Scenario for Dow Musical "Koshkin House". Holiday Scenario Koshkin House Performance for Children Koshkin House


(On the fairy tale S. Marshak.)

Scenario for the Children's Theater (Garden), where children themselves will play.


Cat Vasily
1st kitten
2nd kitty


Talenik: Tili-Tili-Tili-Bom!
Was in a cat new house.
Carved steel cars
Painted windows.
And the circle is a wide yard.
Four sides fence.

Against the house, at the gate,
He lived in the old cat.
Century he served in janitor
House shopped
Shot tracks
In front of the house of the cat,
The gate stood with a broom,
Intrunned banknote ...

Here came to a rich aunt
Two nephew-orphans.
Knocked under the window
To let them in the house:

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage we see a beautiful house (the house can be painted). Kittens appear.)

1st kitten: Aunt, Aunt Cat!
2nd kitty: Looking into the window.
1st kitten: There are kittens want.
2nd kitty: You live richly.
1st kitten: heating us, cat,
2nd kitty: Poke a little!

(Cat Vasily appears.)

Cat Vasily: who is knocking there at the gate?
I am Koshkin Janitor, old cat!

Kittens: We are Koshkin's nephews!

Cat Vasily: Here I will give you to gingerbread!
We have nephews not to read
And everyone hunting to drink and eat!

1st Kitten: Tell us to our aunt:
2nd kitty: We are round ornaments,
1st kitten: I have freezing without roof,
2nd kitty: And the floor spinned mouse,
1st kitten: And the wind blows in the slit,
2nd kitty: And the bread has long been ate ...
1st Kitten: Tell your hostess!

Cat Vasily: Send you, begging!
I suppose you want cream?
So I am for the camp!

(Kittens go for the scene. Cat appears.)

Cat: Who did you say with whom, the old cat,
Is the gatekeeper my Vasily?

Cat Vasily: Kittens were at the gate -
Eating they asked.

Cat: What a shame! Was herself
Kitten I once.
Then in the neighboring houses
Did not climb kittens.

What do they want from us
Loafers and Pluts?
For starving kittens
There are shelters in the city!

(The cat turns to leave. Music. Cat turns around. The goat and goat, cock and chicken, pig appear on the scene.)

Cat: Welcome, Friends,
I'm heartily glad.

(The cat hurries to meet guests.)

Cat: Kozlovich goat, how are you?
I waited for you for a long time!

Goat: My honor, cat!
We got wet a little.
Caustious us rain on the way
I had to go on the puddles.

Goat: Yes, we are with my husband today
All the time went on puddles.

Cat: Hello my pet-cock!

Rooster: Thank you! Ka-ka-river!

Cat: And you, Kuma-Zuzka,
I see very rarely!

Chicken: walk to you, right, not easy -
We live very far.
We, poor naews,
Such households!

Cat: Great, Tweet Pig.
How is your cute family?

Pig: Thank you, kitty, Hrew-Hrew,
I sincerely thank you.
I and family as long as
We live at all.
His baby piglets
I send B. kindergarten,
My husband is watching the house,
And I go to the acquaintance.

Goat: Now we came in the fist
Look at your wonderful house.
About him the whole city says.

Cat: My home is always open for you!

(Music. Cat Vasily (or two scene assistants) retracts the riser (or screen), on which the drawing of the hut is fixed. For the riser we see the table, chairs and drawn furnace with fire, which is still closed, for example, the curtain.)

Cat: here I have a dining room.
All furniture in it is oak.
This is a chair -
It is sitting on it.
That's the table -
He is eating.

Pig: That's the table -
It is sitting on it! ...

Goat: This is a chair -
His eating! ...

Cat: You are mistaken, friends,
I did not say that I said.
Why do you need our chairs!
You can sit on them.
Although furniture is insecured,
Sitting on it is convenient.

Goat: To say truth, we are a goat
There are not accustomed at the table.
We love free
Dining in the garden.

Pig: And put a pig at the table
I put the legs on the table!

Rooster: (scarcely) That's why there is about you
Very bad glory!

(The cat is suitable for piano (piano can be drawn or put small, for example, toy).)

Cat: I bought a piano I
One donkey ...

Goat: Ensured Mistress,
You sleep to us and play-ka!

Chicken: Let the cock sings with you ...
It is inconvenient to boast
But he has a wonderful hearing
And the voice is unmatched.

Rooster: I sing more often in the morning,
Waking up on the piping.
But if you want to you
I'll sleep with you together.

Goat: I just wait for it.
Ah, spoite a song like
Antique songs: "Garden,
In the cabbage garden "!

(The cat sits down for the piano, sings (or says).)

Cat: meow-meow! Night went down
Blesses the first star.

Rooster: Ah, where did you remove?
Ka-ka-river! Kud-Where? ...

