Why does a cat or a cat have dirty ears? How to properly clean the ears of an infant, and whether it is necessary to do it Ears quickly get dirty and become greasy

In the ears of a child, just like any adult, sulfur accumulates. It is often said that the deeper we clean our ears, the better. But this is far from the case. It is necessary to take care of the ears of a newborn very carefully and strictly according to the rules, since they are easy to damage. It must be remembered that the eardrum at this age is not yet protected, and the length of the ear canal is very small. A baby's ears should be cleaned at least once every 10 days.

Of course, you need to clean your baby's ears, but you shouldn't be too zealous. Such procedures must be completed in a timely manner. Cleaning sulfur is very often not only not recommended, but also prohibited.

It certainly looks awful, but it performs useful functions:

  • The sulfur keeps the eardrum from drying out and moisturizes the ear canal.
  • Protects the ear canal from various microbes.

That is why, if you are trying to clean out all the wax to the end several times a day, you should know that a lack of earwax can lead to various infections. The second disadvantage of frequent ear cleaning is that sulfur begins to stand out twice as fast.

How can you clean your baby's ears

Newborns can clean their ears with a cotton swab or a cotton ball rolled into a flagellum. Sticks for adults are not suitable for these purposes, you need to buy special ones for the baby's ears. These sticks are distinguished by the presence of a special limiter that does not allow penetration deep.

Cotton swabs should be moistened in a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide or simply in warm boiled water.

What not to do

  • The baby's ears are so delicate that they can be easily damaged, which is why this procedure should be carried out by a person who has short-cut nails.
  • You can not clean the baby's ears with a toothpick, on which the cotton is wound - you can damage the ear.

What is the best time to clean your ears

Pediatricians advise cleaning the baby's ears after an evening swim or morning feeding. Moms will ask: "Why exactly?" After the morning feeding, the sulfur begins to be pushed out of the child, which is why it will be very easy to remove it. After an evening swim, droplets of water fall into the ears, the sulfur softens, and then it can be removed without damaging anything. It should also be remembered that children's ears do not like water inside, because of this, it is necessary to remove it from the child's ears after each bathing. If you do not do this, inflammation or otitis media may develop, and you will have to see a doctor.

Visit to a specialist

An otolaryngologist should be contacted not only during routine checks, but also in the following cases:

  1. Sulfur does not come out of the ear canal in any way. You should not clean it at home, as it can push even deeper, and it will be more difficult to get rid of it. The doctor will help you remove the sulfur quickly and painlessly.
  2. You should also contact a specialist if an unpleasant odor is felt from the baby's ears.
  3. If there is discharge from the ears of the crumbs, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  4. The sulfur has changed color and consistency. The shade of sulfur can be from yellow to dark brown. In the event that the color and consistency have changed dramatically, then an urgent need to contact an otolaryngologist for help.
  5. Redness or inflammation of the ear.
  6. Foreign body in the ear canal.

It is imperative to clean the ears of a baby, but this should be done very carefully, in a special way, not like adults. How to clean your ears correctly?

  • You need to clean only the part of the ear that is clearly visible. That is, the auricle. Penetrating deep into the ear can harm the baby.
  • It is necessary to clean only with specially designed sticks or rolled cotton pads.
  • In order to clean your child's ears, you should put him on a flat surface and turn his head to the side.
  • If you find a sulfuric plug, then you should not try to remove it yourself, you need to contact a specialist.

Rules for cleaning children's ears

  1. First you need to put the baby on a flat surface and turn his head to one side.
  2. Then you should soak a cotton swab or swab in hydrogen peroxide or warm water. In no case should the cotton wool be very wet.
  3. Next, you need to wipe the auricle to the crumb, while not penetrating deeply.
  4. It should be remembered that if you notice accumulations in the ear canal in your baby, then you should not clean it yourself, it is better to consult an otolaryngologist.
  5. Also, wipe behind the ear with a cotton pad slightly moistened with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Children under one year old should be careful when cleaning their ears. In order for everything to be good, you must strictly adhere to the above recommendations and rules.

Each owner tries to surround his pet with care and love. But this is not always enough, because the animals still need competent care. For example, cats often suffer from dirt in their ears. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly examine their auricles in order to solve the problem in a timely manner.

What can a cat's ears mean?

The body of any living creature has its own characteristics. The appearance of dirt in the ear canals in a perfectly healthy cat is usually not a cause for concern. But sometimes this sign means that the animal has a dangerous disease or the inflammatory process of the hearing organ is intensively developing. Normally, the inside of a cat's ears is a light pinkish tint. They may contain a little sulfuric secretion and ordinary dust. At the same time, an unpleasant smell will never come. Often, mites hide under the dirt in the ear canals, which poses a danger to the health of the pet.

This is especially worth paying attention to if the cat is constantly shaking its head and scratching its ears. In such a case, you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian, since only a specialist is able to establish the true cause of the animal's malaise, and choose the best option to deal with the problem. Do not self-medicate the animal. But, if you regularly conduct a preventive examination of your pet's ears and carry out hygienic cleaning according to the rules, such a problem will hardly arise.

