Splitting fats in the body. Exchange of fats

Digestive enzymes are divided into three main groups:
amylases - enzymes that split carbohydrates;
proteases - enzymes, splitting proteins;
lipases - enzymes that split fats.

Food recycling begins in the oral cavity. Under the action of the enzyme of the saliva of the bird (amylases), the starch turns first into dextrin, and then in Disaccharide Maltose. The second enzyme of the saliva Malta-for cleaves maltose into two glucose molecules. Partial cleavage of starch, starting in the oral cavity, continues in the stomach. However, as food with gastric juice mixed, gastric acid cessation ceases the action of the bird and maltase saliva. The digestion of carbohydrates is completed in the intestines, where the highly active enzymes of the pancreas establishment (invertase, mal-pelvis, lactase) break away disaccharides to monosaccharides.

The digestion of food proteins is a stepped process, which is completed in three stages:
1) in the stomach;
2) in the small intestine;
3) in the cells of the mucous membrane of the small intestine.

In the first two stages, long polypeptide protein chains to short oligopeptides are cleaved. Oligopeptic dyes are absorbed into the cells of the intestinal mucosa, where they are split to amino acids. Protease enzymes act on long polypeptides, on oligopeptic peptidases. In the stomach on proteins, pepsin, produced by the gastric mucosa in an inactive form, called pepsinogen.

In an acidic medium, inactive pepsinogen is activated, turning into pepsin. In the small intestine in the neutral medium, the pancreatic proteases are affected by partially digested proteins - trypsin and chemical tripsin. On oligopeptides in the intestinal mucosa, a number of cell peptidases are affected, splitting them to amino acids.

Fat food digestion begins in the stomach. Under the action of gastric juice lipase, fats are partially split into glycerin and fatty acids. In the twelfth gum, fat is mixed with pancreatic (pancreatic) juice and bile. Salts of bile acids emulsified fats, which makes it easier for them to enzyme the pancreatic juice of lipase, splitting fats for glycerin and fatty acids.

Digestion products of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - amino acids, fatty acids, monosaccharides are absorbed through the epithelium of the small intestine in blood. All that did not have time to digest or sustate, passes into a thick intestine, which is subjected to deep decay under the influence of microorganisms enzymes with the formation of a number of toxic substances that poison the body. Pine intestinal rotary microorganisms are destroyed by lactic acid bacteria of lactic acid products. Therefore, that the body is less than poisoned by poisonous waste of microorganisms, you need to consume kefir daily, weakly and other lactic acid products.

In the thick intestine, the formation of potassium masses, which accumulate in the sigmoid intestine. With the act of defecation, they are allocated from the body through the rectum.

Sucked in the intestines and entered the blood splitting products of food substances in the future are involved in a variety of chemical reactions. These reactions are called metabolism, or metabolism.

In the liver, glucose is the formation of amino acids. The liver also performs a neutralizing role in relation to poisonous substances that are absorbed from the intestine to the blood.

The digestion is a chain of the most important processes occurring in our body, due to which the organs and tissues are obtained by the necessary nutrients.

Note, no other way in the body can do valuable proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Food enters the oral cavity, the esophagus passes, it gets into the stomach, from there go to thin, then into a thick intestine. This is a schematic description of how digestion passes. In fact, everything is much more complicated. Food is a certain processing in a particular department of the gastrointestinal tract. Each stage is a separate process.

It must be said that enzymes are played a huge role in digestion, which accompany the food lump at all stages. Enzymes are presented in several types: enzymes responsible for fats; Enzymes responsible for protein processing and, accordingly, carbohydrates. What are these substances? Enzymes (enzymes) are protein molecules that accelerate chemical reactions. Their presence / absence determines the speed and quality of metabolic processes. Many people have to normalize metabolism to take preparations containing enzymes, since their digestive system does not cope with the food received.

Enzymes for carbohydrates

A digestive process focused on carbohydrates, begins in the oral cavity. The food is crushed with the help of teeth, in parallel exposed to saliva. In saliva and lies the secret in the form of a bird enzyme, which turns starch in dextrin, and after in Disaccharide Maltose. Maltose breaks the enzyme of Maltaz, breaking it on 2 glucose molecules. So, the first stage of enzymatic processing of the food lump was passed. The splitting of starchy compounds that began in the mouth continues in the gastric space. Food, enrolling in the stomach, is experiencing an action of hydrochloric acid, which blocks the saliva enzymes. The final stage of carbohydrate splitting passes inside the intestine with the participation of highly active enzyst substances. These substances (maltase, lactase, invertase), processing monosaccharides and disaccharides are contained in the secreter liquid of the pancreas.

Enzymes for proteins

Spelves protein passes in 3 stages. The first stage is carried out in the stomach, the second is in the small intestine, and the third - in the cavity of the large intestine (cells of the mucous membrane are engaged). In the stomach and the small intestine, under the action of protease enzymes, polypeptide protein chains are disintegrated into shorter oligopeptide, which, after falling into the cellular formation of the mucous membrane of the thick bowel. With the help of peptidases, oligopeptides are split to finite protein elements - amino acids.

The gastric mucosa produces an inactive pepsinogen enzyme. It turns into a catalyst only under the influence of an acidic medium, becoming pepsin. It is pepsin that disrupts the integrity of the proteins. In the intestine on protein food affects the pancreatic enzyme substances (trypsin, as well as chymotrypsin), digesting long protein chains in a neutral medium. Oligopeptides are cleaving to amino acids with the participation of some peptidasic elements.

Enzymes for fats

Fats, like other food elements, are digested in the gastrointestinal tract in several stages. This process begins in the stomach, in which lipases split fats for fatty acids and glycerin. Fat components are sent to the duodenum, which is mixed with bile and pancreatic juice. The biliary salts subjected the fats of emulsification to accelerate their processing of the enzyme of pancreatic juice lipase.

The path of split proteins, fats, carbohydrates

As it turned out, under the action of protein enzymes, fats and carbohydrates are disintegrated into individual components. Fatty acids, amino acids, monosaccharides fall into the blood through the epithelial of the small intestine, and the "waste" goes into the cavity of the large intestine. Everything that could not digest, becomes the object of attention of microorganisms. They process these substances with their own enzymes, forming slags and toxins. Dangerous for the body is to enter the decay products into the blood. The intestinal rotary microflora can be suppressed by fermented with fermented bacteria contained in fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, ryazhenka, prostrip, yogurt, kumys. That is why daily consumption is recommended. However, it is impossible to remove with fermented with dairy products.

All undigested elements make up the carte masses that accumulate in the sigmoid segment of the intestine. And they leave the colonist through the rectum.

Useful trace elements formed during the splitting of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood. Their appointment is to participate in a large number of chemical reactions that determine the flow of metabolism (metabolism). An important function is performed by a liver: it carries out the conversion of amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol, lactic acid in glucose, thus providing the body with energy. Also, the liver is a kind of filter that cleans blood from toxins, poisons.

This is how digestive processes with the participation of essential substances - enzymes occur in our body. Without them, digestion of food is impossible, and, it means, the normal operation of the digestive system is impossible.

Malt enzymes and their substrates

Frachmal enzymes

Hydrolytic cleavage of starch (amylolysis) when wiping catalyzed solid amyloses. In addition to them, malt contains several enzymes from amyloglucosidase groups and transfers, which attack some starch cleavage products; However, by quantitative ratio, they have only secondary meaning when rubbing.

When settling the natural substrate is starch contained in the malt. Just like any natural starch, it is not a single chemical, but a mixture containing depending on origin from 20 to 25% amylose and 75-80% amylopectin.

The amylose molecule forms long, unbranched, spiral chains consisting of α-glucose molecules, mutually linked with glucoside bonds in the α-1.4 position. The amount of glucose molecules varies differently and ranges from 60 to 600. The amyloose is soluble in water and is painted with iodine solution in blue. According to Meyer, the amyloose under the action of the β-amylase malt is completely hydrolyzed to maltose.

Amopectin molecule consists of short branched chains. Along with the connections in the position α-1.4, there are also connections of α-1.6 in branched places. Glucose units in the molecule number about 3000. Barley amylopectin contains them, on poppy led, from 24 to 26, while malt only 17-18. Amylopectin without heating insoluble in water, when heated, forms a hubble.

The malt contains two amylases, splitting starch to maltose and dextrins. One of them catalyzes the reaction at which the blue color with iodine solution quickly disappears, but Maltose is relatively small formed; This amylase is called dextriding or α-amylase (α-1,4-glucan-4-glucohydrollaza, EK 3.2.1 L.). Under the action of the second amylase, blue painting with iodine solution disappears only when a large amount of maltose is formed; It is amylase precipitating or β-amylase (β-1,4-glucmaltogdolaza, EK *.

Dextriding α-amylase. It is a typical malt component.

α-amylase is activated during malignancy, but in barley Kneen found it only in 1944. It catalyzes the splitting of α-1.4 glucoside ties. Molecules of both starch components, i.e. amylose and amylopectin, while unevenly burst inside; Only finite bonds are not hydrolyzed. There is a liquefaction and dextrization occurs in a rapid decrease in the viscosity of the solution (dilution of the congestion). The dilution of the starch tire is one of the functions of malt α-amylase. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe participation of another diluting enzyme (amylo phosphathosis) is currently not considered reasonable. It is characteristic that α-amylase causes an extremely rapid decrease in the viscosity of the starch tip, the restoring the ability of which it increases very slowly. The blue iodine starch tossing reaction (i.e. amylopectin solution) under the action of α-amylases quickly changes through the red, a snap-to-ahroic point, namely with low restorative ability.