(Rooster and cat as if they continue to sing from the piano, and the chicken and the pig they listen to them. Goat and goat away, goat finds a flower in a pot and begins to eat it.))

Goat: (goat) Listen, Furue, stop
There is a master geranium!

Goat: You try. Delicious.
Exactly leaf are booster.
Here is another pot.
Eat and you are such a flower!

Rooster: (sings or says) Oh, where did you remove?
Ka-ka-river! Kud-Where? ...

Goat: (stops chewing) unmatched! Bravo, Bravo!
Right, you sang you for glory!
Spoite anything again.

Cat: No, let's dance ...
I play piano
Waltz Boston I can.

Goat: No, play gallop goat!

Goat: Goat Dance in the meadow!

Rooster: Cock Dance Call
Me, please play!

Pig: me, friend, "three pigs"!

Chicken: Waltz chicken Play me!

Cat: I can not, sorry,
To please all the priests.
You dance what you want,
If only there was a cheerful dance!

(Music. Everyone starts to dance. Suddenly, the music breaks and hears the voice of kittens.)

1st kitten: Aunt, Aunt Cat,
2nd kitty: Looking in the window!
1st Kitten: You will spend the night,
2nd kitty: Squeeze us on the bed.
1st kitten: if there is no bed,
2nd kitty: I will lie on the flats
1st kitten: on a bench or oven,
2nd kitty: or on the floor we can lie down
1st Kitten: A UKRA ROGO!
2nd kitty: Aunt, Aunt Cat!

Cat: Vasily-cat, overlook the window!
Already becomes dark.
Two stearin candles
Light for us in the dining room
Yes ruffle fire in the furnace!

(Cat Vasily comes to the curtain, as if something did something there, then pulls into the curtain. We see drawn oven with fire inside.)

Cat Vasily: Sick, ready!

Cat: Thank you, Vassenka, could friend!
And you, friends, sit down in the circle.
There is a stove
For each place.
Let the rain and snow knock on the glass:
We have cozy and warm ...
Let's a fairy tale in writing!
The goat will begin, the rooster behind it.
Then the goat.
Behind her pig
And after the chicken and I!
(Goat) Well! Start!

Goat: already dark!
It's time for us!
You also need to relax!

Chicken: What a wonderful reception was!

Cock: what a wonderful cat house!

Pig: Goodbye, Hostess, Hrew-Hrew!
I thank you from the heart.
I ask you on Sunday
To my birthday.

Chicken: And I ask you on Wednesday
Please go to dinner.
In a simple smoke, my
Wrench we will beat you
And after on the piping
Let's get together with you!

Goat: And we will ask you to come
On Tuesday evening, to six,
On our cake goat
With cabbage and raspberry.
So do not forget, I'm waiting!

Cat: I will definitely come
Although I and Domaska
And I rarely go to visit ...
Do not forget me!

Rooster: neighbor, from the present day
I am your servant to death.
Please believe!

Pig: Well, my kitty, goodbye,
Visit me more often!

Cat: Forgive, goodbye,
Thanks for the company.
I and Vasily, the old cat,
We take guests to the gate.

(Everyone goes and go behind the scene. Music. Curtain closes.)

Talenker: Mistress and Vasily,
Masty old cat,
Did not spend soon
Neighbors to the gate.

Loudly for a word -
And again the conversation,
And at home in front of the stove
Fire burned carpet.

Another instant -
And light light
Pine lamps
Lookout, flavor.

Climbed on the wallpaper
Screw at the table
And scattered Roem.
Golden bees.

Cat Vasili returned
And cat after him -
And suddenly silent:
Fire! Girl! Girl!

With a cracker, click and thunder
Fire over a new home,
It's around the circle,
Waving red sleeves.

As the Gracchi saw
This is a flame with calene,
Slised, ranked:

Tili-Tili, Tili-Bom!
Caught Koshkin House!

Caught Koshkin House,
Runs chicken with a bucket
And for her in the whole spirit
Rooster runs with a lady.
Piglets - with sieve
And the goat - with a lantern!

Tili-bom! Tili-bom!
So Koshkin's house collapsed!
Served with all the good!

(Cat and Cat Vasily appear on the forefront.)

Cat: Where will we live now?

Cat Vasily: What am I Watching? ...

(Cat crying, Cat Vasily comforts it.)

Talenker: Black smoke in the wind is steel;
Cats cat-challenging ...
There is no home or yard,
Nor pillows, no carpet!

Cat: (stops crying) ah, my Vasily, Vasily!
We were invited to the chicken coop
Do not go to the cock!
There is perina on the fluff.

Cat Vasily: Well, the hostess, let's go
Night in a chicken house!

(Cat and cat Vasily leave the extension.)

Cat Vasily chromogonium.
Stumbling, slightly wander.
Cat under hand leads
On the fire in the window pushed ...
"Are there a rooster and chicken?"
So there must be here:
Petushki in the Seine sing.