The main causes of cat ear pollution

If accumulations of dirt, serous discharge are found in the ears of a domestic cat, or pus appears, such pathological phenomena can be justified by such factors:

Pet cat owners should have their ears checked from the age of two months. Moreover, this should be done regularly. The first cleaning of a kitten's ears is best done at a veterinary clinic.

The procedure for cleaning your pet's ears is a rather difficult task that requires adherence to certain rules. To perform the manipulation, you need to prepare the necessary material:

  1. Cotton swabs or tampons.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide solution, but you can use a special gel.
  3. Towel for fixing the animal.

In principle, this arsenal of aids is sufficient for cleaning the auricles. After all of the above is prepared, the following should be done:

  1. Place the animal on a chair, securing it tightly with a towel.
  2. Pull the edge of the ear with your finger.
  3. Examine carefully the inner surface of the animal's ear.
  4. If dirt deposits are found on the outside, carefully remove them using a swab moistened with peroxide.
  5. Then pour in a few drops of the drug prescribed by the veterinarian.
  6. Wait for the liquid to be evenly distributed; for this purpose, you can slightly massage the ear at the base.
  7. After that, you can gently remove the dirt with a cotton swab.
  8. At the end of the procedure, blot the remaining liquid with a cotton pad.

For patience and endurance, a cat after cleaning its ears should be rewarded with a favorite treat.

If the pet has developed otitis media, then the cat will constantly have its head down, and the sore ear will be combed until it bleeds. In such a situation, urgent veterinary care is needed to stop the inflammatory process. In advanced cases, the doctor usually prescribes antibiotics. The cat needs professional help in case of allergic reactions.

It is the responsibility of the domestic cat owner to take proper care of the pet. Cleaning and regular examination of the ears is also an excellent prevention of a number of diseases.

Video: ear mite in a cat

Cats clean themselves and lick themselves. It would be useful for some representatives of the human race to take an example from them. But for all its phenomenal cleanliness, there are some places that are hard to reach for the animals themselves, where they find it difficult to independently carry out hygienic procedures. One of these difficult places for the tongue to penetrate is the inner surface of the ears. And here only a person can clean it.

Features of the problem

If a cat has permanently dirty ears, this should give the owner the idea that something is wrong with his pet's health. The presence of dirt inside the auricle is often the result of a disease. In healthy cats, the inner surface of the ear has a pleasant light pink color. And even if a small amount of sulfur and dust has accumulated in them, they look quite healthy and well-groomed. In this case, the animal does not bother anything, it behaves calmly and adequately. However, a large accumulation of dirt inside the ear and the development of an unpleasant odor definitely indicate the presence of an infection in the animal's body. Ear mites are the most common source of ear contamination. You should be very attentive to your pets, to notice any deviations from the norm of behavior, because constantly dirty ears of a cat in the near future can provoke her hearing problems.

Show your pet an increased interest at least once a week by carefully examining his ears and cleaning them from dirt. In order to avoid the accumulation of dirt, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures. If, nevertheless, this fate could not be avoided by your kitten, do not try to cure it yourself - be sure to show it to a specialist and strictly follow his recommendations. Remember that self-medication can aggravate the disease and seriously harm your pet's health.

Causes of the appearance of dirt in the ears

Why do cats get dirty ears? In some cases, overly large ears can cause contamination. They accumulate much more dirt inside themselves than normal-sized hearing organs. In any case, the medical procedures must be preceded by a qualified veterinarian consultation. Hairless cats may also have more dust in their ears. For their ears are completely unprotected by wool from various external influences. It is necessary to examine the ears of a kitten from two months of age. The first examination and cleaning of contamination should be done by a veterinarian. There you should also consult with your doctor about how to clean your kitten's ear correctly and painlessly. This will allow you to protect your baby from serious problems in the future.

What is ear mite in cats? Symptoms and Treatment

When adopting a pet in the family, first of all, consult your veterinarian how to clean your kitten's ear when it gets dirty. There is a certain sequence of actions, following which you can carry out a hygienic procedure without any problems. To clean the ears of a kitten, you need to do the following:

  • lay it on the table and press it a little against the table top;
  • pull the ear over the edge with your thumb to inspect the inside;
  • pay attention to the condition of the auditory canal - is there any redness or discharge; if internal contamination is found, carefully remove the dirt with a cotton swab treated with hydrogen peroxide;
  • gently pull the edge of the auricle to open the ear canal;
  • after that, the required number of drops of the drug prescribed by the veterinarian for treatment should be poured there;
  • without letting go of the kitten, gently massage the base of the ear so that the healing fluid is evenly distributed;
  • gently clean the ear canal with a cotton swab;
  • thoroughly blot the inner side of the ear with a cotton pad;
  • at the end of the procedure, reward the kitten for patience with some of his favorite treats.


As we can see, a cat's dirty ears are not a sentence at all, but just a signal for a more attentive attitude towards her. It is necessary to carry out measures to prevent the disease. Be vigilant, save your pet from unpleasant diseases, and he will thank you with his boundless love and devotion!

