Nose surgery game in Russian: play hospital surgeon. Nose Surgery Game Russian Language: Play Hospital Surgeon Virtual Nose Surgery Game

All attention of surgeons new game operation - on the nose of the girl Alina. Because of the injury, the organ is deformed and your task is to make it beautiful again! You will play as an intern and, under the guidance of an experienced doctor, treat a crooked nose. Please note a word of caution: the surgeon simulator "Operate Now: Nose Surgery" is not for the faint of heart gamers!

How to play nose surgery as an intern

In the game in Russian, all the manager's comments and tips from Lara's experienced doctor are available. The first thing you should do is switch the language by changing the flag icon with the mouse.

  1. Preparation for plastic surgery begins with anesthesia and is done under general anesthesia. Use a special mask.
  2. For functional correction of the nose, it is necessary to remove the stretched membrane that makes it difficult to breathe.
  3. The cosmetic effect requires crushing the bone and setting it, returning it to its original place. You will copy the order of real operations during the operation: cut, remove, gouge and sew up, apply splints and bandages. At the same time, it is important to maintain self-control: meet the deadlines and complete tasks accurately. Upon completion of the operation, the girl will thank for the help and receive an extract, and you, the operating doctor, will be able to continue working in the hospital as a specialist or intern.

How to play Specialist Doctor Mode

If you have successfully completed the treatment and have learned the procedure so that you do not need prompts, you can go through the operation one on one with the patient, without instructions. This is a more difficult level, but the score is twice as high! Act now in the game Operate Now: Nose Surgery and return the ease of breathing and a beautiful nose to the patient.

Dear Guys. The game takes a long time to load. So be patient. Everything will be uploaded soon :)

There lived a pretty little Alina for herself and everything was fine with her. The little girl went to school and graduated with honors, because she was a capable and talented student. But one day she began to choke while walking, this happened more than once or twice. Parents were worried about the condition of their daughter and sent to the hospital for examination. Thorough research has shown that our heroine of the nose surgery game has difficulty inhaling and exhaling, and we will have to perform surgery on her to improve the respiratory process. At the same time, there is an excellent opportunity to remove cosmetic irregularities during this surgical intervention so that this part of the girl's face becomes neater. The operation must take place under general anesthesia, so we inject it special agent so that the patient falls asleep and cover the mouth and nose with a mask. We'll have to wait until the anesthesia takes effect and Alina falls asleep.

The advantage of this application is that before you start playing you will be able to see a video of the passage of the application. Be careful and memorize the procedures that an experienced specialist will perform so that you do not get confused, but exactly repeat all his movements using the appropriate tools, which are presented in sufficient variety on the scoreboard at the bottom of the screen: needle, tweezers, anesthesia mask, rubber hammer , scissors, scalpel and other in the game - nose surgery. The girl will sleep under the influence of anesthesia for two hours, so it's time to get to work. Insert the instrument into the nostrils and pull up, then make the first incision with a scalpel, make the incision even deeper with scissors, and cauterize the blood secretions with an electrode so as not to introduce an infection.

Excellent! Now you need to make a second incision in the game to expose the nasal septum. This is a thin membrane that caused breathing problems. It needs to be shortened so that Alina can breathe easier. Excellent work doctor, the septum is now visible. Then we make an incision with scissors and remove a piece with tweezers. After the procedures done, it is necessary to suture one wound, then another, then, so that the nose does not ooze, it is necessary to insert tampons, and put a patch on the septum. We wish our client a speedy recovery. And to you, my dear assistants, in the game on the nose I want to say: well done! You miraculously coped with the task and gained invaluable experience in removing the membrane in the virtual version. Now the way is open for you to medical college, where you will be made skilled professionals, seeing your calling to work in this industry. Enjoy!

Dear Guys. The game takes a long time to load. So be patient. Everything will be uploaded soon :)

Nose surgery games can amuse young Internet users with this complex, but at the same time interesting surgical intervention. This game is completely in Russian. You no longer have to translate every word because you don't know a foreign language. After you click on the “operation” game, a window will pop up in front of you with a warning that it is better not to do such things at home. Otherwise, you may harm your health. So, after that you get to the doctor's office. Patient Alina has difficulty breathing due to nasal deformity.

Today we will spend surgical operation to improve nasal breathing. At the same time, we will eliminate cosmetic defects in the game to make the nose more beautiful. This operation must be performed under general anesthesia. And now you have to take an anesthetic mask. If you do not correctly select the necessary item, then a bright red light will appear, warning you of dangers. After you complete the task of the game, you need to wait a while until Alina falls asleep. So, after pressing the “continue” button, we note for ourselves that Alina will remain under anesthesia for two hours. Now is the time to start the operation. First, expand the nostrils with a retractor. To get started, take the retractor from the table in the game. Then we will make the first cut in the game. We will make an incision in the columella separating the nostrils. This will lift the skin from the tip of the nose. Take the scalpel from the table. Among the tools and various objects, there are a scalpel, tweezers, intranasal splint, rubber mallet, nasal rasp, scissors. So - as they say, there is a choice. You just need to choose the right one and consistently do what is required of you.

Itself on the nose is simple, but in real life Not everyone has the experience and skill to do it. Therefore, do not try to test all this at home, or anywhere else. Trust the professionals, and if you or someone else is in trouble, run to the hospital so that they can perform a high-quality operation there. The graphics and controls of the game are very easy and convenient, and therefore it will be easy and pleasant for all users to feel the atmosphere of medical and doctoral life. I am sure that many of you would later like to become professionals in medical practice. So - ask, watch and extract suitable information for yourself. lucky nose surgery games!

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