Why you need to breathe through your nose, not your mouth. Nasal breathing or why should you breathe through your nose? Home tests - a modern alternative to laboratory diagnostics

The air inhaled through the nose passes through the nasal passages and ducts, moisturizes, warms up and clears dust remaining on the small hairs of the nasal sinuses. At the same time, the receptors involved in the regulation of blood flow and brain activity are irritated. It is because of violations in the state of these receptors that children with difficulty in nasal breathing often experience anxiety or depression, sleep disorders. In addition, free nasal breathing is necessary for normal blood gas exchange, since when breathing through the mouth, the amount of oxygen entering the human body is only 75% of its normal volume. A long-term lack of oxygen supply to the body leads to inhibition of the body's development and anemia. The habit of breathing through the mouth appears in children, as a rule, in connection with frequent colds... Therefore, it is very important to teach the child how to use a handkerchief in a timely manner, blowing his nose alternately with each nostril. Parents should also pay attention to the baby's breathing during sleep. If breathing through the nose is difficult, he sleeps with his mouth open,snoring sometimes. This is an alarming signal. If the child breathes through the mouth often, the mouth breathing type is likely to be fixed in him as bad habit getting rid of which is very difficult.

Oral breathing in a child narrows the nasal passages, which leads to underdevelopment of the maxillary sinuses and growth retardation bone structures upper jaw... And this disrupts sound reproduction. The low position of the tongue, its displacement down and back, as well as the weakening of the diaphragm of the oral cavity contribute to impaired articulation and nasal sound. In children with habitual mouth breathing, as a result of the weakened tone of the circular muscle of the mouth, it is difficult to close the lips. It delays development lower jaw... Due to the balance instinctively maintained by the body, the posture of such children is characterized by an anterior tilt of the head, which eventually leads to an overload of the temporomandibular joint by the facial muscle pain, as well as poor posture. It has long been noticed that people who do not breathe through their nose fall behind in mental development, they have worse memory, all life processes are reduced, an ugly complexion, flabby skin. This happens because breathing through the nose is the natural state of the body's respiratory system (a person does not breathe through his nose only in case of illness).The functions of the nose are varied: the sense of smell, purification of the inhaled air from dust and warming it in winter, the fight against harmful microflora. The air inhaled through the nose meets a number of obstacles, therefore, when breathing through the nose, a significant vacuum is created in the chest cavity. This facilitates the work of the heart, venous blood from the head and thereby reduces the prerequisites for the occurrence of headaches, improves the outflow of venous blood from the head and thereby reduces the prerequisites for the occurrence of headaches. Therefore, it is important to monitor the child's use of nasal breathing in everyday life, with minor physical exertion. Very often at low temperatures we see how you, dear parents, cover your child's mouth and nose with a scarf. How do you think you are doing the right thing? We must disagree with you. The fact is that by covering your child's mouth and nose with a scarf, you, in your opinion, insulate the respiratory system so that he does not “grab” the frosty air. But do not forget that according to the law of physics, when warm and cold air come into contact, moisture is formed, which accumulates in your case on the child's scarf. And he breathes not as warm as the air seems to you, but even colder in comparison with the surrounding air, because moisture enhances the cooling effect. When the nose is covered with a scarf, it becomes difficult for air to enter the body, so the child opens his mouth. The air does not warm up and leads to cooling respiratory tract , what causes colds. Breathe with your nose!

Anatomy of the nose, respiratory cycle, nasal breathing disorders

The nose is the most important and most complex organ that provides the body with full breathing and the provision of filling the lungs with air. We know that outside air passing through the nose is purified, warmed and humidified, and we do not attach much importance to these processes, thinking that breathing through the mouth is not very different from breathing through the nose. But this is fundamentally wrong.

Only nasal breathing provides the body with full oxygen.

Anatomy of the nose

The nose is a paired organ, it has two nasal passages, separated by a nasal septum or nasal septum.