In natural media, i.e., in malt extracts and urbar, the aα-amylase has a temperature optimum of 70 ° C; Inactivated at 80 ° C. The optimal pH zone is from 5 to 6 with a clear maximum on the pH curve. It is stable in the pH range from S to 9. Aα-amylase is very sensitive to elevated acidity (is acid-resistant); Inactivated by oxidation of yes pH 3 at 0 ° C or to pH 4.2-4.3 at 20 ° C.

Precipitate β-amylase. It is contained in barley and its volume while positioning (germination) increases greatly. β-amylase has a high ability to catalyze the splitting of starch to maltose. It does not dilute insoluble native starch and even starchy holter.

Of the unbranched chains of the β-amylase amylase, the secondary α-1.4 glucoside bonds is cleaved by the secondary α-1.4 bonds, namely from non-alternating (non-algegid) ends of the chains. Maltose gradually clears off from individual chains on one molecule. The cleavage of amylopectin occurs, however, the enzyme attacks an branched amylopectin molecule simultaneously in several spatial chains, namely, in places of branching, where the α-1.6 bonds are located in front of which the splitting stops.

The viscosity of the starch celature under the action of α-amylase decreases slowly, while reducing ability increases evenly. The iodine color is moving out of blue very slowly into the purple, and then in red, but the Ahroic point does not reach at all.

Temperature optimum β-amylase in malt extracts and steams are at 60-65 ° C; It is inactivated at 75 ° C. The optimal zone pH is equal to 4.5-5, according to other data - 4.65 at 40-50 ° C with a unwitted maximum on the pH curve.

The overall effect of α- and β-amylase. The amylase (diastasis) contained in the malt of conventional types and in a special diastatic malt is a natural mixture of α- and β-amylase, in which β-amylase quantitatively dominates over α-amylase.

With the simultaneous action of both amylases, the starch hydrolysis is much deeper than with an independent action of one of the named enzymes, and the maltose is obtained 75-80%.

The precipitation of amylose and finite groups of amylopectin β-amylase begins from the end of the chains, while α-amylase attacks the substrate molecules inside the chains.

The lower and higher dextries are formed along with maltose under the action of α-amylase on amylose and amylopectin. Higher dextries are also formed under the action of β-amylase on amylopectin. Dextrins are a type of erythrongranozness and α-amylase breaks them up to α-1.6 connections, so new centers for the action of β-amylase are formed. Thus, α-amylase increases the activity of β-amylase. In addition, the α-amylase attacks the dextrins of the type of hexose, which are formed under the action of β-amylase on amylose.

Dextrins with normal straight chains are precipitated by both amylases. At the same time, β-amylase gives maltose and some maltotriasis, and α-amylase - maltose, glucose and maltotriosis, which is further split to maltose and glucose. Dextrins with branched chains are rushing to branching points. At the same time, lower dextries are formed, sometimes oligosaccharides, mostly trisaccharides and isomaltosis. Such branched residual products that enzymes do not further hydrolyze, there are about 25-30% and they are called end dextrins.

The difference between the temperature optimum α- and β-amylase in practice is used to adjust the interaction of both enzymes in the fact that the selection of the correct temperature is maintained by the activity of one enzyme to the detriment of the other.

Malt amyloglucosidases, such as α- and β-glucosidase, β-h-fructosidase, are hydrolyzing enzymes that react exactly as amylases, which, however, hydrolyzed do not starch, but only some cleavage products.

Transglukosidases, rather non-treated enzymes, but the mechanism of the reaction catalyzed by them is similar to the hydrolase mechanism. In the malt contains transglucosidases, phosphorylating or phosphorylase, and nephorsphorylating, for example cyclodextrinasis, amylotase, etc. All these enzymes catalyze the transfer of sugar radicals. Their technological value is secondary.

Enzymes that split protein substances

The splitting of proteins (proteolysis) is catalyzed by styling enzymes from the peptidase or protease group (peptide hydrolylase, EC 34), hydrolyzing peptide bonds \u003d CO \u003d NH \u003d. They are divided into endopepidases, or proteinases (peptide peptide hydrolase, EK 3.44) and exopeptidase or peptidase (dipeptide hydrolase, EK 3.4.3).

In the editors of the substrates are the remnants of the barley protein substance, i.e. leukeosine, edestine, gordeine and bugness, partially altered while susceptible (for example, coagulated during drying) and their spraying products, i.e. albumosis, peptones and polypeptides.

Some protein substances form open chains of amino acids bound by peptide bonds with free-end amine groups \u003d NH2 and carboxyl groups \u003d coxy. In addition to them, the protein molecule may contain amino groups of diaminocarboxylic acids and carboxyl groups of dicarboxylic acids. As long as some proteins have peptide chains, closed in rings, they do not have finite amine and carboxyl groups.

Barley and malt contain one enzyme from the Endopeptidase group (proteinases) and at least two exopeptidases (peptidase). Their hydrolyzing effect is complemented mutually.

Endopeptidase (proteinase). As real proteinase, barley and malt endopeptidase hydrolyzys internal peptide bonds of proteins. Macromolecules proteins are split into smaller particles, i.e. polypeptides with a smaller molecular weight. In the same way as the remaining proteinases, barley and malt proteases act more active on altered proteins, such as denatured than on native proteins.

According to its properties, barley and malt proteinases relate to the enzymes of the papain type, very common in plants. Their optimal temperature is between 50-60 ° C, the optimum pH ranges from 4.6 to 4.9, depending on the substrate. Proteinase is relatively stable at high temperatures and thereby differs from peptidases. It is most stable in the isoelectric area, i.e. at a pH of 4.4 to 4.6. According to Colbuha, the activity of the enzyme in the aqueous medium is reduced already after 1 h at 30 ° C; At 70 ° C after 1 hour it is completely destroyed.

Hydrolysis, catalyzed by malt proteinase, proceeds gradually. There were several intermediate products between proteins and polypeptides, of which peptons, also called proteodosis, albumose, etc., are the highest colloidal cleavage products that have typical protein properties. They are deposited in an acidic medium to Tanin, however, with a buret reaction (i.e., reactions with copper sulk acid in an alkaline protein solution) are painted in pink color instead of violet. When boiling peptons do not coagulate. Solutions have an active surface, they are knitting and when shaking easily form foam.

The last degree of cleavage of proteins catalyzed by malt proteinase is polypeptides. They are only partly high molecular weights with colloidal properties. Normally polypeptides form molecular solutions, easily diffusing. As a rule, they do not react as proteins and are not precipitated by Tanin. Polypeptides are a peptide substrate, which complement the action of proteinase.

Exopeptidases (peptidase). The peptidase complex is presented in the malt with two enzymes, but others are allowed.

Peptidases catalyze the cleavage of the terminal residues of amino acids from peptides, and the dipectids are first formed and, finally, amino acids. Peptidases are characterized by substrate specificity. Among them are also dipeptidases, hydrolyzing dipeptides, and polypeptidases, hydrolyzing higher peptides containing at least three amino acids in a molecule. The peptidase group differs aminopolypeptidases, the activity of which causes the presence of a free amino group, and carboxypeptidases that require the presence of a free carboxyl group.

All malt peptidases have the optimal pH in the weakly alkaline region between pH 7 and 8 and the optimal temperature of about 40 ° C. At pH 6, which flows proteolysis in a germinating barley, peptidase activity is pronounced, while at pH 4.5-5.0 (optimum proteinases) peptidases are inactivated. In aqueous solutions, peptidase activity decreases at 50 ° C, at 60 ° C, peptidase is quickly inactivated.

Enzymes, splitting the esters of phosphoric acid esters

When rubbing, the enzymes catalyzing the hydrolysis of phosphoric esters are attached to the enzymes.

Phosphoric acid cleaner is technically very important due to its immediate effect on the acidity and buffer system of brewing intermediates and beer.

The natural substrate of malt phosphosphosteras is the esters of phosphoric acid, of which fitin prevails in the malt. This is a mixture of czllcis and magnesium salts of phytic acid, which is a hexafosphorous ester of the Inosite. In phosphhatic phosphorus is connected as a saccine ester with glycerin, while nucleotides contain ribose phosphoric ether associated with pyrimidine or purine base.

The most important malt phosphosterase is phytase (mesoinosithexafosfatphosphogydolaza, EK It is very active. Fitithin fittase gradually clears phosphoric acid. At the same time, various phosphoric esters of the Inosite are formed, which in the end give inosit and inorganic phosphate. Along with the phytase, sacroephosphorylase, nucleotidpyrophosphate, glyceotidpyrophosphate, glycelorophosphatase and pyphosphatase were also described.

The optimal pH of malt phosphatase is in a relatively narrow range - from 5 to 5.5. To high temperatures, they are sensitive in different ways. The optimal temperature range is 40-50 ° C very close to the peptidase temperature interval (protease).

Enzymes that splitting food

Building material for muscles and energy needed for life, the body receives exclusively from food. Getting energy from food is the peak of the evolutionary mechanism of energy consumption. In the process of digestion, food turns into compound elements that can be used by the organism.

With high physical exertion, the need for foodstuffs can be so great that even a healthy gastrointestinal tract is not able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of plastic and energy material. In this regard, there is a contradiction between the need of the body in the foodstuffs and the ability of the gastrointestinal tract this need to satisfy.

