My panties take off my sleep. Interpretation of dreams panties

What kind of dreams do people dream! They believe in night visions, ponder their meaning, compose books in which many interpretations can be found. Sometimes what you see is completely inexplicable from the point of view of logic. For example, he cannot unambiguously explain the meaning of what he saw.


For the correct interpretation of such night vision, you need to know many subtleties: color, belonging, degree of wear. To determine a more accurate meaning of sleep, you have to figure out what the panties were. The dream book will tell you about the meaning of the color scheme of this item. The day of the week when a person sees it is of great importance. If you saw panties in a dream from Thursday to Friday, this promises a serious danger to your reputation - you are likely to indulge in entertainment.

You should be extremely attentive to situations that have arisen recently. In this particular case, the meaning of the seen pants "Family" and "Modern combined" dream books are equally explained.

Underwear color

The red color of the subject promises a new acquaintance and the development of a love story. Black panties betray the thoughts of the owner of the dream: they are indecent.

Yellow indicates fear, while green is characterized by a lack of friends and communication with them. Of course, you should not always believe what the dream book says and promises. White underpants, for example, are interpreted as indifference to sex. But this does not mean at all that there will be no personal changes in life. Black panties, old or dirty, are problems in life, and in some cases, diseases. This intimate element corresponds to real life.

Sometimes the character traits of the owner of the dream are clearly manifested in those pictures that are shown during the rest period. If in night vision a person is only in underpants, in an environment that is not characteristic of such clothes, then he does not have confidence, he is afraid of everything. If underwear is purchased, you should consider all the people in your environment. This dream may mean that there are no kind and decent people nearby. All around there are envious people who want evil and failures. You should definitely seek help from folk wisdom in the case when you saw cowards in a dream. The dream book in this case will be an excellent helper.

"Dream interpretation of the XXI century"

There are many types of dream books. They do not agree in all interpretations, each of them needs to be explained in accordance with its character and personality. For example, each dream book interprets the purchase of panties in its own way. New panties for women, according to the compilers of the "Dream Interpretation of the XXI Century", mean hope that a positive turn of affairs is expected in relations with the guy. If a female person saw men's panties in a dream, an offer from her chosen one about a serious relationship will soon follow. If the girl decided to wash her underwear, you need to expect in reality new changes and changes in life plans.

Male and female interpreters

An interesting interpretation is offered by a special "Women's Dream Book". Openwork women's panties promise the same skillfully and beautifully twisted intrigues, and gossips will not fail to take advantage of the situation to discredit the one who saw the underwear in a dream. You should be careful and selective in choosing your friends and girlfriends. But the purchase of women's panties by the stronger sex, but has nothing to do with the intimate side of their life.

This means success in business. Career can go uphill. Although the men's panties he saw portend a business proposal. And the dream of buying panties for both sexes at once promises double luck: the offer will be profitable, which will strengthen the authority among business partners. Thus, if there are doubts about how to deal with an existing proposal, you need to listen to the advice that the dream book will give.

Men's briefs certainly foreshadow the coming changes and events. Rommel's Dream Book, for example, is not so optimistic about the underwear he has seen. Guys, seeing women's panties, are preoccupied with sexual relations with partners, nothing more. Men's underpants can be deceiving and ruinous for both sexes. But in any case, you should not be so categorical in relation to yourself. You need to remember the smallest details of your dream. Are the underwear clean and fresh? According to the Wanderer's Dream Book, this testifies to the inner harmony of the dreamer.

Dirty, unwashed panties testify to gossip and intrigue that weave behind our backs. The masters of sleep are constantly rushing through life. They always make other people to blame for their misfortunes, complain about life.

Maybe you should change yourself when you dream about underwear? After all, this is intimate and intimate, purely personal. And a dream prompts one to think, suggests on a subconscious level what should be changed in life. It's like a sign from above. It is worth listening to him.

