Hematologist - who is this? What does it heal? Pediatric and adult hematologist. How to make an appointment with a doctor, how to get a consultation? Where does the hematologist see: in the hospital, in the clinic, in the maternity hospital

Hematologist Is a therapist who specializes in blood diseases. He is also involved in the prevention, treatment and study of these diseases.

What does a hematologist do?

His competence includes that part of medicine, which is devoted to the peculiarities of the structure and functioning of the circulatory system, that is, blood, its organs, the causes and methods of determining blood diseases, methods of preventing such diseases.

What diseases does a hematologist treat?

The most common blood disorder is anemia. With this disease, the level of hemoglobin and erythrocytes decreases. The nature of this disease is different, but most often it occurs due to a lack of iron, therefore it is called iron deficiency anemia.

Iron plays an important role in the creation of hemoglobin in erythrocytes under construction in the bone marrow. Iron is present in the form of myoglobin protein in muscle tissues, it is present in the cells of respiratory enzymes. If there is not enough iron, there is a violation of many metabolic functions.

Iron deficiency is common in children under two years of age. It depends both on the characteristics of the development of the fetus, and on the formation of the child's body up to a year. An insufficient amount of iron may be even before the baby is born, when the mother experiences a severe degree of toxicosis during pregnancy, if the mother has diseases in the chronic stage, and especially if the pregnant woman has an iron deficiency or she adheres to a vegetarian diet. There may also be insufficient iron in children who were born twins, triplets or prematurely, since the child takes iron in the last three months of gestation.

Having been born, especially before one year, the growth of the child increases quite quickly. Within a year, his weight is three times his weight at birth, the amount of blood becomes 2.5 times more.

For this reason, the need for iron is increasing. This is where complications arise. Iron can be obtained exclusively through food.

Foods have different iron content, for example, there is little iron in milk. A child under one year old is fed mainly with milk, so these children have a lack of iron.

However, a child under one year old is under the supervision of parents, regularly visits the clinic. Therefore, deviations in the behavior and health of the baby, pallor of the skin, as a rule, are noticed on time and are perfectly treated with iron-containing preparations. An important role is given to normal nutrition, it is necessary to add complementary foods, juices containing vitamins on time.

If the iron deficiency is replenished in a timely manner, the child will get rid of anemia.

It is worth talking about another category of children who quite often suffer from a lack of iron in the body - these are girls during puberty, when the body is rebuilding, and there is a sharp jump in iron intake. Diagnosis in such cases is usually late. Iron deficiency is observed for a long time, and as a result, a whole complex of symptoms of chronic anemia develops. These include: fatigue, drowsiness, poor appetite. A sick child may not tolerate the taste, smell of fish and meat, but with appetite there are cereals and chalk. The skin becomes dry, hair and nails break. Changes in the state of the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx are observed, the process of swallowing may even be disrupted.

Also, during puberty, girls begin their menstrual cycle. If at the same time there are disorders in platelet formation, menstruation can be long and abundant. It can also lead to the development of iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency also appears during non-intense, but prolonged bleeding. This may be due to a violation of the gastric mucosa and other internal organs. The reason may be such diseases: hernias, polyps, tumors, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

For a child who has iron deficiency anemia due to chronic blood loss to recover, it is necessary to treat the disease that caused the bleeding. This often happens during surgery. This is the only way to restore iron deficiency and cure anemia.

Hemolytic anemia

The next common type of anemia is hemolytic anemia. With this disease, a normal number of red blood cells is formed in the bone marrow, but for some reason they do not live long, and soon they are destroyed.

Usually, hemolytic anemia is hereditary. But heredity can be different. Everything in the body is controlled by two genes: one gene is considered dominant, the other is secondary. The main disease is called a disease in which one gene is diseased, but it dominates and forms the disease, and the second, minor, is healthy. A disease in a recessive form, when there is control of two minor genes, both of which are not healthy and have the same negative information. Hereditary recessive diseases are difficult and difficult to treat. The hereditary form of hemolytic anemia, which is common, is called Minkowski-Shoffard microspherocytic hemolytic anemia. It is inherited according to the dominant type, while a violation of genetics is observed in the erythrocyte membrane.

Isferocytic hemolytic anemia is much less common. It is inherited in a recessive form, the disease is difficult. In this type of anemia, cells are rapidly destroyed due to a congenital lack of an enzyme present in red blood cells.

As a result, with a disease of hemolytic anemia, erythrocytes do not live long.

If Minkowski-Shoffard anemia is observed, destruction of red blood cells occurs in the spleen. In this organ, the destruction of old cells that have already worked out is carried out, even in a healthy state of the body.

Non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia - cells are destroyed wherever there are macrophages, which can identify red blood cells that are subject to changes. For example, this can occur in such organs: liver, bone marrow.