On the eve of the nose (near the nostril), the nasal passage has the largest diameter, and in the region of the nasal valve (near the bridge of the nose) - the smallest. Due to the fact that the diameter of the nasal passage decreases, the air, moving along the nasal passage during inhalation, experiences increasing resistance.

In this case, the diameter of the nasal passage is not constant. Depending on the external factors such as air temperature, humidity, respiratory rate, as well as the state of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, its lumen may increase or decrease. If the mucous membrane swells, the lumen of the nasal passage decreases and the air resistance increases, or, conversely, due to an increase venous outflow, the mucous membrane decreases, respectively, the lumen increases and the resistance decreases.

In the normal state, both nasal passages work in pairs. At first, due to the lower resistance, more actively the air passes through one nasal passage, the second, due to the higher resistance, plays an auxiliary role at this time. After a while, they change roles. Thus, the total amount of air inhaled remains unchanged, but the amount of air passing through each half of the nose changes cyclically. This is called a nasal cycle. Have different people it is from 1 to 6 hours.

Due to this, in a calm state, more active ventilation of the sinuses and blood supply to the mucous membrane is alternately provided.

The presence and magnitude of nasal resistance is very important for lung function. Any working closed volume, in this case the lungs, must be connected to the atmosphere through a valve. Only in this case will he be able to do the work of moving air into the lungs and out. The role of this valve is played by nasal resistance. The amount of resistance affects the rate at which the pressure equalization process between atmospheric pressure and the pressure inside the lungs proceeds. The process of oxygen absorption into the blood depends on this.

There are also paranasal sinuses or sinuses in the nose. There are four of them in each half of the nose. it maxillary sinus, frontal, wedge-shaped and trellised labyrinth. All sinuses communicate with the nasal passage through natural fistulas. The volume of the nasal passage, together with the paranasal sinuses, ranges from 15 to 20 cubic centimeters.

The entire inner surface of the nose and paranasal sinuses is covered with a mucous membrane.

The mucous membrane plays an essential role in clearing the passing air of dust, viruses, bacteria and fungal spores. Cilia are located on the surface of the mucous membrane. They constantly oscillate. These fluctuations (mucociliary clearance) set in motion the mucus covering the mucous membrane. As the mucus moves, dust, bacteria, viruses, fungal spores from the passing air settle on it. The mucus is excreted into the nasopharynx and into the stomach. Thus, the protective function is realized during nasal breathing.

Respiratory cycle

The breathing cycle goes like this. Expanding, the chest creates negative pressure in the lungs, the outside air is sucked into the nose, part of the air passes through the paranasal sinuses there it mixes with the air in them, after which the air flow is combined and the heated and humidified air enters the lungs. During exhalation, the chest is compressed, high blood pressure, the air from the lungs rushes outward, part of the outgoing air also enters the sinuses. Moreover, the outgoing air is cleaner, humid, warmer with increased content carbon dioxide than the one inhaled. This exchange of air reduces the loss of moisture during breathing and accelerates the preparation of inhaled air.

Impaired nasal breathing

When nasal breathing is disturbed, we begin to breathe through the mouth. In this case, air enters the lungs unprepared, the resistance to air flow decreases. There is an imbalance in the air exchange process. The amount of oxygen absorbed into the blood is reduced to 30%. Oxygen supply to organs is immediately disrupted. This explains the decrease in working capacity, headache, easy fatigue, a feeling of lack of sleep after sleep.

Therefore, it is necessary to take all measures for treatment, recovery and, as a result, a return to natural nasal breathing.

Causes of nasal breathing disorders. Methods for the treatment of nasal breathing disorders.

According to the methods of treatment, they can be divided into two groups: those that are treated only surgically and those that are treated therapeutically.

The first group includes:

Curvature of the nasal septum, congenital or as a result of trauma,

Grown polyps on the nasal mucosa.

In this case, the nasal cycle is completely disrupted, one half of the nose works with a heavy load, and the other gradually atrophies. It is necessary to go to the ENT doctor and be operated on. It is impossible to delay with this, especially in children, since insufficient supply of the brain with oxygen can lead to developmental delay.

