How to love yourself with acne on the face. Personal experience: how I cured acne

Indeed, according to statistics, 85-90% of young people aged 15 to 25 years old, acne occurs in chronic form. However, 10-12% of the disease continues and after that age.

Angry disease has 4 stages.

Relatively lungs - the first and second. They pass almost without inflammation, only with single pimples and guns. At the first stage, open and closed hasty traffic jams (comedones) are only on the face, with the second - on the face and on the body: on the back, on the shoulders, in the zone decolte. The third and fourth stage are already serious inflammatory reactions: inside the greatest ducts are deeply inflamed nodules and guns, which leave behind the coarse scars, and burgundy spots caused by the expansion of the capillary network, uneven skin pigmentation.

The main cause of acne is seborrhea, that is, the reinforced generation of the skin saline, as well as the accumulation on the surface of the skin of a large number of epidermis burded cells. They clog the mouth of the hair follicles and pore, forming harsh tubes. In closed pores, favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of propionic bacteria, which relate to anaerobic microflora, that is, develop outside oxygen.

Competent skin care is hardly the main component of the treatment of acne. It develops out of several steps.

1st step. Regular removal of excess skin saline

Special cosmetics for the care of problem skin will help, which will act gently and delicately. With this problem, it is impossible to wash hot water with soap, because it leads to dehydration of the skin and the enhanced production of the skin. In addition, hot water is further expanding and without quite large pores. Proper to use warm water for washing, and finish cold or wipe the face with ice cube: the cold narrows the pores and tones the skin.

To remove excess salla, you can use 2-3 times a week cleansing masks and gummages based on cosmetic clay. They carefully cope with this task.

2nd step. Exfoliation of dead cornel cells

For this purpose, surface chemical peels based on glycolic and lactic acid, as well as enzyme peelings, which are well balary the surface layer of burrot cells and gently remove them. Good keratolithic effects also have preparations with salicylic acid.

With inflamed nodules you can not use scrubs and washcloths: they will irritate the skin. It will be possible to return to them when the inflammation subsides, and then use them no more than once a week.

3rd step. Antibacterial skin treatment

It is also important to act very carefully. Lotions with 2.5% benzene peroxide can be used. A concentrated solution may cause irritation. Under the ban and alcohol-containing agents, which are also aggressive towards the skin and too dry it. A good antibacterial effect and some natural antiseptics based on tea tree oil, yarrow extract, etc. have a good antibacterial effect.

4th step. Moisturizing skin

It helps to improve the skin. To replenish the water balance of the skin, it is important to use urea products, hyaluronic acid, natural moisturizing factor.

5th step. Sunbeam protection

To do this, it is preferable to use creams with physical UV filters, for example, zinc oxide: they are less irritated to the skin.

6th step. Power Correction

It is necessary to limit roasted, sharp, salty, sweet, bran and other rich fiber products. Useful for acne diseases low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, yogurt, porridge from whole grain cereals.

7th step. Immunity increase

Immunostimulants of vegetable origin will help this task: Echinacea extracts, Chinese, ginseng lemongrass, Eleutherococcus. Increase the protection of the body will also help the reception of vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as macro and trace elements: sulfur, zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium and calcium.

Acne is one of the most controversial diseases. In adolescence, they suffer to 85% of Europe inhabitants, and it is so commonplace that it seems easier acne
do not treat, but only wait a couple of years until it goes. However, for each tenth acne, it turns out to be a satellite and more adult age, and the illness at first sight of the disease can affect the daily communication of man and even bring it to depression.
The Village recorded the story of an ordinary Muscovite, which faced skin problems after 20 years and in search of treatment reached even to non-traditional medicine methods.

