on a particular method of treatment, every woman should know:

  • Cauterize erosion - it does not hurt, but if necessary, the doctor will apply local anesthesia;
  • In 95% of cases, properly performed cauterization allows you to completely and permanently get rid of the problem;
  • After the application of modern sparing techniques, no scars remain on the cervix, the woman's reproductive function does not suffer;
  • Some diseases of the cervix, if left untreated, can develop into cancer, and it will be much more difficult to cope with this problem.

Conclusion one: if cauterization is really necessary, and there are clear indications for it, the procedure should not be postponed. Refusal of treatment entails very serious consequences and creates a direct threat to the health and even life of a woman.

Early consequences of cauterization, or what to expect in the first month after the procedure

The rehabilitation period after erosion treatment is 4–8 weeks. Its duration directly depends on the chosen method of therapy. The body recovers most quickly after radio wave and laser coagulation (3-4 weeks). After DEC, rehabilitation can take up to 2-3 months.

During the first two weeks after erosion treatment, a woman may feel an increase in natural secretions. This is a completely normal process that occurs with the gradual healing of a mucosal defect. In the early days, it will be moderate bloody or slightly brown discharge without an unpleasant odor. After 3-5 days, the discharge will become light, less abundant, and then practically disappear. After the next menstruation, the woman's condition should be completely normal.

Important aspects:

  • After applying DEC, a scab forms on the cervix, which comes off after 10-14 days. All this time, a woman may experience spotting;
  • After cryodestruction, the appearance of copious watery discharge (hydrorrhea) is noted for 4–6 weeks.

Should not be accompanied by itching, burning or other unpleasant sensations. The appearance of such symptoms indicates a possible infection and indicates the development of complications.

On a note

According to patients, after radio wave and laser therapies, abundant discharge persists for no more than 14 days and does not cause significant discomfort.

After cauterization of erosion, spotting will be observed for 1-1.5 months: at first watery, then they will acquire a pinkish tint with blood clots, and after 3-4 weeks they will become brown during the healing process.

Lower abdominal pain

Unpleasant pulling sensations over the bosom are noted in half of all women during cauterization of erosion. Soreness persists for several hours or days, after which it disappears without the use of analgesics. There should be no pronounced discomfort, however, often women complain of pain in the lower abdomen after the procedure. This is probably due to the low pain threshold and individual sensitivity of the patient.

Important point

If the discomfort after cauterization does not subside and even intensifies, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Profuse bleeding often occurs after cauterization with electric current. DEC is considered a rather aggressive procedure, and the scab formed after manipulation can be torn off ahead of time. This leads to moderate to heavy bleeding from the genital tract, sometimes with an unpleasant pungent odor. After other therapies, bleeding occurs extremely rarely.

Bloody discharge can also be associated with damage to healthy tissues during cauterization. The doctor will be able to recognize the cause of bleeding after a follow-up examination of the patient.

On a note

Scanty spotting during the first 10-14 days after cauterization is considered a normal option, no treatment is required.


Infection of the surgical wound occurs mainly after contact methods of therapy: DEC and cryodestruction. When using non-contact techniques (laser, radio wave therapy), the probability of infection is almost zero. Complications can occur if the rules of intimate hygiene are not observed after the procedure. Against the background of untreated cervicitis (inflammation of the cervical canal) and subsequent cauterization, the spread of infection is also likely. That is why gynecologists strongly recommend that you first remove the inflammation and only then cauterize the erosion.

Signs of cervicitis:

  • Abundant discharge from the genital tract (yellow, green, gray) with an unpleasant odor;
  • Itching and burning in the vagina;
  • Possible increase in body temperature.

At the slightest suspicion of infection, you should consult a doctor. Without treatment, the inflammatory process can go into the uterine cavity, lead to the development of endometritis and, in the long run, to infertility.

When the surgical wound becomes infected, an inflammatory process of the inner lining of the uterus, endometritis, can develop, which in some cases can lead to infertility.

Late consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion: troubles and complications

In most cases, the procedure is well tolerated by women, especially if all the doctor's recommendations are followed, but the development of undesirable complications is not excluded. During the first year after cauterization, the following conditions may occur:

Cicatricial deformity of the cervix

In gynecological practice, this condition is called "coagulated neck syndrome". DEC is considered the main cause of scarring. That is why gynecologists refused to cauterize erosion with high-frequency current in nulliparous women. Currently, DEC is used only under strict indications, when other methods are not available.

The scar on the cervix is ​​a dense connective tissue. In the presence of scars, the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bnot able to fully function. This complication is very dangerous for young women planning a pregnancy. The body loses its elasticity, which can lead to serious consequences. We are talking about isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICN) - a condition in which the cervix softens and opens ahead of schedule. Left untreated, CI leads to miscarriage or premature birth.

Cicatricial deformity of the cervix creates problems during the birth of a child. In contractions, such a neck does not open completely, and the child cannot be born naturally. An emergency caesarean section is performed - a serious stress for both the woman and her baby. With pronounced scars, a planned operation may be offered.