The main characteristics of all types of hemolytic anemias:

  • pale skin;
  • jaundice;

These patients are painfully pale, from time to time their condition worsens, the temperature rises, pallor and yellowness of the skin increase. This means that the disease has worsened - this is a hemolytic crisis. At this time, the patient is prescribed special treatment, often a blood transfusion.

Minkowski-Shoffard anemia is also treated surgically. In this case, the spleen is removed as an organ that is responsible for the rapid destruction of red blood cells. In the event that the Minkowski-Shoffard disease passes easily, crises are rare, but after a while gallstone disease may appear. By removing the spleen, the patient is provided with recovery. The blood composition normalizes, jaundice passes, stones do not form in the gallbladder. But at the same time, a genetic trait remains, which is inherited. If the parent underwent surgery, there is still the possibility of passing hemolytic anemia to the child.

Non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia not often found. Based on the fact that red blood cells are destroyed in several organs, removing the spleen is not effective. In this type of anemia, the destruction of red blood cells does not depend on the dysfunctions of the bone marrow.

With Minkowski-Shoffard anemia, there is an insufficient supply of iron or its loss during bleeding. The cause of non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia is genetic disorders in the erythrocyte, which does not live long and is rapidly destroyed both in the spleen and in other organs.

Hypoplastic anemia

In hypoplastic anemia, primary damage to the bone marrow occurs. In this case, the process of hematopoiesis is disrupted. With this disease, all hematopoiesis is affected, both leukocytes and platelets. In the blood, the level of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets is underestimated, in the bone marrow there is an increased level of adipose tissue.

Hypoplastic anemia can be congenital or acquired. The congenital form is Fanconi anemia. There is a hematological disorder against the background of congenital bone diseases. Hypoplastic anemia can manifest itself in the form of the birth of a child with extra fingers, or a lack of them, slow growth, small head size, a row of teeth is formed incorrectly. At 5-6 years of age, hematological anemia occurs.

There is also a partial form of anemia, in which there is a violation of the system of formation in the blood of leukocytes, erythrocytes and thrombophlebitis. The disease is detected in infancy, is difficult.

Aplastic anemia

A special type is aplastic anemia, when it is difficult to identify the cause of the disease.

The disease is thought to depend on damage to the original bone marrow stem cell. From this cell, blood is formed in various directions: infectious, toxic or immune effects.

The disease occurs sharply, the state of health becomes worse, there is a strong pallor of the skin, bruises, various bleeding appear, the temperature may rise.

Aplastic anemia is a serious disease that develops rapidly and, if left untreated, can be tragic.

What organs does a hematologist treat?

  • Blood.
  • The spleen.
  • Bone marrow.


When do I need to see a hematologist?

With blood diseases, there is poor health, weakness, rapid fatigue, and poor appetite. Therefore, such indications can be attributed to the first signs of diseases associated with a violation of hematopoiesis. If the child's well-being changes, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

In particular, it is worth worrying when the child's skin becomes pale with a yellow tint, bruises appear,.

With blood diseases, the child can talk about pain in the bones, joints, spine. There may be a headache in the abdomen.

There are many visits to a hematologist due to enlarged lymph nodes, which are responsible for protecting the body. They prevent the spread of the disease and often perform this function independently, while their inflammation occurs. Lymph nodes increase in size and become painful. Inflammation is especially pronounced in children under 7 years old, when an infection enters the body. Up to two years old, this protective function of the lymph nodes in children is not so intense. In this case, the infection enters the bloodstream, bypassing the lymphatic barrier, and spreads throughout the body, the disease becomes generalized. At an older age in children, as in adults, the fight against infections in the lymph nodes occurs invisibly, the symptoms do not appear.

As a rule, inflammation occurs in those lymph nodes that are closest to the site of infection. For example, the lymph nodes that are located under the jaw become inflamed due to infection in the mouth and throat due to caries, stomatitis, sore throat. A condition called cat scratch is characterized by inflammation of the gland that is near the scratch site. Children's diseases like rubella, measles, infectious mononucleosis and other viruses manifest themselves in inflammation of the lymph nodes located on the back of the neck.

What time and what tests do you need to take?

To diagnose anemia, the following tests are needed:

  • (reticulocytes);
  • the percentage of transferin;
  • ferritin content;
  • iron-binding index.

What are the main types of diagnostics performed by a hematologist?

Currently, the following techniques are widely used to diagnose blood diseases:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • cT scan;
  • nuclear magnetic resonance.

These diagnostic methods provide an opportunity to determine the size and structural parameters of organs, all kinds of bone diseases, find tumors in different places of their location.

A doctor's diagnosis of leukemia can really shock both the child and the parents.

  • Read all the information available about the type of leukemia given by your doctor. Learn therapies. Awareness will help in choosing a method of healing;
  • Don't get depressed. Eat right, get plenty of rest and exercise. This will give an improvement in overall well-being;
  • Meet with other patients or families with leukemia. Check with your healthcare provider for the location of an appropriate support group in your area. Alternatively, you can search the internet for people who are also concerned about the condition.