How it all started

At 20, I first came to the cosmetologist for the first time in my life. A cute girl in a mask and a white coat asked me to undress, covered with a long white towel, caused a pleasant gel on the face and began to diligently flush the thick layer of the tonal cream. We were silent, and the more she cleared my face, the defenseless and uncertainty, I felt: it seemed to be stripped. When the cosmetologist was last wiped the skin with a warm wet towel, she carefully said: "You know, we don't even work with that." My face was red-blue: forehead, cheeks, chin - everything was sleeping with big painful pimples. To the state with which some cosmetologists do not even decide to work, the skin on the face was spoiled in just a year.

In fact, I didn't even have problems with the skin even in adolescence. Until now, with sadness I look at the old photos, on which I am without a gram of a tonal cream on the face. Acne has always been from someone else. I remember how in student times after the next party I was at home at the girlfriend. Before bedtime, she washed off the tone cream and said with some threat to his voice: "No one say that I saw me in such a state."

Everything happened suddenly: here one behind one closed white comedones appear, and I already lay the crimson and defenseless under a bright lamp of a confused cosmetologist. The scale of the problem I underestimated from the very beginning. About the year the only means of treatment were cleaning in cosmetic salons and medical cosmetics from the mass market. It didn't get better. In about the year of the torment, Mom took me to the gastroenterologist, who discovered the mass of internal problems and wrote down the handful of drugs. The following was a visit to the endocrinologist. The doctor looked at me and sluggishly said: "You have a clearly hormonal violation, drink oral contraceptives," and immediately wrote me a pill called "Yarina". Then, years later, examining other specialists, I learned that it was rather irresponsible - to write hormonal drugs on the eyes, without testing.

Hormonal contraceptives are often used to combat acne. Doctors usually indicate their antagandogenic properties - such drugs reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands. And despite the fact that the hormonal reason for the appearance of acne has not been proven, the pills discharged blindly helped. After about a year, only the pale consequences of painful redness were left on my face - pedestal and light scars. There was no new inflammation, and over time I gladly forgot about my problem. Here it would be possible to finish my simple story, but no matter how wrong. Magic pills from acne still does not exist.

Bad experience

I took oral contraceptives for four years, when I started to think: still there is something unhealthy in drinking hormonal pills for so long. Doubts only increased when gradually acne began to appear on my face again. This time I was very frightened and began to convulse on doctors. Hope for the fact that one or two specialists will help me cope with the problem, it disappeared rather quickly. One dermatologist is a very emotional lady with red nails and a dust red hair - Printed a standard sheet with assignments for me. In the long list was all sorts of drugs to combat acne: ointment, creams, tablets. Total ten items. At the same time, there were no explanations from the doctor, in which sequence it is all smeared and pulling out, and I have confidence worth it. The next dermatologist spread his hands and pointed out in his recommendation only the actants necessary for the treatment of the active substances, which in the medicines I followed the most. The main conclusion was the words "by the summer will be held.

Gynecologists, examining me, dispersed: Some said that it was worth stopping hormonal pills for a while, and did not turn over the consequences, others - that when taking modern hormones, no breaks are needed. However, they all emphasized that acne (no matter what kind of origin) is not their specialization. I received the most unforgettable recommendation from the head of one perinatal center: "Give it - everything will be held." With my questions about some pimples, I clearly distracted her from more important things. So, in the search for a suitable treatment regimen, I encountered an important problem: many doctors do not consider acne to be treated at all.

While the doctors swelling me and I did not decide to cancel the hormones, the skin condition was only impaired. So I fell into the classical situation of the desperate patient: not finding assistance in the field of classical medicine, I decided to try folk remedies.

To the idea of \u200b\u200bcontacting Almighty, judging by the reviews, Friends pushed me homeopath. By that time they went to a fat unheated with a beard for 12 years 12, and in the stories like "he cured my asthma" wanted to believe more than ever. Even more hopes inspired that on the formation of a uncle - an obstetrician-gynecologist.

