Methods of experimental research. Methods "Self-assessment of the will of the willing method of studying self-assessment of the force of the will of the invoice

For the study of moral and volitional qualities, athletes aged 15-16 years in the amount of 15 people were taken.

The study was conducted using techniques such as:

  • 1. Methods of studying the impulsiveness and volitional regulation of adolescents.
  • 2. The technique "Social courage" This technique is a fragment of the method of multifactorial research of the personality of R. kettella (factor H).
  • 3. The test "self-assessment of the force of the will" The technique is described by N.Noshov (1976) and is designed to characterize the manifestation of "Will Force"

Methods of studying impulsiveness and volitional regulation of adolescents

This technique is a questionnaire, containing 22 questions. (Appendix1) Responding to them, the teenager has a choice of 5 replies, each of which is estimated on a five-point system. Questions directly relate to the assessment of their actions in different situations. Test Estimation: Power Scale - Questions 1-12; a_5 points, b_4, v_3, r_2, d_1.; Volga Regulation scale - Questions 13-22; a_5 points, b_4, v_3, g_2, d_1.

The technique confirms the provisions that the young men and girls aged 15-16 years have already formed such an important part of the person as the ability to control and manage their emotions and feelings. They are able to evaluate their actions, although it is often difficult to explain the motives that prompted them to do this.

Methods "Social courage"

This technique is a fragment of the method of multifactorial research of the personality of R. kettella (factor H).

This technique is a test questionnaire containing 13 questions (annex2).

Processing survey data: For the answers "A" and "B" is charged by 2 points, for the answer "B" - 1 point. The answers "Yes" are taken into account on paragraphs 1,2,4, b, 8.10, 12,13 and the answers "no" on paragraphs 7, 9, 11. The total amount of points is calculated.

The larger the scored amount of points, the more social courage is expressed.

Test "Self-esteem of the Will Force"

The technique is described by visual (1976) and is designed to characterize the manifestation of "Will Force"

This technique is a test questionnaire containing 15 questions (Appendix 3)

You can answer "yes" - 2 points, "I don't know" or "happens" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points.

The sum of the scored points is calculated: 0-12 points - "Will force" is weak; 13-21 points - "Will power" average; 22-30 points - "Will strength" big.

You can answer "yes" - 2 points, "I don't know" or "happens" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points. The sum of the scored points is calculated: 0-12 points - "Will force" is weak; 13-21 points - "Will power" average; 22-30 points - "Will strength" big. The technique is described by H Nunic (1976) and is designed to characterize the manifestation of "Will Force"

The text of the questionnaire

1. Is it able to complete the work started, which you are not interested, no matter what time and circumstances allow you to take off from it and then go back to it again?

2. Have you overcome without much effort internal resistance when you needed to do something unpleasant (for example, go to duty on a weekend?

3. When you fall into a conflict situation at work or in everyday life, is you able to take yourself in your hands so as to look at it with maximum objectivity?

4. If a diet is prescribed to you, can you overcome all culinary temptations?

5. Do you find your strength in the morning before usual as planned in the evening?

6. Do you remain at the scene to give testimony?

7. Do you quickly answer letters?

8. If you have a fear of the upcoming flight on the plane or visit to the dentist, you will be able to easily overcome this feeling and at the last moment do not change your intention

9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that the doctor recommended you?

10. Do you determine this sorry promise, even if its execution will bring a lot of trouble, are you a man of words?

11. Without hesitation, do you go on a trip to an unfamiliar city if necessary?

12. Do you strictly hold the routine of the day of awakening time, eat food, occupation, cleaning and other affairs?

13. Are you disapprovingly to library gibbons?

14. The most interesting TV show will not make you postpone the fulfillment of urgent work. Is it so?

15. Can you interrupt the quarrel and silence, whatever the words of the opposite side seemed to you?

Test "Self-assessment of the Will Force."

The technique is described and intended for the generalized characteristics of the manifestation of the force of the will.

Instruction. The following questions can be answered: "Yes" - 2 points, "I don't know" or "happens", "happens" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points. When answering, you must immediately put points.

The text of the questionnaire.

1. Is you able to complete the work done, which is not interesting for you, no matter what time and circumstances allow you to break away from it and then go back to it again?

2. Have you overcome internal resistance without much effort when it was necessary to do something unpleasant to you (for example, go to duty on a weekend)?