Scientists at Mayo Hospital in Minnesota in America have found that the antioxidants found in green tea can kill cancer cells and reduce the effects of cancer. This was reported by the Telegraph publishing house. Since the 70s, physicians have been researching the anti-cancer properties of green tea and have determined that countries where people consume a lot of green tea have a lower incidence of cancer. In 2004, laboratory studies were conducted on mice, which confirmed that the antioxidants found in green tea can destroy cancer cells in leukemia. The evidence also suggests that it will be equally effective in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, which is the best-known type of leukemia.

Patients are attributed by doctors to extract of green tea - 400-2000 mg twice a day. Many patients noticed that the size of the lymph nodes decreased by half or more. According to experts, green tea can make the patient's condition stable in the early stages of leukemia, as well as slow down the spread of the disease.

If you have any concerns, have questions, or need a hematologist's consultation, you can get an appointment with a hematologist. Our clinic will provide you with any services. Experts will inspect, give advice, and help, make a conclusion. In addition, you have the opportunity to make a home call to a specialist hematologist. The clinic is open 24 hours a day.

In the event that you have previously performed any examinations, you must take them with you to an appointment with a hematologist. If no research has been carried out, our clinic will do everything that is needed to make the correct diagnosis.

Remember to take care of your health. There are many diseases, the symptoms of which are not noticed at first, but in the end it may already turn out that it is too late to start treatment. To avoid this, you should be examined by a hematologist several times a year. This will stop the terrible disease, as well as maintain mental and physical health.

If you have questions that need to be resolved, use online consultations, this will give you the opportunity to find answers to questions and get acquainted with the recommendations of a hematologist on how to take care of your health.

There is a special branch of medicine that studies the structural features of blood and bone marrow, called hematology. This science also considers all diseases associated with the most important process in the human body - hematopoiesis. Accordingly, a hematologist, as a doctor, is engaged in therapy on the issues of diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, as well as in research activities in this area.

Competence of a hematologist: duties and specifics of activities

The competence of this specialist includes the study of the structure and functions of the blood system, elucidation of the causes and mechanisms by which diseases arise in this part in children and adults, as well as the improvement of methods for their recognition, diagnosis and treatment. All processes associated with blood are not complete without the consultation of this doctor. This includes:

  1. Accompanying medical history the circulatory system.
  2. Research of possible pathologies, in particular, their nature - hereditary or acquired, ecological or oncological.
  3. Drug introduction in the treatment process.
  4. Prevention and post-rehabilitation period.
  5. Collection of blood from the population... At the points for donating donor material, there is a mandatory hematologist who is directly involved in the process, monitoring the quality of the incoming blood and the absence of dangerous diseases in donors based on the results of the research analyzes.

Hematologists are in close contact with other specialist colleagues. First of all, these are gynecologists, oncologists and surgeons, and, of course, pediatricians. Every person has donated blood for analysis at least once in his life, but he has hardly heard of the special medical profession.

What will heal?

Scientists say that in our time, blood diseases account for 8% of all confirmed diagnoses of a modern person. Answering the question, the hematologist, what he heals, should be listed:

  • oncological indications - leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia, bone marrow diseases, sarcomas;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • myeloid leukemia; lymphomas;
  • hemophilia, liver and sessesenka diseases, in particular hepatitis;
  • macroglobulinemia of Waldestrom;
  • iron deficiency anemia - a decrease in red blood counts, hemoglobin and erythrocytes due to a lack of iron. Most often they are observed in children in the first two years of life due to intensive growth, as well as in girls during puberty.
  • hemolytic anemias, in which the bone marrow produces a normal number of red blood cells, but they break down too quickly and have a shortened life span. Almost all cases of such anemias are hereditary, congenital.
  • aplastic anemias - diseases associated with the collision of the parent stem cell in the bone marrow, which is responsible for hematopoiesis
  • autoimmune thrombocytopenia.

When to see a specialist, or symptoms of a hematologist

When certain symptoms are detected, consultation with a specialist becomes especially important. What is it? Firstly:

  • increased body temperature for no apparent reason, a feverish state;
  • rapid loss of body weight during a normal day and diet;
  • increased work of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, increased sweating;
  • pale skin, hyperemia of the skin, which are not associated with a malfunction of internal organs or chronic diseases;
  • persistent change in the level of erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes, changes in the leukocyte formula;
  • tingling and numbness in the fingers of the upper extremities;
  • fragility, fragility of blood vessels, capillaries;
  • the formation of hematomas in the absence of trauma and external damage;
  • lack of appetite, feeling of constant weakness and fatigue;
  • atypical hemoglobin level - a drop or, on the contrary, its increase, which is beyond the normal range;
  • itching after water treatments;
  • bleeding of blood vessels, gums during dental procedures, slow healing of wounds and even scratches;
  • chronic headaches, the sources of which are not clear;
  • chronic menstrual irregularities in women, prolonged bleeding, repeated spontaneous abortions;
  • frequent viral diseases, persistent colds;
  • formations on the neck, in the armpits, in the groin, a significant increase in the size of the lymph nodes;
  • enlarged liver, spleen of any etiology;
  • thrombosis, pulmonary embolism - pulmonary embolism;
  • a history of myocardial infarction.