It was possible to sign up for the first reception worth 12 thousand rubles, it was possible for six months, but friends were helpful, and somehow shoved me without a queue. Session (otherwise you can't call) lasted two hours: the uncle asked everything - from my personal complaints and a list of family diseases before I imagine myself. After a detailed abrasion of the homeopath used the Fall method: I kept one electrode in my hand, and then he pressed at different points of my palms, which are supposed to be associated with the internal organs. Thus, they believe homeopaths, one can detect the disease at an early stage. The method, as well as much in this field of treatment, is not officially recognized, and in the USA is generally prohibited. However, when official medicine does not perceive your problems seriously, you go to the doctor who pokes the electrodes in your fingers, and hope that at least it will help.

The homeopath with confidence abolished the hormones that I took, gave me the packaging of some sweet balls and recommended to come in six months. I was delighted: before that day, no doctor worried as many details of my illness.

Homeopathy did not help me. I took pleasant sweet balls, but everything is without. In 25 years - aged when the acne seemed to me, normal people forget - the skin on the face was again covered with painful inflammations, which were left behind noticeable scars. And in my cosmetic arsenal, a dense tone cream appeared again, which my young man silently nicknamed. Without this smear, I felt naked. Without her, I did not even leave the bathroom - God forbid someone, even close, will see mine, so to speak, a true face.

It was clear that a good dermatologist need, and I was advised by one specialist. Looking ahead, I will say: never follow the untested advice. It was a female doctor who worked in a private clinic at the other end of Moscow. She carefully listened to my complaints, with confidence of hormonal violations as the cause of acne, appointed me a healing gel with an active substance called adapal and several cosmetics from the mass market, recommended to go to her for procedures, and also, which is interesting, canceled cleaning. According to this specialist, they only injured the skin and did not give results.

All Slushny Autumn and half of winter I went to her on the subway with two transplants. I was given lightweight peelings and masks, plasmolifting (plasma injections in the face) and even the cololi drug, which includes a placenta - it should have increased skin immunity and accelerate cell regeneration. Moreover, each time the doctor prescribed me new and new creams and ointments. At the same time, it resolutely refused from cleaning.

At one of the techniques, the day before my departure to the sea, the doctor said that I could not leave for a hot country with a big inflamed pimple on the cheek, after which I "dissolved" it with an acid. The next day, I woke up in horror with an open wound on my face and called a dermatologist. She advised to buy another ointment (I am now scored by the whole refrigerator), which will help the wound to delay, and a lot of patches. On vacation, I flew away with a terrible mood and a squatted cheek. We walked around the sunny beach, and I only thought that about the plaster on my face and the wound beneath him. I remember, I said then: "What a terrible one was!" - All his horrors reflected on my face.

Because of the fact that I have not made cosmetic cleaning for several months, more and more white closed comedones appeared on the skin. The doctor to fight with them suggested a light acid peeling, which I myself applied to my face. When I said that the comedones do not disappear and over time they are strongly inflamed, the dermatologist replied: "Do not invent". At that moment it became clear - something went wrong. Apotheosis of our communication has become a series of hi-turonic acids. In principle, there was nothing wrong to carry out a procedure to a person with my problem: the drug saturates the skin moisture (and it is not enough of the dushing therapeutic ointments, as a rule, and lacks oily skin), has an anti-inflammatory and reducing effect. But several injections on my dirty due to several months without cleaning the skin simply spread the infection and provoked another inflammation - already all over the face. At this, I ended my communication with the doctor.

Positive experience

As a rule, the nuclear war on the face provoke problems of internal organs, and detect these problems is critical for the result. But most dermatologists do not seek this. My experience has shown that many of them simply lack qualifications. To make it finally to the internal problems that cause acne, I passed a large-scale medical examination.

First of all it was important to figure out if I have hormonal disorders. The elevated level of male sex hormones affects the work of the sebaceous glands: they begin to produce a lot of skin salts, which is mixed with bacteria on the face and forms comedones. Almost all indicators on the results of the analyzes were normal, with the exception of one - Androtendion, which in the process of biosynthesis is converted to testosterone. However, when re-analysis and this indicator was normal. As a result, according to the results of the survey, the gynecologist considered that the hormonal failure could only be an indirect cause of my problems, and prescribed vitamins that normalize the cycle, and oral contraception - in case vitamins do not help.