(Music. The curtain opens. On stage three houses (they can be drawn): chicken with a rooster, pigs and goats with a goat. On the stage there are a cat with cat Vasily. They are suitable for the house of chicken and rooster. A chicken appears from at home. )

Cat: ah, kuma my zoom,
Solidal neighbor! ...
No now we have housing ...
Where will I wear
And Vasily, my gatekeeper?
You let us in your chicken coop!

Chicken: I would be glad and myself
Shelter you, kuma,
But my husband trembles from anger,
If we come to us.
Failure spouse
My loose rooster ...
He has such spurs,
What I'm afraid to join him in disputes!

(A rooster appears because of the house.)

Rooster: ko-ko! Ka-ka-river!
There is no peace of old man!

(Rooster goes for the house.)

Cat: And why in this environment
Did you call me to dinner?

Chicken: I called not forever,
And today is not an environment.
And we live cloth,
I grow chickens,
Young cocks
Drakes, mischievous,
Goloders, Zakobyaki,
All day spend in a fight,
At night, we do not give to sleep,
Several times sing.
Look - fight again!

Chicken: ah, robbers, villains!
Leave, Kuma, rather!
Since they will fight the battle,
Get to us with you!

Cat: Well, it's time to us, cute Vasya,
Clear ravis.

Chicken: knock on the next house
There live a goat with a goat!

Cat Vasily: Oh, sad homeless
In the yards wander dark!

(Chicken goes for his house. Cat and cat Vasily leave the chicken house and go to the goat's house with a goat.)

Talenker: Wasil-cat wanders,
The hostess leads.
Here is the old house
On a hill near the river.

(The cat knocks into the goat house.)

Cat: Hey, Hostess, let's fit!
This is me and Vasya-janitor ...
You called to ourselves on Tuesday.
Long wait we could not
Previously, came!

(The goat comes out due to the house.)

Goat: Good evening. I'm glad you!
But what do you need from us?

Cat: on the yard and rain and snow,
You let us overnight.

Goat: No bed in our house.

Cat: We can sleep and straw.
Do not regret the corner for us!

Goat: You ask the goat away.
My goat though the rootless.
And the owner is very strict!

(Because of the house goes the goat.)

Cat: What do you say to us, neighbor?

Goat: (quiet) say that there is no place!

Goat: I said the goat now,
That we have little space here.
I can not argue with her -
She has a little horns.

Goat: jokes, visible bearded! ...
Yes, we have been closed here ...
Check out to the pig -
The place is in her accommodation.
From the gate go left,
And you will get to the chlev.

Cat: What, Vassenka, let's go
Let's knock on the third house.
Oh, how to be heavy!

Goat: Be Healthy!

(Goat and goat go for their house.)

Cat: What to do to us, Vasily?
On the threshold we were not allowed
Our former friends ...
Something tells us a pig?

(Cat and Cat Vasily go to the Pig House).)

Cat Vasily: Here is the fence of her and hut.
Look in the windows of piglets.
Ten thick piglets -
Everyone is sitting along the benches.
All along the benches are sitting,
From lochs eating.

Cat: Let's knock them in the window!

(The cat knocks into a pig house. Pig leaves because of the house.)

Pig: who is knocking?

Cat Vasily: Cat and Cat!

Cat: You let me, pig!
I stayed without housing.
I will wash your dishes,
I will download piglets!

Pig: not yours, kuma, sadness
Piglets of my swing,
And the passionate Quarto
Well, though not a man.
I can not let you go
In our house it is bought.
We are not enough space -
There was no place to turn.
My family is great:
Husband - Caban, yes I - Pig,
Yes, we still have a dozen
Juvenile pigs.
There are spacious home,
Walk there, Kuma!

(Pig leaves for your house.)

Cat: ah, Vasily, my Vasily,
And here we were not allowed ...
We went around the whole light -
We have no shelter anywhere!

Cat Vasily: That's opposite whose hut,
And dark and cramped,
And wretched and small
In the ground seems to be thrown.
Who lives in that hut with the edge
I still do not know.
Let's try again
Ask for a night!

(Music. Curtain closes. Cat and Cat Vasily appear on an advance and go along it.)

FATINE: That walks on the road
Cat Vasily Chromonego
Stumbling, a little wanderee,
Cat under hand leads.
Down the walkway down,
And then runs on the skate.
And does not know the aunt cat,
What's in the hut in the window -
Two little kittens,
Under the window are sitting.

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage, the house kittens with a fence (the house can be drawn). Cat and cat Vasily appear. Cat is knocking in the house.)

FATINER: Someone hears that someone
Knocked on them to the gate.

(Kittens appeared in the house window or because of the house.)

1st Kitten: Who is knocking on the gate?

