How can periodontal disease be cured at home? Special hygiene products

Parfenov Ivan Anatolievich

Periodontal disease - serious illness... You can cure it at home with a medication, traditional medicine and adjunctive therapy. It is worth talking about how to do this in more detail.

What is this disease and how does it manifest itself?

The term "Periodontal disease" means a violation of the structure of the periodontal tissue. Fortunately, it is rare. Each year, this diagnosis is made to 1-8 percent of patients. Periodontal disease begins imperceptibly, proceeds slowly, and can develop up to one year.

Several characteristic symptoms will help to recognize it:

  • pain in the gum area;
  • slight bleeding;
  • swelling;
  • color change (turn reddish-purple);
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

If such signs are found, you should immediately contact your dentist and begin to carry out competent treatment.

Signs of periodontal disease

Treatment of periodontal disease with medicines

The most reliable way to eliminate periodontal disease is medication. There are many different types of medicines in the pharmacy. To choose medical drugs costs depending on what worries the patient to a greater extent.

Antiseptic gum treatment

Antiseptics - this modern drugsbased on a solution of furacilin or chlorhexidine. They should be used only in the acute phase of periodontal disease. Their main purpose is to prevent the development of bacteria.

In total, there are several characteristic drugs that treat periodontal disease in adults at home:

  • "Miramistin" - for rinsing oral cavityto get rid of periodontal disease. Solution local application, you should not swallow it. You should carefully read the composition of the drug before use in order to identify if there is any allergy to it.
  • "Chlorhexidine Bigluconate" in the form of a solution. Effectively removes plaque, prevents the risk of bacteria development. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.
  • Furacilin in the form of a solution. You can also buy it in pill form. To rinse from periodontal disease, you need to dissolve one tablet in half a glass of water. With prolonged use, side effects may appear: bleeding or irritation.

Someone may have a positive effect a few days after application, and some patients will be helped no earlier than a week later. When it is reached, the procedure can be stopped.

Taking antibiotics

Antibiotics are used as adjunctive therapy for periodontal disease. This drug is placed in the gingival canal as a powder or gel. Its main purpose is to prevent the recurrence of the disease, to remove bacterial deposits.

The following medicines are effective:

  • "Nystatin" or "Levorin" - create a barrier in the gum area, preventing the formation of mycoses on the mucous membrane.
  • "Ecozitrin". The drug is necessary to create normal microflora in the body. Often, due to periodontal disease, digestion, stool is disturbed, immunity decreases or fungal infection... Taking this remedy helps to prevent the appearance of these negative moments.
  • "Grammidin" or "Gramicidin" are intended to enhance the action of antimicrobial agents. One more positive side - elimination of harmful bacteria.

Antibiotics should be taken in short courses. Abuse of them often leads to a new ailment - an abscess.

Taking probiotics

The term "Probiotics" means beneficial bacteria in an artificial form, necessary for normal functioning. human body.

Probiotics, presented in the form of lozenges, are good drugs for restoring the natural balance after taking strong medications.

Pharmacy products

It is not always necessary to try on for the treatment of periodontal disease strong drugs... At the initial stage of its development, you can get by with more loyal means.

Ointments, gels and sprays

Consider a list of popular ointments:

  1. "Heparin ointment" has the strongest anti-inflammatory effect against periodontal disease.
  2. "Holisal" - a universal ointment designed to eliminate pain. Suitable for absolutely all patients, including children and pregnant women, has no contraindications and side effects.
  3. "Troxevasin" - a cooling gel that helps to reduce edema during periodontal disease.
  4. Elgifluor - a medicinal product, which is a liquid consistency. Doctors say that this is one of the strongest drugs with an antiseptic effect.
  5. Rinser "Splat" - an excellent preventive measure that promotes blood circulation in the gums.


Basically, homeopathic remedies are selected by the dentist strictly individually for each patient.

But, there are three harmless drugs that you can buy yourself without a prescription:

  1. "Yodium 6". It is used only for acute periodontal lesions of the lower jaw. The recommended dosage is 5 drops twice a day.
  2. "Acidum nitrikum 6". Indications for the use of this drug: bad smell from the oral cavity, increased salivation, bleeding or looseness of the skin. The recommended dosage is 7 grains up to three doses per day.
  3. "Phosphorus 6". It is prescribed only for severe periodontal disease of the upper jaw. The recommended dosage is 5 drops twice a day.

Homeopathic remedies are required to be taken as an adjunct to general therapy.

Special hygiene products

The most harmless medicines in the fight against periodontal disease are special hygiene products. They can be used for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes.

Special pastes

Pastes that help treat periodontal disease:

  1. "Chamomile". Toothpaste for periodontal disease is based exclusively on natural remedies - chamomile and St. John's wort. It is an astringent consistency.
  2. "Pearl" - a specially developed paste for the treatment of gum diseases, including periodontal disease. It is rich in useful vitamins that have a positive effect on the condition of the enamel.

There are three more less effective, but no less useful pastes:

  • "Lesnaya";
  • "Periodontal disease";
  • "Auromera";
  • "Pomorin".

The method of application is the same for everyone: you need to regularly brush your teeth with this tool twice a day.


With periodontal disease, it is important to properly care for the oral cavity and choose brushes. They must be in the "very soft" category.

It is important to brush your teeth only from top to bottom. Horizontal brushing is not good as all bacteria will move to the crevices.

Toothbrushes must be of the "very soft" category


It is important for preventive purposes against periodontal disease to regularly use mouth rinses.

They help reduce edema, heal wounds, and also improve blood circulation:

  • The most effective remedy is an "Lakalut"... It contains an active antiseptic and astringent components.
  • Structure "President of the Pro" supplemented with medicinal herbs, which means that this rinse has a caring effect on the gums and tooth enamel.

Dental floss

With a strong exacerbation of periodontal disease, the structure of the dentition is damaged. You can also restore it at home.

Dental floss will be an excellent helper for this purpose. Another function is to cleanse the interdental space from various kinds of bacteria.


In the treasury of folk recipes, there were several universal remedies for the elimination of oral diseases, including periodontal disease.

Herbal decoctions and infusions

Folk recipes will help to cope with the disease:

Procedure based medicinal herbs and infusions are recommended to be carried out in the evening, no later than an hour after meals.

You can caress your mouth with aloe juice three times a day.

Almost every home has a large tree with green leaves.

It is this that is an excellent folk remedy for the treatment of periodontal disease.