Let's try to consider solving this problem.

In order to understand how best to increase the digestive ability of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to make a brief excursion to physiology.

In chemical transformations of food, the most important role is played by the secretion of digestive glands. It is strictly coordinated. Food, moving along the gastrointestinal tract, is subjected to alternately by various digestive glands.

The concept of "digestion" is inextricably linked with the concept of digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes are a narrow specialized part of the enzymes, the main task of which is the splitting of complex foods in the gastrointestinal tract to simpler, which is already directly absorbed by the body.

Consider the main components of food:

Carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates of sugar (glucose, fructose) digestion do not require. They are safely absorbed in the oral cavity, a 12-robust intestine and a small intestine.

Complex carbohydrates - starch and glycogen require digestion (splitting) to simple sugars.

Partial splitting of complex carbohydrates begins in the oral cavity, because Salus contains amylase - enzyme, cleaving carbohydrates. The amylase of the saliva L-amylase, only the first phases of the decay of starch or glycogen with the formation of dextrins and maltose is performed. In the stomach, the action of salivary L-amylase is terminated due to the acid reaction of the contents of the stomach (pH of 1.5-2.5). However, in the deeper layers of the food lump, where the gastric juice does not immediately penetrate, the action of salivary amylase continues for some time and the splitting of polysaccharides occurs with the formation of dextrins and maltose.

When food enters the 12th pans, there is the most important phase of the transformation of the starch (glycogen), the pH increases to the neutral medium and L-wave is as much as possible. Starch and glycogen completely disintegrate to maltose. In the intestines of maltose very quickly disintegrates on 2 glucose molecules, which are quickly absorbed.


Sakharoza (simple sugar), which fell into the small intestine, under the action of the enzyme sucrose quickly turns into glucose and fructose.

Lactose, milk sugar, which is contained only in milk, under the action of lactose enzyme.

In the end, all carbohydrates disintegrate into the components of their monosaccharides (mainly glucose, fructose and galactose), which are absorbed by the intestinal wall and then fall into the blood. Over 90% of the monosaccharides (mainly glucose) through the intestinal carriage capillaries fall into the blood circuit and the blood flow is delivered primarily to the liver. In the liver, most glucose turns into glycogen, which is postponed in hepatic cells.

So, now we know that the main enzymes that split carbohydrates are amylase, sucrose and lactose. Moreover, more than 90% of specific gravity takes amylase. Since most of the carbohydrates consumed are complex, then and amylase, respectively, is the main digestive enzyme, cleaving carbohydrates (complex).

Proteins. Food proteins are not absorbed by the body, they will not be cleaved in the process of digesting food to the stage of free amino acids. A living organism has the ability to use protein administered with food only after its total hydrolysis in the gastrointestinal tract to amino acids, of which, in the cells of the body, are constructed peculiar to this species specific proteins.

The process of digesting proteins and is multi-stage. Enzymes, splitting proteins are called "protolytic". Approximately 95-97% of food proteins (those that have been cleaved) are absorbed into the blood in the form of free amino acids.

The enzyme apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract splits the peptide bonds of protein molecules in stages, strictly selectively. When disconnected from the protein molecule of one amino acid, the amino acid and peptide is obtained. Then another amino acid is cleaved from the peptide, then also. And so as long as the whole molecule is split to amino acids.

The main proteolytic stomach enzyme - pepsin. Pepsin cleaves large protein molecules to peptides and amino acids. Pepsin is active only in an acidic medium, therefore, for its normal activity, it is necessary to maintain a certain level of acidity of the gastric juice. In some diseases of the stomach (gastritis, etc.), the acidity of the gastric juice is significantly reduced.

Gastric juice also contains renin. This is a proteolytic enzyme that causes milk. Milk in the stomach of man should first turn into kefir, and then then subjected to further absorption. In the absence of renin (it is believed that it is present in the gastric juice to only 10-13 years of age), the milk will not be sinkable, penetrates into a large intestine and there is subjected to rotting processes (lactalbumin) and fermentation (galactose). The consolation is the fact that 70% of adults have a pepsin takes a function of Renin. 30% of adult people never tolerate milk. It causes them a bowelism (fermentation of galactose) and the relaxation of the chair. For such people, fermented dairy products are preferred in which milk is already in a feldated form.

In the 12-perrest of peptides and proteins are already stronger "aggression" proteolytic enzymes. The source of these enzymes is the extensive pancreatic apparatus.

So, the 12-square intestine contains such proteolytic enzymes as trypsin, chymotrypsin, collagenase, peptidase, elastase. And the difference from the proteolytic of the stomach enzymes, the pancreatic enzymes break most of the peptide bonds and turn the main mass of peptides in amino acids.

In the small intestine, the decay of still existing peptides to amino acids is fully completed. The main amount of amino acids is absorbed by passive transport. Suction by passive transport means that the more amino acids will be in the small intestine, the more they are to the blood.

The delicious intestine contains a large set of various digestive enzymes that are combined under the general name of peptidase. Here the digestion of proteins is completed mainly.

Traces of digestive processes can be found in a thick intestine, where, under the influence of microflora, a partial decomposition of hard-plated molecules occurs. However, this mechanism is rudimentary and serious significance in the general process of digestion has nothing.

Finishing the story about the hydrolysis of proteins, it should be mentioned that all the basic processes of digestion flow on the surface of the intestinal mucosa (closed digestion according to A. M. Corner).

Fats (lipids). Salus does not contain enzymes that split fats. In the oral cavity, fats are not subject to any changes. Human stomach contains some lipase. Lipasa is an enzyme splitting fats. In the stomach of man, however, lipase is inactive due to a very acidic gastric medium. Only in infants lipase breaks the fats of breast milk.

The splitting of fats in an adult occurs mainly in the upper departments of the small intestine. Lipase cannot affect fats if they are not emulsified. Emulsification of fats occurs in a 12-risk intestine, immediately, as soon as the contents of the stomach falls there. The main emulsifying effect on fats is salted bile acids, which fall into a 12-risk gallbladder. The biliary acids are synthesized in cholesterol liver. Bile acids not only emulsify fats, but also activate the lipase of the 12th and intestine and intestines. This lipase is produced mainly by the outer-generating apparatus of the pancreas. Moreover, the pancreas produces several types of lipases that split the neutral world on glycerin and free fatty acids.

Partially fats in the form of a fine emulsion can be absorbed in the small intestine unchanged, however, the bulk of fat is absorbed only after the pancreas lipase splits it into fatty acids and glycerin. Fatty acids with a short chain are easily absorbed. Fatty acids with a long chain are badly absorbed. For suction, they have to connect with bile acids, phospholipids and cholesterol, forming so-called micelles - fat balls.

If necessary, assimilate large than usual, the number of food and eliminate the contradiction between the need of the body in food and the ability of the gastrointestinal tract to ensure this need, most often use the maintenance of pharmacological preparations containing digestive enzymes.

Chemical essence of fat digestion. Enzymes that split fats. The composition of bile.

Chemical treatment of feed It occurs with the help of the enzymes of the digestive juices produced by the glands of the digestive tract: salivary, gastric, intestinal, pancreas. Three groups of digestive enzymes are distinguished: proteolytic - splitting proteins to amino acids, glucoside (amylolytic) - hydrolyzing carbohydrates to glucose and lipolytic - splitting fats for glycerin and fatty acids.

The hydrolysis of fat occurs mainly by weight digestion with the participation of lipases and phospholipas. Lipase hydrolyzes fat to fatty acids and monoglyceride (usually up to 2 monoglyceride).

In the oral cavity, fats are not digested \u003d\u003e No conditions. In the stomach in adults, the gastric lipase has a very low activity \u003d\u003e No conditions for the emulsification of fat, because It is inactive in an acidic environment. In young in the dairy period \u003d\u003e digestion occurs, because Milk fat is located in an emulsified state and pH of the gastric juice \u003d 5. \u003d\u003e Fat digestion occurs in the upper sequins of the small intestine. Lipase cannot affect fats if they are not emulsified. Emulsification of fats occurs in the 12th roster. The main emulsifying effect on fats is salted bile acids, which fall into a 12-risk gallbladder. Bile acids not only emulsify fats, but also activate the lipase of the 12th and intestine and intestines.

Partially fats in the form of a fine emulsion can be absorbed in the small intestine unchanged, however, the bulk of fat is absorbed only after the pancreas lipase splits it into fatty acids and glycerin. For suction, they have to connect with bile acids, phospholipids and cholesterol, forming so-called micelles - fat balls.

In the colon there are no enzymes that manifest a hydrolytic effect on lipids. Lipid substances that do not undergo changes in the small intestine are subjected to putrid decomposition under the influence of microflora enzymes. Tolstone mucus contains some phosphatide. Some of them are resubped.

Non-minded cholesterol is restored to Kala coprostrerina.

Enzymes, splitting lipids call lipases.

a) lingual lipase (secreted by salivary glands, in the root of the tongue);

b) gastric lipase (secrets in the stomach and has the ability to work in an acidic stomach environment);

c) pancreatic lipase (enters the intestinal lumen as part of the secretion of the pancreas, breaks the food triglycerides, which make up about 90% of food fats).

Depending on the type of lipids in their hydrolysis, different lipases are involved. Triglycerides split lipases and triglyceridelipase, cholesterol and other sterols - cholesterol, phospholipids -phospholipase.