Cervical stenosis

Complete narrowing of the cervical canal is called stenosis. This complication also often occurs after DEC. Stenosis causes infertility, in which sperm cannot enter the uterus. If a woman wants to become a mother, she will have to undergo the procedure of artificial insemination. Natural childbirth with such a pathology is impossible, a caesarean section is indicated.

One of the types of complications after coagulation can be stenosis (narrowing) of the cervical canal, which prevents a sufficient number of spermatozoa from entering the uterine cavity.

Erosion recurrence

The use of modern methods of therapy allows you to get rid of erosion with guaranteed. The efficiency or radio waves is up to 98%. The following situations may be the cause of relapse:

  • The doctor failed to completely capture all the erosion (relevant for deep defects and large foci);
  • The woman did not follow the doctor's recommendations after cauterization;
  • Reactivation of HPV and the appearance of a new erosion.

Important point

When erosion appears on the background of HPV infection, it is necessary to undergo a full course of antiviral therapy, otherwise a relapse is inevitable.

Recurrent erosion appears in the same place, a new one may occur in another part of the cervix. A problem is detected 1–2 years after the procedure during a follow-up examination by a gynecologist. Erosion can be felt by contact bleeding from the genital tract. The tactics of further treatment is selected individually, but it will not be possible to avoid repeated intervention. Recurrent erosion is always an alarming symptom, and it is not worth refusing medical assistance in this situation.

Until now, the mechanisms for the development of endometriosis are not exactly known, but one of the reasons is cauterization of the cervix. If by the beginning of the next menstruation the mucous layer does not have time to fully recover, then the endometrial cells that have departed with the bloodstream are able to penetrate into the altered tissue. This is how endometriosis is formed - a condition in which areas of the endometrium appear outside the uterine cavity. The likelihood of such an outcome increases with the use of cryodestruction and electrocoagulation, that is, methods after which the cervical mucosa heals for more than 4 weeks.

On a note

According to patients, endometriosis is detected several years after cauterization, which does not allow unequivocally linking this pathology with the procedure performed.

Endometriosis (a disease when endometrial cells appear outside the uterine cavity) can occur as one of the types of postoperative complications, including presumably after cryodestruction and electrocoagulation of cervical erosion.

Menstrual irregularities

A rare complication that occurs after major interventions on the cervix. Cauterization does not often lead to such consequences as surgical methods of treatment. Cycle disorders can occur after deep erosions and cancer and indicate a serious imbalance in the hormonal sphere.

Possible options:

  • Amenorrhea - the complete absence of menstruation;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • Hyperpolymenorrhea - prolongation of bleeding time and an increase in the volume of secretions;
  • Painful menses.

To correct such disorders, various medications and physiotherapy methods are used. Sometimes cauterization only provokes an exacerbation of any gynecological pathology, but is not its main cause. In this case, you need to figure out what exactly led to the failure of the menstrual cycle, and what consequences the identified disease threatens the woman.

Like all medical manipulations, cauterization of cervical erosion has its indications and contraindications. The use of only modern and sparing techniques, as well as compliance with all doctor's recommendations after the procedure, will help to avoid undesirable consequences and maintain reproductive health.

An interesting video about the causes of complications after the treatment of cervical erosion

Surgical treatment of erosion: possible problems after the procedure

Erosion occurs in many girls, almost every second. Accordingly, the question, after cauterization of erosion, when you can get pregnant, worries many. Let's try to find an answer to it in our article, analyzing in detail this disease and methods of its treatment.

Causes of erosion

Before you figure out whether it is possible to get pregnant after cauterization of cervical erosion, you need to understand what kind of pathology it is and what causes it.

Erosion is a small sore in the form of a red spot against the background of the cervical mucosa that extends into the vagina. The following factors greatly contribute to the emergence and development of such a violation:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • early onset of sexual activity, decreased immunity.

The causes of this pathology are the consequences of infectious diseases and injuries:

  • "sexual" diseases: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, genital herpes, gonorrhea, etc.;
  • inflammation of the genital organs, including the vagina (colpitis, thrush, vaginitis, etc.),
  • mechanical damage to the cervical mucosa during childbirth, abortion, rough sexual intercourse.

The deviation itself is not felt by a woman in any way, sometimes in rare cases, discharge or pain during intercourse is possible. It is determined only during the examination by a gynecologist.

Treatment is carried out medically in unopened cases with the use of vaginal suppositories and other drugs to eliminate the underlying cause of the disease. Surgical is carried out by cauterization by various methods. After cauterization of cervical erosion, you can become pregnant, when the resulting wound heals completely. Consider the methods used in modern medicine and their impact on the ability to become pregnant.

Methods of cauterization and recovery rate

Diathermocoagulation is more common than others. Its essence lies in the effect of current on the tissues of the disturbed area. At the site of application, a scab is formed, which is gradually rejected, forming a scar.