3. When you fall into a conflict situation at work or in everyday life, is you able to take yourself in your hands so as to look at it with maximum objectivity?

4. If a diet is prescribed to you, can all the culinary temptations be overcome?

5. Do you find the power in the morning to get up early, as was planned in the evening?

6. Will there be at the scene to give testimony?

7. Do you respond quickly to letters?

8. If you have a fear of the upcoming flight on an airplane or a visit to the dental office, will we be able to easily overcome this feeling and at the last moment not to change your intention?

9. Will it be a very unpleasant medicine that the doctor recommended you?

10. Do you determine the promise, even if its execution brings you a lot of trouble? Are you a word of the word?

11. Do you go on a trip to an unfamiliar city without oscillations, if necessary?

12. Strictly whether the routine of the day is strictly: the time of awakening, eating, classes, cleaning and other affairs?

13. Do you consider disapprovingly to library gibbons?

14. The most interesting TV show will not make you postpone the fulfillment of urgent and important work? Is it so?

15. Can you interrupt the quarrel and silence, whatever the words of the opposite side seemed to you?

The sum of the scored points is calculated: 0-12 - the power of the Will is weak; 13-21 - the power of the Will average; 22-30 - Will big power.

A questionnaire for self-esteem patient.

The technique is designed and.

Instruction. Answer whether you agree with the statements offered to you. If you agree, next to place the "+" sign, if you do not agree, then the "-" sign.

The text of the questionnaire.

1. If I get tired when performing hard work, I immediately throw it.

3. I really do not like to stand in long queues and is often leaving from them, I do not stand until the end.

4. I can endure the pain for for example, when the tooth hurts.

5. Usually I can carry thirst for a long time.

6. I would not stand long-term hunger strike, for example, to lose weight, recover from the disease.

7. When I get tired at the physical education class, I quickly stop doing exercises.

8. I rarely throw boring work without bringing it to the end.

9. Usually it is difficult for me to force myself to work "I can't".

10. I do not throw work on half of the way, despite fatigue.

11. I like such a physical work in which I have to overpower yourself to fulfill the task.

12. I can confidently say that I am patient.

13. Despite stuck, I try to maintain a high pace when running.

14. I am annoyed when there is a long time to wait for a long time, even when I do not hurry.

15. I am impatient to pain.

17. I act according to the principle: "He took up for a man, do not say that not a duzh."

18. I do not think that "patience and work will be perfect"; It is necessary to work with the mind, and not overwork.

The key to decoding. One point is charged for the answers "Yes" by positions 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17 and for the answers "No" by positions 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 18.

The total amount of points is calculated. Evaluation of its patience is low, if answered up to 6 points inclusive, and high, if answered 12 points and more.

A questionnaire to assess his perseverance.

The technique is designed and.

You are offered a number of situations. Imagine yourself in these situations and appreciate how characteristic they are for you. If you agree with the statement, put the "+" sign, if you do not agree - the sign "-".

The text of the questionnaire.

1. If necessary, I will fully fulfill even boring, monotonous operation.

2. Usually I work as long as there is a desire.

3. I like to solve difficult tasks, puzzles, all what is called "hard nuts".

4. Even if in the work not everything turns out, I try to continue the work started.

5. I tried many times to plan my day, but I could not fulfill the outlined.

6. If possible, I avoid hard work.

7. If something does not work, I do it again and again.

8. By installing the routine of the day, I carefully observe it, even when I do not want it.

9. With difficulty, I often begin to doubt whether it is worth continuing the work.

10. If someone does not allow me to do what I want, I still try to fulfill the conceived.

11. When something is not laid, I am impatient and ready to send everything to hell.

12. When I play chess or other game, I resist until the last opportunity.

13. In the dispute, I most often do not try to convince others.

14. I always try to fulfill the case entrusted to me, despite the difficulties that arise.

15. I always defend my opinion if I am sure that the right.

16. When solving a difficult task, I try to figure it outself, and I do not hope for the help of others.

17. In the dispute, I usually spend the opponent beforead.

18. When I am sure that I stand on the right track, to proof my rightness, I can work as much as you like, even if I interfere.

The key to determine the degree of perseverance. Awarded one score for the answers "Yes" by positions 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, and for the answers "No" by positions 2, 5, 6. 9, 11, 13, 17.

The more points will be scored, the higher his persistence.