To make aloe juice, you need:

  1. Cut off a fresh aloe leaf.
  2. Rub it with a fine grater.
  3. Squeeze the juice thoroughly using cheesecloth.

The universal medicine is ready. They can caress the mouth three times a day.

The result from these procedures will not be long in coming.

Use sea salt as follows:

  1. Dissolve one teaspoon of sea salt in one glass of water.
  2. Mix the liquid thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Take a sip of salt water into your mouth, rinse the cavity for 30 seconds.
  4. Repeat the procedure until the glass is empty

Salt is absorbent, it quickly relieves swelling and draws out the entire infection, helping to fight periodontal disease.

We apply soda:

  1. Take a small amount of baking soda, about ¼ teaspoon.
  2. Apply it to your toothbrush.
  3. Moisten slightly with water.
  4. Brush your teeth as usual.
  5. Repeat the procedure twice a day: morning and evening.

Baking soda can help lower acidity levels in your mouth.

Carrying out this procedure regularly, you can forget about periodontal disease.

Hydrogen peroxide will also help fight periodontal disease:

  1. Take a cotton ball or gauze pad.
  2. Soak it in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  3. Gently rub the gums from the outside and the inside with it.

The main purpose of hydrogen peroxide is to strengthen tooth enamel, heal small wounds and eliminate bleeding during periodontal disease.

There are several ways to use propolis for the purpose of healing from periodontal disease:

  • Take a small amount of propolis, hold it in your hand a little in order to warm it up to body temperature. Apply it to the affected area.
  • Chew on some propolis. Its particles must get into the interdental space.
  • It is required to melt it, apply it to toothpaste and brush your teeth in the usual way.


Honey recipe:

  1. Take in equal amounts a medicated toothpaste that contains herbs, honey and sea salt. The last component can be pre-processed in a coffee grinder.
  2. Apply a viscous mixture to the brush.
  3. Brush your teeth in the usual way.

It is absolutely not suitable for those people who are allergic to honey.

It is recommended to buy a ready-made toothpaste for brushing your teeth, which contains tea tree oil.

This substance perfectly copes with the function of whitening teeth and removing bacteria that cause periodontal disease from the oral cavity.

If you failed to buy such a dental care product, you can add one drop of tea tree essential oil to a regular paste.

After the procedure, you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly.


Lotion using tea:

  1. Make a strong tea.
  2. Dip a cotton swab or gauze bandage into it.
  3. Apply it to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe gum.

Cranberries are often used for mouthwash:

  1. Cook cranberry juice without added sugar.
  2. Cool it down.
  3. Rinse your mouth every morning for 5 minutes.

Such a remedy can be used as a curative or prophylactic purpose.

It prevents bacteria from multiplying and removes them from the body.

Assistive methods at home

For the treatment of periodontal disease, it is not enough to use drugs and folk remedies. It is worth resorting to helper methods.

Gum massage

The purpose of the massage is to improve blood flow, remove excess fluid or pus, and strengthen the gums.

It is done in the following way:

  1. Use your index finger to lightly stroke the entire perimeter of the gums.
  2. Above each or below each tooth, perform several grinding circular movements.
  3. Press several times on the outside and inside of the gum.
  4. Finish with stroking strokes.


An excellent preventive and therapeutic method for periodontal disease is gymnastics.

It is performed as follows:

  1. Bite on a twig. This should be done in a circle, so that each tooth participates in this process.
  2. Holding it tightly, gently move the jaw back and forth.
  3. Firmly holding the twig with your teeth, you need to slightly pull it in the direction away from you.

Do not do all the exercises at once. Excessive stress will only harm the gums and teeth. You should do one element for 2-3 weeks, then 3 weeks for the second, and only then you can start the third.

Special diet

An important factor in the treatment of periodontal disease - proper nutrition... It is recommended to give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables.

While a person bites through them, a natural massage of the gums takes place. Another plus is the content of nutrients in them. From eating sweets and flour products worth giving up.


Depending on the accompanying symptoms, the patient is advised to take additional vitamins:

  • Vitamin C, she is vitamin C - when bleeding occurs.
  • Vitamin A - in violation of the integrity of the tissue.
  • Zinc - for inflammation.
  • Calcium - with insufficient strength of the gums and teeth.


Darsonval at home is performed with a special spherical nozzle. It creates tension in the oral cavity, which helps restore tissue structure.

The course of treatment for periodontal disease is at least 30 days. A total of 6 repetitions can be performed.

What are the most effective ways?

There is no exact answer to which methods are the most effective. For example, one patient may benefit from herbal tincture treatment, while another will not benefit. An important factor is the stage of the disease and accompanying symptoms.


To prevent the development of periodontal disease, you need:

  • Rinse your mouth regularly with herbal infusions (purchased or homemade).
  • Make baths, holding in your mouth a decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile, sage or rose hips for 10 minutes.
  • Use good quality toothpaste.
  • Take care of your oral cavity regularly.

Dentists are confident: home treatment of periodontal disease can be an effective addition to professional therapy

Unfortunately, periodontal disease is a chronic disease, that is, it will stay with you for life. But this disease can be transferred to the stage of supervised remission, that is, relative rest without exacerbations. And simple folk remedies can be very helpful to maintain this condition. It should be remembered that periodontal disease is practically not treated without complex therapy. Therefore, the use of infusions, decoctions and other possibilities of traditional medicine must be combined with drug treatment, which the doctor will prescribe.

Traditional methods of treating periodontal disease

An experienced dentist, prescribing professional therapy, will tell you how to cure periodontal disease at home. Available folk remedies cannot stop the destruction of gum tissue, but they are quite capable of weakening the unpleasant symptoms of periodontal disease, reducing discomfort, and reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process.

  • Fighting inflammation... To eliminate the inflammatory process and pain use infusions of lingonberry leaves, calendula oak bark and tricolor violet. The infusion used for rinsing should be warm.
  • Remove pronounced looseness of the gums... Leaf infusion may help walnut: 2 tsp. walnut leaves pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, then strain. Rinse your mouth with a warm solution 6 times a day at regular intervals.
  • Get rid of increased bleeding gums... Apply infusions of leaves of St. John's wort, blackberry, sand sedge, burnet, blood-red geranium. Take 1 tbsp. l. any herbs and brew in 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours. Rinse your mouth with the resulting infusion during the day.
  • We do the prevention of tooth mobility... For the preparation of the infusion, a collection of medicinal herbs is used: erect cinquefoil (4 tbsp. L.), Horse sorrel (2 tbsp. L.), Sauerkraut solution (300 ml). Mix all the ingredients and let it brew for a day. Rinse your mouth with a warm solution 6 times a day.