Is it possible to get pregnant after the procedure:

Cauterization of cervical erosion by current

After asking the experts whether it is possible to get pregnant after cauterization of cervical erosion with current, we get a positive answer. But the scar formed in its place can contribute to some narrowing of the neck, which will be an obstacle in childbirth.

Therefore, nulliparous women are advised to choose some other method. The period of complete healing in this case lasts at least two months, and it is necessary to plan conception after an additional examination and colposcopy.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with a laser

More preferably, treatment with a laser beam, which acts directly on diseased cells without affecting healthy ones. This manipulation is almost painless and less traumatic than the first. After it, a thin crust remains, which is rejected after 7 days. Therefore, the problem of whether it is possible to become pregnant after cauterization of cervical erosion with a laser is negligible and is solved already through 30 days after the procedure. Its only disadvantage is its high cost and not widespread use. More often used only in large clinics.

Cauterization of cervical erosion by radio waves

The use of high-frequency radio waves is just as effective. They act non-contact, as if cutting off the affected cells, without disturbing the intact ones and leaving no scars. Treatment is carried out immediately after menstruation, in rare cases, slight pain sensations are possible. After 1-1.5 months, the question is decided whether it is possible to become pregnant after cauterization of cervical erosion by radio waves. After such a period, the answer will be positive. For therapeutic purposes, the Surgitron apparatus is used. The disadvantage in this case is the high cost of the procedure.

Cauterization of erosion by chemical coagulation

Now consider how long it takes to get pregnant when cauterizing erosion using chemical coagulation. With this method of treatment, Solkovagin is used, a solution that is applied in a thin layer to the inflamed area. It is used only with a small area of ​​​​damage. It is allowed to start conception 4 months after healing.

Treatment of this pathology can also be carried out by cryotherapy, where chilled liquid nitrogen is applied to the wound using a special device. Here, after undergoing cauterization of cervical erosion, you can become pregnant after full recovery, not earlier than 1.5 months, after consulting with your doctor, who, after examination, will indicate the optimal time for conception.

Features of treatment

Some women who want to become a mother as soon as possible often ask the question, is it possible to get pregnant immediately after cauterization? Of course, there are no physiological barriers to this. But this is highly undesirable, since the wound on the neck must go through the path of complete healing in order for the process of carrying the baby to go smoothly. After all, it is not without reason that after such a manipulation, in order not to solve the problem in the future, is it possible to get pregnant after cauterization of erosion, doctors recommend during the recovery period:

  • refrain from sexual activity;
  • in the first days of menstruation, do not use tampons, but only pads;
  • do not visit the bath, do not swim in the bath or open water, but only in the shower;
  • limit physical activity;
  • do not take aspirin or other medicines containing it.

Recovery after cauterization erosion

In a word, no matter what option the doctor advises you, no matter how much you ask whether it is possible to get pregnant after cauterization of erosion with current, laser or solution, there is only one answer: pregnancy is possible in any case after complete recovery. Only the speed and sometimes the quality of wound healing depends on the choice of method.

The doctor is obliged to instruct the woman, telling about what is possible and what is not possible during the rehabilitation period. General recommendations include the following:

  • you should give up sexual relations for 14 days;
  • use warm water for bathing and showering (hot water can cause bleeding);
  • exclude the use of hygienic tampons;
  • reduce physical activity (it is better to refuse from lifting weights, exercising in the gym and other things for a while);
  • follow the recommendations of the doctor and apply the prescribed means;
  • do not self-medicate, resorting to dubious restorative methods, all activities must be agreed with the attending physician;
  • obligatory observance of intimate hygiene.

These general rules must be observed until the cervical mucosa is completely healed. This fact must be confirmed by the doctor during the control examination of the vagina.

The diagnosis of a specialist is confirmed by a gynecological examination of the vagina, cervix and vulva using mirrors and a colposcope. Many women believe that after a colposcopy the lower abdomen hurts, and they are anxious to carry it out, but starting to experience pain in the cervix when walking, they change their minds.

Even dilation of the vagina with speculums can be painful for sensitive women, so it is recommended to tell the doctor right away to use smaller instruments. Colposcopy is painless, only a feeling of anxiety of the patient, a feeling of pressure, a slight spasm are noted.

Pulling pain in the lower abdomen in women may be associated with menstruation, pregnancy or gynecological diseases.

1. Pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy

In pregnant women, the lower abdomen can pull both in the early and late stages. In the first weeks after conception, the stomach may hurt due to an increase in the size of the uterus: its muscles stretch as the fetus grows, so the woman feels discomfort and pain.

Usually, either women who become pregnant for the first time, or mothers whose interval between pregnancies exceeds 7 years turn to obstetrician-gynecologists with complaints of pulling pain.

If the lower abdomen does not pull for long, the pain is mild, and there are no other pathological symptoms, there is usually nothing to worry about. But when the pain is accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge, dizziness, high fever, chills, weakness and nausea, you should immediately consult a doctor: there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and premature birth.