A questionnaire to assess its perseverance.

The questionnaire is designed and.

The text of the questionnaire.

1. I have already identified my goal for the future and prepare for its achievement.

2. I systematically strive to the intended goal, no matter how far it is.

3. I usually disappears the desire to seek a distant goal if anything hinders.

4. Even with failures, I am sure that I still get my own.

5. I try not to set itself very distant goals, as I think it is easier to live today.

6. I tried several times to engage in self-improvement, but nothing came out of this.

7. Failures knock me out of the gauge, and I refuse to achieve something significant.

8. If I set myself an important goal for me, it is difficult for me to stop.

9. The defeat encourages me to act with a double strength.

10. I tried many times to plan my week, but I could not fulfill the planned due to bad self-organization.

11. In case of difficulties, I begin to doubt whether it is worth continuing.

12. It is often difficult for me to bring the case to the end, especially if this is required for this weeks and months.

13. My relatives consider me obsessed.

14. I feel great satisfaction when I am achieving the accuracy in spite of the difficulties.

15. I often quit at half the way started business, losing interest in them.

16. I can wait and endure, so the remote goals do not frighten me.

17. Obstacles only disorder me, make my solutions more hard.

18. Laziness, and not doubt about success, forces me too often to refuse to achieve the goal.

The key to the evaluation of the answers. One point is charged for the answers "Yes" on positions 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17 and for the answers "No" on positions 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18.

The greater the amount of points gained in all positions, the greater the surveyed the self-esteem is expressed, testifying to its tendency to bring the work started to the end.

Method "Using the method of observation for evaluating volitional qualities" The technique is designed.

A fairly complete characteristic of the volitional activity of the subject can be obtained by observing its perseverance, initiative, determination, independence, excerpt, organizedness and discipline manifested in any form of activity. These volition qualities reflecting the activating and restraining function of the will are most brightly manifested in the actions and actions of the subjects, are convenient for observation, characteristic of all activities (teachings, labor, sports, social work). As for the purposefulness, it can be judged by the manifestation of the above qualities. Evaluation of the power of volitional qualities is made on the five-point system: 5 - the willared quality is very strongly developed, 4 is strongly developed, 3 - weakly developed, 2 - very poorly developed, 1 - volitional quality is not inherent in this subject (for greater accuracy, the assessment can be expressed with with tenth points of the score, for example, 3.7 or 4.2, etc.). The total assessment of each volitional quality is defined as the medium-ray, obtained from dividing the amount of estimates of this quality to the number of evaluating. If the medium-ray is equal to four and higher, this quality is strongly manifested, in other cases - volitional quality is considered weakly conveyed. So the power of each of the studied volitional qualities is determined. Assessment of the stability of this or other volitional quality is made in the frequency of manifestation of signs of this quality. Will quality is considered more or less stable if one of its signs is detected by the observed entity in this activity on average three or more times a week or if two or more signs manifest themselves on average at least two times a week during the observation of the subject. With a rarerging manifestation of signs, volitional quality is considered unstable. We give signs of these volitional qualities of schoolchildren. Signs of discipline: Conscious implementation of the procedure established in this activity (compliance with teacher requirements, timely execution of labor orders, fulfillment of all rules in sports, etc.); voluntary execution of the rules established by the team (class, members of the circle, a group of comrades for labor, sport, etc.);

Non-reconciliation of misconduct (care without permission from classes, non-appearance on the Sunday, etc.);

Compliance with disciplined behavior when changing the situation.

Signs of independence:

Execution of the subject of suturing activities without help and continuous control from (without reminders and prompts to fulfill the educational, labor task, etc.);

The ability to find an occupation itself and organize its activities (start training lessons, to serve yourself, find a way to relax, etc.);

The ability to defend its opinion without showing stubbornness, if not right;

The ability to observe the developed habits of independent behavior in the new conditions of activity.

Signs of perseverance:

The desire to constantly bring the work started to the end; the ability to prosecute a long time, without reducing energy in the fight against difficulties;

The ability to continue the activity in reluctance to deal with or when another, more interesting activities occur;

The ability to express perseverance with a changed setting (change of the collective, working conditions, etc.).

Signs of excerpts:

Manifestation of patience in activities performed in difficult conditions (great interference, failure, etc.);

Ability to keep yourself in conflict situations (in disputes, undeserved accusation, etc.);

The ability to slow down the manifestation of feelings with strong emotional excitation (great joy, indignation, etc.); The ability to control your behavior in an unusual setting.