Before you start rinsing with infusions of medicinal plants, you should thoroughly brush your teeth. The intervals between procedures should be at least 3 hours.

Massage the gums using folk remedies

With periodontal disease, the doctor can prescribe a gum massage on an individual basis and taking into account possible contraindications. The procedure can be performed in the dentist's office. But if you are responsible enough and feel the strength to regularly do it yourself, then your dentist will tell you how to treat periodontal disease at home with massage, making it an important part of daily oral care. Folk remedies will help to enhance the effectiveness of such massage:

  • fir and sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil have an antiseptic effect, promote the regeneration of damaged tissues
  • honey with sea salt has disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, healing properties
  • essential oils mint, eucalyptus, lemon, orange, coriander strengthens, soothes the gums, heals mucosal tissues and relieves inflammation

Myogymnastics for periodontal disease

A good effect on the periodontium in any of its diseases has myogymnastics - a complex of special therapeutic exercises... With periodontal disease, you can perform physical education for the muscles of the face using a fresh twig of needles.

  • Chew the twig, performing movements from top to bottom, alternately with different teeth. Frequency: 3-5 minutes daily. within 3 weeks
  • Clamp the twig between your teeth and move your jaw to the right, left, forward, backward. Frequency: 3 minutes daily for 2 months
  • Take one end of the twig in your hand and grab the other end with your teeth. You need to try to tear off part of the twig with your teeth. If you experience discomfort or pain, relax. Frequency: 1 min. per day for 2 weeks

Expert opinion

Traditional methods should not be excluded from the complex of therapy for periodontal disease. Additional home treatment at different stages of the disease can help not only prevent relapse, but also cope with an increase in the number of bacteria, and stop the inflammatory process. But alas, with the help of traditional medicine alone, it is impossible to defeat periodontal disease. She can provide some support to the patient, including psychological, relieve some of the symptoms and thus bring short relief without eliminating the cause of the disease. Which, naturally, will develop and progress.

Therefore, the fight against periodontal disease should be started in a dental clinic, at an appointment with a professional doctor, using the achievements modern medicine in order to truly stop the process of tissue destruction. Only against the background of competent dental treatment can we say that the use of essential oils, infusions and other means adopted in the folk tradition really bring benefits in case of periodontal disease.

Update: December 2018

Periodontal disease is a non-inflammatory disease of the tissues surrounding and holding the tooth; it always affects the entire oral cavity. Its cause is a violation of the blood supply to tissues, as a result of which hypoxia develops, that is, a lack of oxygen. In this pathology, hypoxia occurs not due to inflammation, but due to general changes.

On what grounds can you suspect you have periodontal disease:

  • pale, hardened gums
  • loss of gums towards the root (marginal recession)
  • at the same time, the absence of pathological mobility of the teeth ( light form), good oral hygiene
  • no soreness, bleeding, suppuration from the gums
  • the presence of cardiovascular diseases, endocrine systems, metabolic disorders
  • often a combination with increased sensitivity of teeth, various defects of enamel (wedge-shaped, erosion), increased abrasion.

Periodontal disease is not like that frequent illness, like gingivitis and periodontitis: it occurs only in 3-10% of people, it does not develop in one day, month or even a year. For a distinct clinical picture it takes 10-15 and even 20 years, so its course is always chronic. Periodontal disease is mild, moderate, and severe. The degree of severity can only be determined by a doctor from an x-ray and measuring the amount of root exposure.


The causes of periodontal disease, as opposed to inflammatory diseases periodontal tissues, mainly of a general nature:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system :
    • atherosclerosis (see)
    • iron deficiency anemia (see)
    • , arrhythmia, angina
    • hypertonic disease
    • trophic disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system
  • Metabolic disorders: a sharp delay in protein synthesis, systemic osteoporosis, disruption of the processes of renewal and construction bone tissue.
  • Avitaminosis, gastrointestinal diseases: lack of vitamins nutrients due to impaired digestion and absorption lead to metabolic disorders (see).
  • Local reasons: malocclusion.
  • Hereditary factors: the presence of certain cells (the so-called high-risk monocytes-macrophages) that produce bone-dissolving substances.

Despite the generally known opinion that bacteria are not involved in the development of periodontal disease, some scientists have nevertheless proved the role of prostaglandin type E2, which is secreted through exposure to toxins of certain periodontal pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, inflammation as such does not develop, but provokes the destruction and degeneration of bone tissue.


On early stages the symptoms of periodontal disease do not appear, since they practically do not cause inconvenience.

Power What worries What periodontal disease looks like for a doctor
  • itching, burning, "aches" in the lower incisors;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • the apparent feeling of movement of the teeth when they are actually stable
  • the gum is pale, the papillae are smoothed
  • lack of gum pockets
  • lack of tooth mobility
  • tooth root exposure up to 3 mm
  • on the radiograph: a decrease in the level of the alveolar bone (atrophy) by one third
  • aesthetic dissatisfaction (increase in the length of the crown of the tooth, increase in the gaps between the teeth)
  • a significant increase in the sensitivity of teeth to chemical, thermal, mechanical irritants
  • gum pale, anemic, indurated
  • tooth root exposure at a distance of 3 to 5 mm
  • upper and lower incisors fan out, but still motionless
  • possible presence of dense dental deposits, wedge-shaped defects
  • on the radiograph: reduction of bone level by half
  • aesthetic dissatisfaction (even greater increase in crown length, significant fan-shaped tooth divergence, change in the location of individual teeth)
  • mobility of all or individual teeth
  • loss of some teeth
  • constant hypersensitivity to chemical, mechanical, thermal irritants
  • gum anemic, dense
  • exposure of the tooth root at a distance of more than 5 mm
  • possible presence of dense, dark dental deposits
  • teeth are mobile, some of them can be moved or completely removed
  • teeth affected by caries and non-carious defects
  • on the radiograph: a decrease in bone level by more than half

With poor oral hygiene and reduced immunity in the later stages, inflammation joins periodontal disease: the gum becomes red, edematous, suppuration is observed. This is a serious complication, as in this case the loss of teeth occurs much faster.


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Examination of a patient with periodontal disease has the following goals:

  • making an accurate diagnosis
  • identification of the cause of malnutrition of periodontal tissues
  • future flow forecast
  • assessment of the risk of developing inflammatory complications.