A pulling feeling in the lower abdomen may indicate diseases of the male reproductive system. The most common causes are sexual infections and prostatitis.

Pulls the lower abdomen with sexual infections and prostatitis

In men with chronic prostatitis, the lower abdomen is often pulled - this is one of the common symptoms that should be the reason for an immediate visit to the urologist. Pain with inflammation of the prostate gland can be given to the perineum, genitals and rectum.

It is accompanied by various urination disorders: polyuria, a feeling of a full bladder. Pay attention to body temperature: with exacerbations of chronic prostatitis, it often rises.

Possible causes of pulling pain

Almost 60% of cases of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen in women are associated with gynecological problems. To determine what exactly caused the unpleasant symptom, you need to contact a gynecologist.

During the examination with the help of a medical mirror and palpation, the doctor will be able to assess the size of the uterus, the density of the cervix, the presence of erosions, polyps and other formations. To clarify the diagnosis, additional studies may be prescribed, for example:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, uterus and appendages using a transvaginal probe;
  • smear on the bacterial flora of the vagina;
  • colposcopy (examination of the vagina and its walls using a special device - a binocular);
  • biopsy (with suspicion of malignant pathology).

In some cases, ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs may be required, as well as consultation with specialized specialists, since the causes of pain can be a lot of diseases.


The inside of the body of the uterus (its walls) is covered with a layer of epithelial tissue called the endometrium. Normally, the endometrium is located only in the cavity of the organ, but with endometriosis, parts of the epithelium extend beyond the uterus.

Clinically, this is manifested by pulling pains, which can have moderate or rather high intensity - the severity of the syndrome depends on the degree of damage and the individual pain threshold.

Another sign that allows you to suspect endometriosis is the appearance of dark brown discharge on the first and last day of menstruation. Discharge from endometriosis does not have a specific smell, does not contain pus and other impurities, and differs from normal blood discharge only in color. Other symptoms of the disease include:

  • pain during intercourse (when the partner is on top);
  • the absence of pregnancy for a long time period with unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • sharp pain during bowel movements or urination;
  • pain in the pelvis and lower back;
  • menorrhagia (long and heavy periods).

It is necessary to treat endometriosis in the initial stages, since untimely therapy increases the risk of severe complications, such as uterine bleeding.

Problems with appendages

The disease is common and occurs in most women. Maybe that's why many ladies do not consider it necessary to get rid of such a diagnosis in time, which is extremely wrong.

Let the healing process take some time, but it is simply necessary to treat cervical erosion, especially for those who are going to get pregnant.

The causes of this disease are still being studied by doctors around the world. At the moment, there are several main theories.

The duration of healing varies depending on the method of intervention.

What can not be done after coagulation? There are several types of restrictions, that is, what cannot be done after cauterization of erosion. These activities are prohibited for one reason or another:

  • Is it possible to play sports after coagulation of the eroded area? The ban only applies to certain types of activities. In particular, those that can provoke blood flow into the pelvic area, as a result of which bleeding may begin. Bodybuilding, weighted hoop twisting, jumping, sharp bends, etc. are prohibited;
  • Do not lift anything heavier than 1-2 kg on your own. Why can't you lift weights after cauterization? This is due to the tension of the muscles of the small pelvis. Theoretically, such a phenomenon can lead to the fact that the vessels will burst and bleeding will begin;
  • Also, don't overheat. This applies to solariums, baths, beaches, saunas, etc. Since all this activates blood circulation, and therefore can cause bleeding and even lead to too early discharge of the scab, when the epithelium has not yet recovered;
  • If the patient has recently cauterized erosion, it is worth avoiding massage and acupuncture in the lumbar region, abdomen (especially its lower part) for one and a half to two months. It is also connected with the stimulation of blood circulation in the reproductive system;
  • Recommendations after cauterization of cervical erosion separately mention the inadmissibility of being in natural reservoirs. This sometimes contributes to the introduction of infection into the unhealed layer of the epithelium. As a result, an inflammatory process may develop;
  • You can not use tampons after coagulation for 1-2 months. Since they can damage the epithelium that has not completely recovered. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use douches and suppositories. However, suppositories are sometimes prescribed by a doctor to speed up healing. Is it possible to use them in a particular case, the doctor will say;
  • Also, within one and a half to two months after the procedure, there are contraindications for sexual activity. This can not only injure the epithelium that has not fully recovered, but also lead to infection. Even when using contraceptives.

How long does erosion heal after treatment? This figure is different for each individual patient. However, following the simple rules described above will help keep the process as short as possible.

What to do after the procedure? There are a number of things to do after cauterization of cervical erosion. This will speed up healing and recovery will be faster.

  • It is important to carefully observe hygiene, since the damaged epithelium is quite vulnerable to infections, fungi, etc.;
  • Tissue immunity drops significantly after the intervention, so it needs to be strengthened with local remedies prescribed by the doctor;
  • Sometimes suppositories are prescribed that accelerate healing (for example, Depantol or Sea buckthorn), their regular use accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • During sexual intercourse, it is necessary to use barrier contraception for at least six months after the procedure;
  • You can not skip the medical examinations prescribed by the doctor, because with their help the specialist controls the nature and speed of healing.