The second group includes:

Disturbances of nasal breathing due to the onset of the disease, runny nose, nasal congestion, mucosal edema, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and a number of others.

To restore the functions of the nose, it is necessary not to delay and start the treatment process in a timely manner. Large arsenal preventive measures and funds traditional medicine at the initial stage of ENT diseases will help you maintain nasal breathing and stay healthy.

Watch your breathing and be healthy!

Walking in the yard, we will definitely hear how adults make remarks to their children, forcing the latter to breathe through their noses. Of course, parents are right when they say to babies: "Shut your mouth!", "Do not swallow cold air!"

However, mothers and fathers themselves, grandfathers and grandmothers do not always follow such recommendations. Therefore, "nasal problems" haunt not only the child population, but also bring a lot of trouble to the rest of the inhabitants of planet Earth.

If a person in the winter or autumn-spring period prefers to swallow the “cold” with his mouth, then he is forced to “reward” his body with a portion of the scalding air that does not have time to warm up in the upper respiratory tract. But each of us was created in such a way that all the "evil" in the form of dust, gases, cold or scalding air, harmful bacteria and microorganisms did not enter our body. To do this, there is a kind of filter in the nose, consisting of a huge number of the smallest hairs. So they take on the hardest work. It is on these villi that inhaled dust settles, and small insects caught in the nose “lose their bearings”. Then a winding path begins, lined with mucous membrane for air entering. Here he is not only cleansed, but also warmed up.

In addition, there are other organs here that are able not only to recognize pathogenic bacteria, but also to begin to fight them at the right time. Unfortunately, all these "necessary devices" are missing in the mouth. As a result of such improper breathing, not only are there inflammatory processes, and there is also an "excellent" opportunity for direct ingestion of various pathogenic bacteria.

There are many reasons for obstructed nasal breathing. The culprits of troubles can be adenoids, curvature of the nasal septum and sinusitis, allergic rhinitis and other diseases. In some cases, a person gets nasal breathing difficulties after surgery or conservative treatment... Having got used to breathing through his mouth, he, by force of habit, refuses to inhale air through his nose. The consequences of such breathing can be very unfavorable.

Experts say that ten times more pathogenic bacteria enter the body through the mouth than through the nose. In the case of a "direct hit" in the upper respiratory tract, microbes do not linger on the nasal mucosa, but immediately begin to take up their "harmful" business, causing acute respiratory diseases. In addition, in people who constantly breathe through the mouth, the facial skeleton is deformed, the voice changes, nasal sounds appear, sometimes intracranial pressure increases, and a persistent headache occurs.

It has been noticed that those who are forced to breathe through the mouth get tired quickly, it is difficult for them to concentrate and maintain attention on a certain type of work, their memory is noticeably deteriorating.

Exercises for the nose

To begin with, it is important to train yourself to close your mouth "on the lock". The mouth of a child or adult is simply clamped with a palm next to standing man... The sufferer is first forced to breathe through the nose while lying or sitting, and then a similar exercise is performed while in motion. physical activity or walking.

You can accustom yourself to nasal breathing with the help of special gymnastics. It is very easy to perform it; such exercises do not require any special skills. You can do this exercise both in the fresh air and at room temperature in a well-ventilated area. For those who have difficulty nasal breathing, before doing the exercises, you need to drip any vasoconstrictor drops... You can perform gymnastics in any position: standing, sitting and even lying down. During an exacerbation of various diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, flu, an increase in body temperature, exercise is not necessary. Resume classes usually 2-3 days after recovery.

So, at first, calmly and evenly begin to breathe in both halves of the nose for a minute. (Repeat this after each exercise.) Then press the right nostril against the nasal septum and breathe evenly and calmly with the left side of the nose for a minute. Next, press the left nostril against the nasal septum and repeat the previous procedure. If you find it difficult to breathe from time to time, then occasionally inhale the air through your mouth. As soon as nasal breathing improves, move from a calm and even rhythm to the so-called forced breathing.