Signs of Organizations:

Compliance with a certain order contributing to success in activities (keep in order of book, workplace, objects of labor and entertainment, etc.);

Planning their actions and reasonable alternation; Rational spending time, taking into account the situation; The ability to make a certain organization in their activities when a decline change.

Signs of determination:

Fast and deliberate decision making when performing a particular action or action;

Performing a decision made without hesitation, confidently; lack of confusion when making decisions under difficulty conditions and during emotional excitations;

Manifestation of decisive actions in an unusual setting.

Signs of initiative:

Manifestation of the subject of creativity, fiction, rationalization;

Participation in the implementation of a reasonable innovation, good undertaking emanating from others;

Active support for the team in the implementation of the planned plans;

The desire to manifest initiative in an unusual situation.

Conclusions. If the volitional quality of certain strength and stability is manifested only in one form of activity (teaching, labor, sport, social work), we can assume that this is the effect of the motive, interest in this activity, if in two or more activities - which is most likely quality Personality.

The test is intended for the generalized characteristics of the manifestation of the force of the Will.

Instruction:On the 15 questions you can answer "yes" - 2 points, "I don't know" or "happens", "happens" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points.

The text of the questionnaire.

Is it able to complete the work done, which you are not interested, no matter what time and circumstances allow you to break away from it and then go back to it again?

Have you overcome without much effort internal resistance when you needed to do something unpleasant (for example, go to duty on a weekend)?

When you fall into a conflict situation at school or in everyday life, are you able to take yourself in your hands to look at her with maximum objectivity?

If you are prescribed diet, can you overcome all culinary temptations?

Do you find the time in the morning to get up early as usual, as was planned in the evening?

Will you stay at the scene to give testimony?

Do you answer the letters fast?

If you have a fear of the upcoming flight on a plane or a visit to the dental office, will you be able to easily overcome this feeling and at the last moment do not change your intention?

Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that the doctor recommended you?

Do you determine this sorry promise, even if its execution brings you a lot of trouble, are you a man of words?

Without oscillations, do you go on a trip to an unfamiliar city, if necessary?

Do you strictly hold the routine of the day: the time of awakening, meals, exercises, cleaning and other affairs?

Are you disapprovingly to library gibbons?

The most interesting TV show will not make you postpone the fulfillment of urgent and important work. Is it so?

Can you interrupt the quarrel and silence, whatever the words of the opposite side seemed to you?


The amount of scored points is calculated:

0 - 12 points - the power of the Will is weak;

13 - 21 points - the power of the Will average;

22 - 30 points - the power of the Will is large.


Very weakly developed

Weakly developed

Strongly developed

Very weakly developed

Weakly developed

Strongly developed

Total assessment








The observation showed a strong difference in the manifestation of volitional qualities in boys and girls. In general assessment, there are no strongly developed will in boys, and girls have a small percentage (3.84%).

Among the studied adolescents did not reveal boys with highly developed discipline, independence, perseverance and initiative. In girls, the formation of these qualities is 7.69%, 19.23%, 19.23%, 7.69%, respectively.

When studying excerpts, it was noted that the boys in most part it is poorly developed (94.72%). In girls, this characteristic is different. 34.61% of girls have a highly developed excerpt.

The only factor in which boys above indicators are determined. With a strongly developed determination of boys almost twice as long than girls (boys - 42.1%, girls - 26.92%).

Self-assessment of a teenager willpower

The test results are quantitatively different from the observation results, but there is no qualitatively. According to the results of the study in girls, the willpower is more developed than the boys. With a strongly developed power of the will of girls almost 4 times more than boys (girls - 19.24%, boys - 5.26%). Almost all boys will have the wills of the will on the average level of development (89.48%). Most of the girls also have an average degree of willow development. However, the experiment conducted showed that a slightly larger than the boys.

Method "What am I?"