Treatment after cauterization of erosion with any specialized preparations is usually not needed, with rare exceptions. Only funds for local use are prescribed. If they are used, and the necessary restrictions are observed, then the recovery process takes a minimum of time. Sometimes a specific treatment is also prescribed after cauterization of erosion.

Methods for removing erosion: freezing, the method of using a radio knife (Surgitron apparatus), cauterization with electric current, laser coagulation, chemical burning with Salkovagin cream.

The healing period after the treatment of erosion by radio waves normally lasts 4 weeks. If the erosion was complex or it was caused by sexual infections, then the healing period may be delayed.

During the recovery period, you must follow all the recommendations and not violate the restrictions.

The healing of a wound formed after cauterization of the ESHM lasts an average of 2-3 weeks.

Normal discharge does not have a pronounced or unpleasant odor. There may be discomfort or mild pain in the lower abdomen, which does not cause much concern.

The scab is gradually sloughed off, its fragments are excreted along with the secretions. After treatment of a large erosion, after the scab has completely fallen off (2-3 weeks after cauterization), bleeding may occur.

Usually within 1.5-2 hours it spontaneously stops. If this does not happen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

After the final healing of the wound at the site of erosion, the discharge returns to the physiological norm and corresponds to the phases of the menstrual cycle.

A very dangerous signal is weakness, fever, dizziness. Bleeding accompanied by such symptoms is potentially dangerous, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Before treatment, the gynecologist must explain to the woman how the recovery period normally proceeds, what complications can be, what to do if something goes wrong.

Whatever method is chosen to remove the ectopia, some recommendations must be followed.

  1. You can not have sex for six weeks.
  2. Sex can be resumed as the doctor allows.
  3. You can't carry weights.
  4. For a certain period you need to forget about baths and saunas.
  5. Local therapy should be done in the form of using tampons with special medicinal ointments.
  6. You can not use sea buckthorn oil in the form of tampons.

After the end of therapy, the patient can plan a pregnancy. But before that, you should still visit a doctor and check again to make sure you are fully recovered.

You should always remember that ectopia is not cancer yet, but it is a small bell that the disease can develop into a more dangerous disease.

Curettage refers to simple surgical interventions. Despite this, in the first days after cleaning, the patient may experience pain of varying intensity in the lower abdomen.

In some women, the pain is dull in nature. While other representatives experience cramping severe pain that spreads to the lower abdomen and back.

If such pain is the only symptom, the woman is shown the use of painkillers. As a rule, she is prescribed drugs that relieve spasm.

The duration of pain varies from a few days to seven to ten days.

After cleaning, a woman has bloody and bloody discharge for several days. Normally, discharge with an admixture of blood can last up to ten days. Some patients experience mild pain in the lower abdomen, which does not affect the quality of life.

With the disappearance of bloody discharge and increased pain that extends to the lower abdomen, sacrum and lower back, you should immediately visit a doctor in order to exclude hematometers and the inflammatory process.

After an appropriate diagnosis, the patient will be prescribed treatment.

Curettage may be accompanied by a weakening of the body's defenses. This leads to the activation of opportunistic microflora, which can cause bleeding, cramps and pain in the lower abdomen. A rise in temperature and a deterioration in general condition are not ruled out.

The nature of bleeding after curettage may also indicate the restoration of the uterine cavity. The most intense discharge is observed during the first days after curettage.

After a few days, they become sanious and gradually disappear. In the presence of increasing secretions of a dark color with clots, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, one can suspect the development of complications.

Curettage often affects the cycle. As a rule, the first menstruation after cleaning comes later, which is associated with the complete removal of the functional layer.

With a delay in menstruation lasting more than three months, you should visit a doctor and undergo the necessary examination.

Within two weeks after curettage, a woman is recommended to have sexual rest. This is due to the fact that the neck remains open due to surgery. Injured tissues and bloody discharge can provoke the development of an inflammatory process. Thus, sexual rest excludes possible infection and injury to damaged tissues.

During sexual intercourse, for the first time after cleaning, a woman experiences minor pain and discomfort, which is the norm. If pain persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor to rule out a gynecological disease.

When to see a doctor: discharges that are alarming

Profuse yellow, greenish or brown discharge indicates possible complications after ESM treatment.

In such cases, you need to contact your doctor.

yellow, green

If profuse yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor appears after cauterization of cervical erosion, you should consult a doctor.

Such changes often indicate a possible inflammatory process of bacterial origin. Among the most common pathologies: vaginitis, oophoritis, salpingitis.

The foamy consistency of yellow discharge gives reason to suspect the development of gonorrhea or trichomoniasis. Sometimes these discharges acquire a greenish tint.