The composition of bile. Bile is generated by liver cells. There are two types of bile: hepatic and bubble. Liquid bile liquid, transparent, light yellow color; Bubble is more dense, dark color. Bile consists of 98% water and 2% of the dry residue, which includes organic matter: bile acid salts -Hole, lithoholic and deoxycholic, biliary pigments - bilirubin and biliverdin, cholesterol, fatty acids, lecithin, mucin, urea, uric acid, vitamins A , B, C; Minor number of enzymes: amylase, phosphatase, protease, catalase, oxidase, as well as amino acids and glucocorticoids; Inorganic substances: Na +, K +, Ca2 +, Fe ++, C1-, HCO3-, SO4-, P04-. In the bustling bubble, the concentration of all these substances is 5-6 times more than in the hepatic bile

Today we will deal with how the formation and splitting of fat occurs in our organism. This process as a whole is called lipid exchange (or exchange of fats).

In fact, in the body there is such a colossal number of chemical reactions and transformations, which for a detailed explanation of the entire fats process would require a number of crowded lectures and excellent knowledge in the field of biochemistry.

Of course, I'm not going to load you with sheets of formulas, so we will consider the exchange of fats in a very simplified version and only on the side that is important to us with you - from the point of view of weight loss.

To begin with, we will discuss in detail the process of the formation of fats in our organism.

Interestingly, our body can get fats not only directly from fats that are in food, but also from carbohydrates and even proteins. And now we will look at all 3 ways to obtain fats.

So, the fats that are part of the food fall into the gastrointestinal tract where they split into fatty acids and glycerin. Then it is all absorbed and enters the blood and lymph, with the help of which is delivered to the cells of our body. If some cells require fat (for example, muscle cells need energy), the fatty acids are consumed by these cells. If the body is not required by the body, then falling into special fat cells (lipocides), fatty acids can be postponed "about the supply" in the form of substances called "triglycerides". In fatty cells, our fat stocks are stored and fat cells with a large number of accumulated triglycerides create us discomfort in the form of overweight.

The formation of fatty sediments from carbohydrates is as follows: First, carbohydrates are split to glucose and fructose, and then in fat cells, with the participation of insulin, triglycerides are formed.

The process of formation of fatty sediments from proteins is much more complicated. In order to get fat from the protein, it is first necessary to split the protein to amino acids, then in the liver of the amino acids turn into glucose, and then from glucose, with insulin participation, triglycerides are formed in fatty cells.

From this we can immediately make a rather important conclusion:

"Make" fat from proteins to our body is most difficult!

There are many diverse diets on this fact, for example, Duucan diet. However, such diet have negative health effects and I recommend to avoid them. There are much more correct and simple ways to lose weight, than to extend yourself with "wonderful diets".

It is worth noting that fat in our body has many features. It not only serves as the main energy reserve of our organism, but also is a building material for cell membranes and a number of hormones. Therefore, we cannot completely get rid of adipose tissue. Without adipose tissue, our body will not function normally. When we are talking about weight loss, we try to get rid of surplus fat, but not from all fat. Some percentage still remains.

It is worth noting that the woman's body is more inclined to accumulate fat and less inclined then this fat split. This is due to the reproductive function. To fulfill this feature, a huge energy supply is required. A huge amount of energy is spent on the formation of the fetus, its livelihood and development. Also, during the formation of the fetus, there are active construction of new cells, which are necessary for membranes that are built from fats. In the world of nature there is no guarantee that food will always be available and therefore the energy reserves are necessary.

The minimum amount of fat in the body, below which the threat of death arises:

  • men: about 5%
  • women: about 10%

Now we need to understand, but how to get, split and, then, the fat reserves of our body are consumed.

So, the fat was postponed in the form of triglycerides in a fat cell. And it's time to use it. This happens when insufficiently energy or fat is required from the digestive system as a building material for cell membranes. At this point, the fat cells are given a signal. This signal is given to a humoral method (that is, with hormones). This is not one of some hormone, but a whole set of different hormones with lipolytic action (the ability to split fats).

For example, at the time of stress, the body allocates a special hormone - adrenaline, splitting fat (the body is preparing to be the energy of active actions - for example, run away from the danger).

If a person has not eaten for a long time, the digestive system is empty, the level of glucose falls in the blood. A special hormone is allocated - "glucuine", which takes glucose from the liver. Also, this hormone has a lipolytic action.

If a person does not eat for a very long time, or experiencing physical or emotional overload, hormone is highlighted - cortisol.
Also fat breaks somatotropin. It stimulates the synthesis of protein and including for this, he gives the team to split fats. Since protein synthesis requires a huge amount of energy, which is obtained in the form of ATP from fats.

More split fatty hormones thyroid gland and many other hormones.

Having received a team from hormones, a fat cell splits fat to:

  • glycerol
  • fatty acid

Which enter the bloodstock and lymphotok.

At the same time, fatty acids, which themselves cannot be transported, are connected with special proteins and form "fat-proteins" or, by scientific "lipoproteins".

Next, lipoproteins, "driving" past a cell that energy is required to interact with special enzymes on cell membrane, which split lipoproteins and take fatty acid to further use (producing energy or construction of membranes).

It is worth noting that often incorrect conclusions are made from the exagon exchange process. For example, a person heard that the signal to the splitting of fat gives adrenaline, which stands out at the time of stress. And there are special pills that stimulate the production of adrenaline, and they need to eat, to split fat. But the splitting of fat, it is not its oxidation (that is, it's just splitting and entering it into the blood - this is not a fat consumption). Oxidation (that is, directly consumption of fat for energy or the construction of membranes) will begin to occur only when this fat is needed by cells, by which he "swims". If no energy is required by any cells, then everything will end just that the fats will go into the blood and will swim there. These fats will be postponed on the walls of the vessels, which is very bad and can lead to atherosclerosis, blockage of stroke vessels, etc. Therefore, people who are often nervous are more susceptible to this kind of disease.

Thus, it is necessary not easy to split fats, but also create conditions so that they are consumed by cells (create a lack of energy in cells).

Julia Lakmen.

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Pancreatic enzymes take the main part in the digestive system. They perform the function of splitting fats, carbohydrates and protein. Enzymes stimulate the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, split different elements and accelerate the process of metabolism.

The main manufacturer of enzymes in the human body is the pancreas. In essence, it is a unique body that produces special digestive juice. This juice is filled with enzymes, bicarbonates, water and electrolytes. Without these substances, the process of digestion itself is not possible. They fall into the small intestine as pancreatic juice and split fats, proteins and complex carbohydrates. All this complex process occurs already in the duodenum.

Pancreatic enzymes necessary for humans are divided into 3 groups. Lipase is included in the first group. It breaks fats that cannot get into blood, glycerin and fatty acids. In the second group is amylase. The amylase splits directly starch, which under the action of the enzyme becomes oligosaccharide.

Other digestive enzymes convert oligosaccharides in glucose, which falling into the blood becomes the source of energy for humans. In the third group there are proteases (tripsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, elastase). Tripsin, in turn, breaks the protein on peptides. Peptides brings carboxyptidase amino acids. Elastasa is responsible for the splitting of different types of protein and elastin.

All these pancreatic enzymes in pancreatic juice are in a passive state so that they do not start splitting the tissue of the pancreas itself. Their activation begins only under the influence of a sufficient amount of bile. In the small intestine under the action of bile, enzyme enterocinate, it also "awakens" inactive tripsinogen to active trypsin.

It is the main, and "turns" the remaining inactive indminments of the pancreas. Active trypsin drives the process of autocatalysis, after which it comes into effect as the main one. Tripsin is synthesized as proferred. It is in this form that he falls into the delicious intestine. The production of enzymes in the pancreas begins immediately after entering the delicious intestine and lasts about twelve hours.

Premature activation them leads to the fact that they begin to split not only food, but also the organ itself (pancreas), which consists mainly of proteins. This process is a symptom of such a common disease as pancreatitis. When the pancreas is destroyed to gradually over the pair of years - this is called chronic pancreatitis. To diagnose this disease, it is enough to pay attention to its symptoms.

The symptoms of pancreatite are as follows:

  • frequent vomiting that occurs after abundant meals;
  • pain in the right and left hypochondrium, sometimes they are manifested in the entire upper area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen;
  • dryness and bitterness in the mouth;
  • ikota;
  • belching;
  • nausea.

If there are several symptoms, it is necessary to immediately see the doctor. If there is an acute haying pain and severe vomiting, these symptoms indicate acute pancreatitis. In this case, you need to cause emergency assistance. With such symptoms, treatment is carried out in the hospital under the supervision of doctors.

Video "Chronic pancreatitis. All about him "

Analysis on enzymes

In order to establish the correct diagnosis and assign appropriate treatment, it is necessary to pass the analysis to enzymes, pass x-ray, ultrasound, tomography, MRI and pass the feces on the coprogram. With the help of coprogram tests, you can determine the state of the microflora of the small intestine. To determine the exact number of enzymes and their condition, give blood to biochemical analysis. It helps to determine the level of trypsin, amylase and lipases. The lack of these enzymes indicates the availability of the disease.

The number of tripsin in the blood is a very important indicator of the pancreas activity as a whole. Therefore, during the test of analysis, the total level of trypsin in the human body gives special importance. The lack of it in the blood also indicates the presence of the disease. Analysis on the activity and level of amylase, trypsin and lipases are carried out only in laboratory conditions.