Another important stage was the verification of the gastroenterologist. She showed that, in addition to standard gastritis, I have dysbacteriosis - a disorder of intestinal microflora, which provokes inflammatory processes. Along with this, the immunologist discovered my low immunity. Together, I began to treat.

The first results appeared not immediately. Almost immediately after the examination, I found a really good cosmetologist. She again began to make me cleaning and spelled out the clear scheme of outdoor treatment - the cosmetics of the Holy Land brand. In the morning I wash with sugar soap, wipe the face with lotion and nano-moisturizing cream. In the evening - the same thing, but instead of a cream - a pharmaceutical gel with an adapal in composition. Directly on inflammation, nano a pharmacy antibiotic solution with an active substance is clindamycin. I also recommended to abandon chocolate, milk and coffee, wipe the face with only disposable paper towels and more often change the pillowcase.

A tangible result appeared about the third month of outdoor and internal treatment. Now I do not have active inflammation, although the skin still needs cleaning, and only scars and pedestal are noticeable on the face. This can not be called victory, but this is exactly big progress.

More recently, when the problem of acne went into remission, there were several hi-turonic acids. After that, inflammation was even smaller, and in a recent vacation, for the first time I did not use the tone cream for the first time. I continue to regularly go to ultrasound cleaning and try to make it every three weeks. And in the autumn I plan to go through the procedure of laser peeling, which should align quite noticeable scars on my face. I hope for December I will forget about the tonal cream. And to keep the condition of the skin in a normal state, I will continue to use therapeutic cosmetics. Apparently, this is my cross - as long as I do not face the advice of one of the doctors.

How much is the treatment cost

In total, I struggle with acne seven years, taking into account the two-year-old period of remission. Calculate all expenses during this time will be only approximately. Here they are:



Facial cleaning

168 000 rubles for 48 months
year 2014

Facial cleaning

24 000 rubles for 6 months


192 000 rubles
2015 year

Masks and peelings

28 000 rubles for 14 weeks


10 000 rubles for 2 procedures

Injections by the drug
which included a placenta

Hello everyone, I will probably say as accepted. I am writing here just from hopelessness, I'm 22, not Russian as you understood, but it's not about it. The reason for which I want to kill myself is simple, acne on the face, and now I jumped up that it hurts so much. If briefly, I grew sufficiently with a shy, closed child. Frankly, I was a very attractive child in childhood, but now my face was very spoiled, because of all these procedures, antibiotics, etc. Immediately I will say I drank the drug Roaccutane from acne for a whole year, but after half a year everything returned with a new force and hit my health very seriously, and therefore I had the surgery, I will not say what. But the point is not even in this, but in the fact that in all these years I never lived, I always and at school, the university felt some kind of garbage, garbage. Here they write, children of age 13-14 years old have some trivial problems, like a guy threw, poured the subject, etc., but this is such nonsense, it is definitely not worth deprivation of life. But it seems I have the same trifle, but it turned into a serious problem for me. I can't walk down the street with such a rye, everyone turns around that I want to give them in my face, but I understand how flawed I am. Now I study in the magistracy, soon protection, and I want to kill myself, worked for a maximum of a month, but I left for external and mental problems, that is, I am sociophobe. Every day I bring my little sister from school and keep quiet all the way, good she is clever, I am mercy of me. Then I will lock in my room again and I want to die. You see because of external problems, I can not start relationships, do something, although I know that I slowly roll into the abyss. The best that I have it is a dream. There I forget what a freak and monster I am. This is not just a disease, she kills me slowly from the inside, new rashes are very painful. I adhere to the diet for more than a year, but everything is simple, I'm tired of watching what I eat, drink, etc. The disease not only discovered the demodex ticks and on the eyelashes, which still hit me. I so want to die, I do not understand the people who cry because of cancer or AIDS, they know that they will soon leave, and I as a monster in imprisonment, I can not kill myself, do not smash. I do not like the very idea of \u200b\u200bGod, he did not ask me if I want to come here, and the hell scared me if I kill myself. I was always brought up in the canons of Islam, but I do not understand what the point is to read in Arabic what I do not understand. All these rites, unless God sees the heart that I feel. Probably all because of the fact that in childhood I burned alive and mocked the flies and soldiers, maybe it was Kara God. Well, in principle, this is all that I wanted to say, you will not build a family with such a guy, I'd rather go from here the sooner the better. Thank you for reading.
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Ibrahim, Age: 22 / 10/06/2016