Manifestations of a green tint indicate the transition of the inflammatory process into a purulent-inflammatory one. Purulent discharge is usually abundant, thick, and has a pronounced putrid odor.

Surgical treatments for erosion are very popular due to their effectiveness, painlessness and speed of recovery. There are several methods of carrying out the operation, each of which has both advantages and disadvantages.

Cervical suturing

It helps to determine how successful the suturing went: a control visit to the attending physician, ultrasound diagnostics.

At week 37, the doctor will decide to remove the suture to prepare the woman for childbirth, after the procedure, the baby can be born at any time.

Attention! If the pulling pains and heaviness continue for more than a few days, this is a sign of complications and a doctor should be called.

Biopsy of the cervix

A clarifying gynecological examination for suspected dysplasia or cancer is called a cervical biopsy. Only the results of a study on the good quality of cells allow the gynecologist to draw up a treatment plan. The procedure is very painful and is performed under the influence of an anesthetic injection or anesthesia.

If, after a biopsy of the cervix, the lower abdomen hurts and is accompanied by bloody discharge for up to 7 days, and it also hurts in the depths of the vagina and the body temperature rises to 37.5 ° C, these are symptoms that the biopsy was performed correctly.

Advantages and disadvantages

This operation to remove cervical erosion consists in the use of electric current, it is radio waves that cause cauterization, which in turn leads to the complete rejection of the affected tissues and the development of a new epithelium.

The advantages of this method of treatment include:

  • Low cost;
  • Ease of implementation;
  • High performance;
  • Less traumatic;
  • Does not form scars.

The disadvantages include:

  • Can only be done to women who have not given birth;
  • Painfulness of the procedure;
  • Endometriosis may develop later.

Amputation of the cervix

Even after amputation of the cervix, a woman retains reproductive function (menstrual cycle, ovulation, fertility), and is able to give birth, the main thing is to follow the doctor's recommendations and be careful in the postoperative period.

If the symptoms persist, and the biopsy reveals the presence of malignant cells, a hysterectomy may be required - amputation of the patient's uterus, in which a stump, the remnant of the penis, will remain after removal.

Attention! With any, even sparing, surgical intervention in the genital organ, the decision to resume sexual activity is made only by a doctor.

Erosion cauterization methods

As it was found, cauterization by current is considered the most traumatic way to get rid of cervical erosion. Speaking in ordinary human language, this method, in fact, is a burn of the vaginal mucosa. In this case, the current during treatment can cause a spasm of the muscles of the vagina, and in addition, erosion of the cervix may return again after a while.

Methods of modern medicine

Until recently, erosion was treated by the method of waiting, it was believed that tissues can recover on their own and do not require intervention. However, if treatment is not carried out, negative consequences for the woman's reproductive system are possible. Modern experts have a common opinion - the pathology must be eliminated so that it does not lead to complications.

Cauterization of erosion is a painless procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis. The elimination of eroded tissues completely preserves the ability to bear and produce offspring, so this procedure can be done nulliparously.

Among the commonly used, safe methods of removing erosion are the following:

  1. Freezing (cryolysis) - exposure to liquid nitrogen on the affected tissue.
  2. Radio wave method - the Surgitron apparatus is used (a radio knife cuts out damaged areas).
  3. Coagulation (cauterization) by electric current.
  4. Laser coagulation.
  5. Removal of erosion by chemical action - Salkovagin is used.

Any of the methods is aimed at removing damaged surfaces and requires properly organized rehabilitation. If everything is done on the recommendation of a doctor, then the body will quickly reject damaged tissues and a new epithelium will form.

How long does it take for tissue repair

All procedures are carried out on an outpatient basis, they are prescribed in a certain period - before menstruation occurs, or immediately after menstruation ends.

None of the methods is able to instantly heal damaged tissues; after the operation, wounds remain on the surface that need time to heal. The specialist warns the woman about the possible consequences, gives a detailed description of the recovery period and the processes that accompany this condition. The length of the period depends on the method used:

  1. If electrical (current) coagulation is used, then complete healing occurs in 8-9 weeks. Possible side effects include menstrual irregularities.
  2. When freezing with nitrogen (cryolysis), it will take 6-7 weeks to completely restore the epithelium.
  3. Laser coagulation is the most gentle method, has minimal trauma for healthy surfaces. The healing period lasts from 4 to 4.5 weeks.
  4. Chemical cauterization is indicated for minor injuries, the recovery period is 21-28 days.
  5. The radio wave method, like the laser one, does not affect the healthy epithelium, the wounds heal completely in 6-6.5 weeks.

Despite the complete healing of the cervix, doctors warn that if pregnancy is planned, then it should be postponed for another 3-4 months.

A significant advantage of this method is its safety: after the procedure, no scars are formed, the tissues of the cervix and vagina are not injured.

The disappearance of diseased cells is carried out due to the heat released by the tissues under the action of the Surgitron apparatus.

The rehabilitation period after cauterization by the Surgitron apparatus is short compared to other procedures.