Survey stages:

  • Poll: since periodontal disease is most often a local manifestation of one of the common diseases, it is important to find out what kind of pathology provokes bone loss
  • External examination: helps to establish possible reason periodontal disease
  • Oral examination: the doctor sees a pale gum (due to impaired blood supply), exposed root surface, mobile teeth, non-carious enamel defects
  • X-ray image: plays a decisive role in the diagnosis
  • Periodontal rheography: determines the level of blood supply to tissues
  • Polarography: determines the level of hypoxia (lack of oxygen)
  • Echoosteometry: Determines bone density.

Periodontal disease must be distinguished from periodontitis, since periodontitis is a consequence of local factors, but with periodontal disease, one cannot do without consulting a specialist in therapeutic profile.


How to treat periodontal disease correctly? For good result you need to consult a dentist, since the treatment of periodontal disease involves not only correcting hygiene and sanitizing the oral cavity, but also has several important areas:

  • normalization of tissue metabolism
  • improvement of redox processes
  • normalization of microcirculation
  • symptomatic: elimination of tooth hypersensitivity, correction wrong bite (in some cases traumatic)

Knowing the directions of treatment, it is easy to answer the question of how to treat periodontal disease with medication. You cannot use these drugs on your own! Only a doctor can choose the correct dose.

Drugs that normalize redox processes and microcirculation

  • Trental: dilates blood vessels, improves microcirculation, increases tissue oxygen saturation
  • Insadol: improves microcirculation, enhances immunity, promotes bone formation
  • Tykveol: prevents atherosclerosis
  • 15% Complamin solution: injected intramuscularly, improves microcirculation
  • , prevent atherosclerosis (Simvastatin, Vasilip, Simlo, etc.)

Means for the normalization of metabolic processes

The most the best drugs, which improve tissue metabolism, are, oddly enough, vitamins.

  • Vitamin P and C (ascorutin): normalize the density and permeability of the vascular wall, improve redox processes
  • Vitamin A and E (aevit): reduce the fragility of microvessels, have an antioxidant effect
  • B vitamins: relieve hypoxia, stimulate protein synthesis.

Simultaneously with drug therapy, symptomatic treatment is carried out:

  • Elimination of tooth sensitivity: remineralization of enamel with calcium and phosphorus solutions, remineralizing varnishes
  • Filling of non-carious defects
  • Gentle oral hygiene training
  • Treatment by an orthodontist and orthopedist.

Several decades ago, textbooks did not write "symptoms and treatment of periodontal disease", but "periodontitis", because the term "periodontitis" united the entire group of periodontal diseases.

What else can you treat gum periodontal disease? Natural healing factors and physiotherapy come to the rescue, since the main thing in the fight against this disease is to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous system and microcirculation in the jaw region.

  • Water: shared baths, showers, bathing, swimming. At reduced pressure, the water should be 20-23 degrees, increased - 33-37 degrees, with neurocirculatory dystonia - cold and hot showerending with cold water in the morning and warm in the evening.
  • With neuro-emotional stress, hypertension, neurasthenia, menopause are shown and. For the treatment of periodontal disease at home, darsonvalization uses a spherical and nasal nozzle and only after the dentist has removed dental deposits. The procedure is carried out every other day or every day with a course of 30 procedures, it is possible to repeat the course in a month, in severe cases it may take up to 6 courses. The Darsonval procedure helps relieve inflammation and improves blood circulation in the gums.
  • Hyperbaric oxygenation - perfectly restores the microcirculation of periodontal tissues, improves immunity and tissue nutrition throughout the body, therefore contributes to a faster recovery.
  • Vacuum massage, vibration massage, ultrasonic action: mechanical physiotherapy, which locally improves microcirculation.
  • Phonophoresis with troxevasin ointments, heparin (improve the rheological properties of blood).
  • Phototherapy (laser): improves microcirculation.

When joining inflammatory phenomena to periodontal disease, treatment should begin with their relief:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs
  • antihistamines (see)
  • removal of highly mobile teeth, splinting of weakly mobile teeth
  • antiseptic treatment
  • antibiotic use

Treatment of periodontal disease at home

It is senseless and even dangerous to treat this disease only at home. Of course, the Internet is replete with information on the treatment of various diseases at home, including periodontal disease, but, unfortunately, in many cases, such articles are not useful.

  • First, self-medication for periodontal disease can worsen gum health and lead to faster tooth loss.
  • Secondly, the presence of periodontal disease indicates a serious malfunction in the body as a whole.

It has been proven that people with periodontal disease die earlier and are more likely to suffer from cancer. That is why this pathology requires medical examination and qualified treatment.

But what can you do yourself? In addition to medication, doctors recommend herbal medicine. Medicinal plants have a positive complex effect on the entire body: they normalize the activity of the nervous system, prevent or have a beneficial effect in atherosclerosis and hypertension, and reduce the formation of blood clots.

Such therapy will help to more effectively establish microcirculation and the work of all internal organs, to improve the body, which will have a beneficial effect in the oral cavity, because periodontal disease is just a manifestation of systemic pathologies.

Nervous system stimulants Ginseng, Schisandra Chinensis, Eleutherococcus, Manchurian Aralia, Rhodiola Rosea, Moral Root (Safflower Leuzea) Stimulants of NS are used in the initial forms of atherosclerosis, exhaustion of the nervous system, hypotension, fatigue, arrhythmia. They are contraindicated in case of increased excitability, insomnia, and hypertension.
Sedatives Valerian, evading peony, Baikal skullcap, incarnate passionflower, oregano, black hound, motherwort, Sedative plants are used for increased excitability, insomnia, intestinal spasms, vegetative-vascular dystonia, increased nervous tension, in the early stages of hypertension, to improve the activity of the heart and blood vessels.
Plants used for atherosclerosis and hypertension Field bindweed, woolly astragalus, prickly, flax, dioscoria nippon, chokeberry, cyanosis blue, horsetail, scepter mullein, mountain arnica. Treatment of periodontal disease, which appeared as a result of atherosclerosis and hypertension, should be combined with a diet that involves limiting salty, sweet, fatty foods, including black currants, strawberries, cabbage, garlic, onions, raspberries, corn, eggplants in the diet.
Plants that reduce blood clots Chamomile flowers, horse chestnut, licorice root, sweet clover, dried cress, field iron, coriander fruits
Apitherapy Apitherapy - the use of pollen and royal jelly - occupies a special place in the auxiliary therapy of periodontal disease. Their drugs resist atherosclerosis, improve metabolism, the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Prevention of periodontal disease at home

Not as a treatment, but for the prevention of periodontal disease and periodontitis, you can produce:

  • Rinsing the mouth special solutions for the prevention of periodontal disease - "Forest Balsam", "Spring", as well as decoctions of medicinal herbs - calendula, chamomile, oak bark or propolis solution. This allows you to cleanse the oral cavity from food debris and bacteria.
  • Baths - a decoction is made from pharmacy chamomile, St. John's wort, and the herbal solution should be kept in the mouth for 10 minutes. Baths can be made every day for a month, then take a break.
  • Using toothpaste or mouthwash Parodontax, which include herbal extracts, also helps prevent periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Welcome, dear visitors to our site. This article is devoted to one of the key problems of modern dentistry. It's about periodontal disease. We will tell you about what periodontal disease is, what causes it, what symptoms it has, how to treat it and what methods of prevention exist. We will touch on such an interesting topic as popular folk methodsapplied in complex treatment and prevention of periodontal disease.