Cat Vasily: I am Koshkin Janitor, old cat.
Please do you sleep,
Stick us from snow!

2nd kitty: Ah, Cat Vasily, is that you?
With you aunt cat?
And we all day to dark
They knocked to you in the window.
You did not open for us yesterday
Wickets, old janitor!

Cat Vasily: What a janitor without yard!
I am now a sleepy ...

Cat: Sorry if I was
Before you is to blame.

Cat Vasily: Now our house burned down the duck,
Let us, kittens!

1st kitten: I am forever forget ready
Resentment and ridicule
But for wandering cats
There is in the city of the night!

Cat: I do not reach the night.
I'm all trembling from the wind!

Cat Vasily: there is a neighbor path
Four kilometers.

Cat: and in short path
There and at all do not go!

2nd kitty: Well, what do you say, older brother,
Open the gate for them?

Cat Vasily: say on conscience, back
Broken us reluctance ...

1st kitten: Well, what to do!
In the rain and snow
It is impossible to be sorry.
Who asked for the night -
Early will understand the other.
Who knows how wet water,
How terrible is cold.
He will never leave
Paschers without a shelter!

2nd kitty: yes, because we have a poor house,
No stove nor roof.
Almost under the sky, we live
And the floor spinned mouse.

Cat Vasily: And we guys, the four,
Perhaps you reproduce the old house.
I and the live shop, and carpenter,
And on the hunter mice!

Cat: I will be you the second mother.
I can make cream to shoot.
I will catch mice
Wash the language dishes ...
Let the poor nurse!

1st kitten: Yes, I, Aunt, do not chase!
Although we and closely,
Although we and scum
But finding our place
For guests is not difficult.

2nd kitty: We have no pillows,
No blankets.
We hug each other,
So that warmer has become.

Cat: Are you sick to my friend?
Poor kittens!
Sorry we are pillows
Did not give once ...

Cat Vasily: did not give beds,
Did not give parina ...
Would be very by the way
Now the fluff is chicken.
Your aunt will be angry
Yes, and I cut ...
Maybe find
Loaf to us for dinner?

2nd kitten: (Shows Vedo) Here for you a bucket,
Full water.

1st kitten: Although we and closely,
Although we and scum
But finding our place
It is not difficult for guests!

Cat: I want to sleep - no urine!
Finally, I found the house.

(Cat turns to the hall.)

Cat: Well, friends, good night
We will live here four of us!

(Cat, cat Vasily and kittens enter the house. Music. Curtain closes.)

Talenik: Bim-Bom! Tili-bom!
Was in the light of Koshkin House.
On the right, on the left - the porch,
Red Perilts,
Carved steel cars
Painted windows.

Called at the cat's house.
It will not find it.
Whether he was, or no ...

And it goes with us
Cat old alive.
The nephews lives!
Domoskoye is heard.

So such a house!
From the gate it is rare,
Catches mice in the cellar
Houses nursing kids.

He wondered the old cat.
He is not at all.
In the afternoon he goes to work,
Dark night - to hunt.
Whole evening fortunate
Children sings ...

Soon rage,
Will become more old aunt.
Closely live together -
You need to put a new home.

(Cat, Cat Vasily and Kittens go to the forefront.)

Cat: certainly you need to put!
Cat Vasily: Well, strong! Well, friendly!
1st kitten: the whole family, four
2nd kitty: We will build a new home!

All: And ready our new home!

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage we see a new home - very beautiful. It is kept on one side of the cat and 1st kitten, on the other hand Cat Vasily and the 2nd kitten.)

Cat: tomorrow there will be a housewarming.

Cat Vasily: all the street fun.

All: Tili-Tili-Tili-Bom!
Come to the new home!

(Music. Curtain closes.)

End of play

Music Theater named after Natalia Sats Not one generation of children has already grown - my husband was driving at the idea, remembering the story from his childhood and telling what the performances and ballets watched when he was a schoolboy.

"Koshkin House" was not chosen by chance - with all the abundance of performances with the mark "for children from 3 years old, it is almost the only one in Moscow, which lasts everything 35 minutes. Most of the ideas go at least an hour, and even one and a half that for an active and restless girl is a real test. 35 minutes is exactly what you need - and not tired, and Opere listened.

Big building on Vernadsky Avenue It turned out to be much more comfortable than I expected from Soviet buildings. Spacious halls, locker rooms - everything is designed for a large stream of people - from toilets to the buffet, you will not feel saving space and do not experience crushes, stuffiness and queues.

The performance took place in the lobby of the second floor - Needed the cubes that children were busy before the presentation began, and immediately after him. My first question is why not in the hall? Why did you need to organize the scene right in the lobby, putting chairs in it, scenery, when there are at least two spacious and large halls? After all, most parents stood the whole performance.