The operation is usually prescribed immediately after the end of menstruation, and by the beginning of the next cycle, the wound on the neck is almost completely healed.

At the time of rehabilitation, you need to pay maximum attention to your health: strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations and carefully monitor all the signals that your body gives.

After the operation, gynecologists usually prescribe antimicrobial and regenerating drugs, if pain occurs after the procedure, it is possible to prescribe painkillers.

Issues that concern women

In no case should you self-diagnose and try to prescribe treatment. The symptoms of many diseases are similar, therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, an examination by a specialist (with abdominal palpation) and other diagnostic measures are necessary.

If the pulling pain is of a physiological nature (that is, it appeared after a rough sexual intercourse or increased physical exertion), discomfort can be reduced by resting and taking analgesic drugs.

Paracetamol-based drugs are considered the safest. For severe pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used, for example:

  • "Nurofen";
  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Ibufen".

For the treatment of genital infections, cystitis and pyelonephritis, the doctor will prescribe a woman antibiotic therapy with antibiotics. The drug of choice in most cases is Amoxicillin and drugs based on it, which can be enhanced with clavulanic acid. These include:

  • "Amoxiclav";
  • "Flemoxin";
  • "Amosin".

If the disease is in an advanced stage, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics from the macrolide group (for example, Clarithromycin). They are more effective, but the side effects of drugs in this group are more pronounced.

With spasms of the bladder, antispasmodics are recommended. These drugs relax smooth muscle muscles, eliminate spasm and reduce the severity of pain. The most popular drugs from the group of antispasmodic drugs include:

  • "No-shpa";
  • "Papaverine" (recommended in the form of rectal suppositories);
  • "Drotaverine".

Treatment of genital infections is also carried out with the use of antibiotic therapy aimed at the destruction of pathogenic flora and pathogens. Usually, a woman is prescribed local remedies that are applied to the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs and vaginal tract, and vaginal suppositories, but sometimes systemic therapy may be required.

The list of drugs used in gynecological and dermatovenereological practice for the treatment of women with genital infections includes:

  • "Hexicon";
  • "Macmirror";
  • "Pimafucin";
  • "Gynoflor";
  • "Terzhinan";
  • "Lomexin".

If the pulling pain is the result of diseases of the digestive system, complex therapy usually consists of the following drugs:

  • digestive enzymes ("Creon", "Pancreatin");
  • proton pump blockers ("Omeprazole", "Omez");
  • preparations for the neutralization of hydrochloric acid ("Renny", "Maalox", "Gaviscon");
  • enveloping agents to protect the mucosa ("Almagel").

Drawing pain in the abdomen is a common symptom in women of reproductive age. There are a lot of diseases that contribute to the appearance of this symptom, so there is no need to deal with treatment. If the pain does not go away after taking analgesics and lasts more than one day, you should consult a doctor.

  1. What can not be done after burning out the ectopia with current? Within a month, you can not have sex, take a bath, use tampons.
  2. After the operation to remove the ectopia, it did not go away, since the size of the foci is very large, what should I do? The doctor should prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Relief suppositories.
  3. Five days after the procedure, pinkish discharge appeared, is this normal? Yes, it's absolutely normal!
  4. Is it possible to play sports and go to the sauna after a month after the therapy? Everything can be done after a month, but you can’t lift weights.
  5. Two weeks have passed after the procedure, and now the blood has gone, what should I do and is it dangerous? If the blood is not strong, then it's okay, as the healing process is underway.

If you have any concerns, it is better to do a cytological smear. For any unusual symptoms, contact your gynecologist.

What is an ectopia?

Pregnancy and childbirth

Doctors advise not to plan the conception of a child earlier than 3 months after the operation. This period will ensure complete healing of the ectopia.

Pregnancy will proceed normally only after complete recovery, so you should listen to the doctor's recommendations.

The radio wave method of cauterization is one of the few ways to treat erosion for those who are going to have a baby.

One of its advantages is that after cauterization, the cervix remains as elastic as before, which ensures a healthy pregnancy and childbirth without complications. The expectant mother should take care of strengthening the immune system and taking vitamin complexes in advance.

Pregnancy after erosion must be carefully planned and regularly visited by a doctor. The main risk is a recurrence of erosion during pregnancy or a complication of untreated ectopia. Very rarely, pregnancy with erosion can provoke cervical cancer.

Erosion is a gynecological disease that a doctor diagnoses in every second woman of childbearing age. The disease is asymptomatic. A common method of treatment is cauterization of erosion.

This pathology is important to diagnose and cure in time. Failure to follow the instructions of specialists after the procedure increases the risk of complications.

The essence of the procedure

The procedure for cauterization of cervical erosion is a group of therapeutic techniques, the purpose of which is to eliminate the disease by destroying pathological cells. There are several ways:

  • diathermocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • laser vaporization;
  • radio wave coagulation;
  • method of argon plasma ablation;
  • electroconization;
  • ultrasound;
  • chemical or drug cauterization.