It is imperative that the consultation of a doctor such as a hematologist is necessary in case of an already onset pregnancy, when planning conception, as well as residents of areas with an increased radioactive background, which is especially important in connection with man-made disasters. Examination by a medical specialist as a preventive measure is a necessary measure aimed at preventing unpleasant health surprises.

When is a consultation necessary for a child?

The children's doctor deals with specific symptoms in children in the following cases:

  • pallor of the skin, very often with an icteric tinge;
  • nose and other bleeding;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • irritability of the child, frequent inattention;
  • decreased appetite and unmotivated rises in body temperature;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • bruising for no apparent reason;
  • complaints of pain in the bones, spine and joints; stomach and head.

When a disease is detected in children, the doctor must strictly monitor the condition, regularly take the necessary tests, based on the results of which, draw up and adjust the treatment. With pathologies of the hematopoietic system, the child should be under the supervision of a specialist once a week.

How to prepare for the appointment and how does it go?

Taking into account the fact that a hematologist treats blood diseases, which will be further carefully investigated, the patient must undergo certain training - only in this case the doctor can be useful. Moreover, these requirements apply not only to adults, but also to children.

  1. Try not to eat for at least 12 hours before visiting your doctor.
  2. Refrain from alcohol and tobacco smoking, and, if possible, from drugs. If you cannot limit their admission, be sure to inform a specialist about it.
  3. Reduce fluid intake the day before your scheduled appointment.

What are the advantages of strict adherence to the above rules? First of all, these are the most accurate results of analyzes, punctures and other medical procedures. In most cases, referral to a specialist reveals only diseases that do not require compulsory hospitalization. In such cases, the doctor treats on an outpatient basis. However, it is also closely associated with hematology oncology, which deals with malignant pathologies of the circulatory system - leukemia and leukemia.

Directly a doctor's appointment is a collection of up-to-date information in accordance with the patient's complaints, if there are problems in children, the hematologist can draw conclusions from the detailed description of the parents. An initial examination is carried out and a standard blood test is taken, including such parameters as hepatitis, HIV, RW, biochemistry. Routine diagnostics may include:

  • Ultrasound of lymph nodes and abdominal cavity;
  • lymph node biopsy with obligatory histology;
  • x-ray of blood of various specifics;
  • coagulogram aimed at studying blood clotting;
  • morphological examination of the bone marrow with the simultaneous taking of a sternal puncture;
  • CT - computed tomogram;
  • scintigraphy or bone scanning.

These modern studies make it possible to determine the size and structure of organs as accurately as possible, to reveal a variety of bone disorders, as well as tumor formations of various localization.

When is a bone marrow puncture required?

A bone marrow examination may be needed only when there is a substantial suspicion of blood cancer. This analysis is performed with a special thin needle, piercing the bone in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sternum or ilium. The selected droplet is subjected to thorough medical research in many parameters, which allow an accurate diagnosis and correct treatment to be made.

To do this, the doctor examines the puncture under a microscope, by analogy with examining a peripheral blood smear. But in the bone marrow all types of cells are represented - both very young and mature. If the bone marrow has a normal composition, no additional procedures are required, and if there are many young cells there, the likelihood of leukemia is high. Or the bone marrow is simply devastated - this happens when hematopoiesis is suppressed, and then certain studies will still be needed.

In some cases, a small piece of bone is taken for analysis, and in specially prepared preparations, the structure and ratio of individual elements are studied directly in the bone tissue.

What does hematologist treat in pregnant women?

For expectant mothers and just women of childbearing age, a logical question may arise: is it necessary to observe a specialist of this profile during pregnancy? It is quite relevant and implies an affirmative answer: a hematologist in an "interesting position" is necessary. First of all, because in pregnant women the number of red blood cells increases significantly, which, with the development of the child, increase even more under the influence of the hormone progesterone. An experienced specialist will help keep these processes under control. Among other things, a decrease in hemoglobin can be observed, and this is already a pathological change in pregnancy, leading to an anemic state of the blood, which is very dangerous for the health of the fetus due to a lack of oxygen.

Even if a woman feels great, the level of leukocytes in the blood may rise. At first, that is, the earliest stages of pregnancy, the blood's ability to clot significantly increases, and the level of fibrinogen increases. And just before the baby is born, around the third trimester, there is the highest jump in protein in the blood.