Hello. I myself had younger acne, but I cured from them, now I have no acne. So do not get upset, and it is better to consult a doctor and cure them. Acne will be held.

Dmitry, age: 34/06/10.2016

Ibrahim, in no case, even from the head of throwing such thoughts. I know this problem very well, my husband for a long time could not find a remedy for this problem, and the face and eyelashes and all the tri, what you wrote about, as if about him, he was only 35 years old at that time. We also tried everything, and these pills, too, he still drinks courses, they are expensive and very strong indeed. We fought a lot with his problem, but won. You just need to find myself and everything will be fine with you. You still have a lot of life ahead .... learn, be treated and be happy, I really wish it to you. But I ask only for God's sake, throw out these stupidity from the head! In a few years you will remember it with a smile, believe me.

KSEGY, Age: 35/06/10.2016

Hello! Ibrahim, people live with different sores, sometimes without hands, without legs, and despite this create families, participate in paralympiars, find themselves and their place in life. Try to walk to a psychologist. It is important to you to take yourself, not to comprehensive for so much so that it prevented you to live. Hold on!

Irina, Age: 28/06/10.2016

Hello Ibrahim. I read your problem, very sympathizing. Maybe you have acne on the face causes the same tick? If so, can you try to help yourself yourself? Treatment of demodex is not a simple occupation and not fast, it may take a lot of time, but first of all depends on the observance of personal hygiene rules. Do not touch the face and amazed areas, thereby spreading the tick. Make sure that the face is not sweaty, fatty, dusty, change the penny pillow (if it is) to stretch all the underwear on what sleep in cool boiling water and stroke, change the pillowcase every day and before use on both sides, try, use for washing the decoction From the leaves of walnut, avoid sunlight (tan), creams, washed with warm water. And it is also very important to raise immunity, drink vitamins mineral in Va! Do sport. There is no fat, sharp, but only a healthy rich in vitamins food. And now about you, in writing I see that you are a good sensual guy. I ask you, do not despair! It is difficult with such a problem, I understand, especially if it concerns your appearance, but this is not congenital vice, I am more than confident that you can win. Do not pay attention to people, no one for you. You talked about sister, do you want to leave her without yourself? She will probably be very suffering !! And if she needs your defense? And mom, and dad? You do not love them? The disease will leave, but death is forever and very painful, especially those whom you leave here. Mother will develop from grief, the sister's brilliance will disappear. Well, do you need it? Baby with a notch, do not give up! I wish you full recovery! Please do not do corrected mistakes! Tanya

Tanya, age: 32 / 06.10.2016

Even a heavy form of acne ends to 25 years, since their fundamental reason is, elevated testosterone. Until this time, it is necessary to apply external treatment and postpone money for the treatment of the post acne. Two or three laser grinding will be returned to you by your normal skin. And trying not to lose heart, you are not disabled, you can walk, run, play sports, you have a huge horizon of opportunities. And you can return your beauty, although it does not bring the happiness special. This is not the point, but in something, everyone finds himself.