In case of suspected pancreatitis and the availability of certain symptoms, analyzes the level of lipase in the blood. Its activity increases during the exacerbation of the disease. In order to accurately determine the level of enzymes, the general analysis of urine and feces are prescribed. During testing, it is necessary to adhere to special rules. Do not forget that you need to take them on an empty stomach.

Determine the excess or disadvantage

Failure in the production and work of pancreatic enzymes is called deficiency. During failure, the pancreas cannot produce the necessary hormone - insulin. The manifestation of this pathology is diabetes mellitus, among the symptoms of which is the mainstream of glucose in the blood.

There are a number of reasons that cause insufficiency. Such as incorrect meals (oversight in the diet of oily, salt and fried food), avitaminosis, low level of protein in the blood, injury to the pancreas tissues, low hemoglobin in the blood. To date, four types of deficiency are distinguished: externally secretory, exocrine, enzyme and endocrine failure.

Enzyme failure arises due to the generation of a small number of one of the enzymes. Pancreas failure manifests itself in two forms: organic and functional. The cause of functional failure may be poisoning, infectious diseases, use of strong medical drugs. Usually, the symptoms pass themselves after a while.

In organic failure, a comprehensive treatment is used. Since the symptoms themselves will not disappear. Comprehensive treatment implies a strict diet and the appointment of enzymes that take during food. These drugs establish the process of digestion, which is difficult to disadvantaged natural enzymes.

Course of recovery

Special medication drugs are used to restore the normal level of enzymes. The main purpose of drugs is the addition of the missing number of own enzymes. Doses of preparations depend on the age and state of the patient. Take them a full course, strictly adhering to dosages during meals.

The active infect of enzyme preparations is pancreatin, which is made from animal organs. These drugs can be attributed to Mezim, Creon, Pancareon, Enzystal, Festal, Pangrol, Panzinorm.

For the normal recovery of the body, the patient is prescribed a strict diet. It should be adhered to at least a month. The diet eliminates the consumption of fried, oily, salt and acidic food. From drinks eliminate alcoholic, carbonated water, coffee, cocoa, strong black tea. Food must be boiled with a minimum content of fats and seasonings.

Video "How to" take care "for the pancreas?"

To properly establish sleep, nutrition and general mood of the body, you should have enough information about the advantage of such actions. In this video, you will learn how to protect the pancreas and ourselves.

In the chemical transformation of the adopted food, the main role is played by digestive glands. Namely their secretion. This process is strictly coordinated. In the gastrointestinal tract, food is exposed to different digestive glands. Thanks to the admission to the subtle intestine of the pancreas enzymes, the proper absorption of nutrients and the normal digestion process occurs. In the whole of this scheme, the enzymes needed to split fat play an important role.

Reactions and splitting

Digestive enzymes have a narrow-controlled task of cleavage of complex substances that entered the gastrointestinal tract with food. These substances are split into simple, which is easy to assimilate the body. In the food processing mechanism, enzymes, or enzymes that split fat (are three types) play a special role. They are produced by saliva glands and stomach, in which the enzymes split a rather large volume of organic substances. These substances include fats, proteins, carbohydrates. As a result of the impact of such enzymes, the body qualitatively absorbs the adopted food. Enzymes are needed for an accelerated reaction. Each type of enzyme is suitable for a certain reaction, acting on the appropriate type of communication.


For a better absorption of fats in the body, gastric juice containing lipase works. This enzyme, splitting fat, produces pancreas. Carbohydrates are split due to amylase. After decay, they quickly absorbed and enter blood. The cleavage also contributes to the amylase of saliva, material, lactase. Proteins are split due to proteases that are still involved in the normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. This includes pepsin, chimosine, trypsin, Erepsin and carboxypeptidase of the pancreas.

What is the name of the main enzyme, splitting fat in the human body?

Lipasa is an enzyme, the main task of which is dissolving, separation into fractions and digestion of fat in the human digestive tract. Fasteners entering the intestines do not have the opportunity to be absorbed into the blood. For suction, they must break up fatty acids and glycerin. In this process, lipase helps. If a case is observed when the enzyme splitting fat (lipase) is reduced, it is necessary to carefully examine a person for oncology.

Lipase pancreatic in the form of an inactive prolipase proferred, is excreted in the duodenum. Prolipase is activated under the influence and colipase, another enzyme from the pancreatic juice. Ligase ligase is produced in infants due to oral glands. She participates in the digestion of breast milk.

Lipase liver secrets in blood, where binds to the vascular walls of the liver. Most of the fats from food split into the small intestine due to lipase from the pancreas.

Knowing what an enzyme breaks fats and something specifically does not cope with the body, doctors can prescribe the necessary treatment.

The chemical nature of almost all enzymes is a protein. At the same time is both endocrine systems. The pancreas itself actively participates in the process of digestion, and the main gastric enzyme is pepsin.

How does the pancreatic enzymes split fat on simple substances?

Amylaza splits starch to oligosaccharides. Next, oligosaccharides disintegrate to glucose under the influence of other digestive enzymes. Glucose is absorbed into the blood. For the human body, it is a source of energy.

All human organs and fabric are built of proteins. Not an exception and pancreas, which activates enzymes only after their fall into the lumen of the small intestine. In violations of the normal functioning of this body, pancreatitis occurs. This is a rather common disease. The disease in which there is no enzyme, splitting fats, is called or intracerecretory.

Problems of insufficiency

Surrendor deficiency reduces the production of digestive enzymes. In this case, a person cannot consume food in large volumes, since the function of splitting triglycerides is violated. In such patients after taking fatty products, symptoms of nausea, gravity, abdominal pain appear.

With intracerecretory failure, a hormone insulin is produced, helping to absorb glucose. There is a severe disease, which is called diabetes mellitus. Another name is sugar diabetes. This name is associated with an increase in the separation of urine by the body, as a result of which he loses water and a person feels constant thirst. Carbohydrates almost do not come from blood into the cells and therefore practically not used on the energy needs of the body. The blood glucose rate increases sharply, and it begins to be outlined through the urine. Due to such processes, the use of fats and proteins on energy goals increases greatly, and incomplete oxidation products are accumulated in the body. Ultimately, acidity in the blood also increases, which can even lead to a diabetic coma. In this case, the patient has a respiratory disorder, up to the loss of consciousness and death.

This example is clearly clearly visible how important enzymes that break fats in the body of people are so that all organs work is coordinated.


If any problems arise, it is necessary to solve them, help the body with the help of various methods of treatment and medical drugs.

Glucagon has the opposite effect of insulin effect. This hormone affects the splitting of glycogen in the liver and converting fats in carbohydrates, thereby leading to an increase in glucose concentration. A hormone somatostatin carries out the braking of glucagon secretion.


In medicine, enzymes that split fats in the human body can be obtained using drugs. Their set - from the most famous brands to little-known and less expensive, but the same effective. The main thing is not to engage in self-medication. After all, only the doctor using the necessary methods of diagnosis may choose the right drug to normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, we often only help the organism with enzymes. The hardest thing to make it work is correct. Especially if the person is already elderly. This only at first glance it seems that I bought the necessary pills - and the problem is solved. In fact, everything is not at all. The human body is the most advanced mechanism that nevertheless stands and wears. If a person wants him to serve him as long as possible, it is necessary to maintain it, to diagnose and treat it in time.

Of course, reading and learning which enzyme breaks fats in the process of man's digestion, you can go to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist to recommend the drug with the desired composition. But this can only be done in exceptional cases, when for some good reason it is not possible to visit the doctor or invite it to the house. It is necessary to understand that it is possible to be strongly mistaken and symptoms in different diseases may be similar. And in order to put the correct diagnosis, you must need medical care. Self-medication may seriously harm.

Digestion in the stomach

Gastric juice contains pepsin, hydrochloric acid and lipase. Pepsin acts only in and splits proteins on peptides. Lipase in gastric juice splits fat only emulsified (milk). The split fats enzyme becomes active only in the alkaline medium of the small intestine. It comes together with the composition of the food seafridge, pushed the cutting smooth muscles of the stomach. It pushes into a duodenum of individual portions. Some small part of substances is absorbed in the stomach (sugar, dissolved salt, alcohol, pharmaceuticals). The digestion process itself is mainly ends in a small intestine.

A faded, intestinal and pancreas juice come to an advanced in the twelfth intestine. Food is coming from the stomach to the lower departments at different speeds. Fat delayed, and the dairy goes quickly.


Pancreas juice is an alkaline reaction fluid that does not have colors and containing trypsin and other enzymes that split peptides on amino acids. Amylaza, lactase and maltaz convert carbohydrates in glucose, fructose and lactose. Lipasa is an enzyme that split fats to fatty acids and glycerin. The digestion time and the release of juice depend on the type and quality of food.

The delicious intestine performs an adhesive and strip digestion. After mechanical and enzymatic treatment, splitting products are absorbed into blood and lymph. This is a complex physiological process, which is carried out by villi and directed strictly in one direction, pork from the intestine.


Amino acids, vitamins, glucose, mineral salts in the aqueous solution are absorbed into the capillary blood of the Village. Glycerin and fatty acids are not dissolved and can not be absorbed. They are transferred to epithelial cells where fat molecules arrive in lymph are formed. Passing the barrier of lymph nodes, they fall into the blood.