Why other interpretations

Panties can also be dreamed of with holes. Why such a dream? In life, you need to act confidently, make decisions yourself, and not listen to the opinions of different people. Do not forget about the wise saying, known to everyone from childhood: how many people in the world, there will be so many opinions. Down with doubts, you need to start living with your own head, and not someone else's mind. If a person in his dream does not buy, but sells panties, it does not matter whether a woman's or a man's will act as a sold object, this means that he is trying to forget the one with whom he is unrequitedly in love.

Anyone who talks about his dream, in which he walked down the street in his underwear, is very lonely. He is open and vulnerable. And a person who interferes in other people's affairs will sooner or later see himself in his dreams putting on other people's panties. In a dream, we went into a good store, choose an expensive lower part of an intimate wardrobe, which means that somewhere deep inside there is a desire for luxury. This desire can be confirmed by actions in real life, or it can only remain one dream. After all, the financial situation does not allow to acquire expensive things.


No matter how strange it sounds, what a person sees in night vision is his real life. Sleep is his hidden thoughts and feelings. They just get a figurative picture expression in visions. A little observation can be made. In night vision, a person chooses underpants - which means that in life he is also stubbornly looking for something (an apartment, a job, for example). Sleep is a continuation of reality and a hint on how to act in different situations.

In the world of dreams, we encounter both everyday things and objects, as well as amazing phenomena that are absolutely impossible in reality. In both cases, the dream has its own symbolic meaning, amenable to interpretation. The dream interpretation will help you figure out what panties are dreaming of, since even such an ordinary thing as underwear does not appear in dreams just like that.

If you dreamed how you choose panties, the correct interpretation of the dream will depend on the shade of your nightwear. If its shade was light, the undertaking that you planned will end successfully. In the same case, when the colors of the linen were dark, there will be many obstacles and difficulties on your way that will have to be overcome in order to achieve the cherished goal.

Auspicious Omen - a dream involving women's underwear. For a man, it portends intimate adventures, and for a woman, changes in sex life. Perhaps the ignition of a new passion with a spouse.

If a girl in night vision sees a man in shorts, in real life she is tormented by fears and complexes in dealing with the opposite sex. The dreamer is afraid of intimacy, therefore she cannot improve her sex life. It is worth overcoming yourself and trying to open up in order to build harmonious relationships with someone in the future.

A dream in which a sleeping person has lost his panties is interpreted depending on how this dream ended. If the loss has not been found, the dreamer will face a situation that will put him in an awkward position and may negatively affect his reputation. Getting off the water won't be easy. If the panties were found, it will be possible not only to avoid an awkward situation, but also to come out of it as a winner, which will positively affect the dreamer's authority.

Interpretation of the color and condition of the laundry

If a sleeping person in his dream happened to see the panties new and clean, he is pacified and full of spiritual harmony. Such a person is confident in himself, but not narcissistic. The dreamer knows how to enjoy pleasant moments, is comfortable in communication, adequately perceives criticism and listens to the opinion of more experienced people.

Dirty underwear, on the other hand, personifies the inner conflict of a sleeping person and speaks of rumors spread about him. A dreamer who sees such an image in a dream, as a rule, is dissatisfied with himself and his life, finds many reasons to complain about fate. In this case, it is worth trying to relate to the surrounding reality more simply.

The interpretation of the image in question will also depend on the color of the dreamed underwear. If it was:

  • Red - it is worth preparing for flirting and intimate adventures;
  • White - you are cold to sex;
  • Black - the dreamer is tormented by bad thoughts;
  • Yellow - a sleeping person is constantly worried about something;
  • Green - a dream symbolizes loneliness, lack of communication;
  • Blue - to cool down past feelings;

A dream with leaky panties personifies the dreamer's doubts and throwing - he is too dependent on other people's opinions. It is worth listening to yourself.

Take off and put on panties

If in your night vision you took off your panties in the presence of another person, such a dream symbolizes your thoughts about intimacy. If a real person figured in a dream, in real life you will commit a frankly immoral act towards him.