Around the sixth month in pregnant women, plasma loses its activity and becomes not so "friendly" with heparin, clots and retraction are formed faster. The fibrinolytic process becomes less active just before delivery to prepare the body for possible blood loss during labor.

Given the above, any abnormalities in the composition of the blood that can be detected in laboratory tests are a reason for visiting a doctor such as a hematologist. And those cases when your attending gynecologist recommends a consultation are not even discussed.

A good doctor, or what should a good specialist be like?

Nowadays, hematology is the most important aspect of health care in the world community. A doctor who goes to such a specialization in a medical educational institution enters there not just to treat human diseases, but following a special vocation, because the right of another person to a full life depends on his correct actions.

Considering the fact that a hematologist treats diseases and all kinds of disorders associated with blood, are among the most dangerous in the medical environment, a good hematologist must also be an experienced psychologist. Every day he has to deal with fear and pain that cannot be described. That is why a high degree of responsibility and morality are the ideal qualities inherent in a specialist in his field. A real professional should not only be an “ace” in the field of medicine, who knows the latest innovative methods of research and treatment, but also must be able to subtly feel the state of the person who has addressed to him, empathize with him and be able to find the right words in especially difficult cases.

Hematologist - a specialist in the field of hematology, examining the organs of hematopoiesis, the blood itself and its components, as well as diseases of the circulatory system.

Hematological diseases are considered systemic. In practice, this means that they are very difficult to diagnose, and sometimes the patient is referred from one specialist to another until the true cause of the poor health is found out.

To understand what diseases a hematologist treats, it is important to understand the functions of the circulatory system and the factors that contribute to the development of pathologies in this area. So, blood is mainly responsible for:

  • transportation of oxygen and other important substances to organs and tissues;
  • removal of carbon dioxide and some waste products from organs and tissues;

Thus, the well-coordinated work of the whole organism depends on the normal functioning of the circulatory system.

Factors provoking blood diseases

  • bleeding;
  • deficiency of iron, folate, or vitamin B12;
  • bone marrow diseases;
  • intestinal pathology;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • trauma;
  • surgical intervention;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Diseases treated by a hematologist

According to statistics, about 8% of all human diseases are associated precisely with pathologies of the circulatory system and hematopoietic organs. Hematology as a science can be conditionally divided into sections, depending on the nature of the disease. Here is some of them:

General hematology

  • anemia (including in pregnant women) - a condition in which the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells is reduced;
  • hemophilia is a hereditary disease characterized by poor clotting, bleeding begins even from a small cut;
  • coagulopathy;
  • increased bleeding;
  • idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.


  • lymphomas;
  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • myeloid leukemia;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia.

When to go to the appointment?

It is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor if you have been experiencing the following symptoms for some time:

  • weakness, persistent or intermittent;
  • persistent and prolonged increase in temperature, subfebrile or up to 38 o C for unknown reasons;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • abdominal pain of unknown etiology;
  • causeless pain in joints, spine, bones;
  • poor appetite;
  • night sweats;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • bruises on the skin that did not appear as a result of injury or bruising;
  • prolonged bleeding with cuts, frequent nosebleeds;
  • regular menstrual irregularities, accompanied by profuse bleeding;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • if the general blood test revealed atypical changes in one of the blood components.

Pregnancy and hematology

It is worth mentioning that it is important to be examined by a hematologist for a woman planning a pregnancy, or for those who are already expecting a baby. Most often, a doctor treats anemia in a pregnant woman. It is dangerous because it leads to fetal hypoxia. Therefore, if the tests showed a low level of hemoglobin, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

During pregnancy, blood elements undergo qualitative and quantitative changes, which need to be monitored periodically. Childbirth itself is a process accompanied by blood loss, therefore, the blood of expectant mothers is necessarily checked for the ability to coagulate.

Children and hematology

Diseases of the circulatory system are found, unfortunately, not only in adults, but also in children. They can be diagnosed in a child as early as infancy. Their course can be affected by pathologies of intrauterine development, non-compliance with the rules of artificial feeding, genetic predisposition, and some diseases of an infectious nature.

The earlier the disease is recognized, the more effective the treatment will be. Children are treated by a pediatric hematologist, although the spectrum of diseases is practically the same as in adult patients.

At the doctor

Reception of a hematologist is as follows. First, the doctor conducts an external examination, in particular, of the lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, groin area, and collects an anamnesis. That is, he asks the patient about disturbing symptoms, when and under what circumstances they appeared, what diseases had already been excluded before coming to the hematologist's office. Based on the collected data, the specialist at the reception will decide which of the analyzes or instrumental studies will need to be done.