I think everything is done here not For adults, and with the calculation on the smallest viewer. For them, it is really better to watch the idea of \u200b\u200b"without departing from the cubes" - played, we sat looked, played again ... Again, the actors are quite nearby - the hand is the hand and here they are.

You can touch the scenery of the "Cat House", It is possible to climb them before-after the performance, you can take a picture with the main heroine at the end, and close to see the performance itself. And if the child is tired, you can safely approach your mom or continue the game in the cubes.

All tickets are 300 rubles and do not have a fixed place. - Only children are sitting on the first 7 rows, then parents are followed with children and just parents. Our child was sitting on the stool with the edge, and we stood all the idea. Council parents - If you want your child to get good places, leave the house early - there is a principle that the first one got up, that and sneakers.

Now it's time to tell about the play itself. Bright costumes, familiar words Marshak and only the music is different, not as a cartoon usually. Suits are fun - I especially liked the pig and cat Vasily. Touching kittens are three of them, not two, and children playing about 7-12 years old.

Representation is very dynamic and noisy. There are no boring dialogs, there are no long conversations, even the scene searching over the night after a fire, which is so tightened in the Soviet cartoon, here cut to a minimum, decorating it with a funny number with a pig. Only one thing is remembered about music - it is different, not as in the cartoon.

And on again to play, run, climb, fight for cubes, wash the handles in the toilet (I respect this occupation), climb on a bear in the lobby, communicate with all employees, explore the shelves made in the wardrobe rack ...

If you wish, you can make an aqua makeup (the kitten's face costs 200-300 rubles, depending on the complexity), eat something delicious in the buffet, pamper a child with Chinese baubles for a completely moderate fee.

Extracurricular activities "Theater World"

Performance "Koshkin House"

Relevance: The performance, as a product of extracurricular activities, allows the integrated development of students: personal, cognitive, communicative, social, which in turn contribute to the growth of intellectual activity of the child.

Purpose: Develop creativity and expand the general consuming horizon of students in the intellectual, aesthetic, spiritual and moral direction, to bring up the ability of active perception of art.

Tasks: introduce students to the world of artistic culture; form the ability to independently master artistic values; Create conditions for the implementation of creative abilities; form creative skills; To form skills and skills in the field of acting.

Results: extracurricular communication of children, teachers and parents, high school students and students of junior classes, mutual assistance and mutual assistance; The final "product" is a performance.

Scenario of the play "Koshkin House"


  • Cat Vasily;

    1st kitten;

    2nd kitty;

  • The narrator;


A wall of a cat house, a table, covered with a tablecloth, treats, flowers, a fireplace, a poor kittens lodge.


Tili-Tili-Tili-Bom! Cat has a new home.
Carved staves, windows painted.
And the circle is a wide yard, a fence on four sides.
Against the gate at the gate, lived in the old cat.
Century he served in the janitor, the household houses
Watched the tracks before house cat.
The gate stood with a broom, outsiders chasing.


There are kittens want. You live richly.
Heating us, cat, fed a little!

Cat Vasily

Who is knocking on the gate?
I am Koshkin Janitor, old cat!


We are Koshkin's nephews!

Cat Vasily

Here I will give you to gingerbread!
Our nephews do not read, and everyone wants and drinking and eat!


Tell you our aunt: we are round ornaments,
I have a hollow without a roof, and the floor fluttered the mouse,
And the wind blows in the slot, and the bread has long ate ...
Tell your hostess!

Cat Vasily

Send you, begging!
I suppose you want cream? So I am for the camp!


Who did you say, the old cat, the gatekeeper my Vasily?

Cat Vasily

Kittens were at the gate - they were asked to eat.


What a disgrace! I was the same kitten I once.
Then the neighboring houses did not lazinate kittens.
No from the nephews of living, they need to turn them in the river!

Welcome, friends, I am heartily glad.

The narrator represents guests. Guests to the music take turns through the middle of the scene

The narrator

A gost came to a rich cat, famous in the city of Kozel
With his wife, gray and strict, goat long-headed.
The rooster came the battle, the zeal came after him,
And in the mild Shawli Pukhovoi came a neighbor.


Goat Kozlovich, how are you? I waited for you for a long time!


Mmth honors, cat! Prom-Mm-Mokley We are a little.
I drag us the rain on the way, I had to go on the puddles.


Yes, today we with my husband all the time went on puddles.
And in the garden, the cabbage rushed in the garden


Hello my pet-cock!


Thank you! Cook!


And you, kuma-zoom, I see very rarely.


Go to you, right, not easy - live very far.
We, poor naews - such houses!


Great, aunt pig. How is your cute family?


Thank you, kitty, Khryu-Khrew, I sincerely thank you.
His baby piglets I send to kindergarten,
My husband monitors the house, and I go to the acquaintance.