What is periodontal disease

As you might guess from the name, we are talking about periodontal inflammation. That is, damage to the gum tissue that has an infectious (bacterial) origin. Often occurs due to insufficient oral hygiene, as well as various errors in its implementation. The first and main enemy of your gums is plaque. It can be soft or hard (). In both cases, it is a breeding ground for a periodontal infection.

Some people who do not understand anything about medicine even believe that periodontal disease is contagious. If someone said something like that to you, calm down. By itself, this disease is not transmitted by kissing, through cutlery, etc. And to protect yourself from the bacteria themselves that lead to inflammation, use hygiene products - rinses, toothpaste, floss, etc. As long as your mouth is clean, you are safe.

If you think that this disease only occurs in adults and even the elderly, this is not the case. Increasingly, dentists are diagnosing dangerous periodontal lesions in children.

Periodontal disease treatment - before and after photos

Forms and stages of development

Periodontal disease received the classification we know more than forty years ago. Medicine defines two types of it - generalized and localized. In the first case, inflammation covers the entire gum, in the second - its individual areas. For example, one or two teeth next to each other. One problem with the disease is that symptoms do not appear immediately. In particular, the initial stage is almost asymptomatic.

  1. The first stage is an increased sensitivity of the tooth neck associated with its exposure. No bleeding yet. Therefore, the patient pays almost no attention to the problem.
  2. The second stage is associated with the formation of periodontal pockets, in which pus can accumulate (purulent periodontal disease).
  3. At the third stage, already the bone tissue begins to atrophy. This leads to the formation of deep periodontal pockets and suppuration. The teeth are loose and there is a risk of losing them.
  4. The last, fourth, is the most difficult. The alveolar processes atrophy, the teeth fall out, there is a large amount of pus in the holes.

Chronic periodontal disease occurs in many patients. This form is sluggish. Aggravations and improvements alternate. Patients naively believe that everything went by itself. But self-healing is impossible.

If you have started the initial stage and the disease has become chronic, you will have to be treated and adhere to strict rules for the rest of my life.

Video - Stages, forms and complications of periodontal disease

Causes of periodontal disease

Why does this disease appear? Yes, of course, the reasons are not always rooted in poor hygiene. We will look at the top known issues leading to symptoms.

  1. General diseases of the body that affect the condition of the tissues and nutrition of the gums. These can be vascular lesions due to hypertension, atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus.
  2. Heredity. You can get gum problems from your parents. And, as we know, they are not chosen. The situation is aggravated by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, cardiovascular.
  3. If you do, it also often leads to the development of gum disease.
  4. Injury to the gums.

Doctors have divided the causes of periodontal disease into two large groups:

  • local causes - bite, abnormalities in the anatomy of the mouth, tartar and plaque;
  • common causes - heart disease, vitamin deficiencies, diabetes, etc.

Whatever the underlying cause, disease progression is accelerated in the absence of normal oral hygiene. The gum with constant inflammation becomes loose, a destructive process begins.

Can periodontal disease develop from smoking? Yes maybe. Nicotine and other substances that make up any cigarette interfere with blood circulation in the gums. The fact is that they lead to vasoconstriction. As a result, less oxygen, minerals, and other components that support their health enter the periodontal tissues.

The tobacco smoke itself has an effect on soft tissue irritating effect. Dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity develops. That is, you put up a "Welcome bacteria" sign. According to statistics, an active smoker 6 times increases the likelihood of developing this unpleasant disease.

Smoking is one of the possible causes

Disease symptoms

At the very beginning, the symptoms are either absent, or so subtle that no one thinks of periodontal disease. But over time, they make themselves felt. What should be the main focus?

  1. Plaque and stone. The subgingival, which you cannot see, is especially dangerous. Until you remove them, your mouth will be a breeding ground for germs.
  2. ... This is the first serious symptom, a warning bell. It's time to go to the doctor and start treatment.
  3. The odor from the mouth increases, which cannot be eliminated by brushing the teeth.
  4. The teeth have become sensitive.
  5. There are noticeable periodontal pockets. Over time, food begins to clog in them, suppuration forms.
  6. The gums began to itch.
  7. The necks of the teeth were exposed, the color of the gums changed.

Exposing the neck of the tooth - photo

Diagnostic methods

How is periodontal disease diagnosed? You need a good specialist to identify the disease. Because it is difficult to visually identify the problem at the initial stage. Therefore, the main task in this case becomes differential diagnosis... Initial visual inspection reveals the presence of underlying symptoms. If the patient complains of bleeding and other problems, the likelihood that it is not gingivitis is much higher.

If there are gingival pockets, the doctor measures their depth, examines the condition of the gums. Determines how much the necks of the teeth are exposed, etc.

For diagnostic examination, apply:

  • polarography. It determines the oxygen saturation of the periodontal tissues;
  • x-ray to determine the degree of damage to the alveolar processes;
  • rheoparodontography for early diagnosis of the disease. This technique has saved the gums and teeth of thousands of young people;
  • analyzes for ROE. During the course of the disease, changes leukocyte formula blood.

Diagnostics is essential. The sooner the first signs are found, the less problems you and doctors will have in the foreseeable future.


What is parodontosis, we figured it out, in matters of diagnosis - too. Now let's look at an equally important point - how to treat it. As a matter of fact, there are two directions - classical medical techniques and modern ones that have appeared in the last two decades.

Classic techniques

The disease has been studied well enough and doctors have long figured out how to treat it quickly and effectively. Therefore, the success of their actions depends on how timely the person asked for professional help. The best approach is always a holistic one. It includes:

  • therapeutic treatment. Removal of caries, removal of tartar, general medical methods;
  • physiotherapy - photophoresis, laser, other procedures to combat microbes and restore normal blood supply to the gums;
  • surgery to restore bone tissue and for deep periodontal pockets;
  • orthopedic techniques - installation of bridges and other prostheses, crowns,.