Night vision, in which a sleeping person sees himself without panties and burns out with shame, portends a lot of negative emotions due to failure in the implementation of the planned case.

If the dreamer's intimate area is not covered with underwear, but he does not feel any discomfort at the same time, the dream portends rumors and gossip spread by ill-wishers. Perhaps a person who has watched a dream is defenseless and cannot stand up for his name, therefore he needs a strong patron.

If a sleeping person put on panties in a dream, in real life he cannot trust even close people, as he is afraid of being deceived, betrayed or misunderstood. According to another version, such a dream portends an acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex, which can end with anything - both a one-time outburst of passion and a strong and happy marriage.

The night vision, in which you presented the panties to a real person, suggests that in real life you feel sympathy or attraction for him. Your consciousness does not yet understand this, but in the depths of your soul you have already determined everything.

Freud's dream book

If you rely on the interpretation that the famous psychiatrist included in his dream book, panties in a dream say that a sleeping person cannot feel like a desired woman or beloved man for a long time.

For a woman, a night vision in which she tries on panties portends an acquaintance and a future with a rich man. If a dreamer in a dream observes the dirty underwear of her lover in real life, she should warn him that they will try to slander him.

The dream in which you bought black panties symbolizes disturbing thoughts overwhelming you. You focus too much on all sorts of problems - think about whether each of them is really worth your attention.

Esoteric dream book

Panties seen in a dream portend anxiety, experiences and internal conflicts. The dreamer's self-doubt closes the possibility of full development for him. Don't let every unpleasant situation unsettle you.

The night vision, in which you gave someone underpants, encourages you to take a closer look at this person in reality - most likely, under the guise of his politeness, hostility towards you is hidden.

A dream in which panties are stolen from a sleeping person foreshadows major troubles through his own fault. You should moderate your ardor, not stir up conflicts and be more restrained.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Underwear, including briefs, heralds adventure and relaxation. If you dreamed about someone else's lace underwear, you should be wary of rumors around your person. If you had a chance to buy panties in a dream, you will be disappointed in your friends.

Underwear is a highly ambiguous subject. This is clothing that is not accepted to be shown to others, and, at the same time, something that seduces, lures, evokes dreams ... Equally ambiguous is the interpretation of the dream in which this part of the wardrobe happened to be seen. On the one hand, he reflects the secret desires of the sleeping person, and on the other, he speaks of pleasure, forbidden, but so desired. And why can you dream of this? The answers can be found on the pages of the dream book.

To get an accurate interpretation of the dream, you need to remember its details. What color were the panties? Fresh or not so fresh? What have you happened to do with them - maybe buy, try on or see on another person? The more details you can remember, the more accurately you will be able to understand what the underwear is dreaming of.

Various actions

According to the Modern Dream Book, seeing panties in a dream is not a very good sign. The dream promises - you will have fun in a noisy company. But be careful, the rest will be so successful that those around you will see your not the best sides.

On the bad side, the dream book also interprets a vision in which the sleeper had a chance to buy underwear. He should beware - in the inner circle gathered completely hypocrites and deceivers, who should not be trusted and even dangerous. Take a closer look at the so-called friends - maybe you will notice changes in their words and actions? Personal life won't go smoothly either. You should also take a closer look at your loved one - perhaps he is not at all the one with whom you want to spend your whole life.

And what does Miller's dream book say about panties in a dream? Its interpretation is also filled with negativity. It is especially bad to see stale and dirty panties. Such a vision means that the sleeper does not follow morality at all and has long covered his name with shame. If this has nothing to do with you, think about what kind of life you are currently leading? Does it not overlap, even if only slightly, with the plot from the dream? And if so, maybe you are doing something wrong? You need to reconsider your positions, otherwise the dream may well come true, the dream book warns.

In a dream, they could not decide which underwear to wear? Remember what color it was. Light promises successful execution of the plan, while dark shades promise many obstacles on the way to achieving the goal.

New women's panties bring a man a love adventure, and if a woman has such a dream, her sex life will change for the better. Perhaps a passion for a spouse will resume, which has faded over the years. This is how the dream book interprets what he saw.