Test aggressiveness

Surname, name _____________________________________________________________

  1. During the dispute, I often raise my voice.
  2. If someone annoys me, I can tell him everything that I think about him.
  3. If I need to resort to physical strength to protect my rights, I, without thinking, do it.
  4. When I meet a unpleasant person to me, I can afford to imperceptibly pinch or push it.
  5. Fasciating with a dispute with another person, I can knock your fist on the table to attract attention or prove my right point.
  6. I constantly feel that others do not respect me.
  7. Sometimes it happens to me for myself.
  8. Although I do not apply, sometimes the envy is gnawing me.
  9. If I do not approve the behavior of my friends, then I am directly telling them about it.
  10. In a strong anger, I use strong expressions, foul language.
  11. If someone lifters your hand, I will try to hit it first.
  12. I am so treated that there are different items.
  13. I often have the need to fly a portfolio or your closet.
  14. In communicating with friends, I often feel like a "powder bar", which is constantly ready to explode.
  15. Sometimes I have a desire for evil to joke over others.
  16. When I am angry, I usually gloomy.
  17. In a conversation with a friend, I try to listen carefully to carefully without interrupting.
  18. I am always ready to put them in the course of the fists.
  19. If I know that someone intentionally pushed me out, then the matter can reach the fight.
  20. Creative mess on my desktop allows me to work effectively.
  21. I remember that I was so angry that everything was enough for her hand, and broke.
  22. Sometimes people annoy me only one presence.
  23. I often wonder what hidden reasons make another person do something good to me.
  24. If I am resentment, I will disappear to talk to anyone.
  25. Sometimes I intentionally telling nasty about a person who I do not like.
  26. When I get up, I scream the most angry curse.
  27. I avoid fighting.
  28. I know for what reason and when you can hit someone.
  29. When I get up, I can slap the door.
  30. It seems to me that the surrounding people do not like me.
  31. I am constantly sharing with other feelings and experiences.
  32. Very often, in my own words and actions, I myself bring harm.
  33. When people yell on me, I answer the same.
  34. If someone hit me first, I'll hit him in response.
  35. I am annoyed when items lie in your place.
  36. If I cannot repaire a broken or broken item, then I'm in anger lying or the rally it is finally.
  37. Others always seem more successful.
  38. When I think about a very unpleasant person, I can come to excite from the desire to hurt him.
  39. Sometimes it seems to me that fate played a joke with me.
  40. If someone draws me wrong, I am very upset about this.

Questionnaire to determine school motivation

Surname, name _____________________________________________________________

1. Do you like school? Yes; Not really; not;
2. In the morning you are always happy to go to school, or do you often want to stay at home? I am happy with joy; it's not always the same; More often, I want to stay at home;
3. If the teacher said that tomorrow at school it is not necessary to come to all students, would you go to school or stayed at home? would go to school; I do not know; would stay at home;
4. Do you like when some lessons are canceled? I do not like; it's not always the same; Like;
5. Would you like to not be asked any homework? would not want; I do not know; I would like to;
6. Would you like to have some changes in school? not; I do not know; I would like to;
7. Do you often tell about school to your parents and friends? often; seldom; I do not tell;
8. Would you like to have another, strict teacher? I like our teacher; I do not know for sure; I would like to;
9. Do you have many friends in class? lot; few; no friends;
10. Do you like your classmates!? like; Not really; do not like;

Test "Self-esteem of the Will Force"

Surname, name _____________________________________________________________

1. Is it able to complete the work started, which you are not interested, no matter what time and circumstances allow you to take off from it and then go back to it again? 2. Have you overcome internal resistance without much effort when it was necessary to do something unpleasant to you (for example, go to duty on a weekend)? 3. When you fall into a conflict situation at work (study) or in everyday life, in a state, whether you take yourself in your hands to look at it with maximum objectivity? 4. If a diet is prescribed to you, can you overcome all culinary temptations? 5. Do you find your strength in the morning before usual, as was planned in the evening? 6. Do you remain at the scene to give testimony? 7. Do you quickly answer letters? 8. If you have a fear of the upcoming flight on the plane or a visit to the dental office, Will you be able to easily overcome this feeling and at the last moment do not change your intention? 9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that a doctor recommended you? 10. Do you determine this sorry promise, even if his fulfillment will bring you a lot of trouble, are you a man of words? 11. Do you go on a trip to an unfamiliar city without oscillations, if necessary? 12. Do you hold the routine of the day strictly: time awakening time, meals, classes, cleaning and other affairs? 13. Are you disapprovingly to library gibbons? 14. The most interesting TV show will not make you postpone the fulfillment of urgent and important work. Is it so? 15. Can you interrupt the quarrel and silence, whatever the words of the opposite side seemed to you?
Have questions?

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