Even long-haired cats wash themselves with such zeal that one can only envy. They reach the most inaccessible places, but not the ears - only a person can clean them.

How does infection occur

The tick attaches to the outer ear canal of a cat or cat and immediately begins to feed on the epidermis of the inner ear. The skin is disturbed and fluid begins to stand out from the damaged areas. This dried liquid is the notorious dirt.

How to treat

Ear mites, he is also treated with otodectosis in different ways. Of the known techniques, the following methods of struggle can be distinguished:

  • insecticidal spray, and if the ticks have moved to the body - drops on the withers;
  • ear cleaner;
  • drops;
  • ointment.

If the choice is between drops or spray, then choose a spray. They can handle not only dirty ears of a cat, but also the main place of residence of the animal, for example, a box. If we talk about the choice of the drug, then preference is given to such means as:

  1. Dermatosol.
  2. Psoroptol.
  3. Fipronil.
  4. Tsiodrin.

The main thing here is not to confuse an ear mite with another disease. For example, a yeast infection in a cat's ears produces similar symptoms - dark discharge (exudate). And the misuse of anti-otodectosis drugs will easily worsen the situation. For this reason, if you are unsure of something, go to the vet.

Other causes of dirty ears

Some cat breeds have big ears, and these are natural dust collectors. But even in an ordinary ear, dust is clogged over time, settling in the auricle. If too much dirt accumulates, the animal's internal defense comes into play. This is the increased production of earwax and, as a result, the formation of a dirty mass.

In some cases, the intensity of the sulfuric gland does not depend on external stimuli, so dirty ears can be found in cats that are constantly in a clean house. Most often, this phenomenon affects breeds that have no or little hair on their ears, and this is the natural protection of the animal from external influences. These ears should be cleaned regularly.

A cat or a cat has dirty ears, what to do

What is done with dirt - it is removed correctly. The question here is how to do it correctly so as not to harm the cat or cat. Consider the step-by-step instructions for the correct cleaning of dirty ears in cats and cats.

The basic rule is that we take our time and do everything carefully. Remember - we are working on an important and sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe cat's body.

First of all, bend the cat's ear, try to turn it out to the maximum, but to natural resistance. If you use gel or ointment, do not squeeze it into your ear. Use a cotton swab dipped in medicine for this.

There is an opinion that an animal can break the eardrum - this is a myth. Naturally, you do not need to push the stick all the way into the pet's ear, a depth of one centimeter will be enough. Although care should be taken in any case, it is possible to cause pain through awkward handling.

The next trick in movement is to direct the movement of the stick outward. If you don't, you can simply push the dirt deeper into the animal's ear.

If a tick or other ear condition is to blame for your cat's dirty ears, wait with a premature “treatment”. In this case, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian before proceeding with cleaning. The diagnosis and doctor's advice in this case is a necessity, because the effectiveness of the treatment depends on the correct cleaning.

Now you know why a cat has dirty ears inside and can easily solve the problem of cleaning them. Moreover, all the proposed manipulations are extremely simple and accessible. They will not take much of your time, and your pet will be very grateful to you.

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Taking care of your hygiene is quite an important and useful activity, which in the long term helps to avoid a huge number of health problems, and when a child appears in a family, all responsibility for his hygiene falls on the shoulders of young parents. Washing and ironing clothes, changing linen and powder, in the cycle of affairs, parents often completely forget about ears, which also require proper care, but this approach is very dangerous for the child's hearing and can lead to the formation of sulfur plugs. To solve this problem, two main points can be distinguished:

  • What makes your ears dirty
  • Tips for cleaning your child's ears
  1. Our body is so amazing that, by and large, almost all processes are thought out in it and self-cleaning of the ears is one of those, not many people know that when talking, coughing, swallowing or chewing in the ears, cleaning takes place. And its result is a mass of yellow-green color, which, accumulating in the auricle, needs to be purified from the side of the person himself. And the sulfur, which many are used to cleaning out so thoroughly, is actually a protector of the ear canal, so its cleansing should not be deep, since it can harm the child's health and disrupt important processes, causing stress in the body.
  2. But nevertheless, ear cleaning is important and should be done according to all the rules and recommendations.

The basics of cleaning the auricle:

  • For cleaning small ears, it is not recommended to use adult ear sticks, but only specialized for children with a stopper so as not to hurt the child.
  • It is recommended to do the cleaning when the baby has just been washed and it is steamed. To do this, take a special stick or gauze pad, dipped in hydrogen peroxide and remove the ear secretion that has come out. It is forbidden for a child to climb deep into the auricle, you can damage the delicate structure of a small ear and contribute to the formation of a sulfur plug.
  • The use of herbal candles, so popular at the moment, is allowed only after consulting a doctor.
  • Such a procedure is strictly prohibited in everyday use.

The peculiarity of this procedure in infants is that the use of even special ear sticks is not recommended; doctors suggest that you simply gently wash your ears with your fingers when bathing. And several times a week, with a thin flagellum of gauze dipped in oil or water, clean the auricle. The main thing to remember is that your child's health is in your hands.

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