There are also a number of additional measures to improve general state the patient's health and speed up recovery. In particular, we are talking about the use of vitamin and mineral complexes. Often, problems with gums and teeth begin precisely because a person's diet lacks the necessary substances. Having discovered this fact, you can adjust the diet, supplement it with dietary supplements, vitamins, etc. If the problem has endocrine causes, hormones have to be prescribed. However, to determine this, you need to be screened for a general illness.

The choice of hygiene products is also very important. What kind of brush do you have? Is the used toothpaste? Buying a new one is not a problem. Perhaps this small detail will significantly improve the quality of hygiene. Prevention and treatment at home starts small. Now a huge number of pastes are produced, designed specifically for the gums, as well as for use as a preventive and remedy with periodontal disease.

The best 8 toothpastes for periodontal disease:

The toothpaste contains a very effective antiseptic Chlorhexidine, components for reducing inflammation in the gums (bisabolol and allantoin). The aluminum lactate component has a pronounced astringent effect and significantly reduces bleeding of the gums, as well as reduces increased sensitivity teeth326 rubles
LACALUT aktiv It copes well with bleeding gums (due to the content of aluminum lactate, chlorhexidine, bisabolol and allantoin). Contains sodium fluoride to strengthen the structure of the enamel of the teeth, which prevents the possibility of caries215 rubles
Parodontax This is a natural toothpaste containing high concentrations of herbal extracts and mineral salts, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and astringent effect, due to which bleeding of the gums is also reduced. Can be used permanently to treat and prevent gum disease238 rubles
PRESIDENT Extra Active It has a good blood-stopping and astringent effect due to the content of aluminum lactate, chlorhexidine antiseptic, as well as a high concentration of oak bark extract. Use for no more than 30 days, after which it is advisable to switch to toothpastes that do not contain antibiotics and antiseptics. This is a decent toothpaste and, probably, its only disadvantage is the absence of fluoride.303 rubles
Balsam PRESIDENT Effect Gum balm in the form of a gel - contains the highest concentration of herbal extracts + chlorhexidine antiseptic. The course of application is no more than 7-10 days. We recommend this product as a complement to any toothpaste on our list, which can be used in two ways230 rubles
Periodontal disease Contains a large list of anti-inflammatory ingredients. The paste is effective in reducing gum inflammation (swelling, redness), and in reducing gum bleeding80 rubles
Forest balm for bleeding gums Contains a high concentration of extracts of medicinal plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect (due to a decrease in inflammation and a hemostatic effect is manifested)55 rubles
Parodontol Active + oak bark The toothpaste contains in its composition a moderate concentration of extracts of medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory effects. The undoubted advantage is the content of hydroxyapatite, which allows you to mineralize weakened tooth enamel and reduce hypersensitivity90 rubles

The use of rinsing with an antiseptic is also effective. The most popular of this type is. It is a drug that is safe for humans and destroys many types of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity. It is often included in various foods. You can also buy an ointment for the treatment of periodontal disease with this component. It should be borne in mind that high concentrations of this substance can cause staining of the tooth enamel. Therefore, some manufacturers offer phenol-based rinses. They also have antimicrobial activity.

Measures aimed at strengthening immunity, including in the oral cavity, are no less important. If signs of dysbiosis are found, special drugs are prescribed to restore the normal flora in the mouth.


Recently, more and more people are resorting to laser therapy. This method allows for effective coagulation of the affected periodontal tissues. Plus the technique is in controlling the depth of exposure and antibacterial action. One or two procedures can stop the development of pathogenic processes. At 2-3 stages, more such sessions are needed with a frequency of 1 per week. Three types of laser devices are used - with neodymium laser, CO2 and diode.

The technique has a lot of advantages:

  • no bleeding. The laser cauterizes blood vessels;
  • discomfort is minimal. This allows you to apply the technique without additional anesthetic drugs;
  • long-term recovery after treatment is not required. No damage, no waiting for healing;
  • the tooth root is polished. This improves the adherence of the periodontal tissues;
  • minimal contraindications. The laser is allowed during pregnancy, the elderly, children, etc .;
  • the procedure is very fast and does not require preliminary preparation;
  • the risk of recurrence is minimal due to the elimination of germs on the treated surfaces.

Treatment with the "Vector" apparatus

In parallel with laser therapy, the "Vector" apparatus is actively used. This method is also non-invasive. Its impact is carried out at the micro level. How it works? Particles of hydroxyapatite under the influence of ultrasound cause the destruction of biofilms. It is in them that colonies of pathogenic microbes live. Also, the process removes the waste products of bacteria, toxins, etc. Together with them, other biological debris, particles of tartar, which cannot be removed by other methods, are eliminated.

Periodontal tissues recover faster and strengthen. The problem with the release of pus is solved. If in a patient, this problem can be corrected before it becomes critical. Bleeding decreases. The time required for the procedure depends on the area to be treated. On average, it takes 40 minutes. In difficult cases - up to 2 hours. For each type of teeth, there is a special tip of the appropriate shape.

In many cases, the main problem can be solved in 1-2 visits. The discomfort is minimal. No strong vibrations. Anesthesia may not be used during the process.

Laser therapy and Vector received good reviews. They help even in difficult cases, greatly simplifying the work of a specialist.

Video - Treatment of periodontal disease

Folk methods. Efficiency and myths

Traditional medicine has accumulated a wealth of knowledge in the treatment of gum disease. So, what are the effective folk remedies? Herbs, essential oils, bee products are just a part of the arsenal on offer. Let's try to figure out which remedies help and which do not, and whether they can replace treatment with a periodontist.

The most commonly used mouth rinses and baths. They are used after the teeth have already been brushed, otherwise the effectiveness is zero. After all, the problem is precisely in the bacterial plaque. Repeat this type of procedure 2 or 3 times a day.

Recipes with honey are often found. How effective is this type of treatment? Everything here is a little more complicated than it seems. After all, honey is, in fact, sugar, the ideal food for bacteria. Because the doctor is like this for infectious and inflammatory processes bacterial character will not advise. The tinctures obtained from it are another matter. This option is actively used in modern dentistry due to the antiseptic properties of the material.

How to use propolis? There are many options. The easiest is to apply the plate to the gums. If there is a 10% tincture, then add 20 drops of it to a glass of water and rinse your mouth. And 4% is used for gauze compresses. Practice has shown that it is effective to additionally take propolis 10% orally, 20 drops. This should be done 20-30 minutes before meals.