Diathermocoagulation involves electric current treatment. The method is recognized as outdated and the most traumatic.

Cryodestruction is a method of getting rid of erosion by cauterization with nitrogen. The specialist freezes pathological cells, thereby stopping their destruction.

Laser vaporization involves laser removal of erosion. The method is gentle, but effective.

Radio waves are used to carry out radio wave coagulation. The way to get rid of the disease is promising and less traumatic.

Erosion is also treated with argon, the method is called argon plasma ablation.

For execution, an apparatus is used in which argon undergoes ionization with high-frequency currents and a plasma beam, while the action occurs exclusively pointwise.

Electroconization - removal of erosion by partial removal of the cervix.

Ultrasound is a method of getting rid of erosion by exposure to ultrasound.

Chemical or drug cauterization involves the use of a special preparation, with the help of which a specialist causes tissue necrosis, forms a scab, which is later replaced by a new layer.

The cauterization method is selected exclusively by the doctor, based on the general condition of the woman, her age, the presence of diseases, etc.

It is worth noting that the gynecologist excludes contraindications to the procedure, directs the woman for a complete examination and prepares for manipulation.

The cauterization procedure is performed in the second half of the cycle. First of all, the doctor treats the zone and determines its boundaries, then destroys the erosion cells. Further, a scab or film forms on the treated area. After some time, the tissue damaged during the procedure departs, a healthy one is formed, and a scar often appears in place of the affected area.

Pregnancy after cauterization of erosion

The main thing that women are afraid of when they hear that erosion should be cauterized is the consequences of the procedure on reproductive function. There is no direct effect on ovarian function and cell production by any of the methods listed above. After cauterization of erosion, problems with conception arise for the following reasons:

  • the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • stress;
  • the presence of a large number of scars.

When can it come

After the procedure, pregnancy will certainly occur, if there are no other reasons for difficulties with conception.

However, this will not happen immediately. The manipulation involves regular observation of a woman by a gynecologist during the first three months. Further, depending on the state of health and the woman's body, the doctor makes a prescription, only after that you can attempt to conceive.

After how much can

The cauterization procedure itself is not dangerous for the body and for pregnancy, but it takes time for the mucous membrane to heal. Erosion is a pathology that can return again, the girl is under the regular supervision of a specialist.

The wound that remains after the procedure heals for a long time, often accompanied by pain and discharge, in connection with this, the woman's sexual life undergoes changes - it is recommended to have an intimate relationship after cauterization no earlier than a month and a half later. Sexual contacts committed before this time are likely to cause unpleasant painful sensations. However, much depends on the woman's body.

When the erosion is small and a point removal of a mucosal area was used to get rid of it, the recovery process is quite short: after a few days the woman goes home, her recovery period is about 3-4 months. After this period and a doctor's examination, you can plan a pregnancy.

If it was located near the opening of the neck, then the removal of such a pathology leads to a violation of the closure, and this has a bad effect on bearing a child. In this case, the recovery period is at least six months.

And finally, if it was extensive or multiple and large areas of tissue were removed during the procedure, it will take about a year to prepare the body for pregnancy.

Possible complications

So that cauterization of erosion does not cause complications, a woman must follow a number of recommendations.

  • Refrain from sexual intercourse for at least a month after the procedures. Otherwise, the cervix will recover much longer. Lack of sexual life will prevent infection with viral ones, which are provocateurs of various diseases;
  • You can not douche with potassium permanganate, alcohol or iodine, otherwise it is likely to burn the tissue, which will delay the healing process.

Pregnancy after cauterization of cervical erosion with current: differences

Pregnancy, which, after the procedure for cauterization of cervical erosion by current, is not remarkable. The only thing to note is that the number of inspections is somewhat higher.

This is necessary so that the doctor has the opportunity to observe the absence of pathological epithelium.

A change in the hormonal background of a woman in position can provoke a remission.

How long can you give birth

It is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question: how long after the operation you can give birth. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The cauterization method is very traumatic, and therefore, it is necessary to obtain permission from the gynecologist to conceive, as a rule, the body recovers on average from three months to one and a half years.

Can there be complications

The scars that form as a result of cauterization directly affect childbirth, or rather, can become an obstacle to the natural resolution of the situation.

The method of cauterization with current is used only in extreme cases, when other methods of getting rid of the disease are powerless. There is a high probability of losing the ability to conceive.

Special occasions

In the event that the disease was detected already during pregnancy, its treatment should be postponed until after childbirth.

Dangerous situations after cauterization during pregnancy

It is necessary to use the most gentle way. It is important to remember that it is not worth treating an ailment while in a position. Otherwise, there is a possibility of opening dangerous bleeding for the fetus.

Cervical erosion is not a sentence. It is worth remembering that in the world of modern technology, it is quite possible for specialists to cure this disease. If a woman is only planning a child, and an ailment was discovered, then with the testimony of a gynecologist, he is treated.

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