Very large in the suction of fats is bile. Fatty acids, connecting with bile and alkalis, washed. Thus, soaps (soluble fatty acid salts) are formed, easily passing through the walls of the veins. The glands in the tolstish intestine predominantly distinguish the mucus. The thick division of the intestine sucks water to 4 liters per day. Here lives a very large number of bacteria involved in the splitting of fiber and synthesis of group vitamins B and K.

In the process of aerobic decay of glucose, 6 dehydrogenation reactions occur. The energy released in the process of complete decay of glucose to CO2 and H2O is 2880 kJ / mol.

6. What is the similarity of fermentation and cellular breathing? Teacher: The exchange of substances and energy consists of two interrelated and opposite processes with one of them we have already met.

In such cases, the process is included, which flows without oxygen and ends with the formation of lactate from peer-grade acid.

Frying is the process of oxygen-free cleavage of organic substances, mainly carbohydrates, occurring under the action of enzymes.

What is due to the use of yeast in winemaking? In Bakery? The use of yeast in the bakery is due to the fact that carbon dioxide bubbles formed in the process of alcohol fermentation, break the dough, making it lush. Acetic acid fermentation underlies the formation of food vinegar.

This can be explained by the intake of oxygen on Wednesday, where fermentation occurs. In the presence of oxygen, along with alcohol fermentation, acetic acid occurs, and the higher the oxygen content, the stronger is shifted towards the formation of acetic acid.

What fermentation differs from cellular breathing? Until the formation of PVC, fermentation and cellular respiration processes flow equally. Final fermentation products are various organic substances (with the exception of CO2), in which a significant stock of energy is concluded. Eukaritis is a final (oxygen) stage of cellular respiration proceeds in mitochondria.

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Note: Glucose mass can be installed without calculations, it suffices to pay attention to the composition of glucose and lactic acid molecules (C6H12O6 \u003d 2C3H6O3).

Therefore, the mass of glucose is equal to the mass of the resulting lactic acid. As a result, 61.6 g of carbon dioxide was formed. What is the maximum amount of ATP (mol) could be formed in yeast cells?

Note: Calculation of the chemical amount of glucose can also be kept using the equation system.

What is this process? 1. Preparatory stage (digestion) - occurs outside the cells in the digestive tract under the action of enzymes secreted by digestive glands.

First of all, carbohydrates are used for splitting. Proteins are involved in exchange after the consolidation of all carbohydrate stocks and fats, with long starvation.

Glyciciziz (Grech. Glycos - Sweet, Lysis - splitting). This is a complex multistage process, representing the cascade of the following 10 reactions. Lists in cytoplasm cells.

If further oxygen oxidation may, the PVC comes from the cytoplasm in mitochondria, where further transformations undergoes.

Glyicoliz is the evolutionarily the most ancient way of cleaving glucose. In addition to substrates, numerous enzymes, carriers, water molecular oxygen are involved in the oxygen process.

It is essential that when glucose oxidation, fatty acids and some amino acids are formed the same end product - acetyl-co.

How to split fat

In this case, the "depletion" of the primary energy source occurs. Therefore, in the cycle of tricarboxylic acids comes the acetyl molecules - which from different sources.

What is the energy of breathing transformed into them?

Most organisms are used for cellular respiration primarily: a) carbohydrates; b) proteins and carbohydrates; c) proteins and lipids; d) lipids and carbohydrates. In certain situations, the provision of tissue oxygen may not comply with their needs.

For example, at the initial stages of intensive muscle work in stress, cardiac abbreviations may not reach the desired frequency, and the needs of the muscles in oxygen for the aerobic decay of glucose is large.

See also:

In plants, breathing is carried out by all organs, oxygen is absorbed only in cell mitochondria.

Different energy output. At the calculation of 1 mol glucose: 2 mol ATP as a result of fermentation and 38 mol ATP as a result of the full cleavage of glucose with cellular breathing. Aerobic glycoliz is called the process of glucose oxidation to peer-grade acid flowing in the presence of oxygen.

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Fats in the human body provide energy needs for ensuring the processes of life in peace, the cost of assimilation of food, the cost of motor activity (muscular activity) of the body. This consumption is quite stable - from 1200 to 1600 kokaloria per day. From the size of the physical activity and other external factors, the total consumption, which may vary quite significantly.

With proper nutrition to 30% of the energy, the body should receive from fats (this is about 100 grams per day), which are also spent on the creation of the structure of human tissues - protoplasic fat is included in the cells.

Excess fat The body postpones about the supply in peculiar storage facilities, they are called fat depot, and are dangerous when they exceed some sizes. When drawing up a menu for proper power, you need to remember that the fats contain a lot of calories, for example, the fat contains up to 900 kilocalories, and 58 cywloorium milk per 100 grams of the product.

Just like proteins, not all fats in the body are equally useful. The benefits of fats depends on their composition, namely on the content of unsaturated fatty acids.

Unsaturated fatty acids (archivo, linoye, etc.) provide metabolic processes in the body, they are much contained in vegetable oils. Animal fats contain many cholesterol and complex hydrocarbons, which is considered to be non-optical for the body.

Nevertheless, the ratio of fats with proper nutrition should be 2: 1 in favor of vegetable fats.

Fats in the human body In addition to the above-mentioned building and energy functions are solvents for some chemicals, for vitamins, oils. For example, the normal functioning of the domestic secretion glands provide fat-soluble A and D vitamins.

The adipose tissue serves in the body of the main "depot" of fat. In this tissue, not so much fat contained in food (to lose weight to lose weight!) How much is the one that formed from carbohydrates.

Especially quickly absorbed such carbohydrates as beet sugar, glucose, fructose (honey).

The transition of carbohydrates into fats in the body is carried out directly in adipose tissue. This process is under the regulatory effect of the hormone of the pancreas - insulin. That is why insulted in a number of cases, we missed after a long sickness and wishing to grow people in some cases to accelerate fat accumulation in the body.

On the other hand, a long-term, even a slight increase in the function of the beta cells of the pancreas, where the formation of insulin occurs, may cause obesity.

Contributes to the transition of carbohydrates into fats in the body and prolactin, or lactogenic hormone. It is formed in the front share of the pituitary gland. This hormone, which is rapidly generated in women during breastfeeding period, regulates the secretion of milk and the content in it in it. If, after stopping feeding, prolactin continues to be allocated, a woman may develop common obesity.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) in combination Even with a very small amount of alcohol activates the process of fat formation in the body of carbohydrates.

It is a combination of vitamin B1 and alcohol in beer and explains the tendency to obesity from lovers of this drink. The recommendation of the injured patient is widely known in order to blow, drink Kumiv, which also includes vitamin B1 and a small dose of alcohol.

Fat in the body is the main reserve of energy. It contains the greatest amount of potential energy compared to other substances. With full combustion of grams of fat gives 9.3 kilocaloria, gram of carbohydrate and protein - 4.1 kokalorias.

What provides fat exit from "Depot", or, how to say, mobilization and use of fats as a source of energy?

In a chemical treatment, it is a triglyceride - a compound of glycerol with three fatty acids.

In order for fat to get out of adipose tissue, it must pre-break on glycerin and free fatty acids. Acids enroll in the bloodstream and, burning, supply the energy of the body. The splitting of triglycerides is carried out with the help of special enzymes called lipolytic. Lipolytic enzymes have stimulants that enhance their action, activate the use of fats as a source of energy.

Known gidobilizing properties of the sympathetic nervous system.

With its excitation, due to muscle tension, negative emotions, oil decrease in adipose tissue is possible. With a weak excitability of the sympathetic nervous system, the splitting of fat decreases and this leads to obesity.

Local obesity, for example, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, the hips are associated with a reduced excitability of certain sympathetic nervous formations.

Regulate the mobilization of fat and gland internal secretion. Thyroid hormone stimulates its energy use.

Somatotropic pituitary hormone (growth hormone) enhances both fatty acid yields from adipose tissue and their processing. Emerging Energy provides protein synthesis with which the growth of the body is associated. This explains the teenagers' alliance during their rapid growth.

The hypophysies also discovered a number of stimulating the use of fat substances - polypeptides.

Fatty acids are primarily used as a source of energy in the muscles.

In this process, the special substance contained in the muscles is actively involved - carnitine. When, for example, the meat is boiled, carnitine goes into broth.

Splitting fats in the body. What contributes to the products for splitting fats

That is why a cup of strong broth "Bodriti".

Part of the fatty acids unused in the energy metabolism, entering the liver, is connected in it with glycerin. Thus formed triglycerides. Fighting with proteins, they become soluble and stand out from the liver into blood. The fat complex with proteins was called lipoprotein.

They also include cholesterol and lecithin. Lipoprotein circulating in the blood is the second, the mobile fats in the body - of them, when exposed to lipoproteinous lipase, fatty acids are released.

Fat is also a source of water formation in the body. 100 grams of fat at full oxidation (combustion) give about 107 grams of water, while 55.5 grams are formed out of 100 grams of carbohydrates, and from 100 grams of protein - 41.3 grams of water. This is essential for animals - inhabitants of anhydrous desert and steppes - camels, a sheep of a roast rock, as well as wintering animals.

So, in the hump of camels "stored" to 100 - 120 kilograms of fat. In a water starvation, this fat, oxidizing, can highlight 40 and more liters of water.

It is not surprising that the camel is able to do without drinking to 8 and even 10-13 days.

When doctors limit the drinking regime for obese people, the thirst arising from them causes a reflex that stimulates the exit from the fatty tissue of fat and its combustion to form the "inner" water. Fats play a considerable role in the regulation of the heat balance. Hard heat, the fat layer limits the heat transfer.