A man in shorts, whom a young girl saw in a dream, says that she is awkward in dealing with guys. Perhaps, somewhere deeply there are complexes that do not allow her to take a step forward. She should overpower herself - the situation will not change by itself.

Did you dream that you lost your panties? The dream book advises: remember how the dream ended. If you have not been able to find them, in reality you will face a difficult situation that threatens to lose your reputation. But if you find them, then you can easily bypass all obstacles, without losing a single drop of authority and respect from others.

The dream in which you got rid of your underwear in front of a stranger is filled with erotic overtones. In reality, you will do something defiant and immoral in relation to the one in front of whom you had to undress.

And why dream of seeing yourself without underwear? The interpretation of such a dream is ambiguous, and for the most part depends on the emotional mood. Were you ashamed, the dream book asks. If so, in reality it will not be possible to realize the plan, and this will cause considerable discomfort - both physical and mental.

Didn't you feel ashamed when you saw yourself naked? Someone is weaving conspiracies and intrigues around you. This dream has one more interpretation - the sleeper needs a person who will protect him.

In a dream, do you put on panties on yourself? According to the dream book, you are afraid to strike up close relationships for fear of being deceived or abandoned. But this dream also promises a quick meeting with a person who will become more than a friend to you.

Why dream of giving someone underwear? Such a dream speaks of a good attitude towards the one who happened to make such a gift. Perhaps feelings for this person are already arising within you.

Color and appearance

Trying to explain what you dreamed, remember what state the panties were in? New, old, beautiful, torn? Remembering these little things and turning to the dream book, you can "pull out" a lot of interesting things from what you see.

Why can a completely new linen dream, only from a store shelf? If you put them on yourself and are comfortable in them, in reality you are also good and comfortable with yourself. According to the dream book, the soul lives in harmony with reason, you are strong, confident and not afraid to lose credibility with friends or colleagues.

Why do we dream of men's underwear? The interpretation of the dream book will depend on who dreamed about it - a man or a woman. For a representative of the stronger sex, such a dream promises a profitable deal in business, but for girls this suggests that in reality she will be very ashamed of some act.

Women's white panties indicate that the dreamer is pure and innocent, or really wants to seem like that. The opposite meaning is carried in red panties, the dream book explains. They talk about debauchery, and the desire for sexual contact with men.

The same interpretation has a dream in which the sleeping person saw black linen. And if the cut of panties is interesting and unusual, sex life will soon sparkle with new colors, filled with bright, unforgettable impressions.

Why can dirty panties dream? Gossip is spread behind your back, says the dream book. But such a dream can also mean that you are ashamed of some act. Was there blood on the panties? This act you have done in relation to someone from the family members.

Feces on panties promise money, and clothes stained with them speaks of conscience and repentance. As the dream book explains, you are ashamed of your low cash income. But do not get upset ahead of time, this dream has one more interpretation. He promises to improve financial well-being. Maybe you win at gambling, get a bonus, or be delighted with a salary increase.

Did you see torn and tattered panties in a dream? According to the dream book, such a vision also speaks of shame, but if you saw such underwear on the second half, take a closer look at it in reality - there is a high probability of treason.

And what does a dream mean, in which you found yourself washing your underwear? He also promises the infidelity of loved ones, but if you do not feel disgust during the wash, in reality you will be able to realize a daring, unusual, but very successful idea.

According to the Italian dream book, if a woman sees herself naked in a dream, then in reality she wants to express all her sexual fantasies, become more honest and open up to people. Such a dream means her desire to convey the truth about reality.

What if you dream of walking naked?

In addition, such a dream suggests that a woman cannot fully manifest her essence or feels that the people around her are insincere. Also, this dream book interprets why one dreams of walking naked, as the presence of a fear that some secret facts or feelings will be known to others.

According to the women's dream book, walking naked in a dream for a woman means that in real life scandals or indecent actions await her.