Alexander, Age: 22/06/10.2016

Ibrahim, remember the proverbs "Meet the clothes, accompanied by the mind"? The first impression (bad skin, etc.) is early or later erased and then the attitude towards you other people will depend only on your internal content. I saw many such examples, including with the skin (there was a girl in the course, it was not very pleasant because of the skin and the person myself, but it was in her personality / the nature of something because of what a few guys In our female faculty could not divide it, in general, some passion took place). Ibrahim, look for yourself a couple among girls who are near you on debt work / study, who have the time to learn you as a person. Well, without intrusiveness, of course, do not wait for someone something you should, because you tried to be perfect for someone. Be yourself and be just a good person, I'm sure your companion expect. I wish you happiness and always choose life.

Anna, Age: 35/06/10.2016

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How to live with acne? What if you tried all available treatments, spent a lot of strength, time and money, and hated inflammation continue to "live and multiply" on your exhausted skin? Options at least three. Continue to lead the "war" by all known methods. Learn competent disguise. Or just love yourself with all its shortcomings. These popular beauty bloggers know everything and even more acne! They passed "fire, water, copper pipes" and continue to fight to this day.

Katie Snooks (Katie Snooks)

Katie Snuks is a popular beauty blogger, which, like other "colleagues on the workshop", makes reviews for faces and hair, but it's not surprising in it. For more than 10 years, Katie suffers from the hardest form of acne. She tried everything - from popular cosmetics and antibiotics to diets and "heavy" drugs intended for the treatment of serious skin diseases.


For seven months, Katie was shared with her audience, as her treatment proceeds by one of the most aggressive drugs against acne. The medicine has many side effects, not only physical, but also mental. But Katie believes that the game is worth the candle.

"If you suffered from acne for a whole 10 years, you would definitely understand me. All these side effects are nothing, compared to how many times I felt uncertain and depressed because of my skin, "said Katie.

Beauty blogger says that today its main goal is to give confidence to people with flaws of the skin. By the way, her own skin today began to look much better.

Em Ford

Another popular beauty blogger is an Englishman Em Ford, which on his own example showed millions of girls that anyone can be beautiful, it is only necessary to love yourself. Her blog "My Pale Skin" ("My Pale Leather") appeared in June 2014.

According to AM, he became for her the very place where she felt safe, started friends and told about their beauty discoveries. Everything has changed in 2015, when the girl faced the hardest form of acne. The once charming licho EM was covered with pimples, black dots and scars, but the girl had enough courage to post their photos without makeup.

Thus, the blogger wanted to show other girls that even with such a serious illness as acne, you can be happy and confident. Later, in July 2015, Katie posted a candid movie "You Look Disgusting" ("Look disgusting"), where he posted all the comments that receive from the Weights on the network.

The most "gentle" of them were: "It is impossible to look at it!", "What a nonsense!", "And she did not try to wash in his life, so really?" And finally, "you look disgusting!". The roller received 10 million views over the week, and EM - contracts with well-known cosmetic brands, among which Kylie Cosmetics from Kylie Jenner and L'Oreal Paris.

I treated acne four years. Changed five dermatologists, went to cosmetologists, spent a lot of money on leaving cosmetics and saw pills with serious panels. Now I have healthy skin.

This article will be useful to you if you want to know:

  • what is the cause of acne;
  • what doctors to contact;
  • how to care for the face;
  • what errors in treatment can not be allowed.

The material is prepared in conjunction with a dermatologist with a support for medical sources.

Acne is a skin disease

Illustration author -.

There are different stages acne: light, medium and heavy. Depending on the stage, an individual treatment is selected by a dermatologist and for each patient.

Acne treatment is a long process. He can take several months or even years. Clinical improvement occurs only in a few months. You can not drink pills, buy a new cream and wake up with a clean face.

Causes of acne

Causes and provoking factors can be combined differently from each person. Proper acne treatment may take more than one month. This is a long process.

According to the doctor-dermatologist Nazarov R.N., the most accurate causes of acne's development are set out in the monograph of Samtsova A. V. Akne and Akneformal dermatoses.

If you do not search for and eliminating the reasons, acne can come back again and again.

My reason

Illustration author -.

Care of problem skin

Illustration author -
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