Now we came to look at your wonderful house.
About him the whole city says


My home is always open for you!
Guests take turns up in front of the mirror
(on the back of the way to be facing the audience)


Look what mirrors! And I see a goat in each ...


Prothey as an eye! Here in each mirror goat.


It seems to you, friends: here in every pig mirror!


Oh, no! What a pig there! Here only we: Rooster and me!


(Sitting in a chair, next to geranium)
Neighbors, how long will we lead this dispute?
Ensured hostess, you sing us and play-ka!


Let the rooster fit with you. It is inconvenient to boast
But he has a wonderful hearing, and the voice is dislike.


I just wait for it. Ah, spoite a song like
Ancient song "In the garden, in the cabbage garden"!

Cat and rooster song.


Meow meow! The night went down. Blesses the first star.


Oh, where did you remove? Cook! Kud-Where? ..

Goat (Goat quietly)

Listen, fooling, stop there is a master geranium!


You try. Delicious. Like a leaf, you chew a cabbage. (Haming flowers)
Went! Bravo! Bravo! Right, you sang you for glory!
Spoite anything again.


No, let's dance ...

Dance guests

Suddenly, the music sharply breaks down and the voices of kittens are heard

Song kittens

Aunt, Aunt Cat, Looking into the window!
You will spend the night, keep us on the bed.
If there is no bed, lay on the flavors,
On a bench or oven, or on the floor we can lie down,
And graze a lodge! Aunt, Aunt Cat!

Cat holds curtains


What a wonderful reception!


What a wonderful koshkin house!


What a delicious geranium!


Oh, that you, the fool, stop!


Goodbye, Hostess, Hrew-Hrew! I thank you from the heart.
I ask you on Sunday to your birthday.


And I ask you on Wednesday to come to dinner.


And we will ask you to come on Tuesday night, to six.

The narrator

Mistress and Vasily, Mesaty old cat,
Did not soon spent neighbors to the gate.
The word for a word - and again a conversation,
And at home before the stove fire burned the carpet.
Climbed on the wallpaper, scored on the table


Where will I live now?

Cat Vasily

What will I watch? ..

Guests are gloating laugh and scatter. Cat cries, Cat Vasily is confused around.

The narrator

Stumbling, a little wander, the cat leads to hand,
On the fire in the window pushed ...

Cat Vasily(knocks on the window)

Are there a rooster and chicken?


Ah, Kuma is my zoom, a compassional neighbor! ..
No now we have housing ...
Where will I wear and Vasily, my gatekeeper?
You let us in your chicken coop!


I would glad and shelter you, Kuma,
But my husband trembles from anger if guests come to us.


And why in this environment did you call me to dinner?


I am not called forever, and today is not an environment.

Cat is knocking out the window


Hey, the hostess invested, we have grown in the way.


Good evening, I'm glad you, but what do you need from us?


In the yard and rain and snow, you will let us overnight.
Do not regret the angle for us


You ask the goat away.


What do you say to us, neighbor?

Goat(quiet goat)

Say that there is no place!


Now the goat now she said that we have little space here.
I can not argue with her - her horn is longer.


Joking, visible, bearded! .. Yes, we have been closed here ...
Leave you to the pig - there is a place in her accommodation.


What to do to us, Vasily,
On the threshold we did not let our previous friends ...
What will the pig tell us?


We found a shelter with you! (to the pig, which looks out the window of his apartment)
You let me, pig, I stayed without housing.


We are not enough space - there's no place to turn around.
There are spacious home, knocking there, Cuma!

The narrator

Here walks on the road Cat Vasily Chromonogogo.
Stumbling, a little wandering, the cat leads to the arm ...


We went around the whole light - we have no shelter anywhere!

Cat Vasily

That is opposite whose hut. And dark and cramped,
And the poor, and small, in the ground seems to be thrown.
Who lives in that hut with the edge, I still do not know.
We will try again asking to spend the night (knocking up the window).

Who is knocking on the gate?

Cat Vasily

I am Koshkin Janitor, old cat.
Please do you sleep, cover us from snow!


Ah, Cat Vasily, are you? With you aunt cat?
And we were knocking on all day to darkness to you in the window.
You did not open for us yesterday the wicket, the old janitor!

Cat Vasily

What am I join without yard? I am now a sleepy ...


Sorry if I was to blame

Cat Vasily

Now our house burned down the dot, let us, kittens!


In Stuzh, blizzard, rain and snow can not be without a bed
Who asked himself for the night, will soon understand the other.

Who knows how wet water, how terrible cold latter,
He will never leave passersby without a shelter!
Although we and closely, at least we have a scum
But finding our place for guests is not difficult.
We have no pillows, no blankets,
We climb each other, so that warmer has become.
Although we and closely, at least we have a scum
But finding our place for guests is not difficult.