The following procedures may be prescribed:

  • organs of the abdominal cavity and the area of \u200b\u200bperipheral lymph nodes;
  • general blood analysis;
  • a detailed blood test (determines the leukocyte formula, platelets, reticulocytes, etc.);
  • coagulogram, which is a coagulation test;
  • myelogram - puncture and morphological examination of the bone marrow;
  • lymph node biopsy in conjunction with the study of histology;
  • immunophenotyping;
  • computed tomogram for examining internal organs;
  • scintigraphy (bone scan);
  • genetic research;
  • x-ray examination of blood.

Some tests can be taken on the day of the visit to the doctor, so it is recommended not to eat food 10-12 hours before the visit (tests are taken on an empty stomach), alcohol and tobacco products. If the patient is taking medication, it is imperative to tell the doctor about it. If possible, they do not drink on the day of the study. Also, fluid intake is limited per day.

- This is a basic laboratory study aimed at determining the main parameters of blood. With the help of the KLA, it is possible to identify the presence of inflammation, infection and a tumor process in the body. This study enables the hematologist to diagnose anemia, thrombocytosis, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, erythropenia, leukocytosis, eosinophilia, lymphocytosis and many other pathological changes in the blood.

  • General clinical urinalysis (OAM) - one of the traditional laboratory tests, which makes it possible to assess the main parameters of urine, including its pH, specific gravity, content of protein, ketone bodies, glucose and bile pigments in it, as well as the composition of urinary sediment, data on which are of particular diagnostic value for hematologists. It is extremely important for assessing the patient's condition information about the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and epithelial cells in the urine, the presence / absence of hemoglobin, etc.
  • Biochemical blood test (blood biochemistry) - a method of laboratory diagnostics, which is usually used in case of obtaining ambiguous results of the UAC. The results of blood biochemistry play an important role in making a diagnosis: they can be used to determine the presence of disorders in the functioning of most vital systems of the body. Thanks to biochemical analysis at the earliest stages, many pathologies of the blood, heart, endocrine glands, kidneys, liver and gallbladder, ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc. can be detected.
  • Coagulogram - a blood test aimed at checking its coagulability. According to the results of such a study, one can judge the state of the hemostasis system and determine the degree of risk of bleeding.
  • Blood test for iron - This is a laboratory study prescribed to check the blood serum for the degree of compliance of the indicators of the iron in it with the established standards. Thanks to this type of diagnosis, it is possible to identify iron deficiency anemia, leukemia, myeloma, thrombocytopenia, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.
    In addition, a deviation from the normal blood test for iron is considered a good reason to check for infection, referrals for a more detailed examination of the digestive system, and also to find the source of bleeding. In the event that the results of the blood test for iron are unsatisfactory, the hematologist may also send for additional studies aimed at assessing the iron-binding functions, determining the concentration of ferritin, etc.
  • Ferritin test - a laboratory study to determine the concentration in the blood of one of the acute phase proteins. Pathologies that a hematologist can identify with this type of diagnosis include hemochromatosis, hemolytic and iron deficiency anemia, acute leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, intravascular hemolysis, etc. An analysis for ferritin can help establish the presence of acute and chronic liver diseases, various infections and inflammatory processes.
  • Transferrin blood test - a laboratory study designed to determine the concentration of iron transporting protein in the blood. With information about the level of transferrin in the blood, a hematologist can diagnose hemochromatosis, hyperchromic anemia and iron deficiency, as well as narrow down the range of potential diseases, obtaining more compelling reasons for suspecting the presence of any genetic abnormality, oncology, liver disease, etc.
  • Immunophenotypogram - a blood test, in which the surface of the lymphocytes is checked for the presence of "pathological" proteins. Based on the results of this study, the hematologist can establish the presence of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, follicular lymphoma and other forms of manifestation of tumor diseases of the lymphatic system.
  • Blood tests for HIV and hepatitis. The results of such laboratory studies may be required by the hematologist in order to narrow down the list of possible diseases and, if necessary, adjust the diagnosis strategy.
  • Blood test for RW (Wasserman reaction) - the main method for diagnosing syphilis, which allows to identify this disease at its very first stages, in which external manifestations are still invisible.
    The need to refer a hematologist for such a study is explained by the presence of a very diverse clinical picture in syphilis. In terms of symptoms, this infectious disease is very similar to a number of other, no less dangerous pathologies, including lymphoma and leukemia, therefore, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is important to delete syphilis from the list of possible diseases.
  • Histological examination of a lymph node / bone marrow tissue fragment - microscopic analysis of a tissue sample taken by biopsy. Essential thrombocythemia, myelosis, polycythemia vera, aplastic anemia, multiple myeloma, etc. are considered pathologies for confirmation of which the hematologist may need the results of a histological examination of a fragment of the lymph node and bone marrow tissue.
  • Myelography - X-ray procedure performed with the use of a contrast agent aimed at visualizing the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord. Such a study allows the hematologist to confirm the presence of lymphoma, myeloma, and some other pathologies.
  • Bone marrow punctate smear microscopy - study of the cellular composition of the bone marrow fragment. According to the data obtained by conducting such an analysis, a hematologist can confirm the presence of leukemia, hemolytic anemia, myeloma and other diseases of his profile.
  • Since when contacting a hematologist with any complaints, it will be necessary to undergo an examination, it is important to go for a consultation with a doctor of this specialization on an empty stomach - the last meal should be taken at least 10-12 hours before visiting the doctor. Experts remind that during the last 24 hours before going to the hematologist it is recommended to limit fluid intake. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages during the last 2-3 days before the tests prescribed by the hematologist. Smokers planning to go to a hematologist should minimize the number of cigarettes they smoke per day. If possible, 3 days before visiting a hematologist, it is important to stop taking medications, and if this is not possible, you should definitely inform the doctor about the use of medications.