Elastic adipose tissue as a peculiar lining for a number of organs (eyes, kidneys) or deposits on palms and soles are protected from mechanical effects. In addition, the fat highlighted by silent glands is a lubricant protecting the skin from drying and cracking.

Fat finally serves as a source of vitamins A, D and E.

How is the digestion, suction and absorption of fat entering our body with food? In the duodenum and fine guts, fat is processed by digestive juices. Under the influence of the bile, it turns into the thinnest emulsion and becomes an affordable action of the pancreatic enzyme - lipase, which splits fat on glycerin and fatty acids. These acids forming complex compounds with bile acids penetrate through the intestinal villi in its wall.

Consequently, fat in the body is absorbed in the presence of bile and subject to the normal function of the pancreas. In the event of insufficient secretion of bile and lipase, there is a violation of fat metabolism.

Fatty acids, penetrating into the intestinal wall, re-form with glycerol fat - triglyceride.

This fat, as well as the directly awesome, connecting with a small amount of protein, forms the so-called chilomikrons - a kind of lipoprotein. From the wall of the intestine, chilomikrons fall into the lymphatic channel, and already from there in the blood and then into the lungs. Thus, the first body through which the fat is held in the composition of hilomicrons are lungs. These fats differ from carbohydrates and amino acids - protein cleavage products in the intestines, which are directly absorbed into the blood and primarily enter the liver.

Lightweight play an important role in the exchange of attempted fat.

Along with the cells providing gas exchange, there are special cells in this organ - histiocytes that have the ability to capture fat. When fat is absorbed in excess, it is temporarily delayed by histiocytes. Light, therefore, as it were, a sponge that protects arterial blood from excessive intake of food fat.

It has a certain physiological meaning. After all, a significant increase in the concentration of fat in arterial blood can lead to unpleasant consequences - increasing its coagulation, blockage of small vessels, as well as increased fat deposition in the body.

In the lungs, fat not only delayed, but also split.

Here there is a partial oxidation of freed fatty acids. Heat, sampled during their combustion, warms the cold air entering into lightweight - another use of fats.

This founded a recommendation to the inhabitants of the northern regions to include in the winter in the diet with a relatively large amount of fat. If the relationship in the lungs between the cells, which capture fat and participate in breathing, is changed in favor of the latter, then the lighters are missing longer. It is possible that it is thanks to this fact that professional singers, which have a long time for a long time, the respiratory function of the lungs is developing a tendency to obesity.

The chilomicon coming from the lungs into the blood is partially passing through the wall of the capillaries into the fatty tissue, partially in the liver, where, connecting with proteins, form lipoproteins.

Part of the chilomiconov, which circulate in the blood, is split off with lipoprotein lipase. Releaseous fatty acids are disposed of as a source of energy.

Intermediate products of fatty acids, so-called acetone bodies are oxidized to the end with the participation of the substances formed in the process of carbohydrate metabolism.

There is even a winged expression: "Fats are burned in the heat of carbohydrates." The shortage of carbohydrates in food in the case of plenty of fat can lead to insufficient combustion of acetone bodies and accumulating them in the blood. This situation is sometimes consisted at severe muscular work when the carbohydrates are completely spent and the metabolism in the body passes into fat "rails". An increase in the concentration of acetone bodies in the blood has a harmful effect mainly on the central nervous system.

It is not surprising that we instinctively strive to eat fats together with carbohydrates (bread, porridge, salad with butter, etc.).

When a large amount of fat systematically comes into the body, it can accumulate in the liver. And this adversely affects its functions, well hepatosis of the liver may occur. A number of so-called lipotropic substances contribute to the removal of fat from the liver. These include choline, which is part of lecithin, and methionine, which is an integral part of the Kazin protein, which is much in cottage cheese.

Lipotropic properties have a pancreas preparation - lipocaine and vitamin B12. For diseases of the liver, when it is especially important to avoid fatty hepatosis, food products rich in lipotropic substances are recommended.

Decomposition of fats and fatty acids

Under the action of various physicochemical factors of the external environment, as well as microorganisms, fats may be subject to significant changes.

The effects of microorganisms for fat begins usually with hydrolysis of it with the participation of lipase enzymes on Glice Rin and free fatty acids.

Hydrolysis products are sub-versed further transformations. Glycerin is used by many microorganisms and can be completely oxidized to CO2 and H2O.

Fatty acids are oxidized slower, but they, first of all unsaturated, are gradually oxidized. Some microorganisms, in addition to lipolytic farms (lipases), have an oxidative enzyme - lee-poxenase, catalyzing the oxidation process of the oxygen-house of some unsaturated fatty acids.

As a result, the fatty acids are formed, easily sub-versed oxidation with the formation of one-personal intermediate products of ketones and oxyc acid, al-dehydes, ketones and other specifically nasty tastes (ferry) and odor.

Intermediate oxidation products of fatty acids in turn can be used by microorganisms in the processes of their metabolism and ultimately may turn into CO2 and H2O.

The pathogens of the decomposition processes with fatty acids are various rod-shaped bacteria, as well as micrococci, many mycelial mushrooms, some yeast "and actinomycetes.

Bacteria is very active Bact Bact Riy Rzeiotop Az, especially producing pigments. From mycelial mushrooms, Oidium IACTIS has significant lipolytic activism. Cladosporiun Herbarum, many types of Aspergillus and Peniillus. Many fat trampling microorganisms are psychrotrophs capable of developing at low positive temperatures.

The damage of food fats and fat contained in different personal products (dairy, fish, cereal, etc.) is very common and often causes great damage to the national economy.

With prolonged storage of fats in conditions, not up to-allowing microbial development, the pitch of fat may be the result of chemical processes.

under the influence of light, the kis-lorod of air.

Transforming nitrogen-containing substances

Pinged processes

In the metabolism of microorganisms, nitrogen-containing substances are subjected to a variety of transformations.

Rot - This is a process of deep decomposition of proteins by microorganisms. White microorganisms decomposition products are used for the synthesis of cell substances, as well as as an energy material.

Chemical decomposition of protein substances. Rotation is a complex, multistage biochemical process, the nature and final result of which depend on the composition of proteins, the conditions of the process and the types of microorganisms causing it.

Protein substances cannot directly act in the cells of microorganisms, so the proteins can only use microbes that have proteolytic enzymes - exoprotees Selected cells in the environment.

The decay process of simple proteins begins with their hydro-lisa.

Primary hydrolysis products are peptides. They enter the cage and are hydrolyzed by intracellular proteases to amino acids.

Such proteins as nucleoproteides, under the action of rotor microbes, are split into protein complex and nucleic acids.

Then, proteins are decomposed to amino acids, and nucleic acids decompose on phosphoric acid, carbohydrates and a mixture of nitrogen-containing bases.

Lymnoc acids are directly used by micro-ganisms on the synthesis of cells or they are subjected to a long-term change, for example, deamination, resulting in ammonia and a variety of organic compounds. Disasters deamination hydrolytic, oxidative and restorative.

Hydrolytic demitation accompanied by the formation of oxyc acid and ammonia.

If the decarboxylation of amino acids occurs and the alcohol, ammonia and carbon dioxide are formed:

RSNH 2Soon + H 20 -> RNONSON + NN3

RSNN 2CHON + H 2 O - RCH 2O + NH3 + CO2

During oxidative deamination, keto-acid and ammonia are formed:

RSNH 2Con + 1/202 -. RCSO + NN3;

With reducing deamination, carboxylic acids and ammonia are formed:

RSNN 2Soon + 2N - RCH 2 KON + NN3.

From the above equations it can be seen that among the products of the decomposition of amino acids, depending on the structure of their RA-Dicala (R), various organic acids and alcohols are found.

Thus, with the decomposition of the amino acids of the fatty series, ant, acetic, propio-new, oil and other acids can accumulate; Propyl, butyl, amylovy and other alcohols.

In case of decomposition of amino acids of the aromatic range, intermediate products are characteristic products of rotting: phenol, cresol, scatol, indole - substances with a very unpleasant odor. With the decay of amino acids containing sulfur, the hydrogen sulfide or its derivatives - mercaptans (for example, methylmercaptan -CH3SH). Mercpta possess the smell of rotten eggs, which is felt even with no small concentrations.

The diamino acid protein generated during hydrolysis can be decarboxyned without cleaving ammonia, resulting in diamines and CO2.

For example, lysine turns into kadavmerin:


NH2 (CH2) CHNH2COOH --------- > NH2 (CH2) 5NH2 + CO2.

Similarly, the ornithine turns into Pretssin.

Cadaverin, Pretrassin and other amines formed during rotation are often combined under the general name ptomaine, (Capant poisons).

Some derivatives ptomaines(Neurin, Muscarine, etc.) possess poisonous properties.

The further "fate" of nitrogenous and bezotic organ-nic compounds obtained during the decay of different amino acids depends on the ambient conditions and the composition of microflora.

Under the influence of aerobic microorganisms, these compounds are subjected to oxidation, so that can be completely mineralized. In this case, the final pro-docts of rotting are ammonia, carbon dioxide, water, sulfur and phosphoric acid salts. In anaerobic conditions, there is no complete oxidation of intermediate spree products of amino acids. In this regard, in addition to NH3 and CO2, the various organic compounds mentioned are falling, including substances with poisonous properties, and substances that inform the rotten material of the disgusting smell.