I want to sleep - no urine! Finally I found the house.
Well, friends, good night ... Tili-Tili ... Tili ... Bom!

The final

Tili-Tili-Tili-Bom! Come to the new home!
The music overlook all the characters on the bow.


We involved in our work and parents and children. We were pleased to help parents in the manufacture of decorations.

Our performance "Koshkin House" We have shown the disciples of our school. Both children and adults got great pleasure.

Scenario of theatrical presentation in the preparatory group

Scenario of a musical and theater representation based on the fairy tales S.Ya. Marshak "Koshkin House" for children of the preparatory group

Purpose: Develop interest in fiction;
Improve speech as a means of communication;
Education area "Socialization":
Rise children able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.
Education area "Communication":
Develop free communication with adults and peers.

All participants come out, sing:
Tili-Bom! Tili-Bom!
On the courtyard high house:
Carved steel cars
Painted windows,
And on the forest carpet
Gold pattern!
In patterned carpet
Coming the cat in the morning.
She has a cat, on his legs boots,
On the legs of the boots, and in the ears of serving.
About rich koshkin house
We and the fairy tale will behave.

The scene is the first.

The cat sits in a chair with a fan, Cat Vasily sweeps.
Leading: Listen, children,
There was a cat in the world
Overseas, angora.
She lived not like other cats,
I slept not on the cargo,
And in a cozy spallen
On the crib is small.
Against the house, at the gate,
He lived in the old cat.
Century he served in janitor
House shopped
Shot tracks
In front of the house of the cat,
The gate stood with a broom,
Intrunned penal.

Scene second.

Leading: Here came to a rich aunt
Her nephews - orphans

Cottages come out. Kittens sing:
Aunt, Aunt Cat,
Looking in the window!
There are kittens
You live richly.

Aunt, Aunt Cat,
Looking in the window!
You let us spend the night
Put us on the bed.
Feed us a cat,
Heating a little.

Cat: Who is knocking on the gate?
I am Koshkin janitor-old cat.

Kittens: We are cats nephews ...

Cat: Here I will give you to gingerbread!
We have nephews not read
And everyone hunting to drink and eat.

Kittens: Tell our aunt:
We are round ornaments
I have a hollow without a roof
And the floor spray mouse,
And the wind blows in the gap,
And the bread has long ate ...
Tell your hostess!

Cat: Let's go, begging!
I suppose you want cream?
Here I am for the upload! ...

Runs with a broom for kittens. They run away.

Three scene
Cat comes out.

Cat: You told you, old cat,
Is my gatekeeper, Vasily?
Cat: Kittens were at the gate,
Eating they asked.

Cat: What a disgrace! Was herself
Kitten I once,
Then to neighbor houses
Did not climb kittens.
What do they want from us?
Sockcloths and Pluts!
For starving kittens
There are shelters in the city.
No from the nephews of life,
You need to turn them in the river!
Now my friends will come -
I will be very glad!

Music sounds. It includes a rooster with a zeal. Behind them - a pig.

Cat: Hello my pet-cock!
Cock: Thank you! Ka-ka-re-ku!
Cat: And you, kuma zoom,
I see very rarely.

Hen. Go to you, right, not easy -
We live very far.
We, poor naews, -
Such households.

Cat: Great, Tweet Pig!
How is your cute family?

Pig. Thank you, kitty, Hrew-Hrew,
I thank you from the heart.
I and family, as long as
We live at all.

Together: Now we came to all the yard
Look at your wonderful house
About him the whole city says! ...

Cat.My home is always open for you.
I have a dining room here
All furniture in it is oak.
This is a chair, they are sitting on it,
That's the table, they eat behind him.

Pig. That's the table - they are sitting on it,
This is a chair - it is eaten.

Cat. You are mistaken, friends,
I did not say that I said.
Why do you need our chairs?
You can sit on them.
Although the furniture is not edible,
Sitting on it is convenient.

Cat.And here I have a living room,
Carpets and mirrors.
Bought Piano I.
At one donkey.
Spring every day I
I give singing lessons.

Hen.Venerable mistress
You sing us and play.
Let the rooster fit with you.
It is inconvenient to boast
But he has a wonderful hearing
And the voice is unmatched.
The cat comes to the piano, plays, the rooster sings.

Cock. (sings) Ah, where did it be removed? Cook! Kud-where!
Hen. Spoite anything again.
Cat. No, let's dance!
Characters perform "Kadril".

Cock: Friends, waiting a little,
Already dark, it's time for us!
The hostess must be rest.

Pig: Goodbye, Hostess, Hrew-Hrew!
I thank soul
I ask you on Sunday
To me for my birthday.
Hen: And I ask you to Wednesday
Please go to dinner.
Don't forget so
I'm waiting for you.

Cat: I'll definitely come.