    Blood is very valuable in the body. It performs a number of essential functions. According to the state of this substance, doctors can determine many diseases provoked by various disorders. In medicine, there is a separate science that deals with the study of hematopoietic organs, blood composition and pathologies associated with it. A blood doctor is called a hematologist. The specialist uses various diagnostic techniques and analyzes that help him identify the disease and select the necessary treatment for a particular patient.

    What is the competence of a hematologist

    Not everyone knows the name of a specialist who studies blood and diseases associated with a violation of its composition. Despite this, it is rather difficult to overestimate its importance in medicine. It is blood that is a vital element of a living organism, because it carries oxygen and nutrients, performs protective, thermoregulatory and many other functions.

    The hematologist is considered a rare medical specialty.

    The tasks of this doctor are as follows:

    • collection of information, study of the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases associated with the hematopoietic system;
    • assessment of clinical symptoms developing in pathologies of the hematopoietic system;
    • development and use in practice of diagnostic techniques aimed at studying blood;
    • treatment and prevention of various complications in humans associated with blood and bone marrow activity.

    The hematologist, like other medical specialties, has a huge responsibility. The specialist must have a higher medical education, as well as take courses in hematology.

    Important! Passing various seminars and lectures is a prerequisite for improving the qualifications of a doctor.

    What knowledge a doctor should have

    A person dealing with blood diseases must have professional knowledge, which include:

    • deontology or principles of medical ethics;
    • system of medical prophylactic examination;
    • methods of performing chemotherapy;
    • all types of diagnostic techniques that help to identify a violation of the composition of the blood and the activity of the bone marrow and other hematopoietic organs;
    • fundamentals of oncohematology, hemostasiology, immunohematology;
    • principles of radiation hematology (properties of blood under the influence of ion radiation);
    • all characteristics of plasma and blood cells;
    • physiology, morphology and embryogenesis of organs that take part in the hematopoiesis of shaped particles of a vital substance.

    A hematologist must have all the necessary qualities

    The hematologist works closely with specialists in other medical fields. For example, with a surgeon, oncologist, gynecologist. Often one specialist performs several functions at once. He can be a transplantologist, hematologist-pediatrician, hematologist.

    What pathologies does a hematologist treat?

    Having figured out which doctor treats blood diseases, we will find out what pathologies can serve as a reason for contacting this specialist. Many have heard of such a condition as anemia, but not everyone knows how dangerous this disease can be. Anemia is a pathology in which a person has a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells - erythrocytes. More often, the symptoms of pathology are malaise, chronic fatigue, frequent colds, but there are other, more dangerous types of anemia. Among them are:

    • folic acid deficiency;
    • In 12 - deficient;
    • hemolytic;
    • aplastic;
    • post-hemorrhagic and some other types of disease.

    Many of them are characterized by a severe course and pose a serious threat to the life and health of the patient. The competence of the hematologist includes diagnosing the disease, identifying the causes that led to anemia and choosing methods for treating pathology.

    In addition, the doctor treats the following diseases:

    • acute and chronic leukemia;
    • thrombocytopenia;
    • conditions characterized by increased bleeding;
    • lymphosarcoma;
    • vascular diseases;
    • guglielmo's disease;
    • hemoblastosis.

    The doctor deals with the treatment of diseases associated with a violation of the composition and functions of the blood

    The above diseases have their own causes and clinical manifestations. Describing them is a completely different topic. We will describe only some of the manifestations, having found which, you should immediately contact the clinic.

    Reason to see a doctor

    Every person needs to monitor their health and consult a doctor in a timely manner. There are a number of signs that can signal one or another hematological disorder in a patient. These include:

    • frequent fluctuations in body temperature, which is not associated with colds and other diseases;
    • weakness, rapid fatigue, disability;
    • weight loss, subject to a healthy diet and a normal daily routine;
    • intense sweating;
    • cyanosis of the skin, which is not associated with pathologies of internal organs;
    • the presence of a permanent red tint of the face;
    • loss of appetite;
    • bruising, which is often due to fragility of blood vessels;
    • tingling in the limbs;
    • poor healing of wounds and scratches;
    • violation of the menstrual cycle in women (this, as a rule, requires consultation with a gynecologist).