Homeopathic remedies are also very popular. Of course, neglected periodontal disease cannot be cured by such means. However, you can use them in combination with other techniques.

So, how to treat periodontal disease if you are an adherent of homeopathy? To normalize metabolic processes, restoration of blood circulation are recommended:

  • horse chestnut preparations;
  • arnica products. They help increase tissue oxygenation;
  • camphor. Its main properties are improvement of the vascular tone in the gums and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • rataniya - eliminates bleeding;
  • sambucus is also a good anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent.

These drugs can be used in various forms. Sometimes they are added to a paste, in other cases they are tinctures or tablets. When choosing a technique, discuss it with your doctor. Self-medication can be detrimental to health. He will prescribe medications, explain how to treat your disease at home. Most importantly, you don't hurt yourself with the wrong choice.

Also, in some cases, doctors use it. These are drugs such as amoxicillin, metronidazole, erythromycin. The choice of drug is dictated by the type of bacteria causing the symptoms. It should be understood that treatment with these drugs can cause side effects... Possible allergic reactions, problems with the digestive tract. They are harmful to people with chronic diseases kidney and liver.

Video - Treatment of periodontal disease at home

Prevention of periodontal disease

What could be more effective than prevention? But many people forget about it, realizing only when unpleasant symptoms such as odor, bleeding and itching appear. Remember that timely brushing of your teeth, sanitation of the oral cavity, use of rinse aid and quitting smoking and sweets will reduce the risk of occurrence several times.

We have told you all the most important, the rest can be clarified with your doctor. Remember to visit your dentist regularly. This will reduce the risk of developing not only gum disease, but also tooth decay.

Video - Periodontal disease

From this article you will learn:

  • what is the difference between periodontal disease and periodontitis,
  • the causes and symptoms of its development,
  • how to treat periodontal disease at home and at the dentist.

The article was written by a dentist with over 19 years of experience.

Periodontal disease is a gum disease, which is based on the process of vascular hardening, which leads to a decrease in the supply of oxygen and nutrients, and as a result, there is a slow degeneration of all periodontal tissues (i.e. bone tissue around the tooth, periodontal fibers that attach the tooth to bones, as well as soft tissues of the gums).

As a rule, patients misuse the term "periodontal disease", calling it any existing disease gums. In fact, periodontal disease is a fairly rare disease, and in most patients who complain of problems in the gums, it is not periodontal disease that is found, but the real one.

Periodontal disease: photos of teeth and gums

It is very easy to check whether you have periodontitis or periodontal disease - the symptoms of the latter are a gradual decrease in the height of the gums and exposure of the roots of the teeth, which occurs due to a gradual process of sclerosis and dystrophy - usually in the absence of any inflammation in the gums. In turn, the presence of bleeding and soreness of the gums during cleaning, swelling and redness of the gums - indicates the presence of inflammation in the gums, i.e. about periodontitis.

Periodontal disease: causes and treatment

As we said above - the causes of periodontal disease are gradual hardening blood vessels (capillaries), which leads to narrowing of their lumen and thickening of the walls. As a result of these processes, the amount of oxygen and nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the periodontal tissues decreases, which leads to irreversible degeneration of absolutely all tissues around the teeth.

The process of neurotissue dystrophy begins with the processes of hardening of the bone tissue around the teeth. At later stages, the process already captures the soft tissues of the gums, the periosteum, as well as periodontal fibers, due to which the tooth is attached to the bone tissue. If you look at the tissue level, then all these processes occur by substitution connective tissue simple fibrous fibers, which leads to dense fibrous fusion of the gums with the periosteum, the periosteum with the bone.

At the same time, due to the increase in fibrous tissue in the fibers of the periodontium, dense fusion of the tooth with the bone occurs, which is the reason for the decrease or disappearance of the small physiological mobility of the teeth (which is present in all healthy teeth and is necessary for the distribution of chewing pressure). Sclerotherapy of bone tissue leads to its gradual atrophy, which is visually manifested by a decrease in the height of the gums and exposure of the roots of the teeth. When the atrophy of bone tissue reaches 1 / 2–2 / 3 of the length of the roots of the teeth, an inflammatory component is usually associated with traumatic chewing load on the teeth.

Diagnostic radiography

If during periodontitis the inflammatory loss of bone tissue occurs with the formation of periodontal pockets, then during periodontal disease (unless, of course, there is traumatic premature biting on some teeth), there is a uniform horizontal loss of bone tissue in the area of \u200b\u200ball teeth. In this case, in the picture, the bone tissue always has foci of sclerosis (fine-mesh structures with intense enlightenment).

The diagnosis of periodontal disease is made on the basis of visual examination and diagnostic. With a decrease in bone tissue up to 1/3 of the length of the horses of the teeth, a mild form of periodontal disease is set. When the height of the bone decreases to 1/2 of the length of the roots of the teeth - medium degree severity, and with more than 2/3 - a severe form. Teeth mobility usually occurs only in moderate to severe forms of the disease, which already greatly complicates the treatment of periodontal disease and may require teeth splinting.

Thus, periodontal disease is characterized by –

    x-ray signs of osteosclerosis,

    uniform decrease in the height of the interdental partitions (in the absence of periodontal pockets),

    narrowing of the periodontal gap in the area of \u200b\u200ball teeth,

    sclerotherapy of dental cavities,

    absence of pathological abrasion of tooth crowns,

    in moderate-severe forms, there may additionally be present - sclerosis of the mental openings and mandibular canals (which is expressed in the narrowing of their lumen), and dystrophic changes in the temporomandibular joints.

Final diagnosis

Periodically, situations arise when it is difficult to make a diagnosis. Those. radiographically, the patient looks like periodontal disease, but there is inflammation in the oral cavity at the gingival margin. Such situations arise in patients with periodontal disease against a background of deterioration in oral hygiene. In this case, against the background of the accumulation of soft plaque and tartar on the teeth, symptoms develop, i.e. there is swelling and bleeding of the gingival margin.

Wherein, ultrasonic cleaning teeth from plaque and calculus, plus teaching the patient correct hygiene - quickly return the situation in the oral cavity to the state typical of classical periodontal disease. At the same time, the absence of periodontal pockets in the image, as well as the presence of foci of bone tissue sclerosis, are important radiological criteria that allow us to speak even in these cases of periodontal disease, and not of periodontitis.