Pathways of rotting. The most active causative agents of putrefactive processes are bacteria.

Among them are spore-forming and sprinkle, aerobic and anaerobic. Many of them mesophilas, but there are cold-resistant and heat-resistant. Most of them are sensitive to the acids of the medium and the ingraded content of the cook salt in it.

The most common grinding bacteria are the following.

Hay and potato sticks - aerobic, movable, gram-positive, spore-forming bacteria (Fig.

25). Disputes them are distinguished by high thermal resistant.

Fig. 26.


The temperature optimum of the development of these bacteria lies within 35-45 ° C, the maximum of growth - at a temperature of 55-60 ° C; At temperatures below 5 ° C, they do not multiply. In addition to the decomposition of proteins, these bacteria are able to decompose pectin substances, polysaccharides of vegetable tissues, ferment carbohydrates. SHI-ROCKO SHI-ROCKO Potato and Potato sticks and are causative agents of certain foods.

Bacteria genus Rseudomas - Aerobic moving sticks with polar flagella, non-dispute, grams (Fig.

Some species synthesize pigments, they are called fluorescent pseudomonas. There are cold-resistant species, the minimum growth temperature of which is from -2 to -5 ° C. Many pseudomonas, in addition to proteolytic, possessing and lipolytic activity; They are capable of oxidizing carbohydrates with acid formation, highlight mucus. The development and biochemical activity of these bacteria is significantly maintained at pH below 5.5 and 5-6% concentration of NAC1 in the medium, pseudomonas are widespread in nature, are antagonists of a number of bacteria and mycelial gri-bows, as they form antibiotic substances.

Some kinds of roweidotopaz are causative agents of diseases (bacteriosis) of cultivated plants, fruits and vegetables.

Proteus (Rhoteus vulgaris) is small gram-negative, sprinkle sticks with sharply pronounced rotten properties. Protein substrates in the development of a proto in them acquire a strong putrefactive smell.

Depending on the living conditions, these bacteria are capable of changing the form and dimensions (Fig. 26, b).

Protea - optional anaerob; Fabs coal water to form acids and gas. It develops well both at a temperature of 25 ° C and at 37 ° C, stops once-multiplied at a temperature of about 5-10 ° C, but can co-stored in frozen products.

A peculiar feature is its very energetic mobility.

This property underlies the method of detecting a flow in food products and separating it from the cross-country bacteria. Some species are isolated for a substance toxic.

Clostridium Putrificum (Fig. 27, a) is an anaerobic under-visible, sporing-forming wand.

Relatively large disputes are located closer to the end of the cell, which at the same time becomes similarity with the drum stick.

Spores are quite heat-resistant. Carbohydrates This bacterium does not break. Proteins decomposes with the formation of a large amount of gas (NH3, H2S). The optimal temperature of development is 37-43 ° C, the minimum is 5 ° C.

Fig. 27.a- Clostridium Putrificum; B - Clostridium Sporogenes

Clostridium Sporogenes (Fig.

27, b) - anaerobic movable, sporing stick. Disputes of heat-resistant, in the cage they are centrally located. Characteristic is very rapid education dispute. This bacterium fervent carbohydrates with the formation of acids and gas, has a lipolytic ability.

Splitting (decay) fat in the human body

In the decomposition of proteins, hydrogen sulfide is highlighted. The optimal temperature of the development is 35-40 ° C, the minimum is about 5 ° C.

Both types of clostridy are known as the pathogens of damage to canned food (meat, fish, etc.).

In addition to bacteria, proteins can break mushrooms.

The practical value of rotting processes. Milking microorganisms often cause great damage to the national economy, causing damage to the most valuable, rich in white food products, such as meat and meat products, fish and fish products, eggs, milk, etc.

But the same micro-organisms play a large positive role in the circular nitrogen in nature, mineralizing protein substances, increasing in the soil, water.


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Metabolism. Cleavage of carbohydrates, fat, protein.


Fats in the body

Cleavage of carbohydrates, fat, protein. The metabolism (metabolism) is related to all chemical processes occurring in the human body, contributing to growth, survival and reproduction.

This is a product of two different and complementary processes called catabolism and anabolism. Catabolism is the splitting of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and a number of waste products, such as dead cells and tissues, for energy formation.

The energy released by catabolism turns into a useful operation with the medique, and some amount is lost in the form of heat.

Anabolism includes processes in which food is absorbed by the body and is stored in the form of energy or spent for the purposes of growth, reproduction and protection of the body from infections and diseases. In the growing body of a child or adolescent, the production of energy from the splitting of food exceeds the output of energy in order to ensure the growth of the body. In the body of adults, an excess energy intake will be turned into fat; And, on the contrary, too much energy is promoted by weight loss.

Carbohydrate cleavage

Most of the energy costs of the body are ensured by the splitting of carbohydrates contained in food - bread, potatoes and sugars.

The most common types of sugars obtained from food are glucose, fructose and galactose. They are transferred to the liver, where fructose and galactose are converted into glucose.
Cells are obtained by glucose energy by splitting it into a substance called peer-grade acid.

Energy released at the same time, temporarily accumulates as a high-energy connection - ATP.

Fat and protein cleavage

Fats and proteins are important components of our daily food, and if the consumption of carbohydrates is enough, fats and proteins can be used as a source of energy.
When the energy reserves of carbohydrates are depleted, the fat molecules are again split into glycerin and fatty acids that are dissimilarized each separately.

Glycerin turns into a liver in glucose and thus passes the path of glucose metabolism.

Violations in the formation of hormones are another common cause of metabolic disorder.

Diabetes, for example, is caused by a reduced formation of insulin hormone in the pancreas. Without insulin body cells cannot suck and split glucose.


from the letter and to k

from the letter l to p

from the letter r to me

Splitting fat

Hydrolysis of triacyl glycers, as a result of which glycerol and high fatty acids are released, occurs gradually under the action of hydrolyzes of glycerol - lipase ethers (pancreatic lipase and lipase of the small intestine).

The activity of the lipase in the fat cell is regulated by hormones.

The specificity of the action of lipase is determined by the provision of essential bonds in triacylglycerol. Pancreatic Lipasa Active to the hydrolysis of essential bonds in the 1st and 3rd positions, that is, external ester bonds, resulting in 2 monoacilglycerol:

The hydrolysis of the essential bond at position 2 is slowly and catalyzed by lipase secreted by the glands of the small intestine.

The formed 2-monoglycerols are absorbed by the intestinal wall and either on-rolled on the residence of triglycerides already in the intestinal wall, or fall further under the action of nonspecific esterase .

An example is the hydrolysis of β-monoglyceride (2-monoglycerol) in the presence of alieserase liver:

(2 monoacilglycerol)

Thus, the scheme of complete hydrolysis of triacyl glycers looks like this:

It has been established that pancreatic lipase, like other digestive enzymes (pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin) enters the upper division of the small intestine in the form of an inactive prolipase.

The transformation of the prolipase into active lipase occurs with the participation of bile acids and another protein of pancreatic juice - colipase(Mol.

How to split fat

mass of about 10 kDa). Colipase is secreted in the form of proforming - prolipases, and for its conversion to the active colipase, the hydrolysis of specific peptide bonds, which occurs under the action of the pancreas tripsin. The resulting active colipase forms with lipase complex in molar ratio 1: 1 due to the formation of two ionic ties liz - Gle.and asporg.

The formation of such a complex will lead to the fact that lipase becomes active and resistant to trypsin. The rate of catalyzed lipase hydrolysis of fat does not have a significant effect of neither the saturation of fatty acids, nor the length of its chain.

Colipase is not a classic activator, it only connects the substrate and brings it closer to the active center of the lipase.

The colipase of its hydrophobic domain is associated with the indication of the micelle of emulsified fat. The other part of the molecule contributes to the formation of such a conformation of the pancreatic lipase, in which the active center of the enzyme is maximally close to its substrates - moshels of fats, therefore the reaction rate of the hydrolysis of fat increases sharply.

Digestive lipases, except for humans and mammals, are found and investigated from fish, some invertebrates.

However, as a rule, in most of the types of invertebrate and bony fish, lipolytic activity in digestive juices are approximately 1000 times lower than in the pancreatic mammalian juice.

It should not be forgotten that fats can also be absorbed by phagocytosis and remain without pre-hydrolysis until the intracellular lipases are deflected and, thus, will take part in the synthesis of lipids in the energy formation processes.

It is found that the activity of lipase is regulated by phosphorylation - defosphorylation:

In addition to fats, phospholipids come with food, cholesterol esters, but the number of these lipids in the composition of food is significantly less than fats (~ 10%).

Phospholipid splitting occurs with the participation of enzymes phospholipase.Sterides undergoing hydrolytic type enzymes cholesterz,split in the intestines with the formation of alcohol cholesterol or ergosterol and the corresponding fatty acid. Cholesterzes are produced by the pancreas and are active only in the presence of bile acid salts.

Thus, the mixture is formed as a result of hydrolysis of lipids, it contains anions of fatty acids, mono-, di- and triacyl glycerols, well-emulsified by the salts of fatty acids and soaps, glycerin, choline, ethanolamine and other polar components of lipids.

Studies with labeled triacylglycerin showed that about 40% of food fats are hydrolyzed completely to glycerol and fatty acids, 3-10% are absorbed without hydrolysis in the form of triacyl glycerolins, and the rest are hydrolyzed partially, mainly to 2 monocylglisserins.

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