Leading: Mistress and Vasily,
Masty old cat,
Did not spend soon
Neighbors to the gate.
Loudly for a word -
And again the conversation,
And at home in front of the stove
Fire burned carpet ...
With a cracker, shrimp and thunder,
Fire over a new home,
It's around the circle,
Waving red sleeves.

Fire dance.

Everything: So Koshkin's house collapsed!
Served with all the good.

Scene fourth
The cat and cat hug up with sobs slowly wander.

Leading: Here walks on the road
Cat Vasily chromon-legged
Stumbling, a little wandering,
Cat under hand leads
On the fire in the window pure ...
Here they live a rooster and chicken.

Knock on Music sounds.
Cat: Ah, kuma my, the zoom,
Solidal neighbor!
No now we have housing ...
Where will I wear
And Vasily, my gatekeeper?
You let us in your chicken coop!

Hen: (irritated). I would be glad and myself
Shelter you, kuma,
But my husband trembles from anger,
If we come to us.

Cat: (offended) And why in this environment
Did you call me to dinner?

Hen: I wound not forever.
And today is not an environment.
And we live closed,
I grow chickens,
Drakes, mischievous,
Golders, Zakobi,
All day spend in a fight.
1 Cockerel: Ko-river! Bay Ryaboy!
Topics I try to him!
Cook! Sing!

Petushkov's outlet. Dance "Petushkov". Notice a cat and a cat.

2 Cockerel: Hey, hold a cat and a cat,
Give them millet on the track,
RVI in cat and cat
Pooh and feathers from the tail!

Cat:(crying.) What to do to us, Vasily?
On the threshold we were not allowed
Our former friends ...
Something tells us a pig?
Pigs with pigs go, waving spoons.

Sing all together: I'm a pig and you pig,
We are all brothers, pigs.
Now they gave us friends,







Knocked on them to the gate.

{!LANG-0288df573cbc26b1bbc8759f7aa58090!} Who is knocking on the gate?




Let us, kittens!

Open the gate for them?



And the floor spinned mouse.

{!LANG-9aa4d2b0c93c121104f0c1476ea5b4ef!} {!LANG-8c1ebfbfeb1f90e7086f75fe2593fcd0!}


Domoskoye is heard.








Come to the new home!


  • {!LANG-62d46ba441b6093a63af447891f989ae!}
  • {!LANG-1354e392d18eed4df9ca2d14a6079a16!}
  • {!LANG-2038eaaefc3dc5c622c306b4da62fbe5!}
  • {!LANG-29bbbda84f47d6fc2b17409742774b95!}
  • {!LANG-970b56641bdf7682e497d93122b7fe71!}
  • {!LANG-1a38ed1a9d18d0db260b7ff280bda65b!}
  • {!LANG-dab3a4c3983bb67db5df1be9a55b9cc0!}
  • {!LANG-16149206a063a5cb142712170260f514!}
  • {!LANG-cb60768ffa24363e187df4de5cc8976c!}
  • {!LANG-cdb89262c035856c1bb844421bdcfdd8!}
  • {!LANG-3210b8455f836288222aae9726df7b8b!}
  • {!LANG-6b8be1ee38e38dfb0b67ec6c6b790807!}

{!LANG-00f6fe0c26ce29e4c132c42f182d7eee!} {!LANG-423e140c4da43ae0280de577152d9cf7!}


{!LANG-756e0239521ea46ed4d67a707a9fa6df!} {!LANG-7d0fedb33d3f5d0772e8711ded803f73!}





Against the house, at the gate,





{!LANG-e1b7f95ca0c47a0ea0542db9eaea3f7a!} {!LANG-6d76c902e31e7baaca4c097b0a524e0f!}

Aunt, Aunt Cat,

Who is knocking on the gate?


Here I will give you to gingerbread!





Send you, begging!































{!LANG-ee8e1b4b6ce9817517fb37baa2479c33!} {!LANG-2134a631e342aa94c28242772fb87e94!}{!LANG-a70981b3f168b44ae82381b8f530a691!}

Hello my pet-cock!

Thank you! Cook!

































{!LANG-7dc271c18e37195add08a34a7707544b!} {!LANG-7c2310108ce3ed33e2e1915c484f7613!}















{!LANG-54b6f6a29af88d1beedb3902438b35cf!} {!LANG-635d27f2dd6c23cf1ca331e95729be1a!}






























{!LANG-00f6fe0c26ce29e4c132c42f182d7eee!} {!LANG-bf654e1d622cb136879a67ad7ff8d93a!}

























{!LANG-232b223895d3560754895ac4a44f658a!} {!LANG-301136a61421792a04161d7f27ba3d66!} {!LANG-6d8ec8d93ca7cce7ed5d6ad064105582!}









{!LANG-d8d586dd225c58bc6b0166e7209a15a7!} {!LANG-22399b8abc54253d8c36edf431c1a189!}.


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