Periodontal disease: treatment at home and at the dentist

If you have periodontal disease, the symptoms and treatment will be interrelated, and because at the heart of this disease are the phenomena of vascular sclerosis and bone dystrophy - physiotherapy and drug therapy will be used as the main methods of treatment, aimed primarily at stimulating blood circulation in the gums. In addition, a selective grinding of the contacts between the lower and upper teeth is carried out, and at the first symptoms of mobility, teeth are splinted with crowns or fiberglass.

Treatment of periodontal disease at home is limited only to the use of finger massage of the gums, the use of special gum gels and toothpastes, as well as the intake of various vitamins, antioxidants and some other drugs (we will talk about them below). All the rest of the treatment will imply professional dental care based on a physiotherapy room.

1. Finger massage of gums -

Finger massage of the gums for periodontal disease is carried out every day, in the morning after brushing your teeth. The direction of movement of the fingers should coincide with the direction of the lymph flow in this zone, i.e. you should make circular massaging movements, which should gradually move away from the front teeth - towards chewing teeth... The procedure takes 3-5 minutes for each jaw. In addition to this massage, you can periodically (several times a year) conduct physiotherapy courses.

Massage can be done without everything, or using one of the special gels, which additionally stimulate blood circulation in the gums. For example, it can be in the form of a gel, which contains propolis (a beekeeping product). This gel can also be used without massage, simply by applying it to the gingival margin after brushing your teeth in the morning and evening. However, it should be borne in mind that to cure periodontal disease at home only with finger massage and gum gel - you will not be able to.

An important point - gum massage should not be performed against the background of gum inflammation (with swelling, redness or severe cyanosis of the gums, as well as in the presence of deep periodontal pockets and subgingival dental deposits). Otherwise, an increase in the inflammatory reaction and the development of purulent abscesses in the projection of periodontal pockets are possible.

2. Physiotherapy for periodontal disease -

There is a large list of physiotherapeutic methods for treating periodontal disease of the gums - these are electrophoresis, phonophoresis, vacuum massage, vibration vacuum massage, magnetotherapy, diadynamic currents, laser therapy. The problem is that not even every dental clinic has its own physiotherapy department, and here residents of large cities are more fortunate (especially where there are university dental clinics at medical universities).

For example, in Moscow, there is a large physiotherapy department for periodontal diseases with state clinic TsNIIS (Central Scientific Research Institute of Dentistry). You can get a referral for physiotherapy from your dentist. Next, we will tell you in detail about some of the main physiotherapy techniques that are used for periodontal disease ...

  • Heparin electrophoresis and phonophoresis
    significant healing effect with periodontal disease, heparin has since it has the ability to reduce tissue hypoxia, normalizing tissue oxygen balance, microcirculation and transport of substances between blood and tissues. Heparin electrophoresis is carried out according to the usual method: make gauze pads from a sterile bandage under each electrode, soak each pad - first with 1.0 ml of distilled water, then from a syringe - with 1 ml of heparin solution. The concentration of heparin in 1.0 ml of solution should be 5000 U.

    Electrodes with gauze pads are placed on the gingival edge of the alveolar process of the jaws, while the electrodes are carefully isolated from saliva with cotton rolls. Heparin is always administered from the cathode only. The duration of the procedure is from 12 to 15 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures (in a row, daily). In addition, heparin can be successfully injected into the periodontal tissues not only by electrophoresis, but also using the phonophoresis technique on the "Ultrasound T-5" apparatus. The duration of the phonophoresis procedure is about 7-10 minutes.

  • Vacuum massage -
    this method is tens and hundreds of times more effective than the usual gum massage that you can do at home. Vacuum massage is carried out using a special vacuum device Kulazhenko or similar devices based on a physiotherapy room. This massage leads to the destruction of some of the capillaries, which is accompanied by the release of histamine, which tends to stimulate blood circulation.

    Even more effective is the creation of gums during vacuum massage - vacuum hematomas along the transitional fold. For this, the pressure is set to 1 atmosphere, and the attachment of the apparatus must be held in one place for 30 to 60 seconds - until a hematoma of 4-5 mm in size is formed. During one visit, you can do no more than 5-6 such hematomas (full course - 8-12 procedures, with intervals between procedures - 3-5 days). This method even more stimulates metabolic processes and blood supply in the gums.

  • Laser application
    the use of a helium-neon laser for periodontal disease is aimed at enhancing the trophism of tissues, metabolic processes, and blood circulation. The course of treatment is usually 12-15 sessions, and is carried out several times a year. A single laser exposure should not exceed 20 minutes.

3. Drug therapy for periodontal disease -

There are several groups of drugs that can be effective in enhancing blood circulation and reducing hypoxia in periodontal tissues. These can be antioxidants, anabolic steroids, the use of certain vascular drugs that stimulate peripheral circulation.

1) Antioxidant use
clinical researches showed that the hardening of blood vessels in the periodontal tissues leads to a significant decrease in oxygen delivery to the gums and the development of hypoxia, which triggers the process of bone hardening. Therefore, a number of drugs to stimulate oxygenation can be very helpful. These drugs include substances with antioxidant properties. First of all, it can be vitamin E, as well as vitamins A, C, P and group B.

2) Anabolic steroid use
the use of this group of drugs is justified primarily in men, because drugs have an androgenic effect. In women, coarsening of the voice, violation of the menstrual cycle is possible from this, which disappears only with the abolition of the drug. In addition, the appointment of this group of drugs should always be preceded by a consultation with a therapist and endocrinologist about the absence of contraindications. The drug "Retabolil" is prescribed at 25-30 mg / m, only 1 time in 3 weeks (the full course of treatment is about 5-7 injections).

3) Application of Trental
the possibilities of enhancing blood circulation in the periodontal tissues are limited by the limits of the ability of the vessels to expand, and with a significant sclerotic change in the vessels in the periodontal tissues, the physiotherapeutic effect on the gums is no longer enough. In this regard, with moderate to severe periodontal disease, it also makes sense to prescribe drugs for the treatment of microcirculation disorders.

5. Splinting of mobile teeth -

How to use dental floss and brush correctly -

Also, for oral hygiene and gum massage in patients with periodontal disease, and can be used. Such a device allows not only rinsing hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity (for example, lavage spaces under dental bridges), but also massage the gums due to the action of a pulsating water jet. Instead of ordinary water in the irrigator, special medicinal solutions can also be used. We hope that our article: Periodontal disease treatment at home - turned out to be useful to you!


1. Add. professional,
2. Based on personal experience work as a periodontist,
3. National Library of Medicine (USA),
4. American Academy of Periodontology (USA),
5. "Non-surgical periodontal treatment" (Roncati M.).

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