    In addition, it is recommended to carefully study the composition of the blood for patients who often suffer from colds, for women before conception and during the period of bearing a child.

    Important! It is recommended to undergo regular examinations by a hematologist for people who have been exposed to radioactive radiation, as well as for patients living in radioactive areas.

    Diagnostic methods

    Various diagnostic methods, among which clinical, genetic, laboratory and instrumental types of examination, are used to identify hematological diseases.

    At the first visit to the doctor, the specialist pays detailed attention to the collection of anamnesis, and specifically to the symptoms, the type of work of the patient, dietary habits and other aspects. The hematologist then examines the lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, groin, and other parts of the body. By palpation, it is determined whether the spleen and liver are enlarged.

    Diagnostics is carried out using visual inspection and the use of instrumental examination methods

    A mandatory type of diagnosis is a laboratory blood test, which helps to determine the total and percentage of its most important shaped particles (leukocytes, lymphocytes, platelets, erythrocytes, and others).

    In addition, the myelogram (puncture of the spinal cord) and computed tomography (a method that allows you to visualize the state of internal organs and blood vessels in real time) are excellent informational content.

    For more information, the following techniques help you:

    • ultrasound examination of the chest, peritoneal region;
    • lymph node biopsy;
    • a method for determining specific types of cells in a patient's biological material based on the reaction of antibodies with antigens (immunophenotyping);
    • magnetic resonance imaging;
    • tests based on molecular reactions (PCR).

    More often, several diagnostic techniques are used, as this helps doctors form a detailed idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of the body, to make an accurate diagnosis.

    How to prepare for testing

    Correct diagnosis is a very important stage in the treatment of a particular pathology. But even the most accurate diagnostic techniques sometimes fail. This can be influenced by the human factor (laboratory assistant's mistakes), equipment malfunction, as well as such an important aspect as incorrect preparation of the patient for testing. Observing all the rules of preparation, you can eliminate this factor, get the most accurate data.

    Before undergoing examination, the patient is recommended:

    • refuse to eat food 12 hours before manipulation. Usually blood sampling for research is carried out on an empty stomach. Only a small amount of plain water is allowed;
    • it is important to exclude alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoking. Bad habits negatively affect the composition of the blood, can affect the diagnostic result;
    • if a person takes any medications, it is imperative to inform the doctor about this. If possible, taking medications is suspended;
    • people leading an active lifestyle and patients involved in sports should be excluded the day before the analysis of intense physical activity.

    Before taking a blood test, the patient must properly prepare

    All this will help to obtain reliable data, make an accurate diagnosis and choose the best treatment option.

    Features of admission to a pediatric hematologist

    Due to the immaturity of the body and some other features, many hematological diseases are diagnosed precisely in childhood. The task of parents is not to miss the onset of alarming symptoms, to show the child to a specialist in a timely manner. To do this, you should pay attention to the following signs in a small patient:

    • frequent blanching of the skin, yellowish tint of the dermis;
    • the unreasonable appearance of hematomas on the body. Normally, bruises are formed with blows and abrasions, but if hemorrhages occur out of the blue, this is an alarming sign;
    • the baby's complaints about pain in the joints, back;
    • pain in the abdomen;
    • headaches, decreased academic performance, nausea, dizziness.

    If any pathologies are found, it is necessary to carry out treatment and constantly be on medical records. At each visit to the doctor, the patient is prescribed tests to help monitor changes in blood composition and the effectiveness of the therapy performed.

    Important! In Russia, children with blood pathologies must be registered until they reach the age of majority. In some countries this age has been increased by 3 years.

    Therapeutic tactics

    Blood pathologies can be of the most diverse nature. In this regard, for each patient, treatment tactics are selected individually. Based on the diagnosis and symptoms of the patient, the doctor determines the treatment regimen.

    The tactics of therapy are selected depending on the diagnosis

    Malignant diseases require the use of methods such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. A positive prognosis for the patient is possible with the timely detection of the disease. Among the medicines used are drugs of a new generation - tyrosine kinase inhibitors, stimulants of leukopoiesis and erythropoiesis.

    In case of anemia, transfusions of erythrocyte mass are used in medical practice, thrombocytopenia is treated with transfusions of platelet mass.

    Among the radical methods, bone marrow transplantation, as well as organ transplantation from a donor, can be performed.

    Treatment of blood diseases is a complex and time-consuming process that requires a lot of effort from physicians and the patients themselves. Many people live with various blood disorders throughout their lives. Drug therapy and supportive physical techniques help to effectively deal with many problems and lead a fulfilling lifestyle.

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