However, if she tries to hide behind, then high sincere feelings in reality will meet with the desire to do something unlawful.

When a woman admires her own nakedness, standing in front of a mirror, one can confidently expect the luck that will come thanks to her charm. In addition, such a dream predicts success with a loss of respect in men at the same time.

A dream in which a woman sees herself as awkward foreshadows a scandalous incident in reality.

If she swims naked in a crystal clear reservoir, then in reality there is an opportunity to get a secret love pleasure, but illness or loss of attractive qualities will follow.

The interpreter Tsvetkov also interprets nudity in a dream as a sign of some kind of illness or trouble.

A modern dream book explains such a dream depending on the state of the body. If it is beautiful, then you can expect the onset of well-being.

What portends?

However, if there is any damage on it, then in reality the woman is in danger of personal troubles.

A dream in which a woman finds herself naked completely unexpectedly, loses things or forgets to put them on, but at the same time quite calmly walks around in this form, means that she may be in some danger due to excessive self-confidence or sheer irresponsibility. If she is frightened by the fact that she is naked, then in reality she can be brought out to clean water, since she is not who she really is.

When in a dream a woman undresses in front of a large number of people, then in reality one should be afraid of making mistakes or some actions that can cause considerable harm.

Being naked on the street portends big changes in the future.

Thus, each dream book interprets nudity in its own way. In any case, you need to pay attention to the feelings that a woman experiences in a dream. And with this in mind, draw conclusions. Or maybe it just got hot at night and had to “undress”.

Dreams are sometimes quite mysterious and very interesting. Some of them can even predict the exact date of what they want. Some dreams are frightening and disturbing. Why do panties dream? It's worth looking into.

Why do panties dream - the main interpretation

Some dreams are so unusual and peculiar that they can even puzzle the dreamer. It is important to remember that any dream is just a parting word on how to build or not build the future, but this is not your real life.

Many people completely rely on dreams, because more than once, thanks to them, they radically changed their future. It is important to remember that you are the masters of your reality. Dreams in which cowards appear to you often symbolize new opportunities and extraordinary ideas. Also, such dreams may indicate that a person is subject to latent sexual fantasies.

If you dreamed about panties, pay attention to the following sleep details:

Whether they were yours;

Their color;

Have you worn them;

Where did you find them;

Where did you take them later;

Your emotional state while sleeping.

It is important to remember whose panties were in your dream. If they were personally yours, such a dream means that it is time to monitor your own reputation. If you see beautiful panties in a dream with lace lying on your bed - such a dream portends you a new romantic acquaintance, which can develop into something more than just flirting.

If you see huge men's underpants on your bed - such a dream suggests that you need a protector and protection. You need a strong man's shoulder and advice from a loved one. The dream book advises to reconsider your relationship with neighbors if the cowards seem old.

Perhaps you have an old resentment lurking or unrequited worries about the past that still gnaw at you. You shouldn't keep such negativity inside yourself. Try to leave everything you have experienced to the past and never return to it. If you dream that you found women's panties in your drawer, but they do not belong to you, you should not panic, most likely, this is the dream advice to pay more attention to your femininity.

If you find the panties of another woman more sexy and beautiful, then it's time for you to change your life and approach to her. It's time for you to reconsider your inner attitude to yourself. Perhaps you are too self-critical and try to hide your complexes behind being too demanding of yourself.

The dream book advises not to overdo it with self-flagellation and try to make all decisions carefully. If you dream that someone else is walking around the house in your panties - such a dream promises you envy and betrayal on the part of a loved one.

To wash your panties in a dream - to be disgraced, loss of reputation;

To wash other people's panties in a dream - to breed gossip;

To wash children's panties - to hope for a truce;

Washing panties along with other clothes is to look for a way out of a difficult situation.

If in a dream you hang out panties to dry on the street, your secrets may become public. If in a dream you see how the wind rips the panties off the dryer and carries it away - such a dream warns you against long trips and sharp changes in plans for the future.