At the same time, make the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle and even chest... Remember that forced breathing can cause dizziness and even headache... This is due to the increased flow of oxygen to the vessels of the brain. In these moments, the nerve endings embedded in them are re-irritated and, as a result, a spasm of the blood lines occurs. Therefore, after taking 2-3 reinforced breaths, immediately switch to normal breathing.

During exercise, you can take in your mouth chewing gum, and then you will involuntarily breathe through your nose. To control the effectiveness of "nasal gymnastics" 2-3 weeks after the start of classes, you need to bring a mirror to the tip of the nose. A foggy spot should form on it, by the size of which you can judge how you performed breathing exercises... If the spot is less on the left or on the right, it means that this half of the nose was not actively involved in breathing. Continue exercising until the misted spots are the same size on both sides.

The special breathing exerciseshelping to regain nasal breathing. Shut your mouth. Inhale and exhale slowly through your nose for five minutes. At the same time, place the brushes on the back of the neck or upper abdomen. Calm walking in place, a few light squats, and squeezing the ball will help to positively affect the impairing sense of smell.

Regular exercise, intense, controlled exercise will help a person suffering from nose problems to find free nasal breathing. Such gymnastics should be practiced several times a day for 2-3 minutes at a time. You need to do gymnastics until you constantly breathe through your nose, excluding your mouth from this process. Read aloud more to strengthen the muscles in your mouth, throat, and nose. As you read a word, pronounce it clearly and clearly, paying special attention to the consonant sounds. Do not forget that in case of disturbed nasal breathing, it is necessary to protect the nose from harsh, unpleasantly smelling substances, because they injure the receptors of the olfactory analyzer.

Remember that correctly perceived smells and breathing through the nose can not only have a positive effect on the human body, but also prevent a huge number of diseases. No wonder they say that good nasal breathing is the guarantee of the health of each of us.

Have you ever wondered why you need to breathe through your nose and not through your mouth, if a person has two types of breathing? Air currents, getting into the nose, are freed from dust and pathogens, which reduces the likelihood of developing colds.

There is no barrier for microbes in the mouth, so cold and infected air flows directly to the bronchi, provoking their inflammation.

Being the initial part of the respiratory system, it is important in the body's relationship with the outside world.

Normally, the nasal cavity performs several functions:

  • Respiratory... Provides the transport of oxygen from the environment to tissue structures, and carbon dioxide back. The magnitude of the movement of gases determines the intensity of oxidative processes, the violation of which is dangerous by thyroid dysfunction, of cardio-vascular system, hypoxia, lung damage.
  • Protective... The air masses in the nose undergo significant changes: the vestibule prevents the penetration of coarse dust, and the mobile villi epithelial tissue glue and disinfect small agents that are evacuated from the projection of the sinuses in the phase of oscillation of the cilia. A protective reflex reaction in the form of lacrimation, sneezing occurs on the action of unfavorable exogenous or endogenous factors.
  • Moisturizing... Air saturation with additional moisture ensures the evaporation of the nutrient medium of cellular elements, part of the nasal fluid, tears. To maintain optimal performance, the body spends up to 500 ml daily. moisture. With inflammation of the mucous membrane, the coefficient increases to 2000 ml.
  • Thermostatic... Warming of air masses occurs due to the continuous process of blood circulation, the passage of a stream of air through the winding nasal passages, on the surface of which the cavernous bodies that produce heat are localized.
  • Resonator... The nasal cavity in combination with the accessory sinuses is involved in the setting of the individual color of the voice. Due to the violation of the patency of the nasal canals, closed nasal develops, the sounds during conversation become deaf. The variant of open rhinolalia (nasal) is preceded by the pathological openness of the initial section of the respiratory system.

Important! Prolonged difficulty in nasal breathing in a child is dangerous due to underdevelopment of the skeleton of the facial skull, occlusion ( wrong bite), a decrease in mental abilities, performance.

In addition, the inner nasal cavity is rich in olfactory receptors, which are responsible for the perception of taste. The sense of smell warns of the presence of toxic substances in the atmosphere, which is extremely important for employees of the food and chemical industries.

Benefits of nasal breathing

Correct breathing ensures the vital activity and growth of cells, improves general state, reduces the body's susceptibility to pathogenic microflora. Maintaining the functional parameters of the bronchi in normal conditions allows filtration, humidification and heat treatment of air masses passing through the nose, which is impossible when breathing through the mouth.

With the air that comes in oral cavity, P foreign microorganisms shed, provoking mucosal irritation... In response to the action of foreign agents, the amount secreted by goblet cells increases, the activity of mucociliary clearance decreases, and mucus is poorly evacuated to the outside.

Sputum accumulation creates favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of bacterial and viral infections, which is fraught with the appearance of a cold.

To reduce the likelihood of ENT pathologies, you should breathe through your nose. The basic principle of nasal breathing - not to overcool the respiratory tract, which is impossible when passing air jet through the oral cavity.

If the air temperature in the cold season is close to zero, then in the nasal cavity, the air warms up to 25⁰, and when breathing through the mouth up to 20⁰C.

Advice! In order to prevent chilling of the upper respiratory tract during oral breathing, it is necessary to create a barrier to the penetration of cold air - to press the tip of the tongue to the palate. Air masses, lingering in the mouth, are heated to optimal performance.

Why should you breathe through your nose and not through your mouth?

  1. Passing through the nose, the air is warmed and cleaned, but when inhaled through the mouth, this does not happen.
  2. There are villi in the nose that trap bacteria, and unwanted bacteria will enter through the mouth, you can get seriously ill
  3. you need to breathe through the nose t to go, firstly, the heat regulation of the air, secondly, purification and thirdly, it is more convenient and exhale through the mouth
  4. Because in the nose there are villi that filter dust, and the mucous membrane "understands" all other rubbish. There is only a tongue with teeth in the mouth - they won't catch much ...
  5. To keep the guts out
  6. In order for us to catch a cold, pathogens of acute respiratory diseases need to get into the upper respiratory tract and there to gain a foothold on the mucous membrane. One way to lock the entrance gate for infection.
    - The most important thing is to prevent hypothermia of the upper respiratory tract, the whole body. To do this, train yourself to always breathe through your nose. If something interferes with this (for example, a deviated nasal septum), then the cause must be eliminated with the help of doctors.

    The fact is that breathing through the nose warms up the air much better than breathing through the mouth. So, if the air temperature outside is one degree Celsius, then passing through the nose, it heats up to 25 degrees, and when breathing through the mouth only up to 20.

    In other words, in the first case, there is less danger of causing hypothermia of the upper respiratory tract, which reduces the body's ability to resist infection.

    If hard physical work, training outdoors requires mouth breathing, you need to press the tip of your tongue to the palate. Then the cold air, flowing around the obstacle, will warm up more. And give up the habit of talking loudly and eating ice cream in the cold.

  7. And when is the runny nose? ? Plus your mouth was sealed with tape? And you will have to breathe with your ears ...
  8. Less nasty things get through the nose into the lungs than through the mouth.
  9. in winter the air in the nose warms up and does not lead to throat diseases, and in summer they filter dust with the nose
  10. Passing through the nasal canals, the air manages to take the optimal temperature, the villi in the nose act as filters.
  11. Because the nose is designed for this. And there are hairs in the nose that act as a filter and prevent dust and other rubbish from entering the lungs.
  12. The cold air in the nose warms up, but in the mouth it does not, and the throat can become sore.
    And in general - the nose is to breathe, and the mouth is to eat
  13. Because the air is warmed up, humidified, cleaned and only then enters the larynx
  14. Because breathing through your mouth, especially in winter, is the shortest way to catch a cold or get bronchitis.
  15. Because the nose is a filter.
  16. Because passing through the nasal passage, the air is warmed and cleaned. That is why the impossibility of nasal breathing leads to various diseases upper respiratory tract.
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