If in a dream you find panties under your doorstep and do not know who they belong to, such a dream means that you will want to take someone else's place, improve your financial situation at the expense of another person. The dream book warns you against such an act, since soon you may find yourself in a similar situation.

If in a dream you sew panties - such a dream means that you will invent troubles for yourself, you will attract situations that will complicate your life. If you are sewing up your panties in a dream - everything secret will become obvious, do not worry about this. If in a dream you sew up your lover's panties, your jealousy deals a big blow to the relationship.

If you buy panties on sale, in reality you will believe in gossip and make a huge mistake. You should not pay much attention to everything that happens in someone else's life, it is better to pay more attention to your own. If in a dream you try on many different cowards, and everything is on you, then small, then large - you obviously took up not your business. In reality, you should reconsider everything you do and choose one correct direction of activity.

Red panties in a dream - for a passionate relationship;

Black - to heavy thoughts;

White - to purify conscience;

Red and black - to intrigue;

Blue - to rest;

Yellow ones are for joy.

It is also important to remember who else figured in your dream. Perhaps someone appreciated your new panties and commented on your appearance, then in reality you should expect advice and important, weighty hints from this person. It is also important to remember your emotional state. Was it anxious to you, or did you just watch the dream with pleasure? If anxiety overcame you, then, most likely, the coming events in your life will also be exciting.

Why do panties dream about Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says what cowards dream of. Such a dream indicates latent sexual needs. For a long time you could not feel like a desirable woman, a beloved man. It is important to remember all the details of the dream in order to fully appreciate the dream cues.

If a woman dreams about how she measures red lace panties - such a dream promises her a quick romance with a rich man. If she measures in front of the chosen one, passion will flare up again in their relationship, but just as quickly it will go out. Then only memories will remain of the relationship. The dream book advises to strengthen them not by passion, but to build on trust and mutual understanding.

If a woman dreams of her lover's dirty panties, someone is trying to slander him, add fuel to the fire of the conflict. Most likely, the ill-wisher will soon become known. If in your dream you bought black panties yourself - such a dream warns you against oppressive thoughts. You cannot explain your apathy to anyone, but do not dive into it yourself. Try to single out from the mass of problems and troubles those that really require your attention.

If in a dream you find other people's underpants in your house, someone is closely following your personal life and is very jealous of you. To wash the panties of a loved one - to look for flaws in him The dream interpretation advises not to dwell on problems, but to look for ways to rationalize them. Your chosen one is just as imperfect as you are.

A dream in which your man gives you panties means that he lacks intrigue and mystery in your relationship. It is enough to interest him in himself and he will be insanely happy. The difficult period of the relationship will soon end.

The dream in which you walk down the street in your underpants warns you against hurting your reputation yourself. Try to keep track of your words and actions. Do not provoke anyone into emotions. At the same time, you should not expect understanding and support from others.

Why do panties dream according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that panties are dreamed of as a symbol of imminent internal conflicts and hesitations. Your insecurity will prevent you from developing fully. Try not to become apathetic in every conflict situation.

If you dream that someone gave you panties, take a close look at this person in reality, but they don't treat you so well, rather they are even very unfriendly. A dream in which your panties are stolen means that a series of troubles awaits you, of which you will become your own fault. The dream book advises not to enter into discussions with anyone and not to sort things out. This will only harm the already difficult state of affairs.

Why do panties dream about other dream books

In Grishina's dream book it is said that cowards dream of entertainment and relaxation. If the panties in a dream with lace and clearly do not belong to you, beware of gossip. Buying panties in a dream means losing faith in your friends and acquaintances.

The Wanderer's dream book says that if a man dreams of women's panties, then he will have a huge number of partners. For a woman, such a dream means intrigue and gossip. If a woman dreams of men's underpants, she will soon find herself in an awkward position. She may start having financial problems that she will not resolve for a long time. Do not panic and get upset if in a dream you saw unpleasant pictures of the future. This is just a warning against rash actions in reality. Dreams often help to make the right life choices, and that is why they are valuable.

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